In this episode of the Radio Ranch, we delve into a variety of topics ranging from personal anecdotes to political discussions. We start with a light-hearted reminder about Valentine's Day and the importance of keeping your loved ones happy. The conversation then shifts to the intricacies of national status and the legal implications of being a non-resident alien. We explore the complexities of the U.S. tax system, the historical context of the 16th Amendment, and the concept of the Cestui Que Vie trust. The episode also touches on the power of affidavits, the importance of understanding contracts, and the ongoing battle against bureaucratic systems. We hear from listeners who share their experiences with the IRS and the challenges of navigating the legal landscape as a national. The show wraps up with reflections on the power of community and the importance of living a life of purpose.
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That's Thank you, and welcome to the program. Forward moving and focused on freedom. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network.
[00:01:44] Unknown:
And there you go. So we were trying, Alvin. You tried for a long time, wrote beautiful lyrics like this, so fifty years ahead of time. So prophetic, and, we're picking up the ball and dribbling it. And I hope you're pleased with we're trying to change the world just like you were, buddy, and here we go on another installment. It's the Tuesday, Martus in Spanish Mars day. Martus, the Feb. 0 the Feb. 0. So Mhmm. Unusual little name. Anyway, it's the of that month, sweetie's sweetie's month, Paul. And, it's, yeah, and it's pretty close. You better you better be on the ball, those of you with a sweetie.
And, it is Roger says your host in the Radio Ranch. We're on a number of platforms, probably a full slate today, that help us extend our reach and join hands and sing Kumbaya and all that freedom freedom Kumbaya. And, those, the keeper of said platforms is when mister Bean are here, and we give him the opportunity to, identify them and let them know that we appreciate their efforts along with ours.
[00:03:02] Unknown:
Thank you, Raj. We, yeah, we are actually on the full boat. Compliment? We got a full complement today? We got a full complement today. We have, of course, our flagship station. Thanks to pastor Eli James. We have Global Voice Radio Network, My Little Pet Project. Links to Eurofoke and Global Voice are on the matrix docs, d 0 c s, Com. And, also, the links to the free conference call, room. So we've got room for about a thousand of you, so come on down. Come on. We're also We're
[00:03:42] Unknown:
Go ahead. Go ahead. Oh, I was gonna say we got request us for your. Go ahead.
[00:03:49] Unknown:
Okay. Okay. And, yeah. Alright. So and we're also on, one zero six point nine WVOU FM in Chicago. Good morning, Chicagoland for the first hour. And we're also on Radio Soapbox. Thanks to Paul, our buddy across the pond. That's Damn. Pencil in, I I can't mention this enough. Pencil in Thursdays, 3PM eastern Wow. For Paul English Live on, Rumble, the Paul English live channel, and Check that out. Indeed. It's great. Yeah. Let's see. We've got, also our WDRN contingent, WDRN productions, Fort Collins, Colorado, who brings us the NET family of broadcast services, including homenetwork.TV, freedom nation TV, go live TV, and
And they are also they were also instrumental in bringing us WBLU, so we're very thankful.
[00:05:00] Unknown:
Well, you know, we may need we might need all those platforms one of these days to catch the overflow, Paul. One never knows. We might, but you
[00:05:09] Unknown:
but you know what? You know what? You know what? It's like a a tremendous problem. One little Internet hiccup basically flipped the switch on the whole thing. So I'm I'm working on, on a failover in AtWork. So, so we can load balance. And if if one or the other has a hiccup, there will always be another one
[00:05:35] Unknown:
to handle it. Well, from your lips I'm working on your head. Okay. Good. Good. Good. Good deal. I guess we've got any listeners in Chicago. You know, we haven't heard from our friend Sam up there since before the holidays or early on. It's been quite a while. Hope he's alright. One of his sons moved down to Austin, I think, or somewhere in Texas, and he was down there helping him move and hanging around. So I don't know if he's moved down there or not, but, you know, Illinois and Chicago, particularly because of that mayor, are are re being real ornery with, mister Trump. And Go ahead. This, this deportation of all these illegals, that are going in under Pritzker's orders.
But, you know, his his brother is a is a tranny, and they're spearheading just about the whole worldwide movement on this trans crap.
[00:06:33] Unknown:
It's Well, isn't that special?
[00:06:36] Unknown:
Yeah. And they are heir to one of the big, fortunes at Hilton or or one one of the big hotel chain fortunes that they, inherited. And, anyway, so it's gonna be very interesting up there in Chicago if if, mister Homan and mister Trump decide, you know, changing people's names on their driver's license and stuff, that's really kind of, it doesn't even butt up a bridge to, illegal. It is illegal. And so, hopefully, we're gonna have some muscle and to go against this foolishness, from some of these creeps, which is precisely what they are.
I don't know if there's a whole lot to, talk anew. I mean, you know, a day where only three or four things happen with mister Trump is like a a down day. You know? So, yesterday, they they didn't do they locked the USAID folks out. Now, you know, it's very interesting because we have, we have a fellow, and I really like this guy. Okay? Me personally. His name is Lars, which is kind of a cool name anyway. And, he's retired USAID, and he married a a younger gal that works at the, United Nations office here. You You know, they got a presence here. And, Lars is just a real nice guy. He's one of those guys if you met him, you know, and been in those background, you go, god. That guy'd make a great diplomat.
He's just that kind of a guy. Very likable, very congenial. And, so he was retired from USAID. And I've just gotten to the point where I don't try and get into advert well, first of all, we don't have very many lefties at our Tuesday lunch. Occasionally, Jack will let one slip through. Every now and then. Right? Every now and then, but, normally, we don't have too many. Well, Lars is a leftist. He was, raised out in on the coast, the Left coast out there and all that. He just got that personality. He hadn't been back to The States in over thirty years. K? And so, anyway, he's retired from USAID, so I can't wait to hopefully, he'll be at lunch today. You know? Well, you were hanging around with some really bad guys, Lars.
[00:09:01] Unknown:
Dude, what were you thinking?
[00:09:03] Unknown:
I mean, have you seen as they've unraveled this thing? It's the agency for international development. It's not like, oh, we're gonna come give you some aid because you've had this tragedy. Well, it's not that. Okay? And it's the We're gonna take over your country and steal your stuff. Yes. So, like, they financed, Maidan. They they were the 5,000,000,000 behind the Maidan thing, which has led us to the Ukraine situation today. And and all this crap will now they've basically absorbed the agency, which I take it has always had a very independent minded stance even against the state department, which is the cabinet office they're under.
And, but now, boy, that's gone. And, all of them are locked out of their offices in DC. There's, probably a hundred or more of them. They're out there trying to protest. And, but they've gotten pretty good goods to write. They also showed on Harrison this morning. Paul, you'd probably be interested. They also, financed the new DEI trans gay opera that that is in Ireland, and they showed parts of that this morning. How thrilling to know that your tax dollars and your efforts to your government are going to finance DEI, gay operas in Ireland.
So that that kind of thing. And, they're they're very mischievous, people, and they're done now. Okay? So Rubio, who I'm liking more by the minute, by the way, he he he's got a pretty good presence, and they got him working pretty hard. Okay? So, Rubio is explaining all that. Very impressive. And he has taken over, control of USAID and delegated it to someone. He didn't say who in this interim period, but they're gonna be folded back up under the state department in this little rebellious, streak where they've been ferreting all this money out and giving it to people all over the world for nefarious purposes. That's good. That stopped. It's not gonna stop. It has stopped.
And now, I guess, Trump's next, target, This is must be like video games. His next target is, the Department of Education. So, the old d e d DEA mister Carter, the DEA is gonna go about the same year you went. Okay? And you're the one that founded it. Yes.
[00:11:35] Unknown:
No. Hey. You're the one that founded it. You finish your thought, and then I wanna jump in with some Well, you're the one that founded it, and you you and it are gonna go out about the same time. So,
[00:11:44] Unknown:
there you go. What what what's your thoughts here, Paul?
[00:11:47] Unknown:
Well, my thought is, that, here I am trying to, to, to tickle AI. Donald Trump. Donald Trump. Donald Trump. From our mouths to Donald Trump's ears, Mister president, wouldn't it be possible to declare illegals enemies of the state? Therefore, if any, state or town aided them, they would be committing an act of treason.
[00:12:24] Unknown:
Let's nip this in the bud. Well, I have a feeling they're already looking into that, and they probably got some legal theory to hang their hat on already with that. Most of them, even Gavin Newsom is becoming much more cooperative except for this Pritzker, creep. And I think the people, unfortunately, in Colorado, and New York, of course, those are the three main live spots, I guess. But, it's just he's only been in two weeks and a day. This is the first day over two weeks. So if you look back over two weeks and then you kinda compare it to twenty years in the regular cycle, it's pretty amazing.
Really. Yeah. Well, what mister Tee has been able to, to accomplish in short order, He's got he's brought the Canadians to heal. He's brought the Mexicans to heal. He's brought the Panamanian folks to heal. They
[00:13:21] Unknown:
you guys Well, I'm I'm just thinking. I'm just spitballing here. If illegals were declared enemies of the state or declared an invasion force, then there would be broad, far reaching police powers to just pick them up. Pick them up and get them out of here. Wow. And anybody that helps them is also An accomplished. Well, hey. Wait a minute. Let's let's just say anybody that helps them loses their right to be a citizen of The United States. Not the time. Ought to be that. That's
[00:13:54] Unknown:
that's cool. They're floating all kinds of interesting ways to get them out of here and, and and penalize them. Like, if you don't take this offer, you can never become a citizen of The United States, which if you don't take this offer, you're you can't be a slave. Oh, okay. And, all that kind of stuff. So they're they're getting creative. We'll see as it goes forward. We gotta give the guy a chance. Well, it's only been this is the fifteenth day of the Trump administration. I mean, so it feels like the fifteenth month. Okay?
Comment? Yeah. Comment? Yeah. That Joe. Hey, Big Joe. What you got?
[00:14:30] Unknown:
Well, did you hear what the governor of New Jersey had to say yesterday?
[00:14:38] Unknown:
I did. He's got one of them sleeping in the garage, the apartment over the garage. Mister Murphy.
[00:14:45] Unknown:
Yeah. So isn't he aiding and abetting a criminal?
[00:14:49] Unknown:
You'd think so, wouldn't you? I I'll tell you, all it's gonna take all it's gonna take is for Trump to grab one of them, throw their ass in jail, and and and the rest of them will fall like a cheap suit. For two weeks, all we've seen is them fold like a cheap suit. Does that do you agree with that, Joe?
[00:15:09] Unknown:
I would, and he would be a good candidate.
[00:15:13] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. He would. He's real obnoxious, you know, this Murphy guy over there. Anyway, we got all kinds of things happening like that. No telling what all is going on. I heard Schumer complaining that Musk had he's got the whole hard drive from the treasury payout. Well, golly. And you're under investigation too there, Chuckie the Schmucky Schumer, for being one of the top Mossad officers in the country. No doubt. So, it's it's interesting. I don't think any of us. I mean, really, did any of you ever think you'd see this day?
[00:15:49] Unknown:
You're noodling. Not me.
[00:15:51] Unknown:
[00:15:53] Unknown:
And and the thing is is what it appears is it's so easy. Trump isn't going in and have a dialogue with them. He's just going in and making decisions and doing things in his power, and they fall like a cheap suit in the corner. Now I'm not so naive as to think that they're not gonna come back with something. They got everything in the world at risk here. They've been working on this plan for hundreds of years. Okay? If not longer. Alright? And now they've got to go for the brass ring because they'll probably never get another chance, the gold ring, actually. And, but they're they fall like, well, what is it? What's one of those video games?
Video games for you. Bam. And they're just gone. You know? And, like I said, they're they're no doubt got their enclaves sitting back, arms to the teeth like that apartment we found in Chicago a couple of weeks ago with the lady, and all that. And they're gonna try some of that, but, I think Trump's got enough control of the military and from the top down with the, Xpef, the guy that he got over Department of Defense. I I I don't think they got much of a chance of pulling their crap. We'll see. It's a day by day deal, but I know they can't just lay over, roll over, and go away quietly. They got too much at stake, and they're never gonna get it rebuilt again. They gotta try and take it over.
That's what all of the stuff we've seen that we keep identifying here. I've never heard anybody else talk about it. Stage three of the four stage communist takeover, the period of escalating violence. We've been seeing that for years. Married to a man. Schumer's married to a man. I hear that. I've heard that. We've heard that. Look it up in the images. You go to Google I don't wanna look at Google I hate that. Google's wife.
[00:17:52] Unknown:
I And the images I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to listeners.
[00:17:56] Unknown:
If you Google Schumer's wife and go to the images platform in Google to get a look at at this guy that Schumer's married to, and and, of course, his daughter is queer as the day is long. She's a big time lesbian part of the lollipop lesbians or leftist ladies in positions of power. I yield.
[00:18:16] Unknown:
Okay. Well, thanks, thank you, Farris. Anyway, it's gonna be an interesting ride from here on. It looks like Trump's got the upper hand. He's got these foreign leaders. He cracks the whip, and they do back somersaults. Scheinberg, Scheinbloomburg sign or whatever the Mexican president's name is. And, he's got if you don't know, he has her committed to put 10000 of Mexico's finest troops on the border. Now whether she'll follow through with that or I don't know, she's a Jew, so you never can tell. But, they also got them committed to going after some of the cartels, which is my impression for years that the cartels kinda run Mexico. They're importing, basis for fentanyl and then refining it and processing it there and then smuggling it into the border as well as the Canadians are doing the same thing.
So mister Trump had talks with both of them yesterday, got both of them to commit to stop the, the base, whatever they're using, to process and and come up with the fentanyl. They've guaranteed them they're gonna shut down the labs. Canada was sponsoring labs, bringing in the base, manufacturing chemical from China and smuggling the fentanyl in over the Canadian border. Well, supposedly, mister Trudeau, I and I wouldn't believe hardly a thing he said, but supposedly, he he's done the same thing as Mexico. They got, thousands of Canadian troops. They're gonna shut down the labs, and we'll see. Okay?
But, that was all done in one day yesterday with Trump. Just another average day at the office, Paul.
[00:20:02] Unknown:
Yeah. Just another boring day in the West Wing.
[00:20:07] Unknown:
I mean, Shazam. You know? So, there are lots of good things happening. We'll see what the next big moves are. I can't wait to see some of that information come out of the, treasury deal, which mister Musk got a hold of. And Trump did say in the conference, this guy, every time I turn on the television, he's on there. Well, hell, you haven't seen Biden. You know, a smidgen of him hiding in his basement for four years. And Trump that guy's just amazing. Okay? So, let's just cross our fingers and hope, mister Trump continues and even escalates.
Yes. Is that Julie or Robbie?
[00:20:51] Unknown:
No. It's Jerry.
[00:20:54] Unknown:
Oh, well, you're on a different phone. You're on the phone that sounds good.
[00:20:59] Unknown:
Oh, no. I'm on my laptop. Hey. I was curious. What do you think Rubio said to the Panamanian leader to get them to not renew, and '27 or '28? And now all US flag bearing ships get to go through the
[00:21:26] Unknown:
Canal free. Your laptop cut off on us?
[00:21:30] Unknown:
No. She won't have muted.
[00:21:33] Unknown:
Oh, the The US ships that, have a US flag.
[00:21:41] Unknown:
[00:21:42] Unknown:
Yeah. Military ship. Through the temple. Mhmm. Well
[00:21:47] Unknown:
Well, Sherry, I don't know whether he used the I I don't know if he used the carrot or the stick, but he got results whichever way. You know that they signed a treaty to do this under Carter and that they've been breaking and violating the treaty. That that probably is something that came up in the conversation, would be my my guess. And they already had about 60% of the signs replaced in Chinese. They were having them in Chinese. Well, they start taking them down the other day. I guess they've got them all down now.
[00:22:25] Unknown:
Whatever. Event. It's a beautiful thing. I agree. Trump's message
[00:22:30] Unknown:
let's see if we can agree on some. Trump's message is extremely powerful, however it's delivered. And he's very calmly doesn't put doesn't lose his temper. He doesn't seem to. We don't see that and probably never would anyway. But behind the scenes, he's just cool as a cucumber. You know, the, the trip he took the first Friday out there to California to sat down with all those liberals, there in that meeting, really showed you his administrative prowess. You know, he's just cool, calm, and collected. He makes decisions. Well, let's do this. Let's bring all that water down. It comes down from Canada. Let's bring it on down and, get, get California watered up. And so the libs and the environmentalists tried to oppose him, and he just steamrolled right over him. There's water flooding down to Southern California right now.
So god bless you, president Trump. I just never thought I'd see the day, and it's here, and I'm ecstatic about it. And if you don't like him or don't trust him, I'm sorry. By their fruits, you shall know them. And I see pretty good fruits coming out of mister Trump in the last fifteen days. Yeah. But it's just the kite money going to a different source that moves from the liberal to the conservative Well volunteer is just a split off of, of Homeland Security. Are you Right. Well, let's hope not, Chris. I mean, I'm a glass half full guy. I know there's Zionists totally infiltrating it, but he's doing some really good things. I don't even think you'd, disagree with that, would you?
[00:24:08] Unknown:
Well, I would I would agree politically with the with the things, but in the end of the day, you gotta look at who's the top of the, the eyepiece of the pyramid. You know what I'm saying? Well, you know what my hopes and prayers are that he gets up there around those folks and finally identifies who they are. And who he's shutting off is the,
[00:24:26] Unknown:
the rabid left wing Zionist. He's got the right wing Zionist around him, and somebody's gonna rule, you know. And and it's just like the Bible says, when bad kings end, people moan. That's what we've been doing for four years. We got looks like a good king in and the people are gonna rejoice. And some of those Jews aren't bad people. Okay? I I know personally. I'm gonna make So I'm I'm gonna make them an offer they couldn't refuse. Yeah. You're right. It's like, at this point, it's kinda like the godfather sitting around the table, you know? So Yep. Yep. So, let's hope they got, well, let's hope that the the Lord touches him like he did Saul. If he's miss, following bad advice. And I'll tell you one thing they are doing consciously.
I would heard somebody talking about it last night, I think, is they're putting out, leaks to spot leakers. And that's what some of this stuff has been for the last two weeks. And evidently, they've nailed a couple already. Okay? So he's not only trying to not surround him with bad people, but he's trying to, if he did get any in there, find out and identify who the leakers are, the bad people on the other side are, and get rid of their asses. So, again, God bless you. I think Kennedy's gonna get voted on by the whole senate today and maybe even Tulsi Gabbard too.
You you know, I mean, those are three fine appointments. Kash Patel, Tulsi Gabbard, and Robert Kennedy. They're just fines peoples that best I can ascertain. So let's hope they all get, they all get, installed and and confirmed, especially Kash Patel. Well, all three of them are very important, but him at the head as the head of the FBI, and we we know from that clip I've mentioned yesterday on the Stu Peter show where intermittently they would play it. He played it several times where they had snippets of cash on the Stu Peters show. He interviewed him evidently, probably with the book that he released.
And then being grilled by Dick Durbin, last week going, do you know who Stu Peters is? I'm sorry. Do you know Stu Peters is? No. I I can't place it at the moment. So he literally got up there and fudged the line a little bit in front of the congress folks people. He Cash Patel is very sharp. He knew exactly who Stu Peters was.
[00:27:04] Unknown:
K? And he knows Do you think the DOJ will eliminate the FBI? Yeah. That's what the FBI shouldn't exist constitutionally.
[00:27:11] Unknown:
Don't know. Don't know. At least, hopefully, they'll get it back on our side. So you don't forget when the FBI was formed, you say constitutionally, we weren't constitutional at that point. We were extra constitutional. We've been extra constitutional since 1933. All those things are not unconstitutional. They're extra constitutional into the bankruptcy. Pay I think by Even from '18
[00:27:43] Unknown:
even from 1860. Right? You go back to the seeds of the FBI.
[00:27:47] Unknown:
I don't know. I've never done any kind of research like that. Don't know. But, I would imagine, say, unconstitutional. I would imagine the president can set up any, you know, under those agencies. They can set up any of those agencies they want. So that's where we come in that Trump can't do. He he well, I guess he could sign the waiver of the War and Emergency Powers Act, but just like Gene Schroeder said on our conversation, somebody said, what do you what do you think could happen? He said, the world economy crashed the next day. That's pretty right. K? So we can go in and nibble at these guys one at a time. They're backed into a corner, and we can build our base. And hopefully, one of these days will become some sort of a public, topic or some big, mass exposure.
And all we need is people. You know, we get a couple million people here, not a couple about 20000000 or even less. And these guys are they can't deal with it. Now I'd like to see is the and I've been nursing this for a long time, aggravated because I never could get people's attention. So I've turned it over to the big guys, your project, when you're ready. And so now I see all the tea leaves kinda aligning and start thinking, wow. With them being exposed to this level, think continuing exposure as they dig layer after layer? And down the line at some point, all of a sudden, this information gets thrown into the public or some percentage of it.
You know? It's very serious, very serious information. We'll see, when we get a chance and see if we can put the, sword in the bull's heart. Roger. So yes, ma'am. There's Joan. Yes. Joan, what you got?
[00:29:45] Unknown:
So what does it mean that Cash Patel denied knowing two Peters?
[00:29:51] Unknown:
Well, it means that some people seem to think that Cash Patel's on got some kind of deep seated compromised position, and I think that shows that he doesn't. I think that shows these were willing to kind of bullshit the Democrats the same way they bullshitted us over all these years with their little word games. Oh, okay. Puts him squarely in our camp. Because what the way I read it. K? Now was there some somebody else that wanted to ask something there?
[00:30:24] Unknown:
It was Larry.
[00:30:27] Unknown:
Larry. Hey, buddy. Hey.
[00:30:30] Unknown:
How are you?
[00:30:31] Unknown:
Oh, I'm pretty good today. Full of piss and vinegar as usual.
[00:30:36] Unknown:
[00:30:39] Unknown:
Just two things. I don't know if you've covered it, because I was I was dealing with customers and half listening. But, I think Trump put a temporary hold on the, tariffs for Canada and Mexico for thirty days. Did you cover that?
[00:30:56] Unknown:
No. I did not yet, but he did.
[00:30:59] Unknown:
Right. And, the second thing is so many people, are against Trump think believing that he is one of the Zionists and that, you know, he's up to something. Well, I have a theory. How do we know that he's not doing the opposite? So my theory is he might be pulling, what I call a chance supreme chancellor Palpatine on the world. And if you're familiar with the Star Wars, you know, trilogy and Return of the Jedi, Chancellor Palpatine was pretending to be a good guy. And then once he got elevated in power, he turned on all the Jedi and all the good people, and then he became emperor, and he was really a dark a dark Sith Lord. And I'm wondering, maybe Trump is pretending to be one of the Zionists, and they he will catch them off guard, you know, eventually, and he will turn on them and kinda clean things up a little bit in this world. So just the going theory in my mind. From your lips to God's ears, Larry.
[00:32:11] Unknown:
I mean, you know, at some point, most people you know, it's this old Winston Churchill quote. It's interesting. Churchill said at some point in a man's life, he stumbles across the truth. You heard that, Larry? And he goes, most men pick themselves up and dust themselves off and go on about their way. And we're the ones that start, looking, where's the bump? Why did I do that? But, I just you know, like I said, the only thing we can really do is pray for mister Trump. And if he's not, completely aware and and and awakened, maybe the prayer should be that he gets that way.
So we'll see. He's got up in, you know, he's against a huge power. These people have literally controlled the world for a long time, folk. K? They're they're entrenched. They're vindictive. They're sneaky. They're deceitful. They're, don't say they're stupid. You know, as a lot of people pass, oh, they're so stupid. They're stupid. All you have to do is study this material we present here, for any length of time. You're gonna see they ain't stupid. The this little plot and I've maintained for a long time that no mere mortal man could have figured this out. But, they had help. You know? Slaton Satan's, plan is slavery.
But, you you can't look at this and understand it and not realize how slick these guys are. You know, the the big difference is we don't know them at all. Most of our people have no idea how these people think even maybe who they are. Okay? And you can't learn how they think without understanding that they don't think like we do. K? But yet, they know how we think incredibly well. Point. In the in the when the thirteenth and the fourteenth amendment were passed, they knew that eighty years later, they were gonna put the country in bankruptcy. And from that point on, they're gonna ask you, are you a citizen of The United States? And they knew a hundred and fifty years ago how you were gonna answer.
Yes, Larry.
[00:34:33] Unknown:
Yes. I definitely pray for those that are in positions of power and leadership. And in fact, the Bible tells us that we should be doing that. First Timothy chapter two says in verses one through four, I exhort therefore that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings, and for all that are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
[00:35:05] Unknown:
Yep. Yep. And, you know, the thing that we don't know is how much does mister Trump and his inner circle know. You know, we know about Michael Flynn because Annie approached him down in Miami at that convention and went up and gave him introduced herself and gave him a little three pamphlet that she designed. And he goes, oh, yeah. We know all about the nationals. Well, general Flynn, I respect you, man, but you don't know jack shit about the nationals. You've been fed false information because there's false teachers out there that for whatever reason are out teaching crap to people and charging them sometimes exorbitant amounts of money for crap. And unfortunately, that crap and what they're doing infects people like Michael Flynn who learns about this that is never taught what it really is, has never taught what the system really is. In fact, that they're involuntary servitude. He never taught any of that, but yet he thinks he knows all about a national.
And and that's the corruption of what we're doing, unfortunately, by these charlatans like David Strait. K? Sorry. I I don't know any other way to judge it. So, do we not have I guess we got no new students today. No. I got a guy I'm toying with on email right now. I thought maybe he'd show up one of these days. Hopefully, he will. Well, so, anyway, he was one of those guys that wherever, however, he got introduced to what we do, he just got turned upside down by it immediately. So, hopefully, we'll see him on the show here one day. I heard somebody with a mic open. What do you what do you got?
[00:36:53] Unknown:
This is Victor from Washington State.
[00:36:56] Unknown:
Is what is Victor?
[00:36:59] Unknown:
That's correct.
[00:37:00] Unknown:
Hi, Victor. From Washington State?
[00:37:04] Unknown:
That's correct.
[00:37:05] Unknown:
East or the West Side?
[00:37:09] Unknown:
West Side.
[00:37:11] Unknown:
Oh, over on the coast. Well, good. First time you've been with us, Victor?
[00:37:17] Unknown:
No. It no. It is not. K. I emailed you I emailed you regarding my wife in The Philippines and her daughter immigrating into The United States.
[00:37:27] Unknown:
Okay. I think so. Yeah. A while back. Yeah.
[00:37:31] Unknown:
Yeah. So now my newest thing is I still haven't sent my notices out because I'm a stickler. I wanna get everything down perfect. But I decided to go into Sportsman's Warehouse in Puyallup, Washington last Sunday to purchase my first firearm. And I showed them my affidavit, and they looked at it, and they had to call their ATS contact. And the ATS contact said, nope. Can't sell it to you. You need to have yourself, what would it be, what do you say, a nonimmigrant Visa card, and that's from the ATS compliance contact Karen McVay.
[00:38:15] Unknown:
Yes. So I went back We've had a number of other people that alright. They we've had a number of other people over the years that have gone in and had no problems, purchasing firearms. I'm sorry that you had that problem. I wouldn't have shown him the affidavit. I would have just told him I was a national. You don't have to show him jack crap. Just tell him what you are. He calls that in to check it with the FBI, not ATF, and we've never, to my knowledge, had one refused.
[00:38:47] Unknown:
Okay. Well, the way it works at Sportsman's Warehouse is before you do anything to purchase a firearm, you have to take a hunter safety course online and show them that you completed the hunter safety course. So I did that, and then I went to the counter back to the counter. And I did show them my affidavit, telling them I'm a national. And that's when they had to contact your ATS contact, and they said, no. You don't you can't sell you because you need the non integrated Visa card. No. Well, he doesn't know what he's talking about. Go ahead. I actually did it on purpose because I wanna it's an experiment.
I wanna do it before I noticed the ATS and then after I noticed the ATS. And I've been, on the Merca's Telegram group talking to a few people about it. I'm just letting you know what's going on. I plan on notice in the ATS, but I wanted to know who should I notice first and then CC the ATF and then that's not updated. You gotta notice the secretary of state first before you do anything. Have you done that already, Victor? Yeah. In July '6, I did that.
[00:40:01] Unknown:
Okay. Well, then everything else ought to be pretty clue smooth sailing. You know? You didn't get any objection from them, did you? Did you get a passport No. I just card yet?
[00:40:11] Unknown:
I haven't done that yet because I'm following the website, and they they they want you to notice everybody first and then do your passport.
[00:40:22] Unknown:
Okay. Well, I'm not sure I necessarily agree with that because all you're doing is substantiating with the passport what the secretary of state connection, but, however. And
[00:40:33] Unknown:
Yeah. I agree.
[00:40:35] Unknown:
Why you wanna why do you wanna notice the ATF?
[00:40:40] Unknown:
I want to have them noticed and their parent company, the Department of Justice First so that when I go back again and show them that they've been noticed and they contact their ATS contact again to see what they say. That's why. Well, they don't see a background check-in with the the wrong people. Well, well, what they call the one
[00:41:05] Unknown:
three. You go in and say I'm a national. You fill it out. They call the call. They go, the guy says he's a national. And it's our experience up to this point says the guy go sell it to him. We had the, girl in Kentucky. Have you heard us talk about Maryland there in Frankfort, Kentucky, Victor? She put on she put all her notices. This thing for a while. Okay. Well, she put her notices out, locally there in Frankfort, and the police department's very uneducated. And they wrote her back a, letter and said you need to come turn in your concealed carry permit because you're not a citizen
[00:41:41] Unknown:
of The United States anymore.
[00:41:42] Unknown:
You've, expatriated. And she writes back, says I have not expatriated. And they said, oh, by the way, you need to contact the FBI, which she tried to do. They wouldn't return the call. She wrote them a note, and they wrote back, said, we don't have anything to do with this. There's your background clearance right there. Okay? Now finally, somebody at the police department realized that expatriation is quite an involved process. It takes a lot of time and a lot of money and a lot of effort to get it done, and that she had not done that. And they wised up and said, well, send us this affidavit. They sent it to her in email, and we'll and you can keep your, your concealed carry permit. I've told Marilyn, why don't you call them back and tell them I don't need your stinking permit?
[00:42:25] Unknown:
I do remember that. That's a actually
[00:42:30] Unknown:
so our old friend, Daryl, who we hadn't heard from in Acoon's age, but he's right there in Gadsden. He bought a number of, as he calls them shooting irons at his local store. You know, the gun shop there in a small town where all the guys from the city sit around and drink coffee and talk politics and about women at the back table, you know. And so he bought other stuff in there before and he goes in, he goes affidavit in and he goes in and talks to the guy. There's all the guys at the back table and he gets the guy up at the the counter. He goes, are you a citizen of The United States? He said, no. I'm a national.
And the guy's very quiet, and he said, they won't sell it to you. And and Daryl said, why don't you humor me and just try? She calls the FBI and goes the guy says he's a national. The guy on the other end goes, wait a minute. He comes back, says sell it to him. And everybody in the whole gun store's jaw dropped on the floor. Yeah. You don't need to show them crap. You tell them. You're not proving anything. What you are is your decision. You don't have to prove it. All you have to do is tell them.
[00:43:45] Unknown:
But that's one nice
[00:43:47] Unknown:
thing that the affidavit that the passport card gives you is that's another way. Now here's what probably gonna happen to you if you use that. You're gonna go to the counter, and they're gonna go, well, that's not good enough because it doesn't have an address on it. Because they want an address now so they can come, I guess, bust your front door in as from the Biden administration. And so, what one guy did, hold on, what one guy did was he went next door over to the fishing license and bought a fishing license, and it has a dress on it. He went over to the other counter and bought his gun.
[00:44:27] Unknown:
Well, like you always say, you can choose to participate or not choose to participate. I choose to participate with the driver's license because I have a CDL and my job requires it. Yeah. So I that Right. You know, I I understand that the passport card could also suffice as a driver's license, but I have to have my CDL.
[00:44:45] Unknown:
Well, of course, you do. K? But you get the driver's you get the passport to make sure that you're on the state department's list as a national. We send it to the state department cold. We don't know where the hell it goes. K? That's just something that's been added over the last couple years. But when you attach that affidavit with a passport application, we know damn well where it goes. And if they process that application, it gets filed and recognized. So that, you know, that to me is a that's the highest form ID that's issued by the federal government.
[00:45:23] Unknown:
Yeah. I'll go ahead and do that first. That's no problem. I I never did understand why national status freedom info doesn't do it the same way that you do it. I've always wanted to ask the question, but
[00:45:34] Unknown:
I can go ahead and view that no problem. Are you talking about the website, or are you talking about Merca's site?
[00:45:40] Unknown:
Merca's tel I'm talking about their website.
[00:45:43] Unknown: Yeah. Nationalstatus. Not It's just .info. Okay. Well, I don't know why either. But that's just something that you know, that's what we used to exclusively do. And that's all I knew to teach people was to apply for a passport. And then I guess you've heard the story. I'll go ahead and tell it again. There was another there was a guy contacting me. He said, I put in my passport application in. And not only did they reject it and keep my money, but I had an open passport, and they revoked it.
Now I don't know if he sent it in, and he should have sent that open one in, but he was a Brit. And I don't know if he really knew what he was doing. He was naturalized. Comment. And so, yeah. I just wanna You're telling a story, comment. But come on. Interrupt me and say something, please.
[00:46:39] Unknown:
I will, Roger, because it's very pertinent what you just said. Sorry, Joe. And it has to do it has to do with the check sending the check-in and them not issuing
[00:46:51] Unknown:
the document.
[00:46:54] Unknown:
Either way you do that is you do that with a restrictive endorsement. If they endorse it, that's compensate they've accepted compensation for the document.
[00:47:04] Unknown:
Okay. Well, you could do that. I'm just trying
[00:47:07] Unknown:
to help further your deal off. Okay. Sorry. Sorry. I won't do it again.
[00:47:11] Unknown:
Well, that's okay. I don't mean to jump on you, man. But let me just, see if I can get back. Okay. So the guy's driving and they they San Jose, California, and they think he's drunk driving. So they pull him over. He wouldn't get out of the car. So they busted the window and yanked his ass out of the car, threw him in jail. Somehow, he got out, and being a Brit thought that he got out meant that the charges were dropped. So when he went and applied for that passport, but the affidavit was in the passport application, but they went to check first his NCIC and that picked up those two drunk driver charges.
Well, that's why they revoked his passport because he's a potential flight risk, and they wouldn't issue him the new one under two sections of 27 CFR, code of federal regulations. Alright. Well, first of all, if your passports if your affidavits filed, those code of federal regulations don't apply to you. So that's when we came and said, well, let's send them the affidavit by itself first, wait a couple of weeks, and then go and file in for the passport. Now, I I don't believe any of you guys have skeletons in your closet like this. But my thought was when that came up and I thought it through that I don't believe they can see enough of these crossing their desk up there in DC.
And so that's when we altered it from just applying for a passport to sending it in first and then applying for a passport. That was the incident that changed all that. K? This is a work in progress. If we find something that doesn't work in the process, we try and evaluate it, find out why it doesn't work, figure out how it could work, and then make that adjustment. So that's the reason for all everything we do here, Victor, has a reason behind it. I do nothing haphazard, and I don't pull anything out of my sphincter muscle and present it to you folks. What, Myrca?
[00:49:21] Unknown:
I'm trying to add to what you're saying is that you're making Are you saying sending it into that yeah. As the fires and all that, you know, got to us, there's a little bit of everything going on. The, when we send our affidavit to secretary of state first, it makes it stronger. You
[00:49:43] Unknown:
Well, it should. More effective.
[00:49:46] Unknown:
Yeah. And then, we usually, National Studies Freedom, follow exactly what you what you teach is that, you know, sending your affidavit and then send out your notices. Don't wait. You know, your affidavit hits the mail. It's already effectively, you know, secretary of state, you know, on his
[00:50:10] Unknown:
show. Not do the notices on the back end, Victor, and something happens, don't know what it might be, your climb up the hill is far steeper than if you had this stuff done properly. And we've had several incidents of that happen. Oh, I just didn't get around to it, and then they get caught speeding or something. And it just makes your job a lot more difficult, but you do it however you feel best. Okay?
[00:50:40] Unknown:
That's called, weaponizing your affidavit. It's sending your notice about it as soon as possible. Even do the you could you could even do the passport at the same time. So, you know, you don't really have to wait.
[00:50:54] Unknown:
Okay. So that's just a few things I throw at you, Victor. But, the point I wanted to make is everything we do here has been thought out and has a reason. And, I I do I do nothing haphazardly here with you people. Alright. I mean, we're dealing with some real serious powers. And if you don't do it right, you can really risk some kind of backlash. And I don't want that to happen to any of you. And, fortunately, we've never seen that happen to any of you, okay, in fifteen years. Alright? But I'm still conscious of it and and very aware. Yes, Paul.
[00:51:31] Unknown:
I wanna hear more about, I wanna hear more from Joe about the Restrictive endorsement. Well, how about that? I do believe he hung up.
[00:51:44] Unknown:
Joe? Alright.
[00:51:46] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Joe hung up. He he's not in here anymore.
[00:51:51] Unknown:
[00:51:53] Unknown:
Yeah. I I wanted to hear
[00:51:56] Unknown:
more. Well, while you're trying to get him reconnected, I just wanted to add a comment. I was helping Victor on Telegram, and somehow somebody's under the wrong impression. And I don't know what was communicated from Victor to the people at the, at the gun dealer, but they're they're talking about he needs to get a nonimmigrant visa. And that comes from, if you look at the 4473 and you go down to 21.m.1dot, it says, are you an alien who has been admitted to The United States under a nonimmigrant visa? I told Victor that he needs to show the, the people behind the desk number 19, which says country of citizenship, and it says nationals of The United States, MayCheck USA. All he has to do is simply say, I'm that guy.
I'm not the other guy.
[00:52:56] Unknown:
Yeah. Okay. Well, Victor, it sounds like you didn't do that that way.
[00:53:03] Unknown:
And send your notices as soon as possible. You know, we'll have to wait for that. They need to see those affidavits.
[00:53:10] Unknown:
I I wouldn't dilly dallying around about the the the weaponization of your position inside your state, Victor. But, again, you handle it the way you want to. K? This is Yeah. I'm just just guys I'm just
[00:53:27] Unknown:
I'm telling you guys that the way that I'm just telling you the way that Sportsman's Warehouse handles it is you do your hundred safety first.
[00:53:35] Unknown:
Well, that's because you didn't handle it properly, it sounds like to me. You didn't point out nineteen and twenty one.
[00:53:43] Unknown:
I'm saying that they don't give you that option until you do your hunter safety course, and then they make a phone call, and you don't even get to the stage of where you get to fill out the form yet. That's what I'm saying.
[00:53:57] Unknown:
Well, Washington State's pretty screwed up, so, they've got some kind of state stuff in there that's inhibiting you. And I don't know what to tell you to do except to go in there and tell them you're national. You you you point them to 19. Yeah. Don't let them present you with the form. Get one, take it in there, and present them with it. Damn it.
[00:54:19] Unknown:
I agree.
[00:54:21] Unknown:
So assert yourself. That's all I have. You're free. You you freed yourself. Assert your position to them.
[00:54:28] Unknown:
See, this is well, it's just
[00:54:31] Unknown:
yeah. If this is your choice, not theirs. And there's always a way some of their crap that they've hidden, like in this ATF stuff. There's a way around it. So point them at 19, go in, highlight it, whatever. But they don't call the ATF. They call the FBI background check. That's something else I'd get straight. Yes, Paul.
[00:54:56] Unknown:
You could walk in there with a $39.49 a and a copy of the second amendment with shall not be infringed highlighted.
[00:55:05] Unknown:
Just cram it up their ass. This is because this California's I mean, state of Washington, man. They were there. They got real wackos out there.
[00:55:14] Unknown:
[00:55:15] Unknown:
[00:55:17] Unknown:
Larry, again, I I'd like to know how they even are under this impression that he has to take some gun safety hunter safety course because I've never even heard of that. With all the states that I've researched, you go into a gun dealer and the first that you say, I wanna buy a gun, the first thing they put right in front they put right in front of you, not you, they say fill out this 40 four 70 three, and you do it right there on the spot. Right. And and you sign it in their presence because you're signing it under perjury, penalties of perjury. And so what if you're not a hunter? What if you just wanna buy a gun, you're not a hunter? What what relevance is taking a hunter safety course? If I was Victor, I would I would suggest he calls a couple of other, you know, reputable gun shops and say, hey. Is this true? I gotta take a hunter safety course before I could purchase a firearm?
[00:56:16] Unknown:
Is it are are the is the game federal employees? Is that who you're hunting?
[00:56:25] Unknown:
That's funny watching.
[00:56:30] Unknown:
I would go maybe check some other shops, Victor, and, you might go in and and and tell them that, the second amendment wasn't for hunting. It's for hunting politicians. Of course, that'll throw flags up, so don't do it that way. But, anyway, well, let us know how it turns out, Victor. I'd call a couple other reputable gun shops and not go into one of the chain deals and see how they handle it. The other thing is, are you just pressing the envelope here, Or, are you otherwise, why don't you look at a private sale? Do you want to have any checks in a private sale?
Have you checked into a private sale, or is it something specifically that you're wanting model or caliber or something you can't find out there in the private world too often? Victor, do you know? I'm actually
[00:57:27] Unknown:
envelope. I'm actually doing an experiment on purpose.
[00:57:31] Unknown:
Okay. You're pressing the envelope. Okay. Well, that's fine. Exactly. Okay. Well, go to one of the other gun shops or call them and ask them. And, I don't know what to tell you. I'd tell those folks, after you get a little more information, if it conflicts with these folks, I'd go back to the manager and say, I'm not buying this from you, and here's why. K? But, of course, they've got state laws to comply with. And, you know, Victor, they're probably more scared of your your butthole governor out there than they are you.
[00:58:07] Unknown:
Yes. That's exactly right. So when they called the ATS compliance officer or contact, whatever they wanna call it, she quoted the RCW, the revised code of Washington that I had to follow. And that's why they have to call the ATF and all that.
[00:58:29] Unknown:
Uh-huh. Well, see, and you're fighting well, I don't know why they call the ATF. Background checks always with the FBI, to my knowledge, had nothing to do with the ATF. So how they got shoehorned their little person in there is beyond me. K?
[00:58:46] Unknown:
Yeah. It's just how Washington state is because of the corruption. Yep. And you're It's, just if anybody wants to look it up. Yeah, if anybody wants to look it up, it's RCW 9.410.171, alien possession of firearms requirements penalty. But I'm gonna my next step is to go to the corporate after I noticed the APF. My question to the audience was before I noticed the ATF, do I notice the parent company, the Department of Justice First and then CC ATF and and notice them?
[00:59:24] Unknown:
Paul, you wanna dump us out of Chicago? Yep. And we will answer that question right after we leave. One zero six point nine WBOU FM Chicago clamoring for the to follow us into the second hour. Thank you as well. for joining us for the first hour. Radio soapbox dot com and +1 069 We'll see you back here tomorrow if we don't catch you in the second hour. Bye now.
[00:59:57] Unknown:
See you later. Bye. So well, Victor, go on and keep us in the loop if if you wanna do that. But to to my knowledge, all background checks are done by the FBI, not the ATF. I don't give a damn about your state statutes. K? That's a national law. K? Federal Firearms Act. So, just keep us in the loop.
[01:00:23] Unknown:
I will do that, and I'm still listening to the broadcast where you responded to my email about my immigration attorney. And, I appreciate your
[01:00:34] Unknown:
help. I told you I told you, I've if we were doing email stuff, I'd be easier to tell you to talk. And we had a very, very nice little Vietnamese gal in Southern California that had a little massage business, and, she had a friend who was an immigration attorney. I don't know, what category of friend that was, but she had a friend who was an immigration attorney for thirty one years. And she kept telling him this stuff and he go, don't do it. You're gonna get deported. Don't do it. You're gonna get deported. And so she contacted me and I said, well, why don't you go over and show him that sentence out of the state department website policy thing that all US citizens are US nationals. Well, you know, the funniest thing is, Victor, he doesn't wanna talk about it anymore.
Again, you're dealing with people like your immigration attorney that are in the exact same spot as this ATF people that you're dealing with through the gun shop. They don't know what's happening. And why should they?
[01:01:36] Unknown:
Okay? Yeah. The thing you should understand about that email I sent you was this is only for education purposes for him. I'm not there's nothing gonna snag us up on the immigration process. It was just getting the information in front of him. He already has my affidavit. He's looked at it, and that was the response that he said.
[01:01:57] Unknown:
What what remind me again what he said?
[01:02:02] Unknown:
He was talking about the Somalia or the,
[01:02:06] Unknown:
Oh, so Samoan. American Samoan. Uh-huh. That's correct. You I don't you know, you pointed to him, trying to educate him. If he's not amenable to it, do the best you can. I don't know what to tell you to do with these people.
[01:02:23] Unknown:
Yep. Yep. I'm moving on. I appreciate your help.
[01:02:27] Unknown:
Okay, Victor. Good to talk to you, man. Thank you. Good luck with your acquisition there. Okay. Who else this morning can we talk to? Got any other new folks on? Maybe Victor broke the ice here.
[01:02:41] Unknown:
Did he?
[01:02:44] Unknown:
Didn't appear to be. Okay. Well, let's see here. What else can we fill the time with? We got about an hour little under an hour left here. Yes. There's someone right there. Sounds like Nancy. Is that who that is?
[01:02:57] Unknown:
You know my voice.
[01:03:00] Unknown:
I do.
[01:03:02] Unknown:
Yeah. I just thought I'd share that, I got one of those IRS bluff letters as well. Oh, you did? Yeah. And it was in response to my revocation of election.
[01:03:16] Unknown:
So Okay.
[01:03:18] Unknown:
Got his bluff letter in response to his affidavit. Right. And I got and I got this exact same letter
[01:03:26] Unknown:
[01:03:27] Unknown:
In response to my revocation of election letter. So just FYI.
[01:03:32] Unknown:
Well, they've made a decision. They're gonna throw that at anybody, it sounds like to me, which, which solidifies their frivolous position of being slavers and getting caught.
[01:03:47] Unknown:
[01:03:48] Unknown:
So we'll wait. Mark Mark isn't quite back with us yet. I wish he'd hurry up and get well. And, I think we ought to draft something and, basically, a form letter that we can just shoot back to everybody that gets one. How about, treasury decision twenty three thirteen there? You know, there's a number of things we can throw at them. And Martin and I get together, I think we can come up with a very powerful and short little response letter.
[01:04:16] Unknown:
Yeah. I I drafted one for Dean that they used. So I'm gonna Uh-huh. I'm gonna use that for mine only,
[01:04:23] Unknown:
thank you for acknowledging
[01:04:24] Unknown:
the seat of my revocation of election.
[01:04:27] Unknown:
Exactly. And you always want to, include a copy or affidavit, exhibit whatever. So it goes it goes absolutely in your file on one of these response deals. It's gotta go in whole and complete. Okay? And the other thing I was thinking of was that site from 1835. The, we haven't mentioned it in a while. It's on our website. Yeah. That one. Yeah. The one I can never pronounce. Yeah. That one. Right. Yeah. And, I'd put that in there too. You know, just, we'll figure out some way. It's so simple to respond to these guys. And they sent you how many pages is that letter? Four pages, and then it's got exhibits too?
[01:05:10] Unknown:
[01:05:11] Unknown:
I'm not it's not right in front of me right at the moment. But Well, we'll send them a we'll send them a couple of exhibits along with our response. So let's hurry up and get Mark back and we got ninety days to deal with that, even more really. And there's nothing they can do. All they're doing is just trying to fool you again and scare you. K? So good good work, Nancy. I'm proud of you folks that are, answering these on your own because it shows me you're learning the material, and that's what we want above all.
[01:05:44] Unknown:
Yeah. I mean, just, I mean, I think it's great your ideas of attaching, supportive case law and codes. Yeah. And I didn't do that in that letter, but I cited I, yeah, it was a one pager, and I just was, you know, thanking them, acknowledging the letter Right. And then thanking them for receipt acknowledging, citizenship evidence. Receiving.
[01:06:12] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Great. Well, it just showed right back up their barracks bag. You know?
[01:06:18] Unknown:
Hey, Nancy? Yeah. What it's Julie here. What was that 1835 Site, and how do you spell that word that you mentioned? Oh my god. Oh my god.
[01:06:28] Unknown:
Well, it's you are I I don't know the exact spelling, but it's Urquie, Q U I E V, Darcy. But,
[01:06:38] Unknown:
if you It's a it's a capital d with a hyphen and then a r c y. Yeah. You got it. And it's on the website. It's on the website. Okay? And a listener sent me that about fifteen years ago. I'd have never found it. Here's what it says, Julie. It says, and remember this is before the fourteenth amendment, so there was no secondary citizenship. And it says basically it says a passport is an ex parte document which identifies an individual to foreign countries under the law of nations, Patel's law of nations. But if this is a question of citizenship, it's only an ex parte document.
And what really matters if determining citizenship is what papers are in the secretary's possession, if submissible in a court of law, should be considered the higher and better evidence. So it's not the passport. It's what's in the possession of the secretary.
[01:07:47] Unknown:
So it's the affidavit that was notarized that was never rebutted?
[01:07:51] Unknown:
[01:07:53] Unknown:
And then, the other question I was gonna ask you is, where do we find the treasury decisions that, you're discussing? Like, the 231233.
[01:08:01] Unknown:
T put in TG2313 in a search engine. It ought to pop up. It's the treasury. Now do you understand what a treasury decision is?
[01:08:11] Unknown:
It has something I I was watching something from you last night, from a long time ago on Castbox that Larry posted for me, and it was, something to do with the the IRS that has to do with the final decisions on, as not on rulings or something. Or correct me if I'm wrong. It's not it's not the IRS. It's the Treasury.
[01:08:30] Unknown:
And whenever there's a Supreme Court case that deals with Treasury or taxation, they write a Treasury decision, TD, so that they can inform the rest of the Treasury on how it affects their tax collection activities. Okay? Uh-huh. So this is t d twenty three thirteen, and it was written off of the Bush Haber versus Union Pacific Railroad case, which was the first case to, challenge the sixteenth amendment. And if I remember correctly, and I saw it years ago at Emory Law Library, because they're a federal depository, and it's they have all this stuff. Federal depository have all this old stuff.
Okay? I don't know if you know that. I'm sure you got a big one right there in DC. Okay? But regardless, if I remember correctly, it starts out and it says, Frank Bush Haber, a citizen of the state of New York and a non resident alien. So, there's where it identifies Bush Haber as a non resident alien. They brought it up in the case. His attorney brought it up, but they never addressed it in the decision. They addressed it in the treasury decision. K?
[01:09:47] Unknown:
Julie, I can send you the you can probably like Roger said, you can probably find those things on You can find it on the search engine, it'll pop right up.
[01:09:57] Unknown:
I don't think we've got it on our website.
[01:10:00] Unknown:
Well, I can send it to you, Julie, because I have your email. So thank you, Debbie. Okay. Thank you. Alright. Yeah. So,
[01:10:07] Unknown:
that's they're sneaky, these little bastards. Yes. Now, Nancy, you were gonna say something?
[01:10:14] Unknown:
Oh, well, I was gonna refrain from saying something because, you know, I I bet the treasury decision twenty three thirteen now you may looked at be looking at something else, but the treasury decision that I've seen, it only uses the term nonresident alien. But it's probably a commentary on the case that may be what you're remembering. But, in his original petition, that's where he first shaper identified himself as a citizen of the state of New York. Yeah. So Yeah. In the treasury yeah. In the treasury decision, it it doesn't they don't use his state citizen.
They just use a nonresident alien. Oh, okay.
[01:10:55] Unknown:
Okay. Well, I see. Like I said, I saw it I saw it, like, thirty years ago at the Emory Law Library, so it's been a a day or two.
[01:11:04] Unknown:
Well, but it's still an example of how they are hiding this state citizen because Sure. You didn't know c f r 26 c f r one dot one dash one little a. You know, an income tax is owed, blah blah blah, except for eight seventy one b and eight seventy seven b, a nonresident alien. And you didn't know that Bruce Schaefer identified himself as a state citizen in the TD2313 when they had this nonresident alien to identify him. You that's a wonderful, perfect example of the obfuscation
[01:11:35] Unknown:
and how they're manipulating language and hiding the state citizen. Yeah. So And you put that in front of him in a return letter, there ain't no wiggle room there, folks. They got no wiggle room.
[01:11:48] Unknown:
K? And I caught I've co put that on one of my notices recently. A reference, Bush Haver v u u e and, TD twenty three thirteen just as a little end quote.
[01:12:00] Unknown:
Wow. You're just yep. You're just you're just a very good student, aren't you?
[01:12:05] Unknown:
You're a very good teacher, Roger. And I I thank you.
[01:12:10] Unknown:
I thank you for that. I'd like to, think I am anyway. I'll tell you one thing I really enjoy teaching. Okay? It's just I've never done anything in my life which gives you that feedback loop that teaching does. It's just a wonderful, it's a it's a wonderful endeavor, and I like it a lot. Was I heard a male clearing his throat there. Was somebody wanting to say something?
[01:12:37] Unknown:
[01:12:38] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, it didn't sound like a male, but we'll answer you. Yes, dear?
[01:12:42] Unknown:
It's Nate Julia again. Yeah. I I freaked out last night because I thought $8.71, be applied to me, one of those two exceptions. So I started looking them up, and I and I saw that a nonresident alien that is involved in a trader business in, The United States is, is does owe taxes
[01:13:06] Unknown:
because to me, you know, trader business mean Yeah. What's the trader business?
[01:13:13] Unknown:
Somebody who I I couldn't believe this. I was freaking out last night when I read this. I was like, you've got to be kidding me. A trader of business includes the performance of the functions of a pub public office.
[01:13:25] Unknown:
That's right. That's right. So I have all these rental properties.
[01:13:28] Unknown:
I have all these rental properties in DC, and I'm like, I'm gonna have to undo all my affidavits of citizenship. I am a required taxpayer. I couldn't believe the number of pages of the IRS code dedicated to how you have to report income from your rental properties, everything. And I about freaked out, and I was, like, so depressed. I was just like, I'm gonna have to stop doing the group, and I'm gonna have to pay my taxes. And I was just like, I'm not in any public office here, so that doesn't that disqualifies me.
[01:13:59] Unknown:
In John's perusing all the old English law and I remember him talking about this. And he found an example in old English law where a guy lived under a bridge, and and and he would come up and be the bridge keeper and and get collect tolls and stuff, and they call that a trader business.
[01:14:23] Unknown:
Well, you know, that's funny. And the other thing, Roger, that, Thor sent me something stating on the website that a nonresident alien cannot own, an s corporation, and that's what I have. But I but I I'm not I'm not an s I'm I'm s corporation for tax status purposes.
[01:14:45] Unknown:
Yes. But,
[01:14:47] Unknown:
that still flows through on my personal, personal tax returns and I looked up on UShousedot, with the definition of a corporation is and it says it includes associations, joint stock companies, and insurance companies. Well, my s corporation is not a joint stock company. It's a single stock, and it's owned by only one person. So I'm like, they're even manipulating the word corporation and they don't define s corporation on here. So I have a court case here that says if they don't define it, you can't assume it and just plug in word words that they think that they mean. It's if it's not defined, they're like, for example, they define states, but they didn't define state and everybody thinks it means 50 states. But if you look up the word definition of the word state, it just includes it just includes the District of Columbia.
[01:15:41] Unknown:
Yep. Federal territory. The way you go back and really definitively prove that is go back to where Alaska and Hawaii were made states, and they took them out of the state category.
[01:15:53] Unknown:
Okay. Yeah. So I was just trying to figure out this corporation thing because I have no problem taking my s corporation and turning it into an LLC if I need to. But at the end of the day, I was looking at the definition of corporation, and I'm like, well, that's not me. That's not my entity that would, be required to file. That's it's not a joint stock company. And then, it says I'm a nonresident alien, cannot own an s corporation. Mine's a foreign s corporation. My corporation was not incorporated in United States. It was incorporated in Virginia. So I'd like that, I don't know, suspicious to me that I why would not be able to own a foreign s corporation, which is not defined under any of their terms of the, IRS.
[01:16:44] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, again, wait till Mark gets back. He's a little little better at this than I am. I messed with IRS stuff for
[01:16:53] Unknown:
thirty over thirty years. You know? So And then do you know if we have to file revocation? And then, Roger, do you know if we have to file revocation of elections for
[01:17:02] Unknown:
entities? Like, do you have to file a revocation of election for I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I don't know if an entity qualifies for that, quite frankly, Julie. So again, you know, let's wait till hopefully Mark gets back. Maybe he can weave through some of these complexities. Okay? Okay. I don't wanna give you advice and it'd be wrong. Okay? Just because I don't know all this crap and and and and give you a wrong answer. I don't wanna do that. I say this, though. It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission.
[01:17:38] Unknown:
Alright. So, the thing I was gonna tell you was, when I looked into the definitions of the Internal Revenue Code, you know, they define things so weird. The one thing that they defined was a person. A person is exactly what you say. It's an individual, a trust, an estate, a partnership, an association, a company, or a corporation.
[01:18:02] Unknown:
So An entity an entity to whom the law ascribes rights and duties. Uh-huh.
[01:18:13] Unknown:
Yeah. But I'm talking about where it's defined in the US
[01:18:17] Unknown:
code. Yeah. Well, that's all. They're just listing the entity. That's all they're doing is listing the entities there and what you read. Right. But I'm just giving everybody in the audience a really detailed explanation or definition, an entity of person, an entity to whom the law ascribes rights and duties. Now, for the new folks here, this always been one of my litmus tests when I'm talking with especially US Patriot people, researchers. And and I ask them what what's a definition, legal definition of of the word person? And every one of them to no exception. A corporate fiction.
Okay. So, there's a guy out there, Bill Richardson, who's going around. Oh, you don't wanna be a person. You don't wanna be a person. Hey, Bill. Everybody's a person. You know, I tried to explain that to you before you very rudely hung up on me and my audience and told us we were full of ship high in transit. But here's somebody who just doesn't want this is the legal definition of person, you know? An entity to whom the law ascribes rights and duties. That's one of the most important things that I can teach you guys. K?
Now I did tell you, Julie, the only person that's ever gotten that question correct, and I mean answered it immediately, was my attorney in Argentina. So evidently, they are teaching the correct law in other parts of the world. Okay?
[01:20:00] Unknown:
Thank you, Roger.
[01:20:02] Unknown:
Sure, miss Julie. Pleasure. Okay. Who else has got somebody something here this morning? I know I know somebody does. Roger. You're you're you're sandbagging on me. Yes, Sherry. May I add,
[01:20:17] Unknown:
may I add what DW always said? What law and whose law?
[01:20:22] Unknown:
Yeah. What law and whose law? So, I'd say, it's quite a situation we find ourselves in, isn't it, Larry?
[01:20:35] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. Just a quick statistic. Julie was mentioning she was looking into the IRS regulations and there's like so many pages and I found this a couple of months ago that there's 1000000 words in the tax code statutes. There are 4000000 words in the regulations and 70000 pages of case law, which comes out to be 31500000 words.
[01:21:14] Unknown:
Yeah. You can read that before breakfast. Right? Tell us
[01:21:18] Unknown:
what's that?
[01:21:19] Unknown:
You can get you can get that read before breakfast. Right?
[01:21:23] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. And what I like about what you're teaching and what's so astonishing is, you could send one sentence to one guy on one sheet of paper and get out of it and also put the commissioner on notice with the, jurisdictional statement of 26 CFR one dot one dash one a, and that gets you out of it.
[01:21:51] Unknown:
Yep. So simple. See, the whole illusion. Now you can see why they act the way they do, and they've got it set up and intimidate you and go bully you and raid you with SWAT teams and everything else to keep you scared when the whole thing is just this one answer. And this one sentence on one piece of paper to one guy totally gets you out of it. Well, they know that, but we don't. K? That's why they're always so hyper on anybody getting together and they wanna take pictures of license plates and meetings and all that stuff. They're scared to death because they know how easy this thing is overturnable, folks. They know it. We don't.
[01:22:39] Unknown:
Is that you, Danny? What it Hey, Ryan. Yeah. That's me, bro. I I tuned in a little bit ago, and I'm what is this one thing? Oh, it's Dan. A whole long eight page rep Dan from Longmeadow, Massachusetts. Right? Well, you just need to do that.
[01:22:53] Unknown:
And you may not have in that eight pages covered what you've gotta do to remove yourself. I know.
[01:23:00] Unknown:
I know. So now I'm I'm I'm I'm requesting the wisdom there, mister Roger Williams. Okay. Well, that It's the magic one sentence.
[01:23:10] Unknown:
Okay. Well, I oh, the magic sentence is on the state department. It says, I, Dan, from Massachusetts. I, Dan, from Massachusetts. Do solemnly swear my intent to be a national and not a citizen of The United States. That's it. But you see what you're doing is you're rebutting the presumption there. You're taking away the permission you've accidentally given them your whole life. But you don't have to have eight pages to say that.
[01:23:36] Unknown:
Yeah. We took a good eight and listed, the same code that was mentioned there and several other things. I tracked it through and it most it made sense to me, so I understood it. But at the same time, it was I realized it was a lot. But don't you also have to at least tie together what you're saying? I I can't just show up at the Well, all you gotta do to my
[01:23:56] Unknown:
understand is rebut the presumption. You can do it one of two ways. You could say like it does there, I wanna be a national. Or you could say, I'm not related to black slaves who receive federal citizenship after the civil war. So you're approaching it from one of two ways. If you do it that second way, it presents them with a real interesting problem. It's it's almost impossible to disprove a negative. Either one will work.
[01:24:27] Unknown:
That's I wonder if you could probably say both. But at some I mean, don't you need to put in one line, therefore, I I shall be removed from The United States tax scheme? Don't you need to, like, scheme. Well, that's what you're
[01:24:42] Unknown:
doing effectively if you use our affidavit where it states in the second paragraph that, a national is very deceptively identified at 26 CFR 1.1 dash one a as a nonresident alien. How are they doing that? Nonresident to the residency of the fourteenth amendment and the state wherein they reside and alien from federal citizenship. So that's how they're using that term.
[01:25:13] Unknown:
Right. Right. Right. I'm still gonna if I send in one more, it'll be my fourth correspondence with them. If I send in one more, it's gonna Uh-huh. It's still gonna say that. I'm gonna use that language. Well, you'd say well, you you're telling them that. They're you're telling them how big of fraudsters they are in that second paragraph. But, Dan, I come back to this question I like to ask people.
[01:25:36] Unknown:
Dan, our good friend in Massachusetts, our new new friend from Massachusetts. Right? How well do you like to sleep at night? Well, I like that. I wanna sleep, but I wanna sleep. Alright. Well, then I want you to do whatever makes you sleep well.
[01:25:52] Unknown:
That's the best, Raj. It's if you pop out of the system, it's gonna make me sleep well. That's for sure. Okay. Alright. Well, I'll help you. We'll help you. Yep. Appreciate you, Roger. We'll send you your affidavit already, by the way. Late lady Linda got over here and helped and just sort of made sure we got it together and then They got it together. Fantastic. She's very she's very motherly like that, isn't she? She really is, and it's wonderful. And she even came to court with me yesterday, her and Jade.
[01:26:22] Unknown:
We were that turn out?
[01:26:25] Unknown:
They kicked me out, and they said, come back tomorrow. We ran out of time for you. And then I went back, which is today, and I got here a a little bit late, like, 09:30, and they kicked me out again. They said, no. Just come back tomorrow.
[01:26:38] Unknown:
Oh. I was like So they're putting you under their own their own form of diesel therapy?
[01:26:45] Unknown:
Something. Diesel. Right. Right. Deep my own diesel self imposed diesel therapy. Yeah. That's that's that's not even funny, but it's funny. It's funny.
[01:26:55] Unknown:
That's freaking hilarious, Roger. Well, we're glad you found this, Dan. We, you know, tip our hat to lady Linda for, sending us such wonderful new students as you and Ferris. Of course, I don't know if Ferris has done anything like send in affidavits. So he wants to come in here and make all these social comments, so I don't know about that. But we sure appreciate you, Dan. We're glad you're on board. Yes, Paul. Absolutely. I got some I got something for Dan. If they just keep on telling you come back tomorrow, come back tomorrow.
[01:27:25] Unknown:
Go right back down to the courthouse today or the the clerk and, file a fee schedule, $10,000 per appearance.
[01:27:35] Unknown:
And Okay. So I have somebody sign it.
[01:27:39] Unknown:
Has somebody signed a record? Well, you told me I was here day before yesterday. You told me to come back yesterday. I came back yesterday. Now you told me to come back today. Here's sign this that you're telling me to come back tomorrow. You know, Dan I'm here to do business.
[01:27:54] Unknown:
One of the things that you may wanna do, and I don't know how many of the audience, we've talked about this before, about the power of affidavits.
[01:28:03] Unknown:
[01:28:05] Unknown:
Well, you go down and write every well, I I I was supposed to appear in court then. I did this. They said come back tomorrow. I came back in the morning. They turned me away. They said come back the next day. And you document everything they're doing in an affidavit form just to have your butt covered.
[01:28:24] Unknown:
Not a bad idea, Roger. I'm gonna sit down and talk to somebody.
[01:28:27] Unknown:
They don't have one. Any anytime any of you get any kind of altercation, this isn't just court stuff. It's anybody. You have an accident, Something like that. Your first thing you do is go home and write out an affidavit and go get it notarized. Then you get to court and you get in court and you got an affidavit and I guarantee you they don't. Who you think wins that little battle?
[01:28:49] Unknown:
Right. Right. Exactly.
[01:28:51] Unknown:
Thank you, guys. Now there's a okay. You're welcome, Dan. Who's the female there? It's
[01:28:56] Unknown:
Sherry. Hey. I was just gonna say anytime you have any dealings with the court system and they give you in verbal instruction, get that in writing before you leave.
[01:29:07] Unknown:
Yeah. I'm not sure.
[01:29:10] Unknown:
Kind of a bad idea. I did I did not do that. But I'll be back I'll be back tomorrow. I wanna I I wanna get in front of this judge and and and and and try and get my case dismissed for the driver's license. So Well,
[01:29:24] Unknown:
as I tell y'all, I consider my job to try and keep you out of the courtroom. Sometimes that's not impossible. Yeah. No. It's no fun. Yep. It's but, our overall objective is to keep you out of there. Okay? And even if you do get in there, maybe to try and deal with it administratively on the front end and see if you can get it dismissed or swept under the carpet that way. That's that's gonna be best. I've learned a lot of lessons through all of this. Unless you're just a unless you're just a masochist, I I don't know why somebody would wanna go in there and do that.
[01:30:01] Unknown:
Well, part of us some of us do wanna get in because we wanna got that that experience. I part of a Yeah. Well, I'm not saying that. And and I don't blame them. I I can't blame. Plus, it teaches the court. We got I mean, in some ways, we gotta teach the court a little bit, don't we? That show up Well, I
[01:30:17] Unknown:
I mean, our experience well, our experience is most of them don't know their ass from a hole in the dirt in this area. Ignorance. So those are valid points.
[01:30:27] Unknown:
K? But Yep. Ignorance of law is no excuse. They they
[01:30:32] Unknown:
as they beat us, beat the hell out of us with it, we can do the same thing. I guess we could use that on them, couldn't we? Ignorance of the real law is no excuse. Black Oh. Black rogue bandit.
[01:30:46] Unknown:
Right. Well, I'll be saying some of that tomorrow. That's for sure. But, anyway, guy, I'll I'll guys, I'll I'll do it, and thank you very much. Linda, is Linda gonna come over and go with you? I guess probably not. Yes, sir.
[01:31:00] Unknown:
Hey. This is Paul from Kentucky.
[01:31:03] Unknown:
[01:31:05] Unknown:
[01:31:07] Unknown:
I I actually was a gentleman clearing my throat, but I didn't mean to clear it to get a chance to talk. I just didn't realize my mute wasn't on. But, I do have a couple things I do have a couple things to share. About ten well, twenty years ago now, a gentleman, who's, a part of the same kind of, movement we are, approached me and gave me some documentation on how to file with the, IRS to become tax exempt. And I don't have the paperwork readily in front of me, but I remember has said that, I and I had to list my name, and it said do not wish to participate in this voluntary tax.
And since that time, every few years, I I send that documentation back in kinda to renew that. However, I recently had a client take taxes out on me because I work mainly as a contractor. And, needless to say, before I had a chance to, object or or or reach out to the IRS, I guess they looked up my file and ended up mailing me a check for the exact amount that the client had deducted out of my pay.
[01:32:40] Unknown:
So I thought I would share that. That's kinda shocking on a couple of, levels. One Very, very shocking. Just, just addressing the IRS does not generally solve the problem. I would quote you Correct. Level case, that was on, may still be, over there on Copper Moonshine still, which, said unless a person can prove they're not a citizen of The United States, the IRS can, move on to assessment and collection, I believe. And see, just sending them correspondence. Stating something doesn't prove anything. You got to do it with the secretary of state. Now I don't know how they why that happened with you. And, generally, my knowledge, they don't send you money back unless you, request it in some sort of a form. But if that happened to you, good good on you, Paul.
[01:33:35] Unknown:
Well, I did file an affidavit with the client that deducted taxes that stated that I am I understand. I'm just I was making that. And then Okay. The other thing, Roger, I'm still working. I've not heard back from Brent yet, but I'm still working on trying to figure out how to approach this Court of Appeals situation because, the first time I went ahead and filed and filed my briefs, and I understand the protocol of filing with the court of appeals. But then recently, I have two other cases that came up back to back that were forced into the court of appeals.
And at that point, the button went off that the lower courts failed to do process, and they're they're not doing their job forcing the court of appeals to do their job for them and forcing me to pay extra money and drag it out for an extended length of time because lower courts are failing to do process. So I I've asked for a hundred and twenty day extension with the Court of Appeals because I'm trying to figure out how to address this negligence issue on the lower court side. Like, the lower courts should have made a competent and coherent decision. They just made some haphazard random decision, when I requested findings and facts and conclusions of law.
One judge told me, one judge completely ignored me as if I that he was deaf, and then the other judge did respond back in a, letter saying that they could provide it, but it would be a waste of the judge's time. Like, judge is too busy to do that. So, I'm trying to figure out how to approach this with the Court of Appeals because if you go on the website of the Kentucky Court of Appeals, their purpose is not to do what were what three of my cases are sitting in in their court to do. So it'd be like if you got a, parking ticket and they summons you to federal court. Well, it's not a federal problem that you parked in the wrong spot or your meter expired.
So I'm really in the wrong court, but I've been forced there because of the negligence of the prior court, and I yield.
[01:36:19] Unknown:
Okay. Well, we generally don't deal with those kind of situations around here. And, I, you know, I I try and get people to stay out of court. And you did all this. To my knowledge, Paul, didn't you do this in your other status? Isn't all of these court things originating in your other status?
[01:36:40] Unknown:
[01:36:42] Unknown:
Okay. Well,
[01:36:44] Unknown:
I I I totally agree with that. Not being an American national status. Yes. And the reason Okay. We spoke about this last time, it was just I I didn't know it at the time. Lack of knowledge.
[01:36:57] Unknown:
Right. Right. Well, you can correct it, but you can't go back and impose it on what started in another, political status to my knowledge. Okay?
[01:37:09] Unknown:
So Correct. I I believe you're right. I I've done extensive research, and to my knowledge, you are correct. I've not found something that says differently, and I yield. Yep. Okay. Well, good luck with it, Paul. I wish we could help. I just
[01:37:25] Unknown:
you know Okey doke. It's I don't see what aid we can give you. Larry, what you got?
[01:37:31] Unknown:
I was gonna say, you know, he can always hire a paralegal. He could still, you know, represent himself and hire a paralegal that's familiar with the laws of Kentucky. And, you know, here's the thing, I I once heard from a a wise old attorney. He said, you're gonna pay either way. You're gonna either pay with your time or you're gonna pay with your money.
[01:37:57] Unknown:
Yep. Paul, you may want to, he's been sick since you've been coming around, so you might not have even heard Mark on here. But we've got a very good paralegal that might could help you with that. And and his name is Mark, and you can, access him. You got a pencil? I don't mind giving out his email address.
[01:38:21] Unknown:
You got a pencil No problem. Hang on one second. Alright.
[01:38:27] Unknown:
Alright. I'm ready, sir. Alright. His email is strawman@mark,allcaps,.com. Straw man at mark, all caps, dot com. Uh-huh. He's he's been real sick for a few weeks, and, hopefully, we'll get him back soon. He usually participates on here quite often, but you can drop him an email Okay. And tell him my bird dog's over there. Okay?
[01:38:59] Unknown:
Wonderful. Thank you again. I just keep putting it out there. Hopefully, I did have a guy yesterday after the call, mister Garcia. He shared some good wisdom with me as well. And, I'm picking up nuggets here and there, but not enough to, you know, to to take it out. So thank you again, Roger. Well, it's a it's a heck of a brain yes. It's a heck of a brain pool we've got here that you
[01:39:25] Unknown:
can, fall back on and ask some of these folks questions. Yes. Roger, you said Roger. Is that Dave? I no. It's me, Julie. Oh, it's Julie.
[01:39:37] Unknown:
Sorry. Hey. I'm trying to talk softer because I don't wanna be too loud with my phone. You I thought you made a statement earlier that the code of federal regulations do not apply to nonresident aliens or nationals. Is that correct? They do. Well, 26 does. None of the others do. Okay. So 26 does. So okay. Yeah. Do you know, Julie,
[01:40:00] Unknown:
do you know that, title 26 was never passed by the senate or signed by the president?
[01:40:08] Unknown:
I think you mentioned that along with the fact that all of those, many of those amendments like the sixteenth and the seventeenth and others were not properly ratified by the states, because three quarters of states did not
[01:40:22] Unknown:
vote. They were fraudulently ratified, both of those. That's proven, by Bill Benson, another Benson. Bill Benson from Chicago, who I would assume is probably not with us anymore. But, yeah, he's the one, and a guy named Red Beckman. Have you ever heard of him, Julie Red Beckman? I've not. Who is he? He was one of the real patriarchs of our movement. He started FEEDIA and a bunch of other stuff. IRS bulldozed down his house, but he and Bill Benson. Bill Benson worked for the Illinois tax division, and he always felt like he saw something in there that he knew was wrong. And when he retired, he hooked up for some time with Red Beckman, and they had a benefactor, and they flew them to every state in the union that was a state at that time. And they went into the archives of every one of them and got certified and notarized copies and proved wrote two books called The Law That Never Was by Bill Benson. And they proved that both of those amendments were fraudulently ratified.
It there there wasn't one state that properly ratified the sixteenth amendment. Not the way it's they put out a, they pass a bill and they pass it around to the states. I believe they have to have three quarters to add it to the Constitution. But that bill has to be read three times in the state legislature, in open legislature, and voted on three times before it's added to the not a jot, not a tittle can be changed, not a comma, not a period, and there was not one state that did that. Well, that's a great question. Two states. Oregon was a state back at that time, I believe, strangely enough, and New Jersey.
And both of those states had previously initially ratified it and then attempted to withdraw their ratification as more information came out on it, and they wouldn't let them. This is back in the
[01:42:31] Unknown:
Isn't there also,
[01:42:32] Unknown:
Roger, correct me if I'm wrong, something that you have to have an acting or an enabling clause that you were making a Yes. Yes. There's an an enabling clause and you have legislation and then there's another clause that allows it to get power. And, a lot of these things don't have an enabling clause too. There's all kinds of little tricks and things they've done to pull this off. And these people are so evil. Oh, they're unbelievably evil. Unbelievably evil. There is nothing that they are will not do. Nothing out of their repertoire.
So, that's why I hate them so much. By the way, if you're listening, you kite bastards, I hate you and I beg you. I hate you with a absolute purple passion and I beg you to put me at number one on your hate list. Just spell my name right. Okay? And you just put me up there because I hate your damn you son of a bitches. Lying, murdering, thieving, self righteous, satanic bastards.
[01:43:37] Unknown:
I hate to to that list too.
[01:43:39] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, don't worry. They'll never put you on the hate list. They're they're nothing but chicken shits. K? They got no courage at all. They've always gotta have somebody doing their dirty work. They've always gotta have somebody to hide behind. They're chicken shits, I'm telling you. Look at them running from look at them running from Trump. Yes.
[01:44:06] Unknown:
Roger, it's Sherry. I came across some new information regarding original state constitutions West Of The Mississippi. And, some gentlemen went to the National Archives, and they found them under miscellaneous documents. So there is another layer of deception when it comes to the state constitutions. Yeah. And I will just, address the four that I know of. Number 55 is Washington State Constitution, miscellaneous document number 55. Miscellaneous document 40 is Montana's. Miscellaneous document number 39 is Oregon. And miscellaneous document 34 is Colorado.
I yield.
[01:44:58] Unknown:
Well, what are those revised constitutions that they filed, or what's filed?
[01:45:06] Unknown:
They're the original, and they actually have, wording that says any public, official that, enables or, gives, oh, what's the word I'm looking for? AIDS and a bets, a a corporation Yeah. That is totally unlawful.
[01:45:28] Unknown:
So A corporation?
[01:45:30] Unknown:
That is a corporation. That's right. So, that is the language that has been taken out of the revised constitutions.
[01:45:42] Unknown:
Yeah. So Okay.
[01:45:44] Unknown:
Evidently, there's the man who put this forward is Kurt with a k, Riggan. And what I will say is that people should look that up, and they are really, in Oregon anyway. They don't wanna give up that miscellaneous document. They are, trying to keep it hidden still.
[01:46:15] Unknown:
Yeah. Like the treasury hard drives? Is there a website or something associate Sherry, hold on. Is there a website you've got? Would you please give it out and and maybe put it in the chat? Still under construction.
[01:46:30] Unknown:
He does have YouTube's, correct Rick in courtroom kung fu.
[01:46:37] Unknown:
Courtroom kung fu?
[01:46:40] Unknown:
[01:46:41] Unknown:
That's his channel that's his channel name. That's cute. That's right. Glasshopper. Yeah. That's that's some very cute, Glasshopper. Let's see. 45. Okay. Well, thanks, Sherry. If you get find out more or less, no. It doesn't surprise me. That happened after the civil war. Right?
[01:47:01] Unknown:
Correct. The two dates I have, for Colorado, it was 1876 constitution, and Washington was 1878. And, again, it's just another layer of deception where they have,
[01:47:18] Unknown:
Well, that's, the of the They're original. Yep. They, set up all things where they can create an illusion. And we that's all we've ever known our whole lives, folks. That's what this information does is it pulls you out of that because you start using words correctly with correct definitions attached to them, and it makes everything real and not illusionary. Folks, and the whole thing is built under two that you are free and that that debt is money. It's built under those two planks right there. Yep. As hard as it is to believe and that people will do unbelievable things to chase these debt notes.
They will lower themselves. They will transgress any morals and ethics, if they have any, and and to get that stuff. And it's just like my shaman friend used to be when I was in Argentina, and we discussed this. He he really hit it right on the head. He said, money, you know, debt, both of them really, are energy. It's just compressed energy. And if you don't believe that, wave a fistful of them of them in front of somebody's face and see if they don't get energized. Money is energy. Isn't that an interesting concept?
[01:48:56] Unknown:
It causes them to try and figure out how they're gonna get some of that.
[01:49:01] Unknown:
Yeah. Yes, ma'am.
[01:49:03] Unknown:
It's Martha. Oh, god. A reminder good morning. Just a reminder to all students on the notices. As soon as you send out your affidavit, you can start working on your lawful legal notices and send them out as as soon as possible so you don't run into issues. You want them to know that you're national.
[01:49:24] Unknown:
But, you know, I would urge you not to procrastinate on that. Like I told Victor, we've had at least two or three cases of people that for whatever reason didn't follow-up and do that, and then something happened. They got a speeding ticket or something. And your your fight uphill at that point is just a lot steeper than if you've at least put them on notice. You've got something to fall back on. If you haven't, you don't. You gotta start at the Secretary of State and build on that. So try and do it, please.
[01:49:55] Unknown:
They can send them out as soon as their affidavit hits the mail. They can send them out right now.
[01:50:01] Unknown:
And by the way, you don't have to wait for your green card to come back. When you take that, take it to the post office and either the certified return receipt or even ask the clerk if you're just gonna send it with with a stamp to take the post office stamp and cancel that stamp right there. It's considered in the system at that point, and it's considered received. Period. Just like the IRS does to you, and they don't even have it canceled because now they don't have franking privileges. That's one way you know they're, that they're not a government agency is they have to buy buy their own stamps.
Government agencies and senators and congressmen have what they call franking privileges, so they get to send stuff free like Padgett. We haven't heard from Padgett a long time, have we? Boy, listen. You do, folks, Julie. Julie, you wanna see a type a lioness. Woo. Boy, this girl is right at the top of the list. Pageant out of California. Yeah. Pageant. We've got a list from past student. Can you hear me?
[01:51:10] Unknown:
I can hear you now. Yeah.
[01:51:12] Unknown:
We got a student, female, that that was South African that then they moved to Australia. Her mother is a international tennis champion, and they live out in LA. And she is a type double a lioness. K? She's something. We haven't heard from her in a while, but, you'll you'll cross paths with her one day. And I'm just so tickled. We didn't used to have women like this in the patriot movement, folks. Folks, excuse me, it's supposed to be it's because it's because I can't talk. I can I can claim I can claim host impediment on that one?
[01:51:57] Unknown:
Okay. Hey. Hey, Paul. Hey, Paul. Yeah?
[01:52:01] Unknown:
Is there any plea you could ask? We've got him coming out of our ears.
[01:52:05] Unknown:
Okay. Yeah. We do. Yeah. I know I really rubbed Paul the wrong way when I first came on because I didn't realize my volume was irritating and I just didn't know how to fix it, so I apologize to anybody and everybody say I send it because I I couldn't hear myself talk. So but, is there any way you can add on that matrix doc site? I mean, some sort of large banner or something that says any reproduction of these, documents for sale is a crime or something like that?
[01:52:35] Unknown:
Oh, it's already there. So it is? This website is presented and should be considered as
[01:52:43] Unknown:
people I think there's a fair amount of people out there that are trying to resell these documents produced by They better not they damn well better not let me catch them
[01:52:53] Unknown:
doing that. Yeah. Yeah.
[01:52:56] Unknown:
Let's see. Here, it's right it's right on the matrix stocks. It takes my computer a minute to load things. But, the information presented on this website is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and should be used at your own risk, considered open source, used for personal and noncommercial purposes only, and freely distributed without cost or limitation. For freedom seekers, here you see the origin and the remedy of the matrix, if you know what you're looking for. Good, Paul. Very good.
[01:53:31] Unknown:
Hey. I Yeah. I just never Sometimes I don't give a damn. But that's one thing that happened to me a long time ago is I learned that less is more. And I and, Julie, you know, there's an old saying, even if you win the rat race, you're still a rat. So I just checked out of it. I just quit, I just quit getting into material things and trying to get my cost of living down as as low as I could. I'm totally happy. I don't have to live in a big house on a hill and and wear silk silk smoking jackets around and all that stuff. I can't drive a $4,000,000 car like that idiot Altman.
Hey, just not the what I learned was, and I got this through a divorce really, is I learned that possessions, you don't own them, that they own you, and then they own you. And on top of that, they don't love you back. Okay? And and I just don't want anything like that. So less is more to me and I'm happy as I got more than I say grace over. Okay? Alright. So that's just my philosophy and, it's the people that have that ego, the possession more and more and more. Like, my half brother that stole my inheritance. You know? I'd have more. I always wanted to be rich. Okay. Go. Hope, you know, good luck. Yeah, Paul.
[01:54:57] Unknown:
I'd like to take a couple of minutes. You know, speaking of rat races, of course, I'd like to take a couple of minutes and and just reiterate that this is a fast paced program and that there are a lot of comments and a lot of people that wanna jump in and say things. And I would like to take a moment to publicly apologize to Joe. His, his input was very valuable, and he is and has always been a valuable addition to this program as is everyone else.
[01:55:27] Unknown:
And I didn't mean to jump on Joe. I quite frankly thought it was somebody else. Okay? So I I apologize to Joe too. We he's a very valued participant here in our daily dealings.
[01:55:41] Unknown:
As is everyone. So Yeah. Of course. But, you know, Joe Joe doesn't really say a whole lot. He he's very soft spoken. He's very reserved. But when he's got a piece of information that benefits people, he is right there, and he is ready to share it. And we value
[01:55:59] Unknown:
that. And he's he's a great guy, and we love him to death like we do all of y'all. So and I'm sorry that I kinda jumped on him. But but what happens is and I probably had a good addition of that. But with me, sometimes when that happens, then I lose where the hell I am. K? Because I'm totally in, the this is rolling off of my mind right here. Okay? All of it.
[01:56:22] Unknown:
The point it's I think the point he was trying to make is you write them a check. If they cash it, when they endorse it, they've agreed to the terms of the contract that completed your obligation to that. So they have to give you your passport anywhere. They have to send it back.
[01:56:42] Unknown:
Restrictive endorsements are very powerful, you know, for deposit only or whatever. So, anyway, sorry, Joe, if we offended you. Hope not. Hope you got thicker skin than that. So let's see. Were you finished with that? With few minutes you wanted? Okay. Well, we got a couple of minutes left for anybody that's just dying to say something. So we'd love to hear from you, and we'll close out the show on it. So any of you out there that have got comments on whatever we've covered today and or anything else, you know, we're pretty open around here.
[01:57:20] Unknown:
I just wanna say I look at Joe as an elder with wisdom. Yeah. And so when he comes in and says comment, he's showing respect for the platform.
[01:57:31] Unknown:
He is. And I'm I'm sorry. I thought it was somebody else. K?
[01:57:38] Unknown:
[01:57:39] Unknown:
[01:57:41] Unknown:
I just wanna say, thank you to everybody on here and that I love you all dearly and, there's nothing I wouldn't do for any of you if any of you guys ever needed my help. So from the from the bottom of my heart, if I've ever in any way shape or form, butted in when I shouldn't have, I apologize for that. It was just excitement on my part because I had un I had to unlearn all this stuff from all the other teachers. And when I met Roger, I was so excited about this, but I just wanna tell all you guys how much I appreciate all you from the bottom of my heart. This group has probably meant the most to me out of anything I've ever joined before, So I yield. It's a unique forum. It's a unique group. It's unique information, and it creates a unique bond, Julie. I think.
[01:58:27] Unknown:
And it doesn't matter whatever your differences might be on another level. If you're connected on this level right here, it's all fine pretty much. K? So, and you are my family. I mean, really, only family I've got left that I care to recognize quite frankly. So it's very and I do and I've I've telling you this sincerely, I consider you to be my children. Okay? Because just like John Benson gave me a second life, a life here I never dreamed of. Okay? Never even dreamed of. And it was him. My biological father gave me the first one. John Benson gave me the second one. Okay? And I know that that's happening with some of you because I hear from you. And you come back and say, you've changed my life. You know, multiple people have done that, not just one. Alright? And that's why I say this is life changing information because it is. It changes the way you think, and you can't change the way you think without changing the way you live.
It's life changing Hey, dad. Nation. And I'm glad all of you stumbled into it, and it resonated with you. Go ahead, Paul.
[01:59:41] Unknown:
Can I get more more allowance?
[01:59:47] Unknown:
Yeah. I was gonna say thank you for not calling us baby goats.
[01:59:52] Unknown:
They can call us stupid and not kids. I appreciate that, Roger. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And there is a difference. I understand that. And, well, I mean, it's just, I don't have any children. So I know I'm affecting you people like this. Maybe not all of you. I hope all of you, but certainly some of you. And it it gives my life a bunch of purpose. Okay? And I'm gonna tell you one thing. If you've never lived a life of purpose, you have no idea how fulfilling that can be. Mhmm. It's not money. It's not other stuff, not possessions. It's nothing you're chasing. It's this goodness of truth and honesty and looking at the world in reality, And all of you can now do it. You couldn't before. You tried to. You could peep around the corner, but you couldn't get there. Well, you got there here. So, love each and every one of you, and I'll see you back tomorrow. And these shows are the highlights of my day. Okay?
[02:00:52] Unknown:
Really are getting with you guys on a regular basis. Thank you, Ryan. Keith on. You did change my life. For real. You did. Well, there you go. Thank you.
[02:01:01] Unknown:
You're welcome, Boris. So it happens. So anyway and, today is, Tuesday, so it's the lunch deal today. And, so if anybody's got anything for me, I would suggest you ask it now.
[02:01:17] Unknown:
Well, I hope that you, run into the guy that retired from the USAID.
[02:01:23] Unknown:
Yeah. Lars. He's such a nice guy. I mean, you just really can't help but like him. We got into a a potential discussion about a month ago or something. And, Sherry, I could beat him like a baby seal. Okay? But, honestly, I went up to him and said, large, I could just beat you to death on this, but I'm not gonna even open it because I like you too much. And that's the way he is. He's just a nice guy. I've gotten way past the line of trying to argue with those kind of things. Yes, dear?
[02:01:55] Unknown:
I just have a question. If he's been retired for thirty years, how old is the man? I
[02:02:01] Unknown:
said he hasn't lived in The US in thirty years. I'm not sure how long he's been retired.
[02:02:07] Unknown:
Oh, gotcha. Okay. I yield.
[02:02:10] Unknown:
Alright, Larry. Delightful day, Roger. I think his cloud Yeah. We're both awesome. There.
[02:02:16] Unknown:
I was wondering, is there any recordings out there that we can post on your website, with John Benson teaching something?
[02:02:31] Unknown:
You know, there's one, video that's on YouTube that he was in a radio interview with that I saw, I don't know, a couple of years ago. That's the only one I can think of. I've probably I I dare to say probably not, that I can lay my hands on, Larry. I'm sorry.
[02:02:54] Unknown:
Well, if you if you happen to find it, maybe you could tell Paul
[02:02:58] Unknown:
about it. Well, if I if I can if somebody finds it and sends me a link, I'll announce it on the air, you know, or play it. It was on tax stuff. But, yeah, he was just such a, an effective guy. Boy boy, what a life as you all know or many of you, this is life changing information. It's like taking your underwear and pulling them just as hard as you can, and when you let go of one end, they never snap back. Well, when you're in your mind crosses this, your mind never snaps back. K? It can't.
[02:03:36] Unknown:
Bob, can I ask you? Yeah.
[02:03:39] Unknown:
Go ahead. Albeit slightly creepy analogy.
[02:03:43] Unknown:
The sand. It's like a request. We do operation wise zone thing twice a week, and there's a lot of participants talking about stuff, Patriot Group online.
[02:03:53] Unknown:
Would you be willing to be a guest at some point if I just throw it out? Sure. If you yeah. If you want if you want to. Yeah. I I'd do that for you, Dan. What's it on YouTube or something?
[02:04:04] Unknown:
Well, we don't publish it on YouTube, by the way. We have it vaccines because sometimes it lasts for a couple hours, but Eddie Craig was on. A couple other folks have been on so far. We're, you know Right. We're a good group. All Yeah. Okay.
[02:04:16] Unknown:
Well, you let me know. You got my email address. Right?
[02:04:20] Unknown:
[02:04:21] Unknown:
Okay. Well, shoot me an email, and I'll do that. We'll schedule it. I don't know about any. Craig thinks our stuff's a bunch of junk, so I don't know. A number of other people do too.
[02:04:33] Unknown:
He thinks everything's a bunch of junk. This is I'm all good on that. We were just looking for different perspectives and the things in Roger Europe Wealth. Anyway but thanks, Raj. That was it. I just asked. Okay, Dan. It'd be my pleasure.
[02:04:47] Unknown:
So, anyway, I'm going to lunch, folks. Any of you got anything else for me? Before I exit stage yes. There's Joan. I should have known. Yes, Joan.
[02:04:57] Unknown:
May I ask a Netanyahu question?
[02:05:02] Unknown:
Am I a Netanyahu expert?
[02:05:06] Unknown:
Well, you might know about this. I just was walking through a room and the audio was off, and I saw a video of, Netanyahu sitting next to Trump. And and Trump was holding up one of those, what do you call it? That's foot one or two feet tall. Those where he found executive orders and, you know, it's like in a black little book kind of thing and or navy blue. And and Netanyahu and him were, and, like like, he had just signed something in favor of Netanyahu. Did did you see that, like, yesterday or the day that you know what it was? No.
[02:05:43] Unknown:
And to my knowledge, he arrived in New York yesterday. I've been in DC yesterday, and he's planning to be there all week. So, as big an egomaniac as that crazy bastard is, I imagine you'll see a bunch of shots of him.
[02:05:59] Unknown:
Have a good lunch.
[02:06:01] Unknown:
Okay. I don't know if any of y'all know this. About a year ago, this story resurfaced. It resurfaced on Harrison one morning, and it was about Netanyahu and the fact that he had this the the most famous psychiatrist in Israel in this field, diagnostics or whatever it was. And and he was Netanyahu's psychiatrist, and he committed suicide. And in his suicide note, he blamed Netanyahu and his lies. That's and that happened. Turns out it happened back in 2011, but they really must have buried it. Nobody I don't remember hearing about it, and it's something I would have remembered. But he the the number one psychiatrist in Israel in this field was Netanyahu's personal psychiatrist.
He committed suicide, and he blamed Netanyahu in the suicide note. Hello? Roger? Yes.
[02:07:05] Unknown:
His real last name is Milikowski, and he's not Jewish, so I yield.
[02:07:12] Unknown:
Who? Netanyahu?
[02:07:14] Unknown:
Yeah. His real last name is Malikowski. It's just like, George Bush. George Bush's real last name is Sherf, and he's a Nazi from Austria. And so these people who are globalists running the world, they have changed their names, and they have misrepresented
[02:07:31] Unknown:
where they are originally from. Well, I have those Jews who call themselves Jews that are not, they're the synagogue of Satan, they lie. That's that's straight from Jesus right there.
[02:07:42] Unknown:
Yep. And he's, he he said yesterday live, he was on Stupider's, how they are going to continue furthering their takeover of Gaza and Palestine and and Syria and stuff. So he's just nothing but a a trash.
[02:08:00] Unknown:
He's just another Zionist king, you know, lying piece of shit. Okay? As they all are that I've that you you know about. Anyway, I'm going to lunch. We can talk about it tomorrow. Probably, no doubt, see some shots of of the yo yo man himself. So, I'll see y'all then. Have a great day, and, love, love all of you. Bye.
[02:08:29] Unknown:
May I on the, virus?
[02:08:32] Unknown:
[02:08:35] Unknown:
I have there's a fellow called Joseph, or Joel Rory, who wrote, if you Google Idaho Observer
[02:08:45] Unknown:
[02:08:48] Unknown:
plus, the great dictionary conspiracy. Joseph has since had a stroke, and it's hard to talk to him on the phone, but he he was an amazing researcher. He had a lot of the original books that he scanned in, that you can get as CDs. But, what he what he had done, his big research was that there's really been no true due process since after 1860 and that whenever you file something, you should reference the pre your state's pre-eighteen sixty constitutions. When I asked him that question about what about states that were into the union after 1860, His statement, as I remember, was that all those states would still follow the original 13 despite whatever their constitutions might have, might have been written as they're supposed to follow the original 13 constitution.
So, I thought that that was that was enlightening. And then, in fact, he helped me one time where I had an IRS matter. I had a company at the time, and the IRS kept coming around in my office. And, they, he basically said you can write them a no trespass letter. You know, if you can prove, basically, that you were, you're a constitutional based on the original prior to 1860 constitution, then and its amendments, then, you know, by all means, I'm happy to to deal with you. But if you're not you're not to contact me, and every letter will be returned returned to sender.
And, sure enough, they went away. I mean, I knew the guy. I knew the agent actually who was who was, moved on on me at the time and played you know, he didn't play golf with him, but he was at the same golf course all the time that I was. So, anyway, loads of research, especially what true due process is. And prior to 1860, basically, all the amendments and everything after 1860 are fraudulent yield.
[02:11:23] Unknown:
Hey, George. Hey, George. Did you say that what you just said has anything to do with our affidavit of national status?
[02:11:38] Unknown:
What I said was background information that, yeah, our status is important, of course. And this you know, the law of nations, of course, is is, critical. And then also you can basically call a spade a spade by teaching, that, you know, anything after 1860 is, is fraudulent anyway because, you know, of what they did to the South's congresses. So, the states were you know, the republic was basically killed, if you will, the original founders. Essentially, the republic was finally killed. And in fact, that's why a lot of the people were knocked off after, you know look at all the not only US Leaders, but world leaders that were knocked off, say, between 1860 and 1935 or whatever.
You can kind of see the consolidation of what was happening through that as well, the assassinations and whatnot. But, but, yeah, I think it's good supplementary information, and, actually, seminal information that puts a lot of meat into the national status. And then what what it also did what they also did was Cheryl Bitterlings of Virginia when she was still alive. Remember she took an IRS member or matter into state court. And, basically, the judge said, well, we're afraid of the feds. We're afraid of the federal government. And so this is the Virginian saying that.
It's just the state judge. And, I remember what they wrote was they wrote all 50 governors and said, you know, you're the chief executive, if you will, of the state. The governor the governor's office is still there despite what the feds did. The confederation was supposed to be the confederation of the states. And basically, they wrote letters to all 50 governors saying, you know, that they're to protect, these, you know, state citizens and not to run roughshod, especially with the executive branch because, of course, all the money that flows in from the feds into the executive branch, all these traffic matters, you know, drug matters, whatever these things are that trample on people's rights are, are, you know, extra extra constitutional.
And, you know, they're they're in the fourteenth amendment constitution, obviously, but but not in the original pre 1860 constitution before the war of northern aggression. I yield.
[02:14:17] Unknown:
Okay. Good. Thank you. That'd be good.
[02:14:28] Unknown:
Yeah. I think I I don't know if I sent the letter to, Mark because I thought it'd be good the the letter that they wrote to all 50 governors, I thought was very good, and it fits with our kinda what we're doing is is, you know, notifying the the different agencies. And I I actually have a copy of my letter. If anybody's interested, I could email it to you. And it basically just notices the governor that, hey. We know what went on, you know, pre 1860. We know what happened after 1860. And, we know your office your de jure office exists even though if it's not occupied. And in fact, you know, most of the governors are, turners anyway, and they're actually fourteenth amendment citizens, if you will. So feds. So, you know, it just puts them on notice, I think, for if you ever had to do any kind of a common lawsuit against any of these creatures and critters at Yield.
[02:15:32] Unknown:
Thank you, George. Send it to
[02:15:41] Unknown:
I'm doing my walk at the mall, so sorry if I'm huffing and puffing.
[02:15:47] Unknown:
[02:15:51] Unknown:
No. That's okay. No worries there, but please forward that notice to the governor's letter.
[02:16:00] Unknown:
Thank you. Sure will. Sure will. And, by the way, Joel, I'm gonna address it for right now, Somerville, South Carolina. He had shut down a court before because and I'll send you his affidavit too. They sent it to the governor. That also got written up by I'm not sure if it's Idaho Observer, but somebody wrote up, Joseph Brody's amazing affidavit. But then so I'll send you that. And then he did shut down a court, basically, because there was a and he, you know, he's just telling the truth about the law. He said there was a black judge trying to move on on his case, and he basically, he actually shut down the whole court. I don't know if they resolved the case or what the the whole deal that it's not like he recused I don't think he recused the judge. I think he actually shut down the whole court as being, not the right form for, you know, for his status.
[02:17:04] Unknown:
Thank you. I haven't thought about the Idaho Observer in years.
[02:17:11] Unknown:
Yeah. Hasn't been, hasn't been gone for the site's still up, though, and they can still grab articles out of there. And his research into, like, how they I think it was Joseph Worcester and, Noah Webster, one of the Webster's dictionary. There was a big controversy, and they were changing the words, like, the definition of the words, like, they changed the words of vaccine recently. They changed the words of, like, e pluribus, one of them, and federal and other such words and that that's he he breaks that down in that article, the great, the great dictionary conspiracy. And it took place, you know, right around the time of that civil war.
And those are, you know, right in those areas where they were gonna start to redefine the terms of because that that's what they are. You know, words have definitions, but they can use terms like IRS always uses terms. Right? Like, nonresident alien or so things like that. That's how you define a man now as nonresident alien. I yield.
[02:18:10] Unknown:
I was gonna say they've been changing definitions. And I think that that's, the generational gap as well. Children are taught, different definitions in school, so they cannot communicate on an even par with their mom and dad. They don't understand each other, and no one is the wiser. Mom thinks she's saying something to the child, and the child is saying something completely different. It's crazy, but that's how they separate us. I yield.
[02:18:47] Unknown:
Yeah. The most recent example of that has been the whole critical theory game. Right? So using critical theory across all all aspects of life. I yield.
[02:19:28] Unknown:
Hey, George. My phone was breaking up so bad, back, before Jerry was talking with you. When you said, we you said all governors are something, and my phone was breaking up so bad. Did do you remember what you said? Maybe it was about, five minutes ago. And you
[02:19:59] Unknown:
Sorry. Were you asking me I was just talking to a guy. I just missed part of your question. I wasn't sure if you were just to Georgia, Idaho.
[02:20:09] Unknown:
Yeah. Do do you remember about five minutes ago before you started talking with Sherry? You you said, oh, we know all governors are something. My phone was breaking up so bad. I missed the word you said right after. All governors are.
[02:20:28] Unknown:
Well, I think, yeah, most of them are fourteenth amendment citizens. Right? They're they're and their lawyers probably are turn are turnovers, and they're, they're controlling the they're controlling the office. So Joseph's contention was always he, like, he was he didn't really see how you could set up, like, a parallel country, you know, how people are calling out these, oh, we're gonna elect the governor and all this kind of stuff. He's like, no. The governor's office is the governor's office. It's just being operated as de facto instead of de jure. So the office is still there, and that's why, you know, anything else would be, like, kind of an insurrection if you try to set up, like, a a parallel government, if you will.
So, and that's why but he he also said, well, the governor, you know, they're they're the executive branch, and most of the most of the agencies that are gonna operate against us are gonna be out of the executive, you know, branch like police and all that kind of stuff. So so education. Right? And, of course, they'll they'll pass the laws in the legislature, but then the one that's gonna, like, enforce it or whatever is gonna be is gonna be the executive branch. So that's why he that's why they addressed after the research, they addressed it to the governor about the letter of protection and the affidavit. And the affidavit basically gets a note that, you know, I'm a Christian male born on one of the original in my case, I was born on one of the original colonies, but, it was it it could be apropos for anybody, and it's a Christian now. And you're you're just saying that this is this is the way the law was set up originally and not this communist system that they basically have right now or whatever system it's called. All of our call or name you can name a thousand other ones, but it's definitely not, obviously, a a freedom centric, constrained liberty system anymore.
So but I think the not doing the the affidavit justice by talking about it. I think it's better for people to read it and read the letter. The letter is probably five or six pages to the governor, I yield.
[02:22:42] Unknown:
Thank you.
[02:22:44] Unknown:
Well, the governor is the CEO of the corporation. But, let us speak about man and woman as opposed to male and female. Male and female is legal. So
[02:23:04] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. That's what it says. I'm a
[02:23:07] Unknown:
I believe this is a Christian man. If I use the word male, that was, I believe in Arabic. I'll have to relook at the affidavit. It's been a while since I I did send one to the governor here, though, when I arrived after I got pinched. I had a Florida plate, and my wife did on her vehicle. And so I did, send a letter in after that. So just so that they would have it. I've yet to do it to Washington State, which I'm on the border. I need to do it to there too. So they keep sending me papers. They keep doing paper terrorism on me. I yield.
[02:23:47] Unknown:
I was just gonna say we're all learning, and, you know, my thoughts and my actions have so changed over the last two years, from my original affidavit. I'm not sure I wanna change it because it stands as a statement of fact. But there are ways that I could have done it better for sure. So, anyway, learning the language, I thought I knew it. And it's crazy how, words have different meanings than what they we thought they were. That's the crazy part of it. So let us first define our terms, and that is something in every contract. Terms and conditions.
I yield. Absolutely.
[02:24:49] Unknown:
Absolutely. And on that, Bri, when you look in the, you know, the code of regulations or the statutes or whatever, they always have the terms, defined on usually the first section. Right?
[02:25:12] Unknown:
That's right. That's at the beginning because everything that follows is governed by those terms and conditions. Contractual. Just like Roger says, it's merchant law. So I yield. Right.
[02:25:35] Unknown:
Right. And it's those 12 presumptions right over that, the gentleman there speaking about, Gibson, maybe.
[02:25:53] Unknown:
Once you start looking at everything from a contractual point, Your comprehension is, inclined. So
[02:26:12] Unknown:
Have you has anybody noticed any of the fusion centers, so called fusion centers? Supposedly, these are set in place during, probably after the Patriot Act or whatever, but they allegedly combine all these law enforcement areas or whatever. I don't know how it relates to the NCIC, but, has anybody sent notices to them as well? Are you?
[02:26:40] Unknown:
No. Who governs them?
[02:26:44] Unknown:
Is it any feds, I believe, or maybe it's maybe it's out of Puerto Rico. Who knows?
[02:26:50] Unknown:
Well, anyway, I why would you? Don't get on the bus, people. Store your own food. Hungry people are easily controlled. Just saying. Hey. Just back to the contracts. See, that is what is written into the constitution, that the government cannot interfere with contracts. That's where they get their stronghold. Understand your contracts, people, when you're signing something or autographing something. I yield.
[02:27:58] Unknown:
Has anybody rebutted the presumption of, I mean, well, let me put it this way. Does it even matter beyond national status clarification that we're swimming in the sea of the federal reserve and we're all kinda using the water of the paper bills and the checks and the you know, when you sign a check, it's got a really small if you put a magnifying lens on that line underneath where you sign, it's got, like, authorization of blah blah blah.
[02:28:26] Unknown:
Authorized representative.
[02:28:29] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah.
[02:28:31] Unknown:
Doctor of necessity.
[02:28:36] Unknown:
Has have you written a notice or done anything about or endorsed a check under the doctor of necessity only? Or I don't know. I know there's You will, but I started public law or whatever.
[02:28:48] Unknown:
By colon, then your name.
[02:28:53] Unknown:
Then you are Oh, okay. Representative.
[02:28:58] Unknown:
[02:28:59] Unknown:
I see. Mhmm. Is there any validity to this, along of those lines, is there any validity to this alleged, trust fund that is set up by, you know, to use your human body as, you know, as energy as was talked about early earlier, not only as chattel labor, but also as a kind of a hypothecated investment out there, the Socaes Sestivi, Dooms Day Trust, Ayil?
[02:29:27] Unknown:
Well, I do think so. But whether we have access or not, they do. And every time you put your signature and your Social Security number in the same document, that's where they gain access. And that's why that's hold on just one moment. That's why we have creditor jails now instead of debtors prisons. Are you?
[02:30:02] Unknown:
Yeah. I was gonna say something, Sherry. I've always wondered and George, I've always wondered that as well. Is there any way so many people talk about access to the SESC KB trust? And my whole argument has been, you didn't set that up, so you weren't the grantor or the trustor and you're not the trustee who's managing that trust and we don't have that document and because of that people have assumed that it were the beneficiaries but if we don't have that document in our possession showing that we are then how would we have any rights to that? And yeah, so that's where I have been. I mean I have heard people say that you can get access to it but I've never seen any proof that anybody's ever gotten access to it but I've always wondered about that and I've always wondered about how we could get access to that if anybody does know because everybody says these things exist and that we were traded as bonds on Wall Street and you have a CUSIP number, the CUSIP number and, you know, I have seen that on documents of mine and looks like you can look up, you have many CUSIP numbers online somewhere. I don't know if it's or I think on Fidelity, you can take that CUSIP number and look up something and see, what your bonds are worth. And every time you have a life event, like if you get married or you get, an advanced degree or you, start a business or something or you have get a new job. There's, like, a new CUSIP number that gets generated or something. I could be wrong here and your the value of your Cessoite KB trust goes up. I don't know. Cessoite KB, my understanding, is French for what? Living man or living being? I don't know. Does anybody know that? He who lives.
He who lives. Yeah.
[02:32:01] Unknown:
And so, yes. You are the beneficiary of that trust, and the beneficiary has no idea that the trust even exists. They only receive the benefits. And what your autograph, what your signature, does is give access. You giving access. You are the creditor. So, anyway, it's, but you're right. We didn't set it up. We had nothing to do with it, but we are the beneficiaries. And when we sign something, that gives them access to that trust.
[02:32:40] Unknown:
So Okay. So can you explain, Sherry, how we're the creditor?
[02:32:46] Unknown:
Because we're the beneficiary.
[02:32:49] Unknown:
But how do you know we're the beneficiary if we haven't seen that document, though?
[02:32:53] Unknown:
Well, see, that's the thing. A beneficiary doesn't even know about the document. That's how they can keep you in the dark.
[02:33:03] Unknown:
So Okay. But how are we the how are we the creditor? Like, how did they how did they take money from us? If we're the creditor, we we're the one
[02:33:12] Unknown:
They take money when you sign a contract with your Social Security number attached to it.
[02:33:20] Unknown:
But where are they getting the money from if we're not providing the money?
[02:33:24] Unknown:
That that trust fund. You that's why I think it was very important what, Joe was saying this morning about a restricted endorsement. So when you endorse something, when someone else endorses something, you're I mean, it's contract law. I I'm not gonna say that I know everything there is to know about it. But usually, the terms and conditions are confined to that contract. So do you really know what Social Security is? I think you would have to go back to, the document you signed when you accepted that number, their number, their card.
I yield.
[02:34:16] Unknown:
I can explain a little bit what I think credit is.
[02:34:19] Unknown:
Not think, but I'm pretty sure about it. The credit comes from each individual American. We're the priority creditors. That's why they're always after us because it's what we provide in services and goods that create economy and and what you call money, what you call money. But money isn't food, you know, that we can buy. It's just a medium of exchange that that they're using to control our exchange from each other. For example, if I groom somebody's dog and I've had my own business as a dog groomer, of course, they're going to give me a loan because I'm going to generate so much money for them that they can now print on and and make it into fiat and all that scheme that they did. So I hope that answered a question about what the Sysdakay Vee and each person
[02:35:21] Unknown:
is bet
[02:35:24] Unknown:
on the stock market what they will generate in a lifetime. And then they, you know, they they trade all of that, like, with through the CUSIP numbers. You're you're anything you do, like she said, you get a driver's license, that creates one. You start a new business, that creates one. That's because you're moving energy, if you will, in commerce. And they know that. They can see that you're gonna do something and they're gonna they're gonna they're gonna catalyze that. Basically, that's what they've been doing, and I nailed.
[02:35:59] Unknown:
Is that Lorena?
[02:36:04] Unknown:
Yes, Julie. It's me. That was me. I'm from Connecticut. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. Yes.
[02:36:14] Unknown:
Lorraine, I was given a lead, I'm giving May, that I can't follow-up on. There's only one of me, how to tap that trust money. I can send that to Sherry, and she can send that to you if you wanna watch it. I don't know how long it is. I'm sure it's not it's not a long thing, probably ten, twenty, fifty minutes or so.
[02:36:40] Unknown:
I don't have Lorena's info. Hey. But it's like Roger says. Now I'm not sure how the bond market, how that trust all works together, how the handshake works. But what Roger says, it's our future labor, and that's how the bond market works. Now how the bond market is, what's the word, aligned with or in some way associated with that trust. I don't know. So I yield. And, Sheldon, maybe lady Linda Louise could get that to Lorraine.
[02:37:35] Unknown:
Okay. Yeah. Good thought.
[02:37:37] Unknown:
No time.
[02:37:43] Unknown:
Hey. Is Chris on here from, California? I was just checking to see if Chris from California was on here.
[02:38:11] Unknown:
[02:38:40] Unknown:
I think a lot of people confuse me with Chris in California. Yeah. The person that had, excuse me, piqued my interest about this whole thing recently was this guy called Christopher Hauser, h a u s e r. And, he actually had a a recent video on the w four. He's done some videos on habeas corpus and some of the other different benefit programs that are out there. And it's very exploratory, seems legit as far as ways trying, but there's no I don't know what the evidence is of any success, but his latest thing was about a W-four and you're basically like, has been just said, operating as a beneficiary and not as a creditor. So it kinda gets into this whole commerce thing and
[02:40:16] Unknown:
Right. But the credit comes through the beneficiary. Just saying. Hey. I'm curious. What what was the date of that Christopher Hauser YouTube? Do you know?
[02:40:32] Unknown:
It was a couple days ago.
[02:40:35] Unknown:
No kidding. Okay. Thank you.
[02:40:41] Unknown:
Is that long haired dude with the,
[02:40:45] Unknown:
the associate?
[02:40:45] Unknown:
Out of ex military.
[02:40:48] Unknown:
Well, I'm not so sure about that, but, his video was dated just a couple of days ago.
[02:40:57] Unknown:
Or you saw Yeah. There was a little no. It was dated a couple of days ago. He had been recently, it had been a few weeks since his last one, which is Habeas. And then, somebody actually posted on his comments, oh, show us that you're still still out there. But he was talking about a guy Right. Not long clunk. That's Yeah. He was talking about a guy in a clunk that he was, trying to do a w four process for. I guess he's got kind of power of attorney for him. So be interested to see where that goes.
[02:41:38] Unknown:
Felicia and I can't But I remember
[02:41:41] Unknown:
No? I remember yeah. I remember they did, what's called a minimus when they threw me in and, I know that was probably hypothecated, you know. And then now they got all this thing called, token, you know, the Palantir and all this, NFTs. Everything's tokenized. Got a guy I know out here who been a CEO of these token type companies. So it's all, you know, who knows where this thing where this onion wraps to. And just because they created the system, if they're using and that's why I wonder if you could copyright your name or whatever and, and just make make a claim and say, you know, you're not gonna use me to do your Babylonian deal up there. And I didn't you know, whether you duped my parents into it, and this is what I've part of my Vatican letter is if you duped my father into the social security system and, you know, took whatever his labor was and now are using it.
I'm calling that out and either, you know, not only cease and desist, but then also return anything that was, was stolen in in that, in my ancestry's name just like they kick the Scots off the land, right, to to put up the sheep farms in in England.
[02:42:53] Unknown:
Well, I have a question about that, George. How could you ask them to return something that you're not even sure of the value? That's why I say never ask a question that you don't already know the answer to.
[02:43:09] Unknown:
Sherry? There's something on the fearless flow aid show, and it says, who is Christopher Hauser at the seven part expose? And it talks about all of the stuff that George just mentioned. So, something about him, Tennessee Criminal Court of Appeals, arguing Christopher Christopher Allen Hauser's direct appeal of 21 convictions of forgery and filing a fraudulent lien. So, I can send that to you via email if you want.
[02:43:41] Unknown:
No. Well, that's okay because I'm familiar with Christopher Hauser, and that's what got him in trouble was the liens against the judges.
[02:43:51] Unknown:
I yield. Right. I'm not I don't think he yeah. I think, I don't think you could do liens like that. I think, yeah, I I I'm familiar with them going after people that are doing doing the lien process. I yield.
[02:44:42] Unknown:
I just think that we should be well aware of what we are doing, what we're signing on for contract. Because I think two things govern all monetary systems, and that's a trust and contract. Because trusts, via the trustee, can enter into a contract. And what is the one thing governed or not governed by the constitution? Cannot interfere with, person, people's right to contract. So that's how they control us. But dealing in monetary instruments, just be careful with that one. Just saying.
[02:45:39] Unknown:
Emily So I come back to I come back to the freedom of Christ. Right? If you're if you're free in Christ, and is it our duty, and is it our valor as men to turn over the money changers tables? And I'm not saying we're Christ, but we're supposed to do even greater things. Right? So part of that is part of that is turning over the monetary tables of of feudalism in our own lives, and part of that is we use a national process to do that. If we can become educated in these, these types of instruments that they're using and not entering we're not entering in there to, to actually make a claim that we're going to start futilizing over other people. But if we actually start to, take back and push back and then cease and desist on the rest of it, would that not help us to kinda re repopulate the republic? Are you
[02:46:44] Unknown:
Well, wouldn't it be better if we just didn't participate? So I know that's difficult. You have to find people in your area where you can trade things with. It's difficult.
[02:47:09] Unknown:
Right. I'm not saying I'm not saying to be irresponsible to go out on welfare, go out on the dole like these hypothecation trust trust children are doing. I'm saying we still have to live, you know, like Francis Schaeffer, therefore, how should we live? But I'm saying that right now, like, who who is controlling the land? Right? So we can't go as nationals and just take over part of the federal, let's say in Idaho, forty five percent of the land is owned by the feds. So do we have to buy land, you know, or trade land? You know, how do you how do you do that? Yeah. You can work as a janitor for $15 an hour and collect money and trade with people and grow your own vegetables and stuff like that. I'm not saying not to do that, but I'm also saying that if if a king if a kingdom has been raided and now you discover that it's been raided as a fraud, shouldn't you shouldn't use every tool that you can, including what we do, which is talk. We talk a lot every day. Right? Talk talk talk talk. We send papers, send paper paper paper.
Then we encounter these characters out there and we fight back. And meanwhile, we live isn't shouldn't we use all the tools in the toolbox? Use the chainsaw, use the hammer, use it the right way. Now they're gonna SPLC is gonna push back and say, you're a paper terrorist. You know, they got whatever. You know, ADL is gonna say you're like, supremacists. Blah blah blah blah blah. But we just keep doing every tool that we have, including their financial tools including their financial tools. Now do we enter into their, trying to, like, take the labor of someone else? No. We don't. And that's, I don't know how to do that and also participate in that. So I'm not I'm not all wisdom here, but I'm just saying, are these things if these things exist and they're using them, shouldn't we kinda Tai Chi them back?
Are you? Time to rewatch Braveheart.
[02:51:42] Unknown:
Hey, George. Here. Who or not who, but what's the people that are having some legal issues for I kind of missed that I was at the gas station and the truck stopped trying to fill up. But what was the story on that? What were they in trouble doing?
[02:52:13] Unknown:
I'm not sure of the context of that though. The when I referred to the guy in prison or
[02:52:21] Unknown:
You said you knew somebody that was having some legal problems because they were trying to take I don't know if it was take money that they what didn't belong to them or, like, the system gave me trust. I I don't I kinda missed it. I apologize. You just briefly touched on it just ten minutes ago. Is this Carl? Yeah. Yeah, Ben.
[02:52:44] Unknown:
Oh, Carl. Yeah. You're kinda muffled. Yeah. No. It was just this, this, fellow that was I think he's out of Tennessee maybe, but he he's trying to use kind of this redemption idea that has floated around the patriots type stuff. But he was he was doing lean, so he got he got, put in for that. And then now he's kinda investigating the w four, the w four Sandwich? Way. So which is go ahead.
[02:53:23] Unknown:
Yeah. Sandwich. The w four sandwich, which Felicia Beverly, I think, put forth. Christopher Houser is his name, Carl. Hey. And my favorite line out of Braveheart, we don't hate what's in front of us. We fight because we love what is behind us. Thank you.
[02:53:44] Unknown:
Great quote.
[02:53:53] Unknown:
I didn't I didn't, know it was referred to because I when I was trying to relook up where I heard about this, I saw that w four sandwich, but I never heard of it referred to like that. Do you do you understand what that means?
[02:54:06] Unknown:
[02:54:16] Unknown:
Well, not exactly. But I would just say this. Using their documents to gain access to something that they have, that's not coming out of her, my people. Just saying. What they have put forth or put together in your all caps name, that's their stuff. I don't know. I'm starting to re even think the DOT number. You know, the almighty says don't number yourself. Well, I asked for a number. Are you
[02:55:01] Unknown:
I hear you. Yeah. Because it's kinda I mean, to would you well, let me ask you your opinion of this. I don't know. Would you say that everything that they've done is kind of their pirate's booty? It's their their loot that they're claiming from, you know, basically declaring us enemies, you know, through the banking act, etcetera, etcetera. But even way back in the feudal system, whenever they could provide a benefit for the fruits of the for using the land, if you will. But the land has just become our bodies and our ideas and our energy including taking bets on bets on them. Everything's a draft kings on on your what how your number is gonna go.
[02:56:23] Unknown:
Well, I think so. They count on only one in a million figuring this out even if that, and they have done their best to, wipe out critical thinking thinking at all. And, yeah, of course, they're going to, benefit at every avenue
[02:56:59] Unknown:
[02:56:59] Unknown:
that they It seems like,
[02:57:02] Unknown:
Actually, they're they're
[02:57:06] Unknown:
They're creating a contract that we are not even aware of, but we sign on to.
[02:57:17] Unknown:
Right. Well, all the contracts are fraud.
[02:57:21] Unknown:
Sorry. All the contracts are fraud. I mean, you're you're talking about contracts on a minor. You know? They're they're impetuated by fraud. Everything about them.
[02:57:37] Unknown:
Correct. But remember, fraud is not fraud until it is discovered. And then even when some people discover it, they choose not to pursue it. And so even if you do pursue it, you only have one year from finding out about the fraud to do something about it. I mean, not much time to learn the legalese in which to do something about it. But the onus is on them. They are the wrongdoers. They are the money changers. They are the ones buying and selling the souls of men and women. I yield.
[02:58:30] Unknown:
Yes. They are. This guy out here is of his, many people that he does, kind of private contracts with pays them all in silver.
[02:58:41] Unknown:
That about does it for this episode of the Radio Ranch, guys. It's about time to take the station down. This has been the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales, the Tuesday edition, Tuesday, Feb. 4. Just keep in mind, you've only got ten more days to get your honey, that chocolate and those flowers. And vendors are gonna be busy, so you might as well get your order in now. Whatever. If they're gonna give you a holiday to force you to to separate yourself from something in your wallet, you might as well let them do it. Just go ahead and be a good little slave. It'll keep mama happy.
Catch us Monday through Saturday, 11AM to 1PM eastern on Global Voice Radio Network, eurofolk radio dot com, and a host of other platforms, including +1 069 in Chicago, Home Network Dot TV, Freedom Nation Dot TV, go live TV, stream life Tube, and radio soapbox, Tuesday through Friday for at least the first hour of the program. Don't forget Paul English Live 3PM eastern on Thursday. That will be on Paul English Live dot com. It'll be on Paul English Live, the Rumble channel. It'll also be on WBN three two four World Broadcasting Network if that is where you like to tune in to such things.
For more information on the topics discussed, please go to the matrix docs. That is the matrixd0ccs,.com, where you will also find links to free conference calls so you could join us live on a show. Got room for a thousand of you. Come on down. I'm Paul from Global Voice Network, and that's it for today's program. We'll catch you right back here tomorrow, 11AM eastern for the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales, pump day edition. Bye now. Blasting the voice of freedom worldwide. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network.
[03:00:38] Unknown:
Bye bye, boys. Have fun storming the castle.
Introduction and Platform Overview
Discussion on Immigration and Legal Issues
USAID and International Politics
Trump Administration's Actions and Policies
IRS and Taxation Discussion
Firearm Purchase and Legal Status
Affidavit and National Status Process
Listener Questions and Legal Advice
Court Experiences and Legal Strategies
Community and Personal Reflections
Historical Context and Legal Frameworks
Contracts and Trusts in Legal Systems
Economic Systems and Personal Freedom
Conclusion and Sign-off