(Banned on YouTube)
In this revealing episode, I am thrilled to welcome Ben Wehrman, a fellow Bitcoiner and carnivore enthusiast, to the show. We reminisce about our first meeting at Pacific Bitcoin and dive into a lively discussion about Ben's journey through the rabbit holes of Bitcoin, the carnivore diet, and geoengineering.
Ben shares his experiences and insights into why he chose a carnivore lifestyle and how it intersects with his passion for Bitcoin and health. We explore the benefits of the carnivore diet, including its impact on mental health, and discuss the misinformation surrounding traditional dietary guidelines.
Our conversation takes a turn into the controversial topic of geoengineering, where Ben sheds light on the ongoing efforts to manipulate weather patterns and the potential implications for our environment and health.
Throughout the episode, we emphasize the importance of truth-seeking, personal health, and the interconnectedness of our choices. We also touch on the role of Bitcoin in promoting holistic well-being and the potential for a healthier, more transparent future.
Join us for an enlightening discussion that challenges conventional wisdom and encourages listeners to explore new perspectives on health, technology, and the environment.
(00:00:39) Introduction to Ben Worman
(00:01:32) Carnivore Diet and Bitcoin Lifestyle
(00:04:19) Understanding Inflation and Misinformation
(00:05:44) The Carnivore Diet Journey
(00:10:39) Health Benefits of the Carnivore Diet
(00:17:38) Environmental Impact of Diet Choices
(00:26:58) Connection to Nature and Food
(00:37:31) Bitcoin and Global Food Supply
(00:46:27) Bitcoin's Role in Health and Wealth
(01:02:57) Geoengineering and Climate Control
(01:19:18) Holistic Health Practices
(01:27:36) Future of Bitcoin and Health Integration
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Happy holidays to all of you. Happy holidays. I see you, Ben Worman. Yay. Hey. You guys, check it out. I've got Ben Worman with me here, who I got to meet at Pacific Bitcoin. We jammed out at the after party, and he was like, we need to do a show. And I was so lucky to get to come on your show a couple months ago. Thank you so much. And, now you are on mine. This is Ben Worman. Welcome, Ben.
[00:00:58] Unknown:
Thank you so much for having me. 2 months without your vibe goddesses in my life was far too long, so this is really what I needed. And I also wanna say for anyone watching, my apologies for not getting up to this level of just festivity you have just just exuding off you. But at the same time, I mean, I don't think anyone's ever gonna reach your level, so I shouldn't set that high standard for myself.
[00:01:21] Unknown:
I hope everybody reaches whatever their own level is because there's only one of me and there's only one of everybody. So be, you know, everyone you know, be ourselves. So so, Ben, dude, why carnivore? Why Bitcoin only? I was on your website today. We're gonna show it in a little bit, and I'm like, wow. This is like an Oprah Winfrey Fringfree show, and we're gonna do a before and after of Ben on his carnivore journey. And, you know, you obviously decided to get on the road and blog and travel. You're a Bitcoiner. You're a carnivore. You're all about health. Now you've got geoengineering that you're excited about. Rabbit holes everywhere. Every they never stop. It's it's the super it's the infinite the tunnels of rabbit holes. Tell everybody, like, you know, who you are, how you got to be here, and then we're gonna dive into those 3 categories, carnivore, Bitcoin, and geoengineering.
And then how all of these things perhaps intersect and how the audience can learn about these things for themselves and maybe some action tips that they can use, in their own lives. So I'll let you take it away, my soul brother.
[00:02:23] Unknown:
Yes. Absolutely. There there's so much fun stuff to dig into here. So, man, I would say, definitely, I just am a rabbit hole diver heart like so many of us Bitcoiners are, and I think that's the way to just do the most good in the world right now if you have that truth seeking brain. And, you know, as people that fall into the Bitcoin rabbit hole know, you just keep learning new things about things we've been lied about and beautiful things that are out there that we can find their solutions. And I I think that this is just something I've really found just to give me so much fulfillment as I know it has for you as well, where you can find these problems that we know tons of people are dealing with.
And there's a solution out there to it, and we just need to be that bridge that can, you know, help these people find the truth. Because there's a whole lot of noise that's always in the middle. And for all these different subjects that you threw out there that I'm definitely interested in, I think those are just classic examples of problems that are out there that people just aren't aware of. You know? And we talk about in Bitcoin how, you know, everyone's feeling the pain of inflation, but they just don't know even, you know, what it is. They just think it's normal. It's become such a, like, ingrained part of everyone's life that things just get more expensive that no one stops to ask, why is it getting more expensive? Does it, like, when you really sit them down as a Bitcoiner and, you know, walk them through, you know, this is what happens when the government prints money. It dilutes your purchasing power, and all these things are getting more expensive are not actually getting more valuable. It's just that your money is falling through the floor in value. And so just helping walk and a lot of times, people will will get it once you just walk them through it like that. But there isn't anything out there in the mainstream, like the legacy media or any of the the sources that so many people get their misinformation from, none of it walks them through these things because this fiat system has ingrained everything in such a way that
[00:04:18] Unknown:
you just get stuck in their track. And so Didn't Henry Ford say something, like, if if the citizens knew what the government was doing, there'd be riots tomorrow morning or or, you know, what they said what the banks were doing, whatever. But it's like, if they were incentivized for us not to know so that we don't riot. I mean, look at what just happened yesterday with that whole bill that all the people were like, screw this. And everyone's like, oh, the the people who are upset about it are like, oh, Elon Musk did this. It's like, no. He didn't. All he did was create a bulletin board where humans who are taxpayers could say, no. Thank you. This is wrong.
This is the most ridiculous way to run someone else's valuable resources called taxpayer dollars. You know? So why on earth nobody would run a business that way. That you would get fired. If if you were a CEO and said, hey, everybody. Come come go do this tomorrow, and here's your literally 2 foot stack of papers, and you can't even read anything, like, you would be fired in 2 seconds. Like, why should these people have that ability to do that? So I think the the the the problem that we're seeing right now is, like, it is a misinformation nightmare, and it's like the people who are trying to call out censorship are the ones who wanna censor because they know that if they get caught with their pants down, which they are, it's game over. And I pray that it's game over. And it's like people like you, Ben, who are bringing truth and wisdom and knowledge out there to people in ways that are understandable, digestible, and relatable.
That's really, really important. So I'm loving what you're doing. And, and and let's talk about the carnivore, you know, diet and, like, how did you go from, can I pull up your website? Yeah. Go for it. Okay. So I okay. So I'm gonna pull up, well, at first, I wanna pull up your website and then why carnivore is different, but I'm gonna go up on Ben's website right now. And because you've got some really interesting before and after pictures, and I want to hear
[00:06:11] Unknown:
what was your, you know, impetus to start this this, this diet in this this way. Okay. Cool. You mean, like, my own before and after pictures? Yeah. Is that okay? I mean, yeah. Go for it. But I I feel like mine is so like, just compared to some of the people I found out there, it's not even impressive. You know? Some people tell me that. Like, I remember when I had my episode with Max and Marco, he's like, oh my gosh. Dude, like, you lost so much weight. And, like, to me, I've just like, I literally had a woman on my podcast who weighed £800, and she lost 500.
So, like What? Yeah. Yeah. The Oh my god. I didn't see that episode, dude. Yeah. Yeah. Her name is limitless Lindy.
[00:06:50] Unknown:
[00:06:50] Unknown:
Lindy, dude. Yeah. Yeah. And and My god. I mean, she would be a great guest for you. Like, totally different from the Bitcoin world. But Oh, I I mean, just an amazing story. Limitless Lindy. She literally just, you know, tried every single other diet she could possibly try, like the vegan and the, you know, Mediterranean and Whole30 and fasting and whatever. The only thing that worked for her was carnivore. And so she literally just eats steak every day, and she just, like, shedding off this weight after starting from a place where she couldn't do anything, obviously, at £800. Like Oh my god. Story. Yeah. Oh my god. I I totally wanna meet limitless Lindy. That what an inspiration, you know. Yeah. Because I mean, I I I can imagine
[00:07:28] Unknown:
someone in her extreme position. It's like, what kind of hope does one have when it's gotten that far? You know what I mean? And it's like, I I know we all go through fluctuations in our body sometimes over the course of our life, but, I mean, that's obviously the most extreme example. And the fact that she's got such a tremendous story, you know, I mean, oh, wow. That's that's so cool, Ben. So so, I mean, tell people here who may not know why carnivore diets are so powerful and, you know, what is the misunderstanding about, you know, because there are, you know, obviously I, you know, lived on Maui for so long and all these people are like vegan, vegan, vegan, but they were overweight. Yeah. And they were very unhealthy, you know? And I'm just like, is it worth it? Like, because you don't look like you're healthy to me, you know? And so that's what I'd be curious to to kind of compare and contrast, you know, more of the vegetable based diet and then, obviously, the mainstream America diet and then carnivore diet, these 3. Mhmm. Yeah. Well, you know, at like yourself as sort of a podcaster, I always try to give credit to the people who took me on this journey because I'm no expert. I'm just kind of floating around the world, figuring these things out as I go as well. And I would say,
[00:08:38] Unknown:
it came from Bitcoin, first of all. You know? Saif Adeem was definitely an influence. He always talks about how he only eats steak pretty much. And he would get into fights with people on Twitter who were saying that, you know, fruit and honey are good for you. And and so I was like, this is interesting. Let me let me try this out. Because at the time, you know, it's it was sort of a process just like we go through the Bitcoin process of spending a few years in the shit coins and then eventually finding Bitcoin. The, this this is the same thing. You know, you start out, you know, think, oh, vegan is the best, and then you think, like, we kinda need meat. And then, you know, then you get to, like, the meat, fruit, and honey. Like, oh, you need you still need a little bit of sugar and carbs that give you energy. And then the end of the rabbit hole in my experience and what I've learned and the people I've followed is that 0 carbs, 0 sugar is the optimal, form of health. And there's a lot of controversy between those last 2, like, you know, the the fruit and honey people and the full carnivore people. And the I would just guide people who are, you know, within that argument or or within one of those maybe to look up a guy named doctor Anthony Chaffee. This is the guy who basically pulled me by my toe to drag me straight through that last level and just convinced me that I I should at least try this. How do you spell his last name? So it's kind of a funny name. It's, Anthony's first name last name is spelled
[00:10:00] Unknown:
c h a f f e e. So double f, double e at the end. Okay. Cool. And and then here, Ben, like, on the you know, on your notes, it says, okay. It's worth noting that for all of these photos,
[00:10:13] Unknown:
I was doing almost zero strength training. This is obviously No exercise. But, like, dude, you're, like, ripped. How how are you doing? I I just, I don't know if you know, Joakim Buk. He's another, like, Bitcoiner guy who talks about banking. I had him on an episode of my podcast recently. And one of the things he mentioned is he also went through the carnivore journey Is that this weird thing I still remember to this day, like, as it started happening. I so when I did carnivore, like, full on, I was in Colombia. Like, there's cheap steak over there. I was with a friend who's doing it with me, so this is kind of the perfect place to try it. And I remember I can't remember. Like, 1, 2, 3 months in, you just start feeling, like, muscles just coming out of your body where you didn't even know you had them. And just like, you just like, your muscle just start getting bigger without even exercising.
It's, like, literally unfair how, you know, like and and, yeah, for all those pictures, I was and and like I said there, it exercise is good. I I that's not optimal to not exercise. And I was just sort of in the zone where I was extremely focused because I was building the the ycarnivore.com website during that period. I I had figured out, like, oh, man. This is something big. I need to make something about this and, like, share it out to people. So I was spending, you know, like, 16 hours a day just, like, grinding on you know, going through podcasts and videos and articles, and you can see how big that website is when you start scrolling on it. Oh my gosh. But, yeah, I I so I was I wasn't in a very, you know, healthy state. Like, I wasn't sleeping a lot. I was, like, not exercising a lot, but I was just eating, you know, beef every day. So so that is you know, it just gives you a whole new floor of health, which I would say, like, that pic that last picture of me, which people are saying, like, oh, you look so good. Like, to me, that's, like, the foundation. Like, I I need to build muscle.
And that's something I'm actually, like, you know, kinda starting to work on right now is that I'm finally getting back in the gym after this, like, very long period of just be focused on completely hustling. Yeah. I can't wait to see, you know, what happens next because that's one of the things that you learn listening to, doctor Anthony Chaffee's podcast, which I recommended. It's called the Plant Free MD, is the name of his podcast. Okay. And he's very he has a lot of, great info on there about sports and fitness and building muscle and hormonal health. So, basically, from what I've heard and what I've I've learned is that your your muscle growth just massively increases for for men especially, you know, because your testosterone gets so fixed on this diet. And and for women, it's different. Your hormones also get optimized, but different things come out as benefits. And, yeah, it it's it's a really crazy journey because you just find these different, health perspectives you never thought were possible. But at the same time, this is, like, the most ancestral diet we've ever had. You know? And I I would say I definitely was tricked by a lot of the messaging in the past that, you know, we were eating lots of plants in our history.
And, you know, they'll look at, like, a few 1000 years ago and say, like, oh, we're look. We were eating all the these grains and drinking beer and eating lots of, you know, fruits and vegetables. And I would say that from what I've learned, we've been on the wrong track for actually 1000 of years. You know? I I think the agricultural revolution was actually putting us in a bad direction. That's kind of like the the diet world's version of 1971 as Bitcoin is for money. The agricultural revolution is when farmers realize, oh, like, we can start, you know, selling these crops, and we can start manipulating them to taste better for people. And so this is and and this is one of the key points that the carnivores figure out is that the, like, the fruit and the vegetables and all all these things that we see in the produce aisle of the store, they're just so big and juicy and colorful and delicious.
And even, you know, at the farmers markets. And even if if you grow them yourself at your house or your homestead through your own seeds. Like, the seeds themselves have been manipulated over all this time to be, like, much more sugar filled sweet fruit. And so these aren't as natural as people think that they are. It's it's really manipulated by humans to make this really tasty sugary product. And that's why, like, just going down to meat only, you realize, like, oh, wow. Like, I feel way better when I just have lot of fatty meat every day. And that that was best in my experience. And every other person I've talked to that really tried it and stuck it out for, I would say, at least 90 days, you're gonna hear extremely awesome results. People are fixing all sorts of health problems. And and that was sort of the goal of this website I made is, you you looked at the, at the table of contents earlier. There's, like, a huge section of all these different health issues that people fix from it. So, yeah, maybe you could scroll up again real quick to the table of contents, but start to like, I I forgot what the number was. But you just see, like, a Yeah. Just a ton of different health problems right there. If you click any of them, it'll take you down to that specific connection. So 11.
Yeah. So just click on a random health issue, and then so find 1.
[00:15:26] Unknown:
[00:15:27] Unknown:
Click it. Yeah. Sure. They click that. It takes you down to, like, a collection of and those are all going to be videos, podcasts, articles from people who suffered from epilepsy and seizures, and they found success either, you know, fixing it or healing it or improving it through doing a carnivore diet. So this is kind of the tool that I want this website to be. And then on the bottom left there, you see a little up arrow? You can click that to go back to the top. And Yeah. So, like, I this is what I want to build with this thing. Why I just dedicated, like, a year of my life just obsessed with this is because I think it could help so many people dig out of these health problems they have. Because so often, it just comes down to plant toxins.
Because this is sort of the one of the key realizations you learn early on. And, again, doctor Anthony Chaffee, my man, he has this great presentation on YouTube called plants are trying to kill you. Oh my god. Yeah. It's great. It's amazing. And and the gist is, you know, he's walking through, you know, the how plants have evolved to be the I mean, just like any other organism, they wanna defend themselves, and they can't run away or claw at you or fight back. They're stationary. So their means of defending themselves and surviving through history has been to poison the shit out of everything that tries to eat them and just fill themselves with poison and toxins.
And so, you know, even the most vegan person ever will know that you're not supposed to just walk in the forest and just eat random leaves and mushrooms. A lot of them will damage you very badly or kill you. And so this idea that, you know, because we just got a certain type of leaf and we put it in a bag at the store, that's good for us now is crazy. You know? This 99% the same thing, and people are finding that, you know, when they just remove all of those, a lot of the health problems they thought were something else that oftentimes have been tricked into thinking it's, you know, just like a lack of exercise or something. Or, you know, they're just being lazy or all these things that the the modern health system sort of blames them on. It's really just these plant toxins that are inside these these plants that we're we've been told are good for us are actually not good for us. And so it's quite a rabbit hole. You know? It really changed your perspective on everything because, you know, it we've all been, you know, raised on this idea, and I talk about that in that, the blog post that you pulled up of mine, how, you know, I definitely thought that, you know, a plant based diet was best. I always ate a little bit of meat just because I really enjoyed it, but I always thought it was bad. So I, like, minimized it. I have, like, lean chicken breasts and, you know, I avoided the fat and everything. Let
[00:18:03] Unknown:
me ask you that. That because that's something we were talking about this weekend. I was in Austin, at the the Booster Grant, Adam Curry and
[00:18:12] Unknown:
Oh, that's right. You were there. And yeah. I watched that at Homebase. It was so cool. Great. And Ainsley and,
[00:18:18] Unknown:
Tunestr and everybody. It was super cool. And then we were at, Monday at the or Sunday at the Bitcoin comments for the independent music summit, and we did I got to speak there, which was really cool. But, you know, of course, Bitcoiners, we all wanna talk about carnivore and some people were just like, I only eat meat and salt, you know. And other people are like, well, I have a little of this, little of that. Another girl, she was like, yeah. I used to eat a stick of butter a day and with the meat, but then I wasn't feeling you know, I felt like I was gaining too much weight. So I wasn't using that energy. I was storing instead. So what what's your thought, you know, with with all of I mean, gosh, dude. Like, that's a legit index of genius there, and it's so well organized. Like, wow.
I can't wait to share this with my family and just go even harder more deep into it. What what are like, with obviously, the type of meat that you eat is important. We don't wanna go eat, like, you know, raised cows that are in those, you know, yucky fields that they don't get to move or inside of just gnarly things. So, obviously, regenerative food is good. Grass fed beef is better than corn fed beef. You know? And then is should you cut the fat off the the steaks, or do you eat the fat? Like, what are what do you what's the how does it work?
[00:19:36] Unknown:
Definitely. So a few really great important points to touch on there. The the first one, like you said, you know, there there's definitely a spectrum of quality where, you know, you have, like, the the what what's the classic example? Like, the the the gas station, like, processed meat in the fridge. You know? That's, like, the the lowest quality. Right. And the highest quality is, like, finding your local farmer who regeneratively raises everything. Yeah. And for more discussion just on that topic, I would recommend my I I had on my podcast Joel Salatin, who is a legend in the space. He has come on Joe Rogan's podcast a couple of times and basically just blew everyone's mind about regenerative farming and how great it is and why we need more of it. However, I would say that the the worst quality meat is still gonna be better than the highest quality plant. That's something I believe. Like Okay. Even the most organic, perfectly raised plant ever, compare that to the lowest quality junk meat. You're still gonna get more nutrients in the meat. It's just gonna, you know, not be as good and may maybe have, like, you know, some, you know, packaging chemicals that are not good, but that's all man made stuff. Just have the best meat you can. And another man I would reference here is doctor Ken Berry. The the way that he puts it is you don't need, like, the panda massage primo meat to see results. You're still gonna see improvement if you have any kind of meat. So, what I recommend for people who are maybe don't have access to the the farms or that sort of thing, just go find the best ground beef you can at the grocery store. You know? Just like a a one of those big tubes of ground beef is gonna be full of nutrients and protein and fat and just get the and I and you mentioned fat as well. I would say get the fattiest stuff you can because what you do when you switch to the carnivore diet is you're essentially switching your, fuel source, your body's energy source from carbohydrates to fat. And so you got you wanna eat a lot of fat. And you talked about that girl who had a whole stick of butter per day.
You know, some people do that, and they feel amazing, and they they love it. It kinda depends on your activity level, like, if you're exercising a lot. Mhmm. And for me, myself, I've definitely noticed this. Like, when, you know, I have a little more, and your your body just rewires itself weirdly. Like, when when you're doing more exercise, you just crave different things. It starts to really get sharper in knowing what it needs once you've cleared all the carbs out of the system. And so you crave fat a a little more. You crave more butter on your steak or more salt, things like that. It it will give you clear signals for, you know, what you need. And it definitely takes some experimentation of getting the the fat to protein macro correct, but I would just say, like, definitely don't ever cut the fat off. If you do, I'm gonna come find you and throttle your neck because that fat is so good for you. Yeah. This is, like, the biggest lie ever is that fat is bad. And our the the health world's version of the Bitcoin standard is this book called the big fat surprise, which is written by Nina Teichols. Not sure if you heard her. Mm-mm. Another legend I'd had the great honor of having on my podcast in the very early days, but that is a book for the readers slash audiobookers out there, the big fat surprise. It will take you through the whole rabbit hole of how our entire health system and dietary guidelines have just been completely corrupted and are garbage. So, Yeah. Did I answer your main questions there? Totally. Yeah. Well, I think,
[00:23:01] Unknown:
I I've have you ever seen Kiss the Ground and Common Ground? Yes. Yes. And so I remember seeing I think it was the second one. The Common Ground was the second one on of an April, and it really did a great job of just showing, like, where's the money come from and who's, you know okay. The big chemical companies are funding the ag schools. The ag schools are going and doing all this nonsense with Monsanto and all the not just awful farming. And then, and then, of course, they're also putting the, the chemicals together. Oh, I was just gonna mention you, Mike, with no more inflation. What's up, brother? My man. We had him on a couple days ago. Super fun, brother. Yes, dude. I love that film. And because you were just mentioning that earlier about the where does inflation come from? I'm like, have you seen Mike's film? It's so good. Yes.
So so good, dude.
[00:23:48] Unknown:
Real quick, if I could jump in because one of the piece I just realized I forgot to really touch on was how you talked about the farming practices. There's a big spectrum there of the horrible factory farming where all these animals are just stuffed into a cage and the free range where they have the best life ever, like, better than they even would in nature. You know? Yeah. And and, again, that Joel Salatin episode I did is great. The Jacob Wolke episode I did, he's a Australian farmer and Bitcoiner who talks about this. Cool. Essentially, the way that I would look at it is, yes, there's a huge spectrum there of, like, worst raise to best raise.
There's also a spectrum of that for a plant production and plant agriculture. You have the the monocropping where you just see, like, miles and miles of corn, you know, just like out in the fields. And that would be their negative side, and the better side would be, like, growing your own garden. Totally. So there there's definitely a spectrum on each. However, what what the people don't understand is you have to make proper comparisons here. If you're like, let's just start with the environment, for example. Mhmm. So because, I mean, that that's the background I came from, like, really caring about the environment and loving nature just like you do. I know you're all about that. I am as well. And when you really dig into the research, this sort of default view that so many people have that eating plants is the kindest thing for the environment and for the animals Mhmm. Is not really correct.
Because when you look at this monocropping, which is absolutely everywhere, there's a tons of it all over the world. I I'm not great at remembering the exact numbers and, you know, how how big it is, but it's it's enormous. And, you know, when you clear out these fields to plant that corn or those avocados, then you are completely decimating the land. You are killing all of the wildlife on the land, all the the insects and the birds and the rodents and the
[00:25:47] Unknown:
Oh, I lost There's
[00:25:48] Unknown:
it's like a total. Whereas
[00:25:51] Unknown:
Yeah. Okay. And the biome And the biome of the soil. Like, yeah. You're good. You're bad. Yeah. And, obviously, the biome of the soul, soil, especially if you're tilling, and that's what people don't understand about cattle. It's like you want them walking and stomping on the things instead of tilling, and that's the most natural way to keep fields grassy and and the way that they're supposed to be, which is intact and not all dug up. That's the worst thing that has happened in, you know, the last 100 years of, you know, our revel our industrial revolution and our agricultural revolution is is the destruction of the topsoil. And so people don't get that. I remember, van Vandan Vandanandashiva.
She was I know what you're trying to think of. She's amazing. What's her name? Vandanandashiva. And so she was like, 20 some years ago, I heard her Vandanandashiva.
[00:26:41] Unknown:
Yeah. Vandanandashiva.
[00:26:43] Unknown:
Thank you. I know. Great. Yeah. She's been on, like, Russell Brand's channel a few times and really just gives such good rants about all this stuff. I love her. Yeah. But it was, like, 20 years ago, she was talking about the difference between dirt and soil, and I was like, What's that? And, it's just something that we're not taught. And I think, you know, what one of our huge problems is in anything in our lives right now is disconnection. You know? We're disconnected from each other. We have the pseudo connection, which is cool. We were just saying it before we hit go live, like, technology is bringing us together. But it's like, I can't hug you. I wanna give you a hug, Ben, and wish you happy holidays and Merry Christmas. You know? And, you know, I wanna be in your physical field of energy. And so it's like we're allowing these substitutes to think like, okay, well, that's good enough. It's not. Like, it's a compliment, but it's not the real deal. You know? And so really understanding, like, where does our food come from? Not just, oh, a hot dog. Like, some kids don't even know that a hamburger is a cow, you know, depending on where you are. And so I think reconnecting ourselves through all the ways that we can to nature, to each other, to the truth, you know, is super important in allowing the technology to be a tool rather than the only way that we are connecting. You know? And so, so what do you think okay. So I'm gonna go on a weird I hope this is okay.
[00:28:06] Unknown:
Everything's okay. Is that it?
[00:28:09] Unknown:
I I last week, somebody's put one of those, I don't know. It was like the Tom Hanks beach ball thing. Do you know what I'm talking about? The bloody beach ball. Oh, the Wilson. Yeah. Yeah. From the from the bathroom. There was some frizzled drips. Well, I was like, what the hell? And so
[00:28:27] Unknown:
went down that rabbit hole a little bit. Wait. I don't know what I need some elaboration. I I don't know what you're talking about. The No. It's like drip, Wilson ball.
[00:28:34] Unknown:
So, apparently and, again, I don't know if this is all just ridiculous or not, but I keep seeing it, and it's all over the whole, you know, PDO world. And, they're saying that there's this stuff called adrenochrome.
[00:28:49] Unknown:
Have you heard of this? Yeah. I've heard of that. Mhmm. Okay. And so
[00:28:53] Unknown:
the way that they said that this little frizzle thing is that they, t o r t u r e, kids, and get them so scared and that their adrenaline goes nuts. And then they and then they take the adrenaline and turn it into this stuff. And I was like, are you what are you talking about? Like, who would do something like this? And this has been going on for many years apparently. And and okay. So, first of all, obviously, that's the worst thing ever, and I prayed God puts an end to this somehow forever because children and humans should never suffer in that way ever. And so they think that this is this fountain of youth that, you know, that's why these awful people are doing this to these, these innocent children.
You know, when I think about the way that cows are slaughtered, right? And I think about the way that chickens, if chickens are slaughtered. And I remember we were at, Slim's, Jason Rick's place in Slim's, and we were talking and, I forget who they were. It was like I don't know if it was K&C Cattle, but it was some folks who were, and it might not have been them, but they were talking about, like, you know, the the cows live the happiest lives up until the minute that they're, you know, taken out because they don't want that adrenaline running through the body of the animal. Right? And you think about deer hunting.
That's the coolest thing ever because they're just out prancing around doing their life, and then all of a sudden, instantly, it's over. So they're not watching their friend in front of them on a conveyor belt like a chicken or whatever. Like, holy cow. What happened? And then having all that, that adrenaline and and and chemicals running through the the stress hormones running through. So can do you have any information on that? I know, like I said, this is kind of a left field thing, but, like, you know, obviously, it's more to me, it's more humane to just get the animals as close to their natural living environment as possible and, you know, say thank you and do a certain thing. You know? But, what do you say about the quality of that, the vibration, really, of that fear that is in them now versus when they're, you know, free roaming until the moment of death?
[00:31:14] Unknown:
Absolutely. I I would say the best way I've ever heard it put was Jacob Wilkie, that regenerative rancher over in Australia. He his motto is that his animals have one bad day in their life. You know? And I think that when you really think about that, it's it's beautiful because the like I said earlier, these animals that are raised on a good regenerative farm Yeah. Are having the best life ever. They have the best life ever compared to even, like, their counterparts out in nature who are, like, you know, having to fight to survive and just getting Yeah. Slaughtered by a lion or something. You know? Like, nature is not inherently nice. It's brutal, and things are, like, terrible there. So farming actually gives them a chance to have an even better life. You know? And so this is, like, kind of a different perspective from, you know, the you know, all the Netflix propaganda documentaries trying to promote their plant slop and chemicals to people as being healthier and, you know, better for the animals, like, impossible burger and beyond meat or whatever.
Mhmm. That's all completely paid for by the chemical companies. They they Of course. Own that. So that's the message they put, and they, of course, only will show the absolute worst that exists out there. And when you actually dig into the the process of making those movies, they it takes them years to even get the this terrible footage because it's so hard to find. It's so rare. So people aren't realizing that, you know, that is extremely worst, the worst stuff there is out there. And, of course, you know, we need to move away from that.
[00:32:48] Unknown:
And we've got obviously Bill Gates. And what's this all these chemicals so that our cows stop farting? I mean The bovine.
[00:32:56] Unknown:
Yeah. Farting. Give me some of that. No. But but my kids just say No. Carnivore will do that. Farting is just plant fermentation in your body. Like Yeah. I used to be so gassy when I was eating salads every day, and now it's gone. Like No way. That's one of the things that changes. Yeah. That's incredible. But so so, obviously, it's like people need to really pay attention to
[00:33:15] Unknown:
growth hormones. They need to pay attention to antibiotics. Now we've got anti farting stuff that's gonna go in to the cows. Like, how do you help people? And I I heard what you said, you know, like gas station meat is better than plants, you know, but, you know, where is it? Is there stuff on the why carnivore.com that kinda says, like, hey. If you could look for these ingredients, it would be helpful if you could avoid them, you know, because if people do have the means, yeah, directly from your rancher. I mean, that's the jam. I love the cow. I want them to be happy. Honor the cow. Yeah, baby. Honor the cow. Moo.
[00:33:52] Unknown:
I wish I had a moo,
[00:33:54] Unknown:
sound effect.
[00:33:57] Unknown:
I'll I'll just do it. Just say moo, and I'll just do it. Moo. I I'm gonna show you right now how to find out on my website. Go pull up white carnivore again. There's literally a section for that. Yeah. Cool. Okay. Good. Pull it up. Carnivore. Is excellent because we can show people exactly how I meant for this tool to be used because Oh, I love it. Great. There's a table of contents. Mhmm. Okay. Yep. So if you just do, like, control find and type in, like, added hormones.
[00:34:23] Unknown:
Just on the on the website, I can hit control
[00:34:27] Unknown:
Yep. Find? So you had a great question about hormones. So how do I do control find? Or maybe command f on a Mac? Or command f. Mhmm. Type in hormones because there's a section specifically about that. And while you're doing that, I'll I can just give you a call. That is so can you do that on every website in the world or just this kind? Oh, no. You can you can you can search stuff. You didn't know you could search things on the page? Oh, that's that's I just blew your mind on that. That that's the best thing I've
[00:34:55] Unknown:
What? Yeah. Yeah. The control f, I can find things? Yes.
[00:35:01] Unknown:
It's good to go. Your whole Internet experience. Excited for you. Oh my god. I feel like you just gave me a magic wand. This is incredible. Yes. Okay. So added hormones in meat. Are they bad? And then Yeah. So if you click that section, it just takes you down to a bunch of resources to answer that exact question. Oh my god. And I'll give people the just here. Oh, I just pulled it up. It looks like it's not super full. There's a couple. But, here, I'll just read off the quote at the top from Oh, I thought it was sharing. Hold on. It it should have been sharing on the screen. It's okay. I can just basically mention it. Okay. The the quote that I would just sum up for people here is what another I just keep bringing them up. Anthony Chaffee, he's my man. I told you. Yeah. He says, first 3 grams, nonhormone treated beef has about 1.3 nanograms of estrogen in it. Hormone treated beef has about 1.9 nanograms.
Okay. So that's a 50% increase. 3 ounces of soy has 200,000 nanograms. So 200,000 nanograms? Oh my gosh. So, essentially, you again, you just have to be looking at things in the perspective of, like, you know, if this is bad, then what's better? You know? Because the plant based people will say, oh, I eat soy to you know, so I don't have the hormones in the meat. Well, it has, like, infinitely more hormones in it. So, like, as we said, yes. It's best to have absolutely no additives whatsoever. Like, straight from the farm is the best, but, you know, it's having a little block of soy is gonna have so much more in it. It's much bigger problem. So that's how I get it. Right here, eat the rainbow. I remember that was always just the nonsense that they're telling us. That's just that's a total, like, scam narrative by the food companies that just wanna sell more product and just getting you to it's it's you have to think about the money always as we know in Bitcoin. You think back to the money. And ever there's a lobby for every single, you know, fruit, vegetable, grains, seeds, nuts.
You know, there's they all have their own just marketing team that needs to sort of convince these dietary overlords that their thing is healthy and good so they can get it into the guidelines, get it into the the the recommendations so it gets passed down to all the schools and all the jails and all the hospitals and all of these, like, public, you know, government run places because then they get free money from, you know, all those deals. It's crazy. So so let's let's segue into
[00:37:30] Unknown:
I think we'll do Bitcoin for a little bit next. We don't have to go into much Bitcoin because I know a lot of our audience are already Bitcoiners, but I do wanna definitely get into the geoengineering part. But now that we're, you know, spusing in the money and the incentives, obviously, Bitcoin fits in there. So, you know, obviously, we hear all of the the the hype of, like, well, how are we gonna feed 8,000,000,000 people? We don't have enough cows. We don't have enough land. It costs too much. It uses too much water, dah, dah, dah, dah. How do we you know? And, you know, my first logical instinct is like, okay. Show me some numbers. I just wanna see the math. I'm not saying that that's an accurate statement or an inaccurate statement. You know? But, like, it does take a lot more water and land to make a pound of beef than it does to make a count a pound of corn or soy. And so not that I wanna eat those things, but I do like popcorn. So if I have to be a cow, holy cow, what am I gonna do?
And have little, like, beef bites or pieces of cheese, something something to make. I do. I a world without cheese. You you'd be amazed at how many recipes are out there by, you know, like, carnivores that, you know, miss their x food from their carb days, and they can you can really make all these textures and things by being creative. And I would imagine, like, with little my dad, like, I remember growing up, he used to cut the fat off of the meat, and then he would fry it up into these little crunchies. And so we would have crunchy fat bites. There you go. That'd be perfect. And I would always elbow each other, like, we want the crunchies, and that's what we call them. Because Yes. Crunchy is is like, I'm a cruncher. You know? Great example. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. So okay. But so just that, you know, we'll segue into the Bitcoin part, but, like, how how can we do we have enough truly to feed the world on on meat only, you know, on animal only?
[00:39:15] Unknown:
We definitely do. And like I said earlier, I'm also terrible at numbers, so I I can't give you I would be the worst person to, like, bring up these numbers. I, the Joel Salatin is the man for this. I mentioned to him earlier. He really breaks down the the actual logistics of how this can absolutely happen. We have tons of land out there. And I I do believe that these the stats of, like, comparing the water usage, you know, creating beef versus plants is definitely not fully accurate. Okay. I I don't wanna get too into the weeds. Why? Because, like I said, I I don't remember the numbers myself. I don't wanna give any false information out there, but, it it it's not it's it's definitely massaged.
So Okay. Yeah. Joel Salatin would be the man. I'm gonna pass people along to him. Go listen to my episode with him and look at his work. He has a great website full of information and did a couple of Joe Rogan episodes where he talks about that specifically, about the logistics of how we make this, you know, ubiquitous and make and scale it up so everyone can get meat. But the short answer is absolutely we can we can get there if we just make the right moves, you know, and use this land properly. Because so much land is just completely destroyed from these monocrops to make plants.
If like, just think about, you know, when you're driving, you know, through the states. Like, I've I've done a lot of road trips. I'm sure you've you've done some before. You just see, like, just miles and miles and miles of, like, corn and beans and, you know, nuts or whatever. Like, pick your plant. It's like one single type of plant, which by the way is extremely unnatural. That's not nature. You know? There's never gonna be one thing for miles and miles. But if you just imagine if all of that land was just transitioned to be free ranging cows all over the place. Like, you can start to, like, wrap your brain around how, like, how much that would be. We would have so much more meat that way, and it would be so much healthier for people and better for the environment like we talked about. It helps the soil.
It is a net positive for the environment to have these ruminant animals eating the grass, pooping, and, you know, fertilizing the grass. It's gonna rebuild the soil because that's also a huge problem, by the way. That soil is getting absolutely destroyed by all of this plant agriculture. So, you know, this is a huge problem that the plant people don't really talk about that the soil problem as a result of just tons and tons of pesticides and glyphosate and chemicals, which are required to grow those plants.
[00:41:44] Unknown:
You cannot grow that that level of monocropping without poisoning the shit out of the soil. So Well and it's like they're trying to turn the crops over as fast as they can to get them as big to market quickly. And so it's not about, like, okay. We have to let the soil rest and put some cover crops for this season, and we have to wait a year or 2 years, you know, until the soil can recover. And so it's not a cost. You know, there's no profit incentive. And so it's just like, you know, extract, extract, extract without really honoring the integrity of the soil thinking, like, this can serve you forever.
[00:42:21] Unknown:
[00:42:22] Unknown:
Ever. You don't have to sit and make something where you deplete it, and then it turns into the dust bowl. Right? And so you want to think in terms of, like, until this earth blows up or, you know, like, how can you keep soil on the radar, you know, and at the top of the list? And so I think when people start to really, really connect those dots and really understand, it's like, okay. Got it. And and all of our choices matter, obviously. Right, Ben? It's just like, okay. Maybe you're not gonna go full carnivore right away, but start learning, dabble a little bit, and then see how it works. With yourself. You have to try stuff. Don't be afraid. Yeah. We're lab rats. Right? And so I'm doing this 11 x love lab project, and it's like, every week we'll be doing different experiment experiments, and then it's like, cool. Did that do you like that? Okay. Now do it for 2 weeks. Cool. Now do it for a month. Double up, double up, double up, and see if you like your results. And so don't be afraid to make an experiment. I remember when we were at Slim's, or at Jason's for Slim's thing, the the meat mafia guys were telling their story about how they transformed all this gut stuff and all this, oh, you're gonna be on $50,000 a year medicine forever because you've got a messed up body and sorry, you know, you can't go on dates with girls now because you're always, you know, running to the bathroom 10 times a day. And, totally changed their life. And his friend was just like, why don't you try a carnivore diet for a couple weeks, maybe a month, see how you feel and see they were just like, I cannot believe I was almost gonna go do this literally $50,000 a year medicine that they wanted them on. And so so it's just you know, I always if if somebody's gonna make a big profit off of you, question their incentives. You know? And it's like, are they, you know, gonna be reusing that profit for good, or is it just to make more extractive, you know, addictive type things that go on? So to me, that's a big deal. And so really quick, I'm gonna just plug this, you guys. I'm speaking of sats and Bitcoin. I'm doing, until tomorrow, from December 6th to December 20th, every single sat that's been goes into my Noster, excuse me, my Get Albi wallet, is gonna go to sats for tots. It's toys for tots. And so I'm gonna take the all the SATs, and I'm gonna buy some Bitcoin toys. So I'll probably do some free market kids and huddle up, and they've got a really cool stack, and we'll donate it to toys for tots.
Shamari has already donated a 100 books of Tomer Storelights, which is really sweet, and they donated that as we did a Bitcoin for families a couple weeks ago. And I just think it's really cool to, like, you know, if even help, and, like, that's what happens. We was so cool. They had the boostogram, you know, on a Saturday or Monday night at, Antones. And then guess how many sats were streamed from all over the world to all these wonderful artists, you guys. Over 5,000,000 sats. Oh my gosh. And it was so cool. They had a cool leaderboard, and all these guys were just like, I'm gonna out outzap you, and it was super fun and playful.
The music was incredible. And the the crew, the artist, everybody, it's like they made more money that night just through tipping, just through the zaps, and the value for value than they would make on Spotify in 5 years. You know? And it's just like, this is how we reach audiences is peer to peer, 1 on 1, and that's why Bitcoin's so powerful. And it's like, rabbit holing, tentaclean into all these other use cases, and it's just like, oh my gosh. Like, we're we don't have to have starving artists out there anymore. You know? And and we think about starving ranchers and starving farmers. You know? My friend, Ajiray, has got the yellow barn farm up here in Boulder, and, you know, she's teaching her community about regenerative ag and how is Bitcoin interrelated to all of these things. So so it's really, really beautiful to see, you know, how that is going. And so so, Ben, let's talk really quick about Bitcoin, and then I wanna get into the the geoengineering because I think that's super duper important.
[00:46:28] Unknown:
[00:46:29] Unknown:
What about Bitcoin? Just where that comes into the story? How should you get to be a Bitcoiner? And and, like, why do you think Bitcoin is you know, obviously, we understand as Bitcoiners, all the rabbit holes, you know, and obviously, you're in this rabbit hole. Like, how how is Bitcoin
[00:46:43] Unknown:
interrelated to your wealth and health and wellness and, obviously, your wealth and, you know, way of living at this point? That was that was a rabbit hole that started all for me for, like, so many of us here in Bitcoin. I'd say I I definitely went through the shit coin phase from, you know, 2017 to 2020. I was pretty much just, you know, hobbling a bunch of garbage and trading the Bitcoin. I just got really lucky with trading, so I made a little bit of money enough to, like, pay for a little bit of traveling. I thought, oh, this is amazing. But then as I started really researching Bitcoin more, read the Bitcoin standard, started, you know, listening to all these toxic maximalists that I hated at the time, I started realizing, oh, shit. They're right about everything.
And then I just really decided around 2020, I need to to lock it and, like, you know, start saving this stuff, learning more about it. And such a similar story, and you just pulled up the my other website. This is the first one I made, the why bitcoinonly.com. And this is where I I kinda realized that this is something that I can bring to the table is just the fact that I have an unlimited, like, satiation for knowledge and just learning and just diving through all these resources and these rabbit holes. So, like, this this website is the first time I just finally put that all together and just, you know, wanna make sure I have an everything resource for why crypto is a waste of time, and I learned that, why Bitcoin changes the world, and the just the insane range of things that are fixed by fixing the money. It fixes literally everything across society.
And this so, yeah, I I just went through the typical Bitcoin rabbit hole of just learning that, you know, what fiat is and and why fiat is the root problem that spawns all these other problems. One of which is the health system and the medical system being just completely profit based and totally inverted from reality. And that's kinda what led me to, you know, researching health later and finding the carnivore later because Bitcoiners, as we know, you talked about the people you met in Austin. That actually also had a piece of play in my journey as well, actually. In 2022, I lived in Austin, and I went to the Austin Bitcoin meetups there, which are great. One of the best meetup spots in the world, I would say. There's so many legends that swing by there. I know. And they would always have this food out for people to eat. And I would just see all these these Bitcoiners who I knew and had, like, listened to on podcast and really respected a lot. They just had big plates full of beef, and I was like, that's weird.
And that's kinda how it started for me just and just starting to to learn more about that and and just have this completely new idea enter my consciousness. And but yeah. So Bitcoin is the the mother of all rabbit holes that leads you to the other rabbit holes. And, it's it's been a fun ride. Love just the more the more and more people joining this ecosystem. And like you, I'm I'm definitely just so the most fascinated on the people side, the social side, like, seeing all these people come in, all these new friends changing their lives and just getting a whole new perspective on the world as they change their form of money that they save. And it is bonkers how big of a difference that makes in your your mental health, your your lowering of time preference, caring more about the future,
[00:49:54] Unknown:
all this great stuff. It's it's so exciting to be a part of. It is. And I'd love that you brought up mental health because, I mean, that's obviously a huge thing that I'm a big advocate for, and it's part of my my life work is, you know, helping people realize who they are, why they're here, you know, just from a divine perspective and certainly from a a skills. Like, we're all here for a certain reason. Right? I really believe that in my heart and in my soul that, like, each one of us has this, like, special purpose. I found a special purpose. Remember in the jerk? I don't did you see that movie, the jerk with Steve Martin?
I don't think I did actually. Oh my god, dude. Okay. Off it off my list. You need to know when you will die, because I I you are younger than me, so it's it's a little before your time. But watch the jerk with Steve Martin, and I found my special purpose. You will die. So any of you old farts like me who just got that, you're probably peeing yourself. But but, like, I really know that, like, that's my mission is to help other people find their missions and not only just find them, but how do you live them. Right? And how do you be successful in a way that matters and is meaningful for you? And our lives are holistic systems. And, you know, in this 11 x program that I put together, it's like everything touches each other. There's nothing there's no separate parts of life. Like, earth is a system. The humans that live on it are part of the system. The animals were nothing is disconnected.
You know, if you go down to the quantum level, everything is one system. We are all interconnected infinitely throughout all space and time. There's no, hi. This is over here and then we're over here. No. That's not how it works. And so when you think about mental health, it's like the money system is so important and you didn't really, you know, yeah, mom and dad thought about money or I was stressed out because I didn't get that client or, I really wish I could have that nice car so I fit in with this crew because I'm driving this jalopy over here. Like, the mental health burden that the fiat system puts on all of us as humans is catastrophic.
It's catastrophic. People commit suicide every single day because of this. People are on drugs. People are on the streets. People are, you know, breaking up with the ones that they really wish they were with, but they're fighting because of money and they don't know how to deal. And so Bitcoin really, as it goes and grows, like, I think it can help solve for some of these problems so that we don't have to live in, the toxic soup of scarcity and the toxic soup of fear and where's the next, you know, loaf of bread coming from? Because I went down to the store and because of hyperinflation yeah. We who are or steak. Excuse me.
Because of hyperinflation, I now the steak is, you know, 10 x what it was this morning because we're in a, you know, a crazy country. So I can't imagine how devastating it is for people who live in these places where they don't know what they're gonna feed their children because at the end of the day when they get home from working their 10 hour shift in a mine, the the what they thought they earned was isn't gonna buy them the same amount of food and their kid's home screaming because he's hungry, you know? And it's like, that takes a toll on an individual and on the unit and the family and the the the the the system. And so then people turn to crime so that they can go feed their families. And so it's all interconnected, you know, and it's like once you get 1 domino, which I believe is, you know, going from fiat to Bitcoin, we can really solve for so many of these very important problems, you know, that are solvable.
[00:53:38] Unknown:
So I just had to do that rant, I guess. Sorry. I love it. I love it so much, and I I think that's such a beautiful perspective to have. And I actually just had, this question that I brought up with one of my guests recently of what is the true first domino? Because I think that there is some debate there. Like, there's a great, great case to be made as you just did that Bitcoin could be the first domino fixing the fiat system. Yeah. But I would say another potential contender here is the the health domino and eating more meat, specifically, as, like, the solution. It's the same way that Bitcoin is a solution of fiat. And I just wanna say it. And is this gonna be 1 hour strictly?
So I No. No. No. We can go. I do you have plenty of time? Yeah. I've got lots of time. So Awesome. Cool stuff. So Are you yeah. Do you have a hard to stop? Like No. I I do not. I just wanna make sure you didn't. Okay. Yeah. Thanks. Yeah. But I was just gonna say that you talk about mental health there, and that is such a big topic on your podcast, which is amazing because this is something that affects so many people everywhere, whether it's themselves dealing with some problems or someone they know or a family member. Yeah. Literally, it's I I don't think that there's anyone on earth that isn't affected somehow by this right now. And Yeah. The question that I would ask is, you know, is that really normal? I don't think it is. And I think that this is not the way that we should be, and we shouldn't just, you know, take this as normal. We should look at what are the the root cause of this problem. And as you said, the fiat system is a major root cause, and I I want to just bring this back to the diet discussion I was talking about earlier and looking at diet. I think that diet is such a huge part of people's health Totally. And definitely mental health. And people are not taught this by their Fiat doctors. They're told that they have an SSRI deficiency if they have anxiety or depression or they just need drugs for it. But let me tell you, you you mentioned the the meat mafia guys earlier had the gut issues that they fixed with the carnivore diet. There were a handful of issues out there that I I came across at over and over and over and over again just like universally nearly fixed by the carnivore diet. And the gut digestion was 1. Skin problems is another one. Hormones, type 2 diabetes, and mental health. Yeah. Massively common story where people have some sort of mental health issue, whether it be depression, anxiety, ADHD, any of these different, you know, flavors of just having a hell going on in your brain.
And they they figure out it was just a result of the plant toxins that they were eating. And so the and because your brain is, like, basically just a big glob of animal fat. You know, our bodies are made of protein and fat. And as my friend and former guest, doctor Stephanie Rimka, legend, puts it, it's really easy to turn, meat into meat, and it's really hard to turn plants into meat. You know? And so you have to be a very specific type of animal to be able to eat grass and leaves and turn that into body tissue and, you know, brain tissue. We are not that animal. We we we don't have that ability. But, you know, when you look at our actual gut pH, this is actually a whole interesting conversation. I'll keep it brief. But the the the pH of our gut is very important. And the higher the pH, the more it is made for plants, and the lower it is, the better it is for meat. So, sheep and cows and goats and these types of ruined animals, they have, like like, 6 or 7 or something like that pretty high up on the scale.
A lion has a pH of 2. Very low. It's made for digesting only meat. They're carnivores. Human beings have a pH of 1.5.
[00:57:24] Unknown:
No way. What are we lion diet. This is the second time I've heard this this week. So is that kind of the the analogy there that, like, we're more like lions than we are,
[00:57:35] Unknown:
and so we should eat the meat because we're even lower pH. We're even more carnivorous than lions are, like the the textbook carnivore. We have like, our gut is, like, the same as a vulture, which is literally eating nothing but, like, rotting meat everywhere. And, like, this is this is the way that our body is designed. And this is why people just keep eating these plant based diets or having all these health problems, and they just think, oh, it must be something else because my TV told me this is super healthy. Well, bringing it back to the mental health side, when people go on carnivore, they just light up, and they figure out this was the problem the entire time is that their brain wasn't getting enough fat because plant based people are not eating fat. They're eat they're consuming the damaging plant toxins, which in nature, you know, how I talked earlier about how they're they survive by fucking you up, basically. Yeah.
The psychoactive effects are classic. You know? If you look out these plants in nature, they make animals go crazy. If you, you know, watch, like, plant or documentaries or whatever, It it it literally affects their brain. That's how the plants have evolved to to get stuff to stop eating them is it literally gives them brain damage. So and here we are eating these plants, and they think that they're we're they're good for us when they're causing these problems. So, you know, I've got some fish. What's that? Fish? What about fish? Is that still is that considered in the carnivore diet? Like, seafood, fish, you mean? It's definitely yeah. So that's a good question. It it's definitely in there. It it's allowed for sure. It you know, I would say, for me, personally, I put fish in the same box as, chicken and sausage in the fact that, these animals are not ruminants. Okay? So ruminant is like cows and lamb.
They have a very super detoxifying digestive system that really filters out the toxins super well. And so it doesn't you know, it cows are so incredible. Like, even if they're fed like a shitty diet and even, like, you know, pub full of Bovair and other, you know, pharmaceuticals that are bad for them, the meat still comes out good. That's not the case for pigs and chickens and fish. You know? They don't have that same super complex system. So if they're in a bad environment, like in a farm or or like a, you know, factory farmed environment, that the meat quality is gonna be bad. It's gonna have toxins in it that you will ingest. So Okay. That's why I would definitely recommend for people who wanna mix in some chicken and sausage and fish, be really careful about you get get it where you get it from. You know? Because that that's so, like, for me, I have a little bit of sausage in my my breakfast sometimes and a little bit of chicken here and there. I make I I'm extra careful to make sure I get that from a good source and not just from, you know, random, you know, mass produced place. Because What about eggs?
Same same thing because they come from chickens as well. Yep. You wanna get the good free range pasture raised one. And eggs are such a classic of just so much bullshit marketing all over it. They have so many different words, Like, you know, different grades and free range, cage free. You know, it's all a bunch of nonsense, basically. It just makes confusing, but go for the pasture raised and, you know, the the freest like, happiest chicken. You want happy chickens to lick your eggs. Okay. So happy
[01:00:50] Unknown:
happy, healthy chickens. Yes. Okay. Cool. And this is a common theme. You talked about vibration earlier. Vibration you want animals with a happy, wonderful, good life. I a 100% agree. That makes more sense. Like, as if we're gonna consume them and turn them into our own flesh and energy. Like, I want something that feels like I'm up leveling the gift of that they're giving us, which is their life. You know? And I don't know. That's how I look at it. And that's kinda it's funny that, you know, just when you re mentioned that, like, because I always you know, years ago or whatever, I tried being a vegetarian, you know, when I was in my early twenties, and I was like, okay. This wasn't for me. But I just remember, like, because again, thinking in terms of everything, if you boil it down to the quantum level and to the, you know, at the atomic level, it's like it's all the same thing. It's energy. Right? And so what is the difference between pulling a carrot out of the ground because it's gonna feel it's gonna get mad at you, like, why are you doing this? You know, like you just said, it's gonna poison you versus you're eating the flesh of a cow. And plants are sentient, by the way. They're living things, so you're still eating a living thing. It's brilliant photography. You can see them, you know, and you can see their energy. And so it's yeah. They're not that's exactly so you're not dealing with something that's not alive because it's going from alive and thriving, whether it's in the ground or on a vine or whatever to not.
And so it's going through an energetic transformation. And so I'm like, what's just because an animal has eyes, does it make it more alive? No. It doesn't. And so I think that's where people get confused. And same thing, like, not that I wanna go eat bugs, but they think that, oh, it's okay to smoosh a bug, but it's not okay to kill a dog. It's like, what's the difference? They're both living they're God's creatures or spirits creatures, whatever you'd like to say. But, anyway, okay. Let's move on to this is gonna be a good one. I can't wait to get the download.
Daniel Prince, where are you? Are you listening? I know you're Hi. I'm here. Call you. Yeah. I know. God bless him. Yeah. And Efraat is always talking about this. And so, yeah, let's tell everybody what is geoengineering. I learned about this a little bit when I lived in Hawaii, like, 12 years ago, and I remember seeing, on right in front of the the hippie health food store, it had, like, pictures of, like, oh, fight, you know, chemtrails, do all this stuff. And I'm like, what are you talking about? That's just normal. Crazy conspiracy theory. Yeah. Totally. I thought they were crazy. And right next to it, it was was, of course, you know, fight GMOs. And so, they had something going on over there. So tell everybody what's geoengineering, and who's doing it, and why are they doing it.
[01:03:34] Unknown:
Man, this is so this has been my my latest rabbit hole I've been in, and and you'd shout out Daniel Printer. I definitely credit him for getting me into this because he just won't shut up about it as you should not because once you learn about this, this is something that we should all be up in arms about everywhere on earth. Like, it's everywhere. Where do you even begin? But, essentially, like so many of these other rabbit holes, they have a few of the same, patterns that keep repeating. We have this very, you know, very top of the totem pole, these ruling elites that think that they need to be in charge of everything. They rule all.
Constantly coming back to this conversation is our boy, Billy Gates. He's always involved. He's involved in this one as well. The the place that I like to start with people on this is that we pretty much have all seen these headlines across our social media feeds or, you know, Google searches where you'll see some article about how Bill Gates is investing in some x company to block the sun. If you literally go to Google and type in Bill Gates block the sun, like, a bazillion articles come up. He's been working on this for for many years decades. The only lie that's happening is that it's always framed as a theoretical. It's always framed like, oh, like, we're thinking about doing this. Maybe we'll have to block the sun if global warming gets super bad.
We're just studying it. You know, we're investing in these things to study. Okay. Yeah. That's bullshit. They're they've been doing this for decades. This has been happening for a very long time. It's all part of this big weather control, campaign by all of the same, you know, bad guys that we we know and love, the the governments, the the deep states. They want to control everything. And, yeah, there you go. You just pulled up a bunch of pictures of this, you know, where it's in all these slideshows all over the place. It's and and the thing is, which is just hilarious, is the the difference between the word chemtrails and geoengineering. Chemtrails is you know, everybody has been so brainwashed to think like, oh, if you hear that word, just turn your brain off because this person's crazy. You know? Mhmm. And then when you use geoengineering, it's very fancy scientific word. Oh, this is this is a scientific thing. Look at these pictures of, you you know, this is how we can spray, aluminum particulates into the atmosphere to reflect the sun back into space to save us from climate change.
It's just hilarious how these two words that mean the same thing, one has they've just completely captured that word and just convinced everyone that, you know, this person's crazy if they talk about this. Meanwhile, they're, you know, they're talking about geoengineering on CNBC. You can this is on the news. It's really insane, and it's it's hard to really know. This is the the worst rabbit hole ever to go into. If you're struggling with mental health, maybe don't go on this one because it is dark. It is, you know, you see go in adrenochrome or whatever that's Yeah. I was just gonna say that's another dark one. You mentioned adrenochrome. Dark. Okay. I haven't even really been through that one myself. Don't don't don't do it. Don't. I'm gonna have to look. Someone's gotta do the dirty work. I I feel like I you know, as someone who has really fixed my mental health in a lot of ways through the carnivore diet, I
[01:06:54] Unknown:
someone's gotta do it. I'm I'm gonna have to dive in. Just feel resilient, do it. Because we need warriors like you. I'm a mom, and I it's something that knocks me down, and it takes me a minute. And I'm like, I have to go to God. So, I mean, I always go to God, but I have to go even harder. And it's it's just such a it's crazy stuff. Okay. So okay. So coming back. Okay. So let's talk about this. So, obviously, we're dealing with Bill Gates, da da da. Like, what and there's this, you know, misnomer of climate change and global warming, la la la. Why why are they trying to do this? Is it just to I mean, this is, like, you know, aluminum particulates in the air. Like, why is this gonna help the world
[01:07:33] Unknown:
that they say? Why is there a difference? There's a there's many theories out there, and this is where it's sort of hard to tell the exact, correct answer here. I I the one that I just sort of threw out there is if we're assuming that they really are trying to save the world, then they think that they're doing this, which, you know, many would say Bill Gates is. He actually thinks in his insane brain that he's gonna save everybody by shooting cows up full of drugs that makes them stop farting, like you said, and just these these ridiculous, like, clownish mad scientist plans he has. What they say is, you know, global warming is gonna kill us all, so we need to save us from the sun. The sun is evil, And we need to block the sun so we don't get any more sun. And and that is their plan. It's like, here's what we're gonna do. We're going to fill all of these airplanes with, heavy metals like aluminum, barium, strontium, sulfuric acid. You know?
And, by the way, another character in this, David Keith from Harvard, he's literally gone on Stephen Colbert's show and talked about this. Like and I I laid this all out in one of my podcast episodes, which is, like, my biggest production I've ever done. It's called the truth on geoengineering with Matt Landman, who made a great documentary on this. So I'd recommend people check that out for a good sort of 101 overview. But yeah. So if you believe that they really are trying to save the world, they're just the same. They say that we need to block the sun. The sun is the enemy, and so we we're gonna literally spray pollution and poison in the air to block the sun.
And then there's other people who think, you know, there's a more nefarious agenda. You know? They're actually just trying to poison everything. Poison people, poison nature, poison all the farmland because they're trying to take over all the farms, make everything, you know, GMO resistant, patented, you know, just a detectocrat ideology. So it's hard to say. You know? You you really will never know because these people will only, you know, give out very specific, you know, things when they go on TV and put out specific messaging because they're trying to manipulate people into thinking that they're the good guys, and we need to do this. And it's it's a long process because for many years, they just completely denied this was even happening.
They completely, you know, just told you, you know, you're crazy if you believe in this. And now it's starting to actually they're starting to come out and just sprinkle it into the airwaves. And you can see if you type in geoengineering just on any search algorithm, you can just start seeing they're they're starting to bring it up and say, oh, we might need this to save us from climate change. Well, of course, they're just they're creating the problem to sell the solution. And this is Yeah. A very common theme we keep seeing over and over again. They are COVID. Literally.
[01:10:18] Unknown:
[01:10:19] Unknown:
So they're spraying this poison everywhere in in, you know, pretty much anywhere in the world now. It's global at this point. You can look outside, and you can see this just haze everywhere. If you're in a place where they're specifically spraying, you'll see those lines all over the sky, and this expands into this, like, thick, gross looking haze that just always seems to be covering up the sun. And, yeah, that's that's that's aluminum. That's that's not a cloud. That's powdered aluminum that you're breathing, and it's it's killing your plants. And, you know, we're seeing more and more farmers starting to come out and say, like, all of my crops are dying. What's going on here? And they're starting to, you know, talk about and, of course, the the media will always say, oh, it's climate change. This is causing all these problems. This is why the plants are dying and the animals are dying and why there's all these dead bees everywhere and dead birds and the the animals are getting sick and getting dementia.
This has never happened before. And and what
[01:11:15] Unknown:
aluminum. Right? Because aluminum, they said don't wear aluminum deodorant. So now here, they're, like, dropping this above us. And, obviously, we've seen Tennessee governor signs chemtrails ban into law. Yep. Under why? Same thing just a couple weeks ago. Like, Tennessee and Florida are both pushing legislation on this. And so It's just it well, then this is something this is, again, like, I'm always trying to get down to, like, why, why, why with 5 whys. And it's like, why because if you're Bill Gates, okay, just say for example it's him and he's doctor evil. You know? Like, he's not wearing some hazmat suit out in public, so he's getting this stuff on him too. And so how and say any of these people, like, what are they so it's like, do they really honestly think that this is helping?
Because if to me, if I knew, like, I'm gonna poison the world, I'm wearing a hazmat suit everywhere I go or, you know, whatever. So I this is where my brain is not understanding why why is this
[01:12:15] Unknown:
like, where's the dots there? That that's a really good question, and I would say that is probably a point for the perspective that these people really do think that they're saving the world and they need to do this and, you know, they're gonna be part of it. And if you look at Bill Gates, for example, he is such a huge proponent and an investor and always propping up this fake slot meat. You know? The impossible burger of the Beyond Meat. He's always pushing that as a solution, and he's eating it. You know? He he if you look at the pictures of him, he's horribly unhealthy. You know? He's got huge man tits and everything. He looks horrible. So, like, that's a that's a good you know, that that supports the perspective that he really thinks this is gonna save us, and the health effects are worth it. You know, that that everything is dying, but it's okay because we're blocking the sun. We're gonna save us that way. So What do you think about You you can't logically think about these people's brains. They're they're too insane to even comprehend if you have a, you know, a regular functioning brain like we do.
[01:13:14] Unknown:
Well and it's like, I think of all of the I I mean, obviously, if we get into Epstein's Island and all of the the blackmail and all of the things that are out there that we know there's a puppet government that we don't even see, and it's certainly not elected people. That's for sure. And so I always again, what's the incentive? Why, why, why? What are they benefiting? Who's controlling the strings on these people? And what's the long game? You know, if you look at chess, right, I'm not looking at the next 3 moves. Like, I'm looking at my last move. And so it's like, how am I getting to that last Checkmate move? And what is Checkmate? What's Checkmate look like? And so I'm not a hardcore chess player. I like chess, but, like, I'm I I admire people who can do that and have 12 moves ahead of time. I mean, holy moly. Right? And so I think these types of people are that intelligent as, you know, many of them are. So I'm like, what are we missing? You know? And and, you know, and I hear about, you know, calcification of our pineal gland and how it's very, you know, disrupts the way that we're operating and certainly disrupts our way to connect with God and the spiritual universe. You know? And so it's like, is this the just the dumbing down of people. Right? And obviously, the Alzheimer's incidence is going up. Autism with all the vaccines and everything. And so it's like, are we really just gonna be like little machines that, you know, are producing tax income?
I don't get it. Like, what are we here? Why are they trying to what are they trying to extract from us to keep us out of our empowerment? You know? It's like keep the masses you know, it's like when you smoke a beehive, right, before you're gonna get some honey. Is that what they're doing to us?
[01:14:58] Unknown:
Yeah. And just like I I think you nailed it there. The like, they they benefit from just dumbing everyone down so we cannot be enlightened, and they probably view it as a sacrifice that they must make to also, you know, be hurting themselves a little bit too, and they probably yeah. Who knows, though? Like like I said earlier, I think that sometimes we think a little bit too much to logically, you know, understand what they're doing. Sometimes people are just completely addicted to power and control. Mhmm. You know? And they will and just like any other cancer, they will, you know, take themselves down with the ship in order to achieve that, like, ultimate power over everything. And what greater power is there than controlling the weather, you know, and blocking the sun and doing all this stuff? Like, this is where that fiat power goes, and this is where Bitcoin comes back into it, you know, because I really do feel like that is the solution to this is is a big part of the reason why these just ultra powerful insane individuals just have the ability to to go this far with it. Where it just goes this far into craziness is because the fiat system, you know, promotes those people to the top. It promotes the most insane, you know, anti human politicians and, you know, billionaires who don't get there from providing a service that people actually pay for. And I know for Bill Gates, maybe that's a little murky because he did do Microsoft, but it wouldn't have been sustained for this long, likely.
It's just it gives bad people more power over the long term that don't really deserve it through actually creating good things for people in the world, at least not as much as they can now.
[01:16:40] Unknown:
Yeah. It's it's an unfortunate thing, and I I feel, again, like, circling back to the very beginning of our conversation and, you know, telling the truth, right, and what happened yesterday with that bill. I mean, it and, you know, if people found out the truth, they're gonna riot. I mean, that is a true statement when people and and and there's and I mentioned this many times on the show, but there's, like, an ex KGB guy that talks about, like, if you show people who are indoctrinated, like, here's the truth. After a period of time, they're just like, no. No. No. I don't wanna see it. I don't believe. And then you're like, but but here's the evidence. Look. Here's how and they're just like, nope. Because it's like you're so paralyzed in this old mindset and this you know, you're calcified there. And I wrote an article called the Bitcoiner's Dilemma, and it's really talking about, obviously, one of these three sections is, like, how your worldview must crumble.
And it's devastating, you know, your your own worldview, your relationships, everything. And it's like, when you start to wake up, it's very destabilizing mentally and spiritually, emotionally, physically, and and it can make you feel like you're going crazy. You know? It can make you feel like, oh my gosh. Like, is this really no. I gotta not talk or think about this and no. No. No. Just never mind. Go get back on the treadmill and go, you know, make the money and pay the 40% taxes so these guys can go drop bombs on kids. But it's just like it's too much to think about for most humans, And I feel like we are a weird set of subhumans as Bitcoiners, obviously, which I love all of us. All of us will be Bitcoiners eventually, I hope.
You know, but it's just like it it's very, very destabilizing. And so to think in terms of, you know I was talking with, a source node, in Austin, and we were talking about, like, once you do get to let's say we are blessed with hyperbitcoinization in our our lifetime. You know? Wouldn't that be neat? You're still gonna have people that are exactly like what you just said. They're power hungry. They're not connected to God. They're under blackmail. They're in a place of, you know, just more, more, more. They're like Jabba the Hutt, you know, with the power and they're cancerous. And so, you know, thinking, you know, leapfrogging ahead to that point, it's like on the pathway to this, you know, technological and love revolution, hopefully. You know, we talked about love go up. Right? And so we need to have practices in our daily lives and starting with what we put in our mouths, our consumption model there, what we put on our ears are 2 really, really powerful ways for us to, you know, resist and create this revolution of love for this peace, this freedom revolution that we want. And so let me ask you this, Ben. So in addition to your, you know, changing your diet and turning into a carnivore, what other, you know, have you changed? Like, do you meditate? Do you have journal like, what do you have for any kind of daily, you know, mental health, spiritual health, relational health, school skill sharpening? What do you do for that?
[01:19:40] Unknown:
Such a good question. There are so many, you know, little side rabbit holes of health that come off, yeah, once you start diving into any one of them, really. And I started with a diet. I do believe that is, like, the the core of your meme because this is like, you're eating you're you're consuming pounds of things every day going into your body. Like, I think that's the most important thing. Some people would argue light is right up there on the same level. That's in a whole another, you know, side of things. There's, like, the doctor Jack Cruz talks about this. I had, Tristan Scott on my podcast recently to talk about that as well as just EMFs. You know? What is all this 5 g stuff going on? These giant massive just EMF blasters going up all over the place. That's weird. You know? It has something to do with all this nefarious agenda as well. Smart meters. There there's so many things.
And I would say there I wouldn't, like, point to a specific thing outside of diet. Like, I I think the carnivore diet was the biggest. That that was the same way that Bitcoin sort of dragged me through, like, all those other rabbit holes, carnivore kinda dragged me through just realizing that there are all of these other really great things you can add on as well supplementary. The I would say grounding is a great one. Yeah. But I think mhmm. I think getting your feet in the dirt, in the grass outside in the sand, swimming in the ocean, getting lots of sunlight on the days that Bill Gates isn't blocking it from you. Dude, I know.
And just just doing as best you can in all these different areas and and also not beating yourself up for, you know, the mistakes you've made in the past and, you know, the inability to be completely perfect, I think, is a big one. You know? Yeah. Where we can all just do our very best and make it really just, you know, train your brain to look at it as a game, you know, just like checking off all these different achievements of these good habits to have. And you you mentioned meditation. I haven't even started doing that one yet, but I know that it's great. And, you know, I want to and this is sort of the goal that I have for my future is to get to the point where I'm able to have, like, a perfect routine with all these different things. Like, I got my red light therapy, my sauna, my cold plunge, my meditation where you are, like, in just total superhuman mode. You know? I think this is a great north star for us to follow and just continue digging down all those rabbit holes. But I would say, yeah, no super easy answer to your question, but I would just recommend people you know, I this is what I explore on my podcast. I have all sorts of different people with different ideas of, you know, alternative holistic health,
[01:22:04] Unknown:
that they that they preach, and I I try to share that with the world just as you do. So it's a never ending event. It's never ending. And that's the thing. And and you always think like, oh, wow. It's it's for me as a mom. Right? Like, when my kids reach different ages, I'm like, uh-oh. I need to evolve too because now I have to think differently and behave differently and speak differently and everything. So as humans, we're constantly evolving. It's never ending. And I think when you you don't evolve, it's like that's your soul death. You know? And that's no fun. I love that you mentioned a game because 2 things. So, like, with this 11 x love code and this 11 x love lab, like, we're love hackers. We're doing all this stuff in this holistic approach. It's like I just I got introduced, and I cannot believe I didn't know this woman in her book. I'm like, she's speaking my language. It's just it was written, I believe, in 1927, and it's called The Game of Life.
And it's by Florence Scoville Shinn, and she really you know, it just it completely even though this is, like, part of how I'm designing all this stuff and gamification and game mindset, it's like the way that she said it, I don't know, it was just something that just I needed to hear her message in that sticky note at the time, but, you know, she really is like, do you wanna live your life with a mindset that life is a war and a battle, or do you wanna live your life with your mindset that life can be a game? Like, oh, wow. That's interesting. Drama over here. Oh, cool. We're gonna go ride this way. Like, so much more fun. Like, your whole nervous system just sort of chills a little bit when you're like, oh, okay. Well, that didn't go so well.
Okay. Let's go put this costume on and go play this game and do it differently over here. Like, why not approach the mindset of life that way? So I just I love, love, love that you brought that up. It's something I wanna and I would love for you to come on the this this panel, Ben. In January, February. I haven't chosen the date yet, so I'll get with you on it. But I got to meet Andy from CrowdHealth when we were in Austin,
[01:23:54] Unknown:
this weekend.
[01:23:56] Unknown:
Love him. I'm gonna interview him on Monday. But as I'm talking, I got you know, I was like, dude, you know, I've done Bitcoin for podcasters, Bitcoin for creators, Bitcoin for families. I'm like, we need to do a Bitcoin for health summit Yes. And just make it a beautiful virtual summit and, you know, have a bunch of different panels that are, you know, body, mind, soul, soil, all of it. And then just get all the different health educators and, you know, I don't like calling anybody an expert because we're all nobody I just don't use that word. But everybody who's really zoned in on their, you know, their specialty, but I'd love to have you come on if you would like to. Absolutely. Sounds amazing. And you've got obviously all these wonderful humans here. So anybody that you think would be cool, like, we can kinda make a little, like, okay, what do we want this summit to look like? And it's all virtual, so it's super easy. So anybody can do it from anywhere in the world. And then, you know, and then if we do like a Zapathon, we just split it among all the the panelists just for fun. You know? It's not like we're making money, but we're just encouraging people to learn about value for value. So knocking off lots of boxes.
[01:24:59] Unknown:
But yeah. You guys podcasters, we have the curse of overabundance
[01:25:03] Unknown:
of amazing humans in our social circle, so I don't even know how I would pick once. There's too many. There's so many. Right? You know, it's like well, and the other thing too, because, like, when we did the Bitcoin for Creator summit, I had 35 people, and, you know, not everybody got to be on a panel because they just couldn't attend. So I'm like, we'll make a small video, and we can promote your content. So, you know, each time I'm doing it, it's a little iteration, and it's like, do we need it this long or, you know, however. So there's there's all sorts of ways so that, you know, we really can consolidate. I mean, your carnivore website is incredible. Like, whycarnivore.com?
It's like, dude, that's that's a 10 day summit right there. I mean, that's seriously what did you build that on? Did you build it on WordPress or Ghost? Or
[01:25:50] Unknown:
I I I did WordPress, and I I I think that is literally the limit for how big of a single page you could possibly make on WordPress. Because whenever I try to go in and edit it, my computer just, like, heats up, and the page freezes. Like, I literally can't edit it anymore if I wanted to because it just freezes when I try to change anything.
[01:26:08] Unknown:
Dude, it's got it's got yeah. That's a that's a that's you know what that reminds me of is is that giant bill that they were trying to get them to pass yesterday. That stack of papers. Oh my god. That's nuts. Alright. What are you doing for the holidays? Anything fun? Are you chilling?
[01:26:26] Unknown:
I am chilling and grinding on the podcast, I think, just like you are. You know? Just trying to you know, before and after that that Christmas week and New Year's week craziness, just trying to just pump out episodes. Because I I just you know, the more I do this podcast and the more I talk to amazing people, the more it fills me with more energy to just do more. We gotta do this. You know? We we are in such an exciting time right now. And you you talked about the the Bitcoin health connection. I I think I believe we are just in the infancy of that really blooming as, like, a a two way street. Because right now, I think that there are a lot of Bitcoiners that that move on to the health side and, you know, find a carnivore diet and other solutions that really help them upgrade their health. But there is not so much of the other way around. There aren't a whole lot of, like, health and carnivore people coming over to Bitcoin. You know? We have, you know, some exceptions like Sean Baker sometimes mentions Bitcoin. We got Ken Berry on Nostra, which is super awesome. I love seeing him go hard there. So we're starting to have a few of these big names filter over into the Bitcoin side, but I want way more. We don't have nearly enough, and that's why I'm gonna continue doing and working on, through the holidays and for the rest of next year. That's gonna continue to be, like, my number one goal. Bring these amazing communities of people together because when we unify all of these wonderful, beautiful minds, then we will just achieve such incredible things and solve all these terrible problems we talk about through, you know, holistic health practices and fixing the money.
[01:27:55] Unknown:
Totally. I know. And it's like, Bitcoin is holistic money, you know, because it does touch all these things. And I think I love what you said. It's like bringing the people together. What are the ways that we can bridge? And all of these, you know, beautiful sub communities, whether it's artists, whether it's healers, whether it's podcasters, whether it's carnivores, whatever. It's like entrepreneurs, you know, moms, domestic violence. It's like there's all these ways that we can help them come over to Bitcoin in a way that resonates with their unique use case, you know, and with their unique messaging. And it's like, oh, I get it now. Right? I you know? And so so I think it's fun. It's like a puzzle. Right? It's like a communication puzzle. Like, how can we learn how to be, you know, really exquisite communicators and, you know, reach people where they are instead of, like, come you know? So I don't know. Anyway, it's just it's fun. Like like you said earlier, and we both mentioned how, like, viewing this as a game Yeah. Is such a powerful
[01:28:48] Unknown:
tool for just having the right mental framework to go into this crazy information war that's going on because it's so easy to just get dragged off into the deep end and just go down to a deep dark place. You know? And Yeah. And this you know, for me, the geoengineering one is the first one that really, like, tested my resilience because as you go through this, you basically come to the realization that no matter how many things you do perfectly in your health routine, none of us alive today are gonna be perfectly optimal because we're breathing aluminum in the air. You know? And and the plants are being covered in this this toxic stuff, and it's killing the wildlife. And, you know, just walking around downtown, my little hometown here, I just see dead bees all over the place. There's, like, far less birds and butterflies because they are really sensitive to these heavy metals in the air. Air.
So that one took me through some shit. You know? And it it's hard to go through that and not feel that. And but you just have to just continue coming back to that foundation of, you know, there is a solution there. Bitcoin is huge solution. Do everything that you can personally, and then expand outward to the community and other awesome people out there that wanna solve this. And just be being able to turn every negative into a positive is real is such a superpower. You know? As much as this negative energy constantly coming in, just turn that into motivation to fix the problem and spend all of the energy you have in this life to create a better world for the future and future generations. That's what we can all do to the best of our ability, and we are doing it right now. I am so honored to be able to do that with you, Valerie. It's it's you're you're a great fellow fighter in this this movement.
[01:30:29] Unknown:
Yeah. Thank you. I know. I'm so inspired by you, and I love your passion. And, wow, you're you're definitely proof of work with your projects and getting everybody together and interviewing them and putting up these beautiful websites. Like, it's incredible. I was just
[01:30:43] Unknown:
and and we'll wrap up, but just I just googled aluminum detox. You know? Because I'm like, if we're get you know? So I wanna maybe that'll be an interesting episode to do some kind of a detox episode of, like, a heavy metal detox or something. So maybe you've got one of your geniuses. So let me know, and I'll take note. Actually what at the very top of my list for the new year is I haven't done that a lot yet, but, I mean, there's so many people out there that, you know, have too much of a simplified view of, you know, the toxins in our environment. They think, oh, like, I've never been vaccinated, so I'm good. You know? Like, we're all it's everywhere. In the soils, everywhere. Soils, in the food. And even if you fix all of that, you're fucking breathing it. So no. You everybody needs a detox. We're all a different place in the spectrum of how many talks that we've taken in our lives. You know, we all, you know, have different, you know, past mistakes that we've made that, you know, many of us can regret. Like, for me, example, I just threw out vaccines. I spent my whole life taking vaccines. So, like, that's one. And the more I research now, I'm like, that wasn't a good idea. That wasn't good.
That's just like raising your toxin bar. You know? And we all have a little health bar where if we go over that on toxins or, you know, negative inputs, our body starts showing big problems. So we just have to do all the things that are in our power to to, you know, just and like you said, detoxing. You know? And that's that's one of the topics I'm yet to really dive into deeply, but just a few I could throw out. I know a lot of people talk about, like, Shilajit is apparently a really good supplement for this. Just fasting, sauna, and lot and many more, which I'll be exploring soon because I think that this this topic of detoxing is really taking off in the the health world as more people, you know, turn on to geoengineering and vaccines and these other things that, you know, more and more people are waking up and figuring out that these were just poisoning us this whole time. We need to be proactive and not get comfortable thinking that we're being perfect and we're good until it's too late. We need to be proactive and and start, you know, detoxing now as much as we can with all the people we know and spreading that message.
[01:32:45] Unknown:
Totally. Well, when I think about the children, obviously, it's like there's the exposure is the same as ours if you're dealing with, like, environmental toxins, and it's like their little bodies are not able to process it nearly as well as us, not that we can process it well in the first place, but they're the ones who are growing up with all of these, you know, ADD and ADHD, whatever, and all these emotional issues and whatnot. And so I feel like this is a and obviously, autism is just ridiculous. So I think it's important that we really consider the children and consider, like, what we're doing to their little future and our grandchildren and our grandchildren's children, and then it's not like this just goes away. I mean, these heavy metals are all over, and so you see it in the fish and the mercury and all that. So I think it's it's it's a lot of threads to keep pulling on and staying diligent on, you know, in in these rabbit holes. And so I love that you're you know, you've made these sites for everybody to enjoy. I'll put everything in the show notes. I'm gonna have a big show notes.
But so everybody, you guys can find Ben at, go to Ben's website and sign up for his newsletter at benworman.com, and you can follow him on x. I'm too busy to even do the newsletter. That's not happening. Just follow me on Noster. Oh, I'm not okay. So Noster is better. So well, you can go on x and follow Ben, but on Noster, he's rocking at primal.netforward/ben. For those of you guys who don't know about Noster, go go to nosterapps.com. Right? I think, and you guys can check out what works on your phone or what works on your desktop and Or studynoster.com,
[01:34:16] Unknown:
which is another little project I did, which just redirects to my blog post of, like, a bunch of resources to learn more there. Like, I Sweet. I'm just a librarian over here. I like to Dude, you know what? All these keywords together. That's just how my brain works. I love doing that. Oh my god. I didn't this is incredible. It's so cool, dude. I know. I I like that stuff too. I'm not as nearly as good as you, but I'm a I'm a baby virgin. So I'll I'll I'll take it. And, yeah.
[01:34:40] Unknown:
So, dude, thank you so so much for spending all this time with the audience, and I hope everybody listening is, you know, enlightened into something new about, you know, the carnivore diet or geoengineering. Obviously, Bitcoin is, you know, an underlying, you know, bloodline of this podcast. And, I hope you guys have a happy holidays. And and, you know, I prob I'm gonna be doing a livestream. Actually, I'm doing a spaces on Saturday with, with Monica who we're gonna talk about astrology and Bitcoin. She's one of the best artists out there. Oh my god. She's incredible. And she nailed it last time. I'm not really into astrology so much, but after I did an episode with her, it was like, how did you know all these things about what happened in my life over the last 6 months? This is freaky. And so,
[01:35:29] Unknown:
you know, whatever. It's just fun. Magic out there that we just like, us, you know, idiots still learning about this stuff, just have no idea about. There's infinite rabbit holes of just crazy things that we have the power to to learn that we just have no idea about. We have no idea. I know. It's crazy. I started watching some near death experience YouTube channel stuff, and that's a giant rabbit hole to go in. And you're just like, wow. Free energy is another one. Like, the fact that, like, there's energy all around us, and we've been, like, tricked to think that we have to, you know, burn oil or, you know, do these, like, weird alternative projects to create energy when if you go way back in ancient history, they were, like, harvesting energy from the air around us. You know? Wow. They're that's the whole I I interviewed this guy, named, Brian Pools. Okay. He has this movie called the primordial code on YouTube. That is the last, like, random thing I'm gonna show out there. This is an incredible movie. It's got, like, over half a 1000000 views, and he explores this stuff. Like, we used to have unlimited energy everywhere.
What happened? You know? All the people that can get close to this rabbit hole end up, you know, falling out of a window or suiciding themselves. And so this is a fun one. And, also, a really light, well, not light in that sense, but just, like, optimistic for the future. Like, you know, we have the ability to create these amazing things and bring these things back that we used to have that Fiat has taken away from us in some form. You know? Yeah. So there's enormously, positive things that are in our future as long as we just keep going through this path and keep stacking stats.
[01:37:01] Unknown:
Keep stacking stats on the path, baby. I love it. Well, again, everybody, thanks so much for tuning in, and you guys can definitely the last 2 more days to go donate some stats for tots. And, you know, hopefully, we'll get some smiles out there and get some Bitcoin educational toys and materials in the toys for tots zones, and maybe these little kids will turn into Bitcoiners. Who knows? Right? Wouldn't it be neat if all of a sudden some little dude got, you know, a huddle up game or a chamory thing from Toys for Tots, and then he's, like, the next Bitcoin or she's the next Bitcoin developer. Yes. Who knows? You know? Like, that's just so neat. And you just never know too many doors. You never know where they could end up. Yeah. Totally, man. It's amazing. So alright, everybody. Peace, love, and warm aloha, and thanks again, Ben. I love you, brother. And, I can't wait to see you soon somewhere on planet Earth. And, this is where that might be. And are you gonna go to Vegas? Yes. Of course. I'll see you there. Yeah. We'll definitely do that. Be DJing at the after party this year. Did you hear that, Justin and everybody over at Bitcoin Magazine? I better be DJing at a party or more. Yeah. I'm gonna work on it. We're working on something special. So, yeah, fingers crossed.
Alright, Ben. I love you. Alright. Love you so much. Happy holidays. Talk to you later. Okay. Aloha, everyone.
Introduction to Ben Worman
Carnivore Diet and Bitcoin Lifestyle
Understanding Inflation and Misinformation
The Carnivore Diet Journey
Health Benefits of the Carnivore Diet
Environmental Impact of Diet Choices
Connection to Nature and Food
Bitcoin and Global Food Supply
Bitcoin's Role in Health and Wealth
Geoengineering and Climate Control
Holistic Health Practices
Future of Bitcoin and Health Integration