In this episode, Cole delves deep into a wide range of topics, from job interviews to UFOs, spirituality, healing, and personal reflections on life and family. He shares profound insights on the intricate connection between humanity, extraterrestrial beings, and individual choices, particularly in the context of his father's battle with cancer. Cole underlines the transformative power of radical healing, maintaining a positive mindset, and holding onto the belief in the journey of the soul.
The episode ends with a song from "Two Weeks in Nashville" who is receiving 60% of your Satoshi Donation in a modern podcast app
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It's a bird. It's a plane. It's
[00:00:08] Unknown:
What's up, everyone? It's America Plus. I'm your host, Cole McCormick. It's another weekend of the episode. What's going on happening Sunday, April 24th? It's 4:20 AM PM. What's going on everybody? Happy to be here. Beautiful day to be alive. Wonderful day to be on planet Earth. Welcome everybody to another wonderful week of America Plus. This week, we got a bunch of things to talk about, dude. I just wanna lament on something real quick, guys. Just to get the ball rolling here. So I've been, as we all know, I don't enjoy my job that much, And I've been like looking for a new job and just been like applying, you know? Just like applying. I'm not gonna do like a random, like just leave the job out of the blue, like I did last time with my dispensary job. I will not be quitting this kitchen job until I actually have a better job. So I've been applying, and, I had this interview for this. It seemed like a customer service job that was paying a lot more, but I go to this interview. I'm on Zoom, and it's and it it's me and this middle aged guy, and I just needed like it's so awkward. That is so awkward, first of all. The zoom with the middle aged guy, and then like the interviewer is like, my age. He's, like, he might might be even younger. He's 26.
And he's, he's like, he's going he's reading the script. Hello, everyone. Welcome to this interview. I'll be going over what the company values are, what our, mission is, who we are clients to. We hold positions with Verizon, AT and T, and T Mobile. I'm sure you already have those. Like, just the most boring speech ever. And he asks us all the basic ask questions. And the most awkward part came to this part where he's like, so our offices are directly behind Universal Studios Hollywood. Would that be a good, commute for you? We'll start with you, sir. And then he goes to the middle aged guy. And the middle aged guy, he's been, like, in sales for, like, 20 plus years.
He's looking for the for a new gig, And he and he's just honest. Right? And he goes, honestly, that would be a terrible commute for me. And then the and then the interviewer goes, okay. Okay. That's okay. Well, thank you for being honest. I am gonna take you off the call now. Okay? And then it just, like, just like, I wish I had, like, a sound effect for I wish I had a sound effect for what the zoom was. Like, it was just like a and then he was just gone. As soon as he said it was a it it'd be a terrible commute, it just bye. Alright. Bye, bitch.
Don't care about you then. If you don't live 10 minutes away, then we don't want you here, which is the weirdest thing ever. Very strange. Like, what's the whole point of cars if you gotta be if you gotta live close? But that was just my week. I was just dealing with weird shit, dude. This week has been off, dude. And I'll get into that. I'll get I'll get more into that, dude. And it was also just humorous. Like, these interviews are just silly. Like, I didn't go to the second interview. I wasn't vibing with it. It was one of those jobs, I'd be customer service for AT and T, which is the straight up last thing I wanna be doing. And the thing that I figured out was, right before the interview started, I get a text message from another company that does like the same service, and they go, hey, we are responding to your online application, and I'm looking at the name of the company, and I'm like, I never sent in my application to this company. Why are they contacting me?
And and then the the and then they listed like the same companies. AT and T, T Mobile, Verizon. I'm like, oh, I see what's going on. These megalithic Internet companies that are screwing you out of every dollar, they want they are outsourcing their customer service, and then they're also wanting that customer service to upsell, and then they're having those positions be 100% commission, which is absolutely fucked. Like, that is not a situation I wanna be in. I was already in a situation like that last year. Just annoying, dude. Just annoying. Like, why is it the worst jobs always contact me?
It's like the worst job like, is that just the energy I'm giving off? I I need to change my energy somehow, dude, but I digress. We just move further. I I just keep doing my thing, keep chopping potatoes, and, we're just living life dude. This week what I wanna talk about the narratives that I was absorbing this week. The narratives that are coming into the world dude, that that I think are creating a more beautiful world, or at least I I hope so. But was anyone watching Joe Rogan this week? I was watching Joe Rogan listening, I guess, and, he had Tucker Carlson on, and my Twitter algorithm, it's already like, you like one tweet, and it's like a 1000000000 more of the same tweet. So my feed has been going over everything on it, and, people have been responding to this Tucker episode with like, the politics side, he said some shit about 911 people didn't like, the Daily Wire CEO is like, Tucker hates America, which is just like absolutely asinine. It's just it's an it's so stupid.
All you gotta do is just listen to the episode, and there it it was a good conversation. I listened to most of it. And in the very beginning of this episode, they went straight into the UFOs. Just right into it. And I wanted to share 3 clips of what this conversation consisted of, because a, it's stuff that I've brought up before. B, I thought it was a good conversation between him and Rogen, because Rogen has a different perspective, and Tucker sees this as like, a more like spiritual situation with the UFO's, and he's a he also opens up about, like, when he started to think about this, he wasn't always into it. And for his age group, you know, I think he's like a late gen x, maybe even closer to boomer.
I don't know. He's not he's 54, so he's closer to boomer than I am. He just grew up in a different world than I did, and and and he he laments about how he's had to change his world view on America, and, what values he holds, and where do those values come from? Where do those ideas that he holds true come from? And, one of those things being the UFOs, aliens. And, this first clip, it's like it it's a it's a 2 minute clip. This is mainly about Tucker talking about the spiritualness of the UFOs?
[00:07:00] Unknown:
In general, no. They they can't control these objects. So, no, it's not American technology.
[00:07:08] Unknown:
[00:07:09] Unknown:
Or Russian or Chinese. It predates,
[00:07:12] Unknown:
you know, all of that. Well, some of it does. Right? Like, for sure, the Kenneth Arnold sightings, that was really early on. That was, like, 19 early 19 fifties. He was seeing these flying saucers, these discs that were moving over mountains. Well,
[00:07:26] Unknown:
right. I mean, the prophet Ezekiel writes about it in the first chapter, wheels in the sky. Yeah. That's a crazy one. Boy, when you read that crazy. If you if you read it, it's like, oh, wow. You know? And so they're not just you know, the Hebrew scriptures, like, it's all over every Mhmm. The Vedic texts. Of course. Mhmm. So these are spiritual phenomenon. There's no evidence they're from another planet. I mean, I think that's the op, that's the lie that they're from Mars. Look. Space the atmosphere is really well monitored, right, both for military for defense reasons, but also because, like, it'd be nice to know when asteroids are coming.
And there's no evidence, has never been any evidence that there are lots of these objects, these vehicles coming into our atmosphere from somewhere else, some other planet. There's no evidence of that at all. So they're from here, and they've been here for 1000 of years, whatever they are. And, it's pretty clear to me that they're spiritual entities, whatever that means. They're supernatural and which is to say supernatural means above the natural, above the observable, nature, and they don't behave according to the laws of science as as measured by people. You know? And, and they've been here for a long time, and there's a ton of evidence. They're under the ocean and under the ground. So, like, with that fact set, what do you conclude?
[00:08:50] Unknown:
What do you conclude, man? I conclude now I I've I've been open about this already. I I've been absorbing information that my conclusion is there's a real name that you can give these these aliens, at least in a general sense. In terms in terms like, a general species that's been involved with this, and that name is Pleiadians. Pleiadian. And they come from the Pleiades, the star system, the constellation, and, there's this understanding that I've been reading of, like, what our eyes, what our human ability might be able to see and observe as a star, can also, in in within a different dimension, within a different frequency of of lens.
You know, how there's like there's like infrared light, there's whatever different lights, you know, there's a there's a spectrum of light, there's a spectrum of of, of gravity, there's a spectrum of all these things. There's a spectrum of sight, and you what it what we perceive as stars, there could it can also be a planet, it can also be a place to live on. So like, there there's different densities dude, and like, just me absorbing, absorbing that information, hearing Tucker talk about that, it peaked my interest because, I believe these UFOs to be of the spiritual realm as well.
What we think is spiritual might have a lot simpler explanation if we just had the understanding of it. I'm never gonna claim that I have the understanding of it, because you know, I'm just taking in the information that resonates with me, that I think makes the most sense, And when I follow Cave on Twitter, he talks about the Pleiadians. He says that he has telepathic communication with these beings. He seems to have answers. He seems to connect dots, and what I what I have been doing with that information is just trying to put that up against intellectual, just critical thinking, simply put.
How where where it could be the lie at? What's inaccurate within history? What's going on with that? Where's the lie? You know? Just where is the lie? And so I'm really appreciative that Tucker talk talked about just that aspect of it because that is not discussed enough within our Western society. Within like, the narratives dominating American society, God and spirit is not one of them, And it's always associated with the Christians, and, you know, every other religion is just just like barely existing in America. You know what I mean?
And if there is a person of a different religion or different culture, that's it's really seen as a race. You know, like, if you're Muslim, if you're Muslim and you're in San Francisco, I'm not sure if you're really being respected as a as a believer in Islam. I think you're being respected as like a brown person. Right? Like, I really think American society is dominated by race narratives, and I mean, I don't think that's healthy. First of all, I don't think it's healthy to divide people up by like that, but I also see, how people like, there is a disregard to the spirit. There's a disregard to our understandings of our place in space along with our spirit.
I wish I had better words to, like, describe it, but that's where I'm at right now. And, this next clip I got is he's like, Joe Rogan is like, when did you start thinking about this, honestly? And like and like, why? Like, what what what was the first domino that made you start thinking about anything regarding UFOs? Because this is a huge topic. This is a topic that has always been seen as it's more woo woo than the woo woo religion. Right? It's like but what's funny is that the UFOs go woo woo woo. Tucker, why don't you start thinking about this?
[00:13:19] Unknown:
When did you start having this opinion that they they were spiritual and that they've always been here? Like, when when did this Well, I didn't know anything about the topic until 2017.
[00:13:31] Unknown:
And was Was that after the New York Times piece? No. It was before. It was before, and the things that I saw I mean, I was and am still a very conventional person. I mean, I'm 54. I grew up in this country in California, which was like like every assumption about America I bought completely, just completely, and I thought that everyone who questioned those assumptions was bad. I just bought into the system completely without even thinking about it, and I imagined that I was like, some kind of free thinker and, you know, I'm going against the grain. But, like, the core my core assumptions were the, you know, the assumptions fed to me by the culture and the government, and I didn't even realize it. But, anyway, I'd never really thought about UFOs at all, and I've been in journalism since I was a kid. So, of course, I'd run into a lot of people who had crazy views on a lot of different topics. UFOs, 911, circumcision, you know, like, every whack job in the world you run into when you're covering stuff. Fluoride. Fluoride. Right? I just brushed with non fluoride toothpaste this morning. Me too.
[00:14:32] Unknown:
[00:14:34] Unknown:
But probably unlike you, I didn't have any opinions like that. I was like, fluoride, come on. You know? 911. Shut up. Yeah. UFOs, you're fucking crazy. You know what I mean? I just like, I had this reflexive I'm ashamed of it. I'm not bragging about it. But, but it was it was 2017, and, really, it was the Trump campaign. It wasn't that I was, like, so in love with Trump, though I've always liked Trump because he was like Can I pause? Pause? Pause? Pause? Pause? Pause? Pause? Woah. Hang on. Did he just say Trump?
[00:15:04] Unknown:
Dun dun. Like, Trump? What did Trump do, dude? What did Trump do? 2017? And I I got I got, another, like, another 90 seconds on this clip. The election of Donald j Trump is quite possibly the most insane moment in Earth history. Because he just said, his understanding, his thinking about UFOs begun with Trump. Why? That's crazy just to think about that, like, this guy wasn't supposed to get in. This guy wasn't supposed to be voted in. It was supposed to be Hillary. And then all of a sudden, like, what does what what are the implications? What what how could this how what what would happen to America if Donald Trump got elected? Well, people might start thinking about UFOs.
[00:15:53] Unknown:
Hilarious and charming and all that, but I wasn't like a Trumper or anything. But it was watching that campaign and particularly his claim that they were spying on him. And I was like, really? You're not the the intel services and federal law enforcement, FBI, do not spy on presidential campaigns. Like, that's so out of the realm. That's so crazy. Like, that could never happen because, of course, there's no democracy in a system like that. And, fundamentally, we're a democracy, an imperfect one. It kind of lumbers along, you know, but, like, it's not fake. And then that turned out to be true, and I and I knew it was true. And that just blew my mind. So I began a process still ongoing of reassessing a lot of other things. Like, okay. Well, if that was not true, what else is not true? And what else that they told me was a conspiracy theory might actually have some basis in fact? And, and then someone from, you know, a DOD employee reached out to me and said, actually, there's a ton of evidence that this UFO thing is real.
And really? And so I started doing segments on it, when I worked at at the TV channel. And and there was, like, a lot of mockery, but I was like, I don't care. I'm just gonna do this. And then, of course, the second you start as you know better than anybody, you start talking about something, then people reach out to you and some of them are deranged, but some of them aren't at all. So I just started getting a lot of information from people and meeting with people, mostly in private. You know? Come to my house. Let's talk. And and I decided on the basis of what they told me and then I talked to a lot of people about it, that actually this is really a very heavy duty question, actually. It's not just it's not the little green men question. It's like a much bigger question.
And it's really bad. It's really dark. And and then I stopped. Then I was like, I don't wanna know anymore because it's not helping me. So that makes me think about a lot of different things. What
[00:17:50] Unknown:
has the authority told you that has been false? What has an authority figure convinced you of that has turned out not to be true or to be a bit twisted? You know? And it's interesting to hear this this former What do you wanna call him? Correspondent, this former news personality on Fox, you know, he was being told that, you know, that it's impossible. It's, like, it's totally ridiculous that the government could be spying on the Trump campaign in 2016. That's totally ridiculous, but then you find out that it's true, and then you find out that like, there's all these lies that they continue to put out about Trump, and then it's like like, what else? You know, just that simple question. You know, what else are they lying about? If you lie about one thing, what else are you lying about? You could be lying about everything. You know?
And, I wonder if a lot of other people have that same either thought process, or saying or or similar path. You know. When it comes to me, my personal viewpoints, you know, it wasn't, you know, I I don't really think Trump, did anything to help me, think about the world. Maybe it did. I don't know. I was just observing everything, you know. I was I was right out of high school when he got elected. I was listening to a lot of NPR. I didn't like him. I didn't vote for him, because I was influenced by by certain media, and, I just it was just a learning, you know, like, throughout that throughout, I was a throughout those I I almost said first 4 years, you know. We're just speaking it folks. We're speaking it into existence. Throughout that first 4 years of Trump, I was just observing like, wow. So they're really lying about that. They lied about that. Oh, they lied about that too?
And when it comes to the aliens, like, there was only this one girl that I went to high school with who's always talked about aliens. And I'm like, this girl's crazy. Like, I don't know if she's on like, I don't know what she's talking about. But she would always post about, UFOs are real. Aliens are real. I'm telling you. I'm telling you right now. I'm like, okay. Okay. And I don't really know when did I start thinking about aliens? I don't I I I I don't have that perspective right now. I only have, like, this, like, this moment. The like, this current moment of me really observing the UFO phenomenon.
And, I'm I'm looking at it from a from a certain perspective, but Rogen I don't have too much of Rogen, but this last clip, I think there's a little bit of his perspective pretty much. He doesn't see it from a spiritual perspective, and Tucker keeps hitting the spiritual side of things. They brought up Ezekiel. There's this character in the Bible, this prophet in in the old testament, and there's a story of Ezekiel Ezekiel seeing it's described as a wheel within a wheel, and that's clearly a UFO. There are 2 specific stories, of prophets within the Old Testament, like seeing a UFO, and being taken up by a UFO.
So Ezekiel saw a wheel within a wheel, and he saw like, chariots of fire and stuff like that, And then there's there's this other prophet named Elijah, and Elijah was taken up to heaven by a were a whirlwind. That's what these bible verses say, and it's just clear, like, honestly, like, I I I I have 0 yearn to debate. It's just so clear that these are UFO's back then, and it's interesting to think about the relationship of these prophets being something close to these UFOs. Why was Elijah taken up by a UFO? Like, why was like like, why did a UFO appear to Ezekiel, you know? Like, what's up with these things? Like, what is the connection to humanity?
Like, that's the real question that you have to ask yourself, and and when it comes to the discussion of UFOs, Rogan even brings it up. People of the more scientifically minded and skepticism bring this up of how there's just so little evidence. We don't have any real evidence of UFO's existing, of extraterrestrial life forms. There is no evidence to prove this, And I can understand that, but that also just ignores, like, what's in the bible. It it ignores these historical and and there's other non biblical examples of of UFOs being around, going back 1000 of years, you know, tens of 1000 of years.
You know, there's always been that meme of that guy with the crazy hair on history channel, like, how they make the pyramids Aliens. You know, like, that guy, aliens. So, that meme has been around, but there's never been any scientific evidence of it, but is that really the right framework? Is the science fiction, scientific framework the correct template to be looking at this thing. Okay? And that's what this last clip clip is about about Rogan just asking that type of a question.
[00:23:22] Unknown:
I would wonder how much interaction they really do have with these things. Like, if I was from another planet or if I was I'll pause for them. They within the government. Rogan's asking
[00:23:33] Unknown:
how much contact does the government really have? Because I did some editing here and there. So they were discussing aliens, with the government. How much does the government really know? What are they hiding from us? You know, what type of technology do they have? So Rogan is just asking like like, how much contact do they really have?
[00:23:52] Unknown:
How much interaction they really do have with these things? Like, if I was from another planet or if I was some interdimensional being, I don't know how much I'd give a shit about the president. I don't know how much I'd give a shit about the government. I would probably look at this infantile race, this species, this bizarre, territorial apes with thermonuclear weapons, this very weird species, I'd probably look at them as very chaotic, and, I wouldn't really have much concern for who's running it, especially if they have the ability to travel at insane speeds and go undetected and
[00:24:37] Unknown:
Well, it depends. Like, that okay. So the template that you're using to understand this is, like, science fiction. Right? These are an advanced race of beings from somewhere else. But the temple that every other society before us has used is a spiritual one. Mhmm. There is a whole world that we can't see that acts on people, a supernatural world that's acting on us all the time for good and bad. Every society has thought this before ours. In fact, every society in all recorded history has thought that until, I'll be specific, August 1945 when we dropped the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and all of a sudden, the west is just officially secular. We're god. There is no god but us.
And that's the world that we have grown up in, but that's an anomaly. Like, no one else has ever thought that. There's never been a society that thought that. Every other society has assumed, and they've had all kinds of different explanations and the details differ, but the core idea does not differ and never has differed from caves until now that we're being acted on by spiritual forces at all times. And so to someone born before or living before 1945, I think it would have been much more obvious that this is the thing that every society has written about. Mhmm. And, in fact, that battle, that unseen battle around us, that spiritual battle has, like, been the basis of every society, of every every religion, not just Christianity.
So, like, it just once you discard your very, very recent assumptions, relatively speaking, about how the world works, you're like, well, that kinda seems like the obvious explanation. Right?
[00:26:13] Unknown:
It's something obvious to me. And that's I thought that was funny. Like, Rogen just like, I don't see it. I don't see that point. And I'm totally, like, vibing with Tucker. I'm totally like, yeah, man. Yeah. For sure. Absolutely. Like, it's the spiritual battle. I don't see it. I don't really see it. Like, But you gotta appreciate that. Gotta appreciate Rogan for that perspective because not everyone is gonna have the same spirituals per perspective. People are gonna come at it from a different way. And that's really all the clips I had to play, like, I didn't wanna it was one of those conversations where, like, I was fascinated by the whole thing, but I wanted to stay on this, like, on on these really specific points.
So go to that episode. Listen. They talked about in the first 20, in the first 30 minutes. They they bring up all that stuff. So go to it. Listen to it. What's your perspective? Because I think it's important and I really believe that the spiritual side of things is something that we need to relearn and remember. It's something that I'm trying to walk through as well. Your place in space, Like, what is your soul's relationship to the cosmos? Do you believe you have a soul? You know, where does our souls come from? Where do they go? You know, I I I really believe it is ignorant to think that this body, this flesh is all I have of my life.
It makes zero sense to me, and I've never believed that side of science that like when you die you just die. I've never believed that, you know. The idea of God and the idea of souls has always been very firm with me. No matter what my journey has been in relation to the church or or how I believe in certain texts. I've always believed I've had I've had a soul. I've always believed that I am a soul. And it's only until recently that I've been able to actually come to terms with this idea of a soul having a human experience. And most recently, going into the new year, a question of, like, is there a bigger purpose for humanity?
Is there a purpose for humans living? If there are souls, what is the point of souls coming to earth? You know, like, why is that? Why is that? And then there's always just like these general things in my head of, like, within this conversation, people don't wanna talk about it too much, about souls and about aliens and stuff, but then if somebody passes away, they say, you know, their time on this earth, their time on this planet was spent well. They're no longer here, you know? Like, it it it is always it's it's always as if, like, they're gone, you know. And of course, like, when a person dies, like, they are gone, but, like, there's always this notion of they went somewhere. Right? And, like, this, you know, this understanding of energy within science that I learned of, you can never destroy energy. Energy can never be destroyed. It can it can only be transformed, and so it's like my soul transforms into a deep into a different density. It goes into a different frequency, into a different realm, dude.
Again, I don't have answers, but this is instinct, and this is what I've learned in church, and this is like what I'm sort of like I'm trying to connect dots between science and spirit, you know? This is a big deal, and the aliens and the UFOs might be a bridge. You know? There's a possibility of the human species having a deeper connection, to higher beings that created our flesh. Our soul comes from God, but the purpose of us living in this flesh was for our souls to evolve to something. Was for our consciousness to to rise up. You know, that's the information I've been getting.
And I guess I mean, I see that as a positive. I see that as a positive situation that that that that might be true. Right? And it it might be a real answer to humanity. And then it just also connects to, like like, cup like, coming down to Earth. Right? Like, we we we've been up in the sky. We've been up in space, like, come down to Earth, you know, and you're living your life right now. You're living, you're breathing, you're looking around at the trees, you have a family, you know, like, how are you living? What does that mean for your personal choices now, you know? And I think it makes I think it I I think it's important. I think your personal choices now are a big deal.
Rogen said, like, if he was a higher if if Rogan was a higher species, he wouldn't really care about what humans did, but what if it does matter? You know, if it if if you're a higher species and it doesn't matter what a different what a different species on a different planet does, then why are they here? Why are they flying around? And why do they why why has it increased with with the nuclear bombs? How come after the nuclear bombs it started like like all these sightings started to really increase, you know. Like maybe it does matter. Maybe the wars that we put on each other matter.
Maybe that negative energy somehow ripples throughout the cosmos, you know? And maybe the wars and our negative decisions that we put on one another, maybe that actually, like, drags us down spiritually. You know? Like, let's just take a physical system. Let's take Hollywood and entertainment. You know? Is it does Hollywood make better things if everyone is lying to each other and everyone's back stabbing each other? Or does or do the best or are the best movies produced when there's like a real team involved and the producers are aligned with the director and the actors believe in the script and and and they're like doing their thing because they believe in it, because they because they know what the right thing to do is, because they are following their highest their clearest instinct to make the movie.
Does that make sense? Like, there's all these stories of like abuse within Hollywood, and when you hear a story of abuse within the entertainment system, you look at the things that were made under that abuse differently, and they sort of die off, you know? Like it's not as fun anymore when the thing when the thing was made by a rapist, when the thing was made by a total asshole, by some sort of abuser. And maybe maybe there's like a parallel with how humans treat each other, and where and how humanity evolves. You know? Are we making the best humanity when we're bombing each other?
Are we telling the best story when we hurt each other? And the clear answer to that is false. Is it it it's no. You know, you we need to choose morality. We need to choose love. We need to pick ourselves up. We need to on on a personal level, we need to choose to be moral, choose love, choose integrity, choose truth, to tell the truth, and to seek the truth no matter what. This is important. This is radically important, and so I think Rogen is a bit off when he says, like, a higher species, a more powerful species shouldn't care. Like, clearly they do. They're here. Like, they're flying around. Clearly, dude.
And it just points to what are humans capable of. What are humans capable of doing? You know? There's always stories of spiritual people healing sick people, And they're stories of If you were to look into Joe Dispenza, they're stories of people tapping into their highest self, and meditating, and and and and thinking to a to a degree, getting their getting their energy to a certain level where they're able to heal themselves, you know? And this makes me think of my father. This makes me think of my dad. And my dad's cancer, like, this is a big deal for me personally. Like, I'm I'm trying to connect all this craziness to how I can help my dad and how I can help myself be healthy.
What's the healthiest version of myself and how can I help my dad be the healthiest version of himself as he has cancer, you know? And to be totally just just open right now, this past week has been weird because I didn't get the best news of my dad as well. Long story short, the cancer has been growing. For a little bit, the cancer was shrinking and dying. They took them off this original chemo. They put them on this like, lighter chemo pill for a few months, and the most recent scan is the cancer's been growing. It's a little bit has gone to the lungs, and I they they said something some other organ, I forget which one, but pretty much he has to go back on he he he has to go back on to, like an IV chemo, and I've just been working through emotions with that, and I still believe in radical healing.
I believe there is a way to unlock some sort of power within my dad so that his body can correct itself. Because, you know, like, just the understanding of cancer, it's it's when the immune system, attacks itself. Right? Like, it's when cancer cells start growing. It's I'm not gonna try to describe it. But spiritually, I believe there is a way that we can unlock something to heal ourselves, and I've just been thinking about that a lot, man. Again, I'm not gonna try to be some authority on this, and I also don't wanna be naive about all of this, because that's not helpful. Being naive is not helpful.
You know? So I continue to seek truth, and the information I've been absorbing with the UFOs is it's connected to humans having more authority over their body and over evil, You know? It's possible. Healing is possible. Healing is able to come from you, you know. And, maybe this is getting a bit too personal, but I was reading the bible last week. Right? I was reading all the healings of Jesus. I did did I read it on the show last week? I forget. But I was reading all these healings, like, there's a section of the Bible of the New Testament where Jesus just like, does all these bunch of healings in a row. Right? And he says to them, every time a person is healed, he says, your faith healed you.
He doesn't say I healed you. He also doesn't say your faith in me healed you. He simply says your faith healed you. And a a woman, like, simply touched his garb and and she was healed. He touched she touched Jesus's robe and she was healed. And of course, you know, so the scientific minded, they're not gonna they're gonna say, oh, there's zero evidence of this. There's, this is absolute ridiculous. Oh, this is stupid. But regardless, you know, there are stories of people healing themselves in the modern world. And I am simply a believer, and I want and I am a practitioner of radical thinking, and wanting to be my best self, and wanting the people around me to be the best versions of themselves.
And what if the story of humanity is cumulating into a situation where we remember our power. The amount of power that we have needs to be relearned, and it's culminated into this radical rush of cancers, you know. It's not just my dad. It's so many people. You know whether it be a botched medicine or stress or unhealthy eating. Everyone. So many people, millions of people are dealing with illness and self inflicted wounds. And I personally believe cancer to be a self inflicted wound, and there has to be a self inflicted healing. There has to be. There has to be a self inflicted path to healing.
So I don't know how to connect this with the aliens. Like, the aliens sort of have information about how we can tap into that, sort of. It's about raising your vibration. It's about raising your frequency. It's about meditating. It's about connecting directly to God. It's about not holding on to fear. It's about holding on to love. God is love. Love is the fabric of the universe. You are love and all there is. Like love is all there is, and you are love. And so if you can remind yourself of that on a daily basis as often as possible, then then it's possible that you can take away the darkness within you.
You can allow the darkness to leave you. You know, that's some crazy shit. I know. That's some wild shit. And how helpful is that within this physical realm? I don't know. But I believe there has to be, like, a way to, like, to maneuver, to mold it in our understanding. There has to be a way. There has to be a way. Because some people say that cancer is a spiritual problem as well. As much as it is a physical problem, it is also a spiritual problem, or it is an emotional problem. You know, and it's up to that person, to that individual to make that journey on themselves.
To take that journey through their own psyche and through their own body, and it's the person's choice. You know? And the and the last thing that I wanna say on this topic, and then we'll go into the boostograms, and then the song, is the thing a a piece of information about souls coming to Earth that's helped me, not just with my dad, but just like helped me mentally and just like to think about the world. There's this there's this idea that your soul, before you're born, your soul chooses your life. You choose the life that you are going to live.
And when you come into this world, you forget that plan. Like, you plan what you're gonna go through. You plan you plan the big mistakes. You plan the accident. You plan the cancer, you know, or at least you plan the obesity, you plan the egoistic situations, like, and then this this life is a journey of learning to move through those things, and learning those lessons. There's this idea of Earth being a school to learn lessons, to be a stronger, better human. And that's something that's really helped me out, while I'm on this spiritual journey, and while I go through this crisis with my family, you know. This idea of my father choosing his life and just allowing him to to to walk his path, you know, this is his path to walk.
And I, as his son, you know, me choosing my life, I wanna be aligned with my highest self, and I wanna be able to just learn what I can from this, and to not approach it with ego. And if I am to identify that, to be able to identify that, and to be able to hold the best perspective, you know. I I always wanna hold a healthy perspective on things, and this is just a continuous journey. We're just another just a bump in the road. It's an I I was on the phone with my dad this week. It's just another bump on the road. It's just another moment in this journey. That's what we told each other. And I'm thankful that my dad has that has that perspective as well, because my dad's still positive.
My dad talks about how he has positive thoughts. He believes in healing, and we have more tools in the toolbox to use, like, he thinks like this. And so I I I'm willing to say that I am seeing radical healing right now. I'm seeing I'm seeing my father heal right now. I'm seeing humanity heal right now. You know, you have to think like this. You have to think like this. Because if you were to think the opposite, then it's done. Then it's over. You know? And no matter the outcome, like, all you have is this present moment. That's all you have, man.
That's all you have. You know? That's that's the value of life, you know. That's the value of life, you know. Yeah. So I I I didn't mean to get too serious up in there, dude, but that's how I feel right now, man. The mere this week on America Post is like, it's cosmic. It's it's serious. It's it's about life, you know. It's about life. That's the value I got, dude. Let's just go into the boostagram, shall we? We're gonna the value for value, is the model of America Plus. America Plus is ran by the audience. I'm never gonna have any ads. I present you this information, upfront, and then you're able to reciprocate that value in a few different ways.
Time, talent, treasure. Right? Just you spending time with me, just listening to me, sharing clips, sharing the show, like this is extremely valuable. Talent. If you have anything to share with me, you know, whether it be information, about medicine, information about spirit, You know, that's yet like your talent. Sharing ability or information, that's a talent. So send that to me if you got any value of this show and and you want to reciprocate it that way, you're able to. I'm opening it up for that. So please share with me what you have. And the treasure part, you know, the money part. I I I do a little bit of this for money. I like the money.
I wanna make this a a business. I I I I'm podcasting for a long ass time for the rest of my life. So podcasting is like my business. If you wanna support me monetarily, you can do that through PayPal. America Plus has a has an official PayPal in the description, or you can send me a boostagram in a modern podcast app. If you don't know fountain already. Go to value for value dot info for more info, then download the fountain dot f m app. It's the best way to support the show. Fountain dot f m is one of the modern podcasting apps that lets you send in little bits of Bitcoin. They're called satoshis to me. You can send in whatever number you want. It's like a micro transaction. People send in, like, 1,000 satoshis. They send in 2,000 whatever, and then you can also send, like, a little message with it. And that's called a boostogram.
And I'm gonna be reading the boostograms right now from last week. Just a quick shout out to Frillis. I saw Frillist. At Frillist was streaming in some sats last week, so thank you to that. We're gonna be going from the lowest to the highest here. This first one from last week, last week was number 17, 118. Whose prophecy is it anyway, dude? I was talking about the red heifer, the the the sacrifice the the the Jewish sacrificial cow. That was a that's a crazy prophecy. And I was talking about how, like, Christians are like, aligned with this Jewish Jewish prophecy. It's really weird to me. This first boostagram comes in from at saint from okay. I cannot read one word.
Atsaintandsatsat saintsandsats, we're coming in with, 555 satoshis. Thank you so much, satanats. He says, I think your instincts, I think your instincts about the red heifer are correct. Christians shouldn't be involved keeping in mind that dispense dispensationism, that's a that's a weird word. I've never read that word before. Dispensationalism, quote, unquote, the Christian groups that believe the Jews need a third temple for Jesus to return is a very recent belief, only 150 years old. All traditional and mainstream Christianity rejects that word as heretical.
It's popular in the US due in part to British influence and propaganda around the time the Zionist project was launched in 1917. Geopolitics. Geopolitics for the win. Boosting is loving. Boost. Yeah. Saints and Sats, thank you for that, dude. That's some good information. I didn't know that. Why are it's a weird thing that Jewish people are convincing Christians that they need to do something for the Jews, or they need to be aligned with the Jews. Like, what a trick. That's a weird thing. Very strange. Thank you, saints and sats. And then the the next 3, the rest of the boostograms come in from our friend at Joel w.
All of his he boosts the same. It's it's it's a uniform boost. 1,111 satoshis. So thank you Joel for all that. That's a total of like 4,444. Right? That's that's how you do math? I I think my math is mathing. The first one, he says, as as far as true Christians are concerned, all prophecy has been fulfilled. The last being the destruction of of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Any who think or say otherwise are promoting false scripture. Amen, Joel. Next one he says, certainly this generation will not have passed before oh, this is in quotes. This is a quote from the Bible. Certainly, this generation will not have passed away before all these things happen.
Translation, the people living this generation, when he spoke these words, witnessed what he discussed. It's all past tense from our perspective. All prophecy fulfilled. Futurism is false scripture. And that's an interesting point, Joel, because when you read the Bible, a question I have is, like, as as, like, a quote unquote Christian, like, how many verses are you reading in the past tense, and how many verses are you are you reading in the present tense? Because I feel like some people, some people, some believers, they wanna read every single thing as if it's as if like, they're a part of it. As if like, they're in that moment as well, and I don't know if that's accurate. Like, we gotta, like, separate, like, the past and present from this thing. Right?
Next one from Joel. He says, verse 77, Jesus said, I am the light that is above them all. Oh, this is from the gospel of Thomas too. He said Jesus said, I am the light that is above them all. I am the all. The all came forth for me, and the all attained to me. Cleave a piece of wood. I am there. Raise up a stone, and you will find me there. Gospel Thomas, Nag Hammadi Library. Joel, thank you for bringing up the gospel of Thomas as well. Let me just do a list. Bustar. Bustar. I was listening to the gospel, Thomas, a few weeks ago, and if you're, like, on your spiritual journey, if you're reading a little bit of of the Bible, like, I encourage you to read, the book of Enoch, the gospel of Thomas.
Like, there's, like, different books that are not, like, traditionally Roman, catholic in the bible, but I think you need to have all these different perspectives. And the last one from Joel w. He says, great episode by the way. Outdid yourself with this one, sir. Cheers. Yes. And now, as the French say, it is time for Le Boonch. Thank you, Joel.
[00:51:55] Unknown:
It's basically you put Bitcoin with
[00:51:57] Unknown:
anything, and all of a sudden, that is more efficient. Thank you to everyone who wanted to donate. Thank you to everyone who, saw the value in last week, dude. That's value for value. Value for value is like the it is the way of producing content online. I'm going to keep producing podcasts value for value, and the way that I know I'm doing a good job is when you send me in that value, and then I try to double down on that. I try to just do better on that. So thank you Joel for telling me that I outdid myself. I wasn't even I was honestly worried that I fucked up last week. I like some people don't enjoy these types these types of conversations, so just thank you for telling me that. Thank you so much, Joel. Thank you to everyone. Thank you to Saints and Sat and Frillis.
That's the America Plus community, y'all. If you wanna be a part of it, be a part of it. Download Fountain. Go to True Fans. If you want another desktop app, True Fans is awesome. Or go to go to Podcast Guru, Podverse. There's like 16 different, apps that you can choose from. If you go to What I wanna do now guys, I always end it on a song. So let's play a song. Shall we? I was, I'm always, like, trying to figure out, like, what song to play on the show, on like, the day of. Right? I'm always trying to figure this out, and I found this really cool song, called Money Maker. The song is called Money Maker by 2 weeks in Nashville.
And what I do with the song every week is they are they're the artist is always is always getting 60% of the satoshi donation. That's like the whole vibe with value for value, podcasting 2 point o, RSS feeds, releasing music and movies through RSS feeds. These people release their song on Wave Lake through an RSS feed. I'm able to link that up, and link up their Bitcoin wallet, and play that on my show, and you're able to send them 60% of the amount of your satoshi donation. If you're listening to this, like, podcast. Okay? That's just what I do. You can go directly to the song, and boost them directly, so they get 100%, but if they're on America Plus, they're always getting 60%. I just feel like that's fair because they're on the show.
And this is like a like a this is a straight up rock song, dude. So just, like, enjoy yourself with this. This is, 2 weeks 2 weeks in Nashville. What is this called again? Moneymaker, baby. Come on. You really could've messed things up. You've taken drugs that screwed you up. I So tell me how you like your That's America Plus, bitch. Stay free.
Exploring personal reflections on life, faith, healing, and humanity's spiritual journey