Join me today for Episode 1001 of Bitcoin And . . .
Topics for today:
- South Korea's 9/11 to Allow Infinite Money!
- MARA's Wind Farm is an ASIC Retirement Home
- Virgin Sells All-You-Can-Sail Pass for BTC
- Coinbase is Just Embarrassing
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Good morning. This is David Bennett, and this is Bitcoin and, a podcast where I try to find the edge effect between the worlds of Bitcoin, gaming, permaculture, podcasting, and education to gain a better understanding of all. Edge effect is a concept from ecology describing a greater diversity of life where the edges of 2 systems overlap. While species from either system can be found at the edge, it is important to note there are species in the overlap that exist in neither system, and that is what I seek to uncover. So join me in discovering the variety of things being created as Bitcoin rubs up against other systems. It is 10:38 AM Pacific Standard Time. It's the 4th day of December 2024, and this is the first palindrome episode of the 4 digit episode era of Bitcoin and it's episode 1,000 and 1.
1001, that's a great number man. Alright, so I had a lot of people come out and congratulate me yesterday for a 1,000 shows. And I thank every single one of you that took the time out of your day and the sats out of your wallets to, show me some love. Yesterday was quite a special day, not just because I hit that milestone of a 1000 episodes. It was y'all's reaction to it that made it actually special. If nobody had said a damn thing, it would have been just, well, whoop dee doo. But a lot of people came out of a lot of woodwork and zapped me a shit ton of sats, said some really nice things, said congratulations to me on several occasions, and it honestly wow.
I kinda didn't ex I didn't expect it. I I sure didn't, but I do appreciate it. And we're gonna get all over some of that today, but we've got I've got a big show for you today. I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to finish all this stuff because it just stacked up. It did go days and days and days without a whole bunch of shit going on, and then all of a sudden, a whole bunch of shit goes on, like, all at once. So, Armstress, good morning to you. I'm looking over in ZapStream. I am streaming live. I'm gonna just, you know, try to start doing that more and more. I'm over on
If you need the, if you ever want to do that, you can just go to either look for on Nostra, either look for the, live announcement in the Nostra stream or, you can just go to Nostra stream and put in my pub key and search for me on my pub key, and then you can see exactly what channel that I'm streaming on if you wanna, like, I don't know, keep that as a URL somewhere. I don't know. It's like, you know, it's it's gonna be what it's gonna be, but I promised everybody that I would start doing live again, so I'm just going live.
So, you know, warts and all, and goodbye, God, when you're when you're totally alive, it ain't nothing but warts and all. So let me go over a little preview of what's going on. I'm gonna talk a lot about South Korea today, because we had some real chicanery go on yesterday, and it looks like they're looking for their own little 911 because they need reasons to do certain things. That's that's the way that I'm I'm framing all of that. We'll get into that. Mara, I got a little bit more. I talked about Mara yesterday. Mara, what used to be Mara Digital, it's a huge mining, Bitcoin mining firm.
They're adding a whole bunch of wind power, and now we've got a little bit more detail on what they're gonna do with that wind power. We got Trump making some plays on I what was on the, SEC, I believe. Let's see here. No. For the CFTC, he's got a couple of, picks for that. Coinbase doing engaging in bullshit. I, you know they're engaging in crap. We've got a couple of hacks. I got an internal server error on one of the stories that I wanted to bring you. So oh, here it is. I had to get it back. Virgin is going to launch a cruise product, which is kinda interesting. And Cash App is in the news. But but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but we gotta start we gotta start here with, Bloomberg.
John Wooley is writing this one. Listen up. This just broke, dudes. Well, actually, it came in yesterday, but I I didn't see it until this morning. But the corporate transparency act has been blocked nationwide by a Texas court. If you don't know what I'm talking about, listen up. It's important. This is important. And we're I'm hoping that John will take us through some of the parameters, of what the corporate transparency act was seeking to do, and to understand that Texas said no. So the Corporate Transparency Act and its implementing regulations which require US business entities to report stakeholder information to the treasury department were preliminarily blocked nationwide by a Texas federal court on Tuesday.
Judge Amos l Mazant the third of the US District Court of the Eastern District of Texas issued the injunction at the request of a family run firearms and tactical gear retailer called Texas Top Cop Shop Incorporated, among other co plaintiffs, businesses, and the Libertarian Party of, of all places, Mississippi. Their lawsuit alleged that the CTA falls outside of congress's power to regulate interstate and foreign commerce because it regulates incorporated entities regardless of whether they engage in commercial activity. Quote, for good reason, plaintiffs fear this flanking quasi Orwellian statute and its implications on our dual system of government, Mazant wrote.
The CTA required that an estimated 32,600,000 existing business entities disclose their beneficial owners to the Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network before the year 2025. The government argued that the law's function, which is to crack down on anonymous shell companies and deter money laundering, terrorist financing, and other illicit economic activity. I'm sure that means child sex trafficking because that's always one of the fucking rappers that we get, but that whatever. It falls within congress's regulatory duties. But the CTA still fails to pass muster.
Even if anonymous corporation or corporate operations can be regulated by Congress because the constitution's commerce clause can't be leveraged to compel the disclosure of information for law enforcement purposes, the court's opinion said. Quote, the fact that a company is a company does not knight Congress with some supreme power to regulate them in all aspects, especially through the CTA, which does not facially regulate commerce, Mazzant said. The commerce or the justice department didn't immediately respond for an emailed request for comment. Alright. So what was going on here was that I I'll give you an example of my family companies.
When my dad died, we did not liquidate the companies that he had built. And, you know, honestly, it's one oil company and it was a couple of, like, you know, it was like a a c corp or an s corp and then a personal name incorporation for for him under his personal name. And then a lot of so there was, like, 3 businesses, but really there was only one business and that was drilling for oil and gas. Well, when he died, me and my sister and his widow decided that we were just gonna take over the companies and turn them into something else. Right? We we still, you know, get some money on on the old oil and gas leases, But we are the beneficiaries.
Right? So when we took over the companies, my name, my sister's name, and my, you know, dad's widow's name are all part of these companies. And this corporate transparency act was going to force us to disclose our names, our home addresses, our social security numbers, and pretty much anything else that the feds could get their hands on. And we had to do it by the end of this year or face penalties, which I'm I assume means fines. I don't know if it means jail time, but, I mean, they're they wanna steal our property if we if we didn't do it. And Texas said, no. We're not going to allow you to do that shit.
There's no reason for it. It's not going to help anything. And you really want to start a file on 32,600,000 businesses in this landscape of financial destruction. So I you bless the court federal court of Texas for standing up for the little guy and saying, no. No bullshit. You don't have to disclose all of your beneficiaries' identities. So thank you for that. Now the circle p is open for business. Let's see. Oh, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Yeager says, oddly, your audio is coming through on my left speaker only. Oh, that's interesting because I'm looking at OBS. Wow. That is really strange.
After some technical difficulties that was pointed out by Yegro and a couple of other people in the live chat, I am back. And the circle p is now open for business again. This time with lightning piggy. If you don't know what lightning piggy is, you really should go check it out. And you can go do it at Lightning like a bolt of lightning and piggy like oink, oink, And you'll be able to pick up all the stuff that you need to build a lightning wallet piggy bank. Now you can either use it for yourself if, you know, if you're like a child, you know, an adult sized child, or you can build 1 or 2 or 3 for the kids that you have, no matter however many kids that you got. And what it will do is give them a physical I mean, depends on how you how well you wanna build it. You can get, like, 3 d printed piggies.
The one of the kits comes with just a way to build a cardboard piggy, but it comes with, like, a little computer board and a little screen so that the piggy, no matter how, you know, you got into it, is able to display the balance in satoshis of particular lightning wallet that is represented by that piggy. And that way, you can get your kids to start learning how to save, how to take on chores so that they can earn more satoshis. There's a way to look at the USD balance. So if they're still stuck in that mindset, and they most likely are, they will at least be able to say, hey. That $25 that I earned last month is now worth $28, and I didn't do anything.
And that might actually incentivize them to start saving in Bitcoin because it is a much better savings vehicle and instrument than we have than we've ever had. And that's why we're all here. But it's They have pre built versions. They have kits that you can use to build them yourselves. They take Bitcoin for payment. If you don't take Bitcoin for payment, you're not in the circle p, brothers and sisters. And if you do buy anything from, that's, make sure that you tell them that you heard it here on the Bitcoin and podcast inside the circle p, and maybe, just maybe, they will cut a little bit of, their revenue off and give me some zaps for giving them a little bit of free airtime because this is a value for value proposition.
Everything that I do is value for value. We need to make it work. It's the only way that we're going to move through the hellscape that is the modern media and advertising landscape that we see before us now. But that's not the only hellscape we're looking at, ladies and gentlemen. No. No. No. No. No. Down there in South Korea, they had a little bit of a party yesterday, didn't they? Well, if you don't know what happened, the president of South Korea, which was a president that was elected by the narrowest margin in South Korean history, decided to just install martial law across South Korea. We're not talking North Korea.
This is South Korea. It is a huge market. It is a massive economy. It's the 4th largest economy in all of Asia. It's not when we say South Korea, what you should be thinking is economic and market powerhouse and not some kind of podunk backwater bullshit like North Korea, which is their neighbors to the north. Well, the president did this because he was saying that there was some kind of North Korean threat. Now it wasn't on the border. There wasn't troops massing. Everything was fine, but but but no. No. No. He seems to have been talking about maybe some people in his own parliament were some kind of North Korean agents or had some kind of North Korean sympathies or something. Anyway, he got freaked out. I think the I think the man just went flat paranoid and instead said, hey. It was martial law. Well, 3 hours later, the parliament of South Korea said, no.
We gotta lift that shit. And the president agreed and said, okay. We'll lift the martial law, but parliament needs to have a quorum for you guys to be able to rescind my presidential order because I guess that was a procedural thing. But for hours, the president's, you know, telephone didn't pick up. They kept calling him and calling him to get him to to try to agree to rescind this thing. And when he finally did, he's like, yeah. Sure. But you gotta get a quorum. So it took him a while to get a quorum. And the parliament decided, okay. Yeah. We're gonna we we we have a quorum. We're gonna lift this whole martial law thing, and everything is gonna be peachy. Right? Like like there was nothing going on underneath the surface. Right?
But no. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Yeah. There was something going on underneath the circus, and that's what I wanna pull apart right here. In the business times, about, I don't know, 5, 6, 7 hours after all this shit happened, the Business Times writes this story entitled South Korea vows unlimited liquidity measures after political turmoil, says the Bank of Korea. And the Bank of Korea was going to meet about it. So South Korea's finance ministry said on Wednesday, that was today, this morning, I guess, it is ready to deploy unlimited liquidity into financial markets if needed. If needed. Okay. So we might not need this. But if needed, after president Yoon Suk yol lifted a martial law declaration that he imposed overnight that pushed the won to multiyear lows against the dollar.
The announcement came after finance minister Choi Sang Muk and Bank of Korea governor Ri Chang Yong held emergency meetings overnight and ahead of the BOK's extraordinary meeting session abruptly scheduled for 9 AM local time on Wednesday. All financial FX markets as well as stock markets will operate normally, the government said in a statement. Quote, we will inject unlimited liquidity into stocks, bonds, short term money markets, as well as the forex market for the time being until they are fully normalized, end quote. South Korea's won trim some losses early on Wednesday, but stayed near 2 year lows, Blah blah blah blah. South Korea's parliament with 190 of its 300 members president, present unanimously passed a motion on Wednesday requiring that the martial law be lifted.
US listed South Korean stocks fell while exchange traded products in New York, including iShares, MS, whatever. It that's all bullshit. Let's see. Is there anything else here that actually makes a damn bit of difference? The Korean won fell sharply. Political turmoil comes as Yoon and the opposition control parliament clash over the budget and other measures. Okay. So the whole reasoning behind this martial law that the president set up was because he was saying that there was, you know, some kind of North Korean threat inside of parliament, inside his own government, and it sets off all this thing.
And it's it's amazing. It is fucking amazing to me that within hours, we get the Bank of Korea saying that it is ready to inject unlimited liquidity into their markets. Well, if I go over here, right, if I go over here and I look at this note on Noster from, he says, Dario in Hong Kong and his finger has his finger on the pulse, but I don't know if he knows either, but it's his speculation too. Now that is a direct reply to me. I had put up a note and, basically, you know, put up I I I had just re re noted this one from Gug that said according to Reuters, the South Korean government has announced that it will inject unlimited liquidity into financial markets for as long as necessary in an attempt to calm sentiment.
I renoted that and said, it's not a military coup. It's a monetary coup. Now what what the hell are we talking about here? This boils down to one thing and one thing only. This is South Korea's 911 moment. And if you don't know what that means, one of the major conjectures of what happened in the United States on the on September 11th, it wasn't just about planes hitting the buildings. There was a whole lot of financial chicanery going on underneath, like, the day before. The day before was like the Rumsfeld said that the Pentagon couldn't find, like, something like, I don't know, a $1,000,000,000,000.
One of the buildings that fell on the day of 9:11 had a whole bunch of financial records. That was building 7. Just completely fucking destroyed. Something was going on in the financial markets beneath all that. And one of the theories is that 911 was constructed so that we would have a reason for money printer go burr. And that was the that was the only reason. It wasn't about Larry Silverstein or whoever just he had just bought the 2 twin towers, had them insured for some, like, ungodly amount of 1,000,000,000 amounts of 1,000,000,000 of amounts of dollars, and then was able to collect insurance off of that when those buildings fell. And we got those insurance policies just like a few days before. There's all manner of speculation about you know, there's all kinds of tinfoil hatchery going on.
But I am almost convinced that the entire day was centered around the fact that they high had to hide some financial chicanery that was almost about to bring down the worldwide markets, and that was before 2,008. This is all the way back to 2,001. My belief in that the issue in South Korea is that it's not just the the South Korean country that needed to have their 911 moment. I have a sneaky suspicion. Again, it's a gut feeling and a gut feeling only that South Korea somehow or another is being tasked to inject a shitload of liquidity into their financial market. And since they're the 4th largest economy in Asia, you know what that means.
That means injecting liquidity into a whole shitload of markets all at once. That's that's what I'm thinking. I don't think it had anything to do with North Korean infiltration into the parliament. I don't think it had anything to do with any of that bullshit at all. I think what was happening is that the world, the financial landscape is crumbling at an exponential rate. And we've all we already did our bit for King and Country with 911 to inject mondo amount. And then we did and then we did the pandemic. We did the pandemic, and we were able to inject even more money.
And we we just can't maybe it's got to the point where we just can't print any more dollars, and we need somebody else to take up that mantle. And we look and call South Korea and say, your turn. You're the 4th largest economy in Asia. Your turn. Now can I prove a damn thing of that? No. I cannot. But I'll bet you my bottom dollar it had absolutely nothing to do with North Korean infiltration. But I guess that this is falling on deaf deaf ears, at least as far as The Atlantic. That publication, that rag that's out there, this is ridiculous. I just wanna bring this up. I'm not gonna read this whole story.
But The Atlantic has put out a piece by Brian Klaus entitled South Korea's warning for Washington, and I knew immediately what it was. The Atlantic, not able to see any of the financial bullshit going on, immediately goes to you know who, Trump. I'll read you the first paragraph. A right wing wannabe authoritarian president, a leader who attacks the press, is accused of abusing power for personal gain, uses his power to block investigations into his family's potential corruption, hopes to stay in office to avoid heading to prison, and only seems to have concepts of a plan to address his nation's inflation and health care, declared martial law earlier today. You know who they're really talking about.
And I can prove it because the last paragraph of this bullshit story says, president Yoon's seemingly failed bid to consolidate power under martial law is a cautionary tale for Washington on the eve of a second Trump administration. Sometimes incompetent authoritarians botch plots to seize power. They still damage democratic institutions and norms in the process. And sometimes the power grabs succeed because presidential democracy is not protected by constitutions written with magical ink. Rather, it can survive its moments of greatest peril through the actions of brave people who cherish ideals more than power. As Linz warned, such people are not always in plentiful supply.
So we have this we have this lensing going on with what's left of the mainstream media, and all they can see is Trump. All they can see is Trump. That that's it. It turns out that parliament is now seeking to impeach this president of South Korea. I don't know if it's gonna happen or not because I don't think it doesn't all that shit, these are just players upon the stage. The only thing that really matters is the theater. And the theater that we're playing in right now is 100% wholly financial and economic based. It has nothing to do with the actors. Because each one of the plays that could be shown to you upon this stage are merely just plays.
It's the theater that matters. It's the theater of operations. And inside this theater of operations, it is my wholehearted belief that this dude was set up to do this shit somehow so that the Bank of Korea could inject mondo amounts. Essentially, when they mean when they say that they're ready to inject liquidity, there's one other way to read that. Money printer go brrr. That's all this shit is. And if you believe anything else, I think you're you would find yourself as being distracted. Don't get distracted. It's all about the money. It's not about the players on the stage.
Okay. Back over here into the United States, I got Derek Anderson writing for Cointelegraph, Mara rolls out advanced ASIC recycling with wind power. Now me, myself, I've kind of been wondering about this shit. So I I I think that ASICs are have a lot longer life than anybody actually believes, but it all depends on how how your power is priced. Right? So Mara, the Nasdaq listed cryptocurrency miner formerly known as Marathon Digital, has acquired a wind farm in Hansford County, Texas, and the facility will see the first implementation of the company's advanced ASIC retirement initiative or the AARI.
Ari. Mara announced a definitive agreement for the acquisition of the facility on December 3rd. It has a 114 megawatts of operational wind generation and 240 megawatts of interconnection capacity that is, capacity that has not yet been connected to the power grid. There is more than twice as much interconnection capacity as installed capacity in the United States, so the farm's output would have likely been curtailed if it weren't for MARS acquisition. Most interconnection capacity comes from alternate power sources. MARA will not seek to connect the facility to the power grid. Rather, it will use the energy to power a data center.
MARA will run last generation application specific integrated circuits or ASICs at the facility as part of a debuting program it calls the advanced ASIC retirement initiative. The equipment would otherwise have been written off or sold on the secondary market, Mara chairman and CEO Fred Teal said, quote, by repurposing machines and energizing them with 100% renewable zero marginal energy cost, we're leveraging renewable resources that would have otherwise been curtailed, reducing our Bitcoin production cost through vertical integration, and demonstrating Mars' commitment to environmental stewardship, end quote.
That's, honestly, that's all we need to know about this. That's all we need to know. Because Fred Teal is not an idiot. You may not like him. I'm not a huge fan. I don't hate him, but I'm not a huge fan. But the guy's brilliant. And what he's doing here is he's using the whole greenwashing thing to simply mine Bitcoin. He's just doing it in a way that makes sense. So what do I mean by that? Lots of us think that, you know, climate change or or well, okay. Climates can and do change. As to whether or not it's anthropomorphic or generated by humans or we're all gonna die because of it or c o these are all perceptions that have been presented to us by the media.
And everybody's got so enthralled with, oh my god. Oil is gonna kill us. Carbon dioxide is gonna kill us. Plastic is going to kill us. Everything is going to kill us that everybody just wants to shut everything down or to force everybody into this pigeonhole of you better be green and use batteries and use electric cars, and then you're okay with us. Essentially, I'm talking about the left handed side of the aisle. These guys that really they either believe or want you to believe that they believe that they are green and that electric cars are gonna save the planet. And that's all bullshit. But as long as they're as they and their constituency truly believe this, then what happens is that people like me start thinking of ways to use that to couch something that I want to do and say, look, this is good for the environment, whether you like it or not. For me, I do I think a lot about using, biochar manufacturing to produce syngas.
That syngas can run electrical generators because you could just, like, burn it through a through, like, a v 12 and power an electrical generator and use that to mine Bitcoin with. But then I produce a whole bunch of biochar because of that process. And then I can tell people that when I put it into the soil, I'm sequestering carbon. Now you'll look at me and say, well, you're not really being fair about that. You're you're kinda lying. Not really. Because I want as much recalcitrant carbon in the soil, not because I don't want it in the air, but because what I know it can physically do in the soil. It retains a shit ton of nutrients. It retains 7 times its weight in water. It doesn't like to let go of this stuff. It is an excellent pH buffer.
It does all it provides homes for bacteria and fungi. It builds the highest quality soil you will ever see in your life. So therefore, because I'm a soil nerd, I want recalcitric carbon in the soil. But if I just take 10 seconds out of my day and go, oh, that means that I could make the greenies happy by saying that I'm sequestering carbon. That's what Peter Thiel is doing. He doesn't give a shit about whether or not the wind is renewable or the power is renewable. He gives a shit about 0 marginal energy cost and the ability to not have to trash miners after they're out of their, you know, their their effective cycle.
It's just about it's just about being efficient. But he's putting the green label all over it so that the lefties will go, oh, well, maybe this is a good idea. Anyway, so that's sort of where Mara is going with this. And honestly, I kinda give Fred Teal a little bit of applause for that one. I am just not going to talk about the 2 crypto friendly women who are being considered to lead the Commodity Futures Trading Commission according to a report from Fox Business. I will, however, just tell you their names. President-elect Donald Trump is considering appointing either a woman named Perri Anne Boring or Carolyn Pham.
And both of them apparently have pro crypto credentials. So the Trump train rolls on. He's continuously doing the thing that he does. And we'll see how that works out. We'll see if he actually gets any of these people in and whether or not they actually want to, you know, do something positive for Bitcoin. Alright. Saving Satoshi. This is a practice focused game for learning Bitcoin development. So we're over here in Bitcoin development land. This is out of no bs Saving Satoshi is a lighthearted interactive science fiction story and a technical game for developers of all ages who want to learn how Bitcoin works.
The gameplay involves a combination of technical text and coding challenges suitable for individuals with basic coding skills. Beginners can easily grasp the fundamentals, whereas more advanced learners can can challenge portions or have challenge portions and discover hidden Easter eggs. Players of Saving Satoshi can learn how to find and decode the hidden message in the Genesis block, elliptic curve cryptography, message signing and verification, how to build a transaction, how to build a block template, basics of Bitcoin script, how the lightning network actually works, and more. Quote, Bitcoin is serious, but this game is designed to be fun. We hope you enjoy what we have created and welcome contributions, write the developers.
So it's a game that you can play. And while you're playing it, you learn how Bitcoin works. Maybe not to the technical, you know, expertise of somebody like, you know, Peter Woola, but you're gonna learn how Bitcoin works at least at a sophomore level. Yeah. And this is my favorite application of video games. I gotta say, I have always loved video games that are actually engaging, actually fun, use good art, have good sound, Have great motion where somebody really built the thing, but it's an education. It's an educational game. And educational games, by and large, for the last 50 years, have sucked ass. Because nobody really knows how to educate somebody.
And at the time when they were trying to do that and link it to a video game, it was just, let's take these two things and shove them together and maybe we'll be able to make $1,000,000. And they didn't really care about either end of it. They didn't care about making a good video game, and they didn't care about making a good educational component. So they shoved them together, and they had twice as much of crap as anybody else. I'm hoping that Saving Satoshi actually does the thing that it purports to do. I'll go check it out and maybe report it report on it back to you later. But in the meantime, let's run the numbers.
CNBC Futures and Commodities, but first, breaking news. The CEO of UnitedHealthcare, Brian Thompson, has been shot dead in New York, apparently in a targeted attack. That's one of the trending stories on the sidebar of CNBC. UnitedHealthcare is a huge organization. I mean, ultra massive organization. It's one of the largest healthcare providers that there is. And their CEO was just gunned down in New York. Man, we are in for some interesting times, dude. 2025 is gonna be chock full of shit, dude. Oil is down 1.62%, back down to $68.81 a barrel. Brent Norsee, down a point and a half to 7253.
Natural gas moving sideways. Gasoline is down almost a full point to a buck 94 a gallon. Gold is up a quarter of a point, but silver is up 1.11%. Platinum is down over 1%. Copper is down well, it's actually moving sideways. And palladium is up almost a half. Biggest winner in ag today is chocolate. 4.3% to the upside. Biggest loser today looks to be sugar. Nope. Lumber, 1% to the downside. Live cattle down almost a half. Lean hogs up 1.65%. No. It's down 1.65 percent. Feeder cattle down almost a full percent. The Dow is up almost a half. S and P is up point 38%.
Nasdaq is up almost a full point, and the S and P mini is down point 14%. And the price of Bitcoin is at $96,690. That is a $1,910,000,000,000 market cap, and we can get 36.4 ounces of shiny metal rocks with our 1 Bitcoin of which there are 19,000,000 791,183.48 of. And average fees per block are low. 0.08 BTC taken in fees on average on a per block basis, of which there are 98 blocks carrying 268,000 unconfirmed transactions. Being confirmed at high priorities rates of, 8 satoshis per v byte, low priority is gonna get you in at 6. Mining hash rate is at 3 739.7 exahashes per second on a 1 week rolling average.
Now from yesterday's 1 thousandth episode of bitcoin and I entitled it bitcoin and 1 k proof of work, proof of ramble, which I have a tendency to do. I got Armstress oh, shit. 25,000 satoshis. He just came in 23 hours ago. Says congrats on 1,000. Here's too many more. Dude, my buddy, thank you so much for those kind words and the kind sats. Jay with 21,000. Jeez. Everyone congratulate none new business for 1,000 episodes of Bitcoin and hashtag proof of work. My friends are coming out of the woodwork. Juwang with 20,000 sats says hero.
I don't always wear a cape. Q w. Oh, hey, q w, which was, I recently, was on Plev Chain Radio. He gives me 10,000 sat, says, congratulations, David. Don't stop believing in yourself and what you were achieving in the space. Thank you. User 115-56842 with 10,001 sats. That is a nice palindrome number. You get partial credit for getting the 4242 reference yesterday. Sailor's 42 plan is 21 21 hold on. 21 slash 21 bikillion plan. Bill Bilkian plan. Congratulations on rolling the odometer. Cheers. Golf winch with 10,000 says, I bought a bidax to learn more about mining. I look forward to hearing more about your experience with yours. Congratulations on reaching 1,000 shows. You are now a confirmed feckin legend. HBH Gardens with 10,000?
Damn, son. Congrats, good sir. Thank you. God's death with 10,000 says congratulations, fellow sir, what an accomplishment. Thank you. Big sexy with 5,000 says congrats. Thanks for reading me the Bitcoin news all these years. Palpi with 21100 says congrats POW. Pies to play with 1,000 says, congratulations on 1 k, my brother. Powlfg. Heather Larson with a 1,000, 1 k episodes, 1 k sats, congrats on 1 k. Yeager with a 1,000 says, congratulations on episode 1,000. Thanks thanks thank you for your service, sir. Keep hammering. I appreciate that.
No waste BTC signs with 1,000 says, congrats. Perma Nerd with a 1000 says here's to another 1,000. You get better at podcasting all the time. Nostra Gang of 400, thank you. No thank you. QW, never stop pumping the signal. And the wild hustle ends us off with never stop, and I never will. That's the weather report. Welcome to part 2 of the news that you can use. Coinbase has asked users to stop using VPNs and ad blockers. What the hell do you want me to do? Use harsh language? Whatever, man. Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the United States, has faced significant online backlash, you think, in recent days following an executive social media statement advising all users against using the platform with VPNs, ad blockers, and related extensions.
Scott Shapiro, director or product director at Coinbase, did the advising against utilizing VPNs, and he clarified that Coinbase risk model flags VPN usage suspicious, commonly linking it to malicious activities even if the user is genuine. Because why not why not just think that everybody you see is an automatic criminal? Why? Well, I mean, let's just dispense with pleasantry, shall we? Next person I see in the grocery store, I'm going to assume that he's fucking child sexual predator and money launderer, and he's probably financing terrorists in Zimbabwe.
The next guy I see, I'm going to make all those assumptions about him, and the next girl, and the next person, and the little 4 year old baby that's in the stroller. You're all fucking terrorists. Really? For fuck's sake. PSA. Don't use a VPN to access Coinbase. Attackers always use VPN, so our risk model takes that as a negative sign even if you're legitimately using your own account. Same with ad blockers and other extensions, he said on Twitter. Unsurprisingly, this statement has drawn scrutiny. Nick Percoco says crypto users are some of the most privacy and security minded users on the planet. There are also places on the planet where is it is physically dangerous to access a exchange without a VPN masking their destination from the local ISP.
You are making some of your users choose between financial freedom and physical safety. Lolalits, let's see what she says. Coinbase last week last week, Flagging all crypto users as high risk because a few fraudulent projects is discriminatory banking. Coinbase this week. Criminals use VPNs, so we flag all VPN users. James says, funny joke. Now delete Coinbase. No one should have to sacrifice security and their choice to use a VPN in the face of Coinbase being unable to do proper due diligence without considering VPNs equaling being a scammer.
Do better, Coinbase. And, honestly, if you're using Coinbase, if you're listening to my voice and you're using Coinbase, stop. You don't have to use Coinbase. There's all manner of other places that you can go to go get your Bitcoin. And if you have to trade it and be a degenerate, yeah, sure, then go use Kraken. You don't need to use Coinbase. There's no reason to use Brian Armstrong's outfit. He's never liked Bitcoin. He never will like Bitcoin. He clearly doesn't like his users. I don't know why anybody still uses Coinbase at all.
But, no. I'm not gonna do that one. It just makes me wanna take a vacation, possibly on Virgin Voyages because they've launched their first cruise product and it's accepting Bitcoin. Tristan Greene from Cointelegraph, Virgin Voyages announced the launch of its new annual pass program starting in 2025 alongside news that it would become the 1st cruise product to accept cryptocurrency. According to the recent blog post, the company will accept Bitcoin as payment for the new service with a standard upfront fee of a $120,000 plus taxes applied per individual cruise.
This is interesting. There's no indication as to when or if Virgin Voyages will consider expanding, its cryptocurrency options to allow people to use shit coins. Annual pass offers unlimited cruises over the course of 1 year on a limited first come first served basis. The company said that the offering was conceived after the success of its season pass program, which was aimed primarily at remote workers. Richard Branson, the owner of Virgin, said, quote, what started as a sought after work from sea concept with our season pass has evolved into something even more. Now sailors can jump aboard any of our ships across an endless variety of exciting destinations for an entire year.
We're offering unlimited opportunities for adventure in a way that has never been done in cruising before. Alright. So that's all we really need to know about that is that there's there's 2 things here that are really important. Richard Branson owns Virgin. Right? Virgin Airlines, Virgin Space, Virgin Records when he was still actually doing Virgin Records, and this cruise line named Virgin Voyages. All of Richard Branson's stuff is brand branded Virgin. Right? So he's offering an annual pass. Like, think of having an annual like, a season pass to a ski resort.
As long I mean, you pay a shit ton of money for it, but you just you put the thing around your neck and you can go ski that day and pay nothing because you've already paid it all upfront. He just took that concept and moved it to, for an entire year, any of his cruise ships. If if I guess I guess it's one of those things where you gotta book it, but as long as you hold the you pay the $120,000 for the annual pass, as long as you book it, you don't pay. Because you've already paid a $120,000. Honestly, that's kinda cool. I mean, if you're that kind of person. I am not that big of a cruise fan. And even if I was, a $120,000 is not something that I wanna pay. But there's a lot of people that you know, you got d gens that are, like, getting liquidated on fucking bit what? Bitfinex, like, all day long. I mean, I'm seeing longs and shorts being just people losing 10 Bitcoin at a time. These are the people that probably might wanna do something like this.
But the other important thing is is that he's accepting, as far as we can tell, Bitcoin only. He didn't start out with Bitcoin and BCH and BSV and Ether and Tron and Solana and whatever. He just said Bitcoin. We'll have to see if anybody takes him up on it. Still, though, kind of an interesting idea to just jump jump ship and go wherever the hell you wanna go. Bad news is that Cash App has dropped its 0 fee Bitcoin cash tag transfers. Adam Smutsky from Decrypt. Cash App has ended its support for free peer to peer bitcoin payments. Quote, Cash App will no longer support sending and receiving bitcoin between cash tags. This is important.
Starting on December 20th, a recent announcement read. However, customers outside of New York can still use Lightning Network to send or receive Bitcoin. And furthermore, Bitcoin gifts will also still be available, the company said. The changes only involve Bitcoin support with transfers made in fiat currency not being affected. A Cash App spokesperson told Decrypt that the decision was taken to focus on internal resources on the products and services that Bitcoin holders on the app use and value the most. The company representative also claimed the fee the firm remains committed to building innovative, accessible products for customers to use Bitcoin.
All this means is that you used to be able to like, I have a cash tab. I have a cash tag on my Cash App. If you were also in like another cash app user and you had a cash tag, you could send me Bitcoin for free with that cash tag. Nobody used it. I never used it. I never sent a single satoshi to anybody using my Cash App cash tag. That's why they're ending it. It has nothing to do with regulatory landscape or anybody coming, you know, men with guns breaking down their doors. It's nothing to do with that. There's simply sunsetting a service that nobody really used. And, honestly, that makes a lot of sense. If your if your customers aren't going to use a service, it doesn't make any sense to spend money trying to completely keep that service in line.
Now the United States has dumped $18,000,000 in worthless ether exposing the scam written remains of the FTX and Alameda debacle. Yes. They dumped $18,000,000 of ETH. That is Arcam Intelligence told us about this. They had they were still they were watching the same wallet as remember yesterday and the day before? And people were freaking out. Yeah. That was Monday. Freaking out because the United States government moved 20,000 or 19.2000 Bitcoin to Coinbase Prime, it turns out that that's where the the the wallet was? Yeah. Yeah. And and the price dumped?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, apparently, you can dump $18,000,000 of this bullshit cryptocurrency called ether, and nothing happens to the price. It just goes up. Am I does that mean that I like ether? No. I'm just saying that there's this weird differential between when the United States government moves so much as a single satoshi people lose their mind, but they dump $18,000,000 of this bullshit onto the market, and all of a sudden nobody cares. They don't care about the fact that they're just got rid of a whole bunch of their ether. No. No. No. That's fine. But you move a single satoshi, if you're the United States government, and people start tearing their hair out.
Whatever. It doesn't matter. If you are an eclair user, eclair version 0.11.0 is out. It has official Bolt 12 support, splicing, liquidity ads, and on the fly funding prototypes. And this is a rather large release. So I just want to read about Bolt 12. Where's bolt 12? There we go. Official support for bolt 12. Eclair, this release contains full support, not partial support, not kinda alpha support, not beta support, but fucking full support for Bolt 12, finally. Generating a Bolt 12 offer is more complex due to the use of blinded paths which ensure that your identity remains confidential during payment receipts. Quote, we haven't yet figured out how to create default blinded paths that work for any topology.
So instead of providing unsafe defaults, we let node operators dynamically configure their blinded paths using plugins. The Bolt 12 tip jar plugin is a good example of how to configure your node, said the developers. So that's what I really wanted to get at is that the new Eclair wallet supports Bolt 12 payments. We've been wanting this for a long time. I don't like having to resolve or render receipts in in my wallet, have my wallet read it, and then figure out who the hell it needs to go to and how much it's for. It's like another it's a whole step I don't want. Right? Well, 12 allows me to have a single address that people can send me money and somehow or another somehow or another, it stays the same, but to the outside world, it it's not the same.
That's as nutshell of, explanation that I can give you on bolt 12. We've been wanting bolt 12 for years. We're finally seeing bolt 12 get rolled out. Now it got rolled out to Eclair. That's all I care about, and that is going to do it for the show today. Thank you for being here, for all you guys that were in the Zapdot stream chat. I appreciate you being here. I'm good. I'll do it again, I promise. It may not be for every show, but I'm going to try to do it for many many shows. At least 3 out of the week, if I do a full, 5 shows per week. I want at least 3, maybe 4 of them, to be enabled. All right. With all that said, just remember, this whole South Korea thing is probably gonna get very, very ugly.
And that is probably going to be further cover for them being able to print a shit ton of money and have cover for it. That that's all I that's my gut feeling. But this probably does not end here. It's probably not over today. Even if they impeach that president, if they still need to to bolster their entire markets, which were failing the day before, they were having some serious issues with some of their stock markets the day before, and then all of a sudden, magically, this this, you know, president provides a crisis that shouldn't be, you know, left to waste.
And now they have cover to print mondo amounts of money. I don't even know why the Bank of Korea even made a statement that they had unlimited liquidity. Unlimited liquidity. Unlimited dollars. You know, unlimited won. That means printing the money. I don't think it had anything to do with North Korea. I think it's all a sham. It's all bullshit. And it's all being done because the legacy financial markets are crumbling at an exponential rate. You keep that in mind, and I'll see you on the other side. This has been Bitcoin, and and I'm your host, David Bennett. I hope you enjoyed today's episode and hope to see you again real soon. Have a great day.
Introduction and Podcast Milestone
South Korea's Political Turmoil