In this episode, we hear from Sarah, a listener from Louisiana, who shares a harrowing personal story involving her daughter, Sofia. Sarah recounts how a family visit to South Dakota turned into a nightmare when her daughter ran away and ended up in a dangerous situation. The family faced further challenges when Sofia was placed on a 72-hour psychiatric hold in Colorado, where state laws allow children as young as 12 to consent to their own mental health treatment without parental consent. Sarah and her husband, who had previously filed affidavits declaring their national status, used this legal standing to challenge the hospital's authority and successfully regain custody of their daughter. This story underscores the importance of understanding and asserting one's legal rights, especially in situations involving children and state institutions. Sarah's experience serves as a cautionary tale and a testament to the power of legal preparedness.
Hi. This is Sarah from Louisiana.
[00:00:04] Unknown:
Oh, hi, Sarah.
[00:00:05] Unknown:
Hey, Sarah.
[00:00:06] Unknown:
So total not even on the subject, but I feel it important for any listeners out there that haven't gone forward and submitted or their status with the secretary of state. So we all did it, including our 16 year old daughter. And, we sent her to South Dakota for a month to be with my sister and my grandparents. And my mom who has early onset dementia, we think caused by her COVID vaccine. But, anyway, my mom convinced her while she was visiting that she should stay there. And so we got there, and it was brought up to us. Hey. Why don't you leave Sofia? She's not in school anyways because they don't believe in our how we homeschool.
And we were like, absolutely not. You guys are crazy. Well, the day that we go to leave, my mom says to my husband again, hey. Would you reconsider leaving Sofia for, like, a couple months? And my husband was like, no. We're not leaving her. And she says, well, what if she runs away in front of my daughter who then in turns decides to run off? And we find her six or seven hours later in the ghetto in an apartment building with a boy that we do not know. We had to get the police. Thankfully, we were in South Dakota, dragged her out of there in handcuffs, and we were leaving, like, leaving the state to come back to Louisiana.
And so we put her in between us and the truck and devised that she was given the rebellious spirit and decided to move forward and figure out where to go from there. Well, we get to Colorado at my in laws, and we had just that planned on a reunification of an estranged relationship that my husband had with his brother for over ten years. And so we got there and asked her, hey. Are you up for going with us to this thing? And so we did, and we jumped out of the car after driving all night and went and visited him, came back to my in laws. I know the story is long, but it has a point.
[00:02:25] Unknown:
And she's chatting up my in laws and seems fine and normal and, you know, obviously, not completely because she's never pulled anything like that before, but we're exhausted. And she asks to stay in my in law's house, and we were like, you can't run away. It's 20 degrees outside. Like, you'll die. And she's like, oh, yeah. No. No. I'm fine. Blah blah blah.
[00:02:47] Unknown:
Well, we wake up at 02:00 in the morning to a phone call from Thornton Police Department asking us if we knew where she was. And then in turn told us that she was being transported by ambulance to children's hospital because she walked to a neighbor's house after she supposedly, although we don't believe she really did, swallow a bunch of Tylenol. So she ends up at Children's Hospital, and we start driving there. And in we're communicating with the hospital staff, and they told us that we weren't allowed to come and see her because in the state of Colorado, she was put on a m one hold, which is a seventy two hour psych hold. And we're like, what does that have to do with us? So long story short, the children's hospital tried to kidnap her from us. And when we went in to meet with this psychiatrist who was Russian, She told us that I advise you seek legal counsel. And I said I advise you have exceeded your jurisdiction, and we're nationals. You have no authority or jurisdiction over us or our daughter, and I'll be in touch with the hospital administration.
And so we did, and in turn, they ended up saying, hands off. Yep. We have no jurisdiction. Here's the thing.
[00:04:10] Unknown:
Folks. Right there.
[00:04:12] Unknown:
Yep. And if we hadn't had that, this Russian psychiatrist was trying to institutionalize our daughter for ninety days. Oh, and I bypassed a part. And our daughter is very smart because, you know, she's our daughter. She knows about a lot of stuff, and she was trying to pull one over thinking she can go live with my mom in South Dakota. Well, in the the state of Colorado, and this is where things got where I decided to pull that card was that the psychiatrist that we were supposed to meet with at 9AM because we didn't know whether her overdose was true or not or what was going on exactly.
And she told us we were meeting them at 9AM to go over all of this with a therapist and a psychiatrist. And she tells us well, because they wanted us to sign her in for five days on a cycle after her seventy two hour hold expired. Well, we go to the meeting, and the psychiatrist comes in with a bunch of paperwork that she's holding to her chest and says, well, I don't really have time for you guys. Because as you can see, we're really busy, and I have to go meet from with the family that drove all the way from Wyoming. But I I don't need you to sign the paperwork.
I I met with Sofia this morning at 7AM and had her sign the paperwork because in the state of Colorado, at the age of 12, any child is consenting legally to themselves as far as mental health and or reproductive health.
[00:05:49] Unknown:
Hold hold on. In Colorado, all of the the laws of majority and minority have been waived to 12 years old?
[00:05:58] Unknown:
Yep. Yep. 12 year olds can go to school and have a teacher take them to get psychiatric care and abortion, birth control, a pap smear, anything, and bring them back to school without any parental knowledge or consent. California
[00:06:18] Unknown:
[00:06:19] Unknown:
Yep. So, anyway, I just wanted to pop in and tell people that how important it is for you to go ahead. If you haven't pulled the trigger on doing it, I suggest you do. You never know
[00:06:33] Unknown:
you never know what's gonna happen tomorrow. So I'm gonna say Sarah, thank you for sharing. Hold on. Hold on. There's four or five people in the talk. Sarah has done two Elodial titles
[00:06:45] Unknown:
successfully too. She's very bright. Good. No one. No. No one. That's a great story,
[00:06:51] Unknown:
Sarah. And it just goes back to prove the power of this affidavit.
[00:06:57] Unknown:
K? Thank you, Sarah, for sharing that.
[00:06:59] Unknown:
So people that think if you're listening out there and you think, oh, it's just a piece of paper. What good's that gonna do? Well, right here is your example.
[00:07:09] Unknown:
Ace in the hole. So when they overcome it, folks.
[00:07:14] Unknown:
They can't overcome it without being open tyrants.
[00:07:20] Unknown:
Sarah, we got your success story right here.
[00:07:26] Unknown:
Right here. What? You were trying to say something, Mark, on what? Yeah. I was just asking, Sarah, what what happened with that.
[00:07:32] Unknown:
Was it the social worker that got the signature of your daughter?
[00:07:37] Unknown:
I know No. It was psychiatrist.
[00:07:40] Unknown:
[00:07:41] Unknown:
I I'm astounded that Colorado has lowered the age of majority down to 12 years old. I'm just I'm astounded. How can they do that? Yeah. Only for citizens of The United States and residents. Yep.
[00:07:53] Unknown:
Exactly. And that's exactly what I proposed to them. And, I mean, I we had a meeting with literally the woman and that runs Children's Hospital and shoots in Denver with about eight other people and three other attorneys. And I showed them everything and said, go look it up for yourself, but you live you guys have less than an hour to release my daughter. Like, I want her back right now. Now here this is another interesting
[00:08:25] Unknown:
[00:08:26] Unknown:
Yeah. Go ahead, and I wanna inject something. Go ahead. I was just saying they dismissed us from the room, and about five minutes later, they called us back in and said you can go check her out. You're right.
[00:08:37] Unknown:
Okay. Now here's a rebellious daughter. Right? Is that we we got that pretty right. We got a little rebellion going on. She didn't have to sign the affidavit. The parents did it for her, and it binded them.
[00:08:54] Unknown:
Yep. But wasn't she a national too?
[00:08:59] Unknown:
Yes. That's what she's saying. She'd they had filed as parents the affidavit for the Sofia, the daughter, who didn't have to sign it. The parents did it because they've got control over majority and minority.
[00:09:12] Unknown:
Yep. But her daughter is a national.
[00:09:14] Unknown:
But she's twenty sixteen. She needs But the daughter didn't have well, Nadine. The daughter didn't have to agree to it even with or without her rebellious spirit. The parents did it, and it applied.
[00:09:26] Unknown:
Okay. Children are property of the parents unless they're property of the feudal system like most parents are.
[00:09:33] Unknown:
Okay. And the 12 year old didn't apply. The the the the the
[00:09:38] Unknown:
the The daughter.
[00:09:40] Unknown:
The that ruling didn't apply that she, consign herself.
[00:09:48] Unknown:
That's right. Because that is over under the citizen of The United States and residents laws, man made laws. When they shift the law majority from 18 to 12, that's a man made law, folks.
[00:10:00] Unknown:
Sarah, thank you for sharing that.
[00:10:03] Unknown:
Was it an infraction of the psychiatrist part in having her sign, the document then?
[00:10:17] Unknown:
Presumption that everybody's in that group.
[00:10:23] Unknown:
Yes. And so still have a call in or I'm I'm speaking with, someone who's actually very receptive at Children's Hospital, and I have, well, we'll see, but an investigation going on because this was straight up kid I mean, like, they were gonna kidnap her. There was gonna be no option whatsoever to like, the psychiatrist was even talking about after her getting a judge's order to be placed on a 90
[00:10:59] Unknown:
cycle that after that, they were gonna transfer her to foster care. I was just gonna say Colorado. That, she's going straight into the hands of CPS.
[00:11:09] Unknown:
Exactly. The right to see here. My husband and I have brought up to Children's Hospital is that you you you guys are actively kidnapping children, and you can't tell me that a psychiatrist who makes her money off of every child that gets admitted, every medication that gets dispersed, and every meeting or appointment that she has with a child that she's not financially motivated to do so. That's right. Thankfully thankfully, here's another thing that our daughter because she is very bright even though she ended up getting a rebellious spirit that they approached her over seven times to get her COVID shot.
Seven different times, and she refused every time. And they tried to persuade her. She said each time there was a thirty minute conversation about why she needed to do it and how we neglected her and were neglectful parents for not having her get her COVID vaccine. And so, yeah, I mean, you're it's a dangerous game when it comes not only to yourself and the adult legal system, but your kids because had we not had this, we wouldn't have our kid right now. She she we do go over exactly how you did this in that statement. What exactly did you do? They better
[00:12:29] Unknown:
foster care, the state of Colorado gets paid, the hospital gets paid, all those people get paid off.
[00:12:37] Unknown:
Sarah, how did you out of homeschool. Now the first four or five people trying to talk at once. We can't do that. Right. I was trying to figure out, miss Sarah, if she can go into detail. What did you do? Like, if someone else is on this call gets in the same position as you, what are the steps they have to take? Hey. Listen. You gotta take this doctor and go here. So So that way
[00:12:58] Unknown:
The thing you gotta do is do an affidavit for your children. Before that, you ought to do it for yourself. Okay? So that's the first step. That removes you from the jurisdiction. Then you gotta understand the information and have some testicles or breasticles just like Sarah and her husband did and stand up to these bastards.
[00:13:18] Unknown:
Should be a wake up call for the daughter to see how her pan parents are handling this too. So And what Mark is asking, Sarah what documents she showed the administration and lawyers.
[00:13:30] Unknown:
Our affidavits.
[00:13:32] Unknown:
[00:13:34] Unknown:
Remember the case recently with the guy in in Missouri, Chris, in front of the judge? And the judge gets him in his chambers, and he looks at him and goes, I read your affidavit. That's all he said. I read you didn't comment on it. I read your affidavit. That is that is acceptance, folks, right there.
[00:14:02] Unknown:
Hey, Roger?
[00:14:03] Unknown:
Yes. Nadine. I read a book called Prepare for War, and the copyright is 1987 by Rebecca Brown, MD. And do you know I was shocked when I found out what this war was? There are a lot of Satanists in the, medical system.
[00:14:26] Unknown:
Oh my god. All all these institutions are now eat up with them. Yeah. Eat up with Satanism.
[00:14:33] Unknown:
Yeah. Serving mammon.
[00:14:37] Unknown:
Satanists, devil worshipers.
[00:14:39] Unknown:
They're it's right. They're putting it right in front of you now. Well, it's trial procurement services, not protection. Yeah. Okay. So there's four or five people trying to talk. Paul, you got something to say. Go ahead. I I would like to point out the obvious just in case anybody missed Sarah's
[00:14:59] Unknown:
story. If she had not been a national, that story would have turned out differently. If her husband had not been a national, that story would have turned out differently. And if they had not filed an affidavit for the child, that story would have turned out differently.
[00:15:16] Unknown:
You'd be mother and father in absentia at this point. Exactly.
[00:15:23] Unknown:
And the child would disappear.
[00:15:25] Unknown:
Yep. I'm sorry. Thank you for bringing that to us. It's a wonderful success story, and it's a great illustrative thing for everybody else that's listening on just how damned important this is.
[00:15:40] Unknown:
Yeah. I saw her posted in the in the chat, and I said, please bring it on air. I didn't know it was that much detail, though. Wow. All through different states and everything.
[00:15:49] Unknown:
Congratulations, Sarah. You and your husband did a great job. Obviously, you've got command of the information. You confronted authority, and authority went away. And you got what you wanted and what you should have. And, Roger, please make sure. To you, Roger. Well, just thanks to you for being great students and following through, Sarah. Roger, please make sure you repeat that story on Thumper Show. I'll try.
[00:16:19] Unknown:
If you gotta tie him to his chair and unplug his microphone, repeat that story on Thumper's Show.
[00:16:26] Unknown:
Thumper's the star, man. Come on.