Deliberating Dogface Dudes

Deliberating Dogface Dudes

Hosts Benjamin Balderson, Allen Marcus, John Roeland critique the "manosphere" and strengthen men. Deliberating Dogface Dudes

17 September 2024

3D Debates #9 Teen Gun Violence, Parents Held Responsible - E9

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Tuesday nights Deliberating Dogface Dudes debate issues from man's perspective.

Should Parents be Charged in School Shootings? 3D Debates #9

- allen marcus

- Benjamin Balderson

- John Roeland

(00:00:33) Introduction and Theme of the Episode

(00:01:34) Debate on Child Access Prevention Laws

(00:03:05) Introduction of New Co-host Steve

(00:06:12) Arguments for Holding Parents Accountable

(00:10:03) Arguments Against Holding Parents Accountable

(00:23:02) Rebuttals and Counterarguments

(00:37:47) Discussion on Parenting Tools and Responsibilities

(01:04:44) Exploring Root Causes of School Shootings

(01:33:00) Debate on Parental Accountability and Legal Implications

(01:54:10) Broader Discussion on Parenting and Society

(02:16:43) Debrief and Wrap-up


  • Debating Parental Responsibility in School Shootings
  • CAP Laws and the Rise of School Shootings
  • Should Parents Be Held Accountable for Their Children's Actions?
  • Exploring the Intersection of Gun Safety, Bullying, and Parental Responsibility
  • The Role of Parents in Preventing School Shootings

Welcome to tonight's deliberating dog face dudes debate, where we delve into critical issues impacting our schools and society, including child access prevention (CAP) laws and the troubling rise of bullying and school shootings. CAP laws are designed to keep firearms out of the hands of children by requiring safe storage and imposing penalties on adults who fail to secure their weapons. However, as tragic headlines about school shootings continue to unfold, we are forced to ask: are these laws enough? Do we need more laws? How do they intersect with the deeper social issues of bullying, which in many cases fuels these violent outbursts? 

We explore how the combination of gun safety laws, mental health support, and anti-bullying initiatives can prevent future tragedies. We also discuss what it takes for our society to heal after these devastating events, looking at stories of communities that have come together after experiencing the unimaginable. Whether you're a parent, educator, or a concerned citizen, this conversation is critical. 

Tonight, we have two sides debating in favor of and against parents being held responsible for violent massacres. We introduce Steve, who joins us as a permanent addition to our show. Steve and I argue that parents should be held accountable in these situations, reinforcing the value of parental responsibility. On the other side, Allen Marcus argues that we already have a justice system with laws in place, such as negligent entrustment, which can hold parents accountable if they fail to secure dangerous items. 

The debate heats up as we discuss the implications of holding parents criminally liable for their children's actions, the role of mental health and medication, and the broader societal issues at play. We also touch on the historical context of parenting and discipline, and how modern laws and societal changes have impacted the ability of parents to effectively raise their children. 

Join us for a lively and spirited conversation as we tackle these complex and emotionally charged issues.

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