In this episode of the Radio Ranch, host Roger Sayles broadcasts from a beautiful morning in Ecuador, discussing the importance of freedom and the diabolical nature of the systems that seek to enslave us. The show emphasizes the need for understanding and education in reclaiming personal sovereignty, particularly through the lens of historical and modern legal frameworks. Roger and his co-host Paul engage in a lively discussion about the intricacies of the feudal system, drawing parallels to modern-day legal structures and citizenship issues. They explore the historical context of serfdom and its implications on contemporary freedom, referencing various legal documents and historical events. The episode also features listener interactions, discussing personal experiences with the IRS and the importance of understanding one's legal status. The hosts encourage listeners to educate themselves and take responsibility for their freedom, highlighting the significance of personal empowerment through knowledge. The show concludes with a call to action for listeners to engage with the material and become active participants in their own liberation.
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Forward moving and focused on freedom. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network.
[00:01:15] Unknown:
Yep. Yep. That's two. We're trying. Spread the word. Get the shoulder to the wheel. Lots of things going on. Of course, we'll discuss that and your freedom, here at the Radio Ranch today. Roger Sales, your host on a gorgeous morning in Ecuador on on the February 5. Countdown countdown to all those of you with sweeties. Sweeties day is right around the corner. Hey. We are reaching out around the world on several different platforms. We always like to give them their proper credit and do here at the top of the show. And so, one Paul Beaner is the man who's overseeing all that. So we let him do his thing in identifying them, and we all wanna thank him.
[00:02:07] Unknown:
Well, absolutely. Good morning, Raj. How are you doing? Good morning, Paul. I'm hanging. Excellent. Excellent. We are, for the first hour on one zero six point nine WBOU FM in Chicago and also Thanks to our buddy Paul across the pond. Our flagship station is Thanks to pastor Eli James, driving force behind that one. We're also on Global Voice Radio Network. The links to Eurofolk and Global Voice are on the website, the matrix docs. That is You can also find the links to free conference call to join us live on the air with questions, comments, whatever.
The NET family of broadcast services, homenetwork.TV, freedom nation TV, go live TV, and stream is brought to us by WDRN productions, Fort Collins, Colorado. I love those guys over there. Love them. And, that's about it, Raj. I mean, that was Okay. That was pretty easy today.
[00:03:18] Unknown:
Yep. Yep. Not too bad today, and I was wanting to sneeze. Hopefully, I won't have to. So hey. Good morning, world. Here we go with another session, Wednesday edition, usually. It's kinda the hump, you know, the, moniker, the label, the hump day for Wednesday is pretty good as it, pretty accurate as it applies to us. So, anyway, there are a lot of things going on, of course. The show here is about your freedom. It's not about me. It's about you. And we're particularly oriented towards new people who have questions that confront this, see it, realize there's something of great substance there, and wanna forge through it and understand it, but yet it's set up so diabolically.
Of course, diabolically, the root word is Diablo, and I think you know what that is. It's very diabolically set up, and it's so tricky. And, you know, the bottom line is we just don't think like these people. Well, I don't believe any of us or maybe a couple that sit down and go, I wanna enslave the world, and I think I can do it this way and then, you know, drink children's blood and and and and pedophiles and, you know, the whole ball of wax. Well, we don't think like that. I remember pastor Peters used to say he said, we've got our God's laws written on our heart, and they've got their God's laws written on their heart. And and, of course, I brought out yes, sir.
[00:04:58] Unknown:
Comment. Hey, Paul. We can't hear you on, Global Voice. I could only can't hear Roger or anything.
[00:05:06] Unknown:
Actually, I just noticed that, and I just fixed it. Just give it about thirty seconds, and and the stream will catch up. Sorry about that. Was that Tom? That's Tom. Hey, Tom.
[00:05:18] Unknown:
And, the the demonstration that's always hit me was, back at 02/2008 when the when they were going through the house foreclosure thing, big short time. And, Lloyd Blankfein, was, little little Edomite creep, was, the president of Goldman, Sachs at that time and got up in public, did a public statement. I saw the video of it with my own eyes, and he said, we're doing God's work. Well, our God's work is not stealing people's houses through deception. Our God's work is not setting up a whole structured society based on multilayers of fraud.
Our god's work is honest and straightforward, and, you know, the, you like, oh, my well, you you you you know you know the deal. Okay? So, and I think pastor Peters might have been right in that respect. He also pastor Peters brought up something. I was thinking about it yesterday, actually. And he said, he said, we we contact our god directly, but they can't contact their god directly. And so what they do is set up idols, and they contact their god through idols. Not necessarily idols that are up on a pedestal or hanging on a wall, but idols like abortion, political correctness, d e I.
These things are to them. Now this is pastor Peter's thinking. Brent, I raised it to Brent one time. He didn't agree with it, but that's okay. If you wanna noodle on, it's very interesting that they when you when you attack their idols, they go ballistic. K? So there's two different kind of gods, of course, and they know which one they worship. Lloyd Blankfein told us, but they know that we can't conceive that and that we buy the other side of the dialectic. See, that's what I said. We don't know how they think, But, buddy, they know how we think and have for a long time because they've been as enslaving us and trying to achieve what they've had going here for a long time. I don't mean five or ten years. K?
And and and and they knew as evidence. At least I was thinking, you know, I continue. I think about this stuff all the time, folks. Okay? And that's been that way for over thirty years. So now I've got a good enough handle on it where you can really see I think prove my thesis that the civil war was fought to get these two separate amendments in the constitution so that they could very surreptitiously, very sneaky, very just like they always do, control the world with it eighty years later. Because that's what happened. Okay? So you look at that thirteenth amendment, and what's really got me lately is I and I never noticed it before. It's a process, folks.
Okay? That thirteenth amendment had to be written for the state citizens. Well, I knew it was states because it says their jurisdictions, but I never really realized the importance of the fact that they do everything, especially things like this. They cock and have a setup move, and then they pull the trigger. Okay? So the thirteenth amendment was the setup, was the cocking move. Why? Because what's their ultimate goal to take over the whole country and make everybody in this in this, voluntary servitude condition? They knew what they were gonna do. That's also right there in the thirteenth amendment, but it's not really there, is it? Because it only outlaws slavery and involuntary servitude. And the fact that voluntary servitude is not listed means it's legal by omission. Well, it has to be legal because what set of laws you wanna live under, is your choice.
And you can volunteer into that condition, which they knew that. They realized the whole day we're driving this thing through a hundred and fifty years ago, folks. And and the way you can tell is this thirteenth amendment is only written for state citizens. Well, how do I know that? Because there wasn't a fourteenth amendment with federal citizenship established yet for another six months. So it had to be for the state citizens. So if y'all are debating this and and are you writing briefs or are any of these traffic things or trying to run up against somebody who doesn't wanna believe that? Well, who's the thirteenth amendment written for? There wasn't a fourteenth amendment yet. For six months, there was no federal citizenship. Who are these people here? Magistrate, down there in, Birmingham, Michael's Mag magistrate.
I don't recognize your affidavit. Well, you're an open tyrant, lady. Sorry. Mike didn't have the wherewithal and and and in the early stages of trying to fight it, you know, waited too long to send an appeal in and that sort of thing, and they got him shut out. He couldn't find any lawyers that would understand, understand what we do to help him, and he didn't have the money, time, and energy to take it all the way to Supreme Court of Alabama. So he's kinda hung, okay, by this magistrate who's probably some some wealthy, influential person there, in Irondale. It's a suburb of Birmingham.
In in Irondale, it's probably his niece. Oh, well, we'll get you this magistrate job. You don't have to get elected for that. Well, you might as well not have to go to law school either, lady, if you hadn't learned more than that. So, anyway, it's an interesting, position we find ourselves in. And, I was just gonna run it off at the mouth. I feel like Alex here.
[00:11:25] Unknown:
I have a question.
[00:11:27] Unknown:
Yes, sir, Paul.
[00:11:30] Unknown:
What if individual states rescinded ratification of the thirteenth amendment and, ceased recognizing
[00:11:38] Unknown:
it. Well, it's already been recognized. I signed, sealed, delivered. Well, you can't do both of them because the fourteenth amendment was questionable on itself. Now that one, they're going forward on presumption, and there's been, you know, there'd been dissension over it for a long time. But you don't go back and find that in any of the court cases of the day all the way to the end of the century. There's not even any mention of, of any question of the ratification of the amendment. But here's where it works. Here's the thirteenth sitting there, their jurisdictions, voluntary servitude is is legal by omission.
What they're really trying to do is take over the whole country then to make a reserve currency of the dollar. These guys knew what they're doing a hundred and fifty years ago, man. They they make the world reserve currency the dollar. They start all the wars and stuff. It ends up as the top dog, king dollar, which Trump's trying to get back to, and and, they they got the whole thing just set up, and then they know they can control the world through it. Right. They do this. Okay? And and but here, let me go on, Paul. I'm gonna get you. K? But there in the first sentence to the next, the fourteenth, federal citizenship, all persons born are naturalized in The United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof. Well, there's your trigger.
So they knew they were gonna ask you this dialectical question. US are you a US citizen? Are you a resident? They knew they were gonna ask you and spring you into this condition a hundred and fifty years ago. I firmly believe that. Okay? By the way it's set up, now that I understand it the way I do, I never saw this in all these years, but now I've gotten to enough of an understanding where you really get up and, you know, as I've said many times, the Bible says above all, seek understanding, not knowledge, understanding. And that's what we're talking about right here is understanding.
And and what we're understanding is the way our frigging slave and murder and bastard traditional enemies think and do things. And that's the point of what I'm saying. Is it and you get people I'll get you in a second. You get people and you start presenting this stuff to people, and they can't see it because they don't they don't approach it thinking like the enemy thinks. They wanna think like they think. And you step at it this way, and you go, that's a bunch of crap, and you walk away because you don't understand. They just enslaved your young ass. Now who was trying to say something? No. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Alright. Hold on. Paul's got more. Okay. What?
[00:14:24] Unknown:
What? What if what if an individual state backed out of the fourteenth amendment? Because the fourteenth amendment was the federal government's attempt to commit treason against the sovereign state by stealing
[00:14:38] Unknown:
their state citizens. Well, why don't you go to New Jersey and Oregon and ask them why they didn't recognize that when they did that a hundred and something years ago?
[00:14:49] Unknown:
[00:14:50] Unknown:
yeah. But they That's already been tried.
[00:14:52] Unknown:
They didn't recognize it. They didn't recognize it, Paul. Well, they just didn't see it for what it was, but I'm sure if they were educated as to what it actually was, they'd be pissed off and looking for a way to bail.
[00:15:06] Unknown:
Well, the I doubt that they even knew what it was when they rejected it. Both, New Jersey and Oregon, who was evidently a state at the time, voted to ratify it and then came back and tried to rescind their ratification, and they wouldn't recognize it. That's what I know. K? So to answer your question, a hundred and something years ago, that happened. Oh. Roger? Alright. I Yes. Now hold on. There's somebody else trying to say something a minute ago. I wanna make sure they don't get a good word. Well, I gotta run. I I gotta go to work. Okay. Alright. Well, quick. One
[00:15:44] Unknown:
why I wanna get one thing in real quick. I don't believe you've ever read the Expatriation Act. Correct?
[00:15:51] Unknown:
No. That's the thing that was passed right right around the nine fourteenth amendment. No. I've seen that years ago.
[00:15:58] Unknown:
One day before. Now if you read that if you read that, they want us to believe that this is for foreign countries. Well, the way it's worded, it could very well be the people that they're going to create the next day because it was passed one day before the fourteenth Amendment. That's important because of course
[00:16:21] Unknown:
It it's it's one of the ways they gave themselves an out. Of course. Congress always does this. Correct? Do you think that the all white men that were running the country were gonna elevate, give a political status, and elevate them to the same level they are. You need to go soak your head if you're thinking's like that because you're way out of line. Not you. I'm not fussing you. Paragraph, Roger, and I get I would like you to get a copy of it and give it a read and and tell you tell us what you think it says. Well, I why don't somebody come on and read it on the air? You gotta go right now. Why don't you come on tomorrow and read it on the air and we'll analyze it?
[00:17:01] Unknown:
Yeah. That'd probably work. I think it's gonna be raining and I won't be out. So that'll work. Alright. Alright. Maybe it'll put out some of them fires. Yeah. I think the fires are out, but, yeah, other ones are starting. Right? There's some there's some other ones that are big fires in Britain. Some starting some new fires.
[00:17:20] Unknown:
Every damn day. I tell you, I wish you'd get this damn Netanyahu out of the damn country. Some bitch is gonna be here all week. Okay, Samuel. Go earn some Federal Reserve notes. Yeah. Thank you. Bye. Yeah. Paul, now did you was there somebody else that wanted to say something? No. I think that was Samuel. Okay. Well, Samuel. Trying to get in there. Well, he's right. I I knew about that. I've known about it for a long time. And and the point of it is I don't have I don't remember. I may have read it years ago. But, they gave themselves an out the day before they supposedly ratified the fourteenth amendment, which was probably never really like the sixteenth and the seventeenth. I mean, remember, we're dealing with Satan's children here. They just don't do things or think like we do. And that stuff was put in there because if anybody that thinks they were gonna give mostly illiterate, ignorant black slaves the same political status they enjoyed, well, you just you you need to rethink things.
[00:18:24] Unknown:
Not happening.
[00:18:26] Unknown:
I mean, please don't I hope nobody around here is that damn naive.
[00:18:33] Unknown:
[00:18:34] Unknown:
Yeah. You actually have slick people here. Folks, we had last week on Monday, we had two really, accomplished legal scholars, Mark Levin and Robert Barnes, go over this whole fourteenth amendment, and they were right over it. They couldn't see it. They were hovering over the target, but they didn't get it. Just what my friend, my shaman friend in in Argentina told me. He says, power puts what they're doing to you right in front of you, and you can't see it. Mhmm.
[00:19:12] Unknown:
[00:19:15] Unknown:
I was gonna say something a minute ago, but I lost it. So, obviously, it wasn't very important. Well, yeah. Well, I'm just kinda running off of the mouth of these I had on my mind this morning. Got up a little bit too early. You know, wake up too early. You don't wanna go back to sleep. So you what do you do? You go attack all the stuff you've been procrastinating on. Right? And, so change the sheets, do the wash, all that all that stuff that somebody else ought to be doing. So we got any new folks on the line today by any chance? You know, the program here is for you, and it's to help you, understand, what's going on. And it sometimes, it isn't easy even for really bright people. Okay? But if you study it and think on it, the story is like, I like the story Brent tells about one of his grandmother.
And I guess in the spring, when these certain kind of mushrooms come out, and you can walk through the forest and you can't see them until you see one. And then when you see one, you see thousands of them. Okay? Yep. They're all That's what's going on here. Alright? Because how many people got god. Every I see national everywhere. I found it in this form. I saw it in this form. Same thing as the mushrooms. You just never had your attention drawn to it before. And now it's Quick. And it just slaps you across the face every time you see it. Yo. How the hell did I miss that before?
[00:20:46] Unknown:
You Quick update. Alright. Quick, Paul. Quick update on the on the audio stream. Roger, your mic wasn't going out. It wasn't? But I have a failover recording, so the archive will be correct. Okay. So that's Good man. Maybe missed about five minutes of your collection.
[00:21:06] Unknown:
Paul, can you, can you look up the the funny sentence of the finished files or whatever? We talked about this a while back, but I'm sure some of the new people have never seen this. It's a little game. I'm gonna play with your mind. And I saw I heard pastor Peters do this on the radio, and then we went up to see him. I was married at the time. We went up to Nashville to the Christian Broadcasting Association's annual meeting up there at Oprylands. Really nice. And, got to meet pastor Peters and see him do a presentation to an audience, and he did this presentation. So, I think Paul knows what I'm talking about. Anyway, it's a sentence. It's just a dumb sentence.
Finished files are part of funny something, whatever it is. And and hopefully, he can get the the exact sentence. But, what he would do is he'd get people out of the audience to come up there on the stage. And I mean, you know, accountant and educated people, and, there's about five of them, I think, he had up there. And then he wrote there's this sentence. You got it? There's this sentence on the blackboard. So can can you got the sentence. Can you read it, Paul, for the audience?
[00:22:25] Unknown:
Yes. Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of years.
[00:22:37] Unknown:
Okay. Pretty nonsensical. Okay. Makes me alright. Now the question that he would ask him is he'd say count the f's in there. Count the f's in that sentence. Can you read it again please, Paul, for the audience? A little slowly a little bit.
[00:22:53] Unknown:
Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of years.
[00:23:07] Unknown:
Okay. Now he asked that question to these people. I'm gonna ask the same thing to you. How many f's are in that sentence? You don't have it in front of you. That's why I wanted Paul to go back over it. It's not totally necessary. You could go back and find this on the web and repeat it to your friends if you wanna make a point. And there's these five people up there, very educated, very sharp people, and not one of them got it right. I think there's what? Seven, five, seven, how how many in there? There's six, I believe. Six. Okay. So there's six f's in there, and these educated people couldn't look at it under the pressure of an audience behind them and a chalkboard in front of them with the sentence written there, and they could not count the f's.
Yep. Nobody got it right.
[00:23:56] Unknown:
It's because it there is six, but most people pick either three or four because they're focusing on the f at the beginning of the words, but they're forgetting about the word of, which is a v sound, and that's why the brain doesn't click. It doesn't count the of as an f.
[00:24:19] Unknown:
When it's right in front of you. When you read it, your brain sees o v, and you can't count the f's correctly. It's right in front of you in a room full of people, and you can't do it. Okay? So, that's just an illustration of my point. The power of the mind to look over this stuff and boy, they got our subconscious, not ours, of course, but the majority of folks, They got it just they just got it. And it's difficult for some people to get out of it. And some people, I dare say, not only there's some that do not wanna come out of it, but there's some that can't come out of it. Don't forget that little thing, that literacy survey by some literacy organization that 21% of the people in The US are illiterate, cannot read or write, illiterate, and fifty three percent can't read over a sixth grade level.
Yeah. Folks, you That's You know, that unfortunately, that's the job they've done. And instead of having a wonderful intelligent meritocracy, that that we lived in at one point, we've got this DEI, which is nothing more than the French revolution restated liberty, fraternity, equality. Isn't that the same damn thing? Yeah.
[00:25:54] Unknown:
Go ahead. Yep.
[00:25:56] Unknown:
So, anyway, that's where we are. We are out of that us. Fortunately, you better thank your god, or whoever your what what does Brent say? Law giver of last resort to whom there is no appeal. Whoever that is for you, you better thank him that you cross paths with this information. Somehow, in for some reason in your lives that you prayed, I have people come on here and say, Roger, I prayed to god for send me the truth and I stumbled on you. Okay? I've had that said more than once. Okay? And, so there's a component here that's highly spiritual and, it seems to be the one people that are not spiritual are the ones he doesn't take with. I guess, like your old polio vaccine.
Paul, when you're did it take? Did your polio vaccine take? Anybody, see, there's a very interesting guy on Alex yesterday in the third hour. It's the first time I've seen him pop up. Him and his group, three or four very intelligent but accomplished people. What has happened is with all of this computing power improving, Paul, is they can go into this NGO structure that these thieves have set up, and they can not only identify every entity in a CADCAM type design. I mean, if you see it on the screen, it literally is like CADCAM. They can spin it around and all that, and they can see where all the lineages of the NGOs are hooked up together, and they can track every penny.
Absolutely. But anyway, these guys have built is unfrigging believable. Even these guys are totally freaked out about it. He Alex interviews him in almost most of the third hour yesterday. Man, you ought to go listen to this guy and his info. There's gonna be a bunch of stuff come out of this as we get deeper and deeper and deeper and into it and analyze it and get more information from what Musk is doing with treasury hooked up with what these guys are doing. I wish I could remember all the encouraging things. He said they're already in touch with Trump. Oh, he's in in in the works on planning of the election reforms that they got coming.
They went over part of that too. It's a very interesting interview. Worth listening to.
[00:28:30] Unknown:
So what they're doing is they're using AI and quantum computing and actually drilling down and analyzing all the interconnections between the deep state entities.
[00:28:40] Unknown:
Yes. Wow. Particularly the NGO the particularly the NGO network. I forgot how many he said there are of them. Holy smokes. There's a bunch of them. And that's where Well, by the way aid was sending a lot of that money, and then they'll pass it through 10 different NGOs. And then the eleventh one passes it back to the first one.
[00:29:04] Unknown:
Right. Oh, by the way gets a percentage
[00:29:08] Unknown:
every stop.
[00:29:10] Unknown:
I did a search of YouTube. I was looking for that John Benson interview. There was a interview eleven years ago, between John Benson
[00:29:20] Unknown:
and Glenn Ambort. They were on a program. They were talking about taxes. It was a couple hours long. That's that's the one I've seen. I don't know Rocky or somebody that was interviewing him. And, Larry, if you're listening, I'm sure Paul will put it up where people, if they'd like to see John, and hear him speak, that you can do that.
[00:29:42] Unknown:
Well, the one I found was man.
[00:29:45] Unknown:
When we When I found was we did a u hold on. Let me just say this, Paul. We did a eulogy program for John, after he passed Glenn and I. And, Glenn said something that I had to think back and go, golly. That's right. He said, I never heard him raise his voice. And I went, you know, I never did either. Never heard. I mean, all this contentious, aggravating material, he just never raised his voice. You're very calm. Go ahead, Paul. Sorry to interrupt.
[00:30:19] Unknown:
I don't think I found the one that you're talking about because the one I I found, Glenn and John were conferenced in on, like, a speaker phone, and the two people, that were interviewing them were basically idiots. I mean, I just
[00:30:42] Unknown:
most of the rest of the population.
[00:30:45] Unknown:
Yeah. They it's all they were having a horrible time just following what what the difference between sales tax and income tax
[00:30:53] Unknown:
And Yeah. And no. Well, if that's not I thought it was just one guy. It may have been two. Anyway, the if you find another one, but if you'd like to even get an idea, Larry was asking yesterday, if about that. And so Paul has searched it up so you can get some kind of an idea.
[00:31:12] Unknown:
Yeah. I I think I downloaded it, and then I instantly regretted it after I watched the first forty five minutes of the program because that's how long it took them to actually get Glenn and John on the program. It was just the two of them talking with each other. You know? It was I see. I think it was the initial the initial example of ego driven YouTube. I think that's the
[00:31:38] Unknown:
I'll tell you another place that you may can find it is Deanna interviewed them a couple of times. And you may find it if you can access Deanna's, history of programs, archives. You may be able to find it there. So, let's see. Anyway, what what else did I wanna mention here today? So does anybody have any questions or comments? We're just kinda plowing forward. If you're new, I know you're very shy. So let me just really expressly give you an invitation. We're we're not here to harm you. We're here to help you. And if you've got questions that you're not the first, everybody's been confused by this. You're not alone. You're not crazy, and you're not stupid.
But you need to get the question or whatever's blocking you answered. So if there is anyone in that category, please don't be shy. Star six, and we'd love to meet you. So we've had some new folks lately, and that's just great. You know? The new folks are kind of the lifeblood. And so nobody's gonna come forward on that? Does anybody else have any comments on any of these events that are going on? Netanyahu in town, evidently, they want they want America to take over Gaza. Did you know that, Paul?
[00:33:03] Unknown:
[00:33:04] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. It would. It was. Does Trump wanna put up a tower on the West Bank or what? Well, he may I'm sure he'd be cut in for it. I don't know. It's not the well, I don't think it's the West Bank. He'd rather have this the Oceanside property, but he might have to fight his son-in-law, Jared Kushner for it. Bori, what you got?
[00:33:26] Unknown:
Good morning, Royer. Yeah. I just got one comment, you know, about the about the, crash, the the helicopter crash. Yeah. Again, the sensors, they they predict it before it happens, you know. It's crazy, you know. The people don't see the all this is predictive programming, you know. How the filter is gonna be right? You know what I mean?
[00:33:51] Unknown:
They almost had the same thing happen the night before. Evidently, there was another situation the night before that crash in the same situation, kinda. So I don't know. All I kinda know is what's been given us at this point, Laurie.
[00:34:11] Unknown:
And one more thing, Roger. They looking for cry sec actor for, military accidents.
[00:34:20] Unknown:
Yeah. Okay.
[00:34:23] Unknown:
Have a good day. Right? Just checking for everything you for us.
[00:34:26] Unknown:
Thank you, Bory. Thanks for the info. They're they're the masters of illusion, these guys. When you think of it, looking at what you've learned and what you've come to understand, all they do is just create illusions. That's why they love things that can influence you emotionally. Hollywood where they can have in movies and have you see these different worlds and these different realities. Music and the music business, oh, it's just chock full of juice. Okay? Believe me. Anything that's got that kind of power where they can dictate an illusion or somehow compromise your thinking.
Boy, that's where they're gonna be thick right there. Okay? But they're a good thing is they're being exposed, not as much as we'd like. Just gives me cold chills to see that damn maniac bastard in DC, First foreign visitor, of course. Oh, he wouldn't fly over there for the inauguration. He was afraid he was gonna get nabbed by the international criminal court. Well, then he comes over after the inauguration and spends a freaking week. Come on, Netanyahu. You know, I I mentioned it yesterday. I've thought about it a couple of times since myself. It's amazing because evidently, this happened in 2011, and I didn't hear about it. I no no patriot that I listened to, reported on it. But, here last year, it got brought up again. It happened in 02/2011, and Benjamin Netanyahu had a psychiatrist who was the top psychiatrist in, I guess, analytical or whatever in Israel in his field, okay? So, if he was at that level, he's probably recognized, you know, worldwide, okay?
And he was Netanyahu's psychiatrist, his shrink, and he committed suicide and wrote a suicide note where he directly blamed Netanyahu and his lying. Says he's an incessant liar. Psychiatrist. Suicide. Top in his field. Blame Netanyahu for pulling the trigger on old cylinder number six. Well, that's gotta folks, that's gotta tell you something. K? Okay. Where else can we go today? So they're wanting to give Gaza to America. I don't know all the details. I heard Harrison yapping about it a little bit this morning, Paul. But it it, sure. Why not get us in there again? We're they just hate us some more. You know?
Oh, yeah. Well, it must have been America that was behind it because America's got got got control of the land now. Yeah. Yeah. Always putting us up front to do their freaking dirty work. Always the same. What have I told you? These people are absolute total chicken shits. When they're putting a wall of information, they're chicken shits through and through. K? Unless they got the advantage or a thug with a baseball bat or somebody with the high ground, all the latest armory, all the latest planes, all the latest munitions. If they don't have that, well, they're just not safe, are they? But you Nope. It's like David and Goliath. You you got a slingshot.
Well, guess what? We got a slingshot, and I can put that damn stone right between their eyes every time. Never miss.
[00:38:22] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, you know, I mean, the principal the principal, agents of oppression, for the deep state are the police, and they are the most fearful individuals that I think I may have ever encountered. I mean, they're wearing Kevlar body armor, they've got body cameras, they've got a guac on one hip and a taser on the other, and they've got a radio on their lapel, and they can call for backup at any time. And here they go up against one little itty bitty citizen. No. And they Don't forget. And they're terrified. And, basically, the justification for any police involved shooting is officer safety.
The officer reacted in in light of officer safety. Well, hello, people. What about the people's safety?
[00:39:18] Unknown:
I that officer that confronted Joe was really threatened with a three inch pocket knife.
[00:39:25] Unknown:
Oh god. I don't even think it was three inches. I don't. Oy. I think it was like this little kinda like a credit card thing that Well that he had in his pocket that he used to open packages and stuff.
[00:39:39] Unknown:
Well, that's something positive we certainly talk about is Joe's accomplishments over there in New Jersey of getting these people on their knees. So we'll see how that continues to go forward. I hope he takes that cop and that judge and picks their pocket big time. K? So, so that's, happening. So nobody, nobody in the audience wants to converse with Paul and I this morning? Is it our breath or what?
[00:40:10] Unknown:
Must be. What? What?
[00:40:13] Unknown:
There's somebody, Joan. Well, hold it, Joan. Well, you know, five out of six in Russian roulette.
[00:40:22] Unknown:
Oh, okay. Thank you.
[00:40:24] Unknown:
Yeah. That's what you know, I've the the the recent saying is, you know, five out of six people think Russian roulette roulette is perfectly safe.
[00:40:40] Unknown:
[00:40:41] Unknown:
Yes, sir.
[00:40:44] Unknown:
Hi. It's Rich. Email now.
[00:40:47] Unknown:
How are you? Mark one
[00:40:49] Unknown:
in Alcat. Oh, I don't know. I hadn't heard from him. I I wrote him a a message this morning, said I hope you're continuing to feel better. I don't know what's going on with him, but he is sounding better.
[00:41:02] Unknown:
Good. He made a he made a statement on, one time on the on your program. He said I remember him saying for, real estate purposes only, and I guess it had to do with it with, for estate planning purposes only, I think. Oh, okay. Estate planning. Okay. Alright. Thank you, Roger.
[00:41:32] Unknown:
Okay. You're welcome. You know, the word estate means in itself less than true ownership. So if you've got real estate, you don't own it. You might control it. You might think you own it, but you don't. Like the estates Comment. In the feudal system. Well, there's my old buddy, Tom. How are you doing, my friend?
[00:41:58] Unknown:
Hanging in there, man. Hanging in there. Yeah. I was, thinking we were talking about and listening to this, opportunity that Trump wants to do with Gaza. What, you know, is it gonna build a, like, Disneyland over there, except it's gonna be called Suicide Land. Free He's gonna And Kevlar, free Kevlar vest with every ticket.
[00:42:21] Unknown:
Right. Something with every house, with every condominium. You get complete Kevlar clothing. Yeah. He said it was gonna be something international, you know, international this and enjoyment that. And, we'll we'll see. I know God that smirky ass Netanyahu. I I just wanna reach through the screen and slap his ass
[00:42:45] Unknown:
for starters. You know? I mean, what are they gonna you know, the Palestinians are gonna say, okay. You know, Israel did steal in our land. So but but it's okay for Trump to come and do it. You know? I don't know. They're just gonna hate us more. One of his best ideas. Well Absolutely.
[00:43:01] Unknown:
Plus plus we got the new anti Semite, executive order. And, it's gonna be instituted first in like schools. And, you know, where some of those Palestinians at the universities were blocking, pathways to classes stuff. I I don't think that's right. But, I side with the Palestinians, not because I'm left leaning. It's because those poor people have gone through absolute hell for a hundred years at the behest of these sorry, land grabbing, slaving, racist, murdering, lying pieces of crap because that's what they are.
[00:43:43] Unknown:
Well, maybe they can offer them a free you know, they get free pool access, you know, every day of the year or something.
[00:43:50] Unknown:
Anyway, yeah. And they're I I think they're still trying to get the Gazans to move to Jordan or Egypt or somewhere. Put them totally out in the desert. You know? Well, he said he wasn't gonna they they said they didn't think he was gonna force them to move. They were just gonna offer them, say, is there someone else you would like to live? Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure there is. Yeah. Well, they'd like to live in The US. I think a lot of them wanted to come to Austin area. Would you like to have a lot of them over there, Tom?
[00:44:26] Unknown:
They go into Miami. They do.
[00:44:29] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. They're gonna go to Miami where all the rich Jews are. Boy, that'll be a that'll be a circus three hundred and sixty five days a year. We just moved Gaza to Miami.
[00:44:39] Unknown:
Don Johnson. He's their idol. Oy vey.
[00:44:43] Unknown:
Tom, you know the famous Jewish wine, don't you?
[00:44:49] Unknown:
Not not sure.
[00:44:51] Unknown:
When are we going to Miami?
[00:44:57] Unknown:
[00:44:59] Unknown:
Hey. You know what? You know what the Jewish dilemma is, Tom? You know? Yeah. You know what the Jewish dilemma is? What's that? A delicatessen or not? A del a delicatessen with a sign outside says free ham sandwich.
[00:45:17] Unknown:
I mean, that's not a dilemma. That's a business opportunity. You just go in and get one. You go a block over, you sell it to a glam.
[00:45:27] Unknown:
Oh, man. Well, it's No. It it is. Interesting time. Go ahead, Paul. If Trump wants to make a difference
[00:45:34] Unknown:
if Trump wants to make a difference, he could leave the Timu shipments alone. Just let people get the stuff that they paid for because literally, he's interfering with people's property because they bought something, and they should expect to be able to receive it. And his tariff his tariff plan doesn't matter. If he wants to fix the country, get rid of the vigorous. Leave the TIMU packages alone and get rid of the vigorous.
[00:45:59] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. And get it like the honest weights and measures monetary system. When I had something right on my mind. Sorry. Oh, yeah. Well, that's okay. Oh, deep boarding antisemites. That's on the executive order, I believe. What else? There's something I was thinking of a second ago. So, I'm waiting for the audience to come in and go start some of these vigorous conversations that we have here on the old Radio Ranch Forum. So are y'all, like, sleepy? Did you get up too early too? Alright. I started getting, this is one of my this is one of the things that I kinda get rubbed the wrong way with.
Over the weekend, I got two emails from a a a young man named Mark, and he had just stumbled on the information, and he was really excited. And he's yeah. Can can can you give me give me your phone number? I got a couple of questions. So I said, well, it doesn't really work that way. You come on the show. I'm here for you. Six days a week, I entertain your question. We'll give you as good an answer as we can, but, I I, yeah, I do do consultations, but it's gonna cost you. You know? And so I didn't hear back from him. And then, I think that he asked me the first email of those two was, where can I find the affidavit?
So he had gotten exposed to this just a little, got very excited, and he he's like one he's one of these instant gratification guys. And he's exactly what I don't want is people like him getting excited, filing the paperwork, never learning anything, and just going off about their way. Nothing's gonna change. World's not gonna change. They don't have enough knowledge to understand that they've gotta be the change. They can't experience that change because they don't put any money into it. They just send off a piece of paper. Well, that's exactly what I don't want happening around here. Okay? We don't have a lack of sending in piece of paper problem. We've got a lack of education problem and we've got to get this information to to, as many people as we can get that want it and are willing to realize that freedom isn't free.
You you gotta pay something. I'm not charging you. You gotta pay something. Learn the material and get as good a command of it as you can possibly get because the more you've got of that, the the freer you are and the freer you are and if we all do that, the freer we all are. And then so, A, then you can talk to people about it and know what you're talking about and not be like the guy we had a couple of years ago who who's just pulled over by the California State Police right after he gets exposed to this information. And the cop walks up the car and he goes, I'm a nonresident alien.
Well, yeah, in one area, but you're not a nonresident alien to the cop on the side of the road. You're a national. You've got to learn and be able to differentiate the information because, hopefully, you're gonna try and spread it to other people and explain it to them, which is the best way to learn it, by the way. K? No question about it. The best way to learn this is to teach it to other people. You'll find out real quick what you don't know and understand. Go back, beef up on that, fill the hole, and go find somebody else to present it to.
[00:49:50] Unknown:
Hey, Raj.
[00:49:52] Unknown:
Yes. That's our first job is presenting it to people. Yes, Paul?
[00:49:56] Unknown:
Someone's looking for the quick start program. They go to the And on the very close to the top of the page in red is new students click here. You go to that page, and you watch the first five episodes, the first five interviews on that page, and then you fill out your affidavit and you get it done. You send it into the secretary of state, and then you take copies of that affidavit, and you notice all of your local law enforcement agencies, your your, your local officials.
[00:50:29] Unknown:
Then your state then your state and local. Go ahead.
[00:50:33] Unknown:
State and local. And then you lock yourself into a room with all the rest of the information on the Then and definitely read the citizenship handbook for nationals from Devon. Definitely read that. And it after you get all those things done, before you even think about poking the bear, you go study. You go to school, and you dive into the information head first. Because if you can't defend your position, you might as well not be in it because you ain't keeping it long.
[00:51:07] Unknown:
Well, or you're gonna maybe potentially screw it up for all of us. Somehow, I don't know how that's possible, but that I just I'm a stickler on learning the information and not I didn't charge anything. I'm not like David Strait. I didn't make a business out of this. I've made a commitment for myself to try and affect change. And this is my way to affect change, and I can only do that through you. And I'm gonna try and do it with you like a marine drill sergeant down at Quantico. Okay? Because that's how important I can tell you. You really wanna be free, you learn and understand the information because your freedom equivalency is gonna be directly correlated to how well you command and know the information.
Now I don't know every jot, every tittle, every eye, every incident, but you gotta learn how to a, teach other people, b, defend your position critical as Paul said, and, c, learn it. So when we finally do get a chance to correct the system, we got people that know what went wrong that can get that information to somebody or somebody, b o d y, a body of people in a decision making forum where they can see what happened and how this all happened. Because this is how it all happened.
[00:52:34] Unknown:
And this this is not about being a scofflaw or anything like that. This is about personal responsibility and taking taking ownership of your own actions. Because if you think that you're gonna fill out an affidavit, slap a postage stamp on it, send it to the secretary of state of The United States, and then immediately rip the license plates off your car into a hundred miles an hour through a a school zone and get away with it. That is not what this is about. This is about personal responsibility, taking control of your own life and your own your own Government.
[00:53:14] Unknown:
Government. You're governing yourself according to God and the laws and nature's God. That's what you're doing. And that's what you agree to to yourself or you should when you make this step and and do it.
[00:53:29] Unknown:
Yeah. If you wanna be a scofflaw, go somewhere else. I'm sure David Strader and Yvonne Wright will have all the information that you need to know. Probably got some funds. You probably got some funds in your account he'd like to access. Oh, yeah. Probably. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Okay. Well, we've Yeah. Go after your sister KV trust. Good luck with that.
[00:53:55] Unknown:
Yeah. Go go check with Anna on how to do that, by the way. Yeah. Make a stop by Anna's place. So, anyway, that's what we do. We're trying to affect change, and I get on here six days a week even though some of these days, like today, even y'all don't wanna even talk to me. So, I'll get on here and run my mouse best I can, and see if we can talk about things that might titillate you.
[00:54:23] Unknown:
It's only got about another five minutes. We'll be dropping off of Chicago. Yeah. And radio soapbox. Oh, you figure we cover Rush Street.
[00:54:35] Unknown:
You figure we cover Rush Street there?
[00:54:40] Unknown:
That I don't know. I don't know much about Chicago other than,
[00:54:44] Unknown:
if you're driving a truck, you got no business being anywhere near the Now you don't need to be in on Rush Street. I can tell you that. That's kind of the nightlife street from what I take it. I've never necessarily partaken of it, but I heard talk about it. It used to be the big, big nightlife street there. So, anyway, to our friends in Chicago, yeah. Sorry. Sorry. You got a Jew governor and a commie black mayor. What a mess. Go Trump. Go. Go Trump. Go. Is is that bug eyed
[00:55:25] Unknown:
is that bug eyed chick still the mayor of Chicago?
[00:55:28] Unknown:
No. Lizard woman? No. She's gone. They got a dyed in the wool, middle aged, black, professorial looking dyed in the wool communist in charge now.
[00:55:40] Unknown:
Okay. Wow.
[00:55:42] Unknown:
How thrilling.
[00:55:45] Unknown:
Just to be clear, the fact that he's black doesn't make him a communist.
[00:55:49] Unknown:
Just to be clear. No. I wouldn't I wouldn't sell. I wouldn't know. I'd identify as, well, I'd say a Jew communist, but I think almost all of them are communist. That's a different story. But, yeah, it's just a very sophisticated guy. Acts like he's calm. He's got a terrible approval rating, like 13 or 17%. And he said, well, that doesn't matter. We're gonna go on, get our agenda in. So, anyway, sorry you're having to deal with that up there, Chicagoans. Where's Sam been? We hadn't heard from him. I mentioned it yesterday. See, this is how people drift in and out of here.
Come along. Sam's here. He's always asking questions and constantly and his sons and this, that, and the other. Here we hadn't heard from him in a month. I hope nothing's happened to him. Yeah. So, anyway, this is Sam. There's is that somebody's trying to say something about
[00:56:48] Unknown:
hello? Somebody somebody's mic is open. It's creating an echo. Charles, are you are you underwater? No. It looks like they may be in the
[00:57:00] Unknown:
whatever. Okay. Well, we do the best we can, Paul. We're we're, just a a minute or so away from, the whistler coming in. Well, abbreviated whistle here so we can, cast off the the line. We, with Chicago and wish him good luck for another twenty two hours. Hope you can make it another just twenty two hours, one day at a time, Paul. And, maybe they can there's no shootings or any of that kind of stuff up there.
[00:57:38] Unknown:
I think that people are still kind of in shock with with just the flood of news, things that Trump is doing. And,
[00:57:45] Unknown:
just it's a blitzkrieg. They they don't wanna identify it as a blitz blitzkrieg because that's gonna point them towards the Hitler model, but that's what the that's what's going on. And, evidently, they're planning on keeping it up for as as much of the four years as they can do. Just keep these people spinning.
[00:58:08] Unknown:
Hey, Roger? Busy.
[00:58:10] Unknown:
Yes. Is that Nancy again?
[00:58:12] Unknown:
It is. And I can wait until after the after the one, the twelve noon time period. But I just have a question
[00:58:21] Unknown:
about one time. We're gonna we're gonna stick you right on stage left there for just a minute because that whistler is gonna come in, and we wanna titillate the listeners in Chicago that this lovely woman from Virginia has got a really interesting question. But unless you come in on the other side or go to the archives, you're probably gonna miss it. See, there's that whistler right there, Nance. Go ahead. Hurry right
[00:58:47] Unknown:
up. Hurry right up and go to the That is the matrix,d0cs,.com, and click on either the euro folk radio dot com link, the global voice radio link, or you can, or you can join us live on the show using the free conference call. Thanks. Hurry up. We're dropping off of the platforms that you are listening to us on right now. +1 0690 in Chicago. We love you bunches, and we wanna see you right back here even if it's on a different platform. Thank you so much for being with us, and thanks to Paul for bringing us that voice.
[00:59:30] Unknown:
If you can't, good luck. See you tomorrow, maybe. Alright. Now let's drink out from stage left the lovely Nancy, sister of Suzanne. Older or younger? I sense you're the older.
[00:59:45] Unknown:
You are so spot on.
[00:59:48] Unknown:
[00:59:49] Unknown:
Yeah. I'm the You're little sissy. On the older sister.
[00:59:52] Unknown:
Yeah. Little sissy, Suzanne, has been I guess she's still listening. I think they are, and she's got her new dentist, hubby. She's been a a listener for a long time, back in 2015 or so maybe over on truth frequency. And and she was taking care of your dad and stuff in his old old age, and I suppose he passed on and she, put her life back together a little bit.
[01:00:21] Unknown:
Well, and Dean and Suzanne, they just bought another house, so they're getting ready to move into that and they'll be selling their it'll be their first We Home. I see. Because his house was, where he lived with his deceased wife. I mean, his previous wife who did who died a couple years ago. So they're they're very pretty much preoccupied with that right now. Okay. Cool. And he's got he's got one son that's a dentist in his practice, doesn't he? Correct. Yes. Yeah. Okay. Well, I've been And he just works three days a week.
[01:00:56] Unknown:
The social media. I heard on social media, they may be coming down here sometime in the future. So, hopefully, I'll get to spend some time with both of them and break some bread and laugh and tell some stories and all that stuff.
[01:01:10] Unknown:
Yeah. And I'll probably be the one who's
[01:01:13] Unknown:
house and and dog sitting while they're doing Oh, okay. Okay. Well, good. They'll pay you double. They'll pay you overtime. So,
[01:01:21] Unknown:
[01:01:21] Unknown:
And then so Suzanne goes and starts telling people about us and the same thing, listen long enough, understood it. She starts telling her older sis Nancy, and here we are. That but but she could've never done that if she didn't understand the information and convey it. So it's really critically important, and we're not a paper filing game. That that's David's trade. And Von, they're paper filers. You go deal with them. We're studiers. We like reality and truth combined. It's a very, very powerful combination. Now, Nancy, you have a question. How can we help you today?
[01:02:03] Unknown:
Well, I was about Harlan justice Harlan's descent, on in Wonkim Arc. And Yes. Paul read that last I think it was Tuesday. And I'm going back and reading that because so, where he talks about English common law rule, and and the words absolute unbending, in regards to the feudal system. So the question I have, because that seems on the face of it, absolute and unbending just as Great Britain was being relieved from its inconvenience. So, Yes. To where it says. But isn't that so it's my understanding we talk about, you know, everything's volunteer in the feudal system. As a serve, you volunteer into it, and you can volunteer out of it. So it just seems a bit at odds with that to the words absolutely none bending.
[01:03:03] Unknown:
Well, because that was a commitment. Now, you know, if you go to Black's Law Dictionary and go look under Villein, v I l l e I n is the way it's spelled. We don't pronounce it like that. But once again, that reflects that William the conqueror brought over the European common law to England when he conquered it. Right. But England had a doctrine called the free soil doctrine, which means there's never been a slave born on the island of England. That's been upheld in court even over black slaves. They got their freedom that way. Okay? And so they couldn't bring over involuntary servitude.
They could only bring over voluntary servitude, and they call that the English variety of slavery. Now I'm glad you asked this question because it's just like you threw us a big old fat softball right over the middle of home plate, Nancy, today. You did. And, I sent before the show I was just thinking about it, stumbled on a video about English serfdom that we we played it a while back. We haven't played it in a while, but I stumbled on it. It was still open in my way too many tabs open browser. And, so I thought we'd play it today. And it goes over actually a lot of things. But remember, there's a number of different types of villain. There wasn't just one. There's about 10 or 15 of them. And I assume they all have a little different characteristics.
Now, the one that we think that they're utilizing here in their model is called the villain a regardant. And the definition says a villain attached to the land, property, absolute and unbending, and transferable by deed. There were other villains that you couldn't sell them as as villains. But if you sold the land, they would be transferred with the land because they were attached to the land as property, as a fixture. You ever do, you ever worked in real estate, Nancy?
[01:05:21] Unknown:
No. But, since I had
[01:05:23] Unknown:
has been. Oh, okay. Well, you've heard the term fixture. You know? And when I was yeah. Fixture. And I had a real estate teacher that said a fixture is anything that can be unfastened in fifteen minutes or less with a screwdriver.
[01:05:40] Unknown:
Oh, okay.
[01:05:42] Unknown:
K? And when did they go with the house or not? Or that couldn't be unfastened. Yeah. They go with the run with the land. So you're a fixture. You're a slave. You're on their manor. You volunteered into it. You like the gig. You got some real good land. You wanna hang with it. But if the new lord of the manor is mean to you, they couldn't go beach and stuff. Okay? And that goes over in this video we're gonna play here in a minute. But this gives a little insight into it from so it's on YouTube, but Paul can dig up the title or something. It's in Skype, Paul.
And maybe, on the on the heels of Nancy's question, we can play this and see if it gains any other questions or insight or any anybody else's titillated by it. It's about what? Twenty minutes long, Paul?
[01:06:35] Unknown:
Yeah. I don't have it up yet. It's kinda
[01:06:38] Unknown:
I need a little bit of advanced notice if you throw me something in Skype because Well, it just came Okay. Well, I sent it to you before the show, but I forgot to mention it to you. And it just came up, and Nancy was gracious enough to call with a feudal system question. And I thought that it might be a good time to play it.
[01:06:57] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, I'm I'm working on launching Skype. So give me a working on it. Okay. I will. I will.
[01:07:03] Unknown:
I just remember I've done go ahead, sweetie.
[01:07:06] Unknown:
I was just gonna say I I had a a communication from the IRS yesterday, and it was, Yeah. And it was letting me know that a hundred and $17 was credited to me as overpayment for 2024. I was like, okay.
[01:07:28] Unknown:
Oh, then we're gonna send you this big letter with all this threatening stuff, and then we're gonna send you something about your ROE. Right?
[01:07:35] Unknown:
Well, you know, the yeah. Well, but the the the bluff court, letter was in response to my filing, my RO, submitting my ROE, revocation of election. So, it's just not funny, I'm, I have, you know, my eyes go to the IRS, you know, you see it in incoming mail, and you go, oh, what what lovely communication will there be today? So it's just funny. It's a hundred but it said for 2024. So they've credit I've not filed for 2024 at all. I haven't done a 10, ten forty n r. But it's funny. The juxtaposition of the, bluff and bully letter, then they're selling telling me that there's I have a hundred and $17 credit for 2024.
[01:08:24] Unknown:
It's the carrot and the stick approach from our pen pals.
[01:08:29] Unknown:
[01:08:30] Unknown:
They're about to rip them out by the roots, it appears. Now I don't know how long it'll take them to get that done, and obviously, there's gonna be a lot of dissension and hissing about it, but that's on the agenda too. And their people are also suggesting that, that Elon and Doge go and and and visit the IRS folks on some of their auditing activities. Who knows? Paul, did you get that queued up yet, my friend? Still working on it. My lord have mercy. K. Sorry. Sorry to throw you such a curve ball. I would have never dreamt. Okay, Nancy. Well, what else what else do we need? Tell how else can we help you? That was very eloquent, though. Remember, that wasn't just John Harlan.
That was chief justice Fuller also.
[01:09:27] Unknown:
Okay. So is it yeah. Okay. I was looking it up because I wanted to read the entire dissent and, and actually gather the references, like, from Carol Quigley Tragedy and Hope about feudalism and, House House's letter to, Woodrow Wilson that mentions the the ancient pledge. Right. So I want wanted to have those in hand just to as to share and educate people about how the this is a feudal system that they have imposed.
[01:09:58] Unknown:
So It's very those are very foundational truth documents. They can't be dismissed even by Larry Beecraft. As hard as he would like to say, it's Patriot Mythology, the house letter. It's not. Whoever wrote that knew exactly what they were gonna do. It's just all spelled out right there. And, so we've got unfortunately a a good attorneys like Larry who's a a good guy. But, boy, he just can't think outside the box. Never has been able to. He spent he John, when John and them got out of prison, they had all this written up. He spent three hours on the phone with John, and the tax law was his specialty. Okay? That's in notoriety came from tax cases.
And after three hours, he still didn't agree with it or get it, I guess. But I remember what John's comment was. And John said, Larry's been lawyering too long. There, he's got it queued up. Larry's been lawyering too long, and they just can't think out the box just like, well, Dean can think outside the box because he's removing mercury fillings. But your average dentist, they don't see the problem with that. The, average doctor, he gets, what, an hour in med school on on nutrition. You're you're you're it's just all these people, your lawyer can't see this stuff. Some of them can occasionally, but I've run into a whole bunch of them that can't. I don't know what they do to them, but they do something to them. You got that queued up now there, Paul, I sense?
Yeah. I do. I heard him walking through the woods there. Okay. What's the title to this little ditty?
[01:11:50] Unknown:
It is did medieval peasants think they were slaves? It's on the modern
[01:11:57] Unknown:
history TV channel on YouTube, and it's seventeen minutes fifty six seconds long. Yeah. Okay. Well, if you're new or even if you've been around for a while you and haven't heard this, you're gonna get a lot of buzzwords and, things we talk about here in in this video here. So, Paul, for Nancy in the audience, why don't you give us seventeen minutes about being a middle e medieval. A medieval serf.
[01:12:25] Unknown:
That's easy for you to say. I can't hear you. Not.
[01:12:31] Unknown:
Were medieval peasants slaves? And was medieval serfdom effectively the same as slavery? The population of medieval England is actually quite hard to estimate. The Domesday Book, that fantastic document written by our Norman conquerors, Duke William of Normandy in October cataloged a huge amount of the country in a vast amount of detail. It actually only mentions about 283,000 people, and it misses out some very big categories, women, children, the clergy. It doesn't talk about London in particular, and it misses out some parts of England as well because it wasn't fully completed. So of that 283,000, men that are mentioned in the Domesday Book, we project it up to be something of the order of 2,000,000, two and a half million people living in England in the medieval time. In the eleventh century, most of the population lived in villages, in rural communities. And by most of the population, I mean, estimates vary between 90 to 95% of the population, leaving 5% of the population to live in the growing towns and cities.
London was quite big, but by comparison to today, absolutely minuscule. What that means then is that the vast majority of the medieval population were peasants. Typically, peasants were divided into two broad categories. They were serfs or servile or they were free men or free. Well, what's the difference between a serf and a slave? Well, actually quite a lot. A serf could be bought and sold but as part of a piece of land. So the lord of the manor could buy and sell a parcel of land that would have you attached to it, but you had certain rights to that land to farm and live there, and those couldn't be removed by the lord of the manor, which is a kind of form of buying and selling tenancies. Landlords today will buy a tenement building with a lot of people that have rights that are living in it, and they get the rent.
Same thing, really. So, arguably, nothing much has changed there. Slaves, on the other hand, could be bought and sold as individual human beings for money with no reference to a piece of land, nothing at all. Now interestingly, in the Norman period, slavery seems to have been massively in decline. In fact, various bishops preached against it, and Bishop Anselm said in particular, it should be wrong to sell a man like a brute beast. So it appears that the Normans made significant efforts to actually destroy the trade in slavery that happened in the earlier medieval period. There was a slave trade between Bristol and Dublin. Dublin was actually set up by the Vikings specifically as a slave trading port. And Bristol, which became famous for the slave trade later on in history, was also partly responsible for dispatching slaves to various parts of the world back then in the medieval period. The worst slaves mentioned in the Domesday Book, these are Englishmen whose social status is slave, but they're few and far between. The vast majority of farm workers are peasants, and they have rights. So it appears that the whole concept of slavery was dispatched and got rid of by the Normans. Admittedly, it was commuted to bonded servitude if you like. Basically, it was Norman policy to free slaves, turn them into bonded servants, people who actually had to work the land for themselves, but give them rights. It's really fascinating to think that the Norman Conquest brought with it one of the first emancipations of slaves in the Western world.
A lord was not allowed to kill or maim his serf. He would get into trouble for that, but he was allowed to tax him in lots of different ways. So for example, when a serf died, the lord got to choose his best animal as a death duty. We still have death duties today in much of the Western world. He could tax him if he wanted to get married and perhaps partly control who he married and where he was going to live afterwards. And one of the ways that was particularly contentious was he could force him to use the Lord's mill to mill his grain. Now, it's perfectly possible if you're a peasant to mill grain at home. But the Lord could force you to mill the grain at his miller's mill, and the miller would often be a bit corrupt, would charge you 10%, and it would also charge you much more money than it would have cost you to do it yourself.
So milling grain at the Lord's Mill was a source of revenue for the Lord, but it was also a source of severe discontent amongst the peasantry. We do have a record of a Lord being fined for thrashing. We don't know what thrashing means but he was fined for thrashing his surf. He's fined 40 shillings which is actually quite a large sum of money. Now money, money's value is actually quite hard to determine by today's standards but people were paid a penny or so for a day's work. So therefore, shilling is many many days work. It's probably the equivalent to tens of thousands of pounds or dollars in today's currencies.
Magna Carta, the great charter, specifically says that a a lord is not allowed to bring a villain to ruin. So he is specifically not allowed to confiscate his land or the tools of his trade, which is interesting because that's very similar to modern day western bankruptcy laws. You can take a lot of goods, but you can't take usually the tools of somebody's trade. The typical medieval peasant lived as part of a manor, and that manor would compose of two or three villages. They'd live there with their family on their effectively their small holding, and they'd report to one lord. So one lord would have two or three villages to his name. That would obviously change. Some had fewer. Some had many, many more. And if you were servile, you have to work two or three days a week for the lord of the manor on boon work. If you were free, you usually had to pay rent in terms of money, but sometimes you could do physical work for the lord. Of course, not everybody lived in the manorial system. There are big religious communities, and those are worked by people called lay brothers who are not specifically clergy, but they were the ones doing all the physical labor in the religious institution.
There's a theoretical diagonal line that runs very roughly from Northwest to Southeast that divides England. The upper right bit was the Dane law and was settled by waves of immigrant from Northern Europe who were then called Danes, who were likely various different people. They had their own laws and customs just to confuse things. In the area known as Danelaw, there are actually relatively few serfs recorded in the Domesday Book, which is interesting. And mostly free men, they mostly pay rent. And in some areas, particularly in Northumberland, for example, in the very North of England, there was a curious thing about thanes and drengs.
And they they actually paid tax based on the number of horned beasts they kept, which is a complete hangover from the very earliest days of the medieval period. In the far South in Kent, Edward Longshanks, Edward The First, Malleus Scotorum, the hammer of the Scots, specifically declared all Kentishmen be free. So it's totally different organization in the South Of England and in the North Of England just to confuse things. We do have records of some of the highly detailed jobs that the medieval peasant was expected to do. The Black Book of Peterborough, which was made between 11/25 and 11/28, specifies each man must plow four acres for the spring sowing, must work three days in each week, and must supply 60 hens and 640 eggs a year. Very specific. The Knights Templar.
Yes. Real Knights Templars did exist, and they ran religious institutions in in medieval England. I'm not sure whether they were hiding the Holy Grail or having all these sort of legendary adventures that later stories were to embellish, but they genuinely did exist and they genuinely wrote down rules for what people had to do on their land and when. There are specific phrases like must mow four days a week until the meadows are cleared and the hay is carried in. It was also specified that they would have to carry loads to Gloucester, which was 20 miles away from the religious establishment, or wherever the master wills it. And they also needed to move the sheepfold twice a year.
So the rules were written down in very very specific detail and woe betide anybody that didn't actually follow them. Now of particular interest I think is that as the medieval period goes on, a lot of the religious orders started to change the willingness to accept cash. And I think this is really because money is a bit more reusable than four days a week mowing and so and so. The actual cash could then be transported and moved abroad or moved to different parts of the world where it was specifically needed. Whereas, having a bunch of blokes who have to specifically mow this specific field at this time of year is not as flexible as give me the money and I can do what I like with it. So as the medieval period goes on, we see a lot of transition from boon work, having to do certain things at certain times of the year, to paying money instead even if you're servile. Here's another interesting little nugget in the records. We see some families that start out as free become servile. So it's possible to go the other way and some people who started out servile become free. And it does appear that certain land came with civility.
So it was possible in some cases to get more and better land if you were servile and sort of go down the social ladder if you like but have more land and better land and give up your freedom and vice versa. So the situation as always is actually quite a lot more complex. We know that some people went to court to prove that they were servile or free, and often they were talking about whether their father was servile or free or not. And in some cases, the whole situation is muddied because free men married servile women and servile men married free women. And the courts had to determine what happens to that union, to that family group. Were they now servile or were they now free? As you can imagine with human beings, the situation is quite complicated.
But just like today, status matters for some people but not everybody. From the tenth century to the twelfth century, the court seemed very keen to determine who is a serf or is servile, and who's actually free. So how do you prove that you're free? Or how does your lord of the manor prove that you're servile? Well, one of the definitions is, terra ad flagellum, which is Latin for do you hold by fork and flail, which we think, and we're not sure, we think this means, do you hold the land because of tasks you have to do for the lord of the manor, or do you actually pay him rent? Because the idea is if you broadly have to do work for the lord of the manor, you are servile, and if you pay money rent, then you're free. But, of course, in life, it is never that simple because most of the records indicate that people had a bit of both. They paid some money and they did some tasks.
So the courts had to work out how servile or how free you might or might not be. Then, of course, as now, going to court was expensive, so it must have been a really important thing for people to have decided for them, or they must have wanted to prove that they were free as opposed to servile. We don't quite know why. Maybe it was a social thing. Maybe it was just a personal I am free and I want to prove it and have the courts prove it. Maybe lords of the manor didn't want too many free people on their on their land. And maybe because you had a broadly less literate society, people didn't have the paperwork to prove what their status was.
So forks and flails are important deciders as far as the court is concerned. If you are a villain, a serf, you are servile, how do you win your freedom? Well, there are several ways that can happen actually. The first one, and you might have guessed, you pay money to your lord in what's called quit rent. You pay him money, and he declares you free. Now, technically, all the money you owed had to be paid by a third person because as a Sir. You didn't actually owe any of your own money technically, although it's a bit more complex than that. Basically, you had to get a third person to pay the money to your lord, but the lord is probably quite happy to receive the money, declared you free. Sometimes, there'd be a big ceremony associated with it. And we have records of the mayor of the town celebrating your freedom. So it was a big social event in some cases, and who knows why people wanted to become free. Maybe it was just social status.
Maybe it saved them taxes, we don't really know, but that's the main way people became free. There's another one. If you didn't have any money, you could run away. Yes, you could actually run away to the town. There's an expression in medieval England which is town air sets men free, and that's exactly what you had to do. You had to run away and live in the town undetected for a year and a day. Now, lords of the manor were often not very keen for this to happen, so they would send people in to capture you, but the towns were actually expanding rapidly at this time in history.
They were quite keen to make sure you became free because then you become a townsman and you would add to their power. So the towns usually turned either a blind eye to you being a runaway surf or slightly helped you, kind of gave you nudges in the right direction or certainly wouldn't have turned you in because it's to their advantage if you become free. Thirdly, you take holy orders because if you are a member of the clergy, you are exempt from ordinary rules. You have to follow church rules and you would be tried in church courts, for example. And often the churches didn't have the death penalty. They sent you to some faraway monastery to, to live the rest of your life if you're particularly bad. But basically, the clergy were outside the surf free kind of spectrum if you like. So you could become a man of the cloth, follow God, and become free that way.
And lastly, it is possible, but it's not really recorded very much in medieval manuscripts, but it is possible that good military service might have enabled you to win your freedom, if you like. And some of the evidence we have from that is William Shakespeare, post medieval but quite close to the medieval period. In Henry the fifth, he says, he who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother. Be he ne'er so vile, I. E. He's a villain. He's servile. Today, show gentle his condition. Today, he shall become free. So in that statement, Henry the fifth is specifically saying to the villanes or the servile people in his army that if you fight for me, you shed your blood, and we win, I will give you your freedom. You'll become a free man.
Whether that happened in history or not, we don't actually know, but I think it's quite likely. So if you fought for your country and did so well, there's a fair chance if you did it well enough, you might become free. But it is an interesting representation of what Shakespeare, who was closer to the medieval period, thought might be the case. He could be making it up, but I think it's quite likely that if you gave good military service and you were a villain, why wouldn't your lords and masters make you free?
[01:30:25] Unknown:
Well, there you go. Pretty interesting. Paul, did you pick up anything out of that? You heard it once a long time ago. You've grown a bunch since you already. You pick up anything out of that this time around?
[01:30:39] Unknown:
They're pretty much the same thing I had picked up before, but, it was interesting that people had to go to the courts at that time to determine whether they were free or not, but we don't have to.
[01:30:55] Unknown:
Oh, well, we're going to the administrative court. Excuse me. Dead, Jim. I'm sorry to have this cough, folks. And I can't get to the cough button with my eyesight stuff when I'm gonna start doing that. Yeah. Well, we do it in the court administrative court. We just don't have to go to judicial court. And I promise you, if we had to, if we wouldn't have to for long, because they don't want this in the courts. Period. Because then they got it close. So, but yeah. Anybody in the audience? Nancy, did you, pick is this the first time you've heard that?
[01:31:46] Unknown:
I think I may have heard it before, but it's been a while. So what I got was, how they would buy their freedom and have a third party
[01:31:56] Unknown:
pay for their freedom because because And and isn't that interesting? Property. Like, property can't own property, so you gotta have somebody else pay for you. That's why when you do that oath of fealty, you pledge your body as property and all your worldly goods because you can't own a worldly goods. They're the lords now. You're just using them. So, yeah, it's all, all around the that property. I had that discussion at lunch yesterday with a Canadian guy who's he's a little bit strange, but he's pretty pretty educated in philosophy and stuff. And and I was just talking about some of this with the guy across the table, and he was sitting next to me. And I mentioned with the difference in property, legal, and colloquial.
Well, he didn't have any idea of that. He said, explain that to me. And he was kinda shocked. You know? So, it's just one of their tricks. One of their tricks. What else, struck you out of there, Nance?
[01:32:56] Unknown:
Well, I mean, the the two, ways in which he was talking about, the serve for the lean, also offering military service. Right. So it it in this instance, it seems like they or he could go they could, run away and stay in a town Right. For a year and a day. Right. And so that was those three were what he Right. Was talking about.
[01:33:26] Unknown:
Oh, and there's, yeah, there was another one about the church. If you become God's man Oh, the church. Out of it too. So
[01:33:33] Unknown:
That's right. Yeah.
[01:33:35] Unknown:
And I I remember years ago asking John as I was, you know, thinking through this. And on this getting out, volunteering out, I I called him and asked him. I said, well, were there any restrictions on that? And he said, only if you had give been if you had been given consideration. Now do you understand that, Nance?
[01:34:02] Unknown:
Yes. It's it's usually money or something of value.
[01:34:06] Unknown:
In exchange in a contract in a contract situation. So here it comes back that this is an invisible contract. But if you had been given consideration, like, I don't know why you would have been given consideration because you were a serf and you couldn't own anything. Maybe his money or something. Whatever it might have been. John said you got to give the consideration back, but that was the only impediment that he knew of. K?
[01:34:37] Unknown:
Right. Okay. So So in terms of how it our our serfdom here as US citizens, we don't have any of those limitations except for notice
[01:34:54] Unknown:
and going to Well, how about it? Noticing the Lord of the Manor. How about it's the way some of it's reversed? Because what we do is we tell these foreigners, come in and join the military, and once you've gone through the military, we'll give you citizenship. So once you go through the military, we'll enslave you.
[01:35:12] Unknown:
Right. Well, it right. Yeah. What a deal. And, the expatriation bears a little bit more like to paying for your freedom, which is not what we do, of course, but, how the IRS the the government wants to get as much money, vigorous, not vigorous, but they wanna get this they made it more expensive and, a lengthy process to
[01:35:41] Unknown:
relinquish your your nationality and citizenship. Yeah. So it I I remember hearing that in the old days where that surge started about 02/2007 or whatever, that you could call the embassy, make an appointment, and go get it done in the afternoon. Cost about $40.50 bucks or something. Now it takes three to six months with incredibly bureaucratic process, and it costs $4.05, or more thousand dollars. So, obviously, they wanna deter it. You know, I told you we had a listener. He's over in Switzerland. He had expatriated, married a Swiss gal. And the problem he had was it was during COVID, and he wanted to come see his mother, and he couldn't get into the country without getting jabbed as a foreigner.
[01:36:32] Unknown:
[01:36:34] Unknown:
So that backfired on him a little bit there. Yes. It's interesting. So, anything let's see what else struck me out of there. We had just, it didn't have just a clear cut volunteer out, but they may not have known some of that stuff and could have been over in Europe too on the voluntary side. But there were no involuntary serves, and you can see it was a very structured society. Okay? But everybody owed allegiance to somebody because they had some sort of an estate in the land, either as a voluntary serf or as one of the nobles where you have your fealty to the king because the king owns it all. And that's what that doomsday book was. If you're new to this, that's what that doomsday book was that he mentioned, earlier. When William the Conqueror came over, they brought the European common law. They had to ditch involuntary servitude.
He got control of the country. I think it took him twenty years to do that. It's a minute. You can tell if you go to Black's Law Dictionary and look up doomsday book. It's spelled d o m e s like dome, but it's pronounced doom Doomsday book, and you'll see in the description that it talks about minute and second stuff. Well, those are survey terms. Okay? And, so it took him twenty years. He surveyed the, the island of England. And as Brent informed me, I didn't know about this. Brent went off on it one day. And and he was very smart because what he did was he took his nobles. This is like knights of the round table stuff. This is the formation of that because he would give out and dish out uh-uh estates, if you will, where that definition comes from, a state to his nobles.
And so he'd give some up in the Northwest and some down in the Southeast and some land up in the South Northwest Northeast, and then some down in the, Southwest. And the object was to keep these nobles going from land to property to property so they didn't have enough time to sit around and get disgusted with him and plot to overthrow him. So, he was real smart about the way that he divvied all that out and then also and this was funny because I was going over this one day when Paul English was with us and Paul said, I didn't know that which is kind of interesting. He, however, you held your land from the king determined your title.
So, when it's the prince of Wales, he gets his land directly from the king. And he may sublease some of his land out to the duke. And and the duke gets is it two steps from the king. But by naming him a duke, you knew how he held his land in relation to the king. And it may be another one in the third, one. He'd sublet some land out. They'd call him something. Okay? But that's the way that system was set up and it's everybody had a duty. The people that were further away from the king, like it might get down to the point where all they did, their job was to produce saddles for the horses that were gonna be ridden by the knights that were volunteered and paid for the to the king for their land. Because some people paid with men in armor, eligible for battle so many days a year and all that kind of stuff but that is the origin of the Knights of the Round Table, okay? And and so, it might get to the point where one of the guys held it so far away from the king, but he was under the guy that made saddles and he may have been responsible for just the stirrups where you put your feet for the saddles. So they they had all these people with all these very specific jobs, but they all revolved around this feudal system way of government and management.
I think it's really important.
[01:40:54] Unknown:
Yeah. Pardon? Yeah. He did in the in the video that we just heard, too, they did mention that there were some slaves. They mentioned about the slave trade out of Bristol
[01:41:06] Unknown:
and Well, yeah. But that was not on England. That was in the ports and out of the port.
[01:41:11] Unknown:
Okay. There
[01:41:12] Unknown:
was a black guy, slave that got away one time, and and he went to court on this free slave doctrine that there's never a slave born on the island of England, and he got his freedom. They didn't let him off the ships. That was just the port where they may transfer them and send them to the Caribbean or wherever.
[01:41:36] Unknown:
[01:41:37] Unknown:
And I think when you say Bristol was one of the main slave ports, I believe well, maybe. But Manchester I think Manchester may have been one too. I'll tell you, a big one is down there where Paul lives because he lives on the southern part of the island. And over to the west is Southampton, and that's a huge port down there in, that part of England where the tin was.
[01:42:06] Unknown:
The Thames. Yeah. Thames.
[01:42:08] Unknown:
I can't remember the part of England it is, but it's down the Southwest part of Cornwall? Where the tent was. He had his Cornwall. It is born. That's exactly what it is Cornwall. Yeah. Good. Yeah. But it's, it's very interesting to go back to that history. I know Brent loves it, and I I like learning about it too. And they just figured out a way to implement this so slick. Now do you know back in those days in England, the king owned the Jews? Did you know that?
[01:42:44] Unknown:
[01:42:46] Unknown:
The kings owned the Jews. They were called the king sponges because he would send them out to handle the taxing and tax collection. And then they didn't hate him. They hated them. So that and he take a whole bunch of the taxes they collected percentage wise. But they can obviously keep whatever they'd agreed to. But yeah. And all they did was find figure out a way to reverse it. Now the Jews own us.
[01:43:19] Unknown:
And it's Was it a very Jewish thing to do?
[01:43:22] Unknown:
Well, it is. I mean, just right in step with all their teachings from, you know, the Talmud, and you have a right. You're the only ones that have a soul, and you have a right to own these cattle, these Goyim cattle, and you can murder them if you want. You can't charge interest to your brother, a heathen there, but you can go share and load them up with it. What what what are what are credit cards now? 25, 20 6, 20 8 But that's that's not the users now, is it? Not at all. Ridiculous.
[01:43:56] Unknown:
Ridiculous. See? And I They've Yeah. They've earned their reputation
[01:44:00] Unknown:
throughout history, and they try to do everything in the world to throw up a deflection or a shield that'll keep them from getting the truth pin jabbed into their ass, okay? And and uh-uh they all antisemite. Oh, this. Oh, that. Oh, that's a canard. Oh, it's a the the the protocols are fraud. Well, don't doesn't a fraud no. What's it? They're a Counterfeit. Copy. A counterfeit. That's our excuse. Counterfeit. Yeah. Well, doesn't a counterfeit by its definition have an original?
[01:44:40] Unknown:
[01:44:43] Unknown:
But they'll they'll do anything. But they're they're getting caught. Some of them are getting caught now. The more liberal wacko part. Then you've got this Netanyahu supposedly right side. They're let me ask. Nancy, who would perform a circumcision by biting off the foreskin with their teeth of a young boy's penis? Now how sick if you're following tradition, your traditions are sick. Now that came out that came out in that came out in court in New York because the the rabbi that did it evidently didn't even use any mouthwash, and he infected the poor boy.
And the parents took him to court. That's how it came out. By the way, I mentioned it yesterday. We're talking about Gaza earlier. In that Stu Peters video, Stu just threw out and said, they're already selling deeds to Gaza in the New York synagogues.
[01:45:51] Unknown:
Yeah. That just all makes me
[01:45:53] Unknown:
my stomach I'm telling you, these these people are just wackos.
[01:45:59] Unknown:
I did wanna share something else, Roger, that just, and maybe get your feedback. I I may not have, an accurate take yet on it, but there's in order to the interest, of networking with other people who are freedom minded, there's, some Restore the Republic and Azure Assemblies. I don't think that they're related to inter bond rights. I don't think they are. But but regardless, one of the things that they are I'm still kinda struggling to understand what they are identifying as the nexus and the remedy. And it seems from this call that I was on a couple weeks ago that they're taking the words about entering into a social compact from the different constitutions of the different states. And I think now it may not be, accurate yet, but it seems like they're pushing or asserting that unless you, one, joins or a private member association or social contact formally that somehow you're not one of the people or free. I'm not exactly sure about this yet, but they also refer to an organization called Genoa who I think sets up private membership associations and and sells trust. So my red flag the red flag for me is, like, ah, I wonder I mean, I didn't get the vibe that from the guy who was giving the presentation that he was insincere.
But my my my spidey senses are a little alerted too. Like, is there a money making opportunity here that they're selling, private membership associations that you can enter a social compact? I'm putting a little air quotes when I say that. Bunny ears. So I don't know. But because I'm because what I've learned with you and to ask questions about, anything contract wise or because that's a contract. So there's they're seemingly to yeah, yeah, it's a contract. So, I'm alert to that. I'm gonna explore it just so that I can train my mind also to Okay. Examine Did you and find what the other problem is here. Another barometer or metric? You did you do you know the cost of the instruments? No. I don't.
[01:48:40] Unknown:
Well, that may give you a good idea too. I don't agree with them. You know? I you know, that the the the country was founded under the rules that govern us now. I don't think you have to do anything to access them, but get that that, breaking the presumption to the secretary of state. As far as I know, that's all you need to do, and it that's the way they have indicated. It works also over all these years of dealing with us. I mean, do you know Nancy outside of this traffic bullshit? There's never been anybody that came to this program. It's a total open microphone program for anybody in the entire world that's ever come and sell. Roger. Roger. I got a problem. All these people that have gone through here, all the Daryl's and the Brian Howards and the, you know, all of them that have come and gone, we don't hear from them anymore. You don't hear them calling in with problems, do you?
Never. No.
[01:49:43] Unknown:
Not one. And I've not.
[01:49:46] Unknown:
Okay. Well, I think that's proof. And I think that's proof enough right there. And if they can't accept that, then they need to go do something.
[01:49:55] Unknown:
I have my own I have my own proof. I have a a a passport issue under my status. I submitted my affidavit along with that with
[01:50:04] Unknown:
the IRS. Then. The IRS agreed with you. Back from the IRS. You never thought you'd see that again, did you?
[01:50:14] Unknown:
No. It was just like, let's let's let's push the envelope here. I can do this.
[01:50:18] Unknown:
It's fun. See? And now every time you do it, what happens is you get more empowered. Oh, this works. All of it. And you get rid of some of that fear and you start actually, I think there might be a point where you're out looking for bureaucrats. You know? So you so you can't front them because they always do what you want them to do. Now yesterday with our new guy from Washington state, now that was some somewhat of a curveball to me. But Washington state, well, they're a little wacko out there. So you can read between the lines that things out of there may not be exactly like they are in other states. So you gotta go take a hunting course.
I'm not buying my guns for hunting. Unless I'm hunting legislators, I'm it I just wanted to protect myself from those rascals. That they would report him straight to ATF. I've never seen ATF fall in. Although they oversee guns, I've never seen them fall into a purchase routine. Yeah. So So that one was kinda unusual yesterday. You it's almost always FBI, and it's like Maryland up there in Frankfurt. Rode them and said they don't they said we don't have anything to do with this. We don't have anything to do over guns. We are the background check people. You know? So, anyway, maybe we'll find out something, our our our new guy out there was just feeling feeling, his, wee wee and vinegar and wanting to press the envelope.
Yeah. Some people get giddy with this, you know.
[01:52:10] Unknown:
Well, I was pretty excited when I saw that deposit in my bank account. Oh, sure.
[01:52:17] Unknown:
Now the best example that I've we've had lately, lately, is Julie. Okay? Your fellow Virginian up there. Because Julie's just the ideal student. I mean, she can't get enough. You know? And and just you can she dove into the information. I'm gonna understand this. I wanna teach it to other people. Where this this email I got from this kid is like, come, please hold my hand and do it all for me. No. I'm not gonna do it. It's your freedom. You gotta do something. Sorry. K?
[01:52:52] Unknown:
So, Yeah. Well, I'm, yeah, I'm helping somebody out in Idaho that lady Linda, asked me if I'd help. He wants to do their he wrote his own handwritten revocation of election. So he looked at the the 11 pager from Wise Paris. Right. And and he wrote his own. And I read it and thought Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Because I I went through Mark, you know, and Right. Through that, got his, the benefit of his labors with distilling down that information to one page. Mhmm. Yeah. And I wasn't I'm not disclosing anything about Mark's, letter, but what this guy, Bill, wrote, I think is I think it works. So, I mean, he sent it before he he's already sent it, so it's not Uh-huh. Like, but I'm just walking him through the process. Question. Mhmm. Question.
[01:53:50] Unknown:
Had he does he have his affidavit with Secretary of State on file before he did this? Yes. He does. Yes. Okay. Good. If you don't, you're setting yourself up for some problems.
[01:54:01] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. So he did your he did your your affidavit.
[01:54:05] Unknown:
Okay. Yeah. Cool. Now that's number one. Man, I love to know up there, especially the new crew that's coming in, and they're gonna start seeing these things come in. Love to be a fly on the wall in some of those meetings. So, what else? We got about five minutes left.
[01:54:26] Unknown:
Go ahead. What I was gonna say about that is also, I've spent a good bit of time with them over the phone, but I'm also my father was a a chief petty officer in the navy. And, I take after him.
[01:54:41] Unknown:
Okay. So, you know, I'm I knew that about I knew that about your dad.
[01:54:47] Unknown:
Oh, did probably from Suzanne. Yeah. And, yeah. Of course. Right. She but, anyway, so I I said to Bill, listen. This is your homework. This is what you need. A, b, c, d. This is what you need to do, and then we'll talk. So I'm just, you know, hand holding a little bit, but not unless someone is people need to show up for their freedom. If they're not, I'm not gonna push people up a mountain. I'm like, I don't know. Too much effort. Well, you know, here's the the the sentence the saying that covers that for me is you can't want something for somebody
[01:55:25] Unknown:
worse than they want it for themselves. That's a sure sign of heartbreaking disaster. K? If I got somebody that really is interested, I will sort of bend over backwards to help them, but I don't try and force this on people anymore. All you do is make enemies, and it's never effective. Because if you force it on, they go, okay, Nancy, Damien, you bitching at me. I'll go do that. Well, they're never gonna go steady. So the key to the whole thing is learning the the what we've been misled and how it's happened and to get reality for yourself back. And you can't do that without studying. So why would you wanna go through filing the paperwork if you're never gonna follow through then nothing's happened. There'd been nothing positive came out of that.
[01:56:12] Unknown:
Okay? Yeah. So his homework was to read that two pager about state citizens versus fourteenth amendment cases, to read Bush Haber, TD twenty three thirteen, and the c 26 CFR one dot one dash one little a. So he said, this is what you need to know.
[01:56:29] Unknown:
Yeah. Listen, Bush Haver is a long case. It really does tell me to go read a synopsis of Bush Haver because it's in the synopsis where they mentioned that the attorney brought up he was a nonresident alien. I saw it on the web years ago in the synopsis.
[01:56:47] Unknown:
So Well, and his Don't burn your neighbor's already too much. No. No. No. Not read the whole case. Not read the whole case. Just I know what it is. We're Bruce Haber's original petition in his in the first paragraph, I think, at first or second paragraph, that's where Bruce Haber identified himself as a citizen of the state of New York. In TD twenty three thirteen, that's where they the IRS the the Treasury identified him as a nonresident alien. So those those three things and knowing what, c f 26 CFR were the nonresident alien is issued. That's critical for me in understanding, oh.
[01:57:25] Unknown:
To hear all that come out of your mouth gives me the biggest smile on my face because I know you didn't get that without putting some time and effort into it. See? You've made the information yours, and you're free, and you're empowered, and you've seen these things work for you. And there nobody that can mess with you. That really makes me proud, Nancy.
[01:57:50] Unknown:
Oh, good. Well, they can try. They might not be enjoy the experience.
[01:57:55] Unknown:
That's what we like to hear. We also like to hear the whistler, and we're gonna hear him in just a second. Is there anybody else that had something they wanted to chime in on? Just miss Nancy and I've been having a nice little conversation here.
[01:58:10] Unknown:
[01:58:11] Unknown:
Yes. Larry. There's Larry. Yes, sir.
[01:58:15] Unknown:
[01:58:17] Unknown:
A little while ago, early on in the conversation with Nancy, you were talking about expatriation. How much did it cost you to expatriate?
[01:58:26] Unknown:
I didn't expatriate. I repat You're you're always saying that what you've done. You're hanging around.
[01:58:34] Unknown:
Okay. You said you're always hanging around with the expatriates.
[01:58:39] Unknown:
Well, that's what peep people that have left the country refer to themselves as. Not that they went through that, but but they just left the country. So that's kind of that. Okay. It's a a colloquial slang term, if you will, also. K? But, yes, a very formal deal to go through it. What, Larry?
[01:59:01] Unknown:
I was just gonna say in 2020, it cost $2,350 to expatriate. And I think it's about to be a published on an IRS list when you do it.
[01:59:15] Unknown:
Yeah. And there's no reason to do it. They've hidden this other way where you totally get out of the IRS system, and they won't mess with you because now you know how big of frauds they are, and you can nail them on it. Okay. There's our whistler, and, I hope you enjoyed today's show. I like the playing the video on the surf thing. Did you get something out of that, Larry? I think that's the first time you've heard that, isn't it?
[01:59:44] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. It was it was pretty good. And thank you for finding that interview with,
[01:59:50] Unknown:
John Benson. I didn't. I didn't. Paul did. Thank you. K. I knew it was there, though. Alright. Well, anybody else got something real quick, or are we done for the day? I think we may be done for the day. Tomorrow, Thursday, one thing yes, sir. One thought. One quick one quick comment, Roger. Joe, can I apologize to you? Can I apologize to you? Thank you. Thank you. And that's enough said.
[02:00:27] Unknown:
Okay. Thank you.
[02:00:28] Unknown:
Uh-huh. You're welcome. Thank you, buddy. Okay. Somebody else have something to say? Alright. Well, I'll close out Wednesday's show. Thank you, Roger, for everything. Well, you're welcome, Julie. It's my pleasure. Thank you for being here and who you are and all your enthusiasm and all of you for your combined efforts and, you know, many hands make for light work. So in this new environment, we're in where I I gotta get home and see what what Trump did today. You know? So we'll see. Yeah. I hope you don't have to cross paths with Netanyahu this week, Julie.
[02:01:17] Unknown:
I'm I'm still I'm steering clear of DC this week.
[02:01:20] Unknown:
That's good. Okay. Anything, for me from anybody there? I've been talking for pretty much two hours.
[02:01:29] Unknown:
Did you know that if net That was a great piece, Roger. Personality?
[02:01:33] Unknown:
Well, hold on. There's great If if Netanyahu had a split personality,
[02:01:38] Unknown:
they would be named Nut and Yahoo.
[02:01:41] Unknown:
Yeah. Boy, I tell you. That's right. Yo yo too. Who is the guy there saying something?
[02:01:47] Unknown:
Hey, George. Idaho. Hi, Roger. Hi, Paul. Hey, George. Hey, George. Hey. I just wanted to say, I really appreciate that served in peace, and, I I would imagine that link's been posted. But, what I've reminded the first thing I I didn't know about the the tenants, being sold like tenants are sold with an apartment building, so that was a great analogy. And I was thinking about how, both with the fourteenth amendment and then later with the, with, FDR taking in the gold, the next, the next covenant that they kinda created in voluntary covenants, both of those. Right? The fourteenth and as we've discovered, that that's kind of the same thing. They were just selling all the all the people with the with the land or or whatever administrative state they were setting up in that yield.
[02:02:34] Unknown:
I think, you know, it's pretty interesting. And I recently within the last couple of years, I never understood that it was a bond market bankruptcy. That makes total sense to me now. And I think excuse me. Yeah. Wish I could get rid of that. I think that what they I know one of the things they had to do, George, was up to that point in time in most contracts, certainly a bond contract, I'm sure, had a gold settlement clause where if they couldn't settle it in real money, they settled it in in gold. And they had to get rid of all those gold settlement clauses. And that may have been why they confiscated the gold or some people say that they because gold was $20 an ounce, remember, and that it was higher than that in Europe and they were taking the gold out of the banks and sending it to Europe and taking advantage of that arbitrage.
So I I don't know. I've I've heard both of those things, but, the I believe the gold settlement clauses was a real important thing they had to overcome, And that probably went along with confiscating the goal somehow. I don't know that we'll ever know, really.
[02:03:55] Unknown:
No. That's great. I I you know, just learning about the financial, piece of this whole thing is is so key because, you know, 99% of the time that they're doing something, it's gonna be for some kind of asset. Right? So, Of course. To make to enrich their families at the expense of whoever else. And and some of it may have been noblesse oblige, you know, less now that we have the the kiker the kycles in charge. But, I think, you know, it just helps me to understand why my, you know, perhaps why my, family got thrown off the family farm, on the Polish Russian border, way back when. And, now we try to kinda undo that just like in Braveheart. Right? We look back Yeah. To try to undo and prevent the future. I appreciate what you're what you're teaching. Now Boris in Florida, has done some of this, interesting work, which I'm re revisiting in conjunction with the nationality.
So Okay. I don't know if you've I followed him his work, but, are you?
[02:04:55] Unknown:
I had a Jewish roommate, for five years, and, Louis Liwau got me my job in teaching, actually. And, he was blonde hair, blue eyed Jew, you know, and, from the Kazarian clan, obviously, and had, he used to brag. He'd say we're the only LiWOW in the New York phone book. Well, his parents, when he's young, had bought him a set of encyclopedias, probably used ones, you know. And he had carried them all those years and they ended up in my basement and he had moved and he left them there. So, as I was throwing all that away to sell the house and stuff, I always go look for two words, due and resident. K? And so I went to the j volume there and opened it up, and I think it was published back in the twenties maybe. And there was, like, 30 pages on on under Jew. But the one thing that I carried, away from that, George, was that they were hated in Russia for stealing people's houses.
That may answer that question Yep. For your hereditary question.
[02:06:08] Unknown:
Yeah. And it's it's, it's fascinating to learn kinda like because you say, well, why? Why, you know, okay. You got kicked out of a hundred and nine nations, but why? Why? Why were the book, you know, were the what kind of books were burned? You know? What what filth had you brought into a society? You know, that kind of thing. Yep. Yep. I I just talked to my godfather who, who, when my pop up was he managed a a string of, gas stations, from Philly down to Atlantic City when the car was just becoming you know, people were kinda getting into their weekend weekend away and, you know, kind of replacing the railroad trips and whatnot. And so Uh-huh. He managed a, a string of gas stations. He was the highest ranking gentile in this Jewish owned company. But, I mean, they do they they took care of my my, nana after they let her keep her insurance and keep the company car after my pop up died. But, you know, it was they my pop up made a lot of money for them too. You know? So you'll Well, listen. You know,
[02:07:07] Unknown:
Harvey Wysong, who you I don't think he's been on the program in a while. Old friend of mine. Great family. His father was befriended, by a Jewish family. I don't remember if they made pencils or whatever, but been over backwards to help him and the and the Weisong family. There's some there are some very kind and nice Jewish people out there. And I hate to paint with a broad brush because I want them to be recognized. But, you know, they've got to stand up and point these Zionists out. It's their burden. They're hiding behind them, the good Jews. And that's the reason you've got those Jews against Zionism and some of those organizations.
Although a lot of this permeates even the Orthodox stuff, like that rabbi given a circumcision by biting the kids' foreskin off. I mean, come on. Mhmm. You know? Oh, it's tradition. It's tradition. Well, your tradition stinks. K? Sick. There was a case there was a case in out of Australia. I don't know. Ten years or so ago, somebody within the the circle of the synagogue had turned informer and informed on some of this pedophile stuff that was going on. And, of course, they had hired the the a Jewish lawyer to defend the synagogue and the congregation. And they were interviewing him and say, we don't do that this way. We have traditions.
The traditions of the elders. You don't carry this thing outside. We keep it inside where we can bury it. We have traditions, is what he said. I said, you sure do. And Jesus was all over you for them. They're called the traditions of the elders. Now take this concept. So, I don't know how long it was from when they were released in Babylonian captivity to when Jesus came on the scene. But that whole time and then for five hundred years after they murdered him, it was only the tradition of the elders and only passed down orally. For hundreds of years, maybe thousand. I don't know.
You ever play the game secret in a circle, Paul?
[02:09:28] Unknown:
Oh, yeah.
[02:09:30] Unknown:
Well, can you imagine six, seven hundred years of secrets in a circle with this kind of information? And by the time they got to write it down, how accurate it was, how a word had been blown out of proportion, what are the the the the variances? I mean, think on that for a while.
[02:09:50] Unknown:
I think one of the reasons why they passed their lineage and their history down verbally is because they they could keep it encapsulated, keep it secret, And if they wrote it down, it could fall into the wrong hands, and then their jig would be odd.
[02:10:09] Unknown:
Well, we're supposed to be killed if we read the damn Sunoco version of the Babylonian Talmud. I believe their penalty for somebody doing that's death. So these are the wackos that we're dealing with here. I swear to god, I believe they're the remnants of the Nephilim.
[02:10:26] Unknown:
Yeah. Raj, that, I put the link for that video in the free conference call chat, but if you dialed in by phone, I'll tell you how to find it. Search YouTube for modern history medieval slave. That will get you the channel, and it will get you that video is probably the the top, first or second hit. And then you can drill down.
[02:11:00] Unknown:
Yeah. They got other videos about how peasants traveled in these days and stuff like that. So if you're really interested in some of that, that's, it looks like an excellent source.
[02:11:11] Unknown:
Yeah. That's exactly what I where I was going with that is if you, subscribe to the Modern History TV channel, you can go in there and you can find all kinds of stuff on on medieval serfdom, slavery, and all that stuff. And, actually, one of the hits, if you search YouTube for modern history medieval slave is, Dan, x u I s o k o, his channel, and he has medieval slaves worked less than modern Americans. Here's what happened. And that's thirteen minutes and twenty one seconds. It'll probably make your head hurt.
[02:11:56] Unknown:
Alrighty. Well, my head and belly are hurting already because I'm hungry. And, so unless anybody I love conversing with you guys, but I've been talking for two hours. Lady Lindsay Louise? Well, of course, you may, sweet thing. Of course.
[02:12:11] Unknown:
Thank you. I was just interested because, you know, a year ago, I came on board and, title 26, code of federal regulations, subsection one point, one dash one income tax on individuals. Yes. Notice they just updated this on 02/03/2025. Now when I go into this, it was it wasn't even up. It it said this page It's two days ago. Yeah. Yeah. And so I went to DuckDuckGo and listened to how they, really made it. Unless I had been under your tutelage, I would not get this. But I'm gonna read it to you, folks. Section one of the code imposes an income tax on the income of every individual who is a citizen or resident of The United States and to the extent provided by section eight seven one b or eight seven seven b on the income of a nonresident alien individual.
And they don't mention nonresident alien individual ever again. So unless you know No. That you're a nonresident alien individual, all of this is confusing. So because I've been under your mentorship for over a year now, I can see the trickster. Yeah. Google wouldn't even bring it up. And then I saw, wow. What's the history of this? This isn't the way it was written a year ago. And then I saw displayed title 26 up to date as of 02/03/2025. Title 26 was last amended 01/19/2025. So I just thought that was an interesting observation
[02:13:59] Unknown:
that they really want this not to be revealed. And I Let me oh, yeah. They that is what kept me going for so many years, that one thing right there. I've I kept boy, they went to a lot of trouble to do this. It's got to be important. Okay? Boy, is it important. My spiny senses as, and Nancy said were were on high alert back then. Yes, ma'am?
[02:14:27] Unknown:
Yeah. The other thing is George brought up a good point that it today's, methodology, if you sell a tenement house, usually, the tenants come with it. And the other, interesting case was, bankruptcy. How,
[02:14:42] Unknown:
Oh, yes. You know?
[02:14:44] Unknown:
I love that analogy. How, you know, you know, in the
[02:14:48] Unknown:
in the video, they said you couldn't get the tools of the trade in bankruptcy? The IRS can't get the tools in your trade either. That's in IRS. It's
[02:15:00] Unknown:
our hands. Our hands are our tools. You know, from a massage therapist Right. If we're Right. Carpenters. If we're working with our Yeah. How can they take it away from us? And how your hands. It's that tools. It's chisels and
[02:15:17] Unknown:
shovels and all those implements they can't take. If you're a ditch digger or a grave digger, they can't take your shovel. They can't do it. They can't. And they can't make you but dig with your hands.
[02:15:29] Unknown:
Well, when I was in court one or two days ago, Monday, this man who was being represented by a, public, pretender, the judge heard he owed $8,000 in taxes, but they took his driver's license away. And the judge I I I noticed a hint of compassion. He says, how can you pay your taxes if you cannot get to work? Yeah. I'm You know? Yeah. I would say that your automobile is a tool to get you to work. You know? It was just
[02:16:06] Unknown:
so so sad to see that. Maybe he could get maybe he could become a Lyft or an Uber driver on the side
[02:16:13] Unknown:
and say it's a necessity. No. He had no license. How could he be a Lyft or an Uber driver?
[02:16:19] Unknown:
Oh, jeez. They took no license. No. You neither.
[02:16:23] Unknown:
So this guy No. It's a plan.
[02:16:25] Unknown:
Folks, just I tell you, be damn grateful that you cross paths with this information. It is it is a neutron bomb for our enemies. Neutron bomb. Bomb. I'm so grateful. So grateful. Well, me too. I'm glad they got to meet you and all the folks you brought to us. So now I'm gonna go get my water brush out of the dryer What? If Julia let me, and I'm gonna go get some lunch. Maybe. Yes, dear.
[02:16:55] Unknown:
Yeah. I just yesterday, I told somebody, I think it was Matt, I don't know if he's listening, that I would get that phrase that this person used in court against the judge when the judge rendered a not guilty plea for the accused without you know, on behalf of the accused and what you say back is null, n u l t l t I e l, record, which means no such record to the judge. And when the judge starts to get up, you ask the judge, are you practicing law from the bench or are you rendering a judicial determination? They don't like that and by your silence, you just, agreed to the not guilty plea that the, judge issued on your behalf.
[02:17:50] Unknown:
Well, what John used to say is, your honor, are you an independent trier of facts, or are you a party to the action? They don't like that. I'm gonna go get my dryer emptied and some lunch. I will see you on Thursday, and we'll discuss the, the piece of paper Samuel's gonna read to us that they passed the day before they falsely ratified the fourteenth amendment. So, I will just see you you you you yes, Paul?
[02:18:23] Unknown:
I'm we we've talked about this. I told you if you keep using the dryer to warm up your pizza for lunch, you're gonna wreck it. Yeah. I know. I know. It just gets all stuck.
[02:18:33] Unknown:
We got the cheese got all in the driver belt. I'll, see y'all tomorrow. Have a great day, all of you. Love you. Bye.
[02:18:42] Unknown:
Easy, Raj. Okay. That's a Wednesday edition of the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales at and Global Voice Radio Network among other platforms as well. Please go to the for information on the topics discussed. There is a host of downloadable resources. If you have not read it yet, check out that citizens citizenship handbook for nationals. It's right down there in the download section, as well as Aladask's sixty six questions to disarm the IRS. They they didn't like him much. They really didn't. Catch us here Monday through Saturday, 11AM to 1PM eastern time on, Global Voice Radio Network.
And, well, catch us back here tomorrow, 11AM eastern, followed by Paul English live at 3PM eastern time. Thanks for joining us. I'm out of here. Have a great day, and enjoy the rest of it. I know. Blasting the voice of freedom worldwide, you're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network.
[02:19:55] Unknown:
Bye bye, boys. Have fun storming the castle.
Introduction and Platforms
The Concept of Freedom and Enslavement
Historical Context of Amendments
Legal Interpretations and Challenges
Understanding the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments
Listener Engagement and Questions
Discussion on Current Events and Politics
Medieval Serfdom and Modern Parallels
Voluntary Servitude and Legal Status
Networking and Freedom Movements