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”Smash the status quo with technology for good.” A No-BS show for Truth-Seekers and Freedom-Lovers who know the system is broken and are on a mission to build the best versions of themselves and the planet. My fabulous guests and I share tips, tools, and hacks about freedom technologies, AI, peace, meditation, LOVE, human rights, futurism, personal growth, Bitcoin, censorship, and prosperity for ALL. If you are on a mission to make yourself and the world way better this podcast is for YOU. "Peaceful Money = Peaceful Planet"

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07 September 2022

Bitcoin Mining To Heat Your Home - Jon Hashner - E107

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Did you know you can heat your home, hot tub, and hot water with heat from Bitcoin? 

Pretty awesome episode with Jon from about creating the world’s soundest money AND heating your home and beyond.

Follow Jon:

Twitter - @hashing2heating

Jon is also helping make September #plebminermonth with the help from all the decentralized amazing Bitcoin miners around the world!  




Turning Hashrate Into Heat Energy

At hashing2heating we focus on making use of all energy expended in the worthwhile service of securing the worlds hardest and most equitable money.

We remove the perceived negative externality of providing Bitcoin Hashrate; That the energy required for such security is then being released (underutilized) via the processor's heat.We design and help implement systems to capture that heat energy, then apply it to  …. just about anything that needs heating.

“If you’re using electric heat where you live, then your computer’s heat isn’t a waste. It’s equal cost if you generate the heat with your computer. If you have other cheaper heating than (resistance) electric, then the waste is only the difference in cost.. Bitcoin generation should end up where it’s cheapest. Maybe that will be in cold climates where there’s electric heat, where it would be essentially free - Satoshi Nakamoto August 9,2010

This will be an ever evolving business. We believe in full transparency. We believe what benefits one in this field benefits all.

There are an increasing number of companies worldwide actively working in this field, some have a few more proven field projects. We have relationships with a good number of any that you may find. We may even incorporate their additional brief consultation and most likely purchase equipment they manufacture. We look forward to collaboration with every organization as this industry is being developed and integrated.

We apply decades of applicable education & experience. With 4 years of small scale hashing experience we now aim to make hashing2heating a new way to look at providing Bitcoin Network Security (aka mining).

Currently hashing2heating, along with a number of collaborators are working to bring systems to a more plug and play or typical user-contractor install format. We will curate and package the current best practices, while contributing to their development.

More willing early adopters like you will bring the transition to mainstream.  Currently more than one quarter of US homes are all electric, with many state codes encouraging or mandating electrification, the time is now, let’s heat electric & electrify-money. 

Who we are 

Jon Hashner - Owner

With an academic background in Environmental Science, Jon brings a wealth of varied hands on experience to focus on this new and emerging industry of heat recovery from Bitcoin network computers. Previous work in the industrial sector and chemical production facilities provided a background in heat exchange and exchange fluids systems. Currently approaching 20 years work in the Home Performance, Home Energy and Custom Home Building sector experiences have provided for that half of the equation. An Engineer at heart, Jon is excited to contribute to this amazing world of Bitcoin and what it offers to humanity.

Much has been made about the topic of Bitcoin “Miner” energy consumption, however after experimenting with home scale ASICs since 2018, Jon began to research and seek out others in this field of simply using the computer heat for the heat itself. As it turns out Satoshi had already envisioned the same results.

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