In this episode of the Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles, Paul stands in for Roger Sales, bringing listeners a classic archive from March 26, 2019. The episode delves into the complexities of jurisdiction, sovereignty, and the intricate web of laws that govern our lives. Paul discusses the challenges of 2024 and the various platforms where the show is broadcasted, emphasizing the importance of understanding the legal frameworks that impact us daily.
The conversation explores the concept of sovereignty, questioning who truly holds power and accountability in today's world. The discussion touches on historical events like the savings and loan crisis and the 2008 financial collapse, highlighting the lack of accountability for major financial institutions and suggesting that banks might be the true sovereigns.
Roger and his guests delve into the intricacies of different jurisdictions, including federal, territorial, and municipal, and how these affect individuals' rights and responsibilities. They discuss the importance of understanding and navigating these jurisdictions to claim one's rights effectively.
The episode also covers practical steps for individuals seeking to assert their status outside of these jurisdictions, such as filing affidavits and understanding the implications of different legal structures like LLCs and partnerships.
Listeners are encouraged to explore resources like the video "All the Plenary's Men" to gain a deeper understanding of the financial and legal systems that influence their lives. The episode concludes with a call to action for individuals to educate themselves and take proactive steps to navigate the complex legal landscape.
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[00:00:44] Unknown:
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[00:01:42] Unknown:
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[00:01:49] Unknown:
[00:01:53] Unknown:
Forward moving and focused on freedom. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. Thank you, mister Lee. Much appreciated for your intro there. This is Paul from the Global Voice Radio Network, sitting in for Roger on the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales. We're doing archives all this week and, right up until the 2nd January when Roger will be back hopefully with bells on and plenty of power and everything else. Boy, it has been a a year of challenges. 2024 has been, interesting. We're on a number of platforms. We're on, thanks to our friend Paul overseas.
We're on 106.9 WBOU FM in Chicago, thanks to W BOU and WDRN productions. We're on, of course, our flagship station. That is where it all started or at least most recently. That's thanks to pastor Eli James. We're on Global Voice Radio Network as well. We're also on a home network dot TV and freedom nation dot TV. We're on go live TV and streamlife dot tube, wbou, wdran, home network dot tv. All those platforms are brought to us from the NET family of broadcast services. We are also on, tune in, and we're on Iheartradio.
So if you're hearing us over there and you only catch us for the first hour of the program, please go to the matrix That is the matrix, d o c s dot com, to catch us for the 2nd hour of the program. Use the Eurofolc radio dot com link, Global Voice Radio, or you can join us in free conference call and actually join us live on the show. Not so much today because we're doing an archive, of course. But, a normal procedure is we've got room for about a1000 of you. So right now, we are about to embark upon a classic archive for March 26, 2019, where good old friends, good friends join Roger for in-depth discussions and lots of interesting chatter and talk. So without further ado, let's get to it.
The March 26, 2019 archive of the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales.
[00:05:40] Unknown:
Well, there we kick off the Tuesday edition of the Radio Ranch with our familiar Alvin Lee lyrics, so prophetic the world needed changing back then too, boy, it needs a change. Worse now for the positive, certainly, but I'm afraid that it's got to go negative before we can go positive, and those are the kind of things we discuss with you here at the Old Radio Ranch, the People's Patriot Network, and your host, Roger Sales, your Pied Piper of Freedom, the modern day abolitionist. Roger's the name, freedom's the game. So here we go on 26th.
The unusual enough, Chris hasn't joined us yet today. That's quite unusual. He's usually right there. He might be coming back with his truck. Maybe he's still down there wherever. I think he went to Arizona. Maybe he's down in Arizona checking it out or whatever. We're supposed to have Daryl. We were going to talk about municipal stuff today, how they reach out through their tentacles of organizations and layers of bureaucracy and things that most people have no idea of and take control of your lives. Right there at the municipal level, the implementation of 2030, UN Global 2030 and all of these communitarianism, which our buddy Lark was so high on a couple of years ago. I think Lark got mad with us, one day. Our buddy from Texas, most people that listen to Patriot Radio, is familiar with Lark, good guy.
And he got on this communitarianism, communitarianism thing, called in one day back there at ex wife number 3, if I remember correctly. Hell, I gave him a whole program on it and he called out, You guys need to concentrate more on communitarianism. This is a new deal. It's a big deal, and all this stuff, and all these people have put all this time into it. And, you know, it's just like, Brent said, what do y'all think of it? I said, well, I don't pay much attention to it. And Brent said, well, it's just an extension of all the other stuff. You know? Why? You pretty much know what it is. We take and concentrate much more on the micro here, in the standpoint of how can they pass these laws and apply them and enforce them upon me?
Where's the deal there? And when you go back to that very simple approach and very simple question, I mean, that should be the every you know, all of our patriot community, they get involved in there. Something wakes them up, first of all. Or else they've been sitting back there slumbering for years knowing something was wrong. And all of a sudden, something comes by them and boom, something happens in their life. And they I think that's when you actually wake up. From that point on, it's a process. But they wake up and they start looking around for all this stuff, What's wrong? What's going on here? And they immediately people that have generally there's a few of us that have had some experience in legal matters, but for the most part, by and far, most of the patriots that get into this, as I've said before, their legal knowledge is whatever they picked up on off Perry Mason when they were a kid, okay?
And so, you go in there and you start reading and you go, Well, then what is this? These are codes and these are regulations and why are they different? And what does this word mean? It says this here. And I go over here and it says something over here and it references something over there and it says something different. And so immediately upon waking up, you're into a maze intentionally built to obfuscate the truth and to defeat you. And it's very skillfully built, isn't it? And so people get in there and that's where you get all the mis and disinformation and, then you grab see, you see something in my favorite example really is, Admiralty Law the United States is the United States is the United States. Okay. And then, you know, the United States is the United States. Okay. And then, really, the Mexicans weren't too much of a threat, the Canadians weren't coming down and overwhelming us, but there was a potential of being invaded on the coasts.
And so obviously, a new country has a navy. Well, if you got a navy, you got to have some admiralty law, And it was specific, remember we didn't have an army, we weren't supposed to have an army, still not supposed to have an army. No standing army is what the document says. We got, hell, we aren't not only standing armies, we got standing armies all over the damn globe. But they seize off and they see admiralty law, that's what it is, it's gotta be admiralty law because none of this other stuff makes sense. But that, we can come in here because we don't know anything about it and we don't know about it and we don't know that the only remedy in admiralty law is fries.
Uh-oh, we got some dropping out problems today. Well, I don't know what's alright, it looks like we're dropping in and out and, my connection to the server is, well, I'll tell you, it's just not a very good day this morning, you know, when you wake up and try and go get a shower, and now it's idle. We're not connected to the server at all. Oh, come on. Look. Just get alright. Looks like we're connected again. Oh, pops off. Oh, boy. Don't tell me we're gonna have to start today with all this. It's been a really aggravating day for me already anyway because I got up and wanted to take a shower. We got our Patreon lunch stuff today. Okay. It looks like maybe it'll hold this time. This is upload problems on the Internet that I can do nothing about.
I got one option, one option that I may can do and I gotta go buy another cell phone, go pay for a blasted monthly subscription, and have the hotspot over the cell phone come in here to try and overcome the urine poor quality of the uploads on this Internet service. Okay, well, it looks like we're connected again. Somebody clunked, doing something clunked in over there. Maybe it'll hold this time. Jeez. Boy, I tell you, it's not one thing as 10. You get some major part covered and another inconsistency pops up somewhere. Regardless, back to what we were saying, I have a reason to go here because of one of our new listeners.
And so you reach out and you see these things and you impute them as truth, and it's the Mark Twain thing, it's easier to fool a man than tell him he's been fooled. Okay? And and you have no idea about who the real enemy is, if there's some Sabotean bastards that go back, oh, I don't know, 400 years or so when some absolute crackpot thought he was the Messiah. K? You have no idea who these people are, how they think, how they work, how they operate, how they set this stuff up, how they intentionally opposite definitions to words so they can trick your little butt. You have no idea all that as a newbie, so you go in there and you grasp this stuff and so, Oh, man. Somebody told me, some big guru told me that this was the answer here.
And so you put it into your this has to be true category, and you roll on a false presumption. You know, one of my I've lost some very dear friends in this life, especially the ones that have come into my life in the last 30 years because those folks are the ones we think alike. Just like the reason for this platform here, we think alike. There's some frequency thing that hooks us up. And so, 2 of my dearest friends have deceased, and one of them wrote the foreword to my book, David Strait, probably one of the finest men, if not the finest man I think I've ever known. And the other was my dear friend Ron Brown, who some of the old time Atlanta guys or the CCG guys that hang around Brent Bachman maybe and certainly Jack, although Jack's downtown getting radiated in keto today.
Remember those guys, and Ron Brown, who was the life of any party that he ever went to, my buddy Ron Brown used to say he said, Man, we go guru hopping. And we laughed about it because it was real funny at the time, you know, because it was real. And what the deal is, is you go off and you follow some guy, oh man, he's got the answer, so you go off and Ron was famous for this. He'd chase people all over the damn country looking for answers. And so, some group had come to town, either the Rommel School of Law or the Right Way Law guys or whoever it might have been because there's always these traveling legal roadshows coming through town.
And so he called it guru hopping. He said, oh, yeah, you come, you know, a couple of months ago this guy came through and everybody hopped on his guru wagon and and and then we went along and went along and then another group came through town and we went and listened to everything they said which contradicted a lot of what he said and we, hopped on their guru wagon and we rode that guru wagon for a while. And and so he called it guru hopping, and it's funny, and and it really is pretty damned accurate, okay? And so, we've got a new listener here, at the Old Radio Ranch, and it's Michael, who is one of Thomas' group, from out there in Texas, although Michael is from California.
And, he's called in a couple of times and we went over this stuff with him. And, so he said, Well, I beat the tax court. You all remember this from the other day. Let's see. Okay, somebody's trying to get me here. It might be important. Gotta hold off. Well, I can't do it. I I can't do nothing right now. So, Michael sent me I said, could you send me those documents? Do you have those documents? And he goes, yeah, man. I can do that. Now let me see if I can get this here and get it. Come on. Hey. You're supposed to be able to blow these things up. How do you do that? Edit, share. Ah, that's where it is right there.
[00:17:21] Unknown:
now I should do this.
[00:17:23] Unknown:
Alright. Okay. Now if I can figure out how to do it here. He sent me these two things from the tax court, I guess, out in, out on the West Coast, and he said, I got a case dismissed in tax court. I said, Did you ever get a 90 day letter? No. Listen, taxes is not my expertise. I'll be the first one to tell you I got so sick of that tax crap. I mean, that's what it literally is, the way they've got that stuff rigged up in the regulations. And that's why we have the advantages we have today, Okay? In all honesty, because, Roger said, Hey, there's got to be a better way here.
And they got to have some way that they're imposing all that stuff on you, and that's jurisdiction, that's where we are, that's what we talk about virtually every day, that's what my book's about, that's where our successes have lied have laid. I don't know which one of those have lied. That's where our successes are. And it's evidenced by the fact that never once, to my knowledge, never once have any of these affidavits that have been sent into the Secretary of State with or without is to send back this very sophomoric bluff letter.
And I've even come to I wish they'd send some more out because, boy, I've got some blazing responses for them now. Hey, but we haven't even seen anybody get one of those in a while. It's been a couple of years since anybody's reported to me that they've gotten one of those. Now these days, that could be different, okay? These days, that could be different because of the passage and the implementation, last January of the law that says that they passed, that if you've got, of course, it's passed for citizens of the United States and residents, they're the only ones the income tax applies to. Okay? And if you're a citizen of the United States or a resident and you've got more than $50,000 in collections, in collections debt with the IRS, they can either revoke or deny your passport.
They can also do it on, because I ran into a guy here who's in Ecuador who's got that problem, and of child support stuff. And they, he he tried to go get his passport renewed, and they said, well, we'll give you a one way passport back. So they give him a one way return passport to come back to the states and see if he could straighten out what legitimately was his responsibility, okay, that he was shirking. But to my knowledge, he didn't choose to do that. But those are the only things that I know of that they can deny the passport. It's not the passport that's the important thing, it's the document that you present on your, as in their terminology here, citizenship evidence.
Now, I know that our buddy, I mentioned him last week, James Taylor, he and I had a little bit of I am action here this morning. So, I hope that he's listening because we've learned a lot of things, James, since you were you know, hearing us a number of years ago, and one of them is that you don't have to apply for a passport. It's not the passport, it's the affidavit that the paperwork in possession of the secretary, as it says in an 18/35 Supreme Court case, that it should be the higher and better evidence if in a form that's admissible in a court of law. Well, of course, an affidavit skates right through like a roller blade guy on a court of law because they bypass the rules of evidence.
So, it really is the paper that goes in, okay? And let's see, there was something else I wanted to say, mainly for James that I thought was pretty important and it slipped my mind because I got off on that tangent there. But, it is the paper. This is what I was gonna say. 1 of our, students and actually a gal that's, a ding dong ding, dong ding, I'll call it oh. I don't have the merge option because you're the 1st caller, Robert.
[00:22:11] Unknown:
Robert? Good morning.
[00:22:13] Unknown:
Cool. Good morning, man. How are you doing? Well, let me finish my little deal here. I was trying to get something across for Yep. You got it. Yeah, for James, James Taylor. Not the musician James Taylor, but our buddy up in Eastern Tennessee up there. And, my student who Pardon me? What, Robert? Okay. Well, I guess you're muted. Oh, I thought you've been James Tucker, like, how sweet it is to be loved by you. Well, that's why I wanted to make the clarification because, you know, this guy called in. I'll I'll deviate here for a second. It's an interesting story, I told it last week. You know, when I first started Deviate. Got an opportunity to do this back on, I purged the guy's name, Jeff Bennett Show, and he said, You know, Roger, I've been explaining this stuff to him on the tax side, Robert, for about 10 years.
I'd known him, had a relationship with him for 10 years and whenever we'd sit down and explain this tax stuff to him, you know? And so as I got to Argentina and the accident and all the things I'd come to understand, and I was talking to Bennett one day on the phone and I'm explaining it to him. And he goes, Roger, I don't understand what the hell you're telling me. Okay? And he said, But I know you do. I know you understand. And radio guys are always looking for programming material, you know, because we wanna take the weight off us. Hello. We wanna take the weight off us all the time like I'm not having to do these soliloquies here. And most people are not armed to do something like this and they don't have the radio experience, you know. I can open up the mic and pretty well just roll on. Most people can't do that. But regardless, Bennett says, I'll give you a shot on the air, I'll give you these 3 hours. You can come on with me and we'll do these shows.
And ironically enough, I got one show out and where I was down there in Argentina, they somebody between our town and the big town up the road, 150 miles, Mendoza City, somewhere they were doing traffic construction or road construction, and they cut the damn cable. They cut construction, and they cut the damn cable. They cut the cable to the Internet out in the middle of the high desert. And the Internet was down for a week, a week to get it back. And I had one shot, I'd already been on I think one time, and I thought I was only going to get it back. And I had one shot, I had I'd already been on I think one time, and I thought I was only gonna have 3 opportunities to get this information out. Okay? And so I was gonna cover all this information from the bottom up, that's the only way I knew to give it. And it was like getting on there with a Gatling gun, see?
And you know how complex this stuff is, okay, when you're first hit with it. And so, after we got back on the air and I got another show or 2, and I get I get an email from this guy and he goes, and his name's James Taylor. Now, Robert, when you put 20 years in the professional music industry and somebody comes along that's named James Taylor, you don't forget it. K? And so James got a hold of me and he said, Roger, listen, man. Could you slow down a little bit? And I said, hell, man. You're gonna have to go back and listen to the replay. I said, I've only got a couple hours and I'm damned if I'm not getting this stuff covered.
Okay? And so that's how James and our path crossed and I tried to get and then after a couple of those shows, Bennett said, Look, why don't we have you on one day a week? And I was on Wednesday nights for a long time and, you know, had more time and we could develop this stuff. Now, interestingly enough, Robert, about 6 months into that so 4 to 6 months somewhere, and I'm on every Wednesday night over on ex wife number 1, in that real, real sweet time slot too. Big listening audience, you know? And so I'm on that Wednesday night, and I'm in the middle of the show, and I'm explaining something, and Bennett's on with me, of course, because I'm a I'm a guest. And he goes, all of a sudden, he goes, I get it. I get it.
Roger, I get it. So it took 10 years and another 6 months, and all of a sudden, bam, something connected for him and he got it right there on the air, you know? And so that's where James came from. Well, here last week, I got a Skype thing and it's James. He said, hell, Roger, I've been looking all over for you. He said, I've reread your book, I've done this. And he said, I remembered that we had talked on Skype and I went back to my Skype, thing and I started looking through there and I found you. Let's see what Greg's trying to tell me. Darrell's trying to call and he says you're not answering. I'm not getting any call notification. Darrell, I'll tell you what though, I can call you.
So let's see if we can do it that way. Well, I'm glad I got through. Oh, yeah, man. Well, you know, this happened last week. He said one day that, when I was on all with with, Paul on Wednesday, I was saying, well, there's no, there's nobody calling. And and we just had a nice show, you know? And later, Darrell said he couldn't get in, and I do not know why that would be it. Let's see, chatted a day ago, well that's gotta be him. So let's do that, let's add him into the call and we'll see if we can call him. It's calling him now. So regardless, that's how James and I, poor connection.
I get a poor connection calling Daryl in a poor connection message. Gotcha. This is a Skype situation, and and it happened, let's see, last Wednesday. It still says it's calling Darryl. Hey, guys. There you are. We got him. Okay. Hey, man. You couldn't get through, Darryl?
[00:28:22] Unknown:
Hey. I, yeah. Yeah. It was the phone was ringing for 20 minutes. Well, it never it never showed. Oh, wow. And Robert got right in. I used the back door. I used the back door and got to.
[00:28:37] Unknown:
Well, I called you. So anyway, we're glad to have you in here. Let me go over this, finish the story I was telling here for Robert and the audience, and I guess James is listening today. And so that's where James has popped back into the picture after all these years, you know? And so, it's interesting, we've had several cases of that here lately. The gal and I forgot, I think it was Mary Anne, the black gal from Chicago about 2 or 3 weeks ago, I've been looking all over for a year and finally found us. So, sorry we're so hard to find and I hope more of the old old guys, you know, old timers find us because obviously the message is viable and you're somebody that it's already resonated with some extent. What I was getting at, Darrell, was all this you've probably been listening, the dissing now we're now see, here's the problem part of it is now I'm dropped from the server again. So it's the upload speed. Yesterday, we didn't have one interruption all day long. Okay? And today, it's already dropped 3 or 4 times.
So anyway, back to this. I tell you, man, it's just one blasted thing after another. You try and get it all straight and something else pops up. I guess that's life in the modern age. Okay? Now hold it. Now it's not even trying to connect. Now it just says idle. It is what it is. Well, listen, if it ain't going out, I guess we could just continue to have the show. But I've got I've got no connectability to the server right now. Oh, man. I'll tell you what. I I
[00:30:13] Unknown:
got a I gotta find I'm hearing you, but it's kind of, like, in a
[00:30:17] Unknown:
Okay. Yeah. We it's probably just week upload Internet today, and we're back connected to the server. I'm sorry is beyond my control. I'll just try and do the best we can to ride herd on it. What I was trying to get to was all the mis and disinformation. You were you listening the other day, Daryl, when Michael called in talking about the tax court? And he said, oh, I got an order of dismissal from the tax court for lack of jurisdiction. And I saw I said, but do you still have that paperwork? Because if you do, I'd like to see it and he sent it to me here. Okay? So I was looking at it last night and I wanna read it to you and go over this, alright?
Because it shows this mis and disinformation stuff. Order of Dismissal for Lack of Jurisdiction is the heading on it, it's from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and is the respondent and Michael, and I won't use his last name, is the petitioner. Remember, you have to petition tax court. They make you the plaintiff because then you got the burden of proof. They shift the burden of proof. Okay? So here's the order, this case is before the court on respondent's motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction. So, this case, he brought lack of jurisdiction on a motion to dismiss.
And this is the answer and they're agreeing with him. Now that's pretty unusual, Darrell, from our experience with the tax man, okay? And it was filed November 2, 2018.
[00:31:59] Unknown:
Well, I, part of about about 20% of what you're saying is fading off into the digital wonderland. So if I'm not responding intelligently, it's because I'm not getting a coherent
[00:32:15] Unknown:
understanding of everything you're saying. Well and and, you know, how can you go over this complex stuff when you can't even get a decent signal? Alright. Let me see if I can go over it. It's still being recorded. Robert, are you hearing him full? Are you hearing him good, Robert? No. No. It's clipping. I'm getting you clear as a bell, Darryl, but he's clipping, and that's because of the poor connection down there. Yeah. It's the upload speed. It's the upload speed on this wonderful computer, Internet connection, and I can't do a thing about it except We'll try. Buy another cell phone.
[00:32:50] Unknown:
If you have any open program Roger. No. If you have any open programs, close them. No. Anything else that could be using up broadband?
[00:32:58] Unknown:
No. There's really nothing open that I don't nest absolutely have to have. It's the it's the net today. They're just having a bad hair day. Okay? Okay. So anyway, let's see if you guys can get this. You know, it fades in and out, maybe they'll get it together and it'll improve. Alright? But I wanted to go over this dadgummit. So he see if you can get this. Okay? The last two sentences were better. Okay. Well, hopefully they'll get their act together. Jeez. Anyway, the he originally filed a case.
[00:33:44] Unknown:
Daryl, I don't know what the heck I wanna do. I to talk?
[00:33:47] Unknown:
Well, Daryl, I don't know what the heck I wanna do. I wanna get the show off on the right direction with a solid footing, and I'm having a hard time. Let me see if I can read this and it's coherent. Well, There's not much of it. Okay? It's not long or involved. It's pretty short. Okay. Go slow. He filed Talk talk slow. Okay. I will talk slower. He filed the cases before the court on respondents' motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction, filed November 2, 2018 on the ground that no notice of deficiency or other notice of determination was issued to petitioner for taxable years 68 through 2018.
That's a pretty good chunk of years that would permit petitioner to invoke the court's jurisdiction. Petitioner's response filed December 17th supports rather than opposes the respondent's motion. Taking into account representations contained in this petition, petitioner's response to respondent's motion, and the reason set forth in respondent's motion. So he didn't get, he's putting in a motion to dismiss to the tax court the way I see it, like they're saying here, and he's saying because there was no notice of deficiency or other notice of determination, that's assessment, that notice of deficiency or other notice of determination, that's assessment, that was issued to the petitioner and they agree with him. They say, you're right, there were none of those issued so we're agreeing with you and we're dismissing it on lack of jurisdiction. Jurisdiction. So my question is this, you can't get you get from the IRS to go to tax court what they call a 90 day letter.
Okay? And to get that 90 day letter, they've gotta already have an assessment and will have had to have put in a dummy return if you didn't put in a 10:40. So my question is, why was Michael petitioning the tax court on, without a 90 day letter because they didn't send him a 90 day letter because they didn't have a notice of deficiency out there. So this is and he's going, oh, it's this and it's that, but obviously he's got the paperwork here, I got 2 pages of it, okay? And they're agreeing with him that there was no notice of deficiency for all those years which means there could have never gone to a 90 day letter. So you see the confusion and the ambiguity out there in our community on this stuff and I wanted to go over this for a minute and emphasize why we moved to jurisdiction because it's one hell of a lot easier. As complex as this is for some people, it's a hell of a lot easier than trying to weave your way through Title 26 CFR.
Now did you get all that, Darrell? Was that intelligent?
[00:36:44] Unknown:
Yeah. I I got the, I I think I I I grasped the gist of the important components, which, I think I did because I immediately had the question. So if if I grasp it, I I have a question. And, and you you inferred it in your in your comments, sir. And the question is, if he didn't get a confirmatory or a 90 day letter, what promoted him to become the petitioner? So we have incomplete information from Michael. Exactly. I need to know okay. We need to know the initiating, the instigation for why he petitioned them without them, trying to course him. Okay? So so if we if we get that if we get that little bit of information,
[00:37:24] Unknown:
then we have a clearer picture of this process. Yeah. And I'd like to hear from Michael and there's somebody who's trying to explain it that day. That's why I said do you have that paperwork and send it to me. But it is tax season, but, you know, the IRS follows a very strict process. I mean, they have a very strict process that they've got to operate within. And the people that generally have beaten them Well And there's been a few. Okay? But the people that have beaten them have beaten them on procedure.
[00:37:48] Unknown:
Well, let let's yeah. Let's let's go let's back up just a little bit here and and bring this out of the land of, of IRS, occultism and and sort of bring this process back down to earth a little bit. It's a UCC process. That that 90 day that 90 day letter is basically like a corporation sending you a bill or a or a, a lien collector. Yep. Somebody who bought, somebody who bought debt from you. So they're they're they're a collection agency and and they they're holding that debt or the proclaimed debt. They're sending you a an invoice. Okay? And if you don't rebut it if you don't rebut it, then it becomes in fact. You know, it's a it's a
[00:38:33] Unknown:
right. Your invoice that you're alluding to is a notice of deficiency. You're deficient in your tax payment. That's part of due
[00:38:40] Unknown:
process. Okay? And I yeah. I I like to I like to, I like to bring it I like to bring it down into into these common terms so that we this is part of their obfuscation is they'll have all these many of these processes are very similar to each other, but yet they use their own agency specific language, whereas it's basically the same processes. So this is another form of confusing and obfuscating people and making it more complex than it actually is. So, I I would really I would really like to see that paperwork. It's which you get Michael's permission. Oh, no. I'll shoot it down in the email.
[00:39:17] Unknown:
It's real brief. Yeah. Because, yeah. But you see, I've never seen the tax court agree with anybody on a lack of jurisdiction. But now I totally understand. They don't have any jurisdiction, and they're agreeing with him because he never got a notice of deficiency. And if you never got a notice of deficiency, you didn't have any problem with him. How would he know he's deficient?
[00:39:36] Unknown:
Yeah. And and if and if he didn't get a notice of deficiency, why did he why did he He initiate the suit. Yeah. Exactly.
[00:39:44] Unknown:
Listen, Daryl, we were supposed to talk wanna know why. I I wanna know the rest of that. Alright. Well, we'll we'll see if we can't get to the bottom of it. We'll see if we can't get to the bottom of it. Michael's gonna have to tell us. But we were gonna talk about this municipal stuff today, and you couldn't get through, so I just launched off on this. I don't want to dwell on it, I'd like to get over to what we were gonna talk about and what you've kind of probably prepared a little for, and let's discuss that and go in that direction. Now it seems that our, fidelity is a little bit better, maybe they got the squirrel out of the damn telephone line.
So anyway, we'll continue.
[00:40:26] Unknown:
You you Well, yeah. The the, the the only the the final comment I would have to say about, Michael's situation there is that the the and this is just actually, you know, supposition on my part, but he he made a preemptive attack. Yep. Somewhere along the way, he got the idea that he could make a preemptive attack. And, because it, you know, it's it's actually, you know, war. So, I mean, that's the only thing. And I wanna know why he launched a preemptive attack. Okay. So let us know. Anyway, on this idea of the municipality wow. Okay.
Well, I thought about this for some time and struggled with it for years. And
[00:41:25] Unknown:
I was watching a I was watching a a video the other day
[00:41:28] Unknown:
over, again, that we had seen a couple years ago, Roger. It was called,
[00:41:35] Unknown:
All the Plenary's Men. You remember that video? Yes. Have you got a copy of that? Because they yanked it off the web.
[00:41:42] Unknown:
Yes. I do. Oh, good. Well, I I found I found a I found a YouTube, channel that is, a channel of the guy who actually made it. And his name is John Titus. Oh, yeah. And, he is he is the guy that, produced wrote and produced that documentary. His his was the voice that was in there. He actually did all the animation and everything. And, about a year ago Have you seen it? This guy this guy was, John Titus. He was, developing another full blown next level documentary on these things and he had a heart attack. K? And he was he was out of the game for about, you know, over a year and a half or so.
And here, a couple months ago, he got, you know, healthy again and he came back. And instead of doing full blown documentaries now, he's gonna do, like, little 30 minute, blogs once a week on on his on his channel. And on YouTube. And if I can actually give everybody the, how to get to this guy and the channel is called best evidence. So if anybody went to YouTube and in the YouTube search bar would type in best evidence, this guy's gonna pop up and there's about 6 videos in there right at the present and one of them is all the plenaries men.
Now, I went to great length to lay that out because this is a very important part of what I'm gonna try to connect today best I can using the best evidence that I have. Understanding, I am not professing to be an expert on I had an moment last week when I watched this All the Plenary's Men for the 3rd time. It just popped into my head.
[00:44:06] Unknown:
Let me And Hold on for a second, Darrell. Let me add something for the audience. I to my knowledge, they'd clean that off the web. Evidently, he snuck it back on there. If you have not seen this, it's about an hour and something, isn't it, Darrell? Hour, hour and a half?
[00:44:23] Unknown:
It's 56 minutes. It is. 56 minutes. It is. Get back on there. I see it. It is excellently
[00:44:30] Unknown:
produced, and there is some information in there that is so damning on how these guys have got this thing set up. Okay? I just say I highly recommend everybody watch it now that it's back and available. Go ahead, Daryl. I'm sorry. I just wanted to add that.
[00:44:48] Unknown:
Okay. Well, that's I mean, that's that's great too. I mean, that's spot on. Listen, he brought up a concept, okay, it goes back to the concept of sovereign. And so then you start asking, what does the Sovereign mean? And I brought this up last week with, when Brent was on. And so if we go to, Blackstone's Commentaries, okay, which was 18th century, jurist, he states succinctly that the sovereign is, can do no wrong. K. A sovereign can do no wrong. So if we if we agree that if you were the king of England, okay, or the queen, you could do no wrong.
Okay? If if, if if you're a Christian and you you believe in in our our lord and savior, if you believe in Yeshua, however you wanna say it, then that's your sovereign. And he can do no wrong What? Because there's no higher form of appeal. Sorry. Alright. So if there's if there's no far if there's no higher form of appeal, then that's where that's where the buck stops. And the sovereign can't be held accountable. K? Nobody else can hold the sovereign accountable because they're sovereign. So if we we take that concept and we start backing up for we we use that, like I I used I'm using that word as my bloodhound.
Okay? Well, where does the buck stop? Because I'll be able to use that word and that concept, that premise of cannot be held accountable as to who the real sovereign is. Hello? Not not the ones that not the sovereign who they say they are. Okay? This this sovereign. Who is actually the sovereigns? Because those are the people who are accountable. Obviously, the office of president is not the sovereign executive office because we had some other people been trying to hold him accountable for something he didn't even do. Alright?
And and so, I I use that as just an example. So if we if we we continue on that process and we look at this, we go, well, who who was held? I got a question for you, Roger. If we go back to because we're we're of that age range. If we go back to the S and L crisis and, the savings alone, do you have a rough idea how many bankers actually went to the federal pen after this savings loan? Just a rough number.
[00:48:00] Unknown:
I don't think there were many there were some repercussions from it. I don't remember exactly what they were, but they weren't very harsh.
[00:48:09] Unknown:
Well, well, I I, this this deserves some exploration because, the number the number that I, came up with was there were out of the savings and loan crisis, there there were 1,000 people that went to the slammer. Okay. There were about 1,000. 1,000. At at one level or another, there was about a 1000 people and some of them were fairly high level people that went to the slammer. John McCain got out of that mess by the skin of his teeth. Yes. Alright. Because he was a part of it. Yes. He was. Okay. Now now let's fast forward let's fast forward, 25 years.
[00:48:55] Unknown:
What's that voice? Hello?
[00:48:57] Unknown:
We had alright. Let me you know, this is part since you couldn't call in earlier and I didn't see the call, that ding dong ding dong was Thomas calling in on my personal account. That's why the noise came through. And so, you know, personal account. That's why the noise came through. And so if he I thought if he can't call in got it. If he can't call in and he wants to, I better call out and bring him in. So that's how he joined us. So and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and
[00:49:34] Unknown:
and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and
[00:49:40] Unknown:
Okay. I'll do that. I didn't realize you were happy on live.
[00:49:45] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, you're on with us. So if you wanna, let's just then Daryl finish here where he's going here, and then we can do some discussion. But if you got something going on on the background, mute mute out, if you would, please. Just we're having some problems in in Internet speed today anyway, and that just complicates things. So, if you could go ahead, Daryl.
[00:50:09] Unknown:
Okay. Yeah. Thanks. So if we fast forward 25 years or such as, and we look at what happened in 2,008 and the Short and the bailouts and the the subsequent, QE, who who went to jail after that one? Did did anybody from Lehman, Goldman Sachs,
[00:50:37] Unknown:
did any of those people No. Any of those people go to jail? There was no prosecutions in that. Let me say something about about the SNL crisis. Okay? The the does the term Silverado ring a bell?
[00:50:54] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. Okay.
[00:50:56] Unknown:
Robert, have you ever heard of Silverado Savings and Loan? I guess Robert's muted out. Rhetorical question. You may wanna stick it in a search engine. Silverado Savings and Loan was run by do you remember who, Darrell?
[00:51:17] Unknown:
Not off top. When you say the name, I'll remember it. How about how about how about was, How about the brother, Neil Bush?
[00:51:27] Unknown:
I apologize.
[00:51:29] Unknown:
[00:51:30] Unknown:
Okay. So Neil Yeah. And Neil Bush sure as hell didn't do any jail time, and he was one of the biggest scammers. I got another personal story about that, but but I want you to continue unless you want me to go off and tell it. Okay? Because it's very interesting.
[00:51:46] Unknown:
And it could was a direct I mean, I'm I'm sure it's I I I just wanna I just wanna, develop a little continuity here with, this this idea. Yes. So so, the in the s and l, a a lot of people, low and mid level and a few high people, really high people went to the slammer, club fed. And then in 2,008, it's fantastically larger. It's a world crisis financial problem, and nobody goes to jail. So if we go back to the idea of who is sovereign, the sovereign can't be held accountable now, can they? Yeah. The sovereign is not held accountable.
Now I don't care what anybody has to say, really, but basis I I'm using this from a factual point of view. I can't I can't base my decision making on what should be or we want to be. I have to work on what is. And when I use the word sovereign and, I use John Titus's information and all the information that we have and the examples of it. And I look at that and I go back to Blackstone and I go, okay. Well, the sovereign the sovereign at this point must be the banks. Yep. And and so, I'm not saying this figuratively. I'm not using it as a, well, you know, nanaaboo who sorta, you know, look over here. I'm saying no literally.
They are the sovereign the sovereign authority. And, it it it might be
[00:53:35] Unknown:
it might be wrong. No. Well, it really is. No. Because John Titus's video proves what you're saying because he's got the proof in there in the documentation that there are certain banks that are untouchable. That's in that video. I remember it.
[00:53:53] Unknown:
Yes. Yeah. Now it went and and you're correct. So let's let's take that let's take that video. And, of course, I I know everybody on this on this call has not seen that, which maybe will entice them to go watch it. But when you when you take that video and you realize that the secretary the secretary of the Treasury, at the time, was Geithner. Uh-huh. And Geithner was wearing 2 was wearing tiny Tim Geithner, TurboTax Geithner was wearing 2 hats. And he would go back and forth between, wearing the hat of secretary of treasurer and then representing basically what amounts to as the city of London.
[00:54:45] Unknown:
International Monetary Fund. He's the governor of the fund. It's in the United States code in the Treasury.
[00:54:54] Unknown:
And and, I I connect the IMF to the City of London. Yep. And, so I I just want people to realize, you know, when you when you get to the end of the line of this stuff, most of it ends up back in the City of London and the Crown. Yep. So so that that then starts to make sense because the sovereignty and those who can't be held accountable ends up back in, the City of London. And by fact of that, then I start to connect what this special relationship is between, Britain and the United States and the special relationship that nobody wants to talk about or can't define or doesn't define is that we're a commonwealth.
We we we're by by financial by financially through the banks, we are now back into being a Commonwealth. That's our special relationship. Well, we're in bankruptcy.
[00:56:10] Unknown:
We're in bankrupt. We're bankrupt.
[00:56:13] Unknown:
Yeah. And and so who who is who is who's holding the note on that bankruptcy?
[00:56:20] Unknown:
Mhmm. Alright.
[00:56:23] Unknown:
Okay. And there's your sovereign. Yep. Okay. Who's ever holding the note on that bankruptcy has now become the sovereign. And Yeah. And so
[00:56:34] Unknown:
yeah. If you're a citizen of the United States or a resident. Yeah. If you're not one of those, you're not the sovereign. Yep.
[00:56:46] Unknown:
Right. That's that's exactly right. So all those people that are encumbered with being, in receivership
[00:56:55] Unknown:
Yep. With your future labor pledged against the bankruptcy. That's what it is. Through taxation, your future labor is pledged to the bankruptcy pledged
[00:57:04] Unknown:
against the bankruptcy. That's what it is. Through taxation, your future labor is pledged to the bankruptcy
[00:57:06] Unknown:
of 1933, which was obviously spurious and set up and fake and fraud.
[00:57:15] Unknown:
Yes. Yes. So so here's the big here's here's the next the next word that I wanna pull in here to connect this this, this idea that we're seeing is not just a concept or an idea. It's it's actually a a fact. And the next big word is what Roger was talking about earlier is jurisdiction. So, you, the statuses of, a citizen and residing, put you in that jurisdiction of that sovereign. Alright? So this this this whole idea of sovereignty and jurisdiction is a big deal. And so then the next the next thing, the next big question here is, what is any of this gotten the hell to do with municipality? Okay.
[00:58:11] Unknown:
And I may reapply Yeah. Well, Robert's got a Well, go ahead, Robert. Go ahead, Robert. Give me a minute. 5 seconds. Roger. I've noticed the last 5, 10 minutes, Roger. You've you've you've gotten much better on your fidelity. You're not flipping as much. Yes. Yes. And we're holding with the connection with the server, which means the signal's,
[00:58:29] Unknown:
adequate. So that's why. So they just had a bad hair day there at the start of the show, and it straightened out. And I'm real glad to see that it has. Go ahead with your line of thinking here, Daryl, because I'm interested in how you're gonna connect for us. Okay. Well, let's interested in how you're trying to connect first. Well,
[00:58:44] Unknown:
let's let's build on let's build on let's build on something here that, you know, you cover covered earlier in the show and have for years and you brought up, Admiralty Law, alright, which is law of the sea, law of international commerce. I don't want to go down any patriot mythology trails here. So, try to try to keep me from doing that, Roger, if I start if I slip into that. But, so they if they have a jurisdiction, they have this federal jurisdiction, then then they have a a the law associated with that federal jurisdiction that applies to those that consent to that and are resident to that.
And so, they have a form of law and it's referred to as Admiralty and it's law of Internet law of commerce in the international sea. Okay? And for the reasons that you talked about earlier No. Is that we had an ocean bordering our shores. That's hold on. That's not totally correct. Let me straighten it out.
[01:00:03] Unknown:
Admiralty is the law of the navies and the pirates.
[01:00:09] Unknown:
And we'll be continuing that line of thinking right after we say goodbye to 106.9 WBOU FM in Chicago, and also, brought to us by Paul, our buddy across the pond. To follow us into the second hour, please go to the matrix The matrix, d o c s dot com. Click on the Eurotoke Radio, Global Voice Radio, or free conference call links to follow us into the second hour. Thank you for joining us for the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales.
[01:00:47] Unknown:
Commerce is under maritime law and those used to be separate bodies of law and the English combined them. But where you have to go look is at the remedy because the only remedy for admiralty law is prize. I kick your butt and I take your stuff, that's it. Okay? In merchant law, in the other one, maritime law, the only remedy is a bill of libel. How many bills of libel do you see floating around our courts? And the English combined both of those jurisdictions and so people get them confused, but there's a distinct difference.
[01:01:35] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, that's that's, that's really a, a really good explanation of of, separating the 2 and also, seeing how complicated they've made it. Didn't you know, it's it's like it's like we're all supposed to run our lives off their memos. Didn't you get in the memo? Yeah. So,
[01:01:57] Unknown:
yes. Once again, let me add a point here, Darren, that's salient. Once again, to all the patriots out there, that's why that formula, r+dequalsr, as the basis for all your learning is so important because there, the only way you can differentiate those is the remedy.
[01:02:20] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, one being prize and one being a a, what do you call that? Bill of lading? Bill of lading. Bill of liable.
[01:02:29] Unknown:
Not lading. Bill of libel.
[01:02:32] Unknown:
Bill of libel. Yeah. Bill of libel. Well, I don't know. I really don't know where else anybody's gonna hear anybody talk about separating those 2 like that.
[01:02:46] Unknown:
Well, I and I would never know it. So I would never know that if I didn't have a teacher named John Benson. I mentioned the other day, Glenn and I had a conversation. Glenn's got 7 lawsuits going up there right now, himself, that he's involved in personally. And he said, I'm giving them fits. All they know is procedure, and they've never seen most of this stuff before. And he said, I directly thank John Benson for that. And you guys can thank John Benson posthumously too because if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't know any of this stuff.
[01:03:27] Unknown:
That's probably true.
[01:03:29] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. You you can't see it, but I I just gave him a salute. So, Yeah. So this this, jurisdiction this jurisdiction that's sovereign, which I'm I'm stating unequivocally is is the bank, which is the IMF, that's the sovereign. They, are using this federal jurisdiction and and their form of law for, to, reconcile all controversies. So that's that's their jurisdiction. That's their law. And I am always asking myself, what kind of law and whose law is it? And and I have to ask those questions because we have to get in front of our minds that in different jurisdictions, you're dealing with a different sovereign.
[01:04:29] Unknown:
Listen. I've got jurisdiction will have a different sovereign. I've got a handout. I've still got the originals that John gave us in some of those sessions. I will reproduce. If I ever get around to writing this second book, it'll be in there, I promise you, because this is the great teaching tool of exactly what you're talking about, Darrell. In England, I could take Darryl back to England, say, 2, 300 years ago, and I could get him down there in one of the main Piccadilly Square or wherever it was and I could blindfold you, Darryl, and I could walk into one of the courts because all the courts, the jurisdictions were represented there separately. The king's bench had its own court, the highest court of common law on the land, the equity had theirs, maritime had theirs, ecclesiastical had theirs, and I could blindfold you and walk you into those buildings, take your hand, walk you into the building there, and you would know by the terms that were being used which jurisdiction you were in because they're all different.
Okay? And and and especially if it it whatever the what the action that was being brought, it's all different. Whatever the, the responses are, they're all different. What the categories are, they're all different. And here's the most important different one, the remedies. Because all the remedies are different too. And important different one, the remedies. Because all the remedies are different too. And nobody in our entire community, I've never heard a patriot talk about I hear them talk about rights, I never hear them talk about duties, and you damn sure never hear them talk about remedies. So let's go back to the damn sure never hear them talk about remedies. So let's go back to what we know and look at things like self help remedies.
Self help remedies which are used every day in our country, lean, levy, garnishment, and seizure. What are the only 2 bodies of law that that remedy is available to? Now I bet you know, Darrell, because you're a good student, but I know the other folks don't know. But one of them is equity, is the law law merchant. Anything done under the law merchant, what's the law merchant? The UCC, it's what we call it, okay? So lien, levy, garnishment, and seizure are active remedies that are available over in the UCC. What was the only other body of law where self help remedies were used?
[01:06:54] Unknown:
Tax checker?
[01:06:57] Unknown:
They did use them there eventually, yes, but that's not what I'm looking for. The only other body of law where self help remedies were readily available and used was the menoral law and that was the law that was for each manner and that's where the serfs got their stuff grabbed. Those are the only 2 bodies of law now, so we're under the UCC. But let me tell you what, that little bit right there about the menorah law, that's where they're using it in combination. I promise you. Because that's the system we're under. I'm sorry, Darrell. I wanted to make that clear. You know, the
[01:07:40] Unknown:
the menorah menorah is is the the rootwood the rootwood for menoral is menorah. Manor
[01:07:49] Unknown:
or menorah.
[01:07:51] Unknown:
Menoral, I'm not sure how they pronounce it, but those that always and I got it right there in black and white. Those are the only 2 jurisdictions of law where self help remedies are available. Law merchant, the menorah law, the law of manner.
[01:08:07] Unknown:
Okay. So we we have we we've determined that we have different jurisdictions. And every jurisdiction, so I'll make a I'll make a I'll make a statement. So every jurisdiction would have a different sovereign. Yes.
[01:08:27] Unknown:
And see, in the US, they when we founded the country, they didn't have the resources to set up all those systems, so they kinda lumped them all into 1.
[01:08:39] Unknown:
A hybrid.
[01:08:41] Unknown:
Well, back then, you knew whether you were bringing a case in equity or in the common law or in which jurisdiction, you knew even though the court was the same. Okay? But we didn't have that advantage, but in England, that's the way it was.
[01:08:59] Unknown:
Wow. So there's there's a lot of there's a lot of history here, from from where we started, back in the, you know, 1700 and to where we've ended up now. And I I probably won't come as any surprise to anybody, but they've they've fiddled with a lot of that in the meantime. No. That doesn't surprise me. There's a lot of that. There's a lot of that that's been fiddled with. So, forgive me. I'm not I'm not a, I'm not an expert historian here and Roger knows a lot more of the history and the law and the details of it than I do.
I'm just trying to connect the dots from the standpoint of how it affects my life and every and the other people's lives today. And of course, we have to understand a lot of this or have some of it explained to us and Roger does that and Brent and different people. But we have to apply it in our lives now moving forward because we are in these jurisdictions. And so, let's go back to this this federal creature, this creature creature of of the federal government and their jurisdiction.
[01:10:17] Unknown:
Before I get back real quick, I wanna make sure I'm following up. Before you launch off on that. Saying that the Go ahead, Robert.
[01:10:25] Unknown:
Just real quick. Are we saying that the sovereign, whoever he or she is, the sovereign is above reproach, held out above, any responsibility?
[01:10:37] Unknown:
They there there's no higher appeal. There there they can't be held accountable, and there is no higher appeal than the sovereign. Now I I want you to I want you to I'll just expand that on that for just a moment. That sovereign, as it's come to be, doesn't have to be, as it's come to be, doesn't have to be and is not I'm saying is not a man or woman. Mhmm. That sovereign has become a corporate entity. Yep. The sovereign. So people can so people can die. So, you know, a living blood living bloods flesh and blood man or woman who are occupying those offices as sovereign can die, come and go, but that that corporate sovereign never lives on in perpetuity.
[01:11:32] Unknown:
And Wow. And okay. So let me ask little I may not have phrased that question correctly. I'm looking I'm trying to see who do you think the manners of the world they're gonna control? The corporations are the manners. The corporation. That's how they're gonna set up the world in a feudal type system according to tragedy and hope guy. They're gonna do it with the corporations are now the manners that control because all these trade treaties were gonna strip the countries of their sovereignty and assign it to corporate aborts of corporate appointed people that there was no appeal and you couldn't get them off the board. They were the manner. That was the the way that they were gonna institute the global system. Well, can you have a manner without serves, Daryl? Let me ask you. Can you have a manner without serves?
[01:12:45] Unknown:
Well, not in our not in our, not in our physical world, you can't. No. The grass gets tall and somebody's somebody's gotta cut it. We gotta cut it. So
[01:12:55] Unknown:
Okay. So that's and see, that's what Trump first thing Trump did was take that system away and took us out all those trade treaties. And that, those early things that he was doing, led us led us to believe we had somebody that had our interests at heart. And now we know that he's gotten Netanyahu's interest at heart.
[01:13:18] Unknown:
I think he always did. I mean, there there there are times there are times when the the principal resident, that being the president, I I call him the principal resident resident. There are times when their actions, when they're in when they are when
[01:13:37] Unknown:
what? That's good. Something funny? Yeah. That's very good.
[01:13:41] Unknown:
Okay. Okay. There there are times
[01:13:48] Unknown:
when the different factions of corporations, corporate sovereigns, are fighting
[01:13:50] Unknown:
you know, will, you know, take actions that at our, you know, tiny perception level was, good for us. Okay? But, you have to this is the way I do it. I I try to keep it simple. You know, mom and dad are fighting, and we're the we're the children in the middle. You know, the child's got in the middle here. And and so, you have the globalist faction, corporate power that, the new world order, whatever however you want to call it, the Brussels crowd, whoever, fighting with this other faction and for dominance. And they both have their jurisdictions. And I'll give you the perfect example of it. And it's right here in this nation.
It's in DC and we go back to the federal side of this and that federal authority is And that federal authority is the territorial United States. And that territorial United States has 57 states entities, 57. You know, maybe some of you remember, you know, back in the the first the first, 4 years of Obama, he made reference to he'd visited 56 of the states, and he laughed. Well, he wasn't the people are going like, what? What? And and so, this character, care actor, he was, he was talking about the, the territorial United States and, the 57 entities. Well, whose whose whose jurisdiction, whose construct, who's the sovereign of the territorial United States versus the federal United States.
So there's a difference. There is a difference. You have a territorial United States and you have a federal United States. Listen, I told you I told you when I started this, I told you that there's lots been changed and there's been a usurpation take place. Oh, boy. Has there? And and the usurpation Robert wants to give Well, that that comes into Puerto Rico. The yeah. Guam. It's the it's the insular states. Oh, okay. That's that's the right.
[01:16:56] Unknown:
But let me ask you let me ask you a question, Derek. Oh, our phones our phones are working again. Chuck got in. Is American Samoa one of those?
[01:17:08] Unknown:
[01:17:09] Unknown:
Where they well, yes. It is. It it it falls under the one of the 57 entities of a territory.
[01:17:23] Unknown:
Mhmm. But it's different. Okay. But that's why they did it. Comfort. That's exactly why they did it. They had see, they couldn't come in and pass legislation. Excuse me for interrupting you, Darrell, but I think this is important for people to understand. They couldn't come in and say, hey, all you state citizens, we're wiping you off the books. You don't exist any longer. They couldn't do that, okay? So they had to hide it and make this new thing where they condition the people in to thinking it's the way it's always been. That's where the fraud is. That's why the affidavit works.
[01:18:03] Unknown:
Exactly. The veneer. And and and it works and it works when you address the agent of that sovereign who's responsible for that in that jurisdiction. Okay? In that jurisdiction, I say that that is, credible and legitimate. Has credibility and legitimacy in that jurisdiction. So, this this might this might stir up a bit of controversy. This might Controversy. My British, a controversy. This might this might this might even elicit a controversy here, but here here is a here is a question. We we also well, let's go forward with this. Then we also have this thing, out in DC in District of Columbia, the Municipal District of Columbia, all right?
And we have what we now know is to be what we call a municipal jurisdiction. And who's in charge of that? It ain't the principal resident. And who's in charge of the who's in charge of who's in charge of the municipal corporation? Who's the sovereign of the municipal corporation? Congress.
[01:19:46] Unknown:
Yes. Mhmm.
[01:19:49] Unknown:
There are no What congress? That's just like Jim Chafakant.
[01:19:51] Unknown:
Jim Travagan, the late Jim Travagan got up on the floor of the house and made that speech and he said the congress is sitting over the biggest bankruptcy in the history of the world. I don't know if any of you have seen that, that was 20 something years ago. Probably some of the newcomers haven't, maybe not even know who Jim Trafficante was. Yeah. But he's he got up in Congress and said that. This congress is presiding over the largest bankruptcy in the history of the world. Hey. Welcome, Chuck, by the way.
[01:20:22] Unknown:
Yeah. Jim Jim Trafikant, a democrat. Yeah. He was a Democrat. Jim Jim Travikant, the Democrat, was a was a, was a man, a warrior, and what can only be called, in his book, he was called he called himself the America's last minute man. And, they they imprisoned him and they murdered him over it. But I would I would call him And you can always tell when the good ones are there because they kill them. I always called him colorful
[01:20:52] Unknown:
because he he's the one if you guys don't remember this, some of you newer folks, he's the one that would get up and preface every talk he made in the House of Representatives with Beam me up, Scotty.
[01:21:08] Unknown:
Right. Right. And they would they would always they would always give him 5 minutes, and he would take, he would take 30. So, but but but, anyway, so you have an entity, okay, a corporation, it's a municipal corporation and it has its jurisdiction. And with its jurisdiction, it has its laws. Its laws. And so we have, you you can't live you can't lump the federal government into, the executive, the judicial, and the, the legislative and just say, well, that's just all federal. Okay. If you're doing that, you're you're missing the point of this conversation. And the conversation is is that right here right here on this on this land mass that you call, you know, your country, your nation, whatever you wanna call it, there are several jurisdictions, several different forms of law Concurrent. Several different forms of remedy, and several different several different sovereigns And they're concurrent. Incorporated. Incorporated. They're called concurrent. You would call that concurrent. And thing. They're concurrent. Yeah.
Yeah. Right. So, so we were we're now into this, and we're just getting around to municipalities, which is I I don't know how to have a a coherent,
[01:22:51] Unknown:
conversation about this without going through all this, laying the groundwork on on this Let me let me say something in that simple form. Before you launch off on it because I'm pretty sure I know where you're going. Since I got into this and got really interested in it, I've heard something the whole time off and on that is applicable to what you're saying, Daryl. And that's a simple statement that says all politics is local.
[01:23:18] Unknown:
Yep. Alright. That is, there is, there are a lot of axiomatic statements, okay, and that would be an axiom. And, I like axioms if I understand if I actually if I actually understand their context and apply them properly. The problem with axioms is that, a lot of the times, we don't really know its larger import. That is an excellent example of one. And that all politics being local definitely applies to the municipal, corporation and its jurisdictions. That is exactly right. And so well, how many how many, municipalities do we have now? A lots of municipality.
[01:24:19] Unknown:
Okay. You you gonna say something right here? No. I just was thinking when you said the number Okay. Of how many there must be 1,000.
[01:24:31] Unknown:
Yeah. There's, I mean, I'm I'm talking I there there might be, you know, 1 or, you know give me some tolerance here. But, between counties and cities and, whatever else they wanna call themselves, there's there's 10,000 of them. And so they're they're operating in a, they they have a jurisdiction. And and they're they're they have a their franchises of the the beast, and the district Municipal District of Columbia. Alright? And and we just determined that the congress was was there, is that sovereign. Okay? So there's a lot of people that come and go in it. Alright? It's always coming and going. Being elected, unelected, dying, thrown in jail, whatever.
But the sovereign still says there incorporate in co hate, incorporated, power in perpetuity. So well, what kind of law are you dealing with? So we have a municipals. We have a municipalities and then we have their jurisdictions which means that they must have laws. So if they have laws, then there must be courts to, deal with controversies in those jurisdictions. What kind of law are we dealing with now? It's not admiralty. It's not it's not maritime. Most of the time, when you go into a municipal court, you're dealing with the UCC. Yep.
Uniform Commercial Code. Okay. Roger
[01:26:29] Unknown:
Roger has done yep. Okay. So you were either if you're dealing with the UCC,
[01:26:34] Unknown:
you were you since it's the Uniform Commercial Code, you pretty much had to be in commerce to bring its
[01:26:39] Unknown:
commercial code, you pretty much had to be in commerce to bring its remedy into effect. Correct?
[01:26:48] Unknown:
[01:26:49] Unknown:
Okay. So what what if what if the charge what if the charge they're coming after you is not in commerce? Then if they're used to self help remedies, what other body of law is it gotta come from? They must Well, menoral. It's menoral. Exactly. Yeah.
[01:27:10] Unknown:
Yeah. And so so what we've been able to do here, because we did the the groundwork, we we we went through the the prefacing laying the foundation. We know we're in 1 of the 2. And so, what is the mineral law? Well, if anybody is still confused about that, that's the law of serfs. This is how you deal with the serfs. The lord this is how the lord deals the lord of the manor deals with the serfs. Okay. And and, of course, there was different there were different cast levels of serfs. There's a bunch of them. And and some of these sirs if if there if some of these sirs weren't actually, indentured, they could, opt out.
Alright. And they had to do that with their lord.
[01:28:05] Unknown:
You you okay with all that, Roger? Yeah. I wanted to say for the audience, if you don't believe this, go to the Black's Law Dictionary or any any of the law dictionaries. We just almost commonly use Black's. Go and look under the term villain, v I l l I e n. And that's what the male serf was called, was a villain. The female serf was called a knave. And if you'll go look under villain, that's how the English pronounced it, it's actually French because William the Conqueror brought all that crap over from Europe, okay, and had that influence. But it's spelled like villain, villi e n, and go to the dictionary and look how many different types of them there were.
There's a number of different types of villains. Now the one most common that looks like that they're using is called a villain regardant. And it says in the definition, A villain attached to the land, that means your property. A villain attached to the land and transferable by deed. What do you think the deed is?
[01:29:30] Unknown:
Certificate. What's your birth certificate? Yeah.
[01:29:33] Unknown:
And that uses to back up the bonds that they sell to finance the country So now that your income taxes pay. Go ahead, Daryl. I'm sorry.
[01:29:43] Unknown:
So well, no. You know, that's good. The birth certificate is is one of those instruments that, the, the territorial government, the territorial sovereign and the municipal sovereigns both municipal sovereigns both take advantage of.
[01:30:01] Unknown:
They both take advantage of that.
[01:30:05] Unknown:
And and so off that one instrument, 2 two different deeds are, hence, bonds are created,
[01:30:21] Unknown:
instruments. If John is correct, and my sense is that he was, he thought, I've said it many times, that the birth certificate is an actuality in commercial law considered a warehouse receipt. A warehouse receipt is a very unusual commercial document in where the paper actually takes on the presence of the good. The good, if it's a bale of cotton or a person, becomes the bale of cotton or a person, becomes the paper. And that's why this birth certificate thing is so important. So if the body of the newborn child actually becomes the birth certificate, then that's a deed, isn't it?
[01:31:04] Unknown:
Oh, absolutely. Now it is yeah. It's a deed. So And real quick.
[01:31:15] Unknown:
Go, Robert.
[01:31:17] Unknown:
Oh, can I going back to municipality just for a second? Can we weave that into the capture? Like, for example, the city of Los Angeles, the county of Los Angeles They've the city of Pasadena, which is in LA County, etcetera.
[01:31:30] Unknown:
You can you can weave it in this way. Every one of those 10,000 has a set of double books.
[01:31:38] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I I mean, we could that's that's a whole that's a whole other that's a whole other rabbit hole that nobody thank you for bringing that out, Robert. But nobody wants to talk about that. I mean, very few. So so if we if we go back so so if we still have that, that continuity of the conversation there, if we take that, that deed now, the warehouse receipt, the birth certificate, this is something that Brian's done a lot of amazing discovery on. If we take that and we see that the territorial side of this uses it in this thing called Siskiweave bond.
It comes out of its origins start out of the City of London proper when London burned down in 16 66. This is something I'm reading about now in-depth by a 1800s what do I call him? Economist, Alexander Delmar and he's written a whole series of book back in the late 1800 and one of them is called A History of Monetary Crimes.
[01:33:12] Unknown:
This was known a long time ago. He's a good he's a real good lot of people that are trying to He's a very good resource. I've just become aware of this guy too. So go ahead, Carl. I'm sorry.
[01:33:22] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. And and so, on the territorial side, the territorial side, the sovereign takes advantage of this by addressing the debt, that the United States is in receivership for and they create these Ses de quoi v bonds, that relates to FDR, 1933, IRS, yada, yada, yada. Okay? Then on the other side of this, the Municipal Corporation, the District of Columbia, they they use the same instrument and the bonds are called a foreign situs trust. Foreign situs,
[01:34:03] Unknown:
however you wanna pronounce it. S I t u s? S I is that s I t u s? Yeah.
[01:34:11] Unknown:
Yeah. Foreign Cities Trust. Now the the bonds the bonds for the territorial side of this, you will find go back to the city of IMF City of London, the fund. Okay. Tim Geithner. Keep keep some of this in mind when you're when you guys are watching all the plenaries men. Okay. I'm trying to we've got a picture. I'm trying to color it in. Okay. Trying to put color. Colorize the picture here. Okay? On the other side of this, on the municipal side of this, we have, the congress and the foreign citizen trust and the bonds that are created out of that. And, where does that go back to?
Where do those bonds go back to? Who's holding those bonds? Okay. And so I'm gonna drop the hammer here a little bit. I'm just gonna say very clearly and slowly, that's Rome. Okay. It goes back to Roman Catholic. Rome holds those bonds. So, you may not go to church but all of you are Catholic. And and, and you're gonna tithe you're gonna tithe one one way or the damn other. Yeah. There is. Okay? You're you're gonna be tithing. And and so when we get when we get right back to it is is who is the sovereign, of that if you if you follow the money and you'll find that the sovereign there's there's different jurisdictions. There's different sovereigns.
They they're holding different bonds in bondage and using different forms of law to achieve remedies for the benefits. And and so, in these in these
[01:36:19] Unknown:
go ahead. Joc, what was your update? Who's that? For whose benefit? I think she said For whose benefit? Ultimate. Their benefit? Of course. That's because if you hold the bonds, guess what you get? Control. You get a bond payment coupon. And so you've given them a bunch of money to run the country over whatever you determine, 3 months, 5 months, 1 year, 3 years, 10 years, 30 years. And every year determined by which bond you purchase, they're gonna give you a coupon payment back. You finance the country for that period of time, they went into their property and extracted some of their, results of their labor, and they pay off the bondholders.
It's that simple.
[01:37:15] Unknown:
Yeah. And I they had now, Daryl, you they have, there have been many people trying to reclaim this that.
[01:37:32] Unknown:
Mailchuck dropped out there now. Find a way to do that. Hello? I did. Okay. Well
[01:37:39] Unknown:
Chuck's on his your
[01:37:41] Unknown:
who who's ever talking is it it's it's cutting out. Yeah. And I I think I grabbed the gist of that. But I I just wanna address that by saying, at this point in this conversation today, I really don't want to go down that path. Not that I wouldn't be willing to in the future, but because it's a very appropriate and reasonable part of this conversation in remedies. But I think it's 12th grade and not 1st grade. The so I'm trying to lay the foundation where we have a bunch of minds here, and consider people who have consideration to spend a lot of time and effort in trying to put this in a context where people can approach this and take something away from it without a lot of fancy language.
And I think some of that's been done today. And so, the point I want to get back to is how the municipal government is using oppression and tyranny and duress and coercion on your daily life, on the ground when you leave the house you're in and you go out on the road or just your daily operation. So,
[01:39:26] Unknown:
[01:39:32] Unknown:
so, this is a point where some of this controversy might come in at this point. So, I'm operating on the premise and going forward that I have to address, this municipal jurisdiction
[01:39:52] Unknown:
What's the let me ask a question. In order to separate myself. What's the what's the municipal jurisdiction based upon?
[01:40:05] Unknown:
[01:40:06] Unknown:
A presumption. A presumption that you're a resident. Yeah. Presumption. Okay. So my point is, with all of the history here, and I know it's important and I know that it's here and I know it's important and I know that it's interesting to a lot of people, but the bottom line is if you file that affidavit, now I want to bring in the municipal thing. You file it with the Secretary of State, now you come back to where you live and you go put it on the property rolls if they'll let you. If you can't put it on the property rolls because they wanna call you a sovereign citizen, then if you wanna sleep better at night, you go put it in the legal organ of your town.
Every town or county has a legal organ where the lawyers post all the legal notices because that's the front end of due process. So find either the property records or the legal organ of your town and post your affidavit in there. It's gonna cost you a little bit of money, okay? But now you too have fulfilled from the reverse that front end of due process. Now after that's done, you take with a nice cover letter or even better yet, deliver it personally and deliver it to the sheriff of your county. And let him know it is on file with the Secretary of State, that rebuts the overall presumption. I am buttressing truth. Now you've covered all your bases.
[01:41:50] Unknown:
Well, this is this is, this is an important consideration for, people involved in in the truth and with the outcomes that we are, so that you understand everybody has a good working understanding that, a lot of times, left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, okay, particularly when we're dealing with these different governments and different forms of government and different jurisdictions and different laws. And since you're the one that's trying to acquire the benefit of your status standing and capacity, it's, I think, incumbent upon us or whoever you are out there to, apply full knowledge and applicate and apply these things with your property records, your sheriff, or the the the local, police, organ of record.
Do these things so that you have a a basis and something to to, point to that's actually in their jurisdiction. Right. And,
[01:43:03] Unknown:
it it might it might preempt a lot of pain and suffering for you in the future. Well, and you know, let's go back to Judge Learned Hand's statement, to claim one's rights, one must be a belligerent claimant. In a sense, even though you're not in their face yelling and screaming, when you post these documents locally, you're being a belligerent claimant. When you post it nationally with the Secretary of State, let me tell you what you're doing here folks, you're speaking truth to power and power backs down every time.
[01:43:39] Unknown:
Okay. Yeah. Well, yeah. I mean I mean, it takes it takes a whole lot more energy to perpetuate lies. The truth will pretty much defend itself if it has a champion. And so, here's the thing is that after you've done these things, okay, let's say these things have been done, what's been advocated, these things are all done. Okay. Now, you're claiming to be out of a different status standing capacity outside of that jurisdiction. You're not resident to it. And then by the way, at that point, unless you're a backslider, you have to start living different.
[01:44:19] Unknown:
Yep. If you don't start living different, it's all for
[01:44:29] Unknown:
[01:44:30] Unknown:
Right. I mean, maybe we should maybe we could get some of those, those little, tokens medallions do they do for Alcoholics Anonymous where if you're if you're off the wagon for, you know, 3 months and 6 months and 9 months, you know, or if you stay on the wagon, you know, you get a token. I've been I've been sober for a year.
[01:44:51] Unknown:
Okay. I got my year token. What they what they do so Because I've got a background in Alcoholics Anonymous through my family, let me tell you what they do, Darrell, and I wanna make a statement. They give you at the end of the 1st year, they give you a silver dollar. Okay? For 3 months and 6 months, you get little chips. But at the end of a year of sobriety, they give you a silver dollar, and every year past that that you are sober, they'd drill a hole in it. And my father had one with 17 holes in it.
[01:45:25] Unknown:
Holy moly. Wow. Well, you know, that's, that's so that's so holy, it could almost be sacred. Yeah. So, the the let me talk to some of the people that are trying to apply, put in effect, this information and knowledge and these truths. If you have a a business and you're incorporated, you're in trouble. K? If you have an LLC, you're in trouble. Alright? Explain, please. Because that LLC that LLC Is a person. Is and and you are you are the authorized signatory to that. And so, you have to see that that whole corporation thing, You you have to see that that whole corporation thing, that's a different form of law, comes from a different charter.
It comes the charter comes from a sovereign. Who sanctions that? Who's sanctioning that that corporation? Okay? Then you become subservient, a franchise to the state again. Here's a question. To that. Here's a question. And they will want their they will want their tithing. Let me let me bring up something on that. Big. Which is which is the pass through corporation?
[01:46:47] Unknown:
There's one corporation that simply to use as an entity to pass things through. Is it subchapter s?
[01:46:58] Unknown:
You would have to talk to somebody, much more knowledgeable
[01:47:02] Unknown:
about that than me. A lot of people use them in tax planning. Okay? And here's here's my thinking. If you've got a subchapter s corp that's a pass through corp, and you set it up as a US National because they can't say you can't set one up, there's no law against the National setting up a pass through corporation. If you're using that and the money comes through and passes through the corporation, it has none left and transfers it to the guy that's the national behind it and there's no tax obligation, what do they do?
[01:47:38] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, I mean, these are I mean, you know, in in 3 minutes, there, you've you've made a really good case for talking to somebody who knows a lot more about that than I do. What I am saying, I can only speak to what I what I know I really believe and have applied. And and so what I'm saying is if you if you were just setting up a standard LLC and you're in business and you think you're gonna separate yourself from their jurisdiction, you are, mightily deceived. You know, Darrell, for 5
[01:48:17] Unknown:
years, for 5 years I worked with a guy named Dean Allen, and Dean Allen had been taught by another guy who'd figured it out. And he had a way of getting people legitimately out of the tax system and they never had a problem, none of his clients ever had a problem because it was set up straight off of the code, okay? Now, if you were gonna do it with your business, Darrell, here's what we'd do, we'd come in and sit down, talk to Darrell, find out everything that you need to know, and we'd set up what's called a general partnership there in your business into a general partnership. Now, that was just when LLCs were starting to come in and a lot of people just when LLCs were starting to come in and a lot of people wanted just not every state had LLCs limited liability corporations yet. And so we stuck with the partnership deal because it was tried and proven. So in a general partnership, you got a general partner and another partner, okay? And and another partner, okay?
And so you would be, let's say, the operating partner and the general partner would be owned by a corporation in Panama or the Caribbean. And that would make it in the tax code And that would make it in the tax code effectively connected because the general partner offshore was, was your partner onshore. So there's still a tax liability there, effectively connected is the word they use. So what Dean figured out, this guy taught him, they'd set up 2 offshore corporations, generally with bearer bonds which means they weren't registered anywhere. So you couldn't go find out who the owners are, okay? And so you'd take the profits from your business, you'd transfer them to the 1st corporation, that's a taxable event, but then this 1st corporation would transfer it to the second one, which is not effectively connected to the general partnership, and you bring your profits right back into the states, and boom, you got no taxation on them. It's clean. That's the way the corporations are selling. That's how they all Apple, all the corporations are set up. That's how they all Apple, all these corporations that have these huge tax liabilities and stuff in Ireland and all over the world, that's why is they're set up in that method. That's why. And what do you call that?
[01:50:33] Unknown:
And what do you call the If you, what what you're just what you're describing there, Roger, what you're describing there, for for people that that want to, understand that a little bit more and how it's been applied by the City of London is, here again, go on YouTube and watch a video called the spider's web. Excellent video. And this is this is that, you know, from your description and offshore accounts, which are readily available in the Caribbean and the British East, British Caribbean, British Virgin America and a lot of the, the Caribbean Islands.
This is this is how the City of London, operates literally outside of parliamentary oversight and taxation. Yep. And so, I mean, you know, for a guy I mean, I I'm kind of I'm kind of down on the ground here, nuts and bolts, sort of a common guy. And, you know, I'm not I'm not talking about a bunch of employees, and, I I don't I don't do business. I don't do commerce. I do trade. Right. I trade.
[01:51:54] Unknown:
Darrell, let me make you can I make a And Can I make a small correction? Go ahead. You are far from common. Yeah. Go ahead. You're far from common.
[01:52:06] Unknown:
Well No. You're not common. I mean common. I, listen. Listen. I I try my very best to take the complicated and make it approachable. Yep. And how and and to that end, I wanna apply it. I wanna apply it in my life. And I also want to show people, give them guidance or direction or a format, to where they can take, you know, take a guy who's got a lawn service business and he's got a, you know, he's got a navy. He's got a a 2000 Dodge pickup and he's pulling a trailer and he's got, you know, a ride mower on it and a couple of weed eaters. And he's he's he's he's making a life for himself by work and doing trade. Okay. He he, you know, I mean, I'm I'm talking about that level to so men and women can become independent and self sufficient on the land and and not be involved in all the chicanery and corruption. And, you know, to set up these to set up these entities of, you know, partnerships and all this stuff, at some point, it's gonna involve liars and attorneys. And so, I'm not saying, you know, maybe some people have enough business, big enough lifestyles, whatever plans that that's something they could do. But I just want to talk to the address the common man and woman who's just trying to, you know,
[01:53:50] Unknown:
make an honest living. Let me tell you why this conversation is so viable is because we've got a good listener out there named Patrick up in Memphis that has quite a towing business that wants to convert and go through this change and convert his whole business operations over to based on these principles. And I don't know anybody that's done it before. So any type of discussion and things we can explore such as a subchapter S pass through corporation that could be set up, it's the person but it's a pass through and all of the profits of the business go over to the US National and he's got no taxable obligation. So that it's real important because I'd like to see people moving in this direction that are self employed that after we've got a cookie cutter and somebody that's gone through it, that we can go back definitively and say, this works, this works, and this works.
So it is real important now, the good thing we got going on here is you got Pepper who's the, and and Patrick that work together which are a hell of a legal team, and you got Brent tied in there too, which now who now understands this much better. So I think we're on the right track and I'm very excited about it. Daryl, I'm very excited about what you got going in Etowah County up there, that there's more people moving to the county and at some point in the future, maybe we'll have at least 12 people in Etowah County that have filed an affidavit, and now we can set up a citizen's grand jury with teeth.
Now those two things I'm really excited about that are an outgrowth of my work and a way to extend it and make it real on the ground.
[01:55:39] Unknown:
Well, the there's, those are those are great objectives. And, in order to reach those objectives, you have to do the preliminary work. Yep. And one of the first preliminary things you can do is, you know, take a deep breath, relax, let your shoulders down, get a hold of the information, work it into it, piece by piece. You don't have to do it all in one day and because it requires it's like not being an alcoholic and going on a diet. It has to be a life style choice
[01:56:23] Unknown:
that you spend the rest of your life doing. And see, the thing is, the information is so powerful that it changes the way you think. And you can't change the way you think without changing the way you live. Now, for people that are new Yeah. I mean, these are Thomas, some of your bunch is out there. We got some newer people drifting back in. James Taylor's come back among our group. I would highly suggest that you go back and go to YouTube and in the search bar put, The Science of Law, and you listen to that video until you know it by heart.
You get those basic concepts that they don't teach in any law school in the United States anymore, that are the basis of substantive law, and you can go through these guys like crap through a goose.
[01:57:26] Unknown:
You can't, so if if we address if we address one of the objectives is to have a a a a common law drill assembly, in a county, let's say let's say here in Alabama, all parties to that have to absolutely be,
[01:57:50] Unknown:
nationals. Yep. They have to.
[01:57:53] Unknown:
You can't have any you can't have any you you have to. Otherwise
[01:57:59] Unknown:
otherwise You have no access to the common law.
[01:58:04] Unknown:
And and you're also, trying to, act on dual citizenship between being a a state national and a US citizen. And now, you've created a controversy. Yes. Okay. And so at that point at that point, you can look at, the, the Bundys the Bundys out in Nevada. They were they were trying to claim a status that they didn't have. Yep. Okay. And this is why they got in trouble. Yep. If you look at the Colorado 9 if you look at the Colorado 9, they were trying to claim a status that and still operate in the in the US citizenship jurisdiction.
If you look at the Idaho Freeman okay. This goes on and on. You you can't have it both ways. You have to you have to pick a damn lane and get in it. Yep. And, you can't you know, we all know if you run down the middle of the road, some 18 wheeler or blonde on a cell phone is gonna take you out. Okay? And if if you're if you're LaVoy Finnequem, they'll just shoot you in the back. Yeah. Alright. And they did. And and so, so pick a lane. Okay? Decide decide, you know, and if you're and if you you know, and be careful. If you pick a lane and you go to England, it's the other lane. Yeah. Yeah. Be careful what
[01:59:37] Unknown:
what jurisdiction you're in. Listen, on that, we're about to hear a whistle. I mean, that's yeah. And so I wanna thank Daryl with all the confusion and the technical stuff we've had to overcome today. We finally got it in the right lane. And, we'll be back in this lane tomorrow with Paul. And I have not had any indication of what we might talk about, but there's a lot of Brexit stuff going on and a lot of other stuff to talk about that's important. These videos, which are floating around, which are so important with the background knowledge. And, so we'll be back and do it tomorrow. Tomorrow. Darrell, we'll continue on this because it's real important to people to understand how it works in their own backyard.
We know how it works on the big picture, but you gotta get it working in your backyard too. And so I appreciate the chance to discuss this and there's a lot more discussion to be had in it, and to discuss this and there's a lot more discussion to be had in it and we'll do it. So I wanna thank all of y'all. I'm gonna go have lunch with the expats today. Got a couple new people coming and so, I need to go get ready and I'll see y'all tomorrow. Have a good day. Okay?
[02:00:40] Unknown:
We're rolling. Thanks. Bye, Noah. Thanks. Thanks, everybody for participating.
[02:00:45] Unknown:
Thank you. Ciao. Ciao.
[02:01:36] Unknown:
Blasting the voice of freedom worldwide, you're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network.
[02:01:42] Unknown:
Bye bye, boys. Have fun storming the castle.
Introduction and Overview
The Challenges of 2024
Municipal Control and Bureaucracy
Navigating Legal Complexities
Understanding Sovereignty and Jurisdiction
The Role of Tax Court and Jurisdiction
Municipalities and Local Politics
Financial Sovereignty and Global Influence
Jurisdiction and Sovereignty in Law
Municipal Jurisdiction and Local Law
Practical Steps for Legal Independence
Implementing Legal Changes Locally