In this episode of Bitcoin for PEACE, I had the absolute pleasure of speaking with my favorite Bitcoin Uncle, R0ckstar Dev.
- We discussed the concept of free and open-source software (FOSS) and its impact on the software development landscape. R0ckstar Dev explained the significance of BTCPay Server, a project aimed at making Bitcoin acceptance easy for everyone while ensuring privacy and self-custody.
- Our conversation also touched on the challenges developers face, the importance of maintaining privacy, and how Bitcoin can be a tool for peace and individual empowerment.
- R0ckstar Dev shared personal anecdotes about his transformation through Bitcoin and the supportive community that has helped him along the way.
- We also explored the role of identity in the digital age, the impact of tribalism, and the importance of finding one's inner truth. R0ckstar Dev offered valuable advice for new developers and creators looking to get involved in the Bitcoin space.
- Thank you for your generous donation to the Bitcoin Creator Summit!
- Finally, we discussed the upcoming Bitcoin for PEACE Creator Summit and the importance of storytelling in spreading the message of Bitcoin's potential for creating a more peaceful world. R0ckstar Dev's insights and experiences provided a deep and inspiring look into the world of Bitcoin and its community.
(00:00:05) Introduction and Episode Overview
(00:01:26) Welcome to Bitcoin for Peace
(00:02:04) Rockstar Developer's Journey
(00:04:17) Understanding FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)
(00:05:39) BTC Pay Server: Importance and Impact
(00:08:12) BTC Pay Server's Role in Privacy and Financial Freedom
(00:11:23) Challenges and Pressures on Developers
(00:14:11) The Importance of Privacy and Identity
(00:19:19) Bitcoin as a Tool for Personal and Financial Freedom
(00:27:27) Bitcoin's Impact on Personal Development
(00:42:01) Bitcoin for Peace: Creating a More Peaceful World
(00:51:57) Addressing Systemic Violence and Bullying
(00:54:05) Getting Involved in Bitcoin Development
(01:00:15) Bitcoin for Peace Creator Summit
(01:11:59) Storytelling and Sharing Bitcoin Experiences
(01:19:03) Final Thoughts and Closing Remarks
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I'm feeling a little bit blushed after that episode with my most favorite Bitcoin uncle, rockstardev. I'm so grateful for you, brother, for what you're doing out there for the Bitcoin community with BTCPay Server and beyond and your very, very generous donation to the Bitcoin Creator Summit. You guys, definitely tune in to this episode if you're interested privacy, if you're interested in human rights, if you're interested in freedom, and if you're interested in understanding the future and why being a developer is so important and how you can become a developer too. But if you don't wanna be a developer, you can be a creator. You can be a business person. Person, you can be whatever. What identity do you want to adopt for yourself so that you can be the most powerful and coolest version of you like my buddy, Rockstar? So thanks. Tune in, you guys, and enjoy.
Hey, aloha. Get ready for an epic episode. And if you love it, please share it. You know why? Because you got the love. Enjoy, my friends. Hey. Aloha, love tribe. Welcome to Bitcoin for Peace. I have a fellow rock star with me here on the podcast who is a cypherpunk and somebody who I've looked up to since I started following you. And I actually got to meet you for 2 seconds at the Oslo Freedom Forum in Miami a couple years ago, and I've been following you ever since. Welcome, uncle rock star.
[00:01:50] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, thank you. Glad to be here. Hope you continue following me. I don't know if you're coming to Oslo, yeah, this year or Prague, but, yeah, we'll we'll I follow your work as well, and I really like what you're doing. One of the best things about Bitcoin is it's not just us developers that are contributing. Everyone is contributing in their own ways. So, yeah, I hope our journey together continues from here, DJ.
[00:02:17] Unknown:
Yeah. Me too. This is just the beginning. Do you wanna share with people who are listening who may not know who you are and what you've done? Like, what's who is Uncle Rockstar developer, and what's your big mission on planet Earth here with Bitcoin?
[00:02:30] Unknown:
Well, mission is not that big. It's simple. It's just serve Bitcoin, contribute to Bitcoin. And the whole rock star identity that I have is, yeah, it's created to be there for Bitcoin. Started 2017. Before that, I, I've been regular developer developer, right, not a rock star developer. I've contributed to, like, a lot of startups, because ever since I immigrated to US, I've been doing startups. I've had numerous identities in Bitcoin whenever I open a new Bitcoin Talk or Reddit account. It was a different account. But then in 2017, during block size wars, I was just sick of arguing with people on Reddit and online.
So I wanted to be more productive with my contributions to Bitcoin, which is when I joined Nicholas Dorrier on BTC pay server. And, did that for a couple of years, helped Nicholas build up a project. Then, Jack Mallers asked me to join him and do the same thing for him that I did for Nicholas. I joined the app that he did, Zap, really became Strike. So I've coded the whole back end of Strike and been, yeah, VP of engineering there, 4 years. And, yeah, last year, left the company, and now, mostly just contributing back to Bitcoin, like, any way possible, mostly through FOSS efforts. And, yeah, that's me. That's that's what I'm doing.
[00:04:13] Unknown:
I love it. And and can you tell the audience if they're not familiar with what's FOSS?
[00:04:17] Unknown:
So FOSS stands for free and open source software. And, it's this approach to software where instead of closed source, you know, like, we all keep our cards close to our chest and to ourselves. Mhmm. We create software that's open source and that anyone can look at the source code, compile the program for themselves. And, it's really the way that I think most of the software development will go towards. Some type of software can only be open source. Like, if Bitcoin was closed source, would you use it? Like, no. This this way, you can download source code, see it for yourself, compile it, run it for yourself. So and, fast movement is extremely important because it also allows you to easily work with other people around the world. You don't need to sign a bunch of contracts and let HR and political people and bureaucracy, direct your efforts, but rather, it's what I did with Nicholas. He's developing something cool, doing it on his own.
I know how to develop in c sharp, so I joined him and we just started working together on GitHub, which is where most of the open source software is hosted.
[00:05:39] Unknown:
And can you tell everybody about what is BTC Payserver and why is it so important? I saw it, I got to be a a a juror at the Bitcoin Film Festival, and My Trust in You is Broken was a great film. And, could you tell everybody about that? And let's share what why it's so important.
[00:06:00] Unknown:
Yeah. And this is maybe I can even do this and Yes. Okay. Hold on. I have a 2.
[00:06:06] Unknown:
Wait. Wrong one. Hold on. The wrong one. Oh.
[00:06:09] Unknown:
See, this is this is one of the reasons why I really like you. You, like, make yourself smaller to make other people bigger. That's heavy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But but, yeah, we're here just focusing on the fact that it's easier to show PTC pay server. So, yeah, not about our egos, but but about being practical. Yeah, man. So, yeah, BTC paid server really is, project that's trying to make accepting Bitcoin easy for anyone. And there there are all these different problems with accepting Bitcoin because when people accept Bitcoin, they usually want it at certain fiat rates still. We haven't arrived to hyper Bitcoinization. So, there is that. And then they don't want they want, like, reports. They don't they want invoices and, BTC pay server as a really comprehensive solution allows that, to to everyone. And then there is the fact that when you run BTCPay server, you're not only running, you know, BTCPay, but you're running Bitcoin core node, the best version of it, which is economic node, a Bitcoin core node where you validate every transaction and ensure that what you're being sent is Bitcoin, under your consensus terms. And BTCPay server really started as a reaction to what BitPay was trying to do Mhmm. With switching everyone to Segway 2x.
And Nicholas was not having any of it. So that's where his famous tweet that, like, this is lies. My trust in you is broken. I will make you obsolete originates and yeah. Maybe that's the best way to explain it. Imagine BitPay that you can self host and then accept Bitcoin payments with 0 fees and no third party.
[00:08:12] Unknown:
And and so for folks who haven't, you know, seen this, is this like,
[00:08:17] Unknown:
how many folks are using BTC pay server out there right now? Can you Well, that's one of the best things about BTC pay servers because any software that you're using nowadays is tracking you and sending that information to, like, some central location where whoever created that software will they will then use their that information for their benefit, not necessarily to, like, hurt you, but they did just wanna get ahead. With BTC based server, we really don't know, but we have these different ways to guess. And, yeah, I mean, I would say that and this is my personal take from talking with everyone that uses BTCPay Server.
I will be very confident to say that more than a $1,000,000 daily are processed over BTC pay server instances. May maybe even well, I would say maybe even 10, but let's stay humble. Let's say yeah. The over a1000000 dollars worth of volume is processed through these BTC pay server instances that are all over the world.
[00:09:26] Unknown:
And and so, like, with what's been going on, obviously, with Samurai and Tornado Cash, it just happened. Like, how does BTC pay server fit into this conversation with privacy and with people being able to, you know, transfer their own value and hold their own value?
[00:09:42] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, the way that it influences doesn't influence that much because, we already went through this when Alex Jones Shield BTC based server back in 2018. I mean, that was quite a moment when I when I saw a BTC pay server there. It's more how do we as individual developers approach it? Because BTC pay server is a collection of, individuals that are coming together as a team. And, it it's really like the the big difference also with Samura and Wasabi is, like, we are not running any central instance. We are just supplying code and then people can, run their own instances.
So, so, yeah, it's it's different situation. Now as are you asking basically, do we as a developers feel pressure
[00:10:47] Unknown:
from Yeah. I guess my concern, obviously, there's a lot of people, you know, leaving the United States and the wallets are leaving, and people are are, I think, getting, you know, scared of these stupid governments who don't want us to have privacy, who don't want us to have self custody, who are, you know, wanting to track our every tiny little move and, you know, thinking about, you know, code as, you know, for First Amendment, like, is code free speech? Is financial privacy a right? And so I'm just curious, like, what's your take on this, and how do we protect the devs?
[00:11:23] Unknown:
Well, I, no. Let me let me bring up back my screen because k. What I what I love about this is this is more cypherpunk talk Mhmm. Because I I can increase it in what you're saying about these, governments. The problem is that information is so, addictive. And this is, yeah, one of the things that Cypherpunks really identified is that it's all about you controlling information and information not controlling you. And what's happening with people that are in these, like, positions of power in governments is that they are they're, like, in way more trouble than they should be. Right? So they're responding to that from place of fear and control. And I gave all these promises.
Now I need to deliver on these promises. I need to get reelected. Otherwise, my, my life will be not the way I want it to be. It's all to me a signal that we need a better system, which it's not that, like, these people, they they don't know what they're doing. And the only way forward forward for me is just we keep building these decentralized systems like Bitcoin is. We we keep trying to be productive, because, like, as a developer but also as a developer. If you feel way too much pressure, then it's productive for you to function every day. Like, find another setting, like search help search for help. You know, reach out to uncle in Bitcoin.
Bitcoin uncle and I I'll I'll try to, you know, talk and see where we are and give you advice what what to do. Because again, for me, I was mentioning Alex Jones. It it was funny, to contribute to BTC pay server and then see that he is shilling BTC pay server when the gun debate is in, you know, really at at its peak. And I've had moments of self reflection where I'm like, well, can this be used against me? Can well, probably can, but this is also why I have a dedicated NIM for Bitcoin. If it ever gets too hot, Bitcoin took care of me, thanks to my contribution. So I'll I'll just leave and deal with the fallout the best I can. You know? I
[00:14:12] Unknown:
Well, I I would love to go a little bit. I I think a lot of people, you know, in in my audience are you know, they're not developers. They're more, you know, artists, creatives, healers, activists, you know, people who are mission driven and mission oriented folks. However, they don't really understand a couple of different things that I think are critical to building this new world. 1 is obviously a sound money. 2 is privacy. And, you know, a lot of folks the minute you say, oh, privacy, I don't have anything to hide, you know, that's a typical thing that a lot of folks say, They don't understand how authoritarian regimes work. They don't understand how, you know, blackmail works and manipulation and, you know, behavior control for large populations. And so, you know, can you talk a little bit about how Bitcoin solves that and why I mean, it's so people think like, oh, I you know, I don't have anything to hide with my transactions or I don't have you know? Yep. I'm an open book, da da da da da. And it's just like, well, who's in charge this this, you know, term in office? Because what if all of a sudden the laws change and they don't like the fact that you eat meat, and then they're gonna shut you down or whatever it might be, obviously?
[00:15:26] Unknown:
Well, I mean, it's it's already happened in Canada, right, with that legislation where they can retroactively go 5 to 10 years and just, like, oh, you're a bad person. Right. You should be punished. I mean, one thing I will always bring up to people is like privacy is a human right. Yeah. And a lot of people are surprised by that. They're like, no, it's not. And they're like, yes, it is. Like, look at UN Charter. Privacy actually is a human right. So if you want to preserve your privacy, you're not paranoid or insane or whatnot. You're just likely more conscious about stuff that other people are not conscious.
And it's a tricky balance with artists because you can't really be an artist. Well, you can be an artist and be private, but your work is gonna be discovered, 100 years after your death or something. And if you're like an artist and there are masked artists that are preserving their privacy, what's the Daft Punk comes to mind. So especially then as an artist, one thing is you want to deliver your performances in certain way. So, and the closer you are to your personal truth, the better artist you will be. So do not let others smother you into because I I brought I'm bringing up this tweet of mine that I tweeted yesterday. Like, one of the biggest motivations that I have to continue being with, like, Bitcoin uncle, uncle rockstar developer and all of that is because it's so easy to filter the people that are not good people.
And when I say not good people, I mostly mean people that would more focus on others than themselves. Like, they would force others to do things and they'd, like, judge they judge you. They judge other people. Yeah. You don't wanna be around those people. So me being rock star, super easy to see who says it, you know, in a way that doesn't mean anything to them or someone that says it in a way that they respect my identity and choice versus who are the people that are like, oh, rock star. Oh my god. You know? Like, what's your real name? Like, they're so programmed by governments that is a it's not a real name. It's legal name, I always tell people.
But that's what that would be my biggest message to everyone to keep in mind because also one thing you should always be conscious of is privacy can only be lost. Like, it it can be regained. And
[00:18:20] Unknown:
[00:18:22] Unknown:
Yeah. The only thing you can do is have an identity. You do things in that identity, and you can kill off identity and go with the new identity that in an environment no one knows you. So you start new identity. But most people shouldn't do that. It's just you should structure your identity for this clown world we're living in, where you're forced to be so many people. You're forced to be, I don't know, like, on your work, you're forced to be, you know, professional person in your church you're another person. You know, you're like a mother, a sister, podcaster and it's super hard because all those different identities place different demands on you. And then there are these bad people that will you make a slightest mistake.
They are going to bring up that 10 years later and use it to control you. So be conscious of your privacy. And then you also ask, how does Bitcoin play into that? Can can we use profanity on this? Absolutely. Oh, no. No. No. I'm self conscious. Well, Bitcoin is f you money. So, yeah, anyone that doesn't, yeah, like you or not, you can always fall back to Bitcoin, and Bitcoin is really a shield. So maybe I should get that tweet up.
[00:19:48] Unknown:
Yeah. And Bitcoin definitely is a shield. I think a couple of things. Like, I love you bringing up identity, and I think about I wanna ask you this because, obviously, we feel there's a lot of tribalism on Earth. There's tribalism within businesses, on social media, within everything. Oh, you're you're bringing this up right now. It's perfect. Like, I think about if if we attach ourselves to x y z identity, whether it's an individual identity or I'm a woman or I'm a this or I'm a that or whatever, it does start to create, you know, separate, you know Yes.
Areas that people, like, conflict in instead of more of a unifying consciousness and a unifying way that, like, we're all humans. We're all here on earth. You know, we all, you know, rip our skin off, and we all have the same blood, you know, that's underneath, and we all breathe the same air. But, you know, because of, you know, survival mechanisms and instincts that we're, you know you know, born with, we have these things where it's like us versus them. There's threats, and then you, you know, organize and self organize in ways that you think are gonna protect you from the other versus elevating our consciousness to a different place where it's like, nope. We're all one. We're all made up of atoms. We're all, you know, everything. And so Well
[00:21:10] Unknown:
Yeah. I mean, just We we were 1. I mean, now, like, I guess we should change this from, yeah, Bitcoin for peace into, you know, figuring out the secrets of universe with, you know, DJ Valerie and Rockstar. Yeah. I well, I I can actually tell you about that. It's very simple. Like, we were 1, but now we are many. And the real problem is that on one side, the universe has a plan for you. Like, the universe has a plan for everyone. The problem is ego and this identification with the, you know, one of many that you are now. Mhmm. So what happens with vast majority of people, especially those that haven't reached the threshold of enlightenment, like or or they're nowhere near it, or maybe they're hurt. Maybe they have something to prove.
You know, what happens with those people is they create all kinds of schemes. Like, everyone creates schemes. The the thing is their schemes are so inferior to what they would get if they were not scheming, if they were just going with the flow, trying their best. You make a mistake, you hurt someone, you say you're sorry, you'll try better. You don't even need to fix it. You just need to try to to be better. That's all. But, no, people get stuck with their little plans, and then it's a perpetual mode, you know, like, perpetual motion of just, like, injury after injury after injury.
People should stop doing that. And then tribalism, absolutely. Like, we all have a need. We're programmed to be part of something greater Yeah. Than ourselves. And if you are joining team a and you need to fight team b, you know, it can be it can be NBA playoffs. So, yeah, nuggets, yeah, nuggets are playing Timberwolves now, and my countryman joker is we are killing them there. But it's it's creating value. It's creating entertainment. You know, people are liking it. So, oh my god. Yeah. There there were some good tweets. But, yeah, the the this this is pretty funny because, yeah, it's all of them training, and then Joker is training in Serbia. Yeah.
Yeah. Gradle important. Yeah. My god. And, the point is go towards enlightenment, and then don't get too frustrated by all the people that are sabotaging you because only you can really sabotage yourself, especially if you focus on payback or you're gonna change this person into better version of, like, what you see that person can be. There's no focus on yourself. And then if someone asks you, hey. Do this for me. Then you're like, okay. Or tell them no. But they're like, okay. Do it and do it out of goodness of your heart. It always pays back. So
[00:24:32] Unknown:
And I think, you know, I love talking about this with you. I remember a while back, I don't remember your exact post, but you had posted something that you were going through, you know, kind of a difficult spot and you were commenting on the people that were supporting you, you know, and being really, you know, loving and caring. And, you know, what have you found in this in our community, in the Bitcoin community compared to you know, you said, you know, you went from being a regular developer to a rock star developer, like, previous to Bitcoin and previous to being involved in this, you know, this revolution. Like, what was you know, let's compare the 2 for you.
[00:25:12] Unknown:
Well, I I I can maybe find that tweet so people see it, but I've contributed to Bitcoin, and then Bitcoin has contributed to, you know, me, making me more than I was. Mhmm. I mean, Bitcoin got me connected with you. Yeah. So that's that that's a big thing. Like, if it's you're not someone that's easy to have in, you know, someone's life, and then the way you support me and do good send, you know, good my way, that's that's valuable. So the it's something I I spoke about when I was on stage, in BTC Prague last year. Okay. Is that the the the more you contribute to Bitcoin, the more Bitcoin will contribute to you.
And I would really encourage everyone to embrace that. And, yeah, it's basically Bitcoin as a truth machine will help you realize truths about yourself that will make you better. Because at the end of the day, this life is all about just learning what is the unique truth that you need to manifest, and then you manifest it and that's it, end of life. If you're still alive, you go and retire. So there is that.
[00:26:49] Unknown:
Oh my god. Retirement. I don't I think people who are on a mission and people who are, you know, passionate about something and leaving a trace, it's like you can't ever retire. You're just constantly, like, evolving and growing and and wanting to be a part of this dance called life. You know? So I think being, you know, in this space, I can't ever imagine, you know, doing anything else, you know, than keeping, you know, growing and sharing and uplifting and connecting with each other. I think it's super powerful. Tell tell us about this, the open source story that you're showing here.
[00:27:27] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, this talk of mine in Prague last year was essentially me talking about how Bitcoin made me better. And any of your, like, well, our listeners now, can can go, yeah, and, find this talk. It's on YouTube. And if they have any questions, it's super easy to find me on on Twitter. You can reference the talk and and ask me questions. I'll let be glad to respond.
[00:27:56] Unknown:
Awesome. So What's been the biggest like, just from this whether it's from this talk or just in general, like, what's been the biggest thing that you've struggled with that you think Bitcoin, you know, has contributed to your personal development as a human?
[00:28:11] Unknown:
Oh my god. I mean, there is so much. I one thing I always bring up is Bitcoin has changed me from being thinking I'm introverted while, like, I'm actually extrovert. So, I I just suggest that I had a hard childhood and young adult years that I was, you know, bullied way too much by people that I shouldn't have been. And they pummeled me into this version of me that's trying to stay safe. And Bitcoin, the way it it empowers me now and, you know, the network that it gives me, that I feel extremely safe. I mean, actually feel too safe. What it has given me is just ability to fully express myself and and live.
And I found out that just I love people. You know? Even if you hurt me, if if it was not intentional or malicious, it's like, okay. Game on. Did you have fun? If other person had fun, they're like, oh, I had fun. Sorry. I hurt you. Okay. Well, let's go. Because it's all about generating energy together. And then that's personal. As for professional, I've always been, great developer. I'm I say that very humbly, obviously. And no. But I if you find my profile on Stack Overflow, you'll see I'm, like, 2% top 2% developers from the perspective answering questions, building reputation.
So I've always been a good developer, but Bitcoin through the last 7 years has just allowed me to reach the levels of professional accomplishment I never could have reached. You know, with b2cpay server, when you have a open source project that's that public and that's that successful, it leads you on podcasts like this one where, you know, you you have your Twitter handle in a lower left corner or you're promoted. It's it's beautiful. And then with Stripe, I've yeah. Coding something that that just is that well known and then getting to the point to be a VP of engineering for that hires, like, 80 people.
How could have I've done that without Bitcoin? It's just not not happening without Bitcoin. So and then from there impacting as many people I have impacted, it's just amazing. So a lot of ways Bitcoin has built me up.
[00:31:01] Unknown:
It's so amazing. Like, did you ever imagine that this is going to be part of the discovery on your journey as a developer? Like, how did you start be you know, when did you start become you know, getting into being a developer and a coder? And, you know, you said you switched over was it 2017, 2018?
[00:31:18] Unknown:
Yeah. 2017.
[00:31:20] Unknown:
2017. And, you know, did you ever you know, did you think, like, yeah, I'm gonna go meet, you know, friends and people and all this great stuff and turn into the best version of myself because I'm writing code?
[00:31:32] Unknown:
Well yeah. I mean, I was dreaming about being on a podcast with DJ Valerie Beloved, but, yeah, that was definitely. Yeah. I was like, there is no way I I love it. I was dreaming that she had the same dream. I, you know, I'm I'm honestly, if I was mentioning my young adult years, I've struggled a lot, because I grew up in hyperinflation, and I was watching all these amazing things on TV, you know, these rich people living great lives. And here I am, struggling out of university and, you know, I will be successful, but will I ever be able to afford, you know, going to Maldives or some crap like that?
But I, yeah, but I I was like, what's what was also the point of me growing up in hyperinflation? But then Bitcoin happened, and suddenly it turned out I have amazing practical experience with why, separating money and state should happen. And I've then still struggled because I've I could have created Rockstar identity back in 2012, but I kept doubting that, you know, it's happening until I saw that politicians are buying Bitcoin. And then in US Senate, as soon as I go, they have Bitcoin, so they're gonna protect it. And then again, 2017, just growing tired from arguing with people during block size wars because people that were my friends were suddenly declared to be enemies.
You know? And, you would talk with them, and they they would be different. They would come from place of fear. And I was like, okay. I'm done with this. Let me just do something more productive. So from there, I'm I mean, you can say I had a plan. I knew BTC pay server will be successful because a lot of startups I've done, I know how to recognize great startup founder. And, yeah, because people come and tell me like, oh, Rockstar, you were so lucky. You like, Nicholas and then Jack Mallers. I explained that they were the lucky ones having me as a supporter. But now it's like, I know how to recognize someone that is going to grow.
And, yeah, I basic goal I wanted was to join their journey and see where it takes. So, yeah, there wasn't some kind of grand plan. I couldn't predict that much in the future, but that's what I'm encouraging everyone is just find the right setting where you like people and those people like you see that it's place of trust. So you don't need to scheme against each other or, like, little schemes and make a transaction like, oh, I'll give you a dollar, and now you need to give dollar back to me. Is it Like, no. If if you don't like this person to the point where you'll give them, like, $10,000, don't do it. Like, find the person you would.
Or find the person that will give you whatever is the amount of money that you can afford, and it's, like, significant. So
[00:34:56] Unknown:
so, yeah, that's amazing. I I love I keep hearing a general theme in your your, you know, your post, your conversation here today is just about, like, finding your own inner truth and really living through that and not allowing others to, you know, distort, manipulate that out of fear. And I think that's such a huge a huge thing for all of us to really embrace. And a lot of us, because of that that desire to belong, you know, that survival instinct to belong, we sometimes sacrifice our authenticity, you know, and we we came in to fitting in and conforming.
And, you know, now we're all these distorted versions of ourselves walking around, but it's like, nope. That's not actually me. That's just me trying to fit into this weird little screwed up system. Do you have people in your life that are still, you know, the like, your loved ones or anybody? You don't have obviously, you don't we don't have to dox anybody. But just are there people who just haven't gotten on the train, on the Bitcoin train and understanding the truth and freedom and privacy and you have comfort?
[00:36:01] Unknown:
Well, that's that's one of the best things about having separate identity for Bitcoin. I don't need them to get on board. They they can just be themselves. I I, again, think that's where dedicated identities for certain parts of your life are extremely useful because that's the only way you can scale to having relationships with increasing number of people the way we we are all forced by this digital society to have way more connections than people used to have. And on one side, it's a great thing because how would I be on DJV's podcast if we didn't meet?
But then on the other side, it's it's a relationship needs, trust. It needs respect. It needs purpose. Yeah. And having an identity again and, you know, like Bitcoin, for me, it's rejuvenating. Once once I'm not doing Bitcoin, like I, you know, take off hat, take off mask back to private life that I can set up in a way that information will not control me. I control information. And I that's why I recommend to everyone is just the closer like, it's a journey. That that's the thing. It's like you're like, hey. I want to be in a place of trust and love and where I can manifest my inner truth. Right? You know?
It's 100%. It's like, okay. Imagine you got to that when you were like 5 years old. It's super boring. You should The whole life, purpose of life is to get to that place. And then if you need to leave some people behind, which you are insinuating, create an amazing party. Like, say goodbye. Make it clear to those people that, like, you're moving on or maybe they moved on, so you need to let them go. So because there will be this circle of relationships you're in the middle of. And big part of life is also not figuring out who you can connect with, but what are the connections you cannot live without.
[00:38:28] Unknown:
I love that. What are the connections you cannot live without? It's so important. And you're it's so true. Like, we think about, you know, in the old days, in analog days, when we actually met people in person a lot more before we had this, you know, digital playground, we didn't have these giant circles of a 100 people, a 1000 people, 5, whatever it is. Right? It's just it's overwhelming for our brains to think about all of these connections. And I think a lot of times, you know, the consciousness of the throwaway society right now since, you know, we've got everything's disposable and plastic and da da da da da, we don't I I think our you know, the younger generations are getting indoctrinated into this throwaway culture, in this throwaway mindset, in this cheap and more and more and more and more versus, like, deep quality opportunities, whether it's, you know, consuming a piece of content, a friendship that you get deeper into a certain product that maybe instead of buying 20 of these cheap things, you're gonna save up for a while and get one high quality, because we've got this time preference that's, you know, different, you know, a high time preference versus a low time preference. And so I think the consciousness of Bitcoin definitely changes our consumption model and our relational model.
You know?
[00:39:50] Unknown:
It it does. And this is where I can reference, yeah, my good friend, Marty Bent. Yay. Marty's a bomb. Yeah. And he says, our good friend, the Rockstar Dev, has highlighted very important term. Yeah. High velocity trash economy. That's where we're yeah. It's, you know, buy buy a new iPhone. It's been a year.
[00:40:13] Unknown:
[00:40:14] Unknown:
The thing is there is a reason why it's like that because we all need to be more and we all navigate towards being more. On the other hand, the problem is that it's been weaponized and it's getting to the point where it's a infinite growth. Right? That's that's a cancer, you know, methodology and approach. A cancer grows infinitely. Oh, yeah. And that's where these governments that are still connected to a money printer, they're not interested in solving the problems that matter. They these people are lost. So we should take that money printer away from them and switch to, Bitcoin is the hardest money that we, as humanity, have invented, money based on energy.
Yeah. As directly as we can make it right now. Maybe we come up with another iteration in 100 years or 200 years. But it's quite obvious that with Bitcoin, we're going to solve a lot of problems. Because right now, I don't wanna participate in wars, but I am living in US. So and I'm paying taxes, of course. Yeah. Hello, IRS. So I'm paying taxes, and those taxes are then ending up in financing missiles on, like, one end and missiles on another end. And there is nothing I can do about it because it's a money I don't control and it's okay. I don't control it. I don't want these people that think war is a solution to control that money either.
[00:41:59] Unknown:
Mm-mm. So Let's talk about that. You know, obviously, this podcast is called Bitcoin for Peace, and I believe, you know, it's a tool and we have a lot of tools out there to create a more peaceful world within our own individual selves and obviously within our families, within our communities, and within nations. A peaceful world and, la la la, it's gonna be all peace, love, and granola. And, you know, I'm a big fan I'm a deadhead and John Lennon and Bob Marley, everything. Let's go, you know, grow peace. But, you know, I really once I started understanding money and what sound money is versus fiat, which was only 3 years ago.
I'm an entrepreneur and a business person, and I worked at Deloitte and started a couple of different companies with my ex husband that were head one's a hedge fund and one's a real estate investment company. And never did it even occur to me so most people don't know that about me that I'm actually a nerd and business y person. They just think I wear glitter all the time, which is much more fun.
[00:43:09] Unknown:
But Yeah. They need to fit you into a box. I know. Right?
[00:43:13] Unknown:
And whatever. You know, go go for it. It won't happen because I'm I'm like the wind, more like fire, I guess. But,
[00:43:20] Unknown:
Is is this where I ask your sign? So we would go into astrology? We can go there. Yeah. Guys, what do you think my sign is, rock star? Well, I mean, it must be some air sign.
[00:43:31] Unknown:
You think I'm an air sign, or do you think I'm fire sign or an earth or water? What do you think? Well, it's either air or fire.
[00:43:38] Unknown:
It's the second one for sure. Oh, fire. Oh my god. Okay. I'm not playing with fire. I mean, we we need to we need to wrap up this part of this student prompt. Yeah.
[00:43:47] Unknown:
This interview is concluded. Totally. No. I'm, like, all crazy fire.
[00:43:57] Unknown:
But talking about
[00:43:59] Unknown:
Oh, peace. We're talking about peace. Yeah. Let's go back to peace. You know, a a lot of people because we think about Bitcoin obviously as a freedom technology, and it's a freedom tool. But still, once you have freedom, great. Now what do you do with it? And what's the point of having freedom? The point of having freedom is so that you can have peace. Right? And so I think, you know, we're never gonna live in this neutral, equal, everything's peaceful, la la la. We're gonna have conflict. We're gonna have ups and downs, but it doesn't mean we need to have violence. You know? And I think this this money system perpetuates violence. You know? It perpetuates the ability, like you have said, like, we can go print money or we can tax and do whatever and go make make bombs and create forever wars like Alex Gladstein talks about. It's not just about war. It's about these forever wars that the money printer gives governments the ability to do.
So how can Bitcoin be a tool for peace, do you think?
[00:44:57] Unknown:
Well, I'm very easily, it's such a tool of individual empowerment, and I'm glad I got this graphic back on because it describes this really well, how Bitcoin is a shield that you can use to defend your individual freedom and, really defend your peace. Because Yeah. Peace, yeah, I wouldn't say that peace is is the goal. If you want to be individually peaceful, you can just depart this planet. There is a value in conflict, but what you say it needs to be productive conflict? That's how it is. Because that's the way we grow through friction, through but you don't grow when someone is just so much stronger than you and just bullies you into a version that they want. Exactly. That you be.
It's more, again, it's a dance. It's a competition. It's is it did did we agree to play between these two baskets with this ball under these rules for next 48 minutes? Yes. We did. Okay. Let's you know, within those rules, let's fight each other. Let's have a war. But knowing that it will make us better and that it will create more value than it that it was put in. So I would say, yeah, Bitcoin the way that Bitcoin helps a lot there is it takes out these psychopaths, that are just great at conflict. Because what everyone needs to keep in mind is when you say like, okay, freedom.
These people that are psychopaths, that are aggressive, that are disagreeable, their freedom is freedom to choose violence. And we need to create environments in which they can exercise that violence. And for most of the psychopaths, it's called presidential elections where they play within the certain framework of rules and they get to express their dominance and whatever they're fascinated with. And then, you know, one of the psychopaths wins for and it's good that they win because if you didn't give them this, framework, they would just be organizing like street gangs and figuring out the way to oppress others because they know better.
So, absolutely, to me, Bitcoin creates better way better framework and allows you to defend your individual rights. So it will help us achieve more peace than this current system where, yeah, politicians can just come together and decide to print more money to fix problems.
[00:47:53] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, and and you you named it really, you know, earlier talking about bullying. Right? And I think about, obviously, a lot of us grow up. I was bullied in, you know, middle school and high school. I lived in Arizona, and there were gangs there. And, you know, I was a white girl, and, you know, I got bullied a lot, and I got threatened with knives, and I was terror all this stuff, and I was super scared. Doctor. They wanted to control you. Yeah? Doctor. Yeah. Because they were being controlled somewhere else. Right? And I ended up Woah. They they desired control over you for yeah. Yeah. To try to make up for the lack of internal control based on whatever was going on in their life. And I remember this girl, Jenny Jenny McCormick was her name, and And I don't remember a lot of things, but I remember her. And she tormented me for 2, almost 3 years. And I remember one day, I was finally, you know, I had enough courage and I was just like, Okay, fine. Come out and beat me up, you know. And I called her out into the hallway of the school, And it was, you know, during class so that nobody was in the hallway. So I finally I was like, you know, hall pass and come out, you know, and she came out. And I just looked at her. I was like, here I am. Beat me up. Like, you want to fight. Let's go. You know? And I was only, you know, 14, 15 at the time, and, she was just like, you know, screw you. And I was just like, no. Like, you have been making my life course, she did, and we ended up getting in a fight. And I'm not a violent person, obviously, but I was just so filled with anxiety, and I was sick of being bullied.
You know, we fought. We fought. We fought. I punched her, and I got her down on the floor. I was holding her hair, and I was like, are we done? Because, like, I coulda kicked her with my knee in her face, of course, and I never wanted to hurt somebody. And she just looked up at me and she you know, because I punched her. She had a bloody nose. She was like, yeah. We're done. And I'm like, alright. Let's go to the bathroom, and I'll help you get cleaned up. You know? And so we were in the bathroom, and I asked her. I was like, I don't even know you. Like, I've never even met you. Why do you hate me? And she was just like, you know, I'm in this gang, and my stepdad beats me up at home, and it's all you know, she's just broke down and started crying. It was so it was so sad, you know, because you could just tell all she's trying to do is have an escape hatch for all of that pain and torment that she was receiving from her family, from these people that were her peers, and she felt like she needed to take it out on someone else and obviously keep that cycle of of pain and bullying going. And, you know, I was just like, you don't you know, I'm so sorry, you know, that you're dealing with this as as a person, but, like, let's be friends.
Like, I'll be your friend, and, you know, we don't you don't have to bully me anymore or be scared, but I I'll be here to talk to you, you know, if you want a friend. And so it was just such as you know, and it just made me realize, like, wow. You never know what's going on in other bullies' minds and in their hearts. And it's just like, most of the time, bullies are being so bullied in their own life that that's what they do is they go find somebody, you know, that they perceive as weaker and try to take out all of that pain because it's overflowing. You know? And I think until we, as humans, can start to figure out, like, how can we let go of that anger and that pain in a safe way, we're gonna keep that cycle of violence going, you know, in perpetuity and at scale, right? And and that's what's happening when we see these systems, you know, perpetuating, you know, systemic violence on on, you know, the communities at large. So I I'm hoping that even though Bitcoin is a tool for peace, we still have to have the inner power and strength and fortitude to heal and allow those things to be released safely so that we don't cause more harm than good, you know, on Earth, our one trip here, as our own selves. I don't know what happens. Maybe we come back a 1,000,000 times, but I know that I'm only Val once, and I don't wanna, you know, be a jerk.
[00:52:07] Unknown:
Well, again, well, congrats on stopping the pain. Yeah. So
[00:52:12] Unknown:
great job. And you too. Like, you it sounds like you were bullied, you said. And it's like, look at all the good you're doing and the way that you, you know, you definitely are out there spreading a lot of love and a lot of positivity. Well, the again, that's
[00:52:30] Unknown:
to flow, and all I want is to see others flowing as, you know, as much as they want to flow, not get blocked and not get trapped in cycles of pain as you described it so well. But great story, Vi. I mean, I'm now tempted to even, like, switch the switch the roles, and you can put yourself on screen. I'll I'll be the interviewer or something. Cool. Here. That's no question.
[00:53:00] Unknown:
Here. We'll just share screen. How's that? Yeah. We can be together. Thank you, Joe. I know. It's seriously that we think about you know, we don't know what's going on under the hood in so many other people's lives, and we cast judgment. And, you know, it's obviously just a human nature thing. But once we have awareness around it, it's like, okay, now I can kinda go to the next level hopefully of becoming a better version of myself. I mean, I don't know. It's it's it's important that we all, you know, have that awareness, I think. And so what what do you say to new people, you know, and I know we're at an hour right now. So do you have a couple more minutes to chat? I don't wanna take up too much of your time. Yeah. Let's let's we can wrap it up with some kind of message and a summary. And you were trying to do just that. Right?
Well, I what I was, you know, people out there like, I'm obviously not a coder and a developer. Somebody how how would somebody who might be new to Bitcoin get involved in becoming a developer or, you know, learning? Like, what's the best way for them to kinda get involved?
[00:54:06] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, number 1, yeah, whenever someone asks you about whether they should buy Bitcoin, the answer is no. You shouldn't. It's a scam. So, yeah, keep keep them out. You keep those ads cheap. I, I need to look at where Bitcoin is so I get more into micro MicroStrategy. We we didn't even cover my, MicroStrategy tweets. That was hilarious. So viewers will need and listeners will need to, yeah, search that. Pull it up? You can pull it up. I have time. It's it's your fault. Yeah. I'm not going into, yeah, into that. As for, you you go over that hump of, oh, you're gonna make money on Bitcoin. Because another also thing most people should realize well, all people should realize is, you know, you you don't make money on Bitcoin. Bitcoin really makes its money on you. You become a node and then you're harnessed to do some things for Bitcoin, but you get so much more in return. So that's why you should do it. And this is where you need to be honest with yourself is, let's say, you're 30 year old that never programmed.
You should learn to code. There there is there is something. You have survived those 30 years somehow, and that's what you should focus on. You know? You're an artist. Beautiful. Look up, Fractal and Crypt. Look up Maddox. Yeah. Look up Grace. Look look up DJ Valerie b Love. Hey. You look at all these artists we have in in Bitcoin, Tomer. And see which type of art is closest to your art and then come to a conference where these people are also attending and talk with them. Maybe they need help on something or maybe they don't need help, they just wanna talk. And talking with them will inspire you. It will fine tune your inner truth with their truth, and, you can see what is the project where you can contribute. And it can be as simple as your AI designer. Like, you use AI to create graphics. One of my favorite examples of usage of that was when Yeager went and created this amazing thread.
Like, everyone that wanted AI avatar, done for them by by him, he did it. And it turned out so amazing, and he didn't charge any well, we were offering him money. He didn't want like any sats. He created this thread of 100 of people, and suddenly 100 of Bitcoiners had beautiful profile, you know, graphic instead of just the one they created that's not as great. You know, you're a musician. Come to one of DJ Valerie's, you know, sets and be inspired, be connected. Maybe you can have your own set. So that's how I would approach it. And then if you are a developer already and you want to get into Bitcoin, approach me at any of the up upcoming conferences, BTC Prog probably being the the biggest one. Mhmm.
And we can talk specifics. The up to a certain point, it's simple. It's just like you open a GitHub. Everything you're doing every day, you have a commit. You have an issue. You have a pull request. 90% of the people shouldn't start their own project. They should join project in Bitcoin they like. Mhmm. 10% should start their own thing. Contribute or connect with people you respect. And then once you have enough proof of work, come to a conference and talk about it. Give a give it a workshop. Conference organizers are always looking for, hey. I need a workshop on what you developed.
Do that. And then then, yeah, you will be well off. And this is where you would we would really need to sit down, you and me, and I then need to ask you about specifics because, you know, every person is special. I also love that saying, you know, you're like, you are special just like everyone else. So yeah.
[00:58:29] Unknown:
I love it. You are so generous with your time and care, obviously, in mentoring other people and wanting to open your doors. I think that's really important. It's it can be intimidating to reach out to somebody, and you make it less intimidating.
[00:58:44] Unknown:
And I think that's really admirable, and I really appreciate you. Well, I I do wear a mask at conferences, so people said that's intimidating. But after they watch this, they will be like, okay. Maybe I shouldn't be. I should approach and you know?
[00:58:58] Unknown:
Yeah. Don't be intimidated by your favorite uncle for sure. He's he's he's huggable and lovable and wants to help everybody move move peace, love, freedom, and Bitcoin forward. Hey. So guess what? So you were just talking about, you know, Tomer, and, we are doing the Bitcoin for Peace Creator Summit. It's a virtual summit on May 25th, and I would love if you wanna participate. I know you might be busy, but, we're bringing over 40 people together on different panels, and we're gonna talk about different use cases for how to grow your audience, how to use, different tools inside of Bitcoin, how to get sponsorships, how to create, you know, messaging that resonates with your audience, you know, so that we can become better versions of ourselves. And then also, of course, new people who aren't Bitcoiners yet, it's like bring them into the fold and teach them, like, what's Noster? What's Zaps? How do we set up our own wallet? So we really wanna get people, you know, just connected and united and helping them understand, you know, how Bitcoin can get integrated into their workflow and, you know, how do you what's value for value? You know, a lot of people don't understand what that is, and so certain things, I think, are very, you know, important for creators and healers and activists and whatnot. Yay. Hey. Check you out.
Yay. You're like my promo guy here. Here, I will put you up here. Yeah. And I'll I'll be your promo guy. Yeah. I'm Do you wanna come? Like, can you do you wanna come and be on the panel?
[01:00:28] Unknown:
Rocksters are pretty versatile. That's why everyone wants me in their team. I would love to. I told you, like, I'm actually flying to Europe, so I can't make it. But you have an amazing lineup. Well, my my man, Adam Neely. I yeah. The you should find we should find a photo with me and, yeah, or miss Costello. But you you have an amazing lineup. Yeah. Tip. Tip is a rock star. I I always help her. Whenever she's done with with her, you know, stage, like, the the performance, I'm like, oh, I'm I'm so jealous. I I will never be that type of rock
[01:01:06] Unknown:
star. She's amazing. I mean and, see, that's the cool part, though. We all are our own unique rock stars, and I think that's really important. And I love it because, you know, I teach personal development sometimes and do, you know, retreats and workshop type stuff and teach people meditation, but I created this process about, you know, designing your own code, like your love code. And there's 11 areas. It's kinda like a Bushido code or, a warrior code. Right? And just it's your code for living. Code. Yeah. Yeah. And and you think about, like, you know, when I go on stage when if it's just Val going on stage, it's like, who cares? Boring. But if it's DJ Valerie, the vibe goddess, it's like, okay. I can show up and be this character.
I can be empowered. You saw at at Pacific Bitcoin, I was a psychopath with my little outfit. Oh my god.
[01:01:56] Unknown:
No. I I think I think you just, you know, you you delivered as much yeah. Interrolled as much as you should have. So, yeah. See, that's maybe you're you're so intense in a good way in a different feel. Yeah.
[01:02:14] Unknown:
I'm definitely a fire intense kinda weirdo for sure. But but, like, that's kinda the thing, though. It's like when when you step into your own identity in in terms of being, you know, a powerful, capable person, then you actually show up as that person instead of, you know, maybe being a little fearful or timid, you know? And it's like your own permission slip to be that. And, you know, so you you go into
[01:02:41] Unknown:
that. Yeah. Be be who universe needs you to be. And and it's great that you brought this up because everything I was saying, that this is perfect. Everyone should actually come to this because it's also virtual. Yeah. Get connected with all these people because, yeah, I just looked up Avi. I I love Avi, and then, obviously, Tomer, my brother. Tom. Vivian is there. Yeah. So it's Yeah. It
[01:03:06] Unknown:
it's gonna be really, really cool, and we're doing everything. It's all value for value. So people are you know, if they wanna make a donation, great. If you don't, that's okay too.
[01:03:16] Unknown:
Yeah. But can I is there, like, a ticket? Or,
[01:03:21] Unknown:
Yeah. Register. Like, go to bitcoin for peace dot org forward slash summit. Like, it's on the screen right here. You can see it.
[01:03:28] Unknown:
[01:03:31] Unknown:
Yep. And then there'll be a registration. We're using Zaprite right now so that people can use, you know, Fiat if they wanna do credit you know, their credit card or obviously yay. Look at you. There we go. And,
[01:03:44] Unknown:
this is like if if anyone came this far, to the watching the stream, maybe they they are allowed to see my email.
[01:03:55] Unknown:
Oh, god.
[01:03:56] Unknown:
Okay. And then it's it's like a donation. Right?
[01:04:01] Unknown:
Totally. And then so what we're doing, you know, with the creators, we just are gonna cover costs, whatever the production costs are gonna look like. And then anything that's left over, we wanna split to all of the presenters' wallets in perpetuity, and we'll be chopping up the content so that if people wanna, you know, make a zap or donation So, like, if you were charging for tickets, like, could $21
[01:04:23] Unknown:
be, like, okay price per ticket? Super generous. Yep. I love it. Yep. Would you do, like, $10 or 12?
[01:04:31] Unknown:
I've had somebody so far give us 2 sats. So I'll take 2 sats. I'll take 2,000,000 sats. We'll do whatever. Like, whatever people think is fair and reasonable. Let's do 10 tickets with 21. So this is, like, yeah, just
[01:04:46] Unknown:
Oh my god. 10 people could join. Yeah.
[01:04:50] Unknown:
So there we go. Oh my god. Wow. Yay.
[01:04:53] Unknown:
Yeah. It's not it's not 2,000,000 sats. But Oh my god. Thank you so much. That is No. No. This is for 10 people watching this to join. Like, now you have to join.
[01:05:04] Unknown:
Oh my god. You're the best. I wish I could hug you.
[01:05:08] Unknown:
Well, the next conference. Yeah. So,
[01:05:12] Unknown:
there we go. Oh my god. This is also power of Bitcoin. Now people will see how actually easy it is. So It's so easy. Right? It's just like pull it up, and off you go, and there's your receipt. And it's how can we integrate? Like, because what I want people to understand at this summit is, like, what are all the different tools that are out there? Obviously, BTC pay server is a Zaprite is cool. I mean, Zaprite is easier for a lot of people because they don't need to bring up instance
[01:05:41] Unknown:
And Parker and team and John, they're doing an amazing job, Will as well. So that's the thing. It it's it's a rising tide. It doesn't need to be all. I'm also like people always call me, like, Bitcoin Maxi or whatnot. I'm I'm a Bitcoiner. I if if you're using Bitcoin, whatever way you're using it, more power to you. Obviously, try not to use it to inscribe, like, ugly photos into it. I'm real Yeah. Like, at least try at least try to make, like, a good photos. And I I you know? And I get that for a lot of people, it's a power trip because they wanna live forever. So they know Bitcoin blockchain will live forever, so they describe random tick butt, and suddenly they're so important. Like, okay.
But, yeah, any any tool that connects you with Bitcoin and you get to use it and do value for value with other people, it's great.
[01:06:42] Unknown:
It is. And I think it's super important that we keep testing and playing around with all of these, these tools. I know, like, Pierre is gonna be on the one of the panels too and talking about Pay with Flash. Are you guys, like, with with the Pay Server, are you guys gonna start being able to do subscriptions?
[01:07:01] Unknown:
Yeah. There is a plug in coming up with that. But Okay. Again, if if Zaprite is working for you, great. A lot of people also use, Geyser. Right? Yep.
[01:07:14] Unknown:
Yeah. Mick will be there from Geyser.
[01:07:16] Unknown:
There we go. So, so, Mick, when when you would need to ask him, like, are are is he doing a panel? You can ask him, is he biggest rock star fan? Because I think he's up there.
[01:07:29] Unknown:
He's the best dude.
[01:07:30] Unknown:
Yeah. But, yeah, what they have raised so much money for various projects in the Bitcoin ecosystem. And, yeah, speaking of war, there you go. Yeah. Sats are flowing, so that's what matters. And you see also there are so many people in Bitcoin that Bitcoin has done so much for us Mhmm. That, yeah, they're like, I've I've considering how long I'm in Bitcoin, like, I've met a lot of OGs. All those people wanna do is just give back, because they have so much, and, I'm also lucky to be moving, yeah, in in that direction. So yeah. Totally.
[01:08:19] Unknown:
This was an interesting film too. This was at the film fest, the death act Jessica is amazing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's it's did you just see, like, that one there's a guy, I think he was in Brooklyn, who just got sentenced to jail for putting together 3 d printed guns? Oh, I didn't I didn't see that latest one. It was just yesterday. I think I saw it. There was a gentleman, and he looked like he was just this nicest guy that you know? And I'm like, seriously? I mean, obviously
[01:08:48] Unknown:
That's where, again, this is where conflict comes in. And if you're in an environment where others can dominate you, they and their political types, they will they will just try to dominate you. So I don't know. We we should figure out what to do. Should we bail out this guy or he does it. But for me, it's really, this is the trailer. This is what's happening in New York on 22nd. So we are having a New York premiere of my trust in you is broken, the documentary that you saw. Where is it gonna be? So we're doing this in, collaboration with PubKey. And, this it will be very close to PubKey. So it's IFC Center.
The only problem to everyone watching this, podcast is, like, if you're watching it live, maybe you'll get a ticket. Yeah. 16. Good. You will get a ticket. But anyone watching, like, reply, replay on in, like, 2 days, I don't think there will be any tickets left, but you can come hang out with uncle. I can play documentary for you on my laptop.
[01:10:01] Unknown:
I love it. And it was so good. It seriously, I I'm so glad you guys did this and put it together. I I think, you know, there's just so much more. So I wanna share one more thing too because and then I would love for you to contribute to this, and, obviously, I want every Bitcoiner to contribute to this project. Storytelling, you know, we were talking earlier about how how it's so important that we have, you know, different languages, different ways that we're understanding Bitcoin. Some people come to Bitcoin because its number go up. Some people come because freedom go up. Some people go, you know, for for whatever the reasons are. Right? If we're just only consuming certain pieces of content, if we may not understand Bitcoin, right, and we may get turned off by it, you know, because of all the FUD and all the bullshit that's out there.
And I think do you remember Chicken Soup for the Soul?
[01:10:50] Unknown:
Chicken Soup for the Soul? What's that?
[01:10:53] Unknown:
So Chicken Soup for the Soul is a series of peer contributed stories that was, you know, gosh, I wanna say 30 some years ago. Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield started collecting these stories of people who went through troubled times, and here's how I got through it. So it's like, you know, chicken soup is like a remedy to make you feel better, and they put this this book together with all these stories of people who, you know, you know, came through tough troubled times. And so it was very relatable for the everyday person because they're like, Oh, wow. I can relate to that because that happened to me. And, okay, now I can get through this divorce or I can get through this health conflict or this financial thing or whatever. And then they magnified it and turned it into like chicken soup for the teenager's soul or chicken soup for the CEO's soul or chicken soup for the nurse's soul. So it became one of the best selling book series ever because it was just it was positive. It was motivational, but it was from people, like everyday people.
And so I thought, well, why don't we do something like this for Bitcoiners? And, you know, because most people are not yeah. Exactly. Most people are not gonna go to a Bitcoin conference. They're not even gonna attend a Bitcoin meetup. They're not gonna go to Pub Key. They're not gonna go to a film fest. You know? So it's like, how can we bring- I mean, if Rockstar is there, they'll be like, Oh, I'm such a big fan of Rockstar. I'll go there. I will be there making a big fan of you.
[01:12:23] Unknown:
No. I I yeah. But but what you're saying is we need these, like, projects that create an artifacts that people can consume
[01:12:35] Unknown:
at their own pace, in their own time. Yeah. And in their own like, from their own lens, you know? And so Bitcoin for Peace, we're gonna be so if you go to bitcoinforpeace.orgforward/story, I'm starting the Peaceful Money, Peaceful World series and I want people who are Bitcoiners to contribute whether it's an article, whether it's a poem, whether it's a song. Yep. That's it. Whether it's, there's crazy Val.
[01:13:01] Unknown:
I don't know. You're you're you keep going like crazy. This is that. No. No. No. It's all good. Normal. Like, do you feel alone in the world that helps us here?
[01:13:11] Unknown:
Yeah. But so so the intention of this project, you know, is to bring together all these different before and after stories of Bitcoin. Like, my life was this way. I used to be a, you know, a Coke addict or a gambler or I escaped domestic violence using Bitcoin or whatever it might be that our stories are. I think, you know, if we keep sharing them and getting them out to these different audiences, then maybe new people, they're gonna go, Wow, that sounds like me. I wanna go a little bit deeper and learn more about Bitcoin. So the goal is to create these collections of the stories, you know, digitally or, you know, in print, again, whether it's a little video, whether it's a written story, and then we'll distribute them. And then just like we wanna do here with the summit and then everybody gets splits after we wanna do splits in perpetuity to all the the contributors to these stories.
And, you know, because Chicken Soup for the Soul is great, but they give you $250 for contributing your story, and they literally sell millions of books.
[01:14:12] Unknown:
So Well, I mean, honestly, this is much better than than the, the alternative. Did you see this?
[01:14:20] Unknown:
No. What is this? Oh, yeah.
[01:14:22] Unknown:
Yes. Oh, yeah. The time to rage. Yeah. Especially, yeah, it's it's for it's, yeah, targeted algorithms targeted at women, because, yeah, women are, in general, more agreeable than men. Yeah. Yep. And by the way, like, I'm a woman. I wanna say that public to this podcast. So There you go. What what do you think about that, DJ?
[01:14:50] Unknown:
I think whatever your identity you want to be, uncle
[01:14:54] Unknown:
Akhtar. Yeah. I'll I'll be ant ant Roxy. Like, you could bring antroxy. Like, okay. Let's do the next one on antroxy. But my whole point is is, yeah, we need to build a better technology and better tools and better frameworks, and it's not always code. What what you said about, yeah, chicken soup for Bitcoiners, I, it's it's it's beautiful. And I can't wait, to see the the results because unlikely, I will contribute with my stories. I do write, like, a lot, but I don't think I could deliver for that. Maybe maybe for 2nd edition or 3rd edition. I I will most like, this podcast you're doing, I see it as a similar thing. So I think I'll contribute in that way, you know, share my screen and show videos.
[01:15:57] Unknown:
I love it, and it's perfect. And that's the thing. There's no right or wrong or one way to contribute and share these stories and messages. And I think it's, you know, I remember when I was at the Bitcoin conference, like, I think, 2 years ago in Miami and Greg Foss was up on stage, it was my first Bitcoin conference. I mean, I went to Ozark Freedom Forum in Miami. Yeah. But but he was talking about Greg was talking about, you know, just like use your voice. You know, we all have something, you know, to say and share and contribute on earth and don't you know, we're only here for a short period of time. Like, use your voice for good and don't be shy. And Well,
[01:16:35] Unknown:
Greg is way more disagreeable than you and me. Well, right? So we we are like, oh, we wish we could yell at it as much as that, but then I don't wanna be as wrong as Greg, and he's, like, plenty wrong. And then he goes through a lot of stuff. I would just not go through because, sure, we can say there is no right and or wrong way to do things, but there are better and worse ways to do it. And, often when Greg yells, it's just, like, plain wrong, but he is pretending that he knows what he's doing, which is fine. He's successful. He doesn't need more, but I wouldn't advise it for new people. Maybe when you're, like, in your sixties and you made your fortune, yeah, you can yell off stage and think you're doing something. But
[01:17:23] Unknown:
Well, yeah, I think I'm I'm not condoning yelling. I'm more just his his message was more of, you know, use your voice for good, and Yeah. Everybody's got something to say. So that's something I can appreciate. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And okay. So yeah. So maybe one day, maybe in the second or third or fourth version, who knows, you'll contribute one of your stories of a before and after because you've obviously got tons to share. Any final thoughts in the audience? Yeah. Oh, you gotta show that. Can I send in the meme? Yes. Send it. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
[01:17:59] Unknown:
Yeah. I I can see what are my my most popular memes. I mean, Cynthia, we're so back. Well, what is even the price of
[01:18:08] Unknown:
Bitcoin right now? I have no clue. I've never looked at price. Either, but
[01:18:13] Unknown:
oh, it's back to 65. Why is Cynthia tweeting this? But we are back. Like, she's such a queen.
[01:18:21] Unknown:
Oh my gosh. She's such a badass. If if if I ever got, like, a a a day job, I would wanna work for her, or you guys over at BTC Payserver.
[01:18:30] Unknown:
Oh, well, I, listen. Cynthia, first, I I can, yeah, DM her and be like, hey. DJ, Valerie love.
[01:18:40] Unknown:
I'll be like, hey.
[01:18:41] Unknown:
Maybe may maybe that's the thing. That's how we can close-up this story.
[01:18:46] Unknown:
[01:18:48] Unknown:
The this edition because I can tell there will be you're going to get all the great feedback on this episode, and then we're like, okay. Bring uncle back. But we can close with the story that's hopefully inspiring for others to join Bitcoin and hear this story. So you know how mayor Lewis, Parker Lewis, organizes all these Bitcoin commons events? Mhmm. And, at one of those events, they announced well, they didn't announce, but you come there, and there is senator Cynthia Lummis present. And, of course, it's a small setting. Of course, you gotta approach and say, hello, senator. Like, thank you for what you're doing with Bitcoin, supporting. And she's very gracious and tolerates all of us coming and saying the same thing. And she participates.
So it it was a great experience. And now, of course, 20 people have done that, like myself included. So I approach, like, hey. You're great, this and that. And what happens is that Michael, Bitzstein comes along and and walks passes by. Right? Like Bittstein, he walks by. And you see senator Lame is going with, like, hey, Michael. Where? Are so she's approaching him. And, yeah, it was such a funny moment. Like, I was I was trying not to laugh too, obviously. I I need to go to the bathroom to, like, stop laughing because she's like, oh, Michael. Where so get into Bitcoin. You will even have senators, you know, approaching you and celebrating you and your work and Biz Teen's work.
Yeah. Proof of work is amazing.
[01:20:36] Unknown:
It is. It's so cool. And you just that's why I think it's a great equalizer too. You know? And it's just like there's no hierarchy in Bitcoin. Like, you can be a senator. You can be a janitor.
[01:20:49] Unknown:
It but don't it doesn't matter. Like, we're all welcome. It's a new it's a new hierarchy, and it's more of a it's not a hierarchy. It's a structure. And it's it's a meritocracy, where we we are a part of growing trends. So we celebrate each other. We don't you know, most of us don't go and and try to make you less. Like, we know that the the more you are, all of us will benefit, and that includes yeah. Especially you, DJ Val. Like, you with all your work, like, this podcast setup is great, actually. So glad I could have participated.
[01:21:29] Unknown:
I'm so glad you participated and agreed to come on and share all of your your juiciness and yumminess with all of us, and, I can't wait to keep getting to know you and bring you back. I'll have you on regularly if you wanna come back. We can always do catch ups and talk. I love talking with you. Oh, well,
[01:21:45] Unknown:
our next, episode, we need to bring up that tweet of yours. You know which tweet I'm talking about? Okay. Don't yeah. Don't show any yeah. Okay. Don't tell anybody. That's that's our secret.
[01:22:00] Unknown:
Okay. It's our public secret.
[01:22:03] Unknown:
Yeah. Now let's see the promo materials for this episode. It will be fun.
[01:22:08] Unknown:
You're making I don't blush often, but now I'm pink. Alright, my brother. Thank you so, so much for joining and spending so much time and sharing everything. And all the work you do for Bitcoin, with BTC pay server and beyond. It's it's so much more, and, I'm just so grateful that you're here and you're in my life, and you're rocking Bitcoin.
[01:22:31] Unknown:
Thank you, DJ Val.
[01:22:33] Unknown:
Yay. Alright. And thanks, everybody else, for tuning in. Make sure you guys follow Rockstar. You can either go to or you can go on x@r0ckstardev and follow my favorite, Bitcoin Uncle. Woo hoo.
Introduction and Episode Overview
Welcome to Bitcoin for Peace
Rockstar Developer's Journey
Understanding FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)
BTC Pay Server: Importance and Impact
BTC Pay Server's Role in Privacy and Financial Freedom
Challenges and Pressures on Developers
The Importance of Privacy and Identity
Bitcoin as a Tool for Personal and Financial Freedom
Bitcoin's Impact on Personal Development
Bitcoin for Peace: Creating a More Peaceful World
Addressing Systemic Violence and Bullying
Getting Involved in Bitcoin Development
Bitcoin for Peace Creator Summit
Storytelling and Sharing Bitcoin Experiences
Final Thoughts and Closing Remarks