In this episode, we delve into a variety of topics ranging from personal stories of legal battles to discussions on trust and financial instruments. We begin with a listener's personal story involving a custody battle with CPS and the potential use of legal documents to regain parental rights. This leads to a broader discussion on the power of affidavits and the importance of understanding one's legal rights.
We also explore the concept of trusts, with insights from Mark on setting up private trusts for asset protection and estate planning. The conversation touches on the challenges of selecting trustees and beneficiaries, and the potential pitfalls of revocable trusts.
Joe shares his insights on using promissory notes and medallion stamps as financial instruments, sparking a lively discussion on their potential use in paying off mortgages and other debts. The episode also highlights the importance of understanding the legal and financial systems to protect personal assets.
Listeners are encouraged to educate themselves on these topics, with references to various resources and experts in the field. The episode underscores the value of community knowledge sharing and the power of legal preparedness in navigating complex systems.
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Forward moving and focused on freedom. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network.
[00:01:27] Unknown:
Yep. Yep. Maybe we're gonna help do that a little bit. Here's another session and a stab at it on the, l. It's the Sabado edition, Saturday in Spanish, Sabado Roger in the Radio Ranch, and, glad to be with you and glad to have you there. It is the March 1, that windy month, and so we turn the page on another month, while, the events that are happening. So, we're on Saturday. We're on a much abbreviated platform, platform. So Paul doesn't have to do much work today, do you, Paul, on on identifying and giving all these folks proper credit. Right?
[00:02:06] Unknown:
No. Actually, I really don't. I mean, I'm I'm basically idling here. We're on Thanks to pastor Eli James. Again, we're strengthening our prayers on a daily basis. And, we're also on Global Voice Radio Network. The links to Eurofunk and Global Voice are on the The links to free conference call to join us live on this Saturday show, the Sabado edition, are also on the You can join us by dial up telephone, smartphone, tablet, computer, or if you have one of those Nazi psycho cellular providers that charges you out of network, fees for calling conference lines, just text call me to the dial in number, and the conference system will do exactly that. It'll call you back. Feature.
[00:03:05] Unknown:
That's a very convenient and helpful feature for folks, I'm sure. So good for them at FCC for putting that in there. Is that all, Paul?
[00:03:14] Unknown:
That's it.
[00:03:16] Unknown:
Hit the road, Jack?
[00:03:18] Unknown:
Yeah. Don't you come back? I see it then. I like it.
[00:03:23] Unknown:
Okay. Well, it's usually Saturday's a little bit different. It's just kinda little. It's even more informal and relaxed than normal. I think Eli is doing better. I I believe I mentioned yesterday I got a a a link. He sent me a link, and I shot him back a message that I I assume this means you're doing better, and he hit hit me with a thumbs up. So, that's good news on Eli. Gosh. What a couple of days. The I mean, I I'm seeing things. We all are that we've just first of all, never seen before. And and for me, personally, I can't speak for you, but for me, I never believed I'd seen anything like this in my lifetime. Thursday, we had we had the first, to my knowledge, first cabinet meeting. It was the first cabinet meeting for Trump, for new president of his cabinet, and I believe it's the first time any of that's been exposed to the public, anything like that. Is can anybody remember any other time that that's happened?
[00:04:29] Unknown:
No. And, I think it was interesting. It wasn't the mainstream media was not allowed there, were they? It was
[00:04:37] Unknown:
alternative. Have been well, I'm not sure I'm not sure of which ones. I know one has been barred from the White House press, whatever gaggle. Is it a gaggle, from the White House press gaggle? And that is AP, Associated Press. And he banned them last week, I think, maybe end of the week before because they insisted excuse me. They insisted in their articles on still identifying the Gulf Of America as the Gulf Of Mexico. And and Trump said, well, we just we won't have you. You can't come in. You can't get into them. And, boy, the reporter was squawking as a female. She was squawking, but, that's his prerogative, and it's about time. I'll tell you something else. And I heard and I neglected to mention it probably.
There is, there those same major establishment media companies are are embedded in the excuse me. Jeez. Oh my god. Embedded in the Pentagon, and they had permanent offices there. You know, ABC, NBC, CBS, and all that. Well, hell, Trump turned their offices over to OAN and stuff. He kicked them out of their permanent offices and turned them over to Alt Media. I I've heard that mentioned one time by somebody. So, the times, I think Bob Dylan said it best. The times, they are changing.
[00:06:04] Unknown:
And they're changing They're to be. Yes.
[00:06:07] Unknown:
And they're changing almost violently as, as of yesterday. But Thursday, we got to see the first cabinet meeting live. Not only the first cabinet meeting of Trump's cabinet, but the I believe it's the first time that's ever happened in history. So, you know, let's tell them I guess it takes the transparency argument away from them, doesn't it?
[00:06:29] Unknown:
Yeah. And yesterday Yesterday. Perhaps the first time a, dignitary was actually thrown out of the White House.
[00:06:40] Unknown:
I yesterday was just a scene. Now I have did I go out Thursday or not? I think I stayed home both days, Thursday and Friday, and got to see that as it was, you know, the immediacy of it. Yesterday, with a meeting in getting into verbal trading blows with that little arrogant little Jew bastard Zelensky. God, what a you know, the the word that kept coming to me as I'm watching that, and you've seen it a couple times probably. You know, arrogant. Yeah. All those type of, egotistical. Yeah. All those types of descriptions, but the one that kept coming to me is chutzpah. You if you wanted to see a definition of chutzpah, watch that video if you've not seen it from yesterday with, Zelensky, the little oh, god. I detest these people.
He's just so Yeah. What Wait. I I just get so aggravated and disgusted with him. I don't have any words to express myself. So, anyway, he, evidently lost everything yesterday. He got kicked out of the White House. I think they've removed him over in Ukraine. They're gonna start to have elections or something, it seems like I heard. So, yeah, that was a big deal. And, again, have you ever seen a a a a foreign dignitary come in and and they do what they do at that level on national television. You know, international television. Evidently, the Russians were having a ball yesterday.
Putin and his bunch were just absolutely having a ball watching that. Yes, Dave.
[00:08:27] Unknown:
I I'm I wish somebody would have arrested that little kike for, crimes against humanity. That the war crimes, that guy is a I can't believe they let him out of there without locking him up in the who's got. Well, I'm I'm with you. And
[00:08:45] Unknown:
I I think he's even better than that because he listen. That guy's life is in real danger Okay. From his own people. Alright? So in my opinion
[00:08:57] Unknown:
that he gained since week oh, Biden started sending those billions over there.
[00:09:03] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, he could just you know, he's gonna say, what is he gonna do? Well, he might fly down to Miami to his $8,000,000 mansion down there or his mansion in Europe or his mansion over there. All the stuff he stole in the little oh, god. Did you see him make the veiled threat about us being over here on the other side of the ocean? I heard it. I heard it. I heard it. I I heard it two or three times. Yeah. He should have been locked up right there. I I yeah. I and if the audience if any of you have been in a cave in the last couple of days and haven't seen any of those events, just for the sake of the historical significance, you owe it to yourself to watch both of them. K?
Because you've never seen this before. None of us have. And it's Roger, I gotta tell you, Rog.
[00:09:49] Unknown:
You know, my thoughts my thoughts changed about Trump right there because, you know, he's been with Israel back in the the Ukraine. And then what was it about two weeks ago after he spoke with Putin when he accused, Zelensky of starting that war? He actually did start that war. So, that that just No. No. Yeah. That gives me new hope. He What's the didn't no.
[00:10:17] Unknown:
He he didn't start that war. Victoria knew and He started to do
[00:10:23] Unknown:
Donbas, Roger, in 2014 when Obama put him into power.
[00:10:29] Unknown:
Let me finish. Dave, if you'll let me February If you'll let me make my point, I think you'll bring some clarity to you. It started with Victoria Nuland and Medan when they threw the duly elected president out and put that piece of crap in. It wasn't him. It was somebody else that's evolved to him. So that was the start of it. And they've been cultivating that little group, the warm up Italian or whatever they were. This group of really, really, right with these people, the their leader was a guy named Bondero, Stephen Bondero. They still got statutes and posters of him everywhere.
When the Nazis were there in the forties in World War two, Dave, they wouldn't even work with these people. The SS would not work with them during World War two because they were so radical. K. So the CIA has been cultivating that for a long ass time. And you all you heard is Zelensky, oh, Putin's done this, and he's done done 25 times. He's broke a what about the treaty of, they did a treaty, back on this, about ten years ago. The name of it escapes me. And then they broke it intentionally. And chancellor, that bitch that ran Germany for so long came out and said, oh, we knew we were gonna break it. We were just giving ourselves time to rearm.
That's who you're dealing with here. You can't trust them. You can't believe them. The the they'll cross you and stab you in the back every time. That's why they've got the reputation they've got. And that's why they've had it for hundreds of years. Because they're liars, thieves, and slavers. K? Hey, Mark. Good morning. So anyway Morning. Victoria Nuland is the one that needs to be I hope they go after her Jewish ass. She her and her family are Ukrainian, and they're Trotskyite Jews. Now do you know the difference in in the Trotskyites? The Trotskyites are these neocons, Dave. Do you know where the history of this?
[00:12:48] Unknown:
You're asking Dave. Right?
[00:12:50] Unknown:
Well, yeah. Oh, he's the one I'm having a conversation. I I do. I had to unmute. Well, if the audience doesn't the history. Okay. If the audience doesn't, in Russia when they were commanded by and take control by the communist, you got Stalin that, assimilated the power, and he and this guy named Trotsky hated each other, k, violently. And Stalin wanted to make Russia a domestic communist country. Trotsky is an international communist. He's the it's his philosophies that Newland and all these neocons are following. Now if you don't know this history, he kicked Stalin, kicked Trotsky out of Russia. He came to The US, had a big apartment they provided for him and chauffeured limousines and every other damn thing for this communist Marxist bastard.
And they finally killed him in, probably one of Stalin's people. He was in Mexico City, at a cafe, street side cafe, and they came up and put an ax in his head. That's how he died. Okay? So here and all these neocons and Victoria Nuland included are all outgrowths of Trotskyite communism, international communism. Okay? And so that's what's going on. And that's these people were trying to form Israel in Europe with Ukraine. That's what their plans were. When it first started, I heard Zelensky come out and say that. We're gonna make this greater Israel. Can you imagine Israel in Europe?
Just think about it. K? So that's what's going on. And that's the background here and that little arrogant little jerk. God, I just wanna slap him. K? So Right. Yesterday was quite a piece and and Thursday too, but especially that yesterday, and I hope that you got a glimpse. First of all, kudos to Trump for not losing his temper with that little jerk. K? And and secondly, I just love the way he administrates in public. I like the fact he's bringing this stuff out and putting it right in public, and you see him administrating the country and controlling the world, influencing the world. Man, he's good at it. You can see that he did made the exact right choice with JD Vance.
JD Vance, he's given him every opportunity to have four years to set himself up to run for the next election, and JD Vance has got eight years in office following Trump. And he's probably going to put Tulsi Gabbard as his running mate. K? And, I mean, folks, I just never thought I'd see this in our country in my lifetime. I'm wonder I'm thrilled about it. Mark, let me finish up with Dave. Okay. Dave, what's your what's your comment on that?
[00:15:42] Unknown:
Yeah. I just, I it seems like the European Union is back in, Zelensky and Israel. Of course. Did you just control Europe? I'm that's what I think. Roger, I see Trump. Trump better watch his back because, you know, the Zionist the the Israel is is in this neck deep, And, and they don't they're they're not gonna be happy about what he did because Zelenskyy.
[00:16:07] Unknown:
Well, no kidding. And do you don't think Trump knows that and everybody surrounding him? Hell, Alex came on yesterday, said there's a 10% chance they're gonna set off a a nuclear bomb in Washington DC because of all this. Now I think that's a little extreme, but it's not it's not it's not past them. And they're testing
[00:16:29] Unknown:
see that with Alex, but it it's immediately when I heard Zelensky make that veiled threat, I thought, uh-oh. This is their opportunity now for the false flag third world war.
[00:16:41] Unknown:
Well, it's a it's a hell of a situation, and I think Zelensky lost yesterday. The new world order is headed down the you know, when you go to a roller coaster? You roll roller coaster in the when you're a kid and they strap you into the seat there and you it takes off from the station. It goes and hits those chains on that first big hill. It goes up, pulls it up the top of that hill, and you pass that crest. And, buddy, it's all on on that first downhill turn. That's what's going on with the globalist right now.
[00:17:16] Unknown:
Roger, there's a a place called Cedar Point in Ohio. It's a huge amusement park right on Lake Erie. And they got this I don't think they have it anymore. They took it down, but it was one of their oldest, roller coasters, and it was a wooden one. You know? And Yeah. When you come around, you make that high climb, you know? And when you go over the top, man, I'm telling you, you're going right down into Lake Erie. And it is the most creepiest. Holy crap. Whoo. Can imagine. Yeah. Well, that's what happened today.
[00:17:53] Unknown:
Yeah. We had a pretty good one out of Panama City Beach. And you'd see that when the thing went went around or whatever, it came back to the station. And people started getting out of the cars and these with these women had wet their pants. You know? And guys too. Alright? So they're pretty easy to spot. So, anyway, interesting times for sure. What, who knows what what the next day is gonna bring? But I'm extremely impressed with JD Vance, from what we've seen him so far. And, I I just think well, they've really got this thing greased, man. The Democrats are fall they're they're going down that first shoot of that roller coaster. That's what's happening with the Democratic party.
And, they will probably never be an entity again. Thank god. And it's just a wonderful, scene to, to, oversee.
[00:18:49] Unknown:
Mark, how are you doing this morning, man? Alright. Doing well. Doing well. Good to be here. I was just thinking about, you know, when the the, that Ukraine conflict, because I don't call it a war, it's more of a conflict.
[00:19:05] Unknown:
A slaughter.
[00:19:07] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, Merkel, Angela Merkel, the former, I guess, it's prime minister of Germany
[00:19:13] Unknown:
[00:19:14] Unknown:
She admitted that their the Minsk agreement that they signed in 2014 Gotcha. Just gave them yeah. They just gave them time to prepare so they could build up their arms. Yep. So it had nothing to do with honoring that agreement. Gotcha. And and part of that agreement was those three eastern regions that are are Russian that were given to Ukraine, the the, Nazi, Ukrainian soldiers and the government there were were bombing those regions. And primarily, like I think I looked that up last time, Donbas has the fourth largest Jewish settlement in Europe.
Right. And so you got you got Nazi Ukrainian soldiers, You got a large Jewish population. And, you know, they were they were going in there and bombing those people.
[00:20:15] Unknown:
Well, up to that point, they had been moving the settlements from Israel up to Ukraine. And as that war started, they had to fly 30,000 Jews out of Ukraine. They won't let them fight. They won't send them to fight. Where do you go get the Christians blood going on here? Bring in the North Koreans. The North Koreans are spilling blood over there now, if you didn't know. And it's just, it's unbelievable. Now what they were doing after they did the coup of the Maidan in 2014, they went over to those, regions to the eastern part that are on the Black Sea that are traditionally Russian. The people speak Russian.
And and they had a big referendum, and 98% of the people wanted to be with Russia. So that's what happened there. They say Russia took it over. They just put a referendum out there and the people decided just like with Hitler in Austria. Same exact thing. They say Hitler and extra Austria. They had a vote 90 about 98% of the people wanted to be with Nazi Germany in Austria. Yeah. Same type thing. But then what they did is exactly what Mark said. They got howitzers, and they would take those was it 55 millimeter howitzers
[00:21:29] Unknown:
or one fifty five?
[00:21:31] Unknown:
It's a big shell. Okay? And they go a long ways. And they were lobbing those shells into those cities in the East. And this is what they do. They'd lob a shell in on a trajectory to the middle of a town, be like Saturday, and people are out shopping doing their Saturday morning shopping. And the the the round lands in in in downtown at the square or in some marketplace, and then they wait about twenty minutes because they know that the people are gonna come to try and help everybody that's been killed or injured, and they lob another shell in the exact same trajectory to kill them.
[00:22:11] Unknown:
Yeah. That's who it was. The caliber of that howitzer is a one fifty five, two two seventy depending on the model.
[00:22:19] Unknown:
It's a big damn it's a big round. And when it dies, things are mucho destruction. Okay? Well, it fragments. You know, when it hits the ground, it it's fragmenting all over the place. So Yep. And then they wait twenty minutes and lob one in the exact same spot, so it just gets all the people that came to help On top of the people that were injured originally. These people are the scummiest sons of bitches that have ever walked the earth.
[00:22:48] Unknown:
Yeah. Okay. So anyway, that's that's that's what this whole conflict is about in the Minsk agreement. They're supposed to let those people go. The those three Russian provinces that were part of Ukraine. Right. Let them, you know, basically self determine whether they wanted to join Russia or no. But they're supposed to have been left alone. Stop stop killing those people. And, you know, Ukraine couldn't do that. And now, I recently run across something that's saying leading up to Putin's forces actually invading Ukraine that the Ukrainian soldiers army were lining up another wall against those provinces, and and Putin said that's enough.
And then on top of that, you had, Nuland, over there talking about having Ukraine join NATO. That was like the, you know, the line in the sand with Russia that if that, that Ukraine not join NATO because they were supposed to be And that's what
[00:23:57] Unknown:
George Bush senior promised them. We'll not put one inch of NATO in the Ukraine. Well, just these Jews, they don't care about any kind of commitment. They're gonna get their own way and however they can do it. However they can cross you, screw you, lie to you, steal from you, apply all that to what they want. That's what they're gonna do until they're stopped. Now thank god it looks like they're stopped. And I hope DOJ, no matter how bondy over her head she is in that job, and I sure as hell hope they go after this Victoria Nuland. See you next Tuesday. Get that? Yeah. Yep.
[00:24:37] Unknown:
[00:24:39] Unknown:
So we'll see. Bitch.
[00:24:41] Unknown:
And they and they released, part of the Epstein files?
[00:24:46] Unknown:
Well, part of. They've already been out before, but there was something new in there. We don't know what was really going on. And was this a move for Pam Bondi to cover her ass because she didn't have all the stuff she'd promised? And is she in over her head, Mark? That's the speculation right now. Is Trump gonna be making a change there?
[00:25:10] Unknown:
Yeah. I don't know her history as far as prosecuting cases in Florida, but I wouldn't say that she's over her head. It's just that, you know, you gotta have your your evidence in crime. In criminal cases, it's a bit different. We don't get to do what's called discovery where in civil cases where you're usually suing for monetary damages of some sort, you're playing with all your cards up. Your opposing party gets to ask you to produce your evidence so that you can see what they have, in in their own support and vice versa. So I call it playing poker with your cards facing up.
Everybody knows what everybody's got and you're supposed to. Crimes criminal cases are a little bit different because going into it, to to bring a criminal charge, you gotta have some evidence of of what crimes were committed. You know? So I don't know. There's there's, you know, I heard, Alex Jones say I don't listen to him often. It's just kinda hard for me to to do that. But I heard him they were saying that they think that there was some stuff taken out of there because they're they're looking for more evidence and and getting ready to arrest people, and they didn't wanna tip them off.
[00:26:37] Unknown:
Okay. Well, maybe. I don't know if that's true or not, but we'll see. Time will Al, you're talking about the Southern District in New York now. Yep. And that's where all the evidence was held. And with I don't know if you knew it or not, Mark, but James Comey's daughter is the one that's overseeing all these. She's the one that prosecuted Jolene Maxwell. She's overseeing all of these cases. Okay? So that's why they're going after Comey because he's a kingpin. But they've got some other bastards in that Southern District in New York, and one of them, I can't remember his name, started with a b. He's the head up there, and he's the one that said a couple weeks ago, we're not gonna cooperate with the Trump administration. We're gonna dig in. Well, evidently, that's where the off-site servers were stored, and all of the stuff was kept there. They call the Southern District Of New York the the the New York Mafia, DOJ Mafia.
K? And, so they had been destroying evidence on these servers that are offline. But if they had all that evidence and all these films of of all these young girls getting diddled by all these politicians and important people, you think they destroyed that? Hell no. They didn't. They made a copy of it. That's valuable information. K? Yeah. So what happened, evidently, she came out Thursday, and when when the fraud of what they'd sent her became evident, they just I mean, they're playing an innocent woman as DOJ in a key position. So they just sent her all the stuff they'd already released. They added about 10 new pages with a little bit of information. And, and that brought those people into the White House, k, and sat them in a room because I heard one of the guys, what do they call him? He calls himself an influencer.
So they had about I'm not sure how many. Savannah Savannah, what's her name? There's used to be a reporter for Infowars was there. They gave him these binders with all this information in it and big in red Epstein info or something on the front. And then all of a sudden, the cabinet members were in there. Mar Maria Rubio, they they took him out of that room. Trump came into the room where they were. He said shock the hell out of them. And then he brought them all into the Oval Office. And he gave them a presidential coin, and they all got to take pictures with Trump and all that. And part of the cabinet was sitting in the Oval Office while all this was going on.
And then they let them out, but they let them out of the door where Starmer was going to come in, where diplomats come in, and the press was waiting out there. So as the guy said, look, Harrison, he said, look, I've been to the White House. There's a number of ways you get in and out of there, and that had to be intentional that they left them out of that door where, where Starmer was coming in. Because the press is right now right out there, and they come out with their folders with Epstein evidence and everything. Obviously, the press is taking pictures like hell. And was that a staged event? That that's what the question is. Because they could have done a lot of other things that didn't bring it to that head. So I don't know. Don't know that we'll ever know. Okay?
But, the the it's pretty evident the deep state made a fool out of her by giving her that evidence that had already been released. K? So, anyway, Friday, evidently, Kash Patel sent 50 FBI agents to New York to raid the FBI office.
[00:30:19] Unknown:
To raid their own office,
[00:30:20] Unknown:
To raid their own office, and they took everything they could get their hands on in the office. And it's it's probably back in Washington already. That's the story.
[00:30:31] Unknown:
See, I kind of felt like I wanted to see Cash Patel view the DOJ because, man, he knows where all the skeletons are. And, but maybe him working with Bondi,
[00:30:46] Unknown:
might work out better. I don't know. I just don't I don't know enough about Bondi doing that. They worked next to each other in some other capacity, and they know each other pretty well evidently. Okay. And he's got some some good looking girlfriend that's a country music star. Cash does. I've heard him referred to her. But, anyway, very interesting. You've never seen anything like both of those events Thursday and Friday in our lives. We've never seen anything like that. K? No. And, boy, if you if you're still an enemy of Donald Trump, what are you thinking?
What are you thinking? This guy's gotta be the cleanest guy in America. He's been through two impeachments. They hate him. If they could find any dirt on this guy, believe me, you'd see it on the front page of every newspaper and every establishment media. They can't. They gotta grope him grope in some woman, lie in a dressing room twenty five years ago. That's kind of crap. Right. He's been impeached twice. How many how many times they try him? They tried him in New York. They tried him in Georgia. They tried him in Florida. They've tried him all over the place. They can't find anything on this guy. He's gotta be the cleanest male individual in the whole damn country.
[00:32:00] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah.
[00:32:03] Unknown:
If you are anti Trump, what are you thinking?
[00:32:10] Unknown:
Well, you know, time will tell. Time will tell.
[00:32:16] Unknown:
I mean, the guy the guy, he he's lost half his fortune doing this. He doesn't have to have he doesn't have to be out there having people shoot at him trying to kill him. He doesn't have to do this stuff. Yeah. So, anyway and and when I hear people, you know, bash Trump, I just good god. Find something on the guy. They can't find anything on him in six or seven different deep, deep, deep investigations, and you know damn well they would love to. And if they'd found anything incriminating, they'd have brought it out and waived it around like no telling what. K?
[00:32:52] Unknown:
Oh, sure. If it it was, you know, if you're talking about criminals, pretty pretty rough to find stuff like that. Every so often, I like to go over to see the David Knight show and, play the replay on Rumble. And, that's how David Knight got fired from Infowars is because he was being critical of Trump, and Alex and and his crew were doing everything, you know, they were basically on this on their, political stump promoting Trump. Sure. Sure. You know, they're out there stomping for Trump. And, anytime that David would be critical of Trump, and he had some pretty interesting points against Trump.
But, I'd say Trump is at least, you know, seems to be on the side of America and wanna see Americans have jobs. You know, they're, it seems like they're moving forward very quickly with what I would call the digital gulag. And, Catherine Austin Fitts has a a report on that and how how the federal government and Trump's supporting it where they're rapidly moving forward with, AI and and turning everything into, you know, some type of digital fingerprint that Yeah. That, you know, your your everything about you will be accessible to the government.
Great. And I don't You know? You know, I I listen as a national. I don't care.
[00:34:28] Unknown:
Alright? But other people take that. They don't know what we know. They take that differently. What what else he's supposed to do? It's the future. AI is the future. You you expect him to go, okay. We'll just let China have all this. We'll just let them control the whole figure and won't. Okay? You expect him to do that? Well, hell no. You don't. And you can't get anybody in office that didn't for example, I mentioned it yesterday. Miriam, oh, what the god. My memory. Miriam, what's her name in Vegas? The Sheldon Adelson was a widow. Well, she gave Trump a hundred million dollars. You know what her want or what her wish was, Tim?
Secure the West Bank for Israel. That's what she wanted. Okay. Well, what's he supposed to do? Somebody comes give you a hundred that's what I asked Brent yesterday. What what what happened when you were politicking and somebody came if they gave you a hundred million dollars for your campaign said, only thing I want is this. Are you gonna turn down a hundred million dollars? No. No. You were not. Well, I mean, that's the position he's in.
[00:35:32] Unknown:
And that's not a that's not necessarily a moral dilemma for the average person for Trump. You know, it's not gonna negatively impact US other than don't don't send your troops in there to to fight it. You know?
[00:35:52] Unknown:
But I just I it'll just be I don't know. It'll all come out in the wash. It'll all come out in the wash. Time will tell. Well, let's just let's pray. You know what I say? Whether you hate mister Trump or or or love him or like him or somewhere in between, you better damn well pray for him. Because it appears to me from what I've seen for a long time that he's got our interest in mind, and I can't think of another president really in my life. May well, maybe John f Kennedy, maybe Ronald Reagan to some extent, but nothing like Trump. Yep. I agree. I mean, Ronald Reagan wanted to cut down the federal government. He didn't come in bring Elon Musk in and start slashing with Excalibur.
He went and hired a guy named Peter Grace, who had a big commission, the Grace Commission. Go look at it. It's online. And how to destructure the federal government. Peter Grace is the one that came back and stated in that report, not one nickel of your income tax goes to the day to day running of the federal government. Yeah. Really? Wow. Well, where the hell does it go? It's trillions of dollars. It goes to pay the debt. Interest.
[00:37:01] Unknown:
Yeah. Interest on the debt.
[00:37:04] Unknown:
And By the way not anything left over. Well, when they paid all the bond dear, Mark, you may not know this. When they paid all the bondholders, if there's any excess, they give it back to the treasury. They don't give it to some damn trust. They give it to the treasury. Nineteen twenty twenty twenty three was the first year since 1933 that they haven't had an excess to give to the treasury. Why? Because of COVID, about 30% of the people didn't pay income tax, and they ended up in a deficit.
[00:37:43] Unknown:
Yeah. I was looking at I was just kinda curious how much personal income tax is collected on an annual basis. In the last four years, I don't know about COVID year, but the last couple of years, it was a little over $2,000,000,000,000 with a t. $2,000,000,000,000. The last one, I think last year was, like, almost two and a quarter trillion.
[00:38:14] Unknown:
And just for your just for your information, because throw these numbers around. A trillion is a thousand billion.
[00:38:24] Unknown:
[00:38:25] Unknown:
Yeah. Have you ever have you ever heard that put into seconds? Mark?
[00:38:30] Unknown:
Yeah. I heard you say that the other day, but it's really worth it worth repeating because I don't think Well you know, we throw out these big numbers and people have no idea.
[00:38:38] Unknown:
You got no comprehension. Okay. Well, a million seconds. So let's convert dollars to time. Yep. Units of measure to time because we can all relate to time. Right? So a million seconds is eleven and a half years. A billion seconds is thirty three and a half years. A trillion seconds is three hundred and thirty years. Yeah. Three hundred thirty thousand maybe. It's some astronomical differences. Okay? That's true. Hear these numbers thrown around, try and use something to keep it in in in perspective and context for yourself. You're talking about a lot of digits here, folks.
[00:39:27] Unknown:
Yep. I, this this all really reminds me a lot of that, TV show a few years ago called The Blacklist. And the the politicians and the bad guys and the cabal all intertwined. And, it it it's pretty eye opening when you see that. The other one is the house of cards, started with, what's his name? Kevin Spacey. Got in trouble. He was allegedly, I guess, groping a a college student at a bar. You know, he's gay. So, anyway, his career ended abruptly right there. Now years later, he was exonerated at that. And I'm not saying he's not guilty, but, anyway, the House of Cards.
He is a a US Senator. And that is like, I'm watching this, and I'm like, this is, like, gotta be real life because this has gotta be what's going on, you know, to get a glimpse. Because we don't know. We're most of us are are God fearing people. Our minds don't work at a criminal level. And, and then you see where, you know, what you talked about, Roger, about ripping the mask off and seeing the tyranny. Well, you get to take the little peek under the mask and you're like, oh my gosh. It's just those two shows, House of Cards and The Blacklist, if you're able to to screen those, it's it's unbelievable.
[00:41:16] Unknown:
Never heard of either one of them, but I just don't I don't watch TV and I watch movies generally. So Yeah. You know the last movie I went to see at a theater? Well, I went to one here, urging Jack. But before that, I think the last movie I saw in a movie theater was Lord of the Rings.
[00:41:36] Unknown:
Yeah. I I I stopped, paying to go see the movies. I stopped, you know, my best to to not support Hollywood. You know? So, one that I just turned on to Yeah. One I just tuned into, it's really, really good. It's it's faith based, Christian based. It's pureflix, p u r e f l I x And they, yeah, I believe so Com. And it's a streaming service. You can run it off a Roku or put it on your smart TV, or you can watch it over your computer. But it has just got some really good shows from for kids and family. They even have documentaries about different stories in the Bible.
Just really good. I I just you know, they got movies that are faith based, and I just can't recommend it enough. Just really good. Do you have PureFlex? PureFlex, it's $10 a month to be a subscriber. Cancel it anytime. And,
[00:42:47] Unknown:
it's it's really
[00:42:50] Unknown:
Yeah. Especially if you got kids. I think they Yeah. They, have the VeggieTales on there and different, you know, Christian based cartoons for the kids. Different, you know, shows for younger audience. Mhmm. And then for the adults, I've got everything spanning documentaries and, comedy movies, drama movies, so on and so forth. So so I really highly recommend that. And you're supporting a good group. I think the other one, I haven't looked into what they have, but Angel Studios is another one that's trying to produce, you know, family oriented movies.
[00:43:27] Unknown:
Is that several of those Hollywood guys who've tried to move Hollywood to Nevada? Yes. Hey. No. I thought they moved it to Nashville. They're trying to move Well, I what okay. I could be wrong. Yeah. But I've been moved it out of Hollywood. They're trying to do wholesome stuff.
[00:43:42] Unknown:
Yes. Yes. Exactly.
[00:43:44] Unknown:
K. Great. Well, Mark and I have been chewing the fat and talking about these current events, which are so important. And then, really, the Saturday show here is for new the students that are gainfully employed during the week and have questions that might not be able to make it. Next Saturday may be a whole different story. K? And we we might have a lot of activity here next Saturday. Cross your fingers. Say a prayer. Of course, the rent show is Thursday night. Don't know what hour yet. And, on Friday, the day after, we'll have Brent. So I don't know how you know, sometimes, I don't know how many of those people will feed over to Brent, but I know they'll be a little bit more active here on Saturday because we got this is to answer questions. It's the whole reason for the program outside of us having a place to gather and communicate and trade stuff and meet friends and and reinforce our thoughts and feelings and all those other things. It's a a a platform for new people that have questions. This is a very complex situation.
And on top of that, they've enslaved you in your mind. And, it it's easy for me to see how people get confused with this. Hell, I was one of you years ago. Okay? I just was determined and and made up my mind there's something of great substance here, and I was gonna find out what it was. And, by gosh, I did. Okay? Eventually, after everybody else dropped out. But, here we are with a a wonderful neutron bomb for our enemies. And, if any of you are new, and I heard somebody say they they weren't new, or right before a show is going on. But if you're new and you got any questions, we'd love to entertain them. We'd love to meet you, find out a little bit about you, and all that kind of stuff. So please feel free if you're in that category to come forward. We'd like to, you know, have some intercourse with you. So please.
[00:45:38] Unknown:
No? By the way, Roger, just a quick update on the trust group. It's, you know, I put together a private membership association to teach about trust, and that door is about to close. We've we've got our starting members, but we had some few members that I guess either were sitting on the fence or I'm shocked how difficult we've had getting mail. So a lot of people want to make their payments using a check or a money order and send it to me via the mail which is fine snail mail. And now these are priority mail packages with tracking numbers on them and I was shocked. We had probably at least three that took close to ten days for delivery. And one of them stood on the delivery. It's just lost.
[00:46:29] Unknown:
Did you say intercourse? That sounds like sizzle.
[00:46:32] Unknown:
I did. I said social media. I just said intercourse, but I didn't put social in there, Ferris. I should have. That's not my bad. No. But talking, you know as long as the word as long as as long as the word sexual isn't in there, it's it's intercourse. It's a good word. Correct. Use it. Okay. That's good. It is good. Thanks for the Well, you're very welcome. Now let's not interrupt Mark because he was in the middle of something when you interrupted him. So, Mark, go ahead and we're I'll apologize for Farris. Sometimes he is a little uncouth. Okay? Go ahead. He he was just a little slow on the trigger.
[00:47:06] Unknown:
So, anyway, we've I'm I'm holding the door open for just this next week. That's it. I'm gonna be sending out our membership agreements, either Sunday or Monday. And so all of our members are gonna, you know, look at that and and get signed in, and are gonna start bringing them on board. So, if you still are thinking about, you know, being part of our our trust group, you know, you, you know, you've got about a week. I think I'm gonna cut it off. I'm just let's write it in stone here. Friday night at midnight, central time.
That's it. If I don't have your payment, then you'll just have to wait for the next class, and that's okay, you know. But, just letting you know if if if you're needing, you know, to do a trust, you know, don't don't be sitting around and, you know, you still have time to join our first group here. Now I I would also say this. After this first group, the price is going up. Because, you know, you go you go to an attorney and have them one on one help you do a trust, you're gonna look at least 4,500. And that's just for a basic, family trust or or what I would call a, a living trust, which is which is revocable and and has some issues as far as really securing your property.
A revocable trust, and I it's just a horror story, Roger, because this past year, you know, you just wanna cry when you hear these people that their family members had amassed lots of land. They worked hard, you know. This has been in their family. It has been my story here. Hard. It's been passed down. And then they had an unscrupulous family member
[00:49:05] Unknown:
[00:49:06] Unknown:
Go go to the last surviving spouse who probably isn't in their right mind, and they sign a new trust replacing the old trust and just undo it all, and then this one family member and their spouse just gets everything. Yep. And you're you just wanna cry.
[00:49:27] Unknown:
Well, I got screwed out of a quarter of a million dollars. Yeah. You just you just want to buy is not my deal, but that that would have made my life a little bit easier. I can promise you. Sure. But my half brother stole everything. He even stole my private stuff that was in the house that they sold in an estate sale, and they knew it was mine. My goodness.
[00:49:47] Unknown:
My goodness.
[00:49:49] Unknown:
Okay. And this is the reason my mother and I had so much problems all these years. I was trying to explain this to her so that because my father had been dead, she's the one making all the decisions. If you don't have this information, you can't make a correct decision.
[00:50:07] Unknown:
Right. Right. And if and if you have an irrevocable trust and your beneficiary should have copies, then anybody tries to pull some shenanigans like that, it's actually criminal in my book, you can you now have a a way to fight it because you had all that in an irrevocable trust, and there's no changing that at that point. Yeah. Very limited. But it's Usually, if you're gonna change if you're gonna change an irrevocable trust, you can put a clause in there that all the beneficiaries have to put in writing that they agree with whatever change they're gonna make.
[00:50:46] Unknown:
So, anyway, enough of that. I just, you know Well, I'm let me put my personal laundry out. This is my father's work through his lifetime, and his futile futile, that he was very, very frugal. His frugal savings and all the things that he cut corners on and everything else. He he was fanatical about not paying interest. Okay? And so he saved. And and and when they built that house, first of all, it's an acre of land on the water in Florida, twenty feet above sea level. How rare is that in Florida? Okay? Yeah. And and then they bought another half acre that was adjacent. So it was an acre and a half of land, totally owned. He he he he him and I, my grandfather was a draftsman. He drew the plans to the house. My father and I built it with a few subcontractors and stuff, and that house never had a mortgage on it ever. 1p ever.
K? From the sixties. Alright? And and my brother literally stole that whole thing, and he knew he stole it because he was with my mother when they went out to Tyndall to the legal department and wrote the will. He was sitting right in that room when all this was dictated. Right. K? Right. I I mean, listen, folks. These trusts are a vehicle. Boy, if I could have gotten to my mother, she could have put that whole thing in trust. There wouldn't have been any probate. There would have been nothing. But I couldn't get her to listen to me. And I didn't know she had written that will back in 02/2003 or whenever it was.
Basically, with the vitriol and the problems we were having at the time, my mom and I had a great relationship all of our lives until this came along. K? Really? And, Right. And then towards the end of her life, she realized I remember one day during COVID and all that confusion is and I called her. I called her, what? I tried to call her almost every day. Okay? Didn't sometimes. But I called her and the first thing she said is, Roger, what's happening? Well, it's pretty unusual for her. K? And and that's when I thought it hit me, and I thought for a second, I said, mom, do you remember the Jim Crow laws?
And she goes, of course. I said, they've tricked us all into being Jim Crow. That's where that came from. That moment with my mother seeing the light, but we never went back and changed the wheel. She'd probably forgotten about it. K? Quite honestly. Right. So, anyway, that's why this information is so damn important because if you don't have this information, the system is designed to be like a lawnmower. And they want you sticking your head up, and they wanna drive over you and take every damn thing you got. And if you don't know this information, you make decisions that help them do that.
[00:53:35] Unknown:
Yeah. I agree. And we just I've got some recent research on trust, that really kinda turned the page where I said, okay. I can do this because people were having trouble on determining their trustees. So I've I've got some really good news on that and I'll share with their members. Now if you're interested, you can email me at mark, m a r k, at yourlegacytrust dot org. That's your, y o u r, legacy, l e g a c y, trust, t r u s t dot o r g. So this is a private membership group. We're putting it under an organization. And so there you go. [email protected].
If you want some more information, I'll email you back and, you can decide if you wanna, you know, if you want to, join our club or not. And, but I'm I'm proud you. After after this after this first class, the price is gonna go up, but I'm considering a thousand dollars for the next class. Question from It it will be a lifetime membership. So
[00:54:52] Unknown:
k. Go ahead. Question from some quarter here.
[00:54:56] Unknown:
If, the payment is put in, say, by Tuesday of next week, will you consider it received?
[00:55:04] Unknown:
Yeah. Just send me the tracking number. I ask people to, if you're gonna mail it, send it by priority mail so you at least have a tracking number that we can, you know, watch it. And do not put signature required. We had some people that just for whatever reason, they put signature required. Well this this goes into a postal lock box. So your your your letters are secured when you mail them to me. That's not a problem. But, you know, I have a bit of a sporadic, schedule because I help take care of my elderly parents and I may or may not be there whenever, you know, if they want a signature. So please, there's no need to send it by, you know, requiring a signature but just regular priority mail.
And, you can email me the tracking number and so you and I can kinda watch it move through the mail system. But, yeah, if you drop it in, you send me the tracking number, I I hold your membership position right then and there. There you go. Okay. Thanks. You're welcome. Hey. If you need more information, just email me at markyourlegacytrust dot org. I'll send you a response that gives you an overview of what we're doing. Also, I'll give you a link to the show where I first announced this, and it turned into a trust class. Yeah. Two hours. You know, Roger, I kind of, I kind of laugh at that show because I'm like, you know, I should just probably copy that, and that'll be our first lesson.
[00:56:37] Unknown:
Well, that might be a good idea.
[00:56:40] Unknown:
Because I handled all I handled a whole bunch of trust questions that show. So it turned into only two hours and nothing but Well, and subsequent
[00:56:49] Unknown:
and subsequent shows. Yeah. Bori, is that you? You got a question?
[00:56:53] Unknown:
Yeah. I have a question for Mark. Mark, I have a question for you. How you doing, man? Doing good? Doing good, Bory. Hey. Do you pay for any of Roger information?
[00:57:04] Unknown:
Any what?
[00:57:05] Unknown:
Any information that you're getting here with Roger, do you pay for it?
[00:57:09] Unknown:
[00:57:12] Unknown:
Okay. That was the only thing the only question I have. Thank you. Yep. Thank you, Mark. Yep. You're welcome. No. Thank you. No. And I wanna tell you publicly,
[00:57:21] Unknown:
both of these guys, Paul and Mark, have added such wonderful dimensions to our program here. I love Mark being here with his active paralegal twenty year career and experience. I'm a paralegal too, but I never went out and practice. You know, the reason I went to paralegal school, Mark, is because I was teaching at the Art Institute of Atlanta there. I taught over there for about ten years, broadcasting and record promotion and maybe a couple other courses. And they owned the paralegal school. So I could go to paralegal school for free. So that's where Wyo did it. And and I'm in the middle of all this learning about law, and I thought, well, why I'd be stupid not to take advantage of this opportunity.
And so I did. And, that's all I wanted. Now let me tell you this. I don't know if I've ever told you about the experience. We had 10 modules, and we were taught by practicing attorneys. Okay? And, the only time I ever in six months, I was going at night, couple of nights a week. In six months, the only time the common law was ever mentioned was in our research class, and it was one sentence. It said common law is case law. Four words. That's the only time it was mentioned. Now the other one, I don't remember what module it was, contracts or something. But this attorney was in there, and he goes, when you people graduate, you'll know more about the law than the attorney you're working for.
[00:58:52] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. So true. So true. Yeah. All my classes were were were, practicing attorneys as well.
[00:58:59] Unknown:
Yeah. One more question. Ask you this. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Go ahead.
[00:59:06] Unknown:
Mark, I'm the one that talked to you last week about a alternate form of payment that should be sent registered. Is that correct?
[00:59:17] Unknown:
Priority mail.
[00:59:19] Unknown:
[00:59:20] Unknown:
Priority mail, you can insure it for the value of it and, do not require a registry. It goes into a lockbox, so that's not a problem.
[00:59:34] Unknown:
Okay. You know what I'm talking about then? Yes. I do. I do. With the audience.
[00:59:38] Unknown:
The only thing that registered mail is there for is for things with intrinsic value, diamonds, stocks, bonds, etcetera. Because when you put you're gonna send him a stock or a bond?
[00:59:59] Unknown:
He knows.
[01:00:00] Unknown:
Yeah. I know. It's okay.
[01:00:02] Unknown:
Alright. Anyway, well, if it's something valuable, you can do that. Okay? But otherwise, you're paying a whole bunch of money and taking it's gonna take longer to get there. And the reason is because it's considered to have intrinsic value. Everybody that touches that package has to sign for it From wherever it goes into the system to wherever it comes out. It's got a total chain of custody. If it's in a, a post office in betwixt in between for a night, it has to be put in a locked cage. Okay? So it it's more expensive. It takes longer. But if that's what you need, a lot of the, a lot of the metals dealers use registered mail when they send your medals. K?
So but that that's different from certified. But if it's got intrinsic value and you're worried about it, yeah, do that. Now you're gonna have to do a lot of different several different things. Whenever the package or the envelope or whatever the configuration is that you're sending, there cannot be an open seal on that package. And you have to go and have use a specific type of tape to tape over those those edges and where the thing's connected where there's an open seal. So there's, there's some things that are involved that you need to know about, but if it's got value, use it. It makes you, you know, my question, how well do you like to sleep at night?
[01:01:28] Unknown:
Right. Right.
[01:01:30] Unknown:
No. I had one. I had a bunch of silver that was being sent down to Orlando that a guy was gonna bring down here. And so that week that it came was the week the postman took a damn couple of weeks off, and there was a substitute postman. So the substitute postman, not knowing all these rules, when he goes to deliver it, they they want something me to identify and give the person permission to sign for it, And he wouldn't give it to him. And it ended up when the regular postman got came back from vacation, it was in the cage and he just brought it to the customer and left it with him. But the flight had already left, so I didn't get it. So anyway, there's there's little pitfalls, but, registered is generally only for things with intrinsic value.
[01:02:23] Unknown:
Yeah. And and then if, like, like, I've ordered, precious metals just through the Internet. I've got a couple of, you know, reliable, reputable companies I order from and they don't use registered mail, you know. Now if you're talking about large quantities, especially like gold, then that might be a different story. But what you can do to to offset that is is buy some cheap insurance. So if you're gonna mail $750 worth of, precious metals, then, you know, put make sure you got insurance on that to to cover it. It's pretty cheap.
[01:03:01] Unknown:
It's pretty cheap. Yeah. It's a lot cheaper. I have never been one. Still quicker.
[01:03:05] Unknown:
Now if it was something that you couldn't replace, like they have some of these collectible coins Oh, yeah. That you're just not gonna go out on the market and buy them. Oh, yeah. Registered mail. Yeah. Yeah. But if you're talking about just in general, some kind of precious metal that you can turn turn around and go buy again, then really, I don't see a reason to be using registered mail. Just use priority mail with the tracking number and make sure you have enough insurance to cover the cost of replacement.
[01:03:40] Unknown:
So I hope that makes sense. Example, Mark, where a guy down in, what's South Of Tampa down there. Anyway, South Florida, he was coming down here. It was a few pieces of gold, and they sent it registered. My gold guy sent it registered to him, and they ended up on his front doorstep, and he never had to sign for it. Wait. So do you done. Yes. Yes, sir.
[01:04:07] Unknown:
I just I was gonna say, I didn't mean to turn it into a mail thing. I just wanted to make sure. Well, that's alright. That's okay. Our people
[01:04:14] Unknown:
our people think they wanna send it registered. They wanna send their affidavits to the secretary of state and register. You just don't have to do that. I mean, I worked for Pitney Blows for a couple of years. Okay? You know who they are? The postmark people. And and it's Bose, but we affectionately call it Bose. And, hell, I knew more about postal regulations than almost any postal employee. We had to know that stuff cold to go in and call on customers to try and sell them mailing machines.
[01:04:49] Unknown:
Yeah. So just use priority mail for those people who wanna, you know, get on board with this first class. Yep. You know, just use reg priority mail. No signature required. It goes into a lock box. So anyway, I'm cutting that off. Friday night midnight central time, if I don't have a payment, then and if I receive payments after that, if you haven't notified me and you got a tracking number or watching it move through the system. I got one that went into Atlanta and and don't know where it went. You know? Just poof. So and then we had others that took ten days to deliver. So
[01:05:29] Unknown:
that's probably mail supposed to be delivered in three days. Well, when I was when I was working for Pitney Blows, Mark, and that was back in the eighties. Okay? And one of the things they did was they took us down there to that regional mail facility in Atlanta that you're talking about. Now that was back in the eighties, so I know it's probably grown like crazy. But they had six, eight, 10 optical character reader machines in there, and they went through I forget how many millions of pieces of mail a day. That was forty years ago. K?
So, man, it's a it's quite an operation to go into one of those regional mail facilities and see how this stuff all works, and it's amazing that for the most part, they do a pretty damn good job.
[01:06:13] Unknown:
Right. Hey, Raj.
[01:06:15] Unknown:
Yes, Paul. I know we're past the hour. What's that, buddy?
[01:06:20] Unknown:
Yeah. There's yeah. We're we're not on anything that we have to sign off of. I don't know what's going on with the US Postal Service, but if you are sending anything, send it send it tracking. Send it tracking. I bought myself a birthday present. Okay? And it was supposed to be here on the twenty sixth. The twenty sixth. Alright? Bought myself a little heater for $30. It it was shipped from Chantilly, Virginia, and then it went to Frederick, Maryland. Then it went to Lithicum Heights, Maryland. Then it went to Phillipsburg, New Jersey. Then it went to Syracuse, New York. Hey. Yay. Cool. It got there on the twenty fifth. I'll see it tomorrow.
Then it went to Greensboro, North Carolina. Oh, yeah. Well, every dog. And it's still working through the system. I haven't gotten it yet. Last update was yesterday. Nice. They're trying do you think they're trying to sabotage
[01:07:19] Unknown:
[01:07:21] Unknown:
I have no idea. I bought a little heater. He's talking. I bought a little heater. He's doing it right. Point, I don't even wanna open the damn thing up inside my house because the last time I got a package that was delayed eight days and was tampered with when I got it, I caught the flu and I almost died within the next two months. I almost died twice. I don't even want to open this damn thing in my house.
[01:07:45] Unknown:
Well, the way it's going, it'll be spring. Before you get it, you won't need it. And I won't need it.
[01:07:51] Unknown:
Hey. Facebook Marketplace. Here I come.
[01:07:55] Unknown:
[01:07:56] Unknown:
Okay. Yeah. And they're trying to privatize them?
[01:07:59] Unknown:
I think Trump said something about doing something with the post office. I thought it had been privatized a number of years ago, partially or something. Yes, sir. Anyway, the the the post office is being floated, at this point in the Trump administration. And when they get ready to put it on the block and have Excalibur come down on it, I guess we'll find out.
[01:08:21] Unknown:
Well, I hope I get my heater before then.
[01:08:24] Unknown:
I just love it. Imagine it being any worse. You'll you'll get it. It'll be fine. Yeah. It won't stop the leak in your roof, though. That's a priority. So,
[01:08:36] Unknown:
by the way, Roger, I saw a comment. Somebody had, purchased a revocable living trust like I described earlier that we have problems with. You know, people unscrupulously going in and having the the elderly, the last surviving spouse, not in their right mind, sign a new trust. But they were saying that they had they, I believe they went to an attorney, paid $5,000 for a revocable living trust. Yikes. And it was attached to their social security number and funded. So that funded is one thing. But attached to the social security number, you know it's
[01:09:22] Unknown:
pretty much no longer private at that point. Yeah, you're throwing the privacy aspect right out the window.
[01:09:27] Unknown:
Right, right. So what we do is completely private. You're setting up a private trust. So it's not registered with the county. It's it's, what some people would call a common law trust and this is very powerful. And, and we'll discuss a case that I came across that, the trustee looked like they were violating his their fiduciary duties. They were taking money out of the trust for their own use and then, I guess, putting it back like a loan. And the judge kinda raised an eyebrow and was like, even though the trustee is doing this, which is questionable, the trust itself still meets these six elements and it is a trust. Now that case involved a US Bankruptcy Trustee, part of the government. Right? Represents the government interest. Oh, yeah. And the tenth Circuit Court said that that bankruptcy trustee could not bust the trust.
So the the person, either their state or the person went and filed bankruptcy and they saw that this trust had been set up and there were the the bankruptcy court was going accurate and the tenth Circuit Court of Appeal Judge in Denver, I should say judges, it's a panel of three that make the decision. They said, nope. Yeah. The the trust in itself still meets these six elements and you're not going to bust it. Now that's how powerful this trust that I'm teaching is. And this is primarily just about estate planning and asset protection is what we're covering. I'm also gonna be giving away, I shouldn't say giving away part of this is you're gonna have a separate trust for automobiles, RVs, motorcycles, stuff that you're out on the road with and you know, you could have creates a liability.
Ride boats, all that stuff where you're out in the public with it and creates a potential liability if you're involved in some kind of accident, then you want that in its own separate trust. So, anyway, I'll be covering all that stuff and, but if you want more information, if you're interested in joining, this is going to be the last week. I've drawn the line in the sand Friday night to night central time. But if you want more information, you can email me at [email protected]. Mark at your legacy trust dot o r g.
[01:12:07] Unknown:
I'm really almost saying a minute ago. Okay. One more question.
[01:12:13] Unknown:
If you are, retired and because of age receive a discount on school taxes, Do you lose that if you put it in Detroit?
[01:12:23] Unknown:
No. No. You don't. Matter of fact, even homestead. I was just just, brushing up on some of the different state laws. Most of them, if you had some of them have homestead exemption and they have where they lock in your home's value, when you hit, retirement age. So I I have very few state to state, but most of the 65, they freeze it. Oklahoma did. I think we actually voted on it. Joe in Oklahoma could probably help me out on that. But it freezes the the value of the home until it's transferred to another party. And they allow it to go into a family trust and it still is protected under those same laws. Now you in Oklahoma, you have to provide some evidence.
I agree. That it's your primary, you know, you gotta prove that it's still your primary residence. And that's not a big deal. But, yeah. I heard you, Joe. So, anyway, yeah. You can it's still even if you transfer property into your trust and you've got some kind of discount, whatever, that should still apply. Again, your mileage may vary depending upon your state and your county. But, generally speaking, it should transfer. Okay. Thanks. You're welcome.
[01:13:49] Unknown:
What I wanted to say good to hear you, Joe. What I wanted to say was how much I appreciate well, I appreciate all of you, obviously. But the addition of Mark and Paul to what we do here has just been a game changer. And it's so nice to have Mark on with his experience and knowledge and and Paul orchestrating everything with these complex systems and technology. And you're both just a godsend, and I really appreciate both of you as well as everybody else. But you two have got a special position in, in this, in our little deal going on here.
Thank you. Thank you, Roger. I mean Well, I mean, it's like God sends you people. You know, God sends you people. I can't go out and put out an advertisement. I'm looking for a paralegal. You know, we had Mar, Chris on here for a number of years. Chris Cave, very knowledgeable. Do you remember do you ever cross any paths with him, Mark? He was a real freak
[01:14:46] Unknown:
scholar. I think, somebody sent me a link to one of the shows that he was on. So I did get a chance to hear him. And, so, yeah, you could tell he had a lot of, a lot of experience.
[01:14:58] Unknown:
Well, he did. He he was he he used to be in the military. He was he just had a tremendous background. He's a licensed electrician and all kinds of stuff, and I really miss him. And you kinda fill that void, you know, really even a little more so maybe, but Chris was just such so dear to all of us. And it was even Brent, it was really, because he Brent was in Las Vegas, and they got to know each other personally. And, it was a real blow to all of us. He came on the show one Friday and said something. And, I mean, I said, Chris, are you sound like death warmed over? And he did. Okay? And he was dead the next Tuesday.
[01:15:37] Unknown:
Oh. Yep.
[01:15:39] Unknown:
Sure. They ran him to the hospital, remdesivir, the the breathing thing done. Yep. Yep. Yep, Paul.
[01:15:49] Unknown:
Remdesivir and a ventilator will do it to you. Yeah. I got here kind of in a roundabout way. Yeah. You sure did. Yeah. Got a. I got him. I got here kind of in a roundabout way. I came from the Sarah Westall interview. I only saw hour three. That was all I needed to see. But the person that sent me the link to that interview, because I normally don't watch Sarah Westall, was doc Peter, the the hemp paste guy. The Doc Peter. Oh, okay. The the hemp the hemp and canapaste guy. He sent me a link to Skype, which, by the way, you and I are gonna have to get together. We're probably gonna have to shift to Telegram or something like that. I hear is going away. I hear May 1 Skype is gone. Microsoft's
[01:16:38] Unknown:
dumping it. They paid 8 and a half million dollars for that when they bought it from eBay. It's the most money ever paid for a, for a program, and I guess they're dumping it. Now I'm I'm astonished. My question is, I've got I opened that account in o six. So I've got almost twenty years of phone numbers in there. Can I have access to those phone numbers? Yes. Yes. You have to log in to
[01:17:05] Unknown:
Like yeah. Okay. We'll go over credentials, and then you can download not only your chat and message history, but you can also download your contact list.
[01:17:17] Unknown:
Cool. I just did that with you. Okay. Well, I'm I'm glad to hear that. I that's gonna be a big void in computer land, folks. I mean, that is a wonderful closing it down?
[01:17:29] Unknown:
Yes. Like It's what I have. First, they're switching from Skype to Microsoft Teams. And if you have an active subscription, you'll still be able to use Teams until that subscription is up, but then you'll have to switch to a Teams subscription, which is $10 a month.
[01:17:46] Unknown:
[01:17:48] Unknown:
Well, that's worth it, I guess. It used to be when Skype was still under the original programmers thing, you had Skype in and Skype out. And it they were $30 a year apiece. And if you got both of them, it was only $30. So we're quadrupling that original price.
[01:18:07] Unknown:
Right. But the but I believe that the the the Skype to telephone connectivity is going away. I don't think Teams supports,
[01:18:17] Unknown:
telephone. Individual phone numbers? Oh, shit. Yeah. It's a it calls to numbers. There's there'll be there'll be some other programs pop up to fill the void here if there's not already.
[01:18:30] Unknown:
Yeah. We'll have to think of something.
[01:18:32] Unknown:
[01:18:33] Unknown:
Yeah. Jack shot me that yesterday for the audience. If you don't know, if you man, I mean, Skype has allowed me to live down here for all these years. I'm it's a go to program for me. And, I I I would have a difficult time doing it if we didn't have that because waiting in these kiosks for a telephone to do international calls and paying the absorbent rate of that was well, it was a little bit, a little bit debilitating in areas, very expensive, and, poor quality phone. Skype, digital to digital has always been just pretty damn good.
I think one of the big problems is 800 numbers. The Skype was the only program that would let you call 800 numbers in The US. I'll forward you what Jack sent to me, Paul. Okay. But, anyway, for the audience, unfortunately, Skype is gonna go bye bye.
[01:19:34] Unknown:
Well, I'm sure there'll be some alternatives. What does that have to look like? I hope so. I hope so. Way around.
[01:19:43] Unknown:
All day long. Linux?
[01:19:45] Unknown:
Doesn't Linux have a replacement for Skype?
[01:19:50] Unknown:
Well, there is a version of Skype that runs under Linux. Have you looked at that? There is there's a number of different things. Facebook has WhatsApp. Microsoft. Yeah. Facebook has WhatsApp. There's text now where you can get a free text or voice telephone number. So, that might be workable. There's Telegram and there's signal. There's a number of communication mediums out there, but they're not as convenient and seamless as Skype. So Yeah. Yeah. Just hiccups.
[01:20:28] Unknown:
FYI, that's May, May Day, May Day. So we got a little breathing room about sixty days or so.
[01:20:35] Unknown:
I'm gonna have to step away for just a couple of minutes. I'll be back. Okay, Mark. Fine.
[01:20:40] Unknown:
Anybody in the audience got something they'd like to bring forward and discuss and think we've touched on and spurred something in you or you had a curiosity? I think there's somebody right there. Is that Julie?
[01:20:50] Unknown:
Yeah. Hi, Roger. How are you? Hey, Julie. I'm good.
[01:20:53] Unknown:
[01:20:54] Unknown:
So I think that you're gonna be on, Jeff's show on Thursday from nine to ten PM East Coast because he sent me an email saying six to 7PM Pacific time.
[01:21:09] Unknown:
Okay. Fantastic. That was the slot I would have asked for because I'm on Eastern time, the total opposite, until Monday. And on the ninth, we change again back to daylight savings time. And then I'm in central time for the rest of the year. Okay. Well, do you have a relationship with him, Julie?
[01:21:31] Unknown:
Not like you do, but just a kind of I did send him some emails and stuff like that. So, he had sent me back saying that Roger will be on Thursday, March 6 from six to seven PM Pacific time. Fantastic. Thank you. That's good. I had a I had a old I had a old email email of his that was [email protected]. So and when you gave out the sightings, email at mine, that's when I sent him the email and everything.
[01:22:04] Unknown:
I think that must be the one that he probably pays more attention to, and that may be the key to our success here, because the his response from that is just JR. So, anyway, I I feel like with his predilection to all this UFO stuff, that that's probably something he's real partial to.
[01:22:24] Unknown:
[01:22:25] Unknown:
Thank you. But I'm looking forward to bringing you on the show. That'll be great. Well, me too. I wish I hadn't, you know of course, I can understand. He's not gonna give me more than an hour. Hopefully, when he gets the gravity of what we've got here and, the the amount of things that need to be discussed that are important, maybe he'll have me back and and do a two hour segment. So I'll suggest to him that if he wants to do a call in segment where people can ask questions on his show, that we could, set that up or whatever. We'll find out more as we go forward. I'm just really thrilled. I really wanna get to know the guy. I feel like I know him because I've been listening to a show off and on for thirty years.
And, boy, has he got an audience. Thirty years of consistency of Jeff Rentz to build that audience, highly, you know, intellectual, question seeking, truth seeking. Man, this is right up our alley, folks.
[01:23:21] Unknown:
Did you, did you watch,
[01:23:24] Unknown:
oh, sorry. I'm kind of changing subjects on you. Did you watch the Sean Turnbull SGT SGT report, interview with, doctor Lee Valette and, dot Todd Callender, the most recent ones that that you haven't seen?
[01:23:40] Unknown:
If if I've seen it this morning, I'd probably watched it this morning.
[01:23:45] Unknown:
I've I've Yeah. It's on you It's it's the first one on SGT report. If you go to rumble
[01:23:51] Unknown:
[01:23:52] Unknown:
It was just a little bit interesting because as you well know, I'm not a I'm not a Trump supporter, but let me say something here. Todd Callender did say that, Trump defunded the OECD, which is called the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. It is land capture value across the globe and through, the defunding of USAID, he has defunded the OECD and stopped the one world government. We were the last country to fall. Everybody else had already been taken over and Todd Callender claimed Trump stopped this. So for anybody who's interested in listening, it's on Rumble. You just type in the search bar s g t space report, and it'll pull up. Ideal.
[01:24:50] Unknown:
Thank you, Julie. Thank you for invite, getting Roger on there. Wanted to say something, Roger, regarding trusts. If you have, I wanted can you hear me okay?
[01:25:01] Unknown:
Yeah. I hear you just fine. You're loud and clear, but Mark's not with us. He stepped away for a minute. Well, it's not for Mark's trust. For the students.
[01:25:09] Unknown:
Okay. I'm I'm sharing some information. Alright. You know how Brent has his classes. Right? He teaches about trust, and they're, like, a hundred and $75. A little more affordable, for some people or do it for free. Learn for yourself and become your own expert. And, you know, don't stress out about it. Just take your time learning and taking in the information.
[01:25:34] Unknown:
You know, here's the we had a situation with Robin. She was on the show just the other day. She's been a long time email communicator with me. And, she came on a while back and asked Brent. Said, well, some of you remember this. Well, who who would you suggest that I go to for a trust? And Brent came back. It kinda hacked her off, but, because it wasn't the answer she wanted. But Brent came back and said, well, you know, the this is so easy to to be able to pull the wool over people's eyes That you you if you're gonna go, how do you know the person that's writing for you is doing it right? And so he suggested that she go back just like Merka did. He's got he gave a course, one of these Thursday deals that he does, and I don't know if Darleaf was with him or not. But it was over how to write your own trust. But Bur Bur Bur Brent's an expert. That's his specialty is trust. Okay? Yeah. And he brought that together.
So you can go and take those classes. And then even if you wanna go pay Mark or whoever, at least when they're telling you what they're gonna do, you can see if they're trying to pull the wool over your eyes or do something sneaky. You've put in some of the most valuable things to you in the world in that vehicle. Okay? So Robin didn't like that answer, but that's the right answer. And even if you do go to Mark, you still ought to go back and do that. You're really gonna know what you got. K?
[01:27:05] Unknown:
There's a lot of free information out there. Even on, there's a lot of information you could find. The older books before 1860 would have good information, factual information that you can use. And, you know, using our affidavit makes it a lot stronger. So, you know, the way we do it, the steps we follow, the process we do is weaponizing our affidavit. So, I I don't feel like the the trust is just, like, something that can, protect, maybe, give you a little more strength with your affidavit, but I I believe that our affidavit brings a lot to the table Well, it's in protecting protecting our property.
[01:27:54] Unknown:
Okay. It probably does. And Mark is correct about that, but it it's a property vehicle. See, here's the problem why I said that earlier. Because when since I've gotten this thing in the nineties, and there'd be people going all over the country selling trust. Okay. And they were selling them as tax vehicles. A trust is not a tax vehicle. It's a property vehicle. So pardon for the coughing, but if you're gonna put something valuable in one of these things, you ought to know what you're doing. There's plenty of information out there and try and avail yourself of it. Of course, what Mark's offering is not just writing you a trust. He's gonna consult with you. He's gonna show you how to do it exactly, the best way to put what properties in what trust and all that stuff. And then he's gonna write them for you, and you'll always have him to call if there's any problems. So it's more than just writing a trust what he's offering here. But we've got Brent and his expertise on the other side, which you can verify everything and educate yourself with from another standpoint. So my suggestion is take advantage of both of them if you're gonna utilize a trust. So yes, Mara. And another thing, Roger, I just wanted to say,
[01:29:05] Unknown:
you you need to understand who you are as a private individual and understand what's going on in the background now because we're no no longer US citizens, federal citizens. So to understand that is something that you have to internalize, and not a lot of people have done that. So we that's what needs to happen for you to feel comfortable doing what you're doing even if you're learning for free to learn how to do your own information and do it, you know, on that's what we need to do. We're living private now. We need to learn how to do that.
[01:29:36] Unknown:
Yep. Agreed.
[01:29:38] Unknown:
Mark, what's your opinion on that? People can come to national status freedom if they wanna come learn with us, and we can help each other and learn together.
[01:29:48] Unknown:
Well, Marco, while I got you, did you get ahold of Eva?
[01:29:54] Unknown:
No. Not yet. Okay. I'm looking for her the email.
[01:29:59] Unknown:
I know you sent it back to me, so I sent her a message. I'm just gonna Okay. Reach out to her. I'm here. Oh. I'm here right now. Can Can you hear me? Is this Eva? This is Eva. Yeah. We hear you. Eva. Hi, Eva. Hi. Gustavo. Now I wanna ask you a question for a while if I can. Yeah. It's, it's a a fascinating language, really. You have a, a phone number with an 850 area code. What part of the Florida Panhandle are you in?
[01:30:30] Unknown:
Panhandle Port Saint Joe.
[01:30:32] Unknown:
Oh, you're in Port Saint Joe. Well, I'm from Panama City. I don't know if you knew that or not.
[01:30:37] Unknown:
I didn't know that you were I heard that you had been there, but I I didn't know you were from there.
[01:30:43] Unknown:
My mother's family is there. You know when you go to Panama City and you drive over the Hathaway Bridge there to the beach?
[01:30:50] Unknown:
[01:30:51] Unknown:
All that land from the from the naval base all the way to where all those condos are was all my mother's family land.
[01:30:59] Unknown:
The holidays. The state park now?
[01:31:02] Unknown:
Well, it's a navy base part of it. No. Not all the way down to the state park, just to the navy base. My maternal great grandfather donated that land to the government during World War two for the navy base. So that's what particularly pissed me off with this Nord Stream thing because they took divers out of that base because that's a deep sea, helmet diver base. And if they pull people out of there for a project, they don't have to run it by congress and get their approval. If they would have used any of the other night navy divers, they'd had to go through congress. So they went down there on that land my family gave to these damn bastards and went and blew up the North Stream pipeline, and it pissed me off. Okay?
[01:31:48] Unknown:
Wow. So anyway, Eva, nice to meet you. Cool area.
[01:31:53] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, Port Saint Joe's a pretty cool little place. So,
[01:31:56] Unknown:
good. Oh, it's just gorgeous. I'm surrounded by water. It it's it's so peaceful and wonderful. And now I'm just I'm ready to get out of being a
[01:32:08] Unknown:
slave. And Yep. Well, we can do that for you, and, good luck dodging the hurricanes. That's something I can't do for you.
[01:32:16] Unknown:
I know that I lived in Florida twenty years ago, and not one came through. And now that I'm back, that's always on, you know, always on your mind.
[01:32:26] Unknown:
Right. Well, our our family land now sold was right there on the other side of Tyndall on East Bay as you're going into Panama City there. It was in that area. Mhmm. Mhmm. And, so, yeah, it's always been my home. My father loved it there. He was a a jet instructor at Tyndall. He used to instruct in t 30 back after World War two and, just got a lot of, a lot of history there. So nice to know you're in Port Saint Joe. I'm glad you got through. We and and contacted us. And so how'd you find us, Eva? You said you bought my book and all kinds of stuff. I bought your book probably
[01:33:07] Unknown:
ten or twelve years ago. Yeah. I read it. I reread it, and I get it. The I I don't know if you know Hagen Smith. He was in the patriot movement. He was when they had the constitutional convention, back when I think it was when Obama got elected, and he was one of the delegates. Anyway, he, you know, drove without a license, did a common law trust, and he passed away. And his wife Hagen Smith.
[01:33:39] Unknown:
You did? Yep. Yeah. This is Dave in the thumb.
[01:33:43] Unknown:
[01:33:44] Unknown:
[01:33:45] Unknown:
Nice to meet you. He was a he was one of I went to the constitution party picnics when I lived in Pennsylvania, and he was in Florida part of the year and then in Pennsylvania. And he educated a lot of us a long time ago Good. You know, about the fourteenth amendment. And And he turned you on to my stuff? I think I was listening to RBN way back maybe in 2012, '20 '13. Were you on RBN then?
[01:34:15] Unknown:
Yes. I was on Bennett's show on Wednesday nights, and I did a couple of other shows. One, daytime show with a guy and a girl. They weren't married from, Atlanta, and I did that show. And but mostly, I was on Bennett. Yeah.
[01:34:29] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. It was it was you know, and I had the time. I had an organic farm. I wasn't working, and I was the activist. So what I did was I got thousands of signatures to audit the Fed. Oh, that was back in, I think, twenty two zero nine, maybe 02/2009, after the tea parties. I was part of forming four of the tea parties in the Pittsburgh area and then met a lot of great contacts, in the patriot movement, constitution party up there, and we got a lot of signatures. I had men in black taking pictures of me Yeah. At the tea parties.
[01:35:11] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah.
[01:35:13] Unknown:
Yeah. So Cool. I just I just, you know, have a lot of I've had a lot of computer issues. I've had a lot of things happen that are just very strange in my life since Okay. Well, we did all that activism. I I ran somebody for congress twice in the primary. My girlfriend and I that I met in the Ron Paul movement, we ran a patriot, against the congressman there. And so I'm I was on Republican committee. I did I was judgeable elections at my local poll polling place because I saw the cheating going on. And so I've been an activist and involved in things for a long time.
[01:36:00] Unknown:
Well, Eva, it's all good. I'm glad you got through. I'm glad we can understand you. And I'm, I'm really glad we're able to connect here on Saturday. Somebody just wants to say something. Just hold on for a second. And, tickled to death, and we're here to help you. Okay? So I don't want you to be scared and I don't want and because there's nothing to be scared of because this is your decision not theirs. Okay? That's the first thing I want you to get. Well, yeah, I say I appreciate that. Okay. I mean, they can't do anything about it. Eva, I've been teaching this for fifteen years. We've never had anybody report one incident of blowback to me. Okay. Now there may have been some that happened, but I doubt that that would have happened without them contacting me. Because every time one of you students, especially the new ones, gets a letter from the IRS or a bluff letter or something, man, I'm the first person they get a hold of. K?
[01:36:53] Unknown:
Oh, okay.
[01:36:55] Unknown:
We've never had anything happen to my knowledge of anybody being detrimentally armed, confronted, accosted, or anything else. Our experience is where that you go in front of a bureaucrat and they say, are you a citizen of The United States? You go, no. I'm a national. And they go, okay. How can I help you? And they do what you want them to do. That's our experience. Okay? Okay. So I have license for my profession? Yes, ma'am.
[01:37:24] Unknown:
I I'm a dental hygienist. Are you? And I've gone through a lot to get licensure in the state of Florida. Yeah. So part of my anxiety is what happens when I'm a national? Do I have to keep getting this licensure, or do I participate in the department?
[01:37:44] Unknown:
Well, you don't technically need a license, but you're gonna have to convince your dentist to that. And I don't know about that obstacle, quite frankly. But license management.
[01:37:55] Unknown:
As well.
[01:37:57] Unknown:
And I've got some some input on that, but that's Okay. Hold hold there. Okay. Hold on a second. Alright. I'll just stop. You you think were you the guy that spoke a minute ago? Because two guys have tried to speak. Okay. And what is what is your input, please?
[01:38:13] Unknown:
So so whenever I, sign any of my license shirt licenses for the for the state, I always sign it with the UCC1 Dash 3 0 8, and then I also Okay. Signed it with the v.c. V codess having had to sign under duress. So that way, it was if it's a contract that that can't be held because, I mean, they're making me do it, and I want to be able to to contract it. So, anyway, yeah, that's all I do. So Understand. Thank you. I'll need more details on that. That was really fast.
[01:38:41] Unknown:
All you could put you could put TDC. Do you know about that threat direct duress coercion? He suggested +1 308. You put UCC +1 308. That's the it used to be 207. It's now 308. They like to switch these things around. And, above your signature, and that ought to protect you. Okay?
[01:39:01] Unknown:
Okay. Okay. That sounds good. Alright. Yeah. Because I was signing, with and without prejudice or with prejudice without you know?
[01:39:09] Unknown:
I don't know if that does anything. That's what +1 308 is. That's what +1 308 is. Same thing. Okay.
[01:39:17] Unknown:
Okay. Who down there's a female. Was it Mark or was that you? Roger. Yeah. No. Samuel was waiting. I think that was his voice that I heard. That that's the other person.
[01:39:26] Unknown:
Okay. Samuel, are you there?
[01:39:29] Unknown:
No. It's Michael. This is a different guy.
[01:39:32] Unknown:
Okay. I've been Michael, you want that's on there. Oh, okay. Was that you that just talked to us a minute ago or he was you're different? Yeah. About the plumbing license and all that stuff. Yes. And I mean, the time there earlier and said Roger. The same guy. Okay. Thank you, Michael. Okay. Thank you. Yeah. I
[01:39:47] Unknown:
I appreciate it.
[01:39:49] Unknown:
We try not to ignore anyone around here. Yes, sir. Yeah. Even Farris. I hear you. Even Farris, we try not to ignore. Yes.
[01:39:57] Unknown:
Mister, mister Tom d, referred me to you. Oh. So I man, I'm gonna yeah. And let's give give mister Tom d a nice shot out there. So, the the, anyway so, man, I don't even know where to begin. I've got like a family crisis that's happening right now. My son got diagnosed with leukemia, on on September. Yeah. So, and me and the mother, we, decided to we're not together or anything like that. But, me and the mother, we got together and we decided to remove him from the hospital for a second opinion. And then the, the mother turned around and, weaponized CPS against me as a custody grab. And now my son has been removed from my care even though I had, medical evidence or evidence that I was seeking a medical a second opinion.
And, and the I've tried and tried and tried, but CPS is not listening to me. They don't care about my evidence or anything like that. Yeah. Of course. And I have submitted yeah. I've I've already submitted earlier, last year, my kids have the the, affidavits of repudiation and revocation of citizenship. So, I'm and I'm a national as well. So We're gonna have to ask you Well, did you present we have had success with CBS by not yet. I
[01:41:17] Unknown:
Okay. Well, would you like to hear the story? Would you okay. There you can Sarah is eighteen minutes long, called into the show one day, and told us her experience with CPS. I can give you a brief on it here, but you need to listen to that. It's the only time I've ever heard of anybody getting a child out of CPS's grasp. And she did it with those affidavits from the children's hospital in Denver. And they were in a meeting with three attorneys, the CPS officer who happened to be a Russian gal that had already gotten the rebellious child to sign documents that morning before mom and dad showed up. They went into a meeting. They she put the affidavits on the table. They looked at each other and said, please leave the room for five minutes, and they came out and said you and your daughter are free to go. Why did they do that? Because if they would have proceeded, she could have sued that hospital and CPS from now till doomsday.
[01:42:18] Unknown:
Yeah. Hey, Roger.
[01:42:20] Unknown:
Oh, yes. Is that Thomas?
[01:42:25] Unknown:
No. It's Joe. Can you hear me?
[01:42:27] Unknown:
Verily. Hey, Joe.
[01:42:30] Unknown:
Man, I'm having some weird sound issues today. Are you good now? You're good now. Okay. I wanted to ask this guy a question. Are you married?
[01:42:42] Unknown:
Well, to a different to to a different woman, yes. But not not to the mother. No.
[01:42:47] Unknown:
Were you married to the mother in the past? Yeah. Yes. Yes. Okay. Do you still have the marriage certificate?
[01:42:55] Unknown:
No. I don't have that. She she was the one that kept up with that. I I do I need go ahead.
[01:43:01] Unknown:
You have to get some marriage certificate. File. It's probably on file somewhere. Wouldn't you be, Joe?
[01:43:07] Unknown:
Yeah. You have to get you have to get the marriage certificate or a certified copy of that thing. Okay? Because that's how the can do it. I've done this already, by the way. I'm just letting everyone know. I've this this works. What I'm about to tell this guy, this works. I've already done this with somebody, and they shut down the whole freaking court case. This guy was paying $6,000 a month in alimony, and they shut it down, ended the whole court case by doing this. So what you gotta do, you gotta put a $1 stamp on the front, the top right corner of the marriage certificate. You gotta cancel the form.
Okay? Then what you do is you you say that you're resending the con you write right on there that you're gonna rescind this, contract. You have a right to marriage, and you don't need to state involved. And you just mail the the certificate back to them. Okay? Back to the, the place that issued it. Okay? Right. Or you can mail the CPS and just tell them that this has been mail the CPS a copy of it. Okay? That it was already been rescinded. And, technically, they're not allowed to hold the children anymore because they don't have a security interest of the children.
[01:44:14] Unknown:
Hey. Can I can I break can I break in here for a minute? Joe. Who's that? Joe? That's Joe that's talking to, John. Can you email me your contact information to [email protected]? No. And I'm gonna hook I'm gonna hook no? Okay. I wanted to hook you guys together, but I guess not.
[01:44:35] Unknown:
No. I'm no. You no. The reason is because I get a 50 emails a day. I'm not keeping track of my email anymore. It's just too chaotic for me. Our phone number our phone numbers just email me a phone number somewhere. You can help this guy a little bit maybe. I just told him what to do.
[01:44:52] Unknown:
Yeah. You did tell me what to do. I I'm actually I know exactly what you're talking about, and I actually have an affidavit that that accompanies exactly what you just told me to do. Yeah.
[01:45:02] Unknown:
Awesome, Joe. Thanks for sharing that. Thank you, Joe.
[01:45:06] Unknown:
That will get a child released from CPS, Joe.
[01:45:10] Unknown:
Yeah. If he wants, what he could do also is He's removing he's basically, what he's saying is he's because what it does is it removes the state from the contract between the two people.
[01:45:20] Unknown:
Okay. Well, you know what? Okay. You're you're negating the contract, which is the marriage certificate that you didn't need to have in the first place.
[01:45:28] Unknown:
Right. So what it says on the marriage certificate, it says it on all those certificates. Certificate of title, the birth certificate, the marriage certificate. It all says that, that this this certificate is void if if it's altered in any way, shape, or form. So you put the stamp on there, which shows that you paid off the taxes, right, the Stamp to the exact. You and then you cancel the stamp, and then you just tell them that you're rescinding the contract. You have a right to rescind the contract at any moment in time. You have that right. So you rescind the contract and it ends the contract. And because it's a certificate of title, right, you'd say that you're gonna they can have back the security, but you're gonna keep the assets, which in in this case, it's the children.
Okay? You're allowed to do that.
[01:46:13] Unknown:
Awesome, Joe. And the stamp that you're talking about, is that a a stamp from the court, or is that
[01:46:19] Unknown:
what do you No. The dollar the dollar is supposed to be stamped.
[01:46:23] Unknown:
Okay. Cool.
[01:46:24] Unknown:
Yeah. Stamp duties act of 1863
[01:46:26] Unknown:
or something like that. Schedule b will tell you exactly, you know, it'll it'll it'll be forced to be to be the warehouse receipt to 25¢ stamp, but today, it's the dollar stamp. So that's because I checked with the postmaster and asked them about that 25¢ stamp for the warehouse receipt, and they said that's actually the new $1 liberty stamp or it could be the, the flower, the blue one. And they told me that that would be the the stamp that would be utilized today for the warehouse receipt. And to cancel it, what do you do? Exactly. Black Sharpie, and you and you just write your name in it and put without prejudice.
[01:47:01] Unknown:
Without purchase.
[01:47:03] Unknown:
Okay. Awesome. Technically, the what you're supposed to do is you're supposed to write the name, time, and location. Right? Because that's how the post office stamps, or that's how they cancel stamps. Technically, you're supposed to do it that way It's where you put the name, the date, and the location, and that shows it was canceled there. It's like being paid. Just like on any kind of check, it has to have a date on there and a location. Right? Like, when you look at your checks, it says your name, then it has the address on there. Right? So, like, the name of the bank, who's paying it, the location of the, payment, right, which is your address on there, and then the date. Right? It's it's all the same thing. Every single one of those things are just different forms of payment.
[01:47:46] Unknown:
Can I ask one more question? Give her are we talking with Mike? Isn't that your name? Mike. Yes. Joe. Simultaneously. Mike. Yeah. Yeah. Did you get a divorce from the child's mother?
[01:47:59] Unknown:
[01:48:00] Unknown:
Doesn't that cancel the contract in itself, Joe? No.
[01:48:05] Unknown:
No. No. Because the security interest is still there. He has to rescind that security interest.
[01:48:12] Unknown:
Joe, I have a question. Why wouldn't that same thing work on our birth certificates? I yield.
[01:48:18] Unknown:
I received my birth certificate. Now I did that on my birth certificate. Now now the cops can't access my information anymore. They blanked out everything. Awesome. That's what happened here. Because I said Okay.
[01:48:32] Unknown:
If you're going to go as a first time passport applicant, you have to have a birth certificate, certified copy in that package. Could you you could do this to that package you're submitting to them, and what difference would it make?
[01:48:49] Unknown:
Probably puts you on a do not attend. This is Michael, by the way. Go ahead. I'll let you talk. Go on. No. I'm sorry. I was good. So so, if I mean, you couldn't do it with the when you do the passport application, you would have to do it after you get it back.
[01:49:01] Unknown:
Okay. Okay. Well, that's that's answers the question. That's fine. Yeah. There's no Let's get back to Michael's situation here. So what do you what do you what do you think if that works?
[01:49:14] Unknown:
I would like to know if you go through this and it works, please come back and give us some feedback on that. I I don't I don't know if I have time to be able to do that because I don't have the the the marriage certificate, per se. So, I mean, you know, I can look for it real quick, see if I have a copy, but to request a copy, I probably wouldn't get one in time. I am they're rushing me to a final hearing, final permanency hearing right now, and they're they're basically gonna give my child to that to the mother. Okay. I have a question for him, Roger.
[01:49:43] Unknown:
Oh, okay. Can I can I turn in here? Yeah. Yes. I'll have her first, then you, Julie. Go ahead. Hold on. Hold on, Julie. Hold on.
[01:49:52] Unknown:
Mike, when you said that you did the reputation of election, revocation, or what was it? The predation of revocation. Did you do an affidavit with Roger's method?
[01:50:06] Unknown:
No. No. I I u well, I mean, I sent I didn't use Roger's specific method. I don't know exactly what his method is, but I but I used the, I sent I sent the application or the the affidavit to the secretary of state of The United States. Okay. Well, you said So Alright. You said it was a rebuttal of citizenship or something is how you referred to it Right. Which should work should work. Here, with you with this, all you're Reputiate it another way. In
[01:50:32] Unknown:
this. All you're doing is putting something in front of them that rebuts the presumption that you've earlier in your life agreed to. Anything that does that will work. K?
[01:50:42] Unknown:
Yes. I've done it for myself and my sweet children.
[01:50:45] Unknown:
Okay. Well, sounds like what you did work should work. Okay? Now did that answer your question, Myrka?
[01:50:53] Unknown:
Yes. It did. And then I went in to tell Tom d to, check his telegram so I can try to get in contact with him with Tom. And then, Mike, if you wanna reach out, I put the link in the chat. It's national status freedom.
[01:51:07] Unknown:
Just tell me what I'm doing. I'm not in the question. On the phone.
[01:51:11] Unknown:
Mike, you should be able to go down to your county where you got married in and get a certified copy that day. I'm just saying. Mirka, hold on. Hold on. Everybody hold on.
[01:51:21] Unknown:
I don't know if Tom is on Telegram, but you can send [email protected] an email, and you'll get it.
[01:51:29] Unknown:
Okay. I'll tell you. I did send him mine, but it came back. It came back. I told him. He is on Megan. He is on Telegram. I'm just trying to have him check his messages. I don't think he checks him often.
[01:51:41] Unknown:
Alright. May I? Yes. Julie's next. Go ahead.
[01:51:48] Unknown:
Yeah. I just wanted to let you know, if you, are in near the county, where you got married, you can get, share, Sherry is correct. I did it myself. You can go downtown to the county courthouse and get a certified copy same day. Takes five minutes to do. The other thing I wanna tell you is that I'm sorry to hear about your son. I had adult lymphocytic leukemia, and I was treated on a children's protocol at MD Anderson Cancer Center. If there's anything that I can do to help you, I I I am I'm here for you is basically what I'm saying.
[01:52:24] Unknown:
Okay. I appreciate that. He's in remission now, but I mean they did. They took him from my custody and the state got involved. The state has consented to give him that harsh version of chemotherapy when I actually had him scheduled for a comprehensive cancer screening. It's RGCC plus testing, it's Octonomics plus testing and it pinpoints your cancer cell up against 52 natural extracts plus like several other less harsh chemotherapies to make a comprehensive tailored roadmap to recovery for your specific cancer. So Right. So And and then the the CPS interfered with that. Go ahead. Sorry. Yeah. So you you could email I have an email begratefulforlifeandsmilegmail
[01:53:17] Unknown:
dot com. It's all one word spelled out, no letters. There's a book, Forbidden Health and Cureable with yes with yesterday by Andreas Kalker. He he's a German physicist, and you can cure, chlorine you can cure leukemia with chlorine dioxide. So if you wanna email me and you need my help with anything, I'm here to help you. I would have done a different protocol than what I did at MD Anderson Cancer Center. I Say your email one more time. It's b it's [email protected]. Be grateful for [email protected], all spelled out. And my name is Julie. I'm happy to help you and your son any way I can. I yield at I know this is not medical, advice. Yeah.
[01:54:08] Unknown:
I recognize that. Thank you. I got it. Chris from California.
[01:54:13] Unknown:
You're a you're a national now, Jill. You can't be charged with giving out medical without a license.
[01:54:19] Unknown:
Yeah. Thank you. I mean, honestly, I mean Oh, you're very welcome. If you read if you read doctor Judy Mickiewicz's book, Plague of Corruption, she worked for Fauci and Fauci created leukemia in the laboratory. I yield.
[01:54:35] Unknown:
NH. Chris in California. Okay. Hold on. There's a whole bunch of people trying to talk all of a sudden. Hold on. I heard Chris in California. We've been talking about Tom d, and I think he's been trying to get in here for a minute. Tom, are you is that the case? Tom, is that you? Alright. I guess Tom's not there. Chris, go ahead.
[01:55:00] Unknown:
Okay. I've had extensive, extensive contact with the alternative clinics. I've been interview I've interviewed a lot of people. I've been in a lot of conferences. I've been I've visited clinics. I just want to give the people out there some valuable resources. One is called People Against Cancer in Des Moines, Iowa. And People Against Cancer, if you contact them with the information of what type of cancer you have, they will give you the most promising method of taking care of that problem. They track every alternative clinic in the world and they track their success. And they're they can be of great help, people against cancer.
Another one is International Association of Cancer Victors and Friends. The International Association of Cancer Victor and Friends is made up of people who have beaten cancer by alternative methods exclusively and they have listed people that they will give you to contact to talk to them to get their story and find out what they did. Also, there's a clinic in Tijuana named American Biomedical and they have a special protocol with immunotherapy that's very successful. You can call them and talk to them about it. That's American Biomedical. Alex is the head of that and they're in the Twin Towers or the Grand Hotel in Tijuana.
Another place is Stanislaw Brzezinski's clinic. Stanislaw Brzezinski in Texas and you can go online on YouTube and watch the documentary about Stanislaw Brzezinski. He's basically a % effective in curing any cancer. You wanna find out why and how he does it.
[01:56:56] Unknown:
Yeah. That Texas say that Texas one what how do you spell his name?
[01:57:02] Unknown:
Stanislaw, s t a n I s l a w, Burzinski, b u r z y n s k I.
[01:57:11] Unknown:
Awesome. Awesome. Thank you. Mike, you can go back and grab this and come back over all these resources if if you wanna agree to listen to it. Okay?
[01:57:20] Unknown:
Yeah. Two more things. A book everybody should read that wants to know what cancer is all about. There's two books. One is called the book Options by Richard P. Walters. Richard P. Walters. They do surveys, all kinds of unpublished studies that the AMA will not publish that have been done by Stanford, Harvard and UCLA and other prestigious colleges. And you'll find you'll find things out like, for example, where they interviewed 300 oncologists and they asked all the 300 oncologists one question. If you had the cancer that you treat, would you take your own treatment? It was unanimous no.
[01:58:01] Unknown:
Yeah. And then the question,
[01:58:03] Unknown:
what would you do? Where would you go? And you wanna read those answers. But you have to get the book Options by Avery Press, by Richard P. Walters. Another fabulous book, a landmark book is The Conquest of Cancer by Doctor. Virginia Livingston. The Conquest of Cancer by Doctor. Virginia Livingston. Now these books have been around for a long time so you can get used copies cheap on Amazon. When you read those two books, you will know something about cancer and you'll know exactly what to do about it. Immunotherapy is the only way. You have to build your immune system. All of the AMA methods, they all tear down your immune system. You need to build up your immune system.
[01:58:55] Unknown:
Well, thank you, sir. Alright. Thank you. Thank you, Chris. Anybody else got anything for Mike here? We're right about at the end of the show. Well, I'm surprised I didn't hear the whistler unless Paul's Can I can I one more thing? Oh, you say anything you want. Yep. So
[01:59:09] Unknown:
my my my dilemma right now is is not the cancer treatment itself because I have actually been stripped of my parental rights. It doesn't matter what I say at this moment. Right. The state of Texas the state of Texas is is consenting to poison my child with this with this chemotherapy. So until I get the state of Texas out of the way and my parental rights back, all of that information that I present to them does not matter to them. So I have to I have to I have to battle the state of Texas, and then I can battle cancer.
[01:59:40] Unknown:
Roger, he needs to listen go ahead. Go ahead, Roger. No. No. Go ahead. He needs to listen to Sarah's recording so he understands what he needs to do and use that against them. They've exceeded their jurisdiction.
[01:59:56] Unknown:
Sounds like he's fighting state of Texas first and then CPS. Is that correct, Mike?
[02:00:03] Unknown:
Well well, state of Texas and CPS, they're they're together. It's all one and the same. I mean, I'm I've got a few different
[02:00:08] Unknown:
Have you presented either have you presented either one of them the documents you filed with the secretary of state? No. No. I have not. Shame on you. That may be your answer right there. You listen to Sarah. You go listen to Sarah's story. It's on the web or somebody can get it to you. There on your website? Yes. And we're about to be in with the broadcast, but we hang around here. So just hold your taters for a second. For the audience, we'll see you, Monday. We're gonna take a short little day and a half weekend, a modified weekend, and we'll see you Monday. And with the current situation, there ain't no telling what the hell we're gonna be talking about Monday. See you then. Alright.
[02:00:51] Unknown:
There's no telling.
[02:00:53] Unknown:
Mike, you have not presented those? Mike, please. You've really got a hornet's nest stirred up here. K? Have you've not presented the state of Texas? You've not presented the state of Texas nor the CPS, the documents you have on file with the Secretary of State.
[02:01:17] Unknown:
No. No. Well, I mean, I sent them to the Secretary of State. Yes. And I I No. No. That's not what I asked.
[02:01:24] Unknown:
That's not what I asked. Have you put those in front of who you're dealing with with this situation of yours? No. I have not. Alright. Well, then you need to do that. Okay. And that may solve that may it may solve your whole problem.
[02:01:42] Unknown:
Yeah. I did I I I declared my status through through an affidavit of, what did I do? I did a, a challenge of a challenge two standing and demand for dismissal, and I basically told them my whole status and everything in there and told them how that their corporation and outlined, you know, their, you know, everything. And and they ignored it. They just and it wasn't it wasn't filed on the record or anything like that. It was just it was just mailed registered mail to everybody.
[02:02:11] Unknown:
Roger, he just needs to update it with our affidavit.
[02:02:17] Unknown:
Did you deal with an administrative hearing, or was this a court hearing that you presented them to, or did you just mail them under certified mail?
[02:02:27] Unknown:
I mailed them registered. I mailed it all registered. I wasn't I wasn't able to so
[02:02:34] Unknown:
what's that? Cheap. Well, that's the wrong thing to do. Hey. Hell, they may not have gotten there yet. When did you mail them registered? No.
[02:02:41] Unknown:
Oh, I've no. I've already got proof of service. I mailed them a green cards. Okay. Alright. Yeah. Yeah. I've got I've got a firm mailing book and everything. I've got I've got proof that they that they've received it. Fantastic. Mailed it and everything. Great.
[02:02:53] Unknown:
Fantastic. Yeah. They they just ignored it and rolled forward. We need to challenge that or something. That should Right. Right. Listen to Sarah. Getting rebutted. Listen to listen to Sarah. Okay. Where did we get this? To Sarah. She's there's eighteen minutes. Paul, where is that on the website?
[02:03:14] Unknown:
I don't see his name.
[02:03:16] Unknown:
He can find it on Castbox. Roger. It's on Castbox.
[02:03:23] Unknown:
I I'm sure around December
[02:03:25] Unknown:
December '4.
[02:03:28] Unknown:
Yeah. December 4.
[02:03:33] Unknown:
Twenty '2. It's a Sunday.
[02:03:36] Unknown:
Yeah. Probably 12/04/2022.
[02:03:41] Unknown:
Yeah. December 23 on a Sunday.
[02:03:46] Unknown:
Oh, for credit. This is an old archive. 12/04/2022,
[02:03:51] Unknown:
and it's a stand yes. It's a stand alone excerpt on a Sunday.
[02:04:00] Unknown:
Okay. So I I don't this is my first time looking at, Roger's website. So I I mean, I have to figure out how to find
[02:04:08] Unknown:
what you're talking about. Paul, well, Paul, the guy that built this on the phone with us here, so he's looking to it. Here. So
[02:04:15] Unknown:
[02:04:16] Unknown:
Oh, no. Come on. Mike, are you still in the county where you got married? Yes. You need to go first thing Monday morning and get a copy of your certified marriage certificate.
[02:04:29] Unknown:
Yep. K.
[02:04:31] Unknown:
That is going to be expedient. And if Joe is giving you that information and it's tried and being proven true, that seems to be the most expedient method I yield. Okay.
[02:04:49] Unknown:
I know exactly what he's talking about too. I actually have a a affidavit that would accompany that.
[02:04:58] Unknown:
And has he's been removed from your custody, but not you haven't been removed he hasn't been placed permanently with his mother as of yet. Is that correct? No. No. There there's a permanent hearing that's coming up. I've got I've got a, that's gonna come up on March. Okay. Mike. Mike. If you need to speak with Martha
[02:05:20] Unknown:
Hold hold on. Joe.
[02:05:22] Unknown:
Yes, Joe. I wanna add to that. So the thing with the marriage certificate, that's gotta be done. You've gotta do that. But the other thing he can do is you can go get a DBA in the name of all your children and then submit that into the court record. Okay? And what that shows is that you have ownership over those names. So they're they're considered trademarks when you do a DBA, and they're not allowed to do trademark infringement. Okay? And that you're and on the DBA, you're listed as the owner. So they don't they have to go and find some kind of claim or contract that they have with the owner of those businesses. But if you rescinded the marriage certificate, they have nothing. So by doing those things, it gives you full control over the children. You can take them back.
[02:06:08] Unknown:
K. DBA. And DBA in the county where they're at. Right?
[02:06:12] Unknown:
No. DBA in the state of Minnesota. That's the easiest way to do it. K.
[02:06:19] Unknown:
Yeah. Then it's just the idea of, like, getting the DBA. I usually just do it in Minnesota because they they're done it's $50, and it you get it right away. But, Yeah. You know, when you do it and there's no, like, arguing or anything like that with the people. They just do it. They process it for you and you get it. And then you use that. Like, I've sent that into court cases and they've dropped court cases before. But in this case, you would be saying, like, you resented the certificate. Right? Which means that you've terminated the security agreement. Right? And you get to keep the asset. Now the asset is your property, right, by those DBAs and those are business names that you're using. So they they can't they can't retain the children anymore or anything like that because they can't make any claim about it because on paper, it says it's for the owner.
[02:07:05] Unknown:
I I I totally understand. I get that. I get it.
[02:07:09] Unknown:
I wanna argue with them. The one thing is don't argue with them about that they're a corporation. Right? They they know they're a corporation. They they don't care. Like, they're still gonna do what they do. You know? Yeah.
[02:07:22] Unknown:
Joe, Minnesota rule two twenty. Right? They don't care.
[02:07:29] Unknown:
Minnesota rule two twenty, Joe. Is that it?
[02:07:32] Unknown:
Yeah. That's right. Well, in this case, it wouldn't really act like that because the Minnesota rule two twenty rule right? Rule two twenty is about you putting your name on on the list, and then you become agent majority. Right? But because you're doing it for his children TikTok, Joe? Is this a what?
[02:07:50] Unknown:
Is this is this the same Joe that's on TikTok, this guy or that guy?
[02:07:54] Unknown:
[02:07:56] Unknown:
I follow you, bud. I didn't realize that was you at the yeah. Sorry. Go
[02:08:01] Unknown:
ahead. So, yeah, it that's the Minnesota rule two twenty. It says that when you put your name, you have to be it has to be the name on the birth certificate. Once that goes onto the onto the name under the record as the as the business, the owner is gonna be considered agent majority. Right? So that's why that's why people usually get the assumed name certificate in Minnesota because then it says your agent majority. When you're agent majority, that means that you're no longer considered a ward of the state, and the state can't tell you what you can and can't do with your life, your property, or anything like that. That's why those assumed name certificates work so well. The thing is that we because it's your children. They're not age majority, but you're saying that they that's those kids are yours. That's your property.
Minnesota recognizes that as your property, and you're the owner of them, and they're not allowed to take your property without due process of law. Alright? Which means that they have to have corporate selecti in order to to seize your children from you. Right, which means that it has to be an injured party. Now you're in Texas. You can look up Texas Supreme Court cases that list out, what what Texas recognizes as corporate select I. And when you do that, you could submit that in as part of your basis for why there is no corporate select I and they can't take your property because you own it. They got the DBA showing that that's yours and that you're listed as the owner. And then when you do that, plus we're sending the certificate and sending it back in, that terminates the security agreement, but you get to keep the assets, which in the marriage, the asset are the children. Right?
So, you know, that I've been doing that stuff with the cars and everything. It it it works. It's, you know, it's one of the things that people just don't realize. But when I tried it, it it started working. I said, oh, that's very interesting.
[02:09:42] Unknown:
So that's that's I think that would be the best way to go about it. Yeah. Joe, God bless you. And I am so tickled that Kaye sent you to us. Okay? My old student Kaye from fifteen years ago, and Joe ends up being the grandson's guitar teacher. It's the reason he's here. And God God thank you for sending him to us. K? Because he's brought us a bunch of stuff I'd never come up with. K? And that's what I'm telling you. This is a team effort. And Joe's Yeah. Well, he he he's he's he's the lead halfback at this point.
[02:10:22] Unknown:
I'm trying. I gotta do I gotta do my, you know, my duty. Right?
[02:10:26] Unknown:
Yep. And you are. And that's that's what makes it so special, and I recognize it because that's the same thing I'm doing.
[02:10:34] Unknown:
Roger, I wanna tell you something. I I was watching some of, Joe's videos, and he mentions you on there. And it it was like, you know, you just get, like, kind of happy to see that because, you know, you're doing so you brought us this affidavit, and we're working together. And it's really nice to see people do that when they're doing their own, you know, education, you know, for others. And they're like, well, this guy this man really needs, you know, recognition, because of what he's doing or what he brought us. You know? So I appreciate that. Want to, and I know he does. And and it's just I emphasize,
[02:11:14] Unknown:
also that my dreams, because I had no idea how this was gonna shape up and develop. And some of the dreams I had a long time ago are becoming a reality. And now here next week, we're about to really get some big exposure, man. You think the last twenty, fifteen minutes have been confusing? Hell, wait till we get all these rent solicitors on here clamoring around with questions. Hopefully. Hopefully. I hate to get my expectations up, but I think our message on that audience is gonna be very fertile. K? So we'll see. Very productive.
[02:11:52] Unknown:
Roger, may I?
[02:11:54] Unknown:
Hold on. You and Dave can't both at the same time. Dave, what were you yelling?
[02:11:59] Unknown:
I said, is all this on Rumble, Joe?
[02:12:04] Unknown:
No. I I there's I just no. I didn't put any of that up on Rumble. Except the thing with the assumed name, I put that up. But the whole thing about the certificates and stuff Yeah. I don't think I'm gonna make a video about that because it's I I feel it's a little sensitive. But I'm sharing it with you guys because one number one, I love Roger, and I don't think and everyone in this group, right, seems to be privy to this because it's something I I figured out just from reading. And I I was like, you know, I'm gonna try this out. And I tried it out on a couple of things, and it's been working every single time. So I'm like, wow. It's really interesting.
[02:12:39] Unknown:
Where do you
[02:12:41] Unknown:
once you cancel that that license with the stamp and then you write that on it, what do you do with it?
[02:12:49] Unknown:
Well, what I did was I said all all past signatures are rescinded. All future contracts, contracts notes be expressed only. I wrote that right on the certificate and mailed it in.
[02:13:00] Unknown:
Right? You mailed it to the the state, the county?
[02:13:04] Unknown:
Correct. The state. The state of issuance. Right? Okay. Well, who issued it? Like, when I did it with my birth certificate, I mailed it to vital vital records.
[02:13:14] Unknown:
Okay. In New York City. So who because I actually have one Each one goes back to them.
[02:13:20] Unknown:
Right. Because they're the ones that are so if you read UCC nine-one hundred and two and you go down to the definition of certificate of title, it tells you a certificate of title, right, shows that there is a security interest in in in a piece of property. It's collateral, and then there's a, a lien creditor is what it's called on there. So whoever issued that certificate of title is a creditor. Okay? And that means that the person who's holding the title is the debtor, But they don't say that in the definition. You just gotta kinda you gotta extract extrapolate that from what they're saying in there. Obviously, if there's a creditor, there has to be a debtor. Right? There's always that relationship going on on a contract. Yes. So the collateral is whatever's on the instrument, whatever's on that that title. Right?
And this this is all because of Roger, by the way. If it wasn't for Roger talking about the warehouse receipts, I would have never found this. So credit is all given to Roger for this. Yeah. This is all Roger. This is That's all John. I give the credit to John. Go ahead. If Roger didn't say this years ago, I wouldn't have been looking in that direction. You see? So Roger put all this stuff together, and I just went and read it all. Okay? And I go, oh, okay. So look. This is what happens. Right? The certificate of the title shows that there's a security interest. Right? As long as you have the contract, you're holding it. You're the debtor, right, of that contract because the issuer has a but since there's no agreement to pay the state, that means that there's nothing owed to the state. They're just using this this certificate of title, right, to secure a property that they can take from you. This is how they bypass the fifth amendment by using the the certificate of title. Because otherwise, they can't take your property without due process of law. This is how they take the cars. They take the children. They take you. This is how they take everything.
Right? The house. Right? Because there was all certificates of title. And look at if you look at all those different documents, they're basically they're very, very much the the same type of documents. They're all printed on the same kind of paper with the same with very similar type of borders and similar fonts on the printer. It's all the same stuff. They just deceive you by by calling it a certificate of birth or a certificate of marriage or a marriage license. Right? But they're they're the same thing. So I said, well, if you pay the tax on it with a stamp, right, you can't be a credit you can't be a debtor anymore. Right? So it rebuts the presumption of you being a debtor. And then you can say, well, what do you wanna do with this contract? Well, I wanna rescind it. All past signatures are rescinded. All future contracts are expressed only. Right? Because if they they have to be transparent with you in any future dealings that they do with you.
That terminates the security agreement. You have a right to keep the assets of that security agreement. Right? Because you've terminated the contract, there was nothing owed. So you get to keep the act the asset. They even say that this it says in the title 15 that if you rescind a contract, including a a during a foreclosure, if you rescind the contract, the bank has twenty days to pay you back. And if they don't pay you back in twenty days, you could you keep the house free and clear. Right? But that's for every single contract. It says every contract made under operation of law. If you rescind it, they have twenty days to pay you back everything that's owed to you. And if they don't, you keep all the collateral, all the property that was given to you for free. It's it's yours free and clear.
[02:16:54] Unknown:
So Mark the wall Can Joe hold of me? Sam. I'm gonna pause you for a second. Could I Mark, are you on?
[02:17:01] Unknown:
Yeah. I'm here.
[02:17:03] Unknown:
Okay. Alright. I just wanna make sure you were.
[02:17:06] Unknown:
Go ahead, Joe. You can you can rescind the loan if you if you have reason. I and I didn't catch everything Joe was talking about. I've got people hitting me up about more info about the trust classes. So, I'm just kinda listening on the side. So real quick, Joe, what what was it that you were doing on the foreclosures or on the home loans?
[02:17:27] Unknown:
So on the so on the foreclosures, you can't rescind a mortgage contract until you go into foreclosure. Once you go into foreclosure, you can rescind that, and then bank has twenty days to pay you back all money or property they took from you in regards to that mortgage agreement. Right? So if you've been if you've been paying your mortgage for eighteen years and you're you know, then you go into foreclosure because you can't make these payments anymore, right, you can go and do there's a special form they're supposed to give you, which they never do, that says that you can rescind the contract. Once Once they get once they receive that contract, they have twenty calendar days, not business days, calendar days. They have twenty calendar days to send you back all the money that you gave them, and then they can take the home from you. Yeah. Okay? Yeah. And this has been, like, one of the biggest frauds in all the foreclosures is that they take the home and give you nothing back. Right? And that's what happens to everybody. They lose their home. They get they don't even get a dollar. They lose more money from doing that. But the law actually protects the people from that, so that way they can get back their funds that they paid.
[02:18:34] Unknown:
I've never heard it done inside of a foreclosure lawsuit, but I have heard it done under the Gold State Settlement Procedures Act called RESPA. You have three days from the time that you initially sit down and close on the house. You have a unquestionable three day right to rescind the loan and they're supposed to give you notifications when you when you sign your closing documents. The next one is under RESPA. If you find some flaw in, that violates RESPA, the notifications that they give you in your contract and so on and so forth. If they violated RESPA, then you have a three year right to rescind the loan.
Now, you're a year oh, what was it? A year and a half ago, two years now. I've helped one of Rogers listeners in North Carolina, which is a quasi nonjudicial state. It's nonjudicial up to the point to where they want to sell the home at a public auction. And then the court clerk, not a judge, the court clerk is kinda like the mediator, and they looked over and make sure that the mortgage company has sent you all the notices that are required by law in North Carolina, and then they will rubber stamp it and say, okay. You can sell it. Now, fortunately, we were able to block that and fight them. We also rescinded the loan and did a couple other things, and right now that property is tied down.
And so, that that that was successful. So we'll see going forward. That's that was an interesting case.
[02:20:21] Unknown:
Real quick. I wanted to ask a question. This is Mike again. The, cash box, is that where I can find Sarah's stuff
[02:20:30] Unknown:
or no? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My My followers right now. Yeah. Who's Sorry. I'm still trying to find that. Sorry to say. Okay. Paul, have you have you put a bead on it yet? How can we get it to Mike? I'm looking for it. Give him the whole cash box thing?
[02:20:45] Unknown:
Roger. I'm looking for it. Just to tell Mike, it's on the date, December 4 in Cashbox.
[02:20:53] Unknown:
Let me see what I'm trying not to have to give him all that information if we can just get him the clip. But if I've got to, I'll give it to you, Mike. Just you you gotta go to, which is a podcast site. And in the search engine, put radio ranch, two words. I'll be at the top or should be. And go back to December the fourth of twenty two, and it'll be there Yeah. On Sunday. Exactly.
[02:21:22] Unknown:
Okay. Okay.
[02:21:26] Unknown:
This is Chris from California.
[02:21:29] Unknown:
Yes, Chris. Thank you. Oh, I would like I I would like to know,
[02:21:34] Unknown:
how to access, Joe's videos that I just heard about. Does Joe have videos available on the Internet? Yes. Yes. You rumble.comfront/joeLustica,
[02:21:49] Unknown:
no space, l u s t I c a. And that'll get you you got a bunch of stuff over there, I believe. And I just learned he's got an account on TikTok too. So which I never have been to. Don't have loaded. You're welcome, Chris. Okay. Well, Mike, you certainly stored stirred up a hornet's nest here at the last part of the program. Thank you.
[02:22:16] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. You're welcome. I that's a good thing. Yeah. You're welcome.
[02:22:21] Unknown:
I if you're able to, you're you're certainly a welcome to join us anytime. We're on show six days a week here. And, you Okay. Got a feel for who we are and what we do by now. So Roger.
[02:22:34] Unknown:
I'm also giving a and if he gets in contact with Julie, Julie can give him the link to the Telegram group.
[02:22:44] Unknown:
And so he can We got we got all kinds of resources, Mike. We got Jimmerka. It's got a Telegram group. Some Dave and Kaye have a website and a whole, program over there that's got a little AI hooked to it and can write affidavits and stuff for you. And, we got excuse me. Devin, our we hadn't heard from Devin in a while, wrote a wonderful handbook, 71 pages condensing all of this information down into something you could print and give people. There's three folder things on there. There's all kinds of resources for you. Okay?
[02:23:20] Unknown:
Awesome. May I? Thank you. May I? Yes. You yes, ma'am. You certainly may.
[02:23:25] Unknown:
Yeah. I I don't know if Joe's still listening or not, but, Joe, I understand what you're talking about, but if you go back and read the Federal Reserve Act, it literally says from the congressional record, the actual wording of section four zero one subsection 18 paragraph six, it specifically states that when the promissory note is received by the Federal Reserve and it could be an agent like Bank of America or Wells Fargo, it's received at par and it is redeemable. They're supposed to redeem this through the Treasury, not you. That's considered payment. That's proof of the payment and you no longer have that obligation anymore.
The obligation now becomes the obligation of the Federal Reserve and you don't owe them anything. They accepted the obligation and the obligation transferred to the Federal Reserve. I don't know what you think about this, but my understanding is that the promissory note when received by the Federal Reserve agent constitutes payment, and you don't owe them anything else. I yield
[02:24:39] Unknown:
well Yeah. I mean, that's a hellacious audience here, folks. Can you can you can y'all understand how this is coming together here today? We've never had a show with this much detailed different information coming together at one time from so many different vectors, and, shit. It's fantastic.
[02:24:59] Unknown:
So I can tell you something about the promissory notes. The promissory note, what they do when when they do that, yeah. It's all paid for. Right? But then what they do with the mortgage is they get you under contract. It's the mortgage or the deed of trust that binds you where you irrevocably, give up the property over to the county, and MERS becomes the beneficiary of that irrevocable trust. Alright? That's how all the mortgages or deeds are set up. I put you into this commercial agreement where now you have to pay this the county property taxes because they're the trustee, so you're paying them trustee fees. Right?
You have the, the agreement with the bank through the mortgage, and that that's why they don't care about the promissory note because they're just gonna keep selling copies of it and and pulling it off to other people. But if you go, that's why well, it's it's a little it gets a little finicky because, like, what what Mark was talking about with the RESPA, I've utilized that a couple times helping people, like, trying to sort out some stuff with their mortgages. And one time, we did, like, a qualified rent request, and they the the the husband and wife got the deed to their house. Unexpectedly, they just mailed it to them.
And, we haven't been able to recreate that, but that was something that that was a result of just doing part of the RESPA, procedures. And then doing the other things, I found out that the banks don't want to honor any of those codes at all. And then when you reach out to the Consumer Financial Protections Bureau who's in charge of RESPA, right, or in charge of Truth and Lending, they're in charge of all those things, they always tell you that they can't help you. They can't do anything for you. They're just, like, lax they're, like, lazy, like, piece of the crap who don't wanna help anybody.
They go, well, we can't do anything about it. Like, you're the enforcement, and they won't they just refuse to help so the banks know that they can stomp all over people. Alright? Because the the government agency that's in charge of regulating that stuff won't even help. And that's the But you get a hold of them
[02:27:08] Unknown:
and tell them that you're gonna sick Elon Musk and doge on them.
[02:27:13] Unknown:
No. Departing. What's the name of this form?
[02:27:19] Unknown:
Hey, Joe? It's a it's an h eight form. That's the that's the rescission form. It's in the appendix under the RESPA Act or the Truth in Lending Act. It's in the Truth in Lending Act. It's called the model h eight form, and that's a precision form.
[02:27:34] Unknown:
H rescission form, you said?
[02:27:38] Unknown:
Yeah. It's a precision form for foreclosures. Right? When you're in a foreclosure, and then they have twenty calendar days to give you back all your money. And if they don't, the house is yours being clear.
[02:27:49] Unknown:
Okay. And you said that was under the Truth in Lending app?
[02:27:53] Unknown:
That hold on. I'm at my hold on. Let me get to my computer.
[02:27:56] Unknown:
Okay. Thank you so much, Joe. This is timely.
[02:28:00] Unknown:
I can't keep everything in your head, you know. I know.
[02:28:04] Unknown:
Hey, Joe.
[02:28:05] Unknown:
[02:28:07] Unknown:
So this is Julie here. So for people who are not facing foreclosure, I'm trying to figure out kind of how to do this because my understanding is that the promissory note was accepted as collateral and security for payment And that, there's a Supreme Court case and I haven't read it yet. It's Breeze v. Ernst and Young. It's B as in boy, r e e, s as in Sam, v. Ernst and Young. And it talks about what these promissory notes include and how they are they made any notes currencies of The United States. And so they their value is uniform and it's face value. So even though you record you have to sign a deed of trust and you record this with MERS, my understanding is that though it was already paid off when you signed that promissory note. That that, when people understand that when Congress used the word, the legal definition of currency in The United States states that word includes promissory notes, bills of exchange, bankers acceptances, drafts, trade acceptances because none of those things are issued by the bank. We the people are the issuer of a promissory note and we're the holder in due course. Do you have any comments to make for that on how you can go back against the the Federal Reserve and the Treasury and tell them that this was already paid at settlement when I signed my promissory note? Thank you. Well, yeah, those all those instruments are just they're brokerage instruments. Right? So if you set if you gave them a brokerage instrument
[02:29:53] Unknown:
and you didn't report it to the IRS, how can you gonna get how are you gonna get credit for for showing that you paid the the bank that you paid the bank with one of those instruments?
[02:30:03] Unknown:
But why would you have to report it to the IRS? Why couldn't you just report it? Because because you gotta create a taxable event against the bank.
[02:30:10] Unknown:
Otherwise, they're gonna steal the money.
[02:30:13] Unknown:
I get it.
[02:30:14] Unknown:
So you you create a taxable event with the bank through the IRS. Now the IRS is gonna go knocking on their door going, hey. You owe us, some money here for, this transaction you made with this brokerage account. And then they have to be taxed on that. And you think that if they're gonna be paying taxes on that instrument that you gave them, that they're still not gonna credit you? Because then you can just report them to the IRS saying that that they're not honoring their end of the contract and that they're stealing your money and not giving you credit for it.
And then you could do you can do, there's a thirty nine forty nine a form, and you report them for tax crimes for doing that.
[02:30:54] Unknown:
And you get a percentage.
[02:30:57] Unknown:
Yeah. That's right. You get a percentage. No kidding. You report a bank and they get caught, that's a nice percentage you're gonna get. Right? Wow. Hey, Joe. I have a question.
[02:31:08] Unknown:
So, the mortgage loan was, let's say, a hundred thousand dollars. Mhmm. So they didn't report that. Is there a time frame that that has to be reported in? Back back off your phone just a little bit. You're overmodulating
[02:31:24] Unknown:
a bit. Okay. That's okay.
[02:31:28] Unknown:
I'm on my phone, and so it's a bit a bit louder.
[02:31:31] Unknown:
You can always correct the record on it later. I don't think it matters too much as long as you're able as long as you're allowed to file. I think it's past seven years, you can't. So,
[02:31:44] Unknown:
yeah, that's probably about them. Joe, love you. Thanks for coming by. Really good session. I'm gonna go start my weekend here, my abbreviated weekend. And, yes, Paul.
[02:31:58] Unknown:
Whoever was looking for Sarah's story, I did pull the archive. I pulled the local recording. And if you go to the and click on the, the, Radio Ranch archives link. It's right underneath the, it's right under underneath the free conference call links on the main page or the the radio station links on the main page. It's Radio Ranch archives, click here. Okay? You go there. It is the most recent archive, published today, and there is a transcript and a description of it. The title of it is Radio Ranch Power of Legal Preparedness, Sarah's Story.
[02:32:54] Unknown:
Okay. So it's right there. Yep. It's most pretty impressive. Story, Mike. You'll you'll you'll you'll be impressed. Yes. Yes. I just wanted to say when when we say we do this for the children, we're sincere. And when the slavers say it, not so much. Blessings, Roger. Well, no doubt about that. Well, everything they do is a dialectic. Thank you. You I'll see y'all on Monday, and lord knows what'll happen between now and then. K? So if it happens, though, and it's important, you know we'll be talking about it. It. Eva, glad you've found us and stepped forward. Nice to meet you. And, I think you're in good hands now. So, we'll see all y'all Monday. Okay?
Ciao. Ciao.
[02:33:39] Unknown:
Thank you, Raj. Yeah. Thank you, Roger. The, the AI generated description for that is, in this episode, we hear from Sarah, a listener from Louisiana who shares a harrowing personal story involving her daughter, Sophia. Sarah recounts how a family visit to South Dakota turned into a nightmare when her daughter ran away and ended up in a dangerous situation. The family faced further challenges when Sophia was placed on a seventy two hour psychiatric hold in Colorado where state laws allow children as young as 12 to consent to their own mental health treatment without parental consent. Sarah and her husband, who had previously filed affidavits declaring their national status, used this legal standing to challenge the hospital's authority and successfully regain custody of their daughter.
This story underscores the importance of understanding and asserting one's legal rights, especially in situations involving children and state institutions. Sarah's experience serves as a cautionary tale and a testament to the power of legal preparedness. And there is a full transcript and the fifteen minute recording. It's all right there.
[02:34:58] Unknown:
If I may, Joe, are you still here?
[02:35:04] Unknown:
Yeah. I'm here.
[02:35:05] Unknown:
Does that, DOT, do you have to renew that every year?
[02:35:11] Unknown:
Every two years, you just got to keep it active.
[02:35:15] Unknown:
Every two years?
[02:35:17] Unknown:
Yeah. Every it's yeah. It's a bi bicentennial bi biennial, whatever it's called, every two years. Oh, yeah. You're okay. Called
[02:35:25] Unknown:
the biennial notify us?
[02:35:30] Unknown:
No. Just just stay up to date with it. You get the all the, solicitors will remind you. So Yeah. Right. That's one nice thing to keep them around.
[02:35:39] Unknown:
Okay. Thanks, Joe. Appreciate it.
[02:35:43] Unknown:
Hey, Joe. I have a question. I have a quick question on a semi related yet unrelated issue. What if you know somebody that, is divorced and there are children. And the, the the ex wife, the custodial parent, had parents with lots of money and a whole team of lawyers. So, basically, this person that's essentially working as a bartender is saddled with almost $4,000 a month in child support on two children. Is there any way to, position oneself to force a, a revisit of the actual child support obligation? Because this guy this guy makes less than $2,000 a month, yet he's got a $4,000 a month child support
[02:36:44] Unknown:
obligation. I would write So I would write a, promissory note, go down to the bank, give him the dying stamp on it, and then mail it into the court for for full satisfaction of all payments for for until the child is of age.
[02:37:01] Unknown:
Okay. Repeat that one more time.
[02:37:04] Unknown:
Get a promissory make a promissory note. Right? I promise to pay $10,000,000. Whatever. Right? Go down to the bank, get a medallion stamp on it, then mail it into the court. Send the certified mail to the court. Right, and use the certified mail number as the promissory note number, and then just pay it off to the, to the court that way. Alright. That way, he's now he's got $10,000,000 on account for all payments for the child support, and they don't have to take it out of his, paycheck anymore.
[02:37:41] Unknown:
That's interesting. I tried that revolving note, the amazing note in court, but I didn't do what you're talking about. I tried it in an actual live court and give them a note, promise to pay, and they didn't accept it. We only accept currency, Mr. Mason. But what does the medallion stamp do in that case?
[02:38:01] Unknown:
Returns them to a cash item.
[02:38:04] Unknown:
May I?
[02:38:05] Unknown:
Explain that medallion stamp stamp a little bit. Go down the bank and get them to do what? I can picture them looking at me cross eyed.
[02:38:13] Unknown:
The medallion stamp. You get a medallion stamp put on there, which they it it turns it turns whatever document you have into a into a cash item. So it becomes cash when you do that. Why would the bank put a medallion stamp on something? Wouldn't they be like, what are you talking about? It's a service that most most banks provide that service. Some banks don't. Like, Wells Fargo does not because they got in trouble for abusing it. But Chase does, Bank of America does it. You just have to be like, you just have to have an account with them open for six months before they'll start stamping your documents. But they will. I haven't had an issue with them doing it with me. They don't even say it right. They just go, okay. And they stamp it, and then there you go. Good to go. I have a smaller local bank. I'll I'll just I don't know anything about I've never heard this term medallion stamp, so I'm gonna go do some research on it too. Yeah.
[02:39:04] Unknown:
Cool. Thank you.
[02:39:06] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. So basically, you're saying, what I was thinking all along is a private person can do the same thing. We can write our own promissory notes and have to take that and redeem it at the treasury. Am I correct?
[02:39:21] Unknown:
I mean, yeah. There's a lot of different ways, like like, on so I do, like I have, like, a group that I do, like, classes with. Right? We we have, like, little meetings. And on this Thursday in the meeting, I showed them that when you put all your property in the trust, right, you can use the trust assets to create monetary instruments like commercial paper and and pay for things through the, assets of the trust without without out without paying out of pocket. Right? Because, I mean, that's what the banks are doing. You know? We can do that too. That's what the United States does. You know? And, I just copied what they did, and it it seems to work that way. So they they seem to be taking it when you do it that way.
Hey, Joe. How can we get in that class? This is David from Riverside, California. Oh, do go to believe it or not, the the website is called, and then you can sign up for the the class.
[02:40:20] Unknown:
Okay. How do you spell it?
[02:40:22] Unknown:
Brie, like bree, and then divine, like d I v I n e, Com.
[02:40:34] Unknown:
Hey. On the trust you know, I understand trust concept really well. At this point, I've listened to so much stuff on it, but I keep getting stuck at creating a real trust because I don't know who to make the trustee. So I had this gee whiz idea that I would make the federal government the trustee, and I would just stay my living self.
[02:40:53] Unknown:
No. Just no. Just do a revocable trust, and then you can be the trustee as long. If you do a revocable trust as the grantor, you can you can retain powers as the trustee. If you do an irrevocable trust, you have to have someone else be the trustee. So we've done it where the husband so I've set up trust with the husband and wife where the husband was the grantor, and then the wife was the trustee, and then by or vice versa.
[02:41:18] Unknown:
Who's the beneficiary?
[02:41:20] Unknown:
Children. You can make another trust a beneficiary. You know? You can make the beneficiary. You know? It's got someone. You know? Niece, nephew, brother, uncle. You know? I I if I can't get, like, a specific beneficiary, I'll just I'll name a trust as the beneficiary, but that doesn't need to be on, like, the trust certificate. They the beneficiaries are always private. They don't they don't need to disclose Well, that's
[02:41:45] Unknown:
myself the beneficiary, then I just have a trust that's totally pierceable if it gets No. That's an invalid trust.
[02:41:52] Unknown:
Can't do that. That's an invalid trust because that that would be considered a pure contract trust, which are illegal. You can't you can't be the grantor, trustee and beneficiary of the trust. And I can't You get another trust and then make that trust a beneficiary and it makes it valid. You know that you may be the the beneficiary of that other trust.
[02:42:09] Unknown:
Well, I have this up well, looking at the trust thing as well because we all wanna get into a trust some way, shape, or form, but
[02:42:15] Unknown:
was the name I got I got, like, seven trusts. Joe, would the surviving spouse
[02:42:23] Unknown:
be the beneficiary and the the other spouse can be the trustee?
[02:42:28] Unknown:
If that's the declared intent of the trust, then, yeah. Because they declared intent of the trust, the purpose of the trust, is gonna determine who is the beneficiary and for what purpose and why they're a beneficiary.
[02:42:40] Unknown:
I'm the guy who now I've used to
[02:42:44] Unknown:
You can also have an LLC. Be a beneficiary or or, the trustee or an LLC can even create a trust. So, all these different parts of a trust, it didn't have to be an individual, it could also be fictitious entities, including another trust.
[02:43:10] Unknown:
So to create the, the promise or the promise to pay, so the trust would basically create its own instrument, is that
[02:43:20] Unknown:
Hey, George. We can barely hear you. You're really low.
[02:43:24] Unknown:
Sorry about that. Is that any better? Can you hear me now? Yeah. That's a lot better. Thank you. Yeah. Sorry about that. Yeah. So to create the instrument to pay instead of paying with labor, say, for a for a mortgage or whatever, the trust if the if the trust can create a note to, pay off the mortgage, would that be something that could be done and wouldn't be needed to be licensed if you will? Because by the nature of in this case, say, a revocable trust that didn't create it at law you know, with an attorney or whatever. Could that actually create or does it have to be a common law type trust that creates a promissory note or
[02:44:12] Unknown:
a vehicle somehow to, pay off a mortgage
[02:44:14] Unknown:
without a foreclosure?
[02:44:40] Unknown:
Who was that directed to?
[02:44:44] Unknown:
Well, I think it was in general just the the group. Joe was speaking last about the Yeah. Trust trading. But, yeah. But, but then I didn't know if anybody else had had practice with that as well. I mean, I've heard about the use the UCC method, but I never heard about going down to a bank and getting a bank
[02:45:06] Unknown:
medallion. Well, I know. Trusted here.
[02:45:11] Unknown:
And somebody put just the
[02:45:16] Unknown:
what about that BOI report that, supposed to be turned into, FinCEN?
[02:45:27] Unknown:
You don't have you don't have to do that anymore. That's been appealed. The BOI beneficial ownership interest has been, is on hold right now.
[02:45:39] Unknown:
Okay. I just saw I just saw something on YouTube that, they turned it back on again because it's been going back and forth back and forth. And supposedly, they just turned it on again that's due.
[02:45:52] Unknown:
So Hey, look at the dates. You gotta look at the timing on these YouTube videos. A lot of them are lagging. It's better to go to a search engine and type type in what you're looking for. You can even go, select, like, news instead of just everything, which is all posts, all you you know, all videos. There's usually a, option to select news. And then usually there's a a tool option that you can open up and say, I want the latest news on this subject and you can select, like one day, one week, one month, or year. So you can narrow it down to the most recent news regarding whatever you're searching for.
[02:46:38] Unknown:
There's a lot of Okay. Meeting.
[02:46:40] Unknown:
I'm on, Vincent. On the chat.
[02:46:44] Unknown:
Can you hear me? You're loud. Can you hear me?
[02:46:50] Unknown:
Yeah. We can hear you very, very, very well. You're too loud. I'm on,
[02:46:54] Unknown:
I'm on FinCend I'm on, and you are correct. They just stated that, beneficial ownership reporting requirements are back in effect in effect with a new deadline of 03/21/2025 for most companies. And it says that it will not issue any fines or penalties or take any enforcement actions against any companies based on any failure to file or update beneficial ownership interest report pursuant to the corporate transparency act by the current deadline. No fines or penalties will be issued and no enforcement actions will be taken until a forthcoming interim financial rule becomes effective and a new relevant due date in the interim final rule have passed. I yield.
[02:47:43] Unknown:
Thank you, Julie. Is Joe Lustica still on? This is Lady Linda Louise. Jill Lustica, Lady Linda Louise. Well, Julie and I went to Bree Devine, and we wanted your confirmation. So, I guess I'll wait for Bree to, respond to me. I yield.
[02:48:16] Unknown:
Good morning, patriots.
[02:48:20] Unknown:
Can somebody put Joe's meeting? What time and, the name of it and chat chat, please?
[02:48:35] Unknown:
Well, I'm wondering why why a medallion stamp stamp promissory note note would not pay off any mortgage mortgage. High yield high yield.
[02:48:46] Unknown:
Somebody's in speaker. It's a lot of feedback feedback.
[02:49:07] Unknown:
Is it just me?
[02:49:09] Unknown:
No, I heard you share a pack. I'm going to head down to the co op to see if they do medallion stamps and understand their purpose, see if they have a sheet on it. Because by banking rules, they probably would have to have a disclosure of what the stamp does and blah, blah, blah under their securities and exchange or whatever. So
[02:49:35] Unknown:
I'll let you know if I'll
[02:49:37] Unknown:
try to be live.
[02:49:39] Unknown:
That'd be great, George. But I'm curious that would be beneficial to people who are not in foreclosure.
[02:49:49] Unknown:
And if I may, I don't think that bank teller wouldn't know anything about a medallion stamp. You'd have to go to the manager or some loan officer or the President or something.
[02:50:00] Unknown:
For sure, yes, you escalate it when they don't know. You just say, oh, can I escalate that? Oh, can I escalate that? So it's like going through TSA at some point you get to the state police at the airport. But my thinking was back in 2017, I did one of those Minnesota Rule 220s. And so a lot of the stuff has been around. And I've heard I've heard about stamps. And if I was in court and I tried it, like, in front of one of their judges, and I tried to give them a note, and they refused it, and the the court is the bank. Every court is a bank. I don't know how well, I'm I'm curious to find out how this other way is accepted or, you know, a lot of times they let things go for a few months and then all of a sudden they come at you with a hammer.
[02:51:00] Unknown:
So I think I'm just guessing it's probably not valid without that medallion stamp.
[02:51:08] Unknown:
If I may, ladies and gentlemen, from what I've been taught about medallion stamps, you will get your own issued to you. So I need, you know, I need I'll be with some educated people, between March 9 and March 14 in Rhode Island, people that have gotten their own medallion stamps. So I'm going to look into this more deeply. And, this is the first time I've heard from Joe, which I very reliable and I have great respect for, that you could go down to the Chase Manhattan Bank if you had an account with them for at least six months and had them stamp your documents with their medallion stamp. So I need more information on this. And it's good to ask these questions, but please don't do anything until you're really firmly footed on the ground and you know exactly why you're doing what you're doing. Julie, I'm surprised you haven't heard of Medallion Stamps, and I yield.
[02:52:13] Unknown:
No. I haven't. I'm ignorant in that area, but thank you, lady Linda Louise.
[02:52:18] Unknown:
Okay. So, the, information that I'm gonna get for you, Julie, are the same people that know about medallion Stamps. So I will, get that information, and I yield.
[02:52:29] Unknown:
Hey, Julie. This is Mark. Thank you very much. Julie. Julie. Julie. Julie.
[02:52:37] Unknown:
In the meantime, George, I think it would be wonderful for you to go to, people that you know and ask them a banking organization. You called it a co op. Are they a
[02:52:52] Unknown:
bank? Sorry, it's a credit union, but it's a local it's interesting, it's a county credit union. Oh, they're not a fed as far as I know, they're not a fed. They used to be a federal, then they're countyized. So I wonder what kind of instruments go through there compared to other things, you know what I'm saying? Right. Interesting, George. Thank you so much.
Introduction and Program Overview
Current Political Climate and Media Influence
Trump's Cabinet Meeting and Media Exclusion
Zelensky's White House Visit and Fallout
Trump's Administration and Future Political Landscape
Ukraine Conflict and Historical Context
Trusts and Estate Planning
Trump's Legal Battles and Public Perception
Listener Interaction and Trust Discussions
Trusts and Legal Strategies
Listener Questions and Legal Advice
Child Custody and Legal Preparedness
Financial Instruments and Legal Strategies