Host Cole McCormick navigates through a whirlwind of events and emotions from his kitchen in North Hollywood, Los Angeles. As the city grapples with devastating fires, Cole shares his personal experiences and reflections on the destruction, particularly focusing on the Palisades and Altadena fires. Amidst the chaos, Cole delves into the controversy surrounding raw milk, which was banned due to bird flu concerns but has now returned to shelves. He criticizes the government's handling of the situation, expressing frustration over regulatory overreach.
The episode also explores the tumultuous landscape of digital media, focusing on the recent TikTok ban and its subsequent reversal. Cole examines Google's role in lobbying against TikTok.
Throughout the episode, Cole reflects on the challenges of living in Los Angeles, contemplating whether to stay or leave, and the broader societal issues that need addressing. He emphasizes the importance of spreading love and light in a world that often feels dark and chaotic. The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to support the show through the value-for-value model, encouraging engagement and contributions to sustain the podcast.
My friends gofundme
We're getting through it together. What's up, everyone? It's America Plus. I'm your host, Cole McCormick. It's another week. Another episode. What's going on, everybody? Happy to be here. It's Sunday, January 19th, 8:47 in the PM. What's up, everybody? I'm coming to you from my kitchen in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, man. Safe from the fires and awaiting the inauguration of 1 Donald j Trump, dude. So he's almost president, dawg. He's almost president. LA's almost burned completely. We're, we're about a it's a sick, sick, well done out here on the on the Golden Coast, folks. We are as charred as charred can be, dude. You like some do you like flesh? Do you like charred flesh?
Do you like your meat charred? What's the other word for it? Do you like your barbecue cooked? Because that's the shit we're going through right now, dawg. I got so much to talk about. We're talking about the fires. We're talking about oh, raw milk. I need to talk about raw milk this week because the same week LA's burning down is the same week raw milk that was banned for like a month and a half. I wasn't able to buy my normal raw milk brand for over a month and a half. That was finally put back on the shelves because the bogus situation with bird flu I'll get into it.
It's finally back. And then we gotta talk about this TikTok stuff with a little bit of Trump. Okay? I just need to do this. It's my American right. Okay? It's my American right. I'm happy to be recording right now because it has been a insane last 2 weeks, the last 14 days. Like, the last time I saw you guys, LA was fine. And it was good. It was good to be alive. And now, I'm living in a completely different era, dude. It's incredible how much time changes with in just a matter of weeks. So just to kick things off. Okay? So the fire started on Tuesday, and, or like, like Tuesday, 2 weeks ago, I guess. And they just increasingly got worse and worse and worse and worse. And there were some insane winds on a Wednesday night.
Winds were reaching up to 100 miles per hour. And, the entire area if you don't already know, the entire, it's called the Palisades. It's called Topanga. The I used to work in this area, dude. This entire field, this mountain of beautiful homes, and trees, and bush caught on fire. No one knows how. Parsonist. But no one knows how. And, the the the exact location where one might want to plan on living if they have multiple of 1,000,000 of dollars in California, the only location where it might be nice to live if you have money in Southern California, that's not San Diego, is on fire and charred to the fucking bone, dude. Like, it's it's it's terrible.
It's terrible. It's absolutely horrendous. And, I witnessed it, dude. I've never been in a proxy of a natural disaster like that. That's what I've been dealing with. Now luckily, where I'm at in North Hollywood, we're okay. We're fine. We had a little bit of smoke. Like, there were just some fires because of, like, electrical lines falling down, but no, like, no trees were on fire. They're like it was just it wasn't like a problem out here. Okay? So luckily, there was that. But I was also in the middle of the entire thing. I was in the smack dab middle of multiple fires. There was 2 big ones and, like, 3 other smaller ones.
So ironically enough, I I used to work near the Palisades when I was at the, dispensary. The other fire, which is referred to as the Eaton fire, which is in this area called, Altadena, California. It's right by another city where I work in called Pasadena, California. That that's where my Russ Chris is. That was a so both fires are devastating, but in my opinion, the Altadena one is a bit more devastating, because I know people who lost their homes in that one. I don't know anyone who lives in the Palisades. I sort of I I made acquaintances with some people who who live who lived over there in Malibu and Topanga when I was, delivering weed. But, you know, I don't keep in contact with these folks. Hopefully, they're okay.
I literally know 2 people. I have 2 coworkers. I have a friend who lost their homes. One of them, luckily, he was just renting a room out of this home. So it's not like a major financial devastation. You know? It's not like he put a bunch of money, and he put a bunch of like, years into this home. But regardless, he still lost like most of his belongings, and that's like really sad. Luckily, he was able to find a new place to rent. So he he is housed. Thank God. And my other friend, who's a girl, this is what's really hit me. She lost 2 childhood homes. She lost her mom's house, and she lost her aunt's house.
Okay? The Altadena 1 the Altadena fire is a bigger hit in my book because Altadena is the area where you're going to get the, the generational wealth. As in, the home is the generational wealth. And, it's a little sad, dude. It's it's really sad, actually. And it's just bullshit. It's real bullshit. And everyone's gonna comment about how incompetent Los Angeles is, which is true. And everyone's gonna comment about how it's, how there's political footballs being thrown around, which is true. But I'm really going through a situation where I know someone who's lived through this, and I've never known anyone who's gone through something like this. Like, this is the first time I've ever gone through this.
And, the good thing is, like, the bright side is that, her family does have a GoFundMe, and and I would like to promote that, in this episode. The link is in the description. I would love for you, if you are if you have the instinct to help out, please help out my friend, Bree, and her family. They literally lost their homes. And so, like, that's just some real fucking shit, dude. That is some real fucking bull shit. All caps, dude. Like, every time I see my co okay. So every time I see Bree now, I'm giving her a giant hug. I told her this, and it's happening.
I'm I I don't know how else to express my love to her. I don't know how else to express my love. Growing up, I realized, like, I was sort of taught and told that my love language was, like, touch. Like, I I express and I receive love through touch most conveniently. Like, that's how I feel it the most. And so hugging people, holding someone's hand, you know, sitting next to them, cuddling, like, this is, like, this is my love language, you know. So I I like, the only way I can, like, do anything for her is to hug her.
And it's just like, you can feel her, dude. Like, it's such an insane thing to feel a person's body and soul through a tragedy. You know, and I I I've already gone through this thing with my with my family. You know, and it's just like, wow. Like, wow. Like, wow. It makes me laugh because of, like, how much pain there is. It's like, wow. I can't I can't imagine. And she's in a hotel right now. They're raising the GoFundMe. I don't know if the I I I don't know anything about their plans, but, you know, the Altadena situation is sad because that is where families inherited homes to their children.
And even if the child wasn't doing well, they still had a home to go to, and now they don't. And that's pretty sad, you know. And then I also feel really bad for the past for the Palisades people, dude. Like, you know, can you imagine can you imagine making 1,000,000 of dollars and doing everything right? You know, quote unquote everything right within, like, finances, and you have 1,000,000 of dollars to spend, and you live in Southern California, aren't you supposed to get real estate in Malibu? Isn't that like like like, there what other option do you have? Like, if you have $5,000,000, are you not buying the house in Malibu?
Like, you have to. You should. It's there. It's Malibu. If you've never been to Malibu, like, it's everything in the fucking movies. It's beautiful, dude. It's beautiful. Fucking Hannah Montana lived in Malibu, dude. It's gorgeous, and it's gorgeous for a reason, and now it's gone. It's gone. Because of incompetence, because of weather, because of arsonists, whatever you wanna call it, dude. Whatever. So just shout out to everyone there. When it comes to America Plus, how do we rebuild? So there's conspiracies about LA wanting to to build out this whole, like, quote unquote, LA 2 point o. That's an official plan that came out in 2020.
And this whole thing is about, getting ready, like, building out LA, a smart LA city, in time for the Olympics in 2028. And they don't want any cars driving around the city. They want everyone to be taking public transportation. They want you to be on this app, and they want everything to be delivered, and they want you to be on these monorails, and buses, and trains, and zoop, zoop, zoop, just zipping around. And for some reason, all these projects that keep getting funded through tax money is not being completed. The we were we've been spending, like, over a $150,000,000,000 on some bullshit train from San Francisco to LA, which had which has barely broken ground. Like, they've barely dug the moat for this thing.
And now we got, like, double the double that that money, double the, the liability with within the Palisades, and they're talking about rebuilding. I don't understand how we're gonna rebuild. I think it's fucked, dude. I'm moving through the situation where, like, is LA even LA hasn't been good for a long ass time. LA hasn't been good. Do I leave? Do I stay? Where do I go? What's the plan? I don't know. I know that we're moving further into darkness as an earth, and I have a deeper instinct to somehow bring light into the earth.
That is happening through my actions, and through my meditations, and through my words, and through my love, and, you know, does and clearly LA, clearly California needs light. Clearly, California needs love. And so that's, like, a part of my instinct to stay, but then, like, the, like, human side, practical, grounded side of me is, like, yeah. But you'd, like, what about the finances? Like, what about, like, what's the plan here, Cole? Like, what are you really doing? Like, are can you really do it? You know? Like, the human side of me, my ego is, like, can you really do it? Yeah. Can you really? You really think you can get through it? You really? You you you sure about that? You sure about that, son?
Yeah? Okay. Okay. And so I I'm moving through these dichotomies. Moving through these different realities. So just living through that dude. Just trying to spread my love throughout everyone and, you know, when something happens in LA, it's almost like it happens to everyone who lives in LA, which is sort of funny. Maybe everyone everyone in LA wants to be a victim. I think that's what that's a part of. But, my heart goes out to everyone who lost a home, and and I really hope things get better. And I I I hope these people get back their home somehow, someway. Like, can there be a best of both worlds? Can we build a better city, and people live in homes?
Is that too idealistic? We'll see. We'll see, man. But it's it's been wild. And just to tell you what I did. So I wasn't out here the entire time. Like, I ran off to Arizona. There was a preplanned trip to Arizona, and then the fires happened. And I was like, well, this is an early trip now. I I left early and, had a great time with my family. We went up north. We were actually so before my dad died, he won this weekend at the cabin at this auction that he went to. And so we we, like, we redeemed that thing, and, we we we redeemed that that Airbnb. And there was this beautiful cabin up in Pinetop, Arizona. And Pinetop, you know, it's a it's in Northern Arizona.
The beautiful thing about Arizona is that there's snow up there. And that's the unique thing about that state. You know? It you get these, like, barren deserts, but then up north, you got these beautiful pine trees and snow and ski resorts and mountains and just really nice, dude. And so I was there. It was it was very healing. I felt very good to be there, and I was able to breathe, which was nice, dude. Like, just to be able to breathe fresh, crisp air. You know? I don't think it I don't think a lot of people really have that experience. It's so different, you know. Like, even me breathing now, like, it's like it's like denser. It's like and maybe the it's because the windows are closed. But I like, just in LA in general, it's just a denser, thicker, smoggier air.
And when you're up north in the snow, you can just you feel lighter. And so I I really appreciated that. So it it was a good weekend with my family. It was a bad weekend for Los Angeles, and I continue to move forward. We'll see where it goes. The next thing I wanna get to is raw milk. So the same week this is all happening, the same era, the the last 6 weeks or 7 weeks, I should say, the raw farm raw farms, the place where I went to and camped camped out with the cows, this milk has been banned from the stores. All their products, their cheeses, their creams, their their milk, their kefir, it's been banned from the shelves because of some bogus story about bird flu.
Before the fires, there is a, quote, unquote, state of emergency in California for bird flu. Somehow infected birds were getting inside of the milk supply. It was a real bullshit thing, dude. I think, like, one person died in Louisiana or something. Like, the person who died from bird flu wasn't even in California. And within this state, there was zero reported illnesses of bird flu being connected to raw milk. It was literally like a precautionary thing, like an overreach of regulation. They said, bird flu is existing. Bird flu is popping up. We need to shut you down because there's a quote, unquote higher risk of bird flu in raw milk. Even though that's not true. Like, I know for a fact that the farm does 2 separate tests on the cow and on the milk to check for pathogens.
And they are, like, intently, like, rigorously regulated with these tests. And for some reason, the state was saying the tests were positive for bird flu, but the farm test said that it was negative for bird flu. And so and they tried playing good. They tried, like, the the they tried working with the state, and, you know, we just had to wait it out. Thank god, Raw Farms was able to to get out of whatever legal predicament they were in, but it took 7 weeks. You know? This is an example of you know, the California state government, not only are they incompetent of fighting fires, but they're literally picking wars with family farms, dude.
Family farms. I literally shook the hands of these of these people. I can tell you straight up, this milk is safe. I recommend this milk. I recommend drinking raw milk from this one farm, at least. Like, I love this farm. Raw Farms is incredible. And to just sit to just sit there and to just, like, read all these bullshit statements from the government saying how dangerous it is, saying how first of all, how dangerous bird flu is, 2nd of all, saying how dangerous raw milk is. Like, come on, dude. Like, this is stupid. This is stupid. Like, stop treating us like children, dude. For some reason, the the government wants to treat its citizens like we're kids.
And that's something that I can't fucking stand, dude. Like, stop treating me like I'm a chi like I'm a child, Kyle. Stop it, Kyle. You take away my milk like I'm a fucking 2 year old, and you expect me to, like, just roll over like a baby? No. We're gonna keep fighting. We're gonna keep posting about it. We're gonna keep calling you out on your bullshit, and it's just a matter of time before the governor leaves, dude. It's a matter of time before this lying ass governor, news Newscom, before he leaves, dude. It it's just ridiculous. And then and I move through these emotions. I move through anger.
Right? When I think about these things, like, this governor, this mayor. And I have a clip of how of just to give you a small example of the incompetent. It's a silly example. But it's, these people are incompetent, and they speak out of their ass. And even when they fuck up, they just keep on going as if they didn't. And here's a great example of that, the LA mayor.
[00:19:11] Unknown:
This is an active situation, And conserve water to the extent that you can. We want to make sure that we are ready if we need more water. But make no mistake, Los Angeles will rebuild stronger than ever. Right now, if you need help, emergency information, resources, and shelter is available. Here it comes. All of this can be found at URL.
[00:19:38] Unknown:
At URL. Thank you, ladies. Thank you so much. Thank you for the link, lady. Holy shit. Thank you for the u r URL. U r l. Los Angeles? It's so stupid, dude. Even when they do that, they think they're doing right. They think they're helping, and then they don't. And this is the the situation I'm in. And this is just this isn't just California, you know, this is every government around the world. You know, every government's lying. Every government is pretending to protect under the guise of love or under the guise of whatever, dude. Security.
What did the empire say? The emperor say in, in Star Wars? Like, we will secure the galaxy. Like, something like that. Like, a more secure republic. Like, some bullshit like that, dude. That's what they say. Like, we got some we got a bunch of mini emperor Palpatines running around the state of California here, acting like fires are acting like the entire city being on fire is natural. And raw milk will kill you. Not like the fires will kill you. It's wild. It's wild. I did do a little video about, oh, wait. Is it still here? Yeah. It's still here. I I did a little, video. I I got a few 1,000 views on Instagram, with this thing. Alright. So I just got the word that Raw Farms is back in stock. Yeah, baby. I'm about to head a scrap. Let's see if I can get myself a gallon or 2. Yeah, dude. I felt good with that.
I'm trying to, like, post more videos. Right? And so I I needed to post about raw milk. The thing that brings me okay. So I I moved through emotions. I moved through hate and anger. The things that bring me happiness and, dopamine is posting about raw milk and just having everyone like it. You know, I feel like this is something that the people know. The people understand. The people who who are paying attention, you know, it's like, they get it. They get it. There's this one girl at work. I told her that I drink raw milk, and she goes, you're gonna die.
I go, no. I'm fucking not. She straight up said that, dude. And this girl, mind you, she she also told me that she watches the Cole Baylor show. She watches well, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, she watches all the all the mainstream, all the talk shows, and she's telling me I'm gonna die from raw milk. So some people are lost. But most people, the people on Instagram the people on Instagram are living life to the to the fullest, dude. Luckily, during this raw milk ban, I did have a connect, in Santa Monica. I was able to buy I was able to buy some black market raw milk, which is pretty cool.
I'm not sure if this one was tested, but I the guy had a had a pretty good, he had a pretty good labeling system. He had a pretty good coloring colors colored sticker colored sticker labeling system that I'm sure everyone trusted. So I'm very appreciative to, to, to that guy. I'll mention the farm later. But, yeah, dude. Raw milk, dude. Like, can you believe it was banned, and then the fire start, and then raw milk came back? It's almost like they started like, they lie about a natural disaster, and then, like, that sort of, like, goes through the thing, and then another natural disaster happens. And then they allow the old natural disaster, like, whatever the solution was, they just, like, come up. Or, like, what like, whatever they're trying to suppress the first time just, like, unfolds. Like, it like, all of a sudden, it's okay now. As soon as the fire started, there a raw milk came back in stock. Like, there was no more bird flu when the fire started. Like, what?
What? Like, nothing makes sense, dude. Like, I I am observing the most absurd timeline ever, dude. We are in a weird timeline. We really are. That leads me to okay. So speaking of timelines, speaking of, excuse me, speaking of algorithms, the last thing that I need to talk about is this TikTok flip flop, dude. I don't have any clips about this, but within a matter of literally under 24 hours, TikTok was banned in the US, and then it came back because of 1 Donald Trump tweet. The sad thing is that I'm unable to edit this video right now because I use CapCut as an editing service. CapCut is owned by by TikTok's parent company. And I just opened it right now. It says, sorry. CapCut isn't available right now. There's a law prohibiting CapCut to function in the US. Great. Thanks.
That's bullshit. And so so so what happened was, I guess, 5 years ago, Trump initiated this thing, and then he'd, like, dropped it, but then, like, some other people picked it back up. And for the last 4 years, they've been trying to ban TikTok under national national security for for the republic. They kept moving forward. They kept saying it was a national risk, and they were lying. Because if you listen to No Agenda if you listen to the No Agenda podcast with Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak, you would know that Google is behind the lobbying efforts to ban TikTok.
And you might ask yourself like, what's going on with that? Why? The answer is Google has been losing money from TikTok through advertising and through commerce and through search. TikTok was taking over, people's search. People were searching for food, searching for places to go, searching for products, searching for whatever, searching for people. And, Google like, that used to be the thing that Google did. Connecting you with whatever you wanted. And they were losing a ton of money, like, 1,000,000,000 and 1,000,000,000 of dollars. And, it's just Google, just like greedy senators wanting whatever stocks they own, to keep going up. And they finally got were able to get it banned, but it happened the weekend before Trump gets inaugurated, which is super weird too. Like, this is the this is the weird thing about the timeline.
It gets banned a day and a half before the president before the new president comes in. Like, is is no one thinking here? Like, do we not think the president's gonna change things? Like, it just seems redundant. It seems stupid. Like, what is this? Why are you keeping us like this? It's like, just the government just keeps on just tossing and turning us. Like, we're we're over here now. Nope. We're over here now. We're over here. We're over here. Like, left, right, left, right, left, right. It's like, we're we're getting fucking whiplash over here, folks. Like, TikTok is already dizzying enough. Like, you flip flopping is insane. Stop it. We need consistency in America.
It's been very disorienting, and I've been posting a lot more on Instagram. I've been consuming a lot more Instagram. I was never a big TikToker. TikTok. I was never a big never big into TikTok. But, 12 hours later after the ban, then it all of a sudden came back because Trump tweeted out something that he was talking to the companies to not to not ban it. And for some reason, Trump's tweet was only for TikTok. It wasn't for ByteDance at large. So if you're an editor, go fuck yourself. If you're a TikToker, go, like, go right ahead. Like, blow your brains out. Like, you have fun, dude.
This is weird. And, I find it a a little suspicious. You know, it's not suspicious that Google was lobbying to get rid of TikTok. What is suspicious is why there is even a law to begin with. Why is there even a ban to begin with? Why are we banning any anything? Why are we banning websites? Why are we banning apps? I don't think we should be doing that. Because if there's bad information on a certain website, I think it should be up to the public, this I e the citizens and, you know, maybe some senators too. Like, everyone like, when when it comes to to the Internet, everyone is on the same level. Right? To some degree.
Everyone has some sort of, like, the same weight when they bring forward information. If there's bad information on a certain website, then the only way that we can combat that is with better information. And so they say that TikTok was propagandizing, the youth and just just US citizens. If that's happening, doesn't doesn't the truth have anything to to do with this? The suspicious thing is that they didn't really point the government didn't point to anything specific at what was being the like, what was the propaganda? I don't really know.
No one can tell you what, like, what exactly were they tricking American citizens to think. That's never been specified. What has been specified is that TikTok is taking your data. Okay. Unlike Facebook. Like, what the fuck you want me to care about that for? Like, I'm sorry. I grew up in a I was born in 1997. I'm a quote unquote zoomer. Like, I don't I give 0 shits about my data. I log in everywhere with my Google account. And just because I'm a little bit more tech savvy, I have a Nostr account. Like, other than that, I log in with Google. It's either Google or Nostra at this point. Google Nostra Bitcoin. Like, this is my situation. And it's only because I'm aware. Right? Everyone else is logging in with Google or Apple. You know? Like, you're using the biggest platform that you are most consistently on to log in everywhere online.
That's just straight That just screams data sharing. And they want me to be upset about TikTok doing that? Like, you really think I'm stupid? You really think I'm stupid? So I call bullshit on that. Some people say this is a first amendment issue. I don't know if it's a first amendment issue. I think it's a just the government lying issue. Because we're still able to talk. Just straight up. We're still we're still able to talk. Elon wants to say that him buying x is a first amendment thing. Like, it's a that's a freedom of speech situation.
Why is everything going on on the Internet, a freedom of speech scenario? Why is every public or private company somehow directly involved with my right to speak? Isn't my right to speak a god given right and not something that is beholden by some stock formation. Like, this is like, that's the real fucking psyop, folks. Your right to speak is literally from the cosmos. You think, therefore you are. You just talk and you do. Like monkey see monkey do. We are souls having a human experience. There is no earthly realm structure that can that can take hold of your entire person, dude. Like, break free from that.
Break free. You know? Within the discussion of of of free speech, you know, Elon says he's fighting for it. And then Nostr says, which is a decentralized platform, decentralized protocol, Nostr says, like, no. Like, we are free speech. We are free speech. And I'm and I am sympathetic to both sides. I understand why people think that buying Twitter was really important for freedom of speech and for democracy, like, like, for real. Like, I'm being honest when I say it. Like, I really understand that. Because if there wasn't a mainstream centralized platform to talk about issues, then maybe we wouldn't see president Trump tomorrow.
But when it comes to Noster, when it comes to the decentralized stuff like, like RSS feeds and podcasting, podcasting 2 point o, Noster, I also see their point, like, centralized systems become corrupt. Absolutely. Absolute power corrupts. Absolutely. It's just as simple as that dude. Like, that thing is timeless. That saying is timeless. I am in the middle of these two narratives, and I am just trying to talk. And so, I'm sometimes, I'm willing to tow the line if I'm on a platform where I know is gonna be where I know is gonna be a bit more sensitive to my words. And and at the same time, I'm also just looking around at, like, who is on these platforms and who is getting censored and, like, what types of narratives are getting censored.
And the major so, like, if we're talking about, like, medicine. Right? Like, medicine narratives get get censored a lot on Facebook and Instagram and Google and stuff. There's still podcasts. There's still RSS feeds. You know? And no one was getting their information about COVID on Nostr. Like, they just it just didn't exist. People were getting their information through podcasts, namely RSS feeds. You know? And whatever other stuff was going on, whatever the whatever other messaging. Oh, excuse me. People get their information from a few main sources. And when it comes to the normies, when it comes to, the, just normal people, you know, people you went to high school with, people you just, like, see on the road, no one's trying to get banned.
You know? Sometimes, the people who get banned are trying to get banned. Like, they're trying to cause ruckus. You know? They're not usually trying to spread joy or spread, like, just pure information. Like, there's a difference between pure information being suppressed and a person's attitude, a person's presence being suppressed. And so I'm more, I'm more focused on, like, what information is being suppressed. I don't care if someone's personality is banned or shadow banned. I don't care. I don't care because they're probably an asshole to begin with. I just don't care. I'm not worried about it.
So why I bring all that up is, when it comes to TikTok, TikTok is gonna suppress certain narratives. You're not gonna be able to talk about everything you want on there. You will be able to talk about your business. You will be able to talk about your t shirt. You will be able to talk about, your makeup line, and, drama, and true crime, and, you know, everything else that everyone else is interested in. Like, just simple stuff like that, dude. Just simple stuff. So But, like, what do you think about that? Do you think I'm accurate on that? Do you think I'm wrong about that? Do you think it's, like, a 1000% necessary to be, like, all in on some decentralized protocol?
Or it doesn't make sense to be on the centralized things because, you know, like, you're just trying to hang out. You're not trying to you're not trying to cause a fight. You know? You just wanna see you just wanna see what the algorithm has for you. Okay. So as I'm wrapping that up, I just realized that I don't have okay. I had some boostograms, but I don't can I do this on can I do this online? Can I do this online, fountain? Give me We're gonna head on into the found the, the value for value section, folks. America Plus is a value for value show. What that means is that America Plus, we I try to bring forward important topics to talk about, and you can reciprocate whatever value you're getting. And in in the form of time, talent, and treasure, you by listening, that's talent. Thank you, or that that's time, I should say. Thank you for spending your time. Make sure to share this episode. Share the show.
Do whatever you can to spread America Plus. You know, ideally, I'm just trying to spread awareness, love, and peace, and just like critical thinking, dude. That's what I'm really trying to do. And, you can do it through talent as well. If you have any topics that you want me to talk about, you can send them my way. You know, DM me on Noster. DM me on Instagram or Twitter, whatever you want. Send me something. Tag me in something. I'm always willing to to listen to stuff. I'm trying to log in to Fountain while I talk about all this. I'm also looking for new jingles for the show. If you wanna send me in some new jingles for, like, like, the boostagram stuff, like this, like Boosh. Like, little jingles like that, if you wanna send something like that.
Did I write my name right? M c c r Alright. Now, I gotta go to my email for the freaking code. Talent. You can send me little jingles. You can send me in little, notes if you want. Or you can send me some treasure, which is money. You can do that in 2 ways. I got a PayPal, the official America Plus PayPal. You can send me some dollars if if you want, or you can send me, some Bitcoin, some little sat some little bits of Bitcoin called satoshis on the fountain dot f m at. Go to value for value dot info for more info, then download the app. It's the best way to support the show. Okay. I typed in the at symbol twice. So now I have the code.
Download the app. That's my favorite podcasting 2.0 app. You're able to send me little bits of Bitcoin. And you can, also send in, like, a little, like, a little message with with the Bitcoin, which is what I'm trying to read right now. The reason why I don't wanna okay. I'm gonna have to just hit pause. I'm gonna hit pause right now. Pause pause pause pause. Okay. We're good now. I had a I forgot to do the screenshots for the Boostagrams. The Boostagrams are little payments with messages. I'm about to read the Boostagrams for this week. We got a couple in from a couple different people. This first one comes in from our friend at Pies. He sends in 2 of them.
Both of them are at 420 sets. 420. What up, dawg? The first one is just a little beer cheers emoji. So thank you very much, Piz. Boost. And then the the next one, he has a message, with 4 100 120 SATs. He says oh, and and this is from, the last episode. I was talking about, like, health, my health mindset for the new year, me working out more, me being more consistent with, with my health efforts, with exercising, and and all these things. Just being more consistent in 2025. PSS, stay strong, bruh. The food and medical system industries have psyop ed all of us for generations. What counts is that you are able to recognize these things and make changes.
Most people will not do that. Yeah. That's pretty true. And now, as the French say, it is time for Le Boost. Think of PS for that. This next one is not a boostogram per se, but this individual did send in a lot of, a lot of sats. He usually streams in sats, and he sent in a boost just like a normal just money, just a straight up boost, dude. This is coming from Frillis, at Podverse. Shout out shout out to Frillis. He sends in a beautiful 4,445 sats, dawg. Thank you for that, Papa. Boosting is loving. Thank you so much. So, basically, you put Bitcoin with anything, and all of a sudden, that is more efficient. Sometimes you don't need a message. Sometimes you just gotta just send a person that you like money.
So I encourage you to do that for me, dude. The reason why you wanna send me money is because, like, I'm giving I I'm talking about things that are that are entertaining and are, quote unquote, important. It's my goal to to have the best product. And, you know, if I'm not getting the value, then I don't know if I can, like, keep doing the show. Like, I love doing podcasting. I wanna keep doing podcasting, but I need the finances to justify it. And so, you know, this is where you're able to reciprocate that value. If I can improve on something, tell me. That's the talent. If you think I'm already doing well, send me money, and and I can continue giving you this service. And I will continue to get better as I live my life on this earth.
So best value for value, dude. Thank you very much to everyone who wanted to donate. Value for value is the way of the future. It's the way it's one of the it's the best system to engage with an audience online. And so I'm very happy that I'm alive for that system. I wanna wrap it up here with a song. I found a new artist on Wave Lake. This is more of a I would say, like, a classical type guy. This guy's name is Ryan Zack. And, he does, like, piano stuff. He he he's a pianist. He does lo fi music, and he's really good. He has a song that's 45 minutes long, which I'm not playing here.
But that's the type of guy he is. He's a really cool guy. I just checked him out on on his, Instagram. And, I'm gonna be playing a song of his, which is called okay. So for so with value for value, there's music involved with it. And when I play a song on this show, the artist is getting 90% of your satoshi donation. So I encourage you to send Zach, a boostagram, whether it be with a message or just money. He's getting 90% of it, you know, because he deserves it. This is good music. And I'll be wrapping up all the shows with this. This is, this song is called To Be at Peace by Zach Ryan. Now, the vibe for this I want you to just take a breath.
Just relax your stomach. Relax your chest and shoulders, and just sit back and make a choice to be at peace with Zach Ryan folks. Enjoy. Now wasn't that peaceful? Live long and prosper folks. That's America plus, bitch. Stay free.