DJ Valerie B LOVE Show

”Smash the status quo with technology for good.” A No-BS show for Truth-Seekers and Freedom-Lovers who know the system is broken and are on a mission to build the best versions of themselves and the planet. My fabulous guests and I share tips, tools, and hacks about freedom technologies, AI, peace, meditation, LOVE, human rights, futurism, personal growth, Bitcoin, censorship, and prosperity for ALL. If you are on a mission to make yourself and the world way better this podcast is for YOU. "Peaceful Money = Peaceful Planet"

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21 June 2022

Bitcoin Mining With Renewable Ocean Energy - Nathaniel Harmon CEO of OceanBit - E91

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Did you know you can use renewable energy to mine Bitcoin from the OCEAN!

Check out this inspiring interview with Nathaniel Harmon who is seeking to implement this technology at scale!

Nathaniel is founder and CEO of OceanBit working on applying Bitcoin’s unique energy properties to Hawai‘i’s energy problems via ocean thermal energy conversion.

Having been involved with Bitcoin since 2013 Nathaniel combined his formal education with his passion by founding Blockchain Solutions Hawai‘i (BSH) with the goal of creating “Hawai‘i’s Blockchain Helpdesk.”

In 2020 Nathaniel and his wife, Kristen Harmon, founded the Hawaiian Islands Conservation Collective in an effort to harness locally educated scientists to restore native ecosystems.

Nathaniel attended the University of Hawai‘i Manoa for both his undergrad and graduate education receiving an M.S. in Marine Geology and Geochemistry.

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