In this episode of the Radio Ranch, Roger Sayles and Brent Allen Winters dive into a spontaneous and unscripted discussion, touching on various topics from current events to historical insights. The episode begins with a reflection on the changing world and the importance of spontaneity in broadcasting. Roger and Brent discuss a recent helicopter crash in DC, exploring the complexities of air traffic control and the implications of the incident. They delve into the political landscape, discussing the impact of leadership styles and historical parallels, including references to Nazi Germany and recent US administrations.
The conversation shifts to the role of the military and the influence of leaders like General Milley, exploring the responsibilities and challenges faced by military personnel. Brent shares insights into the importance of personal responsibility and the role of the militia in American society, emphasizing the need for readiness and self-governance.
Throughout the episode, the hosts engage with listeners, answering questions and discussing topics such as the interpretation of biblical texts, the significance of the Sabbath, and the role of Christianity in shaping societal values. They also touch on the historical context of the book of Revelation and its implications for understanding current events.
The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to engage with their local communities, understand their rights and responsibilities, and embrace the principles of the common law tradition. Roger and Brent encourage listeners to seek knowledge, participate in local governance, and uphold the values that define their communities.
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Thank you, and welcome to the program. Forward moving and focused on freedom. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network.
[00:01:47] Unknown:
Yep. Yep. Yep. The world's changing. I'd like to think we're helping, and we'll have another installment of that today, See what comes up. These are never preplanned programs. I insist on spontaneity because that's real. And that's what we are here, a truth, little deal at the Radio Ranch. Roger Sales, and today, Brent Winter is your cohost. It is the last day of the month, Jan. 0. Gone again. Wow. What is Jan. 0 we have seen in 2025? We are aided and abetted by a number of other folks that want to help extend our our reach there. And, so the keeper of such platforms is mister Paul Biner. And at this point, customarily, we wanna give them proper credit here at the first so, they know that we really appreciate their help in, extending our reach. So if you would, mister p.
[00:02:46] Unknown:
I would be happy to aid it and embed it. I've never quite heard it put that way, but I guess it fits. We're on and, also 0690 in Chicago. We're on brought to us by, pastor Eli James. We're on we're on Global Voice Radio Network. The links to Eurofolk and Global Voice are on the matrix docs. That is And, we're also on the net family of broadcast services. A whole bunch of folks all gathered together through WDRN production support, Collins, Colorado. That would be homenetwork.TV, freedom nation TV, go live TV, stream life, tube, and hawk TV.
So and we're on. Oh, man. We're we're literally all over. Yes. So Was there any other We're also We also have free conference call where a thousand of you can join us live on the air. Yeah. And the links to that are also on the Oh, Big Oaks
[00:04:07] Unknown:
from Big Oaks from Little Acorns Grove. I see Brent Hitch just hit his pony up out front and came in, and, boy, there's a lot going on. Brent, did you you made it. I think I see you there.
[00:04:24] Unknown:
Yeah, man. Hey,
[00:04:25] Unknown:
buddy. Good morning. I wonder we did about half the show yesterday on this big crash, in DC, and there has been some additional information that's come out on it. We at least wanted to touch on that as a follow-up here this morning. We it seemed like all the people we got some folks in the audience have some expertise in those areas and, flying or ATC or whatever. And yesterday, it was on the ATC. People were rolling their dice and and kinda going on that direction, but it appears from what's happened overnight that it was some sort of a problem with the helicopter going up above the 200 foot level that's mandatory in that area for such, craft and, went straight up to 300 and then ran into the side of that plane.
It didn't hit it from the front. It hit it from the side. Now yesterday, Alex put a lot of time into it, and he opened up the phones to his vast audience. And, boy, he's got a vast audience. Okay? It's 7 plus million at any given moment, and maybe more than that. And, anyway, so he opened up the phone calls for anybody with that type of expertise. And for about thirty minutes, had some of the most educated technical people call in. 1 the first one was a gal from Alaska who was a seven fifty seven qualified pilot, and she had been an ATC before she became qualified in as pilot and had done a number of flights into that area.
And and at the end of her very, very in-depth, explanation of things, not not that I could even regurgitate 1 eye ounce of it. She made the comment, said there's this just doesn't look right, doesn't smell right. Well, then 2 or 3 other of these guys with incredible backgrounds, 1 of them as a commander of a helicopter squadron out in California, going over all this stuff, and every one of them said, this doesn't make sense. Okay? Now today, we found out, at least from what I've heard this morning, that they're they're releasing some information about the helicopter.
And it was a a continuity of government flight, which is this secret program where certain things happen and the whole government reverts over to some military guy. Okay? And it goes out to Cheyenne Mountain out in, Colorado. So, anyway, it was continuity of government practice, why, of some sort. They were using night vision goggles, and it may have been a transsexual flying it. May have been. That's a rumor that's floating around. But, it it was a training flight, and, boy, what a disaster. K? But all of the real people that understand these things and how complex they are about civilian towers handing off control to the military and vice versa and all these things that happen very regularly. K?
But this 1 smells to high heaven, and that was all these very, very, very professional people's opinion. Every one of them said it. So we'll see as we go forward. But that, it looks like it's more on the helicopter now as opposed to the ATCs, which we kinda had talked about yesterday. It's an interesting discussion. It's an interesting situation. And, boy, there's gonna be something come out of it, I'll tell you. But isn't it nice, Brent, that all of a sudden, of course, I know you don't keep up. You're off doing your own thing, but it's so nice to have a country that's being run at least professionally. You know, you can't turn on something without seeing Trump doing something.
Already all the guy that they all had to get JD Vance to get him in his department of defense, he's right on this plane. He done 2 or 3 press conferences, and it every things are working again. You know? And it's quite encouraging even in the midst of this tragedy, but I did wanna kinda start out the program on touching on that. Do you do you I'm I'm assuming you heard about that, Brent. Brent,
[00:08:53] Unknown:
do I drive him away? You can't. No. You can't. Thank you, Roger. The first thing I thought, you can't help but know what's going on. I don't like it. Yeah. I don't go looking for news, but I I can hear what's going on. First thing I thought was, brought to mind that situation not too long ago where a couple of lesbians were driving a some kind of a freighter, big ship, and hit a pier and destroyed, lives. And then we had the same thing in the Australian Navy either just before or after that where these they're trying to promote lesbians in their naval service, and they, got a ship burned up worth a hundred million or 50,000,000 or a few million, whatever, millions burned it up. I mean, just burned it up. Let it get on fire and didn't know what to do after it got on fire.
And then I thought, well, that's the same thing we got here, and then you tell me there's some kind of a sex pervert driving that. Well, we don't know. That's a rumor. We don't know that yet. That's what's being floated out there. We'll see. But we it wouldn't surprise me. And, DJ DJ did say that, over and over and over, I heard this that, he made the point that helicopter was, too low. It wasn't there's, he got up high or some I don't know, but he was at wrong elevate they were at the wrong elevation. Yes. Yes. The helicopter was maneuverable. Of course, the big plane is not as maneuverable and would've had the right away probably. Oh, he already been cleared to land. He had the right place. Yeah. Come on in and all that. And, but there as you said, the the things that happened in the past, there was no there was no federal government in the past, the past four years. We were living in Clown Ville. You sure were? Everywhere we looked, we saw another goofy clown on a unicycle saying some crazy outlandish thing about, space aliens or is, were being invaded by the Chinese, and and they were all smoking pot and partying and having a sex order in the White House. Don't tell me that's not what was going on. I know that's what went on when Clinton was in office, and I've talked to people that were there when it happened.
And then, of course, this guy is worse. Biden, he just out for the down to the county. He wasn't even lights on nobody's home. And so the people in government were doing whatever they wanted. We could equate this a little bit, Roger, a little bit with the Nazi government of Germany. You had a man in office who they had foolishly given all power to. His name was Adolf Hitler, but he had a lot of good ideas and he did a lot of things that, of course, he brought. He brought Germany out of the pits of economic madness and depression, and he put the country his motto was Germany First. He put the country back on on track, but, Adolf Hitler did not have the wherewithal to be a leader.
He did not have the wherewithal to be a leader. Whatever it is, he just he didn't, have the emotional stability or something to watch what was going on. And, he's not a good guy because he did that. But, I'm just making the point that he just let things go. And the people in government took his ideas, and then they went ten ten steps further, a hundred steps further, and decided they do whatever they wanted to do. And that's what happened in Nazi Germany. They fulfilled his policies. He wasn't watching what was going on. For whatever reason, my conclusion is he wasn't emotionally able. He didn't have the capability to be that kind of a leader. He was a purely political animal, and, of course, the generals in the army called him that Bavarian corporal, Bavarian corporal, and they didn't like it.
In the end, it wasn't going to work. They could see things were spinning out of control. And what was that? Himmler and that well, he was nuttier than a fruitcake. And what was that? He was the 1 that started. You say, well, 6000000 Jews didn't get killed. Well, the numbers are obviously inflated. But, were they being killed? Yeah. Himmler had already started devising ways to kill the Jewish people. Well, the Bible says that that's not the way to approach false religion, Try to slaughter everybody. That didn't work. And what it brings is judgment.
Well, that's what we were headed toward when by, Biden was in office. Now what about Trump? Here's the here's the danger with DJ, and we've seen this all our lives if we'll stop and consider it on the lower levels and at the higher levels. We can destroy him if we want to. We can destroy DJ Trump by, allowing him to just take care of everything. That ain't gonna happen. And if we just sit back and say, oh, we got it made now. DJ's in office. He's a good guy. Same and his, of course, his motto is America First just like Hitler's. And then we just sit back. No. That ain't gonna work. And I should've stressed I was speaking this last weekend and, my invitation to a group, and I I didn't say the things that I should've got out. Hindsight is twenty twenty. But the thing that I should've said and should've stressed is this.
So I'll stress it now. That, it's not as important what goes on in the White House, the courthouse, the state house, as it is what goes on in your house. And I don't care whether you're the only 1 living in your house or you've got a husband or you've got a wife or you've got children or you're a single parent, whatever. What goes on in your house is what's gonna dictate what happens in this country, and don't think that your house doesn't matter. God does not work according to majorities. God has never done anything, and, well, he does everything with either 1 person or a small handful, a combination of persons, and he turns the world upside down that way.
And so you concentrate, and I should concentrate, all of us should concentrate on what goes on in our humble little house, whatever it may be. As I say, some men and women, some men mostly, some of them live under bridges. Well, take care of your little personal ground you got there and keep it in order and do what God tells you to do. And it will. He will he will use you, he promises, to use the foolish and the insignificant men and women of this world to confound the, the, those that the world says are wise and influential confound them. That's your job. Don't don't look to even know it's happening.
When it does happen, you won't know it. As the Bible says of Moses, when he came off the mountain, the skin of his face shown like the sun and people didn't wanna look at him. It was too bright. He'd been in the presence of God himself. It said that the skin of his face shown like the sun, but then it says, but but Moses wished not. He knew not. That's an old word that means he didn't know that the skin of his face shone like the sun. And if you've been in the presence of your God, man, the way you do that is you just humbly take your hat in hand and you go in his presence, and you tell him you're gonna show respect. And as best as he you understand, you're gonna do his will.
And you then will be in the position of Moses. Don't think you won't, but don't think you'll you'll see, and you'll think you'll be able to get into the glory or think you're such a great man or woman. That's not the point. Just make sure that you learn, keep, and do, learn, safeguard, and do the will of God as he's revealed it to you, and you then will be part of that effort. Maybe a great part that is not ruining an otherwise useful man named DJ Trump. I've seen this Roger. You've heard of it and see it. How will you look at these charismatic preachers, all these TV preachers, the people that go to those churches make animals out of those guys. Nothing but selfish, evil, dirty, rotten, low down, adultery stricken, drug infested, drunken animals that want nothing but money. Well, whose fault is that? Well, you can blame blame the TV preacher, but you can lay the fault to it.
The useful idiots that fawn and slobber over him like he's somebody important, glorifying a worm. Let's don't do that to g DJ. You say, well, I think he's past that. He's old enough. No. No. No. Nobody's past being sucked into thinking they're somebody special.
[00:17:26] Unknown:
He's got a couple he's got deficiencies like everybody else. Yeah. The what I what I really appreciate, though, is that well, for 1 thing, Jones, Jonas and them got personal relationship with him, and and they're holding his feet to the fire on things they don't agree with that he's doing. Okay? So he's got this counterbalance out there among people like us that especially have con a a a way to get to him, and put these things in front of him. So it's different. He's real different this time around. The this last four years of the law fair and the the persecution and the raid on Mar a Lago and going into his beautiful wife's underwear drawer and, you know, all the lawfare and and all the lies and all of that and the assassinations, etcetera, have really he's a changed man, what I see.
[00:18:21] Unknown:
Oh, no. I see. He's he's wiser to the brutality of it all. He had never experienced it. And I wanted to say to him, welcome to the club. I wanna make a comment, if I may, Roger, about, well, shocks. It was an important comment I was gonna make, and now it slipped. Oh, I know what it was. I did catch something, Roger, about this
[00:18:41] Unknown:
general Milley. Oh, yeah. They just d f'd everything to him.
[00:18:46] Unknown:
Yeah. General Milley. And I want to make a comment about that, with your permission. Oh, cool. And, this is time. Of course, Roger and I don't get paid to do this. And so, yeah, I've never been able to get paid.
[00:19:00] Unknown:
They they thought we were getting the big bucks. Brand hush. Yeah.
[00:19:04] Unknown:
So what we end up doing, saying what we, freedom of speech or boldness of speech. I'm not getting paid. I'm I don't have any master to answer to like Rush Limbaugh did and many other people that are popular talk radio host. They they answered the masters and everything.
[00:19:21] Unknown:
Sean Hannity. Yeah.
[00:19:23] Unknown:
Well, I want to make a point. Now I speak as a 13 military veteran. I I'm not I'm just making the point. I I come at this having been in that world quite a bit. I've been around the world that way, and I and I've been in politics heavily and, threw my life into it and spent a million about a million dollars of other people's money for a few years trying to get into Congress and almost got it done. Then they came after me, me and congressman White from, Western District to Kentucky down there, we were neighbors in that way in our districts. And they indicted him, federal grand jury. They indicted me, and then they indicted the governor of the state there.
And then they and, oh, a few other people. Yeah. They went after. And, 2 of the 3 of White White got in well, did he get he stayed in congress. I remember that. He was the first, republican governor from the Western District Of Kentucky in the history of Kentucky. Of course, things changed in the South back then. The the solid South was they they'd had all they could stomach and were were vomiting at that point. They couldn't take it anymore. What the Democrats were doing was 10 times worse now. Of course, that's why Trump is in office. Yep. But what I want to point out, this thing about general Milley, one thing I learned when I was in, well, when I was a military man, I remember there's a fellow got in the office named Jimmy Carter.
And I was standing next beside when when we saw it on television, I was standing beside a commander, a navy commander. His name was, Lance Massey. I like the fellow, Lance Massey. His father was a 1 of the heroes that died at the Battle of Midway. And the last time his father was and this is kinda odd. His name was Massey. You can look him up. The last time anybody saw his father, he was standing on the wing of his fighter plane, and it was about a hundred feet above the ocean. And the next thing you know, he's dead. He tried to climb out. He thought he was gonna jump because he he couldn't have used a parachute. He was too close to the water. He was. He did a heroic thing. He took down a lot of Jap planes and all. Well, this fella, Massey, he like his father, he went to the academy.
He was a very intelligent, hardworking, and faithful man. Commander Massey. He's probably he may still be alive. I don't know. But we were watching the TV, and, Jimmy Carter won the election. And he was a man that had graduated from the academy. And, of course, Jimmy Carter was a naval academy graduate that has served in submarine service. And and Massey was not allowed spoken man, and I'm standing next to him and he said, well, finally, we'll get a man in office who understands national defense. Did we? Answer, no. We didn't. We got a man in office who did not understand national defense. As a matter of fact, it wasn't long after that that he refused to sign the order, the executive order, which he has to do every 2 weeks. He has to sign an executive order in order for the armed forces to get paid, and he did not sign that executive order 1 time.
And so payday came. Now you can do a lot of things to military men, young military men, men, but not paying them, that doesn't work. Nope. And I he didn't. And it came payday. You know, the marines used to come with their bags of cash because we used to get paid in cash. They counted out to us. You know, he's standing in line and then they give you, oh yeah. And then they give you a, at the end, if there was any change that was smaller and you need to change, they always had a lot of $2 bills, Roger, a lot of $2 bills with Tom Jefferson's picture on it. Mhmm.
And the reason they gave us those $2 bills was so that no matter where we went in town, it would remind the, the people in town or the vendors or the people that did business that The United States helps up hold their economy locally with the military base. You see? That's why they did that. Nobody else had $2 bills but, but us. But payday didn't come. Of course, payday payday is an exciting day. I and if you've not been in that world, I'm here to tell you payday is, the biggest day by the 2 biggest days of the month. Yep. And nothing gets done on payday unless, of course, you're at war or you have to do. But if you're standing standing down in ports someplace or you're not at war, payday is just a happy day. Yep. And, it didn't come. Of course, we're all cocked and loaded for payday. You know what sailors do with, money when they get it on payday, they blow it. Right? And so the sailors didn't get to blow their money. And I remember the old man saying, coming ahead, ahead of, had a meeting about it. And he said, just remember boys, when election comes again, we'll remember this. Won't wait. We'll remember this.
And that was Jimmy Carter, and it got worse from there. Well, this general Billy, he's I believe he's an academy graduate too, if I'm not mistaken. But, West Point or yeah. West Point. That doesn't mean nothing, friends. Men that are trained as military men are men that are trained and they're very good at it. They they kill people and break things and look snotty and flex their muscles. That's what military men do. That's what they're supposed to do. That's what they enjoy doing, But that doesn't wash any place but in the military. And once they get out, they don't understand why people don't understand them
[00:25:04] Unknown:
because they've lived the last twenty, thirty years doing that. You know what he did. You you know what he did. You are you familiar with what Millie did? Oh, you go ahead and detail it. I have an idea, but maybe you'll tell me something. In the first term, he's the 1 that called the Chinese and said, don't worry about Trump. I've got the nuclear codes.
[00:25:21] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. And he also told the the his e his equivalent commander of the Chinese military forces. He said, look. If if the if the president orders an attack I wanna show you. Yeah. I'll let you know beforehand. Yeah. Now and then I he brags this this mill, he brags, when I took an oath to the constitution, I took an oath to the law. I didn't and he's I didn't take an oath to an emperor, an empress, a king, a president, blah blah blah. All that's true. But what he did was wrong. What he did was wrong. And I'm here to say if you're a military man or woman and you're retired or you you've been a lot of years there, I learned in politics, the place that I was wasting my time was at the local VFW and the American Legion because they were gonna vote for the Democrats. Now Now you say, well, not all of them do. No. They don't all do it, but they're still wrong headed.
You can't spend that many years being dependent upon the government and not and not have effect the way you look at the world. You can talk a big line. Now I I can give a personal testimony, Roger. When I came home and I went to farming, and that's what I did when I came home initially. I farmed with dad and raised livestock, and dad couldn't stand me. And I noticed, and it took me years. And I say this on for the benefit of other military men just as a testimony. It took me years to debrief and and to change who I was. Yeah. I was so deeply affected by my military experience, and I was happy. It was positive.
But what I didn't understand, and then it took me a long time to figure out, was I'm not in that world anymore. That more, that's a world of martial law. That's what the military is. And if you're in it for even four, ten years, twenty years, thirty years, how do you wash that positive feeling if you liked it? And I liked it. It was great. How do you wash that out of your system? It takes a lot of time and a lot of contemplation. And I found out the men that go to the VFW and go to the go to the American Legion, they go there because they want to relive that and they wouldn't vote for me. They wouldn't talk to me. And when I talk to them, I'd find out they supported the Democrats. You say, well, not all of them did. I know not all of them did, but martial law is the great antagonist of our common law tradition.
Our laws of nature, our common law, and our laws of nature's God are Bibles. The great antagonist is the law of the city, which is fundamentally a martial law, the code of Justinian. Shut up and do what you're told. Well, if you're a patriotic American and you're in the marine corps, you're in the Navy, you're in the Army, you take pride. Of course, the glory of a soldier and the sailor is that you're you have orders. There's no glory to be a, a soldier or a sailor unless you got orders. And every morning, we get up and we'd read our orders. We had orders every morning. And then some sometimes the orders were just run of the mill, but there were those times when they weren't, when something important and, urgent was happening.
Well, we had those. We got used to live in that life. We got used to, and we have, you have to, you have to have military men that want to do what they're trained to do or you don't have, you don't have national defense. It's, almost like a necessary evil, but it is necessary. That's why I'm such a big proponent and will remain so in my convictions of the militia of the several States. Those are not professional military men. The militia of the several states in the county level called the posse, the possibility, the abableness of the sheriff, that's our national defense.
That's our home security. We don't need a homeland security. Homeland security department, we've never needed 1. We never had 1 until recently, and we need to get rid of the 1 we have. What we need is the militia of the several states, and we need it desperately now. And the way it's going to happen in America is if young men and older men who understand that make themselves available to their local sheriff and make themselves avail selves available to their governor and make themselves ready, always ever ready, armed armed with a military grade weapon and also, oh, let's say 500 rounds ammunition.
And then number 3, properly trained. Immerse yourself in training yourself. Find a good reputable firearms safety and marksmanship course, maybe more than 1. Take 1 every year. We have marksmanship and training courses in America now that are for, children, for teenagers, for the ladies, for the elderly ladies, for the younger ladies, for the young men, for the old men, and support them. If you have an income, take those courses. Some of them some of them are very good. And also locally, we have men that have certified themselves to train in firearms. The thing I see lacking, a lot of concealed carry training, but we need, we need, long gun training.
We need training in, military grade rifles, marksmanship at longer ranges. Oh, the small arms is good, but we need it all. Yeah. We are unarmed people. The courts have now come out and supported us. The ninth and eleventh eleventh circuit. This never happened because it never needed to happen. We were always unarmed people, and we didn't have firearms training courses that much. The National Rifle Association was formed for that particular purpose, by the way, not for lobbying government, and they have messed that up really bad. They're not even supportive, really, of firearms firearms a second amendment, duties, and that's what a right is.
That's where we need to go. And that's why I say with DJ Trump, yes. Yes. We want DJ. Let's not ruin him. What happened what goes on in your house, in your life is more important by a thousand times than what goes on in the White House. And what goes on in the White House may or may not, it affects us. But no matter what goes on there, we gotta be ready. Ready. Ready. Ready. And the powers that be in other countries will not threaten us if they think we're ready. We have shown them we are. Let's continue that. Let's continue that. He's
[00:32:01] Unknown:
Roger, back to you. He's throwing down some hard gauntlets, man. I mean, latest 1, if you are in the bricks, you get a % tariff. Oh, I know he's doing that. I I I don't I don't really understand what he's doing, of course. Yeah. But, but that's that's honest weights and measures. So you're quashing honest weights and measures to try and come back and make America great again with a with a corrupt fraudulent currency, which I don't know if he understands that, you know, really, the way we do. But, anyway, they're just but there there's some things that I don't agree with, the Zionism thing. I guess he just did some kind of an, anti Semitic executive order. I don't know too much about it yet. But I did wanna ask the audience something because I've heard in, you know, it's like, I gotta get home and see what Trump's done today.
Yeah. I wanted to ask the audience. I've heard 2 references to it on Jones's network that 2 of the 1500, folks that got released, 2 of them have been killed at their homes in incidents with police. Does anybody nobody's I haven't heard any specifics on it. Does anybody in the audience know anything about that and could enlighten us?
[00:33:29] Unknown:
I don't, Roger.
[00:33:31] Unknown:
I haven't looked. Well, it doesn't seem like anybody else has either, but that seems like it'd be pretty significant to me to those guys, when they get home out of this or a hellish ordeal they've been in for, you know, years, and they get home and have an altercation with the local police and end up getting demise. I hope we can find out more about that. Because people mentioning it that I heard the comments about were, you know, very credible people. So, but they just didn't go into any details. I was hoping to conference. So I know. Ma'am? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do you have any info on that?
[00:34:09] Unknown:
No. I don't specifically. However, there was a 02/12 that repealed, I think, a 1948 act that the government could lie or the press could lie. I forget exactly the the name of it. But, I've told, you know, who knows what these stories really are. Right? These psyops are you?
[00:34:31] Unknown:
Okay. Well, we'll see. Hopefully, we'll find out some information. Hopefully, it didn't happen. Okay? But, but I'm afraid it might have. I've also seen several other destroyer yeah. You got something. Is that Larry?
[00:34:49] Unknown:
Yeah. I just pulled something up here.
[00:34:53] Unknown:
The Smith Month Act.
[00:34:55] Unknown:
The Smith Month Act. That's what you signed. Of, Jan. 0 propaganda.
[00:34:59] Unknown:
I think that came in Obama's, Obama's Obama signed that. Yes. Yep. Yep. Okay. Thanks, Dave. Go. Okay. Go ahead, Larry. Was the reformed
[00:35:10] Unknown:
act. Okay. The original act was 1948 or so.
[00:35:14] Unknown:
I've got a short article here when you're ready, Roger. Alright. Go ahead, Larry. This is Jan. 28. An Indiana man who was pardoned by US president Donald Trump over The US Capitol Riot was killed by police during a traffic stop days later. Matthew Huddle, forty two, was shot and killed on Sunday when police pulled his vehicle over, and he allegedly resisted and ended up in an altercation. That's they put that in quotes with an officer in Indiana State Police ISP statement said. It remains unclear what he was being arrested for. Police added that Huddle had a firearm in his possession during a traffic stop.
Huddle was 1 of nearly 1600 people who were last week given pardons or commute commutations commutations. I think I got that right. By Trump Yeah. You did. For their roles in the riot on 06/2021 when Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol Building in Washington DC.
[00:36:20] Unknown:
But it's still something that's happened.
[00:36:22] Unknown:
Okay. Thanks. There must have been another 1 like that too. Now what I have seen is Owen has been having people that were, have been through that ordeal on the show and given them, like, thirty minutes to could you tell their story and what happened. It was like in jail and all all the CRAP they've been through. And it's just horror story after horror story. I mean, I mean, Britney just wouldn't believe that these things happen in our country, honestly, to those poor people. And, also, I heard a reference yesterday on that thing where Alex opened up the phones for a t e and a a t c and and plane and pilots.
The first guy that came on was a fellow that won their first big truck giveaway. Now I I don't think you watch Alex here, Brent. So they, have gotten all kinds of different ways to market and, themselves and this, that, and the other. And, they've started these monster truck giveaways. These hundred and 20, hundred and something thousand dollar trucks all tricked out and $10,000 on top of that. And you get entered when you buy products through the website, and then they have a drawing and they give that those things away. Well, the first guy that won the first one was a somewhat celebrated pilot. He lives up in New Hampshire or Vermont somewhere, and, he was a seven fifty seven pilot where they pulled a raid on his plane, for some reason. And the cops surround his plane, and he wouldn't, they wouldn't tell him what. And so it was his job as the captain of the ship, and it got national attention, maybe even international.
But he's the guy that won this truck. So Alex had him down and, you know, interviewed and all that stuff. Good guy. Well, he called in the first one yesterday on that call. And he brought up a very spiritual guy, Leviticus fourteen fourteen. And I wanted to see he specifically referenced King James. But that passage really has a parallel to the attempted assassination in Pennsylvania. Something about blood on his hands, blood on his head, and blood on his feet. And his point was we need to, let Trump see if the blood was on his feet So this fulfills this passage. And I just wanted to query you and see maybe what the, winterized version had to say about that.
[00:39:01] Unknown:
You know, if the winterized version doesn't say anything about about it, it it it will after today because I'm and I'm looking now, you know, to two thousand years ago, I have to scroll. And so I pull it up, you know, I pull it up and all the copies I have, are given to somebody else. What did you say? Leviticus what? Fourteen fourteen.
[00:39:29] Unknown:
That's why I can remember it. It's so easy to remember.
[00:39:33] Unknown:
Yeah. While it's scrolling, I'll, look and see what King Jimmy has to say about it. I'll read it. Here's what King Jimmy says. And the priest shall take some of the blood of the trespass offering, and the priest shall put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. Now I'll tell you what I've always thought about this verse, and, I'm in good company when I say this. Now maybe this fella understands something I don't, and I'm actually to hear what it was he said. But the priest now remember, a priest is distinguished from a prophet.
And that's 1 way to really do a good job at defining something is compare and contrast it with what it isn't. A priest and a prophet are opposite offices. Is. A prophet represents God before men. A prophet represents God before men. A prophet tells men what God has said. A prophet is an agent of God that goes to men and say, hey. God said this. What he say? Well, he said, thou shalt not covet, lie, steal, commit adultery, or murder your neighbor. Thou shalt not make any graven images, statues, or icons of any kind, and thou shalt not worship them, but thou shalt not attribute worth worthiness to them. Thou shalt remember the Sabbath to keep it holy, honor thy father and mother.
That's what a prophet does. He tells people the standards of God. And then after he tells Moses, of course, is called the greatest of the mortal prophets because everything in the Bible is based upon what Moses wrote at the beginning. Well, that's the prophet. Of course, then the the what we call the prophets, the 12 prophets of the older testament, and they take what Moses said and apply it to the present day circumstances. That's the fundamental job of a prophet is to tell people let's get back to it, to tell people the will of God, tell men the will of God, and tell them what God's going to do because they're not following his will. And that's what prophets do. In other in other words, by the time the prophets got on the scene, it was all over but the crying. And they were just saying, well, you screwed up. And, the law of God says, if you do it, you get blessing. If you don't do it, you get cursing, and the curse is coming. The bad spell is coming. Not the good spell, not the gospel, but the bad spell. That's the prophet. The prophet represents God before men, but the priest is opposite.
The priest represents men before God. The priest represents men before God, and that's what this verse is about. It's about the priest. Let me read it again. The priest shall take some of the blood the word some is not in the Hebrew text. The King Jimmy's boys added it so it flow in good English. Some of the blood of the trespass offering what's a trespass offering? That's an offering you make at an acknowledgment. It's confession. The offering doesn't get rid of your sin. People say the offering covers your sin. Well, it really doesn't even do that. That's, a euphemism the bible use of the offering is you acknowledging the coming of the Messiah in the Old Testament. That's what they did.
They acknowledge that Messiah would come and his life, which is in his blood, the life of the flesh, Leviticus seventeen eleven, I believe, or is it eleven seventeen? But Leviticus says the life of flesh is in the blood. We know that. You remove the blood, the flesh dies. It is the hemoglobin. It is the respiration, the carrying away of carrying in of oxygen, the carrying out of carbon dioxide that keeps your flesh alive. And really, nobody really discovered exactly at the get to the bottom of how that happens, frankly. And hemoglobin is the most complicated it is the longest, most complicated, chemical formula known to man, and the life of the flesh is in the blood. So when you take the blood of the animal, in this case, it this is a symbol. This is not reality.
This is a symbol of the the real blood of the man, the god man, Jesus Christ, who paid who pays the penalty for your law breaking and puts you on right standing with your maker. But the symbol is very detailed here, and he says he shall take some of the blood from the trespass offering and touch it, just put it put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed and upon the thumb of his right hand and upon the great toe of his right foot. Why? That's a symbol. A symbol that the blood of Jesus Christ, when it is really applied in in forensic force, not just I say it's applied. No. It's really applied in forensic force. He really did pour out his blood at his will, allowing his own murder as the perfect man, perfect body, soul, and spirit spirit.
No imperfections in his personality anywhere. Never broke the trespassed the law of God in word or deed. So he's the perfect lamb. There's another symbol that brought us a sacrifice, and he is human sacrifice to pay for the human life, him being of God. His life is without limit of value. He is God in flesh, and his blood is God's blood as it says in in acts chapter 20, the blood of God, famous passage. And it says it in other places too in different ways. But it is an infinite sacrifice. Therefore, 1 man could pay the penalty for my sin as 1 man.
But Jesus Christ was 1 man. He was a man, fully man, but fully God. And because he was fully God, his personality and his his the worth of his life was without limit. It was infinite. Therefore, as the reformer said, the the life of Jesus Christ given for the for for his people was, sufficient for all of Adam's race, sufficient for all of Adam's race, but only efficient for the elect. That's what the Bible says. You say, well, I don't understand it that way. Well, I'm just telling you what it says. You can go figure out what you wanna believe about it. I know what I think about it because it's clear to me what it's saying. But the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was infinite without limit in worth and value, but it was it's efficient only for God's people, God's chosen.
And this verse is a symbol of what the blood of Jesus Christ does to the individual man or for the individual man. And he places it on the ear because he opens your ears. Jesus Christ said that these Phariseites, these Babylonian Judiacs do not hear because their ear is thick. God has not opened their ear. They do not see because God has not opened their eyes and not seeing and not hearing. They continue in their vicious moral turpitude and sin. The only way out of that is by the power, the blood of Jesus Christ applied by the force of the spirit of God, opening your eyes, opening your mind, enlightening as the Bible puts it, your mind to what God has said in the Bible, not to mention to what God, about what God has said in the revelation of creation. We call it the our common law, God revealing himself in his creation. So he puts it on the foot, upon the toe, and upon on the toe, upon the thumb of your hand so that your deeds are sanctified.
He changes what you do, where you walk, where you go, and how you walk. Well, what does John say in the old man, John, up over 90 years old in the book of first John? He says that, it pleases me and enlightens me. It happens me. It makes me happy that my barrens, my born ones, the ones born from above walk about in God's law as he walked. So the walking, the the deeds of your hands, the opening of your ears, that's the symbol of this trespass offering. And the by the way, to be more particular, this particular trespass offering, there's 3 kinds of sin, the bible 3 kinds. Yes. 3 kinds of sin.
Sin is a beautiful old Anglo Saxon word. It means to break the law, breaking God's law. Well, there are 3 kinds of law breaking the Bible references, and he uses these words hundreds of times a piece. I've traced them all throughout the Old Testament, their Hebrew word. The first Hebrew word, kata, means to trespass, overstep, to put it in English, to overstep God's law, unwillingly. You didn't aim to, but it happened. You fell short. You tried to do what God said, but you fell short. That's the first kind. The second kind is the willful trespass of God's law. That's where you know where the line is, and you just step over it anyway. Premeditated.
Yeah. Thank you, Roger. You're helping me out. Appreciate that. And, that's why there's 2 of us here. Help me explain, this lisping, stammering tongue doesn't always get the point across. Number 3. So 1 is willful, 1 is not willful, but there's 1 but there's 1 that's even worse than willful. And I've struggled with how to translate it. It's, the in old English translations call it iniquity. Iniquity. But if you were honest and I'm honest, we know that we don't have a clue what that means. Now if you look up the word iniquity, that's the King Jimmy's boys do that. And so does, some of the old so do some of the older translations.
The word iniquity means it's the word inequity, not equitable. Let's boil it down even more. Not equal. Not equal. That's a pretty weak word. It doesn't amount to much. Not equal. Not equal to what? Well, what does the word really mean? It's the Hebrew word, and and what it means is do you remember the word in the Bible, sons of Belial? What are sons of Belial? Well, those are the fellows that are ciphers. They're nothings. Utterly worthless. Well, this word goes farther than that, I am. It's from an old root. I won't go into the etymology, but, it's fascinating to look at it. But what it means and this is my conclusion for what it's worth. And I try with the translations of the words always to use an English word. This is 1 of those few times I've made an exception. I could not find an English word that means what this word means, but I did find a phrase in our common law, a phrase in our common law of a Latin phrase, 2 words, moral turpitude, Oh. Moral turpitude.
[00:50:59] Unknown:
Roger, you gonna say something? No. I like I've heard I've heard that throughout my life somehow.
[00:51:05] Unknown:
It's in our common law tradition. A crime of moral turpitude. What does that mean? That means twisted. Turpitude means to twist. Moral twisting twisting of morality, insidious, evil. Pedophilia is a crime of moral turpitude. Kidnapping is a crime of moral turpitude. Murder is a crime of moral turpitude. Yes. Vicious murder is a crime of moral turpitude. Premeditated like, Roger said, but it's There's a good word. Heinous. Heinous, man. Heinous. Oh, I like that, Rod. I'm gonna write that down. That's a good word too, Roger. Yes. It is. So there's willful and unwillful. And of unwillful sin, the Bible talks about, there are 2 kinds. There's unwillful that's bad, of course. You know what you're doing. But then there is that unwillfulness of deep, vicious, twisted moral turpitude. Evil on Octane.
And Roger says heinous.
[00:52:07] Unknown:
That's good. Well, you see, we've been living it for four years. All that that you're talking about, we've been living as a society under these communist satanic bastards and their perversions for four years.
[00:52:21] Unknown:
But can we? And that's right, Roger. But, of course, what God demands of us is we look at them. And can we say, I'm in danger of doing those kind of things too. I am capable of doing those kind of things. I don't think I'm capable, but the Bible says I'm capable. God says, and he knows me better than I know myself. He says, you're capable. Yes. It's in your flesh to do evil. How do you eat that down? Paul, the apostle says I beat my I punched myself black and blue under the eye. The word he uses, I, I punched myself black and blue under the eye, to try to restrain myself from sin.
The things I wanna do, I don't do. The things I do want to do, I do or don't want to do. I do do. Always says, oh, miserable. The wicked man that I am. Who will deliver me from this body of death? He was saying that born above what is born in you, as John says, cannot sin. It's not that it won't. That new creature, that conception of the spirit and the new birth is Paul, John, the apostle says, cannot. It is unable. Use the word dunamis with the alpha privative, unable to break God's law. But your flesh, the Bible tells us, it's still hearing those distant drum beats in the jungle and wants to run to them. Oh, yeah.
You know, you hear things and you see things that remind you of your past before you were born above when you're living that crazy lifestyle. And it just kinda gives you a satisfy. I remember those days, and you think, oh, how nice that was. That's your flesh, friends. That's not the spirit of God. And we have all had that experience. How can we not have it? Oh, my old buddies, my old friends, the old gang at home, the things we used to do, that's your flesh if you're born from above because what is born in you will not think that. Roger, are you gonna say something? Yeah. I was gonna say you do what my grandma,
[00:54:25] Unknown:
Gussy, used used to tell me. Well, I can remember when I was little. You know? You tell Satan to get behind you now.
[00:54:32] Unknown:
I mean, I Yeah. Yeah. I can hear her saying it. Oh, you can well well, that like that old song says, I can hear my chicken squawking. I can hear my wife talking in the air. I know I can hear things like things like that too, and it's rather pleasant sometimes, but sometimes it's not the right things. But Jesus Christ said that to Peter the apostle. He's he he said to Peter the apostle, get behind me, Satan. Satan was in control of Peter the apostle. And I've told this story. I tell it again about Augustine, the father of the reformation, really. The father of the reformed faith. The father of the sovereignty of God in this sense. He was the first one outside the Bible to to make much of the sovereignty of God, the election of God, the predestination of God.
And for that, the Roman church, he was very popular, still is. Martin Luther was an Augustinian monk. He was familiar with the writings of Augustine, and there's no accident that he came to the conclusions he did about the Bible. But Augustine, he was converted, I believe, at age 33 by under the prayers of his mother, a woman named Monica. He was wealthy. He was a professor of rhetoric. Everybody held him in high esteem. He had all the almost said the sailor word, but he had all the girls he wanted for a long time. Had all the opiates he wanted. Had all the liquor he wanted. Had all the the beautiful, wonderful things money could buy that he wanted, and he was out in the garden, the beautiful garden behind his mansion.
And he saw a book laying on a bench in the garden. He sat down, picked it up. It was a copy in the Greek tongue, that was written in the Greek back then, there's still red Greek in the Roman Empire, but it was fading out. And the Greek tongue from the of the of Paul, the apostle letter to the Ephesians, he picked it up and read it, and he felt an illumination of the mind. He said, why didn't I see this before? Long story short, born from above, seed of the word of God, penetrates the ovum of faith that God has placed placed in his elect at at by his sovereignty. It penetrated that, and he was conceived with the spirit. Well, later on, he saw a buddy, he was walking on the streets.
And his buddy across the road on the other side hollered at him and said, hey, August, Augustine, or Augustine, as the protestants say. Augustine, it is I. And Augustine said, yes. Yes. But it is no longer I. I'm a new creature born from above. And, I think I said this a week or two ago on this program. If you read the big thick book called the confessions of saint aug well, just Augustine. I don't call him a saint anymore than you or I, and that's that's that's misleading to say he's a saint and not say that I am because I am too. I'm just as clean as he was. But people say how many sins had a guy say this to me. I had read the book and before I looked at it, and he said, well, people ask how many sins did Augustine what all what are the sins that Augustine committed? And after reading the book, he said, the really the question is, are there any sins he didn't commit? Right.
I mean, this man's sexual passions, he details. And he was out of control. No question. Well, he got into control, and he was thankful forever. And he wrote at the beginning of that book, he said, the soul of man is restless until it finds its rest in thee. And that's the Sabbath. And the Sabbath is not just Saturday. The Sabbath is not Sunday. The Sabbath for the man born above is every day of the week because we have entered into his rest. We are not the madmen we were before. We are spirits. He's calmed them to a great degree and will continue to calm them more. Christian man or woman in the flesh will have episodes, when he's not calm.
But he can come back to that like a rubber band. Bingo. What? Right back to what he is, born of the spirit. Life changes and it changes for the better. But this verse, I'm interested to know at this point, and I'm gonna try to look it up how he applied it. You know, people will take the Bible. Rod go ahead, Roger. Go ahead. I just couldn't help when he said that and what you've gone over with it today.
[00:59:01] Unknown:
I just can't help visualizing in my mind that incident in Pennsylvania. You know, the shot, he reaches up to his ear, pulls his hand away, and looks at his hand. You know? And that's why the guy was saying, can you see if Trump will show us if he's got the blood on his big toe? Brent, you better tell these folks in Chicago really quick how to access your work.
[00:59:26] Unknown:
Please go to, w w w Common lawyer Com. Take advantage of the things we have there, books, the winterized translation of the bible from the original form for the raw translation of the Bible, 35000 footnotes, and also the comparative law text, excellence of the common law, comparing and contrasting our law of the land, our common law with its great antagonist, the law of the city.
[00:59:52] Unknown:
Thank you, sir. Thank you.
[00:59:54] Unknown:
W b o u. Hey, Brent. One zero six point nine w b o u f m Chicago and Thanks for joining us. Go to the to follow us into the second hour. Thank you.
[01:00:07] Unknown:
And we're getting fired up like 1 of those old time revivals. Brent, there's somebody hollering, hey, Brent there.
[01:00:14] Unknown:
Yeah. Somebody's hollering. Go ahead.
[01:00:18] Unknown:
This is Paul from Kentucky slash Oh, Paul from Kentucky. There you go.
[01:00:23] Unknown:
Hey. I was I did send Brent a message through his, website, but I'm not sure if he received it or not. So I was just, following up.
[01:00:34] Unknown:
Okay. Well, I'll find out when we get off, and we'll are you at Liberty to say where you live down there?
[01:00:41] Unknown:
Yeah. I live in the, Louisville Southern Indiana area, Charlestown, Indiana.
[01:00:47] Unknown:
Oh oh, yeah. 8 more mile to Louisville. You know that song? There you go. Sure. Sure. Yeah. Well, no. I'll look and see, and
[01:00:58] Unknown:
we'll He's the 1 I shot you that message about. Yes. Yeah. Well, thanks thanks for,
[01:01:04] Unknown:
drawing my attention to it. We'll see, but thank you for trying to stay. If you if you need
[01:01:09] Unknown:
if you need to, Brent, I can give you my email. I don't mind doing that over the and and especially since we're not recording right now. And if you don't mind, you could send me your No. No. No. We're Nope. We're we're recording right now, Paul. Don't do that. Oh, okay. I apologize. I'm sorry. Yeah. If you if you emailed, we ought to have your email, so don't worry about that. If not, he'll be back next Friday.
[01:01:34] Unknown:
Go ahead. Yeah. If not, he'll be back next Friday.
[01:01:39] Unknown:
Okay. That's true.
[01:01:42] Unknown:
Alright. Well, good talking to you.
[01:01:45] Unknown:
Thank you, sir. Appreciate it. How you doing?
[01:01:51] Unknown:
Well, Roger, are you there? I'm here. Oh, I didn't wanna lose you. Well, that verse, I'm glad you brought it up, but I was gonna tell a story about going to the bible, and I encourage everybody, everybody, every person. I don't care if people tell you you're mentally retarded. And don't think people haven't told me plenty of time, but you go to the Bible. You go to the Bible yourself, and you read it, and you see what you can get out of it. I'm reminded of the story, and this is true story, but I forget who told it to me, but it was about a little girl, a street urchin that lived in London, England. Dirty, unkept, and, there was, there was a revival meeting there in a church in Downtown London.
Snow was on, and she wandered into the back door because it felt warm. And she heard people talking, and she stood in the back. And the preacher, of course, he was, fighting bumblebees up front and looked like he was. And finally, when it was all over, she walked up front, and, people wanted to talk to the preacher, whoever it was. And and the preacher saw her and said, little missy, what what is it you want? And she said, my name is Edith. Edith. He said, okay. Well, what can I do for you, Edith? He said, well, I came here because you told me that Jesus accepts sinners and eateth with them, and I need it.
And she said, does Jesus accept me? And, of course, he told her, of course, he accepts you. Now she did not understand the verse that he recited about Jesus accepteth sinners and eateth with them. She thought that he was talking or Jesus was talking about her. God do work as quoting Gary Cooper. This isn't the bible, but Gary Cooper. God do work in strange and mysterious ways. Yeah. And you never know. God will access any portal of your personality, your mind. People say, oh, you gotta start with your mind. No. You don't. No. He may access a portal to your personality through your emotions, your anger, your love, your, your compassion.
He may move in through your intellect. Yes. He may do that. Your reason he may move in through just having you down flat on your face in the mud. And there's no place to look, but up, I don't know what he'll do. Body, soul, and spirit. He can access anything he wants because he's God. He's not learning to be God. As the liberals say, he doesn't like, he doesn't know. He's God. He understands all. There never was anything could be known that he does not know. You can't teach him anything. He's got the hairs on your head numbered at every moment and every moment of every day. And you're losing about a hundred hairs a day, according to the biologist. And of course you grow some back, some you don't, but he's got it all down pat and he will come at you any way he wants to.
I I could tell personal testimony, a lot of them about that, how he has come at me, but he always brings me back. Listen. Yep. I'll give you a testimony. No matter how he comes at me, crazy things that I think, like Edith, when I was a child or when I got older crazy things, he brought me to the book because there is no redemption. There is no salvation except the book, the laws of nature. I've had a lot of people tell me, right, I go out into the wilderness and I worship God. I don't gotta go to church. Well, no, no. You don't gotta go to church, but don't tell me that you can worship God without the Bible. You can't. The the laws of nature will bring you to an understanding. That's our common law and God's revealing himself in creation. This is Psalm chapter 19. This is Romans chapter 1.
I'm packing Psalm chapter 19. All men know that the creator is there. They appreciate it. They can learn about his majesty, his power, the consistencies of the laws of nature, our common law, the relationships between things, between men, how that works and it doesn't change. That's a revelation of condemnation. Nature is a revelation of condemnation. All you get out of that, you recognize that there is a creator. You recognize that you're responsible to him. You appreciate his glory, his splendor, his majesty, his wonder, But that doesn't save you from hell, friends.
And if you accept the revelation of nature, the Bible teaches and tells us that he will give you the next level of revelation, which is the book. And in the book in the book, the particular revelation, the evidence of the personality, the Messiah of God will come through if he has enlightened you, and he will lead you as the Bible says from revelation to revelation as as you or as you accept what he gives you at any level, he'll bump you up to the next level. I had a fellow I went to school with. A young fellow lived on the other side of White Oak Church House. We lived a mile and a half of 1 way, and he lived a quarter mile the other way. His dad was a jack legged preacher that was always trying to turn a buck any way he could, and he'd preach revival meetings once in a while. His name was Woodrow, Woodrow Kemper.
Yeah. I liked Woody. A lot of people didn't. He also drove school bus for us. All the preachers drove the school buses for the children who lived out in the countryside, and, of course, the parents like that. Well, he ended up in the first grade, he was the 1 that we go out to the swings, and the teacher said to us, now nobody's allowed to jump out of the swings, Roger. Remember how we used to get the swings going up real high? The chains would bounce. Do you remember that? Are you getting going up to where they're vertical and then they would start to go backwards and they would bounce. He'd get that thing going that high. And then he would launch himself to see how far he could fly through the air before he landed on the ground. Of course, you'd take a chance of busting your nose.
He did that consistently and because he, and other things he did, and 1 time I was, he was, who was it? Him and Donnie Coleman. And we had the little tiny chairs when we're in the, in the grades and the, in the lower grades, we were little. So we had little chairs. They were made of wood. Yeah. And, him, Meredith, him and Donnie got to fiddle around and see if they can stick their heads through the, the slats on the back of those chairs. And Donnie Coleman got his head through there and Mer and Meredith helped him, and then he couldn't get his head out.
And I was sitting in front of him and he he was saying, Brent, Brent. And I turned around and here's Donnie with his head, you know, starting. Well, those guys were fooling around. And so it came time to go to the second grade, and they didn't get to go, some of them say. And the reason they didn't get to go is because they didn't accept what they were supposed to accept, or they couldn't prove they're supposed to be able to do certain read, you know, or something. And, that's the way God is. And it wasn't that they were stupid. They were just having too much fun, you know, doing what they want to do. And, that's the way God is. You may be having fun, not paying attention. He will not bring you to the next level of revelation until you learn the 1 he's got for you. Now.
[01:09:18] Unknown:
Let me draw 1 on you in in our political thing. Who would have thought when they stole that election four years ago that it would be beneficial? It's like God needed to teach us a little more about what, life under pharaoh is like. And now mister Trump comes back, and he's totally different. I mean, they've really aggravated him and done everything they could do to try and nix him, including trying to kill him twice. And he comes back a new, newborn man too. Okay? Yeah. That's what I'm seeing.
[01:09:50] Unknown:
No. I get your thing. You you learn how to be a warrior. This is war. And he he's learned more about the fight, and he's learned how vicious it is. He's learned who his enemy is. He's learned what they're capable of. And if they can't re destroy your reputation, then they will try to throw you in jail. They tried that real hard. Right. And if they can't get through get you in jail, they will kill you if they can. Last 4. That's politics, my friends. Don't ever forget it. Understand the pressure these folks are under. They're just mortal. That's why I say don't depend upon them. They're they're fighting. DJ is fighting the fight along with others. You fight the fight, and you do it on your level. Do it in your house. Do it in your home. You have been given a sphere of of responsibility, a sphere of jurisdiction.
It belongs to you. Government has no right to enter that sphere of jurisdiction. We call those fundamental rights. The rights that's duties that God has given you directly without any intermediary straight to you, the right to remain silent, the right to speak. Those are, that's the flip side of the same governance over your tongue, by the way, And the right, that is the duty to carry a weapon. That's a duty. The rights right is an old Anglo word, an old Germanic word that means duty. You remember the well, the our common law used to be called the Volk in ancient past, the Volkrecht.
What does that mean? The Volk, we still have that word in our Anglo Saxon tongue, but we've softened it. We call it the folk. The folk. Who are the folk in ancient, Germanic and and Scandinavian culture? That is the militia. That is the militiamen, the folk. And the right is their duty. What is what was government? What is government in our common law tradition? It is the militiamen's duty. That's what it is, and that's what it's always been, and it hasn't changed. How many duties do you have as a militiamen, man? You have 2. Defense of the land against enemies foreign, armed defense of the land against enemies foreign. Number 2, defense of the law of the land as a member of the jury in individual instances.
Your job is to defend the land by armed defense if necessary from enemies foreign and defend the law of the land against enemies domestic by serving on the jury. Those 2 fundamental duties of government belong to the militiamen, anciently and now. That's why we have a militia. That's why the jury pool has always been drawn from the militiamen since the beginning of our country until very, very recently. That's the ancient fact. That is what has given us freedom. We have freedom in a way. Oh, I know. I know there's a lot of evil forces here, but our common law tradition is here. The presentation that I made last weekend, I finally, I didn't know how to title it. I titled it our second greatest blessing, our second greatest blessing as Americans.
What is our second greatest blessing? I'm quoting a great common lawyer, Fratcher. Our second greatest blessing is our common law. Very few nations have it. Only the common law nations have been prosperous and have dominated all the rest of the world. What does that tell you? Well, it's very helpful. That's what it tells you. Well, if that's our second greatest blessing, the laws of nature, that's what our common law is. That's a phrase in our declaration of 76. That means the our common law. What's our first greatest blessing? Well, our first greatest blessing is the final court of last resort of all things. And that's that other volume of revelation God has given us called the Bible.
The second greatest blessing is our common law. The first greatest blessing is our Bible. Without those, we would not be who we are. We would not be on top of the world. It may not last if we're if we forget those. And if you're not making a daily effort to learn more about those 2 volumes, you, my friend, are part of the problem. You're not part of the solution. You say, well, I believe the Bible. It's not that I don't want to. I no. No. You gotta make a sacrifice of something else to do that. It's not easy, but you'll get so you like it. And now we've been on here, Roger, before. And I remember 1 time I said, well, if you just an idea, and I've tried this.
If you, read about 5 to 7 chapters out of the New Testament every morning, read the same 5 to 7 chapters out of the New Testament every morning for thirty days. For example, take the book of first John, and I suggested that everyone that wants to do this start with the book of first John. It's 5 chapters. Read all 5 chapters. Do it every morning early on. You know, get up, get cleaned up, get a cup of coffee, wash your face, whatever you like to do. And when you relax, sit down and read it in the morning for thirty days.
And then when you get that done, you'll know the book of first John. You'll know what's in it, and you'll understand a lot of things you didn't understand before. And then go to the gospel of John. It has 21 chapters. Read the first seven chapters every morning for thirty days. And then when you get that done, read the next 7 chapters and divide the Bible up that way. And in about two and a half years, if you do that, you will have read the whole New Testament 30 times. Well, that's a good start. You say, what about the old Testament? Well, you can start with that too. I would suggest the old Testament just reading through it. Don't tell me it doesn't take discipline. It does.
Now if you read throw out another idea. If you read about 3 chapters of the New Testament and, well, you read about ten, twelve chapters a day. You read the whole Bible in a year. I think you can go do the math. I think it's that's what it is. I've done it in different ways. But if you don't know the word of God, God cannot use you. Period. I had a close friend tell me the other day. He said, I have such a rich prayer life. I I don't read a Bible a lot, and I don't go to church, but I have a rich prayer life. And I said, well, no. That doesn't amount to pinch of dried owl droppings. You You just, you just pray to God and don't know what to how can you possibly pray to God intelligently without knowing what his will is? The Bible is a revelation of his will.
And the Bible says, if you do not pray in his will, God will not even hear your prayers. What's the use? You're just being stupid. I don't know if I said it that way to, I didn't want to offend, but that is thick and slow and dollarly, which is stupid. Don't do that. If you're not getting a daily intake, it's like brushing your teeth. You do it every day. No matter what. That's what you need to do. That's what I need to do. Everybody needs to be in this book every day. And then the laws of nature's God will look watch me. If he, God has moved you from the laws of nature, you acknowledge that there is a creator of all things and that he is majestic, wonderful and powerful and detail minded.
If you acknowledge that, then God will give you the next step. He'll start giving you the written volume of his revelation of his will to man. You get the unwritten volume in creation. The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament is handiwork, his finger work, the fineness of how he has tuned everything in his creation, the laws of nature, they don't fail and ever change. Do you acknowledge that? There are a lot of intelligent people that have been to a lot of university education that reject that and they remain stupid. No. For all, as the Bible says, ever learning, learning more, knowing more and more, but never able, unable, impossible to come to a knowledge of the truth.
We're here to say there is a knowledge of the truth. And like 1 fellow said, when you, when you speak the gospel, the good news, the good spell, as opposed to the curse, the bad spell, you need to speak a hot gospel hot. It's real. And it does change lives. And I'm giving you my personal, firsthand testimony. That's called evidence, my friends. Evidence, my firsthand testimony of what God has done. You know, God used a man that a lot of people don't like these days. His name was, Billy Graham. Billy Graham. Well, God uses everybody. I don't care who you are. I don't care if you're evil or good. He'll use you for his purposes. I used Billy, and but nobody knew who Billy was, and he he did those tent revival meetings. He finally did a big 1 in Los Angeles. He was from the mountains in North Carolina. I grew up Presbyterian and fundamentalist Presbyterian kinda guy.
And he was out in Los Angeles, and they had a big tent meeting out there. William Randolph Hearst, that was in 1949. Was the most powerful newspaper publisher in America. I mean, he had about 200 major outlets that he owned, and he sent a 2 word telegram, a 2 word telegram to all about 200 of his newspaper editors. And the telegram, 2 words said this, pump gram. Pump gram. And the press have been pumping Graham ever since, and that's why he's well known. And now they're pumping his son. Yeah. Now they're doing that. But getting back to the foundation here when it first happened, for whatever reason in the sovereignty of God, there was a fellow that went to that meeting.
His name was Stuart Hamlin. Stuart Hamlin was 1 of the most famous personalities that time in Los Angeles. He'd come from Texas, and like a lot of people in Southern California, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana. Those the migration was massive at that time after World War II. And so hillbilly music was big in Los Angeles. I know you find that hard to believe if you're younger, but Los Angeles was the white mecca of the Midwest at that time. And by going down Route 66 headed for Southern California. Mhmm. And so he was there and he was doing a radio show, and he had and this is true. I'm just telling you the story of the facts of what happened.
You can interpret what that means, but he had, beer companies that were the sponsors of his radio show. He was a famous country western singer, Stuart Hamlin. He wrote a lot of songs. 1 of the songs that he wrote, this seems funny today. Nobody listened to this, but it was very popular. And the name of the song and the lyrics of the song were, I won't go hunting with you, Jake. I won't go hunting with you, Jake, but I'll go chasing women. So put them dogs back in the pen and quit that silly grinning. That was 1 of his famous songs. Stupid stuff like that. Well, beer companies were supporting him. Well, he came under deep conviction for some reason at that Billy Graham crusade.
His father was a jack legged preacher in Texas. That did that was true. He had been introduced to Christianity. He got a he he came forward when they gave the invitation, and he committed his life to Jesus Christ, and he started writing Christian songs that became bestsellers because he was famous. By the way, there was a circus in Los Angeles just before that. Well, when was? Maybe it was just after that, and, they had a Black Panther got loose. I think it was a there was a panther. I don't know if it was Black. I think it was. This panther got loose and got under a warehouse someplace, and they didn't know what to do.
Running loose in Los Angeles. And they knew Stuart Hamlin was a an accomplished hunter of big game. He liked to hunt. And, they asked him if he could shoot this panther, if he could figure out how to do it. And he got underneath that warehouse or that building and shot the panther. He became an a hero in Los Angeles for ending the threat because he was a accomplished hunter. But John Wayne said to Stuart Hamlin, and this is the story that came out later. Stewart told John Wayne, he said, I'm my life's changed. He said, I don't want these beer companies to support my show anymore. Now I'm not saying beer is bad. I'm just telling you what Stewart Hamlin said and what John Wayne said.
He told John Wayne, about what had happened to him. And, John Wayne said if you take those beer commercials off your radio show, he said, you're gonna lose you're gonna lose listeners and money and you'll lose everything. And, John Wayne said, by the way, what happened to you? I mean, what is I can't understand what has happened. Why are you saying these things? And Stuart Hamlin said, Duke, it is no secret what God can do. And he took that phrase, it is no secret what God can do. And he wrote a song. It is no secret what God can do. What he's done for others, he'll do for you.
With arms wide open, he'll pardon you. There's the word pardon. That's been in the news a lot. An important part of our common law tradition, by the way, but it is no secret what God can do. And then he was going hunting up in the Sierra Nevadas after that. He liked to hunt. And he got way up in the Sierras and ran across on old cabin down in a valley. And he went down there to this old cabin and, window panes were busted out in a couple places. And he found an old, baby stroller out in the yard. This is in the wilderness. And the door was jarred open a little bit, and he pushed the door open, and he went inside the cabin. And over in the corner was a a cot, And on the cot was laying an old man.
And he went over and touched him and realized he was dead. And it was kind of a depressing experience, but he said, what difference does it make? And he wrote another song, and this became a very famous bestseller, and Johnny Cash sang it and others. And then the lyrics, it was called this old house, This Old House. Oh, yeah. I remember that song. Remember that song? Yeah. Yeah. And the lyrics were, this old house. Like, that's that's a melody line? Yeah. Yeah. This this old house is getting shaky. This old house is getting old. Right. This old house lets in the rain. This old house lets in the cold. Yeah. That that 1, you remember. Okay. Sure. But it talks about, I feel no fear in her pain. He's he's a personifying himself like the dead man he found in the house, the old prospector.
I feel no fear or pain. I seen an angel peeking through the broken window pain. Ain't he gonna need this house no longer? Ain't he gonna need this house no more? Ain't got time to fix the shingles? Ain't got time to fix the floor? Ain't got time to oil the hinges? No to bend the window pane? Ain't he gonna meet this house no longer? I'm getting ready to meet the saints. Well, that became a famous song. And then he, of course, he spent the rest of his life writing songs like that and making, back when Christianity was at its apex in America. By the way, Christianity, according to the pollsters back then, reached an apex in America.
Bible believing Christianity reached the next apex in America in the year 1975. Over 90% of Americans identified as Bible believing Christians. Mhmm. But at that time, as we know, there were forces afoot and always had been and still are to destroy the fundamentals of God's point of view. Of course. Well, yeah. Of course. And it's not going to stop, but here's the good news. Our common law and I'm quoting Dean Pound of Harvard. He was Dean of Harvard for years, grew up on the Kansas frontier and became his name was Roscoe. Roscoe Pound became president, of Harvard Law School and head man, I should say, whatever they call him. But he said our common law tradition, the laws of nature, has the it different than the laws of the city, which is the other tradition of religion, law, and government in the world.
The Justinian coo, the canon civil laws of Rome. Our common law tradition has the unique capability of assimilating other points of view that are useful to it, to press and pressing them into service under the umbrella of the fundamentals of our common law tradition. The law of the city that governs almost all the rest of the world doesn't do that. The law of the city set the law of the city, it's a martial kind of law as we said in the beginning. And it says do or die, do what the government says and just shut up. It pounds all square pegs into round holes and all round holes into square holes.
It's round pegs into square holes. It pays not attention to your particular case. There is no such thing as individual instances. There is no such thing as a trial, only inquisitions. There is no such thing as a lawyer that can defend your fundamental rights direct from God. There is no right to remain silent. There is no freedom of speech. There is no freedom of Christianity. There is no duty to keep and carry a weapon. There is no jury trial in the rest of the world, almost all the rest of the world. God has given us as our second greatest blessing. Roger, so here's what we're doing.
Sheriff Darleaf and I have been teaching law school classes. Go to We want you to take those those classes. The The things I'm seeing here, I'm seeing in those classes. You say, well, I'm getting enough of you, Brent, right now on Friday. That's all I can do. I can't take no more. I can hear you saying that. Yeah. But but listen to me, friends. I bring sheriff Darleaf in. He's more measured. He's more politic because he's in office and has been a sheriff for over twenty years. All those kinds of things. And
[01:28:46] Unknown:
Isn't he the longest serving sheriff in the country?
[01:28:50] Unknown:
Well, I don't know about that. I mean, he served a long time, and he, I know that he he sent me the letter he wrote to president Trump recently. But I want you let me get Roger, I'll I'll finish this, then you can talk about what you know about sheriff Darleaf.
[01:29:04] Unknown:
A small rural county. I don't know enough about him. I wanna learn more about him. Go ahead. Well, I want you to take the classes.
[01:29:11] Unknown:
And we've got it probably a dozen law school classes we've taught there at Yeah. Winter. And sheriff Darleaf and I are the presenters, and that is a good balance. I like it because and sheriff Darleaf has been interested ever since he's been sheriff and learning more about understanding what his job is in this uniquely common law office called sheriff. And so he does know a lot, and he brings the practicality to the presentations. Here I am reading books and playing lawyer and all that, and I can tell about experiences in court. I can talk about experiences in life, but not like he can. The application of our common law tradition and his duties as a sheriff. Friends, that's bring that that's bringing it home, Roger. That's bringing it home. Local. Sure is. And that's what we need. The posse. We have a course on the sheriff, the posse. The sheriff, the we call it the power of the county.
But you can listen there and you we're teaching a class right now called Christian nationhood. Christian nationhood. Is there such a thing? If there is, what is it? Are we a Christian nation? Should we be a Christian nation? Should we advocate the idea? If so, more particularly, what did those who are first founders of our country understand a Christian nation to be? Were there was there such a thing as citizenship in a Christian? No. No. Common law doesn't talk about citizenship. That's a law of the city term. The common law talks about freemanship. There's a difference. It's unfortunate that that word has crept into our common law tradition. But as I said, our common law has a way of assimilating things, impressing things under the umbrella of the first principles of our common law, which isn't a Christian tradition.
That's a matter of history. In fact, it's not a matter of what I want it to be, and we are a Christian nation. That's a matter of history. In fact, I said the other day, Roger, I got it backwards. I said, friends, we are a de jure Christian nation. And then I had to stop. Woah. I got it backwards. No. No. We are a de facto Christian nation. We are a Christian nation. In fact, without any law saying we have to be, that's the best kind of Christian nation there is. England is a Christian nation. Dejure and has been a Christian nation. De facto that's going away, but they were a Christian nation by force of law and fact.
You pay your taxes and support the the the Church of England. That's a Christian nation de jure. Ask them. Ask them. They'll tell you they're a Muslim nation. Go ahead. Well, yeah, they're pretty sick of it. That's that's for darn sure. The well, I I I like it when Paul comes on and weighs in on that point. Yep. But he's got a lot to say about it. But we are a Christian nation de jure or or no. No. No. De facto. De facto. And that's important. And that's the kinda Christian nation we want. We haven't tried to force it on people. We preach a hot gospel in America and always have. And if the gospel ain't hot, it's dead.
I wanna tell you when you preach the gospel, when you tell people about Christianity, what the Bible calls you to do is give your testimony. That means evidence. Testimony is a fancy word to mean evidence. Evidence is a fancy word that means witness. The old Anglo Saxon word is witness. That's evidence in Anglo Saxon. We are called to tell firsthand evidence. What happened to me? What did I see? John, it says in first John, it starts out. He says, what we, us 12 men, empaneled a 12 man jury, by the way, what we saw with our eyes, what we heard with our ears, what our hands have handled. We touched this man.
He is flesh and blood. He is God, concerning the words of the word of life, the living word, the living logos. What we know about it, what does the law of the city say? Logos the Greek word. They say no, no, the code of Justinian, the Canon civil laws are the logos. Well, what do they mean when they say that, logic and reason is the logos. The mind of man is the measure of all things and his logic and his reason. And what does the Bible say? Bible says, no, God tells you what the facts are. You, you use logic and reason, but we'll give you the, the, the facts, the presumptions, the presumptions upon which you found logic. What are they? The laws of nature and the laws of nature's God friends. And they ain't gonna change. If you've asked me to explain to you why gravity works, I can't do that. Nobody can. Oh, people have tried, but you can't get to the bottom of it. I do know this. I know the fact of the matter. It works. People used to say I'm when I was in the I was in worked I served as a geologist in the mines out west.
And I knew, and all geologists knew, if you wanted to know and in the oil fields where in the coal mines where I'm from. If you wanna know where oil and coal comes from, ask a German geologist. He knows all the theories and will tell you which 1 he believes. But if you wanna get oil and coal out of the ground, ask an American geologist cause he didn't care about the theories. He wants to get the coal and the oil out of the ground. The fact of the matter is what he is after. The fact is it's down there. Nobody knows where it came from. And I've heard all the theories. What oil is it? Bio is a bio, it's a well, a hard high hydrocarbon, all the fancy words, but who cares?
We need it. And we can't figure out where it comes from, and we can't, really. We know where it is. And as we say with gold, where's gold? What does the miner say? Well, you know what he says, Roger? I thought you were gonna say something. I was gonna say something. Drill, baby, drill. Drill, baby, drill. This is the attitude. The fact of the matter is it's there. We need it. We don't want to be dependent upon other countries. We have more of it than anybody in the world. We just discovered the 2 largest oil fields in the world in West Texas and in North Dakota going up into Canada. Yeah. Well, the fact is we are we are it's a it's a breach of our national our responsibilities for national defense to depend upon other countries. Let's go get it. Let's go get it. And that's the fact of the matter. God has provided the laws of nature and we use those laws to put together a machine to get that oil out of the ground.
That's what God wants us to do. He wants us to pay attention to the laws of nature and the laws of
[01:35:32] Unknown:
somebody wants to So I and I want and Joan wanted to say something about thirty minutes ago. Joan will get to you. But, yes, who's the guy right here since you're here?
[01:35:43] Unknown:
George Idaho. I was just, making a a smarty ass comment that, drill baby drill, that's code word for Prince Petroleum dollars print,
[01:35:52] Unknown:
baby. Probably. Yeah. Yeah. But, boy, Trump's I I'm I'm kinda dazzled and amazed. You know? I think we all expected something positive, and I don't believe anybody expected what we've seen in almost two weeks, really. So, anyway, thanks, George. Georgia probably lives out there by where you were talking last weekend. What part of Idaho you in, George Coeur D'Alene?
[01:36:23] Unknown:
I'd love to hear the Panhandle down by Pullman, Washington. So it's kind of down by, it's the beginning of the Panhandle though, but it's considered
[01:36:33] Unknown:
[01:36:34] Unknown:
If you ever look up Palouse, kind of looks like a moonscape out there.
[01:36:41] Unknown:
It's a beautiful state. I I skied Targhee a couple of times. It's a wonderful mountain and a wonderful state. Now, Joan, you were trying to say something about thirty minutes ago, and we just kinda steamrolled over you. So is what you had still pertinent?
[01:37:01] Unknown:
Well, it it has to do with when you were talking about Trump's assassination attempt and the blood on the ear and the hand, and I just wanted to let you know or remind you that his shoes were knocked off during that assassination attempt. And so there was an opportunity there to get the blood on the big toe.
[01:37:23] Unknown:
Wow. That just that kinda freaked me out when that guy read that yesterday, and I wanted to be sure and ask Brit about it today. I just thought, well, you can't hardly think of the verse without seeing that scene replayed in your mind or at least I can't. So, anyway, yeah, Brent, go back and research it and and love to hear your furthering continuing education on it. Which is very interesting.
[01:37:50] Unknown:
I learned more than anybody on this show, Roger. I learned more than anybody on this show because when you're speaking, things that you've learned, the fellow doing the talking, it drives it home to him more than the people that are listening. Well, that's what I say. If you wanna learn something, teach it. You bet. Oh, you bet. And so I'm I benefit from you. Go ahead. Okay. Joanie, what?
[01:38:14] Unknown:
May I ask, Grant if, Sarah Starleaf would ever, himself or instruct instruct his deputies to pull over someone who's traveling in their car that going over the speed limit, or does he think does he look at that as no harm the person didn't do any harm, so no crime, and so they don't need to be pulled over?
[01:38:42] Unknown:
That is interesting. How's Evija,
[01:38:44] Unknown:
driving v traveling up there? I remember when I was in when I was in politics, people were saying that somebody famous said this, and it was true, that in Europe, speed limits are the law. In America, they're a challenge. And we try to see if we can get away with going faster than the speed limit. I had truckers tell me, well, speed limit's 65. The government will give me 5, and I'll take 5, so I run 74. You you know? Yeah. They'll give you 5. Truckers know that. Yeah. But, well, you'd have we'll have to ask sheriff Darleaf. I do know that he's committed to knowing the law.
His oath is to the law. And because his oath is to the law, not to the governor or the president or the Supreme Court, if he believes that a law is unconstitutional, there's a good chance he probably won't enforce it. And that's happened, especially during COVID. Yeah. Thank you. He would be very vocal.
[01:39:52] Unknown:
Yeah. Thank you. Okay. Who alright. You're welcome, Joan. Who is Roger there?
[01:39:57] Unknown:
Larry, I think I can answer Joan's question. We we can't forget that if someone is endangering the public with their speed or the way they're driving, then an officer should pull them over. For example, if you have a school crossing and it's, you know, it's it's that time of day where the children are being dismissed and someone comes along who's a national or whatever and thinks, okay. Well, I'm just gonna blow through this area going 50 miles an hour when it's supposed to be 15. And as long as I don't damage anyone, well, they're endangering the public. And so they ought to be pulled over.
[01:40:40] Unknown:
Of course. And, you know, what we preach here with you is this is individual responsibility. That's what you're doing when you move over to this side. You know? And that means being personally responsible and taking things like that into occurrence and doing things that are right and not that are wrong to press the envelope to test the system.
[01:41:01] Unknown:
Thank you, Roger. And thanks for that comment. And I'm glad you said that, or the listener, because we don't want people to think that we're advocating breaking the law. We may joke about some things, but Yeah. The truth is, as Jesus Christ said, if you can obey the law of the state, if your very act of obedience to the law of the state is not does not constitute disobedience to the law of God, go ahead and do it. Yeah. Go ahead and do it. If the speed limit is 55 or 65, that's not a violation of the law of God to obey the speed limit. Plus it's safe. And even if there isn't a speed limit, and when I was growing up, there weren't speed limits everywhere that we've got about everything covered now. But, in the in the cases where there wasn't a posted speed limit, there was still a limit. You couldn't if you were driving in a dangerous manner, hazard in the lives of yourself or others, the sheriff for the state state police, whoever, they had a an option of arresting you.
For that, I'm stopping you and giving you a ticket.
[01:42:05] Unknown:
It's kinda like Larry anarchy. That's an interesting word. When you say the word, what's the first connotation that comes into your mind? Somebody throwing a Molotov cocktail? Is that anarchy? Yeah. But but no. It's a it's self government. That's what we're doing. We're just doing it responsibly. That's the other dialectical opposite of the word. Uh-huh. We are in self government, and we utilize as our standards nature and nature's guide.
[01:42:32] Unknown:
Uh-huh. Yeah. Responsibility and and understand how to interact with the laws that the government puts out. Here's another point too. Under our constitution, in our country, there are 2, 2 levels of sovereignty, and they're both the same in many ways. They're both sovereign. All down here on land, that's the states and the your own government, and the states have an incredible power within the boundaries of their states, and that is the police powers. That's part of our constitution. That's part of our common law. That means that the states have authority to pass laws that dictates your future behavior if it relates to health, education, and welfare. Those 3 things, health, education, and welfare.
And that's what that is. It's an attempt to control the future behaviors of men. Go ahead, Roger. Would that be subject,
[01:43:28] Unknown:
jurisdiction, subject matter jurisdiction and the other's persona?
[01:43:32] Unknown:
Well, I mean, back, I'm glad you said that. Personum is a fancy word that means against the person. Law that exerts itself against personal behavior. Subject matter jurisdiction is law that exerts itself first and foremost against things. If I sue Roger because he owes me a thousand dollars, I could get a judgment against him. And as we used to say, with that with that judgment in my hand and a cup of coffee or I had and and 10¢, I can get a cup of coffee. Yes. In other words, the judgment's worthless because it's just against the money. It's not against Roger. But if I want to enforce that judgment, then I file with the court against Roger. That's called in personam.
All equity all equity operates in personum. Injunctions, for example, are in personum. Injunction, restraining orders are in person. They have to be. They have to be. Yes. And that they control the future behavior. That's where a judge can say, you gotta stay, a hundred yards away from your your former spouse or something. That's against the person, and it will be enforced against the person. But when I get a a private judgment against another person on a contract action or a tort action, that won't that's against the property. When you go to court, whether it's a criminal or a noncriminal matter, whether it's an equity or law or common law, it's always the same.
You're seeking ultimately somebody seeking to take the life, the liberty, the property, or a combination thereof away from somebody else and to use the in personam jurisdiction of the courts to do that. Yes. But you have to move into that next realm of enforcement. That's in personam jurisdiction. It can be. It's a lot more complicated than that if you get into it, but, fundamentally, that's really what it is.
[01:45:28] Unknown:
Anybody in the audience got any questions for Brent? We got about fifteen minutes or so left. Roger? I do. Yeah. Yes. This is Chris. Alright. Hold on. Okay. Chris, go ahead. I'll get you Larry after Chris.
[01:45:41] Unknown:
Chris? Okay. A couple concerns about, things I've heard, regarding Donald Trump. One is is that he has converted to Judaism. The other is that he wants to make it illegal to say anything that's anti Semitic,
[01:46:03] Unknown:
which I don't know if he even knows what anti Semitic is. Oh, well, they've certainly monkeyed with the description, the definition, but go ahead.
[01:46:12] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, we we know we know what a semi really is, I believe. But, but so what about this Donald Trump trying to attack the first amendment like this, you know, for his private backers?
[01:46:31] Unknown:
Well, because it's it's a side of him that disturbs the hell out of me, but there's not much I can do. But pray that God touches him and and and that he can see the evil if in in dealing with surrounding himself with a bunch of Zionists, quite frankly. Brent, weigh in on that.
[01:46:48] Unknown:
Well, I always like to mention when people bring that up or when I think of it, that when it comes to false religion, and that's what Judaism is, it's not Christianity. Islam is not Christianity. Judeo Christian is a silly, phrase as Islamic Christian. That that's a con they're a contradiction in terms. Yep. Jesus Christ made that clear. And when we talk about Judaism, we must always, if we're gonna be successful at it, talk talk about it the way Jesus Christ did, quote Jesus Christ, refer to the Jesus Christ, and keep it there, friends. If you get away from Jesus Christ when you're criticizing false religion, especially and Judaism is the Bible's prototype of all false religion. That's why Jesus Christ went head to head, toe to toe with them.
But Jesus Christ commands us very clearly how to deal with it. He said, of course, the idea is don't do what the Germans did in the Nazi party. Don't go after them. You do that. You're disobeying your commander and you're going to pay a price. Germany has paid an awful price. What are we to do then? We are to stay away from them. Leave them alone. Don't attack them. Just leave them alone. Treat them as the Bible says, as heathens, which they are, and tax collectors, which they are too often. Just just avoid them as much as possible. That doesn't mean you have to be ugly to them.
Listen, if we would do what he said, he's the commander, not us. If we will follow his orders in the realm of using the military analogy, the glory of the soldier and the sailor is that they they have orders. Without orders, they are not soldiers and they are not sailors. And we as Christian men and women, I'm quoting Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield, the professor of New Testament language and literature for years at Princeton University. And he said that Christian men, there is an analogy to military life, and we are under orders.
God has told us what to do, and he tells us particularly. But, again, because we don't know our orders, we don't do them. You cannot obey what you do not know. If you aren't spending your time with the particular orders of Jesus Christ, you will not know what they are. And you need to be reading them every day or you're part of the problem. And it will not it will tell you to do things the opposite of what you think you ought to be doing. How often I've discovered go ahead.
[01:49:17] Unknown:
Also, Samuel, our listener, Samuel, who is, watches Rick Wiles a lot of true news, came on the other day and said he that rumor that he is Jewish started on the Rick Wiles show with just a comment he thrown out. Samuel, are you listening? Are you with us today? Can you, clarify that if I've got it wrong?
[01:49:41] Unknown:
Yeah. He he said Roger that he he not that he did change to Judaism, but it he may have. Ah. It was an absolute.
[01:49:55] Unknown:
I thought that was a good answer the other day. I'd not heard that before. It addresses some of that. Remember when you were a kid, remember the old game secret in a circle? Well, stuff like that turns into secret in a circle. Okay? And when it comes out of wherever, it's all blown out of proportion. So I take that with a grain of salt. He praises Jesus Christ and prays to God in some of these appearances he's got, especially over that tragic car crash, yesterday, night before. So, I just prayed that yesterday. Hold on, Samuel. Just like Brent continues to hammer on us about Saul of Tarsus being knocked out of the saddle and becoming Paul, I keep praying that if Trump isn't got that misconceived that he gets it straightened out somehow.
Okay? So that's the best I can do. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. So anyway, Samuel, what were you gonna say?
[01:51:00] Unknown:
You know, yesterday, the, helicopter and plane crash wiped this off the map. But according to Rick Wilds, they released a tape yesterday between 2 of LBJ's main right hand men talking about executing Kennedy.
[01:51:20] Unknown:
Yes. Well, that's that was about a week ago on Alex Jones. I talked about it, and it was, oh, Billy Saul Estes grandson. Yeah. And Billy Saul Estes was talking with this was like a dead man switch, protection for them. Was talking with the other confidant of LBJ who was the over the d, Democratic Party. And they were telling in about a sick car yeah. So about a six or eight month went window when that tape was made. And he had gotten out of jail. And eight months later, Carter died. So it was in that plane, that time frame. Now you know that Trump has executive ordered all the assassinations to be opened.
There are but he gotta wait fifteen days. So we got about 5000 or more pages of of of buttressing evidence to that tape that that guy released that this was JFK and there's all kinds of stuff fixing to hit the fan here very shortly.
[01:52:31] Unknown:
My feeling, Roger, is that, LBJ may have ordered up 1 of them, but I think there were several ordered up by several different, people with, you know, meeting the game and, so that nobody could be fingered as being the actual killer.
[01:52:49] Unknown:
Well, he they fingered the guy that he used as a hitman. What we don't know was his contacts and networks. Okay? But, hey, they fingered the guy that that was their preferred hitman. I think he killed, they said, 14 people for LBJ.
[01:53:10] Unknown:
[01:53:11] Unknown:
So all that's fixing to come out. It looks like all I think the stuff on even the recent, 2 assassinations on Trump are about to be released. Folks, all hell's getting ready to break loose. Brent, I don't know if you saw the really interesting occurrence yesterday. We had 3 people being confirmed, 2 former Democrats, Tulsi Gabbard and RFK, and then Kash Patel, and they were all 3 at different senate confirmation hearings at the same time. And every one of those appointees absolutely schooled the Democrats. I mean, and if you hadn't seen the there there's a 1 clip with Bernie Sanders, excuse me, with Bernie Sanders on Robert Kennedy. Of course, they've known each other for thirty, forty years.
And he Kennedy comes out and starts talking about all of the senators on there that are controlled by the pharmaceuticals. And Bernie Sanders almost went apoplectic. No. No. It was from employees. It was from employees. It's just they're all making fools out of themselves. They're all getting caught Right. With these sterling people, just being cool, calm, and collected, and exposing their lying hypocritical asses. Yes, Samuel.
[01:54:45] Unknown:
I had a a bible question as long as I'm here for Brent. I wanted to know what date he believes, the book of Revelations was written. There's 2 accepted dates, basically. So
[01:55:01] Unknown:
Yeah. And it comes down that that's a great question. Come down to a lot of things, but there are only 2 positions fundamentally, 1 before, 1 after. And the big question that drives it is, did, well, it comes down to the was it it comes down to whether John the apostle, when he wrote that book, he was in slave labor in chains, so to speak, slave labor in the salt mines on the Isle Of Patmos. Was he about a hundred years old, or was it was he about 90? That's kind of the question too. And when he talks about, the the evil empire, is he talking about Nero, or is he talking about something that's gonna come later?
Now there's 1 this is, the passage in Revelation that talks about six six six, the number of the beast, six six six. And I can look at all of that and point show that I believe it points clearly to Nero, who was emperor at that time. Emperor, emperor Nero was insane. No. He was the 1 that dressed in leopard skins. They'd he'd order Christians to be tied to posts out of the middle of the arena. The, what do they call that thing in Rome? You know what I'm talking about? Colosseum. Yeah. The Colosseum. And he would run out on all fours with a leopard skin on his back and rip the testicles off of the Christians tied to a post to a post with his teeth. Ew. That's how nutty this guy was. He, divorced his wife, married a young boy, had a big ceremony.
He was a pedophile, of course. And, he is the 1 you've heard that fiddled while Rome burned, and he's probably the 1 that started the fire. He would crucify Christians on cross pieces, crosses, and light them on fire along the Appium Way, drought doused their bodies in in oil or something, tar, light them on fire so that there would be street lights along the Appium Way coming into Rome. That's how evil he was. When you look at the book of Revelation, it seems obvious, for instance, example, that six sixty six refers to Nero.
But here's something that really throws a doesn't throw a monkey wrench and everything. It does in a way. The, possibly the best manuscript we've discovered, we, I didn't, but I mean Christian folk have discovered of the last book of the Bible is a pamplacette. What does that mean? That means that because vellum was so valuable and so costly, if there was something written on a piece of vellum, calfskin or goatskin, sheepskin, there's something written on it that was no longer useful, there were those that had a business. They would scrape that writing off and then use it again to write something else on it. Mhmm. Well, years ago, a fellow discovered how how to get to the bottom of what was written on it before Yep.
Using chemicals. And recently, in recent times, there was, a manuscript discovered the book of revelation. That was, 1 of those that had been written on before and they discovered, using this, the chemical method discovered that it was a book of revelation written underneath the old 1. And instead of six six six, it says six one six, and it's a good under the rules of evidence, a good and reliable manuscript. I believe it's from the fourth century. You know, when the King James Bible was translated, the translators had only about a half a dozen manuscripts in the New Testament. Now we have instead of a half a dozen, we have pushing 6000 in the original tongues in Greek.
They only had about a half a dozen and did not have because they used the manuscripts that Erasmus had used to translate or to print the New Testament in Greek for the first time, he didn't have, 12 verses out of those old manuscripts because the manuscripts on the outside of the of the papyri, the ones on the outside, on the front and the back of a book, for instance, would be the first ones that would rot away over the centuries. So they didn't have about 12 verses, the King Jamers, a king Jimmy's voice. So they back translated into Greek from the Latin Vulgate. So then they could use that Greek to translate into English.
So they introduced when they did that, they introduced 12 textual variations in the text. Well, since then, many, many, many, many, well, some, and there are enough. A handful of manuscripts have been discovered of the book of Revelation and the 1 I'm telling you about, six one six. Why is that significant? Because 666 clearly refers to Nero if you use the Greek tongue. Six one six refers to Nero if you use the Latin tongue. Really? Yes. But both the manuscripts are in Greek. They're reliable because they're in the that that is the most reliable. The ball gates, not all that reliable by comparison because it's not in the original tongues in which the Bible was written. It's removed to the Latin text that was Jerome translating from the Greek, the Koine Greek into Latin. So six one six versus six six six, but here's the it doesn't change things in this way in both cases. And you can go to the Internet and read all about how that's a reference to Nero, whether it's six one six in or six, six, 6, Latin or Greek, it still refers to Nero.
So the question again, to come back around was John writing referring to something in the news at that time, but everybody in the Roman empire knew Nero or was he referring to something else? I'll give you my conclusion. And I think this is consistent throughout prophecies of the Bible and apocalyptic literature, and that's what the book of Revelation is. It's apocalyptic as is the book of Daniel in the older testament in Hebrew and Aramaic. But both of those books are about eschatology. That's the Greek word for end things at the very end. Well, both of those books refer to that. I think John clearly is writing to an audience.
John is always writing to the Roman empire. He's not writing to everything. And, and, he by doing so, of course, if I write if we're talking on this show about Donald Trump and watching the news and the airplane crash and he, his conversion to some other religion or whatever's in the news, we get people's attention. If I just come on and talk about the Bible, I only get the attention to the people that are interested in the Bible. Well, the fellow, and there's nothing wrong with talking about news events, events in the news. Now that's a hook that will get people's attention. But then if you can take it, what what's going on in the news and attach it to the Bible and show the application of God's law to what's going on or how to approach it. Now you've hit a home run.
So we're not against talking about the news. I believe, I believe that's what John was doing. John was talking about Nero, but here's the, here's the, the pattern of prophetic literature, including apocalyptic literature in the Bible. Here's the pattern. It has what some have called a dual application, a dual revelation. Well, what does that mean? That means he's talking directly about something that is happening right now in the Roman empire as a miniature example of what's going to happen in the end times. And when you go to the old Testament prophets, you see that you go to the book of revelation and you see the same thing. But but the book of revelation is impossible to understand unless you have a handle upon the 12 prophets, 5 major prophets, seventeen in all.
You got an handle handle on those prophets. John the apostle doesn't do anything but quote from those prophets throughout the book of Revelation. I mean, people have tried to count how many quotes he has from the prophets of the old testament. Some people say 350, some say 450, but the whole book is nothing but quoting pretty much the prophets of the older Testament. Well, what did they prophesy about? They're the ones remember that took the book or the law of Moses and said, well, the law of Moses said, Deuteronomy chapter 28, if we're doing this, we get blessed. But it says, if we don't do that and do this, we get cursed. That's the law of God. You see, the law of God is prophetic of the future. It is the pro it is prophetic of the future.
Isaiah said the Bible consists of law and testimony. What is law? That's prophetic of the future. Either you will get cursed or blessed based upon whether or not you follow God's will. Then the rest of the Bible, Isaiah says is testimony. What's that? That's fact about what happened in the past. Testimony. Testimony is fact about what happened in the past. Law is God's testimony of what's going to happen in the future. Given any set of circumstances, obedience or disobedience to make it simple for purposes of our presentation here, but it gets more particular in the Bible. Yes. And I'll be done in just a minute. Now that I know that you wanna make a comment, hang on just a minute and I'll wrap this up. So the book of revelation has a double application.
He's drawing from the prophets of God, which rested what they said upon Moses. And he's saying, here's what Nero is doing right now. And this is what's going to happen in the future too. And here's the other thing we don't wanna miss with prophetic literature. Not only does it just happen twice, oftentimes it's a picture of what happens over and over and over again, and it magnifies and expands as it goes. And then the end times hits and the ultimate judgment comes and it happens there in a big way, all over, all over creation. Go ahead. Somebody wanted to talk. Sue?
[02:05:39] Unknown:
Yeah. I just wanted to clear up. It's more than ten years. The the earliest accepted date for Revelations is by scholars is and it's not as accepted as the older date, but it's '65 to '68, and the older 1 is And the argument is is if he did this prior to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, that's part of what he was talking about there. But I can see where he could be talking about both as well. So I just wanted to clear that up.
[02:06:13] Unknown:
Thank you. Thank you for saying that. And I understand your point about it being a wider gap than ten years. And the and it does come down to that. And in my view too, it comes down to whether whether he said these things, whether he's prophesying the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, or whether that's gonna happen in the end times or yeah. In the very fringe end times. Was the temple destroyed with all the genealogical records of who Israel Israelites are? Answer. Yes. Did Jesus Christ prophesy that in the gospel records? Yes. He said not 1 stone is gonna be on top of another here. It's gonna be destroyed. And the how that happened, we have the account and of extra bit of biblical history, Josephus, of how that happened.
But the the, genealogical records were destroyed. And because the genealogical records were destroyed, that was in the prophecy of God. That was the that was what the law of God had prophesied about God's, people, Israel, that they would wake up in the morning and they would curse themselves that they wished that it were night. And when they went to bed at night, they would curse themselves and wish they were mourn they it were morning. Why? Because they were so upset, so emotionally disturbed. They didn't know who they are. Nobody else knows who they are. There are no records to prove who they are. And beyond that, as Jesus Christ said of Babylonian Judaism, they've roamed the world and spent a fortune just to make 1 convert to Babylonian Judaism from among the other tribes and tongues and nations.
And then once they do that, they make them twice the son of hell as themselves. Well, if they're spending that kind of money, and, of course, we see this beginning in the book of extra Esther when millions of Persians converted to Judaism for political advantage. That's the reason people convert to it today. People are talking about Trump. I don't know if it's true. But, I mean, if those those things do happen and people convert for perp like, they convert to Romanism often for power, political power, and for prestige, and to get their flesh satisfied.
The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the vainglory of life. Well, that's what God promised he would do in his law, the law of Moses. That is what began to happen in spades in the book of Esther. Jesus Christ makes a point of referencing it and making a point that the genealogical records, even that will be eventually destroyed and no Israelite will be able to prove who he is. And I say today, no Israelite today knows with any conclusive evidence who he is and nobody else does either. Are they out there? You better believe they're out there. There's no question about that, but if you can't go to the evidence that is conclusive on the matter, and this is where I differ with some of my friends, the identity movement, and I have friends in that I differ and I don't, I don't have enough evidence to say, well, I'm an Israelite, so I don't say it. And the Bible says, be careful. Revelation two:nine and three:nine, do not woe unto them who say they're Israel, who are not Israel. I don't want to be in that position. I don't want to say that if I don't have evidence and you shouldn't say anything, if you don't have sufficient evidence to prove it conclusively and God is all about providing evidence for what he wants us to know. That's what the Bible is, evidence.
Well, thank you for bringing that up, and your comments are well taken. Appreciate it. And the about the gap of ten years, that's important too, and I'm glad you brought that up.
[02:09:44] Unknown:
Brent, one of the most compelling pieces of evidence that for the earlier date is, when the revolt started, the Roman Syrian army came down immediately because it was local and started the siege of Jerusalem. Well, Nero was being removed from office, and it's it's called the year of four emperors because the fight over the new Caesar was going on. So the Syrian army that was already sieging Jerusalem left the battlefield, was pursued by the Israelites, and was massacred essentially. And it took some time before, you get Titus coming back, which is the son of the new emperor, to put the new siege on. So basically, the Christians were being told to if you see an army surrounding you, get out. Right? Well, how do you get out once you're surrounded? Well, they were surrounded.
They left, and supposedly, a lot of the Christians left because they took the sign that John had already written about, in the case of the earlier translations. So, I find that quite compelling,
[02:11:08] Unknown:
that the siege Well, they got no.
[02:11:11] Unknown:
It came back and they and the Christians left Jerusalem.
[02:11:15] Unknown:
Those that listen to what Jesus Christ said recorded in the gospel of Matthew about according to the extra biblical records, Josephus primarily, about a hundred thousand of them escaped Jerusalem because they followed his advice. And the rest of hundreds of thousands were slaughtered like animals because they have resisted so hard and killed so many Romans. And you're right. There was Titus's son. He went back to Rome to accept the the emperorship of the Roman Empire, left his son in charge. His name was Titus as a general officer and destroyed, Jerusalem.
Now when that happened, of course, there were those that escaped. The other principle that we can draw out of the law of God, the will of God here that I see, and this is a consistent theme throughout the Bible, and it is get out of the city. Get out of the city, get out of Sodom, get out of Gomorrah, get out of Rome, get out of the urban culture, get out the law of the city, get away from it. And then of course, John repeats that in revelation. So to take the big picture when we can argue all the theological points, and I'm glad people do that, but I don't want to neglect the big picture, the big principle that God says, get out of them. My people get out of away from the urban culture.
It is a matter of culture. Get away from it because God says he will destroy every city, every city. This is in revelation on the faces of the earth. Get out. When's that going to happen? Well, he doesn't give us calendar dates. He never does. He gives us events. I just know that it is the will of God that we be fruitful, multiply and scatter, whatever you got left in you to do. Let's do that. Scatter. I can't have children anymore or long as I'm, well, I just, that's not going to happen. I've had children. Well then what can I do? And everybody who is born as part of that multiplication and they can scatter and they can contribute to the domination of the land, not the worship of the land, the domination of the land for the purposes of God and our enjoyment.
The land is not here for, the land. We are not here for the land. The land is here for us. We are not here for the dogs and the cats. We've got that backwards friends. They're here for us. We are to take care of them. We are not to be cruel to them. We are to take care of the land, but we're supposed to do it according to the terms of God's law. He's told us clearly and in detail how to take care of the land and we're not doing it. We're just flat not doing it. And if we don't do it, then God says that the land will, as it were, vomit us out and others will be brought in. Wake up, boys and girls. I say smell the coffee. Yeah. Well, we're trying to reliable. It is needed to the law of God, and the only people that can have that are those that are born of the spirit. Back to you, Roger. We're trying to kick them out right now. There was a female there that wanted to say or ask or something.
[02:14:19] Unknown:
Yes, ma'am? A quick question a quick question for Brent. I I just wanna know what day you, practice the fourth commandment, remember the Sabbath day?
[02:14:35] Unknown:
I practice it every day. Every day. Well And I try to remind myself every day, Hebrews chapter 4, that if you're born from above, you enter into that into that eternal Sabbath. That's why the fourth commandment says that this is an eternal command. And the only way it can be eternal, that means nonstop, is if you're born from above. And you have ceased from trying to work yourself into favor with God. You're ceased trying to work yourself out of hell. You've ceased trying to be a good moral person to commend your own self to God. God won't tolerate that. God does not help them and help themselves.
God is clear. He helps only them who are who understand their helplessness. And if you don't come to Jesus Christ naked, broken, and admit you have nothing to offer, he's not gonna welcome you. That's that's the bottom line. Nothing in my hand I bring, only to thy cross I cling, other refuge have I none, hangs my helpless soul on 1. When you stand before the gates of heaven and God says, why should I let you in? Well, I did my best. Oh, you can have a seat in that hand basket over there. That's what the Bible teaches. If you say, I don't plead nothing but the blood and the life and the death and the burial and resurrection of your son, Jesus Christ, well, you just come on in.
That's the basis of Christianity, not morality. Christianity is not founded upon morality. Christianity is founded upon the fact of the birth, the, the, the, the virgin birth, the conception, the life, the death, the burial, and the resurrection and the present life of the man who happens to be God himself, Jesus the Christ. So the Sabbath, the Sabbath, the Christian man or woman, according to the Bible, clearly is every day, And we enter into that eternal rest. And the reason he gave us this symbol called the Sabbath on the seventh day. By the way, if you're a seventh day, Sabbatarian, I won't quarrel with you, but nobody knows what the seventh day is. And if you think you do, I don't believe you. I've read all the calendar stuff. I've read all the arguments.
No. You don't know. That has been obscured as well because of our sin. But God has said that you enter into what he calls the eternal. That means the never ending Sabbath. What does Sabbath mean? Sabbath is a Hebrew word, Sabat, a different way to say it. I think Sabat is pretty good. It's translated 7. It's the mum number 7 also. But deeper than that, it means satisfaction. It means enough enough to put it in English. When Jesus Christ was nailed to the post for people to gawk at, he finally hung down his head and said, it is finished.
What does that mean? That means it's perfected. That means you can't add anything to it. You know, you might think you can by keeping the Sabbath or being a good little boy or girl or, whatever, keeping the 10 commandments. If that's your attitude, God has not opened your eyes to what the gospel is. The gospel is you don't have to work. The work has been done what you are going to do and will do and want to do. If you're born from above, you want to learn the law of God, the will of God to safeguard it and do it. It becomes your passion. You have a new life. You understand God, the father and like, just like men and boys and girls want to satisfy their little, their daddy down here on earth. It becomes the driving passion of your life to wanna please your father who is in heaven. Not your will, but his be done as Jesus Christ said.
And so the Sabbath, people say, okay. The Saturday. Well, I don't buy into that, but I'll make 1 other comment about it because you were nice enough to ask, and that gives me an opportunity. And I'm glad that you would have even asked that anybody asked me anything, frankly. It is Sunday the traditional Sabbath or Saturday? Well, first, we don't know, and I haven't ever met anybody that's convinced me they do know what God's Sabbath is. We may be able to come close, but still, if you can't be precise, you're following a pagan calendar calendar if you do it on Saturday. Saturday is dedicated had been dedicated to the worship of the heavenly modern body Saturn. That's why we call it Saturday. And Sunday was devoted, of course. We get that because of the pagan devotion to the heavenly body of the sun.
Monday is devoted, is called Monday because it was devoted to the heavenly body called the moon, the worship of the moon. Tuesday was is called Tuesday because of the devotion of our pagan ancestors to the Nordic God, Taos, and then that which is Nimrod, their name for Nimrod of Babylon, by the way. And then Wednesday Wednesday, Odin is Odin's day dedicated to the worship of the Nordic ancestor, the Nordic ancestor Odin. Ancestor worship, you see. Thursday is Thor. Friday is Frigg. Those are Nordic gods. The calendar is pagan. When when why do we go to church on Sunday? Did Rome say we're supposed to go to church on Sunday? No. No.
Rome may have said that, but it's not because they said it that anybody does it. A lot of people will say that. They'll try to give you all the evidence, but you gotta trust them for the evidence and think they're telling the truth, and I've heard some very persuasive arguments. But the first day of the week is what my ancestors and the, those in the culture I grew up in called the eighth day Sabbath, the eighth day Sabbath. What does that mean? Well, if you go to the Bible, you're discovered, you'll discover that the eighth day is a very important day in the Bible. Little boys were circumcised on what day? The eighth day.
And in British Christianity, and when I say British, I mean, Scottish Presbyterianism, and English Anglicanism, Methodistism, and Congregationalist, those kinds of folk, they had what they call the eighth day Sabbath. And in that in that was tied up the family and what the Presbyterians used to call holy week, holy week. We had, where I grew up, in our little neck of the woods, we had what it was Holy Week, but in America we changed the name of it a little bit. We had certain things we did. Well, that came from the old country, and it was revived at the Cane Ridge revival in the year anywhere from 10 to 20000 people showed up.
Surprised everybody there. A Presbyterian there in the mountains and the hills, his name was Stone, Barton Stone, I believe. He wanted to provide communion for the people living in those wilderness areas. They didn't have it. And, of course, being Presbyterian, he wanted to have Holy Week. Holy Week, it was called Holy Fair earlier on, and, Robbie Burns wrote a famous poem about Holy Fair, and it was part of the culture and time for both to get together. We called it homecoming. All the people came back to little church where I grew up, and they had a a week revival meeting preaching every night. And then on Saturday, they had a big, hobo stew. And then on Sunday on Sunday, we had, church, and then we had the the Benny Brothers. I like them. They'd come in. They live down the road. They'd sing, and we'd all sing. And then in the evening, we'd have once a year, not every Sunday, once a year like the Bible says.
We had, the Lord's Supper, the Lord's Supper, and then, the eighth day. That was the so that was the eighth day. See? We did all those things. That's Sunday on their calendar. But I don't vouch necessarily for that either. I do know that the Bible says do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together as is the manner of some. Don't do that, especially, it says, as you see the day approaching. I'm glad you all come today come together here. Then tomorrow morning on Patriot Soapbox, folk come together. We're teaching through a book of the Bible. Then Sunday, folk get together on Patriot Soapbox, and we teach another book of the Bible and go through the catechism on the Constitution. And I invite you to come to those, as a matter of fact, that's in church.
But the Bible doesn't specify. Doesn't specify. It just says, for example, on Saturday or not on Saturday, on the on the seventh day in the Bible, you enter into that rest. But because the resurrection, British Christianity has said the eighth day we're gonna get together and celebrate celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the eighth day, circumcision on the eighth day, Lord's Supper on the eighth day, and I'm gonna stop talking because somebody wants to say something.
[02:24:25] Unknown:
Yeah. 1 of the thing that I that comes to mind with me is, especially Jesus with the Pharisees, he accused him of becoming too legalistic. And I think when we're talking about the Sabbath, that might be the same thing.
[02:24:42] Unknown:
Well, it figures in, but then again the fellow ought to be more particular if he can about what legalism is. And of course, we recognize that the rules that the Pharisees, the Pharisees, live by were not the Bible. The rules they live by and Babylonian Judaism still lives by is the Talmud and the Mishnah. The Bible the Talmud and the Mishnah were an oral tradition at that time. Today it's written down. But the Talmud and the Mishnah, they said, were the real law that only we know, and we pass it along orally, and you unwashed masses don't know it. And they said, by the way, the Bible not only that, the Bible is written for children, women, and other mental deficiencies.
So that that they weren't being legal. What is legalism? Legalism is law that God never put out there. Legalism is working working the system for personal advantage. Working maybe true law for personal advantage. What were were they doing that? Yes. They said that Talbot and the Mishnah were from the 70 elders way back with Moses, and he gave them the real law, the real law. And now we've written it down here, and we got it, and nobody else has it. Well, what were they doing with the Talmud and the Mishnah? Well, the Talmud, they kiss. They'll roll the Law of Moses up, the 5 books. They'll kiss it. They'll bow down and worship it. Do they care what's in it? No. I was taught when I was a younger man. Oh, these guys really knew the law of Moses. No, they didn't. How do I know they didn't? Jesus Christ said so.
He said, you not knowing the scriptures. They didn't know him. Jesus Christ said that why would fundamentalists come along and praise the parasites and say, these guys really knew the Torah. They really matter of fact, I've heard the story about how they used to sit around. They'd take a scroll of the Torah and they punch a a a thorn or a pin through at a letter at a particular place. They could see on the outside a Hebrew letter and they'd punch it all the way through and then they'd sit around and take bets about what letter it came out on the other side. They didn't do it that well. No. They didn't. They didn't care. They care about that. What they cared about was the Talmud and the Mishnah. The Bible is of no use to them. They'll worship it as an object.
They worship the scroll, but they don't care what's in it. So we want to know what's in it. They don't know. They'll talk about the Noahide laws being for the everybody but us, and then they'll say if you read the Bible or study it, you're worthy of death. But the fact is, it is the tradition of the elders that they're concerned about, and the tradition of the elders isn't not isn't particularly well, it's, you don't even wanna read it. It'd make you feel dirty. I stay away from it myself. Paul the apostle knew it well. He never even talked about it. If he didn't talk about it, I don't wanna talk about it either. Yeah. Nothing to say about it. Anyway, that's not
[02:27:50] Unknown:
okay. Look. Quick, Larry. I gotta go. My stomach's killing me. Go ahead. I don't get like, Brent Brent has somebody bring him a little lunch, and he'll snack while we're doing it. And I I don't have those advantages. So yes, Larry.
[02:28:06] Unknown:
Yes. Well, I was trying to ask my question a while back, but a couple of comments and then a quick question for Brent. One of the comments is Josephus records that around 1000000 Jews died during the siege. And, and and Samuel was correct. There was a temporary interruption in which the Roman armies fell back for a certain amount of time, and this was the disciples' cue to get out of the city and to run to the mountains. And, another thing is LBJ, I believe I read somewhere that he was the creator of the 5 o at least the he had advocated for the five zero one c 3, creature of the state for the American culture.
[02:28:53] Unknown:
He was the impetus to the whole thing.
[02:28:56] Unknown:
Right. And then my my and then my 1 question is for Brent, Is Joe, one of our students, maybe Brent knows him, the 1 with all the traffic problems, was talking on the after show the 1 day and he said that not only is there persona jurisdiction and not only is there subject matter jurisdiction, but there's also what he learned is territorial jurisdiction. And I was wondering if Brent has ever come across that in any of the court cases. What exactly is territorial jurisdiction and how would it be applied to a federal or state case if if if you could?
[02:29:36] Unknown:
Well, sure. There's territorial jurisdiction. And yeah. That's right. If if and within the boundaries of the state of Kansas, the powers that be, the sovereign state of Kansas has territorial jurisdiction. They get to decide who they're gonna drag into court and who they're gonna let into court within those territorial boundaries. Within the county, your sheriff has territorial jurisdiction. He has jurisdiction. That means the right to act. Jurisdiction means that common law, the right to act. Your sheriff has the right to act within the boundaries of his county. He has the right to tell other people to not act Other law enforcement.
If he wants to go to a neighboring county and hot pursuit, the law says he can do that. But even if he does that, he'll call and sheriff Darr has talked about these things. He'll call the neighboring sheriff and say, I'm in your county, and I need your help. And there's what's called comity between states, between counties, and countries. We have a territorial limit. Once we get past the territorial limit on a ship, I've been on the ships, we've gotten past the territorial limit, we're under international, international law, we anybody that wants to attack us, come on. We're ready for you. But we're out on the open ocean at that point. We're not within the territorial boundaries, which at international law, most countries recognize 12 miles.
So territorial boundary is a real deal. It said it's so blatantly obvious. I have a territorial boundary in my home. The poorest man may in his cottage bid all defiance to the crown. The rain may enter. The storm may enter, but the king of England cannot enter enter. All of his force dare not cross the threshold of the ruined the tenement. Why? Because I have territorial boundary in my home. It is my castle, the castle doctrine of our common law. So, yes, territorial boundary is real, and I'm glad you brought it up. It's simple. We live by it every day. And I now they've said that, I'm I assume a lot of you will be saying, oh, yeah. That's obvious, and it is obvious. Thank you for making it more obvious. Yep.
[02:31:36] Unknown:
Okay. Larry, do you have anything for me, or that was the 1 deal? No. That's it. Thank you. Okay. Well, let me before I go, let me remind y'all that Joe's gonna be with us tomorrow and go over the this whole, ordeal that he was successful at. And, Brent, I'll maybe see if I can send you a copy of this because it's very interesting. Little old Joe in New Jersey just about overturned the whole city, and, they're begging him to do things. So, anyway, I'll try and get you that tape. I think you'll find it interesting because I know when it started, we queried you on, you know, what you thought and involvement potentially and all that, but he handled it himself in an inlet up doing a k tam suit.
And, boy, they folded like a cheap suit. So I'll I'll make sure you get a copy of that. Okay? Thank you, Roger. Thank you. Yep. And see you next week, and everybody else see you tomorrow. Have a great day. Bye. Good show today. Thank you, Brent, as always. Roger. Bye bye. Ciao.
[02:32:48] Unknown:
[02:32:55] Unknown:
Hi, Brent. Uh-huh.
[02:32:59] Unknown:
Hello. Is it I've already looked at at least 15 looking in 15 scriptures trying to find where is is there somewhere in the Bible that says the land is for the people?
[02:33:15] Unknown:
Well, it's a fascinating phrase in the Bible. You can look it up and get on Internet and get pull up the Bible online. Some King James, you're probably more familiar as most people are, and type in the words or just go to do a search, the people of the land, the people of the land.
[02:33:34] Unknown:
And that phrase more than go ahead. Go ahead. I did type in, the land is for the people in a bible search, and I I've looked up about I've I've read through 20 verses now, and none of them say anything about the land is for the people. But now I'm gonna look up what you said. What people of the land is thank you.
[02:34:01] Unknown:
Oh, I see what you're driving at. I had said I had said that the land is for man and not man for the land. The Sabbath is for man and not man for the Sabbath, etcetera. And, that's a doctrine that oozes out of everything in the Bible. All the trust settlement of God from start to finish and all the expressions of it. But there is a phrase, people of the land. The people, the word the people in the Old Testament always refers to a band of armed men. And in most all cases, but not all, it refers to the militia of the 12 several tribes of Israel.
If it doesn't refer to the militia of the 12 several tribes of Israel, it's referring to the armed forces or the militia of another country. But it always refers to a band of armed men, the Hebrew word am. And when it says the people, that is the militia. The militia, the people of the land. The same is true in our English tongue still. We the people, that means the militia. I've got a list of quotes in my commentary on the Constitution, the declaration of all men at that time that said the people are the militia and the militia are the people. That's it. It's it's nothing else, it's just synonyms. We, the people of The United States, that's the militia. Who put the who put our constitution of The United States in place? The framers? The founders? No. The militia.
The militiamen of America of the of the 13 separate states ratified and put our constitution into place. Those are the ones we the men we should be talking about. And those are the men we should be stressing, not the founders. The founders were political animals. God used them in a very special way, but let's get real here about what's going on. It's the ratifiers that did this. And those that complain about the constitution of The United States because the founders were scoundrels, well, they're scoundrels. Well, tell me something I don't know. Have I ever met somebody that didn't have problems? They had a lot of problems. I can read about it. I've read the stories of their lives. Some of them worse than others, and some of them you wouldn't wanna get near. But but a lot of them are Christian folks that were folk, over half, as a matter of fact, were trying very hard, and over half of them had been to what we would call today Bible College.
But all of those men all of those men, even though they were God used them and they were they worked hard at doing what they wanted to do, getting rid of the articles of Confederation, getting the constitution in place, but the militia of the states are the ones that did it. And it's important to understand the mindset of an American at that time. What was he thinking? Well, that the ratification of the constitution says a lot about what he was thinking and what he was willing to accept and what he wanted. Well, thank you, Joan. And, yeah, look those phrases up and
[02:36:59] Unknown:
yeah. Thank you, Brent.
[02:37:01] Unknown:
Thank you. Appreciate you all, and I enjoyed it very much. And as I've said before, I get more out of this, I think, than anybody. And I the reason I get a lot out of it is because I think you're out there listening a little. And, I suppose if you weren't there, I'd still be talking, but it's nicer to know who you are. And your comments and your questions bring up important points often and did today, and, stress things that I failed to stress that should be said. So I appreciate that too, but I'm gonna have to bow out because I have to do other things too. But I thank you all. Paul, are you still there?
[02:37:39] Unknown:
Thank you, Brent. Thank you.
[02:37:41] Unknown:
Yeah. I am. Thank you.
[02:37:43] Unknown:
Okay, Paul. Thank you, Paul. And, Paul, can I have a word with you somehow? I can can I call you? Pardon?
[02:37:53] Unknown:
Hang on a second, Rex. Say what? Say what, Brent? Sorry. I was on the phone when they started talking again.
[02:38:01] Unknown:
I wanna have a short conversation with you.
[02:38:05] Unknown:
[02:38:07] Unknown:
I wanna get off of here, and I want you to get off if you can, and I wanna call you. Can I do that?
[02:38:14] Unknown:
[02:38:16] Unknown:
Okay. When it when are you planning on getting off of here?
[02:38:20] Unknown:
Well, I actually don't have to I don't I don't get off of here ever, but, I have microphones that can be turned off and and a phone sitting right here. Or did you wanna call me on Skype?
[02:38:33] Unknown:
Yeah. We're gonna try that.
[02:38:35] Unknown:
Okay. Calling me on Skype. That will that'll take me about five minutes. Okay?
[02:38:46] Unknown:
I'll call you after a while, so if that's okay.
[02:38:49] Unknown:
Alright. Well, I do have I do have some place that I have to go today. So give me five minutes, and I'll be ready. Okay?
[02:38:57] Unknown:
Alright. Thanks a lot, Paul.
[02:38:59] Unknown:
Alright. Thank you, Brent.
[02:39:01] Unknown:
You bet. Okay.
[02:39:03] Unknown:
So that being the case, let's, let's do this. This has been the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales and Brent Allen Winters, the Friday edition. For more information on Brent Allen Winters, go to and check out Winters Inn, the law school and the law courses. Also, the books, the many books Brent has written that are absolute page turners. Catch us here Monday through Saturday, 11AM to 1PM eastern time, and, we're on a number of platforms,, Global Voice Radio Network, Home Network TV, Freedom Nation TV, Go Live TV, StreamLife Tube, 1 0 6 point 9 WBOU FM in Chicago, Radio Soapbox Dot Com. Wow.
We're literally everywhere. Thanks so much for joining us. We'll catch you right back here next time for the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales, eleven AM eastern tomorrow, Saturday. Feb. 1. Wow. Gotta love it. Hey. It's almost Valentine's Day. Blasting the voice of freedom worldwide. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network.
[02:40:22] Unknown:
Bye bye, boys. Have fun storming the castle.
Introduction and Spontaneity in Broadcasting
Acknowledging Contributors and Platforms
Discussion on Recent DC Helicopter Crash
Political Commentary and Government Critique
Personal Responsibility and Influence
General Milley's Controversial Actions
Military Experience and Civilian Transition
The Importance of Militia and National Defense
Trump's Policies and Global Relations
Pardons and Legal System Challenges
Biblical References and Interpretations
Moral Turpitude and Societal Decay
Personal Testimonies and Spiritual Insights
Common Law and National Identity
Christian Nationhood and Historical Context
Trump's Religious Affiliations and Political Implications
Revelation and Prophetic Literature
Urban Culture and Biblical Warnings
Sabbath Observance and Christian Doctrine
Territorial Jurisdiction and Legal Authority