In this episode, we delve into a wide array of topics, starting with a discussion on the controversial views of Dr. Judy Markovich on vaccines and the implications of executive orders and pardons. We explore the concept of widespread ignorance and how it affects our understanding of global events and personal health. The conversation touches on the dangers of toxins in our food and environment, including the effects of dyes, aspartame, and heavy metals like mercury.
We also discuss the influence of historical events and conspiracies, such as 9/11, and how misinformation can shape public perception. The episode highlights the importance of taking personal responsibility for one's health, emphasizing the need for detoxification and maintaining a strong immune system.
Listeners are encouraged to question mainstream narratives and consider alternative health practices, such as the use of bentonite clay and magnesium ozone for detoxification. We explore the impact of modern technology, like 5G towers, on health and the environment, and discuss ways to mitigate these effects.
The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to take control of their health and well-being, emphasizing the importance of staying informed and proactive in a world filled with hidden dangers and misinformation.
Press star 6 to mute or unmute. And if your line is locked, dial 941 to raise your hand. Welcome.
[00:00:08] Unknown:
You are the only participant in the conference.
[00:03:54] Unknown:
Sure. Okay.
[00:03:56] Unknown:
Okay. Keep your stuff in there. Hello?
[00:04:09] Unknown:
How's everybody doing out there? Oh, we're loading up. He's getting busy.
[00:04:24] Unknown:
We're all excited and waiting for some more good information.
[00:04:31] Unknown:
We got lots of it. Boy, oh, boy. When I heard doctor Judy Markovich talking today and she was lambasting all vaccines since the beginning, I said, woah. That girl is on fire. She is something else.
[00:05:02] Unknown:
And they put her She's been she's been through the furnace.
[00:05:06] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. They put her in prison. Fauci put her in prison for 5 years, and she'd come out swinging. We created a monster. There's no question. I wanna see what they're gonna do if they're gonna prepardon all these people. I don't see how they're gonna do it, though, because they're all concerned. Believe me.
[00:05:57] Unknown:
Well, if he was illegitimate from the start, all his executive orders or pardons are all illegitimate too.
[00:06:12] Unknown:
That's right. And that's what they need to show that any pardons he made won't count because they don't he wasn't legitimate.
[00:06:25] Unknown:
[00:06:27] Unknown:
That is exactly what they're talking about.
[00:06:33] Unknown:
A lot of merit.
[00:06:38] Unknown:
It's an amazing, situation. You you couldn't write a better novel than what's playing out on stage right now. You can't make that stuff up. Oh my goodness. It is unbelievable. The the amount of of, genocide that is being inflicted on the populations is it the people are just unaware of it. It it's absolutely amazing that so many people have no idea we're under total assault for our lives. I mean, literally, they're killing millions of people here right here in this country just from the effects from the shots they gave them. And she said she said the mRNA is in everything.
It was in all the shots. It always has been. This is not that messenger. M stands for messenger. They've been injecting, s v 40 in all the vaccines that everybody thought was safe to take and give your children. They've been injecting everybody with cancer, and it's real. That ain't no joke.
[00:08:30] Unknown:
Is that kinda tied to the dyes too? Like, your red 40 and yellow 40 and all that stuff?
[00:08:36] Unknown:
Well, that it's it's another total aspect, but you're putting poisons and toxins in your body that are cancer causing carcinogenics. And, oh, yeah. Then we wanna be disease free. We're gonna eat all those dyes thinking, oh, they're okay because they allowed in the food. It must be okay. Yeah.
[00:09:04] Unknown:
Was FDA approved?
[00:09:07] Unknown:
Yeah. The problem with that is the FDA is FDA isn't approving it for us. It's approving it for the sellers so they can get paid for approving it. So it has nothing to do with whether it's good or bad for us. It has to do with whether it's in their best interest to approve it. And it always is. They don't need any test periods or anything. Look at what they did with aspartame. Rumsfeld. Everybody heard of Rumsfeld picking up the airplane parts outside of when the missile hit the Pentagon in, on 9/11, since everybody knows there was no airplane ever hit that Pentagon and took out the audit department when they found oh, yeah. What was it about, $7,000,000,000,000 missing from the budgets?
[00:10:14] Unknown:
I thought it was 3,000,000,000,000. 2.3,000,000,000,000
[00:10:17] Unknown:
is what they said, but the total was 8 something trillion. That was the day before when Rumsfeld announced it, and they took out building 7 when, the owner what what's his name? The owner said, pull it. Oh, yeah. What's When I heard him say, pull it, and I saw that building go down, I said, I'll be damned. They just pulled that building. It had nothing to do with it blowing up, and the other one's pancaked too.
[00:10:53] Unknown:
I mean That was Silverstein. That's what it was. That was Silverstein.
[00:11:00] Unknown:
[00:11:01] Unknown:
he insured the buildings for twice the, for twice the normal amount or more. He didn't collect on it all, but he collected untold 1,000,000,000 of dollars. It was all preplanned. They it didn't just happen. When I realized that 48 executives had shorted the stock market the day before, CEOs of companies around the country? I said, gee. How did they know?
[00:11:33] Unknown:
Well, there was that one news, was it a French newscast or something that was up in a a building across? And she said, it's coming down. Building 7 is coming down. And, Hell, it was still standing in the background.
[00:11:47] Unknown:
That was in the UK 30 minutes before. They did that. Oh, boy. They they always get caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Mhmm. You can't just lie and lie and lie and not get caught. The problem is most people hear the lies repetitively, and they never hear the got caught. So they stay in their ignorance and bliss. You know, they say ignorance is bliss. How many people heard that one? Oh, yeah. I'll tell you the other side of that, the flip side. It can also be deadly. I think if people value their lives, they should be concerned about knowing the truth about things, especially the history of this world we live in, which is not exactly the simplest thing to get your head around.
Matter of fact, a lot of things are like finding a needle in a haystack. They buried him so deep. They don't want the people to really be able to base anything they do on facts because that would pull the mask off their face. The control is only staying control because they keep us separated and ignorant. The ignorance is so pervasive that a mentor of mine told me back in the seventies, Prem Rawat, he said that the ignorance, it's like cavemen living in caves. The only difference nowadays, there's really no difference as far as the ignorance and darkness behind the walls. They just put windows in the walls. No.
We need to know the truth in order to be able to protect ourselves. If we're basing our protection on lies, then we're not able to deal with it in any proper manner because, I mean, we just don't know what we're doing. Then what really compounds the ridiculousness of it is people worship guys in white lab coats or expensive suits carrying briefcases as, the lawyers that are gonna get them out of trouble. Well, they're not there to get you out of trouble. They're there to just earn their own, living, and if they can get you for a little more, that's okay too. That's exactly what they do.
[00:14:58] Unknown:
They're there to get you. That's the end of the sentence.
[00:15:01] Unknown:
That's right. They've been they they didn't know it when they got out of law school. They thought a lot of them were gonna right the wrongs and the injustice they saw only to find out they have to kiss the proverbial derriere of the judges because if they do anything wrong in the 1st year, they're gone. They lose their license. It ends up they end up being on the same side with the judges, policing the public. It's been going on for 400 years.
[00:15:30] Unknown:
Well, this one guy out there in California said he passed the bar. After he passed, before they would issue a bar card, he had agreed that he would never bring another lawsuit against another attorney.
[00:15:44] Unknown:
Unbelievable. What he He said
[00:15:48] Unknown:
I'm not interested to keep it.
[00:15:52] Unknown:
Keep that license.
[00:15:54] Unknown:
Well, it's not a license. Keep the keep the keep the union membership card. The bar code. That's right. The bar,
[00:16:04] Unknown:
the British accredited registry. That's a foreign, nation that all these liars pledge allegiance to, and, they don't even register as foreign agents here. So there's a lot of ways to, oh, yeah, get your desired results in spite of them. That's their fleecing you. They just scare the hell out of you, them lawyers. I didn't mean to go on to this subject, but we went there. Okay. Let's go back on to, how, let's see. Lawyers gotta go to doctors when they get if doctors can't heal themselves or their own families, and then doctors, when they get in trouble, have to go to lawyers who aren't really interested in protecting them. They're just there to fleece them. So let's see. What do we got here?
We got a public that's ignorant. We got, people we look up to that don't know anything from their, proverbial dairy as to their elbows. And, oh, yeah, we think we got everything under control. Gotcha. Then an emergency comes up in your health and it's like, what do I do? Oh my god. I I better go to them doctors. Yeah. Well, I wish you luck with that one. Doctors are there to take your test, diagnose what they see, whether their diagnosis is right or wrong. You might have to get another one anyway. They're certainly not there to manage your health plan. You're the CEO of your own health.
You need to take charge of your health. You need to create your own health plan in your life. No doctors are there to create health plans. So let's get busy looking at why we need to stay strong in our immune system. There's different aspects to our immune system, and if we don't keep it strong, the assaults that everybody's under and we're not just talking about all the vaccinations that were gotten into everybody that's still in them. All of those heavy metals and all that stuff in those vaccines, they didn't just go away when you got them injected into you all your life. They build up just like the mercury that's one third of all corn syrup in the stupid markets.
All that mercury that's in the corn syrup in those products is only there because the FDA said they didn't have enough manpower to monitor the refineries. So now you're eating products with corn syrup in it and 1 third has mercury in it. When mercury gets in your system, it doesn't go away. It doesn't just come out. You'd have to get it out. Mercury slowly poisons everybody and it moves around the body. If all 4 of your oxygen receptors are covered with mercury, you're dead. If you're near death, 3a half are covered, and you're near death, we gotta pull that mercury back off those oxygen receptors when you're that sick.
You're supposed to do it before. We're supposed to clean out our bodies. Didn't they tell us to keep the temples clean? It's because the temple, the body houses, the highest, holiest experience of this life. You, the being, the living being, the I am. Tag. You're it. Take responsibility for this life or you won't be able to enjoy it fully. You won't be here that long to be able to enjoy it fully. And when you leave, there might be a long period where you don't enjoy it at all as you're neglecting your health. What's his name was telling me about a man, a 108 years old, still drives his own car, never took any vaccines or ate any of that garbage food. Now I'm gonna tell you what's really hurting a lot of people.
The glyphosate on all the food is is in everybody. It's a poison that doesn't come out. It's heavy metals. That glyphosate is causing all disease in people's bodies. It's destroying your mitochondria so that you'll have no energy in your bodies, in your systems to be able to function properly, to do what the body was meant to do with the help of the one that breathes you. The body functions in an amazing way, but when it's not functioning properly, we need to help it along, and we need to know when it's not functioning properly. We need to be aware of what we can do to fix it in in a timely manner so we don't get into distress or disease, lack of ease, stress, or tension on the body caused by positive ionic matter, poisons, toxins, unwanted bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and radiation.
All of that has to come out of the body so you can be free and connect to your consciousness completely instead of having it partially blocked by all these particulates in your body, heavy metals that are dragging you down, pulling you down. We want we wanna be happy. Basically, I don't think anybody here would argue that, oh, I don't wanna be happy. No. We all wanna be happy. Well, happiness is who we are. It's not something you get from this world. Happiness, joy, peace, love is a feeling, and it's always there because it's who you are. Well, if if it's who I am and it's always there, why aren't I feeling it all the time?
Because we've never been shown how to pay attention to the feeling. In the moment called now, in each and every breath, it would have to take you focusing on the feeling itself, and that only happens in the moment called now. The past the moment that's passed is gone and the moment that it hasn't arrived isn't here yet. The only time I ever felt to pinch is in the moment called now. The only time I ever felt love is in the moment called now. We always think it's coming from outside of us. No. That's the feeling of who we are, and we need to get more in touch with that peace that we are.
That mind needs to quiet down. But when you have a lot of chemicals in your body, it causes the mind a lot of distress, inflammation. You were speaking about dyes. They cause inflammation, all those red dyes, these all these different dyes get them in our body and it causes more inflammation. We take all these seed oils, it causes inflammation. We eat a lot of sugar because we're all guilty of it, and it causes a lot of inflammation. It's a very serious drug, the sugar. And the more you eat, the more you wanna eat. You don't just wanna put it down. It's like any drug.
You put it down. You think about it again. It's a funny thing that when you raise children that never had sugar or soda, they don't even want it. We're we're in need of cleaning out our bodies, detoxifying our bodies because the toxins are being breathed in, eaten in. And you know what's even more incredible? That the people aren't aware that the blue light from the computers and the phones, doing us tremendous damage in our bodies. We were never used to these things. It was never happening, And they're really draining our energy and weakening us and causing soft cell cancer. Doctor Jack Cruz is in the newsletter. If you scroll down and you'll see, he explains how these frequencies and by the way, we are frequency beings.
We're all electronic circuits. That's what we're made up of trillions of little circuits with generators inside of all the cells. Some of the cells have large amounts of mitochondria.
[00:26:19] Unknown:
We doing the same exact thing day after day after day. And I'm excited, my brother. I've got What are you doing over the last couple of days?
[00:26:35] Unknown:
We need to take charge and make sure that we stay hydrated properly because the leading cause of death is dehydration. It's not the disease itself. And before I don't mention, I want everybody to know that if you ever get caught up in a nuclear disaster, meaning something goes off in your area, we have a 12 step program what to do with the calcium bentonite play in the first 10 minutes to save your life. That calcium bentonite will pull all that radiation out of your body and protect you from the radiation, and it could get that serious. We're looking at facing some very serious challenges in the future that could be coming up, and we have to be prepared for any type of emergency in this world always.
We learned that as a boy scout when I was growing up. Be prepared. Have have your contingencies covered. Well, being prepared means having defenses set up in your body so that when these assaults and all these chemicals come in, you're cleaning them out on a regular basis and keeping them cleaned out. Because if you don't do it, it's not gonna happen. Doctors don't even know about detoxing. I I never hear them talk about it. They don't talk about nutrition much either. That's because they're not taught about it. They're doctors, but that is supposed to be fixing people's health.
Isn't that ridiculous that they were never taught about nutrition? 8 hours maybe in 8 years of schooling, 20, I heard was tops. I've heard doctors complain that their wives know more about nutrition than they do. No wonder they have one of the lowest life expectancies of all the professions. When I was on radio shows from Hawaii to New York back in early 2000, People would call in, I leave the mics open, and they'd complain about their herbal detoxes that all the companies were selling. And they tell me they had to stop during in the beginning, in the middle due to lethargy, tiredness, arrhythmias, palpitations, heart attacks, and stroke can be caused by improper detoxification, let's say.
And what do I mean by improper detoxification? When you push too much toxin into your blood to eliminate too quickly, it causes side effects like a hertzheimer's effect where you feel very tired, very, you know, lethargic. You might get palpitations, arrhythmias. You could have a heart attack or a stroke. So I learned to detoxify the body simply and easily without letting all those parasites in your gut. The CDC says there's an average of over £2 in the average American of 300 species laying trillions of eggs every day. Laying trillions of eggs every day?
Yes. They're very small, and they're busy lounging around, eating up all of your nourishment and nutrition, and, you know, making babies. So by drinking some of that clay, you can break up that rotten putrification without them realizing that you're getting rid of them because they're very smart. And if you hit them with antibiotics, they're gonna build biofilm in your gut to protect themselves in, like, canals. And when they get really going, they'll spread those biofilm to your lungs. It becomes chronic bronchitis everybody has into your organs.
Well, the worse your health gets, the more you need a little help from outside because your food and what you're doing is not caught in it. Everybody's health oh, they're told it's genetic. Oh, yeah. Well, that's genetic. You don't have to worry about. We got a pill for you. Well, that's the first lie that it's all genetic. You may be predisposed genetically to this or that, the color of your eyes, the height. Maybe you're predisposed to have it, you know, a weakness to something, that doesn't mean you have to succumb to it. It means you have to pay attention and do what's needed so you don't succumb to what you might have a weakness for, like sugar.
Boy, that hit home. You succumb to any weakness that you have or you don't succumb to it. Whose choice is it? Not my choice. Your life. I got enough trouble choosing for my own. And if I make the right choices, who pays for it? Who benefits from it? Only me. Water pillows shut down your organs. Don't ever take water pills. Doctors put you on water pills. When you have edema, go buy a load of organic cucumbers and juice them every day as much as you want. You'll that edema will be dealt with. That's a very good diuretic. That and organic celery.
All you gotta do is juice it. I once grew 200 of them out of 4 plants in the summertime. Some of them were as big as my from my elbow to my fingertips, and they were very I just juiced them. And there were so many, I couldn't even juice them all. I just juiced them and and used it as a base for my drinks and put super foods in it and stuff and drink. Instead of drinking water, I was drinking cucumber juice. It works great. And if you plant those plants in the ground, they'll make a lot of cucumbers. Put them on a lattice, make some poles across, and give it a chance to get up high so the sun can get all parts of it. The point being that actually everything that we need for our health is already here.
We don't need to patent anything and create special combinations of what mother nature gave us. We need to use every seed and every herb of the of the earth to affect our health. There's over 14,000 different herbs, and every one of them has effect on our health. But most people never what? What are you talking about? Yeah. It it's quite an adventure just uncovering one thing at a time even. 1 by 1 by 1 is like, yes. Yes. They give you blood thinners, right, when you have blood clots, they tell you. Well, what if I told you that blood thinners do not break up blood clots? You'd think, well, Edward, you must be crazy.
No. Go check it out. Blood thinners do not break up blood clots. But I can always tell when somebody's taking them. I can look at them and see that they're taking blood thinners. It's very obvious to me. They bleed constantly. Any bruise they get, you can see it anywhere on their body. So if it doesn't break up blood clots, why are they taking it? The I don't know. They don't know either. Doctor John explained to me that the one thing that does break up blood clots actually does break them up because it prevents any platelets from sticking together. If 2 stick together, you can get a blood clot in a tiny capillary.
When they fold and try to squeeze through, they get stuck. And you're having constant strokes all your life in your capillaries. Then they get bigger when they stick together. Woah. Well, he explained to me there's something called hyssop, and it makes it so no blood platelets can stick together. Hyssop? Yeah. It's another herb. So I use hyssop. Why not? Once you know, you know. You don't wanna unknow. You wanna know. Right now, basically, we unknow everything because we never knew anything. What do we know? What could I possibly know? If the only degrees I have is when you take my temperature because the truth is I never got stuck on stupid in any of those universities.
Not to say I probably could have taken a couple of classes and benefited from it. There's no question about it. But I see people coming out of those universities and, their thinking isn't exactly, what I would say is on target. It seems like they've gone through some metamorphosis in those universities where their brain has been, like, obfuscated and programmed and stuck back in them, especially the you know, those doctors and lawyers, I when I found out they had ACI syndrome along with the inventors and the artists and, the psychiatrists, you gotta watch it and stay away from these these, people.
Otherwise, you'll catch it. And believe me, it ain't no fun living with ACI syndrome. I'll tell you. So John asked me, what is ACI syndrome? It's anal cranial inversion. Something like atrectomitis where you have your head saw so far up your rear end, you can't see straight. Only it's slightly different. So I was telling a friend of mine, and he says, oh, I know what you're talking about. RCI. I said, what's RCI? Rectal cranial inversion. Same thing. You know, I wish people luck that have no knowledge because luck is all like superstition from lack of knowledge. People are superstitious because they're gonna need luck. They ain't got no knowledge and they're dropping dead like flies everywhere.
You see people getting sick constantly. I've everybody I talk to is going to funerals. That's not my imagination. It's really going on. That's because they made it they got him to take they made him take those shots. Yeah. If you more than a 100 people working in the company, you have to take the shots. Man, did they hurt a lot of people. The people have, are assaulted so many ways, and then they had to take the vaccines. At least they thought they had to. I had people calling me from around the country, and I said, you tell that employer you're not taking no vaccines.
And if you if you have to give up your job because you're not taking the vaccine, so be it, but don't give up your life just to keep a worthless job. JOB means just go broke anyway. I told a whole bunch of people don't do not be taking them shots right when they came out because I already knew there were no shots of any value ever before they ever came out with these COVID shots. And Trump announced that General Motors was going into manufacture 30,000 ventilators. I I put my hands over my face. I said, oh my god. He's gonna murder all them people on them ventilators. Oh my god.
95% of the people die from using those ventilators. They have to use psychotropic drugs just to stop them from breathing on their own. And if the 5% who live, almost all of them are so have so much PTSD that life becomes, like, unbearable to live with because of the what they do to them. But they did worse. It was worse than that. When they mandated remdesivir that had failed all the tests and 60% of the people died from the test that from remdesivir, and they mandated it in every hospital, it was like, are you kidding me?
So they're purposely murdering the people? Yeah. They are. Did everybody see the people dropping dead in Wuhan, China? Right when it started, they were dropping dead in the streets, foaming at the mouth? It scared the hell out of everybody around the world. That's because they first turned on the 5 g towers. That was the first time they turned them on. Well, if you got Graphene Oxide in you and they turn up those graph that, 5 g towers, they're gonna cook you through the graphene oxide. They're gonna heat it up inside your body and burn the hell out of you. And by the way, they're gonna do it now too because you got graphene oxide in you, everybody.
They just came out with the reports. It's in the newsletter about 6 g, 4 g, 5 g, and 6 g, what it's doing to us. If you think this is over, it's not over. It's just beginning. We're in a world war, and it's a lot more subtle than you think, and yet it's very obvious if you really look at all the parts. We're being assaulted from inside out. Without our knowledge, we're being destroyed. Dumb down with fluoride so we can't be aggressive. They put fluoride in the water to keep populations from being aggressive and lower their consciousness. How many people on this phone call thought they put fluoride in the water for their teeth so they'd have no cavities?
It's a freaking lie. I run into this girl and I took pictures of her teeth. I couldn't even believe what I was looking. I said, you grew up here. You've been drinking tap water? She said, yeah. I've been drinking the tap water here. 19 years old. Every one of her teeth were completely corroded in her mouth. Fluoride's not there to fix your teeth. No such thing. It's just another lie. But the people believe it, so they keep lying. Because the people don't believe anything. They're all gullible. It's easy to pull the wool over gullible people. Like they said, if you if you make a lie big enough and tell it often enough, it becomes true for everybody.
Actually, it was what's his name that said it, another way. He said the individual is handicapped by a conspiracy. So monstrous, he cannot believe it exists, and that was J. Edgar Hoover. It's unbelievable. We're living in a world we had no idea we were born into. We were told there was a Santa Claus and there was a tooth fairy and the Easter bunny and this and that instead of being told the truth so we'd be prepared to war in August. We weren't told the truth, and most people are not prepared to deal with the lunacy of the reality of this life. Actually, it's not the reality. It's part of the illusion. The reality is the peace that I feel inside of me.
That's the only thing that doesn't change. Everything else changes with that beautiful feeling. That stays the same my whole life. That's the only thing I can count on. Is that each breath that comes and goes brings me that energy and that beautiful feeling in every breath. If I just slow down and pay attention to that, that is everything. You know? Because everything we do in this life is to attempt to attain a feeling from it. A feeling of satisfaction, a feeling of fulfillment, a feeling of love, a feeling a a feeling. But it's not something you get from this world. It's who you are, and we're out of touch with who we are.
Our focus is all outside of us on the illusion of life that's constantly changing, and no one's ever told us there's a way to focus inside directly to the feeling. That likes it makes life worth living, I'll tell you. So does anybody have any questions about their health that we can give real life examples to by explaining situations of restoring a person's health. Let us know if you have any questions, and I can answer them. I've spoken on different subjects about, the health. Here's a subject I don't have written up. Let's say somebody gets extreme, problem with their throat. Okay. They got a sore throat.
They got swollen glands. They got polyps of the lungs. They've got cancer in the throat. Okay. So what do you do? You go into the fear and worry. Right? That's because you never learned anything about how to deal with it. So the only thing you can do is go into fear and worry because you don't know. And they mentioned the big c word, which is a made up word. It's a nickname for a parasitic infestation mold, mildew, candida, fungus. All these living little tiny things get in your body, and they like it in there. They found the best shelter. You're gonna feed them, work hard, get that food to them, all that sugar they want.
They'll wake you up at 2 o'clock in the morning. Get me some sugar. You become a slave to those parasites. Best thing to do is to know it and start keeping them clean out of your body. You know, even if I eat wrong let's say I eat wrong. Let's just say, I wanna clean it right out. I don't eat wrong in this. Just let it be. If I poison myself, which I have on on several occasions, literally poison myself very badly. And it's not it's not a joke. It's very painful. And if you don't catch it and stop it from advancing, it can be very, very challenging poisoning yourself.
I know. I lived through it several times. But that clay, woah. You just take a big spoonful of it if you have it made up for a facial and shove it in your shove it down your throat and drink some water. Within 20 minutes, it'll reach into the deepest part of your bowels and suck up that inflammation and poison right away. It'll stop the pain right away. You gotta follow-up with it because that bacteria, those those germs that are in there are not just gonna go away in one second. There there might be some leftover, and then they're busy having sex again, making babies. You wait 2 weeks. If you only use the clay one time like I did it, the pain was gone. It fixed. I ran out, and 2 weeks later, it came back with a vengeance.
I never had so much pain. It was unbelievable, and I didn't have any clay. Oh my goodness. Luckily, I had a man that knew more about that situation than any human being I ever met. And he said, Edward, you listen to your friends, but wait 10 days to do anything they told you to do. He said, do exactly as I tell you to do, and you won't have any pain. You'll be weak for 10 days, but you will not have any more pain. All of it will pass, then you can do anything your friends tell you to do. One of my friends told me to take a whole head of lettuce. Romaine lettuce, a big head of it and slam it into the blender, with ice water and sweeten it with dates.
He told me about that 40 years prior to the time when I finally tried it. I hadn't even tried it. 40 years later, I tried to found out it was the most refreshing drink I ever drank, but that wasn't the thing to do when I poisoned myself. You want a a great cold summer drink that's nourishing? Take that ice water with a whole head of romaine lettuce and sweeten it with dates. That is delicious. And you can do the whole head like that. Just drink it down, and you don't you don't even realize it's so easy. So the when you poison yourself like that, your gut becomes very tender and the whole it's like closes up.
So he taught me to steam 4 vegetables and only use cayenne and sea salt. I I drank the juice for 10 days. I did that morning, noon, and night as I was instructed, and it worked perfectly. That flat parsley, that Italian zucchini, the celery. And what was the other one? There's one more. Come on, Edward. There's just one more. It'll come to me. You know, I can't think of it at the moment. That's crazy. There's only 4 vegetables that go in that stomach when you're in that bad of shape, and you'll make it through it without ending up in a hospital.
You know, just little things in life make a lot of difference. Simple things. You know, the old folks used to say use this remedy or cod liver oil or this or what? Because they work. They weren't making that stuff up. All of the things that worked were made to be a quack label. What happened was Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, genocidal, families, got together, sent Flexner around the country to analyze all these universities, created the Flexner report, which put 58 universities, homeopathic universities out of business by 1952. They put them all out of business by investing lots of money only in institutions that would sell their pharmaceuticals, and they put in heavy duty equipment, big equipment because they can make money now.
Rockefeller was only interested in industries he could totally monopolize. So they developed the AMA, which is an internationally structured private association that monopolizes all medicine in this country. Can't be penetrated by alphabet agencies because it's an international structure. They're not under any government agencies, so they can't penetrate them. They're not under their jurisdiction. They're in another jurisdiction with their tentacles into every part of the United States, but they have a partner, the government, because they own all the politicians and they have twice, 3 times the lobbyists of the next industry.
They control this country, the medical establishment, the pharmaceutical companies pulling in untold 1,000,000,000 and trillions with their sorcery. The root word of pharmaceutical is pharmakeia, And in Greek, it always has, does, and will mean sorcery. I don't know why anybody would wanna defile the temples with sorcery. But, again, language is unknown to the people. The people are ignorant. They don't know their own language. Gay used to mean happy, then they change it to a sexual thing. They keep changing the words to make sure you don't know your language. You go and read those legal documents. Now that's real English.
All words were written for law. The pharaoh said it so it'd be written so it'd be done. All words were written for law. All languages for law. But the people have they bastardized it, everything. You got stories from the past about people that lived on this planet, and then they take the books and bastardize those. They made the King James version. They hired a criminal to put the footnotes in it and then spend 1,000,000 to put that version all over the planet so everybody would back Israel in the footnotes. If they were Christian, well, they gotta back Israel.
It's all propaganda, the whole thing. Out of 4 1,000 versions, they decided the only one to spread around the world was the one with the footnotes in it written by the criminal. It is what it is. People say, oh, that's terrible. I say it is what it is. Deal with it. Look at it for what it is, not what you think or want it to be. You may want something to be something and work towards getting it, but don't look at it as it is what you actually want it to be because if it's not what then you're looking at a you're looking at things as backwards. The only way to deal with anything is to deal with the reality of it.
Because if you're trying to fix something and everything you were told about it is wrong, how are you gonna fix it? You were told that all your problems are genetic, Now you don't have to fix it. You don't have to take responsibility. You come into their houses of worship. They tell you, oh, just, tell us everything about your whole life, everything you did wrong. And don't worry. We'll handle it. We'll be we'll be intermediary between you and the one and only, and we'll take care of everything for you. Just drop a check-in the box on the way out and, do what we tell you to. Do these, say all these words.
Well, that way you don't have to take responsibility, and next year, you can do the same thing. You can go out and murder and be the mafia and go in there and confess, and you're forgiven. No problem. You don't you don't have to take responsibility for this life, and that's the problem with humans. For the last 400 years with religion, 500 years, they don't have to take responsibility for everything. It's all handled for them. It's all under control. Of course, they took all that information the mafia gave them and controlled the mafia.
The mafia is the strong-arm of the Vatican, and they're one of the most organized organization on the planet. Now what? And who's controlling this planet? All the cartels. Who do you think controls everything? You saw the movies. Who control all the politicians in this country in their early thirties twenties, the roaring twenties? All the bootleg money. All the gangsters control the popular the politicians. Nothing's changed. They just compromised them now. They got better ways. They use Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita flights. Get the pictures taken and then they're gonna do what you tell them to do, every one of them.
Then they are they're bringing lots of money. Send 200,000,000,000 to Ukraine and double it back and give it to the politicians to get everybody elected. But what do I know? I couldn't possibly know anything. What we need to do is concern ourselves with ourselves because we can't do anything about any of that. I found out there's 2 only 2 things I have control over in this life, and that's what comes in and out of my mouth. What I put in my mouth and my spoken word are the only two things I have control over in this life. And if I don't exercise that control consciously hey. That's on me.
I can't blame anybody else. Everybody wants to blame the oh, they wanna blame. This is the problem. That's the problem. This one is the problem. I listen to this all the time, people tell me. Well, it's my children that's the problem. They don't care about me. That's why I have cancer. No. No. No. No. No. It's your thinking that causes your problems. Problems aren't real. My mentor told me decades ago, he said problems, problems, problems. Don't you know problems aren't real? The moment you come up with a solution, that problem disappears like it never existed.
Poof. Gone. And there's a solution for every single one. But if you don't look for it, if you're not open to it, if you're living in worry and fear, then how can the answer ever come to you? You're blocking it all the way with that. They call it the ego. My associate calls it the brick, the brick that blocks people from learning, blocks people from growing, blocks people from everything. That's because the brick or the ego was programmed by religionity dumbed down public schools in the. They just had you repeating those affirmations over and over and over again. They knew they were planting seeds in you that would bear fruit, the fruit they wanted to you to bear.
So all they need to do is round up everybody, put them in dumbed down public government schools, and condition them the way they wanted to, and they did. And that's why you got youngsters that have no respect for their elders because they condition them not to have it, and they've always done that. Divide and conquer. The only way you can keep a people under control is to keep them off balance. That means focus them on each other against each other so they'll never know what's really going on. They can't see the forest from the trees. Proper hydration or lack of is the key to your health.
Most people walking around dehydrated, and that's not a joke. I'm not just saying that. Most of the time when you're hungry, you're actually thirsty. Someone taught me about 15 years ago, he said, Edward, we're water beans. Every time you're hungry, your stomach's empty. If you notice it dry, you're actually thirsty. Before you eat, you should always drink a big glass of water. It takes 15 or 20 minutes to go down. That'll curb your appetite so you can make conscious decisions. When I forget when I forget to do that, sometimes it gets you you you get dehydrated. Then you eat food, lots of sugar, and you're still dehydrated because you never drank the water.
That's not true. Do you think is gonna happen when you're dehydrating more and then eating and mixing garbage and yeast? You guys gotta mute your phones if you're gonna talk. We need to learn how to combine our foods properly. Had I listened to 2 doctors that tried to teach me how to combine my foods properly, I never woulda had a stroke in 1999.
[01:05:12] Unknown:
So unless you
[01:05:14] Unknown:
I almost lost my life. Looking for the pollen all the time. You guys gotta mute your phones.
[01:05:21] Unknown:
I'll buy some I'll buy some.
[01:05:24] Unknown:
Okay. Can we mute
[01:05:26] Unknown:
mute their phones? I don't know, but I'll get some. And that way, I have something that's Oh, no. And I can't even tell who's talking. I don't know who's talking to. No. It was. I had 2. No. Because the was concerned about you. So you gotta let me know. No. I'm not. No. I guess you are. No. That's not.
[01:05:51] Unknown:
Whose number is in New Jersey, ends in 3731? Somebody's phone in New Jersey ends in 37 I don't need to change the.
[01:06:02] Unknown:
Don't breathe in ice. Okay. I'll I'll change the. Daryl. We got a problem here. Yeah. Yeah. Keep somebody in the door.
[01:06:14] Unknown:
Should I call Paul?
[01:06:17] Unknown:
No. I'm just saying 201
[01:06:19] Unknown:
you want the phone to be just call them.
[01:06:21] Unknown:
These people need to demute their phone. It's going to go up to your cell. I'm going with your phone. Do you want something?
[01:06:29] Unknown:
Let me see if I can call Paul. Maybe you can mute him.
[01:06:36] Unknown:
The the choice is up to us always, and we're making choices constantly.
[01:06:43] Unknown:
Every moment of the day, we're making choices. You wouldn't got it done. I thought you woulda had on. You wouldn't have nothing to do with it.
[01:06:51] Unknown:
What a shame. I need control over this board. I need to be able to control this board. It's a darn shame.
[01:07:13] Unknown:
It's okay. I know what's the the light is. Yourself because it's getting too Yeah. I'm it does. Yeah. It's a hair. Yes. We have to relax for you. Where'd you go? Mute your phone. Mute your phone. Mute your phone star 6.
[01:08:18] Unknown:
Can I ask a question? Hello? Can ask a question? Do you own a red one?
[01:08:28] Unknown:
Go ahead and ask who's talking.
[01:08:31] Unknown:
Yeah. This is Mark from New York. How are you? How are you doing, Mark? Good. Thank you. I was on the call the other day talking about the, the public call. So, I see that you have, bentonite, and calcium, protocol for, killing parasites. And as you mentioned that you ran out and they came back with inventions. Is this a fasting protocol as well? I mean, how do you actually, work with this, as a, good parasite plans to kinda boost your health and well-being? I mean, for the most part, I feel good. I just always challenged by their you know, by what's going on around us, you know, with all the spraying of the clouds and the the the the frequencies and the from the towers that are in my backyard. So I I I just wanna be as strong as I can be. You have towers in your backyard?
Oh, yeah. Yeah. I was talking that about how they're killing the birch trees from the top down.
[01:09:33] Unknown:
I wanna get lead paint. I was kinda searching on No. No. No. If you have if you have towers right near where you live, anybody that lives near 5 g towers is in trouble. If you have a load of smart meters on your wall, you need to move out immediately if it's in an apartment because they're not gonna change it. They'll only change out yours, and everyone's gonna get cancer who lives, with smart figures on their wall, across from their wall, under if they have an apartment above the smart the same thing with those 5 g towers. They're all getting cancer from the 5 g towers.
They're putting out a when I take, Benjamin for a ride and there's a 5 g tower there, he immediately tells me, listen. That tower is killing me. Move we gotta move the car, man.
[01:10:29] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, it it's it's up on, like, the 10th floor. I'm on the 3rd floor. I'm not right across from it. It's it's there in the backyard. There's no birds anymore. I know that there's a lot has changed, but I got a bunch of wire, copper wire. I was thinking about bringing them some bringing some, tin roof or aluminum roofing from from a building I'm tearing down and putting on the ceiling. It just kinda make our Faraday cage out of the whole building and get some some sun guide and put it in the paint, get some lead, put in the paint, do it the best I can. Awesome.
[01:11:00] Unknown:
Awesome. There is there is special there is special paint that a company makes and materials we can talk about, and, there's definitely meters you can measure. When, Benjamin brought it to my attention that he had slipped and fallen in the garage before he rented that apartment in Florida, and I said, you slipped and fell in the garage, and you never told me there were 14 smart meters on the wall before you moved in that place. You made a big mistake. You can't live there. And, he told me that he couldn't even think straight. I said, okay. Go get a hotel room and get your mother out of there. Within 2 days, he was able to think straight. He went back to the apartment to see what was going on and immediately his whole mind, everything was changed because of the frequency that was coming out there. We bought a special meter and measured it, and it was way too high.
And, turns out that every single person that, had that the people owe the people that had lived in the apartment before he moved in broke their lease and left early. Turns out they left to go to Texas from Florida to the Cancer Institute. And the lady downstairs, she would only crack the door about 6 inches or crack her curtain. She never come out. She wouldn't even open the door. She had the smart meters right there on her wall too. Then I get then I hear from, what's his name, Bryce. Bryce says to me, Edward, due to circumstances, I had to stay in an extended stay in Oklahoma City a couple of years ago, and there was a cell tower I could see outside my window.
And every time they turned it up, it would go right through me. Well, he says, I went back and visited that extended stay. Every one of the workers there has cancer.
[01:13:02] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, in the meantime, you know, I mean, I I I'm doing things to mitigate it, and I I would like to You have to.
[01:13:08] Unknown:
[01:13:10] Unknown:
You have no choice. Consider it that you're at war, and the enemy has got their weapons up on you weakening you. You better do something to do with that situation.
[01:13:21] Unknown:
Yeah. I wear I wear, clothing by lambs and different different, cell blocking, materials I'm working on putting around my apartment. I also got land in the catsuit. I spent a fair amount of time up there. But in the meantime, I'm just curious about your protocols with, you know, calcium Bentonite and how how you do it. And, you know, like you said, you ran out of it and they, the parasites came back with a vengeance. Is there a, is it a fasting protocol? Is there how do you recommend doing the most for your I'll explain. Thank you. I'll
[01:13:55] Unknown:
I'll explain. And the infect the infection that was in my intestine when I poisoned myself, the inflammation, when I only drank it once, yeah, it stopped it, but it it it obviously, I didn't get it all out, and there was some trace amounts left in there from only drinking the clay once when I had poisoned myself. That time, I had ripped a piece of brown off the bone and slammed it on a Kaiser road with some, probably some mustard and mayonnaise, and I just shoved it in my face and ended up poisoning myself. And it it took 2 weeks before it showed up again. It had been festering probably in my intestine.
And when it showed up again, it was like constant pain, the 30 something hours. I I had Diane pressing up my back. Push, push, push right in there, right in the corner. Yeah. But it wasn't my back. It was my intestines, and I didn't realize it. I finally said after about 36 hours of so much pain and and not and not knowing, I said, you know what? Take me to the hospital. I wanna I wanna, I wanna know what's going on exactly. I want him to look at it. So Excuse me. Doctor said it.
[01:15:14] Unknown:
Ed Edward. Edward. I'm jumping in here. I'm gonna set the room to show mode. All of the speakers are muted, and they can unmute themselves. Anybody that you're talking to will have to press star 6 to unmute. When you're done talking, please press star 6 again so we don't have a bunch of background noise interfering with other callers. Thank you very much. Thanks, Edward.
[01:15:39] Unknown:
Thank you. So, with that said, if yes. There are things we can do to block these frequencies, and I want people to get this in perspective again. I'm gonna remind everybody and those that haven't heard. The word flu, everybody knows the word flu. It comes from the word influenza, which actually comes from the word influence, which came from Kansas City back in the 1800. When they opened up the telegraph and they were under the influence of the electricity from the wires, they would get influence symptoms, flu symptoms. Well, it's always been like that.
We have dirty electricity in our houses. We have all kinds of frequencies. Then now they got the 5 g. When they turn it up, they can simulate that you got COVID. Oh, yeah. Anybody's dying of COVID. No. They're dying of them turning up the frequencies and causing the symptoms to appear like you got something like a cold flu or whatever, and they can turn it up enough to kill you. They did it in Wuhan. They were dropping dead in the streets. The second place they did it was in Milan, Italy, and they were dropping dead and scared the hell out of everybody in this country. And the 3rd place they did it was in New York City. They turned up the 5 g towers to make sure everybody was getting sick.
Well, they still got 5 g towers. Matter of fact, they were putting them up in massive rates while they had everybody locked in in the country because, obviously, it was a security issue. They had to keep putting them up. We are at war and they're the enemy that is getting rid of us. They're act genociding us. It is what it is. If people don't want to accept it, I can understand them not wanting to accept it because it's it really is an ugly way to have to look at things to see the real reality of this book, what's going on in this world. You think everybody is nice and they're not, but there's a lot more nice people than there are them.
[01:18:21] Unknown:
Yeah. I was in, New York City during COVID, and I saw how, I interviewed a lot of the frontline people as a filmmaker and heard a bunch of stories about how people are coding in the emergency room. It was just, you know, mitochondria, electron train all being just, you know, interrupted, etcetera, etcetera. And you're speaking right on the money. I I was saying to everybody, COVID COVID. What are you talking about? This is just you know, we're just getting bombarded. But, Kimberly, if you have that,
[01:18:50] Unknown:
protocol, is it fasting protocol about lint night and No. Here's what you do. When you'd Thank you. I consider a gallon 1 gallon of clay water, which is a 120 something ounces to the gallon. Right? With 12 ounces of powder, 1 tenth. You make up 2 half gallons with 6 ounces of powder in each half gallon. That's 12 ounces per gallon. So 1 10, 6 for 60 ounces of water, 6 ounces of powder, and it hydrates and it's the smoothest by the 50 5th day, but I drink it right away this the next day. And I drink a glass a day. By the time it's finished, whether it's 10 ounces or 8 ounces, if you're eyeballing it, it's 12 to 16 days.
It's all, gone. What it does is it surrounds all of the critters living in your gut, that rotten and putrid infestation of parasites and, kind of entraps them, blinds them, and throws them off so they just get pulled out of the body without them ever getting to war with your immune system, which would be quite uncomfortable. It cause a lot of discomfort when you do heavy herbal detoxes, when you have a lot of parasite buildup. They're they're gonna know you're coming after them, and they're just gonna war with you. So I send the clay in under the radar, so to speak, and encapsulate them and pull them out of the body every day while I'm putting some magnesium ozone slowly into the body and then increasing it in larger amounts so that I can get the oxygen into trillions of cells in my body. I can always raise the oxygen level just by breathing hard.
You know, do a lot of deep breathing and stuff. That'll raise your oxygen levels in your blood, but that's not what we're looking to do. We're looking to raise cellular oxygen that feeds the mitochondria, the actual oxygen that needs so it can burn that and and have all of your systems in your body function properly. And it's amazing when you get the systems back functioning properly, how everything is addressed in the body. And so many different chances that people are having are all being addressed the same way. All of a sudden, this is gone, that's gone, this is gone because you're actually addressing the underlying causation that is plaguing the person.
They're just not aware of what it is. Dehydration is one of the main things, but detoxification and elimination, rehydration, reoxygenation of all tissue cells, remineralization, and renutritionalization. We're not getting the nutrition we really need from our food mostly. We eat a lot of junk or we eat cooked food or we eating a lot of, you know, the enzymes are dead. Restaurant food has all the wrong oils in it. Processed food has all the wrong oils. What do the wrong oils do to you? They throw your life out of whack. They cause all the inflammation in your life, and they're in everything. And you just gotta learn to start making habits out of getting all the right things and create recipes.
Just a few of them even, a couple, makes the whole difference because now you can let go of the other things you were doing that weren't good for you. Automatically, you don't have time to eat more than one meal at a time. So why don't you make it a healthy one? Why don't you drink some water and calm down so you're not so hungry and take your time to prepare your food? Think about what you're gonna do. Drink water with your meal too. They tell you to that's another lie. Don't drink water with your meal. It dilutes your stomach acids. No. That's what helps you get the nutrition into your blood.
Drink water after your meal or tea. Tea and water is equivalent. But when you mix carbohydrates in the same stomach with any living flesh products, now you're causing yourself all kinds of distress in your body because it's gonna ferment the sugar with the living flesh products. Carbohydrates turn to sugar, and the fermentation the liver can't handle, it has to create fat to store all of that toxin in. Then the all those fats and oils from the flesh products you ate go into your blood and now your body's running on fats. That's what's clogging up your receptors.
And if you put sugar in there during and for 3 hours afterwards, there's no way for them to get into the cells. So they stay in your blood and it raises your blood sugar. They call that diabetes, prediabetes, diabetes, and we're doing it to ourselves. We're the one up our receptors, putting sugar in there, and it's just staying in our blood, raising our blood sugar until we cause so much inflammation. We use the we we lose the use of our limbs because of it because we know not what they do. What what did he say? Forgive them for they know not what they do. We don't know what we're doing. And then when we know what we're doing, we need to do what we know. I'm talking to myself.
They told me when you get angry, you're really not angry at the other person. You're angry at yourself. You're frustrated with yourself because you're not getting things clear. You're not manifesting your situation, your life the way you want to.
[01:25:11] Unknown:
Well, you're making make making it very clear to me. I I appreciate hearing this. Just a question a little further explanation. I know you're saying you're using ozone as well. Is that, like, ozone therapy type thing through the, or is it through magnesium supplement supplements and and during this time where you're taking the gallon and 12 ounces of, Denzanite, you are you fasting at the same time? This is great questions. Okay.
[01:25:38] Unknown:
You can you can fast anytime you want. Intermittent fasting is pretty much the way I live. I, from the time I wake up in the morning, I mostly drink until the late afternoon, and then I eat my food for as long a period as I want. Maybe I'll eat a little while later again, but during a small window of time and the rest of the time, you allow your body to, cleanse itself. Now to help it cleanse itself when there's all kinds of buildup inside of including the crystal plaque along your one cell thick, intestinal walls that builds up and doesn't let nutrition and oxygen get through into your blood. And then, of course, it cracks and breaks, and they call it leaky gut when the poison goes right through it, which when you heard about leaky brain, they're synonymous. Leaky gut goes right through the brain barrier and poisons your brain.
What we wanna do is keep everything up to speed. Maintenance. Keep it all cleaned out. You don't want any buildup in your gut. The the clay, when you drink it, it breaks it breaks down enough of the living matter in your body to get it out, and then the magnesium ozone will help break down all that crystalized plaque along your colon walls that's preventing you from literally getting nutrition and, the biofilm that's in your intestines and spreads to your lungs and your organs. You wanna break all that biofilm down so the parasites don't have a refuge to live in, and they'll leave your body. Now when you when you heat up the body over a certain temperature, that kills off all the bad bacteria and viruses. That's correct.
When doctor Coley discovered in the late 1800 that all of his patients with cancer and strep throat with high fevers no longer had cancer, he realized that it's the temperature. Your healthy cells, your good cells can handle high temperature. You can go over a 106 degrees. You don't have to, but you the all of the rest of the critters that live in you, they can't they can't tolerate that. So, you know, COVID is nothing you can raise the body temperature over a 101, a 102, a 103. They die off at a 10101.2, I think. So if you get your body up over a 103, all of that's fixed the next day. When I do the bass with the bentonite clay, they laughed at me. They were all sick in the house about 15 years ago, and, Pendu's throat was closed.
They all went and got prescriptions. They're all taking antibiotics, and they're laughing at me because I'm not gonna take it. And I feel my throat, and I said, you know, I could feel it coming on with what you guys got. Well, you better take the antibiotics or you're gonna have it too. I said, nonsense. You watch. I went and I wasn't sick enough where I was laid down or nothing. I just felt something was coming on. I could tell. So I went and took that hot bath and got my body temperature up to a 103.8. When I got out of that of course, I prepared the bathtub first. And when I got out of that tub, I threw on sweats, a beanie, and socks and rolled up in a blanket.
I fell asleep for more than an hour. I was laying on the bed. When I got up, I peeled everything off in a pile because even the blanket was wet. It was all wet. The beanie, the socks, everything. And I rinsed off. I didn't feel much different. The next day, I felt amazing. Do you know after Pandu got finished with his prescription, his closed up again? He had to take it again? So much for prescriptions.
[01:29:48] Unknown:
Sure. His immune system was weak, and it killed everything.
[01:29:53] Unknown:
All I had to do was raise my body temperature. It fixes everything.
[01:29:58] Unknown:
So so the magnesium the ozone magnesium, is that is that a supplement or is that through, Yes. I mean, and Yes. We have it in capsules,
[01:30:08] Unknown:
and you just you can take as many as you need. To start with, if you're very, very toxic and old, you go slowly with anything. You you wanna inch out the toxins out of your body every day slowly and inch it up. When you drink the clay, you're taking the edge off. You can take the Magozone and then just start increasing larger amounts of it. If you feel any reaction like Herxheimer's effect, the lethargy, tiredness, or anything like that. You just maintain or back off slightly and maintain, let it clear, and then go deeper and dive deeper. You look into the doc, go deeper, deeper into the trillions of cells to open them up So they all open up and discharge their tops, not halfway. I don't like doing a job halfway.
If I wanna fix my car, I want all the bolts tightened up, and I want them tight.
[01:31:00] Unknown:
Well, you're talking about I agree. You're talking about a gallon. You go beyond that. That's just that's just No. No. The gallon of clay water
[01:31:10] Unknown:
is a detox. You finish it in 12 to 16 days, and you just did what I consider a detox. You wanna do that 3 or 4 times a year. A maintenance of clay for osteoporosis, etcetera, and many other things is 2 ounces of that mixture a day, which is very little clay. Ten ounces would be 1 ounce of powder. So 2 ounces is 1 fifth of an ounce is all that you got in there. But that will, completely, help anybody to avoid osteoporosis. And if they're already hunched over, pile that clay on their back over and over again till you pull out all that scar tissue there that's been there for so long. Let them stand up. Watch them start standing up straighter and straighter. Just keep putting it on over and over again as a Poultice.
The same way I pull out all them tumors out of the body. You just pop put it on and wrap it in cellophane. If you need if you need large cellophane, you go to Home Depot and get that pallet wrapping. It comes in 15, 18, and 20 inch cellophane rolls for less than $20, and you can wrap your whole body in it, the midsection and with clay and and it'll pull all them tumors right out of your gut, shrink all that stuff in your cavity.
[01:32:36] Unknown:
It's great. Great. Appreciate this. Appreciate you. I,
[01:32:40] Unknown:
you know, I'm I'm pretty good for the most part. I just wanna maintenance and and and take a detox and and and build up and, you know, it sounds like you're not necessarily needing to have a complete fast. Just delay the the food to later parts of the day. Is that correct?
[01:32:57] Unknown:
Yeah. That's you don't have to fast. You can drink clay and put it in your smoothie. It doesn't matter. As a matter of fact, if some people just will not get their head around the idea of drinking dirt. Right? Because that's what they're thinking. You you just take that same mixture and just put fill the glass halfway and fill the rest of it with apple juice, they'll think they're drinking an apple juice smoothie. The clay absorbs the flavor from the juice, and that's all it looks. It seems like an apple juice smoothie. You can't tell the difference. Or any flavored juice. What's the difference?
So I you know, when people have cancer, I don't tell them to drink juice. Just get that clay in you. Let's get you fixed. Let's get the let's get your, your acidic levels down, raise your pH of your body. That clay is totally alkaline. It alkalizes your body and so does the magnesium ozone. This is all important to go in that direction. You wanna realkalize your body and reoxygenate it because doctor Otto Warburg won 2 Nobel Prizes in the 19 thirties and was nominated for a third. The only man in history ever had that happen in science, no less in medicine.
He proved the prime cause and prevention of cancer. Why? That's how he won the Nobel Prize. He proved in 1930 the prime cause and prevention of cancer. 60% or more deprivation of oxygen to the cell starts the fermentation process. That's right. They live on sugar. So the oncologist, when when you're tired and he's making off and giving you chemotherapies, oh, just take a piece of candy over there and give you some energy. He knows that's what's the cancer's feeding off of. We need any any oncologist that does that needs really needs to go to prison. Because what he's saying is here, die.
Here, I'm gonna kill you and I want you to die more. Take some sugar.
[01:35:08] Unknown:
I don't think they're that smart.
[01:35:09] Unknown:
Their belief system is from the 1800. It's cut, poison, and burn. It's called allopathic medicine, and they monopolized and dominated the United States. They have more medicines here in this country, more prescriptions, and the worst, health outcomes of almost any country on this planet. You see all the countries that didn't take the COVID shots, their health is so much better. These people have been set up to take the COVID shots, and all the shots that came before the flu shots set them up. They've been setting them up all along, putting that garbage in them shots. They just made it better this time, better for them to kill us or hook us up to the Internet and the ones that don't make it and die, oh, well.
To them, it's just sacrifice. When they sacrifice us, they they think they're being rewarded. It is what it is, and we have to protect ourselves. We have to wake up and wake everybody up and get get with the program of educating yourself. As long as you keep believing doctors are gonna fix you, I wish you luck with that one. Now what happens when you have an abscess in your mouth? The dentist can't even look at your mouth. Right? Just take that bentonite clay, 2 parts water, 1 part clay, nice and thick, pack it in your jar overnight. Watch it take out that whole thing. It'll pull all that poison out of your jar. Believe me, I have pictures of my eye closed. My jaw was so swollen.
That's how it works. It works beautifully. You can put it on the outside and the inside of your throat and your jaw if you have cancer in the throat or you have, anything wrong with your throat or your jaw. Just put it on the inside and the outside. Gargle with the clay. You can goggle with let's say you have sore throat and, or pops at the larynx. Like, that man came to visit me at Phil's Furniture Factory, and I was babysitting his giant place. He's out delivering. Some man come walking in there, and he's talking like this. And I said, excuse me, if I'm not being too personal, can I ask you, why do you talk like that?
And he was very candid. He said I had polyps of the larynx. 25 years ago, they operated on them, and they grew back. I've been talking like this for 20 years. I said, really? I said, may I make a suggestion? If you gargle with this clay, I believe it's going to fix it. So I gave him some, and, I explained to him what to do. Well, a week later, I'm sitting in the break room and a man come walking in the warehouse in a white suit and a white hat. And he starts talking from a distance, you know, his eyes on me. And I got up and I said, excuse me. Aren't you the man that was in here talking like this the other day?
And he said, yes. And I said, knowing what he was gonna say that my mind was gonna be blown, I said, why aren't you talking like that anymore? Well, why aren't you talking like that now? And he said, because I did what you told me to. Oh my god. That was like 20 years ago. It's freaking amazing. It's been like that ever since. Every time I tell somebody something that I know is gonna work, even though I never did it before, it works. It's like a gift. It's not just the knowledge. It's it's that I know it's gonna work. So when my friend Ronald was sleeping in his van outside my daughter's house and he was sick as a dog coughing.
I told him to come in the house. It was, like, 20 degrees. I said, come inside in my bedroom and keep your mouth shut. I don't want you waking nobody up and getting me in trouble. And I I let him sleep on my couch in my bedroom only. He wouldn't sleep. He kept coughing. So there was no sleep, and I said, get up. Get get over here. I made him up a glass of that clay water, 4 ounces. I I poured him, and I said, go in the bathroom and gargle with this for 15 minutes. Every time it slides down your throat, take another sip and gargle. Let it slide down your throat, take another sip and gargle. When 15 minutes is done, okay, that's enough.
He didn't cough again for 5 hours. When he coughed again, I said do it again. Then he comes back the next day, comes back from the doctor, and he's got these antibiotics. He said the doctor says I got pneumonia. I said, I coulda told you that. You don't need to go to no doctor for me to tell you you got pneumonia. He said he he told me to take these antibiotics. I said, I wouldn't take them if I was you. You're gonna kill all your good bacteria. It's bad enough your immune system is at the pump right now. You wanna destroy the rest of it? When you're over 60 and you take antibiotics, your life goes downhill. You're short in your life.
Bad enough when you take them when you're young. So I said to him, come here. And I had 35% hydrogen peroxide. I set up 2 glasses of water. I put a quarter teaspoon in one of them. I said, drink straight down and wash it down with this other glass of water. Of course, the next day, all that pneumonia was gone. He never got to take those antibiotics. I I I couldn't see it. There's no there's no point in taking that garbage. The only kind of antibiotics that would be good in an emergency is penicillin. The rest of them, forget it. And by the way, pneumonia, 60% of it is antibiotic resistant.
In other words, antibiotics don't work on pneumonia anymore. Now what? So they keep giving them to you and weakening your body. All they're doing is ignorantly destroying each human being with their protocols. It's not the diseases, cancer, diabetes, heart disease that's killing everybody. It's their protocols. Get with the program. Learn how to fix yourself. Now red clove is the most powerful natural antibiotic on the planet. It's an herb, and it works beautifully on every kind of infection in your body. You make a tea out of it, and you're good to go.
I don't need their antibiotics. I got what I need. My friends say to me I've heard them say to me, Edward, don't you get sick? Because they know me a long time. And it my answer is not really. No. Do I feel super fantastic all the time? No. If I don't feel, you know, all that or something, I do something about it. Take something. Take some beef pounce, spirulina. Take something. Now I've been using that more mitell oil. It's got so many good things in it. It's fantastic. But when I don't put it in my mouth, I don't get the benefit of it. And right now, I've been talking. I'm not putting it in my mouth, and I didn't take it for hours. It seems to work beautifully under my tongue. It makes you feel great.
Anything that makes you feel good, you gotta think about it. Either it's bad for you or it's good for you, one or the other. But it it makes you feel anything. It's something. It's something too. When you put anything under your tongue and you get mental clarity or calmness or you feel these, you know it's working. You know you got something decent. Every kind of tea I ever made, I could feel it when I drink it. You know, I make my own root beer. I take I'll take the, soda water, sparkling water, and I brew up first the sarsaparilla. And I'll make it concentrated in a nice pot of sarsaparilla, pour it into a container.
And then I put a little bit into the club soda, put a little coconut milk in there, some Stevia, and I got myself a root beer float. But when you sip on that sassparilla, that opens up your mind too. Everything that's good for you, you could tell because you could feel it in your body when you put it in. Now the sugar, you could feel it too. The problem is it leaves you hungover afterwards. Sugar puts you on a it takes you to super highs and super lows. It's a very powerful drug, and we're all victims of it. We all like that sweet stuff. I use Stevia a lot to replace all the sugars.
It's plenty sweet, keeps my palate fine, and it stimulates my pancreas, so it's actually beneficial rather than harmful. Does anybody have a question? Because I don't need to I I mean, we could talk about anything in particular if somebody has a question. Does anybody have a health challenge you want to address? I had 2 of them for the stomach gastrointestinal in the same day this week. One of them had the ulcer where the esophagus connects to the stomach. The other one has it where the stomach connects to the intestine.
I got an amazing testimonial from Annette Ballen today. She said my friend went to the hospital. They were gonna cut out that joint where his stomach goes to his small intestines. They were gonna do the surgery. And another doctor said, no. No. No. You don't need to do surgery. You need to have a bland diet, and you need to do the take these antibiotics. So they wouldn't do the surgery. Thank god he got home, got the clay came to him. He drank it. He said, he told her that clay is the most amazing thing. All of his pain is gone. I told him, the lining of your stomach will regrow every 7 days. If you haven't also drink the clay, sip on it all day so that it sucks up that bacteria and gets it out, and the ulcer will stop. It will all grow back very quickly.
You do not need any of them medications from the gastrointestinal aisle, which is the biggest one in the drugstore because that's all anybody's having is gastrointestinal problems. And besides, doctor Freebod taught me that all disease starts and continues in the colon. All disease. Keep your colon clean. You'll prevent all the disease in your life if you understand this for the rest of your life. This is the basic understanding you need to keep yourself healthy for the whole your whole life. No one wants to live in disease. It's just not practical, and there's no reason for it except ignorance.
And we are ignorant. We've been lied to and told to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Doesn't matter if you're £95 or a £195, get them 8 glasses of water in you. Another bunch of nonsense. Since we're 74% water, 94% water is our blood. Then they told us to eat all 5 food groups, the food pyramid. Now you know why everybody's so sick. Of course, Rockefeller decided to use chemical fertilizer and take all of the the not MSM, the, sulfur out of our foods. So now the sulfur that carries the oxygen to your cells has been deliberately excommunicated from our food, from the chemical fertilizers that Rockefeller put on all of us.
Oh, and by the way, I remember when Bush senior said that genetic no genetically modified crops would ever get into our food system. He lied. It's all in our food system. The Europeans won't buy anything from us. The Chinese stopped buying our food from us because it's genetically modified. They won't buy it. We're gonna get stuck with it all. We used to have enough. We could grow enough food to feed the world. Nobody wants our food anymore. They don't allow all those food dyes in Europe. They've outlawed them all. And you know the first place people go to when they get severely ill in Europe, in Germany?
Ozone clinics. I bet you know I bet you most of the people on this call don't know that. They actually address things with ozone because it is the best cleanser sanitizer ever on the planet. It's what allows us to live on this planet. Without ozone, all that pollution would have built up and it'd be too toxic to this world. The ozone is what counters all the toxins and pollution in our environment and in our body. You are not even able to get a transfusion anymore anywhere. You cannot receive blood that has not been first ozonated because they discovered that ozone purifies the blood.
Well, it does in the body too, but Anthony Fauci wouldn't allow when Ed McCabe went to him with all 300 test cases for HIV and AIDS, and he had a 100% reversal on all of them. And one man was there begging Fauci to be able to use the dialysis machine with the ozone, and he put a pyramid over his head with his two thumbs together and his two pointed fingers, laid back in his chair, and told Ed McCabe and the other doctors, you'll have to do this, this, and this, another 6 years $6,000,000. That's because he was lying. He he invented this whole thing AIDS, and it all came from the vaccines. It's called VADES now.
Vaccine induce autoimmune, deficiency. From taking all the vaccines and flu shots, everyone's got this autoimmune deficiency now where they can't fight off any disease and they're multiplying spike proteins that are attached to their receptors. Now the nicotine receptors that are sticking, attaching the spike proteins to them will free them with a little bit of nicotine patch. Doctor Ardis figured it all out. They put all types of venoms in those shots. That's why people were getting paralyzed. There's venoms in them. You said all kinds of weird things where people all of a sudden were just twisting and turning and dropping dead everywhere on every sports field in this country.
That's because of the venoms causing myocarditis and instant heart attacks. And what's what really happened, and 21, a few months after the shots were introduced, the bodies were showing up with calamari clots coming out of them. When they try to get the formaldehyde in them, they couldn't get in in them. And they start pulling these long up to 6 foot long clots that aren't even made out of blood. They're made out of tin. They're made with, tin, Graphene oxide, and aluminum. The graphene oxide assembles in your body to hook you up to the Internet of things with their antennas. And they put it in you. They're spraying it over our heads. They're putting it in our food. They want the people that survive all of this genocide, the ones that survive, they want them hooked up to the Internet as slaves. They try to get robots to be, you know, like human, but they couldn't do it. So they're making humans like robots.
They that's the only way they can accomplish their total control over the races of all the humans. Their plan is to, be able to take their whole consciousness and just take new bodies and live forever. Hey. It is what it is, but that's their, point of view. And we're here, and unless we know what's going on, we become their victims. I don't do I don't do victim good. I'm not one of those kind of people that do victim good. I'm the kind of guy that likes to turn it around and put the victim where it belongs. The first thing you have to do is shield yourself and protect yourself. When somebody that you try to save from drowning tries to drown you?
My mentor told me, shove them deeper and get away. I value my peace more than anything in my life. Without that peace in my life, I got nothing. Because all the things in the world, I could give you a $1,000,000,000 and tell you you can never come out of your womb again. So what good is it? That feeling inside of me of that peace, that's the feeling I want. That's who I am. That's what I am. And when I'm out of touch with it, it just feels like something's missing. And then I I really recognize that I'm thirsty to feel that peace, hungry. Not just a little dab of it. I wanna really feel it.
I want it to be the dominating feeling moment to moment. Keeping my body clean is one of the ways of doing it, paying attention to that feeling inside of me is the only way to really feel it because we're always going outside of us. If this is right and that's right, then I'll feel good. Then I'll be okay. Not so fast. That's like going to the distributor instead of going to the manufacturer, the source. You keep going to the middle man outside of you. When your life is like this day, everything will be okay. No. Everything's okay now.
Make the connection inside of you to that feeling that makes everything worthwhile. Are there any questions? Somebody's gotta have a health question. There's gotta be somebody on there that's got something. Oh, by the way, those 2 people with the esophagus problems, I just told them to sip on the clay. Don't just drink it. Sip on it. Spread it out all day. Sip on it, and all of it'll clear up. You don't need their drugs. You don't need their prescriptions. You don't need them. You may think you do. That's like saying, well, God is calling all the shots. If God wills it, it'll be done. Well, what about you?
What about you willing it too? You think god can just will everything? I'm gonna drink poison and if god wills it, I'll live. Not so fast. You know, I find that people people talk about faith they have in god. I I have faith in god. You know? They're told to have faith in god and they have faith. But they have what good is it if you have no faith in yourself? There's two sides to the coin. In reality, there is no duality. There's only oneness, which means you're one with that that's you call god. So if you have faith in god and no faith in yourself, I don't see it. I just don't see it making any sense.
That's not my ego speaking. It's just a way of looking at it that says, wait a second. He's omnipresent, omnipotent, omnipotent. Supposedly, we're inside of god and god is with inside of us. So what we have faith in this god, but we don't have faith in ourselves, in our abilities to lit to literally learn and advance ourselves. I know everybody's heard the saying we're our own worst enemy. Yeah. We are. We block ourselves because that little voice that we're talking with all our lives starts calling us names when we're little. And it does it all our lives.
You know you're gonna drop that knife and you drop the knife and you and you hit your foot and you you call yourself stupid. You stupid idiot. You knew you were gonna do it, and you're now you're calling yourself names. And sometimes it calls people's names for something they did for the rest of their life, and it never stops calling them names. That's just an example. It does it all your life. Tells you you're not worthy to be have abundance. You're not worthy to have abundance. You can never have abundance because it tells you that. I think that people need to clean all of that out of their heads, everything that was programmed into us because it's blocking the reality.
The reality is that there's no limit in this life to what you can do. Everything and anything you want to have, do, be, or have is right at your fingertips. Ask and you shall receive. If you doubt, then you change the message from what you were asking for, the frequency of that to the frequency of doubt, and then you get what doubt gives you, which is nothing. Nada. 0. But if you put out exactly what you want in this world with the expectancy of knowing it's already yours, what does it feel like to already have, do, or be? Whatever it is you want in this world, it feels amazing.
You have to hold on to that amazing feeling that you are connected to the thought of what you want. Put it out there, and it'll permeate every atom of energy in this universe and return to you, must return to you by the laws of nature exactly what you call to you in your life. And that's what Henley meant when he wrote that you are the master of your destiny, the captain of your ship, only because you have the ability to direct your thoughts.
[02:02:03] Unknown:
I got a question.
[02:02:05] Unknown:
Good. Give me a question.
[02:02:07] Unknown:
How much, you know, on a full tub of water, what would be a reasonable amount of clay to put in there? 2 to 4 cups.
[02:02:15] Unknown:
You don't need the big jacuzzi tubs. You'd have to use, you know, more clay to be have the same, effect. So the small tubs and heat your water up with a pool thermometer you buy at Walmart for 2.99. It's got a little string hanging on the faucet. Take the screw out a little drain under the faucet. Unscrew it. Turn it upside down. Screw it back in and tape it. Mooney said I didn't do like you told me to. I cemented mine. Oh, Jesus. You're kidding me. He wasn't playing. That man wasn't gonna live. And, he did what I told him to and I saved his life. I'm glad he did it and he saved his life. Anybody can do what they're supposed to do and and free themselves from all this ignorance and all this dysfunctional health and disease in their lives.
It's all simple, really it is. So when you when you, put the clay, pour it the powder under the faucet as it's running, Anything residual will be on the bottom of the tub. Just run your hand along the whole bottom of the tub once you fill it up and shake it slightly as you're running it along the bottom of the tub once, and that'll disperse in plumes too. It'll be fine. And it never clogs your pipes. The water should stay around a 116 degrees. If you use a heater in the bathroom, close the door before you ever drool the water. Heat up the air in the bathroom, hot so that it doesn't cool down from the air quickly.
That way you don't have to add any water to the tub. You don't wanna be bothered with all that. What you wanna do is keep your knees up when you get in. Once you get used to the heat and get your head under the water. Get that hot so the parasites don't try to escape to your head, the cool spot. And then once your head is hot, leave your nose and your mouth just above the surface of the water. You can keep the rest of your head under the water. Clay is great for your hair, your scalp, your skin. Fantastic. It it'll make a new you out of you. But the hot bass are the most amazing thing. They'll open up trillions of cells in a 20 minute bath.
You'll get the temperature up around a 104, below or above, a 105, below or above. And, that cells will begin to discharge their toxins and they'll come right out the pores into the batch, going out to the clay water. And the next day, you're just gonna feel something. You're gonna tell me, Edward, this is amazing. I wanna do another bath. Yeah. I've had people doing it 3 times a week. It's so amazing.
[02:04:54] Unknown:
How long would be a reasonable bottom the time to stay in the tub? 20 minutes.
[02:04:59] Unknown:
25 tops. 20 minutes, 25 tops. That's all you need. Take a and and get a get a mouth thermometer so you can take your temperature after 20 minutes. A pool thermometer and a mouth thermometer you need. Not a big deal, though.
[02:05:19] Unknown:
[02:05:24] Unknown:
The only time I don't have somebody do the best by themselves when they're old and maybe they have heart problems, you just kinda wanna monitor them, have somebody there helping. But other than that, I remember when Susan said to me, Edward, I got out of the bath. I raised my temperature all the way up. I got out of the bath. I didn't even feel like going nowhere. I just laid on the floor. She I think she said I fell asleep on the floor. That was one time. Hey. Let me tell you something. We are loaded with things that need to come out of us. And as they're coming out of us, they're going, you know, they're gonna have some effect on you as you're flushing it out of your body. So, you know, you can expect things like little tiny things like that.
It won't be as serious as when you actually had the thing. It'll be milder, but it's has to surface and come back out. It's trapped inside our bodies, all of that stuff. Basically, pain is just trapped energies when the energy gets blocked. You wanna open it up. We get everybody out of pain, by the way. What you wanna do is learn about doctor Bevin's XDS technology that he's, developed into products, and what it's doing is just revolutionary. He's regrowing mitochondria in every cell of our body, and they're densest in the eyes, the brain, heart, and the organs. So everybody's getting their functions back. It's just like doctors never even dreamed any of this is possible.
We're having results that is just, I mean, it's it's right out of wish land and we're getting our wishes. I I I don't know how to say it any better than that. It it's things we just only hoped for and they're actually it's actually doing to all of us improvements. I didn't expect any improvements from his technology. And then when I use it, I said, oh my god. I'm indexing my my brain much better. So everything I thought I was doing, I needed some more. That's why I keep an open mind. If you close your mind, you're never gonna learn anything. And most so many people are closed minded. You know?
They really are. You know what I found out in life is that a closed mind and a closed heart go hand in hand. An open mind and an open heart go hand in hand. Maybe you'll remember what I'm saying and you'll observe that. You'll see it's true. People with closed minds have closed hearts. People with open minds and o the open hearts, they they they just seem to go together every in everyone.
[02:08:35] Unknown:
Edward, I have a question. Good. This is Phyllis.
[02:08:41] Unknown:
Hi, Phyllis.
[02:08:42] Unknown:
What kind of calcium is in the bin tonight, Clay?
[02:08:47] Unknown:
Not the kind of calcium that is built up in your body. You're not it's it now there's a slight amount of calcium that you're getting proper benefit from that actually addresses the osteoporosis, But it's not like you're taking in lots of calcium you need to get rid of. And by the way, if you need to balance your calcium and magnesium in your body, There's something called boron that I discovered around 3 o'clock in the morning. It actually balances the magnesium and calcium in your body. Boron is actually what borax is made of. That, soap, laundry soap is is is borax. That's boron.
Now you could use that actually for $5. You'll have enough for the rest of your life or they make it in bottles and you can buy more expensive boron. You can put it in your if you ever have a concern about the calcium that you have too much, but it won't be coming from the clay. That won't be causing any, intake of too much calcium. It does have a lot of different trace minerals that the body, benefits from, but most of it is actually, is eliminated from the body and takes out everything that we wanna get out of our body when we eliminate it. Some people Well, the re have the most amazing bowel movements they ever saw just drinking the clay the first time.
[02:10:20] Unknown:
Well, the reason I asked that is because one of our members of the republic had said that they would never ingest the clay because especially if there's calcium in it because according to their experience in a clinic, women do not metabolize calcium.
[02:10:40] Unknown:
No. You you right. You don't have to worry about that with this. You're not taking it's not like you're taking calcium into your body that's going in. No. This is going through your body, pulling everything out. That is not, the clay, no, is perfect for ingesting. And as a matter of fact, it's gras, g r a s. Generally regarded as safe for internal consumption, and that's by the FDA. So clays have been used internally for 1000 of years. Yeah. That person, is correct, but not about clay.
[02:11:14] Unknown:
Okay. That's why I wanted to run that by you because it seems like every time I hear of something that's good for you, somebody else has got a a, you know, an opposite comment.
[02:11:28] Unknown:
Right. But they're missing they're missing a lot of information. That's why why they they don't really understand what it is that it is we're talking about. They just hear the words they they hear calcium, and they think they know.
[02:11:41] Unknown:
Okay. Well, thank you for that. I'm going to bed at 11:30.
[02:11:45] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. I'm gonna let all you guys go. Never mind. It's enough me talking too. I need to, you know actually, talking is work, but it's it's the love of my life. I love doing I love helping people and saving people's lives or having them say, Edward, all my health is cleared up, and they were in such great health. It it makes you feel so good. It's so amazing.
[02:12:12] Unknown:
I agree. Thank you.
[02:12:14] Unknown:
To me, it's all a god thing. That feeling isn't that why everybody goes to them how the them houses of worship to feel good? They wanna go there and feel good. Well, hey, it's all a god thing. Every breath is a god thing. It makes me feel good. It's a god thing. Thank you so much, everybody, for coming. It was a lot of people came. Not a problem. I appreciate everybody coming in. If anybody has any questions or has very sick people and you want me to have a talk with them and see if we could save their lives, because the greatest thing I could do for the one that breathes me and gives me this life and gives me this love and this beauty in my life, this feeling, the greatest thing I could do is to have another person continue breathing too and enjoy that breath.
Believe me. When you save life, there's no I don't think there's a greater thing we can do in this life but then to save life. It feels so right, and we got we got miracles waiting for people that really need me. You you got somebody really sick. Get them home on home hospice and give me a call. Let's save their life. Get them home. Don't let them go to the hospice. Get them home. Get them home on palliative care and home hospitals. And if there's this chance we can fix them, which if they'll let me, we'll fix them. They'll they'll do what I tell them to. They'll come out of it and walk away from their death bed. It's not a joke. It's real.
There's no reason anybody needs to die of disease. Even at that late stage at that moment when they sent them home, on home hospice, on a feeding tube and an IV, The only thing that's blocking them from healing then is the IV is is the, morphine and OxyContin. Those are receptor blockers, and I can't heal people on it. I have a better way to heal them, and they'll be sleeping like babies, no pain, and healing at the same time. There's ways of doing things, and then there's ways of doing things. I promise you. And with that said, I want everybody to be able to when they listen to this recording, if you need to visit the website, go to, I n f o, abchealth
And, they can go to the store, read about the bentonite clay, learn about the magnesium ozone, learn about the atomic mineral water, and read about it, watch the videos, learn how to utilize these things. This isn't just me saying this. I have all different, podcasters and doctors speaking on the bentonite clay on the videos there. And they don't sell it, but they sure speak on it and tell you how important it is. And when it comes to raising the glutathione in your body to break down the Graphene oxide that I didn't speak about. There's a way to get that Graphene oxide out of your body that's assembling in your body and is able to send signals from the cemeteries to your phones.
We can break down with glutathione. We can break down all of the grafting to eliminate it out of a body that they've been getting into us, injecting into us, spraying into us, feeding us. We need to break down that Graphene Oxide in our body so we can't be hooked up to the Internet. And the way to do that, according to doctor Malkovich and doctor Artis, is the glutathione, the master antioxidant in the body when you raise it, break down that graphene oxide. And the way to raise it is not with the pills at 2%, not with the shots at 10%.
You wanna use the light frequency technology that goes under your belly button and raises the glutathione by 300% in 24 hours. It's a simpler way of effectuating your desired results to the best of your ability without having to guess. The more you know how to do things simple, the better it is. Before you learn to drive a car, I'm sure you were nervous. And when you steered, you oversteered. Just get used to being responsible for your own life and being in charge of your own health care. Because no doctor, that's not his job. He can never do that. You have to be the CEO of your own health care company that you are to take care of yourself.
And I I want everybody to be in their peace and their joy. If you need me, you can call me at 818-613-9206, and let's fix it. There's no excuse for anybody to die of disease. There's no reason for it except you believe you're gonna. They got you to believe everybody dies of disease. It's just not true. You can leave your body in perfect peace in old age. You'll never have to have disease. It's a lie. But if you wanna believe it, that's okay. Alcoholics and drug addicts and heavy smokers, well, you gotta die or something. Oh, well, if you wanna believe that.
If you think you can, you're right. If you think you can't, you're right. What do you think? You're always right. So anything else, Daryl? Mean, I hope I didn't put you to sleep, Darryl.
[02:19:07] Unknown:
Not that I'm thinking of right now.
[02:19:12] Unknown:
Yes. Are you hearing the info, though? Tomorrow, Saturday, at 11 o'clock CST, 12 noon EST is the more might of calls. Tomorrow is gonna be the greatest testimonies of the whole year. I don't think anybody should miss this call. And if they do, they need to hear the replay. It's going to be outstanding. I have not missed any of their calls in over 2 years. They are outstanding in the knowledge you're gonna get and the perception you're gonna get and the possibilities of fixing everybody's health just from listening to one of those calls is gonna open up your mind to the possibilities that, wait a second, all of this can be addressed for real? This is not just Edward saying this?
It's not just his big mouth there's something to this? Uh-huh. Oh, yeah. There's something more to it than you can imagine. When people are all fixing every part of their bodies with the same few applications and it's their body is taking it and doing, sending it where it needs to fix everything. Oh, my goodness. It is mind blowing. I would advise everybody to get on that call. 608-906 0003. 608-906-0003. I guarantee you that call tomorrow is going to be fascinating. The amount of people that are gonna call in tomorrow on q and a are gonna have testimonies, and I've been getting them all week, new testimonies from people.
I'm constantly getting testimonies from people that are so challenged in their health and all of a sudden, bam, it's fixed and it just pleases me to no end. I just love what I'm doing. And I need all the help I can get. I need everybody to help and do this too. Just let's get busy fixing people instead of cars and airplanes. I fix people. Because I can. Only because I can. So with that said, I hope everybody enjoyed tonight's call and benefited from it. Try to keep it knowledge and a little entertainment. We're gonna have to get some more entertainment too. I'll I'll finish out with this, you know what? Here.
Here we go. Here's a poem I wrote along back when I was in my forties. We are the light. There is a hidden plight, a mystery if I might. Cognizant in our sight, a simple subtle light. To know this living light, it matters not your height or being wrong or right. So don't be all uptight. Sometimes it looks so bright. It shows us dazzling white. Don't turn away in fright, but love this living light. Imagine there's a fight, a struggle in the night, but really it's not quite illusion versus light. To still the mind in flight, to quiet its crazy might, to find the hidden sight so you can be the light, just be by Edward Mann.
Just be in your peace and your joy. Thanks for coming, everybody.
[02:23:31] Unknown:
Thanks for sharing.
[02:23:33] Unknown:
Thank you. I hate to go, but we gotta go. There's so many people on here. We we're gonna let you go. Come back next Friday. We're gonna do this. And, Daryl, you can make any announcement you want, and we'll finish up.
[02:23:54] Unknown:
Well, everybody's invited to join our republic call that we do on Tuesdays and the second and 4th Thursday. And, 7th January, we're gonna have, Ray from Michigan. He's gonna be doing, questions on the administrative process that he taught for the last 3 Tuesdays. So if there's any other, questions you can, join, and then after that, we're gonna be talking about setting up our, trial by juries and the common law grand juries. And we're planning on doing a live, grand jury, session on the 14th January, and that we will be hearing 2 cases from California where these people been thrown in jail because they didn't accept a, a public defender.
They send them to the state hospitals to be forced drugged. They say to bring them into competency or to bring them in control, but it's basically a really serious human rights violations. But that number is 425-436 6280 with an access code of 695-623 pound. And that call starts at 8:30 EST, 630 Mountain, 530 Pacific. So if you wanna hear the replay, on what Ed shared here last night on the Republic call, you could go to 605-313-5112 with that same access code of 695-623 pound, and the call number was 267. And, 2 weeks before that, if you wanna listen to that one, that one was 260.
So you're welcome to, look listen to the replays, and we would sure, be glad to have you help to restore our guaranteed republican form of government back to the intent of the 4 organic laws and restoring it back to the bottom up where the people are the authority and these public officials are a servant like it's supposed to be, like it was meant to be, and take this country back from those that have stolen it from us, I yield. Not too much?
[02:27:15] Unknown:
I didn't realize I was muted. I apologize. I was I was saying some things like, I'm very, I'm, I'm very pleased that so many people are waking up and want to know, to take control of their life and protect themselves in law and in health. Because unless you do, you're very vulnerable And you need to be on the same page with other like minded individuals that have knowledge and are able to share knowledge. And when you have challenges, emergencies come up, you've got access to the right, situations where you could find out quick information to be able to it can be, life saving, literally.
[02:28:09] Unknown:
Well, Edward, you did an excellent job on the call last night where you talked about, 5th generation warfare using this 4, 5, and g, frequency.
[02:28:20] Unknown:
The 6 g. Yeah. 4, 5, and 6 g. And and 6 g. Yes. To,
[02:28:26] Unknown:
basically, really to destroy the lives. Just suck the suck the frequency right out of your blood cells. And without that, you're dead. And you did a you did an excellent job of sharing that, my yield. They're sucking the oxygen out of us in there, and they're literally,
[02:28:46] Unknown:
killing the mitochondria inside of us. I mean, they're weakening people to no end. They're tired. They don't know why. They they seem to be eating good. They're this, they're that. There's a lot of reasons and what we need to do for each individual person is just get to the bottom of it. We need to counsel everybody. Have a little talk with everybody. Get everybody you know and get let's have a little talk with them so they can begin to understand that, yes, you can be in charge of your own happiness and your own health. You can effectuate your desired results in your life and manifest your desired results into a life that is fantastic.
It's up to you. Do you want to?
[02:29:33] Unknown:
And if you wanna and if you wanna share any of these broadcasts that like tonight, you could go to And tonight would be the 27th or 28th, and the last call was, I think it was dated 21st, which was been the next day after he just the following day. It didn't get up until the next day. They'll say a b c health
[02:30:02] Unknown:
calls. Okay. And and it's Yes. You can listen to different broadcast on that, whole program. Yeah. Yeah. It's got plenty.
[02:30:23] Unknown:
Yeah. I would encourage you to share it far and wide to all those that have an ear to hear and eyes to see and have a desire to be healthy.
[02:30:32] Unknown:
Oh, man. Healthy and happy. That's all I want more than anything. I used to think it was money. That was the only important thing. You chase money hard enough and long enough, your health will disappear. I guarantee you. You better find some balance in your life quickly. As a matter of fact, it might be better to even put health in front of money. Well, you need money to keep your health good, but you need your health to even be inspired to even ever make any money. Because without your health, you might as well kiss your inspiration goodbye too. They're all if that feeling of inspiration is you. That feeling of love is you. That feeling of peace is you.
When they're not when you're not feeling it, you're not feeling it, period. Okay? What you wanna do is feel it. Feel it. Feel it. Feel every breath you have a chance to feel it. Thank you for coming, everybody. It's just a beautiful life. Life itself is just amazing. So magical.
[02:31:48] Unknown:
Yeah. We have to live every day like it's our last, and you'll never be able to relive today. So make the best of it.
[02:31:55] Unknown:
Well, I don't get to think all of that. I just try to enjoy moment by moment, one breath at a time. And it's just like it adds up to a joyous life. The more breaths you take that you feel, the feeling, the more your whole life was full of those breaths that you felt the feeling. You can't ignore that feeling. If you ignore it, you're miserable.
[02:32:20] Unknown:
We're not guaranteed tomorrow, but we're here today in the present.
[02:32:26] Unknown:
Yeah. That's right. The only and even tomorrow, there'll always be the moment called now even tomorrow. Because that's all you ever have is the moment, this moment. Thank you. It's a beautiful thing. Thank you very much. You guys, everybody stay in your peace and your joy until we meet and speak again. I'm going to click off.
[02:33:08] Unknown:
Bless you.
[02:33:10] Unknown:
I'm ending it for everybody. End the meeting for all. Get some rest now, everybody.
[02:33:15] Unknown:
Press star 6 to mute or unmute. And if your line is locked, dial 941 to raise your hand. Welcome.
[00:00:08] Unknown:
You are the only participant in the conference.
[00:03:54] Unknown:
Sure. Okay.
[00:03:56] Unknown:
Okay. Keep your stuff in there. Hello?
[00:04:09] Unknown:
How's everybody doing out there? Oh, we're loading up. He's getting busy.
[00:04:24] Unknown:
We're all excited and waiting for some more good information.
[00:04:31] Unknown:
We got lots of it. Boy, oh, boy. When I heard doctor Judy Markovich talking today and she was lambasting all vaccines since the beginning, I said, woah. That girl is on fire. She is something else.
[00:05:02] Unknown:
And they put her She's been she's been through the furnace.
[00:05:06] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. They put her in prison. Fauci put her in prison for 5 years, and she'd come out swinging. We created a monster. There's no question. I wanna see what they're gonna do if they're gonna prepardon all these people. I don't see how they're gonna do it, though, because they're all concerned. Believe me.
[00:05:57] Unknown:
Well, if he was illegitimate from the start, all his executive orders or pardons are all illegitimate too.
[00:06:12] Unknown:
That's right. And that's what they need to show that any pardons he made won't count because they don't he wasn't legitimate.
[00:06:25] Unknown:
[00:06:27] Unknown:
That is exactly what they're talking about.
[00:06:33] Unknown:
A lot of merit.
[00:06:38] Unknown:
It's an amazing, situation. You you couldn't write a better novel than what's playing out on stage right now. You can't make that stuff up. Oh my goodness. It is unbelievable. The the amount of of, genocide that is being inflicted on the populations is it the people are just unaware of it. It it's absolutely amazing that so many people have no idea we're under total assault for our lives. I mean, literally, they're killing millions of people here right here in this country just from the effects from the shots they gave them. And she said she said the mRNA is in everything.
It was in all the shots. It always has been. This is not that messenger. M stands for messenger. They've been injecting, s v 40 in all the vaccines that everybody thought was safe to take and give your children. They've been injecting everybody with cancer, and it's real. That ain't no joke.
[00:08:30] Unknown:
Is that kinda tied to the dyes too? Like, your red 40 and yellow 40 and all that stuff?
[00:08:36] Unknown:
Well, that it's it's another total aspect, but you're putting poisons and toxins in your body that are cancer causing carcinogenics. And, oh, yeah. Then we wanna be disease free. We're gonna eat all those dyes thinking, oh, they're okay because they allowed in the food. It must be okay. Yeah.
[00:09:04] Unknown:
Was FDA approved?
[00:09:07] Unknown:
Yeah. The problem with that is the FDA is FDA isn't approving it for us. It's approving it for the sellers so they can get paid for approving it. So it has nothing to do with whether it's good or bad for us. It has to do with whether it's in their best interest to approve it. And it always is. They don't need any test periods or anything. Look at what they did with aspartame. Rumsfeld. Everybody heard of Rumsfeld picking up the airplane parts outside of when the missile hit the Pentagon in, on 9/11, since everybody knows there was no airplane ever hit that Pentagon and took out the audit department when they found oh, yeah. What was it about, $7,000,000,000,000 missing from the budgets?
[00:10:14] Unknown:
I thought it was 3,000,000,000,000. 2.3,000,000,000,000
[00:10:17] Unknown:
is what they said, but the total was 8 something trillion. That was the day before when Rumsfeld announced it, and they took out building 7 when, the owner what what's his name? The owner said, pull it. Oh, yeah. What's When I heard him say, pull it, and I saw that building go down, I said, I'll be damned. They just pulled that building. It had nothing to do with it blowing up, and the other one's pancaked too.
[00:10:53] Unknown:
I mean That was Silverstein. That's what it was. That was Silverstein.
[00:11:00] Unknown:
[00:11:01] Unknown:
he insured the buildings for twice the, for twice the normal amount or more. He didn't collect on it all, but he collected untold 1,000,000,000 of dollars. It was all preplanned. They it didn't just happen. When I realized that 48 executives had shorted the stock market the day before, CEOs of companies around the country? I said, gee. How did they know?
[00:11:33] Unknown:
Well, there was that one news, was it a French newscast or something that was up in a a building across? And she said, it's coming down. Building 7 is coming down. And, Hell, it was still standing in the background.
[00:11:47] Unknown:
That was in the UK 30 minutes before. They did that. Oh, boy. They they always get caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Mhmm. You can't just lie and lie and lie and not get caught. The problem is most people hear the lies repetitively, and they never hear the got caught. So they stay in their ignorance and bliss. You know, they say ignorance is bliss. How many people heard that one? Oh, yeah. I'll tell you the other side of that, the flip side. It can also be deadly. I think if people value their lives, they should be concerned about knowing the truth about things, especially the history of this world we live in, which is not exactly the simplest thing to get your head around.
Matter of fact, a lot of things are like finding a needle in a haystack. They buried him so deep. They don't want the people to really be able to base anything they do on facts because that would pull the mask off their face. The control is only staying control because they keep us separated and ignorant. The ignorance is so pervasive that a mentor of mine told me back in the seventies, Prem Rawat, he said that the ignorance, it's like cavemen living in caves. The only difference nowadays, there's really no difference as far as the ignorance and darkness behind the walls. They just put windows in the walls. No.
We need to know the truth in order to be able to protect ourselves. If we're basing our protection on lies, then we're not able to deal with it in any proper manner because, I mean, we just don't know what we're doing. Then what really compounds the ridiculousness of it is people worship guys in white lab coats or expensive suits carrying briefcases as, the lawyers that are gonna get them out of trouble. Well, they're not there to get you out of trouble. They're there to just earn their own, living, and if they can get you for a little more, that's okay too. That's exactly what they do.
[00:14:58] Unknown:
They're there to get you. That's the end of the sentence.
[00:15:01] Unknown:
That's right. They've been they they didn't know it when they got out of law school. They thought a lot of them were gonna right the wrongs and the injustice they saw only to find out they have to kiss the proverbial derriere of the judges because if they do anything wrong in the 1st year, they're gone. They lose their license. It ends up they end up being on the same side with the judges, policing the public. It's been going on for 400 years.
[00:15:30] Unknown:
Well, this one guy out there in California said he passed the bar. After he passed, before they would issue a bar card, he had agreed that he would never bring another lawsuit against another attorney.
[00:15:44] Unknown:
Unbelievable. What he He said
[00:15:48] Unknown:
I'm not interested to keep it.
[00:15:52] Unknown:
Keep that license.
[00:15:54] Unknown:
Well, it's not a license. Keep the keep the keep the union membership card. The bar code. That's right. The bar,
[00:16:04] Unknown:
the British accredited registry. That's a foreign, nation that all these liars pledge allegiance to, and, they don't even register as foreign agents here. So there's a lot of ways to, oh, yeah, get your desired results in spite of them. That's their fleecing you. They just scare the hell out of you, them lawyers. I didn't mean to go on to this subject, but we went there. Okay. Let's go back on to, how, let's see. Lawyers gotta go to doctors when they get if doctors can't heal themselves or their own families, and then doctors, when they get in trouble, have to go to lawyers who aren't really interested in protecting them. They're just there to fleece them. So let's see. What do we got here?
We got a public that's ignorant. We got, people we look up to that don't know anything from their, proverbial dairy as to their elbows. And, oh, yeah, we think we got everything under control. Gotcha. Then an emergency comes up in your health and it's like, what do I do? Oh my god. I I better go to them doctors. Yeah. Well, I wish you luck with that one. Doctors are there to take your test, diagnose what they see, whether their diagnosis is right or wrong. You might have to get another one anyway. They're certainly not there to manage your health plan. You're the CEO of your own health.
You need to take charge of your health. You need to create your own health plan in your life. No doctors are there to create health plans. So let's get busy looking at why we need to stay strong in our immune system. There's different aspects to our immune system, and if we don't keep it strong, the assaults that everybody's under and we're not just talking about all the vaccinations that were gotten into everybody that's still in them. All of those heavy metals and all that stuff in those vaccines, they didn't just go away when you got them injected into you all your life. They build up just like the mercury that's one third of all corn syrup in the stupid markets.
All that mercury that's in the corn syrup in those products is only there because the FDA said they didn't have enough manpower to monitor the refineries. So now you're eating products with corn syrup in it and 1 third has mercury in it. When mercury gets in your system, it doesn't go away. It doesn't just come out. You'd have to get it out. Mercury slowly poisons everybody and it moves around the body. If all 4 of your oxygen receptors are covered with mercury, you're dead. If you're near death, 3a half are covered, and you're near death, we gotta pull that mercury back off those oxygen receptors when you're that sick.
You're supposed to do it before. We're supposed to clean out our bodies. Didn't they tell us to keep the temples clean? It's because the temple, the body houses, the highest, holiest experience of this life. You, the being, the living being, the I am. Tag. You're it. Take responsibility for this life or you won't be able to enjoy it fully. You won't be here that long to be able to enjoy it fully. And when you leave, there might be a long period where you don't enjoy it at all as you're neglecting your health. What's his name was telling me about a man, a 108 years old, still drives his own car, never took any vaccines or ate any of that garbage food. Now I'm gonna tell you what's really hurting a lot of people.
The glyphosate on all the food is is in everybody. It's a poison that doesn't come out. It's heavy metals. That glyphosate is causing all disease in people's bodies. It's destroying your mitochondria so that you'll have no energy in your bodies, in your systems to be able to function properly, to do what the body was meant to do with the help of the one that breathes you. The body functions in an amazing way, but when it's not functioning properly, we need to help it along, and we need to know when it's not functioning properly. We need to be aware of what we can do to fix it in in a timely manner so we don't get into distress or disease, lack of ease, stress, or tension on the body caused by positive ionic matter, poisons, toxins, unwanted bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and radiation.
All of that has to come out of the body so you can be free and connect to your consciousness completely instead of having it partially blocked by all these particulates in your body, heavy metals that are dragging you down, pulling you down. We want we wanna be happy. Basically, I don't think anybody here would argue that, oh, I don't wanna be happy. No. We all wanna be happy. Well, happiness is who we are. It's not something you get from this world. Happiness, joy, peace, love is a feeling, and it's always there because it's who you are. Well, if if it's who I am and it's always there, why aren't I feeling it all the time?
Because we've never been shown how to pay attention to the feeling. In the moment called now, in each and every breath, it would have to take you focusing on the feeling itself, and that only happens in the moment called now. The past the moment that's passed is gone and the moment that it hasn't arrived isn't here yet. The only time I ever felt to pinch is in the moment called now. The only time I ever felt love is in the moment called now. We always think it's coming from outside of us. No. That's the feeling of who we are, and we need to get more in touch with that peace that we are.
That mind needs to quiet down. But when you have a lot of chemicals in your body, it causes the mind a lot of distress, inflammation. You were speaking about dyes. They cause inflammation, all those red dyes, these all these different dyes get them in our body and it causes more inflammation. We take all these seed oils, it causes inflammation. We eat a lot of sugar because we're all guilty of it, and it causes a lot of inflammation. It's a very serious drug, the sugar. And the more you eat, the more you wanna eat. You don't just wanna put it down. It's like any drug.
You put it down. You think about it again. It's a funny thing that when you raise children that never had sugar or soda, they don't even want it. We're we're in need of cleaning out our bodies, detoxifying our bodies because the toxins are being breathed in, eaten in. And you know what's even more incredible? That the people aren't aware that the blue light from the computers and the phones, doing us tremendous damage in our bodies. We were never used to these things. It was never happening, And they're really draining our energy and weakening us and causing soft cell cancer. Doctor Jack Cruz is in the newsletter. If you scroll down and you'll see, he explains how these frequencies and by the way, we are frequency beings.
We're all electronic circuits. That's what we're made up of trillions of little circuits with generators inside of all the cells. Some of the cells have large amounts of mitochondria.
[00:26:19] Unknown:
We doing the same exact thing day after day after day. And I'm excited, my brother. I've got What are you doing over the last couple of days?
[00:26:35] Unknown:
We need to take charge and make sure that we stay hydrated properly because the leading cause of death is dehydration. It's not the disease itself. And before I don't mention, I want everybody to know that if you ever get caught up in a nuclear disaster, meaning something goes off in your area, we have a 12 step program what to do with the calcium bentonite play in the first 10 minutes to save your life. That calcium bentonite will pull all that radiation out of your body and protect you from the radiation, and it could get that serious. We're looking at facing some very serious challenges in the future that could be coming up, and we have to be prepared for any type of emergency in this world always.
We learned that as a boy scout when I was growing up. Be prepared. Have have your contingencies covered. Well, being prepared means having defenses set up in your body so that when these assaults and all these chemicals come in, you're cleaning them out on a regular basis and keeping them cleaned out. Because if you don't do it, it's not gonna happen. Doctors don't even know about detoxing. I I never hear them talk about it. They don't talk about nutrition much either. That's because they're not taught about it. They're doctors, but that is supposed to be fixing people's health.
Isn't that ridiculous that they were never taught about nutrition? 8 hours maybe in 8 years of schooling, 20, I heard was tops. I've heard doctors complain that their wives know more about nutrition than they do. No wonder they have one of the lowest life expectancies of all the professions. When I was on radio shows from Hawaii to New York back in early 2000, People would call in, I leave the mics open, and they'd complain about their herbal detoxes that all the companies were selling. And they tell me they had to stop during in the beginning, in the middle due to lethargy, tiredness, arrhythmias, palpitations, heart attacks, and stroke can be caused by improper detoxification, let's say.
And what do I mean by improper detoxification? When you push too much toxin into your blood to eliminate too quickly, it causes side effects like a hertzheimer's effect where you feel very tired, very, you know, lethargic. You might get palpitations, arrhythmias. You could have a heart attack or a stroke. So I learned to detoxify the body simply and easily without letting all those parasites in your gut. The CDC says there's an average of over £2 in the average American of 300 species laying trillions of eggs every day. Laying trillions of eggs every day?
Yes. They're very small, and they're busy lounging around, eating up all of your nourishment and nutrition, and, you know, making babies. So by drinking some of that clay, you can break up that rotten putrification without them realizing that you're getting rid of them because they're very smart. And if you hit them with antibiotics, they're gonna build biofilm in your gut to protect themselves in, like, canals. And when they get really going, they'll spread those biofilm to your lungs. It becomes chronic bronchitis everybody has into your organs.
Well, the worse your health gets, the more you need a little help from outside because your food and what you're doing is not caught in it. Everybody's health oh, they're told it's genetic. Oh, yeah. Well, that's genetic. You don't have to worry about. We got a pill for you. Well, that's the first lie that it's all genetic. You may be predisposed genetically to this or that, the color of your eyes, the height. Maybe you're predisposed to have it, you know, a weakness to something, that doesn't mean you have to succumb to it. It means you have to pay attention and do what's needed so you don't succumb to what you might have a weakness for, like sugar.
Boy, that hit home. You succumb to any weakness that you have or you don't succumb to it. Whose choice is it? Not my choice. Your life. I got enough trouble choosing for my own. And if I make the right choices, who pays for it? Who benefits from it? Only me. Water pillows shut down your organs. Don't ever take water pills. Doctors put you on water pills. When you have edema, go buy a load of organic cucumbers and juice them every day as much as you want. You'll that edema will be dealt with. That's a very good diuretic. That and organic celery.
All you gotta do is juice it. I once grew 200 of them out of 4 plants in the summertime. Some of them were as big as my from my elbow to my fingertips, and they were very I just juiced them. And there were so many, I couldn't even juice them all. I just juiced them and and used it as a base for my drinks and put super foods in it and stuff and drink. Instead of drinking water, I was drinking cucumber juice. It works great. And if you plant those plants in the ground, they'll make a lot of cucumbers. Put them on a lattice, make some poles across, and give it a chance to get up high so the sun can get all parts of it. The point being that actually everything that we need for our health is already here.
We don't need to patent anything and create special combinations of what mother nature gave us. We need to use every seed and every herb of the of the earth to affect our health. There's over 14,000 different herbs, and every one of them has effect on our health. But most people never what? What are you talking about? Yeah. It it's quite an adventure just uncovering one thing at a time even. 1 by 1 by 1 is like, yes. Yes. They give you blood thinners, right, when you have blood clots, they tell you. Well, what if I told you that blood thinners do not break up blood clots? You'd think, well, Edward, you must be crazy.
No. Go check it out. Blood thinners do not break up blood clots. But I can always tell when somebody's taking them. I can look at them and see that they're taking blood thinners. It's very obvious to me. They bleed constantly. Any bruise they get, you can see it anywhere on their body. So if it doesn't break up blood clots, why are they taking it? The I don't know. They don't know either. Doctor John explained to me that the one thing that does break up blood clots actually does break them up because it prevents any platelets from sticking together. If 2 stick together, you can get a blood clot in a tiny capillary.
When they fold and try to squeeze through, they get stuck. And you're having constant strokes all your life in your capillaries. Then they get bigger when they stick together. Woah. Well, he explained to me there's something called hyssop, and it makes it so no blood platelets can stick together. Hyssop? Yeah. It's another herb. So I use hyssop. Why not? Once you know, you know. You don't wanna unknow. You wanna know. Right now, basically, we unknow everything because we never knew anything. What do we know? What could I possibly know? If the only degrees I have is when you take my temperature because the truth is I never got stuck on stupid in any of those universities.
Not to say I probably could have taken a couple of classes and benefited from it. There's no question about it. But I see people coming out of those universities and, their thinking isn't exactly, what I would say is on target. It seems like they've gone through some metamorphosis in those universities where their brain has been, like, obfuscated and programmed and stuck back in them, especially the you know, those doctors and lawyers, I when I found out they had ACI syndrome along with the inventors and the artists and, the psychiatrists, you gotta watch it and stay away from these these, people.
Otherwise, you'll catch it. And believe me, it ain't no fun living with ACI syndrome. I'll tell you. So John asked me, what is ACI syndrome? It's anal cranial inversion. Something like atrectomitis where you have your head saw so far up your rear end, you can't see straight. Only it's slightly different. So I was telling a friend of mine, and he says, oh, I know what you're talking about. RCI. I said, what's RCI? Rectal cranial inversion. Same thing. You know, I wish people luck that have no knowledge because luck is all like superstition from lack of knowledge. People are superstitious because they're gonna need luck. They ain't got no knowledge and they're dropping dead like flies everywhere.
You see people getting sick constantly. I've everybody I talk to is going to funerals. That's not my imagination. It's really going on. That's because they made it they got him to take they made him take those shots. Yeah. If you more than a 100 people working in the company, you have to take the shots. Man, did they hurt a lot of people. The people have, are assaulted so many ways, and then they had to take the vaccines. At least they thought they had to. I had people calling me from around the country, and I said, you tell that employer you're not taking no vaccines.
And if you if you have to give up your job because you're not taking the vaccine, so be it, but don't give up your life just to keep a worthless job. JOB means just go broke anyway. I told a whole bunch of people don't do not be taking them shots right when they came out because I already knew there were no shots of any value ever before they ever came out with these COVID shots. And Trump announced that General Motors was going into manufacture 30,000 ventilators. I I put my hands over my face. I said, oh my god. He's gonna murder all them people on them ventilators. Oh my god.
95% of the people die from using those ventilators. They have to use psychotropic drugs just to stop them from breathing on their own. And if the 5% who live, almost all of them are so have so much PTSD that life becomes, like, unbearable to live with because of the what they do to them. But they did worse. It was worse than that. When they mandated remdesivir that had failed all the tests and 60% of the people died from the test that from remdesivir, and they mandated it in every hospital, it was like, are you kidding me?
So they're purposely murdering the people? Yeah. They are. Did everybody see the people dropping dead in Wuhan, China? Right when it started, they were dropping dead in the streets, foaming at the mouth? It scared the hell out of everybody around the world. That's because they first turned on the 5 g towers. That was the first time they turned them on. Well, if you got Graphene Oxide in you and they turn up those graph that, 5 g towers, they're gonna cook you through the graphene oxide. They're gonna heat it up inside your body and burn the hell out of you. And by the way, they're gonna do it now too because you got graphene oxide in you, everybody.
They just came out with the reports. It's in the newsletter about 6 g, 4 g, 5 g, and 6 g, what it's doing to us. If you think this is over, it's not over. It's just beginning. We're in a world war, and it's a lot more subtle than you think, and yet it's very obvious if you really look at all the parts. We're being assaulted from inside out. Without our knowledge, we're being destroyed. Dumb down with fluoride so we can't be aggressive. They put fluoride in the water to keep populations from being aggressive and lower their consciousness. How many people on this phone call thought they put fluoride in the water for their teeth so they'd have no cavities?
It's a freaking lie. I run into this girl and I took pictures of her teeth. I couldn't even believe what I was looking. I said, you grew up here. You've been drinking tap water? She said, yeah. I've been drinking the tap water here. 19 years old. Every one of her teeth were completely corroded in her mouth. Fluoride's not there to fix your teeth. No such thing. It's just another lie. But the people believe it, so they keep lying. Because the people don't believe anything. They're all gullible. It's easy to pull the wool over gullible people. Like they said, if you if you make a lie big enough and tell it often enough, it becomes true for everybody.
Actually, it was what's his name that said it, another way. He said the individual is handicapped by a conspiracy. So monstrous, he cannot believe it exists, and that was J. Edgar Hoover. It's unbelievable. We're living in a world we had no idea we were born into. We were told there was a Santa Claus and there was a tooth fairy and the Easter bunny and this and that instead of being told the truth so we'd be prepared to war in August. We weren't told the truth, and most people are not prepared to deal with the lunacy of the reality of this life. Actually, it's not the reality. It's part of the illusion. The reality is the peace that I feel inside of me.
That's the only thing that doesn't change. Everything else changes with that beautiful feeling. That stays the same my whole life. That's the only thing I can count on. Is that each breath that comes and goes brings me that energy and that beautiful feeling in every breath. If I just slow down and pay attention to that, that is everything. You know? Because everything we do in this life is to attempt to attain a feeling from it. A feeling of satisfaction, a feeling of fulfillment, a feeling of love, a feeling a a feeling. But it's not something you get from this world. It's who you are, and we're out of touch with who we are.
Our focus is all outside of us on the illusion of life that's constantly changing, and no one's ever told us there's a way to focus inside directly to the feeling. That likes it makes life worth living, I'll tell you. So does anybody have any questions about their health that we can give real life examples to by explaining situations of restoring a person's health. Let us know if you have any questions, and I can answer them. I've spoken on different subjects about, the health. Here's a subject I don't have written up. Let's say somebody gets extreme, problem with their throat. Okay. They got a sore throat.
They got swollen glands. They got polyps of the lungs. They've got cancer in the throat. Okay. So what do you do? You go into the fear and worry. Right? That's because you never learned anything about how to deal with it. So the only thing you can do is go into fear and worry because you don't know. And they mentioned the big c word, which is a made up word. It's a nickname for a parasitic infestation mold, mildew, candida, fungus. All these living little tiny things get in your body, and they like it in there. They found the best shelter. You're gonna feed them, work hard, get that food to them, all that sugar they want.
They'll wake you up at 2 o'clock in the morning. Get me some sugar. You become a slave to those parasites. Best thing to do is to know it and start keeping them clean out of your body. You know, even if I eat wrong let's say I eat wrong. Let's just say, I wanna clean it right out. I don't eat wrong in this. Just let it be. If I poison myself, which I have on on several occasions, literally poison myself very badly. And it's not it's not a joke. It's very painful. And if you don't catch it and stop it from advancing, it can be very, very challenging poisoning yourself.
I know. I lived through it several times. But that clay, woah. You just take a big spoonful of it if you have it made up for a facial and shove it in your shove it down your throat and drink some water. Within 20 minutes, it'll reach into the deepest part of your bowels and suck up that inflammation and poison right away. It'll stop the pain right away. You gotta follow-up with it because that bacteria, those those germs that are in there are not just gonna go away in one second. There there might be some leftover, and then they're busy having sex again, making babies. You wait 2 weeks. If you only use the clay one time like I did it, the pain was gone. It fixed. I ran out, and 2 weeks later, it came back with a vengeance.
I never had so much pain. It was unbelievable, and I didn't have any clay. Oh my goodness. Luckily, I had a man that knew more about that situation than any human being I ever met. And he said, Edward, you listen to your friends, but wait 10 days to do anything they told you to do. He said, do exactly as I tell you to do, and you won't have any pain. You'll be weak for 10 days, but you will not have any more pain. All of it will pass, then you can do anything your friends tell you to do. One of my friends told me to take a whole head of lettuce. Romaine lettuce, a big head of it and slam it into the blender, with ice water and sweeten it with dates.
He told me about that 40 years prior to the time when I finally tried it. I hadn't even tried it. 40 years later, I tried to found out it was the most refreshing drink I ever drank, but that wasn't the thing to do when I poisoned myself. You want a a great cold summer drink that's nourishing? Take that ice water with a whole head of romaine lettuce and sweeten it with dates. That is delicious. And you can do the whole head like that. Just drink it down, and you don't you don't even realize it's so easy. So the when you poison yourself like that, your gut becomes very tender and the whole it's like closes up.
So he taught me to steam 4 vegetables and only use cayenne and sea salt. I I drank the juice for 10 days. I did that morning, noon, and night as I was instructed, and it worked perfectly. That flat parsley, that Italian zucchini, the celery. And what was the other one? There's one more. Come on, Edward. There's just one more. It'll come to me. You know, I can't think of it at the moment. That's crazy. There's only 4 vegetables that go in that stomach when you're in that bad of shape, and you'll make it through it without ending up in a hospital.
You know, just little things in life make a lot of difference. Simple things. You know, the old folks used to say use this remedy or cod liver oil or this or what? Because they work. They weren't making that stuff up. All of the things that worked were made to be a quack label. What happened was Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, genocidal, families, got together, sent Flexner around the country to analyze all these universities, created the Flexner report, which put 58 universities, homeopathic universities out of business by 1952. They put them all out of business by investing lots of money only in institutions that would sell their pharmaceuticals, and they put in heavy duty equipment, big equipment because they can make money now.
Rockefeller was only interested in industries he could totally monopolize. So they developed the AMA, which is an internationally structured private association that monopolizes all medicine in this country. Can't be penetrated by alphabet agencies because it's an international structure. They're not under any government agencies, so they can't penetrate them. They're not under their jurisdiction. They're in another jurisdiction with their tentacles into every part of the United States, but they have a partner, the government, because they own all the politicians and they have twice, 3 times the lobbyists of the next industry.
They control this country, the medical establishment, the pharmaceutical companies pulling in untold 1,000,000,000 and trillions with their sorcery. The root word of pharmaceutical is pharmakeia, And in Greek, it always has, does, and will mean sorcery. I don't know why anybody would wanna defile the temples with sorcery. But, again, language is unknown to the people. The people are ignorant. They don't know their own language. Gay used to mean happy, then they change it to a sexual thing. They keep changing the words to make sure you don't know your language. You go and read those legal documents. Now that's real English.
All words were written for law. The pharaoh said it so it'd be written so it'd be done. All words were written for law. All languages for law. But the people have they bastardized it, everything. You got stories from the past about people that lived on this planet, and then they take the books and bastardize those. They made the King James version. They hired a criminal to put the footnotes in it and then spend 1,000,000 to put that version all over the planet so everybody would back Israel in the footnotes. If they were Christian, well, they gotta back Israel.
It's all propaganda, the whole thing. Out of 4 1,000 versions, they decided the only one to spread around the world was the one with the footnotes in it written by the criminal. It is what it is. People say, oh, that's terrible. I say it is what it is. Deal with it. Look at it for what it is, not what you think or want it to be. You may want something to be something and work towards getting it, but don't look at it as it is what you actually want it to be because if it's not what then you're looking at a you're looking at things as backwards. The only way to deal with anything is to deal with the reality of it.
Because if you're trying to fix something and everything you were told about it is wrong, how are you gonna fix it? You were told that all your problems are genetic, Now you don't have to fix it. You don't have to take responsibility. You come into their houses of worship. They tell you, oh, just, tell us everything about your whole life, everything you did wrong. And don't worry. We'll handle it. We'll be we'll be intermediary between you and the one and only, and we'll take care of everything for you. Just drop a check-in the box on the way out and, do what we tell you to. Do these, say all these words.
Well, that way you don't have to take responsibility, and next year, you can do the same thing. You can go out and murder and be the mafia and go in there and confess, and you're forgiven. No problem. You don't you don't have to take responsibility for this life, and that's the problem with humans. For the last 400 years with religion, 500 years, they don't have to take responsibility for everything. It's all handled for them. It's all under control. Of course, they took all that information the mafia gave them and controlled the mafia.
The mafia is the strong-arm of the Vatican, and they're one of the most organized organization on the planet. Now what? And who's controlling this planet? All the cartels. Who do you think controls everything? You saw the movies. Who control all the politicians in this country in their early thirties twenties, the roaring twenties? All the bootleg money. All the gangsters control the popular the politicians. Nothing's changed. They just compromised them now. They got better ways. They use Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita flights. Get the pictures taken and then they're gonna do what you tell them to do, every one of them.
Then they are they're bringing lots of money. Send 200,000,000,000 to Ukraine and double it back and give it to the politicians to get everybody elected. But what do I know? I couldn't possibly know anything. What we need to do is concern ourselves with ourselves because we can't do anything about any of that. I found out there's 2 only 2 things I have control over in this life, and that's what comes in and out of my mouth. What I put in my mouth and my spoken word are the only two things I have control over in this life. And if I don't exercise that control consciously hey. That's on me.
I can't blame anybody else. Everybody wants to blame the oh, they wanna blame. This is the problem. That's the problem. This one is the problem. I listen to this all the time, people tell me. Well, it's my children that's the problem. They don't care about me. That's why I have cancer. No. No. No. No. No. It's your thinking that causes your problems. Problems aren't real. My mentor told me decades ago, he said problems, problems, problems. Don't you know problems aren't real? The moment you come up with a solution, that problem disappears like it never existed.
Poof. Gone. And there's a solution for every single one. But if you don't look for it, if you're not open to it, if you're living in worry and fear, then how can the answer ever come to you? You're blocking it all the way with that. They call it the ego. My associate calls it the brick, the brick that blocks people from learning, blocks people from growing, blocks people from everything. That's because the brick or the ego was programmed by religionity dumbed down public schools in the. They just had you repeating those affirmations over and over and over again. They knew they were planting seeds in you that would bear fruit, the fruit they wanted to you to bear.
So all they need to do is round up everybody, put them in dumbed down public government schools, and condition them the way they wanted to, and they did. And that's why you got youngsters that have no respect for their elders because they condition them not to have it, and they've always done that. Divide and conquer. The only way you can keep a people under control is to keep them off balance. That means focus them on each other against each other so they'll never know what's really going on. They can't see the forest from the trees. Proper hydration or lack of is the key to your health.
Most people walking around dehydrated, and that's not a joke. I'm not just saying that. Most of the time when you're hungry, you're actually thirsty. Someone taught me about 15 years ago, he said, Edward, we're water beans. Every time you're hungry, your stomach's empty. If you notice it dry, you're actually thirsty. Before you eat, you should always drink a big glass of water. It takes 15 or 20 minutes to go down. That'll curb your appetite so you can make conscious decisions. When I forget when I forget to do that, sometimes it gets you you you get dehydrated. Then you eat food, lots of sugar, and you're still dehydrated because you never drank the water.
That's not true. Do you think is gonna happen when you're dehydrating more and then eating and mixing garbage and yeast? You guys gotta mute your phones if you're gonna talk. We need to learn how to combine our foods properly. Had I listened to 2 doctors that tried to teach me how to combine my foods properly, I never woulda had a stroke in 1999.
[01:05:12] Unknown:
So unless you
[01:05:14] Unknown:
I almost lost my life. Looking for the pollen all the time. You guys gotta mute your phones.
[01:05:21] Unknown:
I'll buy some I'll buy some.
[01:05:24] Unknown:
Okay. Can we mute
[01:05:26] Unknown:
mute their phones? I don't know, but I'll get some. And that way, I have something that's Oh, no. And I can't even tell who's talking. I don't know who's talking to. No. It was. I had 2. No. Because the was concerned about you. So you gotta let me know. No. I'm not. No. I guess you are. No. That's not.
[01:05:51] Unknown:
Whose number is in New Jersey, ends in 3731? Somebody's phone in New Jersey ends in 37 I don't need to change the.
[01:06:02] Unknown:
Don't breathe in ice. Okay. I'll I'll change the. Daryl. We got a problem here. Yeah. Yeah. Keep somebody in the door.
[01:06:14] Unknown:
Should I call Paul?
[01:06:17] Unknown:
No. I'm just saying 201
[01:06:19] Unknown:
you want the phone to be just call them.
[01:06:21] Unknown:
These people need to demute their phone. It's going to go up to your cell. I'm going with your phone. Do you want something?
[01:06:29] Unknown:
Let me see if I can call Paul. Maybe you can mute him.
[01:06:36] Unknown:
The the choice is up to us always, and we're making choices constantly.
[01:06:43] Unknown:
Every moment of the day, we're making choices. You wouldn't got it done. I thought you woulda had on. You wouldn't have nothing to do with it.
[01:06:51] Unknown:
What a shame. I need control over this board. I need to be able to control this board. It's a darn shame.
[01:07:13] Unknown:
It's okay. I know what's the the light is. Yourself because it's getting too Yeah. I'm it does. Yeah. It's a hair. Yes. We have to relax for you. Where'd you go? Mute your phone. Mute your phone. Mute your phone star 6.
[01:08:18] Unknown:
Can I ask a question? Hello? Can ask a question? Do you own a red one?
[01:08:28] Unknown:
Go ahead and ask who's talking.
[01:08:31] Unknown:
Yeah. This is Mark from New York. How are you? How are you doing, Mark? Good. Thank you. I was on the call the other day talking about the, the public call. So, I see that you have, bentonite, and calcium, protocol for, killing parasites. And as you mentioned that you ran out and they came back with inventions. Is this a fasting protocol as well? I mean, how do you actually, work with this, as a, good parasite plans to kinda boost your health and well-being? I mean, for the most part, I feel good. I just always challenged by their you know, by what's going on around us, you know, with all the spraying of the clouds and the the the the frequencies and the from the towers that are in my backyard. So I I I just wanna be as strong as I can be. You have towers in your backyard?
Oh, yeah. Yeah. I was talking that about how they're killing the birch trees from the top down.
[01:09:33] Unknown:
I wanna get lead paint. I was kinda searching on No. No. No. If you have if you have towers right near where you live, anybody that lives near 5 g towers is in trouble. If you have a load of smart meters on your wall, you need to move out immediately if it's in an apartment because they're not gonna change it. They'll only change out yours, and everyone's gonna get cancer who lives, with smart figures on their wall, across from their wall, under if they have an apartment above the smart the same thing with those 5 g towers. They're all getting cancer from the 5 g towers.
They're putting out a when I take, Benjamin for a ride and there's a 5 g tower there, he immediately tells me, listen. That tower is killing me. Move we gotta move the car, man.
[01:10:29] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, it it's it's up on, like, the 10th floor. I'm on the 3rd floor. I'm not right across from it. It's it's there in the backyard. There's no birds anymore. I know that there's a lot has changed, but I got a bunch of wire, copper wire. I was thinking about bringing them some bringing some, tin roof or aluminum roofing from from a building I'm tearing down and putting on the ceiling. It just kinda make our Faraday cage out of the whole building and get some some sun guide and put it in the paint, get some lead, put in the paint, do it the best I can. Awesome.
[01:11:00] Unknown:
Awesome. There is there is special there is special paint that a company makes and materials we can talk about, and, there's definitely meters you can measure. When, Benjamin brought it to my attention that he had slipped and fallen in the garage before he rented that apartment in Florida, and I said, you slipped and fell in the garage, and you never told me there were 14 smart meters on the wall before you moved in that place. You made a big mistake. You can't live there. And, he told me that he couldn't even think straight. I said, okay. Go get a hotel room and get your mother out of there. Within 2 days, he was able to think straight. He went back to the apartment to see what was going on and immediately his whole mind, everything was changed because of the frequency that was coming out there. We bought a special meter and measured it, and it was way too high.
And, turns out that every single person that, had that the people owe the people that had lived in the apartment before he moved in broke their lease and left early. Turns out they left to go to Texas from Florida to the Cancer Institute. And the lady downstairs, she would only crack the door about 6 inches or crack her curtain. She never come out. She wouldn't even open the door. She had the smart meters right there on her wall too. Then I get then I hear from, what's his name, Bryce. Bryce says to me, Edward, due to circumstances, I had to stay in an extended stay in Oklahoma City a couple of years ago, and there was a cell tower I could see outside my window.
And every time they turned it up, it would go right through me. Well, he says, I went back and visited that extended stay. Every one of the workers there has cancer.
[01:13:02] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, in the meantime, you know, I mean, I I I'm doing things to mitigate it, and I I would like to You have to.
[01:13:08] Unknown:
[01:13:10] Unknown:
You have no choice. Consider it that you're at war, and the enemy has got their weapons up on you weakening you. You better do something to do with that situation.
[01:13:21] Unknown:
Yeah. I wear I wear, clothing by lambs and different different, cell blocking, materials I'm working on putting around my apartment. I also got land in the catsuit. I spent a fair amount of time up there. But in the meantime, I'm just curious about your protocols with, you know, calcium Bentonite and how how you do it. And, you know, like you said, you ran out of it and they, the parasites came back with a vengeance. Is there a, is it a fasting protocol? Is there how do you recommend doing the most for your I'll explain. Thank you. I'll
[01:13:55] Unknown:
I'll explain. And the infect the infection that was in my intestine when I poisoned myself, the inflammation, when I only drank it once, yeah, it stopped it, but it it it obviously, I didn't get it all out, and there was some trace amounts left in there from only drinking the clay once when I had poisoned myself. That time, I had ripped a piece of brown off the bone and slammed it on a Kaiser road with some, probably some mustard and mayonnaise, and I just shoved it in my face and ended up poisoning myself. And it it took 2 weeks before it showed up again. It had been festering probably in my intestine.
And when it showed up again, it was like constant pain, the 30 something hours. I I had Diane pressing up my back. Push, push, push right in there, right in the corner. Yeah. But it wasn't my back. It was my intestines, and I didn't realize it. I finally said after about 36 hours of so much pain and and not and not knowing, I said, you know what? Take me to the hospital. I wanna I wanna, I wanna know what's going on exactly. I want him to look at it. So Excuse me. Doctor said it.
[01:15:14] Unknown:
Ed Edward. Edward. I'm jumping in here. I'm gonna set the room to show mode. All of the speakers are muted, and they can unmute themselves. Anybody that you're talking to will have to press star 6 to unmute. When you're done talking, please press star 6 again so we don't have a bunch of background noise interfering with other callers. Thank you very much. Thanks, Edward.
[01:15:39] Unknown:
Thank you. So, with that said, if yes. There are things we can do to block these frequencies, and I want people to get this in perspective again. I'm gonna remind everybody and those that haven't heard. The word flu, everybody knows the word flu. It comes from the word influenza, which actually comes from the word influence, which came from Kansas City back in the 1800. When they opened up the telegraph and they were under the influence of the electricity from the wires, they would get influence symptoms, flu symptoms. Well, it's always been like that.
We have dirty electricity in our houses. We have all kinds of frequencies. Then now they got the 5 g. When they turn it up, they can simulate that you got COVID. Oh, yeah. Anybody's dying of COVID. No. They're dying of them turning up the frequencies and causing the symptoms to appear like you got something like a cold flu or whatever, and they can turn it up enough to kill you. They did it in Wuhan. They were dropping dead in the streets. The second place they did it was in Milan, Italy, and they were dropping dead and scared the hell out of everybody in this country. And the 3rd place they did it was in New York City. They turned up the 5 g towers to make sure everybody was getting sick.
Well, they still got 5 g towers. Matter of fact, they were putting them up in massive rates while they had everybody locked in in the country because, obviously, it was a security issue. They had to keep putting them up. We are at war and they're the enemy that is getting rid of us. They're act genociding us. It is what it is. If people don't want to accept it, I can understand them not wanting to accept it because it's it really is an ugly way to have to look at things to see the real reality of this book, what's going on in this world. You think everybody is nice and they're not, but there's a lot more nice people than there are them.
[01:18:21] Unknown:
Yeah. I was in, New York City during COVID, and I saw how, I interviewed a lot of the frontline people as a filmmaker and heard a bunch of stories about how people are coding in the emergency room. It was just, you know, mitochondria, electron train all being just, you know, interrupted, etcetera, etcetera. And you're speaking right on the money. I I was saying to everybody, COVID COVID. What are you talking about? This is just you know, we're just getting bombarded. But, Kimberly, if you have that,
[01:18:50] Unknown:
protocol, is it fasting protocol about lint night and No. Here's what you do. When you'd Thank you. I consider a gallon 1 gallon of clay water, which is a 120 something ounces to the gallon. Right? With 12 ounces of powder, 1 tenth. You make up 2 half gallons with 6 ounces of powder in each half gallon. That's 12 ounces per gallon. So 1 10, 6 for 60 ounces of water, 6 ounces of powder, and it hydrates and it's the smoothest by the 50 5th day, but I drink it right away this the next day. And I drink a glass a day. By the time it's finished, whether it's 10 ounces or 8 ounces, if you're eyeballing it, it's 12 to 16 days.
It's all, gone. What it does is it surrounds all of the critters living in your gut, that rotten and putrid infestation of parasites and, kind of entraps them, blinds them, and throws them off so they just get pulled out of the body without them ever getting to war with your immune system, which would be quite uncomfortable. It cause a lot of discomfort when you do heavy herbal detoxes, when you have a lot of parasite buildup. They're they're gonna know you're coming after them, and they're just gonna war with you. So I send the clay in under the radar, so to speak, and encapsulate them and pull them out of the body every day while I'm putting some magnesium ozone slowly into the body and then increasing it in larger amounts so that I can get the oxygen into trillions of cells in my body. I can always raise the oxygen level just by breathing hard.
You know, do a lot of deep breathing and stuff. That'll raise your oxygen levels in your blood, but that's not what we're looking to do. We're looking to raise cellular oxygen that feeds the mitochondria, the actual oxygen that needs so it can burn that and and have all of your systems in your body function properly. And it's amazing when you get the systems back functioning properly, how everything is addressed in the body. And so many different chances that people are having are all being addressed the same way. All of a sudden, this is gone, that's gone, this is gone because you're actually addressing the underlying causation that is plaguing the person.
They're just not aware of what it is. Dehydration is one of the main things, but detoxification and elimination, rehydration, reoxygenation of all tissue cells, remineralization, and renutritionalization. We're not getting the nutrition we really need from our food mostly. We eat a lot of junk or we eat cooked food or we eating a lot of, you know, the enzymes are dead. Restaurant food has all the wrong oils in it. Processed food has all the wrong oils. What do the wrong oils do to you? They throw your life out of whack. They cause all the inflammation in your life, and they're in everything. And you just gotta learn to start making habits out of getting all the right things and create recipes.
Just a few of them even, a couple, makes the whole difference because now you can let go of the other things you were doing that weren't good for you. Automatically, you don't have time to eat more than one meal at a time. So why don't you make it a healthy one? Why don't you drink some water and calm down so you're not so hungry and take your time to prepare your food? Think about what you're gonna do. Drink water with your meal too. They tell you to that's another lie. Don't drink water with your meal. It dilutes your stomach acids. No. That's what helps you get the nutrition into your blood.
Drink water after your meal or tea. Tea and water is equivalent. But when you mix carbohydrates in the same stomach with any living flesh products, now you're causing yourself all kinds of distress in your body because it's gonna ferment the sugar with the living flesh products. Carbohydrates turn to sugar, and the fermentation the liver can't handle, it has to create fat to store all of that toxin in. Then the all those fats and oils from the flesh products you ate go into your blood and now your body's running on fats. That's what's clogging up your receptors.
And if you put sugar in there during and for 3 hours afterwards, there's no way for them to get into the cells. So they stay in your blood and it raises your blood sugar. They call that diabetes, prediabetes, diabetes, and we're doing it to ourselves. We're the one up our receptors, putting sugar in there, and it's just staying in our blood, raising our blood sugar until we cause so much inflammation. We use the we we lose the use of our limbs because of it because we know not what they do. What what did he say? Forgive them for they know not what they do. We don't know what we're doing. And then when we know what we're doing, we need to do what we know. I'm talking to myself.
They told me when you get angry, you're really not angry at the other person. You're angry at yourself. You're frustrated with yourself because you're not getting things clear. You're not manifesting your situation, your life the way you want to.
[01:25:11] Unknown:
Well, you're making make making it very clear to me. I I appreciate hearing this. Just a question a little further explanation. I know you're saying you're using ozone as well. Is that, like, ozone therapy type thing through the, or is it through magnesium supplement supplements and and during this time where you're taking the gallon and 12 ounces of, Denzanite, you are you fasting at the same time? This is great questions. Okay.
[01:25:38] Unknown:
You can you can fast anytime you want. Intermittent fasting is pretty much the way I live. I, from the time I wake up in the morning, I mostly drink until the late afternoon, and then I eat my food for as long a period as I want. Maybe I'll eat a little while later again, but during a small window of time and the rest of the time, you allow your body to, cleanse itself. Now to help it cleanse itself when there's all kinds of buildup inside of including the crystal plaque along your one cell thick, intestinal walls that builds up and doesn't let nutrition and oxygen get through into your blood. And then, of course, it cracks and breaks, and they call it leaky gut when the poison goes right through it, which when you heard about leaky brain, they're synonymous. Leaky gut goes right through the brain barrier and poisons your brain.
What we wanna do is keep everything up to speed. Maintenance. Keep it all cleaned out. You don't want any buildup in your gut. The the clay, when you drink it, it breaks it breaks down enough of the living matter in your body to get it out, and then the magnesium ozone will help break down all that crystalized plaque along your colon walls that's preventing you from literally getting nutrition and, the biofilm that's in your intestines and spreads to your lungs and your organs. You wanna break all that biofilm down so the parasites don't have a refuge to live in, and they'll leave your body. Now when you when you heat up the body over a certain temperature, that kills off all the bad bacteria and viruses. That's correct.
When doctor Coley discovered in the late 1800 that all of his patients with cancer and strep throat with high fevers no longer had cancer, he realized that it's the temperature. Your healthy cells, your good cells can handle high temperature. You can go over a 106 degrees. You don't have to, but you the all of the rest of the critters that live in you, they can't they can't tolerate that. So, you know, COVID is nothing you can raise the body temperature over a 101, a 102, a 103. They die off at a 10101.2, I think. So if you get your body up over a 103, all of that's fixed the next day. When I do the bass with the bentonite clay, they laughed at me. They were all sick in the house about 15 years ago, and, Pendu's throat was closed.
They all went and got prescriptions. They're all taking antibiotics, and they're laughing at me because I'm not gonna take it. And I feel my throat, and I said, you know, I could feel it coming on with what you guys got. Well, you better take the antibiotics or you're gonna have it too. I said, nonsense. You watch. I went and I wasn't sick enough where I was laid down or nothing. I just felt something was coming on. I could tell. So I went and took that hot bath and got my body temperature up to a 103.8. When I got out of that of course, I prepared the bathtub first. And when I got out of that tub, I threw on sweats, a beanie, and socks and rolled up in a blanket.
I fell asleep for more than an hour. I was laying on the bed. When I got up, I peeled everything off in a pile because even the blanket was wet. It was all wet. The beanie, the socks, everything. And I rinsed off. I didn't feel much different. The next day, I felt amazing. Do you know after Pandu got finished with his prescription, his closed up again? He had to take it again? So much for prescriptions.
[01:29:48] Unknown:
Sure. His immune system was weak, and it killed everything.
[01:29:53] Unknown:
All I had to do was raise my body temperature. It fixes everything.
[01:29:58] Unknown:
So so the magnesium the ozone magnesium, is that is that a supplement or is that through, Yes. I mean, and Yes. We have it in capsules,
[01:30:08] Unknown:
and you just you can take as many as you need. To start with, if you're very, very toxic and old, you go slowly with anything. You you wanna inch out the toxins out of your body every day slowly and inch it up. When you drink the clay, you're taking the edge off. You can take the Magozone and then just start increasing larger amounts of it. If you feel any reaction like Herxheimer's effect, the lethargy, tiredness, or anything like that. You just maintain or back off slightly and maintain, let it clear, and then go deeper and dive deeper. You look into the doc, go deeper, deeper into the trillions of cells to open them up So they all open up and discharge their tops, not halfway. I don't like doing a job halfway.
If I wanna fix my car, I want all the bolts tightened up, and I want them tight.
[01:31:00] Unknown:
Well, you're talking about I agree. You're talking about a gallon. You go beyond that. That's just that's just No. No. The gallon of clay water
[01:31:10] Unknown:
is a detox. You finish it in 12 to 16 days, and you just did what I consider a detox. You wanna do that 3 or 4 times a year. A maintenance of clay for osteoporosis, etcetera, and many other things is 2 ounces of that mixture a day, which is very little clay. Ten ounces would be 1 ounce of powder. So 2 ounces is 1 fifth of an ounce is all that you got in there. But that will, completely, help anybody to avoid osteoporosis. And if they're already hunched over, pile that clay on their back over and over again till you pull out all that scar tissue there that's been there for so long. Let them stand up. Watch them start standing up straighter and straighter. Just keep putting it on over and over again as a Poultice.
The same way I pull out all them tumors out of the body. You just pop put it on and wrap it in cellophane. If you need if you need large cellophane, you go to Home Depot and get that pallet wrapping. It comes in 15, 18, and 20 inch cellophane rolls for less than $20, and you can wrap your whole body in it, the midsection and with clay and and it'll pull all them tumors right out of your gut, shrink all that stuff in your cavity.
[01:32:36] Unknown:
It's great. Great. Appreciate this. Appreciate you. I,
[01:32:40] Unknown:
you know, I'm I'm pretty good for the most part. I just wanna maintenance and and and take a detox and and and build up and, you know, it sounds like you're not necessarily needing to have a complete fast. Just delay the the food to later parts of the day. Is that correct?
[01:32:57] Unknown:
Yeah. That's you don't have to fast. You can drink clay and put it in your smoothie. It doesn't matter. As a matter of fact, if some people just will not get their head around the idea of drinking dirt. Right? Because that's what they're thinking. You you just take that same mixture and just put fill the glass halfway and fill the rest of it with apple juice, they'll think they're drinking an apple juice smoothie. The clay absorbs the flavor from the juice, and that's all it looks. It seems like an apple juice smoothie. You can't tell the difference. Or any flavored juice. What's the difference?
So I you know, when people have cancer, I don't tell them to drink juice. Just get that clay in you. Let's get you fixed. Let's get the let's get your, your acidic levels down, raise your pH of your body. That clay is totally alkaline. It alkalizes your body and so does the magnesium ozone. This is all important to go in that direction. You wanna realkalize your body and reoxygenate it because doctor Otto Warburg won 2 Nobel Prizes in the 19 thirties and was nominated for a third. The only man in history ever had that happen in science, no less in medicine.
He proved the prime cause and prevention of cancer. Why? That's how he won the Nobel Prize. He proved in 1930 the prime cause and prevention of cancer. 60% or more deprivation of oxygen to the cell starts the fermentation process. That's right. They live on sugar. So the oncologist, when when you're tired and he's making off and giving you chemotherapies, oh, just take a piece of candy over there and give you some energy. He knows that's what's the cancer's feeding off of. We need any any oncologist that does that needs really needs to go to prison. Because what he's saying is here, die.
Here, I'm gonna kill you and I want you to die more. Take some sugar.
[01:35:08] Unknown:
I don't think they're that smart.
[01:35:09] Unknown:
Their belief system is from the 1800. It's cut, poison, and burn. It's called allopathic medicine, and they monopolized and dominated the United States. They have more medicines here in this country, more prescriptions, and the worst, health outcomes of almost any country on this planet. You see all the countries that didn't take the COVID shots, their health is so much better. These people have been set up to take the COVID shots, and all the shots that came before the flu shots set them up. They've been setting them up all along, putting that garbage in them shots. They just made it better this time, better for them to kill us or hook us up to the Internet and the ones that don't make it and die, oh, well.
To them, it's just sacrifice. When they sacrifice us, they they think they're being rewarded. It is what it is, and we have to protect ourselves. We have to wake up and wake everybody up and get get with the program of educating yourself. As long as you keep believing doctors are gonna fix you, I wish you luck with that one. Now what happens when you have an abscess in your mouth? The dentist can't even look at your mouth. Right? Just take that bentonite clay, 2 parts water, 1 part clay, nice and thick, pack it in your jar overnight. Watch it take out that whole thing. It'll pull all that poison out of your jar. Believe me, I have pictures of my eye closed. My jaw was so swollen.
That's how it works. It works beautifully. You can put it on the outside and the inside of your throat and your jaw if you have cancer in the throat or you have, anything wrong with your throat or your jaw. Just put it on the inside and the outside. Gargle with the clay. You can goggle with let's say you have sore throat and, or pops at the larynx. Like, that man came to visit me at Phil's Furniture Factory, and I was babysitting his giant place. He's out delivering. Some man come walking in there, and he's talking like this. And I said, excuse me, if I'm not being too personal, can I ask you, why do you talk like that?
And he was very candid. He said I had polyps of the larynx. 25 years ago, they operated on them, and they grew back. I've been talking like this for 20 years. I said, really? I said, may I make a suggestion? If you gargle with this clay, I believe it's going to fix it. So I gave him some, and, I explained to him what to do. Well, a week later, I'm sitting in the break room and a man come walking in the warehouse in a white suit and a white hat. And he starts talking from a distance, you know, his eyes on me. And I got up and I said, excuse me. Aren't you the man that was in here talking like this the other day?
And he said, yes. And I said, knowing what he was gonna say that my mind was gonna be blown, I said, why aren't you talking like that anymore? Well, why aren't you talking like that now? And he said, because I did what you told me to. Oh my god. That was like 20 years ago. It's freaking amazing. It's been like that ever since. Every time I tell somebody something that I know is gonna work, even though I never did it before, it works. It's like a gift. It's not just the knowledge. It's it's that I know it's gonna work. So when my friend Ronald was sleeping in his van outside my daughter's house and he was sick as a dog coughing.
I told him to come in the house. It was, like, 20 degrees. I said, come inside in my bedroom and keep your mouth shut. I don't want you waking nobody up and getting me in trouble. And I I let him sleep on my couch in my bedroom only. He wouldn't sleep. He kept coughing. So there was no sleep, and I said, get up. Get get over here. I made him up a glass of that clay water, 4 ounces. I I poured him, and I said, go in the bathroom and gargle with this for 15 minutes. Every time it slides down your throat, take another sip and gargle. Let it slide down your throat, take another sip and gargle. When 15 minutes is done, okay, that's enough.
He didn't cough again for 5 hours. When he coughed again, I said do it again. Then he comes back the next day, comes back from the doctor, and he's got these antibiotics. He said the doctor says I got pneumonia. I said, I coulda told you that. You don't need to go to no doctor for me to tell you you got pneumonia. He said he he told me to take these antibiotics. I said, I wouldn't take them if I was you. You're gonna kill all your good bacteria. It's bad enough your immune system is at the pump right now. You wanna destroy the rest of it? When you're over 60 and you take antibiotics, your life goes downhill. You're short in your life.
Bad enough when you take them when you're young. So I said to him, come here. And I had 35% hydrogen peroxide. I set up 2 glasses of water. I put a quarter teaspoon in one of them. I said, drink straight down and wash it down with this other glass of water. Of course, the next day, all that pneumonia was gone. He never got to take those antibiotics. I I I couldn't see it. There's no there's no point in taking that garbage. The only kind of antibiotics that would be good in an emergency is penicillin. The rest of them, forget it. And by the way, pneumonia, 60% of it is antibiotic resistant.
In other words, antibiotics don't work on pneumonia anymore. Now what? So they keep giving them to you and weakening your body. All they're doing is ignorantly destroying each human being with their protocols. It's not the diseases, cancer, diabetes, heart disease that's killing everybody. It's their protocols. Get with the program. Learn how to fix yourself. Now red clove is the most powerful natural antibiotic on the planet. It's an herb, and it works beautifully on every kind of infection in your body. You make a tea out of it, and you're good to go.
I don't need their antibiotics. I got what I need. My friends say to me I've heard them say to me, Edward, don't you get sick? Because they know me a long time. And it my answer is not really. No. Do I feel super fantastic all the time? No. If I don't feel, you know, all that or something, I do something about it. Take something. Take some beef pounce, spirulina. Take something. Now I've been using that more mitell oil. It's got so many good things in it. It's fantastic. But when I don't put it in my mouth, I don't get the benefit of it. And right now, I've been talking. I'm not putting it in my mouth, and I didn't take it for hours. It seems to work beautifully under my tongue. It makes you feel great.
Anything that makes you feel good, you gotta think about it. Either it's bad for you or it's good for you, one or the other. But it it makes you feel anything. It's something. It's something too. When you put anything under your tongue and you get mental clarity or calmness or you feel these, you know it's working. You know you got something decent. Every kind of tea I ever made, I could feel it when I drink it. You know, I make my own root beer. I take I'll take the, soda water, sparkling water, and I brew up first the sarsaparilla. And I'll make it concentrated in a nice pot of sarsaparilla, pour it into a container.
And then I put a little bit into the club soda, put a little coconut milk in there, some Stevia, and I got myself a root beer float. But when you sip on that sassparilla, that opens up your mind too. Everything that's good for you, you could tell because you could feel it in your body when you put it in. Now the sugar, you could feel it too. The problem is it leaves you hungover afterwards. Sugar puts you on a it takes you to super highs and super lows. It's a very powerful drug, and we're all victims of it. We all like that sweet stuff. I use Stevia a lot to replace all the sugars.
It's plenty sweet, keeps my palate fine, and it stimulates my pancreas, so it's actually beneficial rather than harmful. Does anybody have a question? Because I don't need to I I mean, we could talk about anything in particular if somebody has a question. Does anybody have a health challenge you want to address? I had 2 of them for the stomach gastrointestinal in the same day this week. One of them had the ulcer where the esophagus connects to the stomach. The other one has it where the stomach connects to the intestine.
I got an amazing testimonial from Annette Ballen today. She said my friend went to the hospital. They were gonna cut out that joint where his stomach goes to his small intestines. They were gonna do the surgery. And another doctor said, no. No. No. You don't need to do surgery. You need to have a bland diet, and you need to do the take these antibiotics. So they wouldn't do the surgery. Thank god he got home, got the clay came to him. He drank it. He said, he told her that clay is the most amazing thing. All of his pain is gone. I told him, the lining of your stomach will regrow every 7 days. If you haven't also drink the clay, sip on it all day so that it sucks up that bacteria and gets it out, and the ulcer will stop. It will all grow back very quickly.
You do not need any of them medications from the gastrointestinal aisle, which is the biggest one in the drugstore because that's all anybody's having is gastrointestinal problems. And besides, doctor Freebod taught me that all disease starts and continues in the colon. All disease. Keep your colon clean. You'll prevent all the disease in your life if you understand this for the rest of your life. This is the basic understanding you need to keep yourself healthy for the whole your whole life. No one wants to live in disease. It's just not practical, and there's no reason for it except ignorance.
And we are ignorant. We've been lied to and told to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Doesn't matter if you're £95 or a £195, get them 8 glasses of water in you. Another bunch of nonsense. Since we're 74% water, 94% water is our blood. Then they told us to eat all 5 food groups, the food pyramid. Now you know why everybody's so sick. Of course, Rockefeller decided to use chemical fertilizer and take all of the the not MSM, the, sulfur out of our foods. So now the sulfur that carries the oxygen to your cells has been deliberately excommunicated from our food, from the chemical fertilizers that Rockefeller put on all of us.
Oh, and by the way, I remember when Bush senior said that genetic no genetically modified crops would ever get into our food system. He lied. It's all in our food system. The Europeans won't buy anything from us. The Chinese stopped buying our food from us because it's genetically modified. They won't buy it. We're gonna get stuck with it all. We used to have enough. We could grow enough food to feed the world. Nobody wants our food anymore. They don't allow all those food dyes in Europe. They've outlawed them all. And you know the first place people go to when they get severely ill in Europe, in Germany?
Ozone clinics. I bet you know I bet you most of the people on this call don't know that. They actually address things with ozone because it is the best cleanser sanitizer ever on the planet. It's what allows us to live on this planet. Without ozone, all that pollution would have built up and it'd be too toxic to this world. The ozone is what counters all the toxins and pollution in our environment and in our body. You are not even able to get a transfusion anymore anywhere. You cannot receive blood that has not been first ozonated because they discovered that ozone purifies the blood.
Well, it does in the body too, but Anthony Fauci wouldn't allow when Ed McCabe went to him with all 300 test cases for HIV and AIDS, and he had a 100% reversal on all of them. And one man was there begging Fauci to be able to use the dialysis machine with the ozone, and he put a pyramid over his head with his two thumbs together and his two pointed fingers, laid back in his chair, and told Ed McCabe and the other doctors, you'll have to do this, this, and this, another 6 years $6,000,000. That's because he was lying. He he invented this whole thing AIDS, and it all came from the vaccines. It's called VADES now.
Vaccine induce autoimmune, deficiency. From taking all the vaccines and flu shots, everyone's got this autoimmune deficiency now where they can't fight off any disease and they're multiplying spike proteins that are attached to their receptors. Now the nicotine receptors that are sticking, attaching the spike proteins to them will free them with a little bit of nicotine patch. Doctor Ardis figured it all out. They put all types of venoms in those shots. That's why people were getting paralyzed. There's venoms in them. You said all kinds of weird things where people all of a sudden were just twisting and turning and dropping dead everywhere on every sports field in this country.
That's because of the venoms causing myocarditis and instant heart attacks. And what's what really happened, and 21, a few months after the shots were introduced, the bodies were showing up with calamari clots coming out of them. When they try to get the formaldehyde in them, they couldn't get in in them. And they start pulling these long up to 6 foot long clots that aren't even made out of blood. They're made out of tin. They're made with, tin, Graphene oxide, and aluminum. The graphene oxide assembles in your body to hook you up to the Internet of things with their antennas. And they put it in you. They're spraying it over our heads. They're putting it in our food. They want the people that survive all of this genocide, the ones that survive, they want them hooked up to the Internet as slaves. They try to get robots to be, you know, like human, but they couldn't do it. So they're making humans like robots.
They that's the only way they can accomplish their total control over the races of all the humans. Their plan is to, be able to take their whole consciousness and just take new bodies and live forever. Hey. It is what it is, but that's their, point of view. And we're here, and unless we know what's going on, we become their victims. I don't do I don't do victim good. I'm not one of those kind of people that do victim good. I'm the kind of guy that likes to turn it around and put the victim where it belongs. The first thing you have to do is shield yourself and protect yourself. When somebody that you try to save from drowning tries to drown you?
My mentor told me, shove them deeper and get away. I value my peace more than anything in my life. Without that peace in my life, I got nothing. Because all the things in the world, I could give you a $1,000,000,000 and tell you you can never come out of your womb again. So what good is it? That feeling inside of me of that peace, that's the feeling I want. That's who I am. That's what I am. And when I'm out of touch with it, it just feels like something's missing. And then I I really recognize that I'm thirsty to feel that peace, hungry. Not just a little dab of it. I wanna really feel it.
I want it to be the dominating feeling moment to moment. Keeping my body clean is one of the ways of doing it, paying attention to that feeling inside of me is the only way to really feel it because we're always going outside of us. If this is right and that's right, then I'll feel good. Then I'll be okay. Not so fast. That's like going to the distributor instead of going to the manufacturer, the source. You keep going to the middle man outside of you. When your life is like this day, everything will be okay. No. Everything's okay now.
Make the connection inside of you to that feeling that makes everything worthwhile. Are there any questions? Somebody's gotta have a health question. There's gotta be somebody on there that's got something. Oh, by the way, those 2 people with the esophagus problems, I just told them to sip on the clay. Don't just drink it. Sip on it. Spread it out all day. Sip on it, and all of it'll clear up. You don't need their drugs. You don't need their prescriptions. You don't need them. You may think you do. That's like saying, well, God is calling all the shots. If God wills it, it'll be done. Well, what about you?
What about you willing it too? You think god can just will everything? I'm gonna drink poison and if god wills it, I'll live. Not so fast. You know, I find that people people talk about faith they have in god. I I have faith in god. You know? They're told to have faith in god and they have faith. But they have what good is it if you have no faith in yourself? There's two sides to the coin. In reality, there is no duality. There's only oneness, which means you're one with that that's you call god. So if you have faith in god and no faith in yourself, I don't see it. I just don't see it making any sense.
That's not my ego speaking. It's just a way of looking at it that says, wait a second. He's omnipresent, omnipotent, omnipotent. Supposedly, we're inside of god and god is with inside of us. So what we have faith in this god, but we don't have faith in ourselves, in our abilities to lit to literally learn and advance ourselves. I know everybody's heard the saying we're our own worst enemy. Yeah. We are. We block ourselves because that little voice that we're talking with all our lives starts calling us names when we're little. And it does it all our lives.
You know you're gonna drop that knife and you drop the knife and you and you hit your foot and you you call yourself stupid. You stupid idiot. You knew you were gonna do it, and you're now you're calling yourself names. And sometimes it calls people's names for something they did for the rest of their life, and it never stops calling them names. That's just an example. It does it all your life. Tells you you're not worthy to be have abundance. You're not worthy to have abundance. You can never have abundance because it tells you that. I think that people need to clean all of that out of their heads, everything that was programmed into us because it's blocking the reality.
The reality is that there's no limit in this life to what you can do. Everything and anything you want to have, do, be, or have is right at your fingertips. Ask and you shall receive. If you doubt, then you change the message from what you were asking for, the frequency of that to the frequency of doubt, and then you get what doubt gives you, which is nothing. Nada. 0. But if you put out exactly what you want in this world with the expectancy of knowing it's already yours, what does it feel like to already have, do, or be? Whatever it is you want in this world, it feels amazing.
You have to hold on to that amazing feeling that you are connected to the thought of what you want. Put it out there, and it'll permeate every atom of energy in this universe and return to you, must return to you by the laws of nature exactly what you call to you in your life. And that's what Henley meant when he wrote that you are the master of your destiny, the captain of your ship, only because you have the ability to direct your thoughts.
[02:02:03] Unknown:
I got a question.
[02:02:05] Unknown:
Good. Give me a question.
[02:02:07] Unknown:
How much, you know, on a full tub of water, what would be a reasonable amount of clay to put in there? 2 to 4 cups.
[02:02:15] Unknown:
You don't need the big jacuzzi tubs. You'd have to use, you know, more clay to be have the same, effect. So the small tubs and heat your water up with a pool thermometer you buy at Walmart for 2.99. It's got a little string hanging on the faucet. Take the screw out a little drain under the faucet. Unscrew it. Turn it upside down. Screw it back in and tape it. Mooney said I didn't do like you told me to. I cemented mine. Oh, Jesus. You're kidding me. He wasn't playing. That man wasn't gonna live. And, he did what I told him to and I saved his life. I'm glad he did it and he saved his life. Anybody can do what they're supposed to do and and free themselves from all this ignorance and all this dysfunctional health and disease in their lives.
It's all simple, really it is. So when you when you, put the clay, pour it the powder under the faucet as it's running, Anything residual will be on the bottom of the tub. Just run your hand along the whole bottom of the tub once you fill it up and shake it slightly as you're running it along the bottom of the tub once, and that'll disperse in plumes too. It'll be fine. And it never clogs your pipes. The water should stay around a 116 degrees. If you use a heater in the bathroom, close the door before you ever drool the water. Heat up the air in the bathroom, hot so that it doesn't cool down from the air quickly.
That way you don't have to add any water to the tub. You don't wanna be bothered with all that. What you wanna do is keep your knees up when you get in. Once you get used to the heat and get your head under the water. Get that hot so the parasites don't try to escape to your head, the cool spot. And then once your head is hot, leave your nose and your mouth just above the surface of the water. You can keep the rest of your head under the water. Clay is great for your hair, your scalp, your skin. Fantastic. It it'll make a new you out of you. But the hot bass are the most amazing thing. They'll open up trillions of cells in a 20 minute bath.
You'll get the temperature up around a 104, below or above, a 105, below or above. And, that cells will begin to discharge their toxins and they'll come right out the pores into the batch, going out to the clay water. And the next day, you're just gonna feel something. You're gonna tell me, Edward, this is amazing. I wanna do another bath. Yeah. I've had people doing it 3 times a week. It's so amazing.
[02:04:54] Unknown:
How long would be a reasonable bottom the time to stay in the tub? 20 minutes.
[02:04:59] Unknown:
25 tops. 20 minutes, 25 tops. That's all you need. Take a and and get a get a mouth thermometer so you can take your temperature after 20 minutes. A pool thermometer and a mouth thermometer you need. Not a big deal, though.
[02:05:19] Unknown:
[02:05:24] Unknown:
The only time I don't have somebody do the best by themselves when they're old and maybe they have heart problems, you just kinda wanna monitor them, have somebody there helping. But other than that, I remember when Susan said to me, Edward, I got out of the bath. I raised my temperature all the way up. I got out of the bath. I didn't even feel like going nowhere. I just laid on the floor. She I think she said I fell asleep on the floor. That was one time. Hey. Let me tell you something. We are loaded with things that need to come out of us. And as they're coming out of us, they're going, you know, they're gonna have some effect on you as you're flushing it out of your body. So, you know, you can expect things like little tiny things like that.
It won't be as serious as when you actually had the thing. It'll be milder, but it's has to surface and come back out. It's trapped inside our bodies, all of that stuff. Basically, pain is just trapped energies when the energy gets blocked. You wanna open it up. We get everybody out of pain, by the way. What you wanna do is learn about doctor Bevin's XDS technology that he's, developed into products, and what it's doing is just revolutionary. He's regrowing mitochondria in every cell of our body, and they're densest in the eyes, the brain, heart, and the organs. So everybody's getting their functions back. It's just like doctors never even dreamed any of this is possible.
We're having results that is just, I mean, it's it's right out of wish land and we're getting our wishes. I I I don't know how to say it any better than that. It it's things we just only hoped for and they're actually it's actually doing to all of us improvements. I didn't expect any improvements from his technology. And then when I use it, I said, oh my god. I'm indexing my my brain much better. So everything I thought I was doing, I needed some more. That's why I keep an open mind. If you close your mind, you're never gonna learn anything. And most so many people are closed minded. You know?
They really are. You know what I found out in life is that a closed mind and a closed heart go hand in hand. An open mind and an open heart go hand in hand. Maybe you'll remember what I'm saying and you'll observe that. You'll see it's true. People with closed minds have closed hearts. People with open minds and o the open hearts, they they they just seem to go together every in everyone.
[02:08:35] Unknown:
Edward, I have a question. Good. This is Phyllis.
[02:08:41] Unknown:
Hi, Phyllis.
[02:08:42] Unknown:
What kind of calcium is in the bin tonight, Clay?
[02:08:47] Unknown:
Not the kind of calcium that is built up in your body. You're not it's it now there's a slight amount of calcium that you're getting proper benefit from that actually addresses the osteoporosis, But it's not like you're taking in lots of calcium you need to get rid of. And by the way, if you need to balance your calcium and magnesium in your body, There's something called boron that I discovered around 3 o'clock in the morning. It actually balances the magnesium and calcium in your body. Boron is actually what borax is made of. That, soap, laundry soap is is is borax. That's boron.
Now you could use that actually for $5. You'll have enough for the rest of your life or they make it in bottles and you can buy more expensive boron. You can put it in your if you ever have a concern about the calcium that you have too much, but it won't be coming from the clay. That won't be causing any, intake of too much calcium. It does have a lot of different trace minerals that the body, benefits from, but most of it is actually, is eliminated from the body and takes out everything that we wanna get out of our body when we eliminate it. Some people Well, the re have the most amazing bowel movements they ever saw just drinking the clay the first time.
[02:10:20] Unknown:
Well, the reason I asked that is because one of our members of the republic had said that they would never ingest the clay because especially if there's calcium in it because according to their experience in a clinic, women do not metabolize calcium.
[02:10:40] Unknown:
No. You you right. You don't have to worry about that with this. You're not taking it's not like you're taking calcium into your body that's going in. No. This is going through your body, pulling everything out. That is not, the clay, no, is perfect for ingesting. And as a matter of fact, it's gras, g r a s. Generally regarded as safe for internal consumption, and that's by the FDA. So clays have been used internally for 1000 of years. Yeah. That person, is correct, but not about clay.
[02:11:14] Unknown:
Okay. That's why I wanted to run that by you because it seems like every time I hear of something that's good for you, somebody else has got a a, you know, an opposite comment.
[02:11:28] Unknown:
Right. But they're missing they're missing a lot of information. That's why why they they don't really understand what it is that it is we're talking about. They just hear the words they they hear calcium, and they think they know.
[02:11:41] Unknown:
Okay. Well, thank you for that. I'm going to bed at 11:30.
[02:11:45] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. I'm gonna let all you guys go. Never mind. It's enough me talking too. I need to, you know actually, talking is work, but it's it's the love of my life. I love doing I love helping people and saving people's lives or having them say, Edward, all my health is cleared up, and they were in such great health. It it makes you feel so good. It's so amazing.
[02:12:12] Unknown:
I agree. Thank you.
[02:12:14] Unknown:
To me, it's all a god thing. That feeling isn't that why everybody goes to them how the them houses of worship to feel good? They wanna go there and feel good. Well, hey, it's all a god thing. Every breath is a god thing. It makes me feel good. It's a god thing. Thank you so much, everybody, for coming. It was a lot of people came. Not a problem. I appreciate everybody coming in. If anybody has any questions or has very sick people and you want me to have a talk with them and see if we could save their lives, because the greatest thing I could do for the one that breathes me and gives me this life and gives me this love and this beauty in my life, this feeling, the greatest thing I could do is to have another person continue breathing too and enjoy that breath.
Believe me. When you save life, there's no I don't think there's a greater thing we can do in this life but then to save life. It feels so right, and we got we got miracles waiting for people that really need me. You you got somebody really sick. Get them home on home hospice and give me a call. Let's save their life. Get them home. Don't let them go to the hospice. Get them home. Get them home on palliative care and home hospitals. And if there's this chance we can fix them, which if they'll let me, we'll fix them. They'll they'll do what I tell them to. They'll come out of it and walk away from their death bed. It's not a joke. It's real.
There's no reason anybody needs to die of disease. Even at that late stage at that moment when they sent them home, on home hospice, on a feeding tube and an IV, The only thing that's blocking them from healing then is the IV is is the, morphine and OxyContin. Those are receptor blockers, and I can't heal people on it. I have a better way to heal them, and they'll be sleeping like babies, no pain, and healing at the same time. There's ways of doing things, and then there's ways of doing things. I promise you. And with that said, I want everybody to be able to when they listen to this recording, if you need to visit the website, go to, I n f o, abchealth
And, they can go to the store, read about the bentonite clay, learn about the magnesium ozone, learn about the atomic mineral water, and read about it, watch the videos, learn how to utilize these things. This isn't just me saying this. I have all different, podcasters and doctors speaking on the bentonite clay on the videos there. And they don't sell it, but they sure speak on it and tell you how important it is. And when it comes to raising the glutathione in your body to break down the Graphene oxide that I didn't speak about. There's a way to get that Graphene oxide out of your body that's assembling in your body and is able to send signals from the cemeteries to your phones.
We can break down with glutathione. We can break down all of the grafting to eliminate it out of a body that they've been getting into us, injecting into us, spraying into us, feeding us. We need to break down that Graphene Oxide in our body so we can't be hooked up to the Internet. And the way to do that, according to doctor Malkovich and doctor Artis, is the glutathione, the master antioxidant in the body when you raise it, break down that graphene oxide. And the way to raise it is not with the pills at 2%, not with the shots at 10%.
You wanna use the light frequency technology that goes under your belly button and raises the glutathione by 300% in 24 hours. It's a simpler way of effectuating your desired results to the best of your ability without having to guess. The more you know how to do things simple, the better it is. Before you learn to drive a car, I'm sure you were nervous. And when you steered, you oversteered. Just get used to being responsible for your own life and being in charge of your own health care. Because no doctor, that's not his job. He can never do that. You have to be the CEO of your own health care company that you are to take care of yourself.
And I I want everybody to be in their peace and their joy. If you need me, you can call me at 818-613-9206, and let's fix it. There's no excuse for anybody to die of disease. There's no reason for it except you believe you're gonna. They got you to believe everybody dies of disease. It's just not true. You can leave your body in perfect peace in old age. You'll never have to have disease. It's a lie. But if you wanna believe it, that's okay. Alcoholics and drug addicts and heavy smokers, well, you gotta die or something. Oh, well, if you wanna believe that.
If you think you can, you're right. If you think you can't, you're right. What do you think? You're always right. So anything else, Daryl? Mean, I hope I didn't put you to sleep, Darryl.
[02:19:07] Unknown:
Not that I'm thinking of right now.
[02:19:12] Unknown:
Yes. Are you hearing the info, though? Tomorrow, Saturday, at 11 o'clock CST, 12 noon EST is the more might of calls. Tomorrow is gonna be the greatest testimonies of the whole year. I don't think anybody should miss this call. And if they do, they need to hear the replay. It's going to be outstanding. I have not missed any of their calls in over 2 years. They are outstanding in the knowledge you're gonna get and the perception you're gonna get and the possibilities of fixing everybody's health just from listening to one of those calls is gonna open up your mind to the possibilities that, wait a second, all of this can be addressed for real? This is not just Edward saying this?
It's not just his big mouth there's something to this? Uh-huh. Oh, yeah. There's something more to it than you can imagine. When people are all fixing every part of their bodies with the same few applications and it's their body is taking it and doing, sending it where it needs to fix everything. Oh, my goodness. It is mind blowing. I would advise everybody to get on that call. 608-906 0003. 608-906-0003. I guarantee you that call tomorrow is going to be fascinating. The amount of people that are gonna call in tomorrow on q and a are gonna have testimonies, and I've been getting them all week, new testimonies from people.
I'm constantly getting testimonies from people that are so challenged in their health and all of a sudden, bam, it's fixed and it just pleases me to no end. I just love what I'm doing. And I need all the help I can get. I need everybody to help and do this too. Just let's get busy fixing people instead of cars and airplanes. I fix people. Because I can. Only because I can. So with that said, I hope everybody enjoyed tonight's call and benefited from it. Try to keep it knowledge and a little entertainment. We're gonna have to get some more entertainment too. I'll I'll finish out with this, you know what? Here.
Here we go. Here's a poem I wrote along back when I was in my forties. We are the light. There is a hidden plight, a mystery if I might. Cognizant in our sight, a simple subtle light. To know this living light, it matters not your height or being wrong or right. So don't be all uptight. Sometimes it looks so bright. It shows us dazzling white. Don't turn away in fright, but love this living light. Imagine there's a fight, a struggle in the night, but really it's not quite illusion versus light. To still the mind in flight, to quiet its crazy might, to find the hidden sight so you can be the light, just be by Edward Mann.
Just be in your peace and your joy. Thanks for coming, everybody.
[02:23:31] Unknown:
Thanks for sharing.
[02:23:33] Unknown:
Thank you. I hate to go, but we gotta go. There's so many people on here. We we're gonna let you go. Come back next Friday. We're gonna do this. And, Daryl, you can make any announcement you want, and we'll finish up.
[02:23:54] Unknown:
Well, everybody's invited to join our republic call that we do on Tuesdays and the second and 4th Thursday. And, 7th January, we're gonna have, Ray from Michigan. He's gonna be doing, questions on the administrative process that he taught for the last 3 Tuesdays. So if there's any other, questions you can, join, and then after that, we're gonna be talking about setting up our, trial by juries and the common law grand juries. And we're planning on doing a live, grand jury, session on the 14th January, and that we will be hearing 2 cases from California where these people been thrown in jail because they didn't accept a, a public defender.
They send them to the state hospitals to be forced drugged. They say to bring them into competency or to bring them in control, but it's basically a really serious human rights violations. But that number is 425-436 6280 with an access code of 695-623 pound. And that call starts at 8:30 EST, 630 Mountain, 530 Pacific. So if you wanna hear the replay, on what Ed shared here last night on the Republic call, you could go to 605-313-5112 with that same access code of 695-623 pound, and the call number was 267. And, 2 weeks before that, if you wanna listen to that one, that one was 260.
So you're welcome to, look listen to the replays, and we would sure, be glad to have you help to restore our guaranteed republican form of government back to the intent of the 4 organic laws and restoring it back to the bottom up where the people are the authority and these public officials are a servant like it's supposed to be, like it was meant to be, and take this country back from those that have stolen it from us, I yield. Not too much?
[02:27:15] Unknown:
I didn't realize I was muted. I apologize. I was I was saying some things like, I'm very, I'm, I'm very pleased that so many people are waking up and want to know, to take control of their life and protect themselves in law and in health. Because unless you do, you're very vulnerable And you need to be on the same page with other like minded individuals that have knowledge and are able to share knowledge. And when you have challenges, emergencies come up, you've got access to the right, situations where you could find out quick information to be able to it can be, life saving, literally.
[02:28:09] Unknown:
Well, Edward, you did an excellent job on the call last night where you talked about, 5th generation warfare using this 4, 5, and g, frequency.
[02:28:20] Unknown:
The 6 g. Yeah. 4, 5, and 6 g. And and 6 g. Yes. To,
[02:28:26] Unknown:
basically, really to destroy the lives. Just suck the suck the frequency right out of your blood cells. And without that, you're dead. And you did a you did an excellent job of sharing that, my yield. They're sucking the oxygen out of us in there, and they're literally,
[02:28:46] Unknown:
killing the mitochondria inside of us. I mean, they're weakening people to no end. They're tired. They don't know why. They they seem to be eating good. They're this, they're that. There's a lot of reasons and what we need to do for each individual person is just get to the bottom of it. We need to counsel everybody. Have a little talk with everybody. Get everybody you know and get let's have a little talk with them so they can begin to understand that, yes, you can be in charge of your own happiness and your own health. You can effectuate your desired results in your life and manifest your desired results into a life that is fantastic.
It's up to you. Do you want to?
[02:29:33] Unknown:
And if you wanna and if you wanna share any of these broadcasts that like tonight, you could go to And tonight would be the 27th or 28th, and the last call was, I think it was dated 21st, which was been the next day after he just the following day. It didn't get up until the next day. They'll say a b c health
[02:30:02] Unknown:
calls. Okay. And and it's Yes. You can listen to different broadcast on that, whole program. Yeah. Yeah. It's got plenty.
[02:30:23] Unknown:
Yeah. I would encourage you to share it far and wide to all those that have an ear to hear and eyes to see and have a desire to be healthy.
[02:30:32] Unknown:
Oh, man. Healthy and happy. That's all I want more than anything. I used to think it was money. That was the only important thing. You chase money hard enough and long enough, your health will disappear. I guarantee you. You better find some balance in your life quickly. As a matter of fact, it might be better to even put health in front of money. Well, you need money to keep your health good, but you need your health to even be inspired to even ever make any money. Because without your health, you might as well kiss your inspiration goodbye too. They're all if that feeling of inspiration is you. That feeling of love is you. That feeling of peace is you.
When they're not when you're not feeling it, you're not feeling it, period. Okay? What you wanna do is feel it. Feel it. Feel it. Feel every breath you have a chance to feel it. Thank you for coming, everybody. It's just a beautiful life. Life itself is just amazing. So magical.
[02:31:48] Unknown:
Yeah. We have to live every day like it's our last, and you'll never be able to relive today. So make the best of it.
[02:31:55] Unknown:
Well, I don't get to think all of that. I just try to enjoy moment by moment, one breath at a time. And it's just like it adds up to a joyous life. The more breaths you take that you feel, the feeling, the more your whole life was full of those breaths that you felt the feeling. You can't ignore that feeling. If you ignore it, you're miserable.
[02:32:20] Unknown:
We're not guaranteed tomorrow, but we're here today in the present.
[02:32:26] Unknown:
Yeah. That's right. The only and even tomorrow, there'll always be the moment called now even tomorrow. Because that's all you ever have is the moment, this moment. Thank you. It's a beautiful thing. Thank you very much. You guys, everybody stay in your peace and your joy until we meet and speak again. I'm going to click off.
[02:33:08] Unknown:
Bless you.
[02:33:10] Unknown:
I'm ending it for everybody. End the meeting for all. Get some rest now, everybody.
[02:33:15] Unknown:
Introduction and Opening Remarks
Discussion on Dr. Judy Markovich and Vaccines
Genocide and Public Unawareness
FDA and Food Safety Concerns
9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Ignorance and Control in Society
Healthcare System Critique
Importance of a Strong Immune System
Inflammation and Diet
Hydration and Emergency Preparedness
Detoxification and Health Maintenance
Genetics and Personal Responsibility
Blood Clots and Natural Remedies
Vaccine Mandates and Public Health
5G and Global Health Concerns
Inner Peace and Happiness
Q&A Session with Mark from New York
Influence of Frequencies on Health
Faith and Self-Belief
Detoxification Techniques and Benefits
Closing Remarks and Reflections