In this episode of the Radio Ranch, host Roger Sayles is joined by John Caseara to discuss a variety of topics ranging from geopolitical tensions to personal anecdotes. The show kicks off with a discussion about the importance of acknowledging the support from various platforms and individuals that help extend their reach. Roger reflects on his long journey in broadcasting and shares his excitement about an upcoming appearance on Jeff Rents' program, a goal he has pursued for many years.
The conversation shifts to global politics, with a focus on the economic struggles in Europe, particularly Germany, and the geopolitical maneuvers involving Russia, Ukraine, and the United States. Roger and John debate the motivations and actions of leaders like Putin and Trump, and the implications of these on the global stage.
Listeners are also treated to personal stories from Roger's past, including his experiences in Argentina and the life-changing events that led him to his current path. The episode touches on the challenges of conveying complex information to the public and the importance of timing in achieving impactful communication.
Throughout the episode, there is a recurring theme of resilience and the pursuit of truth, as Roger and John navigate through historical contexts, current events, and personal reflections. The show concludes with a lively discussion on the importance of local politics and the role of nationals in the voting process, highlighting the diverse opinions and strategies among the audience.
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Thank you, and welcome to the program. Forward moving and focused on freedom. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network.
[00:02:03] Unknown:
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Here we go. We're kicking off another week with the Radio Ranch. It is, of course, Monday. First, first Monday in March the third. And, Roger Sales, your host. We got John Caseara along with us for at least the first hour. But his first Monday of the month, I'm surprised you're here at all, John. So, anyway, I think with the Monday, we've got a compliment of, other platforms that assist us in extending our reach. Thanks to Paul and Alan and some of the folks that, well, they like what we're doing here. So, if we could, could we give them proper credit, Paul? And you're the, of course, the guy that does that. And, we always wanna recognize the folks that are helping us in that capacity because it's important.
[00:02:54] Unknown:
Oh, absolutely. We certainly do. Good morning, guys. We are on, one zero six point nine WBOU FM Chicago, that from, WBOU, productions, Chicago, Illinois. And, that's brought to us by WDRN productions, Fort Collins, Colorado, who also brings us homenetwork.TV, freedom nation TV, GoLive TV, and Listenership numbers are roughly 12,000,000 a month, across those platforms. And we're also on Thanks to pastor Eli James, who, as far as we know, from what we hear, is, recuperating nicely from triple bypass. Prayers are always needed daily daily basis, please. And we're on Global Voice Radio Network.
The links to Eurofolks and Global Voice are on the That is the as well as the free conference call link to join us live on the show. So morning, guys.
[00:04:10] Unknown:
Hey, Paul. Are we at noon yet? Yeah. We're about to. You know, it was, gosh. How how many years ago? It was 2011, I believe. So that would be fourteen years ago. It's fourteen years ago this month that, I had those early appearances on Jeff Bennett. So the clock when it rolls around and touches March, reminds me of that. Been a long a long haul, a fun haul for the most part, frustrating. As, and I just told John he didn't know, that I had been booked on mister Rentz, Jeff Rentz, Thursday night, and that's been a real big goal of mine for a long time. I've been trying to get on that program for fifteen years. I mean, seriously. Okay?
And, so and but as I look back on it, the same experience I've had with this whole thing is I got real frustrated years ago because I couldn't get anybody to listen. You know? And, that's when and I've told you all this before. I kinda dropped back, and I I said, okay. Okay, big guy. It's pretty obvious that I can't open this door here. And I'm gonna leave it up to you. But in the meantime, I will take my marching orders and continue to do the best we can, get as many folks in the foundation as we can, understand how how the what's the better ways to simply, convey this information where the recipient that response can, be to uptake it as quick as possible. Because otherwise, it's a it's a, just a little bit of a challenge with some people. I mean, some people don't wanna deal with it at all, of course. But even if you do, you don't you don't just change overnight. You don't take uptake this information and have it change your lifelong personal and worldview overnight. It just doesn't happen.
So, that's another part that's very challenging about this is to try and simplify it enough where you, the recipient that's interested in the information, can uptake it and understand it as quickly as possible. That's quite a challenge. So, anyway, it's been a long road. I I see now as we look out across the landscape that it's it's really a better deal that we get to, get on this show and and put this information out to a pretty pretty damn big mass audience. I I've got no idea how many people listen to Rents, but it's in the millions. K? No no question about that. So, but, you know, ten five years ago, six years ago, if we'd gotten that slot and had a chance to convey what we know, we might not have gotten the reaction that I think we're gonna get Thursday night.
And as it as it opposes our enemy, they're they're getting exposed, good lord, every every way they can. And now when they're in the height of all that, this comes out of left field, Adam. So I gotta think god's timing is better than mine, and, I'm I'm very thankful for the opportunity. We, are gonna be in the first segment on mister Rentz's, very highly listened to and respected program, Thursday night. Now Jeff's been doing this. We've been doing it fifteen years.
[00:07:32] Unknown:
Since you come on.
[00:07:34] Unknown:
It's 07:00 your time. Okay. And, I've been trying to get this out from for many, many years, of course, and this is I'm just really excited about it. Now we've had a couple other shots along the way, you know, Joyce early on. And, again, back then, I understood it, but I didn't know how to explain it easily. And, I mean, I was on Joyce three times. I once hosted the show the last time. Elle Joyce never got it. Diana Spingola, and we've got that interview, of course, on the website. She I'd been on her show a couple of times. She didn't get it until that last time, and that's the beauty of that recording is you can tell when she got it, buddy.
Okay? And when you post the question in the right way, and she goes, no. And you can hear the emotion in her voice on that tape. And, anyway, here here we go, Thursday, and let's hope that all those things that we just kinda brought together are are are accurate, and we get a real synergistic reaction out of it. You know, there's all these vectors, man. Ukraine. Holy smoke. Trump just pulled all the all the, support for Ukraine this morning.
[00:08:46] Unknown:
[00:08:48] Unknown:
And just all the backlashes and everything that's happening in the new world order is in their death throes. I heard the most damn amazing statistic this morning, John, on on Harrison. As of last week, the per capita GDP of the country of Germany dropped below the state of Mississippi.
[00:09:13] Unknown:
Well, I believe it. Yeah. I mean, hearing that this morning too that they're in real trouble. All this big talk over there and their economy is about ready to all fold.
[00:09:22] Unknown:
Can I repeat that? For y'all, the per capita GDP of the country of Germany has fallen as of last week below the GDP per capita of the state of Mississippi, almost always one of the lower states in any kind of accumulation of information you're looking at. Funny enough, back, before the, the war to enslave the world, I guess that's what we ought to call it, shouldn't we? The war to enslave the world. The number one state per capita in The United States was Mississippi, and they alternated between Mississippi and South Carolina. All of the southern states were above all of the Northern states in per capita income before the civil war. That information comes from the, the Abbeville Institute, some of their speakers.
[00:10:18] Unknown:
Truly amazing. John, how are you, buddy? What I'm good. What you're watching is Russia I've been saying this for a long time. And even Zelensky brought up the Baltics, when he was talking there in with Trump. I've known for a long time that Russia is moving to reconstruct. And he now is in position to go ahead and move against Europe. He's gonna have to do it. He's gonna take the Baltics, and then he's gonna take France, and the Muslims are gonna come in there at the same time. We're in bad shape over there. We're,
[00:10:54] Unknown:
John, I don't think Putin wants anything to do with Russia. He can't even oversee his own damn country. It's so big. It's gonna happen. I just don't think they've got designs for that. And and what Trump, of course, is trying to do and is doing effectively is he's shifting us from a unipolar world with us being the big daddy to a multipolar world between us, Russia, and China. A good example
[00:11:23] Unknown:
I like to really think that. And and but I exactly what's happening. Okay.
[00:11:27] Unknown:
There's I just heard about all these rare earth metals you're hearing about in Ukraine. Trump's trying to bargain for to get that $3.50 bill back. Okay? And, Russia's got more of those rare earth minerals by by yards than, than Ukraine. And Russia is sitting there going, well, we'll work with outside partners to develop this. We need capital. And now the Chinese are coming back going, don't do that. We want all that. Okay? So and what's effectively happening is because they for years, they tried to keep Russia and China, which do not have an ultra favorable relationship historically.
K? And and they've been trying to keep them apart and not get them, together. And these idiot, idiot neocons with all of their crap have driven Russia and China like almost belt brothers. Okay? So it's really interesting, and they're just being totally shown out as to who they are and what they've done. Their agenda is getting totally exposed.
[00:12:34] Unknown:
And, what a hell of a time, man. But I'm watching I'm I'm watching the goals of the North American Union come to fore in a different way and even bigger than they were talking about before.
[00:12:49] Unknown:
[00:12:51] Unknown:
You know, the the the major plan is is hasn't been done. And I do believe that even in scripture, the references to to the the bad guys, you know, the Magog or whatever or stuff like that,
[00:13:07] Unknown:
the Jews aren't letting up on what they're doing over there, and the Jews seem to be in control of all of this. No. They're, yeah, they're losing. They're they're they're in control over the EU, and that's what's happened. And they were had plans to take it down. Trump has separated himself where it doesn't drag us with them, and their populations are overthrowing all their hell, they got the president of you of Romania that was popularly elected. They came in and and said, no. You're a Russian agent. And then, he's a really big international guy. He's been on Alex Jones a couple of times lately, once immediately before his arrest.
And so he was they scheduled a new election. He was in traffic going down to register, and they pulled him out of traffic and arrested him and said you can't go register and held him in I mean, it's just freaky, man. And evidently, what they're doing because, Romania has got a Black Sea presence there and a naval base, and they're trying to build a huge NATO naval base there. Where now since they can't get at Russia through Ukraine, they're gonna go through the soft underbelly with missiles and and torpedoes and ships and whatever else on the Black Sea. So, man, they're just continuing and continuing. They what we need is the people of Europe to rise up and to and and throw and take their countries back. That that would complete the coup. I don't believe Putin wants anything to do with Europe. K? I think that's their line and the scare scare. But, look, they got you know how many time zones they got over there?
[00:14:44] Unknown:
Yeah. I know.
[00:14:46] Unknown:
Like, nine nine or eleven time zones? Yeah. I was gonna say eight. Yeah. They they they can't even say grace over what they got. Yeah.
[00:14:56] Unknown:
Okay. I'm pretty it's not a greedy Yeah. But the most of them, but that's that stuff is up there in in in the area of the country where it's always cold all the time and there's always Well, not necessarily. It goes all the way over to the Bering Strait, man. Right. It does. Not all well, that's not all in tundra and stuff. No. But the majority of that that Well, a lot of it is. Up over there. They got a lot of natural resources, you know, that stuff like that. I just think that he's gonna be forced to do it.
[00:15:25] Unknown:
Well, I just don't think he's that kind of a guy. He he's had a chance to fight with these bastards all along the way, fighting Israel down there in Syria and all the things that he's been, absolutely calling Checkmate on them. They say, we got The US whatever planes. They go, we got these new Russian missiles over here. Go ahead and fly them. I think Putin is the finest statesman in the last hundred years or more in the whole world. K? Well, I've liked him quite a bit.
[00:15:54] Unknown:
You know, I I again, I'm saying I think he's gonna be forced to do it with the attitude and what they're what they're doing over there. Hell, they can't defend themselves against them. And and and look at all the bullshit he's taking
[00:16:06] Unknown:
for He wasn't advancing anything. It's these Ukrainians. And I I it gets see, the people do not know. And, of course, the other media, nobody's gonna touch on it. They don't talk about the, this treaty that they signed, and and it keeps escaping me, the name of it. But the one that Angela Merkel came out after they'd broken it and said, well, we never intended to keep it. We're just giving Ukraine a chance to rearm. Well, that's the time to Roger. The Minsk the Minsk agreement, Dave, and Russia to this day is still adhering to their side of that treaty. It's the Ukrainians in the new world order that broke it. Well, the Ukrainians
[00:16:47] Unknown:
started this whole damn thing. They were they were locking stuff into Russia. We we did. We did. I know it's we. I I know what you mean. But
[00:16:57] Unknown:
the way everybody understands it. Victoria Doolin. Yes, Victoria. Five billion dollars out of USAID to go over there and get this ragtag bunch of woah. Whatever the brigade is. Was working for Obama. Of course, the Minsky Brigade or whatever that bunch of people is. When when Germany in World War two was in that area, the SS wouldn't even work with these people. They were so radical.
[00:17:27] Unknown:
Well, you know where it's coming from. It's coming from the Of course. The Jews.
[00:17:31] Unknown:
They've been trying to aggravate and start this war and provoke Russia. They couldn't stand it when they lost Russia. Putin threw a bunch of their oligarchs in jail. He kicked the other ones out of the country that had taken over all these industries, and he started doing things like he's built 50,000 churches in the last ten years. And the Jews Well, there there's a real dictator for you.
[00:17:53] Unknown:
The the that's what I'm saying. They keep pushing him and pushing him and pushing him, and that's why he's going to be forced to go take it. Well, he could take it. He hadn't yet. Hopefully, Trump changes the whole picture here. If he's gonna go first for the Baltics, just watch the Baltics.
[00:18:11] Unknown:
Okay. Watch the Baltics, folks. It's a fascinating geopolitical situation. It it very well could be. The the on the precipice of World War three, the I've never seen anything like what I saw last Thursday and Friday.
[00:18:25] Unknown:
Well, we're gonna get forced into it, Raj, because we're gonna get attacked. I'm telling you. Oh, well, there's oh, they got that in the plan. So The United States is flag's expert. United States is gonna turn into Vietnam here pretty soon. Well,
[00:18:37] Unknown:
I hope not. Very well maybe. They they can't stand Trump. He just absolutely, beaten, clubbing him like a baby seal. Okay? I'm so glad that what happened in the in the Oval Office. I would just was loving it. I was ecstatic. Both days. I mean, when? Have you we've never seen I've never seen a cabinet meeting broadcast live, especially the first one of an administration with his high power team he's got. He just opens it up and broadcast it live to the world.
[00:19:07] Unknown:
Well, the thing is is that that thing with with Zelensky
[00:19:10] Unknown:
where they're just about to go to blows. I mean, they said that it was yelling. It wasn't a yelling. I thought Trump really maintained himself extremely well. He's very very forceful,
[00:19:22] Unknown:
but very, very firm. Okay? And they let they let Zelensky talk and talk and talk, and then then they responded. But then when they started firing back, Zelensky couldn't keep his mouth shut. Arrogant little bastard.
[00:19:36] Unknown:
Arrogant little bastard, Zelensky. We we'll see. It's very interesting times. And right in the middle of all this exposure, Doge, everything else going on, all the, all the money robbed and Stacy billions Stacy Adams in Georgia, the female fat ad work that got a $2,000,000,000 NGO thing for a hundred dollars. All this stuff's coming out. And here comes Roger with his little little information that very few wanna listen to to get on big time platform, Jeff Rents.
[00:20:12] Unknown:
And I just can't wait. Yeah. Well, Roger's a long way back, but I remember when you were first on RBN there. That was when RBN was even fun to listen to because we had Peter Neece and Joyce Rosenblum and, McDonald, and Yeah. But everything was they're talking about the UCC all the time. Yeah. You know? And and you had all the so called patriot types that were coming up with all their special, deals that that nobody knew about. And, you know, you came in right there in into the end of that with, George and and Peter Yeah. And and opened it up. Now I is Peter Nee still around? Yeah. He's still here. He's still somewhere around here. He lives out here by me in between him and The Philippines.
Between you and The Philippines? No. He yeah. He he he's married to a Filipino.
[00:21:05] Unknown:
Oh, okay. Didn't know that. And I think he had he had it. I heard him on one of those Statt Miller shows one day when they were on there. I think every Monday or something or whatever with Joyce Rosenberg. Burgerblum, whichever it was, who's a real good Jewess. She was deadly against these people. And I heard Peter Nees make a statement. He said, we're territorial citizens. And I know exactly where he got that. And and I I would love to talk to him about it. We could compare notes, but, I remember back then going, that guy's got it. He just didn't understand it. He didn't understand the feudal system or anything, but he had that part of it, from I think it was one somewhere in title eight where it says, a nationalist, someone born in American Samoa, Swains Island, and the outlying territories.
[00:21:54] Unknown:
Yeah. I don't remember that. But then you had McDonald was, I'm talking about the one that was in LA. Ron McDonald. No. Not Ron not Ron. I'm talking about, the Oh, oh, sir Richard. Yeah. Sir Richard.
[00:22:08] Unknown:
He's the one that really had the goods. Oh oh, he had it. He his whole nomenclature revolved around California state citizens, which is totally accurate. And I remember when we were out there in Vegas for the first time at one of these meetings John and Elle had, Elle, there's a bunch of people that are a couple hundred easy. And, and they pointed out and identified Richard, and he was such a character, you know, had such a personality. He was, like, dancing in the aisles or something. He was a hell of a guy. I I know the movement out there misses him. Chris knows pretty well. I I told you, Chris. I shot you a message and copied, replied to Chris and and copied you last week, John. Okay. If you didn't see it, you might wanna look for it. I will. I will. Yeah. But Chris knew him. He worked with him down there, and he he guys I I mentioned it last week, you guys' law library. That's pretty impressive, Chris.
[00:23:02] Unknown:
Well, yes. I need to talk to him about it. Well, I sent you his email there. So Okay. Great. Call back and find it.
[00:23:09] Unknown:
What how was your meeting, yesterday?
[00:23:12] Unknown:
We canceled it. It was bad weather, potential wind, and, again, it was a remote call. And a couple of the guys are really having a hard time economically, and they they really had to work. So we just decided to postpone it till we get better weather.
[00:23:28] Unknown:
Right. You know, speaking of that, I was listening. Tom Dee, sent me a Shekman interview. I guess he's on with Donegan there every Wednesday. And, he was saying he said, I'm I'm seeing an amazing amount of people selling metals back. And I I asked him, and they said exactly what you said right there is a lot of this accumulation of the Biden inflation is hitting some people, and they gotta divest themselves with their metals.
[00:23:58] Unknown:
Yeah. It's economically people are having a really hard time. I'm sorry to hear that. And, you know, again, you know, the government's stealing the property because this property tax bullshit, that's gotta be the next big challenge because, you know, prop 13 out here in California really saved everybody for a long time. It's saving me right now. My property taxes right now are $950, and everybody in the neighborhood's paying between 2,000 and 4,000.
[00:24:24] Unknown:
Wow. You'll like this. I don't you I don't know if you're wrong when I mentioned it. My friend down here, Walt Symansky, the international jazz trumpet player. Yeah.
[00:24:36] Unknown:
Not Walt the artist.
[00:24:39] Unknown:
No. No. In January, he said when he said, this is for your audience. He said, I just paid my property tax. $70 That's great. For for the year.
[00:24:53] Unknown:
[00:24:55] Unknown:
Well, you don't have to pay this stuff. I mean, you can raise the original patent. That's what Bob Schafer was doing, and he he had a whole, notice system, which he died. You know, I just didn't get to learn all of the stuff. He was working with us, and he and Julie died at the same time. Oh, boy.
[00:25:14] Unknown:
Well, Chris is quite, knowledgeable in that, from what he told us, and I've tried to hook him up with both you and Samuel. So, just a a a real boy, just talk about every day is is incredible. And you're wondering what's gonna happen. Wondering what's gonna happen today. Epstein stuff gonna show up. Our well, we've already found out this morning that, Trump has cut off all all the aid, to Ukraine, period. So, we'll see. You know what they did before Biden got out? They took a whole bunch of money, and they earmarked it for Ukraine and put it over in the hands of the World Bank. Okay? I mean, stuff like that. These guys are just well, Thursday night, we get a shot to see if we are, if our info's got traction on a large scale.
And, I mean, it really, really could be significant.
[00:26:11] Unknown:
Well, I wanted to tell you, I'm I've I've started making my moves to turn your book into an audiobook and and No. So the other one. I just acquired a system that will allow me to take text and turn it into any voice, but I'm gonna have you be the audio voice. So at some point here, I'm gonna get some voice samples from you, and then, you'll be narrating your own book. You'll be reading Oh, how cool. You do that with AI? Yeah. That's
[00:26:38] Unknown:
a good By the way, listen. Don't I've I've instructed Paul to go in and pull the connecting link to the book patch for my book because I will I I don't wanna do business or have anything to do with those people anymore. It is the biggest fiasco that I can remember being in in anything in quite some time with these people, and it's just a freaking nightmare. I had to call out to the audience. Yes, Paul.
[00:27:10] Unknown:
If you try to go to the link, for your book on the book patch, it doesn't come up in the search on the book patch. They pulled the book.
[00:27:21] Unknown:
Oh, okay. Well, that's just as well. Okay? Because I want nothing to do with those people, and it's just a sad situation. And, we placed the book there years ago, ten plus years ago, so 2011. Victor Ostrovsky owned that. I didn't know it till after the guy that was working with me had already put the book there. Do you know who Victor Ostrovsky is, Paul? Do you hear me as polite? Okay. Well, for those of you who might not, he's a Jew, Canadian Jew. He was a frontline, Mossad officer who who turned, the tables on him and left the Mossad and wrote two books. One by way of deception and, the other one, something to do with the other side of deception. Yep. And, boy, they wouldn't get let those books get any legs at all. I think I bought one brand new for a dollar in a bookstore bin.
I didn't know that was his company, but he had gone out and started the book patch as a way to fight back at these people who he couldn't get his book published. K? Or or getting any traction. It was all on how they went in and smuggled a a a a beacon thing into Libya and placed it over next to Gaddafi so that those remote control weapons could kill him. Anyway, all that. Well, he has gotten his wife died a while back, and, I found out that he's senile and in a nursing home. His daughter's running overseas, the company. This guy that's running it named Steven, this guy is one of the biggest jerks I've run across in a long time to be running some sort of a company. So, anyway, I wanna sever all all all everything to do with these people. I don't want anymore. You can't get the people to respond. You can't nothing. Okay?
And, without going into even more time on it, I need to find a new place to put it and somebody to help me get it up there and stuff. And, anyway, it's been an absolute total 100% fiasco. Unfortunately, it was caused by the book United Slaves of America. That is, the the where because these people don't respond, I couldn't get a hold of them. We just said, well, we'll just put it in with my book, and that's what threw everything cattywampus. You can't have two different authors' books in the same account. And it's just been a nightmare ever since. So we'll go find a new home somewhere and get that done, and, the book will be available in print again.
But, boy, it has been a frustrating experience with these people. And the commotion caused by the first, United Slaves of America book that I totally forgotten about, the pageant found online, and several of you were clamoring for it so much and putting pressure on me that we moved ahead. Well, it messed up everything with a capital f. Yes, Paul.
[00:30:21] Unknown:
It's no surprise that he has dementia, and he's in in memory care because that is the favorite way. That is the favorite way of the deep state and the ones in control to to silence people that have too much information. Okay. It could be. I don't know. But it flies. I cannot tell you. I cannot tell you how many people that I have heard of that had high security clearances, engineering, jobs with the government that wound up with dementia. I can't tell you how many people. Okay. It's literally dozens. It's their favorite weapon to silence somebody that knows too much. Well, correlation is not causation.
[00:31:14] Unknown:
K? So could be, might not be. I don't know. I do know that he's got it. A lot of people have it, and I think it's from all of these shots and the bad food. And, you know what I really think is part of it is, deodorant with aluminum in it. Yeah. The spray stuff because that gets in under your armpits and and goes over the blood brain barrier. I don't think it's aluminum cookware. I think it's antiperspirant. K? A lot of it. The you there's something else that was floated that they said was the cause of it, John, which is something that they put in microwave popcorn.
[00:31:50] Unknown:
Yeah. There's stuff in there too. I've been reading a lot about that too because I'm questioning my, my own, lapses in memory, has gotten worse. And I, you know, that a lot of information's coming out in order to reverse this stuff. It is reversible if you start working on it, but you got to change your diet. You really do. They're finding babies. They're now saying that there's a component in the electrical cords of air fryers that is somehow getting into cores of air fryers that is somehow getting into the food and has created problems for babies.
[00:32:24] Unknown:
It's just interesting what's coming out to kind of step up. It's so sad. I'm just so sorry of what's going on in the country, and a lot of it's still going on. It it hopefully, it'll get caught and turned around. I'm very, encouraged about RFK and him being there and the things he's already done and the things he wants to do and what he's capable of doing. And maybe, just maybe, turn some of it around, but some of these people are so far gone, you just write them off, man. Well, look what they've done to the kids. These vaccines
[00:32:55] Unknown:
are gonna keep are killing them. I mean, sixty sixty vaccines?
[00:33:00] Unknown:
I know. I know. Well, I think that's about to be curtailed. You know? Kennedy has cut off all of the COVID shots. All of them. Well, he needs to cut the rest of this crap too. Well, yeah, goddamn the guy can only get to so much so quick. That's the problem. The all these people that he's appointed have been inherited this unbelievable mess of corruption and all this. By the way, next Monday next Sunday, the ninth, we've been in Babylonian captivity ninety two years. The Israelites were in bapt captivity seventy.
As of Sunday, we've been in Babylonian captivity ninety two years.
[00:33:42] Unknown:
Yeah. It's been a wild ride. By the way, the, Podbean, thing that does the AI that writes your descriptions also creates a transcript of every show. And I think I that's just fabulous. And I found an error.
[00:33:59] Unknown:
In AI?
[00:34:00] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, yeah. Because they they converted a word called surfs into s I r s. Well,
[00:34:09] Unknown:
you can't expect them to be perfect. No. But it's Paul came on here one day and read one of the descriptions of previous day's show. And, I mean, I was shocked. Really.
[00:34:21] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. I read it. They each show's got a a a a a little blurb like that. It's fantastic. That's cool.
[00:34:28] Unknown:
It took away my whole concern about all this archives crap we've been through and all the problems was not having those show descriptions there because I hate it personally. I'll give you an example, pastor Pete Peters. You go to, and all of his sermons and broadcast are up there, but none of them are labeled. Those folks need to do this right here, is hook that thing into an AI machine somehow. Right. But that's so frustrating because you wanna listen to it, but I wanna have some idea. And you can't get an idea, so you don't listen.
[00:35:01] Unknown:
Well, Raj, anything about the system I've got, I can take any text and turn it into, anything I want and in anybody's voice. Oh, cool, man.
[00:35:11] Unknown:
Well, I'm glad you're messing with that stuff and getting on top of it. Does anybody let me open it up for the audience. Anybody got any comments or questions on anything we've talked about before? Because John and I can sit here and yap for a while. Okay?
[00:35:25] Unknown:
[00:35:26] Unknown:
There's Joan. Good morning. Hi, Joan. Good morning. Buenas.
[00:35:31] Unknown:
Buenas. Why did the German GDP go down?
[00:35:37] Unknown:
Well, well, because they've been forcing they're trying to take over Europe. That's part of what this mass migration is over there, is the Clauer and Pribben strategy and breaking their their Social Security programs and all that stuff by just like they've given all this money to those migrants in our country. $23,000 a month on a debit card? I mean, come on. Oh. Oh. Okay? And so Yeah. You got all that going on. And then Victoria Nuland blew up the damn Nord Stream that carries all the natural gas that's the cheap energy to drive all those factories over there.
[00:36:15] Unknown:
You know who JPSS is.
[00:36:17] Unknown:
They don't want yes. I do. You they don't want to enrich Russia. But the the only what are they gonna do otherwise is pay double or what so some semblance of it for liquefied natural gas from us. See, the the it's all about profits. It's all about resources. John, what about Jeffrey Sachs? That guy is brilliant.
[00:36:40] Unknown:
He just did a ten hour video, a livestream. And, he has a totally different look on all of this stuff. And he says The U clearly, The US is the one that did Nord Stream. Absolutely. Yeah. And, he has a lot of comments about this. It's very fascinating, but John.
[00:37:01] Unknown:
Fourteen hours. They used helmet divers to place those munitions.
[00:37:06] Unknown:
Well, they yeah. They had to.
[00:37:08] Unknown:
Right. Well, they got them from Panama City, Florida from the Navy base, which my maternal great grandfather donated the land to the federal government in World War two to build that base. Wow. And they went there because they're salvaged and stuff, helmet divers, you know, and they don't have to go through congress. If they were to use navy and the other divers to do it, they had to go through congress and get the permission. So that's why they use those guys from Panama City. And, boy, does it piss me off.
[00:37:42] Unknown:
By the way, we had another car run over people
[00:37:44] Unknown:
again. Yes. In Manheim this morning. Yep. Carnival. They're doing carnival over there. Is, Fat Tuesday's tomorrow. Right? Yeah. Okay.
[00:37:54] Unknown:
Mike Johnson's saying right now that there's not gonna be any DOGE spending cuts in the stopgap build. It's all gonna go through, and it's gonna be full of the same Biden stuff, even though they found all the things that are I mean, it's just incredible what they're showing is is 22,000,000 people, I think, on Social Security who don't they're not even alive in these people. One of the things they're saying about elderly people who are getting this money is is that they don't have a way to shut it off. In other words, there's nobody that for them to they can't see a lot of these companies and stuff have tried to contact people, but there's nobody in the government that's listening.
[00:38:39] Unknown:
I'd say just start shutting off any yes. You may. Just a second. I'd say they start shut shutting off anything like anyone over a 10 years old, and they shut it off and wait and see if any of those people that come back and say, where's my check? That's how you get it. Now the other thing is, I'll get you a second, Linda, is I I think Trump shut off last week all agencies' payments to all migrants. K? Now what that's gonna do is force a lot of them into maybe going and committing crimes, and now hoe Homan and those guys are gonna get them that way. Yes. Lady Linda, what how are you doing this morning, dear?
[00:39:18] Unknown:
I'm well. Thank you. In reference to John's suggestion with David, Jeffrey Sachs, I highly recommend everyone listen to Jeffrey Sachs. He is spot on about what his Oh, he's great.
[00:39:33] Unknown:
Yeah. You know, Linda, when I talk about you know, when I talk about good Jews on here, that's one right there. Go ahead.
[00:39:41] Unknown:
And secondly, in reference to a Babylonian Judaism or, a good Jew?
[00:39:50] Unknown:
A good somebody who's Jewish who has other people's best interest at mine. Correct. It's not skewed and obfuscating.
[00:39:59] Unknown:
There might there might be some new listeners, and the Babylonian Jew is what our Messiah talks about in Revelations chapter 18 come out of her. So those new listeners, if you don't know the word of God, you don't know what we're talking about. So that's why I I put an adjective, the good versus Uh-huh. The Babylonian.
[00:40:19] Unknown:
Like the like the fine gentleman that you brought us, Dan, who happens to be Jewish, who, you know Right. I mean, there's a lot of their culture is very attractive. They've got wonderful sense of humor and all that kind of stuff, and there's a lot of fine Jewish people out there. I've known them. Okay? But, boy, there's this little core even identified by a Roseanne Barr, a evidently a rabbi, who said right there on Alex Jones, it's only about five or 6,000 of them. It's these Sabbatean, Frankist, Zionist Jews. That's who they are. That is not Jews. Correct. So more of the dialectic crap everywhere you turn. K?
[00:41:01] Unknown:
Correct. And, secondly, in reference to Joan's, excellent question, if you listen to the February 17 Tucker with Viktor Orban, Viktor Orban, he's a Hungarian, prime minister of Hungary, of course, and he is excellent. And he is Yep. Got a sense of humor to beat the band. And he tells clearly to Tucker what's really going on. He he shared, quote, unquote, the boot of America was on his neck for three or four years. And now that Trump's in the office, that boot has been lifted off his neck. And he goes into details about how Hungary was the only one that did not embrace the EU liberal philosophy, and that's how he protected his nation. Highly recommend that you all listen to that that to get insight. And I Well, now now Poland was the same way
[00:41:54] Unknown:
until about, six, eight months ago, and they got the EU bundt or whatever his name is in there. And now they're bending over because they can get a war started real easy with Russia. I believe they got common borders. If not, they're very close, and they want part of Ukraine. K? Well, that's And it's, it was that Polish king, some Polish king a couple hundred years ago invited all the Jews of of Poland to Europe to Poland, and boy did he get a basket dumped on him.
[00:42:32] Unknown:
Well, the more we become familiar with the geopolitics of, United States Of America nationals, one of the people, the more we become familiar with the other, sovereign nations that are those that want to be sovereign nations, the more we can eloquently speak to these issues without being in an argument, you know, because Putin, when he was with Tucker and did his, expose of history, it became very clear to the listener that Putin wasn't trying to obfuscate. He was attempting to give Tucker the history. And with the, multiple bioweapon labs that were along the Ukrainian Russian border, and there's articles to substantiate that and the threat of this NATO alliance.
And then all the Russian people that lived on those in those provinces. And he had no choice, and I agree that Russia has enough to handle with his own nation, Putin. I don't believe he wants to take over, the Baltic countries as John has, alluded to. I I believe he's got Russia right on he's got a piece of that land right on that sea. He has, now has access to the other sea by way of Crimea. And, he wants peace just like Trump and just like the Hungarian prime minister in IEU.
[00:43:59] Unknown:
IEU. Russia for the first time in many years, their economy has really pulled, they're one of the strongest economies in the balance sheets in the world of any central bank because they started fifteen years ago selling US bonds. Okay? And taking that money and buying gold, and their whole balance sheet, for the most part, is backed up by gold, a huge percentage of it. They're because of all the sanctions, once again, the great lee neocons that that are just fanatical chutzpah assholes have gone in. They put all this sanctions on Russia. So all Putin did was turn everything internally and develop all of his industries internal, and he doesn't have to depend on the others anymore. I mean, every time they turn around, they're shooting themselves in their foot because this overriding thing. And let's face it. What's really going on here is their economy is about to be exposed, and they'll do anything to to not let that happen. And Trump's got them checkmated.
[00:44:57] Unknown:
Hey. There's a headline you gotta hear. It's 500,000,000 Europeans are asking 300,000,000 Americans to defend them against a 40,000,000 Russians.
[00:45:10] Unknown:
Repeat that again, John. That's very good. 500,000,000
[00:45:14] Unknown:
Europeans are asking 300,000,000 Americans to defend them against 140,000,000
[00:45:21] Unknown:
Russians. Yeah. It doesn't say the math on that doesn't work very well. That's it.
[00:45:26] Unknown:
Well, just listen to them. Yeah. Kissing up on Zelensky and saying they're gonna do this and they're gonna do that, and they're all of their economies are in hair care. My relatives one of my relatives wrote me, and they're not writing me very often. We haven't been corresponding for quite a while. But she wrote in frustration, I hate my life. She was just going crazy over there. And she graduated from The Hague as a, a lawyer for global governance, operations.
[00:45:57] Unknown:
I mean, they're just going crazy. The the civilians are in serious troubles. Well, I mean, let me repeat what I said a few minutes ago in case you didn't hear it. The per capita GDP of Germany has fallen as of last week below the per capita GDP of the state of Mississippi. Yeah. I heard that. Without doubt, the low end
[00:46:20] Unknown:
of the totem pole on any statistic in The US these days. I'm just hearing you know, I wasn't I didn't hear that exact statement, but I I understand it because I was listening to him discuss this morning, Bannon, and the guys were talking about the European economy and what they've done. And, nothing but talk over there, Stan, that they're gonna back up Zelensky and all that kind of bullshit. The the the the migrant that rapes the German girl and she protests,
[00:46:46] Unknown:
and the girl gets more jail time than the migrant that raped her. I I I yeah. And, you know, Sweden is almost no country anymore.
[00:46:54] Unknown:
They've just let the, let them run over them completely.
[00:46:57] Unknown:
Yep. Well, they just Sweden's new world order to the hilt. You know? So the Europeans don't have any fight in them? No. They've demasculated the men, and they've done it a lot to some extent in our country. And you you you know, this is why I'm I see all the females, all you wonderful type a lionesses that are attracted to this message and come to this program. I mean, it's fantastic. Yes, ma'am. You may. There's one of them right there. Yes, ma'am.
[00:47:25] Unknown:
Hi. Good morning. Well, while Trump denied, Zelensky any more money, speaking of Europe, The UK has now decided to give Ukraine Two Point Three Nine Three Billion, and it's gonna be a loan secured by Russian frozen assets.
[00:47:45] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. They've frozen a bunch of Russian assets. See right there Here's Putin. Putin's had every reason Putin's had every reason in the world to zap us, and he has maintained his resolve and restraint. Well, it's gonna be I admire him for that. This guy is a statesman. I'm telling you. And he's one of the best one the world's seen in a long time.
[00:48:08] Unknown:
That's what I'm saying. Yeah. I
[00:48:11] Unknown:
agree with, I agree that we're gonna get zapped because, I mean, where are all these sleeper cells? We have millions and millions, tens of millions of sleeper cells all over here, and they haven't been activated yet. So get ready.
[00:48:24] Unknown:
What look. What do they say in this summer? Look for it this summer. Don't know. Hope not. Maybe maybe by grabbing those servers up at the Southern District in New York, the FBI raids the FBI. How about that, John? There's a headline for you. But but, Roger Yeah. But, Roger Yeah. Hold on. Let me finish. Ho ho ho. Let me finish. Maybe on one of those servers is some of the lists of some of these groups that are out there, Julie. Maybe. Okay? I'm I'm a half glass full guy. Okay?
[00:48:55] Unknown:
Go ahead. Yeah. But I agree I agree with you, but problem is look at South Carolina now. Now they're on fire. They're just doing do do weapon after do weapon here. They're burning down our whole entire country. One South Carolina. State or one state. South Carolina's
[00:49:10] Unknown:
on fire?
[00:49:12] Unknown:
Yep. Where? There's, like, I don't know how many fires that are not contained right now, and it's near Maui or not Maui, near Myrtle Beach, and it's for the new fifteen minute city that they're building for speed.
[00:49:23] Unknown:
Oh, shit. Okay. Well, that that would make sense. I I, okay. Well, that's the first I've heard of that. But, boy, I'll tell you what, it's just a it's just a cornucopia of of events happening. Just spinning like a, a merry-go-round, honestly. Fantastic. So, you you know, we used to wait. In the old days, you'd wait maybe once a week or twice a month. You'd have something eventful. Hell, now it's every day.
[00:49:56] Unknown:
Yeah. So, Roger, there's a 70 wildfires raging, and it's, scorching over 4,200 acres of of land
[00:50:05] Unknown:
and home. Have they got have they got any kind of arsonists or any any point of blame in the early stories on this?
[00:50:13] Unknown:
I think, dude, direct direct energy direct energy weapons are being blamed for all this stuff. And then they've got, they got poison they got poisonous fog. Now they got poisonous fog also that they've just uncovered that are being sprayed on all of us. That's probably why I had pneumonia and everybody's been sick. So, and they use this type of they're testing the fogs now. They use this fog before on us, in in the military did. It's called serrat, s e r r a t I a, serratia Marcescens, m a r c e s c e n s. They sprayed it now all over Florida and it was used against people in, I think, San Francisco many years ago. So Yes. I believe that. They're trying to clean house everywhere. Well I yield.
[00:51:07] Unknown:
Hey. Ecuador is real nice, this time of year. We don't have any of that crap going on down here. K? So, I'm sure sorry, folks. I mean, it just breaks my heart. I've been trying to
[00:51:21] Unknown:
do something about this for so many years. Class full you might get a class full of students banging on your door at some time near,
[00:51:28] Unknown:
Roger. Room I don't have room I don't have room for all of you, but we got a nice place to put you. So, it's yikes so mighty. I'm so sorry, folks, that you're having to deal with Roger. Yes, sir, Dave.
[00:51:44] Unknown:
Yeah. I'd like to chime in on a few things you talked about. First of all, the the that, Jew that ended up in the nursing home with with the brain issue, you know, according to Wallach, and and I believe he I do believe he is the foremost leading expert, on nutrition because he's a comparative pathologist. That means he does autopsies on animals and people, and he's done nearly 50,000 autopsies, 10 thousand on people, the rest on animals. And what he says about the brain, the solid matter of the brain makes up 85 or more percent of, it's of the brain weight, and it's almost 100% cholesterol.
[00:52:30] Unknown:
Right. I
[00:52:32] Unknown:
I'm I'm willing to bet that the percentage of people, you know, 40 years and older that are on, statin drugs, That's a drug that stops the body from producing cholesterol. Yeah. Yeah. The doc says that that drug is is the ultimate cause of Alzheimer's, dementia, and other, brain disorders, you know, like Parkinson's and stuff. And the master hormone is cholesterol. The body makes it. It just doesn't make enough. You know why they're attacking the chickens and the dairy? Eggs are superfood and so is beef and dairy. That is a superfood. Wallach says a stick of butter a day keeps the doctor away. And that's I'm telling you that's incredible. My grandson, he'd have a meltdown with him and his mom would have a meltdown for some reason. And we'd give them both those heaping tablespoon of butter.
And within five minutes, they would be laughing and hugging and having a good old time. The reason they attack us with the reason they want us to have low cholesterol, not only does it make up the brain, it protects the entire nervous system, it's coated with a sheath called myelin and that is 100% cholesterol and every cell in the body is coated by like a pillow of cholesterol. So when you reduce the body's ability to make cholesterol, not only is it the master sex hormone, you can't make an ounce of testosterone without cholesterol, it also without cholesterol you're dung down, you're docile and then you become a perfect slave or a drone or a minion to this freaking criminal outfit. Now with this fog crap, a lot of people have been talking about this fog that I talked to around the country and a lot of them have come down with some respiratory problem. Now my grandson, he came he comes here almost every weekend, and he's 12, he's going to school in the hood, and he gets these coughing fits, you know, when he's around all them kids, whatever, they're feeding them in the school and all that crap. Anyway, we've got this stuff called respiratory support. It's an herbal tincture. You know, Youngevity sells it through our GoodHerbs division. And that stuff is incredible.
It really works. But you know what? My wife found this well, I I found behind my dresser, this little jar. It was called Shetler's turpentine cream, and it's for lung disorders and stuff. And it I don't know how long it had been back there. My wife bought it and brought it home, and it got knocked off my dresser. And I drug some stuff from behind there, and I and it was all liquid. It wasn't there was very little cream left in it, you know, because it's been broken down by the turpentine. But I rubbed that after he had real good success with this respiratory support. I rubbed that on his back and chest that night, and I'm telling you, it knocked it out the rest of the way. And he hasn't coughed since that was last weekend. And, he had a pretty good cough. It was, you know, he it was constant, you know, every few minutes.
And, I don't know what's in that stuff, but it's called Shetler's turpentine cream. If you guys can find that in an Amish store or a store that sells Amish stuff, I'd look for it because it's incredible. It worked well. So anyway, I'll yield there. Thank you. Alright.
[00:56:30] Unknown:
Dave Dave, you might wanna spell the name of that because I want you to understand the AI is going to translate in the spelling what it hears. So if, like, SURF is getting into s I r s, any name that you put out there, if you don't spell it, the I AI is not gonna get it correct. Okay.
[00:56:54] Unknown:
Okay. It Schettler is s h e t l e r, s like Sierra. Schettler's Schettler's. Turpentine cream.
[00:57:06] Unknown:
Yeah. Just everybody pay attention to that when you're talking. Remember that AI is listening to you, and they're gonna write it down. Hi. And that's cool. By the way, there's a there's a doctor out there that is doing a lot of research. And since I'm getting deep into this stuff because of my own problems with heart issues. InsulinIQ is a website. InsulinIQ. And, what they know about insulin and the relationship to everything else going on in the body, that's the key hormone right there that you gotta control, which the they entirely bastardized our food to do make a mess. Sure. And It's not potential.
Yes. It is. No question about it.
[00:57:51] Unknown:
Okay. Yes. Yes, sir, mister Paul. I just discovered the coolest thing. I just discovered Google. If you if you if you search Google for deep fried butter recipe, you would not believe all of the stuff that comes up.
[00:58:09] Unknown:
Deep fried butter? You're gonna deep fry butter?
[00:58:13] Unknown:
Yeah. Deep fried butter recipe. All recipes has it. My Tasty Wall, Paula Deen, Travel Foods Atlas, Completely Delicious, Spicy Southern Kitchen. I mean, there's ton of it. There's tons of it. Deep fried butter.
[00:58:29] Unknown:
Well, hopefully, they're not frying in. I gotta chime in on that. Oh, you know you know what else they fry down there? They fry dill pickles. Have you ever had fried dill pickles? Yes. And ice cream. Ice cream too. Okay. Well, is it Paul? If you hadn't had the little delicacies like that, fried green tomatoes, well, hopefully, you're gonna be experiencing that pretty soon.
[00:58:50] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. Well, actually, Roger, I I haven't eaten fried food since 2011. Wallach says that when you fry food, it's fried in animal fat that turns into an acrylamide, and it it is fried food or oil in a bottle, Doc calls it, oil in a bottle is is anything like, olive oil. Even coconut oil is at least volatile, but you don't know when it goes rancid. Oxygen aided oil in a bottle. It it I'm telling you, it causes heart disease and arterial sclerosis, hardening of the arteries Yeah. And cataracts. So Yeah. You really gotta try and stay away from that stuff. I know it tastes great, but, yeah, there's a lot of food out there we can eat that that tastes great, and it isn't deadly. So Tastes great. Yeah.
[00:59:43] Unknown:
Gotta say goodbye to WBOU FM Chicago. Thank you so much for joining us for the first hour. Please go to the Grab either the link, the global voice radio link, or the free conference call link. Actually, join us live on the show with your favorite deep fried butter recipe. Thank you so much for joining us.
[01:00:09] Unknown:
Man, it just it just ain't nothing like a fried green tomato now. Yeah. I know all that stuff, Dave. I don't do it too much, but, occasionally, I do. So, so be it. I try and do a whole bunch of other stuff to make up for it, though. So go ahead, John.
[01:00:29] Unknown:
Is I gotta go too because I've gotta get all my money out of the bank and get it over Right. Post office because I I move all my money into money orders. I don't use a bank. Right. Though the other thing I'm surprised you're I'm surprised you're with us at all today, quite frankly. Go ahead. Yeah. What I've been recommending to people to do is is to not use a bank, take any money out of there to get in there, use a credit card, pay off, and then pay it off every month, and put your money into into money orders. It's safer. Well Because when the banks crash,
[01:01:02] Unknown:
post office is still gonna be around. Well, the other thing Catherine Fitts says is start using cash so people have to have change. So they gotta keep some on hand for the people that do come in with cash. Yeah. The other thing that's an advantage for that is countries like Ecuador that use the dollar. I think we've got Ecuador, Panama. There's a Caribbean island, that uses it. I I don't know how far Argentina is along with their agreement of installing it down there. But the more of those countries that are on the dollar, they still have to print currency. Yeah.
So Yeah. We gotta keep it. You're never gonna see CyberCoins go anywhere here. They tried to do them when Correa was in and the people wouldn't accept it. And then after that, they outlawed stores from taking Bitcoin. You're you'll never see, cyber stuff, grab hold in Ecuador. So alright, John. We'll go on off and get your Federal Reserve notes and, your Battle Bucks out there, and, we'll see you next Monday. Now I'm gonna warn you ahead of time. Next Monday is the tenth, and you know what that means, don't you?
[01:02:13] Unknown:
No. Not no. Well, we change time Saturday night. Oh, okay. Yeah. Okay. So beware. Yeah. I was just gonna look that up. I knew it was coming.
[01:02:22] Unknown:
Myrka's gonna lose an hour of her beauty sleep. She's very upset. Where is Merca? I we haven't heard from her. She's probably lurking around out there. She hangs around the background, comes in, says hello. I think she's, like, petting Lulabelle or something. Okay. I'll be lurking. I'll see you later. John, good to hear from you, buddy. Thanks for the, discussion. Yeah. You bet. Talk to you later. Well, we're gonna launch off on our own without John now. Anybody, from the audience have anything they wanna bring forward?
[01:02:56] Unknown:
Could I just ask Dave what the ingredients Joan, sweetheart.
[01:03:00] Unknown:
Yes. Hold on. Let me let let's your your connection's a little bit better today, I think. Now what is your question, dear?
[01:03:10] Unknown:
Can Dave tell us the ingredients on that jar of turpentine cream?
[01:03:15] Unknown:
Dave? Well, he's blind. His wife might can. Do you know the ingredients on the back of that turpentine thing? Shetler's, turpentine cream, Dave?
[01:03:27] Unknown:
I don't, but, I'll see if there I'll see if my wife can read it if there is anything on here. Yeah. And I'll Yeah. Probably shouldn't be too much. Turpentine and some kind of creaming agent.
[01:03:38] Unknown:
Now I know Brent Bachman has got a place, connection to a place down in South Georgia that has pure turpentine that you can get. You might get some of that when you get back to South Carolina. Joan, did you hear him say your home state's on fire?
[01:03:54] Unknown:
There there are over a hundred fires since Friday all over the state, north, south, east, west, central.
[01:04:04] Unknown:
Wild Are there any in Georgia? Well, okay. Are there any in Tennessee, North Carolina, or Georgia?
[01:04:10] Unknown:
Well, I mean, I just Brook. I know
[01:04:12] Unknown:
Oh. I was just, you know It sounds like somebody's got the old Tar Heel. Sounds like they got the there's not North Carolina is the Tar Heel, Steve. Y'all are the sandlapper state. Right? The old Sandlapper seem to have a fire problem.
[01:04:28] Unknown:
First is the feed, South Carolina.
[01:04:32] Unknown:
Okay. Yeah. We know that. You got a bunch of iodine there too. I think Bruce had told us. I didn't know about that. There's some kind of an abundance of iodine in this in the ground or state or something.
[01:04:52] Unknown:
Excellent. May
[01:04:54] Unknown:
I? May I? Yes. Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. Please.
[01:04:59] Unknown:
Yeah. So I have a really close friend who has more gallons, and it was really bad. He treated the whole thing with turpentine, and that's also in that book, Forbidden Health Oh. Incurable with yesterday by Andreas Kalker as a treatment for parasites, bacteria, all sorts of infections. And then I've been reading that people who have respiratory issues these days from the poisonous fog that they're spraying on us have used turpentine and it's worked on everybody's respiratory illness. So that's one thing.
[01:05:31] Unknown:
Well, my god. It is pure turpentine that Brent has access to down there. Brent, are you with us this morning, buddy? Anyway, Brent Bachman has that connection, and, I guess you just take a couple of drops and put it on a little sugar cube or a spoonful of some sugar in there and just suck it on down. There he is. What's the name of that place, Brent?
[01:05:58] Unknown:
Diamond g Forest Products.
[01:06:03] Unknown:
Diamond g
[01:06:05] Unknown:
Forest Products. It is right down there out of South Georgia, probably in the Okefenokee Swamp down there, you think, Brent?
[01:06:19] Unknown:
Not sure. It's in Paterson, Georgia.
[01:06:22] Unknown:
[01:06:23] Unknown:
Well, she just mentioned a book, and she went through fast. Remember, AI, spell spell these difficult words that you do. So it's in the record. Everybody will be able to look it up and get what they want. Well, I agree. Thank you for working out there and reminding us. Julie,
[01:06:40] Unknown:
speak slowly.
[01:06:42] Unknown:
Okay. It is Forbidden Health spelled f as in Frank, o r, b as in boy, I, d as in dog, d as in dog, e as in elephant, n as in Nancy, space health, h e a l t h. And then you can look that up. It'll say incurable with yesterday, but you just really need the book Forbidden Health. And it's by Andreas Kalker. That is a weird spelling, capital A N D R E A s as in Sam and last name is k a l c k e r and you can go to and read all about this amazing German physicist. His book has so many different tiers in it, including chlorine dioxide, turpentine, gasoline and DMSO.
Yeah. I know that Brent also, I think, mentioned, doctor Jay Wallach
[01:08:00] Unknown:
Yeah. As
[01:08:02] Unknown:
as as a really good, website to go to and I've been there filled with all sorts of natural cures. And one thing that was very interesting that I read was the black slaves. The only remedy they had available to them during that period of time was turpentine and it cured everything. And all it really is, it comes from pine needles. And so it doesn't taste good, but it just cures everything is what I've heard.
[01:08:34] Unknown:
You you know about Thieves oil. Right?
[01:08:38] Unknown:
[01:08:40] Unknown:
Okay. Doctor Jennifer Daniels, when she was on RBN, revitalized the whole turpentine Turpentine deal. Yep. And, she put out a book called The Candida Cure. And, she was selling it and people started giving it away, so she ended up giving it away. And, she's the one that really got people using turpentine again because Are you
[01:09:06] Unknown:
familiar with her, Jennifer Daniels?
[01:09:08] Unknown:
I am. Yeah. I'm very Oh, I I'm asking. I'm very familiar with them. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. She's she's all over doctor doctor Tom Callan's website. He's the one who's giving her all the credit. Oh, yeah. She's world he's considered the world's turpentine expert. Shh. And she's amazing.
[01:09:26] Unknown:
When I when I was in Argentina, there was a listener down there. If you listen to RBN back in the old days, you'd hear this Golden Stag Safari commercials. And, it was that guy. His he was an Austrian, but he had lived in The US for a lot of years. He's a high stakes gambler. And, when he wasn't gambling at night in Las Vegas, he ran one of the shooting ranges as the shooting master out there. And, I love guns, love hunting, all that. And all of a sudden, the FBI came to him and wanted him to roll over on some of the groups out there, infiltrate them and roll over on them. He told them to stick it up their ass, and they yanked his Visa. So he had to move out of The US, and he'd all he'd been down there hunting. There's a there's a province in Argentina called Las Pampas.
It was kind of a a a right in a way close to where I lived in Mendoza. Although I found out they hated each other, those two provinces, because of water. But, anyway, in Las Pampas right there, they've got all these big hunting clubs. And this guy, Pete, he had, he was doing a soft Somebody he had sponsored was doing a software, program to on blackjack, and they found out they could modify it to do the stock market. And he he was worth about $40,000,000. Okay? And, he had gone down there and bought this ranch, 5,000 acres, I believe.
And he had all this big game on it. He'd import big game animals from all over the world. And if you want a trophy, you go down and you go out and it's all in this acreage there, but you got a guide and you go out and you, like, harvest the animal and all that. He had over 5,000 animals, 4,000 animals on the property, all kinds of different deer and just this animal I've never heard of called a mouflont, which is a huge reindeer type animal. He had water buffalo and just all this stuff down there. And so he was a real patriot. He got a hold of me. Through a listener said, if you'll come down come down, I'll send my pilot up to pick you up.
Well, yes, that's not an invitation you get every day. Okay? And so I ended up going down there a couple of times and hanging with Pete and got a lot of stories and stuff, but, very, very interesting. And there's some reason I was telling you that, and now I've gotten so involved in the details I've forgotten it. But oh, no. No. No. When I went down, he had was a big fan of Jennifer Daniels and her husband and had him down there before me. And he had taken her out, let her shoot her own animal so she could eat meat that wasn't contaminated with anything right there. And, and so that's how I got in touch with Jennifer Daniels was through him. And, I had her on the show, once a while back. Fascinating gal. Okay? Just fascinating. Sharp as a tack, and and it's just interesting that we had crossed paths through Golden Stag Safaris down there, which was quite a trip, man. I had in my hands a quarter of a million dollar weapon that was built by the finest private gun manufacturer in the world. He had bought it. And he had paid for another one that was half a million, and he died before they could get it delivered into Argentina.
And this thing was unbelievable. I don't know if I've ever held anything like that before. But, anyway, quite an experience. I was very just very honored to go down there and hang with him for a while and, enjoyed it tremendously. So another one of my Argentine experiences.
[01:13:13] Unknown:
Well, tell them about that rifle, that three barrel rifle. There's a three barrel rifle. It had a 22,
[01:13:20] Unknown:
20 gauge, and and a like a three zero eight European caliber. And, it was it broke down, and it it was in a a elephant skin case. And you put that thing together, and and and and it it had this black walnut stock from Italy that I I guarantee you the stock cost $25,000. Okay? And it's just an unbelievable weapon. And, the one he had ordered was he was wanting to go off to Africa and shoot elephants or rhinos or something. So the one he had ordered that he never got to hold was a twin 50 caliber side by side. And, anyway, he gave all that, the land, all those he had two gun cabinets.
John just I mean, chock full of weapons. And what the deal was is Argentina had these people, guys down there with money that wanted to come hunt. They didn't have the money to pay him for what they harvested, so they traded him as part of their gun collection. And, it was just a heck of an experience, man. Well, Raj, explain that the area because, you know,
[01:14:34] Unknown:
he had multiple different kinds of animals that he wanted to hunt. He had fishing.
[01:14:39] Unknown:
Seven seven kinds of deer, a couple of albino deer. And he had the, the the club where you'd eat dinner and everything, and then there was a couple four different duplexes that the hunters could rent. They're going into rutting season right now. This is right now is when they're real, real, real busy down there. And, it was overlooking. They had it built intentionally to overlook this pond, and all the animals would come there in the evening to water. And you couldn't shoot them. You wouldn't let anybody shoot them. And, it was really cool, man. See albino deer come drink water and and water buffalo come along, and it's just very cool. You know?
[01:15:22] Unknown:
Are you still in touch with anybody in Argentina?
[01:15:25] Unknown:
Well, yeah. My friend Tito in in Yeah. How I I occasionally touch base with a couple other folks, like friends down there, but Tito's the one I communicate with fairly regularly. Well, I mean, the guys that in the house that you stayed in. Well, he's he's affiliated with those guys now. He I introduced him to him down there, and they become real good friends.
[01:15:48] Unknown:
So, yep. I wanna go see Mendoza. You know, you you do what you described in Mendoza, what a nice place to live. That is pretty cool. I love that climate up there, that high,
[01:15:58] Unknown:
altitude, dry climate. It's fantastic.
[01:16:01] Unknown:
[01:16:03] Unknown:
So, yep. Enjoyed it. I've grown a lot in the sixteen years. I've I've been down here about sixteen and a half years now. And You guys have no idea what Roger was doing in in Argentina. He was having such a blast. Well, I yeah. I yes and no. I mean, there was a couple of down periods there. Yeah. Auto accident. Well, when you got rid of that girlfriend, finally, that was Well, that's when I decided to move. I think I've well, yeah. Got rid. I think she got rid of me. I think her daughter got rid of both of us. No. It won't by me anyway. The daughter got rid of me. Put it that way. Yeah. So quite an experience. I wouldn't trade it the growth I went through or for anything and, saw that part of the world, and it's just, it was pretty cool. Yep. That that should be your second book.
I don't know that I'll crank out any more books, but it was quite an experience. And and, but I like Ecuador too. I mean, Ecuador is totally different, but Ecuador is very nice. Of course, the spearhead attribute here is the climate.
[01:17:08] Unknown:
You also got a better social group and and, you know, have information
[01:17:12] Unknown:
and it just it's better quality of life. Yeah. I think overall it is. You're not fighting the political or the financial situation in Argentina, which is just a nightmare. And, and here I can just as I did yesterday, I went right down to the ATM and pulled out a a $500 worth of dollars to only get 500 today. And I'll go back and do it again today. And, yep, it's pretty nice. That's a really big deal living here in school, be able to get dollars and spend them. Yeah. That is that's really Without any exchange rate. Yeah. Because, man, you just but we are right there in Argentina. Well, our Uruguay, the their their their exchange rate's different. And then Chile, and you go into one of those countries, and you go look at a steak and it's 25,000 pesos.
Wow. It's just the exchange rate in their local money. So it's, it's it was quite an experience, John.
[01:18:15] Unknown:
Yep. And I love Patagonia, the mountains over there, because you used to have to leave every every periodically and go over. Well, I except when I got to the point where I couldn't after the auto accident.
[01:18:28] Unknown:
Yeah. But, yeah. And, you know, I've I'm illegal here now, have been for a couple years. It's not totally my fault, partially, I guess. I was illegal almost I was illegal probably eight of the nine years I lived in Argentina and even had that terrible accident down there, and that never came up one one time in the whole proceeding, which took years.
[01:18:56] Unknown:
K? Yeah. And see, you were preserved from that so you could bring this message to us here in The United States. Well, I I you know, I'm keeping this up. Folks. I'll tell you. I'll be the first to tell you I shouldn't have lived through that accident.
[01:19:07] Unknown:
And, and and and when it happened when it happened and my eyes were closed, and and I opened up and there wasn't any windshield or anything in front of me. And there was one of those rubber thingies, like, where they just cushion the windshield going in or on the door there as well as those rubber thingies hanging right there dangling in front of me. And I could feel the grit of my teeth because my jaws had had snapped and knocked off some of the enamel in the bottom of a couple of my teeth, so I had that in my mouth. And I looked at that scene, and I said, I shouldn't have lived through this. God obviously has more work for me to do. And the only thing that approached that magnitude was this. And so that really, was the birth. And I had already been gestating a little bit, but that was kind of the birth of this project because, it was that feeling, and it was within a a little over a year later, I believe, that, got a shot with Bennett.
So, yeah, that's the backstory here. It was horrible. I feel terrible about that, but there's nothing I can do about it except try and see that as part of the reason we're able to do this and to try and spread this as far and wide as we can, get as much reaction and people involved as we can, and, do as much damage as we can because quite frankly, I think that that's why I'm still here.
[01:20:35] Unknown:
Alright. The same thing happened to me. You know, I had four people in my car. I was the only one that survived, and I didn't know this, John. Oh, yeah. And, out in the desert, at night. And, when I saw pictures of the people in the car that were with me, it looked like they were just sleeping. There there was nothing wrong with them. I mean, I can't understand why they died and I didn't.
[01:21:02] Unknown:
Well, I can tell you the reason I didn't is because I had a seat belt on that day, and it's very, very rare that I wear a seat belt, And that day saved my life.
[01:21:13] Unknown:
I'm pretty sure I got a seat belt on too, but, I left the vehicle.
[01:21:19] Unknown:
Yeah? You did? Oh my god. Yeah. Yeah. I am. I I believe I would have if I wouldn't have had that, seat belt on. Oh, I had gone through the front window. That was convertible.
[01:21:31] Unknown:
So Oh my god. I ended up leaving the building. I mean, the the, car.
[01:21:36] Unknown:
Well, it's just no telling, folks. I know when I went back to The States and had, the opportunity to have lunch with Bart Flick and my friend Derby, and, we were talking about this and and Bart being Bart. And and he said, well, tragedies like that often signify new beginnings. And, boy, it did. And here we are because this is a result. Yeah. It's quite amazing. So thank you, Lord. As I tell, especially the newer folks, I mean, you can look back over the history of this project. I can because I know it. You most of you don't. But I see all of these kind of situations like that where this is a divinely inspired project, folks. Or do you cannot come to any other conclusion when you really know the history of what we're dealing with here. And I think that's one thing when I replied to Jeff the first time. And I said, well, Jeff, let me tell you. This is the result of over a hundred years legal and historical research in Three Minutes Lives. This isn't just me. I just got to be, fortunately, for me, yippee, the guy that was, tapped to grab the golden ring.
[01:22:49] Unknown:
And here we are.
[01:22:52] Unknown:
I sure wish, Glenn would clue us in on some of the cases he's working on.
[01:22:57] Unknown:
Oh, it's a bunch of personal stuff with his friends up there and the guy, Roger, that he was in jail with. And, he he he's always busy, but he's got his passions, and it's not in this anymore. So, that's where it is. So I just let him let him be happy. He's extremely spiritual. Yes. He is. And, just a all around great guy. And, you know, people like Larry, he said, can you get Glenn on? Well, he he just yeah. He he doesn't really wanna come on. He doesn't really he he'd say, yeah. I'll probably come on, but I don't want any tax questions. Because he just doesn't wanna deal with it anymore. You know? Yeah. He's tired of it. And we may not have to deal with it anymore because it appears mister Trump is about to jettison the IRS. Did you see that they closed a 20 offices last week?
[01:23:46] Unknown:
No. I didn't. I haven't been paying. Yes. A 20 IRS offices got closed
[01:23:51] Unknown:
last week or week before last.
[01:23:55] Unknown:
I know that it's come out about some of the things that are are really what they're finding on the waste. One of the things is they say they got 2,400,000 federal employees, but they but but they got 4,600,000 credit cards.
[01:24:11] Unknown:
Yeah. Right. With $90,000,000 in charges or something. Oh, yeah. We're and then good lord. The guy hadn't even what's this? His sixth week? Yeah. They also said that they discovered fully verified 22,000,000
[01:24:26] Unknown:
people in the Social Security system that are clearly dead. Yes.
[01:24:31] Unknown:
And this is even text. I'm sure that did you see one and I don't know if they're sending him checks or not, but somebody in the system ended up 308 years old.
[01:24:44] Unknown:
Okay. I'll I'll I'll go back to my cage.
[01:24:50] Unknown:
Okay. John, go to the bank and get your federal your Babble box out of there. I'm working on it. Okay, buddy. Well, it's always a pleasure to have you on. So, who else has got something to add here we can converse about this morning? I don't know if somebody does. There's Joan. She can always count on Joan. Yes, ma'am.
[01:25:11] Unknown:
Jennifer Daniels, when she was on with you, did you get to tell her about the national status?
[01:25:17] Unknown:
I did.
[01:25:19] Unknown:
And how how did she
[01:25:21] Unknown:
kinda receive it for her? I don't know the way she received it. I don't know what she's ever done with it. She's down in Panama. Another one of those people that doesn't affect me. You know? I she knew about it. I don't know if she ever did anything about it. Do anything with it. I think her her life was kind of in turmoil at the time. Her husband died, and, yes, she was courting somebody else and whatever.
[01:25:43] Unknown:
But They put her on a terrorist watch list, and they locked up all of her money in the banks. Yeah. It took her years to get undone.
[01:25:52] Unknown:
Yeah. So not everybody does something about it. So at least they know now. And what I'm doing is just shifting the burden to you. Okay? I'm I'm taking this watchman on the wall concept from the Old Testament. Well, I don't know if that's in Ephesians or where it is back there in the Old Testament. But it just says, if you see danger coming and you don't tell your fellow man the blood's on your hands. But if you tell them and and they don't do anything about the blood's on their hands. So I'm just telling you, whatever you do is alright with me. Okay? I've never told anybody to do this.
I've never forced anybody to do this. I've never pressured anybody to do this. It's your judgment, your decision. You're the one that's gotta live with the results of it, and I'm not gonna be an influencer. Oh, Roger told me to do this, and now that happened. I'm just not gonna put up with that.
[01:26:43] Unknown:
Roger, did she seem to be interested and glad to know the information?
[01:26:48] Unknown:
I guess. I don't remember. It's a few years ago. Okay. Thank you. I think it went I think it went over her head, maybe. But if not, she's got enough tension on medicine and helping people and a worldwide, clientele that she's months behind on booking already, and she got her hands full.
[01:27:07] Unknown:
[01:27:09] Unknown:
Yes. Who was trying to say something there?
[01:27:11] Unknown:
Me, Julie.
[01:27:13] Unknown:
[01:27:14] Unknown:
Yes, ma'am. Hi. Okay. So Hi. I just thought maybe we could have a learning class here.
[01:27:21] Unknown:
Oh, we could. You might wish to kick it off.
[01:27:24] Unknown:
Yeah. I've I got a really beautiful letter in the mail from Fairfax County yesterday. Office of Voter Registration. This office has determined that you are no longer eligible to be registered to vote. Therefore, as required by the code of Virginia, this office has stricken your name from the voter registration list.
[01:27:49] Unknown:
Well, would you you you might want to Well, that's you wanna fight that battle? They they set it up for you.
[01:27:59] Unknown:
Yeah. The the, I was trying to figure out, I did look up the Virginia regulations for voter registrations, I think that's probably, I don't know, against the constitution. I mean, why would you have to go ahead. Well
[01:28:20] Unknown:
This is Nancy. Nancy, your neighbor. Yeah. Oh, hi, Nancy. How are you?
[01:28:26] Unknown:
On the application voter application, the top left corner, it asks, are you, yes or no, a citizen of The United States Of America?
[01:28:38] Unknown:
Uh-huh. Okay. So what I suggest you might wanna no clue then. What you might wanna do, Julie, is go down there and and reregister and and attach a copy of your affidavit to the new registration if you wanna do that. That's what, Dave and Kaye did in South Alabama. They didn't have any problem with it. I don't know if you've heard that story. They went all the way to the, secretary of state of Alabama, there. Couldn't the red local guy girl didn't know what the hell they're talking about, of course. And she went to the secretary of state. He's got an arm that oversees elections, and she went to the top attorney. The David Kaye went to the top attorney. He gave him all the documentation, and he registered them as nationals.
[01:29:27] Unknown:
What about a discrimination lawsuit? You think some Well, you
[01:29:33] Unknown:
you might could do that if you want. I don't know how successful you'd be, because you can just go back and probably do this and get registered if you do it properly. It's just that they don't understand what you're doing, and they don't understand there. There's a difference between the citizen of The United States and a citizen of The United States Of America, but they're both still citizens.
[01:29:57] Unknown:
Yeah. My question is, you know, shouldn't the general registrar know this stuff since he's the actual general registrar? Of course not. Well, maybe I should just file a discrimination lawsuit against him so that he'll learn the material.
[01:30:11] Unknown:
Well, you can try that. Don't know how far to go or what's involved, but if you wanna do that, you're certainly welcome to. You're a pretty busy gal. I don't know if you wanna put all that on your plate, but if you do, feel free. But you could go down there or contact the, TriBet what Nancy said. Go get another thing. So show them the letter. Show them your affidavit and, check the right thing. And so I'd like you to attach this affidavit to this registration card if you wanna go that route. That might be a way of approaching it. Okay? Would that be a way of approaching it? Would that be a way of approaching it? I know that, Tom. I try and get you guys out of court. You don't you really don't wanna go there. I don't think I wouldn't want to. You might, if you do, be well aware of what you're getting into.
[01:30:56] Unknown:
Well, given the fact that we've got a thousand hundred thousand million illegals here that just show up without any voter ID, cards and vote. Yeah. But they're different. And they have more rights than we do who were born here. Yeah. I think it might be funny to just tack him with the tack him with the discrimination loss lawsuit and see how he wants to rip the light of this. Julie, go get it. Go after it. But all those people I'll share all the winnings with everybody here in the in the classroom.
[01:31:24] Unknown:
Hey, Roger. Alright. Yes. Everybody's gonna get their fair share. Yes. Who is that guy?
[01:31:31] Unknown:
Hey, Roger. It's David in Alabama. I wanted to,
[01:31:35] Unknown:
just kind of Hey, Jay.
[01:31:36] Unknown:
Hey. I wanna give Julie, some information might help her if she's wanting to pursue that, getting, you know, getting registered as a national.
[01:31:49] Unknown:
Julie, this is the guy that did it right here. Oh, okay. That's perfect. I'd love it. Thank you. Yep. Alright. Well, we should roll on, Dave. Show tell them what tell them your story.
[01:32:00] Unknown:
I would just yeah. So I'll try and, make a long story short, but, yeah, we my wife and I both, dropped ourselves off to voter rolls and as a U. S. Citizen and then, shortly after that we proceeded to reapply with the new registration and we attached, the affidavit, I actually found, and Roger, I don't know if you knew this, but when I originally sent the second, registration in, voter registration in, I attached a document that I cleaned up a little bit from SEDM and it was called an affidavit of clarification and citizenship for voter registration.
I attached that as well as a copy of my affidavit and, I even gave a screen shot of the definition of a national. I basically educated them and when I say them, the local, supervisor in the county I'm in, she didn't have a clue, and but she was willing to listen and she said we'll do anything that the election division, AKA the main counselor up there at the Secretary of State of Alabama, whatever they tell us to do will do. So I took that as an opportunity to, send all of that, up to them, and I was having a discussion, via email as well as on the phone, with the supervisor of elections or voter registration up in, Secretary of State. In any case, on the website I have copies of all the documents or a list of the documents that I sent to them, including a copy of that affidavit that I mentioned to you.
And what was surprising, you know, when it was prior to the election, I, asked, Hey, do I am I able to vote as a national? I was very clear, in both local, state, and national, and she said, Yes, you can vote in all three. So I got that in writing, and when I did the foyer request, or request for public records or whatever it's called, on all this stuff, what I got back was everything was initialed off, including my affidavit, and, yeah, so everything in addition, I'm trying to think what else I got back from them. But anyway, I had all that in my back pocket, and I went and I voted, no problem, they put me on the voter rolls.
And I know people have an opinion about voting whether, you know, it's corrupt and all that, which I believe it is. But I was just showing the hypocrisy. Oh, I know what it was. What they, what was included in my file was a statement of, discrimination statement. And I think what they're alluding to is they allow me because they didn't want to discriminate and I'm a veteran, so I didn't think they wanted to go down that path, right? It's probably part of it. But anyway, I just want to guide you to the website, it's the remedy section, and if you scroll to the bottom in the drop down there's, it says voter registration and I've got most of that stuff right there.
So hope that helps.
[01:35:29] Unknown:
Thank you. And that and that's on s e d m?
[01:35:32] Unknown:
No. No. No. No. What he filed was Dave and Kaye have that wonderful website that we probably don't give you enough credit for. Okay. David, it's my fault. National freedom or com. Right?
[01:35:46] Unknown:
It's or And at the top yep. Yep. You go to the remedy section, and you'll it'll drop down. You'll see voter registration, but that's that's the process we took. And, you know Dave,
[01:36:04] Unknown:
did you say you also voted in federal too?
[01:36:06] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Yep. And, you know, no pushback, no nothing yet. Let's put it that way. But I have I have all of their confirmation and their sign off, you know, ready to go if they try anything. And, yeah, it's very clear, that it's for US citizens only. And I'm like, I'm gonna prove otherwise. So that's what I did.
[01:36:34] Unknown:
I have a question, Dave.
[01:36:36] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. Go ahead, Sherry.
[01:36:39] Unknown:
Well, it has to do with the voter registration because it says, are you a citizen of The United States Of America and a resident? How,
[01:36:51] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. In you know, what's what's interesting on, on the registration, the Alabama voter registration, it it at one at one, one of in one part it says, citizen of The United States Of America, another part it says citizen of, The United States. But in either case, I am I, I call it edited or I added a little asterisk and referred directly to, my affidavit. And I'd have to look again exactly what I said, but, they couldn't accept the registration without also accepting my affidavit as well as the other information about what a national is. I think I even did a screenshot of the, page from this, Secretary of States that, you know, defined a national and all that. But anyway, I educated them, assuming they didn't know what it was. So, anyway, I hope that answered your question. I I yeah. I was aware of that, but I it didn't matter, because they had to accept my affidavit saying I was a
[01:38:00] Unknown:
natural can't refuse it. Well, they can't refuse it.
[01:38:03] Unknown:
Right. Right.
[01:38:05] Unknown:
Thank you.
[01:38:06] Unknown:
Now also for the for the audience
[01:38:09] Unknown:
for the audience here on the website, they've got all kinds of him and his wife have put all kinds of fancy stuff in there. They got a AI attached to it, I guess. Right, Dave? You it'll help you write affidavits and paperwork and all kinds of fancy stuff. Now what blew me away was I got an email from you the other day, and you gave me a list of all the countries around the world that have visited the site. Folks, it's staggering.
[01:38:38] Unknown:
Yeah. You know, we we have unique visitors. Our our count, you you know it's in the thousands that are, and this is all organic, word-of-mouth or whatever, you know we don't do any search engine optimization, anything like that. So it's pretty cool and we can see in our stats, what countries people are coming into the site from. And it's all over the it's all over the place.
[01:39:06] Unknown:
How many more in there were how many did you send me? About 20? 20 or more?
[01:39:11] Unknown:
I I don't even know the count, but, yeah, I will just I thought you might wanna see. Because I think that day on your show, you were kinda let down about, you know, people aren't, you know, hearing your message, but I really believe they are. And there's just not a whole lot we can do to know No. You know, how many people have done it or anything because they're not gonna tell us. Right? But at least I gave you an inkling of
[01:39:36] Unknown:
the interest that we're seeing, at least on the website. Yeah. I I was I was very impressed, actually. But to me and that's the frustration with this message is is like doing a an MLM. You know? When all the stuff's bubbling under out there, you you're not in contact with those people, and you think nothing's happening and a whole bunch is happening. And and I think that's very similar here. You know? So I know you people are talking about it. It's just word-of-mouth, and it takes time. We got enough people out there schooled up and talking that you're getting into exponential territory and growth field. And I think mister Rintz is gonna help us top that off Thursday night, folks.
I mean, I I hate to get my hopes up, and I'm not trying to, but we we may have a whole lot of new students on here after, well, starting probably Saturday.
[01:40:29] Unknown:
I know. I send everybody over to Dave's side.
[01:40:32] Unknown:
Yeah. Good. Hey, Julie. What's up? Dave. And and thank you for everything you and Kaye have done. And just another and listen. There's a number of you that you feel the call. What I wanted to do was have you folks react in your own unique way to however the information inspires you. Whatever you see is a weakness, wherever you see a weak link, whatever you think you could do. And a number of you have really stepped up to the bar and contributed brilliantly, Dave. And Kaye's won. Devin with his handbook, Merkel Wither Telegram group. There's others, Gina Gina and and Gary out there in in Flathead County, Montana with everything they've done, and contributed. And it's just like I said, it's a team effort. It's gotta be a team effort. I can't do this by myself.
[01:41:21] Unknown:
Hey, Dave. Hello? Yes. Yes. Hey. This is Mike. This is Mike. I'm in Birmingham. What's up? Yeah. Hey. I'm gonna let you know on a little advice. Yeah. The tax in Montgomery, the taxing industry refuses to, accept your affidavit. They don't care. I've got a letter from them flat out saying we don't care. We will tax you if you live here, if you're a resident, if you're nonresident. We don't care. We're gonna tax you, and we'll go steal from you. I'm just giving you a fair warning. Why don't you tell them to start with all the illegals? Yeah.
Yeah. So I giving you a fair warning. When you get to that point where the taxing, Montgomery refuses, they refute and it's a female. And she refuses it. She says we don't care.
[01:42:10] Unknown:
Well, you got two people, you and Mike. You might have to take out a class action. Mister tax tyrant there. Well Well, there's a whole bunch of people in Alabama that don't like recognizing affidavits, do they? Well, what other court testimony sworn do you just neglect? Please? Give me a couple other examples.
[01:42:34] Unknown:
Well well, Mike They
[01:42:36] Unknown:
they leaned on me. They took $2,500 from me, saying I owe them an income tax.
[01:42:43] Unknown:
Mike Mike, had you had you previously completed all that stuff with the IRS prior to approaching this?
[01:42:52] Unknown:
Yes. Okay. I even got a letter from someone in Atlanta saying that, hey. Your argument is frivolous, and I reworked the, the letter that, Roger sent to, for the other guy that burned their eyes. Yes. And I've never got anything from him except for the other day. Like I told everybody else, I logged on to Social Security then logged on to IRS, and IRS sent me some and said, thank you for inquiring about our website.
[01:43:23] Unknown:
Mike, you know, and I don't know. If you owed no federal income tax those years and they stuck you for all that, they're out on a limb right now. K? And so what I you may wanna think about this is you might can get that money back, but you're probably gonna have to take them to court. But since you've already paid the tax, have you paid it yet?
[01:43:48] Unknown:
I had no choice. I stole it out of my picture.
[01:43:51] Unknown:
Okay. Well, you should be able to sue them and go back and get that back because the tax has been paid now. You can't sue Because IRS is taxing? Yeah.
[01:44:03] Unknown:
Like I said, the last five years, the IRS says I've only made $1.
[01:44:08] Unknown:
Okay. Well, you've got a remedy here, and it's worth about 2,500. I'll bet if you sued them, you could get that back, but but you know what's involved. So I'm just putting that out there. You can't sue a taxing authority until the tax has been paid.
[01:44:24] Unknown:
See, I could probably go back and got that But if I can do this, get them and get off my back, I would be happy.
[01:44:30] Unknown:
Well, I I I I they stole 5,000 for me at my closing, you know, extra. They sold 35,000, and they they wrote me. They had the audacity, the bastards, to write me this letter. And they said, well, you only owed us about 30, but we took an extra 5 for taxes we think you're gonna owe in the future. That's a lot of motivation on why we're here too. Because every one of you folks that that I can help pull out of that system, I take a dollar off what they owe me. And I got pretty damn high penalties and interest too. But I could have gone back and probably gotten that 5,000 back, and I was so happy to be done with these bastards. I said, you just keep it. I'll get it back some other way.
And here we are.
[01:45:15] Unknown:
Yeah. I mean, I would be I would be slate clean. Just tell me just leave me alone. But but it seems like they don't.
[01:45:24] Unknown:
Well, yeah. Some you're gonna have belligerent claim, but you might have to go after them, Mike. I know you've had plenty of that already, but, you might reach out to Mark and see if he's got any ideas and maybe at least, throw a shot across the bow. Just a suggestion. You do whatever you want.
[01:45:44] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. And and they're going back more than what the the law their code says. They're going back, like, seven years and stuff now. I I it's unbelievable to me that these people refuse
[01:45:55] Unknown:
to, to accept two hundred and fifty years, of law, established law. That not recognizing affidavits? Excuse me? I mean, I'm just shocked. And the two times it's happened, of all places have been in Alabama.
[01:46:12] Unknown:
Well, they said it was frivolous when I said that the state of Alabama is a political franchise of Washington DC. They called that frivolous.
[01:46:20] Unknown:
Uh-huh. Okay. Hey, Mike. They called the I called a whole bunch of frivolouses. They like to use that word. Yes, John.
[01:46:30] Unknown:
Mike, what does the what does the attorney general and the governor say about these tyrants that are bothering you?
[01:46:37] Unknown:
We have a little tyrant grandmother in Montgomery. She's a little tyrant. All these boomers that are 65 and 70 that rage against the machine in the fifties and sixties
[01:46:48] Unknown:
are now into the machine they want. They're in control. Now they are the machine. I don't know that he's posed that question to them directly yet, Joan, but maybe he will. Because it sounds like to me the issue needs to be brought up if they're coming and yanking money that you don't owe and not recognizing standard legal, recognized and established procedures for two hundred and fifty years. They're not recognizing the Vatel's Law of Nations. They're not recognizing the United Nations Charter. They're just recognizing what do they do in bowing to Tuscaloosa up there over there? They they they bow to Tuscaloosa Three times a day or what?
Sorry. Well, my Good luck, Bruce. Yeah. I'm sorry you're having to go through all that crap. Bruce, your state's on fire. What are you gonna do about it? Alright.
[01:47:50] Unknown:
Well, that's it. I'm at the state. I'm just fine. Not Alright. Let it burn.
[01:47:57] Unknown:
Hell, Sherman Sherman couldn't get the task done. Maybe they'll get it done this time.
[01:48:04] Unknown:
Well, you know, Sherman's men were looking for the, the legislative the president and everything in the Confederacy, all over. They didn't go to Happyville where they were. That's where I'm from. Yeah. Well, I know that then you go to the Confederacy from Abbeville.
[01:48:21] Unknown:
Right. Well, they went up, there into South Carolina and raised raised a little havoc up there. If you ever by the way, I think we've mentioned this before. If you're ever down there in the Atlanta area, if you're going towards, Disgusta over there on I 20, I believe it's, Madisonville. Madisonville, are you familiar with Madisonville, Bruce?
[01:48:44] Unknown:
Not sure about that one.
[01:48:46] Unknown:
Madisonville was a town that Sherman's roommate at West Point was from. And he directed them to bypass the town on the way to Burning Savannah. And that's still got old, antebellum, mansions and all that stuff there. Madison. Yeah.
[01:49:04] Unknown:
Madison. Okay. Thank you. Yeah. Madison. Right. That's it. Yep. Yeah. Anyway, I was gonna call and say what you ought to do is do an administrative process on the IRS, for what they've done. And, you you start off with your affidavit presented in the in the the, pages that you're gonna put in for why, and they gotta answer every one of those pages or lines that they you put on there on your complaint. If they don't do it, in thirty days, you've won the case.
[01:49:41] Unknown:
He he he's not going against the IRS. He's going against the Alabama tax authority.
[01:49:48] Unknown:
Okay. Well, that's that's even better. They know what it is, and you and that's what I did to get the judge off the bench.
[01:50:00] Unknown:
Okay. So That's something. Instruct Mike again what our affidavit did. Go ahead. Well, they they refused to recognize this affidavit.
[01:50:10] Unknown:
Well, they got well, that's good. You owe your case.
[01:50:15] Unknown:
Well, you need to ask her since you're so wrong and you don't recognize it. Who the hell was the thirteenth amendment written for? There wasn't a fourteenth amendment yet for six months. Who was that amendment written for? Space aliens? Unbelievable. Well, that's a degree where of tyranny we're in. And and, unfortunately, I wouldn't have thought it would be Alabama, but so it seems it is. I don't think you've heard another incident of something like that happening, Mike. So sorry, buddy. Yes. Yes. Who's there?
[01:50:58] Unknown:
Hey. It's Samuel. Had a couple of points. You know, the other day, you wonder what happened to Georgia, and I think I know what happened to Georgia. Same thing that happened to California. I always thought that California was first the number one by about ten years on electronic voting. Well, guess who wins the prize? Sure. Georgia was a year ahead of California.
[01:51:24] Unknown:
Was it? Well, according to my friend that lives here, the way they really corrupted it using just like they do in the other states, they go into one of the big cities and pull one of these counties. And this instance is Fulton County, Downtown Atlanta. And, then they pumped in the movie industry. There's an incredible amount of movies that are shot in Georgia. And they use tax credits. It came down, I think, with these companies that come in there, they give them tax credits, and they can deal off those tax credits, sell them, deal them, trade them, whatever. And that that's what my buddy said was the instigator of turning the state blue. It's still not blue in around the whole state, but it's that one count of Fulton and DeKalb Counties.
[01:52:08] Unknown:
K? Well, yeah. The same thing that's here in California. Right?
[01:52:12] Unknown:
Exactly. Exactly.
[01:52:14] Unknown:
You know, we got we got 20,000,000 Republicans, so called red and 20,000,000, blue that are where all the representatives are because the numbers are in the cities and they control the legislature.
[01:52:27] Unknown:
Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep.
[01:52:29] Unknown:
But Well, folks, maybe what I wanted to say about voting is Yes. You I think that's that's historically been a state thing until the Civil War. Constitutionally.
[01:52:42] Unknown:
Then they tried to make it federal. Right? It's But it's constitutionally a state thing. They make all the rules in their state. It's totally their prerogative and their territory and their jurisdiction.
[01:52:54] Unknown:
Yes. However, they're now territories of The United States or
[01:53:01] Unknown:
DC. Right? That well, that's what Trump was trying to do in that governor's meeting here two weeks ago. One of the things he was saying was we need to go back to paper balance. You know how much paper balance are cost wise compared to these machines? One tenth. One tenth of the price
[01:53:19] Unknown:
for a paper sheet. Point is is you know, what I'm trying to get to at here, Roger, is is as a national, should we be voting? And in I'm going to say in the state of California, the organic constitution, voting is the adjectives and elector is the noun. Okay. We in this state should have a place as a national to be an elector, and I don't like talking about the electoral college. Right? I'm talking about having that in within the state. Now I don't think we would be eligible though for president because that used to be done through our our our elective representatives and not the individual proper proper vote popular vote. Of course, the states slowly changed that from, I think, 1824 forward.
They they slowly changed whether you could do a popular vote within your state or not. And I don't know if they were just ignorant about giving up their state jurisdiction, by doing so. But, you know, that's sort of what happens state by state.
[01:54:34] Unknown:
Well, remember this, all politics is local. And, yes, you want to vote, especially you can disregard the federal offices. But you certainly wanna be able to participate in your local officials and local action because all politics is local. And they they should not nor can they, I believe, deny you from participating in that. But, Julie, this is I don't remember the tip. There, Roger.
[01:54:59] Unknown:
That that's the rub. Now as a national, if you don't have a a clear mechanism to keep yourself out of their jurisdiction by calling yourself a voter, which I think is on the state, we should at least in this state call ourselves electors and we should have a particular mechanism within the state to do that, I think,
[01:55:21] Unknown:
and not just join the voting role. May I? Well, I think we've got a lot of a lot of road to get to before we get to that, but I'm not sure I disagree with you. Samuel. Yes, Julie?
[01:55:31] Unknown:
I have something for Sam too. Yeah. So oh.
[01:55:36] Unknown:
Go ahead, Julie. What was I what was I gonna say? Hi. I know that Anne Vandersteel, she did her, national status paperwork and everything through either David Strait or Bobby Lawrence, but she was bragged by one of her shows that she's an elector. She got she's now an elector of her state, and I don't know how you do that.
[01:56:01] Unknown:
Well, I don't either. And John and Glenn did it years ago in Utah because I remember them telling me about it. But I've mentioned it on the show, but we've never really been able to find out the the specificities of that, quite frankly.
[01:56:18] Unknown:
We just need to do the research.
[01:56:21] Unknown:
I think she studied under Anne. I think she studied under Anne. One thing I think we could do is we, as nationals, with our affidavit, we could make the claim that we're that state citizen again and that we're not a voter, but we are an elector and wanna be recognized as that and say file that with the attorney general's office, I guess. Ron, Roger go. Vandersteel
[01:56:45] Unknown:
followed David Street. I'll go ahead. I I thought she she followed Street. I'm looking at the Archie follow the registration.
[01:56:54] Unknown:
Okay. I was waiting for Julie to finish, so I was gonna share something with Samuel, Roger. K.
[01:57:01] Unknown:
The What what I do? The Insert the I share
[01:57:05] Unknown:
Shirley, dear. Please. You're constantly interrupting us. Go ahead. What do you need to insert?
[01:57:14] Unknown:
I need to run
[01:57:15] Unknown:
with the patient. Jerry.
[01:57:18] Unknown:
[01:57:19] Unknown:
That on this application form for Arkansas, it says can you not hear me? It says signature of elector. They designate you with it.
[01:57:30] Unknown:
Okay. Well, you need to ask them what that is.
[01:57:35] Unknown:
I agree with with Samuel and Roger about the voting. We need to not participate voting, but we can probably do something for in the state, the local state.
[01:57:47] Unknown:
But that's Your local election research. Yeah. Your local elections are very critical to you. All politics is local, and they they shouldn't have any ways to deny you that.
[01:58:00] Unknown:
But they don't have that information. They don't have that information available
[01:58:04] Unknown:
for people to learn from. We yeah. Well, let's see. About a year how you're talking about. About a year and a half before the election, I tried to get this you you y'all fired up, tried to get you to go talk to your supervisor of elections. Here's my affidavit. I'm a national. I wanna participate. How do I participate? And a couple people did it. Dave and Kaye did for one. Our our friend down in Spalding County, Georgia, South Of Atlanta, did it. This was kinda interesting. He went to time wise. He, asked the people at the local, and they said they don't know. Contact go to Spalding County. Contact the, person at, in Atlanta.
And so they shot them an email, and they got a very quick response and said, yeah. As long as you're arrested in Spalding County, you don't have any problem. And he wrote back, said, that's the problem. I'm not a resident. And he never heard from it.
[01:59:00] Unknown:
Yeah. And they never confirmed it, but they were under as an elector or a US citizen as a voter. Right. So So the thing is the governor I mean, even the governors are evil right now, but that's who we should be talking to about that. But, I mean, that's research that we need to do and find out Yeah. You know, what the governor talk to. Attorney general. Attorney general. He's the one that oversees
[01:59:25] Unknown:
to. The legislature and the attorney general set up the procedures, and, that's who you need to talk to. That's who Dave and Kaye went to, the head attorney on the staff of overseas elections from the secretary of state. Secretary of state, not attorney general. May I quickly? Well, you're gonna have to. We got the whistle there. Go ahead, John.
[01:59:46] Unknown:
We can't claim to be not subject to the jurisdiction thereof because of the franchise of the federal government and then wanna vote in it claiming that we're separate from it. Well, you Right. Don't don't then don't vote in the federal elections, but you ought to I'm not taking federal. I'm saying state. The state is is is the federal operation, and we're not part of that. So you can't vote if you're not part of it.
[02:00:14] Unknown:
Right. Okay. Well, you can't decipher this and do whatever you feel is the right thing for you to do. K? Go Marca, did you have something? Nope. I think you ought to be I was just saying I was thinking you'd be voting on who your local sheriff is and who's on the city council and who's on the school board. Those directly affect you no matter what the hell your status is.
[02:00:38] Unknown:
That's why we have to use the code to hold them accountable. We can hold them accountable, but we don't have to vote for them.
[02:00:44] Unknown:
Right. Local legal notices. There's some differing opinions here, folks. Not unusual necessarily around here, but, this is a little sticky wicked of this voting stuff. Well, if Mark and Mark and I agree on something here, I'm telling you we're on the right track. Okay. Well, Mark isn't with us, but he ain't done.
[02:01:02] Unknown:
So I'm about to leave it there. Point out that it's a state to state thing. And, so if it worked in one state and somebody thinks they're doing something, that's fine. Okay? But does that mean it's gonna work in your state?
[02:01:18] Unknown:
We don't know, but we'll discuss it potentially again tomorrow. Thanks for being with us. We'll see you then. Ciao. One day closer to Thursday.
[02:01:29] Unknown:
[02:01:30] Unknown:
Alright. Good discussion today. Thanks, kids. Hope you got something out of it. It's one of those Thank you, Roy. Thank you very much. And all. Yeah. You're welcome, Bori. All these little sticky wickets here.
[02:01:46] Unknown:
Right. Yeah. I just got a question for you. One one question. One question, right. Get me. You know, it's hard for me to to understand. You know, I learned from you that, the political system is just all bullshit, you know. It's all, smoking and and mirrors, you know. And when I hear you talking about all this, it's hard for me to understand why you so, like, into it, you know, when you know that all this is bullshit, you know. Well, some people It doesn't matter who they put there. For us.
[02:02:20] Unknown:
Some people are hell bent to do it. I can't stop them from wanting to do it.
[02:02:28] Unknown:
Yeah. I I I got that. But, you know, we are out of the system. We don't wanna be participating in something that we know that it just it's bad for us, you know.
[02:02:39] Unknown:
Well, these that's why all these things are individual decisions for each of you. Roger?
[02:02:44] Unknown:
Yes. The the lawful legal notices that we use are more powerful than a vote.
[02:02:51] Unknown:
Okay. We'll buy that. Our affidavit and our lawful notices. I wouldn't give a damn about president and vice president necessarily, but I would think all all of you would wanna be conscientious of who you elect on the local level, sheriff, etcetera. By the way, John, you're losing you're losing your constitutional sheriff. Do you know that? He's running for governor.
[02:03:15] Unknown:
Yeah. I know. I'm not happy about him either. Yeah.
[02:03:20] Unknown:
Yes, Paul. The the thing I don't think we do enough as a national is to really consider what that used to mean, and that means that's our country. You know, that stage is our country. It it it to me, it's like, okay. So France votes this way, and we would do it here in one of these states. It's just it's absurd if we really look at the way this country was started. You know, our states are our countries. And
[02:03:48] Unknown:
if you're if you're going along with the federal government, you're in rebellion against your country, pretty much. Okay. I mean, you know, the president up there, he signs the bill. He's the third part of the thing. He's got to go through senate house. He signs it. What if it's a constitutional law? It applies to us then. Why wouldn't we wanna participate in something like that?
[02:04:10] Unknown:
Roger, they they haven't been doing anything lawfully for, a long time.
[02:04:16] Unknown:
Since '33, at least. I don't think the sheriff's work for us. Well, no. That's the first thing they do. Some cons
[02:04:24] Unknown:
Yeah. I don't I don't know. The first thing they do straighten it out in our states first, and then maybe we could have some effect on what they do in Washington.
[02:04:32] Unknown:
Once the sheriff is elected, the first thing he does is he goes on a two week all expenses paid trip to Washington DC to learn how to be a sheriff. Why?
[02:04:46] Unknown:
So that they can then get ahold of DarLeaf and get the opposite of what they're and and learn what they're really supposed to do and recognize it.
[02:04:57] Unknown:
We are part of they go to Israel to be taking time to stop.
[02:05:01] Unknown:
That's very true. We are part of a country, and we are citizens of a government that has been unseated since 1933 or before. The day that the the congress adjourned sign a die, that was when our government died.
[02:05:19] Unknown:
That was it. Yeah. Well, we're well, we've resurrected it here at the Radio Ranch. So Does anybody else have something for me?
[02:05:27] Unknown:
Have a good day, Roger.
[02:05:29] Unknown:
Thank you. I'll see y'all tomorrow. We are Chris. What do you got? Chris in California.
[02:05:36] Unknown:
I can't give you the specifics, but I understand that there's at least two counties in Nevada and a few more counties somewhere else that have all declared that their county is constitutional, and they are not gonna enforce anything but the constitution. And the sheriff and everybody in that county has agreed with that. So I haven't found out exactly which counties those are. I know it's at least two of the counties in Nevada and somewhere else, and that looks like a good start.
[02:06:05] Unknown:
Yeah. Probably out in the middle of the desert where nobody wants to live. Go ahead. No. I I think one of those counties was where,
[02:06:13] Unknown:
Lavoie Finicum was headed back in the whole Mellier Game Preserve thing. I think that was one of the counties he was headed to to meet with one of those sheriffs when he was shot down dead on the side of the road. Could have been. Could have been.
[02:06:29] Unknown:
I would guess the closest county we have like that in California is Shasta. They keep trying to move in that direction away from electronic voting. They've they've banned chemtrailing over the, the county, things like that.
[02:06:48] Unknown:
Evidently, the chemtrailing has stopped, Samuel.
[02:06:53] Unknown:
Yeah. Right.
[02:06:54] Unknown:
Yeah. The financing must have got yanked with the, USAID deal.
[02:06:59] Unknown:
You're serious?
[02:07:02] Unknown:
Yeah. Okay. I heard somebody the other day go, I don't see any chemtrails in five a week. You know?
[02:07:10] Unknown:
Oh, I've seen them every day here. But, you know, they make they make the weather here in California on the West Coast, and they send it your way. Yeah. Well, not my way, but the other way.
[02:07:23] Unknown:
Alright. Anybody else got anything for me? I'm leaving. I'll see y'all tomorrow. Ciao ciao. Have a good day. We'll see what happens. I think there's fireworks today. We'll discuss it tomorrow. See you. Ciao. Roger.
[02:07:38] Unknown:
Roger, quick just to let you know that on sixty Minutes last night, they were talking about Argentina back in '77 and, all the thousands and thousands of people that disappeared and they in this story, they followed it to five British aircraft. They look like caribou's. But anyway, all these people were disappeared in the 70s. And even the mothers that were trying to find out what happened to their children, they disappeared. And it sounds like the same thing that happened in Chile also back in the 70s where these, I guess they were technically fascist dictators would get these people in, fly them out into the ocean and kick them out without any clothes on And they did this by the thousands apparently and they prosecuted the pilots even though they're probably really old now. But, yes, it was a very interesting article. Just thought I'd let you know because that was in Argentina.
[02:08:57] Unknown:
Roger bailed. He he literally has his finger on the hang up button when he says ciao. So he disappears that fast. Anyway, this has been the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales, with, co host John Kasirb on and Global Voice Radio Network. Thank you so much for joining us today. We will, catch you right back here tomorrow, 11AM eastern to 1PM. And, we will also have joining us for the first hour tomorrow along with WVOU FM. For more information on the topics discussed, you can go to the matrix docs,, or you can also check out or
Check out that resource as well. Thank you so much for joining us. We'll catch you right back here tomorrow. Have a fine day. Keep your head down and your powder dry. Bye now. Blasting the voice of freedom worldwide, you're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network.
[02:10:18] Unknown:
Bye bye, boys. Have fun storming the castle.
[02:10:25] Unknown:
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