In this episode of the Radio Ranch, host Roger Sayles navigates through a whirlwind of topics, starting with a discussion on the recent helicopter crash near Reagan International Airport. The conversation delves into conspiracy theories, air traffic control errors, and the implications of remote piloting technology. The show also touches on the complexities of the U.S. tax system, the concept of voluntary servitude, and the intricacies of the feudal system. Roger engages with callers, discussing the importance of understanding one's legal status and the process of re-patriation. The episode also explores the potential and pitfalls of AI technology, with insights into its application in legal settings. Listeners are encouraged to question the systems in place and consider the broader implications of governance and personal freedom.
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Forward moving and focused on freedom. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network.
[00:01:26] Unknown:
Yes. Thank you, Alvin. Another wonderful intro, and we would too. We keep trying on a regular basis, 6 days a week here at the Radio Ranch. Roger Sales, your host this Thursday edition. Thursday is always kind of a different day for some reason. This Thursday edition date stamped 30th right at the end of another January. And, boy, it has been a breakneck speed last couple of weeks. It's very interesting. So, anyway, right here at the start of the show, as we always do, we try and give our partners, if you will, proper credit for joining in our project to give us a little additional reach there. And Paul is the one that keeps up with them, coordinates with them, hooks up with them, and all that, knows it all, and knows which ones are with us on what day even. It's amazing. Paul, would you care to do that and give them proper credit, please?
[00:02:22] Unknown:
Literally amazing. Okay. Yes. We're on The same program, the the same network that we'll also be doing also be doing Paul English live at 3 PM EST today. Yeah. For more information on that, you can go to Paul English live dot com, or you can go to the Paul English live channel on Rumble, which is where the, the show will be streamed, as well as and my my my my radio soapbox. Yeah. Okay. We're also on 106.9 WVOU FM in Chicago. Welcome Chicagoland. Good morning. You'll be with us for the first hour. So when it's time to change over, just go to Euro Folk Radio dot com, our flagship station, thanks to pastor Eli James, or Global Voice Radio Network, that is
The links to those 2, streams as well as the free conference call links so you could join us live on the show, should you wish, are on the matrix docs. That is the matrix, d o c s, dotcom. You can also find us, on the net family of broadcast services, home network dot TV, freedom nation dot TV, go live TV, stream life dot tube. Those are all part of the net family of broadcast services spearheaded and driven by WDRN Productions, Fort Collins, Colorado. There is also Hawk TV, h a w k TV. Haven't figured, figured out exactly where that one is on your Internet dial, but I will sooner than later.
Morning, Raj. I think that about covers it all. I told you. I told you it was amazing.
[00:04:21] Unknown:
So thank you, Paul. Here we go. It's, boy, a lot of activity today. It's like 3 ring circus. First of all, do any of you know, anything? Julie, you guys are in that area about this, crash last night. There's there's some really, eye eyebrow raising aspects to it. You wanna fill us in on something that we might not know? Possibly.
[00:04:45] Unknown:
It's a false flag, Roger. CNN or somebody reported on it 5 hours before it ever happened.
[00:04:51] Unknown:
Uh-huh. Wow. Sacrifice, 70 people approximately. Of course, that's nothing to them. The the question I have, those are Blackhawk Blackhawk helicopters, and, they're not the big Chinooks with 2, rotors, 1 on each end. It's and it was transporting it was called a PAT flight. Do you know about that? Yep.
[00:05:17] Unknown:
Well, for the audience I'm stuck. I'm Roger both at CNN and New York Post posted, posted the crash, like, 5 or 6 hours before it happened.
[00:05:26] Unknown:
Okay. Well, that's the first 5 okay. Well, I haven't heard that yet. That's brand new to me. But, anyway, for those who might not know, it was, what in the hell are they doing flying a helicopter on the approach in front of the Reagan International, airport right there? I mean, that in itself is red flags all over the place. Was it, you know, we'll find out from the air traffic controllers, were they DEI hires? This PAT designation that the helicopter had is used for several different things, but, like, if you're flying an ambulance or air ambulance, stuff like that. But one of them is if you've got a very important person on board and the patterns that you can see these kind of things on flight patterns, it looks like it originated around Langley. How far away from you are Langley, Julie?
[00:06:25] Unknown:
3 miles, but, Lockheed Martin demonstrated that they have remote Blackhawk technology.
[00:06:32] Unknown:
Yes. They did. They demonstrated
[00:06:35] Unknown:
a couple months ago.
[00:06:36] Unknown:
Right. I saw the clips on that of them doing that. So, e well, while we may just a second. We may or may not find, out more as we go forward whether it's real or not. We'll we will find out, I guess. They can't they just get they can't pull these things and cover them up anymore as easily as they used to. Was that you, mister d? Yes. It is. Good morning. Okay.
[00:07:03] Unknown:
Before all the good morning. Before all the conspiracy theories or, you know, I've been listening to it all night. I have a friend of mine who works right there at that airport. He's a retired major, army major. And what it looks like is at the last minute, they changed the runway for this American Airlines bird, and all the air fixed wing aircraft was supposed to be at at 300 feet. Helos are not supposed to go over 200 feet. And it looks like there was I I I'm betting this is the ATC error that, this is my experience for being in the military working around aircraft. And my friend, my major friend, This thing this looks like these guys were flying with night vision.
Although he said that these Blackhawk helicopters are really well trained, but, you know, I don't know if you've ever used night vision, but I have a lot. And even a bright light can get in there and what Oh, just blinds you, and it'll bloom it'll bloom you. You know? And then it then it hangs there because of the, the light will you know, the brightness will will slowly fade away, but you're blinded for for a, you know, anywhere from 5 to 10 seconds depending on how good the night vision. I'm I'm talking about night vision I used years ago, which was pretty much state of the art back then, but, you know, they may have improved it.
But, this looks like this looks like an APC error. You know? Or What is an APC?
[00:08:42] Unknown:
What is APC? Traffic control.
[00:08:45] Unknown:
Oh, ATC. Air traffic control. Okay. Right. So it looks like it's either them or the or the Hilo, went up of, you know, their their, required. It went up above their their elevation that they're in. They're supposed to you know, they're supposed to be 200 feet. So the moment Well, there were fix 1 aircraft.
[00:09:06] Unknown:
There were no survivors in the head that did pick up one body and take it somewhere. I don't I I I just heard that From the looks
[00:09:15] Unknown:
of that explosion, you know, I doubt anybody would be alive,
[00:09:20] Unknown:
and especially Oh, yeah. They said right. They said no survivors. I remember years ago, what was it, 25 years ago when that flight crashed into the Potomac on approach there one day? I'm sure y'all some of y'all remember that.
[00:09:35] Unknown:
Anyway, that's the one that Remember the one that hit the remember the one that hit the 14th Street Bridge and That's the one I'm talking about. That's the one I'm talking about. Okay. Yeah. My my wife and I had just went over that bridge earlier that day when I was going to the VA. And, that was an hour later after we left DC and hit, hit that bridge. And, you know, you just never know when when that big wheel in the sky You your number.
[00:10:04] Unknown:
You you honest to goodness, don't. Somebody was trying to say something there while you were talking. Hey, Roger. Roger. That's not too That 79 was when that was? Yeah. Wow. Wow. Okay. Yes, Julie. Yeah.
[00:10:20] Unknown:
But just just for for for shits and giggles here, it was an American Eagle that was traveling from Kansas that crashes in DC who is playing in the Super Bowl, the Chiefs and the Eagles, and it was landing on runway 33 which is a known satanic occult number. And also the Eagles put out a weird tweet with the helicopter 3 days ago and ESPN puts out an article telling us how safe the Super Bowl will be next weekend. So just a little fun little How how what the
[00:10:58] Unknown:
Super Bowl will be next weekend?
[00:11:00] Unknown:
How frosty. Oh, frosty. Oh, sorry. How safe how safe the Super Bowl will be next weekend. Well, yeah. Yeah. You you I still didn't understand the word you're trying to get across. I heard frosty, and then you said what what was the word again? Can you spell it? Say f e s as in Sam, a, f as in Frank, e. How safe the Super Bowl will be next weekend.
[00:11:22] Unknown:
Okay. Anyway, the strange the the the plane crash happened. We'll find out more. The rest of the scene is, 3 of these confirmations going on at the same time. Somebody was listening to it there a minute ago, with, Kash Patel and, Tulsi Gabbard, who I've always really liked. Just like, you know, like, and, mister Kennedy is going for round number 2. Unusual for them to have that configuration. To my memory, it's never been a big deal necessarily before. It does this time around. It is. And, these are really good candidates. I was very impressed with Kash Patel's opening statement. He's got his family there. I did not know that he was a Hindu as is, Tulsi Gabbard.
And, he gave us all history of how his family met and started and has raised in all these 2 families and extended family and 6 kids under one roof and all that. He's done very well by himself. He's a very sharp guy, and he speaks and holds himself very well. Tulsi Gabbard, I've always, just liked. You know? She's just a straight shooter to me. I had heard, I believe, she was Hindu, but she confirmed that in her opening statement. And then, RFK yesterday was a phenomena up there on Capitol Hill because there were hundreds of people that could not get into the hearing. And I don't know if you saw any of that, but as it ended, he was getting applause all through his answers. But then when it ended, the people, they just, like, went nuts. And, there's still 200 of them outside the hearing room or more. So interesting times, these three pivotal positions for what I I think all of us would hope is gonna be the betterment of our country and straighten it out and getting some of this, external influence that's been there. But we here have the answer, the real answer.
Because we can do individually what they are at least would like to do for everybody, but you can't do this for groups. You can do it for individuals that work in the groups. But see, that's my complaint with, judge Anna there, the good superior court judge, miss Von Wright, and missus Von Wright, whatever, is that she wants to do all these assemblies. And first of all, that you're setting yourself up for you're setting yourself up for a lot of problems or total failure. It's gotta be one at a time thing. K. Ron Avery, that's one of his big no. You gotta get free in a group. You're never gonna free a group because the whole group isn't gonna resonate with this. I'll get you in just a second, Paul. K? So, anyway, those are just my feelings. Interesting day, and, I will go out after and meet some guys for lunch. So I'll have to catch up on it later on in the afternoon or evening. But, boy, what a day up there on the hill.
Yes, Paul.
[00:14:35] Unknown:
Yeah. I I think that's the devil sitting on the shoulder of certain people, giving them ideas and point them in directions that will ultimately lead, down the primrose path to destruction. And what I mean by that is What are you referring to? This I'm referring to the whole this has gotta be an organized thing. You know, organize attempts to either back out of the system or to do whatever. They are very, very quickly labeled insurrections. They're labeled, unpatriotic. They're demonized. They are absolutely attacked by the media.
[00:15:12] Unknown:
[00:15:14] Unknown:
Yeah. And they're infiltrated. So, no, this has gotta be a one person at a time because this is a very individual thing. You're the one that decides what system of law you live under, what god you pray to, and Yep.
[00:15:30] Unknown:
And see if I try the city. If if I'm trying to enforce this on hey, Julie. You get your little over there at the post office and get these damn affidavit. Well, then nobody's gonna do that. They're they're they're not gonna follow-up and and do the study necessary. And what I've come to understand over all these years is this that's the prime thing. You've gotta be willing to sit down, learn and understand, and and rewire yourself and your thinking, and that's the empowerment process. And if you don't do that, there ain't no empowerment. You just go along because there's no other influences and information that's gonna can't change your conclusions and the way you live your life. So if you don't do this and it does change doesn't change those, there's absolutely no change and you might as well not do it. K?
But, and the other hand is what we've got here is raw truth. Okay? And big time raw truth for these venoms. And so I don't care if they infiltrate us or not. That's why I beg them to listen. You know, maybe they'll figure out something along these lines. People go, oh, my my privacy. This hell, I said I want them to listen to me. I've been trying to get people to listen to me for 30 years on this stuff. So but we've got it pretty well in a tight little ball now. And, I'm very pleased with the way, that this is going even though it's a little slower than I'd like, obviously. But I'm encouraged about the way the country's going, and, it's just an a very interesting time. I don't know that I ever thought we'd see this time. We hoped we'd see this time. We'd pray. We'd see this time, but I don't know that any of us really thought that these guys weren't as powerful as they lead us to believe, and they're not.
They're a bunch of scoundrels with a lot of money. Oh, they got influence. Uh-oh. They can command stuff, but they can't beat nature and nature's god. And by the fact that they recognize our affidavits, that totally justifies and proves that statement. K? So, anyway, glad y'all are along. How's everybody doing? How's mom and them?
[00:17:53] Unknown:
Yeah. How's mom and them? Did you did you get that,
[00:17:58] Unknown:
that YouTube video that I've sent you? I did. You know, it's funny. Rex Rex, out in Colorado had sent it to me, and I just got finished watching it when I opened yours and saw what it was. So I had to chuckle. Yeah. I I like, what's his name there? Ex assistant treasury guy. He lives right up around Panama City. I think he lives up in Chipley, Florida there in the Panhandle. And the reason I say that is I've seen him on interviews previously where he had, one of the local TV stations there, channel 13 in the, with the wall in the background there. And that's out on the beach. I know exactly where it is, and he probably came down to get their their satellite feed or something on some important interview biz right there. So, he's a good guy. He's I like his chuckle. He said all through that every word he says, and he laughs, you know.
And I have met Doug Casey, actually. I went up, I'm told Joel before. He's got a up in Northern Argentina, call in a town called Cafe. Or, if you're from Buenos Aires, it's Cafe. And, it's beautiful. He has an open house twice a year, used to have, trying to sell you these overpriced lots. And but he it was that jet set crowd, that he appeals to and kinda runs in. And he had these really cool people from all over the world. You know? Some really interesting folks I met. I had a real good friend out there. He's since gone deceased, a dentist.
But I spent a week up there and met him several times. We he was at all the meals, and it was a really nice, experience. I got great memories from it. It's beautiful. 5000 feet up in the end. He's pristine. Just scenic, air clean, and he's built a what he did was he partnered up with the former governor of that province, which the nearest town north of that is Salta, which is where Argentina was founded, interestingly enough. It wasn't founded from the sea. It was founded by Wilconquistadors that left right here where I am. I can see out my window where they left from is a town called Guapolo, and it's right on the edge and down part of the hill from Quito.
And the road that those conquistadors left when they went over and through the jungle and went down eventually founded Argentina and explored that part of the continent, that's a road. It's called the road de conquistadores, and it's a really lovely little part of the area here. But, regardless, I've met Doug. He hangs out there. He was in Uruguay for this, interview with one of his peeps plebes, and, he likes Uruguay a lot too. And, of course, over there is a town called Punta deleste, which is the Miami Beach of South America. And, right now is their the height of their summer season.
I mean, today is, you know, today and tomorrow because it's January February. And, they say if you buy an apartment over there, that you can literally pay the whole year's mortgage off renting it for these 2 months. So, very interest. That's where he's, all the string bikinis and the European stuff and all that. You see that? I I've never been there. I've just heard about it. It was it's about 60 miles 60 kilometers north of Montevideo, but, I was in Montevideo a lot, but I never got up there. So, anyway, a little lay of the land down here in South America. And, pretty cool stuff.
Pretty cool stuff. It it was
[00:21:56] Unknown:
Andy had sent that to me and asked me to forward it on to you via email. Uh-huh. And I tried to watch it last night. I kinda fell asleep through it, and I I watched a little bit more of it this morning. Right. But, it it seemed to be a, a really a large. Yeah. A a really good follow-up to the Levin and, oh, what's his name? Barnes videos that we did on Monday.
[00:22:29] Unknown:
[00:22:31] Unknown:
Kind of kind of like a natural follow-up to that.
[00:22:36] Unknown:
You know, we're talking about basis of economic systems and what's gonna propel them, and we've been into this, one we all been in the we've all we've ever known, and it appears that we're if they they don't kill Trump, we're gonna switch over to a tariff, excuse me, a tariff based one, and that's got a lot of validity. It will definitely stimulate, stimulate manufacturing in the United States. And he said, well, if I'm gonna drill baby drill and if if I guess the guy that he appointed to chair the Federal Reserve isn't gonna cooperate with him in lower interest rates. And and Trump said, well, I'm just gonna open up all the oil drilling, and we'll get our money that way. So, he's an the guy is amazing. Okay?
And, we I've just prayed for him and hope for nothing but the best. But he has started out in these first in 2 weeks yet. In these first 10 days was dazzling speed of of all these initiatives. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. And, I think he's got everybody kinda shaking their head. Really?
[00:23:46] Unknown:
But his What what I thought
[00:23:48] Unknown:
His performance has far exceeded the expectations that I think all of us had. Okay? And his approval rating is going through the ceiling. Paul, what's your comment?
[00:24:01] Unknown:
Well, what Andy thought or was of note is Paul Roberts actually used the word feudal.
[00:24:10] Unknown:
Yes. He did. He actually Yes. He did. Actually used it. Sure did. You're finding people that'll plug it in, but they don't have that connection of how we've always been in it for 92 years. That's the perspective and proof we've got that none of those guys have. Don't let you know? But yet he did say One day if it we're gonna get one of them. And when you get one of them, you'll get all up. Okay? But but he did say
[00:24:36] Unknown:
Yes. He did say that this this country was working on its own destruction from the day it was born. From the very beginning, it's been flawed and working on the eventual destruction of the country. He did say that, and I firmly believe he's right on the money.
[00:24:53] Unknown:
Well, you're fighting human nature, and man's heart is dark. No man shall know it and greed and then people wanting to even back then dream of controlling the world. I mean, you know, 1776, May 1st was the founding of the Illuminati. What's their deal? The great work. What's the great work? Well, they were just about to try and pull it off right on the fringe of just shutting them off now. Okay? And that's to kill all of us and make themselves some kind of beings that live forever in their own gods and all of their crap. Okay?
Yeah. So anyway, I think they've been thwarted, and I I don't know that they'll ever recover again because they've been exposed. And that is apparently going to just continue and intensify. Isn't it, Larry?
[00:25:46] Unknown:
Yes. I think I heard that Trump signed over 300 executive orders. And once in in one of those executive orders, he, he's stopping all federal funding to the state of California.
[00:25:58] Unknown:
Have you heard about that? I haven't heard that one yet, but, but, he's gonna get he's gonna see if he can't get that this electoral system out there in tow, and you won't be getting senators like Adam Schiff. And you won't be getting all of these congress you know, they got 40 congressional house seats. California, one state. So there were there were 4 districts in Southern California that a month ago or less were still counting votes. And all those seats went to Democrats.
[00:26:34] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Go figure. Yep. He's making them accountable for all the all the all the, pork spending.
[00:26:42] Unknown:
Thank god somebody is.
[00:26:45] Unknown:
And another thing is, Julie mentioned
[00:26:48] Unknown:
Go ahead. Julie mentioned.
[00:26:50] Unknown:
She mentioned that she believes the, the crash over Washington DC is a false flag. Does she believe that it actually happened or didn't happen? Because I read an article this morning that this whole ice this ice skating group, very famous people, ice skaters and coaches. I mean, world renowned professionals died in that crash. Did you hear that?
[00:27:17] Unknown:
I heard there was 2, Russian ballerinas or something on there. I didn't hear about the ice skating troop. What a what a loss. Were they Russian?
[00:27:27] Unknown:
I think so. I think so. There were
[00:27:31] Unknown:
there were Russian nationals aboard, and I do believe that it it's a a multipronged event. Number 1, to keep, to keep people occupied so they're not watching the confirmation hearings. And number 2, to, to turn the screws on tensions between the US and Russia.
[00:27:49] Unknown:
Oh, I'd
[00:27:50] Unknown:
love it. What I believe.
[00:27:52] Unknown:
How about how do we know if the DEI people, if the, ATC people or DEI, you know, didn't earn it? So there's another aspect. I don't think I've heard that discussed yet or brought up, but certainly something to consider. Yes, sir.
[00:28:09] Unknown:
Sorry. The there was a ice skating team, and there was multiple, family members on the same flight. It was, the last name one one looked like they were Chinese. 1, it looked like, you know, just normal
[00:28:24] Unknown:
I don't know how to say American names, and then there was a couple of Russian names too. So,
[00:28:31] Unknown:
but there was, you know, there was looked like maybe brother, brother, sister, 2 brothers, a father, and a son, or something like that. But it was, I'm so sorry.
[00:28:40] Unknown:
Yeah. It's horrible. I don't Anyway I don't care. I just wanna let you know. Thank you, Tom. I don't care if I never fly again, to tell you the truth.
[00:28:49] Unknown:
Yep. Me too. I'd rather drive.
[00:28:53] Unknown:
So, anyway, it's tragic, and, we we won't we'll know more, I guess, we go forward. I don't know if we'll ever know the real story. I hate to entertain that that's planned, and they do that intentionally and take those fine people out. I, it's just it's not the way I wanna look at the world. You know? Yes. Somebody was trying to say something there. Yes. Larry, is that you? This Yeah. One more thing. So Trump, put out a,
[00:29:20] Unknown:
some type of message on the real Trump on his real Trump messenger, and, he even made a comment that it was a clear night. He has he wants us to be investigated because that helicopter what's funny is the articles are saying that the the plane the way they word it is the plane ran into the helicopter, and it was the other way around. The the plane was approaching the the runway over that river that it went into, and the helicopter was making a beeline for the plane. It was a clear sky. The the the plane has all kinds of lights, and, and president Trump was, you know, commenting, like, why couldn't they see this thing? It's, like, right in front of them with all these lights.
And, and why don't they move to the right or left or, you know, go up or whatever to move out of the way? And so there is something
[00:30:15] Unknown:
there is something off about the whole thing. Maybe that's why Julie thinks it's a false flight. Oh, man. Well, one of the comments from the, I guess, is the army was it was this training flight, and there were no important people on board. Yes, Joe?
[00:30:31] Unknown:
I say it's air traffic control.
[00:30:33] Unknown:
It's my guess.
[00:30:35] Unknown:
That it they are entirely responsible. However, second responsibility lies with the army because that airplane was on final, and nobody gets you don't incur on their travel.
[00:30:53] Unknown:
Absolutely. They're like the right away at the you walk out in the street in front of a damn bus
[00:30:59] Unknown:
and when the you know? That's right. But the air traffic control is primarily responsible. And if you listen to them, on the radio, they were very packed in their duty.
[00:31:14] Unknown:
Very unlikely. You are helicopters can't make sudden movements like that. Okay? Especially when they're somewhat stationary. Alright. I've worked around enough helicopters, flew in helicopters. You you can't just, like, oh, crap. Here comes a plane. You just can't jerk the wheel like you can when you're doing 200 knots. You know, it and when they're wearing night vision, all that lighting around there is probably blind to them, and they were dependent on ATC to guide them. I don't know whether I'm sure they had any collision warnings, but by that time, it was too late.
[00:31:46] Unknown:
You can't see in all those lights, and I'm sure they were wearing night vision or, of Yes. They were wearing night vision goggles. And and, you know, those as many lights as there are around there, it all blends in together, and air traffic control dropped the ball.
[00:32:03] Unknown:
[00:32:04] Unknown:
That's that's, to me, is the most likely That's my that's my opinion. It's ATC's fault. Either that or the helicopter pilots went up went up higher than they were supposed to. So it's Yeah. I don't think it was the aircraft, the fixed wing aircraft's fault. I think it's either the helo pilot or air traffic controller, and I'm I'm I'd put my money on ATC.
[00:32:26] Unknown:
I would comment, Paul. You got any you got 7 to 4.
[00:32:29] Unknown:
Yeah. I've got a question. It didn't not too long ago, Lockheed Martin demonstrate the ability to remote, pilot Black Hawk helicopters. And if a plane is on its final approach, wouldn't it be, under the control of the automatic landing system, which would be at the tower?
[00:32:49] Unknown:
It should be. I would think. They Not that so thermometer. Both of those vehicles. Don't they they fly them on a string like it came from Wichita. So somebody might took off, they flew it on a string, to to land, and then the pilot takes over on approach. Right, Joe? Ain't that the way it works?
[00:33:07] Unknown:
Well, they flew autopilot most all the way, I'm sure, but pilot is supposed to be at the controls in the flight pattern.
[00:33:17] Unknown:
Right. Okay.
[00:33:18] Unknown:
And, you know, this was VFR. I understand that it was VFR. It was an IFR, and VFR, pilot is in control. He flies the airplane into the onto the runway. Okay. And he was on final. He had the right away, period.
[00:33:38] Unknown:
[00:33:38] Unknown:
That's what I think too. And all that and all that air air traffic controller had to do was tell that helicopter to descend. Descend, descend, descend.
[00:33:47] Unknown:
Right. Right. Right. Now who was trying to say comment there?
[00:33:51] Unknown:
Yeah. I was this is California.
[00:33:55] Unknown:
Is is it Chris? Trying to get anywhere. Start again. Hold on. Is is it Chris from California?
[00:34:01] Unknown:
It's from California, and I live right right here by the Palmdale Regional Airport or Northrop and Lockheed and everybody is and they're testing remote flying, takeoffs and landings and all the time here and re equipping planes for remote flight. That helicopter was flown remotely and it was it was a projectile aimed right at the plane. It did exactly what they wanted it to do. Alright. That's my opinion.
[00:34:34] Unknown:
Okay. Now it would I I at the start, is it Chris or it's another guy in California? I didn't get It's Chris. It's Chris. Okay, Chris. Okay, Chris. It's still air traffic control's responsibility
[00:34:44] Unknown:
to remain maintain separation.
[00:34:47] Unknown:
It was flown remotely. It was a projectile aimed at the plane.
[00:34:52] Unknown:
Yep. Could've been. We'll hopefully find out and get some more exact information as we go forward. At least we've got Trump in office and not Biden, and it has a much better chance of being thoroughly investigated now. So, maybe we'll find out as we go forward. Good morning, Roger Williams.
[00:35:10] Unknown:
Alright. Yeah. William, you're just been trying to get in here.
[00:35:14] Unknown:
Okay. Well, hold on, William.
[00:35:16] Unknown:
Rick? Okay.
[00:35:17] Unknown:
Yeah. I was just watching a report. Got ahead of report up and showed the map and everything. He said those army helicopters regularly cross that river west east to west underneath the flight pass to that airport. They do it all the time. And if that's true, that was an accident waiting to happen because that helicopter just came across too high.
[00:35:41] Unknown:
Right. So it could be. William, you're an active pilot. What's your insight, or what have you heard heard? It and, you know, see and avoid,
[00:35:51] Unknown:
for both both pilots. So if they're ultimately gonna call it, you know, a pilot error, but, yeah, I agree. The procedure is the traffic density is way too way too heavy in that area to have, even helicopters below 200, in that kind of vicinity of the airport. The airplane's, traffic collision avoidance system goes into, like, an inhibit mode when you get to thin proximity of the airport because you don't want you know, if there's airplanes holding short to take off, you don't want, you know, your your traffic system going traffic traffic, you know, when you're when you're trying to land.
So the system inhibits inhibits itself. So, yeah. I'm alt ultimately, it's see and avoid, and, and the helicopter pilot looks like he didn't see and avoid. So, that's that's my opinion, that's what they'll they'll rule the cause of the accident. But there's never just one cause of an accident, so they'll probably be you know, they'll they'll review the helicopter flight pass up there and and make some changes, maybe on some airspace or something.
[00:36:59] Unknown:
It's not your helos were supposed to stay at 200 feet, and, it looks like they didn't stay or they were in the they were in the in the flight path where they shouldn't have been. So I'm still betting my money on APC.
[00:37:12] Unknown:
Roger. Okay. Yes. Who's who's who's that? This is Sketch. Yeah. Yeah. I I follow a guy on YouTube. His name is is Blanco Lirillo Lirio, and he's a, 767 pilot. He goes over to England and does the, turnaround. Yeah. And he has a short report on all the metadata about the flight because he's a pilot, and he he can get he knows how to do it. And, he said that plane was right where it should have been, and, it's a very, very thorough short video, and then it's in the chat.
[00:37:53] Unknown:
Alright. Thank you. Sketch?
[00:37:54] Unknown:
[00:37:55] Unknown:
As a yeah.
[00:37:56] Unknown:
Yes. Yes, sir. I just wanted to say one thing is if they're making this, remote, potential, then there's a remote hack potential. So there's a lot of this going on. Christopher Wray running one office says that the Chinese have conquered every one of our major utility systems, with, their ability to pretty much do what they want when they want in those areas, so why not in aviation?
[00:38:32] Unknown:
Don't know. But hopefully, we'll find out some questions. Like I said, I'm just glad Trump's in the in the driver's seat there, because I think whatever outcome we're gonna get presented with will be more honest and open than we would have gotten previously. Tragic. Tragic. So sorry. Yes. Who yes. Who's that? Roger,
[00:38:52] Unknown:
this is William. Can I can I steer you in a little different direction?
[00:38:55] Unknown:
Sure, man. Please.
[00:38:57] Unknown:
So I got that letter. Mark called in last week and talked about the IRS's version of the Kelly Robinson letter. Right. You got that? Yeah. I got that.
[00:39:06] Unknown:
Oh, congratulations.
[00:39:10] Unknown:
I went in to see, you know, just what their concept of a frivolous claim was. I looked at I read through their frivolous arguments document that IRS published.
[00:39:21] Unknown:
Yeah. And,
[00:39:23] Unknown:
the one, I guess, that they're kinda lumping us into, you know, is more of the sovereign citizen type deal. But, their content and their document says the contention is that the taxpayer is not a citizen of the United States and does not subject to the federal income tax laws. It says some individuals argue that they have rejected citizenship in the United States in favor of state citizenship. Therefore, they are relieved of their federal income tax obligations. A very a variation of this argument is that a person is a free born citizen of a particular state and thus was never a citizen of the United States. The underlying theme of these arguments is the same. The person is not a United States citizen and is not subject to the federal tax laws because only US citizens are subject to these laws.
Mhmm. The law, they say, the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution defines the basis for United States citizenship, stating that all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States and the state wherein they reside. The 14th Amendment therefore establishes simultaneous State and Federal citizenship. Claims that individuals are not citizens of the United States but are solely citizens of a sovereign State and not subject to Federal taxation have been uniformly rejected by the courts.
The IRS has warned taxpayers of the consequences of not making this of making this frivolous argument. In a variation of this argument, taxpayers argue that although they are citizens of the United States for the purposes of the Internal Revenue Code, they are nonresident aliens and are subject to the taxation only on income that is connected with the conduct or trade of a business. The 11th circuit court has rejected this contention as frivolous, and then they list, about 8 or 10 relevant case laws to that effect. And then the second contention that they list in here is that the United States, in quotation, consists only of the District of Columbia, federal territories, and federal enclaves.
And they said some individuals and groups argue the United States consists only of the District of Columbia, federal territories, e. G. Puerto Rico, Guam, etcetera, and federal enclaves, American Indian reservations, military bases, etcetera, and does not include the sovereign states. According to this argument, if a taxpayer does not live within the United States as so defined, he is not subject to the federal tax laws. And then they they list the internal revenue code that defines the federal income taxes due upon all United States citizens and residents, not just those who reside in the district District of Columbia, federal territories, and federal enclaves. And then they list some, you know, case law on that. One of them, they actually had one of Bcraft's lawsuits in there where he said, in 1989, the 9th Circuit Court imposed monetary damages on Bcraft, an attorney based on his advocacy of frivolous claims such as that the federal laws only apply to United States territories and the District of Columbia, which the course court had found no semblance of merit.
So I just thought that was
[00:42:43] Unknown:
an interesting document to read from from their viewpoint. Yeah. That was that was full of holes. It looks like Swiss cheese. Right?
[00:42:53] Unknown:
So, you know, I know that we don't need we don't really need to to draft a response. But,
[00:42:58] Unknown:
Well, I I know. I think that probably it's worth addressing because you get one more chance to put the affidavit in front of them, and it's gotta go in your administrative file in a response to something like this. So there's an advantageous side of that. And I think kind of waiting for Mark to get well and get back and he and I to sit down and kibbutz on that because there's a couple of really easy ways to, come back on that letter. Include your affidavit as an exhibit again. It'd say see you later, colonel. How about a citizen of the United States of America instead of a citizen of the United States?
So but you can hear them double shuffle and how they double shuffle through that. You know? I I drafted a letter and sent it to Mark.
[00:43:44] Unknown:
I basically used their same format. I said, you know, it does simultaneously acknowledge or or bestow state and federal citizenship, but it also acknowledges
[00:43:58] Unknown:
but only if you reside.
[00:44:00] Unknown:
Right. And and but it also acknowledges 2 jurisdictions.
[00:44:06] Unknown:
Sure. It does. And there's so many ways to approach what you just read. But, you know, the thing that has been hitting me lately, I've been talking about it on the air, one of these just, I'd never really dwelled on it before in all these years was the importance and the significance of the 13th amendment because there wasn't a 14th amendment yet. Who was that written in there? He says It was one of those epiphany
[00:44:31] Unknown:
moments because you were you were talking you were talking about that. And, and I said, oh, I see what Roger's saying is that the federal government, can enslave. They can have an involuntary servitude because Yep. The 13th amendment didn't outlaw it for the federal government.
[00:44:48] Unknown:
Correct. And and they can't outlaw it anyway because what you are is your choice. All they're doing there is validating Vatel.
[00:44:56] Unknown:
Yep. May I So,
[00:44:58] Unknown:
yes, please.
[00:45:00] Unknown:
Yeah. Hi. I just wanted to comment. What I heard This Thomas? Just read what I the thing this is Matt. This is Matt at Oh, Matt. I hear you. What stuck out to me what stuck out to me was he kept being referred to as taxpayer, and that's true. Taxpayers, but the definition of a taxpayer is somebody that owes taxes. And so they kept defining you as a taxpayer.
[00:45:22] Unknown:
But but, you know, Matt, you could have a national and nonresident alien there who's a taxpayer that owes 8.71 or 8.77 b taxes. He'd be a taxpayer too under that
[00:45:34] Unknown:
metric, wouldn't he? Yes. Yeah. Yes. But he'd be right. But he would owe. He would owe. And that's the other way.
[00:45:41] Unknown:
The taxpayers they owe. Right. And you that's another way to approach this is, oh, by the way, aren't those 871 and 877 b both constitutional taxes?
[00:45:51] Unknown:
You were talking about, Roger, the AI. You're talking about AI earlier, and, I used the AI. It's Bill Gates' nasty AI, but, I used it to to write the letter in response, and, I did a really good job.
[00:46:07] Unknown:
Oh, man. That's so cool. William, have you looked into downloading deep seek yet? Do you you know how to keep keeping up with that? I heard about it, but, just my friends with NVIDIA stocks said, oh, man. It took a hit. And I said, yes. Because it's Well because of that. Mike Adams says is that whoever is gonna control that field is gonna control the world. And he's got deep seek on his desktop, and then you can pile one of the other AIs on top of it to help it accelerate and exemplify, the whole AI thing. And what they this is the basic difference that I got. No. The r a I, like, Grok or whatever, they've gotta go out and touch 1.8 trillion data points.
And what the Chinese have done is got it down to 500,000. That's why it's so much faster and more accurate. So that's so I'm not an expert. That's just so I heard somebody explain it. But, yeah, worth looking into. It's very important. I I was impressed as hell when Paul read us that AI rendering of Monday show. I mean, it just blew me away, really. Yeah. It was, it it even said,
[00:47:19] Unknown:
it came up with on its own. It says my intent is to pay all my required tax obligations as a nonprofit through an individual. It did.
[00:47:28] Unknown:
Oh, wow. That's amazing. And which one? That was Gates's?
[00:47:34] Unknown:
That's Gates's that you use? The through Microsoft Word. Yeah. It said my intention is to ensure all my tax obligations are met accurately and in accordance with the law. It made that sentence.
[00:47:45] Unknown:
[00:47:47] Unknown:
Samuel, you were trying to inject something? Yeah. I just wanted to make the point. I don't think it's an a a coincidence that DeepSeek was released about the same time Trump was getting inaugurated.
[00:48:00] Unknown:
Well, they somebody said it might have been their way of potentially sabotaging the stock market. The traditional chipmakers, invalid or whatever that one is, They lost up to 24% of their stock value that day. They've bounced back since a bit. I don't follow that. I just know they have, but that may have speculated be the intention of it. But I don't think they've been working on it but a couple of years, the Chinese. So it's a fascinating thing and and hopefully we'll get some application. But some of the AI stuff I've seen as it relates to us and like William's telling us writing that letter, hell, it's very impressive.
[00:48:43] Unknown:
Well, they've invested very very very very strongly and have way more mathematicians and such working Yeah. On this type of warfare. Yeah. So if they wanna have war with Trump, releasing it this on his inauguration day, number 1, and then this plane saying I don't think can be overlooked as if I'm not hacking that system because you go back to that that Ray interview, he's basically saying they're in every part of our infrastructure.
[00:49:14] Unknown:
But, well, there's no doubt we're at war, man. I mean, they got a penis erectus for us from the damn opium wars, man. This goes way back. Those people don't forget. The other thing is the Chinese have never really been conquerors necessarily. Outside of Tibet and some of their, local stuff, I mean, they're not over out trying to take over the world. This gave them the opportunity to do it through manufacturing and this fusion of communism and capitalism that they're under. Of course, we've never had true capitalism since we got into, any of these debt paper schemes.
K. The only way you got true capitalism is when you're on a solid monetary system. Otherwise, it's a vulture capitalism to me. That peep you know, people don't understand these differences, and they have these opinions, and they sell this bullshit to all these these young people on earth. It's capitalism capitalism and steers them right to communism, and it isn't even capitalism. It's vulture capitalism.
[00:50:16] Unknown:
So who's gonna say something there? Oh, it's William. I was gonna yield, but, I think this letter gets triggered, anytime there's anything about citizenship that you send the IRS, I think Mhmm. Could have been trigger this letter. So
[00:50:29] Unknown:
but we're gonna we're gonna send them something back that's gonna trigger them. I promise you. Let's just get Mark back as well. Okay. How am I I hope you're doing better if you're listening there, mister Mark. I hope you're doing better. He and I spoke over the weekend. He sounded even better than he did late last week, but he's had some serious medical stuff going on, and, we wanna get him, all the way out from under that. Yeah. My, my brother-in-law is,
[00:50:57] Unknown:
he's one of the lead engineers on the unmanned, black Hawk program at Sikorsky. And I know it's not, he won't tell me everything, but I know it's not fully developed yet. So Yeah. That's what what he's told me. So okay. You'll
[00:51:12] Unknown:
Thank you. Tom. Thanks for all the in in input. Yes, comment there, recognize. Tom, is that you again?
[00:51:19] Unknown:
That, according to this report, I watched a helicopter. There were 3 personnel, and they were on a training flight.
[00:51:26] Unknown:
[00:51:27] Unknown:
Training people. It was not remote. It was not remote.
[00:51:31] Unknown:
Well, let's find out. Hopefully, we'll find out why did they take one body out of that wreckage and take it off somewhere.
[00:51:40] Unknown:
That's a question. Maybe the only one they found
[00:51:43] Unknown:
so far. It's in the river. Good.
[00:51:47] Unknown:
Good. Oh, okay. Oh, what a mess. I'm sorry to hear all that. So on the other fronts that we cover here, is anybody else got any, thing they wanted to say? By any chance, remote as it may be, are there any new people on here with questions? Did Paul from Kentucky come back to join us? Some of those things are unanswered. Any of you new newbies out there would like to entertain a question? We'd love to hear from you if you wanna unmute and come forward. No. Don't guess we got any of those kind of folks. Hello? Okay. Yeah. On one note, there's a hello. Oh, okay. There's a guy and a girl and our our Big.
We're gonna go to the female first because if my mother be very ashamed of me if I didn't do that, we're gonna do that. Yes, ma'am. Who are you?
[00:52:37] Unknown:
Joan. Could we ask Matt what he said to could we ask Matt what he said to the AI to get that response from the AI for the letter?
[00:52:49] Unknown:
What kind of what kind of, prompting did you ask? Did you just ask the thing to write you a letter to feed in the other letter first? I just Or what? Yeah. Yeah. Just put it in Go ahead. I just put in a sentence that said,
[00:53:04] Unknown:
you know, just the basics. I mean, I need a letter to the IRS in response to a a frivolous, what they believe is a flip frivolous claim and, that I'm a nonresident alien individual and under the law. And I forget exactly what, you know, what I wrote. It was just a short sentence, and, and it spit all that back out. There you go, Joan. So does so does AI know as much as Roger knows
[00:53:30] Unknown:
about the feudal system and You can you can yeah. I hope not.
[00:53:35] Unknown:
No. If you if you go in there, like, you can put I did it 2 or 3 times. So the the first time it spit that other sentence out, but, you can go in there and put a little more detail in your what you wanted to write, and it'll it'll add that detail in there. So, you can you can kinda steer the AI to to be a little more detailed by providing it more information.
[00:53:58] Unknown:
Thank you. Mhmm.
[00:54:00] Unknown:
Yes. Now who's the My experience
[00:54:04] Unknown:
my experience, Roger, is the more specific of questions and the more detailed the more specific and detailed question you're gonna get back. And then if it misses something, you have the opportunity to ask another question and you can ask it to be more clear on something, describe a word or something that it used and you may not trust the definition. I mean you can go on with it for quite a while, but and you can steer it, yes, but what I found that when it's obscure stuff you the quality of your question is very important. It has access to a lot of stuff and I'll leave out the subject that I talked about because you don't like it, but I got some information from it that was very valuable.
I don't think heard very many places or very many times, but you also might note that if your AI is telling you this, it uses a term that it's a, I think ethereal or ephemeral or Ephemeral? Forget the exact word.
[00:55:21] Unknown:
Maybe ephemeral.
[00:55:23] Unknown:
That it's a this conversation is going to be this and I said well what does that word mean? And it says that this conversation will be erased because of its content very soon if not right away. So getting getting a copy of some of that stuff right away, if it's valuable, I think is also,
[00:55:46] Unknown:
something to watch out for. I'll leave it at that. Okay. Yeah. Well, I think you ought to be cautious of of that, for sure. When it asked you to you ask it to send back leaders and they're all, you know, George Washington's black. It depends on who programs it. And that's why, evidently, the deep sink thing is programmed real straight from what Adams and them were saying. And, the difference is you don't need a manufacturing plant from Lubbock all the way up to Wichita Falls or something, which is what those guys that were meeting with Trump last week were talking about. 500,000,000,000 in investment stuff. And Adam says, we need to get the Trump to open up the field and make it open source and everybody that are the experts in our country that want to contribute to it can contribute on an open source basis.
And that and he said if we don't overtake this Chinese thing, that they're gonna control the world. That's Mike Adams, not me. K? So, anyway, interesting times, folks. We got so many things going on. It it is really hard to keep up. K? I mean, like for me, I keep up with the news. So I'll have things that we can discuss on the show here. Hell, I can't keep up with it. Yeah. Paul? No. Chicago's not gonna be able to keep up. Well, they won't be able to either.
[00:57:12] Unknown:
Paul can't Unless they follow us.
[00:57:15] Unknown:
And goings of all these platforms, but he does a pretty good job. Thank you, Paul. Okay. Bye bye. Radio soapbox.
[00:57:22] Unknown: point 9 w b o u f m Chicago. Follow us into the second hour. Please go to the matrix docs. That's Click on either the euro link or the Global Voice Radio link. GVN on Pod Home will connect you directly to the live stream on Pod Home. So
[00:57:45] Unknown:
thanks for joining us. Us tomorrow when we will say, how's mama and them? Yes.
[00:57:53] Unknown:
I always thought that was a great line. Roger, I I probably didn't explain that real clearly. I guess I'd put it this way. I tried to send some of that back and forth that I had with it on a couple of subjects, and it doesn't transport that old cold conversation, the answers and questions. They cut them out. Okay. What's that? Did you talk back? Go ahead, Jeff. What? I've been using the one on Brave, which I think they call Leo.
[00:58:23] Unknown:
[00:58:24] Unknown:
So Brave got their own. I haven't seen it up there, but I just don't look for this kind of stuff anymore. But that's cool, and it's something I'm glad you guys are out there poking around and learning how to use it. Paul, have you messed with AI much yet?
[00:58:39] Unknown:
Absolutely not. I have absolutely no need to expose myself to something that might turn out being smarter than me.
[00:58:48] Unknown:
Probably will be, but, I mean, I was just so so impressed with what you read us on Tuesday. That thing read out of the show. And here my big worry about this archive thing we've been going through is the, the cash boxes were the only ones with even brief descriptions. And now we got this AI thing, and it can read all of them. Unbelievable.
[00:59:10] Unknown:
K? Well, it's a the one hiccup Roger, the The one hiccup that I discovered Hold on, Samuel. Go ahead. The one hiccup that you The one hiccup that I discovered is because we talked about a lot of the same stuff between one day and the next day that it virtually duplicated the description from the Monday program for the Tuesday program. So I had to go in and edit that. Yeah. But, but other than that, it was pretty much spot on. So I'm I was very impressed.
[00:59:40] Unknown:
[00:59:41] Unknown:
The scariest thing I've ever heard about it, and this is all probably over a year ago when people were talking about whether we should be allowing this
[01:00:05] Unknown:
Well, I think Well Is there a spiritual out there?
[01:00:08] Unknown:
You know? And Samuel, there was that example recently where this Willow chip that did 21000 years of regular computations in 5 minutes, that kind of thing. And that there were these high degree of chips, and they started talking to each other, 2 different models in a language that the programmers did not understand. And the only thing they could do is go unplug them. Yeah. That's the kind of crap that I worry about. That is Yeah. Well, you just yep. That you're totally justified.
[01:00:43] Unknown:
Oh, I didn't know that. The other thing is
[01:00:47] Unknown:
that you got people like Mike Adams, who do you know about the one he's been building for 6 months, Samuel? I forget what he called. I think he calls it Enoch or something. And it's all mainly health oriented. Right? But, but you can take those individual modules, download them, and put them on top of where it can work in connection with deep seek. Improving their accuracy and improving their speed and everything else. To my understanding, I know not much about it. If it was up to me, I'd be a Luddite. K?
[01:01:23] Unknown:
Comment. Right. Yeah. I I think I would have picked a better, name for it than Enoch because there's 2 of them in the bible. I don't I don't I'm just
[01:01:32] Unknown:
I don't quote me on that. I'm not sure that completely evil evil, Roger, and and one is a good guy.
[01:01:40] Unknown:
Well, I don't I'm not sure that's the name. I just pulled that out to label it. It's something like that, but that may not be I think I heard that too. Don't hold me to the wire on that. Now was that Boris trying to say some hold on. Was that Bory trying to say something?
[01:01:55] Unknown:
Yes, Roy. It's me. Good morning. Hey, Bory. Good afternoon. What you got? Buenas. Yeah. I got I got similar experience with the AI. He lied to me in the beginning, and when I put the, travel dot, in in it, you know, I put the the first part, the one that say that all citizens are nationals. Yeah. And then he changed it. He changed the subject and then they cut my conversation. I couldn't see it anymore. He he apologized to me. He told me he he was sorry, and thank you for correct him. And then 30 seconds later, my whole thing was off. They tell me to sign in.
[01:02:36] Unknown:
Wow. Well, you know, on this AI, it depends who the programmer was. Yeah. They know they know about this. They just hiding it. Yep. But but but but you get these evil people in there and you go to it and say, give give me a a a sub of the American early leaders, and all of them come up black. I mean, no offense to the black people, but they just weren't. Mhmm.
[01:03:02] Unknown:
Hey, Raj.
[01:03:04] Unknown:
So, anyway, it's who programs it much in in much of it. Yes. Who roged there?
[01:03:09] Unknown:
That was me. Didn't they didn't they they tickle the topic of sentience in, digital architecture, in the eighties with the movie Lawnmower Man? You remember that? Where this one guy that was, like, a mental deficient, he was, he became a lab rat for this guy. David language
[01:03:33] Unknown:
Hold on. Somebody's got a conversation going on in the background.
[01:03:37] Unknown:
Right off his side. It's a simple I, your name being used for under the penalty for United States of America here to prepare my intention to be a national with doctor. I don't know. Something in the United States. Someone.
[01:03:49] Unknown:
That sounds like.
[01:03:51] Unknown:
Did you find it, Paul?
[01:03:53] Unknown:
No. I'm still looking. Anyways, the lawnmower man was this guy that was, mentally, challenged, and he became a lab rat for this guy that was working on brain integration techniques with, machine learning and things. And, eventually, throughout the course of the movie, this this guy got smarter and smarter and smarter and more and more oppressive. And, eventually, by the end of the movie, he actually inserted himself into the machine and said that his birth cry would be the simultaneous ringing of every telephone on the planet. And, wow, within the last few minutes of the movie, it happened.
He disappeared, and all the phones started ringing. Oh.
[01:04:41] Unknown:
Was he, was he taking them smarter pills?
[01:04:44] Unknown:
No. No. Actually, it was like a 3 b, 3 b hologram
[01:04:50] Unknown:
I see.
[01:04:51] Unknown:
AI, virtual reality goggles, and all that happy stuff. Gotcha.
[01:04:56] Unknown:
The the smarter pills, you know, is like roostus and Liza Jane. And and and roostus saw Liza Jane with a handful of meat. I mean, and he comes over and says, what are those? She says, well, these are smarter pills. And he said, well, hell, they look like rabbit pellets to me. She said, see there, you're getting smarter already.
[01:05:15] Unknown:
There you go. Roger.
[01:05:18] Unknown:
I think that was lawnmower, man.
[01:05:21] Unknown:
Yes. It was lawnmower, man. That's what I'd said. There's our Roger. Brent, your picture wasn't up there when they called all those all those founders. You would they didn't put you up there, did they? Nope. I guess not. How you doing, old friend?
[01:05:39] Unknown:
Not doing. I guess I just woke up. Oh, you did? Okay.
[01:05:44] Unknown:
Chris Chris Anyway, we got always always, good to hear your voice. Oh, let's hear what Brent had to say, and then we'll get the guy. Chris, Brent, did you have something to add that I was stepping on you? Oh, no. No. Okay. Chris, what you got? Yeah.
[01:06:00] Unknown:
And what was being discussed earlier, I've sent out my affidavit to the new secretary of state Yes. And, Marco Rubio. And, I was about to compose my letter, to the beloved IRS people.
[01:06:19] Unknown:
And should I wait until we get this sorted out a little bit, or should I go ahead and Let me ask you a question. Did you did didn't you tell me you hadn't filed in 20 years or something?
[01:06:29] Unknown:
Yeah. I never filed.
[01:06:31] Unknown:
I don't don't go poking them. Don't go poking them.
[01:06:35] Unknown:
Oh, okay. Okay.
[01:06:36] Unknown:
Okay? Unless Yeah. You've long since fallen through the cracks if you hadn't filed in 20 years. So there's no reason to go,
[01:06:45] Unknown:
you know, go poke poke them. Okay. That sounds like good advice to me. Yeah. But I'll still send something to the attorney general of California, CHP.
[01:06:55] Unknown:
Oh, you get that's the back end. Yes. That's the back end and the state end and weaponizing your position where you live. On the front end, you didn't have any other problems with any other federal agencies, did you? Like, yeah, the EPA didn't come and and bust you because you built a little pond on your property or anything like that?
[01:07:15] Unknown:
Well, I I use the land pad. You know, that's my specialty, and they don't bother me at all. Okay. Fantastic. No. You're in the clear, man.
[01:07:22] Unknown:
All you're doing is officially I'm sorry to step on you, but what you're doing now is officially cutting the ties. There was a great sight from a case we heard. I think it was an appellate level case. It was, over on Copper Moonshine still site a while back, and it was very simple. It said to unless the person can prove they're not a citizen of the United States, the IRS can move on to assessment and collection or whatever. But unless a person can prove, well, how do you prove it? Well, there's only one way, and that's to submit that affidavit to the Secretary of State straight or through passport or through both. Now you got clear sailing.
K? Yeah. And you sound like you're pretty much in the clear. You'd wanted to notify your state folks and, tag in the local folks there that probably leave you alone now anyway. And, you ought to be pretty sitting pretty good, Chris. Yeah. Okay. That's good. I I I resonate with that. Okay. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. You're in far better shape than most folks that come around here, I can tell you. So, so who else has got something we can talk about, or is anybody else monitoring these things that are happening and wanna keep us in the loop or any of that? I have a small comment on,
[01:08:46] Unknown:
the AI. Yes, sir. A group of lawyers, got an AI together and went against other lawyers, and the one that had the AI totally obliterated. I think they did some mock trials, but they they totally won the the trial because of the use and being able to get all the metadata on all the cases and everything via AI.
[01:09:12] Unknown:
Well, I know I can see I can see how that is easily an advantage point of having that guy. Any of you ever had many of you haven't even ever set foot in a law library, much less written a brief or any of that and having to go back even with age like Lexus and Nexus. But to have these things as lawyers with everything they can compile in there is, yeah. I mean, I can see the validity of it, and I can see the potential misuse of it and and how it needs to be guarded. You know? I could we use Yes. About how about how about Washington's statement about government? We'll just apply it to AI. It's a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
[01:09:57] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. And just like, Paul, AI summarizes the show. They they can summarize books and all the key points that are important, and it really it's pretty helpful. I yield.
[01:10:12] Unknown:
Yeah. I I was going to send a copy of my book to Mike Adams, and I just never got around to it. And maybe we will because that information should be in his database, AI. Yes, Samuel.
[01:10:26] Unknown:
But what I did, there's a there's a thing called Elliott's debates, and what it is is it's the compilation of all of the states, debating the constitution that was presented to them. So you could it's like 5 volumes. Each volume is like 7, 800, not a 1000 pages. Right? Yes. Right. So you could go in there and just ask a question. It's like, well, how often did the states debate the articles of Confederation as being incorporated into the constitution? Things like that, and it'll tell you. Really?
[01:11:06] Unknown:
Yes. Very well, I it's a you could see easily where it's a very powerful tool, And you can also surmise how it could be, turned around against you like they do with every other damn thing that we ever get that's decent. But there is Right now it's a good news. Opportunity
[01:11:25] Unknown:
before it becomes too powerful to some extent, to get information that we may not ever see again. That's just a feeling. Yeah.
[01:11:35] Unknown:
Well, that could be could be, ma'am. They all they like the memory hole. So anybody else got something?
[01:11:44] Unknown:
Yes, Roger. Hi. I'm Lorena from Connecticut, and I'm with yeah. Hi. I just listed on your website here, and I see your picture for the first one. So nice to see you and hear you. You. Yeah. Thank you. Uh-huh. I'm also with Daniel who Dan from Massachusetts who Yes. Yeah. And and everyone
[01:12:08] Unknown:
Yeah. I'm sorry. Yes. Yes. Yeah. It's hard for Yep. Exactly. Yeah. I'm sorry. With this, we can't really kind of both talk the same time, and I'm and we're kinda stepping on each other. So let's get the feel of it. And, yeah, we've spoken with Daniel a couple of times, made his acquaintance. Glad to see both of you back, Lorena. Yeah. You're both spooky proteges of lady the lovely lady Linda Louise. Right?
[01:12:31] Unknown:
Correct. Yes.
[01:12:33] Unknown:
Yes. Alright. We're glad to have you back. You got some questions?
[01:12:37] Unknown:
Yes. I do. We were trying to get the ED affidavit, and I just see it on your site here. So we we wanna, get that sent in to the secretary of the state. We're in our in our state. And then it also has to go to Washington DC. Isn't that correct?
[01:12:54] Unknown:
Technically, it needs to go to Washington DC first. K? Because it's a federal system and because we're in the in the feudal system that nobody else understands, when you were in one of these silent contracts, do you understand the background here that we're talking about on what you're getting out of? Because you're in the feudal system. Do. Okay. Well, good. Well, you understand it's voluntary servitude because that's legitimate in our constitution twice, and now we're applying it to the feudal system and what's called a silent contract. And whoever volunteered in initially, and it may have been 8 generations back, It's just that you you were with the good lord in a good manner. Things were good for you, and you stayed through all those generations.
Well, and then they start to go south, and you go, well, I want out because it was voluntary. Even though that's that length of time, you can volunteer out at any time. And that's what you're doing here. You're going to the lord of the manor, the federal manor, who's in charge of all things concerning citizenship, the secretary of state. And it's interesting to understand why he's got that power. Have you heard us talk about that, Lorraine?
[01:14:09] Unknown:
Yes. I have. I sure have. And now now I have some more of the pieces of the puzzle and I see clearly. Go ahead.
[01:14:15] Unknown:
Yes. Well, it's it's Yeah. I'm not familiar with that. Because he's always issued passports back to the founding of the country because he was the secretary of state that dealt with other nations, and a passport is presenting one of the citizens of his country to the other nations of the world. And to do that, he's gotta have your correct legal personality. So this whole thing is set up under presumption. They've asked you this. They just roll on unless somebody goes in and preemptively stops them and confronts them, then that's what you're doing. K? Yes. Yes. Correct. You gotta go do that with him first. And, of course, we suggest that I don't know if you've got open passports or whatever, but at least get a passport card because that's just another way to know that that's in the database. And, then you go back to your wonderful state of Connecticut and start letting them know. And I think you ought to doesn't it senator Blumenthal have a lost his son have a law firm up there? Maybe you ought to put them on notice too.
[01:15:24] Unknown:
Okay. I'm loving putting people on notice, and I have been doing that for a while. But that that's a little bit something different with the federal postal court. And, I also created a live life premium.
[01:15:38] Unknown:
With the what? This federal postal court,
[01:15:41] Unknown:
that's new to me. Yes. Have you ever heard of Marquis Sean Christopher?
[01:15:46] Unknown:
[01:15:46] Unknown:
From England? No? Never. Okay. Well, he's up against the the the feudal system as well and helping the people out of it through paperwork. Yes. Yes. And and, so, a good man and he also helped me to understand this. Do you know about this? The coroner's office has everyone, reported on paper as dead. So that's what the the live life because of all the coroner's court, he's another high officer in the court. No. He's the highest officer in the county over the sheriff
[01:16:20] Unknown:
who most people think is the highest. Exactly. Yeah. So, yes, that I don't know about all the other stuff. These people are floating around. Are you familiar with John Smith over there in Scotland?
[01:16:32] Unknown:
[01:16:33] Unknown:
Oh, he Not yet. Well, he, he came up, John. It's a common law court dot com, I believe is his website. He's got a few of the misnomers at Realty Law and stuff, but I believe he stumbled on something that does what this affidavit you're to send in does, which is it rebuts this presumption. Everything's done on a presumption. A presumption of law is a presumption based upon another fact. So what they do is go in and fabricate the other fact and draw this presumption, and it continues to roll and they keep asking you. Hey, Lorraine. You're a citizen of the United States. Are you a resident? Yeah. Yeah. And you sign something. Well, all you're doing is agreeing with the presumption. K? So what you've got to do because you've given them that power falsely is now that you know what's going on, you're taking it back and that's all you're doing here. But you're rebutting the presumption that you're this other person.
Okay? Well, that's what I think John Smith has got going on and the way he approaches it, is a common law birth certificate, which would do basically the same thing and be rebutting the presumption. I don't think he understands what we do and would understand why it seems to work, but he's had some real good success with it. So, he also did a, interview with David Ike that is somewhere on David Ike's site, I think. But if anybody's gonna go look at him, John Smith, common law, he's got a very, very heavy brogue and even Paul English, who's English and told me about him because he talked to him. He said, hell, I couldn't even hardly understand it. So so know that going in. It might be a little un undecipherable.
But anyway, we're we're tickled to death, so we're gonna get you out under the feds. Now you go back to your AG who and, whoever your local folks are. I know you don't have sheriffs in Connecticut, so you don't have to worry about them.
[01:18:42] Unknown:
Mhmm. Mhmm. Do this as sheriff too?
[01:18:45] Unknown:
He said we don't have sheriffs in Connecticut. You don't have sheriffs in Connecticut. You're the only state that you
[01:18:51] Unknown:
does. Yeah. Probably. But Connecticut doesn't. I I think I think Connecticut's the only state in the union that doesn't have sheriffs.
[01:19:02] Unknown:
Yeah. We have sheriffs. Okay. So Dan is asking if he should notice the sheriff, and that's probably yes after we do the first one. Who is the lord? Who is the lord of the feudal manor?
[01:19:13] Unknown:
The Secretary of State of the United States.
[01:19:16] Unknown:
You of United Nations, did you say? No. Of United States. Did you Rubio.
[01:19:22] Unknown:
We just got rid of Blinken, and we got Rubio. It's that position. Oh, okay. Of state. Yep. I see. Okay. K. So we're gonna we're gonna chop put put him on for delium first. And then after you do that, you're gonna come back and you you start this is a CC thing. In other words, a carbon copy like corporate stuff. Yeah. And you're gonna do the attorney general of the state because he's the head law officer, and you're gonna do your local officials, the DA, the, sheriff, you won't have that, and the chief of police. You do have chief police department. Right? Yes. Yep. And them.
And, Kaye, our old friend Kaye and her husband Paul are up there in Connecticut somewhere. I'm not sure exactly where. But, she and the way we actually figured some of this out was because of her efforts. And she was thinking, Kaye wants to put every like you. I wanna put everybody on notice. K? And, she's pretty aggressive about it. And she she's, started out by sending it to the secretary of state of Connecticut. We weren't even doing this yet. And so he kept sending her a letter back. Go, well, do you we don't have an account with you, and do you owe us money? And then it jogged on me that secretary of state of the state takes care of incorporating corporations and all that kind of business.
K? So that's when we switched and said, okay. Well, we don't do the secretary of state of the individual state. Who's the chief law officer? Well, it's the attorney general. Okay? And this is how you're gonna do it. At the very top of the cover letter in big bold letters, lawful legal notice, first insert, and then you wanna write this. K? Notice to the principal is notice to the agent.
[01:21:24] Unknown:
Notice to the I'm looking at your website right now.
[01:21:26] Unknown:
Okay. Mhmm. Well, I don't know that that's on there. I, but anyway, here's what you write, and this there's a purpose for it like everything else we do. Notice to the principal's notice to the agent. Notice to the agent is notice to the principal. Now that's agency law, and we're dealing with agencies here. And what you're doing is with this letter and that statement is you're locking them all in together. Okay? Because you're gonna send it to those people below in your local area and the attorney general. And if like for instance, they stop you and give you a ticket after they've been put on notice. Now this is theoretical.
After they've been put on notice, then, and they take it to the d a and he puts it on the docket for the judge, all those people put on notice previously have lost their cloak of immunity because they were put on lawful notice. And they still did these things that don't apply to you. So they lose their cloak of immunity and guess who else loses it? The attorney general because they're all tied together through the laws of agency.
[01:22:37] Unknown:
Oh my goodness.
[01:22:38] Unknown:
Now we're about to see about this. We've got it. Finally got a case where somebody is in a position to do this sort of thing. And, and I wanna tell you, I communicated with Joe last night, in New Jersey. And, he is Saturday is we're gonna come on and tell everybody about his case, how it originated, the events that happened. And he literally has got the town he lives in begging him almost to get this case out of the way because he sued in a specific type of a of a common law, suit called a Katam lawsuit, which is from the people against the government. And if they wouldn't have settled, he could taken over the city for the people.
K? Now this has just happened in my 9 years. Yes. And he's been through a lot of crap. Just a second. He's been through a lot of crap with this. And they just came to him, dropped all the charges, and said we wanna get finished with all this discovery stuff because they don't wanna leave anything open where he could come back and sue them for not closing this correctly. Now who is the female there? It's me, Kaye. Hi.
[01:23:54] Unknown:
There's Kaye. There you are. Hey, Kaye. Yeah. I I heard you from Connecticut, and I thought I would just call in. So I'm just saying hi. Hello. Okay. Well, Kaye. Well, Lorraine, where are you in Connecticut?
[01:24:07] Unknown:
And, Kate, we'll see if you're close. You're not. No.
[01:24:11] Unknown:
I'm right on the Connecticut, Mass line in Route, Route 5. You're close. No. Yes. Oh. Yes. Right up north. I'm Yep. I'm down south, you know, around about, Danbury area, you know. Yeah. We're more rural, but, you know, so south. But, anyway, yeah, I went through a lot and tried to find out so.
[01:24:37] Unknown:
Yep. So Roger remembered. Yeah. Okay. It was part of like I tell people, this is a process. And Kaye was part of the process of really us putting this whole overall process together where you really solidify your position and you let all the key people know. K? And and for instance, we had a gal, Marilyn, in Kentucky. A year ago, maybe a little less. And she calls into the show one day and she said, well, I put everybody on notice in my, police, department and they wrote me and told me I need to come in and bring my concealed carry permanent in since I'd expatriated from the country.
And they also wanted me to go contact the FBI, which she did, and they didn't call her back. So she wrote them, and they wrote her back, said we don't have anything to do with this. And so finally, somebody in the legal department in Frankfurt realized what was going on, and Kaye said, I'm just an expatriate. It's a very involved, expensive, timely process. And so somebody said, okay. Well, just send us another affidavit or or something, and then you can just keep your license. And I told Marilyn, I said, you tell them you don't need their stinking license. But this is the miseducation that you may get back, but you've got the upper hand. Okay?
You got law, history, everything behind you. So that's the way it is. Kaye, thanks for checking in. How's Paul?
[01:26:08] Unknown:
Paul's doing well. Yeah. Just, you know, busy as heck as usual.
[01:26:16] Unknown:
Yeah. Good. Well, that's positive. Well, you you you I guess you've talked to Joe about by the way, Joe, we got Joe through Kaye, folks. Kaye's they moved east to take care of the grandchildren after they started getting grandchildren. And as the young boy grew up, he wanted to play guitar, and she looked for a guitar instructor. And now we got Joe. K. So amazing. Thank you. Cool. Kaye and Paul were 2 of the original people that ever responded to this message when I was on an RBN when we first started. And, they've been then they they came they got their house foreclosed on in the 208 deal. And here's sweet little Kaye, and she's going into court to try and defend their position, and they just made mincemeat out of them. K?
And after that is when she found us. And, then they moved at, I'm sure, thank god, out of California and, back to Connecticut to help with the grandkids. And out of all that, we get Joe Lustica. How yeah. You know, I tell you about the spiritual things that have happened along this path. Well, man, Joe's one of them. He's one of the better researchers I've ever run across, actually. Mark also. We're just so happy to have Mark along board with the experience and the talent and insight that he brings and him getting acclimated to what we do and seeing the justification of it. That's another funny story because we used to have a listener named Chuck Ward who's from Oklahoma. He's part of he's a beekeeper. One of the things he did, really good guy, very spiritual, and he used to hang around here. Well, he knew Mark.
And and he'd come on. He said, I keep telling my paralegal friend about you, this, that, and the other. I can't give his attention and all that. Well, Mark was doing shows, with Ralph Winter out over on RBN on Sunday nights when he was alive. And so after he died, Tom, because Tom finally him and I crossed paths and he realized the validity of what we got, so he offers me that slot. And, Mark, after Ralph died one night, he says, well, tune in over there r b n c, they got to replace Mark as me. The guy that his friend Chuck Ward been telling him about for 5 years that he never would pay attention to. So, and Mark says, that the the fact when when he internalized and learned that we're in the feudal system and he went and validated it, he said, Roger, it changed my life. K? And he'll tell you that. So, anyway, it's just interesting. Some of the folks that come around here, we've had a very spiritual path on this message since John Benson was, at the age where in the Mormon church, he received his what they call the I think they call it the the prophetic blessing or it's like a bar mitzvah kind of thing, and for those who don't know this. And, they have, when a Mormon comes of age 15 14, 15, 16, something, They put him in a in a room, send an elder of the church in, and they lay hands on him and predict their future.
And when John went in to go through his, prophetic blessing, the elder said, men will come from you for northeast, west, and south to seek their freedom. A long time ago. So, anyway, it's just had a lot of these things. I could sit here and go over them for 20, 30 minutes or more. But I'd rather hear from you and and Lorraine and Dan. Dan's back with us. Hey, Dan. I'm here, Roger. Can I ask a question? Of course, man. What do you got?
[01:30:01] Unknown:
It's good to it's good to be here. So, when we're I'm trying to also set up mail just generally. Lorena is always pointing out that, you know, even the mailbox on the front of my house is, like, ties us all into those guys And in a way,
[01:30:18] Unknown:
I'll tell you the background on that. The only thing that is is federal is inside the mailbox. It does not carry any jurisdictional issue to the rest of the property. And the guy that came up with that was Dennis Quaig, one of the Quaig guys years ago because I went and saw him and his, compatriots at a seminar. They drove they took the train all the way from California to Georgia to do this seminar. We all went up there in some little town, and and they did it there. And, that was their big deal, but there's no truth to that.
[01:30:51] Unknown:
Okay. No. That's cool. So it's like in literally inside the mailbox is this changing zone from my house to their jurisdiction and from them and okay. I get it. And then what's the difference between rural free delivery and what's the other one that the rural route? Just if I just because I don't wanna put 1550 on Middle Street.
[01:31:10] Unknown:
I got no idea. But none of that makes any difference as to what we're talking about. The question is, what gives that guy over there, that bureaucrat, what gives him the power and authority to make man made laws and enforce them on me? That's the question.
[01:31:27] Unknown:
And he he it is. No one of them
[01:31:30] Unknown:
okay. Go ahead. Yeah. None none of those other things like that have any bearing on that. That what we're teaching you about volunteering out
[01:31:38] Unknown:
is the is the answer. K? Now go ahead, Dan. I want you to what further is Yeah. So one of those man made laws is is, for instance, the ZIP code system and all the zoning. And so we always have to put care of 1650 long metal street.
[01:31:54] Unknown:
No. I mean, you you can do that if you want, but there there's no validity there that that has any kind of a nexus on jurisdiction. So that's just as old patriot mythology. People and I'm not saying they did it intentionally. I think people look as so convoluted and it's sitting hitting so skillfully as evidenced by Monday's show with both Mark Levin and Barnes talking about birthright citizenship and all over it, and they couldn't see it. It's right there in front of them. Right. K? They didn't ask the right question. So but none of those other things. And they see things that I'll give you an example. They see things they think connect, I e. Well, in the constitution, it says we've got admiralty, law. So it must be admiralty law.
Okay? And it sounds good. It looks like it makes sense. And and so you tell 2 or 3 other people and now they think that everything you tell them is the gospel and so now it's gospel.
[01:32:58] Unknown:
[01:32:58] Unknown:
Okay. So Right. You do those things if you want. But just that's why I say if you've come from other folks teaching you, the the best thing to do is let's get kind of like taking a whiteboard without eraser and eraser and everything. And let's start and get all the right foundational stuff down. Like, Dan, have you heard us talk about r plus d equals r? That little formula. I I forget, Roger. What is that? Okay. Well, it's the real simple. It's the formula that runs the world, and it stands for rights plus duties equal remedies.
And this is the formula that tells us what legal person we are and from where we get our rights and to whom do we owe our duties. So it's a really important formula. Okay? Because it dictates what legal person you are. Now on the other side is remedy and it's sitting there by itself. There's 2, entries on the left. There's 1 on the right of the equal sign, that's remedy. Well, here's a here's a way to differentiate and use remedy. Everybody tells you it's, admiralty law. Right, Dan? Yeah. They do. What's the remedy in Admiralty Law? Okay. Let's use our formula to our advantage here. What's the remedy in Admiralty Law?
[01:34:17] Unknown:
Well, my rights under Admiralty Law are null. My duties to the Admiralty system are I don't have any that I'm aware of. Well, there is only one remedy is Oh, yeah. But I guess my remedy is not of you, and I'm not on the contract.
[01:34:32] Unknown:
Well, there's only one remedy in Admiralty law, and it's called prize. Because it's a martial law. And it basically the formula is, Dan, I kick your ass and I take your stuff called prize on the water. On the land, it's called booty. And it's that's martial law takings. Booty. So booty and prize are the only remedy. Do you see booty and prize being used around you anywhere up there in Massachusetts?
[01:34:59] Unknown:
No. Not well. Not that I'm aware of, but they may and it's called something else because they take up the supplies. I mean Well, here's the here again, here's where the confusion comes in.
[01:35:09] Unknown:
IRS can come over and or anybody else and, like, take your car and take your house Yeah. All that stuff. And so they see some taking going on and they automatically, because they don't don't understand the process, identify it as Admiralty Law. So do those things when the IRS comes and boosts your car or takes all the money out of your bank account, is there process behind it? Yeah. A whole bunch of it. Okay? And so without that process, it it would be prize. But there's process there, so it can't be prize. And if it can't be prize, it can't be admiralty law, can it? No. If that's the only remedy, no. It can't. So that's where little things like learning these basics. And listen, I mean, this is no big Roger genius thing. I had a teacher that was the genius.
I was just a very good student, and I was been driven since I crossed paths with them 30 something years ago about this damn system and all of its quirks and twists and turns, how it works and why. And I just like a damn pit bull would never let go, Dan. And I kept I don't blame you. Dickin'. And and finally, I was gonna move to South America, and some little voice told me to leave, and I had to go get a passport. And on the first page of the first top of the first page was the answer I've been looking for for 15 damn years. K? And it's because they have to put it in there. They have to put that warning box in there because it's extra constitutional and to meet it being extra constitutional and pass all the muster in all these courts over all these decades, it's got to be done absolutely correctly.
And they have to tell you in that passport application, that warning box thing. Because as I was explaining to Lorraine, the secretary of state has got a duty to present you in your correct legal personality to the nations of the world. That's why they run all this through him. And that's why they got to recognize it. Wow. That's all good stuff. Hey. When we're sending to the Secretaries of State, do we have to go through the extra expense of actual registered mail? Would you say Well, first of all well, first of all, you don't need to use registered mail. Registered mail is for things that are of intrinsic value. All the metals dealers generally send all of their metals to customers in registered mail.
The reason for that the reason for that, if you had bearer bonds, you'd wanna send them by registered mail. The reason for that is because everybody that touches that package with that red label has got to sign for it. And if it's in a post office overnight in transit, it's got to be in a locked caged area because it's valued. Gotcha. Alright? So use the green one if you wanna use certified. It works. And, there's we've heard some talk on here, Linda. We'll talk to lady Linda Louise about her. They call it a fact book or a fair book or something you can get from the post office if you wanna do it, which is just
[01:38:34] Unknown:
I don't I don't I've heard of it.
[01:38:37] Unknown:
Okay. We'll ask her about it. K? Anyway, you can save some money if you're notifying a bunch of people, and there's all kinds of intricacies and paths to walk down here. But, just send me the other thing. Like, basically. That'll do it. Just Certified Yes, Paul. The receipt. It's good news. Yep. Return receipt. I believe that was The minute the minute you put that in the system and they have to stamp it at the postal clerk, it's considered received in DC. Paul, what are you trying to inject, buddy?
[01:39:08] Unknown:
I believe that is the firm book.
[01:39:12] Unknown:
Firm book. Well, you know, as, we're not I'm not firm at 76. By the way, yesterday, my my dental thing earned it up being a consult consultation visit. Next one is the, is the implant thing. And, oh, then I gotta deal with the bottom jaw, which is gonna be a little bit challenging. So, anyway,
[01:39:34] Unknown:
Dan, how else can we hold on. I'll I'll Well, Dan, you know, the bottoms are harder. I've got 6 implants in my face over the years, and they're all, you know, they're all arduous, but the dentist makes it so you don't really feel a thing, but the bottoms are a little bit tougher. And by the way, definitely do it because we messed up our teeth when we were young. Oh, okay. You did a little bit. I knew I did. Yep. Yep. I just didn't pay attention to it.
[01:39:59] Unknown:
You know, I have young people coming. So what could you give me any advice as they take care of your teeth? You know? Well Yeah. Sure. What'd you say? Yeah. It's been a lifelong struggle. And also Okay. The only other thing I have about this, every time I press star 6, my phone hangs up on me. Okay. And that's it. So I'm trying to figure that out. Alright. Yep. Good day, Roger. Everybody. Well, always good to hear from you, Dan. Okay. Now Roger. Who else has got something with questions? There's Larry. Almost predictably.
Yes, sir?
[01:40:30] Unknown:
Yeah. A little while ago when you're talking to Dan, you said, you went to a seminar and it was the person you named was Dennis Quaid. Are you sure you don't mean John Quaid?
[01:40:44] Unknown:
Yeah. So one of the Quaids. I don't I I I think it was John. It was the guy that was in that it was the guy with the orangutan that was in the movie Every Which Way, but loose. It was filmed out there in Jackson Hole.
[01:40:57] Unknown:
Yeah. That's John Quaid. And he's, he was very very, learned about the common law. And, did did you say that he would teach people about the, not to use your your address?
[01:41:16] Unknown:
They were trying to pin the jurisdictional nexus on the fact that you have a mailbox on your property. And even though you buy that and install it, it's not your mailbox. Well, that's kinda true, but it's not totally true. Because it is your mailbox, but the only part that's verboten on a mailbox is inside it, not outside. And there's no nexus that transfers to the rest of the property,
[01:41:44] Unknown:
including you. So sorry, John. Right. Yeah. I agree with that. One of the things I wanted to say though is, these teachers like John Quaid and Richard McDonald, these are all good men and they had a lot of good things that they taught. However, they also seem to believe that the Social Security number was a nexus and both both the McDonald and Quaid would teach that you need to get out of the Social Security number in order to be free. Well, that's just And, obviously, we know that's not the case. That's not. I mean, it's provable.
[01:42:23] Unknown:
That that's what I said. These people have been looking for answers. I mean, people have been looking for this since the fifties, since it started going south. Okay? They got more on board in the sixties with the none dare call it treason and, the guy that wrote the Rockefeller files and all that. And in the seventies, and that's when John Birch started getting more influence. So it's been progressive, but there have been people trying to make what we've got here and make this connection for, well, easily 60 years.
[01:42:56] Unknown:
And another thing is, when you say process, when you say process,
[01:43:02] Unknown:
is due process and process, are you using those synonymously? It is it well, it is the prod the process they've got to follow. In other words, for the IRS to come to get to a point where they can utilize a self help remedy on you, the amount of steps they have to go they have to send you those letters. So, hey, Larry. It appears you haven't filed for 2018 2019. If you've already filed, disregard this letter. If not, we might have to ask you to come in and buy and bring your books and records, and then you don't respond to that. So they may send you another one. And then they'll if you still don't do anything, they'll send you a letter that you got 90 days to either apply to tax court or they're gonna send it on for lien levy and seizure.
So it's all those letters and that correspondence. That's all due process. You don't do that in that multi law. You don't flash a a flag signal over to the ship you're about to board and conquer. There's no process except pulling down the the country's flag you were falsely traveling under and putting the jolly roger up. That's the only process in admiralty law. Yeah. I agree with you.
[01:44:17] Unknown:
So, do you believe that you get a a person as a US citizen and as a resident? Either a US citizen or a resident? Because, obviously, a a US citizen is a resident also. They're both. They're citizens of the United States
[01:44:35] Unknown:
and the state and the state wherein they reside. That's the resident question.
[01:44:41] Unknown:
Right. Do you believe that, when a US citizen or a resident because you got you got foreign nationals that come over here and they work in the United States, they're considered a resident. Green card. That's green card. Right. Those are resident So either in either status, they come over here and they work and then, you know, they're required to to file, you know, a 10 40. Well, do you believe that the first time somebody, files a 10 40 that they are in it for life or is their contract
[01:45:15] Unknown:
renewed every year that they file? It's a well, your 10:40 is an annual contract. The 10:40 form is your annual contract, but you're in their records, and they're gonna come back and tap you every year and send you the booklet or send your form to your, the crap they used to do. I don't know if they do that now. But, Alright. If it's a yearly contract, how is it that they're able to come back
[01:45:39] Unknown:
and say, hey. You owe us taxes for the last, you know, 7, 8, 9 years that you didn't file. Like, say you filed, like, 10 10 years ago and then you stopped filing, and then then you, got a letter and they're they're saying, oh, you owe us for all these other years, you know, after you filed. It almost sounds like it's almost like a time share. Once you buy it, you're in it forever. You can't get rid of the thing. Well, I got rid of the bastards. It cost me 35,000.
[01:46:11] Unknown:
I hope you guys get out of it much cheaper than it cost me.
[01:46:14] Unknown:
Well, I'm speaking from a US citizen perspective, not from our perspective.
[01:46:19] Unknown:
Well, you're probably still gonna be in their files. I'm in their files, but they recognize that I'm a national. They think they got their pound of flesh and even a little bit more. But the gay the the joke's on them because I'm showing everybody the fraud of their system. That's something else that drove me was the $35,000 they stole from me. Okay? And and so every time I get somebody like you, Larry, and these other folks, and Dan and Lorraine and these other folks, and I show you what's going on. I don't tell you to do this. You make the decision to move forward, and you go notify the IRS. Well, I got a little a little book too, and I got some pretty severe penalties and interest too.
And so I go back and maybe take a dollar off of that total that's compounding like one of Elon Musk's rocket ships shooting up. So I get my 2¢ in the end. And as I've maintained all along, these pieces of human garbage, if they are human, make their own worst enemies. And, boy, they've made one out of me. K? Not that I wasn't already, but, boy, they made one out of me. And let me tell you who else they made one out of with all their frigging shenanigans. Donald j Trump. That's a different Donald Trump that's in there now than was in there the last time. You could see his determination.
He they pissed him off so bad with all that crap they've done to him and maligned his family and went into his wife's beautiful wife's underwear drawer and everything else they did. And he he's on the warpath too, and I am too. Except I can do a better job maybe than Trump can do because I can pull you all individually, totally out of the whole scam. And what's the important thing about that? Unlocking you from IRS because that's how they're gonna plan on getting all of that compound interest that they fraudulently built up out of you.
So we disconnect you from that. That's the real important part here. So what, Larry?
[01:48:34] Unknown:
Yeah. So I yeah. I get all that. I'm just trying to figure out as as a US citizen, how the IRS gets their authority to, like, reach back
[01:48:46] Unknown:
into previous years. Well If it's an if it's an annual contract,
[01:48:51] Unknown:
how are they going, you know, several years back in time? Because you're because you're a SERFO, and I think they can only go back 7. I don't think they can go back much more than that. But and we're gonna get into the whole tax scheme here. We're in tax season and waiting to get a little further into it, and we'll do a whole show or 2 on it. But what John thought was that you know what I told you a minute ago? Hey, Larry. We haven't received your tax return, and you probably heard this already, but some of the others haven't. From 2018, 2019, etcetera, etcetera. Well, what John thought was that that is a contract in specialty contracts in the uniform commercial code called the confirmatory writing. Have you heard us talk about this, Larry?
[01:49:37] Unknown:
Yes. I think I think I remember, but go ahead. Well, I'm gonna go ahead with the explanation.
[01:49:42] Unknown:
It's another one of these specialty contracts. That's where you find, the Jewish sheatar, 10 40 forms in there too. Except this is a contract, as it says, but written between merchants who are both apprised of the contents of the writing, etcetera etcetera. But the form of this is, if you don't deny that contract in 10 days, it sticks. So what do most of our people do, Larry, when they get that letter? They throw it in the trash can. I don't wanna volunteer. Well, you don't know. They're in again, they don't think like we do, and they know this Babylonian merchant code like the back of their damn hands. And they know how to take these type of instruments and turn them around on you and weaponize them. Okay? And that's what they're doing if that's what this is for. I've never seen one thing that John Benson ever thought like this where he speculated a little that did turn out to be true. Okay? So this is the basis of it, Larry, is it's a voluntary system, but yet we've got that CFR 1.1 dash 1 a and it says these are the people that were responsible to pay it. But when they have people from treasury in front of congress, they'll testify and say your your BACF tax is a mandatory tax, and your income tax is a voluntary tax.
Okay. Well how else would you get somebody, if it is a voluntary system, how else would you get somebody in a contract on the front end of a voluntary system when you didn't volunteer? So that was what we think they're doing. They locked you into that at the front end. Now they got you in a contract. Now they go down because the pro the computer in in West Virginia is programmed correctly. Okay? And it gets to the point where the computer has to have a 10 40 on file to complete the process, and you didn't file. This is failure to file stuff.
So that's when they bring in push code 9. And in the internal manuals of the IRS, this push code 9, and they stop the process, and that's when the agent puts in what's called a substitute for return or a dummy return. That's what it's called in the patriot movement. And so once he puts that in, and now the computer sees that a 10:40 has been filed, and it goes on to assessment. And then they have to go through, all these notifications still. And finally, they come and grab your car, Larry. So is that a lot of process? That's a ton of process.
[01:52:32] Unknown:
K. Yep. Here's the whistler.
[01:52:34] Unknown:
And our process is that we're out of time. And most of you know what happens is that we end. I bid you adieu, and, we, come back, tomorrow, which is the same thing that's gonna happen here in a second. If you're new, please don't get overwhelmed. It's like, if you don't have a lot of background, you stumble into this program, you're taking a drink of water out of a fire hydrant. And you've got to familiarize yourself a little bit with what we do and and and and listen a lot and have an open mind. Because, the the mind is like a parachute.
It only works when it's open. So if you're one of these closed minded folks, you may be in free fall. And if that's your choice, then god bless you. We'll pray for you. Otherwise, we'll be back tomorrow again. It's tomorrow, Friday with Brent, I think. Yeah. Tomorrow's Friday with Brent. Yeah. Somebody wanna say something right there? Yes. This is Chris from California.
[01:53:34] Unknown:
I knew Richard McDonald very well. I also knew John Quaid very well, and I had a lot of discussions with them both. They did have flaws, both of them in their understanding, but they did a lot of good work and I really was fondly affectionate with both of them. They're both passed right now of course. But I feel just to touch on a few things. First of all, when you get a letter that you don't want, return it within 72 hours. Just send it back. And up on up where up where the return address is, put RTS. This is what the post office uses.
Put RTS which is return to center with an arrow to the return address and then over to the right of that put UTF which the post office also uses. That means unable to forward, utf. Just send it back to them and that will end that situation. Now also when you're receiving any mail at a post office box or any other box or when you use the address yourself for yourself, always put in care of in front of the the address, in care of. So it doesn't connect directly to you or you can go ahead and set up with your your main post office in your area to do, what's called, let's see. You do mail with the post office, without an address.
You can do that as well and you can receive your mail right at the post office in their box. That would be I,
[01:55:15] Unknown:
I knew both of those guys too.
[01:55:17] Unknown:
Oh, they have general deliveries. Delivery. Right. I've I've used all of that. Those guys personally.
[01:55:23] Unknown:
Okay. I've stopped doing both of those guys. Returning stuff. Yeah.
[01:55:28] Unknown:
Chris, I knew both those guys personally too. Richard went through John and Glenn's course. That's where I learned about him and saw him and met him initially. And then later on when I was in California doing something, I dropped by his house out there. Did you ever go visit him in his house? All the time. I've got his law library. He gave it to me. Oh, giddy. Well, yeah, he had I told the audience he had a law library that he built around a tree.
[01:55:56] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. I have the law library.
[01:55:59] Unknown:
Oh, how cool, Chris. Okay. Good deal. Alright. And I met John when they, Quaid when they came over and did that deal. I did get to know him. I got to know Richard a little bit better. What a what a gem of an individual Richard McDonald. Excuse me. Sir Richard McDonald was. So thank you, Chris. Sure. Okay. Anybody else got anything? Because I'm gonna dart out of here. Nope. Alright. If tomorrow, in fact, is Friday, we will have Brent Winters with us, and that's always a treat.
[01:56:29] Unknown:
And so if you got any law questions or Yeah. Roger. How much does he judge the implants on there?
[01:56:37] Unknown:
Well, it's a a lot less than it does up there. I'm gonna I got 2. Now if you had to put bone in the top because that some of the bone had decayed, they didn't have a spot to put the implant. So these were also with bone and the highest quality implants, I think, $40.43100 for 2 of them.
[01:57:01] Unknown:
Okay. That sounds good.
[01:57:03] Unknown:
Yeah. Roger? You gotcha. Wasn't there a
[01:57:06] Unknown:
Swiss method that they were doing too? Did you ever look at the European method of implant? Or I don't know if they're doing that in South America.
[01:57:14] Unknown:
Some of the guys trained in Europe. They might be. I don't know. I love the this dentist. We the number of us use him and speaks English. Everybody in the office speaks English. He's very high-tech. He uses all the latest stuff. He goes around and does lectures for other dentists and stuff, and his prices are very, compared to the US, probably cost me 70 or 80 grand for what I'm gonna get done. And he's the bottom jaw with 4 implants is gonna be about $10, I think. That's great. That's
[01:57:49] Unknown:
that's called a medical vacation. Right?
[01:57:52] Unknown:
Well, there are people we've got one of our friends with somebody down here for a month, but to do that couple of root canals and whatever. Yep. Same thing. Except her problem was she got here from Philadelphia and got hit with altitude sickness for about the first 5 days pretty heavy. So some it reacts some people that way. So anyway
[01:58:12] Unknown:
Mhmm. Roger. So Yes. Yeah. Please Yeah. This is Larry again. This gentleman that that's in California that knows John Quaid, he said send back whatever you get in the mail within 72 hours. Now you we all know that if you try to do that with the IRS, they're still gonna move forward. Well So I I I hope he's not meaning to instruct people to do that with the IRS.
[01:58:39] Unknown:
Well, with that with that confirmatory writing, for sure. But, I always wanna open it up and answer it. You know? I I I don't need to play that game anymore. But, anyway, I'm gonna go off and go to lunch, guys. So and girls. And so I will, we'll have social intercourse again tomorrow. Okay? See you, Sketch. Thank you, sir. That's right. That may you know, I salivate I salivate like Pavlov's dog when you do that. You know?
[01:59:10] Unknown:
Well, just as long as you're not
[01:59:13] Unknown:
walking. Stockholm syndrome, we're okay. That's right. I'll see you all tomorrow. Bye.
[01:59:19] Unknown:
I, was wondering if anybody had, besides Samuel, has read the book of the 100. Some interesting just looking haven't got through it all yet, but the the first part of it has 466 or 468 footnotes. And then part 2, believe it or not, open up opens up with the section reviving the general post office. And, I was listening to somebody the other day who was saying that, they're trying to get rid of the post office, of course, privatize or whatever, move everything over to FedEx and UPS. Of course, UPS UPS and FedEx are probably pretty hungry because they're losing all the shipping to Amazon and Walmart. So, so anyway, I didn't know if anybody had, they've got, something called a letter of appointment, which I think brother Gregory out of, Oregon, Summer Lake, Oregon had talked about as well, and letters of credence, that kind of thing.
So, kinda getting to this area where, you know, using a 3¢ stamp and all that, and how we address things and, you know, the quote, unquote the address. So I call it mailing location, but the the address itself, they always want that linked to your name, of course, probably to securitize everything, but then put that into Admiralty. So does anybody have any, opinions or knowledge about reviving the general post office? Are you?
[02:00:45] Unknown:
I just, I just downloaded I just yesterday downloaded the PDF version of the book of the 100, but then I was looking for the part 2 and I wasn't sure where to find that. Does anybody know?
[02:00:57] Unknown:
My download came with it and when I printed it. So how many pages did you have in your PDF?
[02:01:03] Unknown:
300 for I I was 300 for the first one, but I was my understanding was part 2 has, like, 200 if I'm not correct because I was gonna send mine off to the printer to print it and bind it.
[02:01:14] Unknown:
Okay. This part 2 starts at page 93, so I don't know if Oh. Is there a part 2 of so maybe it's all part of the same, like, book. You know? Mine's a 4th 4th edition revised with updates.
[02:01:27] Unknown:
Yeah. That was mine too. That's mine too. Okay. So that's all you need. So it's 300 and some pages. That's it?
[02:01:34] Unknown:
[02:01:35] Unknown:
Yeah. That's perfect. Yeah. Yeah. 300
[02:01:38] Unknown:
[02:01:39] Unknown:
yeah. 304
[02:01:42] Unknown:
Thank you. I thought that, I misunderstood. I thought that, the original person who was reading, I think it was Samuel or somebody that, that these, there was, like, 2 parts to it, a part 1 and a part 2. But I have the 300 and whatever, so I guess I'll just go ahead and send that and have it bound. Yes, ma'am.
[02:02:02] Unknown:
Thank you. Yeah. And this brother Gregory has a lot of, if you ever go on to his holy church dot, I think, org, they've got a lot of, things about the ekklesia, which is what, the concept of this is. And not a general society necessarily, but a Christian general society idea, or an assembly. And, you know, it's interesting page 95. The title is the simplicity as to the Christ part 2, the general post office. Oh, wow. Exactly. And, talks about, yeah, the, the Babylonian confusion, that has crept into the original, idea of the of the post office.
And, of course, it's not unlike the the way that he, has things addressed in here, the Christ Assembly of San Diego General Post Office, Bonzo, California. Then after 3 or 4 days, send 2 or 3 brothers with a letter of appointment to call forth the mail letter that was sent. And greetings, we were sent by the Christ Assembly of San Diego to call to call forth their first class matter. Here's their letter of appointment. Once the mail matter is handed to them, the general post office is revived. Your brothers may be told that they can only receive general delivery, but once the mail matter is handed to them, the question is moot. The clerk is born witness otherwise. And then they have a letter of appointment here on page 98.
So quite interesting. I appreciate Samuel, you know, continuing to bring this
[02:03:37] Unknown:
book forward, Niyal.
[02:03:38] Unknown:
Yeah. Thank you. That sounds interesting. I'm gonna start reading mine as soon as I get mine back.
[02:03:58] Unknown:
Interesting page 116. We kinda brought this matter up the other day and, entitled 42 lawsuits. And I think, work of the same opinion that all US titles and codes are for natural persons, corporations, etcetera. Natural persons are godless entities presumed to be living in the state of nature. When anyone files a title 42 lawsuit in the de facto secular courts, he is saying in essence, I am one of your pagan followers, and you as my master have violated my civil rights, rights you gave me. I want revenge, and I want to be judged by the ungodly as long as my greed, revenge, produce some money for me. Those promoting and using such lawsuits walk on arm in arms with Mercury and Mars Mars of Mars Mars, to it.
We are all agreed that the first and 14th amendments have a secular each far more penetrating in the conduct of government than merely to forbid an established church. We renew our conviction or that we have state the very existence of our country on the faith that complete separation between the state and religion is best for the state and best for religion. I don't know where that quote comes from, but this was requoted by justice Felix Felix Frankfurter and Company in Illinois, x rel, McCollum versus Board of Education 333 US 203.
So I'm yeah. I'll be kinda curious as how you do bring a suit if you were to bring a suit. It gets a lot into the merchants of the Earth and bank accounts and block, you know, all the other good stuff. I've I've I had heard that originally the European tribes laughed at the concept of money. They've got a, kind of mock trial here based on Daniel on page 150. Another Daniel in the lion's den, and this would be kind of fun to do with my children. They've got the court saying Daniel, and Daniel saying, you say that I am. And, and the court speaks, and Daniel speaks. And, I've seen this done with, Pontius Pilate, Christ, and, the accusers and whatnot, but I haven't seen this with Daniel. And they've got the clerk.
So I got the morning session for Daniel on the court. Got miss DA here. This is quite, you know, Darius, and then they've got the afternoon session. That's quite a dialogue here. It goes for pages 150 to pages actually, then they've got an arraignment section. So they simulate that out, kinda taking basically, it's 22 pages from, the book of Daniel that they turn into a court case. You've been got a reference to OJ Simpson and Mark Furman, both in the system and privilege.
Introduction and Show Overview
Discussion on Recent Helicopter Crash
Political Candidates and Confirmation Hearings
Economic Systems and Tariff-Based Economy
Helicopter Crash Theories and Investigations
IRS and Taxpayer Discussions
Expatriation and Legal Processes
AI and Technology in Legal Contexts
Closing Remarks and Listener Engagement