Today, we dive into the essence of freedom and masculinity in the Western world, Cole shares his thoughts on the contradictions in societal beliefs and the narrative surrounding Jordan Peterson. Cole reflects on his journey with Peterson's content, from the initial appeal of Peterson's messages about self-improvement and responsibility to his current disillusionment with Peterson's hyper-political stance and online behavior. He discusses the importance of following one's own path and developing personal instincts rather than relying on external figures for guidance.
Podcast Hosting
Cole McCormick:
I follow no man. What's up, everyone? It's America Plus. I'm your host, Cole McCormick. Happy to be here. Beautiful day to be alive. Folks, what is up, people? July? We just had July 4th, dude. July 4th July. Happy 4th, everybody. It's America's month. It's America's month. It's America's week. America's day, dude. It's America's day. For this July 4th weekend, I wanted to do something that, you know, I think is just appropriate. I wanna talk about a Canadian. For this July 4th, dude, we're talking about freedom, we're talking about what it what does it mean to be American? What does it mean to be, masculine within the world, within the western world?
Okay? These are questions that come up a lot online. Okay? And whenever July 4th comes around, there's always some bullshit girl talking about how America's racist, about how we really shouldn't be celebrating. They're gonna put up some weird meme about the government, and then they're gonna, like, somehow support the government when it come when it comes time to vote, it makes no sense. There's these people who who contradict themselves in in how they believe. Okay? And there's people like this everywhere. And a person that I wanna bring up and a narrative that I wanna speak out against and hopefully speak life to, is this narrative and guy of Jordan b Peterson.
Jordan Peterson. I need to talk about this guy. I need to talk about how he's completely lost the fucking plot of the entire game, dude. Jordan Peterson is no longer a guy that I follow, that I do anything from. I really don't consume his content anymore. The reason I'm bringing this up is because I overheard and Juan talk about it on the Mere Mortals podcast. It was like a brief thing. It was like a brief little, like, side thing that the the 2 of them had. Pretty much, they just, like, both said that they stopped listening to Jordan Peterson. And right when they said that, I was like, yeah. You know what? Me either. I really don't. Like, I haven't. Like and and every time I do listen to him, it's always like he might be interviewing someone interesting.
And then when I'm watching this interview, it's like, oh my god. It is so insufferably intellectual, and, like, it takes Jordan Peter okay. So this is what I wanna do. I need to go through my experience with JP, and then I needed to call out what's going on right now because and this is also connected to what I saw on Twitter today. Oh my god. Jordan Peterson on Twitter. Like, this is not America Plus, what he's doing. Jordan p Jordan b Peterson. And this, like, and and just, like, this whole realm of, like, men talking to men or men talking about the end of society. Like, this is just ridiculous, dude.
So I I I I need to begin with, like, you know, how everyone begins. Everyone began with Jordan Peterson in 2018 or 20 when was it? 2017 17, when he went viral for not wanting to use all of Canada's 77 gender pronouns. Okay? He was he spoke out force free speech about this, like, trans thing. Right? And he goes viral, and he's on podcasts, he's on Rogan. He becomes super famous, and he starts talking to young men. And 1 of those young men was me. Okay? 2017, I'm literally 20 years old. And I'm about to move out, and I'm, like, just, like, listening to this guy. And he's saying good things about cleaning up your room, and having your shoulders back.
And and it's like setting like, actually setting a goal. You know? Like, the whole, like, 12 rules for life thing. Like, the original thing that he, like, put out, that was, like, a really cool vibe. I saw Jordan Peterson speak live in 2018, January 2018. I went to downtown Los Angeles, which I never do. Why would you ever go to downtown Los Angeles? And I watch this old man speak about I don't even remember what he talked about. Like, I and and that's why I think he's lost the plot, because I don't remember what the hell he was talking about when he originally started to get famous.
And, I know he was talking to men. I know he was talking about, like, the soul and your purpose in life, and, like, the intellectual side of the Bible, and he's opening up people's minds. And then he goes through this period of silence. He's nowhere to be found. So many people revered him. People said they loved him. They like, he changed people's lives. He saved men's lives. And then it's quiet for a long time, and then it's COVID. And so there's, like, an ex an excuse to be quiet for a long time, and he sort of he's coming in and out of things. There's some videos popping up, but it's, like, really low quality, and then, like, he look he doesn't look too good. I mean, like, he's always been old. And to just fast forward this part, he was sick, he was in the hospital, his wife was in the hospital, you know, COVID was a wild time for him.
And he comes out of it. He comes out of COVID even more hyper political than than ever. And he's pissed off about the vaccine. He's pissed off at Canada, where he lives. He's pissed off at the government, he's pissed off at the World Economic Forum, he's pissed off, like, and he's like, talking about all these things, and it's just that's sort of where he's at. And then he signs over. Oh, and he here's, I guess, like, the topper, like, the the the warm ending or to whatever part of the story that we're in, he signs over to to the Daily Wire. He's working for Ben Shapiro. Okay? And what has he been talking about since? So he got he was silent, then he went really hyper political, really, hyper against the COVID vaccine, which is, like, great. He's appealing to people's emotions and to that.
But he's not talking about how to live a proper life anymore. And I can't believe I have to say this, but he's literally just a fucking guy. Jordan Peterson is just a guy that maybe, dude, maybe we shouldn't listen to him anymore. You know? Like, that's what I'm saying. Maybe we shouldn't listen to anyone anymore. You know? I'm not gonna try to be on here and try to tell you how to live your life or try to tell you like, I I mean, I guess I do do that. Like, I'm I'm trying to make a better world, but, like and I want healthier people. But what I'm saying is, like, I'm not gonna act like I have the fucking answers. And I'm not gonna I don't wanna charge you. I'm not gonna charge anyone for some self development thing or some like, I'm not gonna try to be more intellectual than you.
And I really feel like as this whole thing has gone forward, Jordan Peterson has wanted to be more intellectual than whatever villain he's chosen for for the weak. And that's really how I think this whole thing is going on. And it doesn't make me happy at all. I'm on Twitter today, and I see his daughter, Mikaela. I see him, and they're both, like, talking to like, they're talking shit. They're speaking downward, to this guy named Nick Fuentes. Okay? And I don't care about Nick Fuentes. Like, this all like, this is all connected to, like, the political realm and religious conversations, conversations about centralized power, where centralized locations of where values come from, and that somehow well, you know, that that's what Nick Fuentes is connected to. And Jordan Peterson is too, and so is Mikaela Peterson.
And they're both just, like, speaking downward to him. And it's like this whole fight on Twitter. And, like, Peterson is calling Fuentes a rat because of how Fuentes thinks. And Fuentes is, like, going back at him, like, hey. Thanks for calling me a rat. I thought you actually, like, I it's just so weird, dude. Like, Peterson's calling, like and Fuentes is, like, younger than me. Fuentes is, like, 25 years old. I'm pretty sure he is. And so that means that you got Jordan b Peterson calling some 25 year old kid a rat, because of his, like, religious and political beliefs.
And it's just, like, what the fuck, dude? What the fuck, Peterson? Like, what are we doing here? 2018, you're telling you're telling me to clean up my room and be a better person, and now you're calling that same demographic that you originally spoke to, rats. Like, I think you have the fucking problem. Like, can you can we just let men think out loud? Can we just let people discuss things, like, in like a civilized manner? Like, what is going on with Jordan Peterson? And I I I know I played a clip of his, like, a few, like, months ago, a few episodes ago. It was only because I thought it was, like, that 1 clip was interesting, you know?
But nothing else he's talking about is really that important for anyone on Earth. And that really just goes for the entire, sort of, like, intellectualized side of the Internet and podcasts. It's it's really stupid. Sam Harris I never listened to Sam Harris. I stopped listening to Brett and Bret Weinstein and his freaking brother. I stopped listening to a lot of podcasts. I I used to listen to all those, like, intellectual, quote, unquote, intellectual podcasts. Trying to be smart, trying to think about philosophy. Because, you know, we're all philosophizers.
And it just came out of fashion for me. It just came out of fashion for myself, and and I and I was for a moment, I said to myself, am I avoiding, like, smart people? Am I avoiding listening to smart people? Because, like, if you wanna be better in life, maybe you should listen to smart people. But, no, throughout my experience, I'm here to confidently say that if you wanna be successful in life, and if you wanna be a strong man, if you wanna embody masculinity, you need to follow your own route. Meaning, you need to understand how you interact with the world, and you need to actively improve how you interact with the world. You don't need some man to tell you to make your bed.
Maybe it was helpful back then, but I'm the 1 who makes my bed. I'm the 1 who tells me to make my bed. And I'm the 1 who chooses to not engage in conversation with name calling, and and I've, like, failed, of course. You know? Like, I've, like, I've fucked up in whatever. Like, I've I've I've posted weird things online, whatever. But what I'm getting at is the way I see prog my progression of being a human being is, like, I'm getting better all the time. Like, I'm I I I I'm literally stepping forward into being a better person every single moment.
That's literally what I want. That's what I think about myself. And it and and something of an echo was coming out of the mouth of this old Canadian guy. And now, what's what's being splurged is just, like, absolute vitriol. Vitrual. People still like him because he eats meat. Like, he's a fucking he's on the carnivore diet, so somehow he's still relevant. Like, do any research on Jordan Peterson. Like, it's just, like it's really stupid, dude. It's really stupid. And he's also he also claims to be some cultural icon. He also claims to sort of be, like, like all the major media studios are somehow they make, like he has, like, a list of shows that have created villains out of a persona that sounds like him.
And it's like, dude, are you really that famous? Are you really that important? Like, maybe to a certain, like, I don't I I don't know, dude. I don't know how famous this guy is. I don't know how I I I I just believe that he's the way he talks. The way Jordan Peterson talks is not important for humanity right now. And I think he needs to clean up his act. And I'm being real as fuck right now. I really think Jordan Peterson needs to clean up his act and stop speaking downwardly to people. He he is literally a part of the problem of hate in the world. He's being he's adding to the problem of discord.
He's adding to the Discord. Like, you are in such a privileged position to have a media outlet record you in 4 k, and you wanna have conversations about rats and the Nazis, and what's okay to say online. Like, holy fucking shit. That is so that is so not what's happening here. Like, you are like, he's a part of the Matrix. Like, Jordan Peterson is a part of the Matrix right now. He somehow like, he was like, he woke up for a second, and then he came back in. And then he dipped back in. He he woke up, and then he and then he just like sunk back down. Like, what the fuck is this deal, dude?
I'm like, I I I don't trust him. His entire life, he makes money from being a professor, from working at a school, you know, and playing the game of the universities, and then, he's like, internet famous, and he has like deals, and he and now he sells books, and he has enough money to buy suits. Like, it's like it's like, what are you really doing? What are you really doing with what you have? Don't you realize? Like, how can you have so much information about the Bible, and you can't realize that humanity is actually in great need of more love? Like, how fucking stupid do you have to be, dude?
Like, I will gladly take the fall if I ever sound ignorant in my life. If that ignorance is coming is coming from and speaking to a place of complete love, and peace, and harmony, This is these are the things that people need. Love, peace, and harmony. Like, stop creating dysfunction, dude. Just stop. You got like, I'm 27 years old. I the last 7 years. It's been 7 years, Peterson, and you have devolved into some it's it's some negative meme. That's what it is, dude. Just some negative meme. Like, fucking, it's, it's actually it's that it's that meme where Kermit has the black hood.
He has the black hood over himself, and he's only talking to himself. That's Jordan Peterson, dude. He's on the fucking dark side. He's in the fucking Matrix. He won't stop wearing suits. He is too worried. He's really worried about a 25 year old kid who makes money on fucking Rumble. Like, Nick Fuentes makes money on Rumble, dude. Jordan Peterson is afraid of him. He thinks he has influence. Like, I don't know, dude. I just, I can't handle this guy. It it makes me think about what Tim Dillon says about boomers. Tim Dillon's always saying how, like, boomers are, like, the most the most verbal with their with, like, how terrible their life is.
Even though they're the generation that brought up certain people. I don't know. They're, like let's not think about that. Let's think about the answer. What's the answer to Jordan Peterson? Been going on for freaking 17 minutes, Reb, about this guy. The answer to Jordan Peterson is for the people who used to listen to him to realize that they just need to listen to themselves. And you really just need to develop a, you you need to know what your instinct is, and you need to just act on it. You need to, like, to to what so this is what I used to talk about. How to be a man. To be a man in the world, set a plan and go for it. I'm actively working on this myself.
If you wanna be a functioning man, then you gotta hold your own weight. Like, pick up your shoulders, dude. Like, don't slouch. Don't act like like like, don't put your body in a position where it looks like it's like it like there's something heavy on it. Look like you're a like, stand as if you're able to carry everything. You know, be confident in that. And for some reason, this is like lost. This has been lost within the mind of Jordan Peterson. And it's sort of heartbreaking. A so a probable solution for you who used to listen to to him, what else?
Develop your own instinct, listen to yourself, just be a critical thinker. Like, just be a critical thinker. Like, the sheer act of critically thinking of anyone, that just sheer act is is is good enough. Like, Don't follow other men. I think that's what we need to do. I think we need to not stop putting any worship value. We need to stop, like, literally stop following men. And we need to just, like what's the real answer here, dude? Like, there's no like like, no man is going to save you. No man's idea is going to save you. The only idea that will save you is your own. The only thoughts that will bring you to better actions is your own thoughts.
The only actions that will bring you to a better life is your own actions. You are the only 1 in this 3 d world that can create a life for yourself. And when you get caught up in the Matrix, like Jordan Peterson, you start going after people about ideas, as if their ideas affect your ideas. And as we evolve, as humanity and social media evolves, I think it's gonna get to a point where everyone will understand that a person has their own thoughts. Like and and and though their own thoughts, a person's own thoughts, is actually extremely sacred.
And you need to approach them with love if there's an idea that is not full of love, that is not anchored in love. This is important. The media, like, if if you're going around and you're getting stressed out about whatever media you're watching, whether it be the news or some podcast, and they're talking about something that might be like dangerous, or it might be scary, or it might be something like it's I've like stayed away from that, dude. Like, I think the people who position themselves to be on, like, the good side of politics, or the life affirming side of life. Like, I I think there's some people who are a bit like, they're still lost. Like, everyone is lost as we move forward in in time.
Some people are awake to the fact that it's really just about your own personal choices, and it's about peace and love, and every individual choosing peace and love in their own hearts and lives. And that's how we bring in the better world. But people are caught up in dissecting and disenfranchising ideas, which is the exact the which is exactly where every problem in human history begins. So you seriously need to change your tune, mister Peterson. I encourage you to. This is coming from a loving place, of course. I don't know, dude. Like, this is I've never done, like, a I've never done something like this before, but seeing Peterson on Twitter today really just compelled me to talk about it, because, you know, you want everyone on on your side. You don't want any enemies. You don't want Like, I just don't want him want him to get caught up in something stupid, dude.
Like, don't get caught up in stupid shit, you know? Like, a few weeks ago, like, we got 1 of the people who sent in boostagrams, Joel, you know, he was, he commented on something I shared, and and and from his point of view, something I shared was connected to the whole Q conspiracy. And his comment made me, like, a little bit more aware. It's like, okay. Yeah. Like, maybe I should be more aware of, like, these influences, and and and and I was able to develop my own ideas. I wasn't trying to follow Joel's entire thing, but I'm thinking about what he's trying to get at. And I was able to develop something.
And that's the same thing for whatever Jordan Peterson's talking about, whatever any in intellectual is talking about. Any every individual is going to have a lot of things to say, and they're going to have very strong opinions and strong emotions, and they can come off as factual. But the purpose of this life is to have confidence in your own thoughts, in your own instincts, and your own words. You should live with confidence with your own words. And, I think that comes just, like, not speaking downward to anyone in life. Like, I don't understand. Like, I get pissed off at people, but I don't understand how you can be in your fifties or sixties, or however old you are, and you're really talking, like, downward to a 25 year old.
Why? And so the solution to that is for all the 25 year olds to just hey, man. Like, you might not even figure it out when you're when when you're 60. So don't even listen to this guy. Don't listen to the guy who can't even figure it out himself. So that only leaves you with you. That only leaves you with you. You know, I didn't really write down any, like, notes for this. This is really just like just off the top of my head here. What do you think? Do do you think Jordan Peterson lost the lost the plot a while ago? Do you think he's, like, not relevant anymore? Do you still listen to him? Like, I've he he gets good views on his YouTube channel, but that's only because of, like, the name now, like, the brand. He's made a brand. Like, that's how you do it. He made a brand, and then he signed a deal. And then and now, they continue to produce content. And that's how you make a business.
So he's smart in that regard, but so is everyone else who makes money online. Tell me what you think about that, dude. Tell me if you see any value in that because that is, like like I think when it comes down to, like, absorbing people online and actually moving forward as a country and creating America Plus, creating a more a more beautiful world, Like, it's not coming from people from the outside. It's not coming from anywhere else outside of you. It's coming from the inside of you. Doesn't matter what message there is. Like, people wanna say, vote local. People wanna say, vote in your local elections. People wanna say, buy locally. People wanna say I don't know, like, whatever local statement you can. You know? I'm I'm here to say, you you need to be loving locally.
And loving locally is loving yourself, and the people around you. That's the only way. That's the only way. It's not rocket science, folks. It's not rocket science. It's not woo woo. It's not SpaceX, and it's not some random YouTube spirituality. This is actual this is the actual effective philosophy. Love yourself and the people around you, and the world will be better. The world will get better. If you don't do that, then the complete opposite will happen. And I encourage you to choose that light, to choose love. It just needs to happen, dude. It just needs to happen. So that's the value, dude.
Okay. Let's go into the value for value section, man. Yeah, folks. America Plus is a value for value show. What that means is I present ideas, I bring up conversations that I think are important for the world, and you're able to reciprocate that value, with, 3 t's, time, talent, and treasure. The treasure is coming from 2 places, PayPal. I got a PayPal for the show, if you wanna support me, via via PayPal, via dollars, or you can send in a boostagram on the app. Go to value for value dot info for more info, then download the app. It's the best way to support the show. There's a slew of modern podcast apps that let you send Bitcoin to each other.
And, Fountain is my favorite 1. You get there, they give you a wallet, you can load it up, and it's it's fairly simple to use. And then, you can send me small bits of Bitcoin called satoshis, and, you can attach a message to those things, and then that's called a boostagram, dude. So I'm reading the boostograms right now. I got okay. So I got 1 of them. 1 Boostagram is coming in, just a boost. No message, but just a boost. It's coming in from our friend, Frillis, at Frillis, with the 2,222 sacks. Thank you, Frillis, for that. You're the man. And, we got a boostagram coming in from at joel.
Love you. This boostagram comes in from the last week's episode. I was talking about gyms. I got this idea for, like I just have ideas for businesses, dude. Like, just like gyms and, like, combining gyms. And I was talking about combining a gym and a restaurant together, and Joel was commenting on that. And Joel has to say, I like the customized meal restaurant idea, especially the whole real food aspect of it. To hell with smoothies and powders and all that other crap. People think they need to be healthy. Exercise and real food is all they really need. Boosting is loving. Joel. I agree.
Boost. K. Let me give you 1 more, dude. Let me I Boostar. Boostar. Joel, thank you so much for that. Yeah, dude. Thank you for liking that idea. People don't need smoothies. Right? They just need they just need water. They need water, raw milk, and, like, real ass food. I agree. So I think that's a I think we can I'm gonna keep that in the back burner, dude. It's gonna be a business little business idea in my back pocket, dude. If you wanna steal it, steal it. I don't care. Just go for it. I think it's gonna be I think that's a business that can help the world be better, dude. So, and that and Joel w was the only boostagram of the week, so thank you Joel w.
If you wanna be a part of the America Plus community, download Falon, get a modern podcast app, send in a boostagram. If you like Bitcoin, send me some PayPal, if you wanna use that app. It's super like, it's super important, dude. Like, this is how I'm developing myself, is through value for value. I don't wanna sell any, like, courses. I don't wanna sell I really don't wanna sell a book. Am I gonna write a book? I don't think so. Like, I really just wanna be value for value with the podcast. And having there be an open 2 way street for value exchange is really the most important thing for, like, producing things online.
So and that also includes just, like, whatever platform you're on. You know, follow me, like me, share on whatever platform you're on right now. Like, this is this is just, like, the way it goes. So if you if you like what I have to say, if you think I'm funny, if you think I'm entertaining, go for it. Go for it. Alright. What else? Do I have anything else to say before the song? So I always end it with the song, dude. The other side about value for value. I'm about to play a song that the band's getting 60%. But before I do that, what else? Did I have anything else on Jordan Peterson? I mean, I just I don't wanna talk about him anymore.
That's how that goes, dude. I'd rather watch the freaking UFC than listen to Jordan Peterson. And maybe that's more manly. Okay? Maybe that's more manly. Okay. So the song. Okay. So I mentioned value for value, the song. I always play a song to end the to end America's applause. And, this song is coming in from Captains of Moderation. So I heard this band on the Sidestream Music Podcast. Download the Sidestream Music Podcast. Give them a boostagram while you're at it. And, they got this so this band, Captains of Moderation. This is called Looking Up at the Sky, and the vibe of the song is 1 of those vibes where just, like, just sit back, lay back. If you're in your car, just put your head back, like, fix your posture, and just let this, like, tune ride it out, dude. And just, like, follow your own heart, dude. So, again, coming in from Captains in Moderation, this is Looking Up at the Sky.
Enjoy. That's America Plus, bitch. Stay free.
I follow no man. What's up, everyone? It's America Plus. I'm your host, Cole McCormick. Happy to be here. Beautiful day to be alive. Folks, what is up, people? July? We just had July 4th, dude. July 4th July. Happy 4th, everybody. It's America's month. It's America's month. It's America's week. America's day, dude. It's America's day. For this July 4th weekend, I wanted to do something that, you know, I think is just appropriate. I wanna talk about a Canadian. For this July 4th, dude, we're talking about freedom, we're talking about what it what does it mean to be American? What does it mean to be, masculine within the world, within the western world?
Okay? These are questions that come up a lot online. Okay? And whenever July 4th comes around, there's always some bullshit girl talking about how America's racist, about how we really shouldn't be celebrating. They're gonna put up some weird meme about the government, and then they're gonna, like, somehow support the government when it come when it comes time to vote, it makes no sense. There's these people who who contradict themselves in in how they believe. Okay? And there's people like this everywhere. And a person that I wanna bring up and a narrative that I wanna speak out against and hopefully speak life to, is this narrative and guy of Jordan b Peterson.
Jordan Peterson. I need to talk about this guy. I need to talk about how he's completely lost the fucking plot of the entire game, dude. Jordan Peterson is no longer a guy that I follow, that I do anything from. I really don't consume his content anymore. The reason I'm bringing this up is because I overheard and Juan talk about it on the Mere Mortals podcast. It was like a brief thing. It was like a brief little, like, side thing that the the 2 of them had. Pretty much, they just, like, both said that they stopped listening to Jordan Peterson. And right when they said that, I was like, yeah. You know what? Me either. I really don't. Like, I haven't. Like and and every time I do listen to him, it's always like he might be interviewing someone interesting.
And then when I'm watching this interview, it's like, oh my god. It is so insufferably intellectual, and, like, it takes Jordan Peter okay. So this is what I wanna do. I need to go through my experience with JP, and then I needed to call out what's going on right now because and this is also connected to what I saw on Twitter today. Oh my god. Jordan Peterson on Twitter. Like, this is not America Plus, what he's doing. Jordan p Jordan b Peterson. And this, like, and and just, like, this whole realm of, like, men talking to men or men talking about the end of society. Like, this is just ridiculous, dude.
So I I I I need to begin with, like, you know, how everyone begins. Everyone began with Jordan Peterson in 2018 or 20 when was it? 2017 17, when he went viral for not wanting to use all of Canada's 77 gender pronouns. Okay? He was he spoke out force free speech about this, like, trans thing. Right? And he goes viral, and he's on podcasts, he's on Rogan. He becomes super famous, and he starts talking to young men. And 1 of those young men was me. Okay? 2017, I'm literally 20 years old. And I'm about to move out, and I'm, like, just, like, listening to this guy. And he's saying good things about cleaning up your room, and having your shoulders back.
And and it's like setting like, actually setting a goal. You know? Like, the whole, like, 12 rules for life thing. Like, the original thing that he, like, put out, that was, like, a really cool vibe. I saw Jordan Peterson speak live in 2018, January 2018. I went to downtown Los Angeles, which I never do. Why would you ever go to downtown Los Angeles? And I watch this old man speak about I don't even remember what he talked about. Like, I and and that's why I think he's lost the plot, because I don't remember what the hell he was talking about when he originally started to get famous.
And, I know he was talking to men. I know he was talking about, like, the soul and your purpose in life, and, like, the intellectual side of the Bible, and he's opening up people's minds. And then he goes through this period of silence. He's nowhere to be found. So many people revered him. People said they loved him. They like, he changed people's lives. He saved men's lives. And then it's quiet for a long time, and then it's COVID. And so there's, like, an ex an excuse to be quiet for a long time, and he sort of he's coming in and out of things. There's some videos popping up, but it's, like, really low quality, and then, like, he look he doesn't look too good. I mean, like, he's always been old. And to just fast forward this part, he was sick, he was in the hospital, his wife was in the hospital, you know, COVID was a wild time for him.
And he comes out of it. He comes out of COVID even more hyper political than than ever. And he's pissed off about the vaccine. He's pissed off at Canada, where he lives. He's pissed off at the government, he's pissed off at the World Economic Forum, he's pissed off, like, and he's like, talking about all these things, and it's just that's sort of where he's at. And then he signs over. Oh, and he here's, I guess, like, the topper, like, the the the warm ending or to whatever part of the story that we're in, he signs over to to the Daily Wire. He's working for Ben Shapiro. Okay? And what has he been talking about since? So he got he was silent, then he went really hyper political, really, hyper against the COVID vaccine, which is, like, great. He's appealing to people's emotions and to that.
But he's not talking about how to live a proper life anymore. And I can't believe I have to say this, but he's literally just a fucking guy. Jordan Peterson is just a guy that maybe, dude, maybe we shouldn't listen to him anymore. You know? Like, that's what I'm saying. Maybe we shouldn't listen to anyone anymore. You know? I'm not gonna try to be on here and try to tell you how to live your life or try to tell you like, I I mean, I guess I do do that. Like, I'm I'm trying to make a better world, but, like and I want healthier people. But what I'm saying is, like, I'm not gonna act like I have the fucking answers. And I'm not gonna I don't wanna charge you. I'm not gonna charge anyone for some self development thing or some like, I'm not gonna try to be more intellectual than you.
And I really feel like as this whole thing has gone forward, Jordan Peterson has wanted to be more intellectual than whatever villain he's chosen for for the weak. And that's really how I think this whole thing is going on. And it doesn't make me happy at all. I'm on Twitter today, and I see his daughter, Mikaela. I see him, and they're both, like, talking to like, they're talking shit. They're speaking downward, to this guy named Nick Fuentes. Okay? And I don't care about Nick Fuentes. Like, this all like, this is all connected to, like, the political realm and religious conversations, conversations about centralized power, where centralized locations of where values come from, and that somehow well, you know, that that's what Nick Fuentes is connected to. And Jordan Peterson is too, and so is Mikaela Peterson.
And they're both just, like, speaking downward to him. And it's like this whole fight on Twitter. And, like, Peterson is calling Fuentes a rat because of how Fuentes thinks. And Fuentes is, like, going back at him, like, hey. Thanks for calling me a rat. I thought you actually, like, I it's just so weird, dude. Like, Peterson's calling, like and Fuentes is, like, younger than me. Fuentes is, like, 25 years old. I'm pretty sure he is. And so that means that you got Jordan b Peterson calling some 25 year old kid a rat, because of his, like, religious and political beliefs.
And it's just, like, what the fuck, dude? What the fuck, Peterson? Like, what are we doing here? 2018, you're telling you're telling me to clean up my room and be a better person, and now you're calling that same demographic that you originally spoke to, rats. Like, I think you have the fucking problem. Like, can you can we just let men think out loud? Can we just let people discuss things, like, in like a civilized manner? Like, what is going on with Jordan Peterson? And I I I know I played a clip of his, like, a few, like, months ago, a few episodes ago. It was only because I thought it was, like, that 1 clip was interesting, you know?
But nothing else he's talking about is really that important for anyone on Earth. And that really just goes for the entire, sort of, like, intellectualized side of the Internet and podcasts. It's it's really stupid. Sam Harris I never listened to Sam Harris. I stopped listening to Brett and Bret Weinstein and his freaking brother. I stopped listening to a lot of podcasts. I I used to listen to all those, like, intellectual, quote, unquote, intellectual podcasts. Trying to be smart, trying to think about philosophy. Because, you know, we're all philosophizers.
And it just came out of fashion for me. It just came out of fashion for myself, and and I and I was for a moment, I said to myself, am I avoiding, like, smart people? Am I avoiding listening to smart people? Because, like, if you wanna be better in life, maybe you should listen to smart people. But, no, throughout my experience, I'm here to confidently say that if you wanna be successful in life, and if you wanna be a strong man, if you wanna embody masculinity, you need to follow your own route. Meaning, you need to understand how you interact with the world, and you need to actively improve how you interact with the world. You don't need some man to tell you to make your bed.
Maybe it was helpful back then, but I'm the 1 who makes my bed. I'm the 1 who tells me to make my bed. And I'm the 1 who chooses to not engage in conversation with name calling, and and I've, like, failed, of course. You know? Like, I've, like, I've fucked up in whatever. Like, I've I've I've posted weird things online, whatever. But what I'm getting at is the way I see prog my progression of being a human being is, like, I'm getting better all the time. Like, I'm I I I I'm literally stepping forward into being a better person every single moment.
That's literally what I want. That's what I think about myself. And it and and something of an echo was coming out of the mouth of this old Canadian guy. And now, what's what's being splurged is just, like, absolute vitriol. Vitrual. People still like him because he eats meat. Like, he's a fucking he's on the carnivore diet, so somehow he's still relevant. Like, do any research on Jordan Peterson. Like, it's just, like it's really stupid, dude. It's really stupid. And he's also he also claims to be some cultural icon. He also claims to sort of be, like, like all the major media studios are somehow they make, like he has, like, a list of shows that have created villains out of a persona that sounds like him.
And it's like, dude, are you really that famous? Are you really that important? Like, maybe to a certain, like, I don't I I don't know, dude. I don't know how famous this guy is. I don't know how I I I I just believe that he's the way he talks. The way Jordan Peterson talks is not important for humanity right now. And I think he needs to clean up his act. And I'm being real as fuck right now. I really think Jordan Peterson needs to clean up his act and stop speaking downwardly to people. He he is literally a part of the problem of hate in the world. He's being he's adding to the problem of discord.
He's adding to the Discord. Like, you are in such a privileged position to have a media outlet record you in 4 k, and you wanna have conversations about rats and the Nazis, and what's okay to say online. Like, holy fucking shit. That is so that is so not what's happening here. Like, you are like, he's a part of the Matrix. Like, Jordan Peterson is a part of the Matrix right now. He somehow like, he was like, he woke up for a second, and then he came back in. And then he dipped back in. He he woke up, and then he and then he just like sunk back down. Like, what the fuck is this deal, dude?
I'm like, I I I don't trust him. His entire life, he makes money from being a professor, from working at a school, you know, and playing the game of the universities, and then, he's like, internet famous, and he has like deals, and he and now he sells books, and he has enough money to buy suits. Like, it's like it's like, what are you really doing? What are you really doing with what you have? Don't you realize? Like, how can you have so much information about the Bible, and you can't realize that humanity is actually in great need of more love? Like, how fucking stupid do you have to be, dude?
Like, I will gladly take the fall if I ever sound ignorant in my life. If that ignorance is coming is coming from and speaking to a place of complete love, and peace, and harmony, This is these are the things that people need. Love, peace, and harmony. Like, stop creating dysfunction, dude. Just stop. You got like, I'm 27 years old. I the last 7 years. It's been 7 years, Peterson, and you have devolved into some it's it's some negative meme. That's what it is, dude. Just some negative meme. Like, fucking, it's, it's actually it's that it's that meme where Kermit has the black hood.
He has the black hood over himself, and he's only talking to himself. That's Jordan Peterson, dude. He's on the fucking dark side. He's in the fucking Matrix. He won't stop wearing suits. He is too worried. He's really worried about a 25 year old kid who makes money on fucking Rumble. Like, Nick Fuentes makes money on Rumble, dude. Jordan Peterson is afraid of him. He thinks he has influence. Like, I don't know, dude. I just, I can't handle this guy. It it makes me think about what Tim Dillon says about boomers. Tim Dillon's always saying how, like, boomers are, like, the most the most verbal with their with, like, how terrible their life is.
Even though they're the generation that brought up certain people. I don't know. They're, like let's not think about that. Let's think about the answer. What's the answer to Jordan Peterson? Been going on for freaking 17 minutes, Reb, about this guy. The answer to Jordan Peterson is for the people who used to listen to him to realize that they just need to listen to themselves. And you really just need to develop a, you you need to know what your instinct is, and you need to just act on it. You need to, like, to to what so this is what I used to talk about. How to be a man. To be a man in the world, set a plan and go for it. I'm actively working on this myself.
If you wanna be a functioning man, then you gotta hold your own weight. Like, pick up your shoulders, dude. Like, don't slouch. Don't act like like like, don't put your body in a position where it looks like it's like it like there's something heavy on it. Look like you're a like, stand as if you're able to carry everything. You know, be confident in that. And for some reason, this is like lost. This has been lost within the mind of Jordan Peterson. And it's sort of heartbreaking. A so a probable solution for you who used to listen to to him, what else?
Develop your own instinct, listen to yourself, just be a critical thinker. Like, just be a critical thinker. Like, the sheer act of critically thinking of anyone, that just sheer act is is is good enough. Like, Don't follow other men. I think that's what we need to do. I think we need to not stop putting any worship value. We need to stop, like, literally stop following men. And we need to just, like what's the real answer here, dude? Like, there's no like like, no man is going to save you. No man's idea is going to save you. The only idea that will save you is your own. The only thoughts that will bring you to better actions is your own thoughts.
The only actions that will bring you to a better life is your own actions. You are the only 1 in this 3 d world that can create a life for yourself. And when you get caught up in the Matrix, like Jordan Peterson, you start going after people about ideas, as if their ideas affect your ideas. And as we evolve, as humanity and social media evolves, I think it's gonna get to a point where everyone will understand that a person has their own thoughts. Like and and and though their own thoughts, a person's own thoughts, is actually extremely sacred.
And you need to approach them with love if there's an idea that is not full of love, that is not anchored in love. This is important. The media, like, if if you're going around and you're getting stressed out about whatever media you're watching, whether it be the news or some podcast, and they're talking about something that might be like dangerous, or it might be scary, or it might be something like it's I've like stayed away from that, dude. Like, I think the people who position themselves to be on, like, the good side of politics, or the life affirming side of life. Like, I I think there's some people who are a bit like, they're still lost. Like, everyone is lost as we move forward in in time.
Some people are awake to the fact that it's really just about your own personal choices, and it's about peace and love, and every individual choosing peace and love in their own hearts and lives. And that's how we bring in the better world. But people are caught up in dissecting and disenfranchising ideas, which is the exact the which is exactly where every problem in human history begins. So you seriously need to change your tune, mister Peterson. I encourage you to. This is coming from a loving place, of course. I don't know, dude. Like, this is I've never done, like, a I've never done something like this before, but seeing Peterson on Twitter today really just compelled me to talk about it, because, you know, you want everyone on on your side. You don't want any enemies. You don't want Like, I just don't want him want him to get caught up in something stupid, dude.
Like, don't get caught up in stupid shit, you know? Like, a few weeks ago, like, we got 1 of the people who sent in boostagrams, Joel, you know, he was, he commented on something I shared, and and and from his point of view, something I shared was connected to the whole Q conspiracy. And his comment made me, like, a little bit more aware. It's like, okay. Yeah. Like, maybe I should be more aware of, like, these influences, and and and and I was able to develop my own ideas. I wasn't trying to follow Joel's entire thing, but I'm thinking about what he's trying to get at. And I was able to develop something.
And that's the same thing for whatever Jordan Peterson's talking about, whatever any in intellectual is talking about. Any every individual is going to have a lot of things to say, and they're going to have very strong opinions and strong emotions, and they can come off as factual. But the purpose of this life is to have confidence in your own thoughts, in your own instincts, and your own words. You should live with confidence with your own words. And, I think that comes just, like, not speaking downward to anyone in life. Like, I don't understand. Like, I get pissed off at people, but I don't understand how you can be in your fifties or sixties, or however old you are, and you're really talking, like, downward to a 25 year old.
Why? And so the solution to that is for all the 25 year olds to just hey, man. Like, you might not even figure it out when you're when when you're 60. So don't even listen to this guy. Don't listen to the guy who can't even figure it out himself. So that only leaves you with you. That only leaves you with you. You know, I didn't really write down any, like, notes for this. This is really just like just off the top of my head here. What do you think? Do do you think Jordan Peterson lost the lost the plot a while ago? Do you think he's, like, not relevant anymore? Do you still listen to him? Like, I've he he gets good views on his YouTube channel, but that's only because of, like, the name now, like, the brand. He's made a brand. Like, that's how you do it. He made a brand, and then he signed a deal. And then and now, they continue to produce content. And that's how you make a business.
So he's smart in that regard, but so is everyone else who makes money online. Tell me what you think about that, dude. Tell me if you see any value in that because that is, like like I think when it comes down to, like, absorbing people online and actually moving forward as a country and creating America Plus, creating a more a more beautiful world, Like, it's not coming from people from the outside. It's not coming from anywhere else outside of you. It's coming from the inside of you. Doesn't matter what message there is. Like, people wanna say, vote local. People wanna say, vote in your local elections. People wanna say, buy locally. People wanna say I don't know, like, whatever local statement you can. You know? I'm I'm here to say, you you need to be loving locally.
And loving locally is loving yourself, and the people around you. That's the only way. That's the only way. It's not rocket science, folks. It's not rocket science. It's not woo woo. It's not SpaceX, and it's not some random YouTube spirituality. This is actual this is the actual effective philosophy. Love yourself and the people around you, and the world will be better. The world will get better. If you don't do that, then the complete opposite will happen. And I encourage you to choose that light, to choose love. It just needs to happen, dude. It just needs to happen. So that's the value, dude.
Okay. Let's go into the value for value section, man. Yeah, folks. America Plus is a value for value show. What that means is I present ideas, I bring up conversations that I think are important for the world, and you're able to reciprocate that value, with, 3 t's, time, talent, and treasure. The treasure is coming from 2 places, PayPal. I got a PayPal for the show, if you wanna support me, via via PayPal, via dollars, or you can send in a boostagram on the app. Go to value for value dot info for more info, then download the app. It's the best way to support the show. There's a slew of modern podcast apps that let you send Bitcoin to each other.
And, Fountain is my favorite 1. You get there, they give you a wallet, you can load it up, and it's it's fairly simple to use. And then, you can send me small bits of Bitcoin called satoshis, and, you can attach a message to those things, and then that's called a boostagram, dude. So I'm reading the boostograms right now. I got okay. So I got 1 of them. 1 Boostagram is coming in, just a boost. No message, but just a boost. It's coming in from our friend, Frillis, at Frillis, with the 2,222 sacks. Thank you, Frillis, for that. You're the man. And, we got a boostagram coming in from at joel.
Love you. This boostagram comes in from the last week's episode. I was talking about gyms. I got this idea for, like I just have ideas for businesses, dude. Like, just like gyms and, like, combining gyms. And I was talking about combining a gym and a restaurant together, and Joel was commenting on that. And Joel has to say, I like the customized meal restaurant idea, especially the whole real food aspect of it. To hell with smoothies and powders and all that other crap. People think they need to be healthy. Exercise and real food is all they really need. Boosting is loving. Joel. I agree.
Boost. K. Let me give you 1 more, dude. Let me I Boostar. Boostar. Joel, thank you so much for that. Yeah, dude. Thank you for liking that idea. People don't need smoothies. Right? They just need they just need water. They need water, raw milk, and, like, real ass food. I agree. So I think that's a I think we can I'm gonna keep that in the back burner, dude. It's gonna be a business little business idea in my back pocket, dude. If you wanna steal it, steal it. I don't care. Just go for it. I think it's gonna be I think that's a business that can help the world be better, dude. So, and that and Joel w was the only boostagram of the week, so thank you Joel w.
If you wanna be a part of the America Plus community, download Falon, get a modern podcast app, send in a boostagram. If you like Bitcoin, send me some PayPal, if you wanna use that app. It's super like, it's super important, dude. Like, this is how I'm developing myself, is through value for value. I don't wanna sell any, like, courses. I don't wanna sell I really don't wanna sell a book. Am I gonna write a book? I don't think so. Like, I really just wanna be value for value with the podcast. And having there be an open 2 way street for value exchange is really the most important thing for, like, producing things online.
So and that also includes just, like, whatever platform you're on. You know, follow me, like me, share on whatever platform you're on right now. Like, this is this is just, like, the way it goes. So if you if you like what I have to say, if you think I'm funny, if you think I'm entertaining, go for it. Go for it. Alright. What else? Do I have anything else to say before the song? So I always end it with the song, dude. The other side about value for value. I'm about to play a song that the band's getting 60%. But before I do that, what else? Did I have anything else on Jordan Peterson? I mean, I just I don't wanna talk about him anymore.
That's how that goes, dude. I'd rather watch the freaking UFC than listen to Jordan Peterson. And maybe that's more manly. Okay? Maybe that's more manly. Okay. So the song. Okay. So I mentioned value for value, the song. I always play a song to end the to end America's applause. And, this song is coming in from Captains of Moderation. So I heard this band on the Sidestream Music Podcast. Download the Sidestream Music Podcast. Give them a boostagram while you're at it. And, they got this so this band, Captains of Moderation. This is called Looking Up at the Sky, and the vibe of the song is 1 of those vibes where just, like, just sit back, lay back. If you're in your car, just put your head back, like, fix your posture, and just let this, like, tune ride it out, dude. And just, like, follow your own heart, dude. So, again, coming in from Captains in Moderation, this is Looking Up at the Sky.
Enjoy. That's America Plus, bitch. Stay free.