In this episode of the Radio Ranch, host Roger Sales discusses a variety of topics ranging from health devices to geopolitical issues. The show kicks off with a discussion on the Iteracare terahertz frequency wand, a device claimed to activate dormant stem cells for health benefits. Roger then shifts focus to the geopolitical landscape, discussing China's alleged plans involving drones and biological weapons, and the U.S. military's response. The conversation touches on domestic issues, including the role of the IRS and the complexities of the U.S. tax system, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's legal status and rights. Roger also shares insights on living abroad, particularly in Ecuador, highlighting the benefits of a simpler lifestyle and the country's stable economy due to its use of the U.S. dollar. The episode features interactions with listeners, addressing their questions about legal status, tax obligations, and the implications of being a U.S. national. Roger encourages listeners to educate themselves and take personal responsibility for their freedom, offering guidance on navigating legal and financial systems. The show concludes with a discussion on the importance of community and the shared goal of achieving personal freedom.
This mirror stream on the Global Voice Radio Network is brought to you in part by for support of the mitochondria like never before. Also,, brand new product still in prelaunch. Check it out. It's also brought to you by and the Price International Iteracare terahertz frequency wand. Here's more info about that. The Iteracare device has the ability to awaken
[00:00:41] Unknown:
dormant stem cells in the bone marrow. Yes. We have sleeping stem cells in our bone marrows. As you keep blowing this on your spine, you're activating these stem cells. And guess what? You're gonna create brand new lungs, brand new kidneys. Eventually, as you keep using this over time, you will have brand new organs, glands, and tissues in your bodies. And that's a great news. You have to keep blowing this on your spine because this is what the great Hippocrates said, there's a way to hit the bones, then all diseases can be treated.
Activate that. Awaken that stem cells in your bone marrows. Hit the bones using the future of medicine, which is frequency. This is your time. Grab your one device
[00:01:31] Unknown:
right now. For more information on the Itericare classic terahertz frequency wand, go to That's
[00:01:41] Unknown:
[00:01:45] Unknown:
Forward moving and focused on freedom. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network.
[00:02:25] Unknown:
Alrighty. Well, as would we, as would we, Alvin. We keep trying. Hope you appreciate our efforts. We appreciate yours. The kickoff the intro for the old Radio Ranch here on Wednesday. The edition is date stamped January 15th right at the middle of the month. How many how many days does this month have? 30, 31. Somebody, if you give that, feed that to me just for FY information. And, Roger Sales, your host here, and we have, 2 hours, 6 days a week to help, reach out and touch people and say, hey. You wanna be free? Got your freedom right here. No charge. Line up.
Now you'd think the line would be to Seattle, but not so. Anyway, we, learned many interesting things about this message, our fellow human beings, and all that kind of stuff, and that's what we do here. We have a lot of help. We really do helping us do the heavy lifting, and that is these other platforms that have become associated with our message and help us extend our reach, Paul, don't they? Yes. They do. And Paul knows them like the back of his hands. And so we turn to him at this point and go give them their proper credit, Paul, please.
[00:03:45] Unknown:
I can do that. And there are 31 days in January, so you're
[00:03:50] Unknown:
almost halfway through the month. Tomorrow will be more than halfway through. Yeah. I won't. So that means at some point halfway through today is halfway through the month.
[00:04:01] Unknown:
Well, yeah. I'm thinking like noon ish.
[00:04:05] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:04:09] Unknown:
Yeah. That that reminds me of the age old saying, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Yes, sir. Anyway Correct. We're on 106.9 W BOU FM in Chicago, and we're also on Thanks to Paul, our buddy from across the pond. Yes. Brick friends. WBOU and, Radio Soapbox, they catch us for the first hour. So if you guys wanna follow us into the second hour, go to the matrix, and you can click on, oh, just very, plethora of links there. You can join us using free conference call. You can join us at Euro folk, which is, of course, our flagship station, thanks to pastor Eli James.
You can catch us on Global Voice Radio Network, thanks to Pod Home. You just click on the, the GBN on Pod Home link. I haven't updated that link yet. Oh. You can also catch us on the NET family of broadcast services that, come with us, along with WVOU. That's WDRN production. Support Collins, Colorado, the driving force behind home network dot TV, freedom nation dot TV, go live TV, and stream life dot tube. Mhmm. We're all over the place.
[00:05:36] Unknown:
Fort Collins, former home of, pastor Pete Peters? Sure was. Yep. Yeah. Little old Fort Collins had the, most dangerous man in America. I guess I should, plug Pete a little bit. He's not with us anymore. But, I was particularly enamored with, Pete. I thought he has a great gift of, being able to take complex issues and put them in simple language, and he was extremely good at it. He was one of Sheldon Emery's. That name's come up around here lately. One of Sheldon Emery's students, as all of the modern identity preachers are.
And, what a guy. Right after Bill Clinton got elected, this gives you the time frame back there in, what, 94, I think. Mhmm. Shortly after that, he he appointed, Butch. Remember? Butch? Butcherino as attorney general, and, she she and Clinton declared this little church Christ pastor in the I was in La Porte, not in in, not Fort Collins. La Porte, I don't know how far La Porte is away from Fort Collins. I think it's fairly close. Anyway, it was, they declared him the most dangerous man in America. Little old pastor in Fort Collins, La Porte, Colorado.
You can find his work. His followers still maintain his website. If you're not familiar with Pete, you ought to you ought to dip your your your your your toe in the pool there a little and get an idea of some of the people that have sacrificed, to bring us to where we are. Pete Peters gave me an awful lot of big pieces of the puzzle, not directly, but indirectly in sermons and talks he was having. He'd mentioned little tidbits, and they'd be a big piece of the puzzle here. Scriptures for, if you're not familiar with Pete. And it's got it's got a whole bunch of stuff. And and the unfortunate thing is the kind of the situation we've gotten into is that there's no show descriptions.
And so it's kinda potluck. You know? But if you're not familiar with Pete, you got a curiosity there, you wanna hear a fine pastor, you may wanna check that out. So good morning, everybody. Alan, you were you were saying something right as we, as mister Lee started playing there about something that happened last week. I heard about it. I did not see much on it. Could you enlighten everybody?
[00:08:13] Unknown:
Absolutely. But, we kinda have to go back in the story just a little bit. Back in, 2004, 2005, China released their battle plans for the next century. Mhmm. And that was, to target America and Australia in order to take over the land and that they were gonna use biological chemical weapons. The problem is in that description that they gave, over 20 years ago or nearly 20 years ago now, they failed in order to mention the delivery mechanism that they were gonna use. And that was what these drones were, and I have a very high, source that the US targeted a satellite last Wednesday that was hovering over the US, and this was the key to, them operating their drones. That that's how they were getting around, giving these drones, and they have AI already.
[00:09:12] Unknown:
Is that the ones Al, is that the ones that have been plaguing the East Coast lately that you're referring to? They've been plaguing everywhere. They've even been seen in Idaho. Okay. Yeah. I heard Montana add some too.
[00:09:26] Unknown:
So and it's around our military bases. This is a direct attack. It's an invasion. And, again, the the Pentagon, claims that they shot down the satellite due to the fact that it was a failing satellite to begin with, and they didn't want the little bit of fuel that that thing may have had on it to be exposed. That that's their excuse for shooting it down. Well, it wasn't disabled in any way. It was perfectly functioning, and it was controlling the Jones over over the US. Uh-huh.
[00:09:59] Unknown:
Well, those satellites are what's called you were saying it was stationed over the US. What they learned early on when they're putting satellites up is if you put them at a specific distance, 23,300 miles outside, off of the earth, then they they have what's called geostationary orbit, which is what you're talking about. And they hover over 1 they don't hover. They they're put there. And and because of that distance and the ratio, as the earth moves, they move at exactly the same, rate, and so they are stationary. So that's the way that's worked. I guess they've got them where they're maneuverable and stuff now. Don't know. I don't keep up on rocket science and satellites.
I keep I'm pretty busy trying to free you guys so and everybody else. So, anyway, well, any other conclusions from that? Is that they say they shot it down, and this is if it was controlling those, those drones, and then the state department's going, no. We know who they are. They're safe. Don't shoot at them. And that they need they were being controlled by China all along.
[00:11:06] Unknown:
There's a good reason why they're not shooting at them. If you got something that is distributing a chemical or biological weapon, you definitely do not wanna explode it, especially with an airborne explosion. It's gonna totally saturate that area. Sure. That's one of the first primary. And the reason why we know that is because all of the emergency services have the following instructions. If one of these drones come down, they need to contact the bomb squad. They have to stay so much so far back. This eliminates a lot of the personnel that would otherwise be able to look at it, create, you know, counter information, whatever they don't want out there. Mhmm. In addition to that, they've been instructed to use bio, suits, approaching it Yeah. Which basically keeps your regular flat foot away from it as well. So we're not gonna get, any actual details from these things because, there's how many people in the bomb squad? Maybe about 4 or 5.
You know? Maybe. So they don't have to sit there and threaten the entire police to the only thing they have to do is threaten those 4 or people. Go ahead. I yield.
[00:12:11] Unknown:
There was one that crashed in New Jersey I heard about. It was very protective in the way they came and isolated it and and picked it up. I didn't I don't remember all the story. I just remember hearing one crash. Anybody else got anything to add on that that you might know out there in the audience?
[00:12:28] Unknown:
You know, we got a pretty sharp audience here. They stay up on top of a lot of stuff. Well, there was there was a drone that didn't manage to get behind behind the curtain, so to speak. It, fell in between, the median, of one of the interstates out there. And, you could clearly see that it was one of these more modern drones. They're military. They have all the cameras and all the you know, everything that you could imagine to put in a drone and then try to make it fly. But it was definitely, larger than all of the police SUVs that were parked in front of it. You can tell immediately the that we're talking about. We're not talking about something that has a 2 foot wingspan. We're talking about something that is load bearing that can probably cover you know, carry up to a £1,000 with very heavy, well, they call it composite, fiberglass wings on it, which Right. Right. You know, you don't get those things to break too easily. So No.
[00:13:28] Unknown:
Okay. Well, thanks, Alan. I did hear like I said, I heard about it in passing. I don't remember where, and nobody gave any big details. And, just we just went on about our lives. We're here in this really dangerous little slot before next Monday. Did any of you see what happened in Chicago yesterday with the gal that was checking HVAC units? Did anybody see that? I saw her interviewed, actually. Does anybody know what happened there? You guys, come on. Well, it was a a black lady who was had charged something of an of an apartment building, and she was checking, I think, HVAC units or something. And she got to the 6th floor, and somebody didn't answer. So she used her master key and walked in on, like, an arsenal.
Police uniforms, bombs, guns, you name it. And, she called the, bomb squad or something. And, anyway, there's some stories on it. I saw her interviewed on and the story covered on Infowars yesterday. And, they found, I think last week or recently, a big cache in, Virginia somewhere over there, a bunch of, ammunition or rifles or something. They and I did hear they they are plan they've got all these communist cells loaded to the gills. K? And, we're we're gonna see some fireworks. It appears. I can't prognosticate it, but they generally don't do things like cash up an apartment like that with everything under the sun from Well, actually, that's exactly what they're doing. As a matter of fact, in New York, it's even worse. A lot of those,
[00:15:13] Unknown:
apartments and things like that are bought up 10, 20 of them at a time, an entire floor of apartments, and there's 1 person living on the entire floor. The rest of that's being used for storage and things like that. This has, been released in week as well. But, more importantly, we do have insurgents, foreigners that are running around get with flamethrowers. These aren't homemade flamethrowers. That was a military flamethrower he was using. Yeah. And, you know, he he's sitting there going around setting fires. You know, the thing of it is the the one thing that they cannot do so far and that is get rid of our guns. And as long as we have our guns available, a lot of this can be prevented because the people will get out.
You got something going on down the street, some gunfire, you're gonna grab your gun too. The only problem of it is these people in America need to know, first of all, we are at war. This is an undeclared war. We've been Yep. For a long time. Or, from bioweapons on down to, sub defuse, backing the WHO, the way that China did and Bill Gates, etcetera, so forth. This is, a conspiracy of all conspiracies, but it's the first one at this scale that has been exposed so badly. And, again, the only thing that's carrying this on so it's being ignored is the mainstream broadcast media. Yep. We need to get this out there. You know, I I'm gonna if I can just, do a shame with self promotion here, but we do have radio stations that we can purchase, time on.
And, I've already arranged, those arrangements. We do know that, upwards of $500 as little as $500 can get us 4 hours. And, that's that's incredible. We need to go ahead and expand your show, our shows, everyone's shows into these broadcast platforms, and that was the original goal of WDRN and home network and everything is in order to give that incentive and and create that, well, by way or freeway in order to accomplish that. Mhmm. I
[00:17:26] Unknown:
Okay. Thank you, Alan. And, yeah. It's too bad that we can't find and, of course, because I know the subject matter and everything, we can't find stations that want to carry this information for free like they do with Alex Jones. I don't know what Jones's and some of those other folks that have radio terrestrial affiliates do and what arrangement they're under. But, anyway, we're we're growing. I mean, and and the whole thing, tension is is everywhere and all of these things all over the globe. It's a real mess. You know? The what happened in Romania I don't know if did any of you watch Alex yesterday and see that Romanian president that got elected that they said, no. You didn't because Russia interfered and and just tyrannically took over the country, Romania. And then you see that yesterday?
It was pretty good. This guy that he interviewed, this president that got elected had a pedigree. Excuse me. My stomach's acting up. I had a pedigree that you wouldn't it was very impressive. Big, Club of Rome affiliates and, big job at the UN and, all this background, very sharp guy, spoke English. That was in the I don't remember what hour that was in yesterday. 2nd hour or something is worth watching. But now they're saying there's a coming up an election in Germany and the AFD alternative for Deutschland party. They're saying if they win, they're just not gonna honor the election. Same thing.
Try they're trying to you know, we're gonna try to do it in our country, but couldn't. But there's just a lot of volatility all over the globe. They've got the all of the burners going, and they're gonna deliver mister Trump 4 4, vessels of boiling water or or outright flames, grease flames. So we'll see. Interesting time. We we mentioned that this week would be, potentially the most dangerous potential week in the history of the country, really. And, and I think it's still that. We'll see what happens the next couple of days. But, boy, it's gonna be a stem winder.
So, anyway, a little current events there for you. We were, speaking with, Jacob, I believe yesterday, our new guy down in Florida, and Chris showed up again from California. And Julie's been hanging around, and so it's great to have the new blood here. And the the the reason for that is because it almost necessitates that we go back to basics because they're just some of the stuff you guys hadn't been exposed to yet. And everybody gets to get exposed to that again too. And, they seem to like it, best I can tell. So anybody got any questions or any direction you'd like to head off in today?
Well, you're not chomping at the bit yet. Okay. We'll see if we can chum up the water a bit. There's one. Yeah. Chummed up one right there. Yes, sir. Samuel, a frog. No. I wanted to I he was on I saw that segment was scheduled to be on, and I was gonna ask people if anybody watched it, so I'm glad you're bringing this forward. What did that lying traitors piece of crap have to say? Uh-huh. Wait. Jan 6? Jan 6? Jan 6? Jan 6. Okay. Yeah.
[00:21:52] Unknown:
[00:22:16] Unknown:
He is.
[00:22:18] Unknown:
He truly is. And and remember, well, he's an you know? Okay. Everybody wanna dump on Trump. You know? Here's a guy, Christopher Wray, that he appointed another guy that was suggested to him by some of the traders that they had surrounding him just the same as only, Amy Conan Barrett, one of Julie's neighbors. And, and it's from this Federalist Society, and there's still these, rhinos and turncoats inside. I hope he's minimalized them. I doubt if he's gotten all of them away. I wouldn't let that little faggot Lindsey Graham close to me for anything. K? But but there's some of those people there that still have access evidently, And we'll see. It's, we're right at the cusp. Next couple of days gets underneath us and nothing happens.
Then he'll be inaugurated on Monday, and we'll see. I think the fur will start flying possibly on both sides real quick. So, man, what a time, Yes, sir. Larry, there he is right there. Chummed him up too. Yeah, man. Okay. Right. Okay. Uh-huh. Okay. Alright. Well, I'm gonna let mister the button man well, oh, we gotta call the button man forward here. Paul, if you could search around and see if there's it's only one side on there, find out what can be correctable. Yes. Now what else, Lair? Okay. Well, that's not uncommon. Okay, Paul. There's another one. Get the let's get the spelling right.
Yes. It's an unusual, pronunciation of that word that I've had people butcher it my whole life, of course. Some people get it. Interesting family. I'm sure there's big producers at John Sayles, in in Hollywood. He's gotta be related somehow. And, so, yep, interesting name, unique. We'll get it spelled right. That's what I tell the new world order. Hey. You bastards at the Southern Poverty Law Center, this the Sodomy Pedophile Larceny Center, when you put me on your hate list up there, number 1 with a bullet, spell my damn name right, you creeps.
Same for the ADL. Okay. Where else can we go? Thank you, Larry. You got anything else, Larry?
[00:25:13] Unknown:
Well, you used to be in sales. Right? Did you used to walk up to people and say, this is Roger Sales, in sales?
[00:25:20] Unknown:
Yeah. And they joke about that, and I'd say, well, hey. It's better than being last name returns.
[00:25:28] Unknown:
Thank you.
[00:25:31] Unknown:
Okay. So, we got any new students out there by any chance? Hello, new students. We're here for you. Yeah. We do. Oh, goody. Listen to that, and they're females too. Wow. Yes, ma'am. Well, you're first. New student, would you have a question? Yeah. Because I know people hear about this. They come on. They lurk. They're scared. They think we bite. I might gum you a little bit, but I won't bite you. So but we wanna meet you and see if we can help you because that's why we're here. That's why I spend my hour. I love being around these people because we're all on the same page on these important issues, which is very special. But the real reason we're here is for new folks and to see if we can clear up any confusions for you so you can make a well informed accurate decision as to what you wanna do. So any questions or anything? Comments?
[00:26:30] Unknown:
Yes. I have a question.
[00:26:32] Unknown:
Plea please. Well, who are you? Okay. Can I find out first what's your name and how you found us?
[00:26:40] Unknown:
This is, Kaye from Nevada.
[00:26:42] Unknown:
And Hi, Kaye. I'm,
[00:26:44] Unknown:
I'm related to Chris from California.
[00:26:48] Unknown:
Oh, okay. Good. Nice to meet you, Kaye.
[00:26:53] Unknown:
So, Thursday morning, you're having a trust meeting. I just wanted to know the the time that that's that's going to be happen.
[00:27:02] Unknown:
Now you're talking about Brent's Brent's thing or what? Just all we have is this show right here. And, we could talk about trust, but I think you might be referring to Brent Winters, who on his website has a Thursday meeting. Well, he just started last week with sheriff Darley from Barry County, Michigan, a Mhmm. A series on Christian nationalism. And, so but you can go back in his archives on these. It's called Winters Inn, spelled I n n. And, he's been doing these series type programs. He does it on Thursday, for a long time.
And over, like, one of them is how to write your own trust. Okay? And the reason for that is is very solid. Because that's his specialty is trust, by the way. He'd been practicing 20 plus years. He's been translating his own bible for 40 years. He's a prolific writer. And you know what? Brent types with 2 fingers, folks. Unbelievable. And but, he has written a number of law books, the comparative, law book, which is the comparing the common law and the law of the city, and which is all the other bodies of law. There's only 2 types of law, the law of the city and the law of the land. And and and the Babylonian code and the Clot of Justinian and the Kaiser code and the Napoleonic code and the Arabic codes, and all those stem and basically have the same structure as the Babylonian merchant code. And we group them over under this heading called the law of the city. And then the other one is the law of the land, which is the common law of nature and nature's god. And so Brent has a wonderful way like pastor Peters did of being able to simplify this stuff, because it can be obviously complex.
But, anyway, I think that's what you're speaking of, and I was gonna say that we had a listener, I don't know, 6 months or so ago, called this. And, Brent, can you can you point me to anybody that could write me a good trust? And, you know, there's been an awful lot of charlatans in our movement, Hawk and Trust. They came it was in the nineties. When I first got in here, there's people traveling around the country charging you these huge amounts of dollars, 1,000 of dollars for this trust. They can be, you know, there's a number of them. They're not just one. There's over a 100, I think.
And, so you really need to know about trust, not turn everything that you're gonna put in it, like, maybe your house or your car over to somebody and you don't even know what he's writing that you're signing. So Brent's point was, go take that course because then you can write your own. But at least if you still go pay somebody to do it, you can tell that they're not trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Because you know about it. K? So I think that's what you're referring to. K? Yeah.
[00:30:14] Unknown:
It is. Yes.
[00:30:16] Unknown:
Okay. So anything else that I can help you with? Brent is wonderful. If you haven't heard those Friday shows, we've been doing shows on Fridays for over 10 years. Neither one of us remember how long it is now, but it's been a long time. And, very very seldom do we miss him. We have a few. But, he's just a natural resource national resources guy, Brent Winters. He is just amazing. K? And, tickled to death to be a friend of his. There's not many people that know about the common law. And should someone wanna go through and file this paperwork, that's what happens as you move back over under that.
And, it's nice to move over under a a bunch of law you don't know nothing about. Right? So that is our whole goal here is education. We gotta go back and educate reeducate people because they've brushed it under the rug, and we've the majority of the population has become, well, they're not the brightest bulbs in the in the in the in the jar, and, we try and find the ones that still have a little glimmer and pump them back up to speed. So what else can we can we help you anyway, Kaye? I'm sorry. I was stepping on you. Go ahead.
[00:31:35] Unknown:
Could you please give me his website?
[00:31:38] Unknown: He's also he does this, Thursday, thing, and then he's, well, he's on the air every day. And then on Saturday, he's got a a show that's opposite ours, unfortunately, on our Saturday show. It's worked out sometimes when he couldn't be there and I can simulcast for him, but, he he has more of a bible oriented show, and they go through parts of the bible. And then on Sunday, he's got a, 2 hour, slot on Patriot Soapbox and does a sermon type thing. And if you don't have a church home, he's, well, he's just an old down home boy from the Wabash Valley. He's very down to earth, and, you might like him. So if that's, if that hits your bull's eye, try it, see if you like it. And he's a mighty, good guy, a phenomenal mind of information.
And, boy, we have real good chemistry on the air here. So that's a good resource for you, Kaye. Anything else? That's it. Process. Okay. Well, nice to meet you. If you get if you get curiosities, come back.
[00:32:57] Unknown:
Nice meeting you. Bye bye. Yes.
[00:33:00] Unknown:
As we say in Ecuador. Now there was another female that was trying to get on when Kaye was. I just picked up. This is
[00:33:07] Unknown:
pretty I'm still new. I'm not new.
[00:33:10] Unknown:
Hey, Britney.
[00:33:12] Unknown:
Yeah. How you doing, Robert? Go to DC for this inauguration and so much events happening.
[00:33:17] Unknown:
Did are you go did you are you going up there? You said you might.
[00:33:21] Unknown:
Yeah. I'm driving to Fort Lauderdale today, and that's where my flight's out of. I'll be tomorrow, 6 AM flight.
[00:33:28] Unknown:
Okay. Well, be safe. It's a that's a danger zone potentially you're going into.
[00:33:35] Unknown:
I think I'll be fine. I'm 3 miles to the White House and Capitol and everything. I think I'll be pretty safe. Okay. Well, it's supposed to be a,
[00:33:42] Unknown:
it's supposed to be a very party filled atmosphere. I remember last when the yeah. That wasn't it the last one 4 years ago when Antifa got so rambunctious and roughed up senator Paul and his wife and all that other stuff. It seems like that was that night too. So what listen. Be careful. Alright?
[00:34:05] Unknown:
Yeah. No. Definitely. I have a question, and I asked this before about, if we are nationals and we don't file tax returns, we can't get the regular traditional loan. Is there a way, this is me thinking logically, maybe I'm wrong, is what if we decided to file the tax return the year or whatever that we wanna get this loan or funding? So but does that make us back into the system again? And is that No. Because it's voluntary.
[00:34:34] Unknown:
No. And because the tax system is voluntary, I know it doesn't seem like it is to some people because they twist it like they do everything else, but deep down, it's voluntary. So if you wanna volunteer into, doing that, you wanna do what? You wanna volunteer in for 1 year so you can go get a loan because they're requiring a tax return. Is that what's going on?
[00:34:58] Unknown:
Yeah. And then also learning from what you talked about with, them borrowing your signature because I have a guy in Mississippi. He actually knows how to discharge these debts and mortgages if he charges 15% of whatever you owe, and he's using case law and stuff against them. He's a paralegal. So Okay. I don't know if I would go that far because I don't wanna push my luck with all this. But if I do wanna get a loan or something, even though I have all this money with crypto, you're the you're the big leverage their system.
[00:35:28] Unknown:
You're the Bitcoin woman. What the hell do you need a loan for?
[00:35:33] Unknown:
Because I don't wanna tie up all my capital when they're putting money out of thin air. Well well,
[00:35:38] Unknown:
Okay. Well, you could go take some of that probably. And if you don't wanna file a tax return, you you can go find private funding. You might pay a little bit extra on the interest, depends on what you're using it for and for how long, but you can totally avoid the banks and do that.
[00:35:55] Unknown:
Yeah. I've kinda, like, I guess, just going to the banking system because that way, I guess, if you have money out of there, if you default charge off Well, no. Investors are out of money. Purdy, hold it.
[00:36:08] Unknown:
Okay. Hey. Do you know any bankers that loan 1,000,000,000 of dollars without compound interest and collateral attached? No. They do not print money out of thin air. You're the collateral. Your future income is attached to the birth certificate, and that's what your income tax pays as the bondholders. They never make money out of thin air except when they loan all we'll call it money. It's currency. All currency that they call monetized is loaned into circulation. Bankers don't make loans without collateral in it to and compound interest as the principal is the only thing that's loaned.
So all that interest that you're obligated to pay, it ain't loaned into the system. That compounds as on compound interest, That's where they make money out of thin air. They do not make money out of thin air overall. It's all collateralized, and that's the existence of the tax system to be able to pay off that original credit spout when they sell the bonds for the country that your birth certificate's attached to. So just for clarification's sake.
[00:37:23] Unknown:
Oh, I appreciate it. Yeah. I've been listening. I'm still processing and learning all this. It just serves in different ways, and you have to charge $1,000 to get this information.
[00:37:32] Unknown:
Oh, of course. Of course. It's like Mark Twain said, it it ain't what I know that's killing me. It's what I know that ain't so.
[00:37:40] Unknown:
[00:37:42] Unknown:
There you go. Hey, Rodri. Alright. Hold on. I see Dave's got something to add. Morning, Dave.
[00:37:48] Unknown:
Good morning. I hope everybody's doing well. I just wanna for Pradeep's, sake, I heard the other day from a couple of sources that Donald Trump's, you know, requesting a rally on 19th.
[00:38:05] Unknown:
Yeah. I have expedited It's set up.
[00:38:08] Unknown:
It's set up. It's set up. It's set up. It's set up. It's set up. It's set up. It's set up. It's set up. It's set up. It's set up. It's set up. It's set up. It's set up. It's set up. It's set up. It's set
[00:38:18] Unknown:
up. It's set up.
[00:38:21] Unknown:
It's set up. It's set up. It's set up. It's set up. It's set up
[00:38:23] Unknown:
on 19th, they're going into continuity of government.
[00:38:28] Unknown:
That means Well, do y'all the state. Not the only Trump. It's the only Trump card they got left, Dave.
[00:38:35] Unknown:
Exactly. Exactly. So I'm just, you know, just letting you know, and it it could it I don't know if it's a rumor. I heard it on a couple different places. So just beware. L and they're putting us into a deep freeze, So you better be dressed properly because it's gonna be awful cold on that, on those 3 days. Pretty.
[00:38:59] Unknown:
Pretty. Best of luck. Take your long Johns. Yep. Get your long Johns.
[00:39:05] Unknown:
Got those.
[00:39:06] Unknown:
You need a small meal suit.
[00:39:09] Unknown:
Keep it big. Do you say you got Exactly. You say you got some personal protection up there? Is there some police chief or something? What were you saying a minute ago?
[00:39:20] Unknown:
Oh, me? No. I said I get the VIP entry to the rally, expedited, so I don't have to wait through the long lines of the crowd of people Okay. As much. It's still Well, okay.
[00:39:30] Unknown:
Alright. Well, you just be careful up there. Okay? I wouldn't go up there with a gun in my head. But you go. You obviously wanna be there. Just be careful. Okay? Hey. I guess I'm like adventure. You know? I take risk and life. Okay. Well, you're up. You're, you're as Lisa would say, you got big breasticles, girl. Congratulations. Well, be safe. Be safe and, give us we're we will look forward next week to a full report. Okay? So keep good in mind. Probably be the following week because it's gonna be till 22nd, then I have a crypto conference right after. Okay.
Well, whenever you show up, we if you could give us a full we'd appreciate it. And, best of, best of godspeed in the travel up and back, and, just be careful. No. I can't do it. Yeah. At least when you go into something, go in it with your with your eyes open. You know? So and as for the other, I'd suggest that to avoid the whole banking system altogether, you're a Bitcoin girl. That's what you wanna do anyway. Go see if you can find some pools of private money if you need to do that. K?
[00:40:44] Unknown:
Yeah. I have a couple of investors and stuff, but I'm also looking getting other passports in other countries, not because I'm trying to flee the US and all that. I just don't want them to make an example. I mean, it's just because of the food and quality of life sometimes in other countries are better. And I just wanna talk to you in case I wanna jump ship.
[00:41:03] Unknown:
Joan and I'll both, back that up. The food here is just fabulous. All of our food is either grown or acquired within a 150 miles a year. It's very rich volcanic soil up here in the mountains. The farmers are poor for the most part. They don't we're putting a bunch of fertilizer on there. They don't need to with the soil as rich as it is. Everything grows all year long. Ever things that bloom once, they're bloom twice here, and some things just grow all year. Okay? And so, it's, that's one of the advantages being here. One of the comments a lot of Americans make when they move down here is how much weight they lost because of the change in the quality of the food.
So Where is that? One thing I missed that part. I'm in I'm in I'm in Ecuador. And the uh-huh. Just to the north of of Quito. We're up at about 8,000 feet and, 75100 to 8,000 depending on where you are in the little valley here. Quito is right next door. I can see it from here almost, and it's at 94 100 feet. And, but we like it down here in the valley. It's warmer, a little cool up there, and just nicer. It's the the go to place. People want all from the area move into this little valley. And, so it did but it's nice. I like it. My favorite place I've ever lived. The the the best place the best description I can give you, pretty, is it's like Hawaii at a tenth of the price.
[00:42:43] Unknown:
Nice. Do you have to become a resident there? So maybe that's a different Well, not. Well, no. They want you to.
[00:42:49] Unknown:
You don't have to become a resident in any of these countries, but they want you to, because they want you to, be under their control as it comes to local laws. You know? I'm illegal. I've been ill I've been in South America 16 and a half years. I've only been legal 2 2 2, maybe 3 3 and a half years out of that whole the whole span. They don't care. Here's where they get you. They get you when you leave the country. So if you're just gonna stay, nobody's gonna ever wear your papers. You're not up to date. We're exporting you. None of that's gonna ever happen. But when you leave the country is when they'll ding you. And here, it's not a big ding, honestly.
For instance, if I had to leave I almost had to when my mother passed away earlier this year and it ended up I didn't have to go. Thank goodness. But, if I was to just leave, I'd have to pay $450 for overstaying my visa, and then I couldn't come back into the country for 9 months. That's the rub right there. Because I got an apartment and all everything else, I'd have to pay the rent in, you know, in absentia and everything else. And, that's the only big drawback. Now what you can do here, I know you can do it in Costa Rica also, is once you, get your residency and whatever the time frame they're stipulating, you can become an Ecuadorian citizen.
You can have both passports. A number of our expats down here do. Okay? So there's an option for you. Paraguay. You could Paraguay is fast and loose with some of that stuff. You can go down there and check that out. You don't have to live there to be a resident. And, there's some options for you.
[00:44:39] Unknown:
Okay. Yeah. Next year or this year, what am I saying? That's after we go in the bear market with crypto with whatever money I have left, I'm looking at other countries' investment in the country and getting passed.
[00:44:51] Unknown:
Not Colombia. A lot of people like Colombia. Medellin is a a a spot that, Gringos seem to like. Argentina, potentially, now that they've kinda got they're they're gonna be in transition for a while, but it's a nice country. What's nice about Argentina is that it well, how do I delicately say this? They killed all their Indians. K? Then the they're out front about it. But, therefore, it was supplanted with Europeans. So they're just every European ethnicity, from Europe is down there. And, they the difference is they speak a pure form of Spanish called Castellano.
And, it's a little bit of a harder Spanish landing because of that. They've got an attitude because they killed their Indians and that they're very European. And most of the rest of the country didn't like them very much, really. And, but they got nice culture down there. You know? I mean, it's very European, probably more so than Europe will ever be again, really. So you got a number of options if you wanna look down here. And it's nice because we're still fairly close to the states if you need to go back for some reason. Like one of our buddies here, Scott, just picked up. He got tired of living here. He was in, oh, Belize for a while. Didn't like that after a couple years. Moved down here. The crime flared up on the coast. He loves the beach.
And so then he, he didn't wanna get involved in that. It got pretty bad down there a couple years ago. And, he moved up to the mountains up here north of us for a couple years, and then got bored with living in a small town. And he just took off to the Philippines. So we had Thanksgiving dinner with him. He's leaving that night. So he's over there now. The problem with that is if you need to go back, hell, it's an 18 hour flight. You know? Yeah. Here, it's it's 4 and a half hours to Houston, Atlanta. My Miami is probably a little less. But, South America is a nice place. I've I've enjoyed living down here.
And, I love living up in the mountains and the altitude. Altitude agrees with me. And, I just like it. Not planning on going anywhere. No. That's what I'm talking about. Yeah. I can't Now here here's the best part. Here's the best part. Ecuador's on the dollar. So you can pull your funds right down from the US. There's no exchange rate. There's no fiddling with all that crap, and, it which is a nightmare at times. And, then in advantage to that, being on the dollar, they don't have the printing press. So they've got to borrow the circulating currency, and you're never gonna borrow more than you need from these bandits. So, therefore, there's a little can be a change problem. It can be challenging down here. But better than that, they can't inflate the dollar because they don't have the printing press.
So all of our prices are are are very relatively stable. So it's got some real advantages. Yeah. Yep. You wanna come down, visit, spend a little bit of time, you gotta let us know. Yeah. Absolutely.
[00:48:20] Unknown:
Yeah. Maybe maybe 2 there or something, or I don't know if you're open to that. Or
[00:48:26] Unknown:
I I tell you, the gringo's really like it here. We get together. Yesterday was 1. Tuesday's gonna have lunch from those who wanna show up. And I don't know. We had 12 or 14 people yesterday. Sometimes we have 45 or 50. But everybody likes it here, which is pretty unusual.
[00:48:45] Unknown:
Yep. Real nice. Based on what you're saying and what I'm looking at. Well, I'm
[00:48:49] Unknown:
I'm, I'm very thankful that the Lord steered me here. And the reason I'm here is because, of my old friend from Atlanta, Jack Abercrombie, jack journeyman Jack, who if you are thinking of any of these countries down here, I'd suggest you reach out to to Jack, because he's been helping people down and back and tour and this, that, and the other for 16 and a half years now, 16 years. Also, you may not know that Ecuador owns the Galapagos also. So that's part a lot of tourists go out there. Anyway, nice spot. If you get to that point, let us know. Who's who's trying to say something? Was that Murka?
[00:49:33] Unknown:
Some No. No. It was I was saying, what was the website of, your friend there that helps with this? I have Just put
[00:49:39] Unknown:
just put journeyman jack, no space, in a search engine. Believe me, he'll show up. K? Okay. Perfect. Journeyman jack. And, Yes. You're welcome, Preeti. So, anyway, it's exciting. It's interesting to leave the country. It's been for me personally. I've come in my later years to start gauging my life by personal growth. How much can I personally grow? And I've grown so much since I moved down here. You know, I can I can half ass butcher another language? I've seen stuff and experienced stuff that's just fantastic, and it's been very positive for me for the most part, even the negative parts, really. So, Preeti, if you ever wanna come down, let us know. Okay? Call Jack.
Any other questions we can help you with?
[00:50:33] Unknown:
No. I think that's pretty much it, but, with everything that you disclosed. So I'll just look at more information that we sent over.
[00:50:40] Unknown:
Alrighty. Well, good luck to you. Let us know when you get back. Who else is out there with some comments or questions? Make the show roll here a bit. Any was there another new new person said something? I think it was Kaye and Pretty that voiced up before anybody else. I gotta beg you to converse with me. Who was that? Carl in Utah. Well, there's somebody right there. There's a couple. Okay. Who was that?
[00:51:10] Unknown:
Gary? Carl in Utah.
[00:51:13] Unknown:
Hey, Carl.
[00:51:14] Unknown:
How's it going? Hey. Just just a reminder, the manual that Devin wrote, we would love more explanations going through that, especially on, you know, even a portion of the day, just focusing on that so that we can all get more knowledge on it.
[00:51:31] Unknown:
Well, I kinda do focus on it, because it's taken from my lectures that he wrote. Well, you know, Carl, I'm challenged in my eyesight. So when Devin sent that to me to preview, he had to read it and send it to me as an audio file. So that's why we probably don't do some of that. It's a little more difficult on me. What do you got questions about? Let's approach it from another angle.
[00:51:59] Unknown:
Well, I mean, I've I've got all I'm I'm just a beginner. Right? I'm I'm still trying to learn every day. I mean, too. Referencing it yesterday, about United States and and the different, meanings of the United States. And so Well I just wanna remind you that because I think Mhmm.
[00:52:19] Unknown:
Let me tell you. If you go back to and I for that particular example, I believe it used to be, in the black 6th. If you looked in the green cover edition, they would quote a Supreme Court case. I don't remember what the style of it was, but, you can go into the law dictionary. It says this term has several meanings. It can mean the, it can mean a country and its autonomy. It can mean a a group another country in a group of country like the United Nations. And he just goes over several examples. So, yeah, it can have several meanings. So is it significant that in the 14th amendment, they're the first clause, Carl.
It specifically says, all persons born or naturalized in the United States. How's it using it there?
[00:53:15] Unknown:
[00:53:16] Unknown:
No. It's using it federal government. This is the amendment that formed the federal citizenship. They're talking about the federal government of the United States, which never had citizenship before the 14th amendment. And if you really go back and think about it, the people that were born and raised in the territories, include in DC, they were stateless. The only citizenship or governing bodies were in the states. And they had this DC thing so that, you know, all the states couldn't afford to have an ambassador to Paris and London and, the capitals of the world and their own navies and all those things. So they combined all of those, the collective interests, into DC even though it was not a state, and they had no formal type of government.
And it was only the 14th amendment that gave them that because that's where the federal citizenship came from. So when it says United States, it's not the United States of America. It's the United States. But then that brings up a very interesting question. So do you know and mean to tell me and infer that all the way back into the 18 sixties, 68, that they knew they were going to bankrupt the country in 1933 and throw everybody into this condition, state citizen or not, as sureties for the debt? Yeah. That's exactly what they're going on there. The you can tell how far these guys plan in advance by that example right there.
That's 80 years. So they knew it was gonna apply to the United States of America, but in the amendment, they specifically said the United States. So here's another way to approach the question, Carl. Are you a citizen of the United States? Are you a citizen of the United States of America? And if you ask people that, many people will think they're the same thing, and they're not. One's free, one's a slave. That makes sense?
[00:55:40] Unknown:
That makes sense. I mean, it's still confusing because I I more or less just say America.
[00:55:48] Unknown:
Alright. Well, see, this is what I was talking about yesterday is they set us up with these generalities where it's got all these different possibilities, and then they come back and take the most detrimental one, and they use that one against you and use that as the definition of the word. So that's what's going on. They're setting you up with generalities, and they're enslaving you with specificity. So what do you do? You come back and use the equivocation. That's what they're doing. That's called an equivocation. Are you a citizen of the United States? Are you a citizen of the United States of America? And we're going back and going in specifically and understanding the differences minutely in these terms. And that's where your thinking starts getting sharp how it affects your whole life is after you learn to do it here, now you start applying that to everything in your life. That's why it sharpens your thinking.
[00:56:48] Unknown:
Hey, Roger. I have that I have that verbiage in front of me from Hoogen and Allison versus EBIT.
[00:56:54] Unknown:
Okay. Go ahead and read it if you would.
[00:56:57] Unknown:
Okay. This is Hoogen and Allison Company versus EBIT. 324 US 652 in 1945. Let's see here. The Supreme Court has officially defined the key this isn't part of it, but this is above it. The the Supreme Court has officially defined the key term United States to have 3 separate and distinct meanings. 1, it may be the name of a sovereign occupying the position of other sovereigns in the family of nations. 2, it may designate the limited territory over which the sovereignty of the United States federal government extends. Or 3, it may be the collective name for the 50 states, which are united by and under the under the US Constitution.
[00:57:49] Unknown:
Thank you. Yep. I had it pretty right from memory. I hadn't looked at it in decades, but there you go, Carl. I think the better approach into is to I wanna find out what questions you have because you see, I want you out doing these doing this research yourself. It's only when you make this information yours, and the only way you do that is by going and looking at some of these things with your own eyes. When you do that, it's not what a guy told you on the radio. It's what I saw in Black's Law Dictionary 6th edition. So it turns turns the whole table on that. Yes. So it's your freedom. I expect you to go out and research the things you got questions about. Try and get that foundation.
And then if you can't find the answer, you want to discuss it, then bring it here, and let's address it that way, Carl. Okay?
[00:58:46] Unknown:
[00:58:47] Unknown:
Thank you. Yes. I heard Bob Morgan's voice. Hey, Bob.
[00:58:53] Unknown:
Yeah, Roger. I can't bring it to mind. I don't have my notes with me at the moment, but the giraffes within and without.
[00:59:00] Unknown:
28 Who has that? 28 USC. It's in the United States code. 28 is treasury, by the way. It's in the treasury volume 28 of the United States code, and the section is 1746. Carl, do you know about that? Are we talking the with and without United States? Yeah. Yes. Exactly. And that's another way to look at that 2 2 dimensionally. Yeah. Thank you, Bob. That's another place. There it is right in front of you. And and I would not have caught that were not that language in the slaughterhouse cases. The very first case, 18/71 on the 14th amendment of the Supreme Court, and that's what they use in their decision.
Your remedies are within the state of Louisiana and without the federal government, however they phrased it. That was the first time I ever saw that, and I thought it was clever. You know? And then later on, it shows up right there in the Jurat section. Paul, you need to bid our folks across the pond in Chicago. Bye bye.
[01:00:09] Unknown:
Yep. Thanks for joining us for the first hour, 106.9 wboufmchicago and Our friendly folks across the pond. If you wanna follow us into the second hour, go to the matrix You can find the links there, or just simply go straight to or Thanks so much for joining us. 106.9 WBO UFM Chicago and
[01:00:41] Unknown:
Well, what? You know, it must be hard on some of those Brit folks that stumble into this over there on their normally Brit oriented network. And all of a sudden, they get all this stuff from these brash Americans on here that's absolutely, totally, unbelievably confusing. And they stumble, and I wonder how many of them it stick. Probably not too many of them it stick, Paul.
[01:01:08] Unknown:
And and stuff that that irritates them because we have stuff over here they don't have access to over there.
[01:01:16] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Probably true. Anyway, I hope we can, garner a couple of them. I mean, you know, I've been hanging around with Paul English for long time now. I've I've almost forgotten how long. At least 7, 8 years. And, he still doesn't understand what we do. Yeah.
[01:01:38] Unknown:
So Well I I to a point he does to a to a point he does, I mean, he he doesn't he's not firmly with his arms around it, but to a point he does. And, I wanna thank Larry for, for bringing the technological hiccup to, to my attention. Apparently, I only pressed 7 of the 9 buttons I'm supposed to hit before. You're gonna have to get no. You gotta do better than that. But I only have 30 seconds at the beginning of the show. Only when Alvin Lee's intro is going on. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. I only have 30 seconds to hit all those buttons. All those for everything. Okay. Well, we'll listen. Knowing all that, we'll try not to distract you there as Alvin's playing and getting us started.
[01:02:25] Unknown:
Only you only had 7 of the 9. Wow. Okay. Well, listen. There you go. The number 99. You go back to the forum. Here, anybody got, something they wanna discuss, talk about, add to what we've talked about this morning already? You know, we've had some really good shows, especially this week, but since start of the year, got back. We got new students. It's great. They're all very sharp, and and we get to go back over these basics. And it's like Kaye. Kaye continues. When we do that, we get off on the shows, and I'll get an email from Kaye. Now Kaye and her husband, Paul, were some of the original listeners on this RBN show years ago. They were in California. I've told you some of this before they got into the 2,008, house foreclosure deal, and Kay decided as a total rookie to go into court and defend herself.
They beat her like a baby seal. Okay? And, so they lost the house and everything else, and, then the daughter had a a baby, and so they moved east to help with the new grandchild. And they've been in Connecticut ever since. And as I said, the, the the the son got old enough where he wanted to learn to play guitar. And so Kaye looked her, and we got Joe. So, thank you, Kaye, but Kaye continues to write me a guy. You can't hear those basics enough. You're right. And that's right. Yeah. You just can't hear the basics enough, folks. Drill practice rehearse. It's the only way we get good at anything. You wanna get good at these basics?
Drill practice rehearse. You wanna learn this, Carl, folks like you? Go find somebody and start teaching it to them. The best way to learn is to teach somebody. Okay? You'll find out real quick what you don't know about or understand. Then you go back and beef up on that, then you come back and find somebody else to teach it to. Then you find another spot you need work on. You go beef up on that, and now your picture's a little more complete again. How do you think I've gotten so good at this on the Air Hero all these years? And, man, it has I have come out of the fog, folks. I I think back to when I started, like, on Joyce and all that. I was in the fog. I knew what was happening, but I really couldn't explain it very well.
And, some folks got it. Most probably didn't and think I'm crazy and wanna call me ugly names. But, we got some great substance here. And you wanna learn it? Start teaching it.
[01:05:12] Unknown:
Hey, Roger. Yes.
[01:05:13] Unknown:
Yeah, Bob.
[01:05:16] Unknown:
[01:05:17] Unknown:
I know Larry's in Duval.
[01:05:20] Unknown:
Thank you. You sound really good today under the connection. Go ahead. Yep. Larry's in Duval. Long ways away in Duval County, but I wouldn't mind if you could
[01:05:29] Unknown:
if he could get I assume you've got his email. If you could put me in touch with him, I'd like to I'm sure I do, Larry. You and I, you're on the show all the time. I don't know what but you've you've sent me emails before. Right? Larry, I well, you might be on with a delivery. I'll look, Bob. And if not, I'll come back and and get it. Okay?
[01:05:49] Unknown:
So yeah. I answered your door. Roger,
[01:05:53] Unknown:
I'm sitting here. The ocean beyond yours. Okay. Alright. Well, I'm pretty sure I have to go to the other computer and look. I hear If I don't, I'll I think she's gonna do something. I'm gonna get Merck in a second. If I if I find that I don't have it after the program, we'll I'll ask for it tomorrow. Mercka, what Mercka, can you put them together? Yep. I can. Okay. Mercka's gonna put you together there, boy. Yep. Thank you, Merka. Merka, national status freedom on Telegram. If you're new, folks like Kaye, you can load Telegram and put those three words in spaces, and, Merkle pop up and she gatekeeps her she's she's very maternal about her group over there, and she gatekeeps it a bit. And, she'll give you the clearance and you get in there. I think you got what? Close to 500 now. Right, Merkle?
Something like that. It was 477 last count, I remember. Probably got a few more than that now.
[01:06:56] Unknown:
So who else? 500 right now, I think.
[01:06:59] Unknown:
Oh, good. Good. Well, that's a threshold. So congratulations. And now who else, can we take care of here today? Like to have a little social intercourse with?
[01:07:12] Unknown:
Yeah. I have another quick question, Roger. This is Preeti again. You talked about what somebody said about, you get it through your birth certificate of United States. What if you are not born in the United States? I'm born in Canada. I went through the naturalization process. How does this affect it?
[01:07:30] Unknown:
No. I don't know that I can give you a specific answer. Mhmm. But I'll tell you what I know. Commonwealth also. This is a common system all over, especially what you'd call the 5 Eyes countries. Those Canada is even more locked into the crown than we are. Your Canada is controlled by the Privy Council. Okay? Mhmm. So, yes, it's the same system. I believe it's the same system in the world, anywhere where a country issues a bond into the bond market. The bond market, of course, bond being the root word of bondage, is a debt market by definition.
And, so where where are they gonna pay the bondholders with if they're in some kind of slavery where they can squeeze it out of you? And the you see, the important part here is this is where the original credit spout is in the whole you know, you've heard them the saying there's no money. There's only credit. Well, you got money. You got Bitcoin. Okay? I got money. I got gold. Alright? But if the the credit thing starts there where they enter they attach your birth certificate using it as a warehouse receipt to the bond that's going to be sold.
And, they usually discount bonds, I believe. I don't know a whole lot about probably should know more about the bond market. But the example I use is I remember when I was young, my grandmother would give me US savings bonds. Anybody ever give you one of those? That was many years ago. Okay. Well, they they go to the post office, and they'd say I'd have a $25 savings bond. But what my grandmother would do is go in and pay 17.50 for it. And then it would mature, and I couldn't cash it in until it hit a certain date, a maturity, and then I'd get 25.
So it's sold into the market at a discount. Okay? And, then the the taxes and stuff pay that bond. What about a natural gas certificate? Mhmm. Then, well, I I you know, when it gets to that, I'm not sure. I'm sure that they they folded you in it somehow. Okay? And I just don't have all those specifics. But let me tell you this. On a general overall, point of interest here, we're called, villains, v I l l e I n s. A female like you would be called a knave. Okay? So if you go into the Black's Law Dictionary and look, it's spelled not like it sounds. We pronounce it villain, but because this came from Europe with William the conqueror, it's French based, and it's spelled v I l l e I n, Villein.
Okay? And so if you go in and look under Villein in the law dictionary, there's a number of different kinds. Okay? Which I didn't really realize at first. And so, the one the one that we key in on is called a villain regardant, regardant. And the definition for that villain is a villain attached to the land property and transferable by deed. What would that be? The bond with your with your US collateral attached. Because those are all traded and sold in the international market. So that's where that definition would fit that description perfectly. That's really I I don't know a whole lot about it, pretty. Honestly, some of y'all come in here with these kind of questions, and I've just never had a real reason to look into it before. I'm still realizing the completeness of that information in the bond market and things I don't know about it.
I I do know that the, depending on the length of time, there's notes and there's bonds. Okay? And that's supposedly one of the best investments, at least in the traditional financial world, that you can get is 6 months treasury bonds. I think maybe you even have a 3 month. But those are the ones when when there's real questions about the economy and the the the this thing they built, that's where people store cash is in those short term treasury notes. And so but the one that is really important is the 10 year treasury note because that's the rate that all the other rates all over the world are set on.
[01:12:28] Unknown:
Okay. Makes sense.
[01:12:30] Unknown:
[01:12:31] Unknown:
So Yeah. As a I I I
[01:12:34] Unknown:
I know Canada is participating in the scheme, and we've had some Canadians now. There's a guy that's doing this that says it works in any country, but he what he's doing, his name's John Smith. He's Scottish. His website I'll get you a second, Larry. His website is common law court dot com, I believe. And what he has come up with is a common law birth certificate. And he swears it works. He's had some examples that it does. And again, as we were getting into in-depth yesterday, what would that do? Where why when a gal's in court on a foreclosure of her home and they present that common law birth certificate, would the judge stand up, take off his robe, and says, I something I'm not supposed to be in this court or something, walk out of the room.
Okay? So it must do something. Alright? And I think what it does is basically what our paperwork does. No matter how you say it, you're rebutting the presumption. And that's what I think that common law birth certificate does too. If you wanna find out more, you can go chase that website. Also, David Ike did a interview with him. People have said they found it. So somewhere in David Ike's, catalog is an interview with him. But even our own Paul English, who's where I found out about this guy, said that he had a hard time understanding him because his Scottish brogue is so thick. Mhmm. Larry, are you still there? Are you delivering something? So you
[01:14:12] Unknown:
I'm I'm I'm driving between stops driving. Alright. You said something about that there's the discounting of notes and there's the discounting of of, bonds. So, obviously, they're not the same thing. You've always I am. Mentioned numerous times in the past that was it Thomas Jefferson said no discounting of notes? That's a bad thing. Discounting.
[01:14:36] Unknown:
Yes. No discount. Yes. No discounting of notes was a Thomas Jefferson quote, which told me So that's a great talk. Well, well, hold on. You're I'm having a hard time understanding you. You're a little bit warbling, but notice the word note. Okay? Now I don't know the difference between a treasury note and a treasury bond, particularly. I think it's a term, but I'm not sure. Again, I'm just not an expert in that field. I have never studied it much. I just have picked up what I picked up along the way. I can tell you one thing. I remember John James Carville, you know, that, unfortunately, he's an LSU guy, that that that creep from New Orleans, the Democratic guy. And he's being interviewed on some show, and he goes, if you know who I'm talking about, you know how he talks. When when when I die, I wanna come back as the bond market.
I just gotta tell you something. But you gotta get the difference between that note and bond too. K? Because note always represents a promissory note. Used in any legal context, it's always a promissory note. Always no exceptions. K?
[01:15:52] Unknown:
Rush Limbaugh used to have a lot of parodies on the whole chemist star and James Carville debacle. Back when that was a big deal, and they were hilarious.
[01:16:04] Unknown:
I tell you. But, Yeah. Carville's a piece of work.
[01:16:09] Unknown:
So, it sounds like if it's if if you can buy a discounted bond, you don't have a problem.
[01:16:19] Unknown:
Well, it depends on what they're gonna fulfill it when you go get the payout. Well, what if you got a 30 year note? And in 30 years, what do you think the US dollar is gonna be worth?
[01:16:34] Unknown:
Probably next to nothing.
[01:16:37] Unknown:
Wow. Is that a place you want to put your investment? I don't know. That's what the problem they've got is all these countries hate what they're doing. They know what's going on. They know the things of fraud, and they're dumping these treasury bonds. And now, I learned recently, the Federal Reserve doesn't buy them. They've got their hands clean of all this stuff. They've already dished it out and made their money and set these things in motion. So when the treasury bonds come on the market and they languish, if nobody buys them, it's obvious that the whole dollar structure's gone south. Right? So somebody's gotta buy them. The treasury buys.
Them. When they when they sign on a primary bond dealer and they agree to take whatever the Federal Reserve offers, they've got to buy their share, whatever they commit to. And if they can't sell it, they're stuck with it. So and then when other countries sell them, the the Treasury buys them. The slick system, these They don't pick something up. You know, something hit me a minute ago, Larry. I wanted to be sure because Preeti's on here with us. Preeti, do you know that Bitcoin no. Is it Bitcoin? It was some. Yes.
Bitcoin is the first new market since the debt market started. The what we're talking about bonds in 900. It's the first new market in thou over a 1000 years. I just thought that was very interesting. No. No. No. That. Yep. So, okay, Larry. Look. I don't know if you maybe some of you guys wanna go out and study a little bit on the on the bond market. I picked up some of it from Greg Marinaro, and, you you know, the bond market is 5 to 10 times the size of the stock market, Larry. Did you know that? Yeah. I've heard you say that. Yep. Well, and it's incredible. That's how much debt's out there over 100,000,000,000,000. Our part's 37.
And it's all fraud because it's all based on this fraud. So that's what allows us to unplug ourselves from that system. Aren't you glad? Well, how'd you be like to belash you and your great great great grandchildren to a compound interest, $37,000,000,000,000 in debt? Hey. The example is that the the the China loan in a 100 years ago, a $100,000,000. Now we don't know the percentages, but I do know that 20,000 US bond holders bought that bond. They never got paid a penny. And so let's say just for discussion purposes, it was 50%. Rich bought 50%.
Somebody over here brought 50%. That $50,000,000 debt has grown to 1.7 trillion in a 100 years, a little over, there's compound interest for you right there, folks.
[01:20:00] Unknown:
Roger, did you hear about this guy that lost his bitcoin he had a a Bitcoin wallet on a hard drive? I think this is over in a big win or something like that. Yeah. I know. I know this story. Yeah. And they they won't even work with him. They said, oh, it's our property anyway. Once you put it in the garbage, it becomes our property.
[01:20:24] Unknown:
Well, probably true. Some Yeah. $1,000,000,000 it's worth, and it's expected to be worth 1,000,000,000 of shit. Yeah. Well, you know what? If he had all that money, it'd probably spoil him rotten. So, you know, most people that come into a whole bunch of money, it ruins their lives. Now, you know, pretty I was I was a big fan, and I still am, to of Cliff High. Of course, he was one of the I wish I had listened to him on this Bitcoin stuff because I remember him talking about it when it first came out. But he said something real interesting that I thought would he said, this will be the first time in the history of the planet that family fortunes have not been built on crime.
Criminal activity. That's a very interesting perspective.
[01:21:17] Unknown:
Roger, another thing is, to, it looked like Priti was pretty concerned about getting a loan and how she able to prove income if she's if she's not filing a tax return every year. I'm pretty sure there's other ways to prove income. If you get w twos and here's another idea I came up with. Just recently, I created an account with Social Security. And they actually have all of my yearly earnings all the way back to when I started working, when I was 15 and a half. I think I got my first paycheck, and they have it all the way that far back. And they have how much I made every year, all the way up to the present time. So I'm thinking that could be even printed out and show that to a bank that gets some income. Well, I don't know if Priti's been out slaving,
[01:22:10] Unknown:
here since she hit the Bitcoin jackpot. So I don't know. If I had a whole bunch of that stuff, I'd watch it like a mother hen, but I don't think I'd be out digging ditches and stuff. So I don't know. But the some of those people, it just depends that people go people go nuts about wealth, don't they? I've just done come to understand that less is more. I mean, I'm I'm alright financially, but I could live a lot more, grander than I do. I just don't I choose to live simple. I don't want a whole bunch of things. Things own you. You don't own them.
And, it's just a better lifestyle, and I'm happier that way. So and also the less problems I have, the happier I am, Larry. So that's the way I choose to live my, golden, quote, golden years. Now I'm very fortunate. I might got my mom's physiology, good good health for my age. Outside of some of the stupid stuff I've done, I don't have too many ailments, and I could take care of myself pretty good. Trying to apply anything in extreme is not good philosophy, and I think I'm gonna hang around for a while.
[01:23:36] Unknown:
Of course, one never Yeah. I want you to hear me as opposed
[01:23:39] Unknown:
to. Well, I mean, look look, Larry. I love being here. I mean, not when I gotta carry the whole ball. I wanna have conversations with you guys. I wanna answer questions, help people get straight, discuss these things, pontificate on them at times, and, find look look for big answers. And, boy, we've got some big answers. We got answers here that nobody else in the history of the Patriot Movement has has had questions for. That one little tidbit of they put everything that's important right at the very first. That's a deal killer right there.
Do you understand some of these methods and their methodology, and they can't pull the you know, it's just like I say, yeah. It may take a little bit to learn this, Carl. Other folks, we're all learning. I'm still learning. Okay? This is a good example. But, man, then then you know when you're looking at something, you really concentrate on the first three words. They either seem to put it at the first, and they do that predominantly, or they can put it at the last, like, except by operational law. And it's just interesting to know their MO and all these little freemason tricks because that's exactly what they are.
You're empowered by it. They lose all your power.
[01:25:02] Unknown:
Pardon me? Except by operation of law. That's your way out whenever you see that on a document.
[01:25:07] Unknown:
Yep. Yep. And they'll always put it at the end of the paragraph. Except by operational this this this this this this except by operational law. How about Vatel? Is he lawful enough for you? So who else has got something here this morning? We're we're what? Hour 22 in? We got about 30 minutes left. I know somebody you want you Carl, you got anything you want me to expand on and expound on?
[01:25:38] Unknown:
[01:25:40] Unknown:
Well, there's Joan. Hey, Joan.
[01:25:43] Unknown:
Hey. When you say, like, earlier today, you said, taxes are voluntary. Really? Yeah. They are. Oh, but you mean but but you mean for national? Or do you mean No. For everybody. That.
[01:26:02] Unknown:
How are they? Well, they're they're mandatory. There's a little thing of if you're, they all the tax return is the well, there is a law there, but they had people from the, BATF and and Treasury, all that's under there, on in congressional hearings and they go, well, your BATF taxes are mandatory, but your income tax is voluntary. But then they've got that little regulation in there, which kind of locks you into it. It I know it's a fine line, Joan, but I believe overall it's voluntary system. Now are they talking about the voluntariness of volunteering into the system by telling you're a slave, and then when you're that, then that section definitely applies to you.
But for us, it only the other one applies.
[01:27:06] Unknown:
[01:27:08] Unknown:
Yeah. You know, it's best answer I can give you. Sorry. But it the the voluntariness of it is the where they have to do, and we'll get into this because it's tax season. Push code 9. Internally at the IRS, that's the code that'll that allows them to stop the computer and insert a substitute for return. Because you didn't file 1, they put 1 in at that point. That's the that's the fraud right there too. They're very sensitive to that. We'll talk about it more and expound on it. We don't have, to get into the whole tax thing. We'll just take a whole show or 2 and do it. Okay? We'll wait till we get a little further into into into tax season.
Everybody's favorite time of year. You're welcome. Hey, Roger. Yes, Marco.
[01:28:08] Unknown:
I'm just wondering, with Carl's question, you know, what is his specific question? What's his concern, or what is the confusion?
[01:28:18] Unknown:
Well, he just wanted to go in then as to expand on Devin's handbook. And, just like I told you, I I'd rather you go research it and find out what you don't understand and come to me with a question.
[01:28:35] Unknown:
On the on the, handbook, it says, the United States final leg oh, it gives you 2 different United States. Okay. So United States of America and the United States. So the final legislative authority rests with congress in Washington DC which is, you know, this is about United States, just the corporation. The federal government, that's another definition for it. This is on his handbook. Direct jurisdiction limited to 10 Square Miles, District of Columbia, United States Congress. And then US citizens, US nationals,
[01:29:14] Unknown:
and Well, there's there's a that's not complete. It also applies to the territories with the exception of American Samoa and Swain. Right. Right.
[01:29:23] Unknown:
Right. So Go ahead. It says US citizens, US nationals, and residents are are subjects to this government. Yes. So then there's United States of America, the original states of the governed by We The People through the medium of organized government. Our and then there's another 3 other little, definitions. Our nation which is separated and distinct from our governments and agents of the government. Then it says it the federal government and state government subject to nationals. We the people as members of the states. In this layer, we will cover these 2 entities in much greater detail. So, like, the following pages goes into more detail.
[01:30:20] Unknown:
[01:30:21] Unknown:
So, I mean, that explains it pretty good.
[01:30:26] Unknown:
Okay. You just gotta work with some of this stuff. It's new concepts to all of you and as it was to me years ago. And, I just kept messing with it and thinking about it and and and seeing how it operates. And you just familiarize yourself with it. And what you find out is that underneath all this complexity, it's really very simple. And if you try and look at concepts instead of read through statutes and regulations, you'll get it much cleaner and much quicker. And teach people that way. Again, I'll repeat it again. You really want to learn this stuff? Start teaching it to somebody.
Find somebody that wants to listen or will listen. And I look. I never promised you a rose garden. That's why I said I don't charge you because you're gonna have to do some work here. If you really want what's here, you've gotta do the work. I can't do it for you. I I wish I could do a subliminal audiotape and where you could put it under your pillow and you you can listen to it all night or some book, which would let you buy the process of osmosis. Take the knowledge and get it into your brain. I can't do that. Sorry.
Alright. Who who else can we service out there this morning? Thank you, Marco.
[01:31:57] Unknown:
Roger, Jason. I have a question.
[01:31:59] Unknown:
Alright, Jason. Good, man. I got a there's one of these Ecuadorian flies bothering buzzing around my head. Go ahead, buddy.
[01:32:09] Unknown:
In my, informational travels through the Internet, I hear a lot about car ownership. And they say to have true ownership, you have to have the MCO.
[01:32:21] Unknown:
That's true. The manufacturer's statement of origin. I had mine to my BMW at one point because I imported it from Germany. And so when I picked it up down there where Larry is at Jacksonville, and I went to check out in the package was the manufacturer's statement of origin. I had it for a little while. I turned it into the state of Georgia, but yet they gave it back to me. When I registered it, this was in the eighties. I was not bright. Didn't know all this stuff back then. That's correct. If you're if you go into a dealership, maybe even a 4 wheeler and stuff, and you pay cash and you tell them you're taking it out of the country or out of state, you can get a manufacturer statement of origin.
If you don't, they're gonna wanna register for it and stick the tag on there and all that for you. But that is true information.
[01:33:16] Unknown:
So what if if your vehicle is has already been once the MCO has been sent to the state DMV or whichever whatever they call it, whatever state. Once the MCO has made it to the state, and they've issued a certificate of title, how do you ever
[01:33:34] Unknown:
get clear title? I don't buy well, you you the best way to get clear title is to get something used that you're not initially tagging and, just get it buy it from another person and transfer the tag over, then there won't be a manufacturer statement of origin. You keep a bill of sale. K? That's one way to do it. You can't go back and find I think they destroy them. And here's the principle that property can't own property. So your property so when you go buy a car, you can't own it. So who, does the state really owns it? And don't they put their tag and their number on it when they own something?
[01:34:19] Unknown:
Yeah. So I was, you know, I was mulling this over this morning, and what that my train of thought was that if the MCO maybe that the MCO doesn't dictate abs absolute the the true ownership that whether you have the MCO or the title, that that shows ownership, but that when you register it, then the vehicle then the vehicle becomes a commercial vehicle under the state laws.
[01:34:56] Unknown:
Well, it could be. I've got an out for you that Joe Lustica found for us. You can actually go on the sec the Trenton Department of Transportation's website and register your car as a private vehicle, not involved in commerce, and they'll issue you a number. And some of our folks take that and get a custom tag made with it. Or go to one of these tag places on the Internet and get that number stamped in and put it in on their car. So there's another option for you.
[01:35:26] Unknown:
So you can so you can you can go to the state and
[01:35:31] Unknown:
Oh, Feds. This is Feds.
[01:35:34] Unknown:
Oh, the Feds. Okay. Yeah.
[01:35:38] Unknown:
Oh, go over to Rumble. Rumble.comfront/ Joe's account is Joe Lustica, and it's spelled just like it sounds, l u s t I c a. And that's one of the videos he's got on there. He'll walk you through the whole process.
[01:35:57] Unknown:
Okay. Okay. I'll have I'll have to check that out.
[01:36:03] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, where have you been, man? Thank you, Jason. Where have you been, Bruce? We haven't heard from you in a while. Boston State. You've been in Boston State?
[01:36:13] Unknown:
Yep. Okay. This is on the website down at the bottom of the page there.
[01:36:19] Unknown:
This site is. I'm talking about the tags. Oh, the on on our matrix doc site, it's on there? Yeah. Paul's got a link there. Okay. Well then, Jason, on our, matrix site down is it down at the bottom? It should somewhere say Joe Lustigus Rumble channel and it'll link you right over there or you can go straight to Rumble. He's got a lot of information. That's why I'm so proud of Kaye. I was talking about her a minute ago. Her and Paul, it man, they brought us Joe. Joe has brought us a bunch of he's a very good researcher. And now, Bruce, you've been on the show the last few days. You heard about Joe?
[01:36:59] Unknown:
Yeah. I've I've had been on all for now. I just can't get the recording.
[01:37:05] Unknown:
Well, Paul, we'll show Bruce how to get through. It's on the website somewhere too.
[01:37:10] Unknown:
Well, no. I can't get on it. It's it's not working.
[01:37:15] Unknown:
Okay, Paul. You there? Bruce got problem with with the the recordings, archives, I think, is what he's talking about. Can you can can we explore that for a minute and make sure nobody else has that problem?
[01:37:31] Unknown:
Yeah. If you go to the matrix, you will find 3 links. You'll find the Eurofoke radio link. You'll find the Global Voice radio link, and you will find a GVN on Pod Home link. GVN on Pod Home is the one you wanna tap on. The very next place you go will be the Pod Home main page for Global Voice Network, and the Radio Ranch files are there.
[01:38:03] Unknown:
Okay. I I misunderstood when you turned on me earlier. Okay. Before then, you know, of the of the day.
[01:38:10] Unknown:
I tried to look at my not Pod Home. I don't know why Spreaker is not releasing the radio dot global voice radio dot net. It's making me nuts, making me crazy, but, I'm still working on it. Okay. So go to gvn on pod home. Okay?
[01:38:29] Unknown:
There you go. Okay. Sorry for the confusion. It's just all this this high-tech crap makes me wanna be a Luddite. Okay. Who else? Who else got something here this morning we close out the show with? I know somebody has something.
[01:38:49] Unknown:
Come on. Doctor George, Idaho.
[01:38:51] Unknown:
Hey, George. Yeah. Good. You've been waiting at the last lately, and I can't get into anything explanatory then. So how are you doing today, George? Cold up there in Idaho, is it? Yeah.
[01:39:04] Unknown:
We're gonna get a little cold snap. I was, I was thinking about what you were saying about Argentina and being more Europe, than Europe. And they say that about Brazil that, the south of Brazil is more German than Germany. Yeah. They're gauche's.
[01:39:22] Unknown:
Yeah. They've got all those ethnicities down there in Argentina. They got a city that only speaks Welsh. They've got a wild city outside of Buenos Aires that's all French. Everything internally is French, schools, bakeries, language. A lot of the Ukrainians are up in the northeast part of Argentina. And where I was out due west of Argentina by the Andes of Buenos Aires. By the Andes, we had a, a park outside of town with a mini coliseum in it and all that stuff, and it was a tribute to the Italians because the Italians brought the grapevine.
And the grapevines have made them wealthy. K? And, so, yeah, all kinds of European ethnicities there. One of our Yeah. One of our good buddies let me tell you this story because this guy was real special. I'd like to dwell on him for a second. He was one of our, citizen for a constitutional Georgia guys. His name was Joe D'Ambrosia, Italian, heavily. And he was really into genealogy and tracing the name and stuff. So, when I got down there into Mendoza, he said, please go into the Mendoza City phone book and see how many DM brochures there are.
And there was 8 of them. He almost freaked out. But, yeah, very heavy Italian and, of course, the Spanish, had quite a bit of, originally Spain, owned Argentina till it revolted and split. And, yeah, it's a very nice country. It's just the the financial and the political situation was just horrible. And I was in a small town, and after 9 years, I just well, I had the itch. You know? Jack heard me on a radio show. I went up to visit him at Christmas and found out how lovely Ecuador was and is. And I got back to Argentina. It was a 105 degrees in the middle of January, their hottest month. And I I said, well, I think I'm gonna move. And it took me a couple months, but I got up here, and I'm glad I did. So that's kind of the brief story there.
[01:41:39] Unknown:
Nice. Yeah. The, what I caught the part of the birth certificate, is interesting. Back in 62, my birth certificate, was capital just capital and then small letters just like regular. But Right. But then when I went when I went to get another, like, from the Vital Statistics in the 2000s early 2000s, I went to get another one, and it came out all caps. Now what's interesting is my certificate of baptism in the Catholic church was all caps, back in 62. So I'm wondering if they were doing some some of that. I mean, I know, that originally, the, you know, the birth certificate was just to just to mark an event, if you will, just like a death certificate. But, but I wonder if that if that if the church was doing something to the bank and everything with all capitals as well. But,
[01:42:39] Unknown:
I I don't put a lot of vestige in that myself. I don't put a lot of vestige in that myself personally. I'm not gonna argue about it. We talked about it extensively. Samuel believes that's all there. As I said, that the recent example of the 7th Circuit should be instructive. I don't know if you've heard me mention it, but 7th Circuit appeal level out of Chicago wrote a letter to everybody in the circuit. It says no more capital letters. It's hard to read, etcetera, etcetera. So if that's any indication, it it doesn't have much of a bearing there. K?
[01:43:17] Unknown:
I see.
[01:43:21] Unknown:
But my question, when it comes to all these things and all these Patriot courses has been a topic around the community since I got into it is what effect does that have on me filing this paper with secretary of state and becoming free? Does that have any interruption or implication on that at all? No. Okay. Well, then I'm not gonna worry. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna worry about it. Right. If we absolutely don't have if we don't have anything else to discuss, I might bring it up just so we can kick it around.
[01:43:57] Unknown:
Right. And the other thing, I know you mentioned about Bitcoin, being, being a source of, and that was interesting what you said about. But, what is your I've met somebody here who's all into this tokenization where everything's getting tokenized. And then,
[01:44:17] Unknown:
I guess, the job. Yeah. The Chinese been doing it for a while. Go ahead. That's what they're trying to do.
[01:44:25] Unknown:
Yeah, because that was the Palantir deal, right, to tokenize outcomes and kind of the panopticon of, being everything being under surveillance and then making bets on different things.
[01:44:36] Unknown:
Well, they want everything to whole another economy. You know? Well, it's gonna all go on a blockchain then. And that may be good. It may not be good. I don't know. I don't spend much time in that world. And and like I said, you know, everything I ever put in or earned from any programs in in Bitcoin or cyber currency either got lost, stolen, or some technical screw up, and I can't get to it. I I I want I don't have want anything to do with it personally. That's me. K? But people like Purdy, they got lucky. They got in on the front end and somehow set themselves up, manage it carefully, keep it in a cold storage wallet where nobody can get to it.
Don't have any way that you could ever forget, any kind of words you need or and no and no interruption of the way to get to it. Hell, I'd be fine. But, I'm just good with gold, honestly.
[01:45:39] Unknown:
Right. Yeah. My, I guess, where I was going with it was, if you're I remember a buddy saying, hey. My fingerprints are my property or my image is my property, if you will. So I was I was kinda curious as to, you know, if anybody has gone down that route as, I mean, somebody even I think it was Kurt Kalmbach had, like, a a divine proportion thing where send it in and, you know, the afterbirth and the blah blah blah is all
[01:46:07] Unknown:
the property of of, you know, the creator and and and therefore me. And it's not to be tokenized, not to be, you know, hypopsychated, blah blah blah. So Okay. I don't know if you ever heard any of that. I haven't. I I wouldn't pay much attention to it. I don't think personally, and I don't think we're close to an event like that. So I try and concentrate on the things that are important. And like I said the other day, I apply the serenity prayer quite often. You're familiar with that, I'm sure. Right, George?
[01:46:38] Unknown:
[01:46:39] Unknown:
May I, Roger?
[01:46:41] Unknown:
Yes. Oh, there's Julie. Morning, Julie.
[01:46:44] Unknown:
Yep. I have a lot of information on this, and I'm also a crypto crypto holder.
[01:46:50] Unknown:
[01:46:54] Unknown:
when Trump was President the first time, he and Mnuchin, Secretary of Treasure, took the exchange stabilization fund and special purpose vehicles to create Jucera, which is BRICS. They are the founders of BRICS. And everything will be tokenized, everything will be going on a blockchain system. And all of the old correct money has been basically flushed into the new Quantum Financial System. So all these derivatives are going to go and everything, all of the government bonds, all of everything will be on a blockchain system and everything will be tokenized. And the reason for that is to track and trace, number 2, but to control the printing of the money and the money supply there as so that these international bankers cannot do this ever again.
All these banks are going to have to be quantum compliant and we will have smart contracts for everything and there will I think digital IDs are going to be the wave of the future. So you're going to have XRP and XLM, and you're going to have all the fiat currency is flushing onto the blockchain system. So that's a 100%, going to happen.
[01:48:20] Unknown:
Yeah. XRM Ripple, I think, is what they used to call it. That's basically a dollarized token coin. Although, a lot of the banks are starting to pick it up and use it too. That's an indication that that's coming.
[01:48:33] Unknown:
But, you know, dear, you're interested x r p x r p though, Roger, is a is a technology that is gonna use for the customer payment system. I
[01:48:42] Unknown:
don't wanna know any of personally, I don't wanna know any of that stuff. It just clouds up my brain because I'm a do my best not to use it. Okay? Well, listen to that. Hold on a second, Argh. But you it's I got I forgot my line. My my thought line got thrown off. But I was gonna tell you this. Back when Korea was the president the commie president here, he wanted to switch everything here in Ecuador to a to a token system. The Ecuadorians wouldn't accept it. And then the next regimes that came on after him outlawed it, and they said any retailer caught using Bitcoin, fine, whatever.
So the people here are absolutely against that stuff, period, just as their cultural norm. Anyway, wanted to add that. Hey, mister Mark, let me welcome. Well, this guy hadn't been with us for a few days here yet in the New Year, I believe.
[01:49:44] Unknown:
Just I was just about to call, though. Yep. I was just about to call him and see if he was still above the dirt, for crying out loud. Yeah. Hey, Mark. Still above the dirt.
[01:49:55] Unknown:
Glad you made it, man.
[01:49:57] Unknown:
Hey. Good to be here. Just a a little little rough. I've been battling some, I guess, bronchitis and congestion, and so it's been a been a rough week of of different stuff going on. So, if if you don't mind, Roger, I'd like to shift the subject completely back to some stuff that our our listeners are are facing, and they're freaking out over it. And I just don't have the strength to to try to convince them otherwise. So Alright. They, the IRS has been sending out a letter. And if you you know, the upper left hand or excuse me, upper right hand corner of your letters, they identify the that they attach a identification number to each each boilerplate letter you're getting back.
This one is from the frivolous return program out of Ogden. The letter number, it's ltr3175, c as in Charlie. Mhmm. And this this is a 4 page letter that just generically says you're making frivolous arguments and so on and so forth. And they're scaring you into, filing.
[01:51:22] Unknown:
Okay. Yeah. That's what they're trying to do. I'm surprised it's taken them this long to get to it.
[01:51:28] Unknown:
Well, this one, the is a response to a notice of citizenship, evidence affidavit that was sent in back in May. Okay. So realize that there's, you know, for the listeners out there, there's thousands, if not tens of thousands of these going out. It's timed, right, during the tax season to scare you into, you know, filling out your standard 10.40. So please realize that none of the allegations are specific to what the person sent in. So in this instance, it was a affidavit of citizenship evidence. There was nothing else in there that had to do with anything of frivolous filing or anything like that, but they make it sound like you're doing all this big bad stuff.
So I I say you don't even need a reply to it, but all our control freak listeners that just have to just bound and determined to reply because it's a fight. They love to fight. Uh-huh. So it's really not necessary. Now if you were to respond to this, I would look at what what they, what my original letter was that I sent in that triggered this this letter. This is this is a big letter. It's like, 4 pages long, and they got, like, if I remember right, 6 or 7 attachments to it, exhibits.
[01:53:06] Unknown:
So Oh, yeah. For those of you, it's I'm the wizard.
[01:53:11] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. So instead of me having to answer everybody through an email, which I just not quite having the full strength to do that right now, I figured I'd just come online here and just let people know, you know, that a response is not even needed. But if you were to respond, all I would do is just say, you know, my one page cover letter. Thank you for your response. I'm in or I'm in receipt of your letter dated such and such. Thank you for confirming that you received my affidavit of citizenship evidence.
[01:53:49] Unknown:
And you might not hurt you might not hurt to attach it again. And the reason why is because when you respond to their letter, remember the administrative state is a court of record. And what we're talking about right now is the record. And you answer and that becomes part of the record because they're required to put your response in that file. That's what when they ask you that's when they ask you if you try and file a court case and the the the people will go to the gal at the clerk. I can't file this for you. You haven't exhausted your administrative remedies. Well, what does that mean? It's the administrative state, and that's what you're supposed to do is exhaust it through the administrative side. And if you can't get it done, then that's when you take it to court. But that's why the administrative state is a court of record. It's that folder right there.
And that's the reason I agree with them. Better to respond with something even as this simple than leave it with a possibility where silence deems consent on some trick they're trying to pull on you. So Right. Thank you. We're send I'm in receipt of your letter, this, that, and the other. Please be sure to see attachment a and put another copy of your affidavit. That way, you know
[01:55:07] Unknown:
it's in your administrative file. Yep. The other thing too is we, make sure we add the you only need the first four pages, which is the actual letter. We're not including all their exhibits.
[01:55:19] Unknown:
Okay. And here and by the way, for those of you who've been around, that's why we put at the top of the cover letter not to be considered a filing so they don't have frivolous filing grounds to ding you with. If you really wanna look in the first one of these that we got years ago, when when it hit me one day, I said, well, we ought to send these to IRS too. And Shane, out there who didn't join us too much anymore, and he said, well, I'll do it. And, he did it, and, they came back and tried to levy a $5,000 frivolous filing penalty on him. And I responded to that, and the letter we put on the website somewhere, documents or something, I promise you whoever is in Ogden that got that, they it burned their retinas when they read it.
Okay? So that's another way to attack that and get some of these things like the, oh, what matters is what papers are in possession of the secretary, not your passport and that site and some other stuff. Anyway, it's all b s. They're trying to see again what do you know and do you know your stuff. Hopefully, my students do know their stuff because I stress this education thing, and you shouldn't have any problem with this. But I understand the initial. Yeah. I'll get you, Larry. Don't forget what Brent has told us. Said I've seen grown businessmen wet their pants when they get a letter from the IRS.
So I understand. Yeah, Larry.
[01:57:01] Unknown:
Yeah. Question for Mark. This this response letter, this frivolous response letter that the student that you are helping got from the IRS, Did they follow Rogers Jones's as far as how to order the, cover letter and just send in your affidavit?
[01:57:20] Unknown:
Yes. But we didn't, I don't think we sent in an affidavit. We just attached a copy of their their 4 page letter. So I always recommend doing that, and and hear me out. You don't want somebody to like, if I'm a a worker at a government desk and I get a letter in, I don't want them to have to go look it up and maybe not be successful. So if I put a copy of their document in front of them, it's right there. I put it to I serve it on a silver platter for them so that it makes their job a lot easier. So Yep. I, recommend that you do that if you wanna attach another copy of your affidavit. I don't think we did on these responses.
We just thank them for confirming our
[01:58:05] Unknown:
our receipt of our affidavit of citizenship evidence and let it go. What you're what you're doing here is you're building an administrative file, especially for the IRS even if you're outside of our stuff. And what is their their supervisor is about getting files taken care of and closed and people back in and file them. That's what they want. That's what they're gonna get promoted and rewarded on. Okay? So they're wanting you to go and get as many as you can. Well, what's the agent gonna do? The agent's gonna go for the low hanging fruit first, didn't he? If you're difficult and they can't track in all this other stuff, your file is gonna go to the bottom of that stack most likely. Okay?
And you make a bunch of patriot arguments. Right. Now, Mark, I heard this years ago. I don't know if you've heard me tell this, but, you know, IRS always rents office buildings because they're not a government agency. And those office buildings with the suspended ceilings with those little Right. Sound tiles up in there, well, they're in one of those offices one day, and the whole ceiling falls down. And the reasons they've been taking those files, instead of putting them at the bottom of the stack, they were putting them in the ceiling. And they got so many of them there, it broke the damn strands and all of them. Hilarious.
[01:59:29] Unknown:
That's hilarious.
[01:59:30] Unknown:
Isn't it? Yeah.
[01:59:33] Unknown:
[01:59:34] Unknown:
[01:59:36] Unknown:
I just wanted to say something to Mark. Mark, I've got a lot of experience using turpentine, and I can highly recommend you trying that if you wanna see if you can bail yourself out. Okay. I appreciate that. Yep. Can you get any turpentine?
[01:59:51] Unknown:
Hey. I got something easier. Just go get just go get some black cumin seed oil. I had pneumonia, and I have I had exactly what you had, and I was on 3 courses of antibiotics. It didn't work. Black cumin seed oil. You can get it off of Amazon. It works overnight. Yeah. I'm very familiar with that product. So
[02:00:10] Unknown:
thank you very much. I hear the words here.
[02:00:13] Unknown:
As doctor Daniel That's used it in
[02:00:18] Unknown:
Go ahead, Shaymin. No. No. No. No. Same to go ahead. I only wanna get Mark well.
[02:00:22] Unknown:
Doc it was doctor Daniels as an MD goes to when she was trying to get away from the pharmaceutical world and help her patients out. This was the main when she couldn't figure it out, this is where she went, and she always got good results. And I can I can verify that for myself? So I I believe you. It's that and Sugar together, and she has a protocol on her website, about 20 pages, if you really wanna get into it. So
[02:00:52] Unknown:
all you need is A 100%. No. When I get when I get my strength turpentine. When I get my strength back, we'll we'll give that give in that You and So thank you, everybody.
[02:01:03] Unknown:
You and Brent Brent Bachman are familiar with each other. Reach out to Brent and get that place in South Georgia, and you can get it shipped in pure turpentine exactly what you're looking for. Okay? Nice.
[02:01:15] Unknown:
Alright. Alright. I'm out. So thank you so much. I just wanted to Good deal. I figured it'd be easier it'd it'd be easier for us to talk about. They may try to email everybody. Yeah. Yeah. That letter is also that letter comes the letter is signed by a mister La Rochelle, who's the director of the return integrity verification ops. So it's 4 pages long. Letter ltr3175, c as in Charlie.
[02:01:44] Unknown:
That's all. Good to hear the voice even though it's graveled. We'll see you tomorrow. Hope you get better, Mark. See you the rest of the day. Roger. Questions. I appreciate everybody's thoughts and prayers. Yep. We're glad to hear you, bud. Okay. We'll see you tomorrow. Good to be here. Ciao. Okay. I'll, dump us off all those other Mark off.
[02:02:08] Unknown:
Oregano walnut. Oregano is really hot, but the reason that turpentine works is because it's made from spruce oil, from a spruce tree.
[02:02:20] Unknown:
Okay. Pine trees. Pine spruce?
[02:02:29] Unknown:
Strider? Strider. I ought to be able to hook him up with some of his spruce buddies.
[02:02:34] Unknown:
That's right. Maybe Straka. You can what? Can you can you ring Straka out and see if you can get any straw out of it? I don't think so. Roger?
[02:02:45] Unknown:
Yes. Is that Julie hailing me? Yeah. Yeah. I'm not asking you anything about crypto. I have a different question. So, and it relates back to your, comment you made to somebody about common law court with John Smith because I was on a 4 hour, Zoom with him where you could ask questions and interact with him and you are correct that, he is extremely hard to understand because of his accent, but if you go to his website, common law court, I just wanted to let everybody know here that he does believe that, when that you are a corporation and you're a dead entity, and he does believe in that all caps name being I believe in that.
[02:03:31] Unknown:
He believes in Admiralty law too. I I can't Yep. Yeah. I I I know that. But, he's got something at the core of this that works, and we know why it works. I don't he doesn't have any idea because he's got all these other false patriot concepts that he's working with. And, you know, sorry. Now what he says and the reason it's important is, all those other things on the side, Julie, is I believe that if you would get that done and find out who in a foreign country because, see, I'm asked all the time, well, I'm in so and so country. How do I apply that here? Well, you can't. But this common law birth certificate, he claims, works in every country in the world.
If it does, it works because it's rebutting the presumption. He doesn't understand why. Right. But it but that's why it would be. Now the other thing what?
[02:04:29] Unknown:
I said the other thing is that you even, he'll he says stuff on his side. Like, you can even change the date of your your birth. Like, who says that you were born on the Yeah. I know. Day that the hospital did. He says you can you know, you were born some people believe they were born on the day they were created by our creator. So a lot of people are going back 9 and a half months, and other people are changing their name, actually.
[02:04:54] Unknown:
There's no telling what people are doing out there in this whole birth certificate thing, and I've heard that about the birth date and another date to the certificate. Okay. Again, I just I don't I I it's interesting to explore, but I don't see any big differences there. They're trying to take that information and put a nexus on it that that's why you're in the condition, and that's not right. Those things represent the condition. They don't cause it.
[02:05:27] Unknown:
Yeah. And then, on the other show with Brent Johnson last night, I couldn't say anything because it's his show and it hits people, but he's basically recommending people to I'm not using the right term here, not rescind, but return your Social Security number back to the Social Security Administration to get out of this that's just just an FYI for people.
[02:05:50] Unknown:
Well, it's not your number. It's their number in the first place. That's what John would say. He say, I don't have a number. I've got an account. They represent it with a number. They won't accept it. I tried to do that 30 years ago. I'm I'm glad I didn't because I can draw on that social security now, and I'm not having to sell gold to live.
[02:06:12] Unknown:
K? Yeah. But they're letting you do that to become a national.
[02:06:16] Unknown:
I won't. Well, I do you know, as I've told you the whole time since first time you and I talked, Brent Johnson is a charlatan who doesn't know what he's talking about. Those things are false. So I feel sorry for the people that have gotten sucked into his deal along with, Judge Anna, Judge of the Superior People's Court that she founded and set herself up on, or, David Strait with all his crap, Navy Seal crap. I'm a I was a Texas Ranger. I was a Navy Seal. I I consulted Trump legally in his first term. That's all that David Strait crap. Sure you did, buddy. You know, Navy SEALs are pretty tight group. Somebody who was a Navy SEAL went in and investigated it from their records. He was never a Navy SEAL and he's never set foot on a military base from the official record.
So it's just one of these guys. They they they find this, somebody tells them something. It sounds like it's right. It sounds good. They see a way to make money, and they're gonna go teach that crap to you, if you pay them.
[02:07:35] Unknown:
I saw where he has cancer,
[02:07:37] Unknown:
David Strait. David Strait? I can't remember if I said.
[02:07:40] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, listen. If you're out in life, deceiving and lying people in Charlotte, maybe that's just a consequence of your activity. Maybe that's karma.
[02:07:51] Unknown:
[02:07:53] Unknown:
Yes, Larry.
[02:07:55] Unknown:
Yeah. I was listening to, one of, David David Strait's, older seminars a couple of years back. It's probably about 2 years ago I was listening to it, and, they're rather long. They're it's kinda they're a couple of hours long. I remember him saying that he personally talked with president Trump, and he knows him to be an American state national. That's the words he used. I understand we're not supposed to use those words. We're not supposed to be the same.
[02:08:28] Unknown:
Uh-huh. Well, yeah. Did he ever get his wife out of jail, Bonnie?
[02:08:36] Unknown:
Oh, no. She's still in jail.
[02:08:39] Unknown:
Man, it sounds like he's got presidential connections to me. Okay. Where else can we go? That that that's that's why, you know, Julie, you came along and said, hey, Julie. You found the mother lode. This is as accurate, truthful information as you can access on our stuff on the face of the globe to my knowledge. K? So just be grateful.
[02:09:05] Unknown:
No. I am very grateful. I had to unlearn all that stuff. I had to unlearn David Strait, Bobby Lawrence, AVR, and I had to unlearn, even
[02:09:16] Unknown:
Brent Johnson's stuff about what it takes to be a sovereign and get out of the IRS system. So I Yeah. And they and they'll and if they're if they're confronted with me my name, they'll go, that's a bunch of crap. You know? Really? You know, Bork goes, that's a bunch of crap. It doesn't work. Well, mister Bork, can you please show us and tell us how you know it doesn't work? Because to my knowledge, it never has not worked. K? Just all these people and, woah, what does Bork want you to do? He wants you to buy his $100 book.
He won't talk to you till you buy his book. He said on one of the show, oh, we I could get this straightened out in 3 or 4 months. Oh, but and the understatement is if everybody would buy my book at a $100 a copy. These guys are all out making a business out of this somehow, And I don't want your money. Pleasure. I think yes, Larry.
[02:10:15] Unknown:
Yeah. So I was listening to, Bobby Lawrence, video, a few years back, And he also teaches to expatriate. He was talking about how he's got all his paperwork in order, and he's just he's getting ready to submit his expatriation paperwork. And then he's going to repatriate. And so that these people are all good stuff.
[02:10:39] Unknown:
They just we'll see again. It's just like Glenn said. What what's everybody missing? It's the feudal system. If you don't know it's the feudal system, you'll never do anything but shadow box with it. Is Bobby Lawrence and those guys shadow boxing with it? Is Brent Johnson? Oh, you gotta turn in your Social Security. Well, Brent, why can't anybody in the world contract with Social Security then? Does that mean the federal government has jurisdiction over them in any country of the world? Well, no. But see, he's not looked into it or thought about it because they just don't know.
They got a hustle where when I first heard Brent Johnson years ago on shortwave, Julie, he was hawking a $750 some kind of crap paperwork crap. That's all he's doing is he's hawk. He just recycles that. Now it's trust. Tomorrow, it'll be whatever. Right. No. I don't want your money. I want you to be free. My bloodhound, you guys. I want you to be free because you strengthened my freedom. I don't want your damn Federal Reserve notes. Okay? Go Paul, what were you trying to say? I don't need them. I'm sorry.
[02:11:55] Unknown:
I'm sorry. Somebody's saying something. Bugging me. Okay. Sorry.
[02:12:02] Unknown:
Alright. That's okay. Anyway, yes. Is that Larry again?
[02:12:06] Unknown:
No. This is Sketch.
[02:12:08] Unknown:
Sketch. Hey, man. Circle.
[02:12:10] Unknown:
Hey. I was gonna circle back to Marks, and the, individuals who represent Satan. Are you calling paper tigers? Is that right?
[02:12:21] Unknown:
Well, they are.
[02:12:23] Unknown:
Okay. Good. I I looked up, frivolous or, and in in in statute, there is no definition for,
[02:12:39] Unknown:
frivolous. I I No. It's only in regulations, and I don't know that they define it. They just use it.
[02:12:46] Unknown:
Yeah. Exactly. And I just wanted to point that out. I thought that was interesting.
[02:12:52] Unknown:
Well, again, the the way to beat these people is to preempt them. You don't wanna dance with them. You wanna preemptively defeat them. And so that's why at the top of the IRS letter, it says not to be considered a filing. You gotta want any frivolous filing penalties, and that takes that right out from under them. They're insinuating they're going to treat it as a filing when in your notice, you specifically said that it was not to be. Again, they're trying to bluff. They got no other thing to try. I've been wondering what they were gonna do because they hadn't done anything for a number of years now.
Well, I I guess this they decided to put somebody in charge and try and do something to see if it would yield any results, and I don't think it's gonna yield any from our bunch. Go ahead.
[02:13:44] Unknown:
Oh, and I just wanted to say if anybody out there has the, mark not on here anymore, if anybody has that letter, I'd love to read it so I can get a chuckle. But, I just wanted to also mention that Alan from Georgia was on for a little while and, he was listening. And and, I wanted to ask him about how his yogurt and didn't he, talk about a yogurt business he's trying to sell? That was Harvey. No. That was Harvey. Oh, Harvey. Allen
[02:14:15] Unknown:
Allen has a job where he works on, postal vehicles.
[02:14:20] Unknown:
Oh, okay.
[02:14:21] Unknown:
Alright. I yield. Thank you, Roger. Yeah. Thank you, mister sketch.
[02:14:27] Unknown:
Anybody else have anything for me? It is a beautiful day here, and I'm hungry.
[02:14:32] Unknown:
Yeah, Jason. Do you know much about the SEDM group or the FAM card group?
[02:14:38] Unknown:
Never heard of either one of them.
[02:14:40] Unknown:
S e d m,
[02:14:42] Unknown:
Sovereign Education Defense Ministry. Oh, at southeastern education ministries dotorg? Yeah. That's Josh Josh Wallbuilder at FamGard. Yeah. He's he's real solid. We've had a relationship for years.
[02:14:57] Unknown:
Is it one individual that runs that, or is it a group? Or is it Yeah. No. It's just one individual. Of that, and it looked like it had to be I mean, some of their stuff is it's so deep. It's like it I'm thinking it had to have been, like, Christian attorneys that were writing this stuff. Well, he's very Christian guy, and he's real legally oriented. California tried to shut him down. He beat him in court.
[02:15:19] Unknown:
But, yeah, his name is Josh Wallbuilder, and he runs both of those. Josh Wallbuilder. Guy. Well, that's the name he goes under.
[02:15:30] Unknown:
Oh, okay.
[02:15:32] Unknown:
But, yeah, I I would endorse if you like reading. K? Now I don't know that I agree with everything that's over there. We've got different perspectives. I think we're on the same page. We got a little different perspectives. He's familiar with John and Glenn's work, and, we've spoke speak occasionally, not often.
[02:15:54] Unknown:
Yeah. I try I read some of it, and it it it can make your brain melt.
[02:15:59] Unknown:
Well, I yeah. I know. And and he didn't say he didn't like the audio. I like the audio thing. I because I don't like writing, all the other reasons. And, I'm much better on this, plane. So that's just, because I like three way communication and not two dimensional, which is what writing is. Not that it doesn't have its positives, but, like, having a discussion and answering complex questions, well, like we have here, I wanna do it person to person. I don't wanna do this writing back and forth stuff. Sure. Too easy to get misconceived.
[02:16:40] Unknown:
[02:16:42] Unknown:
Yes. Julie.
[02:16:44] Unknown:
Yeah. I just am going back to all these people charging all this money. I thought it was funny. I was trying to find a copy of PDF for, for that, actual letter because I do think it exists on the Internet. But I came across the website saying you have paid $40 for a 20 page response to IRS letter 3175 alleging a frivolous position. Basically says that response documents that a citizen has no statutory liability for the payment of income tax on their own income and rebuts the allegation of a frivolous position and demands the IRS cite a statute making you liable for tax like section 1461, but you have to pay $40 and here on this show, it's free.
[02:17:31] Unknown:
Yeah. And I tell you where it's not in the statutes, that's the big patriot community. Show me the law. Show me the law. Well, nobody's ever come up with it. You know why? Because they're looking in the damn statutes. The law is not in the statutes. It's in the regulations.
[02:17:47] Unknown:
Yes, Paul? Hey, Roger. Why did why did, Mark say, the student got that, frivolous response letter?
[02:17:56] Unknown:
Well, evidently, the IRS is starting to see he alluded it more than one. Nancy here the other day said, Dean, her sister's husband, had gotten a letter. She didn't expound on it. I don't know if it was this one. They looked at it themselves and decided it was a bluff letter, and I don't remember what they did. So they may be starting the 1st of the year here with a new campaign. You know? And another I'm surprised they don't attach a missus Robinson letter. Yep. Roger, this is Nancy. There's nothing that hey, Nancy. Was it the same one that, Mark's talking about that Dean got? Four pages?
[02:18:38] Unknown:
[02:18:39] Unknown:
Oh, okay. Okay. Well, then they're sending out a bunch of them all of a sudden. So it's a program. If any but, you know, all you gotta do is say I'm in receipt of your letter dated such and such. Here's another copy of my affidavit. If there's any misunderstanding, consult your legal department, attach exhibit a or whatever, and send it back to them. Now you know that affidavits in that file. You know it is anyway because it triggered this letter to you. But, just keep piling that paperwork on them. There's nothing they can do.
[02:19:15] Unknown:
K. So, Nancy, was was that letter a result of what what Mark was talking about with someone that you're associated with? It's her sister's new husband. Oh, these are two different situations with the same letter.
[02:19:31] Unknown:
[02:19:32] Unknown:
It was in response to, Dean Dean's filing his, noticing the IRS with his citizen affidavit of citizenship evidence.
[02:19:45] Unknown:
And he sent it to the commissioner and followed Roger's process.
[02:19:49] Unknown:
I did. Absolutely.
[02:19:51] Unknown:
[02:19:56] Unknown:
So how does that information respond is he gonna respond to it?
[02:20:00] Unknown:
Already have. I drafted it. They reviewed it.
[02:20:05] Unknown:
I love you, girl.
[02:20:08] Unknown:
Well, and you make sure, Nancy, that you go right back to the commissioner because these lower to mid level agents, they don't know what the heck they're they're doing. They they don't even understand the information that Roger teaches.
[02:20:22] Unknown:
It will have a specific reply protocol on there somewhere, I'm sure.
[02:20:29] Unknown:
Well, what I recommend is you send it to whoever sent you the letter because a lot of times they'll say, okay. Fax your response to this phone number or mail your response to this address, but I would also cc the commissioner. And depending upon how egregious the letter is or, you know, what whatever they're attempting to do to you, like, if they're threatening with liens, you may wanna get Tig TIGTA involved. The Treasury Inspector General.
[02:20:59] Unknown:
They're never gonna get that far because they got no basis to get that far. That takes a long time. It's a long drawn out process. And have you heard Larry who the, who Trump put in charge of the IRS? He's putting in charge of Republican congressman. I don't remember the guy's name. Some congressman is gonna be over IRS. Well, yeah. I'm I'm I told you. It's Billy Law, and he's an auctioneer,
[02:21:25] Unknown:
and he's also a gambler. He's a he's a and he does that on the side, and, he's a he's a congressman. I don't know if he's still a congressman, but What and he's supposedly a again.
[02:21:39] Unknown:
Supposedly a what was the last part?
[02:21:42] Unknown:
I think he's republican.
[02:21:44] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. I think so. Well, Trump appoint him? I guess so. Okay. Well, we'll see. They're talking about getting rid of the IRS. I don't know if that's possible. Well, we just got a big, tumultuous future ahead of us. Boy, it's going to be a target rich environment for a talk show host. Hey, Nancy.
[02:22:03] Unknown:
Nancy, when did, your, brother-in-law file his notice of affidavit of citizenship evidence? Do you know?
[02:22:11] Unknown:
It was in April last year, and, yeah, this letter just arrived, about a month ago, and it referenced them receiving it in May. So but what it becomes clear when you review it, it's not you know, it says dear taxpayer, and it's there's nothing specific of Salata. It's it's all about intimidation. It did not address specifically, his affidavit of evidence or the the issue you know, the the law that we use I mean, that we reference there and our status. So it was very clear, but, you know, it it's a process to become able to discern that, to evaluate, and they also touch base with Mark. So
[02:22:58] Unknown:
Oh, okay. Well, I was really impressed when you said you 3 handled it together and this and the other. You didn't yank on my chain or anything, and I thought that was real admirable. And but, Nancy's sister, Suzanne, she's been a listener for 10 years all the way back to truth frequency. And I guess finally, she leaned on her sister, Nancy, enough. And then she went to get her, her, amalgam fill fill fill fillings out, and damned if she didn't end up marrying the dentist. So, it's a tight little group up there in Virginia.
[02:23:38] Unknown:
I think. You've taught us well. You've taught us well, Roger.
[02:23:42] Unknown:
Well, I tried to teach all of you as well as you'll, as good a student as you wanna be. Because, you know, listen. There's some people that just aren't teachable. I've come to understand that. So I I try to say all the time how apprised y'all are to me and how important you are, and that's why you'll learn. You just have you go out and start talking to people. You'll come to the same conclusion.
[02:24:08] Unknown:
Hey, Roger.
[02:24:09] Unknown:
Technically I'm sorry. Georgia got Idaho. Technically, are all these, letters just another offer to contract, and you just return them to sender unopened? This person does not live here, return to sender?
[02:24:28] Unknown:
I'd yeah. But it's better to me to open them and answer them and rebut them if you need to.
[02:24:35] Unknown:
You could take be very careful about doing that kind of stuff.
[02:24:40] Unknown:
I'll that's a lot of patri you know, John used to tell a story, and we I'd have to get into a long thing, confirmatory writings and how they lock you in if you're a non filer. And, he would stamp something and send it back to him. About the 3rd or 4th time, they just rolled on anyway. So I'm not sure how effective that is on the long term, and that's what we're looking for. I wanna sever the damn root with these bastards once and for all and be able to have something I can stand on and continue to defend my position. And that's where I want you guys to be too.
[02:25:17] Unknown:
[02:25:19] Unknown:
Yes, ma'am.
[02:25:20] Unknown:
Yeah. There is a, huge telegram room, and the guy who owns it is Peter, and he teaches all of that stuff where when you get those letters, you don't even open them up and you have certain things and certain blue marks and reds and stuff that you use on the outside of the envelope, basically, You're not going to contract them. And it's all about the fact that they don't have jurisdiction over We the People. But honestly, I think your course in this these actions here are just much simpler and much easier and that you need to respond because like you stated, if you don't respond, silence could mean that you have agreed. You agree. Well, you've agreed. Now look. Here's the here's the bottom line.
[02:25:59] Unknown:
What am I trying to do? Well, I'm not trying to make money, obviously. K? Enrich myself. Let's say that. I'm trying to affect change. So if I wanna affect change, I've gotta touch as many people as I can with this information and make us a strong strong group on righteous principles. Okay? If I'm charging people, doesn't that by as very very fact eliminate some folks? I don't wanna eliminate anybody that wants to be free. I don't care what color you are. I don't care what nationality you are. K? None of that matters. And I've been criticized for that from some quarters, but I'm gonna tell you, it doesn't make I wanna affect change. To do that, we've got to get numbers of people. To do that, you've got to break it down as simple as possible so more of the masses not only can understand, but will follow through.
So the that's the whole reason for all my madness is I wanted I want these bastards to hang. The only way that's gonna happen is if we have a lot of people. Merca, there's pissed off design. And we and
[02:27:13] Unknown:
we what we all also do is help people start learning the information for themselves because they don't know what to do as, you know, they've been indoctrinated by the US system. We are now helping people start from scratch and learn how to do things themselves so that they don't depend on the US system. Yeah. We need to learn the information, know the laws, know the information so that we can defend ourselves.
[02:27:43] Unknown:
Uh-uh. Well, I mean, your your whole deal is you wanna be free. And if you're gonna be free, you gotta be personal responsibility. You need you need some of those kind of shocks because without those, you don't have a feedback loop. And otherwise, you're the one that wants this. Adhere to it. Be personally responsible. Don't wanna go sucking on somebody's tit. I I don't wanna carry a bunch of damn insurance. That's limited, as George Gordon would say. He said, I hate insurance. It's limited liability. I want personal responsibility. If I harm you and I can't make you whole, drill us a hole in my ear and I'll be your slave.
[02:28:27] Unknown:
Personal responsibility. In fact, we have I'm going to lunch.
[02:28:31] Unknown:
I'm I'm hungry. Been on yakking for 2 and a half hours. See, y'all are listeners. I'm trying to keep all this initiated and moderated, and my focus for 2 hours has to be like a laser beam to know your voices and questions and things out of left field and whatever and keep everything under control. So, boy, at the end of a couple hours, it's draining. Okay? If you if you do it right. And I I think Thank you, Ryan. Thank you for your time, man. Thank you. Appreciate it. You're Yeah. You're welcome, Bory. Was that Joe?
[02:29:04] Unknown:
Yeah. I wanted to say yeah. I was gonna say the same thing. He took the words right out of my mouth.
[02:29:12] Unknown:
Hey. We are seeing the same thing about you, Uriah. You're right. You're the you're you're the motherfucking mess. Did they get those guys and bug them to shake in their pants?
[02:29:23] Unknown:
Well, you know, it has to be some let let's let's let's say this. It has to be some strong mojo for them to go in and change the oath on the passport application to cover their slave and asses. That'd be you, man. They did. Yeah. Well, look what hey, Joe. Nah. Hats off to Joe. Joe's the man. You got him bat bowing at your feet, and congratulations. You're you're a great example, Joe. Thanks for inspiring all of us. Okay? And give us some standards to look to.
[02:30:04] Unknown:
Yeah. Roger, there's a there's a song called the keeper of the flame, and it's set to a, the the the the temple of a locomotive.
[02:30:16] Unknown:
It it's a great song, and it I I'll get you the lyrics here at some point. It's a beautiful song. The lyrics match. Beautiful part is, folks, I tried to get people to listen. I I couldn't explain it as well. I I had the basics, but, man, I couldn't get people to listen for for years.
[02:30:34] Unknown:
And it was that relationship Right. Yeah. The people here is special. We we are special, Roger. Everybody here special. They got a good energy, and you are a special, guys. All of you. Roger? Well, I Welcome. All of you. All of you. All of you. Yeah. No. I agree. I agree, boy. And,
[02:30:51] Unknown:
I it's, you know, wonderful for me to get towards the end of my life where you can see the light at the end of the tunnel down the way and and be fulfilled. No. You've really accomplished something in this life. It hadn't been excuse me for not. And, what I've grown and however many people we've been able to touch. You know, it's the old, saying in sales, the only way to get what you want is to help enough other people get what they want. And you see this falls perfectly within that, and it's even more. It's not just something tangible. It's something only 2 groups of people in the organized history of the world. I know Bob.
They're wandering in the desert. I don't know if I, equate that, but there's only been two times for 200 years when people had these rights. 1st 200 years of Rome, 1st 200 years our country. Understand what you've got. Understand what you got in your hands. Okay? Now I'm gonna go lunch because my stomach's growling, and, I'm gonna go find some good vittles somewhere, and I get out in this beautiful day. So, God bless you, Roger. God bless you. Thank you. Julie. Pro life, Justin. Julie, he has blessed me beyond belief. K? Uh-huh. Yeah. And the interesting thing is I I recognize it, and I thank him profusely for it. So, I I yeah. My I love my life. I love what I'm doing. I I'm totally fulfilled.
It's just wonderful, and you people help help that, goal come live. So my goal was accomplished 15 years ago, which was to get this information into the public domain. But when you've accomplished your goal, you reset it. So it's not real as specific as it should be. But I'm gonna see how far we can push this envelope and what damage we can do because I wanna see these effing bastards hang what they deserve. It's the only thing they understand. K? So I'll see y'all tomorrow. Ciao.
[02:33:04] Unknown:
Take care.
[02:33:10] Unknown:
I just get mad how they laugh in our face. How this guy comes to TV laughing and everything. Like, it's a joke that he burned all those houses. He should be angry right now.
[02:33:23] Unknown:
It's even, it's even sooner I cried all day. I saw all these pictures of the firefighters. All these wild animals, you guys are actually coming up to the firefighters. Their instincts are I'm not gonna I'm not gonna live if I don't get out of here. And they're there there's all these, I don't know, wild animals from leopards and everything jumping into the fire and arms.
[02:33:46] Unknown:
It's crazy, man. And people are not being rude. This is Chris. Hi, Bruce. Hi. I need
[02:33:56] Unknown:
to ask all of this is not overtalk over people. You just come in and blur out what you're going to say and on and on and on. That's not professional. Give some, you know, show your character to, armor, especially Roger. He's, what, 74 or 5 years old. So please, just over over him. I'm gonna park over him, please. Thank you. Friend.
[02:34:29] Unknown:
Thank you. I apologize.
[02:34:31] Unknown:
Reflect on my participant Comment. Julie, you're still very loud. I don't know if you could try just to put gauze over your phone. It it'll muffle it just a a slight. It's very loud when you talk. I get you it's over a landline,
[02:34:48] Unknown:
sketch. That's the.
[02:34:52] Unknown:
Yeah. She's on a She's not in a. Yeah. She's on a landline. Yeah. But maybe just a a cloth or something would tone it down a bit. And I also wanted to mention that there's some private chats about, Joan, Lisa, Brent, and Paul. I yield. Thank you. I hope they bring a smile.
[02:35:17] Unknown:
Have a good day.
[02:35:20] Unknown:
Blessings, Corey.
[02:35:23] Unknown:
I I wanted to say something if I may. Thank you. Stay blessed.
[02:35:27] Unknown:
Yeah. Sorry.
[02:35:29] Unknown:
Yeah. Re regarding oils and taking them, this is one of the nine things that doctor Wallach warns against. If it's a vegetable oil or not oil or seed oil, he's saying that, when you get them and you open them or in use and whatever or maybe they weren't even bottled correctly, they're already oxidized. And if they're oxidized, they can create problems in the body. Now, you know, I don't know exactly how much I believe that myself benefit versus, you know, loss. But, what I do when I have the opportunity, like in the case of, cumin or black seed oil, instead of the oil, what I do is I buy the seed and I grind that up and I just drink it down.
And what you can do if you wanna stay with an oil, if you can find out if when it's bottled, whether it's called, it's called sparging. When they, squeeze it and and, or press it and then bottle it, the sparger is part of the process. It's done in wine wine as well, is they shoot a stream of dry nitrogen in there to push the oxygen out so it can oxidize, and then they they cap it. You can buy little aerosol cans of dry nitrogen. So if you're using, like, say, a good olive oil or something like that on a pretty regular basis, you can give it a squirt of that and get the oxygen out of there. So you're gonna slow down whatever that process is in oxidation that, that Wallach doesn't like, or you can buy the seeds in the oil or the seeds in in raw form and grind them up.
And then you get in the whole thing too. You're you're not just getting the oil, you're getting the the whole package. Anyways, I just wanted to state that. Samuel?
[02:37:48] Unknown:
Yeah. You mentioned keeper of the flame. Is that Blackmoor's, I forget what it's called. Blackmoor's, Knight. And what version are you talking about, Keepers of the Flame?
[02:38:02] Unknown:
Oh, boy. I have to look up the artist's name, but,
[02:38:06] Unknown:
it But it has a choo choo train on it. I mean, it has a train
[02:38:10] Unknown:
No. It doesn't.
[02:38:12] Unknown:
The the the tempo in this song is set to a locomotive like you're not gonna stop it. Right? Okay. Thank you. And and it's it's actually about our creator, He's the keeper of the flame, and in the lyrics here is really but Roger is like the keeper of the flame for this national status, and I think it was appropriate. And I'll look it up. I'll see. Sketch, if somebody can, send me your information, I I could easily get you stuff if that's okay with you. Yeah. It's okay with me.
[02:38:49] Unknown:
Not a problem. I looked it up, and it seemed like it was like an Irish jig, at least the one I got. There was a lot of versions down below which I I haven't checked yet, but it was called, black black moor's knight keeper of the flame. I I don't know if that's the same song. I think it is. It's just a different No.
[02:39:12] Unknown:
No. I cannot. No worries. God. What is his name?
[02:39:18] Unknown:
No worries.
[02:39:20] Unknown:
I was just I was just wondering if you knew offhand. Thank you. I yield.
[02:39:24] Unknown:
May I? Yes, please. Yeah. There's a website, that's owned by a doctor and his the website is and so that website, he tests all of these oils. He tests all of the vitamins and everything. I only buy the stuff that is approved off of his list. He tests oils for rancidity and all sorts of toxins in them like cadmium, arsenic, lead, all that stuff. So all the stuff I take, including my black cumin seed oil, is on his approved list. I yield.
[02:40:03] Unknown:
Yeah. My point, Julie, is that when we get them and we open them, oxygen gets in there and it, it starts to according to according to Wallach, they oxidize and start to break down. So if you sparge them again after you're in your usage, you know, you you keep the oxygen out of there. That's that's the only thing.
[02:40:29] Unknown:
Thank you.
[02:40:30] Unknown:
[02:40:33] Unknown:
repeat. Julie, repeat.
[02:40:36] Unknown:
[02:40:39] Unknown:
Just repeat what you said.
[02:40:42] Unknown:
Oh, I'm trying to be, away from my speaker, so I don't know if you guys can hear me or not because I'm trying to fix this problem with my landline. Can you hear me? It's all good. Yeah. You sound great. Tom No. Consumer ConsumerLab, c o n s u m e r l a b dot com, like a laboratory, The owner is a a physician himself, so all he does is take products off the shelves and test them for all sorts of toxins. You'd be surprised how many are not approved and have really bad stuff in them, and I agree with you about the fact that when you open a bottle, yeah, it does oxidize, but I don't know. I mean, I got to have something to saute my stuff in or some something to cook my stuff in at night and I try to use water, but every now and then, you know, I need some of that I need some coconut oil in my stuff. I yield.
Use butter.
[02:41:47] Unknown:
Butter is better.
[02:41:48] Unknown:
I use butter. I use butter as well.
[02:41:51] Unknown:
The best one is that I found is called ghee, g h e e. And, it's a beautiful bright yellow color and it stands it withstands up to 450 degrees and it doesn't, turn into a carcinogen. You can look that up. The It's purified butter. 19? Yeah. It's Clarified Reduced.
[02:42:15] Unknown:
Mhmm. Oh, Sketch? I got the name of the artist. It's Martin Page, and the album is In the House of Light and Stone.
[02:42:24] Unknown:
Thank you. Thank you, Sam. I yield.
[02:42:37] Unknown:
He's sort of a religious guy. He's a rock and roller, but, if you listen to his lyrics. And he's he's a really talented guy. He never made it as far as big time, but, he had a few albums out which are worth having in my opinion.
[02:42:56] Unknown:
Hey, Julie. Did did you ask did you ask, your the common law lawyer about the FinCEN?
[02:43:07] Unknown:
Yes. I did. And I was told last night that, you do not need to file.
[02:43:13] Unknown:
Did he give, any specific reasons or just say you don't need to file?
[02:43:21] Unknown:
He I can play the recording for you if you wanna, email me and I can call you and play his recording. He has studied in this for so long and he said you do not need to file the appeals. But, you know, Mark said I wasn't on the show where Mark said the appeal was overturned. So I'm trying to research that. That's on my agenda to do this afternoon. I'm on a Board of Directors of my office building, that I own and they were requiring us as officers to file that. And when I sent them the information, they retracted and we haven't filed. So we're as of now, we're not filing. Okay. And I also have I also have I it's called the corporate transparency act, with the treasury. It's called FinCEN, f I n c e n dot Yeah. That's a financial crime statement. Yeah. Yeah. I understand that. Yeah. They keep there's a lot of lawsuits that are going back and forth. Some people have won, and they're making up rules and stuff. So, anyway, this is still up in the air, but I wanted to send Mark an email, but I know he's been sick to find out what case he can send me showing that the appeal was overturned because I can't find anything where it says that it's been overturned and it's required.
[02:44:43] Unknown:
What what what was the situation? That's what I'm trying to figure out. If you have a if you own a corporation
[02:44:48] Unknown:
or if you are a board member of a corporation, if you own a, LLC, they're requiring you to file what's called a benefit ownership interest which you're basically they're tracking and tracing you because there's 19 exemptions for people and entities that don't have to file that and It's the entities that are exempt are all the people and banks, like banks and stuff that are involved in money laundering. So they're going after the small person just like the IRS is right now and so for, you know, somebody who's a single owner or has 2 or 3 or 4 employees of a c corp or an LLC, they're requiring you to submit all this paperwork and tell them who who is Okay.
[02:45:31] Unknown:
Yeah. No. I I understand the whole thing about what that is. I I was just I was trying to figure out what you guys were talking about. Sorry. So so, currently, there's still an injunction in effect. So so there is no reporting going on. You don't need to make a report right now because there's an injunction until the Supreme Court issues a decision. So it's all on hold right now.
[02:45:53] Unknown:
Yeah. I I said that yesterday, but then somebody else refuted that and said that Mark had stated that you do have to file it. So I was just last night, I was on a call with a common law lawyer lawyer and I was trying to get some clarification on that, and he said, no. You do not need to file it.
[02:46:14] Unknown:
Yeah. So right now I mean, technically, it's a 5th amendment violation to to do that. You know, all the IRS stuff is a 5th amendment violation because you have to, you know, you know, you have to, you you can't I mean, you have the right to remain silent. Right?
[02:46:33] Unknown:
Yeah. But this is not under the IRS. This is actually under the treasury now, and they're they're threatening a penalty of 500 a
[02:46:41] Unknown:
day. I I doesn't matter who it's under. It's a it's a 5th amendment violation. You know? I think the supreme court's looking at probably 5th amendment violations and taking that into consideration. That's probably why they haven't made a decision on it. I mean, there's an injunction right now. So, I'm sure they they're gonna say that. Plus, they've already ruled just this year that the the taxes are really in indirect, like, income taxes are indirect tax. Right? So for them to have to report to the the beneficial owners is kind of is kind of fraudulent.
[02:47:25] Unknown:
I agree with you.
[02:47:29] Unknown:
So but, yeah, I've I've used FinCEN before to help people with some stuff. It's, you know, you can you can target the quartz for, with FinCEN. And, they get in trouble a lot of times. And, I have a I got, someone sent me a video. It was these hold on. I'm gonna find it because this is it was 31 Missouri judges recused themselves because they got caught on video talking about how they're fighting funds from parents, from defendants, hiding in trust that they set up, and they're keeping they're hiding the money. They're they're pocketing money. 31 Missouri judges.
Okay? This happened in 2021.
[02:48:26] Unknown:
Wow. Well
[02:48:28] Unknown:
So one thing to do is always just, you know, report them to FinCEN, report them to the IRS, and that's one way to handle the courts. I but I do think, like, the Supreme Court is is taking to account this this, this BOI reporting requirement. Right? And they're probably they're probably determining that it's it may be considered unconstitutional, because it's a violation of the 5th Amendment.
[02:48:55] Unknown:
Is that is the Privacy Act in the 5th Amendment?
[02:48:59] Unknown:
The privacy act?
[02:49:02] Unknown:
Yeah. I think somebody also said that they filed on the base of, violation privacy. I don't know which, part of the constitution. I can't remember what article that one is. Article 4 or something. I don't know.
[02:49:14] Unknown:
The privacy act is in 5 US code.
[02:49:17] Unknown:
Right. But there's something in the, constitution also, one of the articles that deals with privacy as well. Well, that would be well, that's the 4th amendment. Right? Yeah. That's why I meant to say 4th Amendment. Yeah. Anyway, I just have new information here, you guys. On December 26, 2024, the US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit Court lifted, but then they reinstated a nationwide injunction that halt the enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act. However, it was reinstated due to legal challenges, however, since then, continues to accept voluntary submissions, but our companies are advised to give consideration before doing this because then you're in their system.
[02:50:05] Unknown:
Right. So you just don't file?
[02:50:08] Unknown:
High yield.
[02:50:10] Unknown:
Do you have a company? Is that
[02:50:14] Unknown:
I have 5 corporations.
[02:50:17] Unknown:
Oh, okay. You know, I have a business, but I don't I don't file anything in my business. I just consider it none of their business because it's mine. It's not theirs. So I I just I I found nothing for it.
[02:50:39] Unknown:
I was gonna ask you a question on that because I was told that, you need to file for, you need to file, in your state your business, tax returns, but what you can do is with the net income that you generate just pay yourself equal to that and then deduct those as wages so that your net income is 0.
[02:51:10] Unknown:
But what I I there's a couple things I do, but one of the things I do I mean, I don't I don't care. I'm not a taxpayer, so I don't pay taxes. But one thing that I do is, whatever whatever money is made in the business gets donated into a trust, which holds all funds for beneficiaries and to maintain, the business. So the it doesn't make any money like that. And because the trust isn't because the trust doesn't have any income, it's only holding funds and acting as a treasury department for the business. It negates having it negates any kind of income tax.
[02:51:58] Unknown:
Okay. So you don't file returns at all for your even though you're donating your income from your corporation into a trust, you still aren't required because I was told I'm required to file tax returns. I and I don't file them individually, but I was told I'm required to file them for my corporations. But just make sure that they don't have income so there's no taxable event that occurs.
[02:52:25] Unknown:
Well, what I did was I I I got a trade name. Right? And then what I did is I set up my business as a membership. So it's a private membership. And so there is no, like, actual, like, LLC or s corp or c corp or anything that's that's doing the business. And then there's a trust that was set up just for the implementation of treasury functions, which would be like assets, like holding assets, doing disbursements, material, like, get acquiring material for the membership.
[02:53:02] Unknown:
Okay. I get it. I don't have I don't have that option because I'm a real estate broker. I can't set my business up as a private membership association is my understanding.
[02:53:13] Unknown:
You could still, I don't know how your business is structured. I don't know how many people you have working there or whatever, but there's ways around that because I've helped someone do that before where they they had I don't they weren't they weren't a real estate broker, were they? Actually, I don't remember. I have to look at the paperwork, but I think what they were doing was they they were doing Airbnb, and we set that up under a private membership.
[02:53:45] Unknown:
How how do I connect with you off of here? My email. How do I get that?
[02:53:54] Unknown:
I'll tell it to you.
[02:53:57] Unknown:
I'm ready.
[02:53:59] Unknown:
Jlusti ca247@gmail.
[02:54:15] Unknown:
Thank you very much. And it's Joe. Right?
[02:54:19] Unknown:
[02:54:20] Unknown:
Thanks, Joe. I'm Julie.
[02:54:22] Unknown:
Hi, Julie.
[02:54:24] Unknown:
Hey, Joe. This is Jason. Can I could you could I email you as well?
[02:54:29] Unknown:
Yeah. But only if you say very nasty and rude things to me.
[02:54:37] Unknown:
Can you give me put give me your email again?
[02:54:42] Unknown:
Yeah. It's jlostica247 atgmail. I'll spell lustica. L u s t I c a 247.
[02:55:00] Unknown:
Atgmail. Okay. I got it. Yeah. What you guys were talking about with with taxes and corporations and stuff like that, my understanding is if you have incorporated under this if you have incorporated under the state, you you you're gonna have to file taxes. There's no other way around it. Yeah. So you so what I do is we dissolve so
[02:55:21] Unknown:
we've done this a couple of different ways with different companies. The real estate one's a little finicky. So, we do things a little differently with the real estate because of the fact that, you know, oh, you can't show property. But we'll you know, so we we kind of we we kind of finagle things a little differently with the real estate we have to do in our individual basis. So they usually keep their LLC, open. Right? But then it it becomes a whole other thing. It's a little tiring, but so in other cases, what we'll do is, sometimes we dissolve the LLC. Okay?
And, it's gone. And then we just set up a private membership association depending on on how they're what kind of business it is. And some and then we set up a trust, and then the trust just does the banking. It's like a simple banking trust, but it it can hold assets and stuff too. Right? Like, do you have a Totten Trust? The Totten Trust is just primarily like a bank account, that bypasses probate. So, like, let's say you have, like let's say you saved up $1,000,000. Okay? You have that sitting in a bank account and you have, you know, let's say you have 2 kids and you want them to split that money, you would do a cotton trust. And that way, when you pass away, that bank account becomes theirs.
And, that's that's basically how it just moves over to theirs, and then it's just their bank account. And if they wanna, like, split the money and go, then they can do that. You put a provision in and the trust on how much they can get, when they can get it. And then no one's allowed to get a cert over a certain amount depending on how much is in there. So, you give them, like, units. So you make it like a 100 units and each get 50 units. And then they can only pull out that much of the of the trust. But the the one that I do is it's similar to that, but it has it can hold assets. So you can hold things like the one I use holds like guitars, amps.
Right? Everything that's like technically for sale in the store is actually trust property, you know, but it's holding it for the benefit of the membership. Right? So it's it's holding it for them, or the members for the members. And then the membership is granted it over to them, to the trust. And then, so whenever the trust sells the guitars, right, it goes into the trust account. And then, sometimes it'll be used for it'll be set aside either for new guitars to buy more or buy material like other things, whatever, at work, to go towards, the beneficiary of the trust.
[02:58:05] Unknown:
Is that a com is that like a is that a common law trust?
[02:58:12] Unknown:
So, alright. So the banks won't take a common law trust. So the trust because to do the banking, the bank all the banking stuff have to have an EIN, and then the banks give you a hard time if if it's a common law trust. So I just I I write I write like, I say, yeah, it's under the laws of New Jersey. But I I, you know, I try to keep it I try to keep that term out of it. But see, here's the the nice thing about what I do is I'll give them the documents they need to open up the account with. Right? But then in the trust minutes, I will invoke common law into the trust. So that way, we can have common law and we can use courts of equity. But I happen to be in Jersey where you have courts of chancery here anyway.
So we do, like, you know, it's technically is a trust state, so I can utilize trust in the state anyway.
[02:59:07] Unknown:
I got you. I got you. Okay.
[02:59:11] Unknown:
But but it doesn't matter. Like, if you could let's say, what state are you in?
[02:59:17] Unknown:
Well, right now, technically, Virginia.
[02:59:21] Unknown:
Okay. But I think Virginia is a trust state too. Is it? I think it's one of the, I know it's Delaware, I think Virginia, New Jersey. There's one more. I think Virginia is a trust state. Because it it's like we're all the corporations set up their companies. Virginia is 1, Delaware, New Jersey, because they have courts of chancery. So if they get sued, they can just evoke equity and not have to, you know, they don't have to be liable anymore. It's kind of an interesting set up. You could let's say let's just say for the sake of things, that you're in Arizona. You could still set up your trust to be in New Jersey.
Right? And and utilize equity even though you're in Arizona because they can't they they can't stop interstate commerce. It's illegal. Right? Right. And a lot of companies do that. So it would be really interesting, and we've done this before, so this has actually come up as an issue, Like, the state would come by and and, like like, we set up, like, a membership for someone in California with a trust, and then California was, like, oh, you owe taxes. And they're, like, well, we're we're actually a non resident to the state of California. And I said, oh, never mind. Sorry. You're exempt from our from our tax revenue laws.
Gotcha. Gotcha. So, you know, the guy, he he goes, oh, man. All I did was just show them, like, one p one page from the trust and they were they said, never mind. We're sorry to bother you. I said, yeah. Because they don't have jurisdiction. They can't they can't touch you.
[03:01:04] Unknown:
Right. So
[03:01:06] Unknown:
So how long have you been doing this?
[03:01:09] Unknown:
With the trusts?
[03:01:11] Unknown:
And if you have is it a is technically a PMA, like an official PMA or you're just calling it a membership though?
[03:01:19] Unknown:
Well, no. I have all the documents and stuff to prove it. It's a unincorporated membership association. So so the membership holds no EIN or anything like that. Okay. So be so because the membership doesn't have an EIN, they can't it doesn't integrate into their system.
[03:01:41] Unknown:
Right. It falls under the constitution and not under statutory law.
[03:01:45] Unknown:
Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like when I opened up my doors here, I put a giant sign out. So there's a big ass sign in front of my in front of my studio. Right? It says guitar lesson. Learn guitar. You know, like, people can come here and take lessons. And the town the town that I'm in, they have, like, a, I don't know, in their ordinance, it says that any business that is to open in their town has to pay, like, a $25100 opening fee.
[03:02:15] Unknown:
[03:02:18] Unknown:
Yeah. I never paid it. I've been here for years. I've never paid that. So I'm never gonna pay that. So and the the guy who I rent from, he goes, oh, you have to pay that. I said, oh, I'll get right on that. Yeah. I'll get right on not doing that. So I've never paid that. They've never even bothered me about it because because they don't have a way to integrate. There's no tax ID number to integrate with me on that.
[03:02:44] Unknown:
Yeah. Because I always get asked for a tax ID number when we send invoices, you know? So, it's like so codified into you know? And these are corporations that we deal mostly with. So, I see where you're dealing with kind of the public, if you will. But, have you ever dealt with this in other than, obviously, the governments, but have you ever dealt with where you you have to be approved as a vendor or whatever?
[03:03:11] Unknown:
I I just do things and then just I I just don't ask for permission. You know, I just go and do it. And if they ever come and bother me about it, I tell them, you know, I I they've never bothered me. And I've been doing this for 15 years now. I haven't been bothered once in 15 years I've had I've been open.
[03:03:34] Unknown:
Mhmm. Yeah. And I I guess what I was meaning is, like, let's say, you deal with another corporation and you gotta become an approved vendor. And on their form, they have, you know, send us your w nine or, you know, send us your, your your EIN number and blah blah blah.
[03:03:53] Unknown:
So I don't know how you how you get around that or or have you helped anybody get around that? I I sent them I said well, I said, well, technically, my it's a membership, so we don't have an EIN, but I do have a trust EIN if that's what you're looking for. And they said the the people that I I integrate with, they said that that that's fine. We can use that number. And I said, okay. And so I've been using the trust EIN with all these, companies.
[03:04:19] Unknown:
Oh. May I bring you a lead? May I? Mhmm. Thank you, Joe. Very good, information. I'd like to, share, folks, that you can use your passport number as your EIN number. You can use, I don't know if you've ever done this, Jill, but I got my estate number. It's an 86 number.
[03:04:41] Unknown:
I got the estate.
[03:04:43] Unknown:
Okay. So you can use that. I use that all the time as, tax exempt. Wherever I go, I say I'm tax exempt, and I use that number. Although, I do have foreign, EIN numbers that don't associated with my SS number. But,
[03:05:04] Unknown:
I do use the estate number to get, to get refunded back everything I paid out through the Social Security account for the year. Oh, okay. So we'll have to talk about that with that process. Yeah. I it's something I I kinda I came across it, like I shouldn't say I came across it. I kinda figured it out like about a year ago, a year and a half ago. I was like I was like reading something and I said, I was reading I I was reading about estates, really, other than the law dictionaries, and I was like I was like, so if I control the estate, that means that I'm I'm over, you know, the states managing the Social Security account now. Right?
Right. So that means that everything I'm doing in the Social Security account belongs to Social Security Administration. It's not yours. So if you're managing someone else's account for them, aren't they supposed to pay you back for that?
[03:05:59] Unknown:
[03:06:00] Unknown:
So I decided to put that into into play and see what happened. And sure enough, I got a bunch of refund checks. I said, holy shit. This actually worked.
[03:06:13] Unknown:
Very good.
[03:06:15] Unknown:
Yeah. I was like I was like, oh, that that was proof enough for me to say, well, the Social Security account is not yours. You don't it's not it's not your property. So they have to if you're maintaining it for them, they have to pay you back.
[03:06:27] Unknown:
[03:06:28] Unknown:
[03:06:31] Unknown:
And, Joe, you got a video on it?
[03:06:34] Unknown:
I do. I'm not gonna no. I won't do a video on it either. Because when I did it, I realized that I I probably I I've kind of encountered something that I don't think is really public information. So I said, I'm gonna be a little bit careful about what I'm gonna be sharing since I've made videos. And then, you know, shortly after, you know, I'm getting arrested by the cops. So I go, okay. I know what kind of I know that you guys are watching what I put out there. And when I do something that they don't like, they just come after me and make up a reason to arrest me, you know.
Wow. Like with the with the with the, you know, thing with the knife. You know? They tried to give me the the 13 years for the pocket knife. So I Sure. Yeah.
[03:07:27] Unknown:
Yeah. This is Samuel. Have you ever read any of Libros stuff?
[03:07:33] Unknown:
[03:07:35] Unknown:
I would like you to take a look at a USA, the Republic, the house that nobody lives in. And, you know, this national status thing, I I think I think there's a liability with anything within their legal system, and he does a really good job of showing the two sides of the constitution. Basically, there's a there's a political side, and there's an economic side. And Mhmm. If you pull that document up, it's about 87 pages. That he has these in graph form where you can go down and look at the differences of of both. It starts on page 52, goes on for about 3 pages, showing you the different sides and which one you wanna be in and which one it's well, that's quite obvious for somebody who knows as much as you do, but it'll there's there's, of course, this assumption that we're all 14th Amendment citizens. Right?
Yeah. And he points that out so clearly in all of this, and that that declaration, once that is made, the problem is that assumption is still there, but he shows you how how it is detailed in the Constitution. And you say his stance on the Constitution is that it's such a misunderstood document that even the people of the day didn't understand it. And it was there to to do more than what we, can I say this, even appreciated at the time, I guess? And, of course, over time, it's been overruled by other, creations of law, etcetera. I mean it's a I think it's it's only 87 pages, but if you just want to get the meat and the potatoes of it, you can go to that, like page 52 and read the economic and political differences, and you you'll clearly see the national versus the citizen there, which he never mentions, by the way, in the document.
[03:10:20] Unknown:
[03:10:21] Unknown:
[03:10:23] Unknown:
Hi. It's Rich.
[03:10:26] Unknown:
Is this page 52 of what document?
[03:10:31] Unknown:
Starting on page 50, there's a a table comp, it it's got two sides to it. It says the two sides of the Constitution. The political constitution and the economic constitution. And it starts out on the one side, statutes at large, positive law, cold bleeding, nonpositive law.
[03:10:55] Unknown:
He asked what document you're referring to.
[03:10:59] Unknown:
May may I? Sorry.
[03:11:01] Unknown:
US yes. The USA, the Republic is the house that no one lives in.
[03:11:08] Unknown:
May I? It's on it's on spam, The table's right there. You can just download it or print it. I yield.
[03:11:28] Unknown:
That was Foxcart alpha Mike?
[03:11:34] Unknown:
Yes. F as in Frank, a as in apple, m as in Mike, g u u. A r d u I a n, g as in guard, guardian dot org.
[03:11:48] Unknown:
Thank you.
[03:11:51] Unknown:
Hey, Samuel.
[03:11:53] Unknown:
Yeah. Oh, hey. Sorry. Real quick. I just had to I didn't I didn't wanna blow Samuel off, but, I I got I had someone walk in, and, I didn't wanna be rude to anybody. But, I gotta have to take this thing. But, I think you got my email. So if you email me, I don't know, like, the name of the book or something, I'll take a look at it.
[03:12:18] Unknown:
Yeah. I've I've I've got your text is what I've got, Joe.
[03:12:22] Unknown:
Okay. Yeah. That's fine. Yeah. Appreciate it. And, I'll I'll be I'm gonna be on mute until I'm done here.
[03:12:29] Unknown:
Alright. Okay. The, the book is on, and it's in the collection of Lee Brobst, b r o b s t, documents. It's right there. Easy peasy.
[03:12:48] Unknown:
Hey, Samuel. Is it okay if I send you a text on your phone, my contact information?
[03:12:56] Unknown:
Yeah. That'd be great. I I didn't know you. Yeah. Appreciate you asking. I get stuff from people, and if I don't know who you are, I ain't I'm not gonna respond.
[03:13:05] Unknown:
Understood. I'll I'll send you a text here in a minute. And, Paul, I did send you an email to get me in contact with Samuel. You can disregard that email. Thank you.
[03:13:19] Unknown:
Lady Linda, are you still on? I had a different question, George. Idaho. Does anybody know how to do tracking if you send an international mail piece? I was told it's got you know, the postal service doesn't do certificate of mailing if you send something to Europe, say. And, FedEx wants a $100
[03:13:51] Unknown:
for a a letter to go to Europe.
[03:13:54] Unknown:
And, I didn't know if I didn't check DHL, but I didn't know if there was another, like, the UPU or something like that. There's another tool that you
[03:14:19] Unknown:
Alright. I do believe it's time to take Global Voice Network down. I've been, getting ready for a meeting this afternoon, so I actually was away from the computer and wasn't able to do that. So thank you everyone for being with us for the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales, the Wednesday, 15th. Is it 15th today edition? Don't have my glasses on. Can't read k you know, KSS, you know, disease. Catches here Monday through Saturday, 11 AM to 1 PM EST on radio. You probably have better luck with live.
But old habits die hard. You can catch us on and a host of other platforms. Thank you so much for joining us. We'll catch you right back here tomorrow for the Thursday edition of the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales. And don't forget to pencil in 3 pm Eastern on for Paul English live. Great show. I know you're gonna love it and lots of interesting information too. Thanks so much for joining us. We'll catch you right back here on the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales. Bye now. Blasting the voice of freedom worldwide, you're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network.
[03:15:51] Unknown:
Bye bye, boys. Have fun storming the castle.
Introduction and Radio Platforms
Discussion on Drones and Satellite Incident
Chicago Arsenal Discovery
Global Political Volatility
Trusts and Legal Advice
Bitcoin and Financial Systems
Understanding U.S. Citizenship and Law
Listener Questions and Legal Clarifications
Voluntary Taxes and IRS Letters
Health Remedies and Listener Interactions
Final Thoughts and Closing Remarks