Is there a tool that could further peace in the Middle East and beyond?
- Join Efrat Fenigson, the host of You're the Voice podcast, an Israeli journalist, and a marketing expert and I as we discuss this and other tools for a more fair and free world.
- The conversation spans a wide array of topics, including the possibility of peace in the Middle East and globally, spirituality, Bitcoin, money, and how to mend past grievances through forgiveness and building alternative systems.
- Efrat shares her journey from a corporate career to becoming an independent journalist and content creator, emphasizing the importance of exposing hidden truths and fostering a more informed society.
- The discussion also delves into the challenges of maintaining mental and spiritual health in a world rife with misinformation and control, and the potential of Bitcoin as a tool for financial sovereignty and peace.
- The episode concludes with a call to action for individuals to take small, daily steps towards personal and community growth.
Efrat strives to uncover the hidden truth from Israel and report it to the world, while bringing the world’s hidden reality to uninformed Israelis. As a freedom activist, she’s been a dissident voice to the Israeli government, including its response to the Israel-Gaza war, Covid, and other human rights violations.
Efrat’s podcast, “You’re The Voice” reached more than 1.5 million views to date, and includes notable guests such as Max & Stacey, Robert Breedlove, Larry Lepard, Mark Moss, Prof. Peter St Onge, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, MEP Christine Anderson and more.
Efrat started her bitcoin journey recently, as her path to sovereignty unfolded with the outbreak of Covid. This was a natural progression in a world where freedom is being suppressed and monetary control grows. Efrat is ongoingly advocating for bitcoin education and orange-pilling her audience.
Efrat writes on her Substack and for Bereshit - an uncensored Israeli newspaper, covering the growing global control regime, CBDC & monetary changes, politics, and propaganda. Efrat also hosts Twitter Spaces, and her channels reach 150K+ followers. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.
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(00:00:02) Introduction and Episode Overview
(00:01:18) Guest Introduction: Efrat Fenigsen
(00:03:07) Efrat's Podcast Journey
(00:06:01) Transition from Corporate to Independent Journalism
(00:10:11) Information War and Censorship
(00:13:25) Safety as a Journalist
(00:23:40) Fiat System and Funding Wars
(00:36:13) Spirituality and Breaking Free from Control
(00:50:24) Masculine vs. Feminine Energy in Leadership
(00:53:02) Building a New System and Opting Out
(01:01:11) CBDCs: Central Bank Digital Currencies
(01:17:11) Importance of Financial Literacy
(01:21:49) Building Peace Bridges
(01:34:34) Forgiveness and Inner Peace
(01:54:00) Virtual Summit for Bitcoin Creators
(02:00:02) Closing Remarks
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Is peace even possible? Is it possible in the Middle East? Is it possible anywhere on planet Earth? You guys have to tune in to this episode with Efrat Fennigten, the host of You're the Voice podcast. She's an Israeli journalist and marketing expert. We talk about spirituality. We talk about Bitcoin. We talk about money. We talk about how do we mend things that have happened in the past. We talk about forgiveness. We talk about the future. We talk about building an alternative system, and how do we make the world way, way better than we found it. Please do not miss this episode, and you guys will not be disappointed.
Tune in, and thanks for all of your support here at Bitcoin For Peace. Although Hey, aloha. Get ready for an epic episode. And if you love it, please share it. You know why? Because you got the love. Enjoy, my friends. Hey. Good morning. Aloha, love tribe. This is Bitcoin for Peace with DJ Val, and guess who I have here, somebody who is an extraordinary journalist, woman who I got to meet in Madeira at Natalie Brunel's, women in Bitcoin brunch. I'm so grateful to welcome Efrat Fenigsen, host of your The Voice podcast and marketing expert extraordinaire. Hi, sister.
Hey, Val. Thanks for having me. Heck, yeah. Thanks for coming on, and, I'm glad we got to get this into a schedule that makes sense for both of us. So, it's I wish I could give you a hug. I was we only got to talk for a little bit when we were in Portugal, and I was so delighted to get to meet you, and your energy is so positive and beautiful. I'm just I'm so happy to know you and see all the work that you're doing out there in the world. So welcome.
[00:02:09] Unknown:
Thank you so much for this warm welcome. I look so happy to see you. I remember when I came to that branch meetup, I saw you and I was like, who is this lady? She has this bursting energy, bursting ball of fire. I love it.
[00:02:29] Unknown:
And then I connected the name to the face and that's it. It's you've got a gorgeous energy speaking of which. But I think we're both attracted to each other because of this energy that lives within us, and I think we're both attracted to freedom. We're both attracted to love and peace and how can we make the world just a little bit better than we found it with our unique gifts? And that's what you're up to. So you are quite an accomplished podcaster and journalist. You're a branding and marketing expert. Let's talk about you're the voice, and let's talk about what your project is. Let's let everybody here know who you are and what's your jam, sister.
[00:03:07] Unknown:
Right. So thanks. I, only started my podcast, You're the Voice, less than a year ago. Wow. Yes. And with about 30 actually, today, I released my 30th episode. Yeah. Let's go, girl. Just now, just before we came live. And, is it so 30 episodes in less than a year and it exploded. I did not anticipate that when I started doing it. I just thought I'd do it because I I love to talk, and I need to talk, and I need to bring out all this information and and have discussions with all these people. I just need to do it. So I thought podcast would be the best way to do it. And little did I know that the episodes will just explode. People were hungry for that kind of content.
I'm interviewing people from all walks of life, could be doctors, could be researchers, could be economists, finance people, Bitcoiners, you name it. Even just people that have interesting stories, spiritual people. And the connecting thread between all of them is just exposing hidden truths and and bringing to light things that may have been suppressed in mainstream or wouldn't get the stage or people are not aware of. And I have fascinating conversations with them. When I, actually, when I started creating content for a living, which was about 2 years ago, I, I I never thought that people would like to talk to me or follow me or, you know, listen to what I have to say.
And, I took it very seriously, to make it my mission to create content because I was a marketeer for 20 years. And, yeah, and I finished my corporate career, about 2 years ago, when I was a chief marketing officer of global companies, for the past 20 years, startups, tech companies, real estate companies, you know, traveling all over the world, having a very good, normally high paying jobs and being part of management. And, you know, I was doing big things, managing like teams of 10 or 15 or 20 people with, budgets of 1,000,000 of dollars, a year.
Yeah. I was doing really, really big things and managing big operations and creating a lot of revenue for a lot of companies, consulting, etcetera. And I also had my my own community, of a 150 CMOs like myself with 2 partners, yeah, which I recently, left that community as well. I mean, the community keeps on living, but I I'm not part of it anymore. And so, I, you know, I I get a whole 180 degrees shift from a corporate career into being independent journalist, podcaster, content creator. You know, it's it's completely it's it was very surprising even for me, but it was a natural evolution because what I've experienced in the last 4 years since COVID started was mostly silencing.
People trying to, get me to keep quiet and save all my opinions to myself and not express them. And if I express them, then I'm being ridiculed and name called and shamed, and and I'm not a stupid person. Like, I've got my brains. I've got my experience. I know how to research. I know how to learn. And I know how to really investigate things. And so I decided that I'm gonna take all my skills and harness them in order to expose all those things that they're trying to silence me for. And, and do it professionally and invest my all my time in doing that. And so I'm writing. I have my own blog.
I write for a newspaper in in Israel, which is not censored. I also do some guest, and contributor of articles for magazines, like Bitcoin Magazine, or, I just now did a new one for one called Passcode Magazine. And so I write, and I have my podcast, which is also on my blog, and I create content every day. And, I feel like we're in an information war right now, and there's, yeah, there's so much there's so much yeah. It's funny because the the the era that we live in right now is completely inverted. So when we are being told that there is fake news and misinformation, disinformation, hate speech, the people that are telling us that, normally, they're the ones that are responsible for that. And we're the ones that are that that are holding the truth, and, and we're not allowed to talk about it or criticize or ask questions anymore. And so the whole landscape of information and learning and acquiring new, data and new new info that is very important for our lives is being suppressed. And, we're it's it's hidden by design.
A lot of, you know, governments or global powers don't want us to know or to be exposed to that kind of information. And so, so they're putting legislation and regulation and laws to mandate the way we express, the way we talk, the way we, communicate, and that's ridiculous. And so we're at that stage where what was a normal conversation between 2 people today is, it's wacko. Like, it's crazy. Like, you don't know anymore if if what you're doing is okay. It's allowed. It's not allowed. Some people don't wanna talk about this subject, that subject. They're too sensitive. They may get offended. This is hate speech. This is misinformation. You know? It's a crazy era to live in. So we need people like yourself, like myself, like other people, great people, that are like minded, that have the courage to speak up in this confusing time and have the ability to articulate themselves and to take maybe complex topics and digest them for others and simplify them and bring it out so that people can better navigate their lives and make informed decisions.
Because because we're in a time where it's critical to make really smart decisions. You know? Things are coming coming down at us all the time, crises, emergencies, wars, what have you, and we need to know what to do with our lives and, you know, our wealth, our families, our education, our health, etcetera, etcetera. So, you know, so that's my mission. I I need to, continue speaking the truth, continue to exposing things. The podcast is a great tool for that. Yeah. And the conferences where I met you, you know, speaking on stages and, you know, I'm I've been researching, for example, CBDC, So that's what I'm talking about in in the different conferences, CBDCs versus, Bitcoin and control versus freedom. That's the world.
[00:10:38] Unknown:
Yeah. It's super duper important. And I first of all, congratulations. Like, wow. It's so great, and I'm so happy. I know what it's like going from corporate to freedom, and it can be a bit of a transition for sure of having sort of that typical, here's my check at the end of the week, and here's my budget, and I get to go do all this other stuff versus, like, okay, entrepreneur. You get to wear every hat and do everything, and good luck. Have a nice day.
[00:11:06] Unknown:
And make money while we are doing that. Of course. Yeah.
[00:11:10] Unknown:
So so congrats on making this happen, and it seems like you're just crushing it. And, yeah, you're totally right. I think right now, we're in an Infowar. Obviously, Alex Jones has this whole Infowars show. Right? And I think, you know, the psyops that are going on out there, you know, it's it's, like, easier to try to do to weaponize our minds and against you know, have each other you know, go against each other in the us versus them versus having to go drop bombs on everybody all over the world and put a gun to their heads. And so playing around with information is obviously what these folks do. There's a gentleman, and I forget his name. He's like a he talks, about the censorship industrial complex. Yes. Mike Benz. That's it. Mike Benz. Thank you.
And so in Nashville, and I'm gonna try and interview him. Let's do it, dude. Let's let's get a threesome. We'll have a threesome and interview them together. It's a it's a above the table, guys. Just journalistic threesome. Come on. No. But, like, this is like, what he's exposing and the things that he's speaking about is very, very, revealing, and, obviously, it's always about follow the money, what are the incentives, who's benefiting from all of these things. And so I think we all understand that we are being bombarded 247 with lies, misinformation, everything that is gonna be used to push, you know, the needle forward on the agenda of power over, control over, manipulation.
And all of us who are struggling to get by, 99% of us are tired, we're exhausted. We don't have the time and the mental capacity to sift through all of those pieces of data and say, this is true. This is not. Oh, let's go down this rabbit hole and go validate this piece of information. And so, unfortunately, a lot of people will grab on to something that resonates with what their current beliefs and values are, and then they'll go, well, this seems like it's true, so let's go let's go say that. And and that's very, very dangerous, and that's they obviously know that, how to manipulate people psychologically. And so, how do you you know, the couple questions I have for you, Efra, about being safe as a journalist because, you know, when you're speaking of truth, you know, we look and see what's happened, obviously, with Julian Assange in WikiLeaks. We've seen what happens with Edward Snowden.
We see what happens with whistleblowers. So the the powers that be, the kraken, I call it, don't want the truth out there, and they will go to every length to make sure that it doesn't get revealed. So how do you address staying safe as a truth teller?
[00:13:59] Unknown:
Right. So I'll start by saying that I know that they're trying to slow me down or stop me because they're throwing quantities of trolls and bots on me, which is not uncommon, but what they're also doing is fiddling with my files. So we were talking before, yeah, We were talking before about, the podcast app that I'm using. Mhmm. So my previous episode was with the senator Malcolm Roberts from Australia, from Queensland in Australia. He's a truth teller and, dissident voice, and he's a politician. And that episode was full of truth bombs about COVID, about climate, about many, many, you know, controversial topics. While I was editing this 2 hours episode, poof, it disappeared.
It it's a technical problem that the the tech company that I'm using their services have never seen before, and it was while I was editing. And it's not the first time something like that is happening to me. So I know that they're fiddling with my content, and I don't care because I just started doing it all over again. It was, like, 10 hours of work that went down the drain when they did that. And so, yeah, they're trying to slow me down. They're trying to stop me. It's just giving me more power, or I'm just, like, insisting to get my message out there more whenever they do it. But that's just one example.
I do have to be smart about what I'm saying and Mhmm. Where I'm saying it, and when as well. Because, in Israel, for example, some first of all, some of my opinions or my views are not the mainstream opinions and views of the, of the government. It's not alongside the the mainstream narrative. And so when the war started, Israel started started putting in place, legislations and emergency rules in order to enforce the topics and the, opinions that people are allowed to make, online. And so I you know, in light of the war, obviously, there was a good excuse of why you're not supposed to be pro this or pro that, and, you know, you have to be pro Israel only.
And criticizing the government was, dangerous. It it still is, by the way. Some people are haunted and being being put in jail for, speaking their minds, especially the minority that we're seeing that is being the most prosecuted in Israel right now are the Israeli Arabs. So they are Palestinian Arabs, but they are Israeli living in Israel, having an Israeli identity and and, and a residency, but they're still identifying as, you know, Palestinian. That's their these are their roots. So, obviously, in a time like these, they they may still have family in in Gaza or in other places, and so they they are speaking their minds about what's happening, and some of them are being, prosecuted or being put in jail or being hunted for their opinions and for how they're speaking up. And so if I wanna cover things like that, I have to be very careful.
If I want to speak my mind in a way that will be not in line with the Israeli government, it's, it's a it's dangerous. Although I am a journalist, so I have my journalist ID and everything, so I'm supposed to be more protected. You know? Freedom of speech and and all that, and the the freedom to, the journalistic freedom. However, like, the right, however, there are some rights, some sorry, some limitations that they put in place recently. There's a new, amendment that they made to the Shabak act. Shabak is the FBI, which says that the f the Shabak can go into people's devices without letting them know, and going through their content, and that includes, journalists. They haven't taken out They haven't excluded journalists.
They've also closed down Al Jazeera in Israel, which is a patient's channel. And many people will say that it's, you know, it's doing propaganda against Israel. It's dangerous, and it's good that it happened. I'm not looking at it from that point of view. I'm looking at it from a pure freedom of speech journalistic point of view. If they're closing down communications channel and going through journalists' content or devices without even letting them know, that's a slippery slope that we've I think we've already crossed. So so that's why you don't see me talking too much about the conflict right now. I am being careful. I'm independent. I don't have, like, a publication that I belong to or, you know, a big news channel that I'm a part of that I can you know, a CNN or or whatever.
I'm just little me, so I'm being a bit more careful. But I am still criticizing the government. If you go to my blog, you'll see that continually I'm, raising my concerns. But at the same time, to be honest, although I chose to be a journalist and report on some of the atrocities or corruptions that are happening in Israel and around the world, I don't wanna be in that reality all the time. So I don't want to talk about all the bad stuff all the time. I want to talk about solutions. I want to talk about Bitcoin. I wanna talk about money. Right? So I I try to balance that and to and and I don't I don't, I try to have, like, a more sane balance of topics and content that I create so that I don't consume my, my soul and my, my mental ability to handle everything.
And so some people, some readers or followers may be upset with me for not doing enough, for not speaking enough about what's happening, in Gaza and Israel and all that. So and I always said, I'm I'm not a war journalist. When October 7th happened, I did report because it was so obvious to me what has happened, and my content became viral straight away. I reported on the day on October 7th, and, my videos went millions of views, and a lot of people around the world shared them. And I was hosted on TV channels and podcasts, the biggest podcasts and everything. But I did it only because I had to, because the truth was yelling out, and no one was saying it, and no one was calling out for the safety of the Israeli people and the and the people in Gaza to just be scapegoats once again because someone has sold them off to the highest bidder and allowed all this shit show to begin.
And I had to say it, so I said it. But it it but people took it as if, okay, from now on, she's going to be doing that every day, all day. I don't wanna be doing that every day, all day. I need to maintain my sanity. You know what I mean? So
[00:21:31] Unknown:
yeah. So Yeah. It sounds like it obviously, you Yeah. Yeah. You sound like you got into this for, you know, a different reason than this big giant, you know, catastrophe shows up on your plate. And, you know, I think that the balance, there's always a fine balance, and I love that you bring this up about balancing your mental health, your spiritual health, your health, your, obviously, your physical health with your work because it can get very consuming. The topics are very heavy. Even Bitcoin is you know, I have this obviously as Bitcoin for Peace, but people it's not light and fluffy. I mean, this is a serious subject. I mean, there's people who commit suicide every day because of financial problems. There's people who are in war zones. There are people who are in violent situations, whether it's domestically or with their governments. And so, you know, addressing Bitcoin as a tool and one of the tools and a solution in the giant toolkit to make the world a better place, you know, is it's important. It's not, yay, let's just make number go up and do airy fairy stuff. It's like this is this truly is a revolution.
And until, you know, a few years ago when I first discovered, you know, the difference between Bitcoin and fiat and crypto, I was like, woah. Okay. Gosh. I've been living under a rock for 50 some years. And then all of a sudden, I realized, like, wow, this this really is, you know, a root of many, many of our problems on Earth. It's not the only solution, but it's definitely a driving force of why we are in such a shit show, like you said, and, you know, in all of these different areas. So let's talk about let's talk about money, and let's talk about financial incentives and how, you know, the current fiat system allows for the funding of not just wars, but of these giant forever wars.
You know? And do you think Bitcoin somehow, because it's limited and, obviously, the value is starting to go up more, if we get on a Bitcoin standard somehow around Earth, is it possible for us to see less wars, see less of this this forever war situation?
[00:23:40] Unknown:
Right. So firstly, I was just to answer the person that asked in the chat for files deleted from cloud. Yes. They were. So and it's not just it's not all my files. It's a specific, episode with senator Roberts that was deleted while I was working on it. I had backups, so I could recover and and start fresh. And it happened to me before with other episodes as well that were very explosive. And the, the content in it were, you know, was, yeah, not flattering for some people. So it happened to me before that files were deleted or just being tampered with. So out of sync, all of a sudden and it wasn't like technical stuff. It was, some someone probably sabotaged because the the tech team didn't even know what has happened and the times that it that it happened.
Yeah. So going back to your question about money and funding wars, so first of all, like you, I was not aware of the whole money system. I knew that it was corrupt, but I I had no clue how it's designed and how it's working and how it's taking us to, a reality in which violence is being encouraged and and and is being the reality that we live in. And when I experienced COVID, I had experienced the state coming into or, infiltrating my personal, autonomy, my bodily autonomy. I knew that if they're doing that with my health and my body, they will do the same with my property and with my money. And so I was adamant to start learning about money so that I can protect myself. And I had some really cool Bitcoiner friends, and they started teaching me about Bitcoin. And, obviously, I started learning about money and fiat. And so the stuff that I had learned, was it it was like the pieces of the puzzle were falling to place Yeah. Because it was so clear that money was the number one, driver for wars, for industries around wars, for, big powers to pretend like they are helping one side or another side while, normally, they're just funding both sides of wars so that they can benefit from it. And so if I go back to the stories that my grandfather, a Holocaust survivor, was telling me when I was young about how he worked at factories of the Nazis at in Poland, and in Belgium and in other countries during the war, during the second world war.
He was telling me about factories for pots, factories for metal, factories for planes, like, different types of industries that they used slaves in order to, create industries, create really strong, revenue streams during the war so that Germany can start becoming, a strong one of the strongest countries on earth. And lo and behold, you go back and you research and you see that some of the funders of, the Germans at the time, like Henry Ford, like Rockefellers, like, you know, a lot of those big, rich families were funding the the Nazis, were funding the Germans, and they were also funding, the allies and the UK and the and they are American. Right? And everyone thinking that 2nd World War ended with the the with with the UK and the US winning the war, but no one's winning the war. First of all, everyone lost. Like, in every war, everyone's losing all the time. There are no winners in wars.
And secondly, the the powers that were funding both sides were making sure that both sides will earn something. And, we had Britton Woods agreements right after the second World War because they needed to reinstate that new world order that they were putting in place after 9 of 45, making sure that the new monetary system would be all, paid to the US, the new hegemony, and the US dollar will become the the most, the strongest, currency in the world, and we're living that reality since then. Right? And with everything that happened in 1971, etcetera, we're living the same reality of what happened at at Bretton Woods in 1945.
And I think now we're on a brink of introducing a new monetary system and a new world order. And we're really at the end of that, cycle that started at Bretton Woods, and we're going to see a new system being introduced probably the next few years, maybe earlier if they have their big event that they're waiting for in order to justify that kind of, replacement of a monetary system. And the the whole the whole, notion of living life without understanding that you are as a tiny piece of the game that is being played as huge chess game that really powerful, entities and and families and and, you know, and corporates are moving things on that game, and and you're just a little piece of it.
And you have no idea that that's the way life is designed, and life is designed because of fiat and because of the way the the money system is designed. That's the way the matrix is designed, and it's genius, to be honest. Once you learn it, you understand how smart people that have designed it are because, you know, I was one of those small I mean, we all are, but I was, a classic example of the modern slave being, you know, working really hard, making a lot of money, but constantly running on that on that wheel the hamster wheel, trying to get more money, you know, acquire physical things in life, and and dividing my wealth 50% with the with the state, with taxes, etcetera.
And so we don't understand how powerful this mechanism is and what you said before about us, you know, being too tired or too, too distracted in order to even stop and think about how it's working. It's by design as well so that we can continue living and serving the matrix with our energy, giving out our energy so that other people can suck it and and and get the productivity and the value out of it. And so there are several things that are happening to create that perpetual state of, I would say, control, violence, and war. And one is the constant strengthening of a military industrial complex. When we say it, we normally think of the US, but it's not just the US. Every country has its own, military industrial com complex, and every country in some shape or form is under the the rules of NATO or other allies that that are all related to, you know, they say protection, but in the end of the day, wars. In Israel, for example, we have a very developed, military industrial complex. We create a lot of weaponry, a lot of tech related to wars and to funding a lot of the not not funding. Sorry.
Equipping a lot of countries with weaponry systems and with weapons. So, for example, Israel is one of the biggest importers, sorry, exporters of, weaponry systems and weapons to Africa. Did you know that? Like, we and and, obviously, to to the United States. We are creating a lot of technology that the states is using, both cyber technology, but also weaponry systems. And so we're all part of that game, so that's one very important pillar of that reality. And the second thing is is the the sad reality of inflation and taxation that most people are not aware of, but this is war on this is a a war that is declared by the state on its citizens. That's the way I see it. Because they're stealing from us. They're creating the reality in which we are modern slaves, and we're not aware of it, and we don't want to admit that we are. We want to stay, you know, zombified and, sleepy and say, no. This is reality. This is natural. This is normal. Show me a time in in history where it wasn't like that. You know? We we will say many, many things to justify our slavery, but we are enslaved inside a system that is weaponized towards us. We've seen it during COVID as well in a very different manifestation, but but similar at the same time. And so through inflation and through taxation, the state is really in a state of war with the citizens.
It's trying to pretend that it's protecting the citizens, that it's for our benefit, it's for our safety, it's for our well-being. All these excuses that they come up with, it's in order to create democracy in other countries. There are great excuses for why we are printing money, funding wars, funding battles and conflicts. But in the end of the day, it's all part of the same violent Fiat system that we live in. And so when we're looking at and and the that question that you asked about, how the fiat system and and money is related to wars is a question that I ask a lot of my guests on my podcast because I want to get their take on it.
And I hear very similar takes, very similar answers to it. What I hear less of is the spiritual side of it Because I think that, I think that when you look at peace versus war, you you need to consider that the state of war and the state of, violence is being enabled, thanks to the propaganda and the fear that is being instilled by governments and by, you know, other entities. And the only way to break that cycle and truly break that cycle, not just physically with your money and your wealth and, you know, your your your, your financial sovereignty, but also with your mental ability and your spirituality with your your mind and your soul, the only way is to really break those, mental spiritual shackles that that are in place.
And once you understand that you are living in that kind of system and you are enslaved and you are under control, under someone's control, and you are willing to admit that you were wrong, that you were manipulated, that the system is designed in such a way to make your life harder, and you are a victim of that system. And you are not afraid or ashamed to admit that this is the way you live, that this is who you are, that this is who you've become. You may have you you may not have had that intention when you were growing up or when you were a child, but now you are inside that system. Once you are humble enough and modest enough to admit all those mistakes and all those misconceptions and all those manipulations that you were, that you have received, and say, I'm letting go of them, and now I'm starting fresh. And I'm and I'm adopting new ways of living and new consciousnesses, new new belief systems, And I'm I'm willing to let go of my old beliefs. I'm willing to say I'm willing to stay open. I'm willing to learn new things. I'm willing to see where I was wrong.
And even in the future, I will be wrong, and I'm willing to to do that. That's where you come out of slavery into freedom. That's where you start embracing peace in your life, and that's where you can start your spiritual journey. And when you are on that path, on that spiritual journey, then I think you can start experiencing true freedom and true peace in your life. And only with peace in your life, then you can start rippling out to your community, to your family, to your city, to your state, and to your fellow, you know, friends and and family where you are, and then you can start talking peace.
[00:37:20] Unknown:
[00:37:21] Unknown:
Because as long as you hate and as long as you're afraid, as long as you're stubborn and not willing to admit where you're living, how you're living, what kind of matrix you're part of, then you can't start talking about peace.
[00:37:38] Unknown:
Yeah. It it's so true. And obviously, you know, world peace begins with inner peace. You know, the Dalai Lama talks about that, and it we can never expect to go have peace among each other if we can't understand what that means for ourselves. I think, you know and, obviously, everyone's definition of peace is a little different. Is it the absence of war? Is it the presence of, you know, calm? You know, what does peace mean to each individual human? I wanna come back to a couple points you were making. Like, I think one of the biggest obstacles that most of us all face is, you know, as adults, you know, we have to go through life creating a worldview. We have to go through life creating this this structure of how we think things work and operate. And we have to have some level of confidence that we think we understand, right? And so there, that's a self trust thing.
When new information is presented to us I was watching a video from a, a former KGB officer, and he was talking about the psyops that go on, obviously. And what one of the big you know, they've been doing something for, like, 40 years here in the States trying to psyop us, and it's a long, slow game. Right? And no one on earth wants to ever feel duped. They don't ever wanna feel like they're a sucker at that they've been believing things and the way that you were framing about admitting that you might you know, you were wrong without shame and without feeling bad, that takes such a big effort of, you know, release because then you feel naked.
You know, and you're like, woah, my old system that has been holding me up, whether it's religion, politics, country, worldview, any of it, is now rug pulled, and I'm out here naked. Who do I trust? How do I trust? How do I assess information to make sure that I don't get duped again? You know, we see it obviously in all sectors of life, whether it's through, you know, our governments, through our church, through business, through families, where we've been you know, we see people being lied to and manipulated and hurt. And so how can we learn to trust new information, you know, again, if we're exhausted, if we don't have the resources, you know, from a a, you know, a time and energy perspective to go deep into that because we're just struggling to stay afloat every day, pay the bills so that your kid can get some medical care or whatever we need to do. And so the idea of saying you need to just annihilate your old worldview is is terrifying for people, and it's terrifying for people. I think, one of my teachers, one of my spiritual teachers, he talks about all of us adults are out there with our umbilical cords out looking for a mommy or a daddy to plug into because, you know, we need to feel like we're safe, that we're a part of something. So whether, again, that's our country, a religion, a a business, an identity, like, we want to feel like we're safe in in a belonging type of a community. And so, you know, how does 1, you know, 2 things I wanna go in. How do we address that from a place of humility, like you said, and not feeling ashamed?
That's one thing. And then the second question I wanna touch on is, you know, when we're dealing with people who have been wronged, you know, whether you're in a domestic violence situation and you got beat up or whether you're in a war between countries, you know, there's been so much damage that has happened. A lot of people think, well, once I get them back, then I'll start to go address peace. Once I've, you know, gotten rid of the enemy, now we can talk about peace. And it's just like, that's called an eye for an eye forever. Nothing is ever going to stop. So how can we, you know, with humility, address the new world, you know, the information, and then how can we come to a place of forgiveness individually and, you know, among nations, and among people? So I know these are 2 big, big questions. Yeah. There are 2. So the first one was,
[00:41:44] Unknown:
how do we start trusting the information that we that we now consume? Because, you know, you're saying let go. Admit that you were wrong, and so what do you hold on to? And we have that need, to to be fed or to trust someone because we're not trusting ourselves. So the first thing I would offer is if you're if you're going down that path of finding your sovereignty, to me, I don't know about other people, but to me, that path was a calling to dive deeper into spirituality. And so Mhmm. I read books. I listened to spiritual teachers' podcasts. I was part of communities that do that.
I went to I did some mushrooms several times. I did Ayahuasca trips. You know? I I did things in order to open my consciousness to connect back to who I am and to look at the stuff that's holding me back so that I I can rediscover myself and my strength and my skills so that I can go on that journey trusting myself and not being so afraid, of everything that is in front of me. That takes courage, but that card is building up, and you need to do it day by day and not think about the end result. But it's a journey. You know? So you start baby steps. Every day, you're looking at, okay. What am I afraid of today? How am I gonna get rid of back fear?
What is managing me today? What kind of conversation? What kind of limiting belief? What kind of, fear is is navigating the ship for me today and just starting to be aware. But, you know, you gotta it's like a gym. You practice spiritual gym, you know, and and you get better and better at it, and it becomes a way of life.
[00:43:40] Unknown:
It is. Yeah. I love that you say that. I always talk about the spiritual gym or the dojo. You know? It's like, where do you go practice? Like, every day is an opportunity, obviously, to grow. Have you heard of Tim Ferris's fear board? You know how we make vision boards? So he did this, you know because, obviously, fear is a huge driver, and we wanna think that love is a bigger driver, but fear is a much more motivating force for us to do behavior modification, obviously. And and that's why the powers that be use it against us. They're not using beef, love, and granola, and let's all hug it out.
And so I think it's interesting because a lot of us you know, when everything boils down to the base level of fear, what's our biggest fear? What's everyone's biggest fear?
[00:44:24] Unknown:
Well, I think the biggest fear is to die, but, there are many other fears that are managing us.
[00:44:30] Unknown:
There are. And it's and a lot of things boil down to dying alone. Yes. Being penniless alone with nobody that loves you with squirrels eating your eyeballs out of the gutter because you're in the street. I mean, that's like, if you go if you if you take every little thing and you go, and what's next? And why and why and why, It's always about dying alone.
[00:44:50] Unknown:
Yeah. Right? And that's Love, being alone.
[00:44:53] Unknown:
Yep. Yeah. And and so I think it's like if we can counteract, like, you know, it's like because we get this mindset of, like, oh my god. If I make this decision, that's what's gonna happen. You know? And so it's like, is that true? No. Okay. So then what else can I go do to go be powerful in this moment? Because if we let fear be the captain and the guide, you know, then we're gonna just live like these, like, little unexpressed
[00:45:21] Unknown:
acorns that never get to be the mighty oaks. You know? And and I think Wow. Yeah. It's so cool that you're saying that. The one of the very interesting things that, the same senator Roberts talked to me about when we recorded, he said there's an anti human agenda going on, and they're making people believe that they're not good enough and that they should be afraid all the time. And they have made us these useless small creatures that have forgotten who they are and how much power we've got. And when people start rediscovering themselves and let go of all that bullshit, they discover how fucking powerful they are. And it does not mean that, you know, if you're listening to us right now that you have to be a battery or in a flat that are so self expressive and bubbly and extroverts and all that. No. You can be your little shy person, but you're still very, very powerful.
We all have our powers. And so it's just a matter of this rediscovering that and reremembering who we are. Yeah. Because the we are led to live in fear, in various types of fear, and society is bringing that upon us all the time, The fear of what we're gonna be called and what people gonna say about us and how we're going to disappoint someone and how we're not gonna make money and how we're gonna live on our own and how we're gonna die on our own. And there is a huge list of fears that people have. It's endless. And if you really stop to to, to be aware of the conversations that are running through your head when you're talking to yourself, when you're on your own, you'll be amazed of how much bullshit you're feeding your brain. It's unbelievable.
[00:47:10] Unknown:
Dude, the monkey mind
[00:47:12] Unknown:
is spiritual journeys, books, podcasts. I can hardly wholeheartedly recommend Lori Ladd, which I love and Oh, I don't know Lori Ladd. Who's that? She's amazing. She's a spiritual teacher on YouTube, on Instagram. She's got a Patreon community. She's unfucking. Nice. So, yeah, I'd recommend following her. And so and and that was the first the first part of your question about trusting yourself again and and going out there and trying out trying life again without anyone holding your hand. I know it's scary. I went through it, and it is really scary. It is.
[00:47:49] Unknown:
It is, but it's fun. And it is worth it too because then you get to meet like hearted and like missioned and like sold people. Like, you and I got to meet because we're on this mission together for freedom and peace and making the world way better. And and so, like, once you can trust that, like, I'm not the only one. There's a bunch of us out here, and then all of a sudden we turn into these little magnets and we come together and it's like, oh, goody. He's like, oh, he's just resonating with so many like minded people.
[00:48:18] Unknown:
Yeah. And you gotta you gotta trust yourself. You gotta trust the journey as well. You gotta trust your higher self to guide you to the right place. Right? So when I when I stopped, working as a CMO and I went on my independent journey, I have this really great friend who's a strategist and a marketeer as well, and he was like, okay. Let's sit down, and let's build your 5 year plan, and let's strategize, and let's give you the road map. And I know how to do all that stuff because that's what I did for a living. And I'm like, stop right there. I'm not gonna do all that stuff. Why? Because I don't feel like it. And because my belly tells me that I can trust myself, it's gonna be fine. And he said, okay. Are you sure? If you wanna do it, I'm here for you. And I told him, I'll get back to you. And I started working and building what I have now and what I am still building day by day.
And he offered me that several times again after that, after, you know, that point in time 2 years ago. And I always told him, I am walking on a journey where when I raise my foot to put it in the next step, the, you know, the the next, stepping stone just appears. Yeah. And the next stepping stone appears, and the next stepping stone appears. I don't have to plan stuff so much. I trust myself. I know what to do. I know I've got the skills. I I trust where I'm going. I trust my mission, and things just happen. It's just like miracles every day, all the time.
Things happen that I'm fully surprised about. I used to be this really stressed person getting prepared for everything, working on my, you know, my speeches, my my topics, my words, how I'm gonna look, what am I gonna sound like, and all that. I am still preparing just because I'm professional, but not in a stressed way. Yeah. I trust myself more, and I I, you know, I breathe like like you breathe before I do something big and I trust that it's gonna be fine.
[00:50:19] Unknown:
And it is. So so you gotta embrace that. You gotta really trust. It's true. And I and before we get to the the eye for an eye question, I wanna just ask you, you know, coming back to this, like, you know, there's the masculine and the feminine energy, obviously, and they're both magnificent. We need them both on planet Earth. Right? And I think a lot of times, you know, as women, you know, we're we were trying to fit into this masculine world with our KPIs and our OKRs and all the things that we're doing in our plans and da da da da da. And, yes, that serves a purpose to some degree, and it also serves a purpose, like you said, to be present and trusting yourself, not just because you're like, yeah. I'm just gonna trust myself, but you're like, you've got, you know, you've got the receipts to back up your your your ability to move forward. Like, you've put in the time and the energy into knowing that, like, yeah, this is this is the right decision, and it feels right here. Like, you're not getting those balls of knots, and you're like, you know? I always and I curse that whatever. It's just if it's not a fuck yeah, it's a fuck no. And, you know, and in so many life decisions, our body is just saying, get away, but we still try to push through because our mind thinks we're supposed to be, like, doing things this way. And then, obviously, that leads to a lot of dissonance and mental health issues and stress and all of the things that many of us struggle with. So I think embracing more flow and more femininity in our leadership, you know, individually and among ourselves in organizations is very important. And I think, you know, before we get to the eye for an eye, I'm segueing into that.
The energy that is being put into manipulating and power over with all of the wars that are going on. It's like, why not put that same exact energy and resources and dollars into creating peace? You know? It they we think all wars are banker wars. They're very profitable for these bankers. You know? Keep print guns print fiat, print guns, repeat, rinse and repeat all over the world. Let's go. How do you print peace? How do you make peace profitable? You know? To me, it seems like a no brainer, like a functioning society where people are producing and they're enjoying things and they're being cohesive. We don't have to agree on everything, but we're living in harmony to some degree. That seems more profitable for everybody, but not the bankers and certainly not the military industrial complex. And so so let's talk about the eye for an eye and and how can we go from, you know, how do we stop this, you know, the these these forever wars that go on, you know, all over the world. Yeah. So I think
[00:53:05] Unknown:
I I will say it in general, and then I'll try to relate a little bit to the Middle East story, the Israel, Palestine conflict, which is the worst I've seen ever. In general, I think the only way to start creating a new reality in which we are not slaves of the system anymore is by abandoning the current system. If the system is designed to enslave, it's designed to suck productivity, it's designed to encourage violence, it's designed to continually grow until it explodes and hurt a lot of people on the way. Then the system is bad. It's as simple as that. And we can try to find solutions from within the system like some people do.
I know a lot of people that are involved in politics, that are activists, that are trying to change things from within the system. I am I'm not against it. I don't think it's the most effective and productive thing. I think it's it's an energy trainer, but I I have a lot of respect towards it because they are being active, and they are trying to make a difference, and they are raising awareness, which is very, very important even if they fail and they don't succeed in their goals. At the same time, what I think is more efficient is really building the new system and opting out of the old into a reality that you build and you create, that in itself is a revolution.
So, you know, I I now release the episode with, David Bailey on my podcast, and he was saying Bitcoin is a revolution. It's, it's the silent revolution. It's the way that we opt out. We we long on freedom, and we long on math, and we long on liberty, and we short on politicians. And so it doesn't mean that we, a 100% totally, stop caring or being involved in the world we live in, but we're in a transition phase. And in that transition phase, it's not just the monetary transition phase, it's a life transition phase, and we have to be with one leg in both realities at the same time. And it's very difficult And you have to be conscious about how much time and energy you invest in each one of those realities.
[00:55:42] Unknown:
[00:55:43] Unknown:
Because on the one hand, you have to be in the old reality in order to continue paying the bills and, you know, making a living and taking care of family and friends and and kids and all that. And at the same time, you wanna build something new, and you're thinking about the future because you're now at the head space to think about it and to understand it. Yeah. So you gotta balance how much of your energy is going towards these things. But the the, the constant living in a state of war, I think, can only start to end when we opt out of the system and go to a different one. Now it sounds very simple and easy and, you know, it's it's one sentence what I just said. Like, that may not even be in my lifetime in our lifetime. It may take generations to happen.
Yeah. I believe that it's our role to put in place the foundations for a different for building a new reality for our kids to at least maybe have a chance in a different reality. I don't know if the adverse reactions or the adverse effects of the Fiat system are going to leave us in our lifetime. I think we are going to see the ripple effects of the very corrupt system that we live in for many more tens of years. But at least we can be aware of it, and we can be active in building a new reality. And to me, Bitcoin is building a new reality. Yeah. I was in the streets for 2 years in demonstrations and protests here in Israel, actually, even 3 years.
It was energy training. It was hard, but I was adamant, and I was you know, I I had my my ideology that I protected, and I thought that you could actually change something by yelling at politicians or by going to houses of, a prime minister or a minister and and, and yelling with your megaphone that, they're corrupted. They're they should be in jail. But it doesn't really help, except for, making me more, fit because I was walking a lot and and making me more self expressed because I could, you know, express myself better after that time and creating a sense of community with people that are like minded. It didn't really bring the results that I was hoping for. And so I think that my energy is way better spent now when what I'm doing is serving valuable information to people that they can make informed choices in their lives and learning for myself how to create a better reality for my son, for myself, how to preserve my wealth, how to, make my friends and my close family happier with the stuff that I teach them. I find that that's way more effective than what I was doing before.
And and I think their purpose it served a purpose. It was there for a reason, but, but it's not what is going to bring real change.
[00:59:02] Unknown:
Yeah. And I think everything, you know, and is is it's multipronged. There's no, like, yay. I'm gonna go be a protester or a podcaster or a businessperson or politician, whatever. There's all these different ways that you have to build this new system. You know? And I always quote Booker Fuller. You know, we think about building that alternative system. You can't build it from within the broken, toxic, cancerous waste dump of our system. You know? And so you're right. You do have to kinda surf with 2 legs, you know, on 2 surfboards, which is not easy to do. But, you know, every time you know, we always talk about vote with your dollars. Right? Like, are you buying organic or you're supporting, you know, this company that has sweatshops or not? You know, with Bitcoin as a sound money, as a more peaceful money, as an ethical money.
And every time that we choose to use Bitcoin for, you know, buying a coffee or sending some money overseas and zapping somebody on Noster or whatever we're doing, we're saying yes to the new system. And it's gonna be a bit by bit by bit thing just like you said about your spiritual practice. Like, every day, you've practiced a little bit. It's not just all of a sudden like, yay, I'm eating the whole burrito in one bite. You know, it it's a bit by bit of building this new system, and it's not it's not easy. You know? And thank goodness there's so many wonderful people out there who are also on the mission for peace and on the mission for freedom, who are building opportunities for us to exchange Bitcoin, to save in Bitcoin, to get this ethical money into our lives. And so every time that we use fiat, we're voting yes for that system.
We're saying yes to the system that perpetuates and props up the ability to fund these wars and to fund violence and manipulation and power over extracting resources out of vulnerable countries and populations. So the more that we can keep just bit by bit, you know, saying yes to this new possibility, we're gonna win. One of the thing, you know, we talk about, I wanna bring up PeaceJam in a minute, but I wanna talk about CB how I know we're at about an hour already. Are you No. I have time. It's fine. Good. Because I was wanna bring up Israel and Palestine and Yeah. Let's we're gonna bring up whatever everything. And so let's talk about CBDCs and how c because CBDCs, for those of you who don't know, they're central bank digital currencies.
They're surveillance coins, tokens. You know, I think that there is gonna be a giant event that happens, which is kind of like 1971 where it's like, oh, we're gonna go off with the dollar, and now we're gonna have the CBDC dollar. Everybody turn this in, and then now we're gonna do this. And, oh, by the way, you're all gonna get your UBI and, like, we did in COVID. And so you wanna let's you know, you're obviously a super expert in CBDCs with your presentations. Let's talk about what that is, why that's a tool for violence and and manipulation.
[01:01:57] Unknown:
Right. So CBCs is basically everything that sucks about fiat, just force. And on steroids. So you're basically continuing the fiat system and adding on to the existing mechanism of inflation and taxation and everything that we know and love. You add onto it features that are built in the system that allow for for programming of the money, meaning, what are you gonna use your money for, for expiry dates on your money and for geofencing on your money. So telling you, when to use it, for how long, and where to use it, in which radius. So these these features, as much as all these central banks that are implementing those projects, and there are more than a 110 projects, sorry, more than a 110 countries that are working on their CBCs.
Mhmm. As much as they'll try to hide it and say that this is only, for your bet better way of living. Okay? It's more convenient. Oh, good. There are no fees. It's cheap, and they're they'll give you all the the the best marketing spiel about it. They'll basically be hiding that the downsides or the limitation no. Not limitations. The risks of these systems are in are basically in being complete surveillance and control systems, and they could serve as the base for social credit score systems just like, China has, for example. And when they are rely when they are being put on top of a carbon market foundation, and you're starting to measure people's carbon footprint on everything they do, on everything they, purchase, then you can really get into the individual level of controlling their, consumption habits, their daily choices, their their their daily lives, basically. So if you follow China and seeing all the examples from there, it's not an it's not a nice sight. So CBDC is a control system.
They're trying to they know, the central bankers are trying to protect themselves, saying that they're going to have some level of, privacy. Yeah. Right? But no anonymity. Right? It's not anonymous. It has to be it's based on identity. It's based on KYC. You have to be identified in order for the state to know what you're doing, where you're doing it, and how you're doing it. And so there will it will be not anonymous, but a little bit private, which is bullshit. It's not gonna be private. One example of a pilot project that is already enforcing some of those features is in Thailand, for example. They started about 6 months ago a pilot project that was, allocating 10,000 baht for free for every Thai person that participated.
10,000 baht is about $270, which is a lot of money for Thai people. So it's like airdropping $270 on people. It's like shit coins. Yeah. So the government is becoming a shit coiner and giving you $270 for free, for you to participate in a pilot, which runs for 6 months. So your money will expire after 6 months, and you can use it only in a 4 kilometer radius of your house. That was the pilot. And so, and when you register for the pilot, you have to be registered, They don't have an ID. They don't have anything. It's it's Thailand. You know? There are so many poor people there. But, obviously, they want 10,000 bath for free, so they would lure them in to come into a digital identity system. And from that, it'll give them free money, and they're they're hooked into the system. So that pilot was done in Thailand.
There are many more examples around the world in Nigeria, in in Brazil, in Australia. Israel is working on many, many, technological, pilot projects with the BIS, the Bank of International Settlements. I'm closely following the Israeli Central Bank and reporting about it. And it doesn't look great because the way that they're gonna be rolling it out is, first of all, going to be through public the public sector. So all the public sector employees are going to be paid at CBDC as the first group of people that will be it it's it's like that's the rollout. We're gonna give you your wages, 500,000 people in Israel, for example. It's it's like a shitload of of people.
They're gonna be paid in CBDC. Like, one day, the government's gonna decide, okay. We're gonna pay your wages in CBDC. No one's asking them. Here's your money. It's the same money. It's just in CBDC now. So that's one thing that they've already announced that they're gonna do. Secondly, they said that the all the different municipality bills, taxes, bills, taxes, fines, It's all gonna be paid in CBDC. So that's the rollout plan, and they're gonna also put fines on small businesses that will not comply with accepting CBDC. They're gonna make it legal tender and and ask the businesses to accept it. And if they don't accept it, they will fine then. So it's it's like in COVID, if if you went to a small business and they they would tell you to put a mask on, and if you'd say, I don't wanna put a mask on, but you're gonna get 500, sheikens fine, and I'm gonna get 5,000 sheikens fine if you don't put a mask. So you're making the business owner the police officer to enforce the law. And so it's the same mechanism. They're gonna do the same in with CBDC. They they've already written a document about that.
They also written about the architecture, so they're basically saying that it's going to be a a 2 tier system where it's not the central bank printing the c printing the CBDC and giving it out to the consumer directly, but rather going through the banks. So many people the commercial banks, I mean. So many people were thinking that CBDCs will create a big chaos because they they will get rid of the banks, the commercial banks. They may try to consolidate the commercial banking. Like in the US, they're doing it already with a lot of banking banks going out of business and consoling consolidating them into bigger banks because it's easier to control, but they will not make the layer of commercial banks redundant. Not at all. They're going to continue printing, commercial bank CBDCs. That's what's called wholesale CBDC.
Lend it to the banks just like Fiat. Lend it to the commercial banks, and then the commercial banks will will have the authority to lend it out to the consumer. And the last point is that they are going to, make it as transparent as possible for the end user to know that they are using CBDC. So, basically, they're going to and allow you to continue using your credit card, your PayPal, your, payment apps, your wearables, just like you're using them today because they're going to be partnering with all those payment service providers. They're called PSPs, payment service providers, and they're going to replace the back end infrastructure.
So for you, the end consumer, it's transparent. But for them, for the payment service providers, they will have to switch from digital fiat to CDs.
[01:10:14] Unknown:
Well, in in, like so let's talk about separation from money separation of money from state. You know, that's obviously is is, you know, something that Bitcoin solves for because it's just a set of rules with no rulers, as we say, and there's obviously it's deflationary. And how do we think in you know, are we just like you said, we're just duplicating the fiat system but shittier, And Yeah. It's gonna be more ability for people to surveil. Like, I see a lot of places are starting to get rid of cash. That's a huge problem, obviously. You know, the I feel like our hair is on fire as humanity right now. Yeah. You know? And I feel like CBDCs and this giant creep into our financial lives, which, like you said, will control our consumption model. Are we allowed to go get, you know, a hamburger today because we drove 4 miles? And they know that because of all of this constant surveillance. And so, you know, first of all, it's crushing the human it's gonna be crushing of the human spirit, 100%, you know, worse than it already is.
You know, and like you had mentioned with China and what they're already doing with social credit scores, You know, we've got, obviously, Bitcoin. We've got Nostra. We've got other opportunities for people to hopefully have peer to peer financial, exchanges, also for social exchanges. If I wanna post something, I don't wanna be afraid that I'm gonna get censored, that my whole business is taken down. It's really, you know,
[01:11:47] Unknown:
like, squeezing They have the ability to turn on and off your digital wallet remotely. Like what they did even in in Canada during the the the protest, you know, in the Petronco protest. It's like, oops. They're making closing bank accounts, which is another trend. So you were talking about going cashless. So that's one trend trend that we're going to see more and more in every country. They're all gonna start going cashless, and it's happening in parallel, lockstep, just like COVID. So Australia is leading the pack right now, I think, but many other countries are following suit. UK, Sweden. There are many, many countries that are abolishing cash slowly.
People are trying to resist it. The only not criticism because I feel for them, but it's people that normally don't understand the money system, the monetary system, and fiat. And so they're yelling out that these are freedom fighters and truthers. They're yelling out, we want cash. We want cash. And they're taking cash out of the bank and keeping it at home and using it and encouraging small businesses to work with cash, which is all good ideologically, but they don't get that cash is fiat, and it's it's not a solution. It may be a short term solution now just to show the state that you're resisting that move of going cashless. However, yes, you have privacy with cash, but your cash is still being diluted and and debased. Right? So it's the same it's the same illness that they just don't know. They don't understand inflation.
So calling out for, for saving cash is not the solution. Okay? It's a short term, but not a long term solution. Going cashless is one trend. The second trend is, stablecoins. So we're going to see more and more countries adopting official stablecoins or adopting existing stablecoins as their own or allowing, embracing the use of stablecoins. Why? Because it, inflates the fiat to the economy. Because Stablecoins have to continue borrowing fiat from the state just like Tether, which is on the top twenty list of states of nation states that are borrowing money from the treasury in the US.
So Tether is up there in the top twenty. It's borrowing 1,000,000,000 of dollars. It's crazy. And so the government is friendly towards Tether and UCT because it's, you know, it's a it's a it's a probably a good tool to use for the US economy to keep it alive and to continue strengthening it. And it's a b to c kind of strategy to go directly to consumers in other countries without having to go through, central banks. So Argentina, for example, they would use USDT that will indirectly, strengthen the US dollar without the the the u the Fend having to do much about it. Fend is just lending money to Tether, and Tether is the one in charge of growing the demand of the US dollar around the world. Right? So stablecoins, I think we're going to see them also as a trend that is going to become stronger and stronger for nation states.
Going cashless, stablecoins, and, seizing bank accounts, we're gonna see that trend becoming even more pervasive, and it's going to be under the pretense of misinformation, disinformation, hate speech, doing the wrong thing by the the government because they're tightening the belt of control over citizens all the time. And they will have various different excuses for it, but they will start to seize bank accounts more and more. You know? And and the fact that, people like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are, being treated the way they are is not a coincidence.
The states wanting to have that, you know, martyrs. They want to have those people that they suck the life out of so that they can, frighten everyone else. Yeah. So that people don't do what they did. And so I I think if you put those three trends together, and there are many more trends, but those 3 are really, are like alarm bells, for society to pay attention to the monetary system and the banking system and understand that our money is not safe in the fiat system and in the bank. And we have to try and pull out as much as we can from pension funds, from, I I think, like, this is me, and this is not financial advice, real estate, pension funds. Whatever savings you've got in fiat or in the bank, just pull as much as you can out and convert it into Bitcoin. Bitcoin is becoming the only way, the only sane way to protect your wealth. This is what I think. So I think that the more harsh, those means and measures are going to become of seizing bank accounts, seeing a widespread use of stable coins going cashless, and being more and more pervasive the banks being more and more, controlling and pervasive over our every action.
The only solution that is going to be feasible and good is Bitcoin. And so I think CBDCs are they will be the the straw that broke the camel's back. And with that, we're gonna see a lot of people waking up a little bit too late where their a lot of their money is already locked inside a system that they have nothing to do with, and they can't pull it out. And so I encourage as many people as possible to, you know, go learn about Bitcoin because now is the time just before all that shit show is happening Yeah. To start, you know, protecting your wealth seriously.
[01:17:48] Unknown:
Yeah. And and like I said, the the hair on fire, like, people I think Bitcoin is a giant fire hose or a bucket of water, you know, and people don't get, like, why we're so adamant about you guys. This is no joke. And and once it's done, you can't undo what they're about to do. And, you know, as we both know, they're on a They people forget crises in the past. Right? They forget what happened in 2008. They forget,
[01:18:13] Unknown:
the dip the hyperinflations in different countries. In Israel, we experienced it in 1980 and 1984. We had 2 hyperinflations that they reset the economy after which in Egypt, they have it. In Lebanon, in Turkey, in Argentina, and so in Venezuela. So many countries, hyperinflation are eating people's wealth away, and people have really short memory. So educating the masses, the public about the history of money and even the short history of money is just gonna help people when this shit show begins.
[01:18:47] Unknown:
Yeah. And we don't and right now, we don't have anything. I mean, we've got hyperinflation, but we don't have the digital warfare, you know, that's about to be put on us to compare it to. So it's gonna be a tough sell for some people who are still in that mindset of, like, I trust the government. The bankers know best. I'm a, you know, I'm a DJ. I'm a podcaster. I'm not a a financial adviser. Who am I to know? So I'm gonna trust these guys because they're billionaires, and then they end up, you know, we all end up getting screwed. And so I think it's so important like no matter who you are, money touches your life. And if you are not financially literate and sovereign and empowered and understand why this is a tool for your safety, mentally, physically, with your family, everything, you're gonna be at a monstrous disadvantage.
You know? And and once this does start to happen, like you said, it's gonna be disguised as this is good for you, and look at us. We're gonna help you. You know, it's always that that lie of the Trojan horse. But I think Bitcoin is a Trojan horse for for Yes. Good, you know, but the CBDCs are gonna come in and try to to get everybody on board and go, wow. Look. Isn't this great? I think about my kids. Like, they don't like cash. Everything is digital for them. They're like, mom, I don't you know, somebody gave me $20. Can you give send me a Venmo? You know? And they don't their their younger generation, everything is digital. You know? And I think they're a lot more vulnerable to what's around the corner. You know? And and I think there's a woman, Kate Combo. She runs an organization called PeaceJam, and, it's wonderful. Are you familiar with them? They're all about, you know, training young leaders and people, and they have the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates who help them and learn about anti bullying and how to be a leader, etcetera, communication skills.
You know, and I've talked with Kate, and I'm like, Kate, this is awesome. You know? I love that you're going into all these, you know, zones where there's violence, bullying, gangs, and and whatnot, and you're teaching these kids these ultra valuable skills. If the only way for these kids to eat every day is to join a gang or to become involved in an organization that whether it's a terror organization or whatnot, you know, those peacebuilding skills aren't gonna be as effective if they're not married with how do you have finance, you know, your financial literacy with these young folks, you know, and why it's so important that if you don't know how to take care of yourself financially, you're gonna someone else is gonna do it for you. Oh, yeah. They don't have your best interest at heart necessarily. And so, you know, I wanna circle back to the the, you know, how do we build peace bridges, you know, going forward once we're looking at the current situation in the past of, you know, x y z group, you know, did this much damage to a b c group, and they're gonna keep doing this infinity.
At some point, how can we marry these peacebuilding skills with the financial skills and build this new world? Because, like, if if your uncle and your family got decimated by this group and your home got decimated by this group and you got enslaved by this group, like, a lot of people wanna seek, you know, justice and revenge and, you know, wipe everybody else out until, that, you know, those guys are off the test board. And I'm like, that's never gonna happen ever unless we nuke the whole planet, which, God forbid, that never happens. You know? So at some point, our hearts and our minds and our consciousness needs to say, it stops. Enough.
It has to stop now, and then we're gonna rebuild. Like, how can we with all the pain and the trauma and the suffering that has been caused over, you know, 1000 of years for all of us that we carry with us, this generational trauma, how can we, in this current moment, just end it no more? Like, it has to stop.
[01:22:55] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. It's gotta be a choice. Some people cannot break that cycle of, of violence and hatred, and they are prone to the propaganda, and they will continue hating and wanting to inflict pain on others. And I live in such a, such an environment and it's an ongoing challenge for me to be in such an environment. You have to want to stop living that way. You have to say it stops with me. Yeah. What we said before, spiritually, I think that's the only way to do this. And by taking actions in your life to become more educated about money and about the the the incentive structures.
You know, you interviewed Issa, Isabella, our friend. Mhmm. Yeah. And she's doing something amazing. Right? She just set up a school, and she's teaching people about Bitcoin, about money. It's unbelievable. You you're a young person. You decide that you wanna help someone else, and you take things to your hands, and you start you just start building. So I really encourage people, and it doesn't matter, like you said, what you do, whether you're a podcaster or painter, an artist, a carpenter, a school teacher, whatever you are. You know, you just start doing stuff, not just to take care of your own ass, but to take care of other people around you as well. So Yeah. You have to get rid of your own big shit first so that you can be clear enough and have the head space and the mental and the spiritual space to accommodate for others. But once you get rid of the that big shit that you're carrying, then the natural thing that comes up for you is, okay. How can I help others? How can I serve humanity?
What can I do to make this place a better place? How can I improve the situation of my immediate community? And once you're there, it will come out of you naturally. So whatever it is you do, whatever your profession is, whatever your skill set is, harness that in order to, to help, your community. Now I I wanna talk about how, I mean, not how because I don't have the solutions, but I just wanna talk a little bit about Israel and Palestine in that context because I think, you know, people hate hearing me say those things, but I have complete, I identify a lot with people who suffer, and I don't care what nationality they are and or what religion or where they live or whether they're Palestinian or or Israeli. I don't care. People who suffer, they suffer, and most people who suffer, innocent. And I'm not talking about terrorists, and I'm not talking about bad people or evil people.
Sure. They should be punished or, you know, be get their verdict or their judgment. But when we talk about most of the population, innocent people that are suffering, I have a lot of empathy towards those people. And I think that those people that are in poverty or in really tough situations today around the world, whether it would be Gaza or other places, around the world. Even in Israel, you have a lot of poor people or people that are suffering from crime. I talked before about the, the Israeli Arabs, for example, the minority of Israeli Arabs. There's high very high level of crime in that community in Israel. So a lot of people are being murdered and, and really brutal acts inside that community inside of Israel. It's not Gaza. It's not the it's it's inside of Israel, but that minority is is a really, it's it's a really violent reality that they're living.
And so it's like fairy tale when I come and I say, okay. Go learn about Bitcoin. They don't even have the money to feed their families. You know? They what are they going to put in Bitcoin? And and how do they even have the time or the headspace to learn about Bitcoin? And you can't you can't really say that to those people. The other day, I saw Max Kayser, which I interviewed. I I love him. It doesn't matter how much he criticizes the government of Israel. I really respect him. I think that, he was wrong when he tweeted, the Palestine Central Bank needs to embrace Bitcoin.
Palestine doesn't have a central bank. Palestine uses shekel, the Israeli currency. They don't even have a currency because they don't even have independence because they're so poor, because they're so oppressed, because they they have suffered for so many years. So going and thinking about those big ideas for those people that are suffering the daily real challenges of putting food in their mouths and finding shelter from from war is not really something that you can do, but what you can do is try and wake up the lions. You can try to influence the people that have the mental space, the head space, and the heart to be there for other people and to make changes.
Because people like Kate or people like Isabella or people like, I don't know, my friends that are activists here in Israel, or there are many people that can make a difference and are making a difference by helping those people in need. I don't think those people in need can do anything to help themselves right now. They and it's not like I I I'm not in favor of developing a savior mentality or a victim mentality. I think that's wrong. I think you do need to look after your own independence and you have to be, a productive member of society by creating something and building something, you will get rewarded.
I I definitely think that that's a very important, foundation. However, when you're in existential crises, you do need help, and we can help those people even if it's by educating and creating awareness about how things can change for other people. So, yes, it's implicit. It's indirect. It's not a direct solution, but the more people we wake up to the harsh reality, the more people we educate about finances and money and corruption and, you know, military industrial complex, for example, or other big pharma, big tech, whatever. You name it. Today, there's so much to wake up to.
The more we do that, the more we wake up the lions to be able to start making a difference in their environment, in their society. And it's a ripple effect, and it's gonna take time until it manifests in reality to actual, you know, better life, to actual peace, to actual prosperity, it's gonna take time. It's a process, but we can be the ones that are waking up those lines. So, you know, when when you look at the so the last thing I would say maybe is when you look at the conflict between Israel and and Palestine, Israel and Gaza, and you look at a lot of the moves that, that that have happened in the past 7 months, since October 7, I wasn't surprised with many of them because of the ongoing conflict.
And when people from outside of Israel started looking at what's happening here and not understanding the complex history of that conflict and starting to make, to to judge or to make, to to criticize and to be anti this, anti that, pro this, pro that. I was my my my reaction to it was, like, to pull away and to not be on any camp and just to observe everything and to try and see where they're taking it. And, unfortunately, the bait of divide and conquer worked once again, and we polarized society and humanity once again towards pro Palestine, pro Israel. You know? It's it's so clear what has happened.
And many people fell into that trap, without saying, you know, that there is there are people suffering on both sides. This is shit. This shouldn't be happening. And we need to be vigilant about how we look at this. And there probably is no no solution for what's happening right now. I am curious to see how this unfolds and because I think we're going to see demographic changes in this area. We're going to see immigration, and we're going to see people leaving this area. We're gonna see people leaving Israel, people leaving Palestine because it's going to be unbearable to live here. I don't I don't want this to happen, but I think that would And I think that only once it gets even uglier and worse here, then people will start, to look for solutions.
They're they're talking about solutions right now, but they're not real solutions. They're the same old there's nothing new about it. There it's not real peace that they're talking about. They're talking about more more control. We'll build a new port, and we'll control it. We'll build more fences. We'll do we will control it in this way. In that way, we'll we'll immigrate some of those people to Europe or to Canada or to Egypt or you know, and and we'll uproot people in Israel from their homes, whether it's up north in the border with Lebanon and Syria or next to the Gaza Strip, and we'll condense everyone into, big cities and survey them with with digital cameras and and digital IDs and CBDCs. And so it's not going to a good place, and people need to be aware of that.
And I think it's going to be more and more difficult to run away from this. Yeah. I mean, people will leave physically the area and every country that will be shitted towards them, like Canada, they will leave. The people that can will leave, but many people cannot leave. And at one point, it will be very hard to run away from everything that's happening, and it will almost force you to go inwards and to find comfort within and to find solutions within and to understand that the only way to solve this big shit show that is happening here in Israel and Gaza, but also around the world, is by finding peace within and then turning it out.
[01:34:34] Unknown:
Yeah. And it's it's obviously like you had said before, it sounds it sounds simple. It's not easy. And and I think as humans and as somebody, you know, who has experienced violence myself not at this level and not, you know, this way, You know, when you feel trapped as a human, when you feel like the walls are closing in on you and this is your little box, your little cell to live in, you know, you start to go a little nuts, and you start to perhaps behave violently. Perhaps you're compromising, you know, who you are with your integrity and your values, and you might do different things. So it's so important, like you said, having that daily practice of tuning into spirit, God, universe, whatever you call that, that divine creative force, you know, and and leaning on it even more and more and more, I think.
And I think about from a level of forgiveness, you know, is is so, so important. And I know, again, as somebody who's gone through some different experiences, that I felt justified holding on to the anger, the the this person did me wrong. And if I forgive them, then it's gonna make what they did right. It's gonna validate that it's okay that what they did. And, you know, it took a lot of time for me and a lot of therapy to realize, like, I am holding all the poison of that experience inside of me. Every time I think about it, every time I, you know, bring it up, I'm giving I'm administering poison into my being when I when I, you know, keep that separation and that me versus them mindset and because I think it's protecting me. You know? That's what I used to think is that having that, you know, that wall was gonna keep me safe from it ever happening again, like the never again. Right? And, boy, was I wrong.
You know? And and it wasn't until I got out of that victim mindset, it wasn't until I stepped into, like, okay. That happened. I have to accept it. And what did I learn? How can I move forward? How can I how can I adjust my, you know, internal compass and operating system to be in a place where, okay, I don't have to poison myself every single day? And if I'm forgiving that person, it doesn't mean I need to let them back in into my my safe zone, but it, you know, it means I get to be free.
[01:37:12] Unknown:
You know? And I think that even mean that you have to tell them that, by the way. Right. Yeah. That's the good event, do the process with yourself. A lot of people are afraid of that.
[01:37:21] Unknown:
Yeah. It it's true. It it's scary because, like, you you especially if you've held on to some trauma or some stories into your being for so long, like, who are you now? What's your new identity without being, you know, in a victim role or in, you know, he abused me or whatever. You know? It now you get to be this sovereign individual. You know? And, again, that's a lot of responsibility because now everything that's in your life is because of you, not because of them or other. You know? And a lot of people it's tough to make that leap, I think. And it takes time, you know, and it takes, it takes connection and community and other people who are also on the same journey who wish to have a level of inner peace, you know, that are reminding you, like, yeah, you don't have to you don't have to suffer anymore. It's not it's not a requirement in your life.
[01:38:17] Unknown:
And if you continue waiting for something to happen until you start practicing forgiveness or letting go of anger or all the stuff we talked about, then you're never gonna get there. Your your good chance of embracing and experiencing a change in your life is by doing it while you're experiencing the same crappy life that you're living right now. Right? You're you're in your own same reality. You're just starting very slowly to embrace different mindsets or different beliefs about things or letting go of your old beliefs while you're in your crappy life. Yeah. And you start consciously introducing change like that by training your brain to think differently, to believe something else, to experience something else.
And the more you do this and you don't you don't, you don't skip a day or a practice, but the more you exercise in letting go of stuff and, or just, you know, even if you if you don't succeed, you fail that day. You you try. You try. You really you had a conversation with yourself on that day or you meditated, but you're still upset and you're not letting go. But at least you exercised, and you're on the right path, and you start introducing change in your life like that. So I really encourage people to not wait for that day because that day is going to come a lot faster when you do it while you're stuck in your crappy situation.
[01:39:57] Unknown:
It's so true. I think about, you know, James Clear who wrote Atomic Habits. Have you read that book? It's great. So, you know, you're obviously, it's micro. Everything's micro. You know, some people think like, oh, all of a sudden, I'm gonna go on a diet or whatever the heck your behavior changes that you wanna do. It's like you're not gonna all of a sudden, yay, I've lost a £100, or yay, I'm free from trauma. It's like every single day, just like you have to brush your teeth, hopefully, every day. Like, I don't miss brushing my teeth any days of the week. I always do it. There's not a day that goes by that I don't brush my teeth. So it's just like everything else, and it's like how can you set yourself up for success with cues, with opportunities, with reinforcement?
There's lots of ways to gamify.
[01:40:43] Unknown:
Like minded people around you that will remind you as well. It helps because a lot of times we get discouraged
[01:40:50] Unknown:
and we think like, oh, I'm not seeing the results that I want because I've been doing this for a month or 2 months or whatever, and it didn't happen. It's like, you know, how long did it take to grow a forest? A long time. You know? But every day, these trees get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger, right, and it's just it forests grow better with other trees. You know? It's most trees don't grow that well all by themselves, like, unless you're a cactus in the desert.
[01:41:15] Unknown:
By the way, that's an excellent tip. Go to nature. That really accelerates the Really. Right? Go to nature and ground yourself, but also bring nature to your home and bring flowers or or plants and just watch them grow. It's a miracle in itself. You know? It's like you you can learn so much from plants and from nature. I learn every day. I love it.
[01:41:39] Unknown:
I know. Nature is our greatest teacher, and we have to remember to protect her, obviously, and be with her. It's like a you can't you can't really appreciate it as much if you're just sitting watching from the screen all the time. And a lot of, you know, younger generations are like, oh, whatever. I don't wanna go for a hike. And it's like, no, dude. Get your butt out there and touch grass. You know, a lot of people say that. Here. Let's go. Somebody posted something about kaizen, creating continuous improvement and ideas small. Yep. Exactly. Tony Nakamoto. Totally, brother.
It it's true. I think a lot of times, you know, we get overwhelmed with change, and we think we have to do it all at once and that's not how actual change happens. But change happens when you make changes. If you don't actually start making the changes, it's not gonna happen because you have an idea about it up here. You you have to do proof of work and put in the time and commit. You know? And and like you said, doing it with other people is very, very important. I know what what would you say as we're kind of wrapping up here, Efraat, like first of all, we've got a we'll talk about the summit in a minute. But, what would you say to people whether they're, you know, anywhere in the Middle East, if they're in Israel and Gaza?
What would you say to folks right now who want to have a more peaceful solution? Like, what can they what would you say to folks? I mean, obviously, you live in Israel. What kind of words of encouragement? I mean, it just feel like you're such a wise soul.
[01:43:17] Unknown:
Look. A lot of people think that the salvation is gonna come from, once again, politicians or global, organizations like the UN or NATO or whatever. They'll come in here, and they're they're like the responsible adult. They're gonna create peace again. They'll tell us what to do. The US will tell us what to do. It's just a game. It's all a game, and I don't believe in that. I don't think we will see any real salvation or solution from any politician. It's all it's a way bigger geopolitical game or economic game that is being played on top of our heads. So my only advice to the common Israeli or Palestinian that that may be hearing me or watching me right now would be to, just focus on your own life and how you can improve them, by, you know, acquiring knowledge, like we said before, about how you can protect what you've got or earn new money in a new currency that will help you get a better life.
I think that I would advise people to disconnect from the media in Israel and and the mainstream media in general because it's just poisoning you even more with a lot of full stuff, and it's keeping you under a fearful stage, constantly. So just disconnect from that and stop watching TV or even when you come outside and you see all those billboards calling you to want war or to throw someone in jail or to whatever. Just pay attention how much of those messages are messages of hate and divide and fear, and let go of it. Just choose every moment to let go of the hate, to let go of fear, to let go of feeling like a useless victim. Because everything around here in this environment is geared towards making you feel like a useless victim. And it starts with you saying, I am not anyone's victim, and I'm not playing that game.
And I'm going to start being a productive member of my community, and what can I do to help my family or to help myself? And as I said, I know it's it's very hard to say something like that to people who are in existential need. But, you know, try and see how you can better yourself. At the same time, don't be don't be, don't be stopped from criticizing those entities that are pretending to help you. Like, criticize them. It's fine. Like, just be smart about how to do it. But, you know, if they're pretending that they're opening a port in Gaza in order to bring humanitarian aid in, while we know that there are so many other ways to bring humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip through 4 different entrances to the Gaza Strip. And the only reason to build a port is, well, not the only, but it may be that the reasons to build a port are not the reasons that they are telling us about.
And the US wants more control over this area, etcetera. So criticize them. It's fine to talk about it, and don't give a fuck about what everyone's saying about you that you are criticizing what's happening. Yeah. It's okay to say that this is it's okay to call bullshit on what's happening.
[01:47:09] Unknown:
Totally. Question everything. Like, I think every question, like, is this legit? Is this true? And then why? Why are they doing this? Who benefits? Where is the intent? Thing is and just reach out to people
[01:47:24] Unknown:
that you can help, whether it's with donations or whether it's with actual help of, you know, physical help some people need in driving them from one place to another or whatever. There is so much you can do to help people in this area. Yeah. So see see how you can contribute to that. It's it's a fucking complicated situation, but, yeah, we can't stop. I mean, we're choosing to be here, so we we have to
[01:47:55] Unknown:
we have to keep hope that this is going to be better at one point. We do. We have to keep hope, and action creates more hope. Like, it feels hopeless when you're sitting around, like you said, just watching the news and getting consumed with all the toxicity, you know, designed to keep us afraid. And when you do the I have a little I have angel cards and all, like, my little affirmations and everything, and one of them says, when you get nervous, focus on service. And so that's something just any tiny little bit of thing that you do, like you've mentioned, I love this piece of advice is, you know, obviously, take care of yourself first, but then use that energy that you are are are cultivating for good even if it's a good time.
[01:48:40] Unknown:
There there are a 130 families in Israel that their loved ones are still hostages in Gaza from October 7th. Just go and be with them. You know, if if you feel like you have to do something, they are suffering every day, and you can help them. And people are doing it. So I always encourage people to be active if that's what they feel their calling is. Yes. Just go and be active. That's good. Channel your energy and your productivity to places where you can actually contribute.
[01:49:13] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah.
[01:49:14] Unknown:
So I know it's not much. I wish I had better
[01:49:19] Unknown:
than saying, but, you know, it's frustrating. We all wish we had the answer to, you know, the most peaceful world out there. And, obviously, if we did, we'd hopefully be there, but that's why we're having these conversations and asking the questions, and it's it's like turning over all the rocks. Like, is is this the answer? Is this the tools? Is this the approach, the perspective?
[01:49:39] Unknown:
You know? And I think it's very Since I was a child, I always wanted peace. I felt like it's not a coincidence that I was born in Israel, you know, in this weird small country that is surrounded by Arab countries that don't really like us so much, and we don't really like them so much. I mean, not we. Not me, but the state. And I always wanted peace, and I always was like a lefty, calling for peace. In that sense, I want lefty. And throughout the years, I never understood how is this a normal or sane reality. Yeah. You live in a place where you have people living 30, 40 minutes away from you, and you can never see them, and you can never go visit them, and you can't hang out with them, and you won't be able ever to take your car and drive up to Lebanon or down to, to, you know, to Egypt, you can, but not not really. Depends where.
And you can't really experience life with your neighbors. You have to accept that you live in a in a state of war. And I and the more I grow, the more I I mature and I grow, the more I am firm on my belief that this is not normal, that this is not the way reality should be. That and I look back at history at the time where you could actually travel with your car from one country to another here. There was a time like that that people in Israel could go to Gaza, and they could go to Lebanon. They could there was like, there were other times where it was possible. And, I think that that's something that must return at one point. Otherwise, this is going to be really, really dark. And I I I I pray for this. You know? This is my hope that in a place like Israel, if we can find a way that the 3 religious, the 3 big religious can live side by side and different minorities can live together and Jewish and Muslim can live together and, and Palestinians and Israelis can live together, then that will be the beacon of hope for the whole fucking world.
[01:51:57] Unknown:
I love it. And I pray for that as well, Efraad, big time. It's I I'm so grateful for you and that you found your heart and that you stay true to your heart. Even in the face of all of this, it's I can't imagine what it must be like. And you are absolutely admirable for rocking it and speaking your truth and sharing and not being afraid to use your voice. Obviously, like you said, use it intelligently, you know, with care, and, you know, don't give up. And I think that's such and and knowing, you know, like you said, as a little girl, and I felt the same way ever since I was little. I always was like, my dad was in World War 2 in Korea, and he was very, you know, oppositional and us versus them. And I'm just like, this doesn't make any sense to me. Like, that that can't be as good as it gets. Really? Like, this is as good as it gets? No. This is fucked up. So I'm glad that your inner child and now your your beautiful adult self still understands that that is true.
This is not normal. This is sickness. You know? Yes, sir. It is absolute sickness. And, you know, in an effort to combat some of that sickness, obviously, what we're doing this weekend too let's talk about that.
[01:53:14] Unknown:
So we're we're coming together with a lot of talented creators.
[01:53:21] Unknown:
That that's gonna be so much fun. It is. It's gonna be great. And so, you know and thank you so much for participating. We're gonna be having, the 1st virtual summit here for, virtual for Bitcoin creators and people who aren't Bitcoiners yet and wanna learn about Bitcoin. And like we said, like, we're all messengers. Right? Whether you're a poet, whether you're an artist, whether you're an entrepreneur, whether you're a chef, We're creating different types of messages out there in the world. And how can we fine tune our messaging? How can we get it to the right audience? How can we create change with these messages? You know, how can we feel fully expressed as individuals on earth?
And so I think coming together and learning about, you know, best practices, tips, tricks, tools, in figuring this out together in community, And I'm really impressed that, you know, we've now we've got almost 50 people that are participating so far as speakers. Some folks are, you know, contributing videos because they're not able to attend to be on the panels. So I wish we had a 1,000 slots available for all the different content creators and business people and, folks who can share, you know, their their way of creating content. And, again, it's we're like I said, we're all messengers, you know, in in one way or the other, and communication is something that I think we can all, always sharpen our skills, whether it's internal communication and that self talk, whether it's talk among each other, whether you're doing a presentation, how can you create effective presentations, how can you monetize yourself as a messenger.
And I think Bitcoin is one, again, tool in that kit. So, I'm really excited that we're gonna get to do this. It's gonna be a 7 hour event on Saturday, May 25th. Anybody who's here, you guys can register at bitcoin for peace.orgforward/summit. It's gonna be value for value, which means donation. We're gonna give you some value. You're gonna give us some value. And if you think you have a dollar to spare, great. If you've got a 100, so we've been using Zaprite, which is a really cool tool that you can contribute in fiat or, or using Bitcoin. So that's gonna be fun. And then after the expenses of putting the production together, all the fundraising is gonna get split in perpetuity to all of the guests or all the panelists, to their lightning, wallets. And so this is gonna be a fun experiment to see how this goes with content 2.0.
[01:55:52] Unknown:
Any thoughts or an hour is broken down to 7 or 6 different session?
[01:55:59] Unknown:
Seven panels. Yeah. So I added an hour. So it's gonna go from 11 p 11 AM to 6 PM EST standard, time. And, yeah, every hour, we're gonna have different panels with different topics, and I'm gonna put the schedule up on the website. I've been a mad woman on the back end trying to get all this together. A big, big labor of love. This isn't some big giant moneymaker. This is really about getting the messaging out and bringing us all together. And
[01:56:28] Unknown:
And, Val, you you've been working so hard at pulling this off. So big, big, big kudos to you. This is I I'm looking at you doing this while I'm doing my stuff, and, like, she's amazing. She's bringing her own, almost, like people help, but not as mine. Well done.
[01:56:46] Unknown:
Thank you. Yeah. Well, it takes a village, and everybody, like we said, little we're all contributing to this in our own way. You know? And I think one of my special skills and gifts is, like, I'm a connector. I love connecting people and bringing out their best. That's why I love just like you, with podcasting, it's so much fun to interview people and talk, and you can't not. You know? It's like, I must do this thing. Like and so I I love that we're all saying yes to our our our special purpose.
[01:57:18] Unknown:
It's awesome. Yeah. And so if you guys, see go go see Valerie's tweets on her Twitter and share them as well.
[01:57:27] Unknown:
Yes. And do that. But more importantly, go follow yeah. But I want everybody to follow you. And so it sounds like Linktree is the best way so we can follow your podcast on Linktree
[01:57:39] Unknown:
forward slash you're the voice. And I mean, Linktree has just all the different channels. So if you like YouTube, go to YouTube. If you like Spotify, go there. And on my Linktree, this this one,
[01:57:51] Unknown:
you have Twitter, my Telegram. I have Telegram channels. I've got everything. So my god. So many great interviews of people that you've done up there. Like, oh my gosh. You're you're awesome. I have so much to learn from you, and I know, like, you're a marketing and branding expert. I'm like, I'm gonna be sitting in on your panel. I'm a sitting in on all the panel, obviously, because I'm in the background pushing buttons like The Wizard of Oz. But, but, yeah, I think we all need, you know, support on branding and messaging and how to get, you know, our our audience grown, you know, so that we can make a difference. So I'm so interested. The people that are listening to us that are considering
[01:58:27] Unknown:
becoming creators of any sort, whether you're a blogger or you're a podcaster or you just wanna be a social media manager or whatever because there's so much demand for it. Just know that there is so much skill behind all of that. It's, yeah. You wanna you you need to want it. You need the passion for it. Yeah. Once you you decide that that's what you wanna do, there are a lot of skills and tactics to learn in order to master it because it's,
[01:59:00] Unknown:
it's it's a lot of work. Yeah. It is. It's so much work. I know. I never knew, like, you know, I started podcasting, you know, before I was a Bitcoiner, and I was doing, you know, personal growth stuff and dance your dreams and all this fun stuff. And I'm like, holy shit. This is a lot of work. And I'm still I'm still learning, and I'm still trying to figure all of these things out. And it's never like, oh, look. I learned this and I graduated, and off I go. You're constantly never ending learning. And think we're growth oriented humans, and we wanna keep sharpening our skills, you know, and community. So,
[01:59:32] Unknown:
alright, any final words, Efraad, for We don't want your money supply to grow, but we want ourselves to grow. Right?
[01:59:40] Unknown:
Totally. Yeah. We don't want the money supply to grow, but, we do want our purchasing power to grow. How's that going to help our purchasing power? And we want our soul and our body to grow continue developing and growing.
[01:59:53] Unknown:
Totally. And now you wait because I wanna take a photo of us. Oh. It's digital, but it's so cool. Yay. You're so cute. That's a weird selfie.
[02:00:05] Unknown:
I love it. So thanks again, everybody, for tuning in. This is obviously a huge conversation that, you know, I think we're just scratching the surface of, and it involves many perspectives. And I really, really appreciate you and the work that you're doing, Efraad, out there and really helping people see the truth and not be afraid. That's such
[02:00:25] Unknown:
it's the most important work. So yeah. Thank you so much for having me back. I really appreciate your work and your stage, and it's an amazing podcast that you've got.
[02:00:36] Unknown:
Thank you so much. And everybody who tuned in, we really, really appreciate you. And I'll have all the show notes and links here, on the podcast. I'll be editing it soon, but please sign up for the summit bitcoin for peace dot org summit forward slash summit. And everybody who even if you can't attend and you sign up, you'll have access to the recordings. So if you wanna, you know, sign up, just make sure you do, and then we'll make sure you guys get the recordings. But most importantly, follow Efrau Hadda on Linktree and everywhere, and make sure you follow her show. You're the voice. It's super, super powerful, you guys. And everyone, wishing you the most peaceful day of your life because it's only when you got.
And, we'll talk to you all later. And thanks again for being such a great guest and all the work that you do, Efrapp. This is DJ Val. This is Bitcoin for Peace. And until next time, everybody, peace, love, and warm aloha. Yay.
Introduction and Episode Overview
Guest Introduction: Efrat Fenigsen
Efrat's Podcast Journey
Transition from Corporate to Independent Journalism
Information War and Censorship
Safety as a Journalist
Fiat System and Funding Wars
Spirituality and Breaking Free from Control
Masculine vs. Feminine Energy in Leadership
Building a New System and Opting Out
CBDCs: Central Bank Digital Currencies
Importance of Financial Literacy
Building Peace Bridges
Forgiveness and Inner Peace
Virtual Summit for Bitcoin Creators
Closing Remarks