Evan Kaloudis is the New York based developer behind Zeus Lightning Wallet, a phenomenal Open Source Android/iOS app that connects with your Bitcoin/Lightning node on the go. Connect to your node over VPN or Tor, make payments with lightning or on-chain and manage your Lightning channels.
Evan got his start on web projects building a music blog called ‘Beats Per Minute’ which he still publishes. After University, he worked in Cybersecurity Engineering for six years and now specialises as a Cyber Defense Network Analyst. Alongside Zeus, he’s an advisor to Hexa Wallet and also works on an a mysterious, undisclosed Lightning project (very hush hush about this unfortunately). He’s a big React Native fan.
21ism feature page - https://21ism.com/portfolio-item/evan-kaloudis/
twitter - @evankaloudis
website - https://zeusln.app
As always please feel free to reach out and ask me any questions.
Website - https://www.bit-buy-bit.com
Twitter - @BitBuyBitPod
Email - [email protected]
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