In this episode of the Radio Ranch, host Roger Sayles discusses the significance of March and its personal importance to him. He acknowledges the contributions of various networks and individuals who help extend the show's message, including WDRN Productions, the NET family of broadcast services, and others. The show is broadcasted on multiple platforms, including, which is highlighted as the flagship stream.
Roger invites new listeners, especially those who are confused by the complexities of the topics discussed, to engage and ask questions. He emphasizes that the show is for those who are new to the concepts and encourages participation.
The conversation shifts to the celebration of Mardi Gras, with Roger reminiscing about the cultural impact of events like the Rex Parade and the influence of movies like "Easy Rider" on New Orleans. He shares anecdotes about the city's history and its unique cultural blend.
The discussion also touches on geopolitical issues, including the situation in Ukraine, foreign policy, and the influence of leaders like Trump and Netanyahu. Roger and callers express concerns about the potential for conflict in the Middle East and the role of various political figures.
Throughout the episode, Roger reflects on historical events, such as the impact of World War I and the role of the British Empire, drawing connections to current global dynamics. He also shares insights into the manipulation of public perception and the importance of understanding historical context.
The episode concludes with a focus on the upcoming appearance on Jeff Rense's show, where Roger plans to discuss key topics like Pavlov's dogs, Alice in Wonderland, and the concept of equivocation. He expresses excitement about the opportunity to share his insights with a broader audience and the potential impact of the discussion.
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Thank you, and welcome to the program. Forward moving and focused on freedom. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network.
[00:01:49] Unknown:
Thank you, Alvin. Again, we're carrying on your work here many decades later. Another, episode of the Radio Ranch here on Tuesday, the fourth, March the fourth. Pretty important month for me, generally, March. A number of things have happened throughout my life there. Roger Sales, your host. It is, the Tuesday Martus Mars Day edition, and, we are probably today joined by a full complement of folks trying to help us, with their shoulders to the wheel, helping to extend our message a bit. And, Paul, would you please give them the proper credit they deserve for for, lending their shoulders to the wheel?
[00:02:29] Unknown:
Yes. Indeed. Yeah. I would love to do that. We are joined by WDRN productions, Fort Collins, Colorado, and the NET family of broadcast services that brings us home network TV, freedom nation TV, go live TV, stream life Tube, and Terrestrial Radio, one zero six point nine WBOU FM Chicago. We're also on Thanks to our buddy Paul across the drink, and we're on, which is our flagship stream. This is where it all began, folks. Thanks to pastor Eli James. That's We're also on Global Voice Radio Network. We have a mirror stream going over there, and, our website is
The matrix, d 0 c s, Com. Or if you wanna spell it d0x, you can do that too. Go to the same place. And, you can join us live on a show using free conference call. And the FCC links are on the website as well. Cool. Morning, Raj.
[00:03:42] Unknown:
Morning, Paul. And, hope hope things are going well for you this morning as well as the audience here. I don't, oh, the sun's coming out. Wow. That's nice. Oh, yeah. I don't know if there's anything really substantial that happened yesterday. First of all, we may have I know. I know. Usually, we may have some new folks out there, someone with a question. So let me re, restate that the show here is for you. The the newbie, the newest neophyte neophyte, if you would, and the confusion of this whole thing. And it is very confusing when you first confront it, not understanding the things that are going on. So the show really is for you. Now we especially lately, we haven't had too many of those folks. Maybe we will after Thursday.
But, anything if there's any of you out there right now that had wanted to do that, let me just tell you the show's for you, and please don't be shy. We're here for you to answer your questions and hopefully get any concerns that you may have about moving forward out of the way. So if any of you are in that condition, we'd love for you to you can do it now, but at any point during the show. And you hey, Roger, and we'll recognize you, especially if you're a female because, because my mama taught me that that's the way you do things. And, so here we are. So anybody with any questions or comments here to get started? Because I don't know that I've really got I've got a few things on my plate, I guess, that are on my mind anyway, dealing with Ukraine and foreign policy. Anybody else got something this morning to start off on? I hear somebody with a there's a mute open. There's somebody. Yes, sir. It's not a female, though. It's a male. Who who we got?
[00:05:30] Unknown:
It's Sketch. Happy Mardi Gras.
[00:05:35] Unknown:
Yeah. That's right. Well, thank you, Sketch. And that's something I should have mentioned, and I certainly forgot about it. Today is the, Fat Tuesday day. And, they're already drunk as nine Indians down there in New Orleans, waiting for, Rex, the Rex Parade to go on later today. Rex is king of carnival and, always has his parade here on Tuesday, Fat Tuesday. You may remember back, I I I forget if it I think it was after Easy Rider. Remember that movie, Easy Rider sketch? I guess he doesn't. I don't know. Anyway, if you remember that, Peter, who I forgot the guy. Peter Fonda.
Yeah. Peter Fonda in there and the other folks, and that movie kinda ruined New Orleans. Did you know that, Paul?
[00:06:27] Unknown:
[00:06:28] Unknown:
Right. It had a real big effect on New Orleans. And and I don't remember if the owl herd incident was before that or after that. I think it was after that. You know the incident I'm talking about? No. I don't. Al well, Al Hurd, the famous trout trumpet player, was king of carnival, that year, and somebody threw a brick and hit him in the lip. So not real good for a trumpet player. I don't know if you can put that together. But, the easy rider was a disaster for New Orleans because all these hippies and stuff, and that was that time, you know, in that age. They go, oh, man. Let's go to New Orleans or Mardi Gras. And so they all end up down there, a whole bunch of them. And then they're broke, and they end up staying there, and they totally can't change the, the complexity of the city, the character of the city. Dwayne, if Dwayne's listening, he could chime in and tell you a little bit about that. But, that's my memory. And, it was unfortunate, but today is, Fat Tuesday.
So, as I said, they'll be having a really good time. And tomorrow, they'll probably have hangovers, many of them. And, they will go to the Catholic church, that and get a little thing of ash put on their forehead because tomorrow's Ash Wednesday. Now, I'm not, of course, I'm not Catholic, but, this is all revolving around. I can tell you what, the continent down the whole continent shut down down here. K? I went out yesterday forgetting that it was, that this Monday, Tuesday combination. Bunch of people are off. All kinds of bases are closed. There's very, very little traffic. I'm going, what what's going on? The school, I walk up to the bus stop, you know, and walk by a military school. School's closed and all out, carnival.
So, yeah, it's very impactful down here, not as much so in, in The US. There was one incident yesterday you probably heard about in Manheim, Germany where another one of these wacko Muslims drives a car. I don't know how many people were killed or injured, but that was happening yesterday's Mardi Gras celebration. Wow. So, anyway, that's today. So I I'm glad. I can tell you, I'm I'm real glad. Everybody should probably experience that once, but I'm real glad I'm not there. Go ahead, Paul.
[00:08:53] Unknown:
You know, I'm I was just listening to the animals this morning in the house of the rising sun. Oh, yeah. And talks talks about New Orleans in in not a very, godly light, I guess.
[00:09:09] Unknown:
Well, it's an interesting city. Of course, it's, been such a port city because it's right there on the mouth of Mississippi. It was owned by France for a long time, and you've got all this mixture of cultures there. It's a very, very rich, a very unique city in our country. I can tell you've got all the French, influence and you've got all the Cajun influence, which is a mix of cultures. And, it's, you know, Louisiana is just a very interesting place. I'm glad I was able to spend time there and familiarize myself with it. It's it's quite different. I I've mentioned I saw an article on Zero Hedge back when I was still before my eyes got bad, and I could read a lot more.
But there was a a survey somebody did. Excuse me. And they asked people what state do they like living in the most and which state do they the opposite of that, okay, of which they don't don't like not living in or something. There's something weird like that, but Louisiana came in first place in both of those polls. And, it it's a neat place. It's got all that all that French influence. There's a as Brent will has told us many times, the common law is not applicable, there with the exception of probably common law marriages. I'm not sure how they deal with that now. But, it's a very rich culture. The food is fantastic, and, the people are very jovial and fun loving.
So, anyway, I'm very glad to have spent years down there when I was younger and have that association and that influence. So, anyway, that's, where we are. Yes. Somebody wanna say something there?
[00:10:49] Unknown:
Roger. It's Bruce.
[00:10:51] Unknown:
Hey, Bruce.
[00:10:53] Unknown:
Yeah. Bruce and Dave. Bruce first. In Louisiana?
[00:10:57] Unknown:
Well, we left we left some of our coo we left some of the coonies over there in South Carolina now. You know that. What do they call them? In Georgia, they call them Geechee. Do they use that term in, South Carolina?
[00:11:11] Unknown:
Uh-huh. Yep. Okay. Anyway, I went to Upstate, Louisiana
[00:11:19] Unknown:
and Yeah. You were in Ruston.
[00:11:22] Unknown:
Stupid don't. Anyway Yeah. They, they had a, area, that was a levee broke, and it it, flooded the whole place. And they did it again, I think, February and, I think 10 when they had another hurricane came through. All the people flooded out. Well, and the and the one that first got flooded out was back in, I think, eighteen sixties or something like that. And that's where all the horrors were. Where all the of the horrors for this the horse for the city. You know? The the guy
[00:12:05] Unknown:
You're you're talking are you talking Ruston or are you talking New Orleans?
[00:12:10] Unknown:
New Orleans.
[00:12:11] Unknown:
Okay. No. Not Russell. Oh, yeah. Well, it's all you know, it's a port it's a port city. You're always gonna have that. Buenos Aires, same thing. Any big port city where there's all kinds of sea traffic and sailors is gonna have, that that element cater to them. Yes, sir. Go ahead.
[00:12:30] Unknown:
Okay. They intentionally broke that dam to clean out the city of the horse.
[00:12:36] Unknown:
Yep. That's, that's but it could be. I've heard that speculated. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So and they and they did it again,
[00:12:45] Unknown:
in the last, hurricane they had that flooded the place. They busted the dam the, levy, dam, and, the people got on their roof. Some of them drowned it, and they they didn't go in and get them.
[00:13:00] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, you remember that old, that that old, story, Bruce, about that very same situation, somebody along the Mississippi there and the levee breaks, and water's coming up and they get on the top of the house, you know, just right. They get higher as the water rises. And, a, a boat came by and and he said, come here. Let me take you to safety. And they go, no. No. No. We're waiting for the Lord. And so we go, okay. He takes off. And then a little while later, a helicopter comes over and hovers over there and wants to send them down a ladder where they can climb up and get out of there. No. No. We're waiting on the Lord. And so they go ahead and the water goes up and they drowned. And they're in heaven. They said, well, Lord, why didn't you save us? He said, save you hell. I sent you a boat. I sent you a plane.
[00:13:46] Unknown:
Sent you a helicopter. It helps those who help themselves.
[00:13:54] Unknown:
So, I didn't know if you've heard that before or not.
[00:13:57] Unknown:
No. I hadn't.
[00:13:58] Unknown:
That was good. So, so that's where you we're supposed to do things ourselves like this, little hell, man. I'm throwing this freedom in front of your face. You want it or not? No. I don't want it. I'm waiting on the Lord to free me. Okay. Good luck.
[00:14:14] Unknown:
Okay. Okay. You know, but that that sounds an awful lot like patriots that are waiting for Trump to save them. Or there's a lot of that. What?
[00:14:25] Unknown:
I don't know. Here can't get a lot of that. Waiting. Yeah. Well, we'll probably I think we'll be able to get a few of them pulled over the line here Thursday night. I'll be surprised if our shows next week aren't a little more brisk and a little more well attended.
[00:14:41] Unknown:
A little more chaotic.
[00:14:43] Unknown:
Or it could be. Could be. You know, kind of chaos comes order. So, just very interesting. And, yeah, we're gonna throw you throw your, throw your your freedom in front of you. If you wanted to try it there, ask a question, find out the truth, make yourself where you're not shaking over there in a corner because you saw somebody, a SWAT team break in a house or you watched Branch of Idians or you knew somebody got their house stolen. That doesn't apply to you if you do this. I know it's hard to believe, but, that is the case. We have caught these little rascals slaving. And Thursday night, they're exposed already to some extent. Thursday night, they ought to get a much bigger exposure, Paul.
How many how many how many listeners you think rents has?
[00:15:34] Unknown:
I don't have any clue.
[00:15:36] Unknown:
He's got he's gotta be in the millions.
[00:15:39] Unknown:
Thing that is with the one thing the one the one thing that has just stuck in my craw since, since you mentioned that you were scheduled on there is, a lot of those shows are so virulent against Trump. I think if his name gets Was this brought up, if it doesn't get shut down immediately
[00:16:04] Unknown:
and go back to the topic in hand, it's gonna turn into a pissing match in hand. How do you think with those people that are vehemently against Trump, and I doubt if all of Rents is our, audience is, what about if you put this down as a way to end do it in and run around Trump?
[00:16:22] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. It it really doesn't matter what Trump does because everything that No. It has no difference. By and large is for citizens of The United States.
[00:16:32] Unknown:
Well, I think he's doing it for the people in general. He doesn't know this stuff, but, I'm sure he doesn't anyway. But, how how can he? I'm I'm just astounded at how people could bitch about Trump. All these things are happening. It's the things that you've wanted. You you know, it makes the government run better. You know, it's gonna help us on on the financial end. All these things of downsizing the federal government, which has been a topic. Well, hell, Reagan was talking about it back in the eighties. He's been around for over four four decades. How could anybody be upset? They see, these are the people that just it's it's very interesting. Paul, I'm glad you brought that up. When was it? Saturday, after the show, I took off. There's a little, restaurant in in our little town that's close to us. There is run by Colombians, and I've eaten in there before. And it's just you you go in there and get a nice lunch for $3.70.
K? And so I've been wanting to go back there, and I popped in there. And there was a, a female, American female, this friend of ours here. And, so I say, hey, Roger. So I go over and sit down with her, and we, have a nice conversation. I I know her. She's one of the first Americans I met when I came here, actually. And, and so, I sort of taught we, edged over into politics. She's not a political person. Okay? And she goes, Elon Musk wasn't elected. I go, okay. Well, well, neither was, Pam Bondi or or or or or or Tulsi Gabbard or or get all these people that run these cabinets. They they weren't elected either. They're all appointed. They all serve at the pleasure of the president. I said, he's I'm doing out and doing all this stuff. I said, you gotta do one damn thing that he doesn't get cleared by the president or else the president gives it to him. He's there at the president's pleasure. And so I said, so here it is. I said, where do you what are you listening to? Where do you get that crap? And she just goes, friends.
And I go, well, do you know that these are facts? Okay? What I'm telling you is how the government runs and is structured. And and Elon Musk doesn't do anything under under his own power without the blessings of president Trump. And and where are you getting all this? Do you want would you really she she's got other other concerns, mental stuff. And I said, well, hell, do you like living a lie? Because I'm showing you right now facts and you don't wanna recognize them. So, obviously, you're living a lie. Well, I don't wanna talk about it anymore. We're just gonna have to agree to disagree. I said, Anne, these are facts.
This isn't some kind of emotional thing. These are facts. Okay? And it's trying to get across to these liberals, and it's just like, Bresnakoff or, but what whatever the guy the Russian defectors, name was. I got it escapes me. But he said there and then you get into that stage of demoralization, and you put facts right in front of people and they can't see them. And I witnessed that Saturday with this gal. And I've been thinking about it ever since because she's got all these other, let's just say they're just not the way normal people do things. I'm wanting to go, Anne, this is what happens when you base your life and all your everything on lies.
Oh, mhmm. But you you you can't talk to them.
[00:19:54] Unknown:
A lot of the it's you know, we've got two things going on, and they've they've played a dialectic. Okay? They've got the whole Trump derangement syndrome with the with the the wavy blue lines and the and the border around the mainstream news TV screens. You just look for that. You'll see this hypnotic wavy little blue line. It, you know, it looks all pretty on the outside, but what you don't realize is that's lulling you into a suggestive state. And then you're listening to what the talking head is saying, and you're listening to some stuff that makes you virulently hate Trump, but you don't understand why. There it's an irrational hatred. And then you listen to things that cause you to think, well, Trump's okay. You know, Trump Trump is doing something good, but I hate him. But he's still doing something good. They have parked you right in the middle of a, of, Pavlovian dialectic.
[00:20:55] Unknown:
I mean, I are walking through life dealing with that. Here's a guy. He's incredibly popular. He's a very successful businessman. He's had a successful TV show. He he's and, just all this admiration for the things he's done. Everybody loved him until he declared for president and came down that escalator, and then it all changed. Okay? And why yeah. They he's gone through two impeachments being hounded by the jackals like nobody nobody we've ever seen in our lifetimes. Two two, impeachments didn't go through. By the way, impeach just means to charge. If you don't know that, people think that when you impeach somebody, you kick them out. The charge is from the house. That is when they're impeached like Bill Clinton was. The trial then goes to the senate, and there's a senate trial.
And then they decide whether to impeach them or kick them out of office or not. But there's a lot of misunderstanding a lot about that. But two two, two impeachments, all the how many how many suits did he have against him here betwixt we had the new two of the New York suits, one about Mar A Lago, One about this stank that I can't even believe Trump could even look at twice, thirty years ago in some fictitious story. Then we had the Georgia thing with Fannie, what's her name, Jack Smith, and the DC stuff, and all of the Miami stuff. So that's five right there. So you got two add the two impeachments on. And the the this guy, they couldn't find a damn thing on him in seven of those investigations.
Seven of them, folks. And they were looking as hard as they could look. They're trying to bribe people to lie against him. They couldn't find anything on him. He's gotta be the cleanest son of a bitch in the damn country.
[00:22:44] Unknown:
Right. And and why But they still don't like him? Well, they don't like him? Why? The main thing the main thing that that's parroted
[00:22:54] Unknown:
is people that don't understand the actual nuts and bolts behind impeachment or say, he's the only president that's been impeached twice. Well, that's not true. Bill Clinton was impeached. I bought my gold on that day because gold was $300 on the nose an ounce. And I had some money left over from my house. And I said, today's the day. And, and that's the damn day I purchased that gold. So I know Bill Clinton was impressed. Oh, twice. Okay. Yeah. Well, if they've been if they'd have had a chance, they'd have turned it to Clinton too. He was deserving. Yes. Who's who's that? There's a male voice wanting to get in here, Paul. Yes. Yeah, Roger. It's Samuel. Samuel.
[00:23:34] Unknown:
You know, everything that Trump does could be undermined by his policy in The Middle East. And, you know, he sent already 12,000,000,000 to Israel, and the total package is 95,000,000,000. So they're prepping for war there, and the Arabs are having a summit because they they're taking him seriously that he's gonna just remove the people from Gaza, and none of those guys want it. And they're, the Egyptians are massing in the desert right now. So, you know, this whole thing could blow up because he's he's he's he's bending to Netanyahu, and that I really hate.
[00:24:14] Unknown:
Well, that's because what we know, we're about to expose that big time Thursday night. Yeah. They've got that on him. It's the side of him I don't like worth a damn. Okay? But you can't be in the business he was successful in or in television or in politics with having without having some facet of these bastards attaching to you and behind you. You can't do it. Okay? Or at least I don't know anybody that has or know of anybody that has. So, I I disagree with that. I don't like that side of him either, and that's one of the real advantages here. I'm I don't I'm not gonna be enslaved by some damn Zionist Jew.
[00:24:54] Unknown:
So I can run-in and around. Hold on. Hold
[00:24:58] Unknown:
on. Hold on. I can do that. Run an in round in run around him and expose them for who they and what they are at the same time. That's the answer.
[00:25:11] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, I just I just hope he's got a better plan than it looks like he does. Because did did you see his video that he did called Trump Gaza or Gaza Trump? No. No.
[00:25:22] Unknown:
No. And don't forget, he's the he's the art of the deal guy. And some of these statements, he's all go we'll just take over Gaza, are not necessarily that they wanna take over Gaza. It's a statement to jolt the damn Arabs out of their positions and try and get them to find a solution too. So when he does some of these outrageous things, it's not as it appears necessarily on the surface.
[00:25:47] Unknown:
This is this is not a dumb guy. We're not dealing. Trump idolatry is what it is. He's got a a statue of himself, a golden statue that's about 90 feet tall. Okay. He's shown dancing in that clip with a man who's got, or a woman who's got a beard.
[00:26:05] Unknown:
I mean, he's Well, I've never I'm sorry. Samuel, I've never I've never seen what you're talking about.
[00:26:11] Unknown:
Well, it's out there. Just just Google it out. I've never seen it. Gaza. I've never Video. I've never okay. He put it on his true social social,
[00:26:20] Unknown:
Roger. Okay. Well, great. Well, I don't go over there. Okay? I don't go to social media crap. I just don't like it. Alright? So anyway, well, for alright. Samuel, who else you suggest maybe would could do a good job? Give us some suggestions, would you? You're missing my point. He could rule his whole presidency
[00:26:41] Unknown:
by not
[00:26:42] Unknown:
doing the right thing in Gaza.
[00:26:44] Unknown:
Period. End of story. Alright. Well, hey. You know, unless Jesus comes back, there ain't gonna be anybody governor that does everything right. Got news for you. Okay? So Hey, Roger. Can I throw this to you? No. You can't. No. You can't. Hold on. No. Come on. I was first.
[00:27:02] Unknown:
I was first right after Bruce.
[00:27:06] Unknown:
He married
[00:27:08] Unknown:
two children. Trump. It's about Kennedy.
[00:27:11] Unknown:
He married two of his children into very wealthy Jewish families. K? I think that was probably a big mistake, but how you gonna stop your children from falling in love? And I've heard people say it's very, very possible that all those years ago that the Mossad picked Jared Kushner and drug him in front of her.
[00:27:32] Unknown:
That's probably right.
[00:27:34] Unknown:
Okay. Well, I don't like it. I don't like it worth a damn. That's why I'm doing this. I'm not in Jew slavery anymore. And hopefully, there'll be a whole bunch of other people that aren't. And we're gonna try and flood these all these people up there to keep positions with copies of this thing and see if we can get something stirred up up there, Samuel. That's what third that's why Thursday night's so important because we got a huge audience where they might could get well, they might could get millions of these things next week or the week after. K?
So, yeah, I wanna do an end run around all the juice stuff. I wanna expose them and the reason that they control this country as thoroughly and effectively as they had for all these years. Why they've got people's puppets on a string. You remember, you've heard, I think, me talk about the guy that was Harry Truman's vice president, right Samuel? And I don't I do not remember his name, but in his book, he was talking about an incident where they were doing something with Israel and, they were in some sort of a ceremony, and Harry Truman turned back to him and said, Jesus couldn't control him 2,000 ago. What do you expect me to do?
[00:28:44] Unknown:
Yeah. It's spoken like a true politician.
[00:28:47] Unknown:
[00:28:49] Unknown:
Dave, now your turn. Front and center.
[00:28:52] Unknown:
Thank you. Good morning, everybody. So I heard it on good authority. I didn't hear him say it, but Bobby Kennedy has just approved an mRNA MMR vaccine.
[00:29:09] Unknown:
Well, we'll find out the net. He negated all of the child. They claim
[00:29:15] Unknown:
they claim one child died from the measles that was in fact Got it.
[00:29:22] Unknown:
I I don't well, Dave, I'm gonna have to hear him say that. Okay? Sorry. There there's so much bullshit rumor floating around out here about what's going on. I wanna hear them say it because I don't I don't believe at this point that's true. K? So we'll see. Gotcha. Alright. Now who else? Who else? We got a conversation started. Who's there? Somebody's at Joe?
[00:29:47] Unknown:
Dan. Yes. Dan, I got something just about what you guys were talking about a few minutes ago. Oh, hey, Dan. How you doing, brother? It's good to hear your voice and everyone else. Love love you guys. It's just it was just an observation that, dovetailing on what someone was saying before about how they're they get mentally broken. It's like, but there's some good things, but I hate him. But there's some good things, but but I hate him. And it's sort of like a disconnected. It's it's even deeper that that's the symptom. Underneath it all is our total disconnection with everyone else and our disconnection with the land and soil and our disconnection into little box houses separated from each other in neighborhoods where most people don't know their neighbors anymore.
That separation is driven crazy. That that's part of that testing, of morals being tested to their breaking point and what Yuri that guy's name, I think, was Yuri who did that. Yuri Bresnukov.
[00:30:43] Unknown:
Yeah. Yuri Bresnukov.
[00:30:46] Unknown:
And and then into demoralization and the whole long game of twenty years, each each phase is fifteen or twenty years long, and you've waited out and all that good stuff. It's it's our disconnection. That's all. It's a spiritual thing. Yep. If we were connected more, this wouldn't take place.
[00:31:02] Unknown:
It's just like this gal that I was telling you about, Anne. She doesn't she wants she's interested in the Indians in the Amazon. Okay? And takes she's on a couple of different retirement plans, and and she takes all of her money and she scrimps on everything she does so she can go give a a bunch of money to these Indians in the Amazon. And, my my friend that knows her, well, Walt, he he says they're taking advantage of her. And I don't doubt that a bit, but it's this liberal bleeding heart stuff just like she exhibited to me in that conversation. And it just I I you know, people's minds.
[00:31:40] Unknown:
Just think about what what
[00:31:42] Unknown:
says. She's she's she's broadcasting into something that she feels is part of something that is connected to the earth, you know, that has hands and soil.
[00:31:55] Unknown:
Right. Here, I'll give you another example. All these times on when Trump gets because we go out and, you know, have lunch occasionally, the three of us, Walt and Anne and myself. And, we'll get into these conversations, you know. And always when Trump would come up and she go, well, I he doesn't I don't like him because the way he treats women. Well, all that came from that conversation that somebody recorded on the phone where he he said that about women just grab them by their kitty cats. I used the term Yeah. Clean term there. Yeah. And so that that boy really tainted her to the fact that she said, everybody's gotta vote. You know, when down here, you gotta vote. If you don't vote, they can charge you. Okay?
So everybody's gotta vote. They gotta vote. And I said, well, Anne, didn't not voting a vote? Well, boy, that stumped her. Okay? And, and now the the election comes up in The US and she goes, well, I'm not voting on one either party. Well, she's the one that thinks everybody ought to vote. And now because it's Trump and Kamala, she won't vote in that election. And now we got one coming up here, in April. And and and she goes, well, I I I don't know who to vote for. I don't like either one. So it's just these liberal mindset. And, you know, I heard a statistic, Dan, the other day, of high school, attendees, 11% of the women are conservative. So what's that? 89% of them are liberal, and 85% of the boys are conservative.
So they listen, folks. They know that they can control you women through pressing your emotional buttons. They know very well how you're oriented. I mean, look. This is no big new news. It's the way the the Romans did it. They they knew they could control the men through controlling the women. This is nothing new.
[00:33:56] Unknown:
That's nothing new, and it's and it's almost supposed to be that way in a in a in a healthy way, I'm saying. But Yes. Yes. Again, think about what that what what that your your friend, that woman was was up to. She she literally is is if she had a connected community, she wouldn't even be paying attention much to what was going on in the Amazon per se. She'd be dug into her own community. There's no meaningful the meaningful ties have disoriented our psyche and demoralized us along with everybody else, but that's a part of it that I don't get, man.
[00:34:30] Unknown:
They have really played at the emotions on females, folks. And, I'm kind of astounded that Trump has got as many women in his cabinet that he does. They seem to be all very competent. I saw Tulsi Gabbard on an interview this morning. I thought she did a great job. I really like Tulsi Gabbard. And, I think all the females that he put in there are very competent. Let's see how it works out, you know? Somebody was trying to say something there, I think. Who was that?
[00:34:59] Unknown:
That was that I believe was me, and I think your statement a moment ago was truly brilliant. They control the women by controlling their emotions, and they control the men by controlling the women. Well, absolutely. Women hold the keys to Pandora's box.
[00:35:17] Unknown:
Well, on top of that, even more so, the women make all the decisions in the household. Women make, like, 90% or more of the decisions in the household on what money spent, where, what's done. That's all you new gals' deal. Well, they know that. These ain't stupid people. But that thing about control, what do you think what do you think the Virgin Mary is?
[00:35:41] Unknown:
Mhmm. Thank you. These these are not stupid people.
[00:35:45] Unknown:
Good puppy, Peachy. You know, the, oh, what was the I can't remember the story I was gonna tell. I can't remember it accurately enough to tell it. But, what do you think the Virgin Mary and Maryology is? Just to get all the women looking. Oh, let's see. There's the virgin. Well, they know damn well they ain't gonna be virgins long. I mean, come on. Hey. This is another thing, and I'm gonna prove it to you right now. I told Brent one day. I hadn't talked about it in years, but the whole time I was in Argentina Nine Years and I had I had a a female relationship going on down there for a couple of years and I knew the other people, you know, that we just have conversations with. And and we have to come around to spirituality or religion. They go, would you believe in the virgin?
They would didn't ask me if I believe in god. They asked me if I believed in the virgin And I'd say, well, hell, I don't think there are any virgins in Argentina. K? So, that's the orientation of the Catholics. That's mariolatry. That's controlling the women through this mechanism so they can control the men. Think about it. So, anyway, that's, the world we live in. And Roger. And and look, women are god made them to be emotional. He wants them to be she bears and fight and and to protect their children and their cubs. And and they want them doing all that stuff that they're designed to do. But what they've done, they've said, nah. You don't wanna be a housewife. There's no joy in that. You don't wanna be a mother? Come get a career. We'll let you die on your desk in your forties like the men do.
Oh, yeah. There's something to really aspire to, gals. It's just it's incredible. So anyway, yes, Samuel, you were trying to add something.
[00:37:48] Unknown:
Yeah. I just wanted to add a couple more things because we don't hear this over in the news here is yesterday Israel cut Gaza off from power, water and food again. And they've evicted about 40,000 people from their homes in the West Bank. And like I said, the Arabs are meeting. I think they're all going to somewhere in The Middle East to meet to discuss the alternatives from the Arabs' point of view instead of turning it into a Riviera. And if you watch that thing that Trump did, it just it's appalling. It really is. And I, you know, I I hope the best for Trump, but he's gonna shoot his self in the foot if he doesn't get it straight with Netanyahu.
[00:38:32] Unknown:
The passionate attachments. Netanyahu's in a bunch of trouble in Israel too.
[00:38:38] Unknown:
But Yes. He could.
[00:38:39] Unknown:
They ain't in love with him over there either. Alright? But don't forget, BB is very good friends with Jared Kershner and the family. And when he's in The US and in New York, he stays in Jared's old bedroom.
[00:38:56] Unknown:
Yeah. The thing of it is, though, you got you got these leaders that we pay off both in Egypt and Jordan, but their people are totally against them not taking action. And they don't lose their their presidencies if they don't do something soon.
[00:39:13] Unknown:
It is a freaking total messed up with a capital f mess.
[00:39:19] Unknown:
Okay? And I wonder if Jared Dave is in there with them.
[00:39:23] Unknown:
Dave, can you please let me finish? Okay? They knew this in 1940. Pause. It it's the reason Forrestal was thrown off of the top of the Bethesda Naval Hospital. They were violently in the state department and the military against giving all this to Israel. And they said it'll just start pandemonium in that part of the world. And they threw him off the top of the Bethesda May Naval Hospital and killed him. There was a lot of dissension against this inside the government back in the forties after w w two or what do I hear somebody refer to it as? Big mistake number two. Okay?
[00:40:03] Unknown:
Well, Forrestal was an advocate of discussing things that the government was trying to keep secret and letting them know about it. That's, you know and and I think that included Operation Highjump. What happened there? Well, And, you know, so
[00:40:17] Unknown:
Any anybody that's really been against Israel has been disposed of or compromised. Look at Kennedy. Well, you know, that that week, he was gonna make Israel register as a foreign agent, foreign exchange foreign, what the where they have to register. He was gonna make them register, and they were and he was refusing to give them nuclear stuff when they were trying to get it and build their nuclear arsenal that they still don't have. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. I I'm listen, man. I mean, I'm I I kinda wish go ahead. Go ahead and hit Iran, you sorry bastard.
[00:40:56] Unknown:
I wish what Trump would do is is maybe guarantee the Palestinians, the time it takes to rebuild over there a place here where they can work towards getting back there and getting back to their land while it's being rebuilt and take it away from the freaking country of Israel. That would be my wish.
[00:41:18] Unknown:
Well, that's that chance. Yeah. So we'll see. Yeah. It's a really ugly situation. It has been for a long time. Go back and read the history of that Since the Jews got there, since the Zionists got there, they lived together peacefully for two thousand years, the Jews, the Christians, and the Arabs, right next door to each other. They never had a problem in the world until the Zionists moved in. And it's been holy hell ever since. Yep. Okay, Dave. Now
[00:41:53] Unknown:
oh, Dave. It takes a minute to unmute. All I said was I wonder if Kushner stays in there with him.
[00:42:05] Unknown:
I I'm pretty sure he's probably sleeping with mister Trump's daughter. So, anyway, yeah. God. It's just a mess, and that's what we do. We do an unreal an end run around that and expose it all. The minute you file this paperwork, two things happen. You become free, they become totally exposed, and those things happen simultaneously to those who are observant. We got big medicine here, folks. We got the big mojo. We stole their mojo. So let's see if we can help everybody else do it. Let's expose them wholesale, and then we won't have to have these damn discussions. Because all their wealth for the most part, if it wasn't built on this, the the The US Babylonian slavery, It was built on these son of a bitches stealing everything they could steal and underwriting the African slave trade.
They're the ones that profited off the slave trade. So so now we can talk about, these wonderful words that we hear them throw around. Well, we got the same kinda lexicon because I can say, hey. How about reparations, slavers? How about, hey, slavers. Never again. See, I can say those things now, and I'll bet that reparations one sends cold chills down their spines. Because this is a you could ever get to a point. This is the deal I'd offer them. Okay? Okay? You're gonna disgorge yourself with this wealth that you've illicitly gotten, and we're gonna redivide it somehow equally. But you're gonna give us 90 percent of you wealth you've accumulated. We'll let you keep 10%, and we'll let you live.
If you don't give us the 90% and agree on this, we're gonna kill you and your progeny. That's my deal. Take it or leave it. So I'm sorry. I hate slavers. I hate liars. I hate these bastards. Okay? If god can hate them, I can hate them too. Jacob have I loved. Esau have I hated twice. Genesis, New Testament. Well, don't you think it's just a good possibility that if god publicly says he hates you, that you might hate him? Well, look around. Who hates god? Look around. Let's take care of this problem. We've got we've got the remedy. We've got the remedy, folks.
And just cross your fingers and say a prayer that when I can get on with Jeff Rents Thursday night, in the very short hour that we've got, you probably will run spots at the bottom of the hour. That takes a few minutes out. Please hope that we hit the mark, and we and we're able to get everything across we need to. Now I have a feeling that Jeff is gonna do backflips over this and that I very well may become sort of a regular over there. We'll see how that develops. I don't wanna get my hopes up, But I know the I know he's gonna really like this material. K? Yeah. He likes history. He likes all this stuff. Here's a remedy. Nobody else has ever come forward with the remedy that they cannot deny. They can't provide it. They can't deny it. The only thing they can do is stay on mute.
Yes, ma'am. Was that a ma'am trying to say something?
[00:45:40] Unknown:
I just said yes. They're, they're gonna walk right through on there on a regular basis.
[00:45:46] Unknown:
Well, we'll see. That's Jeff. Well, look. That's Jeff's decision. So we'll see. I I hope him and I gel, and we don't cross swords over anything like Trump or whatever. I just can't see how anybody vehemently hates this guy. He's done nothing but good. He's been done nothing but hoodwink. They've done nothing but try and put him under. How about that old Middle Eastern, the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Well, that's never wrong. That's never wrong. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. So you guys make your own decisions, but I I just can't possibly see unless it's some kind of an emotional blockage why people do not like and have this vehement hatred of Donald j Trump.
Jealousy? Envy? Just because you're so damn tied into the establishment media that that they've influenced your thinking in that respect, oh, show me some proof. What has the guy done that deserves all this hatred? Other than have this soft side for these sorry bastards, And now all of us know the control that they can assert and why. I feel better. How about you? Roger, I I love what he's doing domestically. I just worry that he's gonna stub his toe on Israel and Well grew it all up. That's it. Well, let's hope not. I mean, look, I I I agree with you, Samuel. It's a really big problem. He's got that gal that's the chief of staff. I can't remember her name right off the bat, but it's I have heard you cannot get to see Donald Trump unless you got Zionist leanings.
That's wrong. Now the question is, where does that come from? Are are are her and her family? I don't think they are. I believe she's the daughter of Pat Summerall. Seems like. Remember him from sports? ABC Sports? Yep. But now is she is she one of these Christian Zionists who's bought all the Scofield crap?
[00:47:54] Unknown:
Is that is that I believe she's just a lot of them. Supposed 90%
[00:47:58] Unknown:
of them are. And that may be the reason. Okay? Well, then she just deceived. There's a reason. Jesus said, Matthew 24, five times, do not be deceived. Five times. If you think he may be was trying to make a point there, Samuel?
[00:48:24] Unknown:
Yeah. And, unfortunately, I think Trump would be completely behind building that third temple and maybe even financing it himself. You know? Well, it'll be you know, then then I would say this,
[00:48:36] Unknown:
pray for the man.
[00:48:39] Unknown:
I pray for him, Roger. I hope he does the right thing. And I'm not against him. I'm just concerned that he is making all the wrong moves over there. And for the people who have not seen it and watch his little video that he put on, his site called Trump Gaza, and this is what the Arabs are concerned about. He just Well, yeah. Made it worse by by creating something like that. Again, you don't know that his statement wasn't a provocation
[00:49:07] Unknown:
and not a commitment. You don't know that. Because of the art of the deal, that's one of the things he does. He throws out outrageous statements to get reactions, to get people in bargaining positions where they can come out with a deal. But we don't know that in what he's doing here.
[00:49:25] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, he's got the Arabs all getting together.
[00:49:28] Unknown:
Well, okay. Point made.
[00:49:34] Unknown:
It's scary. I mean, you know Well, now
[00:49:38] Unknown:
I thought the stupidest thing he's done, and I'll I'll criticize him when he deserves it, was to get out there and make that thing. If I get assassinated, take Iran off the face of the map. Now that's just setting up a false flag right there. That was really not smart.
[00:49:54] Unknown:
K? Yeah. The three biggest armies in the area don't like the Jews. It's the Egyptians, these, Iran, and, the Turks.
[00:50:03] Unknown:
And they're not too far away. Oh, and who's the They're all the one and who's the one to rule out Iran is certainly one even though they're a bit away, but the Turks are the ones that's the danger. They they're they're they've got a huge military force, and they're very skilled warriors.
[00:50:24] Unknown:
Yeah. He was in a protest, by his people yelling at him about, you know, going into Israel, and he said, be patient.
[00:50:34] Unknown:
Oh, Ahmad or however you say his name?
[00:50:38] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah.
[00:50:40] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, they're they're not they're not old friends. I can tell you that.
[00:50:45] Unknown:
So And they used to they used to own that territory. That's the Turkish empire. That was all theirs before the British
[00:50:53] Unknown:
Empire. It was it was Constantinople before they went in there with the Sykes Picot agreement, which do you know the background on that?
[00:51:01] Unknown:
Not that agreement. No.
[00:51:04] Unknown:
Sykes Picot agreement was England and France divvying up that territory before the war started, and it was secret. And, what happened was the the when the communist took over Russia, they had a copy of that deal, and they made it public. But they're still following today the lines basically laid out in the Sykes Picot treaty. It was in about 1915, some somewhere around the early part of last century. They went in But you should bring that up because
[00:51:33] Unknown:
because, France is being kicked out of all of Africa. And
[00:51:40] Unknown:
Yeah. Chinese China's taken up. Yeah.
[00:51:43] Unknown:
Actually, Russia has has, come in and Yeah. A lot of stuff. Military protection.
[00:51:50] Unknown:
Right. So Right. And, of course, Africa is loaded with all of these different minerals and stuff that are becoming so much of a necessity. I I was listening to a thing on the financial crash in 1914 the other day, and the guy had a sponsor, and he was talking about a metal that I can't remember what the name of it is, and I've never heard of it before. But it's this crucial, crucial component in every in in chips, one of these, I guess, rare earth mineral, chips, all the armaments, bullets, the whole military thing, all of that. China's got a a very large, deposit of it as does Russia and, and Slovenia.
And this is the company that he was promoting that's, getting this stuff out of Slovenia. But, evidently, if this metal, it becomes unavailable, it becomes really detrimental to your society in these days. And I just can't remember the name of it. Some some metal I've never heard of before. Yes. Did somebody wanna say something? Yeah. Was that, was that Jack?
[00:53:01] Unknown:
Is that Jack? Yeah.
[00:53:04] Unknown:
Well, yeah. Hey, Jack. That
[00:53:06] Unknown:
video, that Trump Gaza video was was made by some people in LA just doing satire. It's supposed to be a joke. So Okay. There you go, Samuel.
[00:53:16] Unknown:
Don't take it seriously, Samuel. It was evidently satire.
[00:53:22] Unknown:
They say Trump doesn't allow anything he doesn't approve on his network. Trump's are, his,
[00:53:29] Unknown:
and that's where it went. So Okay. Could be just a lot of it. Funny. I mean, I don't think Trump's gonna make a video of him dancing with the
[00:53:38] Unknown:
Well, I'll tell you what. He also put one of those Jeffrey Sachs videos on his channel on Truth Central Social, I heard where Jeffrey Sachs is running Netanyahu and the and the Zionist up one side and down the other. And Trump took that speech and put it on his channel. Samuel, what about that?
[00:53:56] Unknown:
Well, yeah. That was good. That was excellent. Okay. I know I had hoped for him then, but then he just crap like that. Well It instead of closes it, it's Do you think maybe him grabbing
[00:54:07] Unknown:
do you think him grabbing BBC and helping scoot him under the table there was was some kind of a satiristic move?
[00:54:18] Unknown:
Listen, Trump's a smart guy. I hope he buries the guy. I hope he buries the guy, Roger. I really I could be there's not a guy that I have more disdain for than Netanyahu.
[00:54:28] Unknown:
Than Beebe? Yep. I'm a Yo Yo Yahoo. Yep. I know. Me too. I I don't like the bastard. Never has. His own people don't like him worth a damn. There are thousands of them in the street every day, I think. Hey, Roger. He's he's having to go into court all the time on all these charges that are against him. He's trying to get something started just to get the damn heat off of him. So, anyway, geopolitics. What a oh, what an inspiring subject area. Who else has got something here this morning? I hadn't heard from one female this morning. Not one. Roger? Yeah. Well, there's one right there. Yeah. So that
[00:55:16] Unknown:
I I wasn't quite paying attention. Shame on me. What was that agreement? Can you spell it for me? The 1915
[00:55:22] Unknown:
agreement? S I S I K E S, Pico, P I C 0 T. And it was a secret agreement between the French and the Brits, and they were already looking ahead after World War one and how they're gonna split that area up. And it was secret until the commies took over. Yes, ma'am. Until the commies took over Russia, and it was in their archives, and they let it out public.
[00:55:51] Unknown:
Thank you.
[00:55:52] Unknown:
Yes. So, yeah, it's always been a little hotbed area down there. I think even before they discovered oil. And and that was, remember, Lawrence of Arabia. That was what he was doing down there was stirring all this up. So a lot of history here. You know, if you really I hope everybody knows, I think, who James Corbett is. And, the Corbett report, and he did a three part believe it was three part special on World War one a few years ago. If you've never watched that, you might and you got a little spare time and you're looking for something to fill the time. That is a fabulous historical series on World War one. You'll learn a lot of stuff, a lot of stuff about Truman and some of these other people that were there integral at the time that you've never heard before.
K? Very well worth watching because it sets up everything. See, the Zionist bunch, they wanted World War one to, first of all, stop Germany from growing. It was a competition a lot between Germany and England. And Germany already had a lot of railroad stuff going on down there in The Middle East, and they didn't want it. You know? And so that was part of it. The other part was to overturn the Ottoman Empire because that's when they came in and got rid of the, whoever the Ottoman sultan was, and they got Ataturk elected in over Turkey. Now do you do you know who Ataturk was, Annette?
No. Ataturk was the president of of Turkey during this time, and he was a dawn made Jew. Do you know what Don May Jews are?
[00:57:45] Unknown:
A a Jew of that nation?
[00:57:48] Unknown:
No. Is that is that basically no?
[00:57:51] Unknown:
It's all, like, all of your Wahaba, Wahhabi, sea ice or sunnis, I get them mixed up. I think they're Shiites. My I I get those two mixed up. But you know the ones that wear the headdress with the red checks? Mhmm. Those are all Don May Jews. This is this is Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia's all Don May Jews. And that's what Lawrence of Arabia did. He's got them out of the desert and got them all organized. Okay? They got Ataturk elected. Ataturk was a Don May Jew. He's the one because the Armenians are in that territory. They're the ones that went over and slaughtered the Armenians at the turn of last century, a true holocaust.
K? Armenians very they were some of the earliest Christian communities with the Armenians, and they went over there and slaughtered them all, took their guns, and then slaughtered them by by the millions. Okay? So the and and the other thing that World War one was designed to do was collapse the Habsburg Empire, which controlled Europe. And so they did all they got all those things accomplished with World War one.
[00:59:03] Unknown:
There there was a the British had I forgot what they called it, where no nation should rise to become the over you know? In other words, information shows like do you know do you remember that?
[00:59:17] Unknown:
Or you mean, like, the sun never sets on the British Empire kind of thing?
[00:59:22] Unknown:
No. There was like a,
[00:59:24] Unknown:
Well, let well, let me ask you because we're going to well, hold on. We'll we'll carry on. We gotta do Chicago for a second, but let me ask you. Do you know why the sun never set on the British Empire, Annette? Well, they were they were in the their spread of their oh, well, because of their No. Baby? I I'll I'll give you the answer because even God knows you can't trust an Englishman in the dark. Go ahead, Paul.
[00:59:49] Unknown:
Thanks for joining us for the first hour radio soapbox dot com and +1 0690 To follow us into the second hour, go to the and click on the link or the global voice radio link. Thanks for joining us. Bye now.
[01:00:11] Unknown:
So, Annette, I just wanna get that in. Yes, ma'am. Go ahead.
[01:00:15] Unknown:
So I had read something. Like, they had a, something it wasn't like law, but it was kinda like a, understanding of how they operate, where no nation should be elevated above where where they where they have a place over but I forgot I forgot what the name of it was. Yeah. So I had run-in the past, but, anyways,
[01:00:43] Unknown:
it I remembered off of that. Okay. Well, it's just like we're the we're the kingpins and nobody can be elevated above us, kinda. That arrogance. Correct. You know, the British Navy, they're just a bunch of bullies. I mean, if you ever talk to any any people in countries where they've, been there, they're just they're they're rude. They're a bunch of bullies. The whole Arab thing that were started right now started because the Brits, when they were over there in in in in India, The Sassoons were the ones that brought them over there. Are you familiar with that history, Annette? Sassoons, are they from China? Are they the Chinese No. They were no. They're they're no. They're they're Sephardic Jews and the father of this Saskas, I can't even say their name now, was from, up there in Afghanistan. I believe they moved down to India and they helped, grow and originally set up along with getting hooked up with the Rothschilds, the whole opium wars in China because they were growing the opium in India, and they were carrying it over and addicting China. See? There's your here's more of your your age old rivalry between India and China. Okay? And the Sassoons took that over and, and and worked with the Rothschilds as they totally controlled India to do all of that. So here's what happened. They were worried about Russia coming down that route through Kabul and all that in the mountains was a straight road through the mountains down to India. And they were worried about Russia coming down there and infringing upon their Indian colony.
So they sent a, a brigade or however many, of British army folks up to Kabul. And, they got up there and they were alright. And one of the British soldiers started messing around with one of the cabal what the Muslim girls. And that's what started that whole thing that we're still in today. Okay? And the Afghanis said, okay. You can leave. You need to leave. And they let them go back down through the valley. And because that's their home, they ambushed them all the whole way. And out of the whole group that went there originally, they let one guy live to get back and tell the tale, and he was a physician.
Okay? And that's what started all this rivalry today, is that right there by the British Empire and by a soldier dangling around with some Afghan girl. Mhmm. Oh,
[01:03:16] Unknown:
the Sassoons. What were were they were they the ones that were not very, very nice people, but they had fabulous hair under the direction of their chief Vidal Sassoon?
[01:03:29] Unknown:
Well, above there these days, back then, they evidently pretty well controlled all of India. They had this, company that they wouldn't hire anybody that wasn't Jewish, of course. And they, interbred with the, and hooked up with the Rothschilds. And even the and they used the British army and protectorate to protect them and their interest in India. And, that's where this whole opium thing started. K? They would take that with the British East India Company ships. They'd run the opium over there to China. And so when the Chinese got tired of it and, did the opium wars, the first one, they won.
And they came back, and they got all the warehouses where all the opium was stored and all the opium dens and all that, and they burned all that opium. And then the second opium war was fought over because the British wanted them to pay for the opium they burned in silver, and they refused. So that's the second opium war. The third opium war is the one China's fighting against us today for those two.
[01:04:40] Unknown:
Afghanistan. A lot of a lot of what, a lot of what our soldiers were doing in Afghanistan
[01:04:48] Unknown:
was Oh, we saw total poppy. Fields. Poppy fields.
[01:04:52] Unknown:
Absolutely. And, and from what I heard, there is there was not gold in Fort Knox. There might have been in one vault, but all the rest of them had poppies in them.
[01:05:05] Unknown:
Well, you got might have tungsten. Poppies growing in tungsten. We don't know. All these things, though, they look like they might be about to be unveiled. Hope so. I think people are gonna be real startled. You know, as I've said here several times, it's not if the gold is there or not. If it's there, is it tungsten? And if it's not tungsten, it's gold. Who owns it?
[01:05:27] Unknown:
[01:05:29] Unknown:
Where's the ownership of that? They will not give. Well, well, they might have to give it to mister Trump and mister Musk. Yes.
[01:05:40] Unknown:
I've had a guy who really follows Gold a lot telling me, and I've never heard it anywhere else, that since Trump, a tremendous amount of gold is being transferred from England to The United States. It's incredible.
[01:05:54] Unknown:
There's no gold left in the London bullion market metals exchange. The only gold that's in there, Samuel, is privately held gold, and they're coming to the holders, owners and saying, if you'll let us lease this, we'll pay you 16% per month. All the gold in the world well, all the gold in the world's flooded back to The US. Now the excuse they're using is that they're trying to get it back before any Trump tariffs takes effect, but I don't think that's the reason. What's your comment, Annette? I wonder if there's something that's thought that happened in England that they're trying to clear out their goals so they won't lose Well, oh, well, I can tell you this. If you, if you were had gold at the London Bullion Markets Exchange and wanted to get it, usually, it's your request plus one day. Right?
Now it's your request plus eight weeks.
[01:06:55] Unknown:
[01:06:56] Unknown:
[01:06:58] Unknown:
I didn't mean to get too far back, but I couldn't unmute for some reason. Anyway, back to those, opium wars, I wasn't the Delano family Yes. Deep in that huge opium war? Huge. Huge.
[01:07:11] Unknown:
The Delano family. And that was huge opium trunters. As well as all those Brahmins up in the Northeast. That's where a lot of them made their money. And back then, there weren't passport. Wait. Let me add this, Dave. Back then, there weren't passports. The secretary of state would just issue you a letter of free passage.
[01:07:36] Unknown:
I learned something really good.
[01:07:39] Unknown:
Hold on. Go ahead, David.
[01:07:41] Unknown:
Yeah. There's a really good book that covers World War I, World War II, and the Zionists. It's written by Mike King, and it's called The Bad War. Relay to World War two.
[01:07:56] Unknown:
Tomato Bubble. Gets loaded. There's another real good one that doesn't deal with two, I don't think, in subsequent, but it deals with all the history that sets this up. It is a book called The Empire of the City, The Empire of the City, and an author is a guy named Knuth, k n u t h. Boy, that is a good book. The the forward to it was, from Stanton, who was the last secretary of war under Truman before they changed the wording. He his statement in the front of that book is this is the only book that's on my desk. Highly advised reading. Now should you go get that and wanna endeavor on it, read the last chapter first and then go back and read the rest of the book. You'll get a lot more out of it.
The Empire of the City. Now, Dave.
[01:08:58] Unknown:
Yeah. I heard some disconcerting information this morning. A couple of things, that I didn't know. So apparently, Michigan, New York, and one other state, maybe Minnesota, get their electricity from Canada, from Ontario Canada? I did not know that. And now the the Ontario prime minister I didn't know Ontario has its own prime minister either or not. My parents were from Canada from Ontario. He came out and he said today or last night that, if if Trump imposes these embargoes, they control our energy. They send all our nickel here, and they will stop that, and they'll shut the electricity off to those states that they, that they control the electricity in.
[01:09:48] Unknown:
Great. Maybe we'll start providing our own electricity for our own country. That'd be wonderful.
[01:09:53] Unknown:
Yeah. Wouldn't that be nice? And then I remember Walt talking about, you know, Edison flipping the first switch, you know, back in 1882 on the first power plant, you know, overlooking the construction of Brooklyn Bridge. How the hell did Canada get involved in that? How do they control our electricity? Has anybody ever heard of that?
[01:10:15] Unknown:
No. I never have. Those border towns, I know we use a lot of their, their oil tar sands up there. And somebody was suggesting that I heard that Trump go up there and cut a deal with them and just buy all the tar sands. It would it would run our country for fifty years just the tar sand oil that's up there. So, I don't know. I hadn't heard that, but it could very well could be, Dave. Mhmm. So, who was there somebody else trying to say something there? I think Annette was trying to get something in. Was that you, dear?
[01:10:49] Unknown:
Well, no. No. No. I'm I'm gonna be I'm gonna be it's okay. I yield.
[01:10:54] Unknown:
Okay. Right, Joan. Sure yes. Well, there's Joan. Yes, ma'am.
[01:10:58] Unknown:
What was the name of that video about World War one that you mentioned about fifteen minutes ago? Would that have been Are you from
[01:11:05] Unknown:
Yes. It's a video. It's a documentary. It was done by James Corbett. Are you familiar with James Corbett, Joan?
[01:11:12] Unknown:
I just know the name.
[01:11:14] Unknown:
He's a Canadian. He's married to a Japanese gal and lives over on the Eastern part Western part of Japan. His site is called the Corbett Report, and you can find that, history of World War one on that site, and it's well worth watching.
[01:11:34] Unknown:
Thank you. Yes, please. Do you know how many do you know how many minutes long it is?
[01:11:39] Unknown:
I it's at least two episodes. It might be three. I don't remember. So it's at least a couple hours.
[01:11:45] Unknown:
I think it's three hours, Roger. The the full had been virgin was three hours.
[01:11:51] Unknown:
Yep. Could be. It's just stunning information. I'd never heard I'd never heard a lot of that. Yeah. It's great. Good. Corbett does great work.
[01:11:59] Unknown:
He's incredible. He he did the same thing with, who who made big oil?
[01:12:06] Unknown:
Who made big oil?
[01:12:08] Unknown:
Joan, there's about he's got about four or five series. He's redone his website. I hadn't been over there in a few months, but he's got them down at the bottom where they scroll through. He's done he's done about five or six really important exposes and documentaries, and you could benefit from watching all of them. But I think there's one on the Kennedy's there. There's one on Big Oil. There's one on World War one. I just don't remember the other. There's several too.
[01:12:38] Unknown:
Did he do one on World War two?
[01:12:40] Unknown:
Hold on. Hold on. Let's get Joan. Do you what?
[01:12:44] Unknown:
Did he do one on World War two?
[01:12:47] Unknown:
I don't think so. No. Okay. Thank you. Alright. Yes, ma'am. Now who was trying to say something there? I think we had a male and a female.
[01:12:56] Unknown:
Mike King's new website, link is in the chat.
[01:13:01] Unknown:
Okay. It's not tomato bubble anymore?
[01:13:04] Unknown:
No. That's been gone for a couple years.
[01:13:06] Unknown:
Has it? Okay. He's he's very astute, very, very on top of things. Good writer. I mean, what's he what does he say? He says, I read the New York Times crap so you don't have to. You know, one of those kind of things.
[01:13:22] Unknown:
So He does the commentary, not in every every day, Roger, on the on the real real thing that they're saying in the New York Times instead of what you're they're telling you. It was okay. Yeah. Where where do you find that, Samuel?
[01:13:37] Unknown:
What's the what's the address? Well, let he's in the chat. Was that Rick? Was that you? Tell us to give us the website publicly, would you?
[01:13:49] Unknown:
One more time, please.
[01:13:52] Unknown:
The It's, realnews
[01:13:56] Unknown:
Okay. He's written a number of books. He he don't like the same people we don't like. Put it that way.
[01:14:07] Unknown:
And another
[01:14:08] Unknown:
Real News and History.
[01:14:13] Unknown:
Could you repeat it again, please?
[01:14:16] Unknown:
[01:14:20] Unknown:
Okay. There you go. Now, Annette
[01:14:26] Unknown:
I was just gonna say, the corporate also did a one over Gates. I do believe he did one over Bill Gates. Oh, I think he did do one on Bill Gates. Yeah. I think he's in that list. He did.
[01:14:37] Unknown:
Corbett has the Corbett has the best short ever on nine eleven. If you can find that, it's hilarious.
[01:14:43] Unknown:
It's it's here. He's got the nine eleven whistleblowers. He's got nine eleven War Games. He's got nine eleven Trillions, nine 11 Suspects, and he's got who is Bill Gates, and he's got the World War one conspiracy at the bottom for documentaries for all of us to watch. Have you ever watched that, Julie? Have you ever watched anything? I haven't watched him, but I've watched him on other things, and I've seen him interviewed, and he's incredible.
[01:15:08] Unknown:
Well, listen. You'll love you'll love any of those ones you named off, but everybody should, should watch the World War one. It's just incredible history that will fit dovetails in with what we do in a sense. You know?
[01:15:23] Unknown:
Yeah. He's really good, and he I find I've put the toddler by sign up for his, email list.
[01:15:29] Unknown:
Yeah. Yep. Hell of a guy. Jim James Corbett. He probably work we hadn't heard from him in a while that I've anything I've seen. So he probably off working on another one of these, fabulous, pieces of work that he does. So who else has got something? Morning, Julie, by the way. Who else has got something going on here? Nobody? You know, it's, lately, I'm kinda sad. I never thought I'd be sad to think of the getting rid of the IRS, but they're one of our best friends. And I'm really gonna be sad if Trump gets rid of them. I know it's probably well warranted, and I'm pretty sure the tariffs are gonna do that. But, god, they're our best recruiters, those bastards.
He got rid of a 20 offices last week. Did you see that? He closed a 20 IRS offices last week. Yep. Right. So, yes, Joan. Yes, ma'am.
[01:16:38] Unknown:
Okay. So Jeff rents on Thursday night. It it'll be, like, video where we can see you and Jeff? No, ma'am. No, ma'am.
[01:16:46] Unknown:
Jeff hates video as well as myself. We are radio guys. I don't want your eyes. I want your ears.
[01:16:55] Unknown:
[01:16:56] Unknown:
K? Okay. And he feels exactly the same way. Alright?
[01:17:01] Unknown:
And what time is it?
[01:17:03] Unknown:
Nine then? It's gonna be seven Pacific. No. Ten Okay. Ten eastern, I guess. It's seven, eight. Yeah. Ten eastern. And then don't forget Sunday. This is on Thursday. Sunday I think is our our ninety second anniversary of being in slavery. Yes, Julie?
[01:17:22] Unknown:
I think you're I think you're 9PM to 10PM.
[01:17:26] Unknown:
Seven seven Pacific,
[01:17:30] Unknown:
eight I thought you're saying Pacific.
[01:17:32] Unknown:
Nine Central. I I it may I think it's ten. I think it switches back to nine when we change next week. But I'll get it either way because I don't we don't go out, and I there's not any For all intents and purposes, there really isn't a a nightlife for us old farts down here, which is fine with me. I can just see it. I'm not for some reason. Pretty well I'm I'm out of the nightlife age pretty well. Yes.
[01:18:01] Unknown:
So and, so then just type in the search bar on the computer, Jeff Rent?
[01:18:06] Unknown:
Do you no. No. You go to do you not have you do you not go to Rent's site? Have you never been over there, Joan? No. Maybe one. It's an incredibly well, listen. It's a very popular site. He'd been building that thing for thirty years. It's, r e n s e, Com. And over there on the top left, it'll pardon me? He's got another one, rent radio dot com, and the links to the show are in there also. Right. The you have a look on the top left, it'll say rent radio or whatever because he's got his own network too. Okay? And it'll say listen live, and he's got a player and all that stuff. You'll find it shouldn't be difficult. K?
[01:18:51] Unknown:
Okay. There's a phone number, call in number to listen. I'll put it in the chat.
[01:18:56] Unknown:
Okay. So if you can't you don't have a way to listen other than the phone, you can do the call in number too. That's all on the website, And he's a what he is, Jonas, he's always been a oh, what do you wanna call it? The person that gets all these stories from different sources, and and puts them in one place. So he he just carries a bunch of news sources. He's got a unbelievable archive because he's been doing this show three hours a night for over thirty years. All the people that have been through first time I ever saw Cliff, I heard Cliff Hi on Jeff Rentz. Where's another big person? First time I heard on there. Yes, Julie?
[01:19:40] Unknown:
Yeah. You guys can go to the App Store and get the Shoutcast app, to hear them on your iPhone. It's s h o u t c a s t. That's the app that you can use. Yeah. And it when you get the app, you just search for Jeff Rentz within the app.
[01:19:57] Unknown:
Okay. What? Shout. Shout. Shout. CAST.
[01:20:01] Unknown:
CAST, like casting a rod.
[01:20:05] Unknown:
[01:20:07] Unknown:
Alright. Rick, what phone number are you, do you know he's on alt media now too? I don't know if that's a separate number you're giving out, Rick. He's on the alt media phone number, listen line too. There's 15 different shows you can listen to, and he's number 14 on there.
[01:20:25] Unknown:
And I'm pretty sure He's had to change the number several times.
[01:20:29] Unknown:
Go go ahead. I'm sorry.
[01:20:31] Unknown:
I was just saying he's had to change the number several times. I've got, like, four of them and three of them don't work anymore, but I put one that works. I think the latest one in the chat. Great. Alright.
[01:20:42] Unknown:
So, I mean, Jeff Jeff's a good interviewer. He's a good radio guy. He's very good on the air, and he loves radio and old time nostalgia stuff. And I I think him and I are probably gonna just hit it off just right fine. Okay? Yeah. So we'll see. I bring a lot to the table that I think he likes. Yeah. I he loved the first email I sent back to him. I can tell you. Yeah, Julie.
[01:21:09] Unknown:
It says in my email that you're on Thursday, March 6 from six to 7PM Pacific time.
[01:21:15] Unknown:
Six to seven. Oh, it starts at six. I thought it said seven. Okay. Well, that's give an email. I'd go buy whatever you got from him. I haven't I haven't gotten an email from him on schedule on on schedule yet. Oh, I'm just March
[01:21:30] Unknown:
to 7PM Pacific time.
[01:21:33] Unknown:
Okay. This show starts at nine eastern.
[01:21:36] Unknown:
Okay. There nine eastern. Alright. Then that's probably correct, Julie. And next week, it'll shift back to ten, I think.
[01:21:44] Unknown:
Yeah. Because we have to set our clocks back this weekend. Yeah. I see that, you know, if they don't change
[01:21:51] Unknown:
I have been I have been down here sixteen and a half years, and I've never lived in a country that changed times. So I'm always the one I gotta change time to keep up with you guys, but everybody else around here is just like it always is. You know? Boy, I got caught one time in Uruguay on a short trip that was almost a necessity. And I'd I'd got down there in Argentina. You got what's called the bouquet bus. And it's a big, huge catamaran that is fast as it's called the Diana. That thing makes that trip over to Montevideo from Buenos Aires, I think, in an hour and forty five minutes, totally loaded with hundreds of people and cars and everything else is just smooth.
And that that catamaran just jams. Okay? And so I looked at the schedule, and I could add a a boat I could get over there in the afternoon. I had one I could get back on at night. And I thought, well, I'll just run over there and and check. I just check on, well, my safety deposit box. And so critical element, and I get over there and I know where the mall is. I'm fairly close. I get back, and I try and go to where the boat goes back and everything's dark. And then I learned that Uruguay changes times and Buenos Aires didn't. So I'm stuck over there in Uruguay with nothing. No toothbrush. No nothing. You know? So, anyway, that was, kinda interesting. That's about the the biggest backlash I've had with that, but neither Argentina nor Ecuador changed times.
And so I've been on eastern time, having to live on eastern time for the last five months since November, I think, when the well, next Monday, I'll shift back to central time, which I like better, by the way. So I lived in Atlanta too long. I like central time. So, anyway, well, that's coming up. It's gonna I'm thrilled to be on there. It's been such a big goal of mine for so many years, and I've never been able to accomplish it up until now. And I didn't do it. You guys did it. But, and this is when I had to come back and rethink what we do here. I come back and, you know, kinda have a conversation with the big guy and go, look, I'm this is really hard. I I can't get anybody's attention. We can't make any progress. I'm ultra frustrated.
I understand what we've got. I understand the power of it, and I can't get anybody to listen. And so I I told him. I said, okay. I can't get the door open, and I'm gonna turn that over to you. So I'll continue to do what I'm doing and try and make it better understandable and build a better foundation and do all things we're doing. But I can't have that pressure of getting these doors open on my shoulders because it's difficult. It frustrates the absolute pee waddling out of me. Okay? And so now it appears that the big guy thinks the timing is right and he's opened the door. And, you know, as you analyze it, the timing is right. There's a whole hell of a lot more people that wanna hear what we gotta say now. It's been ten years ago. K? First of all, back then, I couldn't explain it as well. I understood it, but I example, I didn't even know about American Samoa. It wasn't in the book. I didn't know about it. So those kind of things have come, and I've polished my game a bit, simplified it quite a bit. And now when the atmosphere is ready out there and the people are receptive, the big guys open the door for us.
[01:25:23] Unknown:
What it appear? I live and die three quarter time.
[01:25:26] Unknown:
Yeah, man. And I'm just thrilled. I'm thrilled to get a chance to meet Jeff, who I've admired for many, many years for what he's done and who he is. Some of his, some of we don't jive on all the UFO stuff and all that. I just it doesn't resonate with me. Does with him heavy. That's okay. And, he's cutting edge science. He did a fabulous job with that PhD gal during the COVID fiasco three nights a week with her on there. Can't remember her name, but, we disagree on the wand. He thought the iTero wand was a big scam. Well, the iTero wand has really helped a lot of people, folks. And I don't see any of you flopping around over there dying from using it. So, anyway, that's okay. I think we'll have a good show. I believe, one thing I really wanna do is, I was working with a guy a while back, trying to, and, he knew somebody that knew David Duke.
And so he had this person that knew David Duke kinda present my information to David, and David said, ah, that's a bunch of junk. Well, I hope to get that corrected here with Jeff. Of course, David's got a slot on his regular daytime show, in the network, and then he's on there once a month. And, you know, I don't know the guy that was presenting David Duke with this information. I don't know what he presented him with, how he presented it, if he knew what he was talking about. And, you know, if you try and tell this the wrong way to people, they're gonna think you're nuts. Yeah. Oh, I'm a nonresident alien.
You you're a what? I'm a nonresident alien. They look at you, yeah, like you got a third eye on your forehead. Yes. You're a nonresident alien, but only as it applies to the IRS and the tax code. That's not a general statement. That's why I insist, if I can, on prodding you people to learn and understand the information so you don't go out and do stupid stuff like that and taint all of us. Yeah, it's very specific. These guys have gone to great lengths to hide this. Their whole future of controlling the world depended on what we've uncovered here. It's the source of their power.
Yeah. So, you gotta that that's why I'm gonna start this thing out and I've any of these shows that I do do like Jeff or any other ones that may come from that, I start out just like we did on that badass uncle Sam one. I tell you how they've done it in your mind and all of the things that are going on where they've got you enslaved mentally. And then when I tell you what they've done to us collectively, you can understand it better. Instead of presenting that at first and then having people's heads spinning and going back, oh, by the way, this is how they're doing it and how to straighten that out. So I've reversed that. I think it's a lot more effective. K? So that's the way we'll be doing that Thursday night. So we'll cover Alice in Wonderland.
We'll cover equivocation. Jeff Jeff asked me specifically when when he was considering putting me on over there. I guess he'd gone to the website and perused the website over there, Paul, and he saw something on there about Pavlov's dogs. And he wrote me in that email. He said, I've been trying to tell the audience to get your head out of that damn cell phone. All you're doing is being conditioned. And I said, I'll be happy to cover that first. So that's what I'll cover first, and that leads in and and influences the whole rest of the presentation because that's how they're controlling you in your mind. So there's a method as you people know that are here and have been here for a while. There's a method to the madness we teach around here.
All this process stuff on how to do that, that's been developed over fifteen years with trial and error and and ideas go, oh, we need to do that. Boom. Well, now, the new ones, I'm gonna suggest they cc on the a copy, the naked affidavit to Rubio that they cc president Trump, that they reccced Bondi, attorney general, maybe even, the FBI guy, Kash Patel, maybe even HHS and Robert Kennedy. Let's get these key people and pit you know, they won't see this paper. Their staff will. But at some point, they get get enough of them. One of them just may slip through to president Trump. What's this?
What do you mean declaring god given rights in an affidavit form? What is this? Maybe some of them will see that and start asking these questions. I don't know. But I guarantee you, at this point forward, it's gonna be, let's get this in front of more peoples on their desks than we've been doing. Okay? So that's some of my feelings on what's going on here. Roger? Yes. Samuel.
[01:30:25] Unknown:
Yeah. I, I just wanna give you a little warning. I, I I think there's more than one personality to Jeff Rentz, and
[01:30:35] Unknown:
I'm sure there is read anything about him I know. By him in the Eco. Yes. I have. I know some of the things that have happened with other people. I'm well aware of that, and I will in some way or shape or form walk on eggshells in our relationship if we didn't develop one.
[01:30:52] Unknown:
And, you know, that was all over the Fukushima article that,
[01:30:56] Unknown:
Jeff Stone did. I know. Yeah. I know.
[01:30:59] Unknown:
Okay. Just so just so you know.
[01:31:02] Unknown:
Okay. Well, we're all I imagine all of us have a side like that to some extent. And Jeff's not much much of a Christian, at all, I don't believe. So some of this stuff and I'm gonna bring the Bible and the Christianity right into it. K?
[01:31:19] Unknown:
Well, Macau puts him on his tenth marriage.
[01:31:22] Unknown:
So there's that. No. I'm not gonna bring up his past marriage. No. I'm not gonna do that, Samuel. Oh, the Lord of mercy.
[01:31:33] Unknown:
Joan, what, dear? Roger, are you gonna mention to Joan? Jeff Rents? Are you gonna mention title 26 CFR one point If I can get, darling
[01:31:45] Unknown:
if I can get to it, yes, I'm gonna mention it. I the way I it depends on see, sometimes he'll see something that's so important that he'll wave the spots at the bottom of the hour, which is what I hope happens, but I'm not gonna suggest it. K? So my idea is to take Pavlov's dogs, Alice in Wonderland, and, equivocation, and that will probably pretty much carry the first thirty minutes, however long that we're there. And I'd like to come out of that break, if there is one, and start by presenting the back end of this whole thing with the two questions and then fill in the middle as best I can in the remaining time. So that's kinda my plan at this point.
[01:32:33] Unknown:
Sounds great. Okay.
[01:32:35] Unknown:
Well, hopefully, it'll turn out good. I'm I'm very optimistic about it. I think Jeff and I will get along pretty well. He's a bright guy. I'm sure he's already listened to the, to the bad badass uncle Sam video probably more than once. So he's gonna know what's going on when we do this conversation. And, and I think he's gonna be incredibly I think he'll be very interested in this information and his potential effects, Joan. And and I I'm gonna I'm gonna hope and pray that he jumps on the let's go get free bandwagon.
[01:33:16] Unknown:
[01:33:18] Unknown:
No. I guess it must be okay. Alright. Who else has got something to discuss? Any suggestions, or any of that kind of stuff? Anything breaking on the news? A okay. Okay. Okay. A. Okay. Anything breaking on the news today we should know about? Because some of you folks are picking up. Yesterday, I was expecting yesterday to be a little bit more brisk day than it was. I'll tell you this, this Zelensky character, I I just detest that bastard. You keep seeing the clips of that Friday meeting in the Oval Office, and I wanna go, how can you show such an utter lack of respect and the hubris and the arrogance of somebody that is not even an elected leader that's putting the opposition in jail? One of the opposition parliament members. I saw a tape from him. He's in jail.
Okay? They've closed the median, taking control of the only station. They've closed the churches. They've gone out and and they're literally impounding and pressing people on the streets. And he acts like he's got all of this veracity and legitimacy behind him. This guy's just an absolute total jerk. Somebody his own people need to deal with him. This isn't isn't he a puppet? And he was just told to ask Well, of course, he's a well, of course, he's a puppet. The oligarch over there, and I don't know the main guy. He's the one that was the owner of Baryshna and all that kind of stuff, owned the television state state, station network.
And he set up a comedy where this guy, Zelensky, played a president who got unpopularly elected or something. It was a very popular radio show, and all they did was take a synthetic reality and moved him over into president. And now it is reality. That's all that happened. Okay? Yep. But yet get this, Joan. I heard yes. Somebody said, as I mostly listen to InfoWars, so most of the things I get like that come from there. But it may have been another source. But somebody said, his wife is Christian, and she's raising her two children, their two children Christian. And I don't know what Zelensky is. I he's a he's a rotten Jew. I can tell you that.
God's just unbelievable. Yeah. He is he is the definition of the word chutzpah, c h u t z p a. I think that's how it's spelled. It starts with a c. Chutzpah. Hotspah. Of course, it's attached to Jews. There was an example in Wikipedia years ago. They've taken it down now. It said a hotspot. And the example was the guy that was on trial for killing his parents. And when it came time for him to testify, he said, I couldn't have killed my parents. I was adopted. That was their example of chutzpah. Rude. And you're seeing a real life example with mister Zelensky because and mister Netanyahu because they're hot chock full of it.
All that, you're better than everybody else. You're the one with the soul. All the others are just cattle. All that crap they've been indoctrinated with their whole damn lives. Comes to their holy book too.
[01:36:56] Unknown:
Slap them. Slap them across the room. Oh, I that Babylonian Talmud,
[01:37:02] Unknown:
that's some bitch. You know how about books that ought to be burned. Every copy that you get your hands on, that damn thing should be burned.
[01:37:10] Unknown:
[01:37:12] Unknown:
And and then the other day, I was thinking came up the other day. I don't remember who answered the question. One of you guys did. One of the gals. How many years was it from when they were released from Babylonian captivity after seven years and returned back to Jerusalem? How many years was it from when that happened to when Jesus appeared on the scene? One of you guys said six hundred and something years. K? Alright. Now this is the oral tradition, right, that we're talking about. The tradition of the elders. That was the Babylonian Talmud that was passed down from father to son orally. So, you can tell me that if that's right, six hundred years till Jesus came and then another five hundred before the Talmud was ever written down.
For those eleven hundred years, that was all an oral tradition, and you're telling me that it passed down from father to son perfectly over eleven hundred years? I don't I don't buy that. I've played secret in a circle. I know what happens. Again, I've never heard anybody else go in and analyze or look at something like that from that approach but interesting though, isn't it? Eleven hundred years, how much of it you think is the same as the original? Just take a wild guess. Probably not a whole lot. Let's expose them folks. We need to expose them. They're ripe for exposure and they've got so many other things that are happening to them. They're totally distracted looking at all of the things that are caving in on them from Ukraine to Doge to, the backlashes that are happening to trying to get the Epstein and all this sensitive material out. All these little idols of theirs, if you will, that are caving.
And here we come out of left field with the coup d'etat. Do you realize that's what we've got, folks? We've got the coup d'etat here. We've stolen their mojo. They have no more power. They may have a lot of influence. They got money, but they don't have any more of this tower power where they can make man made laws and attach them and enforce them on little old you. We beat them. And why why do you think you've never heard my name mentioned anywhere? Like, Julie stumbled onto me here a couple of months ago. Why do you think you've never seen my name mentioned anywhere? They're scared to freaking death of this information. They've known about it since I first started teaching it for fifteen years ago, fifteen years ago this month, March of twenty eleven.
Fourteen, whatever it is. I've known about it the whole time. But boy, I've I've gotten on here and begged them, called them dirty names, you know? The, the bike that starts with k, all all of those things. Beg them to put me on their hate list, but they won't touch me with 10 foot pole. And that's what I'm gonna tell Jeff because they've harassed him over all the years too. Tried to kill him the whole nine yards. Hey, Jeff. You wanna put a stop to all that? Start teaching this. They won't touch you with a 10 foot pole. I'm so I'm so excited for Thursday night. I'm so excited for Thursday night. Well, meet you, Joan. I'm I'm about to wet my pants since two days away. So yep. Pretty exciting. Well, There's something to to be said for achieving a big goal that you've carried and tried to strive to achieve for many years.
And when you do finally achieve something like that, like this is to me, what just gives you a warm fuzzy inside, it rekindles hope. It gives you more inspiration. It it allows you to go back and reset your goals. It does all those things, and it's incredibly rewarding. Incredibly, John. So just cross your fingers. I think we'll do pretty good. I'm a, you know, I'm school broadcaster. I know the lay of the land pretty good. I'm not gonna be nervous as hell up there stuttering or anything. I'm gonna absolutely grab the situation and take command. K?
Because I know my stuff, and I know it cold. I know it inside. I know it outside. I know it like the back of my hand. And that's what I try and get all of y'all to do and encourage you to get that kind of command and control over the information. Because when you do that, you're really free. You can defend it against anybody. You can see it with just a damn piece of paper. The bastard stand mute. Oh, they might send you a little bluff letter trying to be slick again just to see how much you know, but every one of those are overcomeable, and we've never had one. Never. N e v e r had one that wasn't replied to that they didn't get what they wanted and paid for. Never. Not once. So, yeah, I'm pretty excited about it too, Joan.
And, like I said, we should we should have a few more people hanging around here asking questions. But I'd like to think that we've got it to a point of simplicity where when it's explained correctly, even though it's gonna take you a little time. Now, Julie, Julie's in her, let's do December, January, February. You're in your fourth month here with us. And I know you got your arms around this, but you didn't have it immediately, did you? Which takes a little bit. You gotta go in and get all
[01:43:16] Unknown:
pardon me? No. I said I I still don't have everything all around me. So when when if I have a chance before we're done today, I wanna ask you a question about the thirteenth amendment.
[01:43:26] Unknown:
Okay. Well, great. Well, I'd love to entertain that. But the point being that we're using Julie as an example for here is even a gal that's as bright as Julie obviously is, you just don't pick up this stuff immediately. You can't take this new information that's a total dialectic of everything you've ever been known and go in and apply it and change your personal view and your worldview overnight. That's just not gonna happen. And you're a perfect example, Julie, because you're a bright gal. Okay? And it just takes a little bit of time. And that's why the stress has been on me for so long on trying to simplify it because I'm trying to get over that hurdle. I want you new people to get this and get it uptakes and get it figured out as absolute quickly as possible and then take fifteen years like it did for me because we don't have that time.
Now, Julie, what what what do you got on the thirteenth? It's a very interesting topic that I have not, over all these years, concentrated on enough. So now I'm doing that. What's your
[01:44:36] Unknown:
Okay. So, they lie here. I just had to complete my continuing education classes for my broker license in Washington, DC, and shocked at the continuing education classes that are required because they none of them in any way shape or form help you sell houses for more money for your clients. They don't help you net your clients more money on the sale of their home or any of that stuff. It's all bureaucracy and it's all about fair housing and not discriminating against people. So I wish I could have taken a screenshot. I tried to, and and it wouldn't let you take a screenshot. When you took a screenshot, the screenshot came back blank.
But Oh. So yeah. There's a lot of even there's a lot of channels in Telegram where you wanna try to take a screenshot of something, it comes back blank. You need to have a second cell phone. And unfortunately, I was on my computer. I couldn't take a print screenshot. It wasn't letting me and when I my cell phone wasn't around at the time and I was on a timed exam. I didn't have time to go find it and take a shot. But, you were saying they're saying, if I can remember what the answer was on this question, that the thirteenth amendment was only for black slaves, and that's it. And I remember yeah. Exactly. That was the answer.
[01:46:11] Unknown:
Well, mister Paul, miseducation. The the thirteenth amendment was for state citizens, and you can tell it was because the plural there is at the end of it, their jurisdictions. Well, there wasn't even a federal citizenship for another six months. That was the fourteenth amendment. That's what established all that. There wasn't anybody else it could be written for, but Whitey and Jim Crow.
[01:46:38] Unknown:
Okay. But let me ask you something. Was this was the thirteenth amendment for Negroes or black people or no? No.
[01:46:46] Unknown:
No. It was the fourteenth amendment that was for black people.
[01:46:50] Unknown:
See. That's what they got me on on there. Okay. Then I wish I I wish I could have gotten Yeah. I mean, this is not a story. Would have laughed.
[01:47:01] Unknown:
Well, that's something I I trust I'll probably bring up on Jeff, at least float the thesis that I think I now have a case, and I think I personally know why the Civil War was fought. It wasn't fought over taxes, and it wasn't fought over black slaves. Lincoln didn't give a a one given crap about black slaves, and he said so in the Lincoln Douglas debates up on the stage. K? Yeah. Yeah. Because that's the way the exam is, it says neither slavery nor involuntary
[01:47:33] Unknown:
servitude shall exist within The United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction. And I understand that there, but, you know, they use the word slavery to refer to the black Negro slaves that existed. And, that's what the, exam, I got that question wrong, actually. That's what the exam was. It was, for ending the black slavery
[01:47:58] Unknown:
of the Negroes in The United States. And I can't remember how exactly You ought to challenge them on that and go to the board because that's just wrong. Yeah. I mean, look at it this way. The fourteenth amendment founded the original citizen of The United States. There wasn't a citizen of The United States before that. There was a citizen of The United States Of America. They they were a state citizen, but there was no citizen of The United States Federal Government. In fact, if you go back and think about it, and that was part of the discussion in the slaughterhouse cases. There's a a whole page where a whole half of the page is on this right here. And you know what set all this up, Julie?
Dred Scott. The Dred Scott decision. Now, Dred Scott was in the fifties before the civil war. And you are you familiar with Dred Scott? I mean, hell, it's still a controversial case today.
[01:48:54] Unknown:
[01:48:55] Unknown:
Okay. So a slave escaped from a slave I lost your money.
[01:49:00] Unknown:
Okay. May I?
[01:49:03] Unknown:
I guess so. I'm having a con you have something to add to Julie and my conversation?
[01:49:08] Unknown:
I do. Okay. Go ahead. So this is yeah. Sorry. This is this is Matt. I'm I'm Cal in California. Oh, hey, Matt. Looking over hello. I was looking over the, constitution of 1849 of California, the original constitution of California the other day. And in there, as I was reading through it, it's all in cursive. But it was clear. I I was a little stunned. They were talking about citizens of The United States, and they were referring to them as citizens of The United States. These are people because this is as this constitution was going in, there were no California state citizens. So anybody in California was being referred to as citizens of The United States.
So that's what they referred to them as, citizen of The United States, not citizens of The United States Of America. Now so that's how they were referred back then. That's right in the California Constitution.
[01:50:10] Unknown:
Well, I would give you another example. I would give you another example. I think you can understand what's going on here. Is, chief justice Story, one of the chief justices early in the Supreme Court, he wrote a book called Commentaries on the Constitution. And one of his statements in there is a citizen of a state is ipso facto a citizen of The United States. He didn't say United States Of America. This is the chief justice of the Supreme Court because there was only one status back then. Everybody knew what you were saying. It's after the set fourteenth amendment comes in that you get the equivocation.
[01:50:50] Unknown:
Right. So I just wanted to make sure that was clear. That's everybody. The United States Of America was referred to it was only referred to as The United States, and everybody was a citizen until your state became a state. You were a citizen of The United States.
[01:51:08] Unknown:
Right. Well, you're a territorial citizen. I think, Peter Neece had that correct. Those people would be a territorial citizen. You didn't have statehood for California. They were still involved in the country, but California didn't specifically have a structure to give them rights or where their duties could be applied. So, yeah, they're kinda out there like everybody in DC and the territories were. There was no and the best that I can figure, Matt, is all those people that were born and raised in DC that weren't there working from a state. Because what was DC in the federal government? It was just a way where the the states that couldn't do all them things themselves put their faith in a person at the federal government to coordinate and do all that, I e, Maine and Connecticut and New York and Pennsylvania. Well, they couldn't have their own all have their own navy. They couldn't all have their own ambassadors to London and Paris and Germany and wherever else. So they combined all those kind of things. They didn't write passports for the states. The secretary of state did it. And it was collective. And most of those people, I would think, probably had an association with the state, but you can't tell me all of them did.
You can't tell me that everybody that was born and raised in the territory of DC or the territories was a state citizen because I don't believe that. And you can't tell me they were all blacks either because I don't believe that either. There had to be some people affected by this that were not black. And see, that's my problem. As I read back through all these old cases and understand them, you always hear it referred to as a black and white issue. But it wasn't. It just manifested itself that way because the whitey, the state citizen, got his laws from God. The new federal citizen got laws under the fourteenth amendment.
It was a political status decision and difference. It just manifested itself in this way. And that's another reason that I think my thesis is correct that this war was fought to bring these amendments into the constitution because they were pitting the blacks and the whites against each other from the absolute start, and they're still doing it. Roger. So, Roger? And you hold on. Just let me finish. I'll button this up. So when you go into all those old cases, you'll see the the the term state citizen in the 1,800 cases. Okay? But they always refer to it as a black white issue. Even to today in The United States code, title 42, sections nineteen eighty three and nineteen eighty six, both start with the exact same sentence. The privileges and immunities of the citizens of The United States are equal to those of the white citizens. There's your nationals right there.
[01:54:12] Unknown:
[01:54:13] Unknown:
Now we had Myrca and Julie. Myrca, go ahead.
[01:54:18] Unknown:
Yeah. For Julie's answer that they gave her, that's part of the indoctrination to keep everybody fooled.
[01:54:25] Unknown:
[01:54:27] Unknown:
Misleading information.
[01:54:29] Unknown:
Yeah. Because they weren't free till they got a status, and they didn't get a status in the thirteenth amendment. They got their status in the first sentence of the fourteenth amendment. All persons born and naturalized in The United States. Well, that really should say United States Of America, shouldn't it? Because they're going in and roping all the state citizens into federal citizenship. But right there, it just says United States. The one word that's the big turn word here is that next word and because that tells you what's going on when you think about it. If there's some that are and subject, there've got to be some that are and not subject.
There are no other there there there nothing else. And so now we go in and this is something that all those guys are covering. Barnes is covering it. Levin's covering it. I saw a part of the John Eastman thing. I haven't watched all that. I'm sorry whoever recorded that didn't mic it properly because it's not mic'd very well. I'll just send that to you, Paul, and see if you can do some magic with it. Okay? Because Eastman's very bright on this, and he goes into a lot of stuff. Alright? And one of the things he says is this, we never started assigning these water babies to this birthright citizenship until the nineteen sixties.
[01:55:54] Unknown:
Wow. Yeah. Send it to me.
[01:55:57] Unknown:
Okay. I will.
[01:55:59] Unknown:
Send it to me. Send it to me by email.
[01:56:02] Unknown:
I will. And so, you've got you've got this deal where now you can look at them and see how they're structured, see how the events went forward when they were ratified or supposedly, and you can see where now they knew eighty years ahead of time that they were gonna ask you those two questions. Are you a citizen of The United States with that equivocation built in? They knew they were bringing in this tricky definition of resident, and they knew a hundred and fifty years or more ago, they were gonna ask you those questions today. That's how well they know us. We don't know them hardly at all. We're getting to know them.
Unfortunately or fortunately, whichever, more these days. But, here's their plan. They knew they were gonna bankrupt the country. They knew they were gonna set this system in, and they knew they were gonna ask you that question. How do I know that? Because they had to overcome Plessy versus Ferguson with Brown. They went to a lot of trouble to do that so they could ask you that one singular question. Are you a citizen of The United States? Now that is with the first layer of fraud because that is a they they did not fully disclose. You're are you a citizen of The United States or a national? That's the question. There is a lack of full disclosure. That's the first layer of fraud, and there's layer upon layer upon layer underneath that.
That's why they stand silent. They've been caught. They never thought they'd get caught. Look at that colonel house statement that was found in Woodrow Wilson's belongings. That's alright. If two or three people find out about it, we got plausible deniability. No. No. No. No. No. Dead mister House. No. No. Yeah. I hope you're down there with Satan. You don't have any plausible deniability, buddy. And your people that you're gonna pay a hundred times more than they would have back then because of everything that's happened between then and between now. And we can prove, absolutely prove of of malice of forethought on your part. These are crimes against humanity and anybody that can grab one of your sorry asses on the street or your progeny, we ought to hang you on the frigging spot.
My opinion. Now, Julie.
[01:58:27] Unknown:
So my question to you, Roger, is that the thirteenth amendment says neither slavery nor involuntary servitude. When that so that word slavery, the way they're using that word slavery, that they're trying to make it seem like it applies to only Negroes, but you're saying it applies only to whites or it applies to blacks and whites?
[01:58:48] Unknown:
Well, they they didn't have a status yet, and what they were doing was enticing the states back in because this amendment is so critical for their scheme. What are they trying to do here? They're trying to establish federalism and then throw a broad net over all the states and be able to rope those state citizens down under federal jurisdiction. Isn't that what they're trying to do?
[01:59:14] Unknown:
Yeah. We know their plan. Because the fourteenth amendment was passed because the thirteenth amendment was ratified in on on December sixth of eighteen sixty five, and then the fourteenth amendment was on 1868. It says July 9 here.
[01:59:31] Unknown:
Yes. There's quite a bit of time between those two, and we got Whistlers in the background. Do you know well, we can start discussing this tomorrow if you want to, but they ratified and let all the southern legislators back in to ratify that. Then they after they ratified it so it's constitutional. After they ratified it, they tried to get the fourteenth amendment ratified, and the states that wouldn't ratify the fourteenth amendment, Julie, they kicked out of the union. Here, they just fought them for trying to remove themselves, and now they come back and kick them out. And they wouldn't let them back in unless they ratified the fourteenth amendment.
[02:00:15] Unknown:
Are we are we covering the thirteenth and the fourteenth tomorrow, Roger?
[02:00:19] Unknown:
We can if you want to. I love this topic.
[02:00:21] Unknown:
Sounds good. Yeah.
[02:00:23] Unknown:
See, the the more I explain it to you guys, the more I understand it. Because the more I think about it and see all these little nuances I never saw before. And that's what's led me to this conclusion. I believe the way you see these things set up, how it was executed, and how they operate today, I believe the civil war was fought to accomplish this. These guys don't do much by happenstance, folks. Food for thought, noodle on it. We'll talk about it tomorrow if you'd like. I love the topic, and, it's quite fascinating maybe to have an answer for something that nobody else has ever figured out before. I like it.
We'll see you Wednesday. So have a great day, and,
[02:01:08] Unknown:
ciao ciao. You're right. Back. Bye bye. Yes. Yes. Me? Thank you, Roger.
[02:01:14] Unknown:
I just wanted to let Baldridge know that the John Eastman is the last post in the chat for him. So you don't have to There you go, Paul.
[02:01:27] Unknown:
And, the last Please go ahead. Yeah. If you can get that audio closer, it's just distant, and it was mic'd horribly. And I can't believe they would do that in such an important interview. Go ahead, Sketch.
[02:01:41] Unknown:
Yes. I just wanted to let you know when you go to lunch today, if you could put on the Neville Brothers and do the Mardi Gras Mambo with everybody.
[02:01:51] Unknown:
Well, yeah. We may have well, one of the guys there, Crystal's husband, Greg, nice little couple. He's from Mobile, and it was actually in Mobile where the first Mardi Gras started, and New Orleans co opted it. So oh, yeah. I've got a Mardi Gras t shirt I could probably find to wear over there today. Yeah.
[02:02:13] Unknown:
You're right.
[02:02:14] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, Shiel. Yeah. Shiel, you'd be right. Okay. Anybody else got anything for the Raj? Because it's Tuesday. The last Tuesday where I'm gonna be late. Starting next week, I'll be able to be early.
[02:02:31] Unknown:
There you go. Have a good day, Roger. Hey. Thank you, Marca.
[02:02:35] Unknown:
Julie, thanks everybody that, responded and inter intercourse with us, and, we'll start talking about this tomorrow. So if you wanna noodle up on it overnight or something, feel free. So see you then. Love all of you, and, have a great day. Ciao.
[02:02:51] Unknown:
Beware of the Ides of March.
[02:02:57] Unknown:
Oh, that's John Eastman part one, fourteenth amendment and birthright citizenship. Is there, additional parts to that?
[02:03:09] Unknown:
There is a part two. I'll try and find it. It's shorter. It's, like, six minutes. But I'll try and find it. Put it in the chat for you.
[02:03:19] Unknown:
One of the reasons is that is, that is a horribly low quality, low resolution video. I think it's two forty p or something like that.
[02:03:35] Unknown:
Well Absolutely
[02:03:37] Unknown:
[02:03:40] Unknown:
What can I say?
[02:03:43] Unknown:
Well, I don't know. It's probably why the audio stinks. You know? It's not your fault. Find a better one. You just found you just found the link. It's not your fault.
[02:03:55] Unknown:
No. I know.
[02:03:56] Unknown:
Let's see what the, let's see what the resolution is. That might be three sixty p. Okay. That was, ten minute twenty eight seconds long. Yeah. It's three sixty p.
[02:04:35] Unknown:
Yeah. There might be a longer one and with no part one, part two. I just haven't I'll search for it. Just a minute.
[02:04:53] Unknown:
Okay. Copy link. I found part two. It's the case against. And there's, both parts.
[02:05:25] Unknown:
There is one sixteen minute one that might be a better quality. I haven't checked it out. Yeah.
[02:05:33] Unknown:
Sixteen forty eight posted by the Claremont Institute. Got that one.
[02:05:58] Unknown:
If I could mention something real quick and then I got to get all of the legislation for reconstruction, the thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth amendments, the impeachment of Johnston, all of that was the fortieth Congress, which is covered in the fifteenth statutes at large. And you can see their legislative intent if you look at that if you're really curious.
[02:06:31] Unknown:
Julie, are you still there?
[02:06:37] Unknown:
I am.
[02:06:40] Unknown:
Some Telegram channels are specifically set by the channel owner, moderator, to not allow downloading or screen captures. That's why that data doesn't show up when you try and capture that screen. It is a setting that, was set by the, by the administrator of that channel. Just look for that information on another channel that isn't quite so narcissistic or private and paranoid. You know? I mean, information that has that has to do with freedom and freeing people, it should be openly and freely available to be shared and distributed, saved, downloaded, archived.
It should be, but some people, they want you to either pay for it with Lincoln's, Benjamins, or with your with your own soul by having to beg them to give it to you. So I I immediately discount those people in in every way. So just look for another Telegram channel. You'll be fine.
[02:07:48] Unknown:
Hey, Paul?
[02:07:49] Unknown:
[02:07:51] Unknown:
What was I gonna tell you? My issue with my screen capture was I was taking a timed broker exam and they don't want you sharing it's so stupid. It's like a home exam that you take on good faith and it's timed. So I wasn't able when I saw a question about the thirteenth Amendment, I wanted to take a screen capture of it so I could talk about it on the show and I wasn't able to do that at all using my computer with the print screen. So I know my settings are set up to allow that, but their software, whatever I whatever site I was on, would not allow me to take a screenshot or a print screen from my computer.
[02:08:32] Unknown:
I am exactly that microphone.
[02:08:34] Unknown:
I have an answer for that. If you download the xSplit, it's absolutely free. You can capture anything, moving or otherwise, or the page or your full screen. And there's nothing what we can do to block it. There's one or two programs out there that it won't read, like if you tried to read internal to Adobe or, editor. But for anything that's actually displayed to the public, it picks it up the same way as your, browser does.
[02:09:02] Unknown:
What's it called? XSplit. How do you spell that, please?
[02:09:14] Unknown:
That's c l I t.
[02:09:17] Unknown:
Yeah. There you go.
[02:09:19] Unknown:
Thank you.
[02:09:26] Unknown:
Joan, there's a link? Yeah. You can, at I'm Sorry. Go ahead.
[02:09:34] Unknown:
You can wrap about anything using that, but I would be careful because some photos, let's say, it's for sale or something like that. You can copy it for yourself. But, yeah, some of those might be copyrighted and stuff like that. So, there would be no defense. You go to the AP, they have a photo there. Supposed to be copyrighted. You grabbed it anyway because you have that program, just to let you know.
[02:10:02] Unknown:
That was a a saint Joan? Yes. There's some private chats and, what we can do for you, the corporate report. And, also, I think I can give you a link to the 400 links Google doesn't want you to visit. RINS is there and the corporate report. You just have to scroll down the page.
[02:10:34] Unknown:
Yes. Thank you. I saw those. Thank you. You're welcome.
[02:10:49] Unknown:
Please publish that list on home network. That would be a great one.
[02:10:59] Unknown:
A lot of the links don't work because it's so old, and they've been wiped clean, but some of them still work.
[02:11:26] Unknown:
Is that link in the, OCC chat?
[02:11:32] Unknown:
Yes. Should be. I see.
[02:11:37] Unknown:
Is Matt still on the call?
[02:11:46] Unknown:
Yeah. I'm here, Julie.
[02:11:47] Unknown:
Hey, Matt. So were you on the call yesterday?
[02:11:52] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I I usually have it on listening. I I'm I'm in and out.
[02:11:57] Unknown:
So I received a letter in the mail from Virginia where they removed me from the, voter roll in my state here, and it's because I'm not a United States citizen. So you said something interesting today. You went back to your California constitution and determined that back then they didn't have a state citizen, And so it was defined you're being a citizen of California was defined as being a citizen of The United States. So I'm wondering if I'm facing the same thing. I mean, at the end of the day, I really don't wanna participate in any of these franchises anymore, but I don't want them telling me, you know, that I can't vote. I'll determine that on my end. So I'm wondering if my state of Virginia has the same thing when the the Constitution was formed and it didn't have state citizen written in it. And instead, it referred to being a citizen of The United States' the 50 states instead of the federal citizen. What are your thoughts on that?
[02:13:02] Unknown:
I go back and forth. Overall, if you look at it technically, I see it as this is a corporation. If you look at Article I, Section eight, clause 17 of the Constitution, Congress' jurisdiction is limited to that 10 mile square area. So anything passed by Congress is limited to that 10 mile square area. And all the states of, we all know their political subdivisions of the United States Federal Corporation, which is located in DC. So, so really we shouldn't be a part of any of that. We're just our government is vacant. So that's on one end. And then the other end, when we look at sheriffs and you look at, you know, it's it's tough. It's it's tough. I mean, I think that, we're kind of getting screwed. And I like what what I think we need to to protect ourselves. We need to participate, and I think we need to do what Dave was saying on the call from Dave and Kaye or whatever, what he did. And I think I think that's the way, if, you know, for now, I think we need to do that to protect ourselves because it is affecting us. Everything that that corporation does and all the corporations that are part of the bigger corporation, all the everything they do, they affect our daily lives. And so I think that we, the people, absolutely need to have a say and I think we need to do it the way that Dave says. So I hope that answers your question.
[02:14:27] Unknown:
And so what did you say? Article one, what is that? What's that one? Article one, section?
[02:14:33] Unknown:
Section eight plus 17. It talks about the, the yeah. It says that Congress's jurisdiction is limited to that 10 mile square area. So anything that Congress does, really, anything outside of that 10 mile square area doesn't affect us. But they've done an overlay, as we all know, And they've gotten us to agree to being number one US citizens. And we've got they've gotten us to agree that that we live in The United States, which is, you know, there's different definition in The United States. The one they're using is the federal corporation that's located in DC, and they've gotten us to agree that that's where we reside.
[02:15:11] Unknown:
Thank you. I get it. Thank you very much, Matt. Yeah, sure.
[02:15:41] Unknown:
Being a resident is kinda like being residue of the old ways.
[02:16:00] Unknown:
Hey, Julie. This is Nancy Orr, in Virginia. I'm looking at the voter registration. I know I I I shared what's on the application that, you know, it's a citizen of The United States Of America. How I view it, number one, I canceled my voter ID registration and wanted to submit my affidavit. Actually, I think I'll probably do that all again and submit my affidavit along with it. But what, seeing that they use the term citizen of The United States Of America on the application itself made confirmed for me that I could legally and lawfully register as a national.
So I so, anyway, because the equivocation is not something that most of the bureaucracy is gonna be aware of, I'm going to proceed on the presumption that both whether it's vacant and the the republic is vacant or not because they they operate on presumption, and I'm going to use that equivocation to my benefit. So what I may do, because I did reregister because I felt covered legally and lawfully, as a citizen of The United States Of America, and I wanted to vote participate. I wanted to vote for Trump. So, but I think the even better is to, do it, submit my affidavit along with the application and have that as as as a part of my record. They're not gonna say no.
[02:18:08] Unknown:
So, Nancy, I downloaded my I downloaded the form yesterday for my county for registering, for a voter, and it does not have United States Of America on it on the upper left hand corner to check the box. It only has a United States citizen on it.
[02:18:27] Unknown:
Go to the state. Don't go to the county. Because it's state. Go to the state website. Go to registration. Download that from there.
[02:18:41] Unknown:
Okay. Do you have that do you have that website?
[02:18:46] Unknown:
Not at not right at the moment.
[02:18:48] Unknown:
Okay. But Go to the state website as opposed to the county.
[02:18:52] Unknown:
Look into voter registration, type up the in Virginia, and, you know, download search for the downloadable application. So they're not since yeah. So, I mean, if you find not information that contradicts that, fine. But I verified that. I mean, I found it myself. But that I don't think they can't refuse you, and you don't have to I don't think it really needs to be all that much explained. I'm I don't have to educate them on the national status, to secure my rights. Now it's an opportunity to do that with my app with my affidavit, but I will use the equivocation against them.
So I'm not going to, yeah. So they can use it try to use it against me. I can use it against them.
[02:19:46] Unknown:
And how would you go about using the equivocation against them, Nancy?
[02:19:52] Unknown:
Because I am a citizen of The United States Of America. I have my birth certificate born in one of the 50 states. I have my affidavit that proves that I'm a state citizen. They can you know, I submit that along with my registration application, and I doubt that they will not register you. Actually, I I look forward to going through that process process again as a, as a lab as an experiment.
[02:20:21] Unknown:
Okay. Thank you. That makes sense. So you're gonna send not only your affidavit, but also use equivocation stating that you were you're a citizen of The United States Of America and that submit your birth certificate stating that you were born in one of the 50 states and therefore, just just being a national does not does not mean that you cannot vote in this in this state, basically, is what you're gonna say in some round fashion or another.
[02:20:46] Unknown:
Yes. I'm not I'm not not gonna use the word equivocation, but Right. I'm just gonna lay out the facts. You know, I'm as who I am.
[02:20:59] Unknown:
And to And you know what's funny? Yep. What what what's really funny about this is they used my straw men. They used my all caps name, and it's it's unbelievable. And they also used all caps for Fairfax County. I mean, I just look at this and say corporation, corporation here. Like, Fairfax County is all caps and my name, including my middle name is all caps, and then, this general registrar signed it and it's all caps name too. So
[02:21:28] Unknown:
k. If if I may?
[02:21:31] Unknown:
Go ahead.
[02:21:33] Unknown:
Yeah, this is David. I, my wife and I created the national status website, website. I actually documented that entire process, what you're talking about doing with voting and was successful and all the documents are that I used, there's examples of them including I included an affidavit, not the not the citizen, well I did include the citizenship evidence, affidavit but there's another affidavit that I included that, explains the reason why a national should be able to vote. So that's all on the website under the remedy section if you wanted to look at it, it's up to you. But that's what I did with Alabama and they actually put me on the rolls.
They attached my affidavit to the, voter registration along with the other documents initialed, everything, and I voted as a national.
[02:22:37] Unknown:
Thank you Dave. I know you spoke about that yesterday and I still have my notes on that. I just haven't had a chance yet to go back and actually look and do this, so I'm just gathering my intel right now, but I'm definitely gonna get on your site and,
[02:22:51] Unknown:
and use your useful information that you, have on there as well. Thank you very much. Yeah, yeah, no problem. I'm sorry I thought it was somebody else, but I do remember that.
[02:23:00] Unknown:
Good luck. Thank you. No, thank you very much. Unfortunately, with my work schedule, I haven't had a chance to I'm still pretty new at this. I guess I'm considered a newer student, and so catching up on all this and understanding all this jargon is, I don't know, somewhat difficult for me, especially when I'm taking exams for Washington, DC, and they're telling me that the thirteenth amendment is something exact opposite of what, Roger is explaining.
[02:23:27] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. It's very it's overwhelming for sure, all the information in trying to parse through it, for sure. So, yeah, I totally understand.
[02:23:38] Unknown:
I mean, I even forgot. I remember seeing this, but I forgot that the states, the 50 states are political subdivisions of The United States Of America. I forgot that. Isn't that through the zip codes or something like that that they use?
[02:23:54] Unknown:
Yeah. I know they, they parsed out the or sectioned off The United States the old United States based on, I think, the ZIP code. So, yeah, that that plays a role, I'm sure.
[02:24:09] Unknown:
Hey, Dave?
[02:24:10] Unknown:
[02:24:11] Unknown:
This is Nancy again. I noticed in that paperwork that you submitted, and I love your website, by the way, the that you used the term expatriation. Have you reconsidered that, and why did you choose why did you use that word?
[02:24:28] Unknown:
Was that on the app that affidavit?
[02:24:31] Unknown:
I think so. Yeah.
[02:24:33] Unknown:
Yeah. So if you if you look at how it's used, how it's used, the context it's used, because I noticed that as well. And, yeah. Let me, let me pull it up because I recall that as well, and I was like, why is this in here? And, let me see because definitely I remember what I remember that. Let me see if I can find because it was referenced in a way that it made sense to use it.
[02:25:07] Unknown:
Bear with me. Hang on one second here. Pull it up. Sure. And, I mean, I I personally wouldn't choose to use that word because it's all that is kind of already defined. I mean, you can all you can redefine words in your own documents, of course. But I would just say I'm I'm rebutting this fraudulent legal this presumption of law. Yeah. And I've never you know? But because the word expatriation
[02:25:37] Unknown:
Yeah. Let me see.
[02:25:39] Unknown:
Means something specific. Of course, you can't just choose to re redefine it redefine it in your own document, as you
[02:25:49] Unknown:
Yeah. I hear you. Where was that used? And I'm trying to remember where I saw that too, but I left it in there because the way they were using it made sense. It wasn't it wasn't indicating that we were expatriating. It was using it in another, on. I can't remember off the top of my head. I'm sorry. I'm trying to find it here.
[02:26:31] Unknown:
And and part of, this is not necessarily directed at you, Dave, but, Julie, also in my term my statement about using the equivocation to my benefit, just like the IRS, the nonresident alien, and 26 CFR one dot one dash one little a, where they are using, words to hide our status, they're not gonna challenge us. So I'm going to make my claim, and they can't rebut it. So, we you know, you have to come to a place where you're certain about that, but I feel confident.
[02:27:14] Unknown:
Yeah. I'm not so, I'm not so, what do you wanna call it, skilled on the definition of the word quivocation, so that's why I asked you how you were gonna use that word.
[02:27:24] Unknown:
Well, I'm just the the their manipulation, of language. So they're not gonna challenge you on your assertion that you're a citizen of The United States Of America, and that's different from The United States. Number one, most of them don't know that, but they're not just like the IRS is not gonna come when you do a, when you send them a copy of your affidavit that also calls them out, like, the second the last little paragraph in Rogers' affidavit about not being, I'm not a a I'm nonresident to the residency and, an alien to the jurisdiction of the fourteenth amendment. I'm not in a condition of voluntary servitude, per the scope and purview of the fourteenth amendment.
So and I'm being so I am nonres so that's why I'm a nonresident alien. They're not gonna come out. They don't want that to to come out. So anyone who does know know what's going on in the bureaucracy is not gonna challenge that. They don't wanna see it come into a court or litigation. So if they deny you the, your the your political rights, you can go you can sue them for discrimination. So you're you're on solid. So so I'm just saying that my thoughts around the voter registration, if you want to exercise your political rights, whether you consider that the corporation or the unseated, unrestored republic.
At this point, I really don't care. You know, I'm not going to be denied my exercising my political rights out of fear about their, the the the equivocation of how they manipulated the language. I'm I'm that confident. I'm that I am that confident. So So I'm just saying that your the application, I'll you know, if I'll I'll look it up and download it again, send you a copy. But, where it says I'm a yes or no. I'm a citizen of The United States Of America on the Virginia voter registration application. So that even in the codes, it doesn't say in the statute. It doesn't say in Virginia use it uses United States.
But you can use it against them. They're not gonna deny you. They're not gonna deny you. They don't want it. They don't want it. They don't want it. They don't want it be sued.
[02:29:55] Unknown:
Okay. I I did find, I did find what I was looking for here. Further down in that affidavit, it it states, please, be advised that I'm not expatriating from The United States and the country, the first definition, which is The United States Of America, but simply the municipal corporation located in District Of Columbia and federal territories only. Which is the second definition identified above. So if you read down to the, on the second page, it, differentiates, how you're using the term expatriate and what you're expatriating from.
So you're not expatriating at from being an American, you're expatriating from, being a US citizen. So that's that's where it was, that's why I left that in there because they they defined it in that way, the way you're using the term expatriate.
[02:30:59] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. That's great, Dave. I just personally don't I wouldn't I personally probably would not choose to use that term even if I Sure. Want yeah. But that's a personal choice. I think that you did a great job. So but that's you know, it's a little bit because I think of, like, with the IRS, they do have, expatriation. Even I think the idea is expatriation from your corporate entity. Yes. Yeah. You know?
[02:31:30] Unknown:
Yeah. When I did just, speaking of that, when I, when I went through the IRS process with my employer and and the IRS and all that, Roger had indicated, you know, that perhaps you can take your forms that you're going to submit to your employer to the IRS service office, local service office, and they would check it off or approve it and say, Hey, everything looks good. Well, I took I did that. So, probably about forty five minutes from here there's an IRS service office and I went there and you can't believe the what that experience was like because it was like, you walk in the door, they basically frisk you, you go up to a window and it's Plexiglas window, and I realized very quickly that they were there just as collection agents, right?
And I indicated that, I sat down, I was the only one there in that office other than the security guard and behind the window. And, you know, Hey, we can't look at your forms, we can't approve them. And I brought up the fact that I'm a national. They had no clue what a national was. And I tried to explain it to them and they said, well, oh, you're renouncing your citizenship. I said, no, I'm not. I'm I'm still an American. I'm an American citizen. They they just didn't connect the dots at all. And so, yeah, they they were trying to throw the expatriation process and you know, denouncing your citizenship on me.
They weren't trying to get me to sign off on anything saying that's what I did, but it was just in the conversation. I knew very quickly that they had no clue what a national was. So, of course I tried to take that opportunity to educate them and they were kind of closed minded, being that they're they work for the for them. But anyway, just wanted to share that with me. Just Don't bother trying to take any of your forms, by the way, to any of those service offices. They they're there just to collect, essentially.
[02:33:45] Unknown:
Yeah. I yeah. I'm I'm seeing less and less the need to even be concerned with educating public officials. So except by my paperwork, but it's more about I wanna secure my own freedom. There is an educational opportunity here, but that's really you know, it's it's yeah. You have to make a decision, choose your battles, and know what your battles are, what you're what you're prepared to fight. And, yeah.
[02:34:16] Unknown:
I agree completely.
[02:34:19] Unknown:
Yeah. Because what the eight seventy one b and eight seventy seven b, one of them has to do with expatriation. So so and it's in which case, you know, they they try to get as much, federal reserve notes from you as they can. So that's why I would you know, I you did a great job in covering yourself and defining your terms in your, letter for the voter registration. I I just would unless you you obviously have very good command and you, didn't know way in which you felt confident, you could stand on that and it's part of your court of record. So it and and that's great. You know, it's part of your court of record.
[02:35:10] Unknown:
So Yeah. And I I can't take credit for that document. That was, you know, in in researching all of this, you you you look at a lot of different stuff. And the SCDM site, he has he has so much information and, you know, trying to go through that, understand all that. And he he had some organization to it and he had a section of for voting, and that's where I found that and included it, when I sent in my second voter registration with my other affidavit. And, but yeah I think I mentioned on show when when I did the public records request to see what they actually had on file, I got back everything that I thought I, you know, that I had sent them. They had initialed everything off, and they sent back, a statement regarding discrimination and it it wasn't and it and it made me believe that they did that because they don't wanna be accused of discriminating. Right?
And, so I I I took that as the assumption. But I also was, speaking with the supervisor of elections at the state office up in Montgomery, and I have all that on record too of the conversation which she you know indicated yes you can vote and yeah I understand kind of the discussion whether a national should vote or not or whether we're shouldn't use the term voter as being a voter.
[02:37:00] Unknown:
An elector.
[02:37:01] Unknown:
Right. Right. But, you know, I think I think I heard you right when I jumped out of here. You just wanna test the waters, and that's kinda my mindset too. And, you know, you have to take, you have to really think about what you're about to do because you don't always know what they're going to do in response, right? Yeah. So, but, I felt confident, being what I sent them from the voters standpoint, I sent them all that information that I'd already had in place. I felt confident enough about it, that if when I did vote, and which I did, that if they did come back and say, hey, why did you vote? You're not a US citizen. You shouldn't. I I I could pull that out of my back pocket and have names associated with who approved it and all that. So that was my that was the way I went about it.
[02:37:59] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That you're exactly right. It's just it's something that's fairly low risk in terms of risk benefit ratio. It's a low it's a low risk, action, experiment that I I could do. I can do. So yeah.
[02:38:18] Unknown:
Good luck.
[02:38:19] Unknown:
Yeah. Hey, Nancy?
[02:38:21] Unknown:
[02:38:23] Unknown:
Lady Linda Louise texted all of us, and she had a good point on your, equivocation or whatever. Since we're in Virginia, why wouldn't we state in our letters that we are, we were we are we, are domiciled in the one of the 13 original colonies in our letters, I guess, for just an added punch, I guess, for lack of a better adjective there. What are your thoughts on that?
[02:38:51] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. I just I went to my text, and I yeah. Thank you, lady Linda.
[02:38:57] Unknown:
I mean, I thought that was kind of a little bit more creative because we're part we are domiciled. I don't know. I get so so confused by the definition of the word resident because I know it has to do they like us to think of residency just being in a geographical area. So I know it it pertains to our political status as well. So I've just switched the word to domicile
[02:39:20] Unknown:
now so I don't get it confused. Yeah. Yeah. And it and when you look up the Virginia statutes and codes and definitions on those terms, it's not necessarily clear.
[02:39:35] Unknown:
[02:39:36] Unknown:
That they're using the equivocation. So, again, I think ultimately, you know, I think I like the word inhabitant, one of the people. And I do like the idea, now that it's been proposed, you know, from lady Linda about looking at the third one of the original 13 colonies. I mean, I was born in New Hampshire, but I've been living in Virginia all pretty much all of my life. So, yeah. So and even if I wasn't born or living in one of the original 13 colonies, that could be a self limiting argument because there's 50 states, you know, now. That's true. That's true. But, I mean, that's a good point.
That's a good point. And it I think it's a I think it's a legitimate argument too. So, it just depends on your own understanding of that and if you think that it's how it fits in with your your argument that you're making for the purpose that you're making. You know? So but I think that's a great it's something to to think about. I'll consider that. Yeah. And what does equivocation mean again? Well, it generally means if someone else correct me if I'm incorrect or not completing this, but where there are multiple meanings to a word, like the word resident, We think that it's talking about where we live and lay our head, our home, whether it's an apartment or house or property.
But, when it there's a legal term and it has its origin and residency, ambassadorial, jurisdiction, and the gut laws that govern the ambassador. So he's in residence. The flag is up. The king is up that he's in residence. So his laws apply to him while he's of of his country, if he's foreign dignitary. Well, he's in he's he's not governed by he's governed by this the country's laws and jurisdiction from which he is a citizen or national while he's in another country. I I may be incorrect in that definition, but with in regards to equivocation, there's multiple meanings to a word. They're they're relying on you, and you've been we've been conditioned to use the colloquial nonlegal definition understanding.
And whenever we're asked that question, we're actually being asked a legal usually, a legal question and it's the legal definition applies, but we're unaware of that. So that's I get it. So we're operating, oh, this is where I live, not what set of laws am I under.
[02:42:36] Unknown:
May I I get it. Thank you, Nancy. I get it now. So thank you.
[02:42:43] Unknown:
Okay. Sure. Thank you. Can you girls hear me? Can you ladies hear me? Yeah. Good. Yeah. Yesterday, I had difficulty communicating. For some reason, my phone kept going in and out and calling to the listeners. But, this is how I can explain it to you even though you have clarity right now, Julia. When I was, being in assistance of counsel for, a brother in Christ who was accused of doing something and, he was, arrested and brought to, the superior court in Hartford. This was 11/15/2023. I went into the courthouse. I presented, the documents that needed to be presented, you know, habeas corpus and other documents, his, national status, etcetera.
I said to the marshals, where is my client? And they said, oh, you don't have to stand in line. Oh, they said, are you, his attorney? I said, I'm his counselor. So they said, oh, you don't have to stand in line. Just go to the front of the line and see where he is, and then go on the middle elevator, and you can go down and you can speak to him. And so you see I equivocated. I used equivocation. They heard my my word counselor, and they presumed it meant a licensed attorney, which if they had asked me clearly, are you a licensed attorney? I could respond, I'm his counselor, and they may have let it go.
But if they were shocked, they would say, no. Are you a licensed Connecticut attorney? If they really pressured, I'd have to, you know, share that, no. I am not. I'm his assistant of counsel. And that's according to the Connecticut constitution. You know? So, that's equivocation. I did equivocation on them, but they traditionally do equivocation on us. So in the in a resident, are you a resident of X Y Z? And you respond, yes. No. You have to respond, well, I lay my head in the town of in the state, you know, on the land in Connecticut. Don't say state of. Don't say town of. But, you know, you just have to be careful. Think before you speak and ask them how they're defining something.
You know? And, that's the safest way. I yield.
[02:45:16] Unknown:
Yeah. I think that I think that's beautiful, Linda. And that would be an example of what I meant by, I can use I'll use the equivocation to my benefit in that system. So yeah. Yeah. Yep. Thank you.
[02:45:35] Unknown:
Yeah. That's why, Nancy, I was concerned about I was thinking, you know, the way Matt was using the, when he said he looked up his original constitution in California. I've not done that for Virginia. So that's interesting because it does specifically state in the code that in order to be eligible to vote and to, be on the actual voter registration list, you have to be a United States citizen. Well, if, you know, that means state citizen because they didn't have state citizen defined prior to that, then I am a United States citizen for purposes of only voting in the Commonwealth of Virginia, but I am not a United States citizen per the fourteenth Amendment and per my, affidavit of citizen evidence or evidence affidavit of citizenship evidence that was turned into the IRS and to you. So I could guess I could use equivocation that way, if in fact that's not defined in the original Virginia constitution. That's where I was coming from previously when Matt said that because I never thought about that. Again, I need to broaden my brain to think what are they using for a definition in this particular sentence that they're referring to on these, papers they're sending me in the mail.
[02:47:01] Unknown:
Right. If I may
[02:47:02] Unknown:
if I may, in my, affidavit of citizenship evidence, I I designed it like a proclamation. So, you know, when you see a proclamation, you see whereas, comma. So, one of my whereases, I put comma, I, comma, lady Linda Louise, comma, a Proverbs 31 woman, comma, eldest of five daughters, comma, the expositor of my own communications, comma, declare myself to be a national of the Small U United, smallest state of big A America, owing allegiance to my birth state colon North Carolina, one of the 13 colonies semi colon, my mother colon Lila Louise comma, a widow, Psalm 68 verse five, at age 22, comma, where she raised me with my four younger sisters in Massachusetts.
And although I am considered homeless as a transient sojourner, my dominion, Genesis chapter one verse 28, is in Isaiah 61 sanctuary to heal the brokenhearted and to set the captives free on the land located in Connecticut. So there's no mistake. I'm not a resident anywhere. My my citizenship is in heaven, although I didn't say that in this document. But I wanted my document to be a historical document for my prodigy, for my offspring, for my grandbaby. So when they see this handwritten document, it's like the Constitution of The United States. It's done in calligraphy.
And, you know, I'm gonna have it framed for each of our, you know, our daughter and our three sons and whoever wants it. So that's the way I did it, and I yield.
[02:48:57] Unknown:
I wanna thank Jeffrey for putting equivocation is a false attribution of equality. Thank you, Jeffrey.
[02:49:07] Unknown:
You're welcome.
[02:49:09] Unknown:
What can you repeat that again? It's a false what?
[02:49:13] Unknown:
False attribution of equality.
[02:49:21] Unknown:
Thank you.
[02:49:36] Unknown:
On Julie, you know, with the California constitution 1849, so the corporate federal corporation, if I am recalling correctly, didn't come out didn't come about until August 1871.
[02:49:53] Unknown:
[02:49:55] Unknown:
So there it was understood that when it was referred to even in case law, that it meant United States Of America. So and you can you can address that too in what you write that
[02:50:22] Unknown:
Yeah, I'm thinking the corporation didn't come out till 1871 and Virginia was one of the original 13 colonies and so I'm surmising, I haven't looked if I were to go back to the constitution of Virginia that it would define, a citizen of Virginia as a United States citizen. Again, equivocation using different terms and definitions for different words.
[02:50:57] Unknown:
Well, that'd be interesting to to see that. I wonder if there would be any reason why they would would have felt the need to say that, you know, about this the, the national citizenship in the in the Virginia country. The words matter, but
[02:51:22] Unknown:
the punctuation matters also when we're with so many commas. What I would suggest is an occasional parenthesis. For example, when you say the state of your birth, Colon, North Carolina, you better probably to throw some parenthesis around North Carolina and maybe drop the comma after whereas. It's just heavily laden with commas and
[02:51:46] Unknown:
other punctuation marks. It should get a chance. Yes, Sarah. I did have other punctuation marks. I did have parentheses and all that, but I just wanted it to be a smooth communication. But if I read it exactly as I I had written it, you would have seen the, other punctuations that were there. There were,
[02:52:07] Unknown:
parentheses, etcetera. I forgot you were a Carolina girl. I forgot you were a Carolina girl. That that reminds me. I've I've heard it before, but for some reason, you don't bring up the Carolinas very much. You probably didn't live there long.
[02:52:22] Unknown:
Did you, get your home protected from the five Are you
[02:52:29] Unknown:
well, I'm down here now. I left the vineyard to get down to, watch the house during the fires because the United Nations is setting all these fires everywhere in the area. The same as in in, California, same as in Hawaii. What they do is they're creating the fifteen minute cities and what are called also called smart cities by the United Nations. And they identify areas and then they start to burn them as part of the Agenda 2,030 process formerly known as the Agenda 21 process. So it's all UN and they hire these illegal alien invaders to set the fires mostly during the night. That's why when you get up in the morning you got more fires than you had the night before, I yield.
[02:53:30] Unknown:
Well, that's incredible. I never thought about it, but you're 100% correct, the United Nations. They're the ones that are supposed to be the one world government, I guess.
[02:53:44] Unknown:
[02:53:57] Unknown:
That's why they that's why they got all these people from foreign countries being, allowed to come into The United States. I witnessed it in Europe, and it's all part of the United Nations Agenda 21 for sustainable development. And that keeps on changing the number. It used to be twenty twentythirty and now it's I guess some people calling it just 02/1930 now. But I heard some people that were actually working for the United Nations make the statement that they might get delayed over the possibly over the years, but they're going to keep on with their agenda because there's always some rich tycoons that are one world globalist like Bill Gates and others, John Kerry, some of them have died off, like Rockefeller, but they said that they'll continue on with their goals of a world government.
And that's one of the reasons why they're allowing all of these countries to get mixed up with different groups of people to keep everybody fighting amongst each other, where this country didn't have that at one time. And, not until the civil war, and then they started to implement all this support branch of government stuff.
[02:55:55] Unknown:
Well, the UN, I guess you can call it, a purveyor of unpeaceful, unhealthy, undemocratic, and un you fill in the blank. Lots of ums there.
[02:56:19] Unknown:
Is Julie is Julie still on?
[02:56:25] Unknown:
I'm still here. Believe it or not, I just pulled up the, UN. I'm here. Hi, Julie.
[02:56:34] Unknown:
I thought I heard Nancy earlier. I wonder if she's still on. I just wanted to comment you two. When you two ladies talk, you seem to articulate things to where I seem to get things that are said by other folks that I don't quite seem to get it. But a couple of days ago after the show, I heard you all talking, trying to help me out, trying to understand the twenty six one point one dash one a I believe it was.
[02:57:14] Unknown:
[02:57:17] Unknown:
And it was part of the Bush Haver decision back in the early 1900s. I still didn't get all that. I hope it's reported somewhere what Nancy was talking about because it wouldn't try to understand this.
[02:57:41] Unknown:
Yeah. This is Nancy. And who I'm sorry. Your name again?
[02:57:47] Unknown:
This is Rich in Alabama.
[02:57:51] Unknown:
You said Rich in Alabama?
[02:57:53] Unknown:
Yeah. Richie. Rich Rich Rich.
[02:57:56] Unknown:
Okay. Well, if you, if you type in in a in browser, Grishaber versus Union Pacific Railroad, I think it was originally filed 1913, but the court case was finally adjudicated. The decision came out in 1916, and the treasury decision issued as a result of that case in the same year, 1916. Someone there's a lot of backfro noise with someone. Treasury decision twenty point thirteen. Treasury decision twenty three thirteen was the outcome was issued as a result of Vershaefer versus Union Pacific Railroad. Educated in law is a is a site that has, commentary on that case, so it would be great to go look there and read that. But you can find the petition. I would the the original petition, the brush paper submitted.
And I have a copy right in my hand right now. It's a transcript of record. Frank r, British paper, appellant. So, he oh, it was filed 05/04/1914. Okay. But he says, in the first paragraph of his petition, that, to the judge of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York, Frank r Burchaber, a citizen, low lower case lower case c of the state of New York and a resident of the borough of Brooklyn, comma, in the city of the of New York brings this brings this his bill against Union Pacific Railroad Company, a corporation and citizen of the state of Utah, having its executive office and a place of business in the borough of Manhattan in the city of New York. So it's interesting. So that so, ultimately, he was not successful. He was trying to prevent Union Pacific Railroad from paying federal income tax. So he has he was a shareholder of Union Pacific Railroad, and he didn't want his income from those shares reduced affected by the income tax, but, he did not prevail.
And so he and it's because the company, Union Pacific Railroad, is domestically incorporated. So it's, so it it it is therefore, quote, constitutional tax, and he is a state citizen, owes a tax on that income because it's from a domestically incorporated company whose shares he holds and receives an income from. So but so that he did not prevail, but the treasury what's what's salient is that he identified, claimed his state citizenship as his citizenship status, not the federal. And the treasury decision in twenty three thirteen, interestingly enough, only identifies him as a nonresident alien for income tax purposes.
It doesn't reference his state citizenship. Now in commentary, I'm sure it does because, it it brings those two together. But here's here again, not that nonresident alien is a commonly understood word or used in everyday vernacular different than resident, but, they were hide still hiding. So they that was one of their big hides. The first time they were I don't know about the first time, but for me, understanding, that the definition of that an income tax is owed, you know, in 26 CFR one dot one dash one little a, It uses the nine nonresident alien owing those two income taxes, eight seventy one b and eight seventy seventy.
So one is on income from a domestically incorporated company. So tying these all together, Ruth Paper asserted his state citizenship. The Treasury decision identified him as a nonresident alien for income tax purposes. So and then you see all three, you have there's a little bit you're connecting the dots because they are hiding it. But, it's pretty obvious once you you you understand what also what eight seventy one b and eight seventy seven b are about. As Roger says, why would they why would Jose, the tomato picker, meaning an an immigrant or an an illegal or a noncitizen or nonnational American national owe to constitute constitutional taxes.
Well, Jose, the tomato picker, as a visiting resident, immigrant wouldn't, but a national, a state citizen would if he had income from, owning shares in a domestically incorporated company. So that it's explicitly it's overtly, hiding, obfuscating. I love that word because it's hard for me to say. Obfuscating. The state citizen. So, you know, for me, that's just very clear. You know, when you look at that and you see, wow. This goes back. It goes back even further than 1913 when they passed or didn't really pass. Was it the seventeenth? Was it the seventeenth amendment or the sixteenth amendment for the income tax?
And 19 fifteenth? I think it's the sixteenth amendment. Sixteenth. Yeah. So, I mean, of course, it goes much further than that, but this is a tangible, piece of evidence of where they're hiding from before the, you know, the changing things with the civil war, bringing in the civil law, the corporate entity, The United States, and now having two two things to, equivocate in The United States, United States Of America. So, understanding about Bruce Haber and how he asserted his status as a as a state citizen, And then how the IRS and the Treasury Department labeled identified him, and then CFR 26 CFR one dot one.
That's one little leg. It's just very clear to me. It it it drives home the point. It illustrates very clearly that they're they're they're hiding everything. So it makes it easier to say, well, you know, it's it's, US code, CFR. It's code because you need a a cipher to figure it out. It's intentionally confusing and and, deceptive. So
[03:05:53] Unknown:
anyway Mike Mike, thank you for asking. Nancy, and, Nancy, thanks for explaining. For sure. Thank you.
[03:06:02] Unknown:
You're welcome.
[03:06:03] Unknown:
Thank you, Nancy. Oh,
[03:06:06] Unknown:
you're welcome. Thank you.
[03:06:14] Unknown:
I didn't have a George here, Idaho. I didn't have a chance to comment on Roger's monologue this morning as I was heading into some meeting. But if I could just kind of revisit that, some interview from Michael Hudson. I don't know if anybody's read his book, He Died or, Forgive Us Our Debt. Quote, most religious leaders say that Christianity is all about sin, not debt. But actually, the word for sin and debt is the same in almost every language. Schuld in German means debt, as well as offense or sin. It's devoir in French. It has the same duality in meaning in the Babylonian language of Acadian, that's with two ks's.
The idea harks back to the concept of vergaute, which existed in parts of Europe and Babylonia and set the value of a human life based on their rank, paid on compensation to the family of someone who has been injured or killed. The payment issued or obligation
[03:07:30] Unknown:
exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe exe ex
[03:07:44] Unknown:
quote, in purely sexual terms. But actually, the economist Hudson says it refers specifically to creditors who would force the wives and children of debtors into sex slavery as collateral for unpaid debt. This goes all the way back to Sumer in the third millennium, he said. Similarly, the commandment thou shalt not steal refers to usury and exploitation by threat for debts owing. The economist Hudson, the author, says Jesus was crucified for his views on debt, crucifixion being a punishment reserved especially for political dissidents. To understand the crucifixion of Jesus is to understand it was his punishment for his economic use, says professor Hudson.
He was a threat to the creditors. In Sumer and Babylonia, whenever a new ruler would come to power, the first thing they would do was proclaim a clean slate for giving the population's personal debt in what was known as a debt jubilee. I just lost my place. Okay. The alternative would have been for those who couldn't pay to fall into bondage to their creditors. Governments would have lost the availability of such debtors to fight in its armies. And check this out, but the rulers of classical antiquity who canceled their subjects' debts tended to be overthrown with disturbing frequency from the Greek tyrants of the seventh century BC who overthrew the aristocracies of Sparta and Corinth to Sparta's Kings, Aegeus and Cleomenes in the third century BC, who sought to cancel Spartan debts to Roman politicians advocating debt relief and land redistribution, Julius Caesar, JC, amongst them.
Jesus' first reported sermon in Luke four documents his announcement that he had come to revive the enforcement of the Jubilee year. The term gospel or good news was used specifically to refer to debt cancellation, which became the major political fight of the imperial Roman Roman epoch, pitting Jesus against the pro creditor Pharisees, a political party and social movement that became the foundation for rabbinic Judaism around one sixty seven BC. Professor Hudson says Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for his activism. The Pharisees, Hillel, the founder of Rabbinical Judaism, and the creditors who backed them decided that Jesus' growing popularity was a threat to their authority and wealth.
They said, we've got to get rid of this guy and rewrite Judaism and make it about sex instead of a class war, which is really what the whole Old Testament is about, professor Hudson said. That was that was that was where Christianity got perverted. Christianity turned so anti Jesus, it was the equivalent of the American Tea Party, applauding wealth and even greed, Anne Anne Rhine style. The Economist says that Christianity was reshaped by Saint Paul, followed by the African school of Cyril of Alexandria and Saint Augustine. Over the last a hundred a thousand years, the Catholic church has been saying it's noble to be poor, Hudson said, but Jesus never said it was good to be poor. What he said was that rich people are greedy and corrupt. That's what Socrates was saying, as well as Aristotle and the stoic Roman philosophers, as well as the Biblical prophets in Isaiah.
So, anyway, that was quite a quite an eye opener, a yield.
[03:11:34] Unknown:
Well, thank you for sharing that.
[03:11:37] Unknown:
That was good.
[03:11:47] Unknown:
Mhmm. Yeah. I just got that. I ordered his book, and I also ordered, Debt, The First five thousand Years, which goes into the history of kind of how we got to where we are right now. And the whole, you know, the scriptures and the ancient teachings, kind of encoded into the debtor and creditor relationship that we find ourselves in under this current banking system and the latest covenant of the Gettysburg address.
[03:12:19] Unknown:
George, on the first one thousand years, who's the author?
[03:12:26] Unknown:
First five thousand years, that would be just looked it up here. Debt, the first five thousand years, David Graeber or Graeber, g r a e b e r. I don't know if anybody's read that one or the other one. Yeah, the other one's called the total title is And Forgive Them Their Debts, Lending, Foreclosure, and Redemption from Bronze Age Finance to the Jubilee Year by Michael Hudson. That was the author of the interview that I was reading.
[03:12:59] Unknown:
I'm I'm familiar with that book. I I was relistening to one of Roger's, programs, and I heard it. So that's where I I previously got familiar with that one.
[03:13:11] Unknown:
Or or I'm Great. Yeah. Do you know what, what do do you remember where and when that episode was that you're listening to?
[03:13:20] Unknown:
No. I don't. It was a pure random where I was just going back, back, back, back, and I just started playing something, and he was talking about it. I think it was about the time when it came out because anyways. Yeah. It was a random I just happened to randomly catch something.
[03:13:40] Unknown:
That's a neat find. I didn't realize he was familiar with him. We'll have to bring it up and see what his memory memory would be about that. That would be an interesting interview too to have him on the show. I think the author is still living.
[03:14:02] Unknown:
Michael Hudson always had good interviews with Max Kaiser back in the nineties and February. Really informative. And thank you for reading that, George. You might have it.
[03:14:19] Unknown:
You're welcome. Oh, Kaiser interviewed Hudson too.
[03:14:24] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. Lots. He'd have them on, every month or every two months. Yeah. But good luck finding them. They've been scrubbed pretty much. They might be in the r t r t archives. And at this point, I'll do a big shout out to all the Choctaw Indians today and maybe you all party on. All they have to say is happy Mardi Gras.
[03:19:16] Unknown:
Hey, George. I've I have the book actually because of Roger mentioning it, but I haven't read it. And Paul English one time got on, Roger's show and talked about it. Separate from Roger, you know, he he, Paul has read the book. I don't know if I don't know if, I think, Roger just heard a program where the author was talking, if I remember the program I heard, you know, the past show. Anyways, I yield. By the way, I meant to say Paul English. I don't know if I clarified that or not.
[03:20:28] Unknown:
Well, I wouldn't be thorough if I didn't say it three times. Happy Mardi Gras.
[03:20:39] Unknown:
Is that where it comes from?
[03:20:43] Unknown:
Mardi Gras was originally, I learned today. I kinda knew it, but, Mobile, Alabama is where the original, Mardi Gras started. And, the Creoles, I think, took it over and brought it into their, traditions. But I don't know what it means, but, yeah, it has to do with.
[03:21:12] Unknown:
Excellent, Scott. So that's, which which, tribal?
[03:21:18] Unknown:
Oh, that that was the Choctaw tribe, and that is a black tribe down in the South, and they are very big celebrators of Mardi Gras. And they get up and they do their they take their costumes very seriously, and they spend all year every Mardi Gras. They'd have a new costume. And it's a Indian costume, with lots of bells and whistles. But I just have fond memories of yeah. I have fond memories of going to the Choctaw parade on the West Bank Of Mississippi. Fond memories where you say throw me something, mister, and they ignore you and throw beads to the beautiful girl next door.
[03:22:28] Unknown:
I've got a study kind of where all that comes from. The wife is from Brazil and there's a big Carnaval aqua tied into the lent thing. And, of course, they got a lot of African influences with the Sambo and all that kind of deal. So I'm kind of curious. But, yeah, they do some of those, funeral parades down in down in New Orleans and, of course, all the crypts are above ground, right, because of the Water Tower Tower what table?
[03:23:03] Unknown:
Yeah. The parades are called second line, and, they party hardy down there. And, they celebrate life, and they celebrate death with a good, band and marching through the streets.
[03:23:19] Unknown:
The debtor and the creditor.
[03:23:22] Unknown:
Yep. Yep. Also had very fond memories of going to the Zulu parade where they threw out golden painted coconuts and, other fine trinkets, doubloons, seeds.
[03:23:41] Unknown:
Now is is that the origination of Zydeco, or do you know much about that?
[03:23:49] Unknown:
Well, original Zydeco is not Zulu as far as I know. So it that comes off the swamps of down south deep down south. Far as I know, it's the what I would call, they don't mind being called Kunasses or the Cajons. The Cajons are French Creole, where they have a they speak French in Creole French there. And, quite a heritage down there. And good food. All good food. Yep. Gotta love
[03:24:29] Unknown:
the fish.
Introduction and Acknowledgments
Show Purpose and Audience
Mardi Gras and New Orleans History
Louisiana Culture and History
Political Discussions and Trump
Middle East Politics and Trump
Women's Influence and Politics
Israel and Middle East Tensions
Historical Context of Middle East Conflicts
World War I and Historical Insights
Upcoming Interview with Jeff Rents
Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments Discussion
Voter Registration and National Status
Griswold Case and Tax Implications
Debt and Historical Economic Views