In today's episode, we dive into the complexities of modern radio broadcasting and the challenges faced by independent networks. We discuss the importance of commitment in maintaining a radio network, highlighting the dedication required to keep such platforms alive. The conversation shifts to the political landscape, with a focus on Trump's recent actions and their implications. We explore the dynamics of power and control, especially in the context of media and government interactions.
Our guest, John Casera, shares insights into the challenges of organizing and maintaining a community-focused radio network. We also touch upon the recent shutdown of SpeakFree Radio and the difficulties faced by smaller networks in sustaining operations.
The episode delves into the political strategies of Donald Trump, examining his recent moves in office and their potential impact on the political scene. We discuss the implications of his actions on both domestic and international fronts, including the revocation of security clearances and the firing of inspector generals.
Listeners are treated to a discussion on the broader implications of media control and the role of independent voices in shaping public discourse. We also explore the personal stories of individuals navigating the complexities of media and politics, offering a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities in today's media landscape.
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Forward moving and focused on freedom. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network.
[00:01:22] Unknown:
Us too. Us too, Alan. We do know what to do. You didn't know what to do. We do know what to do. We just keep trying to find people that got 2 brain cells to rub together and go, wow. This might be an answer. Here we go on the Monday edition of 3rd February, 2nd month, 3rd day. Roger Sales, your host, Radio Ranch. The title of our get together, and we got, John Casera on on Monday for at least 1st hour, sometimes more, depends on the schedule. So that's always something to look forward to and whatever he's gonna bring us. And first of all, we need to as we're starting another week here, give credit to all the give props. We gotta give props, Paul, to all the folks that reach out a helping hand and grab the rope and say, we'll pull those suckers in the muddy ditch.
So, let's give them their proper credit and due, and then we can launch off into whatever we're gonna launch off into. If you would, please.
[00:02:24] Unknown:
Thank you. Yes. I will I would be happy to do that. Excuse me. Sorry. Cough drop button. No. AWOL. Missing. Missing in action. We're on, because it's Monday, we're on 106.9 WBOU FM in Chicago for the first hour. That brought to us by the NET family of broadcast services, including home network dot TV, freedom nation dot TV, go live TV, and stream life dot tube. Those, the driving force behind those WDRN productions, Fort Collins, Colorado, and we appreciate their appearance, so much. We're also on our flagship station. Thanks to pastor Eli James. That would be Eurofolc Radio dot com.
Eurofolc Radio dot com. And we're also on Global Voice Network. The links to Eurofolc Global Voice and free conference calls so you can join us live on the show are on the matrix The matrix, d o c s dot com. And then I don't know if you know this, Raj, but, SpeakFree Radio, actually rolled up their servers, and they went off air.
[00:03:42] Unknown:
SpeakFree. Really?
[00:03:44] Unknown:
Yeah. SpeakFree is no more. Oh, I'm They're just I'm sorry to hear that. Just winding they're winding down the servers and,
[00:03:52] Unknown:
Wow. Is Well, Paul had done that for he had done that for another guy. It's like his network and what? They didn't maintain it or whatever. Anyway, they're not around anymore. I hate to hear that. But such as the same way with my, network of people's Patriot network, which I thought was a wonderful name by the way. And, I just never could get enough people to commit to do a program to where we could do a network quite frankly. And, because it takes a lot of commitment to do this. I mean, I make a commitment. I'm gonna be here at 10 o'clock, best hour 11 o'clock at this time of year. Best I can, 6 days a week. Now sometimes it doesn't happen, but my commitment is to make it here, and it's a, it's a big commitment to do that. So I can understand it. I just wish that more people would've, would've, should've, would've, you know. But anyway, we're here.
[00:04:43] Unknown:
I'm sorry. Let's give a little bit of credit to Paul there because he is actually making these networks, connectability and keep all connected and everything like that. He has done a wonderful job. That's from Alan.
[00:04:56] Unknown:
Well, phenomenal, Alan. I mean, I praise Paul all the time. We wouldn't be here without his diligence of, you know, running into a home foreclosure situation where he noticed that all the people he was dealing with were of a fur certain ethnic variety. And another guy he worked with was feeding him information, and he got real motivated and said, what can I do? And, wanted to spread the message, and the best way to do it is spread it on radio, really, because you don't have big bucks to do the other stuff and do it on a shoestring. And that's Paul. He put this all together, sacrificed a year and a half of his life, I think, to read manuals and go look for freeware and find out what connected and how it did it. And boom. There we are, and that's Eli. That's the first one was Eli's EuroFolk, and, and we're here on that, which I was simulcast on anyway for a number of years.
But now it's home, and, happy to be working with Eli. He's a great guy. We've known each other for many years. And, so tickled to death to be here and to be able to do this on whatever budgetary restraints we might have. And, you know, we're gaining we're gaining strength. So that's good. Well, today is the Monday. Thank you, Alan. Today is the Monday edition. That means mister Kucera was with us. John, I know you're there. How are you doing this morning, my friend? Oh, I'm doing really good. Okay. Good to hear it. How's the Sunday group going?
[00:06:24] Unknown:
Not too good.
[00:06:26] Unknown:
Oh, okay. Not too good. Sorry to hear that. Well Are you gonna pick back up after the holidays or what? Sure what's what's gonna happen. Yeah. We had
[00:06:37] Unknown:
our audio guy that has been relying on has missed the last 3 weeks, and, you know, like, he's our poll.
[00:06:45] Unknown:
Yeah. And,
[00:06:46] Unknown:
so we're having to go to Zoom. And, because of that, we're not getting the participation that we used we were getting, people showing up. But some of the speakers too are kinda I I fell asleep on 1 yesterday, You know? You know, of course, I've fallen asleep here too. So
[00:07:05] Unknown:
Right. Here? Here with all the brisk information he talks about, the stimulating,
[00:07:11] Unknown:
well, you know, sometimes I'm up really late and I I, you know, I just can't. If the conversation is so so soothing and it's so smooth and everything, and it just lulls you to sleep. That's all. Okay. Well, we don't need that. So if you're soothing and smooth Well, like, for example, last week, I I I'm understanding that somebody got a letter from the IRS, and you guys are having to,
[00:07:35] Unknown:
put together a a rebuttal. What was that? Not really. Well, that is evidently, they're finally deciding to do something. They've got about a 4 page letter. I haven't seen a copy yet. Mark does. Mark, you with us this morning, Art? He, has, gotten a couple people contacts. Image is just the usual, oh, you this and that and the other, and there's nothing specific. There's no threats, and they got some exhibits with it of whatever nature. And it's just this is the last thing we've got to do to try and bluff you and scare you into submission. And, of course, there's nothing of substance in there.
So that's about what it is, John. Just more Was this regarding the, revocation and filing you No. No. No. It was just, putting them on notice of your, filing with the secretary of state you're at. Oh, okay. Okay. That was. They got some letter you wrote?
[00:08:27] Unknown:
Yeah. But that letter That letter you wrote for the guy up in San Francisco. Well, we haven't heard from him a long time. Well, we hear from him every blue moon or so. That was a good letter.
[00:08:37] Unknown:
It was an excellent letter. It's on the website. I'm not sure where Paul put it. It's on there. I guarantee you whoever read that one got their retinas burned. And, I had I had about 9 I I sat on it for about 3 months before I pinned that. And Yeah. But it felt like you had a little hot sauce in you. I did, man. Ole. It was fantastic. Ole is what we call it down here. Other problem up there is,
[00:09:05] Unknown:
a lot of people are preoccupied. Our sound guy, the the storm or something came through and the the high winds we had out here. Yeah. Kinda blew half of his roof off. Oh. And so I I can see why he's quite distracted and not too concerned about our little meetings in the park.
[00:09:24] Unknown:
[00:09:25] Unknown:
It's been kind of chilly.
[00:09:27] Unknown:
Okay. Maybe he'll get back. What's that picture? There's a picture up there. Is that the That's what Paul runs. That's the FCC thing. Okay. Well, maybe it'll get back together as we get a little deeper into the year. Yeah. There's some exciting things happening. John, anything else you wanted to mention?
[00:09:46] Unknown:
No. Not from the meeting, but, I'm I wake up every day and I turn Bannon on, you know, because he's on an hour before you. And and I I watched Citizen Free Press because that's where you get these That's a good site. That's where you get the information because Cain is so tied in with Bannon and those guys. Yeah. And they're in touch with, Trump every day. I mean, 24 hours a day. I'm sure of that. I'm sure he has been abandoned in some kind of esteem. And the thing that excited me and and got me really thinking see, I'm I'm watching what Trump is doing, but I'm watching the North American Union come together too. But I can see from from Trump's standpoint talking about Canada and Mexico, the way he he says we're funding them. He says with if we were not funding them, they would they would cease to exist. They cannot they cannot exist,
[00:10:43] Unknown:
unless we send them the money. I just heard, I saw a little clip of Victor Davis Hanson, one of your fellow Californians who I really like. He's good. Going over all of this and the percentages, and, of course, I can't remember all the percentages, but we got them both over a barrel, man. I mean, big barrel. Okay? And if you could hear all the statistics, their trade is nothing to us, but it's everything to them. Right. Okay. And both of them actually, Mexico too. So, so that's a really short clip a minute ago from TikTok on Harrison this morning.
I had some real creative folks on over there. You know? Well, that's what they're talking about. Well, we're we're at war with Canada. I never could have believed these pond pond hockey players could be so tough. It was just really funny, man. And our war with Canucks.
[00:11:44] Unknown:
[00:11:45] Unknown:
Well Raj. Oh, yes. That's that's because Canadians put on skates before they even put on baby shoes. Yeah. Maybe true. Spend their lives on ice. Every everybody wants their kid to be Wayne Gretzky. You know? My dad was a hockey player.
[00:12:05] Unknown:
Yeah. Trump was talking about getting a Gretzky elected. I don't know. He said, I know a great one. I said, should we get him to take Trudeau's place or be governor one of the territories? I remember that. I remember that. Gretzky Gretzky said, I'd rather be in one of the territories.
[00:12:24] Unknown:
Well, you know, I'm in touch with, ordinary Canadians up there because I have, people that I've worked with Oh, yeah. Right. From all of the things that we've done. And, you know, they're on life support. I mean, the these the Canadian citizen is
[00:12:39] Unknown:
a mess. Well, that's the problem is that they're so in-depth, the whole thing's, you know, worse than us, I guess. I don't know if that's possible. But, they they literally can't object, and they're gonna try and turn around and put a complimentary tariffs on their side. Well, they don't import hardly anything from us.
[00:12:59] Unknown:
Well, I can tell you that it's so it's so, interesting. My friend Tanya, who is a US citizen as well as a Canadian citizen because of her her mother and the way things worked across border, she was up there in Vancouver. Barnaby is a kind of a suburb of Victoria and, she's so afraid of the mess now up there. She's moved out into the woods, man, and trying to carve out a homestead Right. She can be away from what's going on in the city. Don't believe it. Don't don't blame her one bit. I mean Yeah. And she actually went out and got a gun.
[00:13:33] Unknown:
Wow. Wow. That's probably quite a feat in Canada anyway. Yeah. Got a rifle. Well, you got all that going on, and that's gonna obviously exacerbate. And the, the president morning. Buenas. The president of Mexico who, who was, excuse me, the Panama Canal zone who's going, no. We're not gonna do any of that. And now, Rubio goes down there, and he comes as, well, we've rethunked this, and we're gonna kick Canada out and give it back to you. That's what, appears to be happening. The thing with Greenland is progressing. That's pretty cool. Trump's just the guy's amazing, man.
[00:14:10] Unknown:
I mean, I can't believe it's only been 2 weeks today since he got installed, folks. Yeah. I know. And 2 weeks. Mexicans are the Mexicans are rioting and attacking civilians that are flying the flag, here in in LA area.
[00:14:25] Unknown:
[00:14:27] Unknown:
Yeah. And they're they're all illegals. So
[00:14:30] Unknown:
Well, also, you got, Soros closed the deal on, I think it's called Quantum, which is a radio chain of 400 p stations that was going under. And Soros bought it Bargain Basement Stuff. And their facility, and I don't know the call letters out there in LA, is giving out tips of where the ice cars are over the air to their audience. Right. And that ought to be subject to yanking that license. He's got absolute anybody that owns a a regular radio station has absolute. They're they're using the people's airwaves. It's that they've been granted permission to use it, and they're supposed to do everything to improve public service. We used to have to have public service announcements on requirements per week on how many hours of public service. Well, they're out there spotting the ice cars and putting out where the location is over the air so the illegals can run barrage ice. Well, yeah, excuse me. We're gonna yank your freaking license. How about that?
[00:15:30] Unknown:
Hey, Raj. Well, that's what you could do.
[00:15:32] Unknown:
Okay? It should be fairly easy to do, really.
[00:15:36] Unknown:
That's not quite far enough. Well Because we're under a declared state of emergency. No. Because we're under a declared state of emergency over the southern border, what they are doing is actually treasonous because they are providing aid and comfort to the enemy under an emergency declaration.
[00:15:56] Unknown:
Could be. So we'll see as that goes forward. I just wanna throw that out. It's a little tidbit I heard. But the big deal happened yesterday. Now how many of you have heard about this? I'm sure there's some in the audience that followed Alex, from his show yesterday. John, have you heard about this? Well, what is it? Elon Musk and Doge, the, government efficiency thing went into the 2 head guys at the Treasury and demanded that they give them the code to the hard drive of all the expenditures. And they wouldn't do it. So they they laid them off and suspended them, and somehow they weaseled the code out of them. And they got in just in the preliminary look yesterday.
They can't even get a full look till today, but they went in preliminarily yesterday, and it's got all of the payments that the Treasury has made for over a 100 years. That far back. I heard they got they got in there, and they got access to that database. Yep. And so it goes back somewhere back to the twenties. We don't know how far back it goes. But if you get into the last 50 or 60 years, they've got every penny down to where whoever it went to, not just a payout. So there's gonna be all kinds of crap flying from that today. Now here's the Doge guy that goes in and does this with Elon and that committee, and the treasuries under the International Monetary Fund.
So we're gonna really see
[00:17:29] Unknown:
how interesting that is as we go forward this week. Since I wanna go to Mexico to get my teeth done, now it's kinda, you know, wondering what's gonna happen.
[00:17:39] Unknown:
Well, here here's what might happen is the dentist said, ah, here comes this gringo, and you go in there and he yanks all your damn teeth out. Well, I'm He sends them to the presidente of, presidenta of Mexico, little Jewess, and, she reimburses him for all the gold you got all the gold you got and all that teeth, John, all those All that all that mercury? Yeah. All that mercury gold. Yeah.
[00:18:05] Unknown:
I don't know. I just I just see the guys that, you know, the stuff is the, civil unrest is starting and and Yeah. As you know, there was there was a meeting by a bunch of people that are ex, special operators. There was it was all, Green Berets, and one of the other guys was giving a speech. They regularly meet. And he asked them how many people here expect to be attacked, immediately or within a short time here in this country. And, without an exception, all 1,000 of them raise their hand and expect an attack. And that's what I've been saying for the last 2 years. Where was that meeting? What meeting was that? It's a meeting of special operators. Oh, okay. It's retired. It's an association. I'm not in it because I I didn't I didn't finish special ops stuff. Thank god. Right.
I wanted to be mister tough guy and survive in the future, but I didn't know how tough that was gonna be because I I couldn't take orders. You know? Right. Fight with the ground.
[00:19:11] Unknown:
100% of them said they're gonna expect, what, personal conflicts in the future be attacked and stuff? Are you talking about individually or as a country?
[00:19:20] Unknown:
Well, the con in the country.
[00:19:22] Unknown:
The communist, you know, they've been way too quiet
[00:19:26] Unknown:
in the last Well, they haven't been. Do you remember that guy that came across the border and somebody was interviewing him and they asked him who he was? Sure. I'm telling you that. And then he said, well, you'll soon know. Yeah. Right. Also, you got to remember that I go back to a guy, who wrote a book called the 2000 Year War Against Jesus Christ and also Behind the Lodge Door. And I'm I'm reading this stuff in the eighties, and he's still alive then. And he told me personally that he was taken to a warehouse in Texas and shown the weapons that were being stored for the coming revolution.
Yeah. And then you had a book written about how the United States was gonna change back in the seventies by a professor at University of California Riverside. They also stated openly for a while that they wanted the University of California Riverside to be known as a Mexican campus. This has been a long time coming, but Oh, yeah. Now would be the time to launch it because he's he's he's actually going in trying to get the enemy out of our our our services.
[00:20:36] Unknown:
[00:20:37] Unknown:
And, you know, that's kind of in disarray. And and then the book Al Qaeda 2.0 comes out, and you have these other retired people from that follow all of this stuff saying that they have over a 1000 active cells that are
[00:20:52] Unknown:
are going to do something. Well, they're all laying underground right now, and they've been, like you said, stocking up on on all kinds of stuff. It was, demonstrated here in Chicago within the last month. You you were you hear us talking about that? That lady that was the landlady for the apartment building? I did not. Oh, well, she was going in to check on HVAC stuff. And she got to a door and knocked. Nobody answered, so she used her master key and walked in. Here's a here's a whole arsenal. Cop uniforms, all guns, ammo, everything.
Wow. City of Chicago. Yeah. No. No. They've been laying back and being very quiet and planning something where they're gonna start to probably precipitate it in the new blue cities or the blue cities. And, then Trump and them were gonna go to them and say either what what was he's got a way to to put to either you do these things or we're gonna cut off all of our aid to your city or something. Anyway, he's got some secondary move. That is one of the things I am really, interesting seeing that Trump is doing this time around that he didn't do last time around. He's thinking, outthinking them or at least thinking into their next step. Okay? And and so, some of these things he's doing let me see if I can come up with a
[00:22:14] Unknown:
Bannon Bannon, it says it describes it this way. It says he's a businessman, not a politician.
[00:22:18] Unknown:
Right. Well, that's true. But he didn't goes for the money. Right. Well, he didn't the first time around, he didn't know them very well. He was naive. Right. And he didn't understand how they operate, which he does now. Yes. So now he's going in. I'll give you an example. The, memo that they sent out to all the federal employees saying they're getting rid of the DEI. Mhmm. And then they send another memo out, say, by the way, if you see anybody taking this and changing the label and keeping it intact inside, we'll report them. So he knows what they're gonna do, and he even preempts that. So and I've seen him do it 2 or 3 times, and that's, that's good. He's a lot sharper this time around, man. Chicago's helping these guys change their names. Yes.
Yes. On their driver's license so they can't deport them. Yeah. I mean, how how how much of a out illegal overreach is that? So, anyway, there's a lot of that stuff building. I'm sure some folks in the audience
[00:23:19] Unknown:
know about it. Some folks might not. Part of my frustration at the meeting up there is because I've been talking about this to the people in the meeting and, I guess scaring them away because I've been insistent that they get ready and start planning for a real disruption in in the park because, you know, our park, when you're up there and all these people are out there, it's a magnet. They could come by on two sides of that park and just drive by Yeah. With automatic weapons and take out a lot of people. You sound like Jack now. Well, I've been talking like this for a couple years. Yeah.
And I can't get him to motivate.
[00:24:00] Unknown:
Nope. He is just like Brezhinkov said, when they get to that disorientation stage, you can put facts right in front of them. Man, they can't see them. That's what you're dealing with. And and you better put that in a in a line and go, well, there's nothing I can do on these folks except plant a seed and pray for them. That's the only thing you can do for them. That interview,
[00:24:21] Unknown:
with him is really eye opening. And that was done, what, back in the seventies?
[00:24:28] Unknown:
Yeah. Seventies, I believe. Well, I can tell you what, g Edward Griffin was a young man back then. Younger?
[00:24:34] Unknown:
Yeah. But that interview, it's like a 10 part series that they did, and he goes into the depth of it and lays it right out, you know, how effective they were at what they've been doing, the propaganda. And, just saying clearly even if you put absolute proof in front of your people, there's so so much cognitive dissonance that
[00:24:55] Unknown:
they won't believe it. I don't believe I don't remember if I stated this on the air or not. I mentioned it when we were having lunch on Saturday. It was a report on InfoWars from this organization that's a illiteracy organization in the US. 21% of the population is illiterate.
[00:25:18] Unknown:
I believe that now. I do. Well, I got a follow-up.
[00:25:22] Unknown:
53% of them cannot read above the 6th grade level. I believe that too.
[00:25:29] Unknown:
That's why they don't.
[00:25:30] Unknown:
Okay. So when you're out there talking to people, we're trying to go, why can't people well, most of them are are illiterate. You know? Not the people that we're necessarily coming or or, confronted with. But that's why you gotta go through a lot of frogs before you find a prince.
[00:25:47] Unknown:
The other thing I see happening is is there's so much information now. People can't well, I've got a lot of books. I use them as reference now. I can't sit and read all these books. Right. So I always look for audio or visual stuff because that's kind of the technology now. But what I'm seeing is it's making people even more, it it it just normalized. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm not listening to that. I I'm, this one over here said that, yeah, that guy said that, this one, that one. You know, it's always on now. People are sounding the alarm, but people aren't motivating. They're trying to live their life like there's a normal time here.
[00:26:23] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, it's not normal. We're trying to get back there. I don't know if we ever will. You know, they keep talking about wanting to get back to the fifties. We can't get back to the fifties because that's when the US dollar had only lost a percentage of its value. It's all a whole bunch more before, and you can't take that depreciated dollar and recreate that time. Right. Right. That spending power is gone.
[00:26:47] Unknown:
We're not we might be going back to the 1800 because they're intending on disrupting
[00:26:53] Unknown:
our entire country at one time. Beth, this is the other example that Trump was playing with them, and you may not have heard this. But, you know, on the tariffs for Canada and Mexico Yeah. And he leaked he leaked that ahead of time that they were gonna announce them on February 1st, but they were but they were going to implement them on March 1st. So when they did that, the leak got out there, and it got to BlackRock and those guys, and they started putting all these shorts on the stock market. But they took the bait, and they put them in March, and then he switched the trade things to February. Wow.
And now they're having to go back and try and put those puts. They're totally screwed up. He knew what they were gonna do, and he planned his move with that leak in there and absolutely totally screwed him up. He wasn't thinking like this before. No. No. He wasn't. Okay. So there's some really big changes that have happened all the Well, he's had 4 years to come up with, how he's gonna beat these guys. He had 4 years of them to pester his ass. A good but show him for everything. You know, all the crap that's going on with them and Jack Smith and the warfare. And as I said, Raiden Raiden, Martelago and going in and, you know, fooling around in Melania's underwear drawer. I mean, come on. Okay?
[00:28:17] Unknown:
Well, I guess somebody needed was a cross dresser and wanted to see what she wore. Yeah. No telling. Anyway,
[00:28:24] Unknown:
the the gloves are off, and he's moving straight ahead. And these people are freaked out. They've never had a confrontation like this. I heard one commentator,
[00:28:32] Unknown:
quickly say today, on one of the shows, this is this is the main main street media, but I think he's correct. And when he was talking about that, Israel was going through their special ops and their people, and that's exactly when the attack happened from Hamas. Yeah. But the problem is is that I'm not
[00:28:54] Unknown:
on mute. And if your line is locked, dial 941 to raise your hand. Welcome.
[00:29:00] Unknown:
There are 41 participants in the conference.
[00:29:04] Unknown:
As as in Sam, alias. And so what they did is remotely
[00:29:10] Unknown:
Hey. Hey. On their health information.
[00:29:14] Unknown:
It was a girl filing. Know it because I was hearing dead air. You have something for my information?
[00:29:21] Unknown:
Yeah. It it it was a girl filing. 28 years old. She used to work for Joe Biden in the White House.
[00:29:29] Unknown:
House? Is it powered by a slinky?
[00:29:35] Unknown:
What was that?
[00:29:36] Unknown:
The recording.
[00:29:38] Unknown:
Yeah. Oh, y'all are back now.
[00:29:42] Unknown:
Are we?
[00:29:45] Unknown:
We've been looking for you. Where you been?
[00:29:47] Unknown:
You've been y'all been off for about 10 minutes.
[00:29:51] Unknown:
Well, is Paul with us now? He's back. He's back. Paul. Oh, Paul.
[00:29:59] Unknown:
He I can see his picture here. I don't think he has audio. Well,
[00:30:03] Unknown:
I'd like to kinda Still connecting. Fine. There you are. What what happened? Yeah.
[00:30:09] Unknown:
Major, major Internet failure went right down. So I don't know. Maybe you guys were talking about something sensitive. You're talking about Hamas and Israel and stuff, and everything I had went black kawama. All of the sudden. Right.
[00:30:24] Unknown:
Kawama. Well, John and I had a very nice conversation, actually. I'm sorry y'all missed it. So we were talking about, Netanyahu and and his stuff. Did you hear about the suicide thing? No. We've been we've been, blacked out for about 10 minutes. Okay. Well, let me pick it up at that point. This came out about a year ago. I was watching Harrison one morning. I like Harrison. He's really a talented kid. He's got that little boyish charm to him. You know? And, he he reads his story about Netanyahu's psychiatrist. He had the top psychiatrist in Israel in his field, and I don't know remember what that was, diagnostic type stuff. And that was Netanyahu's psychiatrist, and he committed suicide.
This is back in 2011. Somebody brought the story back about a year ago. He committed suicide and blamed Netanyahu for his suicide in his suicide note as a absolutely, an insatiable liar. I don't know if that's the right adjective, but he he was a big liar and drove the top psychiatrist in Israel to suicide. And then he recounted it in his suicide note. Now I want you to take full grasp of that. So Netanyahu now, according to this guy on the Duran, has gotten medical problems. He's having to go to court once a week on all the corruption charges that they brought against him a while back that he's at least fended off to this point. And then when they have cabinet meetings, his heart doctors in the room at every meeting.
So he is not in good health, and we may, we may lose him pretty soon, which would be, I think, a blessing. But then you never know who they're gonna move into the spot, do you? Right. So, you know, you as my mother said, you better watch out what you pray for. Okay? So, anyway, that's, what you guys missed. Some of the delightful conversation John and I had while you and Paul took a exit stage and left like Snagopus.
[00:32:31] Unknown:
Well, they're they're the they're the top of the chain in this thing about waging war on deception and, the new world order. They're not at the bottom, and they're driving a lot of this. You gotta remember that guy that used to go around the world doing audits for the federal government. I don't remember his name, but he was he wrote a book about him and just said that Israel is a criminal, it is, it's the mob now as a country with, what do you call it?
[00:33:05] Unknown:
Sovereignty. Sovereignty. Correct. Well, I mean, you know, it's like we always they always take and point the mob to the Italians. No. The mob was the was the Jews. It
[00:33:15] Unknown:
was Meyer Lansky and those guys. Yeah. Well, there's 2 things. The book disappeared, and he disappeared.
[00:33:20] Unknown:
Yeah. Really? Yeah. Funny that. The other thing I wanted to tell you, and I've forgotten it again that was really important. At least oh, Roger. I wish you'd stop doing this. You're getting old. I'll think of it in a second. Anyway, there's another interesting twist to some of this. But, there's things happening that have not happened before. Now we'll also see and what about last week's 3 ring circus with the confirmation? And I heard some people talking about this over the weekend said, cabinet comp confirmations have never been watched like they were watched last week. And so people are going, you know, insiders going, why would he put this person in this LaTulsi Gabbard, for example, in that position?
Knowing she was gonna have to confront those, those democratic senators, And it appears again, Trump's playing 3 d chess because look at how all of them got exposed. I don't know if you saw any of that, John. Did you see, Bernie with, Robert Kennedy? Just a little bit of it. Did you when Robert Kennedy accused him of taking 1,000,000 of dollars from a pharmaceutical?
[00:34:32] Unknown:
Did you see him blow a gasket? Oh, that clip has been out, and it's now being pushed just as a special clip Yep.
[00:34:39] Unknown:
Of of what it and boy did he nail them. You saw the eyes get big. I mean, he really just flipped the top. Well, they were they were doing that with all the Democratic senators. It went up all against all these guys. I'll tell you something else I saw. 1 of our listeners, Renee, sent me a, Robin, I mean, sent me a very interesting Stu Peters show. It's fairly recent because it had clips of the confirmation of Cash Patel in there, with David Duke. It was a 4 hour show. And they went over 3 hours of stuff and then opened up the phone on Spaces, through x and started taking questions. It went swimmingly.
Okay? Just really good. They're gonna start doing that every week. But, man, the the Kash Patel in front of the committee, and there's Dick Durbin from Illinois going and he did an interview with Stu Peters. And it just had clips of a little snippets of that interview and then snippets of Durbin interviewing. But do you know do you know Stu Peters? You go, what what what's that again? Do you know Stu Peter? You are you familiar with Stu Peters? I'm not not right off the top of my head. Come on. It's a cash cartel, smart as shit. He knew exactly what he was doing. Yeah. And, that that's just real heartening to me, folks. Sorry. I know some people don't like mister Trump and don't trust him. I don't know how anybody could hold that position at this stage on on 2 weeks into his administration and everything that he's done so far. I I just I
[00:36:18] Unknown:
he's such a a a breath of fresh air. This stuff could have been done a long time ago, but nobody did it. He's just doing it like, oh, no. That'd be impossible. He goes in there and does it in about 10 seconds. I mean, come on. I know. I love it. I love it. But it's scary because I really think the enemy's gonna take advantage of our disarray. And they're freaking out, man. They're they don't I don't know that. I think he his aggressiveness
[00:36:47] Unknown:
and the pace has really got them turned upside down. That they'll get straightened out. There's stuff coming. I'm not gonna negate that at all. But I think Trump has really caught him with their guard down. And he's hitting them in all these places. You know where all of the money that was going through, all the stuff for the COVID and all that? You know where he's going through, John?
[00:37:15] Unknown:
Well, I don't know what you mean by that. The question What department what department was funneling all that stuff? It's USAID
[00:37:21] Unknown:
through the state department. Okay. And they've uncovered that already. And they started firing the state department guys and the USAID guys over the weekend. I mean, this is like you can't turn your back on Trump on even on a weekend when he's out of town, and these people are doing this stuff. It's fantastic.
[00:37:40] Unknown:
The fact that he they stole the election and were so aggressive. You know, evil always overdoes it. You know? Yeah. And and prosecuted him, just burned his britches. And my god, the guy doesn't need the money. He can pay for all of this stuff, and he he got a team around him. Well, Bannon Bannon's a little badger, honey badger. They you know, they've known about this for a long time, All the who these people were. And by the fact of stealing the election, it just opened the door for these guys to make their move and they do. And that last 4 years, they've been researching and planning. Just listening to Mike Davis from the Article 3 Project, who's now gonna be going after a lot of these people on a legal basis, along with Tom Fitton.
Oh my god. I don't know how we're gonna keep up.
[00:38:34] Unknown:
It's difficult to keep up. I mean, I was thinking last week, you know, I'm at lunch with the guys on Tuesday. I well, well, hell, I got I gotta get home and find out what Trump's done today. You know, it's that kind of a deal, whereas day to day. It used to be week to week or month to month. Now it's every day and multiple times a day. So, God bless you. Thing is is he said the years to plan all these steps. He didn't he's not having to do onesie, twosies, and think about what he's gonna do. No. And he's got good people. He's got good people around him, and I don't think except for the inauguration and that the events of that day, I have not even laid an eye on Jared Kushner in any proceeding, which is fantastic. He's involved.
[00:39:19] Unknown:
There have been some good things been said about Jared, but he's not real visible.
[00:39:26] Unknown:
No. And, that's smart, And Trump's just doing it right this time around. I mean, much better than last time, and you can easily see the difference in the in the way he's, doing his presidency so far. And, gosh, what a nice time to be alive. You know, I remember my mother was, was a huge Trump fan, and her, her comment to me was he's the best president in my lifetime. Well, mine too. K? Quite honest. Well, he was made for this he was made for this time. Abs absolutely. Just like I feel that I've been groomed my whole life to do this right here, and I don't know how in the hell this is gonna play into our future. As things get more and more revelatory on the revealing what they've been doing and more of this stuff comes to light, it continues to build.
And then maybe a few months, 6 months, a year later, we throw this little card in the middle of that table?
[00:40:26] Unknown:
You know, Ranj, one of the things I think what I wanna do is I'm I'm having trouble getting the point across that in order to change the system, people like to talk about the constitution, but all of them still don't know that we're under this feudal system and that we've all agreed to this contract.
[00:40:44] Unknown:
And you know when somebody says that, what my answer to them is? You know, last time I checked, the 14th Amendment was in the Constitution. How about yours?
[00:40:53] Unknown:
Well, I'm wondering, you know, how about you speaking, on a remote basis to the group? Well, I told you I'd love to do that if you'll set it up. Yeah. I'll set it up, and we'll aim the point to the fact is they've got to change their status. It's not enough. You got the tactical civics guys out there, and you got these other people that wanna get back to it. And even Bannon, you know, he's talking about getting back to the republic, but they've gotta throw off Well, you can't you can't do that as long as you've agreed to be a serf. Right. That's the point they're missing. Yes. I think that's why the the the cognitive dissonance was they've so long they've been said they had constitutional rights, and they're gonna exercise their constitutional rights.
[00:41:36] Unknown:
But then they There's the there's the first tripping point right there. I'd stop them and say, excuse. Can you identify you know, before we discuss, let us identify our terms. That's Voltaire. Okay? Can you please identify what rights specifically are given to you by that document?
[00:41:52] Unknown:
[00:41:54] Unknown:
Can you? Me? Are you asking me? Yeah. Well, I might as well for illustration sake for the audience here. What rights exactly are given to you by that document? None. That's protections. Not No. They give you civil rights. Oh, that's right. That's right. The 14th amendment. Right. Otherwise, they're god given rights and they're protections. Right. So exactly what constitutional rights are you referring to, please?
[00:42:20] Unknown:
Yeah. I remember Here's the problem. I remember that answer, but I was thinking the other way because Until you find out where somebody's coming from, you can't discuss jack crap with them.
[00:42:31] Unknown:
It'd be like me sitting here with Dave bringing David's trade on and talking about our our our his program here. You know, they're just no say you got to have somebody that you're on somewhat of an even platform with before you can discuss these things. And most people have got ideas that are out of well, they're out of left field around Mars or Uranus.
[00:42:55] Unknown:
Well, they're they're concentrating on the fact of whatever the like, the second amendment. They they're they all talk about the second amendment rights. And didn't you guys have a conversation
[00:43:05] Unknown:
with Gun Owners of America and Larry Larry Pratt? I had Larry Pratt on the show one day with Brent for 2 hours. Yeah. Going over this stuff and there's still The first part wasn't all our stuff. The first part was just second amendment stuff and then banner them back and forth. And then Brent kinda led us the last 30 minutes or 40 minutes to to my stuff. Well, it went right over. I either it went right over Larry's head or else as my suspicion is, you know, his son is now doing gun owners of America and it's a business. They're they they they make their livelihood out of that. And if this gets to the gun community, they ain't gonna have much livelihood.
Nope. So where is the gun community? This question I've been asking for 10 years. Where's the gun community? I would have thought that those would be the guys that'd be right first in line for our message, and, man, they're scarcer than hen's teeth.
[00:43:58] Unknown:
Well, you're talking to the guy that's promoting an organization. Same with the California Gun Owners of America and same with, National Rifle Association. All of them are still touting the constitutional rights,
[00:44:13] Unknown:
and the second amendment. Well, excuse me. How do you have a constitutional right if you had to go get a license and go through a license Exactly. And all that? What kind of right is that? It's not one. It's not People get their damn attention, and I do not know what the magic switch is. I've never been able to find it to pull it.
[00:44:35] Unknown:
Well, that's why, we need to restate it, and I think if we get a recording of you doing that at the meeting and, let's see if we can get that arranged. I've got a couple other meetings. They're already scheduled, so it'd be a while. Couple weeks at least.
[00:44:47] Unknown:
But we'll get No. Anyways, just another one of my queries, you know, here with this information is whoever you think might wouldn't do it is interested, and who you think was would be turns her back on you. Mhmm. I've just never been able to figure it out. K? Why we got all these high power females here? You couldn't use to find a female at a patriot meeting. Okay? Well, now all of a sudden, they're the predominant amount of our folks that come here. So and, I mean, I love you girls. Okay? And, they're called Tulsi and,
[00:45:22] Unknown:
Yeah. Look at that. What's the gal not the one up in the South Dakota governor?
[00:45:28] Unknown:
Kristi Nome. Nome. It's South Dakota. She's now DHS. Oh, it's my name. His chief of staff, that that lady. You know, the bad part is is she's totally Zionist, and the word is you don't even get into Trump unless you're a Zionist.
[00:45:44] Unknown:
[00:45:45] Unknown:
Okay. So, anyway, that's that's the word on that. He's heavily infiltrated with those people, unfortunately. Signed an executive order against anyone, being, saying anything, quote, unquote, anti semitic. I think he signed that last week. I haven't heard much about it, but I would promote all of our people. Get out there and be vocal about it. Let them come and get you and say we're gonna hit you with this because that or or as executive orders got no effect on you. K? You can say whatever you want about these sorry lay lying, thieving, slaving pieces of crap that have got this world turned into the ball of crap, furball that it's in already.
[00:46:27] Unknown:
If that's really true, I wonder what his definition of Zionism is because otherwise, he's leading us down a phony path. I mean, what's he really doing?
[00:46:37] Unknown:
Evidently, he must know something because he's negating some of them. And, the other ones were fairly close to him and all around him. I don't know. I know it's funny though, Kash Patel. I know Stu Peters is very anti Zionist and anti Jew and has been on that topic a bunch. Well, he had Cash Patel on as a guest, and he was on there. I got clips of it and what I saw yesterday. Yeah. Yeah. So, good for Cash, playing their game now. You know? Because he told them. He admitted, he he wouldn't be in that spot if he wouldn't admit it to being a Zionist. But now, evidently, he knows what it is, and he's playing a little bit of possum and poker with it. So god bless you, cash. Well, you know how Let's get you in there and get this get Excalibur slinging a little bit. You know how the definition of things seem to change over time? I wonder what they mean what they mean when they say they're they're Zionist.
Well, what they mean is well, that they mean they're Sabbateans is what I take it to mean. Well, you you have the true definition of what the Zionism is all about,
[00:47:45] Unknown:
and I'm just just thinking I don't maybe they don't know all the details about what this is really about. Maybe it's some kind of a club. John, there's a very there's very good chance of that. We don't know. You know? I feel like
[00:47:59] Unknown:
Donald Rumsfeld. There are knowns and there are unknowns. There are knowns and knowns and there's unknowns that are still unknowns. Do you remember that speech? Right. And we do work by deception. That's right. Okay. We got Thor I mean, not Thor. I mean, we got Joan wanting to inject something. Miss Joan, good morning.
[00:48:16] Unknown:
Good morning. So, for for the ones in prompt cabinet, they just have to say I'm a Zionist. They don't have to
[00:48:28] Unknown:
write Joan, I'm telling you what I'm telling you what I know. I don't know any more than, that you don't get an appointment or get in if you're not a Zionist and that Kash Patel had gotten this this, appointment and got up there and played possum with Dick Durbin over his involvement with Stu Peters. That's what I know. Well, can you tell me more about the Stu Peters thing? What what was the thing that Kash Patel was saying with it about Well, they've got clips on no. It wasn't what it was just clips, Joan, and I wish I could play it. I'll go back and see if I've still got that thing up. I can give you the title of it, or you can go search Stu Peters. It was fairly recent.
But that was just clips. He was showing a clip of Durbin asking him, do you know, first of all, they'd show a clip on with Stu, and thank you, Stu, and this, that, and the other. And then they'd come back with Dick Durbin asking him, have you do you know Stu Peters? What what was that? Do you do you know Stu Peters? I'm not sure. K. So that was on in in this. It wasn't a long dialogue. It was just these clips that they had done showing those two things. Let me see if I should have that. Okay. So and then Christy Noem, she's just she says now she's a Zionist.
[00:49:45] Unknown:
She just says it that and then they're that makes them a Zionist. Right? I haven't I haven't seen much about miss Noem. I know she's been confirmed,
[00:49:53] Unknown:
and she passed a law, against anti Semitism and signed it in South Dakota. So I would imagine she is.
[00:50:02] Unknown:
Yeah. And then the last thing is, Tulsi Gabbard about 30 minutes ago said that, well, she knew she was gonna be facing the democrats. But what was that? So what what was that about?
[00:50:15] Unknown:
To, that that they knew that she was gonna be hostile and that they had the facts, and the democrats have been pulling all this shit. And she's up there giving Chuck Schumer speech in her opening speech, you know. They better not mess with the intelligence agencies. They got 6 ways from Sunday getting back at you. And she goes out there and lays all out all the crap to the senate they've been doing. She's exposing them.
[00:50:41] Unknown:
Okay. Good. Thank you.
[00:50:43] Unknown:
Yeah. Now here's the thing. Letter from, the justice department now, demanding information on what he was talking about when he was talking about threatening the justices.
[00:50:54] Unknown:
Who who is that? Schumer got a letter from the Department of Justice. Oh, yeah. They're investigating Schumer. Yep. He's now under investigation. Yes. He is. The name of this, it's over on Rumble and it's it's under Stu Peters channel, which I'm not sure what that is. But it's David Duke Live and Interactive. And that's a it's a very good program. You know? I'm sorry that whatever. Hey. You know, a while back, I was kinda working with somebody on the side that was gonna help us here. And and, he says, well, I know somebody that knows David Duke. And they, he he gave him our information, and they presented it to Duke. And Duke said, well, that's a bunch of crap or something.
But, you know, the problem is is I don't know what the person that presented the information, how they presented it, if they understood it. And this you look at this with the wrong information being presented to you, and you think it's wacko. But it's not because you don't understand your don't think like the enemy does. So maybe that'll get rectified. Paul, you wanna tell our good buddies in Chicago land, AuVois?
[00:52:05] Unknown:
Oh, yes. Yes. I will do that, and thank you very much. 106.9 wboufm in Chicago. Thank you for joining us for the first hour of this program. Follow us into the second hour by going to the matrix docs, d o c s, dot com, or go to Eurofolc or the And follow us into the second hour and not miss a word. Thanks. Yeah.
[00:52:34] Unknown:
Yeah. And, you know, this interview with Duke, I think it's the first time Stu and Duke had gotten together, and and Duke's laying out all this history. He's very, very well versed in it. You know, he's been studying these people since he's 14 years old. He's 75 now. So he'd been he'd been studying them for over 60 years. But David has not quite figured out. But, again, the the whatever fell through the cracks there, I don't know who presented him with what we do, and I don't know how they did it. So, I know what his reaction was, but I can't tell that that was totally sincere because I don't know what he was presented with. Maybe down the line someday that we would be, blessed to have another shot to do this. And I'll tell you what, you wanna talk about platform host that would be receptive of our information?
I just about guarantee you Steve Stu Peters would be. K? He is really on this Jew track right now, have he? Roger? Yes. Yes, ma'am. Is that miss Julie? Yeah.
[00:53:41] Unknown:
It's Robbie. Robbie. Okay. Yeah. I sent that that link to you, of the show, and I posted it in the chat.
[00:53:51] Unknown:
Okay. Thank you. It was good. It's worth watching. The last part was was the spirited discussion part where all the people from, from x are trying to get on there and talk to Duke. There's a whole bunch of them waiting. And finally, Stu, after 4 hours, had to take his 2 boys to a hockey thing. He said, sorry. My 2 boys are raising them over over rules this and had to cut it off. But they're talking about having him back on a weekly basis and extending more time where the x people are asking questions. So that's good. It's worth listening to.
You'll probably you might learn some new stuff about these guys historically because David goes into that. And, of course, you know, David and I, we're we're at LSU at basically the same time. And there at LSU, there's a thing called the speed free speech platform or space. And you can get in that space. It's right there by the campus buildings, the school, buildings, and you can get in there and talk about whatever you want to. And I'm sure I probably walked by there and saw David Duke in there, but didn't know him at the time, and I wasn't oriented to this stuff at the time either. He was. But, so anyway, it's worth watching.
I just, very disappointed that that whoever presented our information to him didn't appear didn't do a good job because I can't help but think that David with his knowledge and background of these people would understand our our message if it was promoted correctly. K?
[00:55:26] Unknown:
Yeah. And that's the problem. About that, Cash Patel interview you were talking about?
[00:55:30] Unknown:
That show It was on this Stu Peters thing, but it wasn't the whole interview. It's just snippets of it. Oh. So they could say, here's Stu interviewing Cash, and he's very nice. I don't remember all the comments. And then in the next clip, it's Dick Durbin asking him if you ever heard of Stu Peters. Pardon me? Have you ever heard of Stu Peters? I don't think so. Well, you know damn well he knew who he was. No.
[00:55:53] Unknown:
Roger? Again, the these things have exposed these guys. I think people are now seeing yeah. With you know, like, people like Nicole Shanahan.
[00:56:02] Unknown:
You guys all know who she is? Sharp check. She was Robert Kennedy's running mate.
[00:56:07] Unknown:
Well, yeah. But she was married to Sergey Brin, founder Oh. Google and because divorce for him and that and she's also a lawyer, and that's where her money came from. She had a prior marriage before that, but then when she She got got rid of Sergei, now she is supporting people, and she came out flat out and named these guys that if they don't they don't vote for him to get in cash to get in, that she personally was gonna fund their opposition. And she named everybody by name.
[00:56:39] Unknown:
Okay. Roger? Julie, what you got? You asked Julie.
[00:56:43] Unknown:
This is Robbie.
[00:56:45] Unknown:
Oh, it's Robbie. You sound like Julie. Yeah, Robbie.
[00:56:49] Unknown:
2 things. Trump's chief of staff, Susie Wiles Correct. Wiles of the devil. I don't know if she's Jewish or not. She's the gatekeeper. She's the gatekeeper for Trump that will not allow anyone in to see Trump unless they're a Zionist. Secondly, Jared Kushner, I posted in the chat. He is involved in in in the staffing of Trump's administration. He's also talked about
[00:57:22] Unknown:
how great it would be to build on the shores of Gaza. Oh, yeah. No. He wants to build on Gaza already. He said that months ago. Yep. Oh, get this get this that I heard on Stu. I think it was on Stu, on this interview. They're already got plots of land in Gaza, and they're selling them at a New York synagogue.
[00:57:47] Unknown:
I think this is where Bannon is talking about him because Bannon is not a Zionist. No. He's not. And he clearly states,
[00:57:54] Unknown:
that Trump isn't perfect, but he's he's the one that we need right now. Well, I can you name anybody even close to him to that can handle that office right now? I mean, come on. Audience, all you people that don't like Trump, bring us an alternative. Who else is out there that's comparable or comparable that could do the job? The other thing is is that you gotta Trump grew up with scientists. You you you do not become a mogul in real estate in New York without being friendly with the tribe. That's right. And it was Cohen that was the guy that evidently was his longtime attorney that gave him a lot of these insights.
[00:58:32] Unknown:
Yeah. I was doing diamond business up there for a while, went up to New York, met a bunch of those guys. You were doing the diamond business? Oh, yeah. Oive. Yeah. Because as a financial planner, I was looking for alternative investments that people could invest in. And at the time, a carat was gone for 60,000 freaking dollars. Yeah. And you had to understand the four c's, which would have constituted this stuff. And so, they invited me to come up, and I went up and spent a a February up there with Julie, and, Julie got a real taste of winter.
[00:59:07] Unknown:
Yeah. I guess.
[00:59:09] Unknown:
We were trying to walk around up there without winter clothing, and that didn't
[00:59:14] Unknown:
I didn't know. John, all these years, I had no idea you were up there hanging with the orthodox.
[00:59:20] Unknown:
And then I got a real trip about cheeseburgers in those days. Here, we're going for a couple bucks. A minimum price for a cheeseburger up there was $8 and higher. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And every time you went into a place to get to something to eat, you actually had to elbow your way to get waited on. I mean, seriously.
[00:59:38] Unknown:
I can't understand why people like it up there, but some of them do. Now John, I'd never go back. Say something?
[00:59:46] Unknown:
I I was asking John what year the diamond was the $60,000 of for 1 carat.
[00:59:54] Unknown:
I don't remember the exact year. I I really you know? I'm an old guy now. I'd say but that was 40 years ago, 50 years ago almost. Yeah. He was in his Well, Julie and I Roger?
[01:00:10] Unknown:
Alright. Hold on. That is Julie. Yes. Hold on. Let's you you and your wife hadn't been married what, John? Yeah. Married in March of 75.
[01:00:19] Unknown:
And so I was actually actually in the financial business before I became certified as a financial planner. And, after I had done that is when I started looking at all these alternative investments and stuff, and I'd I'd already been set up as a series 7 with the New York Stock Exchange and decided that I absolutely did not wanna get into that mess, that I wanted guarantees. I wanted something that had real value, and, that's when I started looking at alternative stuff. Yeah. So it had to be somewhere between, I I don't know, pick a year. 9 maybe at 19
[01:00:57] Unknown:
I can go look it up, actually. 78? I was in the record business back then. Julie, what was, what was miss Julie trying to inject here?
[01:01:06] Unknown:
It's Robbie again, Roger. God, you sound just It's Robbie again.
[01:01:10] Unknown:
They do this one thing for me. Robbie. For one thing, we never hear you on the air.
[01:01:16] Unknown:
Okay? Well, not all of us. Seldom.
[01:01:19] Unknown:
Okay? So that's the part of my confusion, but you sound very similar to miss Julie, our new student from outside of DC there. Go ahead, please, I've talked I've talked to Julie. We're we're like twin souls.
[01:01:34] Unknown:
But, anyway, the one thing that you're not mentioning here I'll admit none of us know what's really going on behind the scenes. However, one thing we do know for a fact is that they will not the enemy will not allow anyone in that position that they cannot control. Point point of fact, John Stott Miller spoke with Ron Paul directly and said, Ron, why did you allow us to raise all this money for you and then you dropped out? He said because they threatened my family. Now, apparently, the same thing happened to Ross Perot. So you see, unless they cannot con unless they can control you, you won't get in that position. So as I say, we don't know what's going on. None of us. Well But we can we can just hope and pray for the best.
[01:02:34] Unknown:
Okay. From those two examples that you just gave, they tried everything under the sun for Trump over the last 4 years and before, and none of it fazed him one bit. K? So I'm telling you, Trump is an exceptional individual
[01:02:51] Unknown:
in history. And they could disagree
[01:02:53] Unknown:
Disagree. Well, I don't I don't care if you disagree or not. You're you're you've been wrong in everything you ever brought to us. Okay? So you disagree all you want.
[01:03:04] Unknown:
May I speak?
[01:03:05] Unknown:
Go ahead. Give us your crap. Come
[01:03:09] Unknown:
on. The helicopter was remote control. It's a a model
[01:03:14] Unknown:
h u. Excuse me. That's right on point. You're right on point on what we're talking about, Ferris. You're just right on point. Congratulations.
[01:03:25] Unknown:
She says we don't know. I say we do know, and that is a like, hyphen 6 o Sikorsky built, McDonald Douglas owned remote control, helicopter. It's an autonomous system and the acronym is alias, a l I a s, that describes the onboard hardware and software that, guided that helicopter into that passenger airplane. I yield.
[01:03:53] Unknown:
And it was a female who was an aid at the Biden White House. Did you know that too, Farris? That's who was flying it. Okay.
[01:04:05] Unknown:
When Anyway, Trump and Trump's growing up in in New York, around all of these oligarchs and, being in the real estate business. He knew these guys personally. It wasn't just whatever he's doing with them, he's not afraid of them.
[01:04:25] Unknown:
You know what his uncle did? You know who his uncle was, his father's brother? Somebody mentioned it once. I don't remember. He was the guy that got all the Tesla stuff.
[01:04:35] Unknown:
Oh. Doctor John. He was a physicist.
[01:04:40] Unknown:
[01:04:42] Unknown:
Got all the Tesla stuff. That helicopter that that tranny helicopter pilot was on a suicide mission.
[01:04:49] Unknown:
Could have been. Well, hopefully, we'll find out more about this. The reason they didn't wanna release her name is because she was an aide at the Biden White House. And it's probably a bad idea. Photos of her with Biden.
[01:05:04] Unknown:
She was his aide is what I heard.
[01:05:07] Unknown:
Okay. Could be. You know, probably a Yep. A vegetarian too. Who knows? Okay. We'll find out more as we go forward. But do you know
[01:05:16] Unknown:
I know my I don't believe that that was, I believe that that was a real accident,
[01:05:22] Unknown:
a real problem. Well, it very well may have been, but it was contributed by something. They're up to 300 feet when they're supposed to be below 200.
[01:05:30] Unknown:
Well There's not bad wrong there, John. I you know, with these new, I'm since I have been looking and wanting to be a pilot, I've been looking at all these flight sims, and you can reconstruct this very easy. Also, they were wearing night vision and the the there were 2 incidences before this one with helicopters.
[01:05:53] Unknown:
1 the night before.
[01:05:56] Unknown:
This and and it's been more than that, but he showed the flight path. He showed where the the airline pilots were looking. He showed the trajectory of where the helicopter was going. He was still within the parameters of what they were doing, but there have been routine problems like this, near misses, repeatedly.
[01:06:15] Unknown:
Oh, that's common.
[01:06:17] Unknown:
And the reason is is because he's coming up underneath that aircraft and and the helicopter's banking a different way. The plane is banking left to go to the land the landing strip. The helicopter's coming up and banking right, and the and what what the pilots are saying is is that they think that the helicopter pilot did not see the aircraft that was up to the upper left and above them. They were looking at a different aircraft Mhmm. At the time. They got them because of the narrow vision. Right. Anyway, it's a real tragedy, and I do not believe that this was any kind of,
[01:06:56] Unknown:
I I think it was a true tragedy because there's such precedent for interference with the flight path. They never should be doing these trainings in that kind of environment. Well, there was some guy called in. You know, Alex opened the phone a couple of days last week. Anybody in the military with this kind of background, a bunch of people called in. And one guy was talking about how it was almost impossible for them to go over and take over that aircraft, you know, with all the different things they had to do to do it. All I'm doing is just telling you what he said. Okay? Well, I believe that. I do I do too. You know? But regardless, anyway, it's tragedy, and we're getting and finding out more about it. We discussed it in-depth last week.
Let's let me open the audience. Anybody, any chance or is anybody new on today with a question, by the way? Yep. Raj, I'm gonna have to fade here. I gotta get the bank. Alright, John. That's right. 1st of the month. Okay. Go get it, man. Alright. Talk to you later. Good to see you. Yep. I'll arrange that meeting. Okay. Do, John, please. Alright. Bye, Paul. Thank you. Alright. Well, John rides off into the sunset here. I'll ask my question. Is there anybody in the audience by any chance that's a new student? Okay.
I didn't think so. You always gotta ask. Is there anybody out there with questions or comments on whatever we've discussed so far today or, what we normally discuss around here?
[01:08:19] Unknown:
[01:08:20] Unknown:
Yes, ma'am. Now that sounds like Julie. I hope it's Robbie. Nope. Still Robbie. God. Don't they sound just like each other? I mean, okay. I'm wrong. Go ahead. Here's my here's my biggest concern
[01:08:36] Unknown:
with Trump and Elon. Okay? This whole I I had heard quite a while back that in 2025, they're gonna require the real ID, which will be digital, and this whole, infrastructure AI infrastructure to track and trace every one of us. Now if that doesn't put fear
[01:09:00] Unknown:
in us, I don't know what does. It shouldn't be. Why would it put fear in you? You're a national. Why do you give a shit about their crap?
[01:09:08] Unknown:
Well, here again, we don't know.
[01:09:10] Unknown:
Well, no. I beg to differ. We do know. We've had a number of years of experiences of interfacing with the federal system and the state system on that level and seeing how they react with the exception of traffic. It just goes smooth as the dickens. The FBI writes you back a letter. It says I don't have anything we don't have anything to do with these gun things. All that kind of stuff. So I beg to differ with you. It has been proven for 15 years, actually.
[01:09:38] Unknown:
But It's a wait and see. It's a wait and see.
[01:09:42] Unknown:
I understand they've deeply programmed paranoia into everybody. Okay. I see it all the time. You know, I just think things are different. They can't do that stuff without being open tyrants. They don't have the manpower. There's 1,000,000,000 of us and only a few thousand of them, but you wait and see. Okay? Thanks for the Duke thing. That was a good view yesterday. So who else has got Julie, are you with us? Can I hear you so I can differentiate your voice with Robbie? Oh, boy. Now they're gonna throw me in the stew. I'm I'm here. Alright. Now talk for just a minute.
[01:10:25] Unknown:
Hello? I do have a question.
[01:10:28] Unknown:
Okay. Good. Now Can I ask I want you to stop there? Yeah. But just hold on. I want you to stop there. Robbie, you come back on and say something. Please. For my sanity, please. Sorry. I was in the other room. Sorry. I was in the other room. See, don't those 2 sound just almost just alike? They do to me. Okay. Thank you. Hi, Julie. Back to Hi, Julie. Howard. Hi, Robbie. Well, there you go. You can hear them talk to each other. Lord have mercy. That's unusual. That's very unusual. Okay, Julie. Well, it's only because she doesn't come around here very often. We I see her emails quite often. She handles things that way. And, I mostly I am mostly here, but I don't often talk because I'm I'm, you know, doing things in the back. You're shy. Because you're shy. I don't know. I'm guessing. I don't know either.
Okay. Julie, let's go back. You actually said you had a valid question. Correct?
[01:11:27] Unknown:
Yeah. I have a little bit of a dilemma here.
[01:11:31] Unknown:
[01:11:32] Unknown:
So I became a national, but I'm a owner of 2 s corps. And on the IRS res on the IRS website, it specifically states that a nonresident alien cannot be a shareholder of a s corp.
[01:11:49] Unknown:
Well, you've got an LLC. Right? Not an s corp? No. No. It's an s corp. It's not a c corp. And this is not this is not my area of expertise. You'd probably need Mark in here. I don't know if he's with us today. But isn't what they're dealing with there is your ability to take your s corp and tax it as a corporation, and you can turn that around and revoke that?
[01:12:14] Unknown:
Well, Mark did send me an email saying that I could I don't know if I can revoke my s corporation status. I'm looking into that right now. And then what I can do is I could just set up I could just set up a set up the LLC LLCs for that instead of s corporation and be a pass through. But I thought the s corporations were pass throughs. They did pass through to me individually. It just says on the IRS website that you cannot be a shareholder of an s corp. Yes. Right. And and you can see why.
[01:12:45] Unknown:
Now I think my mistake here, because this isn't my exact expertise, but it's to have an LLC and have the LLC treated tax wise like a subchapter s. That may be it. Like I said, Julie, probably for the fine points here to get something real definitive, do reach out to Mark. He's got a much better handle on this than I do. Okay?
[01:13:10] Unknown:
Yeah. I the it's it's pretty simple.
[01:13:12] Unknown:
Even talked about IRS. We never even talked about IRS around here very much until a few years back. Go ahead. What what did I step on?
[01:13:20] Unknown:
No. If anybody else knows anything and, can help me, I'd appreciate it. I I have some help already, thanks to Thora, Larry, and and Mirka. But I just want to clarify because I I, you know, I need to do something to find the national now, and I'm an owner of an s corp 2 s corps now that I can't be a shareholder of. I need to fix something. I don't know how that will parlay into doing taxes for 2024. I don't really have a problem, doing those tax returns. I don't think that's a corporation.
[01:13:57] Unknown:
You know? Your individual tax returns won't your individual tax returns won't be required from last year, but this these corporation shell things may be. Again, I just it's not my area of expertise. I'd hate to give you an answer that's not correct. Okay? Right. Okay. Thank you. Alright. You're welcome. So who else is out there that would like to chime in? Anybody? I know I know you folks have got questions or comments just right on the tip of your tongue that you'd love to present for us, wouldn't you? Star 6.
Star 6. Well, Paul? Okay. Let's see if I can figure out something else to talk about. Boy, there's just so many changes. It's like every day. Roger? Trump has, at this point, I'll get you to second Samuel, wildly exceeded, it appears, even the most optimistic Trump supporter on his early accomplishments. I mean, remember, again, today's been in office, inaugurated 2 weeks. Yes, Samuel.
[01:15:01] Unknown:
Yeah. You know, all this goes back to the power of this system and I think the biggest problem we have with fixing it is from the very beginning they gave too much power to the presidency and it there was nothing really to stop it. Lincoln was the first one to really take big advantage of it, and we've been stuck there ever since.
[01:15:26] Unknown:
I don't know that they did. There was 3 distinct types of government, and they were supposed to be pitted against each other. So it was very difficult to make progress. So I'm not sure if I totally agree with the first part of your statement there. Yes. Lincoln, messed it up with a capital f. Okay? And and it's never been the same since, unfortunately.
[01:15:48] Unknown:
This is a So, I have a I have a 50 year old statement from senator Frank Church. It's 1974.
[01:15:56] Unknown:
So Yeah. It's like Do you remember the church? Do you remember the church committee, Samuel? You're old enough to remember watching those on TV. Right? Yeah. I remember that. Yeah. He was
[01:16:06] Unknown:
he was a democrat from Boise, Idaho on top of it. Yep. Yep. Anyway, he says this was a statement to congress. He says, it has been congress's habit to delegate extensive emergency authority which continues even when the emergency has passed and not to set a terminating date. The United States has on the books, now this is 70 4 remember, at least 470 significant emergency power statutes with no time limitations, delegating to the executive extensive discretionary power ordinarily exercised by the legislature which which affect the lives of American citizens a host of all encompassing ways. The vast range of powers taken together confer enough authority to rule this country without reference to normal constitutional progress.
These laws make no provisions for congressional oversight nor do they reserve to Congress the means of terminating the temporary emergencies which trigger them into use. No wonder the distinguished political scientist, the late Clinton Rossiter entitled his post World War 2 study on modern democratic states constitutional dictatorship. Emergency government has become the norm. You know, we might have a guy we like right now, but Probably he didn't have what down the street. Studied what he could get away with in the 4 years he was off, and he's putting the pedal to the metal. Who's to say that somebody who's this who's bad news can do the same thing? I mean if if people really want to return to the Republic I mean, then this needs to be addressed by you.
[01:18:09] Unknown:
There's only way you you can return to your personal republic. We're never gonna do that as a country because there's just people that do not want to come out of the pink cloud, Samuel. There's people that want to be slaves. And just like I said earlier, 21%, according to this literacy organization, 21% of the people in the country are illiterate. Period. 53% cannot read over a 6th grade level. Do you think you're ever gonna convince them to come out of the cloud? Little pink Well, this is all due to that executive power running over the top of the states and local communities and everything else. You know? Of course. It's all trickled down. We can that's right. But we can do remove ourselves individually. We can't make Trump understand this, realize it, or make that move to do do the flick of the pen. Pretty cool. Law of the land, pretty cool. No. There's nothing gone. There's nothing stopping him from saying,
[01:19:05] Unknown:
you know, let's get rid of all the national statuses or whatever. You can say anything wrong with the problem. No. You can't because that's getting rid of the constitution.
[01:19:13] Unknown:
He's not gonna do that.
[01:19:15] Unknown:
Well, it's already gone.
[01:19:17] Unknown:
Well, no. It's not. It's sitting there underneath it or we couldn't access it.
[01:19:23] Unknown:
May I? Yeah. Well hidden, let's say.
[01:19:27] Unknown:
Woah. Woah. An understatement.
[01:19:30] Unknown:
They use it to their convenience, let's say. Well, of course.
[01:19:36] Unknown:
May I?
[01:19:37] Unknown:
We've got you, Bay, in just a second, but we've beaten them. They don't they don't even lift a finger to argue. We've beaten them. We can constitute that, but we got to do it among a small group of people because the vast majority you know, listen, you got to agree with these guys. The the the people are heard and they need somebody to look over them. It's the question of who and what are their motives and orientation. Is it gonna be Christ and that or is it gonna be these devils? Okay? The when there's a bad king in, the people moan. When there's a good king in, the people rejoice. Who is wanting to comment?
[01:20:18] Unknown:
Yeah. This is Matt up in, Sonoma County, California. Hey, Matt. Want hello. I'll give you a quick story of what just happened. I just got out of a traffic court for not having a license plate on my car. If you guys wanna hear what happened, I can tell it in a couple minutes and kind of Yeah. Tell us, man. Tell us. Okay. So so I went there and I prepared I prepared a speech, and this happened back in December. Got driving without a plate. That's supposed to be only citation that they gave me. And, anyways, I went there today. There were about 10 other people. They let everyone else through, and then they got to me and they were trying to clear out the courtroom. You say, okay. That anybody you know, you guys are all free to leave, but there are a couple people stuck around and they called me up. And then the judge, said good morning, and he started talking about and he started talking about my rights. Well, you have a right to this. I said, excuse me, your honor. May I interrupt, please? I and then I said, yeah. So you don't need to tell me my rights. I am here by special appearance, not general appearance. I'm not waiving any of my inalienable rights. Yeti and I started going off and then, I was talking for, I don't know, 30, 40 seconds, and I looked up and he's gone. Left the bench.
Really? Okay. Let the record show. Yeah. Let the record show. Judge left the bench. You know, and then, and I'm still talking a little bit, and then the bailiff comes over and goes, if, you need to sit down or I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. So I said, okay. So I go back. I sit back down. And, a minute later, he comes back in. Okay. So let's see. We have the traffic case with, Matthew Dayton, and he like, okay. Here we got that. Okay. Here here we go again. And so I get back up there, and then he starts talking. And he starts, you know, and he says, okay. Well, we're gonna plead not guilty to you know, and he starts and you will not let me get it ordered in Edgewise. And I said and I finally just got to talk over. Are you are are you my acting as my attorney, your honor? You know? And he just and he basically set up court date and totally ignored me. And I told him I do not waive. I do not consent to this. And and anyways, and he set a court date from March 18th. Just totally would not let me say a word.
So that's how corrupt that is. So I think I need to go after him and, like, the title 42 1983 would be what I would think. Deprivation of rights under court of law and just private capacity is what it but it seems like to me at this point. Right. Anyways, that's that's what just happened. Hey, Matt. Well Hey, Matt. Matt. Matt? Yep. Go ahead. Yeah.
[01:22:47] Unknown:
I know that this guy is controversial, but, his name is Brett Johnson. But he when this happened recently, one of his students asked the judge, and there's a special, term you use. And after that person asked the judge that word, the judge dismissed the case. I'll find out what that is, and I'll let you know. I I have I'll I'll text you what the the what it is because the case got dismissed, and this was recently, and I can't remember what state it was in.
[01:23:18] Unknown:
Okay. Okay. Thank you. I mean, I'm gonna do a lot of things. I'm gonna ask for it, because I think it was video recorded. I'm sure they have a minimum of audio. I'm gonna ask for that, and and I'm gonna let them know. I'm I'm, you know, whatever. I I got some things to do. But I I brought you I'm gonna be coming down to Ecuador also. I'm leaving on a Are you? Friday night. And yeah. Yeah. I have a place on the beach. I don't know if you remember that. I have a place on the beach there in Oh, yeah. About 10 miles north of Montanita by by Alon.
[01:23:47] Unknown:
It's La Curia.
[01:23:49] Unknown:
And so I may may try and contact you when they're come up and say hi.
[01:23:54] Unknown:
Okay. Well, you probably would fly in to Quito, aren't you? You're flying into Guayaquil. No. No. We're flying into Guayaquil. We fly into Guayaquil about a 3 hour or yeah. So Okay. Well, we're up here. If you come up and spend a little time with us, Matt, we'd love to meet you and and have a little social intercourse. Sounds sounds good, Roger. Thanks. Alright. I yield. Okay. Thanks, Matt. Let me know ahead of time, please. Yep. Well, that's encouraging. I love meeting you guys when we have somebody down here. So where can we go now? Congratulations, Matt. Keep us in the loop on that. Boy, I I just don't like traffic stuff.
So, yes, ma'am.
[01:24:35] Unknown:
Yes. It's me Julie again. Just a FYI, because I saw the whole entire, investor presentation.
[01:24:43] Unknown:
So The what presentation?
[01:24:45] Unknown:
I saw this whole entire bio and tech investor presentation, which has the CEO of SoftBank and the CEO of OpenAI and the CEO of Oracle and Trump all embed together. Right. Right. So Right. It's
[01:24:59] Unknown:
[01:25:00] Unknown:
yes. It's under well, yeah. It's under the Defense Protection Act of 1950. And so, basically, what we're gonna be getting and, I got the patent and everything. It's complete track and trace technology, and we're going to be implementing artificial intelligence mRNA vaccines. And Larry Ellison is lying and saying he's gonna take a blood sample from you to to determine what cancer you have. Yes. We know. We know.
[01:25:31] Unknown:
All all the all floating, statements that have been disproven and everybody understands that knows much about it, that it's all BS. Go ahead.
[01:25:42] Unknown:
That is particularly The patent act no. The patent actually says you're gonna be injected with a a a diagnostic biosensor that's gonna read the cells in your body, and then it's going to inject. It's going to ruin your immune system and then inject Not mine. Your and accelerate blood vessel growth by encoding the cells with mRNA. And it's vascular
[01:26:07] Unknown:
familial growth It's not it's not gonna do any of that. It's not gonna do any of that to me. Now it may may you if you let them put it in there. But it's not gonna do that to me.
[01:26:18] Unknown:
Yep. Neither me, but I'm just telling you, I saw the whole presentation. I downloaded the patent, and it's on Facebook.
[01:26:24] Unknown:
Next planned steps are gonna be. I don't think these people can carry this off, folks. They've bitten off way more than they can chew. They're way too exposed, and they got their ass hanging out all over the place now. Roger? K. I don't take that, you know, I also know there's somebody inside that knows those 2 guys pretty well is one Elon Musk who's pretty damn Trump close to Trump and he's he's telling him how full of shit they are. This was supposed to be an open thing. They're the one that closed it and started taking profits to the about fact where that guy Altman. You know, I mentioned it the other day. I saw a picture of it. He drives a $4,000,000 car. He's the guy that doesn't care about money.
He drives a $4,000,000 car. What what the hell does it cost of maintenance? Insurance on that thing. Ridiculous. Ego crap. I don't think they win actually. Who's trying to yes? Hold on. Yes?
[01:27:29] Unknown:
Robbie, as long as as long as our government, including local, are filled with Jews or Zionists,
[01:27:42] Unknown:
we are all Palestine now. I that's you know, all politics is local. K? And that that is a true statement, and that's what you ought to be concentrating on. And that's a very good suggestion and and it's totally correct. Okay? But, God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. I can't change that. You know what I can change? My relationship to it. Gotcha. Joan.
[01:28:12] Unknown:
The thing that Julie mentioned, and you said they're not gonna be able to carry that off. Does that mean Well, that's my that's my opinion. That's Joan, that Isn't isn't Trump involved? So that means he cannot carry it out? I don't
[01:28:28] Unknown:
Joan, I don't know. I'm just telling you my opinion on this stuff. Okay?
[01:28:32] Unknown:
Right on.
[01:28:34] Unknown:
I don't think Trump's involved. I don't think he's the bad guy that some of you wanna paint him to be. I just can't believe that. Okay? I mean, he he announced it. Isn't he the one who announced it and saying Announced what?
[01:28:49] Unknown:
The the the they're gonna connect the
[01:28:53] Unknown:
the They had a meeting. They had a meeting. It was about AI and how these guys were gonna try and co opt Trump into their little scam and plans, it appears. And then you know what happened? What? The next day, the Chinese dropped deep seek. And just about blew all that off the table. Okay.
[01:29:13] Unknown:
Thank you. K. Thank you. May I have lady Linda?
[01:29:18] Unknown:
Yes, ma'am. Hey, Linda.
[01:29:21] Unknown:
Greetings, friends. I went to a traffic court this morning with Daniel You too. And my friend. Yeah. So, Matt Matthew, thank you for bringing it up. I wouldn't have brought it up. But, anyway, for those of you who don't know me, I always wear hats. So my military ID has a hat, my passport has a hat. I mean, any identification, I have a hat on. And so this bald marshal about 7 feet tall, I walked in, and there was a lady with a head covering who was obviously Muslim who walked in before me, and then I walked in. And I heard him say hats off, but I didn't think he was directing it toward me. And then he came up to me, and he said hats off. And I said, this is my religious, amendment. You know, you can't you can't order me to take off my hat. And he went, oh, and then he ran for me like the devil from holy water.
But Lorena was was so flabbergasted. But I've been to court so many times. By the grace of god, I don't have any fear. And I knew Daniel was really perplexed, and he had a great, we went to the quirk and we Oh, this was Daniel's thing.
[01:30:43] Unknown:
This was Daniel's thing.
[01:30:45] Unknown:
Okay. Yes. So I haven't been feeling well for weeks, and now my husband doesn't feel well. But I I showed up at their house with some supper, and, I said I'll be picking you up because, you know, I don't know how I didn't know how he was going to get to the courthouse, but he did make arrangements, but he preferred that I would go with him. So he canceled that other thing. So there was snow, a lot of snow last night and today. So there were 30 victims in the court courtroom, and they didn't start court until 10:30. Now we're there since 8:15.
8:15 we arrived. So that because I wanted him to get the arrest warrant that they said that that they were going to arrest him, and I wanted them to yeah. I wanted to see if the judge's signature or autograph was on it. But, so, Dan, I'll be finding that out. Daniel will call me. But long story short, he called me a little while ago because I was I dropped Lorena off. She's a dog groomer, so she had to do something with dogs. And so I was gonna go back to Springfield and pick him up, and he called me. And he got another ride from another Patriot, so he didn't need me to come pick him up. But I said, did you get did you ask the clerk for this alleged arrest warrant? He goes, oh, no. I've gotta go back in. So I'd like I'd like him to know because the police have been harassing him in his home, banging the door down, stalking his at his house, doing all kinds of stuff. So in order to get him, I said I'm gonna park in the next door neighbor's driveway and you walk around and I'll pick you and Lorena up. So it's like we're doing this covert operation to get him to the courthouse.
And, as it turned out, they canceled it because there were just so many people and time was running out. So I guess tomorrow he's going to have court. But he submitted all his papers, did a beautiful job with, the jurisprudence, you know, I mean the, jurisdiction and, oh, it's just lovely paperwork which kept him out of their system And, so I'm very proud of how we, work together, and and so, hopefully,
[01:32:57] Unknown:
we'll get some good news, and I yield. God, godspeed on both of you, Matt, and this one lady and Dan. I wanted to ask, Matt, you have no tag. Was that intentional? Have you thought about putting a Department of Transportation? If you own the car, one of their numbers on it. Had could you give me a little more background and insight into the note tag?
[01:33:25] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Hey, Roger. Hey, everybody. You know what? I stopped what I did during the summer, I contacted the attorney general along with the 3 closest sheriffs to where I live and the, district attorney and sent a notice out telling them that of my intent to travel without, registering my car or without license plates. And I gave the law several pages of law, supporting that. And I gave them 20 days to rebut if they felt that anything was incorrect or if they had any issue with it. And after 20 days, I sent them another 10 days. I gave them another, you know, and finally after 30 days, they were in tacit agreement and I sent them notices of tacit agreement. And then I put, I I I did a non op on my car and I and I put my private tags on, and I got pulled over and that that's what happened. But I had but I put everybody on notice ahead of time.
So, so that's why to me it's just it's it's a it's all principle. I principle because it's it's kinda like property taxes because it may take some time and it would be a lot easier at this point just to pay and go along with it. But down the road when it's your, you know, carbon tax is too high or carbon credits and who knows? It's a control thing for them and it's it's all BS. And, you know, the the fights never gonna get standing up for our rights is not going to get easier. I mean, maybe a little bit with what Trump's doing, but ultimately there, we have to stand up now and draw a line in the sand the way I looked at it. Otherwise, you know, we're slating. And so that's why I don't
[01:35:04] Unknown:
Brian, I don't disagree with that principle at all as you know, I'm sure. I pontificated that a number of times. I was just wondering, would it be a better approach for you if you own the vehicle to go get one of those Department of Transportation numbers and make that into a custom tag?
[01:35:23] Unknown:
You you know, I I did that. I I did that, and I put that on the car. It's it's a little Mazda Miata. So I had I had numbers, and I took them off. It looks so ridiculous. And I I don't know. I don't I don't I don't feel the need to register it with anybody. I don't think that so I've I've looked at Joe's stuff and I appreciate what he's done. But I just, I I followed his stuff for a bit and I did do that, but then I took the numbers off. And I just I don't I don't I don't wanna be, you know, registering with any governmental agents. Well, I I can
[01:36:00] Unknown:
well, I can understand that. I understand your attitude about it and your feelings, but it is a place on their side of the ledger which totally designates what you're doing to be legitimate, lawful, and legal. So that would be my personal motivation to do that, but you handle it however you want. I just wanted to find out, and Congratulations on doing that and pressing the envelope. Obviously, you you know what's involved and let us know what the results are as you go forward. Okay?
[01:36:34] Unknown:
Thanks, Roger. And and, you know, I mean, it would actually be easier in a lot of ways to actually, you know, plead not guilty and fight it. Because when you look at the California vehicle code and 268 with the definition of a motor vehicle, I mean, that's pretty black and white. But I had to challenge jurisdiction because to me that's beatable and that's where we really need to not even be in there. And especially when they start out talking about telling me what my right to this and right to that and what my rights are. Like, no. No. That's how they get you.
[01:37:04] Unknown:
Right. Well, I I agree. We gotta educate them. And, whether they're flexing their muscles or they're functionally illiterate, we just don't know yet, do we? We'll find out.
[01:37:16] Unknown:
Hey, Matt.
[01:37:18] Unknown:
Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Well, thanks. Thanks, Matt.
[01:37:20] Unknown:
Alright. I was talking about that. I was talking about, Brent Johnson. When that judge enters a plea of guilty on your behalf without you entering that plea of guilty, There's something there's some legal term that Brent used and accused him of practicing behind the bench where the case was missed. Again, I will get that terminology for you. And perhaps maybe you can use that, I don't know, before your trial or something. But I don't know. I might I would tell anybody that wants to follow I would tell anybody who wants to follow any Brent Johnson stuff, you better go research it thoroughly or David Strait or Anavon Rice. K? Yeah. It was it Roger, I agree with you a 100%. It was just this one thing. There's only one thing related to traffic. And and otherwise, I'm in agreement with you on all of that stuff. But this Yep. Thing worked for somebody.
[01:38:18] Unknown:
So Yeah. Anyway, I yield. I I wouldn't trust that guy as far as I could throw him. K? Okay. 2 or 3 other people want to say something, please. I think we ought to make a rule. We're gonna have a house rule that Robin and Julie can't be on the same show because I get them confused too much. Oh, somebody's got something to add here. Come on.
[01:38:44] Unknown:
Love you anyway, Rog.
[01:38:46] Unknown:
[01:38:47] Unknown:
And I love Paul too.
[01:38:50] Unknown:
Yeah? Uh-oh. Okay. Yeah. Paul's a, one of the the the gifts. You know? It came from the Sarah Westall interview. Probably, in my eyes, the worst interview I've ever done. Got the most response I've ever frightened off any interview, so I can't put those 2 together. So, anyway, Paul came out of that. Yes, Samuel.
[01:39:14] Unknown:
I was I was wondering if you heard about Trump pulling a whole bunch of, security details away from some of these higher end guys like Pompeo.
[01:39:24] Unknown:
All of them. All of them. John Bolton, Fauci. They revoked 50 all the guys that signed that letter about, Biden junior's laptop, every one of them lost their security clearance. He he he yanked 50 something people out. Now I I and I heard someone comment about Millie. Now all he'll do, if he wants to know something, all he'll do is call one of his Brit or, Australian trader friends and ask them to read it, whatever he's looking for. But go ahead.
[01:39:58] Unknown:
Do do you know how much Millie we were spending on Millie alone?
[01:40:03] Unknown:
Some $15,000,000
[01:40:04] Unknown:
Well, not Millie. It was Pompeo. It was Pompeo. I'm sorry. I correct myself. Pompeo. You mean pompous? Pampous? Guess how much we're spending a month for his security detail?
[01:40:16] Unknown:
I have, it's it's ridiculous, all these numbers.
[01:40:20] Unknown:
$2,000,000 a month.
[01:40:23] Unknown:
Like I said, folks, totally ridiculous. Well, all that stopped. He see he he also, late last week, fired 15 AGIGs, inspector generals, from every agency as an inspector general over a watchdog, basically, supposedly. Well, Trump went and fired 15 or more of them. That got everybody upset. They put Schumer under investigation. That's got them frothing at the mouth. He's just wreaking havoc everywhere. He sends Musk in and must have pinned these treasury guys backs to the corner because they didn't wanna give him the codes at first. Somehow, he put them in some sort of position as an extension of Trump that they gave the codes. They looked at it initially, yesterday, saw a couple of these well, here's one of the anomalies, and you may have seen this. And this didn't come from Musk or that team. It came from, Zelensky in in Ukraine. Did you hear that? What he said, Samuel?
He said that 200 and something $1,000,000,000 that they only got or million, I forget. Anyway, they only got 48%. The rest of it never left for Washington. It just went and got divvied up to Schumer and Blumenthal and and and and Raskin and, all of the creeps. Hey, that that's from Zelensky. Now all of a sudden he wants peace and he's spilling the beans on their scam. Musk goes in and will get the absolute accurate information because he's got the keys and the code to the hard drive that's over all the payments. And they've got over a 100 years of payments in there. Right. Go watch Alex's show in the first hour yesterday on Sunday afternoon. He goes over the whole thing. Yes.
[01:42:21] Unknown:
Well, what about that Trump could have pardoned the jays January 6th or in in his last two weeks of his last term 4 years ago?
[01:42:32] Unknown:
He could've he had to Well, no. He couldn't have well, we don't know. We didn't have any idea how bad that was back then. It was after they got Biden in there and they got Merrick Garland that they really started going after him. Not before. You get you get what I'm saying? I'm not. He had pardoned them. They well, they he that happened on 6th. Biden got inaugurated on 20th. They didn't do anything between the 6th 20th because they didn't have the power yet. It was only after Biden got inaugurated and he put Merrick Garland in there that they started really going after the 1,000 1500 or so j sixers.
So how could he pardon them? We weren't doing preemptive pardons back then like Biden just did.
[01:43:23] Unknown:
I don't know. That's why I'm asking. But I thought that Trump pardoned a lot of criminals and and and he could've
[01:43:30] Unknown:
None of them had been charged yet, Joan, to my knowledge.
[01:43:36] Unknown:
Okay. I'm just trying to figure it all out. Thanks, Ryan. Well, he that happened on 6th.
[01:43:42] Unknown:
On 20th was when Biden got power and put Merrick Garland. Christopher Wray was was appointed by Trump. He was still in there overseeing the FBI. He was corrupt. They may have been messing with a couple of people back, but there's only what what's that? There's only 4 2 weeks between 6th 20th, so there weren't thousands of people in jail yet. That was only after Biden got inaugurated. So how could he have pardoned them?
[01:44:10] Unknown:
He could have pre pardoned them like Biden did No. Nobody's
[01:44:15] Unknown:
ever done pre pardoning until Biden. He'll then that's that's not gonna pass legal muster anyway. You know why? Because you could construe up something with your pals and say, go do all this crime, and you won't be caught yet, but I'm gonna pre pardon you at the end of my presidency. It's giving them a license to have an armed gang. They're never gonna let that go through.
[01:44:41] Unknown:
Oh, they got a license. Alright.
[01:44:44] Unknown:
Okay. Well, we'll see. Okay? Just the theory of it is against it, and I forget who I saw. Well, it said I'm going after those pardons. Well, somebody's already going after them already. So we'll see. I don't believe they'll pass muster. K? How can you pardon somebody for a crime they haven't been charged or convicted with yet?
[01:45:07] Unknown:
I mean, didn't they get put in jail?
[01:45:12] Unknown:
Your your phone's breaking up. Didn't they get
[01:45:15] Unknown:
Didn't didn't didn't the j Sixers get put in jail right away and Trump could have said, oh, no. They're not put in jail. These are my supporters.
[01:45:24] Unknown:
No. I don't believe if there were, there weren't very many. Not the 1500 that they got in after Biden was inaugurated 14 days later.
[01:45:34] Unknown:
Okay. Thank you, Roger.
[01:45:36] Unknown:
[01:45:37] Unknown:
Okay. It's, pretty close to the end of the show. Wow. Last part is sped right along. So, we got about 5 minutes left. If you wanna bring in your intriguing comment or question. Intriguing One more thing I'd like to say, Rog. Now that's Robbie. I can tell now. Yes.
[01:45:58] Unknown:
Is that we all know that Trump, is beholden to the bankers and not and that they pulled him out of bankruptcy how many times. And the last thing I'll say is that we know that Adelson and some of these others have given him 1,000,000 of dollars since he's been in now. So we know who holds the strings.
[01:46:23] Unknown:
Miriam, Adelson gave him a 100,000,000 in the campaign. When her husband, Sheldon, was previously alive, he would do the same. And I dare say if somebody's given me a $100,000,000, I'm not gonna turn my back on them. Are you?
[01:46:39] Unknown:
AIPAC also gave them, 100 of 1,000,000 of dollars.
[01:46:43] Unknown:
Okay. Could be. Don't know about that. It's a bad side of him. Any politician that's gonna run is gonna get attached to this power somehow. They're ubiquitous. Okay? This power is ubiquitous. Whatever group or facet is in power, they move in behind them and they switch between whatever's in power. They're ubiquitous. Any administration you're gonna have anywhere is going to have some attachment with them. And if you don't believe that, you're naive.
[01:47:16] Unknown:
[01:47:17] Unknown:
[01:47:19] Unknown:
Yes. This is Sketch. I have a few comments. I wanted to comment on on, the law fair that, seems to be put it hold here, I think, because of all the executive orders. And I think he's gonna keep, doing executive orders, so they can't hire enough lawyers to stop him and also that, you know, of him firing the IGs and stuff. It's it's very interesting that, they're going to have to sue Trump. And if they lose, he will make the president.
[01:47:57] Unknown:
They're they're already doing it. They've already got suits filed.
[01:48:01] Unknown:
Yeah. But I'm just saying that I understand that, but if he keeps doing executive orders, that they won't have enough lawyers to keep up with him. And I I just find it very interesting how he's throwing wrenches in lawfare. And Well,
[01:48:18] Unknown:
what's Also What's he real what's he really doing is he's just exercising the dialectic, isn't he? He's just turning the same thing against them in a different way.
[01:48:28] Unknown:
Yep. Yep. Got it. And also I wanted to mention all all the USDA that he's
[01:48:36] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. A bunch of that stuff too. And he got it right as they were sending the checks out. He cut it off before they were sending the checks out. Once the checks are out, it's done. Okay? So, yeah, they've been moving swift. They've been cutting off key arteries and and key limbs, key junctions. And I I'm blown away by what I've seen in 2 weeks and I just pray for your health and your safety, Donald j Trump, and take us as far down this path as you can get us. So all it does is continue to expose them. Yeah. Go get it. Okay. Who's got something else to say?
[01:49:15] Unknown:
Roger. This is Jesse.
[01:49:17] Unknown:
Alright, Jesse. You better speak quick. You got about a minute.
[01:49:21] Unknown:
Well, you know what happened with, Kennedy when he was being, interviewed by mister Bernie. He, Bernie had this backlash because he told him, you're the one that's more corrupt and have received more money from, from pharma and everybody here from Congress. You know, Trump, we don't know still about Trump. But, you know, the this classified JFK document
[01:49:47] Unknown:
didn't prove nothing that most people already knew, but he rebelled. What He's not he rebelled. Jesse. It's not released yet. Maybe Trump maybe Trump is is rebelling also. Who knows? Jesse, it's not released yet. He had a 15 day waiting period. It hasn't been released.
[01:50:04] Unknown:
Yes. But they already know that the leak is in there. Somebody just let it go. We don't know for sure. But it's probably that's what happened. He did not follow the order because he was trying to remove the banker's money and bring that, the real, treasury money and many other things. But, we don't know what's going on here because I will not put somebody as a candidate for a pharma to go against pharma against all congress and tell them you're all corrupt, you're all taking money, and blah blah blah.
[01:50:34] Unknown:
Well, you can see why Trump appointed him. You can see why Trump appointed him, and it's exposing all the democratic congressmen for who and what they are. I mean, really, it's a brilliant play. Not only that he nominated these 3, but he's the one that wanted them all facing confirmation in the same week. K? So, whoever his political strategists are, Trump's making a lot better decisions this time around. K? So God bless you. You better pray for Donald Trump, folks, okay, and his success. So, and or else, if you think you'd find somebody better to put up there, and I don't know if there's anybody even on the distant horizon who could do that.
Maybe well, we'll see. We'll see what happens as the years goes on. They're for infirm control right now, and good good forum to discuss this sort of thing. Maybe we'll we'll do that some more, find out what happens today. Maybe we'll even get graced with a new student tomorrow. Hell, who knows?
[01:51:41] Unknown:
So, there's the outro and
[01:51:44] Unknown:
then oh, what, Joan? Rogersville.
[01:51:47] Unknown:
[01:51:49] Unknown:
Thank you. Your clip is so bad. Nobody can hear you. I understand you.
[01:51:54] Unknown:
Roger Okay. Well, I Roger sales for
[01:52:00] Unknown:
No. Not your sales. Sales for president, I think she's saying. No. Thank you, Joan. Go back to eat and fish. No. Roger,
[01:52:09] Unknown:
this is Chris from California.
[01:52:11] Unknown:
Hello, Chris.
[01:52:13] Unknown:
There's been a lot of discussion today about traffic. I would like to give some information. One is law
[01:52:28] Unknown:
[01:52:31] Unknown:
There's a lot of good information there about successes in Traffic Court. Html. And, if anyone wants to contact the person whose name is also Richard, email is section [email protected].
[01:52:56] Unknown:
We used to we used to have him on. He was one of John's Casarab's renters that rented one of his rental property. I know Rich. We've had him on several times years ago. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, he's got some, good information. I I know him right now. I agree with that. Yeah. For California now this is California traffic stuff. It's the Correct. 520 section in the California code.
[01:53:21] Unknown:
[01:53:22] Unknown:
Okay. Well, thanks for that, Chris.
[01:53:25] Unknown:
Roger sells for Lord of the Manor.
[01:53:28] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Right. Law salon dot net is for sale. The domain goes to a Chinese web page that, is asking for Bacollas to,
[01:53:45] Unknown:
who, to acquire Are you sure that site's still up, Erez?
[01:53:50] Unknown:
It should be up right now. I think it just got put back up.
[01:53:53] Unknown:
How do you spell that, please?
[01:53:56] Unknown:
[01:53:58] Unknown:
l0n o0n Go ahead. Dotnetforward/linx.html.
[01:54:05] Unknown: forward slash links dot m@html?
[01:54:11] Unknown:
Yes. Yes.
[01:54:13] Unknown:
Thank you.
[01:54:15] Unknown:
Yeah. Rick is just some not
[01:54:17] Unknown:
law salon.
[01:54:20] Unknown:
Again, Paul?
[01:54:21] Unknown:
Just talk to him. So it's
[01:54:24] Unknown:
so it's law salon, s a l o n, dot net? Correct. Yes. Okay. Right, that web page is down.
[01:54:37] Unknown:
Okay. Well, if you find out it's back up, let us know, Chris. Okay. Okay. So who else, who else has got something here this morning? I wanna, anybody for me? Okay. It doesn't sound like it. We'll go see what, happening with mister t and, see you all tomorrow. Right here. Blessings. Thank you. Blessings. Thank you, Sketch. Thanks, everybody. Love all of you. Ciao.
[01:55:10] Unknown:
Ciao. It's the law salon dot net.
[01:55:14] Unknown:
Yes. I think so. Yeah.
[01:55:17] Unknown:
Yep. Yeah. It is the law salon in defiance of tyranny. There we go. And then links, and there it is. Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. Here we go. Yeah. There's lots of stuff on there. And I don't have time to go through it today.
[01:55:48] Unknown:
It's California specific.
[01:55:52] Unknown:
Okay. Okay. Well, sounds like, now is as good a time as any to take the, radio program down, especially considering I've got about 10 minutes of dead air that I'm gonna have to edit out of the, edit out of the recording. Thanks for joining us for, Radio Ranch Monday with, Roger Sales and John Kacera. You can catch us here Monday through Saturday, 11 AM to 1 PM EST, And, you can also find us on numerous platforms, home network dot TV, freedom nation dot TV, go live TV, stream life dot tube,, Global Voice Radio Network, and Terrestrial Radio, 106.9 WBO FM in Chicago.
Tuesday through Friday, 1st hour, we're also on Thanks to Paul English, our buddy from across the pond. For more information on the topics discussed, please go to the matrix stocks. That is the matrix, d o c s, dot com, and you will find literally a drink out of a fire hose. Lots of information, albeit a little disorganized, but it's all there. It's all there. Thanks for joining us. I'm out of here. Have a great day and a great rest of the week if we don't see you again, but hope to see you all here 11 AM tomorrow, EST on the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales.
Bye now. Master voice of freedom worldwide, you're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network.
[01:57:33] Unknown:
Bye bye, boys. Have fun storming the castle.
Introduction and Guest Announcement
Discussion on Radio Networks and Broadcasting
International Relations and Trade
Government and Treasury Insights
National Security and Internal Threats
Trump's Political Strategies
Zionism and Political Influence
AI and Technological Concerns
Traffic Court Experiences
Security Clearances and Government Actions