In this episode of Health Call, recorded on January 31, 2025, we delve into the intriguing and concerning topic of graphene oxide assembling within our bodies, potentially turning us into human cell towers. This discussion is part of our breaking news segment, highlighting the implications of being linked to the Internet of Things and being used as energy sources for AI systems. We explore the concept of humans as electrical beings and the potential for exploitation without our awareness.
We also touch on the philosophical and spiritual aspects of self-awareness and self-faith, emphasizing the importance of realigning with one's divine energy. The conversation shifts to the mental and physical stresses caused by modern life, including the impact of chemicals and pollution on our mental health.
Throughout the episode, we address the human condition, the manipulation of knowledge, and the societal structures that have led to a loss of cognitive thinking. We discuss the historical context of knowledge manipulation and the role of fear and guilt in controlling the masses.
Listeners are encouraged to question the status quo, seek true knowledge, and take control of their health. We share personal anecdotes and insights into the importance of understanding one's body and mind, advocating for natural health solutions and self-empowerment.
The episode concludes with practical advice on detoxification, the importance of proper hydration, and the dangers of modern processed foods. We emphasize the need for vigilance in health practices and the pursuit of true knowledge to combat ignorance and misinformation.
Welcome to health call. We're gonna discuss some, timely issues today on Jan. 31, 2025. And it's concerning some of the graphene oxide that's literally assembling inside of us and turning us into cell towers. Interesting. This is some of the breaking news that we have in the newsletter this week, and I think that everybody should take a look and see what's going on. That graphene oxide is assembling inside of our body, and it is literally linking us to their, like, Internet of things. So we become like an Internet of things. More so they're using us for batteries, like energy batteries.
Like, we're the ones supplying their giant computers that are to store all their AI and their information about us and, well, they gotta run on power. They want us to be the producers of the power because we are electrical beings, And it only stands to reason they'll make use of us if they can without us knowing, of course. You know, before we get into a bunch of things, we know that we have the solutions to everything because the 1 and only that breathes us and never gives us something that there isn't a solution to. It's just that people are very confused and get blocked by the slightest challenges because, I don't know, they don't really have faith in themselves.
They say they have faith in a god or something that they call and they have all this faith, but then I look at their own actions and they don't have faith in themselves as well. If god and you are 1 and god is within us and we're within god, well, I think you ought to have faith in yourself if you wanna, like, even out the whole thing. I have a saying I put on my computer, realign with the divine. Realign with the divine. Get back connected to the energy that you are because we're out of touch with it. The sickness isn't only just physical disease.
It's a, basically, a mental disease, lack of ease mentally. People are so stressed out from chemicals in the body and they're just stressed out. It just adds to it all the pollution in the body, adds more and more stress to everybody. You know, I used to think about the cows grazing. They grazed their whole life. They're not concerned with anything. They're not certainly not thinking about things, except the next bite. And they do their job. They eat all day. And they're in their peace and their harmony. But then you see man too busy thinking all day, tries to go to sleep at night and can't even quiet his mind down to be able to get some respite from all the trials and tribulations of the day.
The mind just won't shut up sometimes. Even when you wanna go to sleep, it doesn't stop thinking. The peace that you want in this world isn't the absence of war, it's the peace from yourself. The peace that we hunger for, that we thirst for is the peace from our own disruptor inside of us.
[00:05:20] Unknown:
So Hello?
[00:05:23] Unknown:
We're doing our call, and everything is moving, in the peaceful direction. If you want the number, you can get on.
[00:05:32] Unknown:
No. You're on your call?
[00:05:34] Unknown:
Yes. We
[00:05:35] Unknown:
are. My granddaddy is real sick. Alright. Because her stomach hurts. She's been showing up for two days. They don't have any baking soda. They don't have her.
[00:05:46] Unknown:
What have you given her for her stomach? Did you give her any clay water? No. She she was in Arkansas. We don't have any. No. No. You have the clay. You have to have it and give her some clay water if she's throwing up her car. In Arkansas. Okay. I gotta hang up. I'm on my call. Sorry. Can't yell. I I understand that in Arkansas. Isn't that people are unprepared, and they have all kinds of problems. If they had a little clay water, they'd never have a problem with any kind of, stomach issues. She just told me she can't even get baking soda? Okay.
Of course, I didn't get into the actual cause and the reason because I would have to find out what's causing that problem. You can't just say do this or do that without asking more questions. And, there are certain things you wanna know before you give people advice. That is for sure. The human condition is, a serious problem, actually. I might as well read this. I think we have unless somebody has a health question right now that they would like to ask. I'm gonna read something that extraordinary document about the kidnapping and bondage of the global mentality, brackets, parentheses.
Just who the hell is that stable boy, and whom put him in charge of my thoughts? 1 of, if not the prevailing causes of modern man's mental dilemma. This is to establish but 1 of many parts brought to bear over the millennium to regress one's mental prowess through fear and guilt. This 1 aspect of the multitude has been chosen as it is well known and in all too frequently spewed term to excuse or cloak an action or issue. This simple example and or explanation will give the an understanding of how and or why they're no more as whole exists or is being taught the utilizations of 1 nat one's natural ability of cognition.
Scroll. This is how it came to be. That man's thought process has lost its knowing and or ability to have the utilization of mental cognitive cognitive excuse me, cognitive connective process of connectedness. I'm gonna read that again. This is how it became to be, Colin. That man's thought process has lost its knowing and or ability to have the utilization of mental, cognitive, connective process, or of connectedness. This is in regards to actual factual knowledge that which is not manipulated or manufactured to meet the present narrative regarding knowledge of self and why their thoughts are as such, let alone any aspects of understanding others or sadly, the world around them.
In short, it is no longer taught or acceptable how to utilize one's mind in a step by step manner by which enabling an end verifiable result. This verifiable result is known as and or called cognitive thinking. Over a period of millennia, modern man has slowly, progressively, primarily by accident, learned how by trial and error to bastardize the natural function of the human condition by which the natural actions that would have taken place via cognant process became twisted into what was the desire of another for their benefit, not the 1 they convinced to think and do as they said.
This has always been achieved via and through the foul actions of fear and guilt. Utilizing these 2 apparatus, modern man has contorted and distorted the mind, its position, and how it is utilized in reverse. This reverse was able to be achieved via the following factor, Colin. The mine has 2 main parts and or aspects. The final 1, the original main action taker and or all pervading part of the mind was in fact the intellect. This is the aspect of the mind which perceives all of that. That is the intake to the mind. It then deciphers what is and or is not. 2.
The secondary minute mental capability of the mind modern man calls the ego. The reason thereof. By so doing, justifying their actions of reversing the 2 roles through fear and guilt to a the term ego comes from Latin, where all of this, the 1 being used as the example, twisted action of reversing mental importance, prowess, or positioning originated has the meaning of I, which is the aspect of and means the oneness of self as in the 1 and only important factor. Hence, whatever you think, feel, say, or do is correct for you are the 1.
It is to be understood that in ancient cultures, this term they now use as ego was not seen as such. Understood or thought of as it is, as it now is, and was known for what it truly was. There is a modern English term that explains precisely what this manipulation by modern man and of the repositioning of the secondary part of the mind into first position and the now has become the predominant utilized part of the mind. This will be explained in detail of the whereofs and why fours of the secondary part of the brain. How it has been taught over the millennia to believe it is the main part of the brain fight for supremacy and as such has become so bombastic, obstinate, controlling, fearful, and always defensive.
It will become blatantly obvious how and why modern man has developed and turned into such an asinine, self perpetuating, bophonic twit. It is any wonder no. Excuse me. Is it any wonder the world is in the state it is with such a state of global ludicrousness to be the actual purpose of, colon, this extremely small portion of the mind they now call ego is not in any manner, shape, or form at this point in time anywhere close to facilitating its original purpose other than perpetuating a facade of its original self. The 1 and only purpose. And or reason for the existence of this extremely minor portion of mine was and has always been purely for survival.
That simply and straightforwardly means that in times gone by prior to man's becoming modernized and so called civilized, The civilized aspect is laughable. That was in brackets. It's complete and total purpose was for and only for the singular position of survival of the individual. This was accomplished by a constant twenty four hour a day vigilant awareness of any and or all aspects that would cause and or bring forth danger, harm, and or death to the individual or group. 3. Now here's where it gets interesting. By modern man's flipping the proverbial mental script originally written in the DNA, this was done via the permeating throughout society, the aspect of fear and guilt, the flipping of this script enabled the following colon, utilizing the base function of the survival quotient of the mind and its singular duty of vigilant awareness regarding danger and its avoidance to ensure continuation of life.
This vigilance stalwart ness was used against the survival mechanism to their advantage, to turn its natural undertakings into a continual state of fear, producing a societal factor considerably resembling the mentality of Chicken Little. By flip flopping of said script and placing the stable boy in charge, it has brought forth, Colin, a nonstop congruency of incongruent and incompatibility in any aspect of true reasoning and or the bringing forth of any legitimate reasoning, which is based upon the absolute factor of fact itself. Oops. I scrolled too far. I okay.
For the pure and simple reason, the stable boy is in constant, never ending fear based upon his doubt of self abilities and or capabilities to facilitate the position of number 1. From this lack of self worth and value springs ever forth anger, shame, and guilt due to which the ability to be controlled in every aspect of his slash her life, parentheses, by someone believes or perceived to be of loftier position or intellect, in parentheses, is mere child's play. In other words, you can toy with all these people that have no self worth and no self esteem, no self experience.
That was just my comment. I'll continue reading. For he, she unwillingly submits and prostrates themselves mentally and all too oftenly physically and more often than not to be prevailing, accepted by societal thought and or belief of the day, which has a habit of changing. Nearly day by day. This brings forth living within the world of total denial. For if 1, due to lack of knowledge, fear, guilt, and shame for being as such as they are, it is not possible to do anything other than berate, belittle, and have very little, excuse me, very disparaging thoughts of oneself.
Hence, the forever non ending questioning of, quote, who am I? What is my purpose? What am I doing here? With such prevailing societal perverseness, how could modern society be anything other than what it has now become and worsening day by the day? The statement of all I'm going to scroll up the statement also often expound, quote, we need to get back to nature, end quote. In the actuality, it is the intellect that that is supposed to be in the number 1 position as such would be getting back to our natural nature By the stable boy making all the decisions, getting a thought through the idiocy of the filtering 1, parenthesis, It translates it translates into how its thought pattern works or doesn't.
As such, it is able to sound, which it has convinced itself of, as quite an impressively intellectual action. In all actuality, what this means is that in a straightforward, devoid of any nonsense with no wonderment, question, or hesitation whatsoever, quote, that we need to run headlong, wrongingly, and return back to all aspects of that which was in its original construct and was meant to be the natural state of mankind, end quote, or simply stated, quote, reverse the prevailing bastardization wrought and perpetuated step by step for over two thousand years by deviantly perverse groups and individuals for their own self aggrandizing and everyone else's expense of self and whom truly are or were meant to be, end quote.
This quote, this is achieved by simply bringing forth and availing knowledge in its true pure form, not the adapted, adjusted, or adjudicated version now so prevailingly spewed, which has only a monoclonal truth, which all that is and or has been built from said is manufactured truth slash knowledge. This is, of course, to meet the need at the time for those controlling the delivery of so called knowledge. Again, simply stated, quote, the stable boy needs to return to mucking the stalls for the stench of man's mentality or greater lack thereof has become an overburdening attack upon all senses and has made mankind reek of now accepted societal thoughts, social meringue of the day with such a stench. It has become unbearable, end quote.
Place in some aspect in charge, which has no conceptualization of what is, let alone what is it in charge of, is less than intellectual. Actually, so would this not be the epitome of ignorance slash insanity or, oh, yes, colon ego, colon. Also revered to as, quote, the stable boy, end quote. Ancient culture translation of the word ego, equivalates to brick. This is because as it has been established as and became the only real working thought, parentheses, or lack thereof, in parentheses. It's survival mechanism, again, minute part now permeates society as the true dwelling of thought and action.
Now without thought is believed to be the intellect of the brain. This overwhelming acceptance of its position, all be it's usurped at all and any costs it must protect even to the extent of destruction of the individual as were it to become known, it is but the stable boy. It would no longer possess the mental throne, though, just as and like a brick, it is manmade and does not have this position via the placement of DNA as the expression the saying so often awfully goes, colon parentheses. Where does all that stuff, the literal shit shiznit that has been pounded in my head all my life since I was a child, which is absolutely no value that came from it. And why was it taught to me, end quote.
Hence, modern man's mentality. Eagle. Beyond a doubt, this is man's now commonly referred to as the controller's greatest debauchery and foulest act that has ever been forcibly brought forth and or wrought upon mankind, epilogue. This was the explanation to a question I had several times queried over the last year and a half to my teacher. What has caused the world to, what has caused the world, the population as a whole to have gone so very far off its proverbial mental rails in regards to that of which is real and that of which is not. What is the cause disenabling them to see the extreme difference?
The answer above to my query made so much sense to me and really hit home. I could not just hear and understand it. I had to take and write it down as I knew this should be seen and read by others. So as to enable them the understanding and clarity it afforded to me. I asked my teacher if he will allow me to write this down and allow it to be seen by others. I was ecstatic when he said yes. So I scribed exactly what I what he said, being extremely vigilant not to mishear, write or misquote him. This is my purest of hope that this brings the clarity and understanding to all others as it has been given me.
I intend to present this to all of my friends, colleagues, and others of which having the same question as I did, doctor Parenter Monet twenty twenty three. So, again, the name of that document I'll give you is called the Kidnapping and Bondage of the Global Mentality. And this subtitle is, quote, just who the hell is that stable boy and whom put him in charge of my thoughts. So okay. That being said, I don't know if anybody has any questions about such a document. The understanding is we've been lied to about everything, not just a little bit of things.
Everything is misrepresented, so everything in our head that's judging everything is based on all lies. That kind of, like, is a simple understanding of what that document says. And yet the thing that thinks and is in control of our lives, that's totally misinforms and analyzes everything for us, has been mistrained, misaligned, and really is not is not capable of doing the critical thinking that's necessary unless it frees itself from this ignorance prison that it's that we've been really raised in. We've been raised in a prison of ignorance, imprisoning us all in ignorance.
When I think about how many times we've sat in front of the boot tube, and they could have taught us the most amazing things. It could have been the most amazingly educated populist ever, And yet it was all done for the opposite purpose, to entertain us and keep us from real knowledge. They select the ones they want in those universities and compromise them and get them involved in all of their so called alphabet agencies. Criminalities is the way I look at it. Mankind should have already been advanced so far. It's unbelievable. Instead, they keep us weighed down with a bunch of lies and nonsense.
I don't think people can see which way is up to to to go in any, destination in life when every time you turn around, it's another lie, another lie, another lie in every direction. How many lies do you have to have put in front of you before most everything is a lie? How much truth is there? Let's see. It started off with the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, and the Easter bunny. You wanna talk about some truth? But then what did our parents know? Not very much. Matter of fact, the people that did know things during the middle ages were all put to death. The booksellers burned all the books because they've always done that. They must keep the people ignorant. God forbid that the people would rise up and realize their true consciousness and their true abilities and the gifts that they have that they've never even been made aware of because their parents didn't know how to teach them because they didn't know the gifts that they had.
And here we are in ignorance, Breathing 1 breath at a time. What's said back in 1970 must've been '72. He's the ignorance and darkness is so pervasive. There's no difference now from the caveman in the caveman days, except for that now they put windows in the walls of the caves, but the ignorance and darkness is still completely pervasive. Anytime somebody has a a problem, an emergency, and they don't know what to do, they rely on other people that don't know what to do. I heard that expression when I was young. It was called the blind leading the blind. And, man, is that true?
You go to doctors that can heal themselves or their own families because they're not healers. They're drug dealers, and you go to them to get healed. I'd say that's the blind leading the blind. But what do I know? Right? I couldn't possibly know anything. Anyway, if anybody does have a question, you can ask it. If it's a health related question, I would love to be able to address it. The purpose of everything is to get clarity. What you wanna do is know how to handle an emergency before the emergency comes up. So when an emergency comes up, you already know what to do instinctively and from experience, and that's why everybody needs to share these calls and knowledge.
You know, I see people that don't even learn anything about health. Oh, yeah. Like me. I was too busy playing the game, making big money, and I didn't see any purpose to concern myself with anything about health. I was fine. Right? Until in 1999, loading 1 of my big bob tailed trucks, I had a stroke. Dropped those giant speakers, couldn't curl my arm with more than 2 pounds in it anymore. I was doing 40 pound dumbbells, couldn't lift my hand above my ear, and that sure knocked the arrogance out of me from that moment on. That day, that was life changing.
When you can't pick your hand above your ear, can't even lift it above your head, can't touch the top of your head because your hand won't go up your arm. I certainly wasn't loading big bobtail trucks anymore twice a day every day on the weekends. It also made me realize 1 thing, I wanted to live. Number 1, for I was 47 years old, and all I could think of is I wanna live, man. Luckily, I read Nathan Pritigan's Pritigan promise twenty eight days to better health five years before. And he warned me, if you have any problems with your heart, do not listen to those doctors. Do not go for surgery the next day like they always recommend.
Come to find out they do 800000 surgeries a year and doesn't extend life even by five minutes overall average, but it sure gets those mortgages paid to them surgeons. Those cardiologists gotta do them surgeries. Not even an average of five minutes extended life on 800000 surgeries. And he warned me they'll put you on medications for the rest of your life. And I look at all my friends. They put them on high blood pressure medications, and I warned them it's gonna poison your kidneys, and your kidneys are gonna shut down. You'll end up on dialysis or worse.
They didn't listen. They didn't change their diets. They didn't start learning about the food combining, but I can't blame them. Neither did I. That's why I had a stroke. I didn't listen to 2 natural doctors that actually tried to teach me. But you know how it is when you're arrogant and you think you're making lots of money, so you must be why should you listen to anybody? You but you're doing better than them. Yeah. I wish you luck with that 1. I don't think it got nothing to do with it exactly with, money. It has to do with knowledge.
And the knowledge of of pure health and true health, that's priceless. True knowledge is priceless. You cannot put a price on real knowledge and the proper utilization of real knowledge. You just can't. I can't put a price on the peace I feel inside of me. Because if there was a place I could buy it, then I could put a price on it. But it's not something I can purchase anywhere. Yet I do have to pay for it. Only I have to pay attention to the most precious, beautiful feeling inside of me, and it's who I am. It's not just something or some feeling.
It's me. The feeling is me. I'm not feeling it. I'm not paying attention. I'm missing it. I'm paying attention to something, but not the feeling. You know, life is really simple, but in order to experience the simplicity of life, we have to become simple. We complicate everything, k, all this complication. And yet simply, the only thing that matters is my next breath because without it, I'm not going on. It's over. We don't value that breath. We don't value the only thing that's really ours. It's that feeling inside of us that we've had all our life, That peace, that joy, whatever you wanna call it, a feeling of satisfaction, a feeling of fulfillment, tranquility, a feeling of serenity, a feeling of love, joy, all the symptoms that represent a feeling that without which you don't even wanna be here.
It's the only thing that makes life worth living is that feeling, the feeling that you are. And so much of the time we go through our life in dysfunctional health, disease, and disconnected from the peace that we are. The only thing I know is that in order to enjoy this life, you have to be in joy so you can enjoy anything. If you're not in joy, you can't enjoy anything. If you enjoy, you can enjoy everything. And the joy is who I am. It's not something that comes from outside of me. And getting in touch and staying in touch with the only thing that I have that's real is that feeling. Everything else is part of, like, the desert of feeling, the emptiness.
No feeling in things. You might get a pleasure out of the thought of having them or the thought of this or that. But when you're standing on top of a mountain all by yourself overlooking the most beautiful sunset, admiring that beauty of nature, Where's that admiration that you're feeling inside of you? It's not coming from outside. That inspiration that makes you wanna do and help and make things happen in this world. That's, that's the feeling you are. When you lose it, you lose the, the most precious thing in life. Life is so precious only because of that feeling.
You wouldn't consider life precious if you avoided that feeling and nothing but nonsensical empty thinking. It's just, to me, it's it gets old, and you just want peace from your own thoughts. Because the greatest challenge you have really in life never was outside of you. It was always inside. Getting to know thyself, as Socrates said. Because if you know thyself, then you know the feeling of thyself is everything. Everything we do is to attain move away from pain and into a feeling of pleasure. That's everything we do is is to do that. Move away from sickness into health, detoxify your body, stop eating food constantly and mixing food constantly.
Let us realize that we're literally water beans. We need to drink a lot of water and teas that are equivalent and keep our bodies cleaner and lighter and stop mixing all these massive different concoctions of food when we go to the refrigerator. These illustrious jumbo sandwiches with all these trimmings because may maybe we were never meant to mix all these foods together in the same stomachs. No maybes about it according to the food charts that I have and share with people. You're not supposed to be mixing foods the way we mix them. You're not supposed to eat desserts after you eat your cooked food, and yet they offer them to you in every single restaurant they there is.
Would you like dessert now? Because the only thing you wanna eat when you're that full is something so sweet. And you put that in there, and it just makes you sick. That's why everybody's got prediabetes. Go ahead and eat your dessert after you eat a meal. Watch how the diabetes just gets worse and worse and worse. People are just killing themselves by what they put in their own mouth. The ignorance is so pervasive, there's nothing but ignorance. Until we learn anything of any value, we are ignorant. We've been meant to be ignorant. We are kept ignorant. The only way to learn anything of value is to seek it out or have your elitist parents make you learn it because the, regular people, they're too busy fighting just to make a living. They can't raise their children.
They have to let the government dumb down public full systems to raise their children. And rely on the medical profession to, give them 70 something vaccines. It doesn't matter how fast they put in them just so long as they get their schedules cleared to doctors so they can get those big bonuses. God forbid you don't wanna take vaccines. They don't want you for a client because if the percentages drop, they won't get those hundreds of thousands of dollars in bonuses. The whole thing is based on corruption, every bit of it. The whole medical system from the AMA.
I've had radio shows invite me on calling the AMA the American Murder Association. Other radio shows would call it the American Moron Association or the Medical Industrial Complex, and this is going back two decades already. So that was their words, and I come to learn them. It's not as if they haven't been conspiring to get rid of all other health that actually works and call it quack labeling and quack disinformation because it goes against their monopoly of pharmaceuticalization of our health care. Petro pharmaceutical applications are the only ones they want us on.
Well, they don't work and have nasty side effects. Most of the time, the pharmaceuticals, if you look them up, and you look up their rare side effects, and then go to the bottom of the page, it'll say additional rare side effects. And then if you go to the bottom of that page, it'll say, more additional believe me. That's exactly what it's doing to everybody, all those side effects. And the people, they just don't get it, man. They just don't get it. That to put poison into your bodies is shortening your life expectancy. A lot of that poisons from the pharmaceuticals don't exactly come out too easy.
So now you make the job harder of detoxification and elimination. Most important thing is proper hydration is number 1, but detoxification, elimination, reoxygenation, remineralization, and renutritionalization. That's how you bring people back to pristine health when they've been on the wrong path. You got people on the wrong path for years and years using all kinds of foods in the stupid market with corn syrup in it and one third of them have mercury. How much mercury you have in your body? How much aluminum did you breathe in from the chemtrails they're spraying overhead with the nano particle aluminum?
What we have to do is learn how to clean all this out of our bodies. We have to purify, they call it the temple. The temple, a temple house is a very high holy. The highest holiest experience you the being the I am. That was fortunate enough. And got a gift of a body. You know what the body's able to do? It can perceive, can see, hear, feel, taste. But we've never been shown, you know, we long to see the most beautiful things in this world, but we've never been shown to see the most beautiful thing. The light or the illumination, they call it the face of God within us in the pitch blackness. We long for the most beautiful music, but we've never been told that the the most beautiful music unlike any notes of this world is ringing in our ears twenty four seven, which quiets our mind and takes us to the place where that experience is, that peace, that joy, that love.
We we look to feel the most beautiful feeling this and yet the feeling that is the most precious is that of who we are, and we're out of touch with it. Anytime we feel it, we're in touch with it. It's always there. Why aren't we feeling it all the time? If what I'm saying is true, that we are the feeling, why aren't we feeling it? No one's ever told us why we should even wanna feel that feeling. And no one ever told us that we can have our cake and eat it too. It's because they didn't know. If they don't know, they can't tell us. And if we don't know, we don't know.
And we don't know a lot. Most, we don't know. We know a little. I have seen so many miraculous healings just from understanding the basic nature of how they get in that position in the first place. How do people get so sick when you look around, look around, and see the condition of people? It is really almost like the twilight zone. When they show pictures of people in the forties and fifties to the beach and they show them at the now it it it's not even the same. They have put so much garbage into the processed foods and gotten people to eat all of that stuff in them fast food restaurants.
Obviously, if you didn't watch the movie fat, sick, and almost dead, about the guy that was eating McDonald's every single day, morning, noon, and night. Try it. You're not gonna make it too far either. Your life isn't worth a damn when you fill your body with non food food. The body can't make use of that garbage they sell in those places. Body knows what it can make use of, and all it does is poison you. All the wrong oils, all around brain inflammatories, MSG in large amounts to addict you to the food. You know, unless you make your own foods and prepare your own foods and know what you're putting in them and what kind of oils you're eating, you're not gonna live as long as you really were meant to.
It's not gonna happen. You have to be vigilant and diligent. I'm talking to myself as well as I am to everybody else when I say these things because I was told if I'm not gonna follow my own advice, I shouldn't be giving it. And we really need to eat well. Genetically modified food is genetically modifying us. It is of no value. When you have bug killer grown into the corn that kills the bugs that land on it because it produces bug killer the corn, and then you end up eating it after Bush senior promised that genetically modified corn and products would never get into mainstream food supplies.
He lied. And that was after he had half of the female population of indigenous females in America. Fifty Percent of them, he had them sterilized without their knowledge or permission. Nice fellows we had running this country, all of them. Nothing but criminals. You wanna see why everybody's unhealthy in this country just because nobody ever really cared. The same people that own the stock in those food companies that are poisoning everybody Own the stock in the pharmaceutical companies that are poisoning everybody. Oh, right. They're supposed to be making people healthy. Yeah. Right. Okay.
Yeah. Okay. If you believe that 1, I'll tell you that there's a green signal close too. Maybe you believe that or something else. They were never here to make us healthy. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you rely on government agencies to protect your health and tell you what's good and bad for you, There goes that part about no critical thinking and just accepting the lead of the controllers blindly. Anyway, we're going we're not gonna keep this call going late tonight. I see somebody on there from 5375. If you wanna open up your mic and ask a question, you can ask a question.
There's a lot of health issues that people are dealing with, and I've had a lot of challenges called to me in the last week. All different types of issues that are really weighing heavy on people. 1 of them happens to be the graphene oxide that's assembling into, what would you call it? Well, it's linking together and assembling in your body and hooking you up to the Internet of things, which in case people haven't seen it, you can actually watch it assembling under the microscope. You can actually see it coming together, assembling and create and and making off the towers, making use of us through 5 g.
What we need to do is clean out that graphene oxide out of our bodies on a regular basis. When I heard doctor Ardis talk about it, doctor Judy Milkovich talk about it and several others, and they said the 1 thing that helps break down the graphene oxide that's assembling in everybody's body and they're getting it into everybody by any means they can is glutathione. Glutathione is the master antioxidant of the body. The glutathione will help break down that graphene oxide that's plaguing everybody, but the pills only raise it by 2%, and the shots only raise it by 10%.
The frequency device that activates the c v 6 meridian, 3 fingers under the belly button, Just place it on there, and it raises it by 300%. The studies that have been done on it are very, very deep. A lot of studies have been done on these things. If anybody needs to know more about it, you can contact me at (818) 613-9206 again (818) 613-9206. That graphene oxide has to be dealt with. I would hate to see people's arteries getting blocked by calamari looking clots they're pulling out of cadavers after the fact. What we need to do is know beforehand and deal with it.
Do not think that things like blood thinners, warfarin, etcetera, which is rat poisons, can actually thin your blood. The only way to thin your blood is to increase the water supply in your body. Most people are dehydrated, and then doctors put you on blood thinners. It's nice of them. Only they don't work at all, and they sure do put poison in your body. Go check it out. I'd like somebody to prove me wrong. If you wanna get rid of some of the sicknesses out of the body, you have to lower the toxic levels, so then you can open up trillions of cells in the body to do deep diving and have them regurgitate their toxins, so to speak.
You want them to suck up the ozone bonded to the magnesium in the mag ozone? Go to, and you can read some of the documents that were very well written and placed up there. Took a long time to do all the that documentation on every aspect of what it does, how it does it, and why I need magnesium with ozone bonded to it and why I utilize clay to replace most everything in your medicine cabinet. All of that junk people spend money on in the medicine cabinet, over the counter, under the counter, most of it can be replaced with the calcium bentonite clay alone. It is that universal in addressing and assisting and address every aspect of health.
And the magnesium ozone that's reoxygenating trillions of tissues is assisting in addressing every aspect of health with its powerful enzymatic action, cleaning out and breaking down all the crystalized plaque and things that do not belong in your body, between the clay pulling all positive ionic matter out from your body, whether it's internal or external, put it on topically and it pulls all the blood to the area, re oxygenates and pulls out all that chemicals and positive ionic matter, poisons, toxins, unwanted bacteria, viruses, heavy metals. You need to lower your toxic levels down in your body. We all do on a regular basis to keep ourselves in a state of normal homeostasis.
So the body's in totally repairing itself all the time and wants to be in homeostasis. It's always is always, pushing in that direction for homeostasis. We just need to help it along a little and stop hampering it by eating all the wrong oils, all the wrong, seed oils and cooking with them and using them in products that are preprocessed in restaurant foods. Those oils are causing the destruction in our life and the inflammation in our life. And the wrong salts, the same thing. We are eating the wrong oils and the wrong salts. Forget about all the colors and the dyes and the chemicals that you know you're not supposed to be putting in your body.
Carcinogenic causing dyes and chemicals that aren't allowed in Europe, but we allow them here. Let's hope Robert Kennedy junior does something about the horrendous food supply in this country. It's an abomination. And the only way to recover is to to protect yourself against this abomination is with real knowledge. You must know and understand and utilize the knowledge that God gives you. Because if you got it and don't use it, it is really a shame. And it's so simple, really. He gives us all the herbs and seeds of the earth to nourish us and make us well. It's all here.
We just never bothered to study it. We didn't care to know. I guess those games on the TV were more important to study, had to do those than study how to repair your health. The games on the TV were more important than studying law or civics or anything. And those fantastic television series that everybody had to watch. The Walking Dead. You name it. Whatever grabbed your attention. They did it on purpose. They distracted us so you'd never be educated. Don't let the populace be educated. That would be against their agenda.
Their agenda is total control and subjugation. That does not harmonize smoothly with an educated populist. That's not gonna work. A truly educated populist, you wouldn't be able to fool a truly educated populace. You can never get by with any of this. The only way to get by with all of their criminality and maintain control for thousands of years, the 13 families, is to keep them dumbed down and fluoridate the water and keep them operating on a lower frequency. You don't want them operating on their true frequency in their creative state or they'll be able to manifest their destiny right out of their subjugation.
Without fear and guilt, everything opens up properly. People are living in their fear and their guilt and they can't get anywhere in life. They can't get beyond it. It weighs them down. It constricts them, imprisons them. Have faith in yourself. You have the ability. You're connected to the 1 and only that breathes you without ever having to remember to breathe. What an amazing thing. Not to have the faith in yourself that's needed for the 1 that breathes you to direct you and get things done. You are hampering God by not having faith in yourself. You are holding up God's manifestation of perfection in this world by not implementing the agenda that you are inspired to implement.
And if you have no inspiration, then by all means, detoxify the body and get back in touch with yourself and feel that inspiration, that joy, that feeling that makes life worth living. It's everything. It's all I have that's real. So if you go to, go to the store there, and you can look up the calcium bentonite clay, the ABC atomic mineral water. You can look up some of the other, products and applications, learn how to utilize the clay. There are videos explaining it, how to mix it. There's documents on the products, proper protocols and applications that explain in detail how to utilize and why you wanna utilize it, how many hundreds of things the clay addresses itself, every kind of skin condition, every kind of, well, every kind of tumors, cysts, boils, lacerations, infections, open wounds.
I just pile the clay on top of any serious bone or burn or open wound, and it seals it all. It's like a miracle, and I want everybody to benefit from it. There's so much that everybody can benefit from learning about these applications and add them to your knowledge in your life. I always open up and see if anybody has any questions to address any serious health issues or something that they need to know about because we're here to share with each other. We were never meant to be alone. By coming together and sharing, we can get a lot done in this world. It's called the mastermind concept or the mastermind principle, I should say.
It multiplies the power of the minds when we connect in true harmony. Any questions out there before we, close-up? We're not gonna keep going late. I have some other serious health issues I have to address with people. Some things we have to do, not on the recordings and explain to people what they need to do. So if you have very serious health issues where you wanna steal people from the Grim Reaper, get them home on home hospice. Don't let them go to hospice. They'll take them off the water and the nutrition, and within seven days, they'll be dehydrated while they have them on OxyContin and morphine.
Then they tell the family, you got twenty minutes. Say goodbyes, because, you know, the insurance is used up. And they give them a little extra dose of fentanyl, and it's, see you later. They're done. Get them home on home hospice. That morphine and OxyContin are receptor blockers, and they don't allow you to heal. You can't heal people on that stuff. You can't do acupuncture on that. Soon as I get them off of it, you watch, I can do acupuncture on them. In case you didn't know it, it's a tremendous art. There are many healing arts around the world that are not taught in universities here, that are taught only invasive, petropharmaceutical, monopolized teachings.
They certainly aren't gonna teach you how to heal people in those schools. Only invasive meds meds doctor Barry taught me. He ended up with 9 PhDs, 6 of them in medicine. He graduated from Stanford to be a surgeon, went to finish up his martial arts in China knowing he'd have to settle down to a thirty year career. And he told me, anybody who graduates from Stanford or Harvard to be a surgeon, they don't know anything but invasive medical procedures. They don't know how to heal you. They can't heal themselves or their own families. I don't understand the mentality of people going to doctors to get healed for anything.
They run to doctors for every oh, doctor, give me your shot. I got a little fever. Yeah. I wish you luck with all that. How are you gonna burn off all that extra viruses and unwanted bacterias that are in your body? We can cancel cells unless you raise your body temperature. I make people raise their body temperature on purpose. That's how you burn it off. You don't use Petro Pharmaceuticals to deal with symptoms that just have hundreds more symptoms they give you. You raise the body temperature, naturally it burns it off. If there's something it's not burning off, talk to me.
There's other ways to address the depolymerization of the polymerized particulates in your body to break them down and get rid of them. There's a lot of knowledge out there that's not taught in universities to any doctors. They don't want that curriculum taught to doctors. They don't want doctors from the AMA to know how to heal anything. That would go against their narrative of monopolization of petro pharmaceuticals. So with that said, people need to become the CEOs of their own health care. Doctors can only diagnose and or misdiagnose, but they certainly cannot be in charge of your health care.
They may sit make suggestions From an imbalanced point of view. Of a monopolized medical. Mandatory education. And not necessarily well rounded at all. So, anyway, go to and start to educate yourself, start reading documents, watching videos, and learn. And if anybody needs some help first, don't forget Saturday morning's calls at 12PM eastern time for more mitos, regrowing the mitochondria in the body that are densest in your eyes, your brain, your heart, and your organs in helping to restore the functionality of each of those systems and all the other systems in your body taking on a miraculous change in the health industry.
This is a upset and a game changer what they've come up with. You can tune in and listen to the health calls every Saturday at 12PM eastern time on (608) 906-0003. You don't wanna miss it. They are the most exciting health calls and testimonies you have ever heard in every aspect, shape, and form. When I say game changer, I mean game changer. Again, that's (608) 906-0003 every Saturday at twelve noon Eastern Eastern Standard Time and Monday evening at 9PM Eastern Standard Time. Thank you everybody for coming. If nobody has any questions, we're going to end this call and get ready for incredible Morimoto call tomorrow morning, which I can't wait. It's gonna be all about ED.
And by the way, we found out that the Moramyto is most likely the new organic Viagra. It actually works better. It draws the blood right to where it has to go, and everybody is able to perform so much better and enjoy what it is they're doing so much better. So tune in tomorrow because they'll be talking about how to fix e d and other gender related issues. This is becoming very incredible. Every week, we're finding out new challenges that are being addressed with the same things. You don't need a million different things if the same things address everything.
And, it just blows my mind that we have and we're dealing with such amazing applications right now. So thank you everybody for coming, and stay tuned next Friday, same tune in at 09:30 eastern time. You can call in to (206) 806-9826 every Friday 09:30 Eastern time. Thank you everybody for coming, and good evening.
Introduction and Overview
Graphene Oxide and Human Connectivity
Faith and Self-Realization
Mental and Physical Health Challenges
The Human Condition and Cognitive Thinking
Societal Control and the Ego
Ignorance and Knowledge
Diet and Health Awareness
Graphene Oxide and Detoxification
Societal Control and Education
Taking Charge of Your Health
Upcoming Health Calls and Conclusion