In this episode, we delve into the intricacies of national status and the legal frameworks that define citizenship in the United States. We discuss the historical context of the 13th and 14th Amendments, exploring how these laws were crafted and their implications on state and federal citizenship. The conversation touches on the Reconstruction era, the role of the Lieber Code, and the ongoing impact of martial law on American legal systems. We also examine the complexities of Admiralty and Maritime law, and how these jurisdictions intersect with common law and statutory law. The episode features insights into the use of affidavits to assert national status, the significance of the Social Security account, and the potential of using bonds as a form of financial responsibility. Additionally, we explore the implications of executive orders, the role of the Senior Executive Service, and the influence of AI on modern governance. Join us as we navigate these complex legal landscapes and discuss the potential pathways to reclaiming personal sovereignty.
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Thank you, and welcome to the program. Forward moving and focused on freedom. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network.
[00:01:44] Unknown:
Well, there you go. See there, Paul? I did make it. And here we go. On the Saturday edition, and we're talking the March 8. It looks like Rogers Sales Radio Ranch here to help you if there's anybody that's got any confusion on getting free here. I think we're at a really, diminished, platform group helping us today. Is it isn't that correct, Paul?
[00:02:13] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Very diminished. We're on Thanks to pastor Eli James and all of his diligent efforts, and we're on Global Voice Radio Network. Join the show using free conference call. Got room for about a thousand of you. Go to the The links are right there to join us in the FCC PPN radio branch room.
[00:02:39] Unknown:
There we go. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep.
[00:02:41] Unknown:
And, I don't know if we got any folks coming over today from the rent show or not. We didn't really promote the show too much over there. So, maybe some of them figured it out through the website. So I don't know if you are welcome. We'll try and, hopefully, get you to say something, answer any questions you've got, and identify. And thank you for, if you are there for coming over. Excuse me. Why is that rush rushing to get, you know, on the air here? I have not been able to catch up. Since Thursday night. I was so keyed up about it that I couldn't sleep very well that night. And so yesterday was draggy draggy, and I went out and had a had a a nice lunch and then some one some of our students, actually, Dan and Kathy, who live down on the coast normally.
And they're up here for a month house sitting somebody's condo with their dogs. And so they, asked me to go take me out to dinner last night at one of the nicer restaurants around here. And, it was just a charming evening with just two wonderful people. It's so great for me particularly to get with you guys because I don't get to do that too often and sit down and know that we're on the same wavelength. And whatever we discuss is all founded and based in the same platform and, you know, the same, anyway, the the same base. And it's just really cool. And, so thank you, Dan and Kathy, again. And, quite a great day. The I don't know if Mark's with us today. These are Tulsa folks.
So they're Oklahoma folks and, came down here and started the development and stuff down on the coast, and then COVID hit. COWAP. So it as it screwed up everything from these jokers. So, anyway, it was a great night last night. Thank you. Big day of food yesterday. So, anyway, here we are. Feel a little bit better. Coming down from the excitement of Thursday night, the rents, per or the rents appearance. And Jeff, of course, if you didn't hear, has has already rebooked me for Wednesday this coming and, shows a sense of urgency and some interest on his part. He was extremely complimentary in the email that he sent me on my communication skills and the things that I've developed over decades.
And, so I'm looking forward to that. I feel like that, Jeff's already got this, and I think he got it when I did the two questions to him. That's a very effective way of presenting this information. As you start at the first, You give them how they did it. And if you just present them with what they've done, their mind is still confused because they don't understand all those principles. If you go back and present how they've done it, you know, Alice in Wonderland and equivocation, and then you go to the back part and ask them the two questions. So you've covered the front and the back right there, and it's, I think most peoples get at least a strong sense of what's going on when they answer, you know, get in that answer to these questions, you know, and then you tell them what they're really asking them. And, so it's gonna be very interesting. I'm putting I'm already thinking a lot about what will cover, Wednesday night, maybe the passport application and certificate of noncitizen nationality and, whatever else comes up. Jeff seems to want to have I gathered from some of his remarks Thursday that he's really doesn't know much about the law stuff, and he's really never had anybody to show him much. So, I think that's gonna be a very good, a very good match for he and I.
And, we'll get to go in and teach, John Benson's law basics to a a really big audience, man. Pretty cool. So, how's everybody doing this morning? Good, Paul? You alright?
[00:06:45] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm yeah. I'm good. I'm good. Okay.
[00:06:48] Unknown:
[00:06:51] Unknown:
I had a computer
[00:06:53] Unknown:
fail last week. A computer fail?
[00:06:56] Unknown:
Yeah. I had a computer fail. Studio E is, being rebuilt at the moment. Studio C failed last week. So I've got another machine standing in. The name of it is Ripper because of the architecture CPU that's in it. It's a three Threadripper AMD CPU. And, basically, we're just throwing we're keeping everything together with bandages and bailing wire, and we're making the show happen. So that's what we do. Well, thank you for, you know, of course, all you do. And,
[00:07:30] Unknown:
we had never gotten to this point, the way we are without Paul. And, so we thank you a bunch. Maybe one of these days, we'll be able to replace some of that equipment and all that stuff. Do do you I know we've got some listeners that deal in used equipments and stuff and because I've had them send me emails. No.
[00:07:52] Unknown:
No. That's already been done. There there's already there's already been an influx of equipment, and that is what I'm working with right now
[00:08:01] Unknown:
Oh, okay. To keep things running.
[00:08:03] Unknown:
So Gotcha. There there already have been people that stepped up and sent equipment and stuff.
[00:08:10] Unknown:
Cool. Alright. Well, kudos to you, Paul. Just let us know if we have to make a shout out to to the audience or whatever, and we'll do it. So you're the guy that knows where you are. Was that somebody trying to say something there a minute ago?
[00:08:26] Unknown:
Might have been good, but I'm not sure.
[00:08:28] Unknown:
Might have been. I I thought somebody's saying hello. Does anybody wanna say anything this morning, or you want me to talk for, like, two hours? Hi. Is there anybody? There's Joan. Well, he can always count on Joan. Hey, Joan. How's Costa Rica this morning?
[00:08:45] Unknown:
Nice and warm. I Yeah. Would make I would make sure on Jeff Rent's show because I don't think he got across very well. Last time you're out for people to come and where to go to listen to this
[00:09:01] Unknown:
radio But we didn't have time. We we ran out of time, Joan, and I I hope we'll have, as we we go forward, more time to cover that. I thought it was very interesting because he was getting paced there the last when we didn't have much time. And, and he gave gave out Dave and Kay's website. So it's funny. David had, written me. He said, if you get a chance, please plug us, and, Jeff did it. So I thought that was pretty cool. I got to also throw Merc in there and, her Telegram site and all the rest of the resources that many of you have gone to great lengths to provide us, and we appreciate it.
But you get on those let me tell you. You get on that kind of platform and that kind of a discussion and, and you're following what's being said and you just flat run out of time, you don't have attention, you don't have the time to say everything you'd like to. But I thought that was very good that Jeff plugged, Kaye and Dave, and, then we got the correct site in. I did send him a copy of the book, by the way, the ebook and told him to put it on the site and free for download to anybody. It's already floating around out there. I I never wrote a book to make money. Okay? And, so we put that out there for them, and we'll maybe start diligently searching. At least I'll query you guys.
If you know of any sites that where we can put this book up for hard copy and print on demand thing, I probably gotta go hunt up a new cover or get somebody new a new cover because I don't know if I can find the other one and just all the problems and and really caused by a, the bookmatch. Yeah. Because I think there have been problems without the United Slaves of America book, but that boy, that book has given me a lot of problems since Padgett found it. And everybody wanting it so much and put it here pretty odd. And, of course, I can't communicate with the book batch because they won't answer you. He he won't answer phone calls. He won't answer emails. A total a hole. Okay?
Guy named Steven over there. So I can't get any answers from them on what to do. And so, obviously, you think, well, I'll put it in next to here. Here's my credentials. Put it in with my book. Well, little did I know because I couldn't get any response from those jerks, that that's a no no, and you can't have two different authors in the same whatever it is, account or whatever they call it. Anyway, I'm just done with those folks. I'm I'm I'm just done with them. I I'm they've aggravated me to the point where I want nothing to do with them. So we gotta find a new home for the princess book. Well, there's lady Linda, and, of course, she made you.
[00:11:50] Unknown:
I just wanna share. I couldn't be on live with you on Jeff's show, but I listened to the replay. Thanks to our beautiful Sherry from Arkansas. She sent me the direct link. And I'll tell you, Paul, kudos to you. It was so clear and so beautifully executed with the sound and just lovely, Paul. You you deserve so many applauses. And, and, Roger, your performance was impeccable. I loved it. I'm gonna save it and send it to everyone I love dearly because it was just so beautifully done. And, I don't know. Did you listen to the replay?
[00:12:34] Unknown:
No. I don't like to listen to my recordings.
[00:12:37] Unknown:
Oh, well, I'll tell you. I mean, it may behoove you to do that because you'll be encouraged, honestly. It's just so lovely. I pray that everyone in our listening audience, shares that, recording to as many people as they love. It's as simple as that. Julie and I were taking a course with Joe on securities fraud and it happened to fall on the same evening at the same time. But, it's so lovely that we live in a time where we can have these recordings and still get the information even if we can't be there, in person or, like, the love that you send us each morning, six days a week is really profound. Even though we can't hug each other, I just want you to know I just care so much for this whole community, and it's a blessing to me every day. It's like church.
And the question I wanted to ask Brent the other day, Friday, was I wanted to know, is this church a five zero one c three church that he has on Sunday? Do you happen to know the answer to that question?
[00:13:48] Unknown:
Rents Rents has a church service on it? No. Brent. Brent. Brent Allen went to Oh, I'm I'm positive it's not. Well, he doesn't have it really. It's not a church. I mean, he's he's with Patriot Soapbox. So it's just him up there preaching. Have you ever have you attended one of his Sunday services yet? No. Not yet. Well, I think it's very important to church.
[00:14:11] Unknown:
Yeah. We should, because we are connecting with other, details that we take care of in churches that we, listen to. But, that would be a great for my husband. He would love that, I'm sure. But the next time You don't have to you don't have to do it live. He's got all those,
[00:14:30] Unknown:
recorded over at Rumble. PSB, I think. I'm not sure the exact address, but it's over there. And Brent is just such a unique individual. Go ahead. Maybe he should announce the rumble when, he's on Fridays because a lot of us this is the first time I've heard he's on rumble for some reason. Well, they they they are they archive they archive stuff over there. I'm not sure how they do it, but I do know that's right, and he may have a link to it on his side. I I just don't know. We can ask him next week. They're not. Yeah. Yes. So I'll be Paul? Hold on, Linda. I think we got a I think we got a bulletin. Yes, Paul?
[00:15:10] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, we don't we have a bulletin. It's a a big nothing burger. There is a Rumble channel that posts the archives for Patriot Soapbox, but they do it as two twelve hour long archives per day. And I don't remember offhand what the name of that channel is because trying to actually find Brent in that twelve hour program and then snippet out that excerpt to create, one of just in is just tremendously taxing on time, peace of mind, and computer hardware. So I just never bothered to do it.
[00:15:52] Unknown:
It it's available, Linda. I don't know all the specifics we can ask Brent next week. Okay. But, Well, I guess But he just he he gets on there and he tells a lot of these old stories. You know? Like, he tells us sometimes. He tells these stories, and he'll take up forty five minutes or more on a story. And then he'll get in at the last oh, we got a cover over here. We're gonna and he goes over there. So, it it's really just Brent, absent minded professor Brent. And, it, he's just such a he's just such an interesting fellow.
[00:16:25] Unknown:
He sure is. Well, I want you to know that my husband and I are leaving, this afternoon. We're staying at a navy lodge in, Newport, Rhode Island. We're gonna be seeing a naturopathic doctor from, Sunday to, Tuesday from eight in the morning to eight at night. And, we need to get to the bottom of our health health slash wellness issues. So hopefully, we'll get some good results. But, so I may not be on your show all these days, but I do you'll be in my crib.
[00:16:55] Unknown:
Alright. Well, you will you and your husband will be in ours too, and we will miss you. Newport, Rhode Island. Very interesting. How far away are you from Newport?
[00:17:05] Unknown:
We're about 55 miles from Newport. Then? Yeah. Where we are in Connecticut is, North Central Connecticut. So we're right if you folded the map in half, we're at the top. One foot's in Massachusetts, one foot's in Connecticut. And so we can, go west to, Connecticut by way of, Rhode Island, Providence and go to Newport that way. But, it's not that far considering. And, I'm looking forward to that.
[00:17:37] Unknown:
I had a good friend when I was in Atlanta that was from Newport. He was, from one of the real wealthy families there. They owned, 40 acres on Newport Bay. Oh, okay. And, at one point, they were the largest stockholders of AT and T stock in the in the world, I guess. And, a very interesting family, very interesting guy. He got his fortune stolen, when his father and mother died, and the father married a Swiss woman that came in with her brother and basically stole the estate. Skitty malt hopped up on drugs and everything. And, it is sad, but, you know, also news Newport was well, the first synagogue in the country was at Newport. Do you know that, Linda?
[00:18:26] Unknown:
No. I didn't know that. I do know that since my husband's retired military, we can stay at any lodge anywhere in the world. Whereas if we go to Newport, like, at the July 4, all the rooms are $400 a night or whatever. But when we stay at the military lodge, it's very reasonable, like, $80 a night or something like that. Not $20 a night like Ecuador, but
[00:18:51] Unknown:
Right. More reasonable. You know, we probably that's a and that's a really nice place too, actually. You know why the first synagogue was there, I'm assuming. Right?
[00:19:02] Unknown:
No. Why?
[00:19:04] Unknown:
Newport was one of the really big slave trading areas.
[00:19:10] Unknown:
Oh, right. That makes sense.
[00:19:12] Unknown:
So, yeah. He's that's the rabbi that had, commune I think George Washington went up there to a synagogue or something. Yeah, Paul.
[00:19:22] Unknown:
Actually, on Rumble, there is a channel called Patriots Soapbox Archives, and there is one Brent Winters video on there from 20 from nineteen days ago and twenty days ago.
[00:19:41] Unknown:
Okay. Oh, excellent.
[00:19:43] Unknown:
Thank you, Paul. Oh. You're a sweetheart. And and there's probably more. I mean, that that was just the ones that I went to look at. Uh-huh. It it is a bunch of, one hour and two hour long archives. So We're just These have to be the individual shows.
[00:19:59] Unknown:
We're just so fortunate to be affiliated with Brent Winters, I feel like. And he just, he's just an amazing guy. I don't know if I've ever met anybody like Brent before. So, I've become a good friend. We've never met. And, but, boy, we've got a lot of chemistry, and we've had a lot of really good shows together. And we're on the same wavelength in most areas. And, I believe, as I've said many times, he's a national treasure. At some point, if we wanna get into the background on some of this lost stuff or whatever, I'm gonna suggest that, to Jeff that he have Brent on over there.
So we'll see. We'll see how all that goes. Date of time. Date of time, my friends. It would be. I I I've just never met anybody that's got that kinda in-depth knowledge and insight, knows all those languages, and can give you all the roots and the derivations of these words and, all the history and knows it just well, he just knows it like I know our stuff. You know? So it's really, it's a he's a real blessing for us. Thank you, Linda. You got anything else, sweetie? I wanna thank Linda for bringing us Dan and, and his friend, the female. I just can't her name escapes me at the moment, but, they're great. Two new additions that you brought us, Linda. We really appreciate it.
So who else is out there with something they'd like to say this morning? Do we have very many people in the room? I mean, is this,
[00:21:38] Unknown:
Oh, yeah.
[00:21:38] Unknown:
I'd like your, move on rents when you, sideswiped, Jeff's comment on the sauce and cutoff.
[00:21:51] Unknown:
I don't know if I remember what you're talking about.
[00:21:55] Unknown:
Well, you were talking, and he was he tried to get a comment in, and you kinda sideswiped him.
[00:22:03] Unknown:
What was it was it the one on on, Trump?
[00:22:09] Unknown:
I'm not real sure. It was somewhere in the middle of it all. Yeah.
[00:22:14] Unknown:
Okay. Well, I What happened was you were talking about something, and he tried to interject something, And you didn't hear him trying to interject, and you just plowed right through. It just just like Sorry, Jeff.
[00:22:26] Unknown:
[00:22:27] Unknown:
Just like a diesel locomotive.
[00:22:29] Unknown:
It's about like the first time I was ever on Jeff Bennett. I thought I was only gonna get one shot, man, and I was gonna get the information in. You know? And some guy, they they wrote Jeff an email and said, please slow down. Slow down. I said, hell, there's an archive. Go back and listen to the replay. I'm gonna get this information in front of these people. So sometimes that's me, Brent. And, of course, he didn't say don't rush. Don't rush. You you we'll have you back there until the end. So, anyway, I believe Jeff, and I'll I think I'll end up being some sort of a regular over there. Don't know the frequency that he's got in mind, but, well, I think I'll be on Rents for a while intermittently.
Very good for us, and I think we're gonna get a lot of students out of that audience as I've said before and told Jeff that night, I think. You're a real you're a real pioneer, Jeff. You know? You pioneered this radio station on the Internet back when very few people were doing it. It was new. And and you've had all these really cutting edge guests on. I gave him couple of examples on Barry Chamish for one way, that came out on the Sabotee and Sabbath Sabotize v and all that back twenty five or more years ago. And it's like I told him, I think that was the first time that information was probably ever introduced to the world.
And that gives us the basis of what we do with the dialectic, because I'm pretty sure that's probably where it came from. It's these Sabatine Frankus, incorporating that into their scheme to take over the world. It's so effective using these dialectics. So I tried to compliment him. I I mentioned Adrian Salbucci, who I had the pleasure of meeting and and personally in Argentina. Are you did you ever hear Adrian, Salbucci, Paul? No. I have to say. He hadn't been on he hadn't been around too much. He had a little series, a little time there where because of Jeff, he got be real prominent. And, it just so happened I just got into Argentina, and and I had to go to Uruguay and, deposit some AU over there.
And, so I was gonna be in BA, and he had just been introduced on Jeff, Adrian Salbucci, and nobody knew who he was yet, really. And so I shot him an email. Nobody was sending him emails yet, I guess. He got very popular. And, so he answered right back. I said, I'm gonna be in BA these days and like to sit down and got some very important information to show you. So we got to meet personally. He was up in his office and did the presentation. Hell, they he didn't understand it. Still doesn't, I'm sure. But I couldn't explain it very well back then either.
So, anyway, he's a really nice guy. I hadn't seen him pop up anywhere. I will tell you an interesting story about him though. Later on after he's got to be popular, And, when we were conversing or something, he said, I gotta go to I was connected, contacted by big investment group, and they want me to do a speech at their annual meeting in Florida in Boca Raton. And the other guy on the, speaker's list is g Edward Griffin. I went, oh, man. Great. I said, Adrian, when you get up there, go to the post office and get a passport application, and go show him the oath where it shows the two different types of political status.
I don't think I even knew about the American Samoans back then. And, so he did. When he came back, he said, well, I did that. Now here I am taking his time up when he's up in Florida, on some sort of a limited schedule to do this talk. And he does, follow my instructions and went to the post office and got a passport and showed it to g Edward Griffin, and g Edward Griffin said, so what? Now there's one of the stalmarts of our patriot movement here that everybody holds up in such a steam, and he's a nice guy, I'm sure, but he couldn't see it when it's put right in front of him.
So and then Adrian asked me to be on his first radio broadcast. He had a radio show for a while, and, and that's where Jack heard me. So that's where Jack and I reconnected with Adrian Salbucci, and that's the reason I'm here. So thank you, Jack. And I had been going to Buenos Aires for Christmas, but for a couple of years just to get out of the little small town I was in in that. Christmas is not my favorite time of year, so I can get down to the big city and get distracted. But after a couple of years, it just got it was kinda old. All the guys are back in The US, and things are kinda dead down there too over what they call Navidad.
And, so I got Jack and I hooked up. I said, well, hell. I'll just come up there and see you for Christmas. So I came up here and spent a month and just loved Ecuador. I mean, the climate here is just so fantastic and and the rest of the, trappings. And then so I'm over that, and I go back to Argentina. And it's the middle of summer in January and a hundred and five five degrees up there in the High Desert. And I've never had an air conditioner any place I live down there, but it's just dry. And you can deal with it with a fan and just moving air. And so I'm sitting there in front of a fan at hundred and five degrees. And I said, damn. I think I'm a move to Ecuador.
So that's, that's why I'm here. Had a lot to do with Adrian Sabuchi, interestingly enough. Another one of the people that, Jeff has broken, to the world. He's done that with a lot of stuff, and that's why his audience is so desirable. Because as I said, these are cutting edge, truth seeking people that wanna stay on the latest things, and and therefore, they kind of fit the definition of our student. You know, those who have not a love of the truth. Well, obviously, they have a love of the truth or they wouldn't be over there. And, that's why I think when we really get into the meat of this more that we'll end up with a number of them over here, and it should increase our visibility dramatically.
So we'll see. I'm pretty excited about it, though, and I love having a direct relationship with Jeff and, as of somebody I've admired for a lot of years. And, that's very cool. So, who else? Who's got something in the audience today? There's some political things to talk about for sure. Geopolitical, but Alright. Somebody in the there's somebody. Yes, sir. Who we got?
[00:29:30] Unknown:
Hey, George. How are you today?
[00:29:32] Unknown:
Hey, George. I'm doing a little bit better. I'm recuperating from that. How's everything with you?
[00:29:38] Unknown:
Good. Good. And congrats on the rep's, appearance and and the and the re up there this week. That's awesome.
[00:29:46] Unknown:
Well, quite a milestone, George.
[00:29:50] Unknown:
I was listening to some presentation about some nationals that there was I guess they were growing out in California or something. But one guy supposedly didn't get arrested was the guy who said, you can prove that you're able to do what you're going to proceed based on your territorial jurisdiction, based on Article I, Section eight, Clause 17 of the Constitution. And he was the only guy that didn't get arrested, I guess. I was learning about this idea that, you know, we're the original mill militia was set up, but that really nationals are the original
[00:30:38] Unknown:
militia. Yes, very true. Yes, that's it.
[00:30:42] Unknown:
Yes. And if they're proceeding on us federally, we have the constitutional right to represent that as in a court action. It doesn't have to be the picking up arms or whatever, but you can do it within within the legal system. And because the whole idea of them securitizing the birth certificate of person or whatever is so they can continue to kinda cash in on people's ignorance. And so, that national status just allows us to proceed for the Republic and restore even the Treasury at the Treasury level to to put away the reselling and a hypoxification of all this that leads to the inflation tax and every printing of money and everything else that we have going on. So I thought that was really interesting.
It's actually I gave Paul some of the resources for it and I have another channel that I'm going to send him to, so he can download it. But they had an analysis of I don't know if you ever did you ever know Chappie at all? He's probably your vintage.
[00:31:55] Unknown:
Didn't ring a bell.
[00:31:58] Unknown:
Yes. So he's had a lot of lost stuff. He was actually he defended himself in a grand jury even situation, so pretty knowledgeable and he was really impressed with what was brought by Boris and Jimbo and some of the other guys. So anyway, I'll send a breakdown application of the call, but it's a different channel, Paul. I'll send it to you, Keepers of the Faith and Defenders of But, of course, my phone my phone won't go landscape, so I can't remember the rest of the channel. But I'll send that because I think it fits exactly, and nationality is brought up quite a bit, with this and kind of dovetails into the law aspects that you're getting at. So, but it gives us another tool in the chest to, as you would say, fight back the bastards.
So a yield. Yeah.
[00:32:50] Unknown:
Okay. Well, thanks, George. I I don't know of Chappie or what these guys are doing or how close they are to where we are. But I wish them a lot of luck, of course. It sounds like their intentions are good, which with some of these people out there, I'm not sure I can always make that statement. I mean, I just I have to shake my head at some of the stuff we hear hear about David Strait. Guy doesn't sound too straight to me. K.
[00:33:19] Unknown:
Yeah. There is that Joe? Is that Joe? Yeah. It's Joe. Hey. I just wanted to comment on what that guy was talking about with Boris and those other guys. Yeah. I know those guys. I'm I'm Oh, you do? Guys. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, the guy who put that paperwork together, a lot of that stuff together, he he goes by Lex. So this has real name, but that's the first time that he uses. The territory jurisdiction works in court cases. I've used it in court cases. They they do drop a a large majority of those cases when you when you use that. Boris doesn't agree with the national status thing. He kinda writes it off like f whatever.
But, you know, they do have some interesting information. I I've I've done quite a bit of meetings with those guys together. And, that's that that is an issue because when I when I brought that up in court myself once, the judge kinda smiled at me and just said, okay. And, just they just ignored it. And every every piece of paperwork, they just ignored it. They wouldn't wanna bring it up. They didn't wanna talk about it. And I asked the prosecutor numerous times if he could prove that they had jurisdiction, you know, based off of article one section eight clause 17.
And then I also cited the New Jersey statute that defines state as as a district of Columbia or territory of The United States. And, you know, they didn't wanna take that up, so they just ignored it. They they it's it's an argument they they can't they can't prove or or, you know, they can't defend. So that's that's why a lot of those cases end up winning is because of that.
[00:35:11] Unknown:
With mister Boris, why don't you ask him this question for me? Ask him who the thirteenth amendment was written for.
[00:35:21] Unknown:
Okay. I'll ask him. I'll get back to you with an answer.
[00:35:25] Unknown:
Alright. Yeah. He actually gets in he actually gets into that with the, the whole war of eighteen twelve and
[00:35:33] Unknown:
yeah. You you covered that in the videos. I remember. Well, that's the that that's the old thirteenth amendment. I mean, the newer one. Who who's who's the new one written for? With with voluntary servitude, legal by omission, and the word there at the last signifying plural versus the very first sentence of the fourteenth amendment subject to the singular jurisdiction thereof. Well, there's your two governments right there. So there was no fourteenth amendment yet giving these people a status for six months. So who was that written for? Why they let all this all the congressmen from the South back in to vote on it? And then six months later, they wouldn't let them back in to vote if they hadn't ratified the fourteenth. So there's a lot of questions around that, Joe, and that might be a real good one for him if he doesn't see who who who is this written for. There wasn't a federal citizenship for six months. Who was this written for? Well, of course, there's only one answer.
It's the state citizens. Well, what's so hard with realizing that a state citizen was a national? Because it was a collection of individual countries that conglomerated together for a nation. So if you were a state citizen, you were a national citizen. That's where they're getting this. Well,
[00:36:55] Unknown:
the one thing his issue is that, his polar encounter with this national status is he he just sees David Strait, Anavon rates, people like that putting that out there. And he goes, this is all this is baloney. Well So he Well kinda
[00:37:14] Unknown:
Yeah. See, that's the my complaint with those guys. They muddy the water for us an awful lot. An awful lot. So, anyway, well, do the best you can. If not, nope. No harm done. You know? If he doesn't wanna believe it, he doesn't, and that's okay. Hopefully, what he's doing and teaching works.
[00:37:32] Unknown:
May I, lady Linda Louise?
[00:37:34] Unknown:
May I? Yes, ma'am. Of course.
[00:37:38] Unknown:
Welcome, Joe. That security fraud class was very fruitful, and he was bragging about you, Roger, on this platform. Well, you
[00:37:49] Unknown:
know what I say about that? You know what I say about that, don't you, Linda? Flattery flattery charge my battery.
[00:37:59] Unknown:
Well, I I noticed how you were flattering, Jeff with your, beautiful expose on Thursday night. But, anyway, I wanted Joe to know. Lex lives near me, Joe, in Connecticut, And I cannot tell you how many times I've invited him to break bread with my husband and I. It's so good to be able to fellowship with people when especially when they're close to you and especially with a mind that Lex has. And I believe if he would finally come and hang out with Jerry and lady Linda Louise, he would really profit spiritually, mentally, physically, and always. But anyway, Joe, good to hear your voice, and I look forward to your next class, and I yield.
[00:38:42] Unknown:
Thank you. So cool. Well, Joe, why don't you tell us, I I don't know that I'm familiar. Didn't know you were giving classes. Why don't you tell, the audience about it?
[00:38:51] Unknown:
Just well, okay. So, you know, there's this whole, freak out going on online about people trying to use different ways of, like, negotiable instruments for payments, and they're freaking out thinking they're they're all gonna go to jail because there's guys who like to tell people, well, you're gonna go to jail for securities fraud. So I said, well, let let's look at what that actually is, and I'll, you know, show you guys what it what it is. So that way people understand that Security's fraud is basically just trying to portray, like like, some company security as, you know, like, you're trying to make up one, but make it look like it belongs to a company like like, Citibank or something.
And you're trying to pawn it off as if it were the real thing. I said most people who are being told that they're gonna go to jail for what they're doing are not actually doing anything that's gonna throw them in jail. So I think, that was a big stir up on that. But then talking to them about, like, how I've used like, how I created bonds, because there was people who were saying that using the insurance bond that I've I've made would send people to jail for securities fraud. And I'm like, well, bond is is is essentially a promissory note. Yes. And that's all that's all it really is. It just has has the backing of, like, someone else, like, a surety behind that to back up the payment on that. So it's not it's not fraud. You're not gonna go to jail for that. I've sent bonds into court cases.
And, you know, if those guys really wanted to get me on securities fraud, well, they could've got me on those bonds, but it's not very They've done that. Ever. Yeah.
[00:40:26] Unknown:
Joe, let me ask you a question about bonds. Are all bonds discounted as opposed to promissory notes? If I remember right, when when my grandmother, when I was young, would give me savings bonds from the post office. And what you do I've mentioned it before what if I remember right, you'd go in let's say you'd want a $25 savings bond. Well, you they they'd only charge you $17.50 for it, for instance, hypothetically. And then when it became mature, then you could go and cash it in for 25. Are all bonds done that way? Do you know?
[00:41:03] Unknown:
No. That what you got there is called a zero coupon bond. Right? It's just a bond that you you buy, and then you can redeem when it matures for full for the full face value. Uh-huh. There's other types of bonds where you let's say you put down a hundred dollars and you get a bond. They give you the bond, and there's these little tear off coupons. Then, like, every month or every three months, you can deposit that coupon, and that would be your interest payment from that bond.
[00:41:31] Unknown:
[00:41:32] Unknown:
Interesting. Like a little tear off kind of What's Like, a little tab thing Yeah. A little that you tear off? Yeah. A little tab thing, and you endorse it, like, similar to a check, and then you deposit it into your account. Those are the coupon bonds, which means that when the coupons are all done, you take the bond and you get back your hundred dollars.
[00:41:50] Unknown:
Okay. That's interesting. I just never really, studied the bond market very much. It's a it's a huge market. I mean, it's five or 10 times bigger depending on the time as the stock market. And I just didn't know how they handle those bonds. Maybe someday we'll find maybe someday Greg Marinaro will drop by and tell us.
[00:42:16] Unknown:
Well, I I found an interesting document. I shared it here on after our call one day a few years ago. It was a, a a financing statement, But, basically, it had the in the collateral, they put people and the land up as collateral to print fell reserve notes. Was that I mean, we probably looked at this thing for hours just trying to, like, piece it together. Like, what did they do here? That was the best thing we could come up with was that they were using the people and the land to back up the public debt in order to obtain more federal reserve notes from the, federal reserve
[00:42:53] Unknown:
bank. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. I think you're right about the people for sure and the land both. You know, if you go back, I think it's h j r one ninety two or '92. Are you familiar with that little piece of legislation from 1933, Joe?
[00:43:09] Unknown:
Yeah. I I yes.
[00:43:11] Unknown:
And that was about a month after Roosevelt switched the systems, and it seems like in the reading of that, they say basically all the property in The US is ours, and they don't distinguish between land and and individuals. You know the individuals are counted in there, and then that at the bottom of that paragraph is, well, the first time I believe I remember ever seeing except by operational law. And, so I I didn't know if you're familiar with that. Obviously, they're talking about what you're just saying.
[00:43:44] Unknown:
Yeah. So, yeah, that, HCAO one ninety two, basically, you know, that was when they got rid of the gold, the gold clauses, the,
[00:43:52] Unknown:
[00:43:54] Unknown:
Being able to settle debts with gold or
[00:43:59] Unknown:
For the audience that might not know, we've hey. There's mister Argue. Hey, Argo. We'll talk to you in just a second. That, before March '33, there was a gold settlement contract in all contracts. Only about all, but majority, certainly bonds. And so that is evidently how they use the bond market to, cause that cause that, switch in the systems in the bankruptcy. And, there's some other speculations that they'd been stealing gold out of the banks because there was a higher arbitrage play in Europe and that they were trying to cover that up. Who knows? I don't know that we'll ever get an answer to those questions. But, yeah, they had to get rid of the gold settlement clauses. And, that may be when they bankrupted the bonds of their excuse to confiscate the remaining gold was they had the bonds, they were holding them, and they were exercising the gold settlement clause.
Could be. Hey, Mark. How are you doing, bud?
[00:45:01] Unknown:
Hey. Doing well, Roger. Doing well. When you brought up h j r one ninety two here back in the February, we had a listener that chimed up and said that and rightfully pointed out that HJR means House Joint Resolution. Joint. Right. And and it's not law in itself but they pointed out that it was a HAR 192 was a reference or, maybe a lead up. I don't know if it was a response or a lead up to the what they call the abrogation of gold clause. And they said in '19 now I'm just going off of, Google AI overview. Said in thirty three, nineteen thirty three, Congress passed a resolution that invalidated gold clauses in US contracts. This meant that contracts could no longer be repaid in gold but instead US dollars.
And then further down, it says on eighteenth February nineteen thirty five, the United States Supreme Court issued one of the most controversial ever decision on economic matters, invalidating the so called gold clauses on debt contracts. So it was a five to four decision, but it invalidated the so called gold clauses on debt contracts.
[00:46:32] Unknown:
I guess stacking the Supreme Court paid off, didn't it?
[00:46:36] Unknown:
Yeah. Back then, five to four. So that was 1935 when the Supreme Court addressed that. And they backed it up. And you know, if, if, if Congress, passes a law and it becomes enacted, whether it's signed by the President or not, most of the time that, most of the time it is. I don't, I don't recall too many times that the federal government's overrid a veto.
[00:47:06] Unknown:
But, you know Is it if the president doesn't sign it, it's not a law, is it?
[00:47:12] Unknown:
Okay. Well, they can override it. Congress by, I think, a super majority of, three fourths can override a veto. A veto. I've never recalled that ever happening. So
[00:47:26] Unknown:
just That's a boy. That'd be an interest that's an interesting research project, isn't it? Yeah.
[00:47:32] Unknown:
So anyway, the the Supreme Court and all the courts actually, but the Supreme Court of the United States is not supposed to make up what they think the law should be. They're supposed to interpret the meaning of that law if there's any kind of dispute on what what the law means, but they're supposed to go by the intent of the law as determined by Congress. And this is where you get into session law. Like for instance, in Oklahoma, whenever they write law, it's not codes and statutes. That's why I always say, you know, codes and statutes mostly are not law. They're a private compilation by a third party company that takes the session law that the legislators sign and the governor sign and pass it into law. They take that and they summarize it and they put it into books called Statutes and Codes for reference purposes.
It's not law it's for reference purposes and it may not even be accurate. This is why court rules and procedures have precedent over codes and statutes because codes and statutes aren't law. It's the session law that's passed by your legislators and signed by the governor or president into actual law that's law.
[00:49:10] Unknown:
And that of course on the federal level you'd go right to the statutes at large to find those. And after they've gone through that process, both houses agree. They if they don't agree, they go into a committee and come up with something like this house joint resolution, then the president signs it. And then it's considered to be constitutional, and they slip it into the statutes at large. Joe, what were you trying to add there, bud?
[00:49:35] Unknown:
So, I agree with what Mark's saying. Like, when I did and I I he got like, when I did a writ of prohibition, what I did was I cited the New Jersey laws, right, from the session laws, the bills and stuff like that. And, rather than the statutes, although I I showed how it was put into the statutes, right, the New Jersey revised statutes. But I cited the actual laws, and, you know, they they didn't they weren't very happy about that.
[00:50:04] Unknown:
But not. They would
[00:50:07] Unknown:
But the here's the interesting thing. So this the HDR one ninety two, I see people put that on all these documents. Yep. But I don't use that. I use the statute at large and because that's admissible evidence in a court of law. And that's how I that's what I use on my bond for my car insurance. When people have sent that in, to the DMV, the DMV accepts it as proof of insurance, and they they consider you self insured after that. Because the HCR one ninety two is not law, but the statute at large is.
[00:50:43] Unknown:
[00:50:44] Unknown:
There you go. That's so I I utilize it from that angle.
[00:50:48] Unknown:
Joe, real quick. While you're on the line, what was that that Latin term that had to that you had written, like, when somebody wants you to sign something and there's potentially some type of contract? It was like a Latin phrase that you wrote above above your name. Do you recall what that was? Non assumptit. Non assumptit. Asumptis.
[00:51:13] Unknown:
[00:51:14] Unknown:
Like, a s a s s u m I t t or g, isn't it?
[00:51:19] Unknown:
A s s u m p Oh. Sump s I t. That's it. Okay. So non sump sys. The sump sys. Okay.
[00:51:28] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. I remember that term. That was I looked that up, and I was like, man, that's that's nice. Because whoever would say that, I'll be on the receiving end and you wrote that, they wouldn't know what it means.
[00:51:41] Unknown:
No. Probably not. Yeah. Now there was another word.
[00:51:46] Unknown:
Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead. Say they're so in New Jersey, they don't let you sign the tickets anymore. They just print them out and give them to you. When I was younger, I had come across that in the law dictionary, so I started signing all the tickets, not a subset. Now I wouldn't even put my name on there. I just wrote that. And, one time, the copy pulled me over again five minutes later and told me I had to resign the ticket. And, and, you know, shortly after that, they stopped doing the signature of the on the tickets in New Jersey. So sorry, everybody. That was my fault.
[00:52:19] Unknown:
So how how can they hold you on a contract if you didn't sign it?
[00:52:25] Unknown:
Well, yeah, that I well, what happened was I never had to go to court for any of those tickets. They just they just never came up, and they they never put like, I never bothered to show up for court. I never tried to pay the fine, and they, you know, it never came up. You know? No warrants or anything ever come up every time I assigned a ticket like that, so I kept doing it.
[00:52:46] Unknown:
That's beautiful.
[00:52:47] Unknown:
Yeah. Let me read the the definition of that and I'll spell it. It's n o n, non, second word is asum sit, a s s u, M as in Mary P as in Papa S I T as in tango. Non Assumptit. Is a legal term that refers to a general denial or plea in assumption action. I should say in an assumption action. Assumptit action. It's hard to say. Assumptit action. It is a Latin phrase that means he did not undertake. A subset is a promise to do something or pay something to another person. It can be oral or written but it is not under seal. If the promise is broken, the person who made the promise can be sued in court for damages.
Non assumptive sumpset is a plea that the defendant uses to claim that he did not promise or undertake as alleged. So if you're writing non assumpsit, you know, above your name or right on the signature line, then it's just saying you don't agree to a promise or undertake any agreement. That's beautiful. I love that.
[00:54:13] Unknown:
Yeah. Very good, Joe.
[00:54:16] Unknown:
Yeah. And that's very effective. It it did not once ever fail. Every every single time I did that, they never pushed the tickets.
[00:54:26] Unknown:
Wow. Well, there's an answer for some maybe somebody in a traffic situation. Non assumption. Go back and study it.
[00:54:35] Unknown:
May I, Lady Linda Louise?
[00:54:38] Unknown:
Yes, ma'am.
[00:54:40] Unknown:
Thank you, Joe. I've used that myself, and it's very effective. Also, the public, law, correct me if I'm wrong, is, 72 that you use for, in lieu of HJR one ninety two.
[00:55:00] Unknown:
I use 48 it's chapter it says chap 48 comma 48 stat one twelve comma one thirteen. Okay. Because that's a statute at large, which is admissible evidence in court.
[00:55:15] Unknown:
Mhmm. Okay. Can you repeat that? Yeah. Yeah.
[00:55:20] Unknown:
Yeah. Chap Can Joe, can you repeat that a little slowly so they can write it down?
[00:55:26] Unknown:
So Chap, like, it's c h a p period, right, for chapter 48 comma 48 stat one twelve comma one thirteen.
[00:55:41] Unknown:
Okay. And that's the codification of, or at least the statitizing of the HAR one ninety two.
[00:55:49] Unknown:
[00:55:50] Unknown:
Cool. Well, that means his law was signed by Roosevelt, obviously. Have have you traced it over to The United States code? Did they carry that over, Joe?
[00:56:01] Unknown:
Yes. They did. Not only in pieces. So part of it is codified. I because I wrote to the Library of Congress about that, and they told me that, that it's never been repealed. So it's still it's still a valid, statute, but that only a portion of it was codified, and it was codified in in title 31 under legal terms, which is, yeah, under, like, coins and currency, the monetary system.
[00:56:29] Unknown:
[00:56:30] Unknown:
So it's under 31 US code fifty one zero three, and that plot was codified.
[00:56:38] Unknown:
Here. Roger. I don't think I've ever seen anything come out as chapter code 31 before. Yeah. Who was Roger there?
[00:56:46] Unknown:
It's it's Samuel. I was wondering if you ever read the read the whole resolution or not.
[00:56:53] Unknown:
Yeah. I did.
[00:56:55] Unknown:
I read it I read it to rumble. Look at that. Stamper has
[00:57:00] Unknown:
Stamper has quite a bit to say about joint resolution one ninety two. He's basically saying it it was their insurance policy to assure they are not convicted of treason. It does not mean they can't be charged with treason, but the courts will dismiss based on failure to state a claim upon which relief can be regret granted. Right. 12 v six. So that's what they were doing according to him. And then back in sort of a on a what we're talking about a little while ago here, you know that back in the 90s, there was a lot of talk about the Buck Act
[00:57:45] Unknown:
and Yes. There sure was.
[00:57:47] Unknown:
On how that affected jurisdictions. And they they defined a state in there as any territory or possession,
[00:58:01] Unknown:
[00:58:03] Unknown:
is pretty broad. Yes. And the argument back then is that they destroyed the state lines with that act with Wall Street to DC. And what they claim they were doing is allowing the states to be able to tax federal employees, state taxes and stuff like that, which I think is, canard. But, anyway, just wanted to throw those two things in.
[00:58:32] Unknown:
Well, if they owed the federal and they paid it on the federal and the state has the form where they move those figures over, obviously, they'd pay state income tax.
[00:58:41] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. It's it's like, is it the cart before the horse or the horse before the cart? It's kind of an explanation of what it was for. Right? Yeah. Yeah.
[00:58:53] Unknown:
K. Cool. Thank you, Samuel. Any more discussion on that? Well, yes. But you yes. But your phone has gotten funky, lady Linda. You're gonna have to reconnect. You're underwater again.
[00:59:12] Unknown:
You're chopping.
[00:59:14] Unknown:
We can't understand what you're saying, sweetheart. Oh, hold on. Alright. While we're
[00:59:19] Unknown:
not saying goodbye to Chicago, but listening to the whistler No. Reconnect. No. We're not saying goodbye. Here. Here we go. Yeah. Reconnect a little bit. He's a good whistler, Paul. Yeah. Yeah. It's a good whistler.
[00:59:32] Unknown:
Yeah. He's got a strong whistle, that boy. Definitely a good whistler. That came from Harry Nielsen, by the way. I don't know if he was whistling or not, but that was the origin of that little cowboys, cowgirls, and little rest of the while. So, okay. Well, maybe lady Linda will get back in a week and understand her. She sounds like she's way down in a deep, deep dive. Is that Jack
[00:59:58] Unknown:
or Larry? No. It's Georgia. Just a follow-up question on the because you mentioned about the thirteenth Amendment. Could you review again what the thirteenth Amendment maybe you did it on the rent show, but you were mentioning about the new thirteenth Amendment?
[01:00:14] Unknown:
Well, I don't know. Well, I don't study the old one. I know it's there. I know they got rid of it. It's nice debate. It it doesn't have much effect on us that I can tell, and I doubt if you're ever gonna get that overturned, because of custom and usage would be, probably the reason they deny it, but speculation. Anyway, the new one, they got rid of the old one and they bring the new one in. And, they let congress all in to vote on that. Okay? And so they passed it. So the thirteenth amendment is constitutional, if you wanna look at it that way, as opposed to the fourteenth, which a lot of people question. But, who was it written for? There was only one status at that point. That was the state citizens.
It says their jurisdictions in there, which connotates plural, and the states. So it it it it was obviously a setup. They didn't let all those guys back in to vote on this, just to be nice guys. They used the thirteenth amendment as a setup, and that's why they let all those congressmen back in to vote on it. Now after that was passed, they went back and tried to get the fourteenth amendment ratified. And if your state had not ratified the fourteenth amendment, now they kicked you out of Congress until your state ratified the fourteenth amendment, then they let you in here. We over 600,000 men dead for these states to try and secede. No. You can't. And now they kick them out and say you gotta vote on this to get back in.
So and, of course, there's the two. You got their jurisdictions at the end of the thirteenth. That signifies the plurality. And then you've got subject to the jurisdiction thereof, singular. So there's your two governments right there. And you can see as it goes more to the idea of thinking that, hey. Maybe this is the reason the Civil War was fought. And the way these things were set up and how they operate to this day, are you the the this didn't happen by accident. It was planned out, and they set that thirteenth amendment up, in my view, so that they could later on, eighty years, bankrupt the country and throw the broad net over the states and rope you into being a federal citizen.
Jim Crow was still recognized all the way up to Brown versus Board of Education. World War two in the forties had black, battalions or regiments or whatever you call them that were exclusively black. So Jim Crow was still operable in the forties. That's why they had to get rid of Plessy in fifteen years later. So that is that answer your question, George?
[01:03:11] Unknown:
Yes. Yeah. That's what I was, yep. That's what I was looking for here. I knew the the
[01:03:19] Unknown:
well, the more I on it in that respect and think about some of the peripherals on that, it just strengthens my conclusion. I believe the civil war was started and aggravated to pass these amendments so they could control The US Eighty Years later and make through this mechanism the dollar of you being the collateral, the world reserve currency, and thereby control the world through it. Because that's exactly what's happened.
[01:03:49] Unknown:
May I
[01:03:50] Unknown:
add There you're back. You don't sound like you're gurgling at the bottom of the Atlantic anymore. Okay.
[01:03:57] Unknown:
Joe, I believe he gave a US code. Was that US code in reference to, the public law?
[01:04:04] Unknown:
Yes. The 31 USC 31.
[01:04:08] Unknown:
Okay. I I think that's where they USC.
[01:04:12] Unknown:
Oh, well, that's I don't know if that is that what she's asking, Joe? Is that reference to 31 USC?
[01:04:21] Unknown:
Yeah. So the part that was, it was 31 US code 5103. Although they it came from there. They said it was codified from other public law later on, but that was the original inception, which that public law seventy three ten. Right? The HR one ninety two, that stat was updated or that wasn't really updated, but they added onto it in the eighties. And then that was the one that was codified in '31 US code.
[01:04:58] Unknown:
Thank you, Joe. Thank you for that clarity.
[01:05:01] Unknown:
[01:05:03] Unknown:
So just if it by the way, just so if everyone knows, like, when I try to find out like, try to get some kind of clarity on, like, a code or a statute, because sometimes it's kinda hard to find where it was, I just write to the Library of Congress. I mean, they'll respond back to you within the day and tell you, you know, if yeah. Oh, they're really responsive. I was very impressed by that service, you know, for free. You know, just write to them and say, hey. Has this been repealed? And they'll tell you yes or no, and they'll even send you all the links for it.
[01:05:34] Unknown:
You mean that's one part of the federal government that really works? Yeah.
[01:05:41] Unknown:
[01:05:43] Unknown:
Damn. Try and get a one day response out of the other those other folks up there. Of course, they're a little busy right now. So, great. Go ahead. Just the the folks that the message attracts here, Mark and Joe and just all of you. It's just very impressive. And, I'm very pleased. Very pleased. Because I had no way to to guide this. I couldn't make plans and all that stuff years ago because, quite frankly, I never could get anybody's attention. Very few. And, the the worm has turned a little bit now, and I think it's gonna continue down the path it's on. So we'll see. I don't know. How many Americans do you think wanna be slaves to satanic Jews? You think there's very many?
[01:06:35] Unknown:
Hey, Rod.
[01:06:37] Unknown:
Yeah. Who's that?
[01:06:38] Unknown:
Hey. It's Jack in Colorado.
[01:06:41] Unknown:
Hey, Jack. Hey. Thank you for the email. Question.
[01:06:45] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. Thanks. I wasn't I thought that was a wild show you did the other night, and you were, like, unstoppable. So good job.
[01:06:52] Unknown:
Thank you.
[01:06:54] Unknown:
I don't understand the relevance of this one ninety two or the law that Joe's talking about or how it's used in court. It sounds like it has to do with currency.
[01:07:04] Unknown:
It was a a month about after March, maybe a little bit longer. It was them declaring that they owned everything. Okay. So is he using that in court, his recent cases somehow? He he he has used it in court, but he didn't use h j r '90 '2 or '1 '90 '2, whichever one it was. He used it from the statutes at large, which he gave us the, address to a minute ago.
[01:07:29] Unknown:
So I'm still curious. What are you what what was the point of bringing it up in court? What was he trying to Joke, you wanna bring it up?
[01:07:36] Unknown:
So I I I used it for the my car insurance bond. Right? Because they tell you that you have to have some kind of financial responsibility or that you have to have, something, some kind of evidence that you have money to back up the, the insurance on your car. So I said that, I can't find any lawful money, you know, in accordance with, you know, h zero one ninety two, but using the, statute at large version of it. And I said, I can't whereas there's no lawful money, I can only find legal tender. And, you know, according to this statute at large, there is no lawful money anymore. So I'm using this bond as a way to, as a as evidence according to here's the law that says or the statute or whatever that says that I I'm required to have insurance.
So because that one says that and that there is no lawful money, I'm gonna use this bond in instead of using, insurance. And they go, okay. That's fine. So they accept it. Like, the DMV will accept it and recognize it. When the cops give you a ticket for not having insurance because they don't it goes over their head. The bond is like something they don't know anything about. You just send in a little letter citing that, statute at large saying, here's the statute at large. Here's a copy of the bond. And they usually just drop that case because they're you know, it's failure to stay close.
[01:09:03] Unknown:
Other another question for Roger about the fourteenth amendment. Why would the Southern states
[01:09:09] Unknown:
not want to sign the fourteenth? Why did they have to be forced to Well, the Southern states mostly had you know, the Jeffersonian South, they're the ones that owned the slaves. And they were totally against the North and all the things that happened. And so they were gonna get this fourteenth amendment past hell or high water. And, actually, if you'll remember, I don't know if any of you listened to that Robert Livingston audio we used to have. It was over on one of the other sites. I don't believe it's up anymore, and I don't know where I could find it. But even some of the actions they were taking, even the new black citizens of The United States were against that according to doctor Livingston.
But, yeah, it it was more of an extension of the Civil War the way I understand it, Jack, because because they just didn't wanna pass. And so if they didn't ratify the fourteenth amendment, they would come down and ramsack their legislatures. There was a lot of law libraries burnt, and and they would substitute, what do they call them? Well, they put, former slaves and, oh, there was a name for those rats, scallywags or something. The people that were down there, taking advantage of the defeated South, well, they'd stick them in the state legislatures and burn the law library. Wonderful. So that's a rule.
Pardon me? Talk right on your phone, Jack. It's
[01:10:35] Unknown:
carpetbaggers. I think the word you're looking for. Carpetbaggers
[01:10:37] Unknown:
is the word I'm looking for.
[01:10:40] Unknown:
I wonder if it's because they didn't wanna become federal citizens, and they wanted to kinda be a state citizen in the South. I
[01:10:48] Unknown:
I I there was probably a lot revolving around the ownership of blacks, and and that was actually what continued and, had overwritten in the Dred Scott decision. As they had basically said, a man of African descent on property rights was, their property. And if they went to another state that was a free state, because we had slave and free states, that they could not be free there. And this led up to the passage of these amendments because of the hole that was left, like it says in the slaughterhouse cases, and they start with Dred Scott and the incapacities of Dred Scott that a black man, no matter where he was, could not become a citizen of The United States Of America then because that was in the fifties, '18 fifties.
And that led to the discussion in the slaughterhouse cases where they they were talking about, well, this is what set all this up, Dred Scott. And then it continued because the discussion, as it says in Slaughterhouse, I think it says it was in the newspapers and private circles and in political journals, that they had realized that people born and raised in DC and the territories were in the same incapacity. They didn't have any rights and duties. They're just kind of a throw off of the states. And if you really think about it, those people at that time were stateless. They had nowhere to get rights and duties and no organized government structure over them. And that's what the fourteenth amendment filled.
Okay? So those were the opportunities that they used to drive all this through. And, of course, the slave argument was a huge argument, for decades down in the country.
[01:12:38] Unknown:
Yeah. One thing that, one thing that I was thinking about that's important about your what you teach in your message is the the key piece that it's like the poison pill. You can't talk about it in large circles, which is the involvement of the Zionist in this whole plan. So I'm wondering how that's gonna go over on Rinse's show. If you have to get Yeah. It'll go over like a champ on Rinse's show. He can't stand them either.
[01:13:05] Unknown:
And and he realizes oh, you wonder about what?
[01:13:09] Unknown:
His audience.
[01:13:11] Unknown:
Oh, his audience leans the same way. I'm sure.
[01:13:15] Unknown:
Let's hope so.
[01:13:17] Unknown:
Well, it doesn't matter. I I mean, I'm throwing it out there. If you don't wanna do it, you don't have to. If you can't, you can't disprove anything I'm saying. Nobody ever has. So it's great. If you do it, do it if you want to. Don't do it if you don't want to. So that's the beauty of what I do is I don't I'm not telling you to do anything. I'm just fulfilling my requirement to make sure you get exposed with the fact that you've got a choice you didn't know you had. That's my whole idea right here. I appreciate it. It's just such an important part of the story that, I'm just sometimes I wonder if that's why you had a hard time getting large audiences in the past because you know what happens. Well In Hollywood, it freaked out. You're done, you know? Yeah. Well, no. I don't think I don't think that's the reason. But I think the reason is most people don't even understand what the hell we're talking about because it's set up so confusing. And they look at it like, you know, oh, well, like David Duke, one of his regulars that we'll get to in turn. I hope, you know, David and I were at LSU at the same time years ago. And, David was presented with this information through a third party and said it's a bunch of bunk. Well, I I don't know who presented it to him. I don't know how they presented it to it. I don't know how well they were up on it where they could answer any questions. Well, they just put it in front of him. He said it's a bunch of bunk. Well, I think we'll change that.
And, with him, particularly, with these rents appearances, but they're not the only one. I mean, remember, Jack, hell, I was two hours on the phone with, Todd Callender. He didn't get it. A whole bunch of these other people I put it in front of, they hadn't got it. So I I don't have an answer for that except that I think our people are the remnant. And I think that we're the people that have a love of the truth. And from my experience, as I said with Jeff Rents, he's a cutting edge kind of guy. I believe he's, accumulated over thirty years an audience that's very cutting edge. They talk about the Zionists and stuff all the time over there. They don't come be as frank as we can because Jeff has been tortured by these people for decades too. They've tried to kill him a couple of times. Did you know that?
No. That's the first time I heard of him was the other night. Oh, yeah. No. They drove that's the first time you ever heard Rents. Oh, he's got a rich and storied background. Okay. He's the first guy that like I told him on the interview, you you broke, sabotage v and Saboteanism to the world. This guy, Barry Chamish. Nobody had ever heard about it before, and that was Rents. Well,
[01:15:58] Unknown:
I noticed the other night on Rents though that you I could tell he hinted at it a few times about that certain group of people, but he never did say the j word. So I just wonder if he's got his own limits.
[01:16:09] Unknown:
No. I don't think so. I think his if he does, they're self imposed because of what he's been through and they put him through. But, if that's the case, once he really grasped this, I think that'll go away. It'll be in because he's So I you know, I can tell you this. I can tell him this, and I would have the other night if we wouldn't have been in such a crunch for time. But, Jeff, if you start teaching this stuff, they won't touch you with a 10 foot pole, buddy. I mean, I'll get right on Jeff's show and call them kikes and everything else. I'll tell them I hate them, and and and I'll beg them to put me on their hate list. By God, they won't do it.
They're scared to death of this. Yes.
[01:16:58] Unknown:
Yes. This is Thomas in Florida. Hey, Thomas. Listen. I've been listening to Jeff for a long time. He is absolutely he hates the Jews. He's voiceful. He doesn't care how he says it. He if you listen to him, you realize he completely understands what happened to the Germans. He does not believe the Holocaust existed. He's totally I mean he's I can't think of one thing that I'm surprised that he doesn't know and he hasn't actually doesn't know more about what you're trying to introduce to him. To tell you the truth, it just it hasn't passed his, his his gone past his path.
[01:17:39] Unknown:
I think we've got to him Thomas, I think he got it the other night with the two questions. It was my sense. But go ahead. Yeah.
[01:17:47] Unknown:
Well, I think in the end when you said what we recommend is you send your affidavit to the Secretary of the State and then we also recommend that you then apply for a passport. And that caught me when you yeah. You can actually, you know, you can actually get a legal document with this supposed with this information and they hand you your passport. It's gotta be real.
[01:18:11] Unknown:
Well, I can tell you this. I didn't get a chance to mention it with Jeff the other night, but folks, they take passport fraud very seriously. I mean, very seriously. If I told you that story about that guy Garcia that was incarcerated when I first started doing this fourteen years ago, have you heard that Thomas? Have you heard that Jack?
[01:18:34] Unknown:
I think we have. He's running by us.
[01:18:37] Unknown:
Well, there's a guy in the story. You could probably go dig it up somewhere in the, search engine. He was a retired army. I think his name was Garcia. He was, been stationed down at Guantanamo, and earlier in his life, he had applied for a passport. Well, he thought he had, but he didn't sign it. You know, with the DS 11, we know that you've gotta sign it in front of an administrating official for that first one. Well, he didn't. He evidently filled it out. He didn't sign it, and he sent it in. And years later well, of course, they didn't give him one. It it wouldn't follow it. Well, years later, he went back to do it again. And on the I guess it's the DS 11 form, they've got a question that says, have you ever applied for a passport before?
And he put no. And they had had him in jail for six months in the Jacksonville area, I believe. And he had to appeal to the Florida senator, and the Florida senator finally got him out of jail. That example, which was public in a newspaper, shows you how seriously they take passport fraud. We've never had a Yeah. That's right. So much as a hiccup from them.
[01:19:54] Unknown:
Alright. Hey. Did Rince tell you what you're gonna cover next week? And is it gonna be a repeat? Or
[01:20:02] Unknown:
Well, I know you just no. It's not gonna be a repeat. I'm gonna do a continuation of where we left off. And see what I did, Jack, was I gave them the front end of how they've done this with your mind, and then I gave them as much as I could of the back end. And then from those two perspectives, we're trying to color in the middle. And that's what I'll be doing more of Wednesday night. Maybe going over the, statute of noncitizen nationality, probably going over the passport application and showing him where all this stuff is hidden and how and, those types of things is what I kinda sense we'll do Wednesday.
[01:20:38] Unknown:
When do you plan on revealing the income tax issue at the end of that? Well, maybe Wednesday.
[01:20:44] Unknown:
You know, if we can get to it, I I don't know because I don't know what questions he's gonna have. I don't know necessarily how the discussion is gonna go. Yeah. That's a very critical part of it, and I'll tell you why. Because he used to have Debbie Kidd on all the time. You know who Debbie Kidd was, Jack? No. Well, she was a a a an officer military officer's wife. She got very involved in the fed, and she was really worked with Larry Beecraft a lot. And she's just a wonderful gal, and Jeff had her on a lot. Well, they she that was the people that the nucleus of where's the law? Where's the law? Show us the law. We'll give you $50,000 full page ad of the New York Times.
And so I'm gonna say, Jeff, well, you remember Debbie? Yeah. I had Debbie online. He used to have her online. I'll say, well, I'm gonna show you the law. Debbie couldn't show it to you. Beacraft can't show it to you. I'll show it to you and explain it to you. So, yeah, if we can, we'll get to that. We'll get to that Wednesday if we can.
[01:21:45] Unknown:
I don't understand how Debbie or all those people couldn't see the law. It's like
[01:21:49] Unknown:
you you pointed out every time it's right in the regulations.
[01:21:52] Unknown:
Well, yeah. But they that's the problem. They weren't looking in the regulations. They were looking in the statutes. It doesn't say that in the statutes that all citizen and the residents want to No. It no. It's in the regulations.
[01:22:12] Unknown:
Still think it's stupid they didn't know that.
[01:22:15] Unknown:
Well, they're just looking in the wrong place. I'm telling you. There's a lot of these folks out there, and I I hate to point the finger at Larry Beecraft. I know Larry. I hadn't seen him in, obviously, many years. Nice guy, fun to be around, great guy, good attorney in the right circumstance, but he just can't think outside the box. He he's supposed to be the internal revenue tax specialist. After John and Glenn got all that research together and wrote his book, he spent three hours on the phone with Larry trying to explain the old system to him. And I don't think he ever got it. Okay? John's comment was Larry's been lawyering too long.
That was what John said. So, Jack, I don't know the reason why some people grasp this and some others don't. I think it's a spirituality issue and a love of the truth. And, that's I I that's about all I know, man. I don't know why it didn't register with people like Todd Callender. My my suspicion is that Todd was so new and he'd been indoctrinated by all the national crap for man of honor rights that he just couldn't see it. But I I I just don't know, Jack. So I just don't know the answer to those questions. I've been baffled by them for many years.
[01:23:38] Unknown:
Hey, Roger. Good morning. Morning.
[01:23:41] Unknown:
I was thinking Last day you get to sleep in, Myrca.
[01:23:44] Unknown:
I know. I know. God. I'm not looking forward to that. I know. I'm sorry.
[01:23:49] Unknown:
You know, Trump may get rid of daylight savings time.
[01:23:54] Unknown:
[01:23:55] Unknown:
Yeah. That's Well, we don't know if he will or not. He's probably gonna make a decision on it this coming week. But it's like he was saying. He said, well, it's a really tough issue because it's about a half and half issue. And and he's got justifications on both side. You know, some people like the extra daylight in the afternoon to be with their family, and other people complain because they're having to take their children to school in the dark. He said, I don't know which one to do. He's kinda torn. Okay?
[01:24:23] Unknown:
Yeah. I was just saying that, your connection with Renz was really good. And the Yeah. We were on Skype. You guys were you guys really, really, clicked together. And Yeah. I thought so too. Wait. I I know I know that you were trying to rush and get all the information in, but I think what, you know, what I saw is that, you know, you both need to dialogue. And I think he was, you know, ready to go with the flow with you. And he just needs, like, you need to dialogue with him. And I think you would feel more of of his, you know, thoughts and you can answer that too.
And, and you don't have to rush anymore because there is a connection. And I'm sure that he'll have you back more than, you know, the two times, the the second time that's coming up. So take your time. Predict.
[01:25:16] Unknown:
Jeff likes to have people on regularly, like once a month or whatever, so he doesn't have to always worry about scheduling. Otherwise, he's got to schedule and confirm three hours a night, and that's difficult. People can't make it and and whatever the other things are. So he likes to have those regular things he can count on first Tuesday of the month or whatever it is. Maybe that that's that. We'll see how he handles this as we go forward. But, he sees the validity of the information. In his email, he wrote me. He he complimented me on my communication skills, which I appreciated.
And, he said, boy, you got a lot a lot of followers out there, which I know we do. Roger, may I take that? Here. You or you can in a second if you'll let me finish. And I don't know the the ones we've got around here. I I know we've had people go through here. There's a lot of other people who've been exposed to this, gone through it, and gone and done whatever else they're doing. But that was a nice,
[01:26:20] Unknown:
that was a nice comment from him. Was that you, Sherry? I think he would I think he would do really good with rents. I think you have a nice relationship. Is really good. Just Uh-huh. Just go with the flow and I will. Him. I think it'll it'll go really good.
[01:26:36] Unknown:
Yep. I think so, Murica. What what you got, Sherry?
[01:26:39] Unknown:
Well, so you're gonna be on the first hour again?
[01:26:44] Unknown:
No. Second hour on Wednesday. But you go through time change tonight. Don't forget we go through a time change tonight. So for me, it'll be the same time, the same hour. It'll be, nine to ten even though before it was nine to ten, but we hadn't gone through the but I'm in the second segment. So that's why that's gonna be like that.
[01:27:06] Unknown:
Oh, okay. Well, because I was just gonna speak to he did have a regular guest on, in that first hour on that same day for
[01:27:14] Unknown:
No. I was in the first hour. So The well, I was in the first hour.
[01:27:19] Unknown:
Right. But, William Keene used to hold that slot with Ally Pack
[01:27:25] Unknown:
every week at that same time. That guy that guy from North Carolina. Yeah. Well, now that Trump's in, I guess they've scrapped him.
[01:27:34] Unknown:
Well, I think he bowed out is my understanding. Not really sure. Okay. So Uh-huh. Yeah. I'd heard he But I I was just yeah. I was just gonna say here you are picking up somebody else's slot like you did on RVN. So but maybe not.
[01:27:48] Unknown:
But We'll see how he's having you on again. Yeah. And what I'm seeing is he really wants to know about the law. He's had never had a reliable source. That's why he asked me about the Admiralty Law stuff. And there y'all will have to admit, there's a lot of confusion in the populace about all this stuff. And so here comes a beacon of light that knows what they're talking about. They can explain things to him. And I was very pleased when he asked me that question because it's been a pet peeve of mine for many years. And I could go right in and go, well, here's here's how you disprove that. Boom, boom, boom, remedy, prize, no, no, no process.
And it's just plain as a nose on your face. Well, that should've given me some credibility there. And maybe Wednesday, we'll do a little law teaching, and and go over the r plus d equals r, how wine is so important. I don't know. We'll see how Wednesday goes That's gonna be good. Starts. Well, we'll see. I mean, I can plan these things out in my mind, and if he's got questions, I'm gonna defer to his questions.
[01:28:54] Unknown:
Absolutely. Roger, I just wanted to say, I think he appreciated you being able to speak off the cuff, from your own brain and your own heart without having to fumble and mumble around that it's in your head and, you know,
[01:29:09] Unknown:
backwards and forwards. I yield. Yeah. Well, that's what I'm gonna tell his audience. So if you wanna be free, that's you've got to get command of this information. You cannot be free. There's a direct correlation with how well you understand this. And don't forget, god said, above all, seek understanding, not knowledge, understanding. So you don't have to have a lot of knowledge if you've got understanding. But your your freedom and the level of your freedom is directly correlated to, how how how well you've got command of this information. And if you don't Run. And if it's gallons, you're just gonna go right into the gutter.
K? Well, I don't have some things for me. I'll go to the guy, Mirka first. Go ahead.
[01:29:50] Unknown:
I just wanted to say, he will appreciate listening to the r plus d equals r, I think.
[01:29:56] Unknown:
Yeah. I think he will too. For him. I just briefly mentioned that I didn't go into it. I didn't go into legal personality or any of that other stuff, but maybe we will on Wednesday. If not, we will at some point. Now he may continue to have me on. Listen. I've been listening to Jeff for a long time off and on too. Sherry, obviously, you have. I don't know that I've ever seen him rebook anybody that quick within a week. No. He works about two weeks ahead on his schedule. So he wanted me on bad quickly for him to do this for Wednesday is my feeling. Who's the guy trying to say something there? Jack. Jack. Hey, Jack. Hey. I wanna say two things I noticed about that call.
[01:30:40] Unknown:
It was ironic how the, Pavlov Pavlov's dog story actually tied right into how we're all basically paralyzed. And he totally bought into how the government's controlling us and has us scared. And so the other thing that I helped that conversation was a sense of anticipation because he knew he was gonna learn something at the end that you kept holding back the affidavit till the end, and I think that kept him quiet for the whole hour. Good.
[01:31:04] Unknown:
Well, we'll come out with it and show him more and go over both of those from the one sentence to the more or the one the sample one we use and why and all that stuff. I don't know how much ground we'll cover Wednesday night, and some of it just flat depends on him. He may have some listeners that have sent him questions. We we just don't know, but we'll find out on Wednesday night and, I think he and I will have a continuing relationship. I'm really pleased about it. And Jack, if you are not familiar with Rents, he has a mammoth audience.
[01:31:40] Unknown:
He's been building it for thirty days. He was talking about UFOs and backwards talk and stuff. So he actually got a pretty diverse choice of topics to cover.
[01:31:50] Unknown:
He's real big on UFOs, has been for a long time. Now, by the way, I'm glad that came up. I wanna mention this. Did any of you happen to see Alex the last two hours with that doctor Steven Greer yesterday? Anybody see that? I advise all of you to go back to Friday's Alex Jones and listen to this interview with this guy, Steven Greer. He's a former medical doctor, emergency room guy that got into this when during Bill Clinton, they asked him to come up and brief. He I guess he was interested in it and had some knowledge to come up and brief the head of the CIA on UFOs and UMPs and what all that jargon is. And ever since then, he's been deep in it, and he was drawing out and trying to get Trump and the administration into this. The deep state has this unbelievable power weapon that they've developed from all over all these years from, the actual technology that they did get from crashed UFOs and stuff.
And that they are they can do a a alien attack now, and Trump would not know it was them. So I I can't give you everything he said. Yeah. Hold on, Dave. Yeah. It is really well worth listening to over the weekend. If you don't have anything else to listen to, the last two hours, Alex Jones or this guy, Steven Greer. This guy came to Alex and had had an appendicitis, an appendectomy thirty six hours before. And he's sitting there grimacing. He said, I've had just had this appendectomy, and I'm in some pain. But this information is so critical to get to Trump because they've got to get the jump and get these people taken over and control of that or else they can use it against us to take over the whole world. It's really worth listening to. I'm not big on UFOs and stuff, but this guy knew his stuff and has all the data. And he he has a a report that he's printed that's available that he gave to Trump that's on that's unredacted.
The one you might purchase has got some redactions in it. Worth listening to. Last two hours of Alex Jones on the seventh, doctor Steven Greer. Very impressive guy. So I wanted to mention that today. Thank you for reminding me, Jack. Novi, Dave, what did you have? Dave, did you see that?
[01:34:21] Unknown:
No. But I I'm I'm a new brand new listener to Rents for maybe a month now. He's been added to this alt media channel that's a telephone listen line that Sherry shared with us months ago last year sometime. Anyway, I heard Rince recently talking about that Greer guy, and I'm pretty sure he said he's a charlatan.
[01:34:44] Unknown:
I I'm a second witness to that, Dave.
[01:34:47] Unknown:
Thank you. Well Are you Oh, okay. Okay. Well, that may be true. Remember Jeff pan the iTero one too. K?
[01:34:55] Unknown:
So Yeah. And I I heard you guys talk about that. I didn't listen to Renton. You know, I'd heard him on a few platforms in the past, you know, years ago, and I didn't really care for him. But I tell you, I you know, some of the shows I've listened to, because, you know, there's nothing else on, and I'll pop him on. And and I, you know, I I like him a little. He's okay. But what you did on his show was amazing. I think, to me, that was your best performance, in that short a time. But I I would say, in all the times I've heard you ask that question, it's always at the end. And you tell him, give me your honest answer. And they all say, after you give them the information, they answer no. I will ask that question through.
I will ask that question first, Roger, because that's when you're gonna get the truth out of these people, and then lay it out on them and then ask them again. Then they'll say, hell no. Right? They're always they're always hesitant. Many people are hesitant. That's a good observation,
[01:36:04] Unknown:
Dave. Yep. Yeah. Well, Rents is a different character. I mean, we're all different. He's got his own predilections. He'd but I'm just take tickled to be introduced to him and his audience, and I want him to learn and get I want to be able to teach him because it's kind of a clean slate. I I wanna be able to teach him some of these law basics where he doesn't go chasing rabbits from here forward. So we'll see. Yes. Sue was trying to say something there.
[01:36:34] Unknown:
Hey, Roger. Nobody?
[01:36:36] Unknown:
Yes. Thomas?
[01:36:38] Unknown:
Yes. Yes. Again, yes. The other thing that I thought I was listening really careful because I was wanted because I was just so concerned about how he took it. I mean, we all know you and we know what's going on with the information. And I think he took special, notice when you mentioned the feudal system because then he made a joke about it. Yeah. But that sort of tweak like that's because that's the basis of, hey, we're all basically in a voluntary feudal system. System. And I thought that was really interesting. And then the other thing that I was thinking of is, he had that accident and he was he's very spiritual and he feels like a voice He doesn't even know where it came from. They're getting ready to crack his head and go in and work on his brain because he he had a pretty he had a horrible car accident and he knows they just need to kill him. And I think that he feels he said, I am here for a reason. I should not have and you have the same story. Exactly.
You should relate that to him. Say, I am the sole survivor. I should not be I you might just let you might just click up with yeah, right there. I mean Well, I may get to that. Both of us. I may I may get to that at some point. And,
[01:37:54] Unknown:
I was thought as I was talking that he really took notice when we got into equivocation and explaining the the bible verse and what it was. And I remember his comment. He said it makes perfect sense. So, yeah, I think he's on board. You know, if he wasn't on board, he wouldn't have been so excited. Send me all these accolades and and and rebook me within a week. I don't know. Thomas, do you ever remember him doing that with anybody before?
[01:38:24] Unknown:
No. No. I mean, he, he does have to fill that space for that guy, Gein. They had a little argument. They didn't have an argument. Gein might have been drinking. I was listening. He was really rambunctious and he actually insulted Rents. And Rents basically said, please don't talk to me that way and the guy hung up on him. So he's gone for it on Wednesday.
[01:38:43] Unknown:
Okay? Okay.
[01:38:45] Unknown:
So I mean I mostly kiss and make up but it was kind of like and he was abusing Rentz and I kind of got the feeling he might have been drinking. I don't know.
[01:38:53] Unknown:
Could have been. Well, if Trump's in, what what what's he gonna do? Talk about his, you know, his, political PAC to get JD Vance elected? I think that's gonna be a shoe in. I think the Republicans are going to clean house on these midterms. You you know, and this one of the midterm elections is going to be very important because Mitch McConnell is, senators come up every six years. So they get a few every two years that are, up for reelection. And Mitch McConnell, thank God, has, has, quit. And now Massey, who is always against the Israelis, vocally, is going to run for Mitch McConnell's seat.
And AIPAC has already said, we're going to defeat you and get hundreds of millions of dollars. So that's already shaping up, and I'll bet you that Massey wins that if he runs. You got a situation where you might have Ken Paxton from Texas who's probably the best attorney general in the country. He may be running for the senate seat for Cornyn. I think Cornyn is up, one of the Texas senators for reelection this time. So I I I think the Republicans are gonna do quite well in this midterm. And, man, JD Vance is looking presidential already to me.
And you notice Trump's including him in everything. He's not marginalizing at all like most presidents do because they don't want the VP to get any attention. And he's putting him right there at the front of everything, and it's rumored that Tulsi Gabbard will be his running mate. Good ticket. Yes, Marco. Roger.
[01:40:41] Unknown:
I just wanted to point out that when, Thomas said something, about the feudal system, you know, I think that his audience would appreciate hearing the the ancient contract with the Lord Well, we're and his yeah.
[01:40:57] Unknown:
That's that's what he the ancient pledge. I tucked on the I touched on the ancient pledge and the oath of fealty there at the last. But, yeah, that's so important. It is really worth going back over. To pay for the gonna do is send him the clip from the descent in, Wong Kim Ark where, chief justice Fuller and Harlan lay out that it's the suit feudal system and let him read that and discuss that. There's other people that saw it. McFadden saw it. I think we touched on that the other night.
[01:41:31] Unknown:
And the thing is that they're erecting those two.
[01:41:35] Unknown:
Erecting a Machiavellian feudal system. Well, that was exact that's exactly correct. K? So we'll see we'll see where it goes. Jeff, you what Jeff wants to do let me tell you what Jeff wants to do. Jeff wants to learn.
[01:41:51] Unknown:
He wants to learn.
[01:41:53] Unknown:
I heard that. I heard that too. What they Hey. Why are they
[01:41:57] Unknown:
oh, hold on. Let Thomas talk. Thomas, what you got? Or Jack, whoever it is, you're faint.
[01:42:02] Unknown:
I just wanna know why they tried to kill him.
[01:42:06] Unknown:
Well, because he's always talking about him and uncovering him and exposing him. Jeff.
[01:42:14] Unknown:
Oh, yeah.
[01:42:15] Unknown:
You know, when you mentioned the ancient pledge when you're on the show, I remembered he said, you said something about Wilson and then he said, which Wilson and then, basically you didn't answer him. But wasn't that the whole thing that House that that thing about House talking about how we're going to capture these people not one man in a million We'll get them Yeah. Where the ancient pledge. I think he that he doesn't, that kinda went over his head.
[01:42:42] Unknown:
Okay. Well, I'll make sure that maybe we get that to him, between, before Wednesday, and he can read that to the audience too.
[01:42:50] Unknown:
[01:42:51] Unknown:
Roger, may I ask Is that yes, ma'am?
[01:42:56] Unknown:
I was just gonna say it's been in the last month or two that, the phrase feudal system and him making, excuse me, that joke about futile with it. So it's already been on his radar recently. I just wanted you to know that.
[01:43:13] Unknown:
Alright. Thank you. Good deal. Oh, he you know, listen. Jeff's a smart guy. He ain't no dummy. And, I I sense he already kinda knows what's going on. And don't forget, in my original response to him, I sent him the God's trump card, and I don't know whether he's listened to that or not yet. Yes, Linda. What you got, sweetie?
[01:43:36] Unknown:
Thank you, dear. The gentleman that was just speaking, I agree with him. When I was listening to the recording, I said, boy, that went right over his head. So I'm glad you're gonna send it to him in advance. So he may very well wanna read it because it's very profound, and I Well, it is. It's it lays out the whole deal.
[01:43:55] Unknown:
I will do that. I'll have to get Paul to send it to me off the website. Yes.
[01:44:00] Unknown:
Yeah. Can you the the thing that I was, I couldn't understand about him is is, you know, he said he doesn't like the Zionist, yet he didn't allow Roger Stone Fukushima stuff to be even discussed on his network. I I I don't know. I
[01:44:18] Unknown:
don't think that was Roger Stone. I think that was, oh, who's the Jew? Henry Henry Macaw.
[01:44:27] Unknown:
No. The theory on Fukushima came from the journalist, the ex NSA operator, Stone. I think his name is Jim Stone.
[01:44:37] Unknown:
Okay. Oh, that guy. Well, yeah. I've seen his website pop up sometimes. I don't know I don't know about it. He didn't take him look, he has pissing matches with people. Jeff? I mean, Samuel?
[01:44:54] Unknown:
Yeah. Because Stone was basically saying that wasn't an earthquake. That that was the Zionist sticking a nuke in the, the seabed and setting it off. And at the same time, they had a nuclear cannon, which was a surveillance camera inside Reactor 3, which wasn't even functioning. And that's how that whole thing came down.
[01:45:23] Unknown:
K. I don't know. I know I know over the years that he's had crossed swords with people. And after he does, they're not on the show anymore. That's what I know. I'm gonna try my best to not step on those landmines and continue to be as much of a regular as he feels as necessary that he wants.
[01:45:42] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, you did a great job. I mean, you you really because of this the pressures of time really compressed a lot in and you did a great job of it. I was surprised how much you got in.
[01:45:55] Unknown:
Thank you. I think maybe he was Comment on representation? Yes. Go ahead. That's George. Right?
[01:46:02] Unknown:
Yeah. I just wanna, you know, just to finish off the thought about elections and who's gonna be speaker and all that. And, one of the things that we need to address too as a solution, you know, once we not only moving individuals forward, but also, you know, in the courts and everything else that we're working, is to overturn that, that we only have four thirty five reps. I mean, Washington is rolling over in his grave. There's supposed to be 11,000 reps, and it's a lot harder to pollute 11,000. It is 435, I yield. Yeah.
[01:46:33] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. I can understand that. We'll see how we go when as we go forward. Actually, the, I guess, congress does matter to us. Your representative is the administrative state that we're shucking here. So, anyway, we'll just see where it goes, folks. I've never been able to plan along or make plans or organize and all that stuff because we just never had enough people. We gotta have numbers to be able to do that stuff. So maybe that's where we're going. Hope so. Roger wants to Here's the way we can confront the Zionist here. And and the one thing that I'll say on the next show is I am not nor will I ever again be a a satanic Jew slave.
Period. Yes, Shirley. Here. Here.
[01:47:24] Unknown:
Just about, the rent show. About five minutes before it ended, I was concerned. Get to the remedy, Roger. Get to the remedy. And then you start speeding up like you were a YouTube video on 1.5. Right. I yield. Well,
[01:47:39] Unknown:
I monitor the clock here on my other computer on all shows, and I was on that. And I knew that we were getting close to the end. But you notice what he's done? He's altered his format. He used to have the break at the bottom of the hour, and now he's got it in the first couple of minutes. He gets all the hour spots out of the way. So that's a change he's made. So we had that whole rest of the, segment to talk on these issues without being interrupted. That was nice.
[01:48:08] Unknown:
Yes. That's not true. He skipped the bottom of the hour break for
[01:48:12] Unknown:
you. Oh, he waved it? Yes. He did. I yield. Okay. I didn't hear him say to. I just noticed we were about that time, and we just rolled on through it. So I thought he had shifted it to the first of the hour. But, yes, he yeah. I didn't hear him say he waved it, but I I noticed it didn't interrupt us. So good good on you, Jeff. Who who else is trying to say something there? Roger. Okay. I'm gonna go with the female guy. Sorry. Yes, ma'am.
[01:48:44] Unknown:
I just wanna say I liked how upbeat and positive and upbeat you were on with rent. And I wanted to ask, Thomas and Dave and Sherry who've listened to Rent for a long time. Is he always that calm? Yes. That's great. Okay. That man can, go ahead and ask his question now. Thank you, Brian. Okay. May I add to that? Oh, no. For Jim?
[01:49:12] Unknown:
Yes, sir. And it's just really quick that, Jeff Rentz, sometimes does insert himself quite a bit more.
[01:49:20] Unknown:
And, he was laid back with you, Roger. Didn't Well, that's because he was learning. He he was being exposed to a lot of new stuff, and he was soaking it in. I'm sure that's why he kinda sat back a little bit. And he's like me. I mean, I like to learn and and, obviously, so does Jeff, especially here with this message that's so damned important. And, well, there's just no telling what damage we can do to these people we all hate. I wanna help some way, shape, or form push their asses over the cliff, and maybe this is the opportunity to do that. Cross your fingers. Who is the guy?
[01:49:55] Unknown:
It was, Samuel. I just want to let people know that, that HR one ninety two is only about a page, two pages long. But early on in it, Roger, it is says that it is hereby declared to be against public policy.
[01:50:14] Unknown:
It's against HR one ninety two is against public policy?
[01:50:19] Unknown:
[01:50:21] Unknown:
I would think it fine. It founded public policy.
[01:50:26] Unknown:
Yes. It's a very legally used document. It's it's tricky to read. Very, but and then if you look what I did is, I decided to ask a couple of questions on the AI and it says here, HJR 192 was binding only upon those individuals who were beneficiaries of public policy, specifically the privilege of limited liability for payment of debt arising out of participation in the Federal Reserve public credit system.
[01:51:10] Unknown:
Well, it wasn't against public policy. It was buttressing public policy. And I think if you think about it before March the ninth of nineteen thirty three, we didn't have public policy. We had law.
[01:51:23] Unknown:
Yeah. That's that was rather interesting. When I saw that, I know that reason that that that that that came to me, Roger, is because your explanation of what public policy is.
[01:51:34] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, we'll we'll think about it. The other night, it just hit me a couple of days for the appearance last week. That Black's Law Dictionary bank holiday in 1933, that's the start of the administrative state.
[01:51:50] Unknown:
Hey, Roger. Yeah. Because It's it's the bank's open. Say this
[01:51:54] Unknown:
it it says, Roger, this place, every person who deals in the public national credit in a legal position of a merchant.
[01:52:03] Unknown:
Ma'am, there you go. Hey, Roger. Can I read that section out to everybody? I have it pulled up here. Please, Joe. Read it. Alright. This is on page one thirteen because this is where it was resolved. This is that every provision contained in or made with respect to any obligation which purports to give the obligee a right to require payment in gold or a particular kind of coin or currency or in an amount of money of The United States measured thereby is declared to be against public policy. That's what's against public policy is re is is demanding a payment in its particular kind of coin or currency. Yep.
[01:52:47] Unknown:
And so public policy started right there on March. There's the first regulation, and there was never a secretary of the treasury before that. So that that really is the start of it.
[01:53:02] Unknown:
It also says the, the the only jurisdiction over any controversy involving this subject matter is Admiralty and Maritime. How's that stamp? Because it's all merchant.
[01:53:17] Unknown:
Is that stamp? Public merchant.
[01:53:20] Unknown:
No. This is the AI commenting on on the, HJR one ninety two. Okay. When I asked it about public policy.
[01:53:32] Unknown:
[01:53:33] Unknown:
Well, you you should find out where AI is extracting that information from because it could be one of those, like, you know, websites, you know, people someone just put together and and shoddily, like, slap data together and go, see. Right? That they do that a lot. What
[01:53:49] Unknown:
and, see, I don't agree with that. Maritime. Maritime is on the Time is on the sea dealing with goods being shipped from one to the other. You you can't bring that over on the land to my just because somebody's a merchant. That that's what you don't see maritime cases floating around in our courts, Samuel? Yeah. I I I just read it out for you. Okay. Well, I I I well, that's what I'm saying. Well, I don't think it's correct. So whatever. AI ain't always as smart as they people wanna project it. Depends on how it's programmed.
[01:54:22] Unknown:
And then they're told to indoctrinate people and follow their lives.
[01:54:27] Unknown:
Now when I think it's isn't it this month that Mike Adams is releasing his? I believe at the end of this month, Mike Adams is releasing his. It'll be free to the public. A lot of health oriented stuff in there. But, that'll be a good one. And I guess you could take, an AI like Mike Adams. I can't remember what he calls it. And put it on top of this Chinese thing that was such a big revelation a few months back. And if they can work in tandem there. So I guess we'll find out more about it. I haven't fooled with any of this AI stuff yet, but it's pretty interesting. When Paul read that description of the show that day, I was just shocked, really.
Very, very accurate from renditioning a show to the printed word. Okay. We got a couple of minutes left, and I've got a lunch date today. So who, what else have we got?
[01:55:25] Unknown:
I have something, Roger, about AI. I'm going to remember a a few weeks ago, Trump had all those two men speaking about they needed $500,000,000,000 to build their infrastructure. And now after the coming back from China, they're going to, invest 500,000,000,000 that, Taiwanese are going to build, over here to produce They're going to build
[01:55:56] Unknown:
in Arizona my whole point in Arizona.
[01:55:59] Unknown:
Correct. But my point being is that the companies coming back supposedly due to the tariffs, all support AI I yield.
[01:56:09] Unknown:
Well, AI is the future. There's not much doubt about it. Okay. Really? Anything can be used for good or bad. I yield. Well, everything can be used for good or bad. There's a dialectic in everything in our lives. You're right. If somebody was trying to get in there while Sherry was talking or not, this is what I wanted to say. I just heard I was listening to Owen from yesterday here this morning. And, Trump and the organization have been trying to do a secret in run over to Hamas and cut out Israel in a negotiation, and Israel found out about it, which shows that they've got plants in Hamas.
That's just starting to break. There's some this Iran thing is there's probably gonna come into more discussion this coming week. That's a big deal. And we'll see. And, hopefully, I you know, I hate to say it. I wish I ran and drop a couple of nukes on Satan's sandbox over there. There's a lot of good there's a lot of good Jews that would go and get killed. I'm sorry. Well, they've killed a lot of good Christians over the years. They should have said something about it. But you're talking the possibility of, Russia being tied to them and China being tied to them and and Israel tries to do one of these little sneak attacks of theirs with this maniac Netanyahu, and we're we're still on the hook for some of this stuff, folks. Even though Trump seems to have defused I Ukraine.
And one of the last things he did was cut off They were using all the Pentagon's sophisticated electronics for targeting and got missile guidance and all that. Trump cut all that off, and I think Elon had cut off their access to Skylink six months or more ago. So they're flying totally blind, and that brought well, supposedly brought Zelensky to the table on this minerals deal. But can he sign it? Is he a legitimate president? Just all this crap from these people.
[01:58:17] Unknown:
Yes. Roger, do you know what I heard about the mineral deals? That three days before Trump took office, Ukraine already signed a deal with the Brit For England. Regarding minerals.
[01:58:29] Unknown:
Yep. And what Trump's doing is overbidding them. So, That may be. So we'll see. I I I mean, folks, there's a lot of high level stuff going on behind the scenes that we'll not be privy to until it breaks, and that's why you're kinda on the edge of your seat with Trump up there in this posture because, I mean, I I can't wait to get home in the afternoon from lunch and whatnot just to see what the hell he's done.
[01:58:55] Unknown:
Right. But listen I offered different perspective of Trump pushing or, you know, holding his seat for Netanyahu, you know, and pushing his chair in for him. Yeah. You can do that for women. So keep that in mind. Ideal.
[01:59:12] Unknown:
I I'm I'm not sure that was such a big compliment that people are, accrediting that move to. That may be exactly what you said, Sherry. I think he's getting pretty pissed off at Netanyahu for learning who he is and how he does stuff. I don't think if that wasn't the case, he would have put that Jeffrey Sachs statement on his account on TrueSeek, TrueSocial that just ran Netanyahu down one side and up the other. We'll see day by day, more and more become exposed, and I'd like to think we're on the cutting edge anyway from our perspective. We'll try to be.
And so other than that, we got a weekend here. We got a short weekend, kiddos, and, we'll be back on Monday in the new time. Don't forget, we got new time, Linda. Oh, god.
[02:00:02] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. New time. Yeah.
[02:00:04] Unknown:
Yeah. And, gives me a better afternoon, and it gives Merca has to get up early, and she loses all that beauty
[02:00:13] Unknown:
sleep. So, Talk about what about me? I lose beauty sleep too. And Yeah. I know. And anybody know anybody that see me with my camera on knows I can't do without as much beauty sleep as I can get. I don't know if we can stand it.
[02:00:30] Unknown:
Yeah. Let's see what happens on Monday. Right, Roger?
[02:00:33] Unknown:
Yep. We'll see what happens on then. Mark, my whoever. Was that, Alex Jones war cry there or what?
[02:00:41] Unknown:
No. That was me looking in the mirror on Monday. I'm I'm looking ahead.
[02:00:47] Unknown:
Yeah. I take a couple of days to get up from losing an hour, but we'll get there. Yeah. And Trump may do away with it next week too. We'll see, folks. Otherwise, next, I'll see y'all on Monday. Have a great, abbreviated weekend. And what, Paul? Well, there's Julie. Yep, Paul. Go ahead.
[02:01:03] Unknown:
He'll do away with it just in time to have to switch back before, you know, just when we get started.
[02:01:10] Unknown:
I think he'll do away with it for the next time change, but we'll see if he does it all. Julie, yes, ma'am.
[02:01:15] Unknown:
Hi. On Monday, do you think we could go over again your, duties plus rights equals remedies? Because I'm reading UCC one dash two zero one general definitions right now, and under 36, it says that rights include remedies. So if we could go over that on Monday, that would be great. Well, we can, and some people say that, and and
[02:01:38] Unknown:
and and, it's more with rights and duties. I don't know about that. But I'll give you Brent's opinion, and I'll give you, who's the Edward Viera's opinion, the MIT, Yale, Harvard guy. Okay. I gotta go. Thank you, Julie. We'll try and talk about it and get me sculled up for Wednesday because it might cover it then. You're welcome. And I have got to go see a man about a horse. I will see you guys Monday. Have a great weekend. Ciao. Thank you, Sketch.
[02:02:10] Unknown:
Thank you, Roger. Have a delightful day.
[02:02:13] Unknown:
Joe, this is Samuel. I sent you a link, on the reference to the maritime jurisdiction.
[02:02:28] Unknown:
Is Joe is Joe actually here? Is he still on here, or is did he get a did he have a student show up?
[02:02:40] Unknown:
There he is. He's really quiet. Oh,
[02:02:43] Unknown:
it's doing that stupid thing again. Hold on.
[02:02:47] Unknown:
Oh, yeah, Joe. You're really, really, really super quiet.
[02:02:51] Unknown:
I'm It's quasi mute muted.
[02:02:56] Unknown:
Hold on. Hold on.
[02:03:03] Unknown:
There's two of you in here.
[02:03:09] Unknown:
Alright. Can you hear me better now?
[02:03:11] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. Much better. Much better. Okay. Okay. My headphones. Okay. Alright. I need to talk to you on the phone for, like, a minute. I have a question to ask you. Don't wanna do it on the air? Can you give me a call, or how can I, reach you? I'd probably be easier if you gave me a call.
[02:03:36] Unknown:
Do you have my number? I think so. Yeah. Hold on a second. Let me check.
[02:03:42] Unknown:
[02:03:43] Unknown:
I can always send you an email to, to your, GE email.
[02:03:51] Unknown:
I I have a number for you. I'll tell you. 272. Last two digits.
[02:03:58] Unknown:
272? Yeah. Yeah. That's it. Yeah. There you go. Okay. That's it. That's the right one. Yeah. If you can give me a call sometime today, I'd appreciate it. I only need to talk about a minute.
[02:04:10] Unknown:
Do I do it right now? I'll just come back. I have to I have to jump out of the call, and then I'll come back on.
[02:04:16] Unknown:
Well, no. You can you can hang out in here. I'm on another call right now anyway. So you hang out in here as long as you want, and just give me a call some callback sometime today. Okay. That'd be good. Thank you, sir. Okay. Okay. And now I'm stepping away, going back to my phone call.
[02:04:37] Unknown:
Okay. I'd like to comment on the rights plus duties. You know, in the declaration of independence, it says it is your right. It is your duty to throw off a tyrant government. But then in the constitution, they made it an insurrection to try and overthrow the government. So, you know, it is our right. It is our duty, and there lies the remedy. But the remedy is illegal according to the constitution, and I yield.
[02:05:07] Unknown:
Which clause?
[02:05:12] Unknown:
The Insurrection Clause.
[02:05:14] Unknown:
Which clause? Which amendment? 14?
[02:05:17] Unknown:
I don't know. I forget. I know I've I'm blind, but I know I've I've read it, and I've had it read to me.
[02:05:26] Unknown:
Well, there's a way of threading that needle. The government
[02:05:29] Unknown:
when they overthrew our government after overthrowing the articles of Confederation.
[02:05:35] Unknown:
But there's a way of threading there's a way of threading that needle without running afoul of them. They don't like it, but you won't run afoul of them.
[02:05:53] Unknown:
Yeah, because I was that's what I didn't know if Joe left it was still on, but that's one of the things that you can once they proceed out of the outside their territory because their jurisdiction is only for the security that's been created as a result of the birth certificate as well as their jurisdiction is only in Washington, you know, around those concrete or whatever those granite pillars were that set 10 mile square. Once they go beyond that, then you can go after them. So I think that's what we have to get to the point of loss. So if they keep going after they've been warned about like I'd like it has been said conditionally accepted upon proof of territorial jurisdiction. Once they go can't prove that and they keep pursuing you then you bring it back under both personal liability as well as you know really insurrection against the natives under the law of nations.
[02:06:59] Unknown:
And look at their track record. Every time anybody gets close, you know, to start to, you know, make a an impact with enough people, then the leadership gets killed or imprisoned or buried. I
[02:07:15] Unknown:
yield. David, you know, the way I the way I read it, the the the Constitution still had them pretty hamstrung, the federal government that is until Lincoln. Lincoln really did it in and he really brought in Roman law and martial law illegally, completely illegally.
[02:07:41] Unknown:
I couldn't agree with that.
[02:07:44] Unknown:
I mean, we still had a chance then. Right? And our our states could have been examples of governing different ways if left alone. We never got to have that experiment. Well, look at it. It was all turned into one big conglomerate, you know, that became this federal crap that we're dealing with today.
[02:08:07] Unknown:
And they're doing the same thing that Lincoln did. Look at the army they're amassing against us. You know, Lincoln brought in all these mercenaries. They were getting their asses kicked by the South. And then they brought in all these mercenaries and they overpowered them. They were just too many.
[02:08:26] Unknown:
May I may I speak about the insurrection spoke of in the constitution? It didn't come in until, the fourteenth amendment. But previous to that in eighteen o seven, there's something called the Insurrection Act, but it does have a carve out for, Posse Comitatus. So to me, they're they're they're null. They cancel each other out because positive comitatus keeps them from using military within The US.
[02:09:02] Unknown:
So I I grow well at Waco.
[02:09:05] Unknown:
Well, no. I get that. But, I mean, they're lawless. I mean, we understand that at every turn. But I just wanted everybody to know that insurrection was not part of the original constitution, and I would hazard to say nor the articles of Confederation. I yield.
[02:09:23] Unknown:
Stamper makes the argument that that fourteenth amendment clause is the citizen of the state becoming a federal citizen and now is in sort of insurrection against his country, his state. That's the argument Stamper makes. And that's why they can treat us as enemies and do anything they want to
[02:09:52] Unknown:
us. And they actually wrote it in in '33.
[02:09:58] Unknown:
Yeah. In '33, it's the it's the war against us. Right? Because we remain to be enemies.
[02:10:05] Unknown:
Right. Right. The enemy of the state came through under the first World War, and it was against Germany, but then they turned it around. And Joe from Oklahoma explained that beautifully. What part of that was codified and what part was not in the 30s? I yield.
[02:10:29] Unknown:
Yeah. This this not being able to discharge our debt, when we didn't revolt against that and they took the gold and the silver, that's when that fourteenth amendment really became powerful.
[02:10:44] Unknown:
They have used this tactic over and over and over again. We see it notably recently with the mask mandate during COVID, and the people put their masks on. They said, look what they're doing. Didn't realize it'd be that easy. And I'm sure that's the exact same thought they had in '33 when they took the gold. I yield.
[02:11:07] Unknown:
Hey, Brent. Hey, Brent. Can you tell us how, to thread that needle? Thank you.
[02:11:18] Unknown:
I wear a hood and sunglasses every time I walk into a bank.
[02:11:26] Unknown:
We are threading that needle.
[02:11:29] Unknown:
[02:11:31] Unknown:
Who are?
[02:11:33] Unknown:
Dave, you remind me of the Unabomber.
[02:11:40] Unknown:
I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not.
[02:11:46] Unknown:
Well, just remember his, his manifest, has come through.
[02:11:54] Unknown:
He was a good guy.
[02:11:57] Unknown:
Thanks, Brent. You're going after bad guys.
[02:12:05] Unknown:
Yeah. But you don't become them to whip them, I yield.
[02:12:11] Unknown:
Put them up. Put them up.
[02:12:17] Unknown:
I have way different move.
[02:12:21] Unknown:
You extinguish them with love.
[02:12:27] Unknown:
I got some really nice love bullets.
[02:12:32] Unknown:
Yeah. I got a nice love rope for their nuts.
[02:12:37] Unknown:
That's right.
[02:12:39] Unknown:
Hey. The best thing that Trump ever did was legalize hemp because we need more rope.
[02:12:45] Unknown:
And we Also, we're loving willow tree.
[02:12:51] Unknown:
Yep. Did they make a song about that, making love underneath the willow tree?
[02:12:58] Unknown:
I don't know.
[02:13:01] Unknown:
No. I was joking. It's
[02:13:04] Unknown:
a apple tree.
[02:13:13] Unknown:
You working today, Brent?
[02:13:16] Unknown:
I'm getting ready for such. Are you?
[02:13:20] Unknown:
[02:13:27] Unknown:
One of those things that it comes up a lot, but I don't think it comes up enough is what AI is going to be doing to everything. They just had the World Mobile Congress in Barcelona, it's about 100,000 people and Ray Kurzel was there speaking and he says, yes, a cell phone used to be the size of a building and now it's going to be the size of a blood cell and we can put the AI in you and it it may be telling you, and you can't tell the difference between whether it's your thoughts or its thoughts.
[02:14:05] Unknown:
Yeah. AI, artificial insemination, inseminating our brains.
[02:14:10] Unknown:
It's called the intraday nano network.
[02:14:16] Unknown:
He says he says that well, actually, I looked it up. The smallest computer chip right now is smaller than the thousandth of an inch square. And when they printed it, part of it didn't work and was damaged, but it still could produce a 60,000 bits of information.
[02:14:42] Unknown:
And that damage Kurzweil would say is a birth defect. Right?
[02:14:48] Unknown:
Kurzweil wrote a wrote a book because he's an atheist. Right? Or agnostic at least. And and it was called spirit the age of spiritual machines and somebody asked him, he said, do you believe in God? And he said, not yet. That dude does a freak job, man. In other words, AI is gonna be his god.
[02:15:09] Unknown:
Of course.
[02:15:11] Unknown:
Yes. Also, if it's in with the book of the revealing, the melding of the iron and the clay. You guys
[02:15:26] Unknown:
refer to Catherine Albrecht, haven't you?
[02:15:30] Unknown:
Yes. Yes.
[02:15:33] Unknown:
She raved over Ray, Kerswell.
[02:15:38] Unknown:
No kidding. All the time. All the time. See, I I used to listen to her on, GCN, because nothing else was on. I didn't really like her. I liked some of her research, but, you know, she got into that breast cancer and and fell for the okeydoke. I thought she was smart until that happened. And but I never heard her talk about Kurzweil like that. That's amazing.
[02:16:03] Unknown:
But it doesn't surprise
[02:16:05] Unknown:
time. I yield. Is she is she still alive?
[02:16:09] Unknown:
I don't think so. But I could be wrong. I don't know. I haven't heard her everything I hear of her, it's all, you know, from ancient stuff, you know. Uh-huh.
[02:16:22] Unknown:
Hey. I was just gonna say about AI. There's a,
[02:16:26] Unknown:
you know, a, what do you call it, obituary on her.
[02:16:34] Unknown:
DuckDuckGo now has a AI assistant. Found that interesting.
[02:16:41] Unknown:
Wow. They're they were supposed to be one of the good guys.
[02:16:47] Unknown:
And they're connected to Google.
[02:16:49] Unknown:
They're owned by the EPGVs.
[02:16:53] Unknown:
[02:16:56] Unknown:
Yeah. I'm using I'm using the, whatever you wanna call it on Brave. And it's fun. Actual idiots? Yeah. I mean, if you're gonna Can you guys? If you're going to compete in the as a business person, you're probably going to have to use it or you'll be put out of business.
[02:17:26] Unknown:
Well, I have never considered that we're teaching them the AI, how to thwart Patriots, just saying. Of course. It's like trading your replacement, high yield.
[02:17:44] Unknown:
It's very as you would say for the resistor himself, it's very seductive. But Medical
[02:17:54] Unknown:
is very convenient. Indian guy tell me that. So, George, when I was complaining about the Obama Obama immunization back way back when, February what is that? Eight. And then, HP one or whatever. But, George, America is very convenient. Yeah. Convenient for bringing in all the HP-1s especially, but then, yes, we're giving them all the rope to to hang this, right, by even using the device that I'm on right now. It's okay. S m a r t. Is that self monitoring something something it stands for? And reporting
[02:18:31] Unknown:
[02:18:34] Unknown:
Thank you.
[02:18:37] Unknown:
Hey. Speaking of Obama, have you heard what Doge uncovered? That he's been being paid $2,900,000 a year for the use of his name on Obamacare, a yield.
[02:18:52] Unknown:
Oh, my. Say that again?
[02:18:57] Unknown:
That, the government has been paying Obama two point nine million dollars a year for the use of his name on Obamacare,
[02:19:07] Unknown:
a yield. You gotta be kidding me. Jesus. I'm gonna do the same for Mason jars and George clothing at Walmart. Golly.
[02:19:17] Unknown:
There you go. You get get a trademark of your
[02:19:27] Unknown:
name. That brings up an important point, Dave. Is Obama's name trademarked, ideal?
[02:19:35] Unknown:
Just like Clinton's. They run-in the same crowd. You bet it is.
[02:19:41] Unknown:
Is the communism trademarked?
[02:19:44] Unknown:
Yeah. I don't know if you ever got the, copyright of Bill Clinton. But if you read his copyrighted name, it it protects him against everything that no wonder he was called Slick Willie. There is a, a website called that you can see how much they have scaled back. Their goal is $1,500,000,000,000, and they've only gotten, like, a hundred billion so far. I yield.
[02:20:20] Unknown:
Was there a Social Security bill passed a week or two ago that gave an increase of $3,500 for, inflation or something like that? Did anybody hear about that?
[02:20:41] Unknown:
Oh, what I did hear I what I heard was that, federal employees who are getting a pension are no longer disqualified from receiving Social Security. Of course. So but I could be mistaken in that regard. I yield. Yes. They really want to collapse that system.
[02:21:16] Unknown:
Sherry, I think it was I think it had something to do with this what they call the, the Sears and the Sears and the Sears, retirement came around in the nineteen eighties, and Sears came after that. And it has something to do with, the withholding of Social Security monies. And, I guess, Biden, last year or a couple years ago, signed something that gave those people access to that withholding to their, Social Security. So they're they're getting it now.
[02:22:10] Unknown:
Yes. With back pay, high yield.
[02:22:14] Unknown:
Oh, that's massive then.
[02:22:19] Unknown:
Have you ever heard,
[02:22:21] Unknown:
Jerry, have you ever heard of SES?
[02:22:24] Unknown:
The, SES. We could barely hear you.
[02:22:28] Unknown:
Have you ever heard of SES within the federal government? Secret Executive Service. Yeah. Senior Executive Service. That's correct. I didn't notice that until around 02/2002.
[02:22:47] Unknown:
Yeah. That's, what's the name of that international lady who, has always has gone out all over the place. She two. She's a beautiful lady, and she's been a newscaster forever. She herself in danger many times and she basically said they control everything at the government.
[02:23:07] Unknown:
Cheryl Atkinson.
[02:23:10] Unknown:
No. I can't remember who it was. Is it senior or is it secret executive service? Senior executive service?
[02:23:16] Unknown:
Senior. Senior.
[02:23:18] Unknown:
And it's a British company.
[02:23:20] Unknown:
That was in it.
[02:23:22] Unknown:
Okay. It's probably senior.
[02:23:28] Unknown:
I think it's British.
[02:23:34] Unknown:
I think Obama I think Obama, initiated that.
[02:23:41] Unknown:
And their their budget is incorrect.
[02:23:44] Unknown:
Correction. It wasn't Obama. It was, under the Bush administration.
[02:23:47] Unknown:
It was actually Carter. It was Carter. It was, he's the one that implemented that.
[02:23:56] Unknown:
Okay. Yeah. Because Brent was in it. It had to be back then if Brent was in it. Right, Brent?
[02:24:03] Unknown:
No. I wasn't in it. A friend of mine was.
[02:24:07] Unknown:
Oh, I thought I said you were in it.
[02:24:10] Unknown:
Also, they're voted into it.
[02:24:14] Unknown:
I didn't know that. But the the senior executive service, at least from my observations when I was working for uncle uncle Sam, Back around o two, all the records that were maintained by all the regional holding areas, they took out all the SES files and shipped them to Washington DC. So we didn't have access to those files anymore, only only the people that worked within the file system within the SES. Because I because I had access to looking looking at my, some people that I, somebody that I knew that was the boss man, so to say.
And, yeah, it said SES on there. But then a then a few months later, they sent that stuff. They made us send all that stuff to Washington, DC.
[02:25:18] Unknown:
So What's their purpose, the SES?
[02:25:22] Unknown:
Well, if if to my understanding, they're like all the people that are like GS fourteen's and above.
[02:25:32] Unknown:
They're like they're the deep state.
[02:25:34] Unknown:
Yeah. They're they're they're like they're like the generals, I guess, of, the administrative state.
[02:25:41] Unknown:
They're basically, they're basically the Obama holdouts that still control the executive branch of branch of government.
[02:25:50] Unknown:
It's a private probably right.
[02:25:52] Unknown:
It's a private governmental service corporation.
[02:26:00] Unknown:
Well, all government's private, we've found out.
[02:26:04] Unknown:
Hey. Kind of a little bit of a change of talk.
[02:26:08] Unknown:
I don't know what's going on, but it sounds terrible. Solicitor general.
[02:26:15] Unknown:
Terry, first, can I ask you because I had to duck out ten minutes ago when you first said something about I wanted to ask you what did you say about AI and National something, some connection
[02:26:27] Unknown:
DuckDuckGo now has an AI assistant that they can tap into?
[02:26:32] Unknown:
Yeah. But I thought you said something about AI being nationals or becoming or something. No. Okay. That's it. Okay. I guess. Okay. Thank you. Never mind. Mhmm.
[02:26:46] Unknown:
Kind of a a curve on the topic. The solicitor general. So I was looking up who the solicitor general is. Get this. The solicitor general of The Philippines is located in Washington, DC. How odd. In
[02:27:02] Unknown:
Washington, DC. How odd? Why would that be?
[02:27:10] Unknown:
What is it what is solicitor general even what I mean, what is it what's your function? What do they mean?
[02:27:16] Unknown:
They, they represent the US government before that, a Supreme Court. They also decide what is constitutional and what is not. They deal with foreign, countries, which may I remind everybody, every state is a foreign country. I yield.
[02:27:43] Unknown:
Sherry, do you remember
[02:27:47] Unknown:
there was a guy that works I don't know if it was the same person that had something to do with that grace commission that you were talking about last week, but there was somebody that worked under Ronald Reagan that apparently had gone to he was the chosen representative to have a special account, set up. And he went over to The Philippines, and he received supposedly some something like $2,000,000,000,000. And it went into this account and he was Leo Wantagh. Is that guy still around?
[02:28:37] Unknown:
He was ancient back then.
[02:28:40] Unknown:
Oh, okay. So he's probably gone. So I wonder what happened to that money.
[02:28:45] Unknown:
What he stole what?
[02:28:47] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. And Christopher Story I don't know if anybody remembers a guy named Christopher Story. He was a great litigator and investigator, and he was investigating where that money went. And he got killed back in the late nineties, maybe February, '2 thousand '1, something like that. Because it's super That's a lot of money,
[02:29:12] Unknown:
especially back then. It's a lot of money now, but can you imagine forty years ago?
[02:29:18] Unknown:
And it's lining some PBGBs pocket.
[02:29:22] Unknown:
You think it could have been that same money, that same trillion that, Rumsfeld, the night before nine eleven happened, said that we're missing, the Pentagon's missing a couple trillion dollars, 2 point 5 trillion dollars No. No, it's not included. That's above and beyond
[02:29:41] Unknown:
it. They have stolen trillions upon trillions upon trillions. Can't even imagine. In the quadrillions, probably, I yield.
[02:29:52] Unknown:
Well, Catherine and, the
[02:29:54] Unknown:
the, mathematician, accountant, unveiled 21,000 21,000,000,000,000
[02:30:04] Unknown:
missing out of the budgets of the Pentagon.
[02:30:10] Unknown:
Why couldn't we, the people, put a lien on CAFR? Like, as enough nationals just put a lien on our CAFR as a kind of a class action lien.
[02:30:21] Unknown:
Because they have it hidden and they won't admit to it.
[02:30:28] Unknown:
Well, you could say book and off book.
[02:30:31] Unknown:
Yeah. I think, I think, Katherine Austin fits us off her mark there because I subscribe to the Solari report and I think they have so many different books that that's just a small smidgen like Sherry says. I think it's more in the quadrillions that they have stolen from us, I yield.
[02:30:49] Unknown:
Well, I like the idea of a lien against the DUNS number. It's targeted to each city, county, and state. The CAFR, that's where, you know, they can always cook the books on, and they have been, obviously.
[02:31:09] Unknown:
But, the DUNS number, it applies to every book they keep, I yield. Welcome to Ron Paul to Tapemark.
[02:31:24] Unknown:
Didn't Ron Paul brought that up back in the around 2012, didn't he?
[02:31:31] Unknown:
Well, Walter Burien before then because I remember seeing Walter back in 02/2001.
[02:31:41] Unknown:
[02:31:43] Unknown:
Yeah. And that's when I was going down in person to my my county and my city to get the CAFR. And I went back two years in a row, and the woman in the office said, well, we could put you on the mailing list. And I said, that's okay.
[02:32:01] Unknown:
Again, who you calling the capital?
[02:32:06] Unknown:
[02:32:09] Unknown:
So did that I'm gonna pop a capital in your ass. So that that mailing list was a list that you didn't wanna get on. Correct?
[02:32:19] Unknown:
Right. They didn't need to know who I was. So they probably did, but maybe not back then. I mean, that was twenty five years ago. But my how far they've come now.
[02:32:30] Unknown:
Oh, believe me, dear. That's that's like yesterday in their world.
[02:32:40] Unknown:
Well, that might be, but I sure didn't want to volunteer onto their list.
[02:32:51] Unknown:
I mean, you said in 02/2001, you know, they pulled off nineeleven. Shit, they pulled off the Civil War. You know, these people are very sophisticated. And I use that term people very loosely because I don't think they're people. I really believe I had an old patriot buddy, he's 88, he died a year a couple years ago. He went to to the county north of me, and they say it's one of the most corrupt in Michigan. And he was a, you know, a Republican. He was a deacon in the church. His son was a Baptist preacher, and he was excommunicated from his son's church as a heretic.
And this guy was he was one of the smartest guys I knew, and, he's been a patriot most of his life. He was a strike one, you know, trained in the military, but he got hurt in, in the, you know, in the sixties. And he was a trained killer. And he went to his county and asked for that CAPR report, and they gave it to him. And then when he gave it back to him and he started questioning me, he said, they told him, it's all true. And if you ever bring it up again, we will kill you. And they hound dog his ass for about ten years after that. And, he died. This guy was a super health nut, and he died of the super fast acting stomach cancer when he was 88. And, Brent, he was very close friends with Mark Quarantine.
Well, he was you turn somebody turned me on to Liberty Tree Radio. Anyway, I yield.
[02:34:40] Unknown:
Well, either you get the briefcase, you get to the gun to the head and threatened, or you get shot, or you join the club.
[02:34:54] Unknown:
Another one gentleman in Torres probably living down in Mexico now.
[02:35:01] Unknown:
With Epstein?
[02:35:04] Unknown:
Maybe? Oh, Epstein's back on his island. Don't you know?
[02:35:10] Unknown:
No. He's over in Haifa.
[02:35:14] Unknown:
Somebody bought his island.
[02:35:17] Unknown:
Supposedly. I'd say he's back there.
[02:35:21] Unknown:
Well, the FBI sanitized it.
[02:35:26] Unknown:
What about what about what what's his name? Waxman? The guy that owns Victoria's Secret? Wexner.
[02:35:37] Unknown:
[02:35:39] Unknown:
Yeah. Didn't. Is that guy still around? I mean, I hear he owned Victoria's Secret and he sold all of his assets and stuff to Epstein for a dollar. I guess that was your way of covering their their, four point of contact for for, I guess, legal reasons.
[02:36:07] Unknown:
If you wanna know if he's still alive, Ryan Dawson would know, and he's on Rumble.
[02:36:25] Unknown:
Hey. I got a question. Do you guys remember last week when, there was a guy talking about the Discord app and something called the Operation Wyestone.
[02:36:41] Unknown:
Yes. But you have to have an app. You have to download an app for that.
[02:36:47] Unknown:
Yeah. I I did download the app, and I was trying to get a find that. I think it was called Operation Wyestone, but I couldn't find it.
[02:37:08] Unknown:
I believe that would be Dan out of Massachusetts.
[02:37:14] Unknown:
That's the guy who was talking about it?
[02:37:16] Unknown:
I do believe so. I yield. If you give me a second, he put his email address out. I'll run and get it.
[02:37:32] Unknown:
Alright. That'd be good. Appreciate it.
[02:37:37] Unknown:
When when the book None Dare Call a Conspiracy was published in 1972, that was all about the Council on Foreign Relations, and he shows in there how many people were already cabinet level, almost administrative types from the the CFR. But then thereafter, they created the SES, and these guys are joined at the hip. They both need to go. They're they're just a world organization running public policy out of this country and administratively, to do their bidding.
[02:38:27] Unknown:
Alright. Who who's asking about the end, if you don't mind?
[02:38:32] Unknown:
It's Bob.
[02:38:35] Unknown:
Hi, Bob. How you doing?
[02:38:38] Unknown:
I'm well. Are you ready to ride? I have his email.
[02:38:42] Unknown:
Yeah. I'm ready.
[02:38:44] Unknown:
[02:38:46] Unknown:
x men
[02:38:49] Unknown:
Oh, yeah.
[02:38:51] Unknown:
At g mail dot com. And his name is Dan from Massachusetts.
[02:38:58] Unknown:
Well, thank you, Sherry. I appreciate that.
[02:39:01] Unknown:
You're welcome, Bob.
[02:39:03] Unknown:
Media x men at g mail.
[02:39:06] Unknown:
[02:39:09] Unknown:
Hey, Bob.
[02:39:11] Unknown:
Hey, Dave. How you doing, man?
[02:39:13] Unknown:
[02:39:15] Unknown:
Hey. Is it Sabotize Zevi or Zevi?
[02:39:21] Unknown:
[02:39:22] Unknown:
What Roger keeps I've heard Roger mentioned Sabotize Zevi. I thought it was Sabatai Zvi.
[02:39:32] Unknown:
It's Zvi spelled z v I.
[02:39:38] Unknown:
Zvi. And it's pronounced Zvi. Right? Yep. That's right. Okay. That's what I thought. I've only heard Roger say it the way he says it.
[02:39:57] Unknown:
Remember when Hillary became senator of New York, she says she was just down the street from the CFR so she could get her marching orders nice and easy.
[02:40:07] Unknown:
Yeah. I remember that. And she said, we're in an info war and we're losing. Remember that?
[02:40:15] Unknown:
Yep. May I?
[02:40:20] Unknown:
Please. Well, real quick, Julie, what was the correlation of time between a JFK Jr. Running for Senator in New York and Hillary? Were they simultaneous or was he running before Yes.
[02:40:35] Unknown:
Jr. Was running for that seat and, you know, that's when his plane crashed. He was a shoo in.
[02:40:44] Unknown:
So he was running against Hillary in a primary outcome. Okay. Thank you. I yield to him. You're welcome.
[02:40:51] Unknown:
Yeah. So, Sherry, that email address that you read out is not, Dan's email address. That's Chris from California's email address.
[02:41:01] Unknown:
Oh, thank you for that correction, Julie.
[02:41:04] Unknown:
I appreciate that. Yeah. So I'll send you guys the video. I I tried to get on here from my phone, but I guess I got muted because I don't know. Maybe I don't know what happened. Maybe I forgot to mute, and there was too much noise. I'll send you the, the YouTube video that Dan sent to me or yeah. Dan sent to me for that he where he was talking about the discord. So and I'll post that right now. I yield.
[02:41:33] Unknown:
Oh, okay. Can you send me Dan's email? I have his phone number, I think, but it's on a different sheet of paper, and I'll note this as Chris in California's email. I apologize, Bob. And Dave to everyone else.
[02:41:50] Unknown:
And Dave, Roger mentioned Barry Chamish. He does extensive investigation on the Sabatanian Frankus and, who you mentioned, Cybertine z.
[02:42:10] Unknown:
Not anymore. He's been dead.
[02:42:12] Unknown:
Yep. Yep. And there's some good good info he's got online still.
[02:42:17] Unknown:
What was that first word you used, sketch, on board?
[02:42:22] Unknown:
Barry Chamish, c h a m r I s. And,
[02:42:30] Unknown:
His work. Something about Frank something in Frankish.
[02:42:34] Unknown:
The Sabotean Frankists.
[02:42:37] Unknown:
Oh, okay. Thank you.
[02:42:42] Unknown:
All yours, Julie.
[02:42:45] Unknown:
What was that, Sherry? You said you apologized, Bob, for what?
[02:42:51] Unknown:
I gave you the wrong email. I don't have Dan's email. I gave you Chris out of California's email, and Julie corrected me.
[02:42:59] Unknown:
So Okay.
[02:43:01] Unknown:
Just yeah. I apologize, and I thank her for her correction. So
[02:43:08] Unknown:
I have I have Dan's cell phone number, but I don't wanna give it out without his permission. So if you want to send me an email, I can ask him if I can forward your his cell phone on to you if you want me to do that.
[02:43:24] Unknown:
Alright. Didn't he give that out on the call?
[02:43:29] Unknown:
Yeah. I'll just, post I'll just put that in there. Hours,
[02:43:32] Unknown:
and it wasn't recorded.
[02:43:34] Unknown:
I'll post my, email in the chat room for you.
[02:43:39] Unknown:
[02:43:44] Unknown:
Thank you.
[02:43:47] Unknown:
You're welcome.
[02:44:17] Unknown:
Oh, I was listening to one of my radio shows last night, and I forget who it was that brought it up. But, they were claiming that every signature that Joe Biden put down on executive orders and so forth and so on, were all they were all, digitalized. He didn't sign them is what it was saying, and it was pretty much every single thing he they claimed he signed. The only thing that, looked original was when he advocated from from office and, didn't wanna run no more. I don't know why. The guy was sharp as a tack and always on his game. The best I've ever seen him. But
[02:45:10] Unknown:
Hey. Do you know what I heard? That that was the only signature that did match his. Isn't that weird? Mhmm. Wonder which
[02:45:22] Unknown:
And nobody's reporting on it, of course. But, so that primarily means that everything he claimed he signed or everything that is out there is is phony baloney just like he is.
[02:45:47] Unknown:
On on inauguration day, they they had that photo op when the First Lady and Biden and Trump were all lined up there together. You noticed that they're about the same height, Trump and Biden. Biden is supposed to be something like six foot and Trump's supposed to be like six foot three. So I don't know if Joe's wearing elevator shoes, but, didn't look to be the right night.
[02:46:17] Unknown:
Isn't that Jim Carrey? Maybe it wasn't a real Trump.
[02:46:22] Unknown:
I think we've all been looking at clones for a very long time. The way they can clone people left and right if they don't perform and transplant brains and control people's thinking, I think is way far more advanced than we know. I yield.
[02:46:39] Unknown:
The world. It hasn't went that far. Latex mask. Look at Hollywood. I yield.
[02:46:46] Unknown:
West world.
[02:46:48] Unknown:
And we can't forget old Dolly who brought us the idea of cloning. Good old Dolly.
[02:46:58] Unknown:
You know, I remember James. He's out of Oregon. And, he said back in the eighties, he was in Southern California and, that there was an article in the newspaper about, using human babies as batteries and VATS, v a t s. So, he said they never retracted the story, but never reported on it thereafter. And, but, you know, it's kind of like, the matrix where he comes out of that vat. That's what it reminded me of. Anyway, I yield.
[02:47:41] Unknown:
Well, you know, it would make those EIs or EVs a lot lighter if they did that for real.
[02:47:49] Unknown:
At the Mobile World Congress, they showed the first human computer and basically the way the guy explained it is they say they take the human blood and they get the stem cells for neurons and they produce a whole bunch of neurons and then they feed them sugar to to keep them alive. And they've got this little cooling system to keep the temperature just right, but they're using it to do computations. Wrap your brain around that. And they're saying they can they could potentially use this as a future medical test for so they could take you, your blood, your DNA, right, to produce these neurons and then do drug tests on you to see if that drug is compatible or how they could shift it to be more compatible with you.
I'm sort of worried he was getting that.
[02:48:49] Unknown:
Correct. And that's what they announced, being able to test for what cancer you're gonna die of and give you, a specific vaccine targeted towards your DNA. That was just a few weeks ago under Trump. I yield.
[02:49:06] Unknown:
And well, in this experiment, they're actually creating with your blood, your neurons to do the test. And they're actually using they're calling this a biological computer so they can also do computations because it doesn't take the power that a normal computer or these systems are going to take. I think our brain uses like 10 watts or something like that, five to 10. And so they were doing those comparisons on how expensive it is to do these major calculations through the silicon technology. But with the Neuron technology, it's way more efficient.
So there's another avenue that they're taking, which is, you know, once AI gets involved and solves some of those problems again, you that's going to be what you call, I guess, a brave new world.
[02:50:12] Unknown:
Or the forbidden planet.
[02:50:16] Unknown:
Yeah. Where all this stuff is gonna go. I mean, the whole problem with with mankind is is his his moral headlights are awfully dim to see where he's going. One of the arguments that people make about Adam and Eve is that Eve that Eve wanted this knowledge before her time. It's not that it was it was gonna completely be forbidden, but she just wasn't mature enough for it yet.
[02:51:27] Unknown:
I do believe that they do live I don't call them people myself. I refer to humans under Ballantine's law dictionary.
[02:51:43] Unknown:
That's Satan's spawn as humans.
[02:51:45] Unknown:
The problem is ground
[02:51:48] Unknown:
If you guys are interested, there's a guy by the name of Josh Reed. That guy is so smart. He's, he's on, n I n 0 s c 0 r n e r Tv. It's a it's a paid site, but it's, like, $4.99 per month, and you can cancel anytime. Just to watch that last fifty minute video, that guy has so much knowledge. I think he has a website, red red pills, p I l l s. I'll have to look that up, but that interview between he and David Nino Rodriguez was incredible. He talks about cloning. He talks about what they have the capabilities to do. Twenty three and me, where are all those executives? They're gone. Nobody can find them. They have if anybody signed up for Ancestry or twenty three and Me, they have all your DNA, and they can clone you. And I I just think the the with the mesh, Neuralink, I think they're capable of transplanting brains into other people and controlling people a % through, stuff that they have inserted inside people's bodies, I yield.
[02:53:06] Unknown:
They're coming for you, Barbara. Anybody remember that line?
[02:53:16] Unknown:
I do.
[02:53:17] Unknown:
Night of the living dead?
[02:53:20] Unknown:
Yep. And you guys, also, I finished pretty much reading about priests of treason, high priests of treason. And what I think needs to go is the capability of all these presidents just to sign executive orders, like, you know, like they're going out of style. Because if you guys look at some of these executive orders that have been signed already, it's pretty scary. They have executive orders that have already been signed that take over the communication media, take over the electrical power, petroleum, gas, fuels, and minerals, take over of all food resources and farms, take over of all modes of transportation, control of highways, as well as seaport, takeover of all health, education, and welfare functions.
Executive order 11,002 designates the postmaster general to operate a national registration of all persons. Take over of all airports and aircraft, take over of housing, and to take over all railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities. And these were all combined. It's one little package by Richard Nixon in executive order one one four nine o. And, basically, that lovely organization called FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is responsible for carrying out all of these orders against the American people. And then our lovely president Reagan signed executive order one two six five six, further eroding all of the rights of Americans under the guise of a national emergency because he redefined what a national emergency is.
And it is any occurrence, including a national disaster, military attack, technological emergency, or, quote, unquote, other emergency. So if you Okay. What prompted, he signed two national emergencies on day one that he came into power. So our constitution has been suspended for this entire time since 1933, in my opinion.
[02:55:50] Unknown:
Oh, yes. May I add to the executive orders signed? Bill Clinton signed one about hoarding that the government has right to go into private homes and take their food I yield.
[02:56:07] Unknown:
Yep. It's in this book. '95. It's in this book. It's so evil. What's in here, president Clinton on 06/03/1994 signed executive order one two nine one nine and streamlined the organizational control by his cabinet members, and red redefined FEMA's role in such a take takeover. The substantial substantial portions of the act have been omitted from the public view. No surprises there. It's considered top secret and a national security interest. And this these sections outline what may be done to us, We the People. So if that sounds too insidious to you, don't forget what the former national security adviser, lieutenant colonel Oliver North, said in his testimony before congress regarding the Iran contra hearing.
He said, quote, plans had been formulated to suspend the constitution. And if you recall, the hearing was immediately suspended and retired into secret session. And this book pretty much talks about the implementation of the new government. There's nothing in here regarding, the steps to, regarding the steps to pay your debt using your CESTWE KB trust account or your Social Security account. So I was hoping for that, but it's a very scary read. Regarding we are enemies of the state under the War Powers Act. Like Sherry said earlier on, they extended they used World War I and sucked us all in as enemies of the state. It's just so evil what this federal government has done. I can't even see straight anymore. Thank you for that. Thank you for that book report, Juliet. I was always wondering that. Yes. Sorry. I mean, I I I can still try and get somebody to scan this in, but there's the the, the other book that that Melvin Stanford wrote is 10 times better when it comes to, like, remedies or tools that we all can access to at least help ourselves financially.
Regarding paying your utility bills, I think Joe Lustica basically said that you can endorse your utility bill and send it back to the company that you got the utility bill from, unless on the back of the utility bill, there is wording that tells you for alternative payment, please send the bill here. And then you would use that since you're sending you're using that coupon to send a turn it into a money order or a bill of exchange. You would send that to the alternative mailing address. And my understanding is that it works sometimes, and it doesn't work all the time. I still think that there's gotta be a way that we can get this to work a % of the time because you're basically just, accessing your, Chesapeake KB trust, which is the same thing as your birth certificate trust, which is the same thing as your Social Security trust. I think they're all just used interchangeably.
Anybody else have anything to add to that?
[02:59:45] Unknown:
Yeah. Number one, you pronounce federal government wrong. It's federal government. They're feral.
[02:59:53] Unknown:
And if we have to educate the federal government, well, obviously, they're not too confident. So, you know, yeah, they can make all these laws and stuff, but, they're not confident. So I
[03:00:09] Unknown:
don't know what to tell you. And I and I and I do also, I can't remember who brought this up. Maybe it was, Samuel or maybe it was, Sherry, who brought up the only jurisdiction over public policy. It's Admiralty or maritime. And I still believe, after all the research I've done, that, as the straw man in in our all caps name, we under we are under admiralty or maritime law because we're Absolutely. Yes. So we are we are what Roger doesn't understand is that we, the people, are both the debtor and the creditor. The debtor side is the right side of the balance sheet or the t account in accounting where we are the straw man. But on the creditor side, we are the living, breathing woman and man, and our labor is used for the debt. And as That's security.
Yes. Exactly. So I really believe that we do have two types of laws running these days. If you go to court, I believe that if you don't present yourself properly here, they are using your Seswy KB trust or your straw man account, and you are under maritime or admiralty law in that court. But you can use the UCC codes or law of merchant for the living, breathing woman or man that we are, using that and putting that to paper to try to settle it out of court before you have to go to court. I think those two things are really key. I I really do believe we have two different laws running concurrently against We The People.
[03:01:51] Unknown:
If anybody wants to add anything or correct me. Yeah. I'd I'd like to add something to that.
[03:01:58] Unknown:
So the Reconstruction so when when Lincoln issued general order 100, they implemented partial law. Right?
[03:02:07] Unknown:
[03:02:08] Unknown:
Once they did that, everything went under Admiralty law from that moment until it was canceled. Now what happened was, so the Libri code went to full force in action. The Reconstruction Act created this situation where everyone had to go sign an oath, as a state citizen and a resident. Okay? And I think that becomes a very important part of the whole thing because then they want everyone to register themselves after that. There's another part of the Reconstruction Act where they say people have to go register. Registration is maritime, is maritime, jurisdiction.
That's that's all it is. It's always been like that. And, so once once we start implementing registration because the Reconstruction Act created the, the federal zone. Right? The military zone. So they're doing military zoning, and this is because everything's under the labor code under martial law. So that's what they did. That's what they did. They they made these, state citizens take oath, right, to The United States, basically putting them under federal occupation. Alright, and then they had them all register. Okay? Now, I went to the Library of Congress asking them if the Libra code was ever, you know, because there are certain provisions that have to occur in order for the Libra code, the martial law, to be stopped.
And they basically said, that the they basically told me without saying straightforward, they just said that, it's never been, you know, like, stopped. So we've been under martial law and under the Libri code ever since. Right? They didn't wanna answer that question directly, so they just said, oh, you know, it it tells you here, how they would, end martial law. But they didn't do that. So
[03:04:08] Unknown:
Right. They won't quote the Libri code in any of the statutes per se, but they they do encode it in the way that they probably use the security and the way they create the statuses. Is that yep.
[03:04:19] Unknown:
Right. So I was using the stuff in the Libri code to kinda remedy my my situation with my situation with my court, and it worked. And I started utilizing the stuff inside the Libra code and the Reconstruction Act, and they responded to that. They wouldn't respond to anything else. And the UCCs are totally what they're operating off of. You know, like, I've created standing in the courtroom by using the assumed name certificate. And when you do that, you're just saying, yes. I've registered that business. It's a it's a registered business, and I'm the owner of that that business. And so then what they do is they they they tend to start treating you a bit differently in the courtroom after you do that.
You know? But you always have to put them on notice beforehand. Like, the mistake people make is they just walk into court and start babbling off this stuff, but but they don't put them on notice ahead of time. And that's that's what you're really supposed to do is, like, tell them ahead of time so that way they don't want you to go into the courtroom. They'll figure out a way to get rid of the court case.
[03:05:14] Unknown:
Hey, Joe.
[03:05:15] Unknown:
[03:05:16] Unknown:
I have a friend, named Paul, and he actually went to court against the, IRS, and he lost. Of course, he didn't know about all this national status, and this was decades ago. But one of the things that he did was he did go and get the, the IRS does have what's called an individual master file and each and every one of us and it's funny how IMF is also the International Monetary Fund, but it's called individual master file. He actually got a copy of his master file, and he was listed in the IRS's, database as someone who is conducting commerce, on one of the I think it was Guam or it might have been the, Virgin Islands, driving a truck and delivering postal mail.
I mean, I kid you guys not. They have these things and these secrets that they've categorized us as as as cattle, for lack of a better word here, where they've just made stuff up about us.
[03:06:20] Unknown:
And that You know what you just told me? What you just told me is that you're trying to call, when applied for a loan, he got a driver's license and had a passport. Yep. When by the time he got the file, that's he had those three things.
[03:06:40] Unknown:
They have, like, 10 professions that they cover that puts you under their their jurisdiction.
[03:06:47] Unknown:
[03:06:48] Unknown:
And that's so that was the minimum context that they used, a loan, a driver's license, and a passport. And that's why he became a truck driver in Guam, right, for doing postal services because the passport's for postal stuff. Right? Yep. He got a loan, so that's, you know, that's what puts him into this commercial this commerce thing in the first place. That his driver's license as well. And then he can travel to Guam because he has the passport.
[03:07:18] Unknown:
Yeah. But Joe, it also put him in it put his name, his all caps name, as not a individual breathing man. It put him as a corporation. That's how they actually had him listed, as the human being in the individual master file, which is hilarious.
[03:07:35] Unknown:
Right. Yeah. That's why I do the assumed name because what it does is shows that you're the owner of that company and not acting as the company itself. So you lose the liability.
[03:07:45] Unknown:
Thank you, Joe. I took your class last Thursday, and thank you very much. Oh, okay. Jeff, I me. Yeah. I did. I had a lot of of great time. It was an amazing class, and I'm taking your class again this coming Thursday, I think. I'm a little probably behind more people than other people. So, but I did take copious notes, while I was driving. I was actually coming back from a appointment. I almost got into several car wrecks, on the Beltway, but I was coming back from an appointment in Baltimore. So I was trying to, listen at the same time and pull over the side of the road and take some notes. I didn't get as many, but I know I'm gonna be able to listen to the replay. So thank you very much.
[03:08:27] Unknown:
Very welcome. Can you give out the instructions on how to get on that show?
[03:08:33] Unknown:
I'm gonna get them from the girl. There's a girl that hosts everything for me. Right? So she does all that work, and I'll get the link from her. Okay. I'll share the link for people if they want.
[03:08:46] Unknown:
Does does anybody here know what ended Reconstruction?
[03:08:50] Unknown:
What what? Nothing. They're still active today. No. That's not exactly, Joe. I wrote to the Library of Congress, and I asked them whether Reconstruction Act was repealed, and their answer was no.
[03:09:03] Unknown:
I didn't say repealed. I said that that it ended for the South by getting the federal, troops out of there. Do you know how that came about?
[03:09:14] Unknown:
Oh, that, no, I don't.
[03:09:16] Unknown:
Yeah. It's an interesting story. There was a a gentleman by the name of Samuel, I think, Jay Tilden, who was governor of New York, who was a really quite honest man yet a democrat. He ran for president against Rutherford b Hayes, the republican. Tilden ended up with the most electoral votes and the popular vote. Yet because of reconstruction, they said that there's a couple of states in the South that maybe their numbers coming in weren't accurate, so they created a controversy. In that controversy to settle that presidency, they got, eight leading, Republicans, seven leading, Democrats, and five Supreme Court justices to decide that election.
And, basically, what they did is they hammered out what one side or the other wanted and what the South wanted was for the federal troops to leave the South if they were gonna make Hayes president. And they agreed to that, a bunch of with a bunch of other stipulations. So it didn't really stop it, but it ended it for the South with the North being in there and heavily, you know, chilting the scales on everything they were doing. But that's how Hayes got in. He didn't have the electoral vote, and he didn't have the popular vote. Tilden did.
[03:11:06] Unknown:
Hey, Joe. Did you see where, that Boris Group, a lot of those guys did FOIA on Homeland Security to, evidence that they are U. S. Citizens?
[03:11:18] Unknown:
I missed that. Can you say that again?
[03:11:22] Unknown:
Oh, I was wondering if you saw where one of the recordings Boris and some of those group, I guess, they went to for a FOIA at Homeland Security, to for evidence, that they are US citizens, and they came back that they are not?
[03:11:38] Unknown:
I have one, though. See, I I got a letter from Homeland Security saying the same thing.
[03:11:44] Unknown:
Oh, you did a FOIA too with Homeland Security?
[03:11:47] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. We were all doing it back then. You know, we've you know, I I've been associated with those guys for a number of years, and, that's you know, I forget who came up with the idea, but someone came up with the idea of, why don't we just go to the people who are in charge of citizenship to find out we're citizens? Mhmm. So we started doing FOIA requests. Yeah. I gotcha. We don't have any evidence. So alright. And we've submitted that into court cases too to get court cases dropped, and they it's worked. Not you know, nothing works a % of the time. You know? Like, my friend, Lex, says that, you know, nothing will work a % of the time because you're dealing with a with a fraudulent system to begin with.
So they'll let things go through sometimes, but not always because it's fraud.
[03:12:39] Unknown:
Hey, Joe. Right.
[03:12:40] Unknown:
Joe. Could I ask you a question?
[03:12:43] Unknown:
[03:12:44] Unknown:
I'm just curious. What were you doing with Boris and and those people that took you out of, US citizenship status?
[03:12:52] Unknown:
That's hard to say. I didn't do anything with them with regards to that.
[03:12:57] Unknown:
So what would Homeland Security change your
[03:13:02] Unknown:
status on based on what? That's what I'm curious about. If if you're born in any other 50 states, you're not a US citizen. They just they're just you're they're that letter is proving that.
[03:13:13] Unknown:
Oh, okay. You're correct. Thank you.
[03:13:17] Unknown:
Yeah. That's the other that if you're born in one of the 50 states, you're not a US citizen because they have no record of you being a US citizen.
[03:13:26] Unknown:
Okay. So would you further it to say that Rogers' affidavit, stops all the presumptions by you signing documents as a US citizen and a resident? Is that what that affidavit does then? You see what I'm saying? The citizenship affidavit that Roger puts forward through the secretary of state. It rebuts
[03:13:48] Unknown:
yeah. It rebuts all the presumptions of that.
[03:13:51] Unknown:
Okay. Great. Thank you.
[03:13:54] Unknown:
Hey, Joe. Hey. It's me again. Julie, I wanted to ask you one thing. Earlier on today on the call, you were talking about, money that you used to I I'm using the word money facetiously here to back up the insurance on your car. And, basically, how you stated that you cannot find any lawful money and you can only find legal tender, and you told them to, use this fund instead of insurance. Is that fund you're talking about or referencing your Social Security fund or your
[03:14:28] Unknown:
Chesapeake KB trust fund then? Well, it's a Social Security account. So you can use that to back it up. But, also, under 18 US code eight, bonds are the first thing on there. So because that's a US obligation, it's up to The United States to take care of it. That that Social Security account is is property of the the Social Security Administration, which is part of the United States government. So it's it's their account. They have to take care of it. And, now I'm rebutting the presumption that I am the employee, the federal employee that they're considering to be that number.
[03:15:02] Unknown:
Thank you. Thank you.
[03:15:04] Unknown:
But since I'm the one that's been funding it all these years, I might as well take advantage of it since it's, since it's basically, it's a brokerage account.
[03:15:12] Unknown:
Right. But the way you can confirm, can I can we just find it is it okay? I guess that is it safe to assume that the Social Security account you could use that interchangeably with the words Sysdig Trust account or,
[03:15:27] Unknown:
or your significant account?
[03:15:29] Unknown:
Sysdig Trust is the beneficiary. Okay. It's not not really the account. It it's it's the I mean, it's the beneficiary for the life for their lifetime. Right? Yeah. So, like, you are supposed to be considered the beneficiary of that account. But according to the POMS manual, you're a limited beneficiary. According to what? The POMS manual? Yeah. That's the, programs operation, manual for the Social Security Administration. Okay. So p o m s, POMS.
[03:15:59] Unknown:
[03:16:00] Unknown:
So the power manual tells you yeah. It says that you're a limited beneficiary, which I found interesting. So they they limit your your position as a beneficiary. Probably because they wanna they wanna they want to create liability on your end. You know? Yeah. They can
[03:16:21] Unknown:
I read that the, I read that the SESP KB trust account, when you actually die, that SESP KB trust account, continues in perpetuity, and the government just continues to scrape the interest off the top of it?
[03:16:36] Unknown:
Well, didn't they just prove that? Yep. Interest on that. Right? We put all those, like, accounts that are, like, some people who are 80 years old. Yep. %.
[03:16:46] Unknown:
Ninety %.
[03:16:47] Unknown:
Yeah. So I found that very comical because I've been saying that for years and, you know, you know, most most people just think you're a nut job when you say that stuff. But someone actually reached out to me. An old friend of mine reached out to me after that came out. He goes, dude, I'm sorry. I think I think you're right. Okay. Okay. But I thought it was cool that he actually reached out to me. He hadn't talked to me probably, like, nine, ten years, and then he reached out to me about that. Doesn't take yours to me. Thank you for stopping at Stop and Stop. So I do My stop mic is open.
[03:17:24] Unknown:
Joe, did did you notice I sent you that reference to maritime, jurisdiction? You had to ask during the show where that came from. I I picked it up and sent it to you.
[03:17:38] Unknown:
Yeah. No. I wasn't debating about it being maritime. That's Roger's argument is about the maritime. I know that they're using Admiralty and Maritime in these contracts. Right? I mean, I've seen it. I see what they're doing. I'm going to read on the regulation.
[03:17:57] Unknown:
The argument there was the limited liability act and that's an insurance policy that puts you into maritime emergency jurisdiction.
[03:18:08] Unknown:
Is it is it strictly maritime or is it quasi jurisdictional?
[03:18:17] Unknown:
I personally think that it is depending on what who you're dealing who they're dealing with. Are they dealing with the all the all caps name? Or are they dealing with the living, breathing woman or man you are? Are you on the debtor side? Or are you on the creditor side? And that determines what whether you're dealing with maritime or admiralty or law of merchant high yield.
[03:18:41] Unknown:
I would add to that that it is mixed in multiple jurisdictions. They have a smorgasbord in front of them and they pick and choose depending on what your defenses or offenses are. I yield. Quasi.
[03:19:05] Unknown:
Maybe we wanna change the word to duplicity.
[03:19:12] Unknown:
Hey, Julie and George. Did and I meant to send this to, Joe as well. The letter from the solicitor general saying that, the multi layering removal process for administrative law judges is unconstitutional and their office will no longer be defending those administrative law judges. I yield.
[03:19:40] Unknown:
Yeah. That was quite amazing.
[03:19:45] Unknown:
Yeah. I agree with that.
[03:19:46] Unknown:
In Stamper's book, Fruit from a Poisonous Tree, he says they have blended all these jurisdictions to suit their needs as they need them.
[03:19:58] Unknown:
Correct. I said I yield and I hit my
[03:20:01] Unknown:
disconnect button. I agree with that statement because I've they like what I was saying before, like how it's a fraudulent system. So sometimes things will go through and sometimes the same thing won't. And it's because they they'll just switch what kind of jurisdiction they're gonna operate under. And that that creates all kinds of the the issues that we're running into with trying to deal with a court system utilizing, a specific type of procedure or something and they, oh, we don't do that here and all that garbage.
[03:20:35] Unknown:
Well, that's why Stanford believes in the abatement that you abate the procedure before you even start because the the procedure is illegal.
[03:20:49] Unknown:
Yeah. You might be right. That might actually be the best way to do it is just do an abatement on every any cyber court proceeding first, and that could be it. That might be the right answer.
[03:21:04] Unknown:
In in the book of the the hundreds, they use the term mark, and they list all their marks. And mark stands for fraud. Fraud number one, two, and they go down through listing in their abatements them as marks, which basically means a point of fraud.
[03:21:25] Unknown:
Well, there there is a a name for a person who has been grifted, and it is Mark. And I will say if anybody's interested, there's a purported copy of William Jefferson Clinton's copyrighted name in the chat. Anybody's interested. I yield.
[03:22:02] Unknown:
And by the way, Sherry was reading about the the net, all the executive orders. You know, they've all passed they've turned those into laws. The NDAA for, for instance, the National Defense Authorization Act, every Congress, you know, every time there's a new president in our office, they always renew that and it and it spells out exactly all that stuff that was read about these signers these executive orders you know making hoarding you know illegal you know you can't store food and if you do they can come and take it you know all that bullshit. They got a plan and you know we better be ready.
[03:22:48] Unknown:
As as appalled as Stamper was about all the executive orders, what pushed him over the edge to do the second book was the Patriot Act.
[03:23:04] Unknown:
Did anybody I did that the enemy of the state.
[03:23:15] Unknown:
I I had done that Minnesota rule two twenty in 2017. Does anybody know if you have to do that every year or you're kinda one and done on that?
[03:23:28] Unknown:
You do it you do it to that first. Alright. You pay the $50 for it, and then every year, you renew it for free before it expires. It takes, like, two minutes to renew it.
[03:23:42] Unknown:
Okay. What if you don't renew it the next year? Is it you gotta do another one?
[03:23:46] Unknown:
Then you have to pay the $50 again when it's time to renew.
[03:23:52] Unknown:
Okay. And then how much is it to renew every year then? Is there a separate charge or you just do that like a No. It's free.
[03:24:01] Unknown:
If you do it before it expires, they give you a grace period, you know, like, if you miss the date, they send you an email reminding you, and then you just update it. And it you just renew it. It's free to renew.
[03:24:12] Unknown:
Oh, wow. I never knew that. Okay. Because I thought it was more like the certificate of good standing or whatever. You know? So
[03:24:20] Unknown:
What's the rule two twenty? What did you call that, George?
[03:24:30] Unknown:
Minnesota rule two twenty. So it's they they have, like, a remedy hidden in all the state statutes, it seems. And, this is one where you can take your name and kind of protect it. It's not a, it's not exactly a trademark, but it functions like that as my understanding. I never really I did it because I was in the middle of something, and then I kinda let it go. So that's why I was asking about renewing it. Joe might be more current on how he's been using it.
[03:25:06] Unknown:
How I've been using it?
[03:25:10] Unknown:
Or yeah. Or why you did it. I'm trying to remember why I did it. I just remember I did it in 2017 and didn't have reason to renew it.
[03:25:19] Unknown:
Oh, I mean, the reason why I did it is because it cements your position as being agent majority. And what it does is it it also says that that's your it it it it holds your position as the owner of the business rather than being the liable party.
[03:25:40] Unknown:
That's why I did it. Isn't that, Joe? Doesn't that make you the owner of the all caps name?
[03:25:47] Unknown:
Yeah. For business purposes, though. Yeah.
[03:25:50] Unknown:
[03:25:53] Unknown:
Right. And it acts as a trademark too. So if someone violates your trademark, you can sue them in federal court for trademark violations. And there is no, sovereign immunity in federal courts under trademarks. So if, like, let's say, you know, a cop uses that trademark on a ticket, you can sue him for, unauthorized use of trademark as trademark infringement because now he's putting it on, like, you know you know, the piece of paper that's gonna be used for profit. So that means you have to get a cut of that profit. So now you can sue him for trademark infringement in federal court.
And he has no immunity because all all sovereign immunity is waived by the federal government, by the states, by any agents, or anything.
[03:26:46] Unknown:
Yeah. But you as I remember, you can only do it on your birth certificate and name. You can't do it on every version of your name like if they I spell it in the social. No. Oh, you did? And what Okay. I did on every yeah. Because I sent one into the court,
[03:27:01] Unknown:
and then they changed the name on the paperwork. So I sent another one into the court. They changed the name on the paperwork again. So I just kept every time they would do that, I would just keep doing another one. And then, after a while, they just got frustrated with it, and they just they just ignored them. But it tells you that they're playing a name game, but they also don't wanna get in trouble for trade trademark infringement. That's a riot. The paperwork. Oh, yeah. That's hilarious.
[03:27:27] Unknown:
In the book of the hundreds, when they demand the Christian name, that's what they do is they misspell it one way or another. And, you know, they look like they're acquiescing to you, but in reality they made a spelling error, so it's still a misnomer.
[03:27:43] Unknown:
[03:27:47] Unknown:
Well, that's it was really interesting how they kept changing the name, but just doing slight modifications to it. And I was like, wow. That little modification is all they need to make it different. And they actually gave me an idea, so so I just started doing all the different modifications of it according to the way they were doing it and then doing altered versions of their modification.
[03:28:13] Unknown:
Stampers, is there any change in that? Is there change in the trust
[03:28:16] Unknown:
[03:28:18] Unknown:
Is what? It's a different trust.
[03:28:22] Unknown:
Is it a different trust?
[03:28:24] Unknown:
Yes. That's what's It's a new account. Yeah. They set up a new account for every version. Mhmm.
[03:28:32] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. I'm sure it is because, you know, like, the the county at first, it was the county, and I sent the stuff to the county, and they just fixed everything after I sent a bunch of stuff into them. And then the only thing I heard back from them well, I went in to go to court, and they wouldn't let me in the courtroom. They told me, come back next week. You know? And then so when I was on my way there the next week, they called me and told me that they weren't they weren't gonna be seeing my case anymore. So I said, oh, okay. That's good.
And then I got a letter from the city, and the city was saying that they were gonna see the, case. So I wrote to them. I told them they didn't have jurisdiction over that case because it was there were felony cases. You know, the the municipal courts can't can't try felony cases. And then they ignored me on that, and they just proceeded anyway. Right? That's when Mark was like, why don't you do a writ of prohibition? And I said, that's a good idea. I'm gonna do that.
[03:29:40] Unknown:
Joe, my whole feeling about using anything within their system, even the copyright is something that I firmly would stay away from. I'm not saying that other people can't do what they want because they're going to do it anyway. But I think as a national, I can make a claim. I can say that's my name. This is how I spell it. This is my signature, and this will be on all my common law documents from now on. And here's my signature for those documents that are not common law. And, you know, because there's there's a lot of history in all our lives where I don't know if you're like me, but when I got my first W-two form and it said use the middle initials, that's how I started signing my name as a dummy.
Instead of spelling it out, I did the middle initial and that was my new trust account, right? So it's
[03:30:35] Unknown:
just So, all right. So like the courts are operating in commerce, right? It's all business stuff. Sure. Right. So if you look at UCC three-four zero two, it tells you that the signature of the authorized representative shows that the representative person is liable, but not the not the one signing. Right. Right? So if by doing these DBAs, right, you become the authorized representative of that entity. I mean, it's not you anymore. You don't have the liability because you always sign as the authorized representative.
[03:31:15] Unknown:
Right? But as but as a national, I think I can make that choice. And if I spell it out and say, send it to my state AAG, this is what the deal is. This is who I am. This is this is the only kind of name that I will respond to if you have a controversy with me. And if you agree with that, fine. If I don't hear from you, I consider that agreement. That's the way I'm gonna handle it.
[03:31:40] Unknown:
Well, I'm I don't I don't disagree with what you're saying. I'm just saying from my personal experience, they they will, you know, they'll still put if you if you just don't show up to court, they'll just put a warrant out for your arrest, and it's not gonna stop the cops from arresting you afterwards. You know? Like, if they find you Well and they say, oh, you're that name, and you go, well, no. That's not how I spell my name. They're gonna still take you in.
[03:32:03] Unknown:
No. What I would do, Joe, is I'd be setting myself up to put more force and power and effect behind the abatement. So if they send me paperwork with that wrong name which is what they're going to do, I said you've already been put on notice and this is part of one of your marks of fraud here and the abatement that you're incorrect. That's how I'm thinking. So I'm preloading my shotgun with the abatement because this is how you're gonna have to respond, and you get given notice, you know, and that is definitely something I would do with the signature mail only so that I have chain of custody that it went from me to whomever and whoever handled that so that I have chain of custody and and can use that later?
[03:33:02] Unknown:
Well, I think as long as you as long as you do all that stuff, you know, like, right away, I don't think you'd have a problem. But, you know, I I I can't, you know, I don't think you speak for the majority of people who kinda just, like, sit around and wait for something to happen. You know, like, a lot of people tend to do that because they don't know what to do, so there was in this deep confusion. And so because they're confused, they just don't act
[03:33:30] Unknown:
because they don't know what to do. I'm in a little bit of a procrastination myself because I'm trying to perfect my my land issue, which is going to be called a covenant. And in that covenant, there's a land patent and a allodial claim, allodial right claim. I'd like to get a lot of that stuff done prior to sending letters off and such like that to the AG etcetera. So I'm but I've I don't know. I'm probably more paranoid than I need to be about the whole thing. But then again, I've I've been in this thing since, you know, for fifty years and I've seen a lot of people taking it down for absolutely nothing.
I mean, there was a there was a patriot movement that was sending out some brochures back in the nineties. And because they made a spelling error there in the brochure and it was in The US mail, they convicted them of mail fraud.
[03:34:35] Unknown:
That's crazy.
[03:34:36] Unknown:
I know. But just like you with your your pocket knife. Right? Look what they were trying to do to you for that. It's just there's no end to the if you get on the wrong side of the stick with these people. And I've been there myself, but, you know.
[03:34:51] Unknown:
Yeah. They get pretty extreme about this stuff.
[03:34:54] Unknown:
Yeah. The only thing they can do anything and pretty much just what Stapner Stapner says. If a judge knows what he's doing, he's gonna get jurisdiction, and he could do absolutely anything he wants.
[03:35:09] Unknown:
So And that's that's another issue. You know? Yeah.
[03:35:17] Unknown:
Anyways, thanks for fighting the good fight. I like blowing things off of you because you've got so much experience and you understand that side of it. And that that thing I sent you is probably worth reading. And again, I think a lot of this stuff and I they allude to it there as as well is that this Buck Act also had a lot to do with this. That came in around 1939, '19 '40. So but, I think they're basically terrorists. You know? Yeah. It's which makes me think that we could also be in in article four courts
[03:35:59] Unknown:
and not know it. That's what I think they are. I think that's what they
[03:36:04] Unknown:
are. Article five. I agree totally.
[03:36:07] Unknown:
Yeah. But you know how, like, our Joe. We list out all these different versions of the courts. Right? So I think what they're doing is through Article four, they're using those territorial court systems, right, and those agency types of courts. And but they'll just move around like the different types of courts that could be utilized through the Constitution in order to mess with screw people?
[03:36:35] Unknown:
Well, yeah, every one of these agencies has a different district line, the Federal Reserve System, the Social Security System, the Postal Department and their ZIP codes. And I mean, it's an endless web over the country that destroys the state line.
[03:36:58] Unknown:
Someone had a question.
[03:37:01] Unknown:
Yes, Joe, this is Dave with the thumb. So the DBA, do you did you do yours in Minnesota or did you do it in New Jersey?
[03:37:11] Unknown:
So I did I did the Minnesota one. Do it? I yeah. The Minnesota one's good, but then what I did was I did a common law one where I took the New Jersey legislation, secession laws. And I found the section law about doing using trade names. And then I just did one like that, my own version of it. And then I just I just went and recorded that one, and they accepted that too. They said that, yeah, that's that's all you need to do. So I didn't even need to pay the fee as long as I just did the, as long as I just put the the certificate together myself. So that's it. So that's what I did. I did, like, a common law version of it using the not the not the statute, the statute of laws because that's the bill. That's the real laws.
Like, remember what Mark Mark was saying earlier? Right? The state constitution tells you what is considered law inside the state. It's never a statute or a code. It's always like a bill or or something like that. A lot of the states use bills as actual laws. And then the statutes are just those compilations.
[03:38:20] Unknown:
So you did a common law DBA in your county and they accepted that?
[03:38:27] Unknown:
[03:38:29] Unknown:
And they you didn't have to pay, and do you have to renew it?
[03:38:34] Unknown:
Nope. That's it. It's recorded. It's public information forever. But the reason why I did it like that was so that way I can do every version of the name on one certificate. So I did every version of the name on one certificate. So that way I'm not spending There you go. Dollars. Right? $500 to to get 10 different versions of the name as a as a DBA. And do you still continue to renew the Minnesota one? Yeah. Okay. It's it's free to renew, so might as well, you know.
[03:39:12] Unknown:
But the Minnesota one is just the the regular name, not all the different versions?
[03:39:18] Unknown:
I got I got, like, three different versions in Minnesota.
[03:39:22] Unknown:
[03:39:23] Unknown:
But I have, like, 15 on record now because of the common law one I made.
[03:39:34] Unknown:
Thank you.
[03:39:38] Unknown:
Okay, Joe. So the common law DBA that you did is just strictly recorded in the public records Correct. Of your county?
[03:39:48] Unknown:
[03:39:49] Unknown:
Okay. Great. Thank you. Because I was curious. I was looking up the Minnesota DBA, and it there was something about it that made me hesitate, and that's what I was gonna ask you about. So
[03:40:06] Unknown:
I have a nice way of of doing the Minnesota one. So that way, like, you know, whatever questionability you have about doing it or feeling like, you know, maybe you're gonna end up with some kind of liability. What I do is for the for the the principal address, thank you so much. For the, like, the business address, you just use the regular address. But when it asks, like, the address of the owner, that's when you put the rule route in. So you put the rule route in when those zip it'll take it. And they'll take the different versions of the spelling and everything. I think it's pretty funny that that's the bill they'll make the rural route numbers as the address of the owner.
So mine have, like, the rule route number for the owner address and then the place of business is just the business address. But they recognize it. And then when I do the name of the owner, I do a upper noun, upper lower case. Right? And, I do the last name first. Right? Because it's surname and then the first middle name as the as the last name. That way it shows up, like, last name first and then, first middle.
[03:41:35] Unknown:
Yeah. I think I my reservations had been like, oh, do I really want to be in their system in 2017 like after that? And then with Boris' things, I've been learning a lot about, like, how how he, kind of brings the spiritual part of it in. You know, the and I was talking about, like, how we can we're really the militia and how we can kind of, be god's army here. I thought it was pretty interesting. I don't know if you go that way, Joe, at all, but before I was kinda like, I gotta be all separate. I gotta be you know, I can't touch any of their paper and all that. But, and like Boris says, it's kind of a Jesuit system. They still have to have the god the god part in there.
[03:42:38] Unknown:
To me, that's the ultimate and only thing of real importance. Yep. So that you take this journey with your creator because man ain't gonna protect you.
[03:43:03] Unknown:
Samuel, isn't that your answer that Joe just gave, a common law DBA recorded in your recorder's office, the public records?
[03:43:18] Unknown:
Well, I, sort of said how I was going to go about it and I'm gonna tell me probably like the AG, the local prosecutor, and everybody, If they wanna do business with Samuel, this is how you do it. And if you don't get it right, I'm gonna take opposition to you.
[03:43:40] Unknown:
Okay. But you're gonna record that into the public record, that notice?
[03:43:45] Unknown:
No. But what I am doing is in my, my my paperwork on the land, I'm I'm I'm part of that. Hopefully, they'll accept an attachment as my exhibit as to what a national is, and that'll be in there. So that'll be registered not registered, but recorded at the county level. And I'm also putting a clause in there that this recording is not a commercial act, etcetera, etcetera.
[03:44:17] Unknown:
Well, that makes sense. You know?
[03:44:20] Unknown:
So that I guess in an indirect way, that's how I'm going to be doing it is that it it goes into me, the national, the land, the land patent, the arroyal right, which brings in my creator. That's why that title is covenant, etcetera.
[03:44:41] Unknown:
You know No. I I like that, Samuel, that you're tying yourself to the land and to the land record. That's great.
[03:44:50] Unknown:
And to my creator, which Well
[03:44:53] Unknown:
Psalms Psalms twenty four one.
[03:44:56] Unknown:
He owns it all and everything in
[03:45:02] Unknown:
it. It's like the gold from the gold came from the land. We came from the land, right, when God created us. And, so wouldn't it be, if they're if they're, if they've got the gold and then they're trying to get us the human flesh, you know, that was made by God from the land, then we can kick it right back to them, revert it back to them. And, I think that's the that's the big the big thing. They took they took the gold and then made all this money on it, you know. It's a The Prost Prost called It's a form of, trafficking. Right?
[03:45:42] Unknown:
[03:45:51] Unknown:
pretty profound. I hadn't heard that way. Maybe I didn't get to that part in the book. That's great. So that must mean that we're portable land.
[03:46:03] Unknown:
Well, he said That's better than somebody. Way of trading land, they used to have, like, a little ceremony back in the day. He said, one man would take a hand of dirt, and one man would take a hand of gold, and they would trade it. Wow. There you go. That was the transaction.
[03:46:31] Unknown:
So anything else is representative of gold, like the Federal Reserve known as a representation and then the birth certificate demand or the securities they're generating from it as a representation or maybe an apparition or necromancy, right? Was that what they call it?
[03:46:53] Unknown:
That, you know, Prost is pretty much on point with what everything Roger has to say too on the fourteenth Amendment. But he's big on the gold being that that side of the corral that really, you know, caught us. And where he is different is he does a declaration, what he calls of independence at the state level. He says you do it in your paper of record in the county that you're in, and that takes you out of being a fourteenth amendment citizen in his mind. So I'm probably gonna do that as well.
[03:47:35] Unknown:
Yes. And that kinda gets to Terry Lee's. I think he was doing everything at the county level if I'm not mistaken.
[03:48:20] Unknown:
Hey, Joe. Can you do a if you're still on, can you do a video showing the process for, doing your name as a I'm trying to think what it's called, I apologize, my strokes kind of snagging me. Trademark. Your name is trademark. Can you do a video on that?
[03:49:52] Unknown:
Yeah. Carl, this is George. I don't know that, I mean, not speaking for him, but I know he tries to keep low on certain matters. But I wonder if there's something like that out there, which you just said, kind of take the maybe borrow from the statute language actually meant of the rule two twenty but then, I mean, it might even be people might be examples of it at the county which would be interesting. I just going to go on to Yandex and really just recording something on a very old computer Recording trademark county
[03:50:42] Unknown:
[03:50:55] Unknown:
I remember back in mass they would all we don't do that. We only do land records, you know. I had really trouble filing even like nationality correction to the county. In fact I think Boris and those guys were saying in Florida you have to go to St. John's County to get anything unusual recorded. That's where St. Augustine is. But they're like they don't record anything. Kinda back to that idea where maybe they just leave one county in the state that still allows certain things. You gotta find it.
[03:51:29] Unknown:
Yeah. So I did I did, like, four different filings, on mine. I don't And I haven't had a single problem, but they all have said and every time is, like, does it say notice on it? And it said notice, and they said, yeah. If it's a notice, then we'll file it. And it's always notice of citizenship affidavit or notice of citizenship evidence affidavit. You know? So as long as it got that notice word in there, they're pretty good about it. Always that's what I've seen. And you do have the court case, I want to say it's not Michelin Tire Company. It's it's got a name like one of the tire companies.
It's in it's in the land patents book. He references it that ultimately states that once you put it in the county's hand, it is considered recorded. And then I've also pulled documents that I've recorded from the city. After the county after I've put them in there. So I do know they exist.
[03:53:00] Unknown:
I have a friend who was in a title officer. Actually, he ran the place. He's the oldest title company in California and, like, over forty years of experience. And he says for recordings, it's important to have a pigeonhole that they can stick it in so that they don't refuse it. So it has to have a title, like you said, maybe notice or something like that. We we decided to use the word covenant to help ease it into a pigeonhole for them so that even if they don't want to do it, they might have some kind of mandate internally that it has to fit some certain parameters.
But if it's a I do have a statute from California that says they must open the great books, is this sort of how it's stated, and enter any land patent and record it. And probably almost every state has something similar finding it.
[03:54:07] Unknown:
Jay, can you turn that down please?
[03:54:09] Unknown:
Another story.
[03:54:11] Unknown:
That's very disturbing.
[03:54:25] Unknown:
Dave, you're unmuted. Thanks.
[03:54:35] Unknown:
So I guess you could actually go down to your county recorder's office and ask them what categories recordings are done under. They probably have a list.
[03:54:47] Unknown:
Yeah. I wouldn't doubt that.
[03:54:52] Unknown:
There was somebody had sent a thing if they refuse what you could quote back to them. I was looking for the document, but I'll See it. I thought it was a guy from Delaware,
[03:55:08] Unknown:
but could be wrong. There's a case called Neff versus The US where, a person was going in and making a common law claim to the property, and they even want to record it because of the tax ramifications. And I had that happen to me back in 2010. They wanted me to scratch out anything in there that would keep them from taxing me on the land. So, I've got a had Natasha used the law library down there in LA to help me search for NEF versus The US and haven't really gone through all of that yet. I not having a computer or anything makes it difficult for me. So I've got to take it.
Hopefully, it's a PDF and then send it to my printer and have it printed out. And I had one of the three sites printed out that you gave me on that particular case. But that is used in my old land patent to say that there's an absolutely no other ownership allowed here except for what's being stated kind of this thing? When I showed my my guy with all that title experience, the, the old original allodial tile lab patent docket that document that I had, he he really liked it. And then I had he kept talking about it. And I said, well, what do you like about it? He says, well, it's simple and to the point.
It's clear. So I'm adding quite a bit to it with things like my covenant claim with Jesus Christ, which is making it a bit longer, but I think that's important enough to put it in. So that's sort of what I'm working on right now.
[03:57:18] Unknown:
So there's 42 USC nineteen eighty six Action for Neglect to Prevent. Every person who having knowingly knowledge that any of the wrong conspired to be done and mentioned in Section nineteen eighty five of the saddle are about to be sorry guys I can't read my strokes kind of hit me. But that's one that for the land patent that trying to post that. I have another one which I'm looking for.
[03:59:09] Unknown:
I remember when Daryl said he went down in to his county recorder. He said he goes in and sits sits down on desk across from her, and they're having a little chat, and he pushes his paperwork across the desk to her. And, he says, well, aren't you gonna read it? And she says, it's none of my business. That was it. Filed. Different counties, different deals.
[04:00:17] Unknown:
Can you hear me now? So can you hear me, Samuel? Yeah. We can all hear you. Oh, great. Yes. I plugged into a different device, so I wasn't sure if, what I said was, it's one thing to have our our nationality declared national secretary of state with the affidavit. I mean, it should be enough like you're saying to present that the side of the road or whatever since everything's you know, they're trying to claim federal jurisdiction when they're pulling you over for all these commercial crimes. But by the same token, if the sheriff pulls you over or something like that and or the local cop and you say, oh, by the way, you got permission to use that name that's recorded at the county.
You know, it's a says another thing when your neighbor's trying to pull you over or something. So I don't think it hurts to put it into the county either. And maybe it's just enough to send them a letter like we do like with, you know, there's there's copies on file with the with the, Secretary of State of The United States because, you know, we are kind of taking care of that federal jurisdiction when we do that. I don't know of another reason why the sheriff or the local cop would try to pass a commercial penalty on to you other than federal federal jurisdiction?
You know, state state laws basically in all their statutes just describes what a, what the state is as well, which means an imprint of of DC.
[04:02:43] Unknown:
I forget where I heard it, but I hate that. It's one of those things I wish I would have to keep track of. But the statement was that the court systems bring in more revenues than the gross national product.
[04:03:05] Unknown:
Yes, it's like a giant casino when you go in there, right? All the fines
[04:03:09] Unknown:
and threats and all that. I believe that. And to the normal person, it doesn't look like things are being traded there. But if they're going into our trust and pulling it out of there and probably astronomical amounts of money for minor causes, it, certainly adds up, doesn't it?
[04:03:33] Unknown:
Setting up a district court, you know, municipal court one morning and see what the fines and fees are for and then count the number of people, you get a pretty good average. Hey. Even in my small little town here, 1,300 people. It was crazy.
[04:03:48] Unknown:
The thousands of you're paying. Well, my point is that's just the part you're paying. You don't know what the clerk is collecting in your name.
[04:03:56] Unknown:
Oh, no. I get that. I get that. And Julie is the one who put that forward the other day that across the country, it was $1,000,000,000,000 a day that the courts take in, if I remember correctly.
[04:04:09] Unknown:
Really? I didn't hear
[04:04:14] Unknown:
that. That is correct, Sherry. The courts make more money in less than one month than the gross domestic product of The United States does in an entire year. So they are keeping from our accounts.
[04:04:52] Unknown:
And that is definitely a goose you would want to protect.
[04:05:05] Unknown:
That would be the Bank of America.
[04:05:12] Unknown:
And it's not the Golden Goose. They done confiscated that.
[04:05:19] Unknown:
I have a question.
[04:05:21] Unknown:
Okay. May I finish my thought real quick? Sorry. They replaced it with a a a faux goose, a false goose. But we go along with it, so, therefore, they profit. I yield, Julie.
[04:05:39] Unknown:
Sorry, Sherry. I have a question for anybody here. What? People were talking, I got on a little, I had to take a phone call. What were people saying earlier on in the call today about regulation versus codes versus statutes versus what is it? I don't know if it was administrative hearings or something like that. Can anybody educate me on that? Which one is superior to the other ones or which ones have validity over the others, please?
[04:06:14] Unknown:
Well, the regulations, they're called the implementing regulations and they contain the penalties for the code. The regulations control how the code is used, I yield. Administratively, I yield.
[04:06:34] Unknown:
Okay. Then somebody said something today that, where in the regulations, not the statute, are income taxes, stated as voluntary?
[04:06:55] Unknown:
Roger was speaking about that, and I don't recall because that really doesn't apply to me. So, I just know well, I take that back. You'll just have to listen to the recording again unless somebody else here can answer that. I cannot. I yield.
[04:07:16] Unknown:
I thought he was just saying title 26 DFR,
[04:07:22] Unknown:
[04:07:26] Unknown:
dash one little a is a regulation, not a statute or a code. That's all I remember about it. Thank you. Thank you, Joan. You're welcome.
[04:07:51] Unknown:
All of this stuff sets up the proposition and you with your acceptance that you are not flesh and blood and that this corporate thing, I mean, the common law there had to be an offense against a person or property. Now you can make up anything you want. So it's an endless amount of legislations and laws that come under, the proposition that you are not flesh and blood and, you could be regulated to whatever ends the detail that they want. The cool thing about the national status, if we can properly claim that and get out of it successfully and keep ourselves from harming these courts, and be able to make these claims.
You know, that's the key around it all. But I think that entails aligning yourself with your creator because that's really where all this stuff comes from anyways, the rule law.
[04:09:09] Unknown:
May I add my anecdotal experience with a county prosecutor down here? And I filed my citizenship affidavit evidence. You know what I'm talking about. And I filed that with the court. And the prosecutor came back and said, well, in 2017, you said you were a US citizen. So that's how far back he reached, and that was five years previous. This was '22, I believe. So or no. It would have been '23. So it was, six years when I had filled out a document with the county.
[04:09:52] Unknown:
Then so And Cherry did you five years old, I believe, in 10:00 too.
[04:10:01] Unknown:
Oh, I can hear you both.
[04:10:06] Unknown:
I said Okay. Great. Is that when you told him you discovered the fraud or you hadn't discovered the fraud until after that?
[04:10:16] Unknown:
I just told him I didn't know any better back then.
[04:10:19] Unknown:
I guess I I would have told him when you were five years old he believed in Santa Claus too.
[04:10:25] Unknown:
Yeah. That's a good one.
[04:10:28] Unknown:
I I listen. The statute of limitations starts upon the discovery of fraud. So as soon as you throw that term out that, well, I just discovered the fraud, that puts them on notice. I yield.
[04:10:43] Unknown:
Yeah. Fraud isn't fraud until it's discovered.
[04:10:46] Unknown:
Correct. And that's a good thing to keep in mind for sure.
[04:10:52] Unknown:
I'm surprised the guy looked back. He was trying to catch you in, in something there, and all he did is prove you prove your point for you in a way.
[04:11:00] Unknown:
Mhmm. I agree. But that's the only time they've acknowledged or recognized my affidavit and tried to, overcome it. Ever since then, they just ignore it. I yield.
[04:11:27] Unknown:
That's where the boss hog comes into play.
[04:11:38] Unknown:
The court case that I was trying to debate about them having to the courts having to accept your documents in, that county record with Bifold versus Morton.
[04:11:59] Unknown:
You were kind of muffled there. Could you repeat that please?
[04:12:06] Unknown:
Yes, sorry, Bifold v. Morton Rubber Company is the court case that states that the court have to accept the documents? If I recall, that is correct.
[04:12:32] Unknown:
Yes. And it's a statute and the federal code as well. Yeah. Thank you. See, I'm not sure at common law that, case law is what we should be hanging our hat on. There is a maximum of law that a court can only, how is it phrased, it's 64 FF.
[04:13:17] Unknown:
Well, with the abatement process that the book of the hundred uses, you're not entering that into the court system, you're serving it on the people you want to leave you alone, the judge, prosecutor, and the senior officer.
[04:13:35] Unknown:
Okay. I remember it. The a court cannot a court cannot, decide the law. They can only determine if it, is in conformity with God's law. And if it's not, it's not a law. I yield.
[04:13:53] Unknown:
Well, there is no such thing as a case.
[04:13:58] Unknown:
Hartford Van Dyke never used case law because of what you just said, Sherry. They they can't determine the law. They, you know, and that allows the judge for to adjudicate from the bench.
[04:14:14] Unknown:
There is no such thing as case law. There's never been a b it enacted in a court case.
[04:14:29] Unknown:
That's pretty much what Hartford Van Dyke said.
[04:14:33] Unknown:
[04:14:35] Unknown:
[04:14:37] Unknown:
you use previous cases, you know, that have been adjudicated, you allow the judge to adjudicate from the bench.
[04:14:46] Unknown:
That's right.
[04:15:02] Unknown:
Hey, Cheryl. How are you?
[04:15:04] Unknown:
Okay. I just came on about ten minutes ago. I finished my real estate stuff today. Yeah. I've I've never understood why people call it case law. They you can't have law in court. Court is supposed to follow the law, which, of course, we know they don't.
[04:15:46] Unknown:
In fact, they like it so much they don't even want you to use after a certain time, say, 1940. They don't even consider it valid anymore if you did cite it. But before the 1880s, we made law in this country that was according to what Blackstone says, and that was if it was not in tune with God's law, it was bad law. And that argument could be made in courts up until then. Of course, the civil war put it into a lot of this.
[04:16:27] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, where do they get off saying that we can't cite something, you know, that was prior to anything. I mean
[04:16:38] Unknown:
I don't disagree, but I'm just saying that's their attitude these days because it doesn't work in their favor, of course. Right? So Right. Exactly.
[04:16:48] Unknown:
Exactly. That's the problem. Yeah.
[04:16:55] Unknown:
And I'm pretty sure the devil knows the Bible as good as most of us.
[04:17:00] Unknown:
Yes. I think so. I think so.
[04:17:05] Unknown:
I would say better.
[04:17:08] Unknown:
Oh, dear.
[04:17:16] Unknown:
They give you a Scratch agreement.
[04:17:50] Unknown:
You better give it a couple more stirs.
[04:17:54] Unknown:
[04:18:07] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, I, think that the common law is dead and bury and buried because all these courts are fraudulent, and it's deliberate because the Roman system doesn't want ordinary people to comprehend the law. Then, I think these, lawyers learn all of the lies and all of the truth, but so, therefore, they don't know which is truth. Only the judge will know better than anything they do.
[04:18:45] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, you you know, as a national and as you are well, according to what Lypro says, you are it. You're in law. You're in common law. You're it. You're not like an attorney at law. You're in it. Yep. We're the representation of, of these prehistoric ages.
[04:19:12] Unknown:
And, Julie, I think that would be something, that you should bring up on a Friday call with, our lawyer, our common law lawyer.
[04:19:25] Unknown:
And for some reason, he doesn't think Lincoln had a presidency.
[04:19:30] Unknown:
[04:19:34] Unknown:
Well, he still thinks we've got common common law as an institution. It's not. It's Lincoln took all that away. We went into went into equity, and that was the end of it.
[04:19:48] Unknown:
I think that's
[04:19:52] Unknown:
If you don't if you're not practicing law, then you're breaking the law. So how can we not be practicing law?
[04:20:05] Unknown:
Oh my god. I think that's exactly. That's a little over the board.
[04:20:13] Unknown:
I like I like Hertzberg Van Dyke, but I never heard him say that. I wouldn't challenge that immensely. Because how why should we know the law? Why should we know the law at all? If if we created this monster, it's how we want it to be. That's my attitude. Well, we didn't create it. That's the problem. Yes. We did when when we allowed
[04:20:45] Unknown:
the two digit to go
[04:20:47] Unknown:
supposed to be written on our hearts.
[04:20:52] Unknown:
[04:21:16] Unknown:
Well, Hartford didn't know the difference between a citizen and the national, but he said, how can we be a law abiding citizen if we're not practicing the law? You can't be. Whether it's common or not, written on your heart.
[04:21:45] Unknown:
Well, that's my biggest argument with them is all these statutes, codes, etcetera, that and that's one thing. But when they start breaking God's law doing it, I've got the right and as a national, the ability to stop them or at least give a good college try, you
[04:22:12] Unknown:
know? I would say you have the right, but I don't know if you actually have the ability the ability without an army behind you.
[04:22:22] Unknown:
Well, if you've got Jesus Christ behind you, you don't necessarily win these battles on Earth, but in the afterlife. He warned his his disciples about, you know, what they were gonna do to to to them because he was doing they were doing things in his name. It's like Brent keeps saying, you know, it's the process. Well, their process is completely illegal and why he thinks it isn't is He's such a smart guy. I I I just don't, and especially with his biblical background, why he so that way, I I really don't understand. I have tremendous amount of respect for the man, but I just don't get that.
[04:23:43] Unknown:
He's been lower lower how would you say that? Lower or
[04:23:48] Unknown:
Lowering. Too too long. Yeah. I mean, jeez. Louise.
[04:23:58] Unknown:
Yeah. I totally agree. I I wonder a lot about what he says too.
[04:24:07] Unknown:
I get a lot of good from him, and I I love listening. But on some of these things, I, you know, it's I mean, we we as a collective here are pretty pretty together and, you know, it's just recently that we might be coming to some consensus that these may well be just Article four courts. We used to argue about two or three. Right? But, yeah, it could very well be we're just territories to them and that we only have territorial rights.
[04:24:54] Unknown:
That's an interesting prognosis.
[04:25:02] Unknown:
Well, they've gone to a lot of lengths to muddle the state borders so that they don't really exist through all their different agencies and districts and, you know, they got all these different federal agency districts. Of course, the Buck Act just totally in the 40s destroyed the state lines.
[04:25:27] Unknown:
Right. The blending of jurisdictions.
[04:25:34] Unknown:
Turning it into territories is an off if you look at the Buck Act, a state is a territory of possession of The United States.
Introduction and Program Overview
Discussion on Freedom and Radio Networks
Personal Reflections and Social Connections
Upcoming Appearances and Communication Skills
Technical Issues and Equipment Challenges
Listener Engagement and Community Interaction
Book Publishing Challenges and Legal Discussions
Church Services and Spiritual Connections
Travel Plans and Historical Insights
Historical Context of Newport and Slavery
Reflections on Past Radio Shows and Interviews
Personal Stories and Relocations
Legal Discussions on National Status and Jurisdiction
Legal Strategies and Court Experiences
Community Praise and Personal Growth
Technical Challenges and Listener Contributions
Historical Legislation and Economic Insights
Legal Terminology and Courtroom Strategies
Historical Legislation and Economic Insights Continued
Thirteenth Amendment and Historical Context
Library of Congress and Legal Research
Legal Discussions on National Status and Jurisdiction Continued
Reflections on Legal Challenges and Community Support
Upcoming Radio Appearances and Audience Engagement
Reflections on Radio Show Dynamics and Future Plans
Legal Insights and Historical Context
Reflections on Legal Challenges and Community Support Continued
Historical Context and Legal Discussions
Reflections on Radio Show Dynamics and Future Plans Continued
Legal Strategies and Listener Engagement
Upcoming Radio Appearances and Audience Engagement Continued
Weekend Plans and Community Interaction
Legal Discussions on National Status and Jurisdiction Continued Again
Historical Context and Legal Discussions Continued
Reflections on Legal Challenges and Community Support Continued Again
Technical Challenges and Listener Contributions Continued
Legal Strategies and Listener Engagement Continued
Historical Context and Legal Discussions Continued Again
Reflections on Legal Challenges and Community Support Continued Yet Again
Legal Insights and Historical Context Continued
Reflections on Legal Challenges and Community Support Continued Further
Legal Strategies and Listener Engagement Continued Further
Historical Context and Legal Discussions Continued Further
Reflections on Legal Challenges and Community Support Continued Even Further
Legal Insights and Historical Context Continued Even Further
Reflections on Legal Challenges and Community Support Continued Even Further Again
Legal Strategies and Listener Engagement Continued Even Further
Historical Context and Legal Discussions Continued Even Further
Reflections on Legal Challenges and Community Support Continued Even Further Yet Again
Legal Insights and Historical Context Continued Even Further Yet Again
Reflections on Legal Challenges and Community Support Continued Even Further Yet Again
Legal Strategies and Listener Engagement Continued Even Further Yet Again
Historical Context and Legal Discussions Continued Even Further Yet Again
Reflections on Legal Challenges and Community Support Continued Even Further Yet Again
Legal Insights and Historical Context Continued Even Further Yet Again
Reflections on Legal Challenges and Community Support Continued Even Further Yet Again
Legal Strategies and Listener Engagement Continued Even Further Yet Again
Historical Context and Legal Discussions Continued Even Further Yet Again
Reflections on Legal Challenges and Community Support Concluded