In this conversation, Valerie, Tali, Amanda, and Mercedes discuss the importance of women's wellness retreats in the Bitcoin community. They highlight the magical place of Merida and its connection to nature and the Mayan culture. The conversation also explores the role of Bitcoin in promoting self-sustainability and supporting unbanked women. The need for a global virtual women's Bitcoin conference is emphasized, as well as the importance of empowering women through financial literacy. The conversation concludes with action steps, including creating safe spaces for women to learn and connect. The conversation explores the importance of the retreat in Yucatan as a way to brainstorm and build connections within the Bitcoin community. It highlights the different priorities and needs of women in relation to Bitcoin and the potential distortions in its adoption. The discussion emphasizes the importance of working with women on financial education and simplifying Bitcoin for their adoption. It also emphasizes the need for empowerment and creating spaces for women to think together. The conversation concludes by encouraging individuals to take the next step in Bitcoin adoption and highlighting the Orange Hatter retreat as a resource.
Tali Lindberg is a Yale School of Management graduate, where she met her husband, Scott. They are co-founders of Free Market Kids and creators of the Bitcoin game HODL UP. She homeschooled four kids over the last twenty years. She was orange pilled at the Bitcoin 2022 conference and, since then, has committed full-time to sharing Bitcoin with the community, especially women. She co-leads the Bitcoin meetup group in Louisville, Kentucky, the Kentuckiana Louisville Bitcoin Club. She is also the host of two podcasts: Orange Hatter and Bitcoin Homeschoolers.
Mercedes Juarez
International specialist with 40 years’ experience as a consultant, trainer, and researcher in the fields of education, development aid, global health and gender issues. Senior adviser in the education and health sector to governments and international institutions such as the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Directorate-General for International Cooperation-Dutch government, Danida-Danish Government, Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office-UK Government, UNICEF, UNFPA, WHO and World Bank, in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. She agrees with Saifdean’s definition from the FIAT standard that all of the above can be characterised as “the misery industry”.
In her teenage years she participated in community development programmes organised by the Jesuits throughout Mexico. Growing up in the slums of Mexico City Mercedes' activism was born as a result of experiencing the drastic social contrast in Mexican society which still prevails to this day. As many of her peers in the 70’s she studied Marxism and it’s most prominent critics such as Foucault in depth, and considered it as the most viable route towards social justice, however now in her 70’s she has become an ardent supporter of bitcoin for achieving her life long goals of supporting underprivileged populations and particularly women.
Amanda is originally from Canada, and was first introduced to Bitcoin in 2017 after relocating to Indonesia. After attempting to live a Bitcoin standard in Bali for years which was challenging, she relocated to Mexico post plandemic. Amanda Cofounded Bitcasa Homes; a Bitcoin real estate agency. Also part of the Bitcoin Yucatan team in Mexico, Amanda is focused on elevating the Bitcoin community & economy locally.
NOSTR: npub1q3r28wytn2ff90lvrvf9qvsu72uuvl7lpcpfjs46gdfqmvdgcu0q9s6amn
(00:00:30) Introduction to the episode and the importance of women's wellness retreats
(00:07:11) The challenges faced by unbanked women and the need for financial education
(00:28:52) The impact of Bitcoin on the relationship between mothers and children
(00:39:18) The transformation of relationships and roles within the Bitcoin space
(00:46:12) The importance of a global women's Bitcoin conference
(00:46:57) The need to reach American moms and empower them
(00:47:48) The importance of creating a living room teaching moment
(00:49:10) The significance of filling one's cup first before spreading the knowledge
(00:50:44) The need for various approaches and tentacles to support women in Bitcoin
(00:51:34) The importance of safe spaces and book clubs for women to learn and ask questions
(00:53:23) The role of empowerment in reaching women and changing their perception of themselves
(00:57:05) The need for financial education and simplifying Bitcoin for women
(01:05:19) Invitation to attend the retreat in Yucatan and work together to empower women
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Not wanna miss this episode. I'm so excited. We had Mercedes, Amanda, and Tali talking about women who are unbanked, women who need a break, women who are getting their lives nurtured and loved upon down in the Yucatan. And I'm so excited to present this episode to you. You guys are really gonna dig it. Share it with all your friends. Share it with your lady friends, with your Bitcoin friends, with your NoCoiner friends. They're gonna love it. So make sure you guys tune in to the Orange Hatter Ladies Retreat and why it is so, so, so important that we all practice some form of self care and why it's so important that we help the women who are not even allowed to engage in the financial system and opportunity and help them become educated and empowered. So you're gonna love this episode. I I wanna do 10 hours of this one, but I only got to do an hour. So we'll check it out and, please enjoy.
Yeah. We're live. Oh, my gosh. Hey. Aloha, everybody. Welcome to the Bitcoin for Peace podcast. I have 2 super queen goddesses who are on a mission to make the world a better place with wellness, with real estate, with homeschooling, with bringing women together. I am so honored and delighted to welcome Tali Lindbergh and Amanda. I'm gonna let you guys kinda introduce yourself because I've got all of your accomplishments here, and I know Mercedes is gonna be joining us here in a minute. But I I want the world to know who you are, what you're up to, and why women need to have wellness retreats. Tali, why don't you go first?
[00:02:08] Unknown:
Okay. Really quick. My name is Tali, and I am the host of the Orange Hatter podcast. I sort of started my whole journey spreading Bitcoin to fellow women everywhere. And, since since I started the podcast, I'm almost at a 100 episodes. I'm, like, 2 or 3 shy, so excited, and, just having the best time talking to Bitcoiner women in this space, sharing their stories. From there, we started talking about a get together for women to really support each other and develop deep friendships. So not so much in passing, you know, if we see each other in conferences, but really developing deep friendship. And so the cover the topic came up. I'm like, let's just let's just do it. Let's just find a place. Let's do it. So I started putting feelers out, and somehow, I got introduced to Amanda, and she started telling me about this magical place called Meridad. I was like, what is this place? I don't know.
And, from there, our retreat just was birthed. And then I met Valerie in El Salvador. We started talking more about the retreat. There was so much excitement from the women that we have met and talked about it with. And it just it grew from there, and that brings us to this moment. So
[00:03:25] Unknown:
Yay. Awesome. Welcome, Tali. Hey, Mercedes. We're just getting started. Can you hear us?
[00:03:30] Unknown:
Yes. Hi. I've been, searching for you. I'm waiting for you in other
[00:03:34] Unknown:
link, apparently. Yes. Sorry. I know the link was a mess. It so now we're here, and and I apologize for that. But welcome. We're just saying hello and introducing you and Amanda and Tali. So, Mercedes, do you wanna go next? And then we'll have Amanda come up after and just, you know, talk about who you are, how you you know, well, just a little quick intro, and then we're gonna go, and I'm gonna go deeper into why do Bitcoin ladies need wellness retreats. So welcome, Mercedes.
[00:04:00] Unknown:
Well, living here in in Yucatan, I would like to invite you all to come and check for yourselves this, marvelous place. I think every corner on Earth is beautiful, but here we have very special things, the the remnants of a very important civilization, the Maya culture. And you can still see all over the places, not only in the ruins, but as human beings, you can witness what is the richness of this culture. I think it's a privilege to come and have a look to these areas. Just 2 weeks ago, I attended a ceremony to thank the all the harvesting that is mainly citrus fruits around this time, and all the indigenous peoples were making all kind of rituals and celebrations to thank that mother nature for all what we received, for our sustainability.
As part of of all what you will be able to see if you come to visit us, it's this human testimony, this culture that is very much alive. And we also, as Bitcoiners, are trying to promote a kind of safety net for self sustainability. We are inviting people to come and and create their own niche here and try to see how you can really come back to our roots as human beings. Be in touch with Earth, not just to grab from the supermarkets, and learn how to cultivate. And sometimes in this land, it's just to observe because if you drop a seed, for instance, of watermelon, all of a sudden you will have a watermelon.
And it just you don't need even to make an effort. So it's just to allow nature to be there, but not to destroy it and not to kill the efforts of our environment to remain alive. And it's a very I I want to go further maybe throughout our conversation, I will invite you to check different things. I think Bitcoin has the opportunity to to support or what are the remnants of human civilization because I think we're about losing our our existence. But, I mean, it's all these, fiat, society that it's leading us to destroy everything, just that money is the most important, and we forget the essence of our presence here on Earth. So I I would love to invite you to come and and witness all this and to be together again.
And Bitcoin is for us an opportunity, really, to invite other human beings, especially unbanked people in our situation that have been completely excluded from this financial world, but they continue to exist. And Bitcoin is the opportunity for support these wonderful efforts to keep alive Mother Earth. Thank you.
[00:07:13] Unknown:
I love it. Thanks, Mercedes. I'm so glad you're here, and I I want as I I could talk to you guys for 10 hours. And, Amanda, I'm gonna give you the mic in 2 seconds, but I'll probably interview you guys each individually at some point, and we'll talk about this event, and we'll talk about the cohesion of women and why this is such an important event that you are doing. Okay? And I'm just so grateful. So, Amanda, you know, let every bit let's let the audience know, you know, who you are, how you got into Bitcoin, and, you know, we'll we'll go deeper into the event into in the women's work that everybody's up to.
[00:07:46] Unknown:
I'll just do a Coles notes version. I got into Bitcoin at a necessity because I'm from Canada. I left my home country. I had a lot of challenges reaching my money. When I did, it was taxed heavily because I was at a country. So for me, Bitcoin was a necessity. I didn't understand it. I was in it because it worked for me. And later on I mean, after I read the white paper and after I started delving a little bit deeper, I realized that Bitcoin is more than just a currency. It's actually for humanity. However, I found that in a lot of the social spaces or in a lot of the places that we're exposed to as Bitcoin women, it's often more about technology, currency, these kinds of things, and not so much about what we see as women as in, you know, a a vehicle changing humanity, MRC. He said just a skinny go. Oh, this is hard systems.
When we start talking about women because this is our goal here in and with it is women is our sweet point. So, you know, Kelly's saying, I wanna have her this is the our focus is on women.
[00:08:57] Unknown:
Well, hold on, Amanda. Hold on one second. Are you Tally and Mercedes, are you hearing her? She's a little glitchy to me. Yeah. It's a little glitchy. Yeah. It's a little glitchy. Yeah. I'll not be there.
[00:09:08] Unknown:
Is this
[00:09:10] Unknown:
Keep go just talk right. Let's see how it goes because it just it's a little Yeah. I I relocated to Mexico.
[00:09:15] Unknown:
I think Mercedes and I have more members on our team. Nope.
[00:09:21] Unknown:
Yeah. It's glitchy. Hold on, Amanda. It's just I don't know if that's your Internet connection. Do I just Yeah. You're, like, kinda delayed and a little glitchy. So see if see if there's anything open that you can close and get a faster connection perhaps, And then we'll just give it a sec. But, yeah, you're kinda glitchy and delayed. So but I I kinda wanna hear what you're saying because it's important. Okay. Yeah. Play around for a second, then I'm gonna we'll get Tali and Mercedes going. Okay. So coming back in touch with the land, that's a big opportunity that I think a lot of us forget. And we think, oh, we're just gonna take a vitamin or go do yoga or meditate for 2 seconds, and now I'm I'm back to to my power. And really, what you guys are doing and bringing people into the nature, into the local community and back into themselves is is very, very important, and I think it's overlooked.
And it's it's a cause for unhealthiness when we're so disconnected from nature and from each other. And the fact that Bitcoin is in in is a glue that's bringing us all together, and, obviously, we're women and and whatnot. So how did you guys come up with I know Tali and Amanda, you guys were, you know, brainstorming. And when I saw you in El Salvador, I was like, oh, I was just thinking about this on the plane, and you guys are doing it. And I'm like, holy cow. It's like, we're getting the download. And, you know, how did this come about where you're like, yep. We we need to bring the women together and do a retreat. Is that for me? Or I think so. Yeah. Because because you're still a little Shoot. Amanda, I'm gonna invite just why don't you disconnect and jump back on and see what happens?
[00:11:02] Unknown:
Yeah. Device. Just because it okay. Cool. Cool. Cool. Okay.
[00:11:07] Unknown:
Okay. So, Tali, yeah, let's rock. How how did you So you guys come up? Yeah. So you talk about the download, which I think is a really interesting way of describing it because, honestly, when I started thinking about getting women together, I just wanted them in the same house. I just wanted us to be, you know, stuck in the same space and just really interacting with each other, you doing sharing circles, you know, stretching, meditating together, and just being kinda raw with each other and not necessarily, you know, all put together and the way that we do when we go to a conference. You know, you're dressed properly, and you've got your mask on, and and you're saying all the right things. But when you're forced in the same house and you're using the same bathroom, it's like, you know, you see each other without their makeup. And that's the kind of connection I think we really need between women. And so in my head, the first the first thought that came to my mind was just that I wanted everybody in the same place.
And as I put the fillers out and I was looking at different resorts and different options, somehow Amanda just her name popped up. It was introduced by someone I had interviews before, and she started talking about Meredith. And the more she talked, like, there was more download in my head. I could just see pictures just flashing in my brain. And it was like she was talking about the beach. And I'm like, yes. You know, that's like you're you're absorbing the earth's energy. And then she was talking about the Mayan ruins and the magic that was left there and the energy that's palpable that you can feel. Like, yes. That's what we need. And then she was talking about the cenotes where you go to cleanse. I'm like, yes. We need cleansing.
And then she was talking about, like, the the copal ceremony and the, what's the other one, the smudging ceremony. And then we were at one point talking about the sweat lodge. I'm like, yes. We need all of that. We need all of that. And so it just came together so beautifully, and it was just the perfect location. Then they have such a wonderful effort. They're already doing outreach. They have a circular economy that they're working to establish, and Mercedes working with the Mayan women. It was just, like, it was perfect. And they just all just all the pieces fell into place. Oh, it's so beautiful. And so, Amanda, let let's hear you now and let's you look great. Now.
[00:13:14] Unknown:
How are we? You you're you're beautiful, and you sound great. So I know our angle is funny. We're on my phone now, but That's okay. But it's great. Do I go back to intro?
[00:13:23] Unknown:
Yeah. Just let's let's yeah. So recapping, you needed to you you did Bitcoin out of necessity and you started realizing it was worth I did. I did Bitcoin out of necessity because I left my country.
[00:13:33] Unknown:
I'm trying to get my own money while living in Indonesia, and I was from Canada. I am from Canada. And it was really a challenge. So that's why I moved into Bitcoin, but I didn't quite understand it. I just knew that it worked for me. It was later on that I realized that Bitcoin was something that could be huge for humanity. However, I found it difficult to live a Bitcoin standard or just to start a Bitcoin life over there, and things are really starting to ramp up here, Central and South America, especially, like, displaced bouquets. Right? And so I relocated back here, cofounded the Bicasa Hoganswur Real Estate Bitcoin Brokerage with Daniel, the son of Mercedes, actually. And we're working hard to grow our Bitcoin community here. And, honestly, when Tally was saying, you know, this is what I wanna do, it just resonated so much here because this is what this is how we live. I know Mercedes lives a very natural life. They live on a self sustainable farm. I know, like she said, like, my compost grows green peppers and tomatoes. Like, these are the things that we live here. And we think with a lot of Bitcoiners that are in the north, I struggled with this in the past, is that where Sadie said it when she was introducing herself is that people are losing their existence.
So I think with us women coming together, we can find that again and connect with each other, connect with ourselves away from the zeros and ones and binary and just be people again so that we can come together and do big things. So
[00:15:09] Unknown:
I love it. It it's
[00:15:11] Unknown:
it I'm so excited. Like, okay. Let's keep diving. And and so we were talking, you know, Tali was saying about how she you guys came up with the idea and how it's getting the downloads. I wanna ask you, Mercedes, like, with the local women, you know, are are any of them are you guys gonna do any integration and have an opportunity for the women who are on the retreat to meet some of the local women?
[00:15:35] Unknown:
Well, I I think what it's important to emphasize is that when you are talking about Bitcoin, we need to work on some kind of awareness. Like, I think we are dissociated when we go with the Bitcoiners. Everybody is aware. They are at the level of understanding that they can grasp everything, and they can decode all this very complex Bitcoin world that is mostly for women inaccessible. Mhmm. Some of us might be very privileged to understand and decode. I, myself, am unable just because as Amanda said, my son, Daniel, listened to it. So whenever I am in trouble, I go and and ask him. And most of the vast majority of women cannot grasp this very crucial information, and I would say this next level of civilization.
And I if we work hard, it seems to me that, at least we need to start with sensitization, the brass layer of society. And then from that, we need to work very much on the level of awareness that people are able to grasp. Like, for instance, Michael Saylor talking about history of money to say some example. Well, it's important that people understand how relevant money is in terms of interacting and connecting as society. From there, I think at level of Bitcoiners, we have to move to kind of acceptance. So it are kind of levels or layers of awareness from sensitization to understanding what Bitcoin is about, what it's gonna mean historically for humanity, then we have to move to acceptance.
And I think women are ready to accept, especially on banked women. That's why I started to work with them. And so we need a strategy because we have to move at the end from acceptance to adoption, and that's the real challenge. Because the Bitcoiners is especially a MEN community, that they are already at the level of adoption. And they are profiting, I think, and benefiting from this adoption. But I think the vast majority of women are excluded from this opportunity. Because as usual in history, we don't have the the level of understanding to benefit from this opportunity in time.
So I have dedicated my life to women's health. Mhmm. And I work with very marginal vulnerable women. I also even I I work in, for instance, work situation. I have work in over 50 countries. So when I was in countries and worse situation like Angola or Mozambique, I could see and you can see it in Russia, and you could be repeating all the time the same tendency. Women are the one who appear and show up when men have destroyed everything. Yeah? Yeah. Because they arrive with all this armament, and I my work was to build and rebuild basic, health centers, health education, for instance. They destroy everything. And are women the ones who, again, start from scratch and start to build again?
So I think it for me, Bitcoin is the opportunity not to wait until men destroys everything again, but because they're at the level of awareness where they have moved out consciously from the fiat economy, now they have to see the opportunity to involve and include women. So I think with women, and you can see it in many traditions, the Islamic tradition, the Buddhist tradition, the Christian tradition, women are considered spiritually the most important element in society. Because we try to rescue back all kind of virtues that we have in this feminine body. So I think we have to gather together to brainstorm what is really our contribution to this Bitcoin opportunity that we have in history. Because we have a role to play, so we have to define.
We are loving people. We care about the earth. We care about the children. We care about many other things that men, sometimes if they are sensitized, can be aware of, but we tend by nature. Biologically, we're designed to do that, so we have to take advantage of that. That I think is an opportunity to come together and brainstorm together what is our role to play in this Bitcoin opportunity history.
[00:20:42] Unknown:
I I totally agree with you. And it it is unfortunate. Yin and the yang and the masculine or the the I mean, they build stuff, but, unfortunately, they they bam bam and smash things down too. So just curious. Like, we haven't had a women's Bitcoin conference yet. I think we need 1, and I think we need one to be global and virtual and, you know, because, like, a lot of people, of course, would love to come to a wellness retreat. A lot of people aren't gonna go to a massive Bitcoin conference with, you know, mostly men because they might be intimidated, and they're like, I'm not a crypto techno person. What do I do? La la la, and all the things that they think could be a barrier for for participation.
And so I think I like the idea of doing a global virtual women's event. We can do something in person and have these, like, little mini pods happening at the same time and then, you know, creating content to share and translate it into different languages so that women feel like that's accessible to them whether they're in, you know, wherever they might be on the planet. And I think it's time, ladies. You know, I really do. Like, you guys are obviously leading the charge here with this wonderful retreat, and I hope that it sparks some more interest to bring something even bigger forward because, you know, we're doing, like, the Bitcoin brunches with Natalie and at the conferences. But if you're not at a conference, you're not gonna have access to this. You know? And so we have to bring it to other people in a way that feels inviting and welcoming, you know, because, obviously, Bitcoin is for everyone, but everyone still doesn't have the awareness around.
It's not just something that's a number go up for a certain segment of people. It's for everybody. And it's for peace, and it's for the planet, and it's for the kids. And so I really I really applaud what you are doing and launching and lighting the fire for for all of us. Like, you guys are getting made more more lit lit up. You know? And and, Mercedes, you know, you were mentioning the the women there's so many women. There's, you know, 1,700,000,000 people are unbanked on the earth right now, and I don't know what percentage that is of women. Do you in your experience, you know, with with your work in all of these countries, is it are people unbanked simply because they're not allowed to be banked? And because of the government regulations or the bank regulations, are they not banked because of religious reasons and women can't have property?
Are they not banked because it's too far away to go to a bank? Like, what are the big obstacles? Not that we want people to be banked. We want to encourage be your own bank with Bitcoin. What is the biggest obstacles that you've seen? Why are women not banked
[00:23:32] Unknown:
in participating in this system? It's it's there are many parallel economies, I would say. Mhmm. For instance, you have what is called the gray economy. And, like, for instance, the the drug dealers in Mexico, to put an example, well, they don't need the the financial world. We all are controlled because we potentially can, laundry money. We're trapped by all those rules and regulations, but the real ones who are laundering money, they are completely out of this financial system. They are not allowed. In Mexico, they continue to profit from that. So I think what what is happening in the population, especially the marginalized, societies, and especially the rural economies here in throughout Latin America, not only in Mexico.
You will find that they don't have the they cannot decode that financial world. But how having said that, we are in the same position because I was just following a a person. He's an American guy who was in the in this very high level of financial world. And he retired in Sweden and put a firm. And then he just made a video. I I'll send it to you later because this case is fine. But what is shocking is he describes how the international central banks have been creating rules and regulations that we are completely out of our control. I mean, we are in the financial world, but we don't have a financial control over those and regulations.
So we are all trapped in that. And, sometimes I think it's better the population that is marginalized from that financial world because now we are all exposed that the government has our accounts, can even freeze our accounts as we saw in Canada. So we are banked, but I don't see the benefits over that. Because we we don't even know the law and rules and regulations that I was studying how many in the last 5 years. It's just unbelievable, the laws and regulations that central banks globally have created. To give you an example, if a bank goes broke, then you your money is lost because they don't have any obligation to you because the money belong to the bank.
But if you are in debt to the bank, even if they broke, they continue to follow you. So and and you are accountable to them. And all of us are submitted to those regulations and laws, and we can do nothing. Once we deposit the money, the central banks have regulated that that money is not yours any longer. So all that kind of regulations that we are unaware of it, it's just I feel it's as dangerous as being unbanked. But having said that, unbanked people here, they don't feel the regulations that the banks require from you. They cannot provide any of the prerequisites to open a bank account.
But the women are more in in a disadvantage because women don't have usually all the papers required by the bank. Women here work hard, but you can never prove in any statement your income monthly, for instance. That itself is an impediment. At the same time, parallel and that's why I think we need a strategy for women. Because at the same time, women are ready to not only to accept or to adopt Bitcoin because they need it. They badly need it. They badly need it. They're mover their their money around. They for instance, here in Mexico, women produce all kind of things.
Even if they are unemployed in formal terms, they are always employed and working hard. But they don't know, for instance, where to hide their money, how to use their money. I worked many, many years in domestic violence. And so in that, you can see that women cannot live because even if they are the providers of the family, they cannot live with their money. They don't know where to steal the money. They don't have any financial education that help them to be able to save their money so that they can live out of this abusive relationship.
[00:28:05] Unknown:
Yeah. This is example. It's so important. After this interview, I'm gonna have another livestream with Bitcoin Kendall in talking about domestic violence in Bitcoin, is now helping others. It's there's so many things that we don't understand how money influences our behavior, you know, and and causes us to feel trapped in in a slave type position. And so, obviously, the fiat system as we're learning is is that. It's a slave system, on many levels. So, Tali, let's let's keep I'm gonna just keep going round robin with everybody here, and I want everybody to be able to just keep share I mean, like I said, I can talk with you guys for 10 hours, and I wish I can in person soon. Tali, what's been your experience? You know, you're a homeschooler. You've homeschooled 4 kids. You have an MBA from Yale, and you've chosen to be, you know, what I think is the most important job as a mom and raising your children.
You know, what's been your experience with your kids and Bitcoin and being a homeschooler, you know, and how has it impacted you as a mother and a woman, and how has it impacted your relationship with your kids?
[00:29:16] Unknown:
So Scott and I didn't come across Bitcoin until we were almost done with homeschooling, unfortunately. So we were very, very intentional the time the kids were very little to teach them how money works according to what we understood it to work. And so we started playing cash flow that game by Wish That Poured Out with the kids from the time they were very lucky. And it was once a month and it was with jelly beans. And they know very well what this financial statement looks like, what is the doo dad, how do you get out of the rat race. They know about all of that. Love it. I talk to them about the tax structure of, you know, being a w two employee versus a 10.99 versus an investor, like a like, in that what's it called? A background investor and an active investor. All of those things. They know all of those things, but we didn't know Bitcoin.
Wow. Yes. So when we came into the Bitcoin space and the curtain was lifted for Scott and I, We're like, what in the world? We have been living this big lie. I'm hoping to tell the kids, but we were so intentional instilling all of those other things in them. And they're at the age, you know, they're late teens when they start to question, you know, what parents know and versus what they know. They're like, yeah. Mom and dad, you guys are being scammed. So No way. Yeah. It's been it's been a challenge for us to try to orange pill them, but I wanna say that 2 things. 1 is so I have 2 girls, 2 boys. My oldest daughter was my editor for my podcast in the Yes.
And in the beginning, before she started helping me edit the podcast, we would talk to her about putting, you know, her summer her summer income into Bitcoin. She's like, no. No. I don't know. I don't have enough. I don't understand. But after she edited so many women's stories about how they came into Bitcoin and why they came into Bitcoin and why it's important, she suddenly said, how can I not believe in Bitcoin when all of these women are talking about it? And the best part about it is that they're all different women. They're they all come from different backgrounds. They come to Bitcoin for different reasons. They're different age. They're different culture. They're different, whatever. Right? Different professional levels of education, etcetera. But they all have their own reason to come to a common solution for their various problems, which were all, as we all know, caused by the FIA system. Mhmm. So I was so glad that the first person that I know of that was Orange Pill by Orange Hatter was my daughter.
Yeah. Very cool. That was very cool. Other daughter took some convincing, but she read the book, The Orange Pilled Me, after I play Scott's game, and it's the Bitcoin, Harmoney You Can't F With. She read that book, and she's like, oh my gosh. Mom, can you please help me move some of my money into bitcoins? I'm like, yes. I can. I can. So so it's it's it's a challenge because there's so much unlearning that needs to happen for all the way. And even for my own kids, and I was the ultimate authority in the house. Right? I was I was mom. I was principal. I was start you know, guidance counselor. Nurse. I was I was everything. I was the ultimate authority at home. Scott was working, but I couldn't go to them and say, hey.
Forget everything I told you. Believe in Bitcoin.
[00:32:44] Unknown:
Oh oh, let me I wanna I wanna pull in that thread a little bit, Tali, because I think this is such an an interesting issue. Right? Because whether you're you're frozen, Amanda. Whether whether you are a man, a woman, it doesn't matter. But, like, the ego that comes in with everything, whether you're a hedge fund guy, whether you're a grandma, whether you're it doesn't matter, but, like, when we go down a certain path in life and we learn all this stuff and then all of a sudden we get presented with this whole new paradigm, not just a tiny little dose of information, but it's a new paradigm shift. Yeah. You you're like, woah. Wait a minute. And and it's there's so much resistance, you know, that I think a lot of folks go through and we struggle, and that's why we see so much FUD, and that's why we see so many people like and they're and I think we should all be hole pokers at heart. Like, we wanna poke holes in things and not just accept them at face value, but we also, like once you start seeing the truth, it's like, oh, man.
Like, what else don't I know? What other things in my worldview must get shattered so that I can rebuild this new thing, you know, and so that ego death must happen in order to accept Bitcoin as an adult. If you're a child and you're learning Bitcoin from the ground up, like the, you know, the kids in me from your Bitcoin and other places, you're not you know, you can compare it to the fiat system, but you understand that Bitcoin is the superior way to to, you know, store wealth and transfer wealth. And so that must have been an interesting experience for you from your ego, especially then it's just like, oh, gosh. Am I gonna lose my credibility?
What you know, I what was that like for you?
[00:34:27] Unknown:
Man. Well, it's hard as a parent when your kids start challenging your authority anyway. You know? When they when they get into their late teens or maybe so for some people, it's early teens. They're like, wait. Wait. Who am I? And in order for them to decipher who they are and really become crystal clear about their own identity, they have to separate themselves from mom and dad. And in that separation, you know, the mom and dad are like, woah. My babies, you know, what is going on? So I'm experiencing that at the same time that I'm trying to tell them about Bitcoin. Uh-huh. So I'm giving myself I'm giving myself a lot of grace in basically, I'm telling myself that it's just part of the journey that they have to walk themselves because it took me this long to be exposed to this. I knew about Bitcoin when it was when nobody was talking about it. Like, we Scott and I came across it, bought a book, couldn't understand it, put it down.
But we we knew it was going on, and it took us after that, what, like, 12 years before we picked it back up again. Well, because we had nobody to ask questions to. And it was just it was our timing. It was our journey. And I have to respect that my kids will have their own journey to walk, whether it is in the journey into adulthood or a journey into Bitcoin. So it I have to give them that room, so I have to kind of back off and go, God's got this. You know, he they're loved more by God than even myself, so it's gonna be okay. Just step back and just see how it happens.
[00:36:01] Unknown:
I know. I always think of I talk about, and I didn't come up with this term. 1 of my teachers did, but he was like, you know you know, who are you to interfere with someone else's spiritual curriculum? You know, and I think about God, spirit, universe, whatever term we all love to use. Like, I know and as a mother, we're all mothers here on this this panel. We want to, like, protect because that's what you do in the 1st years of their life. And then we have to keep going more and more and wide and wide and just keep then we we always transfer the trust and faith to God, but we also, as mothers, we're caregivers, and that's our job. You know? And so it's like, don't die. The 1st 5 years, it's like, we wanna make sure the kids don't put their fingers in the thing and fall off and do the whole thing. And then we have to let them do their falling and let them do their own expansion and research. So just as they enter a new chapter of growth, we do too as parents. Yes. You know? And we're like, oh, okay. Now this isn't appropriate anymore. And, you know, so it's it's it's it's interesting to think of that too with the financial world and Bitcoin.
So I I love hearing that. And I I do think I don't see enough moms in Bitcoin. You know? I I would love to see some more mothers understanding because, obviously, we make so many decisions in our families all across the world. You know? And so it would be really, I think, super powerful to see more moms. I'm not sure what happened to our girls.
[00:37:33] Unknown:
So Yeah. Oh, good. There's Mercedes. Well, one of the things that I I wanted to just mention is that this morning, I was I was writing in my journal. I just kinda reflecting on the things that I've learned just even this past week. And what I realized that was really loud and clear was that the more we try to solve problems for our kids, the more we're telling them, in effect, I don't think you can take care of yourself. And when you rob them of that Mhmm. Their personal power, that's actually more harmful than inviting them into the Bitcoin space. So I have to really intentionally tell myself and remind myself to step back and give them that space to, like what you said, walk your own spiritual curriculum. And money is energy. Money is just as spiritual as everything else. It's just as spiritual as nature and the food that you put into your body and and everything else. So giving them that space and trusting that they will be okay, that the information is out there any moment. I I interview someone on my podcast. This is months ago. She said, even the last person who comes into Bitcoin, the the very, very last person who enters the Bitcoin space can still benefit from this ecosystem.
And if we really believe that, then it's gonna be okay. We do our part. They do their part.
[00:38:56] Unknown:
Yeah. I love it. I I agree very much. Wow. And and, Mercedes, what's it been like for you? I mean, obviously, you and Daniel are are such a 2 wonderful humans in the world, Like, from a mother son perspective and being Bitcoiners and working on missions together, like, how has Bitcoin transformed your relationship as a mother and son?
[00:39:18] Unknown:
Well, I think it has reversed the role, really, because I have a daughter as well. And Okay. My daughter, it it's older than Daniel. And Is she a Bitcoiner? She is. Yeah. Totally.
[00:39:31] Unknown:
Totally cool.
[00:39:33] Unknown:
Yeah. Because Daniel has converted us. He started to to do all of this work, but that's what I say. It was reverse the role because there was I mean, you go from well, my my daughter has 50 years old. So you go from pointing out down, as you were saying, well, to keep them alive and then to kind of guide them until you start to say stop doing that, but in the they are much taller. Then you realize that, as as you also said, Valerie, you have to adjust your role. And once I kinda we have the privilege to grow in many, many countries, and, my children learn to speak Dutch, Danish, English, and French because they were moving around also culturally.
Mhmm. And and Spanish, of course, because they were born in Mexico. But what I think is it was very solid after being exposed to all these variety of cultures that, you have to choose your programming because culture actually programs you, isn't it? Yeah. So then once they were aware of that, I think, it's a different story because we became a team. It's it's not that I was the mother because they were able to decode the underground in London faster than I was, for instance. Or it's about decoding different cultures in different ways. And that has been my role to to teach poor women how to decode the health system because it's very complex, as it is the financial system as well.
So in this situation, they have been witnessing because my work has been always involving women, very extremely poor women, in a way that they, first of all, they regain their confidence. Mhmm. Because usually, very poor women have a very low self esteem. Mhmm. And that you have to empower them and help them to regain that. So to have a standing society and a standing relationship and rescue back themselves, really. So my children, because I was going with them as kind of a single mother to expose them to to all these different variety of economic strata.
Then they they learn to to decode very fast the system. And Daniel, all of a sudden, he came back after studying a lot and mingling a lot with the Bitcoiners to say, we have to become Bitcoiners. There's no other choice. And we trust very much each other. So and then, of course, he asked me to study very hard, and I have to go through all the interviews of all kind of people. Some of them to me were I was a bit reluctant because it was kind of, for me, very macho culture sometimes. Even the English uses were very macho like. And I thought, well, this is not a culture that I want to join because I didn't see any kind of difference between all what I have seen as alternatives as as this is thinking society.
So I have to study a lot until I realized, yes, this is a mathematical model that is out of control of 1 single person, 1 single group, a government. And to me, that was very clear since the very beginning. But the difficult part for me was the Bitcoin community as such. They were very misled by many of the Fiat standards, I will say. Even the win when I was in well, these, different Bitcoin companies are using women in the same way that the Fiat economy is using it. In El Salvador, I went to a gathering where I was invited to a gathering.
Well, the girls were placed there by this Bitcoin, company as commodities, as very sophisticated kind of prostitutes. And and it's very sad. It's very sad that they they go again to the same we are so distorted in our minds that we tend to use these fiat symbols again, on TV presenters. And, I mean, the Bitcoin companies are using that and are are manipulating all these masculine tendencies, which I'm very opposed because my I mean, over 50 years I've been working with women, I cannot tolerate that. It's like very humiliating as a woman. So then I how can I make a a difference? How can I have a presence there? And then Daniel told me, because your experience, you can, go on because he saw women are ready.
Women, for instance, if you see the statistics at at least throughout Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia, the tendency is female single mothers are more and more the providers or the household. Mhmm. Means it's an opportunity, but they just don't have the financial education. Because in the educational system, there's no financial education.
[00:44:42] Unknown:
It it isn't that insane? Like, these kids learn about stuff that is so ridiculous, and then I'm like, why aren't we they're learning financial literacy. And now that we as Bitcoiners understand the new levels of financial literacy that we need, there's I think there's a company. It's BSTEM. Are you guys familiar with them? Like, Tali, you know them? And so I just I saw their stuff at Swan and or at the, you know, Pacific Bitcoin. You know, we need to get more financial literacy, the new modern financial literacy in the hands of the mothers, in the hands of the kids, in the hands of, you know, the communities. And I I think that's such an important point because it just leads to distress, and it leads to physical, mental, spiritual ruin, you know, if we're not empowered financially. And a lot of times, I know I've been a part of, you know, a lot of the spiritual communities and the healers and the musicians and the environmentalists and all, and we're all just like, let's drop some acid and kumbaya and everything's gonna be great. And I'm like, yes, and you still need to understand this other layer down here which is money. And I was naive for many, many years thinking that if we just help uplift everyone's consciousness and connect them back to each other and God and nature, we're gonna be okay. We do need to do all of that and we need to have the sound money that supports it. Otherwise, we're just gonna be trying to build on this cesspool called the fiat system, you know, that is very dangerous. And so what do you guys think? I mean, do you think it's time that we I'm I'm serious about putting together a global women's conference for Bitcoin. And Well, I I just wanna say that as you were talking,
[00:46:24] Unknown:
what I wanna kind of echo what Mercedes said, which is, as human beings, we have this tendency to bring one paradigm into a a new thing. Mhmm. Or it's a new tool. So Bitcoin is a new monetary tool versus a few dollars. But if you bring the same paradigm over, then you're just gonna recreate the same thing again. Just like, you know, Bitcoin was created peer to peer. Now suddenly, we're looking at these, you know, ETFs coming in. The big companies are coming in, and god knows what's gonna happen with financial engineering using Bitcoin as a base. Right. So one of the things that I wanna just caveat when we go and talk to women and my work is not with, marginalized women like Mercedes is working. My goal is to reach American moms.
The they are my target. And because they have power. They have power. But if we if they are grinding daily and and for that reason, they don't have the time or the energy to Right. Study up this new tool that we have. Then if we just say, hey. Look at Bitcoin, then they will bring their fear based expectations and paradigm, everything that came with the FIA system over to the Bitcoin side. And I think that's one of the reasons why we're always being challenged by people looking at Bitcoin with the numbers go up mentality, especially in America because that's they're bringing the same paradigm over. They're not looking at it as a brand new tool. And so to to to make to get this movement going, I I keep seeing it in my head that it's gonna have to be a living room kind of teaching moment. Yeah. It's gonna have to be women sharing Bitcoin with 3, 4, 5 friends in her living room. It's a environment of trust.
It's a, you know, like, shameless question and answer kind of session. Right? Because if we go into a big conference and you have a question, you'd be like, I can't ask that. That's really stupid. Yeah. Yeah. So if you're just with close friends, just like, you know, the mastermind group that we have, we can say stuff that are so intimate to us that we wouldn't be able to really share openly other places, but those are the answers that need to be or or the questions that need to be asked, you know, and answered. So in my head, instead of, like, instead of seeing a global like, a big, huge conference thing, one of the reasons why I wanna direct people to the retreat is because I feel like we all have to take out the torch. So it's not gonna be, you know, 10,000 people coming to a conference and looking at 10 people sitting sitting on stage answering everybody's questions. Like, no. Every single person there has to carry out torch.
And you can't have that kind of giving spirit if you're running out empty yourself. Totally.
[00:49:11] Unknown:
That's why the retreat is important because you gotta fill your cup first, and then you can go spread the good news. So It's so true. And and what you had said previously, Tali, just and I I stress this a lot. When I talk, it's like the system is designed to keep people depleted and exhausted and so that they don't have enough energy to question what is going on and that they don't have enough energy and resources to dig deeper and then crack away at the lies, which is the system. And so that's something that needs to be addressed too because, obviously, we have all the tools. We have everything available, but it's like if you're too at the end of the day because you work 2 jobs and you gotta deal with the kid and he threw up on you and all that, whatever it is, you're not gonna sit and go read Seyfadeen's book and listen to Michael Sailor or learn and go play with a treasure. You know? You're like, ah. And so how can we create something that's nourishing but still, you know, laser beam impactful and simple, you know, so it's easy to digest. You don't feel like, oh, God, I got to learn cryptography now, you know. It's like, no. Here's little you know, teach me like I'm a 3rd grader. Like, that's how I like to learn, you know, even though I like complex stuff. Like, how do you synthesize something down to the simplest form so that everybody can feel confident digesting one step? Oh, cool. I got this. Now, we go to the next step, next step, next step.
And I love the idea of the living rooms. I love I think it needs all of these approaches. I think every part of these approach, there's not there's no wrong way to do it. I think every tentacle needs to get, you know, Yes. Woven into this tapestry. And so, what do you guys see, like, as action steps that we can take and the audience can take, you know, in addition to, obviously, attending events, going to a local meetup, trying to find, you know, answers to some of our questions. Like, how can we, as Bitcoin women, take the next step to help other, you know, Bitcoin women come forward and not feel excluded or, you know, like, oh, that's not for me.
And then knowing what you knew about your journeys when you, like, looked at the book and you're like, I don't get it, and then you kinda put it away. Obviously, we're 12 years later now. Bitcoin's, you know, a whole different animal. What how do you think we can do? What do you think some good next steps are for people who are listening and for all of us here on this this show right now?
[00:51:34] Unknown:
I'll just answer quickly for myself. So, I started a Orange Hatter reading group, and we are going very, very slowly over Broken Money by Lyn Alden. And yeah. And it's not necessarily the content of the book that's the most important. It's ace it's a safe space. It's for women, and they can come in and ask any question they want. So That's great. So if I could do it, then somebody else could do it, and somebody else can do it, somebody else can do it. And so and it doesn't have to be every week. I do it every week because I treasure the FaceTime, but it could be once a month. But it's just they don't have to travel. All they have to do is call in so you don't have the the issue with babysitters. It's very small and intimate. You can ask any questions you want. It's very free form. So we talk about current events. We talk about technology. We talk about personal stuff. We talk spend a lot of time talking about health. It's just like you're gaining trust with these women who are looking for answers. And before they ask you a sensitive question like something to do with your personal finance, they have to trust you first.
Otherwise, they're gonna stay very general. And so that's one thing that's very easy to do. You don't even have to set up a meetup. You can just get a few ladies together and go, hey. Do you wanna hop on any kind of platform at all? It could be Telegram. It could be a face book. It could be anything. Just a informal any kind of excuse to come together. So it could be a book,
[00:52:58] Unknown:
like, we're we're talking about or it can be anything. I love it. I think that's so such a good idea. And I know a lot of women are not on Twitter because of just it's like, yeah, a little aggressive, and I know they spend a little bit more time on Instagram or you know, action step that we can think about as as women Bitcoiners to help each other out? Number 1, to attend the retreat in Yucatan. Yay.
[00:53:31] Unknown:
[00:53:32] Unknown:
yes. No. That would be in my mind, that's one of the the reasons why why this meeting in Yucatan would be very important because it's just brainstorming together and getting to know each other and the kind of the opportunities that we have brainstorming together to enter this community. Because to me, it's not kind of meeting us separately because it's better to be part of the large audience. But at the same time, we get diluted in these conferences on the one hand because are mainly organized by big companies. And on the second hand, they have their own agendas. Yeah. And they they have their own priorities as well. So women's priorities, that's what I would like to emphasize, are different.
We have different needs, and that this Bitcoin opportunity means something different to us. Financial freedom is essential for women because they have been marginal to this fiat economy, so therefore, it's very important. But I I see also that, for instance, in the conference, the latest one in El Salvador, the they presented, for instance, the the Peruvian NGO. Mhmm. And and I thought it was beautiful, but at the same time, I mean, I've been working in development over 50 years. And although I agree with these guys, I've been amused in terms of the yes. It's the misery industry. Misery. The one for for that creates this development industry.
At the same time, they started to finance something that to me is just nonsense because now they are paying Bitcoin to the poor mothers. So the poor mothers paid the the teachers this in Bitcoin. It's, on the one hand, kind of imposing because you are not creating any awareness because you are giving away this Bitcoin money. And then on the other hand, it's like, what is gonna happen when these mothers don't get this Bitcoin externally? To me, they have to be able to create their own. Yeah. And and and another distortion is why do you pay in Bitcoin, the teachers? Should we provide it and it is by law in all Latin American societies.
Education is for free. So then why do you create this intervention where you have to pay the teachers? Because now the teachers might not be attending to teach the poor children when they are not paid. What is gonna happen when no one is there to provide this Bitcoin? You see? But they don't question that because they don't know anything about development. Some very well intended guys donated money for this project, but it's a total distortion in terms of artificially created the use of Bitcoin. It has to come out of the adoption of people. And adoption is a very different, it seems to me, level to acceptance.
And we are all working at acceptance level, which is a step forward. But what about adoption? For me, adoption, it it will come for women, for all kind of women, because women are ready to receive it. It's just we need to work in terms of sensitization because they have to put together the the bridge between their needs and the opportunity of Bitcoin and the opportunity that Bitcoin is bringing to our societies and to our economy. So to me, is working but seriously on working with women on increasing this kind of financial financial digital financial education, to put it more precisely.
And within digital financial education, we have to make an effort to simplify Bitcoin. There are many interesting even apps saying that, but we we still at least for working with the women in the population, they still need some support, that's what I'm doing, to breach this technology because most of them now, they have, for instance, smartphones. So they download different applications. They can use but sometimes they don't have credit in for their phone, for instance, or they don't have electricity in their communities. So different stories. Women in United States, I would say, the average, they would have the means, the resources, but still they need a lot.
Some sometimes they need somehow what you were describing, tell tell you with this kind of, book club. Yeah. Because it's you need this I think women we are more private. We need some niches Yeah. To to be able to present ourselves, to be able to talk more personally. And although Bigfoot might seem another very distant knowledge, it's crucial because money is our survival. And if you present to them an opportunity and a strategy on how to adopt Bitcoin, they will do it because they are the difference, for instance, women in Sweden, if I talk to them, they don't feel the need because Scandinavian women had lived many years in Scandinavia. Well, they they think it's a scam. Why? Because they have everything in the fiat economy.
Mhmm. The the the urgent need. In societies in Latin America, the urgent need is there. Yeah. In groups in United States, the urgent need is there because you see how politics is evolving. You see how economy is evolving. So people are starting to have a different level of consciousness. And this different level of awareness implies adoption. I think for the time being, we need to work hard, but creating these new opportunities, little small spaces, social spaces where women gather, where they think together. And I'm thinking also we can invite men because they are the ones who have the knowledge. Very young guys. For instance, I attended a a conference in Mexico. I was invited in Mexico City.
And they were very young, very, very young guys, like, in their early twenties. And they were so kind to me, and they wanted to really know because they don't have, this memory, this history of what has happened. And I was telling, be careful because we might repeat the same mistakes that my generation repeated because he got tripped. We think that history is gonna indent it with us, but it's not. There have been many failures that we have to learn from. So to introduce Bitcoin to me is just to to work with different layers of society. I think I, because of my experience, I'm ready to work with those most, vulnerable people and bank people.
But at the same time, I would like to work with the Bitcoiners and say, no. No. No. Please don't make interventions like, donating Bitcoin to give to the mothers, to give to the teachers because what is gonna happen when there's no donor there? And that we have helped them also to think carefully inside of the Bitcoin conferences, what they are doing, to reflect because that's our our role, isn't it? We are much more attentive. We are, for instance, all the time looking at all the different things that are are happening. I mean, I noticed, for instance, American soldiers, for instance, have to learn multitasking.
For women, it's our nature. Yeah. So we can have to take things, isn't it?
[01:01:14] Unknown:
Yeah. I I feel like one of the the first steps for reaching women is empowerment more than anything else. And it's and it's not it's not necessarily the knowledge that we're imparting. It's, first of all, awaken their sense of personal power because if they feel like a victim, it doesn't matter how much Bitcoin you throw at them, like Mercedes was saying. Yeah. But when you leave, it's gone. It's like telling somebody to go win the lottery, and it's gonna solve all their problems. It's not. It's not. They have to first change the their own perception of who they are.
[01:01:50] Unknown:
Yes. Yeah. It it's it's definitely an inside job and an outside job. Just because you have a tool doesn't mean you're gonna build a sacred temple with it. You it's just a tool. Like, you still need to understand what to do with it from the inside and out, and I think that's something really we wanna keep our eye on, you know, to not just get like, yay, we've got the fix for everything. It it does fix a lot of things, but then you still have to fix a bunch of other things too to make it actually functional and work. And I love what you said. This is so great, you guys. I I really do. I wanna invite each of you guys back on individually, and I wanna go deeper into each of your stories and more of of what you're doing with the projects large. But, like, this is obviously such a great retreat that you're putting together. You're empowering women. You're helping them connect. You're helping them recharge and rejuvenate.
This is such a great gift that you're giving to the the ladies of Bitcoin and and new ladies, hopefully. You know, that'd be great to get your first orange pill at at the Orange Hatter retreat.
[01:02:52] Unknown:
That would be amazing.
[01:02:53] Unknown:
Oh my god. That would be such a cool thing. Right? People can go to orangehatter.comforward/yukatan, y u c a t a n, and you guys can check out what's going on with the retreat here. You can also, you know, see what Tali's up to with her orange chatter. She's got a couple of podcasts and a blog, and she's got free market kids. Tali, I don't know how you do it. You've you've got we all are octopuses, but I think you're like a double octopus. You have more more arms to do this work, mama.
[01:03:20] Unknown:
I'm having so much fun. That's why it's possible.
[01:03:23] Unknown:
It it's really cool. I mean, it's like you wanna do something that you just literally shoot out of bed in the morning for, and I know I'm that way with Bitcoin and adoption and creating a more peaceful planet with this peace I consider this a peaceful money for all. So so it's really great. What just a final last, you know, minute for each of you guys, and I'm just gonna you know, Mercedes, everybody can go follow you at on Twitter atut64 o. Is there any other places people should look for you to find out what you're doing? Well, they could. I have Facebook and but I hardly have the time to go and look at it. Okay. Cool. Cool. But we'll be. Yes. Okay. Great. And then, obviously, we love Amanda. We're sorry you dropped off with the tech technical difficulties, but you guys can follow Amanda at Bigasa Homes. She's got a great, great website. If you're interested in real estate down in Yucatan, it's amazing. And then obviously, we have got Tali with the Orange Hatter pod.
One minute for each of you, closing thoughts for everybody. If you're if you're listening to this and you're, you know, you're new, you're a woman, you're not a woman, it doesn't matter, like, what what would you say to somebody who's on the fence who wants to take the next step for Bitcoin?
[01:04:30] Unknown:
Talia, you go first. I'll go first. Go to Orange Hatter. I mean, I created that whole website just for you, and there are lots of different things you can do to get involved. There are going to be a lot of resources. Check out the podcast episodes. They're amazing. Every single guest is absolutely amazing, and, you know, find somebody you can relate to and see yourself in them and just check it out. Awesome. And, of course, check out our retreat. It's gonna be absolutely incredible. I'm so excited myself. So And do you have it on I didn't. I I think you have a mailing list people can jump on to? Yes. Is that right? Okay. Yeah. Make sure you get on on the mailing list. Too. I mean, just email me directly. I answer every email myself. So because I I really treasure the 1 on 1 contact.
[01:05:13] Unknown:
[01:05:14] Unknown:
Yeah. That's it's awesome. And, Mercedes, last one minute. It's for everybody.
[01:05:19] Unknown:
Well, I I hope to see you here in March, and all the women who are ready to come and explore a bit. What is Bitcoin at the ground level and all the barriers that we encounter and the opportunities also. And, also, some kind of I would say to develop some solidarity for women that are not as privileged as we are. Yeah. And that we can do always something for to empower these different women. And, paradoxically, we will be empowered as well because they teach us lots and lots of dimensions that we don't know sometimes because we are in different worlds, so we can learn from each other. So I I'll be waiting for you here in March.
[01:06:03] Unknown:
Yay. Oh my gosh. It's so exciting. Thank you both so much for taking time to share your your vision and your wisdom and your hearts with everybody here. I really, really admire you both so much, and I'm looking forward to getting to know you either on a deeper deeper level and even doing some more action together. And who knows what's gonna happen after all the synergy starts? Because we're studying this is our intention experiment, Tali.
[01:06:29] Unknown:
We're studying our intention. That out. I'm flushing that out. Yeah.
[01:06:33] Unknown:
I love it. Well, thanks again, everybody, for tuning in. And thanks, Tali and Mercedes, and thank you, Amanda, wherever you are, sister. And you guys make sure you guys go to orangehatterdot comforward/yukatan, and you can get 10% off if you use code love o h. And I'll check you guys out later, and you can go to djvalorbeloved dotcom also for the show notes. And we'll have everything up there for you guys. So have an awesome day. Wishing you guys Thank you, Valerie. Thank you for having us. Of course. Thanks so much for doing this, and thanks for all the the the patience with the links and everything.
Alright, everybody. Peace, love, and aloha. I'm gonna end the stream.
[01:07:10] Unknown:
Bye bye. You're telling me. Yay.
Introduction to the episode and the importance of women's wellness retreats
The challenges faced by unbanked women and the need for financial education
The impact of Bitcoin on the relationship between mothers and children
The transformation of relationships and roles within the Bitcoin space
The importance of a global women's Bitcoin conference
The need to reach American moms and empower them
The importance of creating a living room teaching moment
The significance of filling one's cup first before spreading the knowledge
The need for various approaches and tentacles to support women in Bitcoin
The importance of safe spaces and book clubs for women to learn and ask questions
The role of empowerment in reaching women and changing their perception of themselves
The need for financial education and simplifying Bitcoin for women
Invitation to attend the retreat in Yucatan and work together to empower women